Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 247: Chin ups v. pull ups, bench press form, healthy bodyfat level & MORE

Episode Date: March 2, 2016

Quah time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about the health effects of extremely low bodyfat, chin ups vs. pull ups. meditation, putting feet in the air when benching, Mind Pump music festiva...l headliners. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Right now we have a lot of shit going on in our lives. I told you guys we had a major death, and before that we were sick, it's been a rough month or so. But I like to think that I'm a pretty positive person like that, and a lot of that energy bring me down, and I try and focus on other things. So, but anyways, I'm human, and I still tend to get down with that.
Starting point is 00:00:19 And my girl has always create about reminding me about things that are great in my life. And I'm like just bitching and moaning about everything and just, you know, feeling sorry for myself because I feel like she's the only person I can do that too and get away with it because she knows I'm not like that. And so I'm venting and she's listening and then she's done and she's like, honey, you know, let's talk about all the things that are going amazing. She starts listening and all this stuff off and, you know, talking about a mind pump. And I'm like, you know, it's, it is kind of crazy to think because I feel like we have put so much effort,
Starting point is 00:00:47 so much energy, so much work toward this. We had, I remember the whole phase of all the supplement companies, I mean, God, we've had so many supplement companies trying to come after us. And boy, we were used to get so excited when one would come because we were like, oh my God, this could be it.
Starting point is 00:01:00 This is it. We're finally gonna find somebody. We've been on so many dates. And then we'd leave the meeting and we'd be like, fuck no. Yeah. No. Idiots. Yeah. So, you know, and it's great because we always knew that I didn't matter if we couldn't find a company that aligned with our values that, hey, fuck it. Well, we'll eventually build this thing on our own. And hopefully we create a
Starting point is 00:01:20 movement and it will come and be patient. And, you know, Lane Norton says it great that, you know, success is the battle of attrition, you know, and that's really what it's been like for us. And so she's going over and she's telling me all that. And I said, yeah, I know you're right. It's, it does, it is good. Things are going great. It's great to see where my pump is out already
Starting point is 00:01:37 at this short of time. But it just doesn't feel like a short of time for me. And I know it's probably the same for you guys too, right? I mean, it feels like it's been a, when we talk about recording in Doug's living room, it feels like five years ago. Yeah. It was last year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I mean it was literally... I feel like I know you guys. That's funny. That's really good. A lot of listeners don't know. I met Adam and Justin last year in person. And it feels like I feel like I've known you guys for much longer. Probably because we say so much shit about ourselves on the show. They know as much about you as I know about people who have known for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, I know where all your birthmarks are. Really weird. There's the one in the middle. Yeah. You saw that one. The protruding one. Do you let you see that one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I got deep. What are we doing here? What are we doing? We're giving some shit away. We're giving shirts away. Oh, shirts shirts, shirts, but are in there. Oh, yeah, we've got some shit away. You had a large sugar. That one's for you. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Now we've had some great reviews. I think everybody really has to go in there and read them themselves. Read the reviews. Oh yeah, they're amazing actually. We should let people read these. I think so. I mean, is there a way we can do that, Doug? Maybe we should post some of them on our site. That's a good idea. A little repost. That would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:55 That's a good idea. Because there's absolutely amazing reviews. But you know what I mean? People I've actually talked to that have never read them. Forkers people are like, I tell them what the podcast and they're, and just know what people like I know. And they're like, oh yeah, yeah. I'll try and I can just tell by the way they tell me like it's like one of those like yeah, I'll check it out Yeah, totally, you know this like I'm like, you know Hey, if you get a time, you know, just just look at the reviews. Don't listen anything I have to say just listen to what other people
Starting point is 00:03:18 Have to say about the podcast and how much it's helped them and stuff and then I just they're like huh reviews What I don't know how to find. I don't know, most people have never even seen it. Yeah. They're awesome. Go check them out. How many do we get last week? We got nine. Boom.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah. And we got three winners. We're back. We're on the climb. Three winners. Who's winning? All right, we got ECC Austin X. We have Kaper Leica and June J.
Starting point is 00:03:45 That's, I guess, how you saying it? What are creative names? They are. We have Kaper Leica and June J. That's, I guess, how you saying it? Those are creative names. They are. And how do they, what do they do now? The email you dug? Yeah, mindpumpradiogmail.com. They need to send over their iTunes name, their address, and their size.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And you win a t-shirt. Yes, yes, you get a t-shirt or a tank. You're a game. Get them some stuff. Get them some stuff. Congratulations. I know you guys didn't understand what the hell just thought they were just saying but they're saying good job
Starting point is 00:04:06 Everybody says it at the same time and we love you. Yeah If you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Might might pop with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews So do you guys hear the good news? What? Do you hear the good news, Adam? Are you? Are you gonna convert us right now?
Starting point is 00:04:30 They're building. They're building the good news. Your reborn version. Yes. Well, they're gonna. They're gonna. One news. They're gonna. That works.
Starting point is 00:04:36 They're gonna put a planet fitness in our backyard. I already applied. They're. Wow. Yeah. I want to be a trainer there. A planet. You're gonna be a trainer.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Planet fitness. I want to change some lives. Damn it. It's like we'll be all. I want to be a trainer there. Planet, you want to be a trainer for this? I want to change some lives. Damn it. It's like, will we always still be friends if I was working? All Smith machines. Do they even have barbells or squat racks? You're not allowed, I don't think they have squat racks.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I know you're not allowed to deadlift. So that's an illegal exercise. Oh my God. I think, I don't think they have a squat rack. So you have to squat on a Smith machine. That's what I thought. Yeah, it's like if you grunt Then an alarm goes off. What if you park you out?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, if you fart, I don't know. I should test that one out then Like once or twice a week there's free pizza and candy. I'm going. It's a very strange. I'm going there just for the donuts and the pizza I'm gonna get because it's only like $10 a month and I will eat $10 worth a minute. That's brilliant We'll go there and get pizza for every, for the whole family. Uh-huh. $10 a month is totally worth it. But we should do them all favor and eat all of it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 No, no, no, no, no, hold on a second. I mean, they limited it. You're only allowed to think two or three slices. I did read about that. Well, there's a limit. Yes, because now this is kind of fucked up. Because people have done it before. That's what I like me.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Oh, I'm thinking like some of the members went in there and just went, oh, I would just eat it. When asked why I'm out of stock. They fasted for two days later. They crushed like three feet says. Oh, man. The cardio shmurdy. I'm offended by their commercials, too. Their commercials are offensive to fit people.
Starting point is 00:05:55 They pick a big, broided out bodybuilder, and then they make them look really stupid in the commercials. And then they're like, you know, that never happened. No lungs here. You know what I mean? Like, come on, that never happened. No lungs here. You know what I mean? Like come on man. Yeah, it's not a typing man. Stop picking on me. Well, I want to give whoever made planet fitness I want to find the CEO and I want to give a fucking wedgie. Well Anu and a new key this what you get for fucking with the buff guys
Starting point is 00:06:20 We're gonna throw in the garbage. I like it. I like it. And I'm kind of a fan because it's opportunity for us. That's the way I look at it. It's the same. So we just talked recently, Justin, we were all talking about going to this fitness convention. Right? We like to go to these things. Because everyone's small. You meet a smart person there.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And Justin was telling me that one of the keynote speakers is talking about fitness gurus and fitness people getting into podcasting. Ah, yeah. Which I was sharing that with somebody and they were like, oh man, you guys gotta, aren't you guys worried about that? Look what we started. I'm like, where are you?
