Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 248: Most Social Media Fitness Authorities Are Idiots

Episode Date: March 3, 2016

In this age of social media anyone can hold themselves up as an expert. A ripped body and/or a fancy title goes a long way towards establishing "authority" in the marketplace. Just because someone loo...ks good or has a PhD does not automatically mean they 1. know what they are doing or 2. can help you achieve your goals. How do you distinguish the charlatans from the sages? It begins by questioning everything. Sal, Adam & Justin dive into this topic and provide some guidance in navigating this murky world. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Let's talk some motherfucking shit. That's what I want to do. I want to find some people to pick on and pick on them. Adam's in the mood again. You know what I've been in the mood again? You know why? Because you remember last time that we were on
Starting point is 00:00:27 like a negative kick we were told for like four or five episodes in a row. I feel like we've been way too fucking positive for a while. Come on man. Come on man. I feel like we're two. This is fitness and wellness. We're a little too happy.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Little too cum baya for me. You know what you know why? I need a roughness and fitness. I know why you're irritable right now. Why you say that? Cause it's super warm in here again. Oh, I thought you were gonna say because I lost my keys.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah, you did lose your keys. Yeah, I'm kind of fucked right now. That's what it is annoying. And I am somebody who lost the keys to your Prius. Yeah, I think somebody stole them. Somebody saw my key leash and they're like, oh, that's, I could probably call a spoiler.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I'd sell that. So somebody stole my keys. So I think, I think people need to understand why you're my, my publicity, you stole my keys. Oh, fucking get you. They're like, it's Adam. Here's a, here's, this is, we need to, we need to sell people this.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We need to tell people why you're so paranoid about losing your keys. I don't think I've met anybody who's had their car stolen as many times as you have. Yes. How many times have you had a car stolen? Well, it's been officially stolen twice. So two different cars were stolen.
Starting point is 00:01:28 What do you mean officially? Well, I mean, I've had my car broken into a lot of times. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, a lot of times I've had a window busted out or somebody pop into it and get still my CDs or whatever I had in there and steal my stereo. I've had that happen a bunch of times on different cars.
Starting point is 00:01:43 But I've had two vehicles completely stolen. Both those times. Right in front of your house, right? Yeah, right in front of my house. One of them was a gated community that my condo that I had before the house I'm in now. Did you ever find them? The cars?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, so what happened was, so I had an Acura Integra that was in 1998. It was actually the first car room. And it was all tricked out. So I had literally, Oh, you had the rice rocket? Oh, yeah. Fast and various was definitely our generation.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And one of my favorite ones. Was it Type R or was it just regular V-Tech? No, it was also back cave. Oh, so you know you're in type R. Oh, flings. Listen to this guy. Is it Type R? So I had a VR6 Volkswagen.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Okay, so the LS. The Kaser is speaking another language. The LS Volkswagen. Okay, so the LS are speaking in another language. The LS, the LS, so the type R is completely custom already and you can't do any upgrades to that. It's already got your, your basic bolt-ons, like your upgraded fuel rail, your big or intake, things like that. I don't know. You can't do much. Mine is an LS, but my LS was, I mean, it was poor. But that's still the V-tech. No, no, it's not a V-tech.
Starting point is 00:02:46 That's a GSR. So GSR, it would go in LS, GSR, and then type R. Got it. And the GSR, it's still sounding like this. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr You know underdrying your pushing at least 170 horsepower In a Burnout the front tires. Oh totally I so the front mice Stereo system I had and every time I shift in a third this the stereo would come flying out of the dash, you know And you thought it was because you were so fast. Oh, it was like look how fast I am babe too fast I'm not the stereo out of the fuck so anyways, and it was bright red
Starting point is 00:03:25 It was like I said it was completely tricked out. I probably had about seven white rims I did at one point. I did oh shit. I'm calling all of it. I had in keys when I got still on so the in keys I'm a niddo's on some 40 series tires. They're on paper pretty much so you have a sway bar I did have a sway This is excellent. I had every upgrade This is excellent. I had every upgrade. This was straight up. No, I didn't have Nause. I didn't have Nause.