Starting point is 00:06:56 I'm like, no, that's the idea. I hope that's what happens. The idea is that more and more people learn about what, I mean, I still to this day, today, okay, I had three different people that downloaded our podcast and they came up and they're like, oh, what's a podcast? And you go, you have an iPhone?
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, and I had to introduce the podcast app on there. Like most people have no idea. Exactly, yeah, we're still overcoming a lot of that. Yeah. These people are just like podcasts. They don't like something on the internet. You just wait until cars, because they're starting to make them, but the new cars are coming out with automatic. You'll just push a button.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Boom. Life streaming. Life streaming. So I, when that happens, then shit's going to, I'm all getting, you know, it's the same mentality I had with like trainers in my facility and letting people train my clients. Listen, all that does is make us step our game up. If somebody else steps into our circle, and you know, in fact, I was just listening
Starting point is 00:07:48 to a podcast the other day, and literally caught the, and as a fitness podcast, him the way he starts our podcast is exactly the way that South finishes the podcast. I thought that was kind of funny. So, you know, everyone's gonna start, you know, it's so new that people are learning from each other and finding out what works and what doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:08:07 That's all healthy. I think it's good. It's only gonna make this podcast better. I feel like from the days that we started in the living room, a Doug's house, I think that it's evolved a lot since then. It takes time. We all admitted that we first did this as much as Sal and I like to talk and Justin hates it.
Starting point is 00:08:24 That it would take some time for us to kind of work through everything and figure out what people want to hear most about and get to, and it's been a fun adventure, but I like to think that we're a lot better today than what we were when we first listened. Oh, dude, I listened to some of the early episodes and we were, you know what that have to be?
Starting point is 00:08:41 We were, we know what it was in the beginning, the first episodes, as nervous as we thought we weren't, we actually were. Of course we were. Like we thought we weren't. I didn't feel, you could have asked me how to be like, no, I'm fucking psyched, but it was an excitement kind of nervous
Starting point is 00:08:53 and sort of over energy, you know what I'm saying? Over energy and we cussed more. That's right. And that was the nervousness that being so over. Like, have any of this. Well, how the fuck you guys do it, fuck man, fuck man, fuck man, they're like everywhere in the world.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Shitty balls. Yeah, I said something. That reminds me. I was gonna ask you this because I actually did go through the other day. Have you got one was the last time you guys actually listened to episode zero zero, which is the introduction the eight minutes. I don't think I listened to that ever. I just heard it yesterday. I played it. I put it on because I was interested in it. That was one year ago. Yeah, so I put it on to see what zero zero sounded like. It's an eight minute episode
Starting point is 00:09:25 We go around and we introduce ourselves and we talk about what we plan to do It's actually you know for eight minutes of explaining it. It's pretty decent But I was gonna ask you Doug now do we have the ability to delete Episodes or pull them out or could we replace our because I would like now that we feel comfortable doing this Yeah, better a better zero zero episode if someone starts our very first one That's possible Adam. Oh, it is we have the technology We can replace every single episode if you want There's something special about all that I mean I like to know if we delete an episode though
Starting point is 00:10:03 Does it remove our downloads from that episode? Do we lose them in our tolls? Yeah, it's down to the tracking. Oh, I'm sorry. It doesn't matter. That's a drop in the market. I'm very competitive. Well, no, I think it's, it would be really, I think it would be very beneficial for us,
Starting point is 00:10:15 actually, to do an introduction over and kind of, because let's be honest, if you're, I was thinking about this, okay? Although we've managed to obviously, you know, those that are listening to don't know this but we we surpassed a while ago a million downloads, which was a big milestone for us. Boom. And that was really. Dude, that literally happened like we need to have no idea that happened. We were just happening in the room. Whoa, we talked about this.
Starting point is 00:10:39 We would have made a bigger deal out of it. I know, but what would happen was that, you know, we kind of hit that tipping point. And now now it went from being trying to get there so hard and, you know, pushing every day to get, you know, more and more and more to all said, and we hit this where it's like, hold it, we don't even care anymore because it's now it's thousands and thousands, 20,000, 50,000 downloads at a time. So, uh, I think it would be good for us to go back, redo that and kind of give people a heads up of the evolution if you because you listen, because you never know somebody who might listen to those first four or five might be turned off of by it and not keep going through.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And I think there's some really good meat in the later episodes and maybe you hear a lot of, because I actually, and the reason why I bring this up, I ran into somebody who works out of my gym and she came up to me and she was like, oh my God, I love you guys. My you guys are, oh my God, and she starts going on about my pump. And I go, you've been taking my classes for this long and all the times that I've told you and all the tips
Starting point is 00:11:35 and all the shit I talk about, you're just like, no, no, no, the very first time you told me, when you first started, I actually listened to a few of them and they were good, but I just kind of fell off them and whatever and then I've turned them on the last like six months and I've burned through like a hundred episodes like, you guys are so much better than when I was like, wow, you really feel like
Starting point is 00:11:54 there was that much of a difference between the beginning until now. Right, now all the new listeners are gonna look for me and go back to the old ones and be like, what are they talking about? Well, I will say this, I wouldn't want to replace them because of that, because I feel like there's, that's special to me. I like the fact that I wouldn't want it to be perfect, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:09 Well, I feel like it's, that's like a little time capsule, right? So it like fits within how we started to evolve at that pace. And if we went back and kind of did a new one, it would definitely be like, yeah, energy and everything's on. And then listen to us like, it would be kind of like, breaks, eh.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Well, I think there's a fun game. What do you guys think about that, don't you think that? I think we should. I think we should do that. I also think we should put a game out there. I think people should listen to the old episodes and tell us which ones they think were drunk in, and then the winners will get a free drink.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Oh, because ladies and gentlemen, in the early days of my pump alcohol was typically involved. Crown was getting down. That was driving him. That's how I know too is we felt like we had to be in order to loosen up a little bit. So, but no, I think that would be great. My panties off. And I would like to do something too because I'm finding this more and more in person. So if I'm finding this in person, it just means it's multiplied by 100 times
Starting point is 00:13:10 or 1000 times when we're talking about the whole grand total people listening of what people have actually, how many they've listened to. Like, we have our core that group of people that we know that are like diehards, wait till an episode comes out, they've heard everything. But there's a lot of people who kind of hop around and you can really start to tell by our Q&A's because a lot of our Q&A's, it's like we've talked about that at least once, if not twice. Yeah, but I think it's important that we recover topics, we get into more depth or we share new information. No, I heard. We can even say the same thing, but just differently, because we've done that a few times and we always get through to new people
Starting point is 00:13:45 or even people who listen to previous episodes that were the same, they'll hear a new way to explain it and then it clicks. You know what I mean? Because this is for us, this is our life and the concepts and we understand things rather rapidly, we should. It's our profession. People who are listening, who are looking to get into fitness and health, who have been doing it for a while as a hobby,
Starting point is 00:14:06 I think sometimes, I mean, being honest, I think sometimes we take for granted the information that we understand, and when we present it, I think sometimes people need to hear it more than once in different ways before they get it. I definitely think you're right with that. It's something that we do live every single day. It is something that we do live every single day. You know, and it's something that we apply
Starting point is 00:14:26 and see within our clients and our clientele on a daily basis. It's like when you're in it for that long, it just becomes second nature. And so for, you're right. I think we do kind of take that fact alone for granted on some level. So.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I think so. No, I think that's good idea. I think we should make a point then, especially topics that we know are really, really good ones of this. We could elaborate on cardio all day long. We can elaborate on nutrition and different types of diets. I saw questions out there again asking about tempo and how you stretch your program and
Starting point is 00:15:00 things like that and body parts splits versus, so I know we revisit a lot of things like that for sure. I think it's important. So hopefully everybody gets a little bit of something new each time we do that. But you know, so the theme is nostalgia. You know what? Yeah. Did you?
Starting point is 00:15:14 It's the majestic clock. What is it? Is it coming out of my pants? Wait, too fast. It's the majestic clock. He says it way too fast. He does. Listen bro, when I see it, I gotta go for it up.
Starting point is 00:15:22 See, you know what's exciting about this? What? We're gonna get better at this. What? This is something if you if you're listening right now see Salton's the fuck to supper time I do this Just tonight trying like part of the fun We're good at four-play exactly here isn't this guy gets right to it right away sticks it right one day We'll have a competition bang in it right away. I just had no four-play. They will have a competition You got a prime the engine you can give the most for Banging it right away. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, right, give us that, Loub. PR sway is being excessively lean, not healthy.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yep, yeah. Yes, it is. Actually. It is. They're okay. So two things, there is essential body fat, which is the amount of body fat you need to live. And people can get down low and lean enough
Starting point is 00:16:19 to start playing with that number, and it's not good. And people have actually died. Nerves can't communicate with each other. Hormones don't work properly. Cells lose their integrity. So there's that, but then there's also the, I'm just really lean, all the time type of deal. Men get away with that way, way easier than women.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Women really can't do that. I mean, it changes their men's sense. So they start to lose their cycle. They start to grow very, very fine, fine body hair all over the body. You'll see this in anorexics also. You know, body temperature changes and hormone changes. So definitely body fat survival mode.
Starting point is 00:16:56 You need to have some body fat. So it would be interesting to say, I don't know percentage wise. What do you guys think percentage wise? Well, I was waiting for you to throw yours out there because I was like, I know know I was gonna say like, because I know Adam, you've probably been down with like three less than that.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah, I've been less than three. I dunked at three point one. I think it was 10 days till off from a show and that's when I was in the middle of the stream. So I was probably two points out thing when I hit stage. How sprind did you feel? Yeah, no. You know, they call us walking dead men
Starting point is 00:17:22 when you hit stage, you know. And I make it very clear to people when I get to that point that, you know, they call us walking dead men when you hit shit, when you hit stage, you know, and I make it very clear to people when I get to that point that, you know, hey, I do not recommend just, and you know, which is something I can't stand about a lot of other competitors, you know, they put their diets out there, they say all their stuff that they're doing
Starting point is 00:17:36 and, you know, people all emulate that. And when I do that, I'm like, I'm specifically doing this to obtain a look. It is by, it does not represent health, it doesn't represent fitness, it does not represent who I am. I'm doing this because obtain a look. It is by, it does not represent health. It doesn't represent fitness. It does not represent who I am. I'm doing this because I'm competitive. I'm getting on stage and I'm trying
Starting point is 00:17:50 to beat the fuck out everybody else. So that's the only reason why I would put my body through this. And so I think it's important that to note that and a lot of guys don't do that. Now that being said, I also think that different body types also male, feel well, everybody is different.
Starting point is 00:18:07 So some people comfortably can walk around six, seven percent body fat. Like, for example, I think like a Joe Donnelly, you see someone like that who looks like that, can maintain a very lean body fat percentage and he's eating a ton of calories and is a pretty healthy dude overall. You know, I noticed once I get below six for me, that's kind of like my happy spot. Six is like, I feel like pretty rip still and I feel lean, I feel good, I don't have headaches,
Starting point is 00:18:35 I don't have like super dips and energy, I don't feel like I'm fighting my body. The moment I go below six, I can tell that I'm fighting myself. My body doesn't want to be there. It wants to be, comfortably, it's between six and nine. Nine is very comfortable for me. I can be between nine and 10% very easily. Enjoying food, taking days off here and there,
Starting point is 00:18:57 not having to count everything. Well, I noticed, because only one time did I get down below five. I get down to seven, you know eight usually in the summertime But one time I got below five and I think I got down to four I don't even know I wasn't testing myself, but it was those photos you guys saw and Something funny happens when you hit a certain point like it's challenging. It's hard. It's hard. It's hard And then all of a sudden I could feel my body fighting me. Yeah. Like, sleep was affected, I was cold. You want to talk about cravings for food.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I would like literally daydream and fantasize about a strawberry or an apple or fuck if I just taste some peanut butter. It's funny because I start to have that I never my whole life until I competed have dreams about food. And when I get that low, I do, I'll have a dream. And it's just like, it'll be this dream of me like eating pancakes, you know, and I'll get pancake better all over your face.
Starting point is 00:19:51 What's that happened? Yeah. So, you know, I think everybody's, I think everyone's different. I think everybody's body can do that. I think it's learning to listen to those signs and notice that. Well, I just looked it up, because I couldn't remember the exact number.
Starting point is 00:20:04 But for women, essential fat is between 10 and 13% and for men it's between two and five. So it's safe to say you don't want to go lower than that or stay at that percentage for too long. Which makes sense, I said right below six, right? So I'm comfortable between six and nine. Nine's very comfortable, six is a little bit of work for me to maintain there, anything less than that.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I definitely feel like I'm fighting my body. And what you notice too, here's the other thing I noticed, Adam, maybe you can chime in on this. When I get that lean, changing my nutrition or adding extra calories, I'll gain a body fat percentage so fast. Oh, so it's like boom. And I got, okay, so I've been on a mini cut right now.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And I would say I'm down, I was heading into this weekend, probably around five or so percent right around there. And maybe six tops. And it was feeling great. And I was just about to switch gears after this weekend. I was telling myself, I'm going to power to this weekend and then I'm going to switch gears and go to my mini bulk.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And Saturday was the funeral and the reception and then everybody eating and drinking. And of course, while I'm at this funeral, I'm not going to end all the reception and then everybody eating and drinking. And of course, while I'm at this funeral, I'm not gonna end up all the brothers and siblings and everybody is taking shots and celebrating the life of Troy and stuff, I was not gonna be not drinking. So I said, oh, fuck it. I had planned it, be disciplined and be good here.