Starting point is 00:03:48 It was port and polished. And I port and polished it so it would be ready to take Nause. So that was eventually going to be an upgrade too. That's it. Like it's in all hands. It was. It was all in and the outside was all done. It was all I had ground control springs on it so you can lift it up and down and shit
Starting point is 00:04:03 and stereo system all in it all done I had a big old five and a half inch that's like I had a big dunk exhaust that was five I mean it was couldn't get more rice rocket down for sure so my buddy and I have got 25 miles of the gallon yeah right it was actually you know what that, I don't know, which one breaks my heart more because both these cars I loved a lot. That one, it sucks because it was my high school car, it was my first car. I did trick it out, I did very good care of it. It lost the garage space when I bought my new truck because I brought a lifted Chevy that was really nice, which was my second vehicle that's stolen. And that was a pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Man, you went on the other side of the spectrum. I did, and I had a bull the same time, so it was really fun to drive. So I'd have, you know, I see you're the, basically the wizard, and you're trying to cover the entire spectrum. Yeah, you're a punter. You've got the rocket, and you've got the lift of truck.
Starting point is 00:04:57 The rocket, I mean. Yeah, so that was the first one to go to the demographics. It got stolen right out of my gated community and they didn't find it, they didn't find it for, well, I come out right, I call the cops. Cop pretty much tells me, oh, sir, these are stolen all the time, you'll never see this car again.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I was like, so I'm heartbroken. The shitty part about this is because I bought the brand new truck and I had just, and so I had both of them on my insurance. I put the fucking integral on liability because I never drove it and And I had it on. And so I lost everything when it was stolen. Well, check this out.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Two weeks later, I get a phone call and it's a tope company. And the tow company says, we have your car. And I'm like, what? And I'm like, is it drivable? Is it still as well? The wheels on it and they're like, oh, And I'm like, is it drivable? Is it still as well, the wheels on it and they're like, oh yeah, wheels are on it. Looks like, I mean, we can't obviously start it,
Starting point is 00:05:50 but we can look in it and see it. Looks like everything's there. I don't know, it looks like the stereo might have been taken on my go, of course, and the stereo's gonna get stolen, you know, that was the first thing. I figured that's what they were there going there for. I was more concerned with the motor, the motor had the most amount of money in it.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And so I'm pretty excited. I'm heading to the to the to the to yard and I'm like, get out of my car and I head, I'm running up and I'm looking at it through the fence and I'm like, oh, shit, my wheels are still on there and my exhaust, fuck it, they didn't take the time to take my wheels, my exhaust off. Dude, maybe they just stole my stereo, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I was just getting a new stereo, I'm like tripping, right? And I get up there and the key thing's kind of fucked up so I can't start it. And then I was like, well, let me pop the hood and see if they did get into the hood. I pop the hood. And they have fucking strips. Oh, I don't have anything in there. Anything. I mean, they emptied space. Got it. It completely got it for all the parts, you know? And I heard that hurt. That hurt really bad. And I was just like, man, that's pretty shitty. And so I had to, I had to pay for the time that it was there because I got towed there,
Starting point is 00:06:49 right? So I had to pay for that. And I had to pay for this car that fucking doesn't run. I have liability on. I'm not going to get anything for it to get back to my house. I pay it back to get to my gay community. Well, long story short, you know, during this time of like, what the fuck am I going to do with this?