Starting point is 00:21:17 So I probably had four or five shots. I had a polaposta and then I had a whole mod pizza to my dome, which is, that's not my son, I like to normal people, but for a guy like me who eats, you know, 3500 to 5,000 calories on a regular day, it's not that crazy, but just that over consumption. The next day, I looked literally,
Starting point is 00:21:38 I felt like I put on like 10 pounds of fat. I didn't, but when you get that low, the slightest change in coming off but when you get that low, the slightest change in coming off, like you put it on, because it's as low a percentage, when you think about it, I mean, 1% is so easy to go up when you're 4% body fat. 1% to go up when you maintain it, 15% is, takes work,
Starting point is 00:21:58 you gotta eat a lot of extra calories to put on. You do, and I would say, you know, you should have decent performance in the gym. So if you're getting so lean that you lose performance and you feel like you're weak and you can't move and you're not feeling good, you're too lean. Yeah, I was going to chime in on the performance aspect. You're definitely going to compromise, you know, performance gains in the gym when you're focused on being lean and keeping your calories restricted. Obviously, depending on what you're trying to do,
Starting point is 00:22:29 but mass does help. It does help in terms of, when I'm specifically trying to power left and I wanna make sure that my energy reserves are there and I don't mind putting on some size To move heavier weight. It's just physics. You know, I put on mass to push more weight However, you know, I am slow, you know, I'm definitely not as athletic and and My movement diminishes
Starting point is 00:23:05 Definitely, you know when I when I feel myself like I've let myself get a bit overweight with that. So, there's a sweet spot. Yeah, a sweet spot, especially for athletes. I mean, you gotta kind of, you gotta assess that for your specific sport and sometimes you do need an additional amount of mass. Oh, it's, let's be honest, I mean, I guess I should ask you in your opinion,
Starting point is 00:23:22 because in my opinion with sports rarely ever, is it very conducive to be super lean. Unless you're probably like a fighter, you know where you wanna be in a very, very light, you know, class, so you're fighting, you know. Well, I think any sport where you want to be lighter, stronger but lighter, like gymnasts, they do better when they're smaller because they have to manipulate their body.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Gymnastrink to weight ratio. Yeah, you definitely want that. Right, and then the weight class is like youasts, they do better when they're smaller because they have to manipulate their body. Jim is strength to weight ratio. Yeah, you definitely want that. Right, and then the weight class is like you said, if I'm in a weight class and I'm fighting or wrestling or whatever, I want to be as lean as possible so I could be. But everything else is full. I would say any context sport.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Any context sport you want to have a decent amount of mass. Yeah, rugby, football, baseball, you know, even basketball, like it's probably a little more conducive to actually have somebody fat on you and have some weight to you. If you're so lean and... See endurance is not like, it's not so crazy that you can't just, you can't sprint, like you have adequate amount of rest, you know, in between bouts. So it's not like something like soccer where it's very much more of an endurance sport,
Starting point is 00:24:23 you don't want to put on a bunch of masks. I mean, you're just going to have big, you don't wanna put on a bunch of masks. I mean, you're just gonna have big, massive legs anyway from all the running and sprinting that you're doing. You don't want a lot of upper body masks. It's gonna slow you down. Well, think of this too.
Starting point is 00:24:34 What do you think about this? So, when you carry a little bit more body fat in your sports too, body fat is stored energy. Yeah. And if you're super, super lean, like Sal was talking about earlier and what I've definitely experienced when I competing. You're competing for tea. Yeah, really quick.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I mean, when I'm down 5% body fat because I don't have very much stored energy, I power through that glucose really quick. And then my body, and then when your body starts to eat at muscle, it does not perform the same way when it's eating away at either glucose or eating away at fat. I mean, those two are better sources of fuel for the body. So it's like using a low performance gas. The difference if you've pumped your car with 91 octane, and then now you're giving it really. Really, really the fatigue at that point, because even at 5% body fat, you still have 10,000 or 15,000 calories of stored energy. But the problem
Starting point is 00:25:27 is actually not that you don't have stored energy, it's the essential nervous system that has trouble communicating because you need essential fat to have nerves communicate to each other. When you get that fucking lean, you just get tired, you just feel you don't think straight. It's lit. It's your body's wiring, not working properly. And that's why it's essential because when it gets too low Your body will shut down But you know when you when you the standards for Men and women in terms of body fat percentage for athletes for women the standards are between 14 to 20 percent for men between 6 and 13 percent
Starting point is 00:25:58 Healthy or fit for women is 21 to 24 percent and men 14 to 17%. You typically don't wanna go, if you're a woman, you don't wanna be over 28, 29 or 30, and for men you don't wanna be over 20. Once you start to go over that, I don't care how fit you are, there are some health detriment to body fat percentage. But as if you're an athlete and you're a guy, six to 13%, you're performing fine.
Starting point is 00:26:23 You're doing okay, and for women, it was 14 to 20. Well, what's your theory on this, too, because some people hold more fat in trimoscular and more of hold it subcutaneous. Yes. So, I would be, I'm an example of that. Like, I have to be careful because, you know, I may look leaner than I really am, because inside, I hold a lot more fat like him around my liver and things like that But I may still look decently lean to everybody else outside which which is to me
Starting point is 00:26:49 I used to always tell like skinny fat people are the most dangerous clients that I'd ever have because Because they look skinny they think they're okay, but they're living off a jack in the box and shit food and you know Like and then jack in the box and carrots. That's like their thing You know say I don't know how many like models and girls I've girls I've trained in businesses where they have to be really skinny and lean and they're skinny fat, they have no muscle. That's a good point because body fat percentage is one factor in terms of how your health is. And someone can be relatively lean and have poor health.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And on the extreme case of that, so here's funny, when they do studies, they'll find that people who are really lean tend to die earlier. Well, that's because they didn't control for the fact that a lot of times people at the end of their life end up losing a shit ton of weight and they added that into the fucking mix. But that's an example. That's an example of being lean, but being unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:27:33 It's people who are terminal. Their lean is hell, obviously not healthy. So it's not body fat percentage is not the be all end all. It never was. It's just one piece of the puzzle. It's an indicator of lifestyle choices. Yeah. I mean, look at all, let's be honest. Look at all of. It's an indicator of lifestyle choices. Yeah, I mean, look at all, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Look at all of our men's physique bodybuilder guy. That's part of why it irritates a lot of us in this industry is that the people that truly represent health and fitness really are not the healthy and fittest people in the industry. Right. All your covers are magazine. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:28:01 No, not at all. Not even close. I mean, that's our struggle. That's our voice is trying to voice that to everybody. It's a tough thing to do. I bet you if people looked, saw Met professional bodybuilders and physical competitors in person on the day of contest, I bet most people would be like, that doesn't look healthy.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Just looking at their face. Yeah. You know, you look at the faces backstage. Just remember we were walking around when Adam was at the show for Santa's Day. How many of these girls were on the ground and just couldn't even stand up on the ground eating rice crispy tree for some time. Carbives are all sunken in. It was bad. It was bad. It was not good. Next class, sir. Richard Hill, 85 chinups versus pull ups. What is the
Starting point is 00:28:41 difference if any and the benefits of either one? Pronation and supination of the hand. That's all that's. Yeah, chin up is dry. I can chin up a supinated. Yeah. Palms facing back. Pull up is with your palms facing forward. Different muscle activation. Supinating the hand. A crewman patterns. Yeah, it's a little bit different. Yeah, you're going to you're going to use more bicep. You're going to use less spray-care radialis, a little bit less sprakeialis in the arm. If you pronate, now you're using more
Starting point is 00:29:08 brachier radialis, more brachialis, but you're still using the bicep. The other thing it does is this, when you do a chin up, every time you rotate the hand or you supinate it, you tend to also bring the elbows in a little closer. That's the big difference. It's less of the pronation, the supination,
Starting point is 00:29:24 and although that's what's happening, but when you supinate, it's gonna tuck the elbows in. It tends to I was just saying, that's the big difference. It's less of the pronation, the supination, and all that's what's happening. But when you supinate, it's going to tuck the elbows in. It tends to tuck them in now. I'm going to get a lot more rhomboids in versus if I was with my right out, you get more lats. Yeah. Hopefully you get that. If I'm over hand chin-uping, I'm going to get more lads activation and more focus on
Starting point is 00:29:39 that. If I go to my supinated grip, I'm going to get more rhomboids. Really? So that's interesting. The leverage is harder. Well, that's interesting for you because when I think narrow, I think more lats, a little wider, I think Tara's major minor,
Starting point is 00:29:51 more of the outer, you know, upper kind of right above the lats. Now, that being said, you have very wide shoulders in very small ways. I'm wondering if your muscle activation is different depending on your grip. That's another thing to consider that, actually, I was thinking about the other day
Starting point is 00:30:06 is that some of these rules don't apply to everybody because people are shaped differently. And I don't know, let me ask you this. Are you stronger with your hand supinated or pronated when you pull yourself up? Supinated. I would say pronated just because I've trained myself that way. Yeah, I'm the same way.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah, much more pronated. But you guys are great deadletters. So yeah. yeah, what are you going to do? There's the difference. What are you going to do? Yeah, I know. Now, I think I think a point being here is, and here's what I would do. So if I'm somebody who wants to develop my biceps more, I might choose to do more chin ups than I do pull ups. up my biceps more, I might choose to do more chin ups than I do pull ups. If I'm somebody who is more focused on, I don't care about that, I'm not working on that, or maybe I like it in my case, like I have pretty decent size biceps and arms, so I typically rarely ever do a reverse grip. Now, I do do it every once in a while just to throw a curveball into my workout, but you know, I'm going to do an overhand pronated grip most of the time to each their own.
Starting point is 00:31:06 It's definitely going to target your back a little bit differently. So when I pulled my pronated terrors, I had to do all my back exercises with the supinated grip. Okay. And so now I've gotten pretty good at them because I started doing them. And you know, it's the thing is I realized, like you're saying, it's important to throw it in because the body is pretty specific. I mean, I could do you know
Starting point is 00:31:25 I could pull myself up with a pronated grip with all kinds of weight strapped around my waist Then when I would go to supinate I would hurt my wrist almost so it's like I had to I had to you know kind of get used to it It's important you mix it up. I'd say if you're doing pull-ups and you know or if you're pulling yourself up on a bar Do both do chin-ups and do pull-ups and yeah, I'll turn it use a neutral grip. I love neutral grip Neutral grips best. We I love neutral grip Yeah, I like neutral grip is probably my favorite. I think that's the most natural Next question is from andorfen a holic, but therein Yeah, one of our four members and original OGs Yeah, he actually enrolled in the maps program one of the first people to enroll in it. Yeah, he's had a tremendous
Starting point is 00:32:07 Transformation to it like fish and water. Mm-hmm So his question is about meditation. Do you guys do it? And if so what resources books and tips do you guys have? Well, it's a hippie start. Yeah, what are you guys looking at me? I Mr. Zen so I took okay, so at one point, I owned another studio that did group exercise classes. And in there, we did yoga, Pilates, you know, other types of classes. And I also wanted meditation
Starting point is 00:32:36 because I thought it would be freaking rad to have a meditation class in my facility that I could take. So I took the meditation class and I went in there, I remember it was an hour and 15 minute long class, right? We're sitting down, and this is my very first time doing actual guided meditation. So the setting is set, the music is very nice
Starting point is 00:32:58 and peaceful, lights are out completely, it's totally dark in there, and you hear this guy's voice talking you through what to do. And he's telling you to focus on your breath and focus on different parts of your body and imagining certain things. So I'm doing this and I'm sitting there and then he starts to talk about, okay, now gently bring yourself to the room, be aware of your body.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So he's now just bringing this out of the meditation, right? So he's bringing this out of the meditation and I'm not making this up, swear to God, I'm thinking I'm ahead like, wow, swear to God, I'm thinking of my head like, wow, that was a very nice 15 minute meditation. That was fucking awesome, right? Like the whole class was over. It was an hour and 15 minutes. It felt like 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I didn't fall asleep, because I was sitting in the in style in my hand, and that's not a comfortable position for me to sit on the ground. Sitting in the in style, sitting up tall, or politically correct. Oh for me to sit on the ground. Sitting in in style, sitting up tall or politically correct. Oh yeah, this is not the way to sit. I don't know. Legs crossed.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I'm gonna gas it. Somebody's gonna be offended. Shit, I was sitting native American stuff. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And I just had to make it worse, didn't I? And an hour and 15 minutes went by. It was fucking weird. It tripped me out.
Starting point is 00:34:01 That's crazy. That was the first time I took it a second time. And the second time I took the meditation, I felt, uh, I felt my whole body kind of buzzing. And then all of a sudden I felt, and I have my eyes closed, I felt as if I was all alone and everything around me was very, very distant. It's very strange. I feel like I can't explain it. It doesn't make sense when I say it, but that's what it felt like. It felt like everything moved away from me and I was by myself. Do they give you this fast? Huh? They give you some kind of tea before. No, I didn't do any any drugs. I was totally sober.