Starting point is 00:07:03 I was driving my other vehicle. I'm not worried about seeing from my house. It got towed three times from my house for sitting in my sitting and not moving. Somebody called it in as an abandoned vehicle. And so three different times I had to go pay for it to get towed out of the tow yard and then towed back to my house, I'd have paid again.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And so finally, I literally give it to, you know who Lawrence, Lawrence bought it off from me. What? I hooked him up. I remember that, he drove that. Yeah. Whoa. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He bought it from me what I hooked him up I remember that he drove that yeah Yeah, he bought he bought it from me and I gave him a fat deal because he had he had a mechanic come over and say how much would I have to spend to fix this up and I literally I think I gave it to him for like four So did you race and shit at night? I do think at night you're a
Starting point is 00:07:38 I did all that see I had a VR6 full swagger. Yeah, so it was a my I actually had a I said six cylinder. So it was a little bigger. It was a little bit bigger. Just like most things on me. I'm a puppy. Yeah, although I probably would have smoked you. But yeah, no, I'm a puppy.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah, I stuck with American. I had a 56 GMC truck. Actually, my truck, I sold to this guy in Denmark. My first truck that I had bought when I was in, yeah, with all places, Denmark, Denmark apparently is in the hot rods. And 400 big block Pontiac engine in there, ratchet shifter, I was like lighting them up everywhere. Do you have a canine air filter?
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, just and always has to out test us, throwing us. I'm getting really fucking sick in terms of it. Just like, I mean, it was hard bring hold it back at the stop light. I was just lurching the whole time just like that Tim the tool man Taylor of our show Dude every time we do something we bring some up and he's got to put hair and balls on I'm sorry, but you guys are all talking cars and I'm like waiting for my turn You know what I mean? And I was just gonna get run over with this little rice rocket as anyone had
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah, I'm by the way when that's had one stolen. I mean no one else that he is no never um yeah yeah I yeah well I don't have as many pissed off X girlfriend that's what I think the problem no now I've had two cars keyed also which that was probably that's like that's it bro that's it yeah you mess with girl they will care if you're a dude if you're a dude and you ever kiss a one's car you deserve to get your ass Whoops some day Massive that's a bitch move of all bitch moves for sure definitely so Adam you wanted to talk about What do you want to talk about personal trainers for fitness? Well, here's this has been on my mind because it's was a good transition
Starting point is 00:09:21 You like that was super smooth wasn't awful. Oh because it's- It was a good transition. You liked that, it was super smooth. It was an awful, orstable. Yeah, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, we're done, we gotta, we gotta work some lube in there somewhere. That was in a good DJ. Was Doug waving you down over here?
Starting point is 00:09:33 No, no, no, it was, it was, it was, I just felt like it makes me ask of that somehow. Yeah, you're gonna have to do something special there, Doug. Quick, quick, yeah, it is like we start, hey, yeah, we're talking about trainers. Here's our transition to fitness now. Yeah. So lately, I've had people that I've been helping out
Starting point is 00:09:49 like as far as fitness and nutrition and coaching and stuff. And it just, it's so hard for me. If you know me already and like we've known each other for maybe a year or more. And you hire these coaches, you know, these men's physique, bodybuilding coaches to help you with your nutrition and your workout program. And I know this is my own ego, so I know this is my own thing that I have to work on stuff,
Starting point is 00:10:17 but I also feel like that's why I have mine pump is so I can let my ego go and fucking talk shit. So I'm going to, is it's like, dude, you got somebody like me who, you know, I'm not claiming on the smartest guy in the room at all, but I will tell you that I definitely know more than about 99% of all these online. Which to be honest, is not that another hard. No, it's not. It's not that impressive. And just because most all of none of, I don't think you didn't none of us do this, right? None of us list our certifications that we all had and show like that because to us,
Starting point is 00:10:50 that shit doesn't even matter. The, it's, it's, first, if you haven't gone out and continue to further your education and fitness, just because you have one or two, or even three national certifications at that or a kinesiology degree, or even a fucking doctor at that, that does not trust me.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I've fired so many doctors and masters that worked for me like it's just because you got that went through eight years of school doesn't all sudden qualify you to make you as a good personal trainer and being a personal trainer is a lot different than being a fitness celebrity who gets in fucking great shape and then all of a sudden thinks they can coach the world on how to do it also because they figured it out for themselves. In fact, that's probably one of the biggest fallacies that I see in a drives me crazy. Yeah, I would say when it comes to fitness because it's probably because it's such an evolving industry, right? It's constantly evolving.