Starting point is 00:34:34 It does remind me of a drug though. Yeah. And after that, um, okay. Believe it. Yeah. We're going to get back. After that, I, um, I tried it a couple of the times and I've only done it maybe five or ten times afterwards. Yeah, on my own. Um, it's hard. It's not easy. It takes practice. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it. Yeah, for anybody to just block out all the senses and, um, I mean, we're just bombarded these days now. I mean, this is where that whole float tank and all that stuff, I remember hearing it first on the Joe Rogan experience, like, and then I looked into it, because I mean, the biggest battle for me with a lot of my clients that they're just overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:35:18 with not just stress, but like just stimulus on a constant daily basis. And so to get them away from all that, it's like near impossible. And really it's trickling into everybody's lives. It doesn't matter how, especially where we live. It's your phone, it's everything. It's these triggers, these things that you just,
Starting point is 00:35:41 you wanna check your email, you wanna check this. I wanna turn this light on, I want to turn the TV on. And, you know, for me, I have a different outlook as far as meditation goes. And I used to just be able to experience, you know, just peace and calm and shut everything down. But I don't have that luxury anymore having kids and stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And so my meditation, it really revolves around nature and just getting outside, not listening to music, not doing anything, just listening to like, just normal interactions with animals and wind and all that kind of stuff. That's about as hippie as I go. Well, meditation, even if you were just to sit there Justin, even if you didn't have your computer or anything,
Starting point is 00:36:24 and I just said, sit in this quiet room by yourself and close your eyes and don't think about shit. I mean, it's impossible. It's so fucking hard. It's hard, yeah, that's why I have to move. It's so hard, but the key with meditation, and it takes practice, I'm gonna say it, and it sounds easy, but it ain't easy, is to be very present.
Starting point is 00:36:39 You're completely present in this moment. So you're not thinking about future, and I think about past, you're thinking about right now, and so one of the techniques that they use is where you focus on your breath, or you focus on the tip of your nose, or the soles of your feet, or you focus on apart your body
Starting point is 00:36:53 so that you become completely present. And when thoughts pop in your head like they will, you just let them pass through like you're watching a movie and then they're gone. And through practice, you can achieve some pretty amazing states of Zen. And they've done studies on this. Meditation has been proven now in study after study to benefit the human mind and body benefit health.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It changes the brain waves and patterns of the brain. And then the extreme cases and people who dedicate their lives to this, people have been able to change their body temperature, slow their heart rate down. I mean, just start to control these automatic systems in the body, yeah. Yeah, the ice man. Pretty awesome stuff. What's your theory with cannabis and meditation
Starting point is 00:37:33 and what it does to the frontal lobe and everything? Well, I think so pure practitioners, so a friend of mine, she meditates a lot and she's been trying to get me to do it. And she's a pure practitioner So she went on one of those retreats, which I might actually go on if I if I get the balls to do it What you do on these retreats is you go and you can't fucking talk. You're not allowed to talk It's a silent retreat nobody talks. Awesome
Starting point is 00:37:58 Exactly you go there and you meditate all day in these silent retreats. Now, to me, that sounds like absolute torture because I obviously love to talk. My crow must those, there's one called watercourse really hard thing. There's one over here that she, then you cannot talk at all in there. Well, so it's so size you, you do a hot and cold dip and it's just like,
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oh no, this one's different. This is like, you're like, they're for like three days and you go and you're out in the woods and it's different. Anyhow, I asked her about this, I said, well, what do you feel about, you know, ultra, you know, states of consciousness during meditation like marijuana or, you know, other stuff? And she said the pure, pure, you know, people
Starting point is 00:38:34 who meditate the purity of is that, no, you don't want any ultra-states of consciousness. You want to be able to do it in your normal state. And you want to be able to achieve these levels without these substances. I believe that That's probably the best way to start and then you can add stuff to it and get really trippy. I don't know Yeah, I'm not I mean, I'm not an expert on it. I'm just you know talking to my ass, but yeah, so I don't know I'm a fan of it. That's why I Know it's using cannabis for that, so I'm gonna bring it there. Yeah, yeah. So, I'm just gonna bring it there.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, yeah, no, I just keep it a real. I have a very hard time after I have a long day of work. You know, example today is a day that started at 6.30 the morning, it won't stop till about 10 o'clock at night. And, you know, part of my winding down and meditating is that and I feel like the moment that I sit back and it doesn't take much for me, and I don't have to get.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, but I think you guys are confusing meditating with relaxing and centering. Like, I don't know, is that the same? No, no, no, wait, let me finish here, dude. Okay. You know, that's one of, that's the first step for me is to do that. I mean, that, that relaxes me and settles me down.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And then I might speak sometimes. And then I'm like Justin, where, you know, I wanna go for a walk outside. Like, it's, and I normally walk my dogs and it's a very, it's just an easy stroll and I'm just, you know, the same thing. And I'll go late at night, really dark outside and you can't,
Starting point is 00:39:59 I can't hardly see in front of me at all. And it's cool and all I hear is the dog's kind of breathing and it's, they breathe in such a arithmetic way that it just kind of it relaxes me and I think about my day, I think about business, I think about me, I think about my life, my relationships, like everything. Everything starts to come into me and I feel really grounded at that moment and you know when I try and get it to last as long as I can sometimes I got shit to do and I don't have a long, I can't get a long walk but you know I try and get it to last as long as I can sometimes I got shit to do and I don't have a long I can't get a long walk, but you know, I try and get at least somewhere between 20 minutes to an hour if I can do that and
Starting point is 00:40:29 You know for me that's that's the best meditation for me And I've tried and you know being somebody who grew up in a religious home I we prayed a lot we used to do that we practiced that a lot So I'm very familiar with the pure way of meditating and spiritually being connected that way. And that was something that I practice my whole life as a child and absolutely that works. But for me, it's not, I don't know, part, I wanna enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And part of me enjoying it is being able to come home and have something that settles my brain down first. And then I'm gonna completely come all the way down and and relax and find myself. You know, I should correct myself. Maybe I'm wrong. I mean, I don't know what the definition of meditation is. I mean, that sounds like what meditation is supposed to do is what you're explaining. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:18 There's a place by my house and it's a spring. And you walk up these stairs and then there's like this, it's just this pool that has built up from the spring and there's some turtles in there and ducks. And it's like the most amazing place. And so far, the last four years when I discovered it, when I've had major challenges, I'll go up there at night in the middle of the night and I'll just sit there and just, I'll usually come up with the answer that I was looking for.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's interesting. I had, there's this place because I live in the Redwoods and stuff and, uh, I have easy access to this trail, and there's just one spot that it's like this circle, and there's all these ferns and everything, and it's right next to this, this little waterfall and all that stuff. I just sit right on this stump. And I've thought of like, I've been able to solve a lot of issues or there's trouble at home or whatever it is and then just come back completely refreshed. That's awesome. In my opinion, that's what meditation is.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I don't know, being someone like I said who grew up in a religious home and I was taught and I was shown away of meditating spiritually. My girl and their family is heavy into that. They have their way of connecting to the universe and being spiritually connected. I think everybody has their own and one thing I have realized is everybody that has their way of doing it or been taught, you know, feel passionate about how they do it and think that it's the way that what I've learned enough now and been around it enough that I believe it's,
Starting point is 00:42:51 what it's really about is it is. It's about opening your minds, about connecting yourself. It's about having vision and whatever it takes for you to do that. And I think everybody is different. I think different people will find that in different places. Let's be honest, sometimes sitting on the shitter is probably what the best. I don't like organized stuff like that, it freaks me out. Yeah, I don't need it
Starting point is 00:43:08 I mean like like I've been around the church too and like you know when you go Well, I don't know you probably had a similar experience with me Adam where you go to like somebody else's church And they're like weird. Yeah, and they like get into like this like state where some people like loser damn mind and they like get into like this like state where some people like loser damn mind and they just like start flopping around and you're just like, I gotta get outta here! You've been to church like that?
Starting point is 00:43:30 I went to a church like that. I mean, it was a few people. There's always a select few that really get into it and the spirit moves them or whatever. And it freaks me out. And I'm just like, this is not comfortable for me. I have been out of here.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I have literally been to, this is how crazy you growin' up was for me like when have been getting here. I have literally been to, this is how crazy growing up was for me, like when it comes to that. I've been almost every denominations. If you ever wanna talk about what that's like as far as chrismatic, penicostal, first Baptist, mess of this, you know. I've told you about my, I've been to them all, bro.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And I've seen all the crazy stuff. And that's what I'm saying. I've seen so many different ways that people practice spirituality, meditation, and here's my thing. Like, you know, at the end of the day, the desired outcome is being connected to yourself and whether you believe there's a higher being
Starting point is 00:44:13 or that you're connected to the universe, whatever that may be, the desired outcome is that, you know, you relax, you bring the stress levels down, you're more focused, you're more in tune with your body. And you know what, like, for me, all that shit, like Justin said, that used to put pressure on me. I felt like, I'm not speaking in tongues, or if I'm not, if I don't have this great words of wisdom
Starting point is 00:44:33 right now, it's not working for me, or if I don't fall asleep, and I've tried, people have tried to, you know, fuckin' hypnotize me. See you as the problem, too. This is why I have a problem, because I see that in the yoga community, and I see that in, yoga community, and I see that in these other communities. It's the same exact format as these crazy,
Starting point is 00:44:50 charismatic churches. It gets very cold white. It gets very, like, well, everybody's organized into this one way of getting to that state. It's human psychology, dude. You know what it reminds me of? I'm not a follower like that. You know what I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:01 I'm not gonna start flopping around. Find your own zen, you know what I'm saying? That's, I'm meditation has been proven. Exactly. There's all different ways of doing it, you know, whatever it takes for you to get in that. And trust me, when you're there wherever it is for you, you fucking know, because I'll tell you right,
Starting point is 00:45:16 and for me sometimes, and I sometimes I have to have something because I want to write, I want to write, I want to put down my thoughts. And so it's not like the average person, because if they are meditating that's complete silence, they don't move, they don't talk, they're almost sleeping at that state. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:45:28 If some good shit comes in my head, I'm fucking writing it down. Like I want to write it down. And if that interrupts my meditation, if that breaks the practice, like fuck that. I'm running this my way, because that could have been a million dollar idea. If I don't put it on paper, my dumb ass will forget
Starting point is 00:45:41 if fucking later on. So we're anarchists. It's meditation. We fuck up meditation even. Fuck that shit. I dug moving along. Don't tell us what to do. Exactly. Smitty 80 is asking about putting your feet up in the air when you're benching. Is that a waste of time or are there some benefits? Put your feet up in the air. So that's how you make love. There you go, man.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Somebody, you guys saw my post on the Z press the other day, right? And somebody posted underneath there like, hey bro, you've ever lifted your legs up. You really want to challenge yourself, lift your legs up. I'm just like, yeah, that would be really cool. If all I cared about was just training my core. Fuckin' it. Cause holding a V-hold-izing.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah, V-hold-ing. And here's it. That is, that comes from the era of what we talked about before, the 2001 to 2006 functional training, core stabilization, everything. And somebody thought, hey, you know what, if you put your legs up in the bench while you bench press, you know, you have to kind of balance on the bench so you get some core activation. That's stupid. It is.
Starting point is 00:46:47 You know, I've seen this before that. I've seen people put their feet up in the air before and this is why they used to do that back in the day. They would do it because they would say would protect their back, which is stupid. Protect their lower back. Why? Because when you put your feet flat on the floor, a floor, it tilts your pelvis to an anterior position,
Starting point is 00:47:05 so you get a natural curve in your lower back, and you should have that natural curve on your back when you're benching. Your butt should be on the bench, your butt doesn't come off the bench, but if you're laying there like you're supposed to with your chest high shoulders back, you're gonna have a natural curvature in your back,
Starting point is 00:47:19 and as a matter of fact, that's a safe position to press from. When you're flat, you know how hard it is to retract your shoulders? You're flat. No, when I bring, if you bring your feet off the floor, it'll flatten your back, put you an apostor your pelvic tilt, and then your shoulders come forward and you're asking for impingement and bicep tendon problems. That's what you're asking for. Not to mention, you're deactivating your legs and so you're losing strength. I was going to say, you're not going to be able to load the bar with
Starting point is 00:47:44 as much as you would with your feet or ground. It's silly. There's too much of this combining of exercise bullshit that I see. If you're, What did you see? You got it, you got it, so. What did he see that day?
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah, some guy was in the gym doing dumbbells press and he was kicking his feet. Like swimmers, like his little flutter kick. Like his little slurs. Yeah, he was slursing as he was doing his dumbbell press. So stupid. And it you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you like you exercise and do a great core exercise, combining it with another movement. All it does is diminish that movement. Like I said, completely. You're taking a very good upper body exercise, which is a bench press. Yeah, what we would consider one of our top five, right?
Starting point is 00:48:32 It's up there, right? And you're making it far less effective. That's all you're doing. And or increasing your risk of injury, both to your shoulder and to your... Even your negatives. Yeah, so not really good idea. It doesn't protect your lower back. Here's the thing, if you're bench pressing
Starting point is 00:48:48 and you have that natural curve and you feel shearing or pressure in your lower back because of that natural arch, here's what you gotta do. Brace your midsection, that's it. Just brace your midsection and you will stop feeling that shearing force in your lower back because it'll take pressure right off of it.
Starting point is 00:49:02 That's it. Our final question is from Colin Saylor. If you guys were to organize your own music festival, who would headline? Yeah. We should, the pump fest. Oh, well, this is too easy for Justin. We started with him.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It's so easy. Yeah, we should start with Justin. Yeah, yeah, definitely slayer. To headline. I worked out to slayer today. Yeah, yeah, definitely slayer. To headline. I worked out to slayer today. Yeah, that'd be awesome. I mean, I would like a diverse lineup. I mean, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah, let's just know a lot of different kinds of music. I was just, let's do it. Let's do a crazy light that would never happen. Yeah, like slayer mixed with like some kind of like Britney Spears or something like that. You would totally want that. No, like all raised like Michael Jackson from the dead. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Okay, that's cool. All right, we can bring him to the dead. I mean, we're just going to go, yeah, that direction. Throwing some James Brown and then like I like old school, you know, R&B and all like you only get five tops. That's like, yeah, well, it's too long of a concert. So five tops. Chuck Berry, and then you know, and then I'm going to go
Starting point is 00:50:02 Steve Rayvon, you know, the close. Very good. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I'm using this, Steve Rayvon, the close. Very good. Yeah. I don't know. I'm raising him some machine. There you go. I would go Rage against the machine. Here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I'm not gonna answer the question too much because I don't know too many things. But I will say Rage against the machine or Metallica would be great, but I'll say this. If I could go back in time, God damn, I would love to go to Woodstock. I would do anything to be able to go to Woodstock. Back in the day.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I'd love to see Jimmy Hendrix. Oh man, Hendrix. He was the man. Without all the law trying to crack down on everybody, having the time, right? I'd love to go back there without all the law, just trying to fucking crack down on everybody, having a good time.