Starting point is 00:11:38 You're constantly learning. My philosophy now is very different than it was say five years ago. And five years ago, and five years ago I had been in the industry for a very long time, right? I think the best teachers in this industry is experience. It really is. I've learned far more from training thousands of people than I ever did in any course or any book that I ever read.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And as you train lots of people and work with lots of different kinds of people everything from young to old to you know great Muscle bullying genes so bad muscle bullying genes to injuries you you tend to become you tend to learn how to work with different situations and Even there's even a lot of fitness professionals that have very high educations PhDs for example, but they were never personal trainers. They trained themselves, they were athletes, they were very fit, then they went and got an education and whether it be exercise science or kinesiology. And then all of a sudden now, I'm a PhD,
Starting point is 00:12:39 now I can train everybody. And I've had a lot of same thing, Adam, I've had a lot of trainers come in and apply to work there. I look at their resume and they've got bachelors or masters degree in kinesiology and advanced certifications through NSM. They start and they've got a good kind of, they can get started. They're good vocabulary behind them. But there's still beginners.
Starting point is 00:13:05 There's total beginners. Well, I feel like it's totally backwards, you know, coming from getting my degree and going through academic world and trying to really further my education as far as, you know, the human body's concerned and movement, it's just so funny, because like if I was to do it again, I would go 100% into the movement, it's just so funny because like if I was to do it again, I would go 100%
Starting point is 00:13:25 into the experience, dive into that, you know, it brings about this thirst for really identifying what's going on and like having these as a part of your newfound vocabulary that's applicable. And so I don't know, for me, it just having a base, you know, going through college and everything else was great. It did help for me to get a solid understanding, but at the same time. But you were nowhere near ready to be a trainer. No, graduating with your name.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And I recognize that. It was such a new thing for me to step into again, but I was hungry for it at the time. And it was only once I started going through the process that it all started to kind of come back to me, some things, you know, from lectures and courses that I had taken. But even then, like, it's still trumps, like the experienced trumps, all of that combined. Yeah, I would say if I ever started a certification, it would be a mentorship,
Starting point is 00:14:28 is how I would design it. Yeah, absolutely. You would do some book work, but most of what you'd learn is you'd go underneath someone and you'd be a mentor for a year and make a little bit of money and then graduate into becoming a master. I, just knowing what I know about fitness,
Starting point is 00:14:45 that's really the only way you can learn well in terms of how to work with people and train people. And here's another thing on that topic. Doctors don't know much when it comes to exercise. They don't know much when it comes to diet. They don't know much when it comes to diet. And I have to say that because I've had many, many clients come to me and say, my doctor's putting me on this medically,
Starting point is 00:15:12 medically approved, shake program to make me lose you. Do you know how much nutrition a doctor is required to have in their entire schooling? Not much. One semester. Yeah, not much at all. One semester of nutrition is their requirement for an MD. That is, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Like one semester of nutrition, there's not one national certification that an average trainer would take that it doesn't cover more than that. Right. Or exercise, I've had, I can't tell you how many times I've had clients come in and say, well, my doctor says I can't,
Starting point is 00:15:41 I shouldn't squat anymore or I shouldn't lift anything above my head. Clients that those that listen to our show and also train with me know this because they know I had my biggest pet peeve or doctors giving that shit out. Exercise it by yourself. I don't come out and prescribe fucking medicine. So don't you fucking come and prescribe exercise and movement for my clients because they will always, it reminds me of when you when you did first start as a trainer When we first started off, you know, we learned we did not learn true biomechanics
Starting point is 00:16:13 You know, we learned safety and percussion and how to teach someone a basic movement But to be always bowed on the safer side first versus range of motion or what may be ideal for that person. So we were taught to do a lot of these exercises in a shortened manner and it's so crazy to me that we were teaching and they still teach that way because they know and they know that in the 30 plus population, which is 80% of the people that buy personal training have all these postural deviations, most common syndrome is upper-cost syndrome So they know these people already in these deviated deviated positions and they're smart because they wrote these certifications in books and so they know if we're gonna teach people how to do an overhead press
Starting point is 00:16:56 We're gonna tell them that they should come down to 90 degrees because more than likely that their client has a you know Accessively protracted shoulder girl. It is not gonna have the same range of motion as somebody is, and if they try and depress their elbows all the way, their shoulders all the way down, they're gonna get this excessive arch and they're low back, and so safety will have them stop at 50 degrees. Well, I think they're, think about it.
Starting point is 00:17:14 About 90 degrees. Think about all of the compl, you know, how complicated it is, training a client now. Now, we take for granted because we're doing it for so long, but like you're saying, when you notice something in a bench press or a squad or any kind of a movement, you can pick it apart depending on the individual
Starting point is 00:17:30 and change the movement. And there's so many variances that it would be, it's very difficult, it would be very difficult to create a certification or a course that would cover all that without a long term mentorship. You know what I'm saying? Like when you talk to doctors or surgeons, a lot of what they learn is when they do their residencies.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You know, that's when they're doing the fucking learning, man. They're out there and they're in the ship. And all the variables just present themselves to them and they have to react and you know, it's really that that response and you know, being quick on your feet and you learn from doing. You do and I'll give you another example. I've gotten a debates online and you'll see Mr. Fitness celebrity or fitness PhD even will say, I'll give you an example. High intensity interval training, superior to steady state because look at the study burns more fat,
Starting point is 00:18:26 shorter period time, that's it, case closed. But there's no experience applied to that. Now, I know as a trainer that yes, the study's gonna show that, but there's gonna be lots of people that high intensity interval training is gonna be too much and it's gonna push them over the edge and they're not gonna do well with it.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And, or let's look at long-term success, or let's look at, you know, that study might only cover six weeks or eight weeks, but this person is gonna be working out for the rest of our life. And a lot of people can't do that kind of, you know, cardio for the rest of their life. So there's all these variables and factors
Starting point is 00:18:59 that come, you only learn with experience. Well, it's the same frustration too, I see with like, I, you know, I've trained this guy that was like 400 something pounds. Like, you know, he was very obese. And the first thing that they're going to do is they're going to bring him to this weight loss clinic that's involved right there on site with the hospital. And so they got doctors managing this thing. However, all they're doing is restricting them
Starting point is 00:19:25 to like 500 to 1000 calories and then giving them like these bars. And it's just like, I got so pissed off because there's no like logical progression for these people. It's like, no. And the thing is they want like an immediate success so they want to see it.
Starting point is 00:19:44 They want to give them like here, you know, you're losing weight, you know, things are happening for you or whatever, but they're just crashing, coursing them, crash diet. They're not teaching them anything. No, they're treating it like, like a lot of things that Western medicine does. Western medicine does some things very, very well.
Starting point is 00:20:01 If you get a broken bone, you need surgery, you have an infection, you want Western medicine. Nothing beats it. That's why it's the most successful form of medicine in the world because with that emergency shit, it's awesome. But that's how they treat weight loss and fitness. They'll take someone's obese and they'll say, we need you to lose weight right away. We know exactly how many calories are in this shakes that we make. So it's measured and here you go and you're in this room, you're not gonna leave, and we can watch you lose weight and we saved your life.