Starting point is 00:50:36 That would be cool. For sure. I don't know, dude, I nerd out when I see these awesome musicians, when they're forming, they're first coming up with their first album, and they drop their album, like I've been able to see when I was in Chicago, I was able to see a lot of good bands
Starting point is 00:50:52 like that nobody's ever heard of. I still totally be into that. Like the guy that knew all these cool bands that you didn't know about, and like I hated popular music. Of course you were all underground and garage guys, for sure. Oh, dude, because there's so much talent.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Most musicians are that way. Especially. Dude, there's so much talent that's just like thrown to the wayside. And like everybody else is hitting these three, four chord structures, you know, stupid songs that the masses they respond to. And so they figured out the formula. They even like have a breakdown of that on YouTube. This guy took all those same chords and he played like
Starting point is 00:51:29 as many songs that were in pop music that he could. And it was like, it was insane how many of these songs just follow the same exact formula. So it's just like, for me, that's kind of how I differentiate whether you're not, you're really like, you wanna see real vision? Or you're really like, you want to see real vision, or you're just a person that enjoys like easy listening. I respect that.
Starting point is 00:51:49 It's kind of like the fitness world too, right? You know what I'm saying? Like the way to make money in this business is to do all the shit that we all disagree with. If you're gonna be saying like, and it's like those people figure that formula out and they follow the formula. There's authenticity in that world like 100%.
Starting point is 00:52:05 You know, there's some artists and that's something that I like, I'm void of these days. Like I haven't felt any connection like that, you know, back when when people were just like forming a whole new sound and all that kind of stuff. So I get off on that. Yeah, I like musicians when they're so, they're so artistic and they're so disturbed and buy it that they're crazy, they're crazy people. They make the best music and they usually don't live. They usually don't live very long.
Starting point is 00:52:32 And sometimes it drugs and it's like amazing. Yeah, like it's painful. There's so much art in me, it's painful. I'm gonna do this music and I'm tormented. I'm tormented. They make good music. I hate to say it. All the time.
Starting point is 00:52:43 No, it's true though. It's true. Adam, do you, do you, can you think of any bands that you'd want headliner? Yeah. My headliner would probably be, probably be tool. It's my favorite band. And then right in the blowfish, right before them, right before they would have to be rage against machine. I love me some hoody.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And then maybe, I don't know, maybe I would do something a little more chill like Inkebis. And then maybe a little bit. I'm with Justin. I don't know if I do instead of Michael Jackson since he already took Michael Jackson to a dead, I would do Jimmy Hendrix. That's who I would. I'm going to your fucking music festival, bro. It sounds dope.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I'm going to your right Jimmy Hendrix in Cubist rage against machine tool. I might have to tone it down. Sometimes the angry music you know, you know, that's why it's a little incubus and Jimmy in there. You know, I'm saying, we need to set something a little more. You have to. Yeah, for sure. So that would, that would kind of be my lineup, I think, to me, hip hop, so sorry, I love hip hop. I listen, a lot of hip hop, but I've seen a ton of hip hop and concert. I like like digital undergrounds and like stuff like that. Have you guys been any like have you guys seen like I've seen Kanye J Jay Jay I've seen all the last concert I went to with Lady Gaga. It's just bad in concert though
Starting point is 00:53:50 All their days yelling there. They're there. You don't realize until you've seen a lot of those guys live that you know So much that's done in the studio a lot, and it's not like listening to a good rock Well, who was it that told us maybe it was was you Justin, that two-pock, that sound that he has, would you listen to two-pocks music? It's actually him recording himself twice, playing, was it you that told us that? Yeah. And I never noticed that, and then I listened to some, some, some, some, some, some, EG tracks himself, like multiple tracks on top of his, and that's what gives him that unique sound.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And when I listened to it now, I'm like, him talking to himself. You ruined it for me. Yeah, sorry. And when you hear those guys in person, although I've never, I've never, I didn't get a chance to see two Pock Liva would love to just because I think he's one of the greatest rappers ever. But yeah, he was an actual poet.
Starting point is 00:54:35 You wrote some notes. And which is why I would still enjoy his. But man, really, yeah, I'm sorry. I've seen a lot of rap, man. I've seen a lot of it out there. And it's for the most part, it's pretty, pretty whack. And then most of your pop shit. I've seen a lot of that stuff too. Hey, I'll tell you what cookie cutter I saw Lady Gaga. She's extremely talented. She's super talented. Extremely talented. And she's one of those artists She's one of those artists that's tormented. Oh, yeah, well lady Gaga is the Madonna of our time. You know, I'm saying
Starting point is 00:55:00 It's the same. She reminds me that she puts she brings a stage present. She's very unique and she has Lady Gaga does not get enough credit, but she has an amazing ass. Have you seen For body no, I'm not joking. I know she looks like that's like the best thing. It's built dude It's built like she squats and deadlifts a lot of weight Yeah, yeah, and she's a tie and we got we got junk But they could they could all those even the best ones, you know, I've seen some good ones for sure that are pop They they wouldn't crack my life. Did you ever watch Brittany? I have not seen Brittany you never saw her in concert No, I didn't see Brittany Katy Perry Katy Perry. I've seen I've seen paint. I've seen
Starting point is 00:55:36 Who else have I seen like that? Shit, I've seen a lot of concerts, bro, but none you know what none of them is impressionable as like some of the rock bands out in your soul. Scene Metallica, scene tool, fucking awesome, awesome, scene Chevelle, awesome. Like the rock bands are just so much better, you know, so much better. And I love all these. You play me like you use a cool instrument. Actually, you know what else is pretty decent. And I'm almost embarrassed to admit it, but actually some good country. Country is pretty good at lots. That's not embarrassing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's some decent bands that you can go see. Here's what I heard. I heard country concerts have the hottest check. at lots. That's not a better thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's some decent bands that you can go see. Here's what I heard. I heard country concerts
Starting point is 00:56:08 have the hottest chicks. They do. That's another reason why I got that. That's what everybody keeps saying. So I might have to throw like, you know, a Garth Brooks or a Toby Keith into my fucking headline just so I can get it. Just to bring the girl to the hotchicks. Yeah, because what you named before
Starting point is 00:56:18 wasn't gonna have no chicks. Yeah, yeah, no chicks. I was gonna be a sausage fest. Yeah, yeah, but they see Garth Brooks. I was gonna have a lot of injuries. Yeah, you're supposed to be one big mosh pit. You're gonna have a bunch of really pissed off, sexually frustrated white dudes.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Ah! Running into each other. No way, be totally diverse. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. Please leave us a five star rating and review on iTunes. Where can they find us? You can find us on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal.
Starting point is 00:56:43 You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. And you can check out our site with our programs MindPumpMedia.com. Right on. Leave us a love message. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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