Starting point is 00:20:29 But there's no long-term, at all, long-term success to that. And with Western medicine, they ignore or completely forget anything that doesn't have some kind of clinical testing. Even though logic will tell you that you should, you know, eat whole natural foods and you'd be hard pressed to find a doctor disagree with that, but yet they will prescribe these shakes
Starting point is 00:20:54 because this is what the clinical studies show that you need to have this many calories, it's controlled. And that becomes kind of the issue. I remember, I mean, in fitness being taught that you should never do things behind the head. So like you should never press behind the head. You should never do a pull down behind the head. Behind the head. You shouldn't do pull-ups, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Behind the head. And now why, why did they say that? Well, it's more risk. That's really about it. It's more risk. But if you have the shoulder mobility, and you can do it, and you can move in a way where your shoulders are moving in a safe manner where scapula is moving with the shoulder, things are
Starting point is 00:21:30 loose, things are stable and strong, that's fucking fine. No matter fact, pretty much any movement that you can do that you're stable, that you don't have glaring muscle imbalances and that you could do under your own control full range of motion is fine. Any motion is good. Is it ideal? Well, if you're a frickin' gymnast and you want to do a back band where you're literally folding yourself backwards and half but they're totally in control strong, no glaring muscle imbalances, there's nothing wrong with them doing that.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It's not bad for them. Now, if I fucking did a back band, you'd get a call 911 because I broke myself. But that's kind of the, where you learn through the books is they teach you these types of things that are not really true when you go and apply them. They're not true at all. And I've had many clients where I've worked on shoulder mobility and worked up to the point
Starting point is 00:22:19 where we can do something like a behind the neck press and gotten fantastic results, of course, under my supervision. Well, again, it's blanketed to cater to your general public, which is an inherent problem on its own, because what you're doing is you're lumping people into one thing. And anything with a human body,
Starting point is 00:22:42 whether it's nutrition or fitness related or exercise, it really is just determined on an individual basis. This is what's going on in my body. This is how to best optimize my situation. And for them to be able to write that in such a way that you can take a certification for this, they're going to make it so all the precautionary parameters are in place. So that way, it's going to be generally good, but it's not like built for, you know, optimization. Well, think of this. And those of you guys that are listeners and are already going through maps, you'll totally understand and get this. Everybody else, this is how maps evolved.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Something that was so important to us and that we knew was gonna be extremely challenging was how do we make a program for the masses? How do we create something by not putting everybody in a box and not being like all these other tools out there that are, you know, claimed to be these super smart fitness professionals and then they write these fucking generic programs that they say is everybody should do. And oh, do this is the best for this? Or here's my weight loss program in 60 days
Starting point is 00:23:53 or 30 days. And it's all geared to the sales aspect. That we all knew that would be easier. We knew that if we did my transformation or Justin's transformation or Doug's transformation because we've all fucking transformed our bodies like Crazy Cell and said, this is our weight loss program, follow it for the next 60 days and our program with this and do that, we would sell a hell of a lot more. But what maps is all about is the, and we've always created it to have all this flexibility
Starting point is 00:24:20 and the ability to be creative and change. And you get to really see that as you evolve into maps performance. So those that have started maps in a ballack already kind of see it, then you really see it when you get to maps performance and you're really going to see more when you get into the next map. So, you know, that's the whole idea is to guide people
Starting point is 00:24:36 through this fitness journey and to educate you along the way. So we give you these little bits of exercises. And then we explain the how and why that we do movements like this. And then we allow you to have the freedom to, okay, maybe I would rather do this movement or this movement because this is more conducive to my body. And that's the idea. The idea is that we guide you through training programs,
Starting point is 00:24:58 teach you how to program design yourself, and how to evolve around what best suits you, what are your goals, what are you trying to do with your body and to learn you to learn? Because ultimately, if we're gonna really impact this industry and we're gonna change things like we all believe we're going to, we've gotta do it a different way. We have to have a different approach
Starting point is 00:25:16 and I feel like this is the best way to do that. Well, it is. A lot of those fitness celebrities you're talking about on Instagram and Facebook, they put out a program that they know, like, okay, if people follow this, they're going to lose weight. Which everybody wants to feel and see, right? Right, and so they'll say, okay, I know for a fact, if people follow my program, which
Starting point is 00:25:36 includes four days a week of cardio and includes a six day body parts split and the diet includes low calories and, you know, they're gonna be eating, you know, this particular way and specific, I know if people fall this, they'll lose weight. And yes, they will, lose weight. But are they going to, is it a long term program? I challenge you right now, if you're somebody who's listening
Starting point is 00:25:58 and you more than likely, I know there's definitely a good percentage of you that are listening right now that follows some fitness celebrity, some big name out there That has programs and does all that stuff and scratch your head for a second and ask yourself one How many people do you think that person is personally trained one-on-one with a person standing in front of them? You know and then the other question you have to ask yourself because I know you if you've gone through some of these programs You're like well, fuck it worked. I definitely lost some body fat and I felt great
Starting point is 00:26:25 when after I did it, yeah, well, no shit. The question is, did you sustain that? And did you continue to progress? If you did, if you did somebody's program and you saw six months great results, a year great results, a year and a half, and two, you repeated again. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Did you go through the whole cycle and then repeated again and be good? And see, yeah, exactly. And see yourself PR and see progress in the world. If you do, maybe you've found somebody. Maybe you've actually found a great trainer that knows how to program, dying to teach you, how to program for yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:52 But I haven't seen one yet. And I know a lot of fucking fitness celebrities. I know a lot of people with programs out there and the problem with all of them, they're all geared towards the sales aspect is how do I sell, they all have catchy names to them? They all are, or they market to, are you know, beast modes, super intense.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And if you don't, if you fail, that's the other way. It's that you go so extreme that if you succeed, yeah, no shit, if you're doing that much volume and eating that little, everybody is gonna see their body change. So that's obvious. And then the ones that fail at it go, oh, fuck, I guess I'm just not meant to have a body like that.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I know hardcore enough. Well, you know, you know, the backlash, like we were talking about like certifications and doctors and all these like, you know, red tape and parameters, you know, the backlash to that is CrossFit. They came out because they were just like, you know, hey, we're sick of like all these like at the academia, like, telling us to do these like single leg balance. And like we want to just throw weight around again and get back to the basics. And I got that.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You know, and I got excited about that. They just got way too aggressive, and then they're just, like, so blatantly arrogant. It's the fact that they're hurting people that, you know, they let that get in the way of, you know, their ego got so massive that they can't, they can't go in and revisit things and change things. And this is where I have a humongous problem because this is the way that I feel about a lot of people in the academic world. They get this like, like, perception of dog complex, bro. Yeah, it's the complex thing. It's like, it's that, that's the's the way, and then they have to hold on to that, because that's pride.
Starting point is 00:28:28 That's something that, of course it's hard to get your doctor, and of course, of course it's a lot of work, it's a lot of hours, it's a lot of time in reading books and due diligence, and it's very impressive, it's very respectable, that's a very hard thing to accomplish. But can you always learn from somebody else? Absolutely. And if you're gonna start shutting down
Starting point is 00:28:51 that you can't learn from other people, then, you know, you have a big problem. And you have a big problem if you follow people like that. Well, rule number one in fitness is this. This is rule number one. If you're a fitness professional and you're listening, never, never underestimate the individual variance that you see in people. Never underestimate that shit because there will be someone. So many anomalies. There will be someone. And that will
Starting point is 00:29:14 in different ways, right? Yes. And they will defy whatever law or rule that you thought in your head of, you know, in your head, like everybody gets great results when they do this. And then you're gonna have that client that just fucking gets hurt and doesn't respond to it. But you're gonna be stubborn and hardheaded about it, and you're gonna keep pushing them to do that particular thing. Never underestimate that, because individuals can vary dramatically.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And there's of course, there's general things that are true, but there's suspectrum that's white as hell from person to person. We were taught forever. Every certification I ever took taught me had a squat, a particular way, and they were all the same. And I have now learned that not everybody squats that way, and that's okay. And the crazy part, it's now that we know and we understand now, it seems so duh and obvious.
Starting point is 00:30:01 We were fighting our own bodies, natural, and senseless. He said it was so silly. If you you asked me do I think that my my Femar and hip socket looks the same as Justin's and looks the same as yours I would audit I mean I could attend years I was hit no I don't think that I'm so sorry why would I why would I think we squat the same if those if those important muscle If those important bones are our bone structure is different. Yeah, I mean it's like duh But we weren't we were taught a certain way for so long that we were taught this dog mind.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And I think that's why we're also passionate about it because at one point, we were sucked into that. At one point, we were all 20 something years old. You become so, you become so, you believe the illusion so much yourself. You have to if you're gonna sell yourself, right? It is, dude. I was so blind to it.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It was my belief. And I pride him even back then I had pride in the fact that I wasn't one of those people I was not one of those followers I was not one of those people that would just follow something just because someone else did it and yet there I was Yeah telling people to eat six small meals a day telling people that he won or more grams of protein per To you know per pound about him and knowledge. Yes It was like it was incredible how blind I was and it took my own self-discovery My own body to reject shit and to fucking shut down for me to finally step out and say all right Maybe what I thought was true Isn't and that was a fucking amazing moment. That's a great place to get to. If you can get to that moment where you're you're
Starting point is 00:31:28 willing to grow in your knowledge as a person, you know, just things that you know that you hold true right now that are standards, you know, revisit them. Like you'd be surprised that like a lot of things will once once you dig deeper, how many things will surface that you hadn't really took the time to evaluate. And the other thing too is you've got to not be afraid to stop doing what you're doing and try something else. Because that was the big thing that I can think back. That was the big thing that prevented me from discovering more truths about how my body
Starting point is 00:32:03 responds to what's about fitness? That's a great way to put it right there. It is, more truths. It's not like this, something else was false. Right. For example, that what you just went through and you mentioned this with the foam rolling and the stretching, it's not that foam rolling stretching
Starting point is 00:32:15 is not good for you before you start at all. There's still, there's a side. There's another way that we discover. Yeah, there's another way that happens, and in your case, happens to work at better. Yeah, better. And that's what I mean. Like, for example another way that happens in your case happens to work at better. Yeah, better. And that's what I mean. Like, for example, you know, in the past,
Starting point is 00:32:29 I would not, not eat one and a half to two grams of protein per pound of body weight because I was afraid that if fights didn't do that for a week, I'd lose all this muscle. And as illogical as it sounds, like it would be, it would never come back. You know? Like, oh fuck, now I've lost it and it's gone forever.
Starting point is 00:32:49 The reality is I should have what I should have done is I should have tested it. And then I would have blown my own fuck in mind instead of waiting for my body to retaliate. Well, that's what I'm saying. Like you gotta try different things. And your defense on that one, because I do want to,
Starting point is 00:33:03 because I know someone's listening and says, well, maybe your body's different because I want to, I do want to, because I know someone's listening and says, well, maybe your body's type's different because I used to think it was coming off because I literally would see my body weight shrink because I was in a deficit. And if I did hit the protein, I also went to that and I would shrink down. But a lot of that was just, I was not filled out.
Starting point is 00:33:19 A lot of that was sodium and stuff like that and water and things that I didn't really realize until, and so I got into competing and yes once again This is something that of course I've learned through schooling and all the certifications I I understand the importance of water. I understand how sodium works in the body I understand all that stuff but until I actually had to apply it to my body and see that it was like Whoa, and that made me such a better coach and a better trainer that now when I talk to somebody I can I can not only yes
Starting point is 00:33:43 I knew before that sodium and water and you get water retention and a lot of times I could have this something to do the scale but now I'm so more precise about it I could literally tell somebody like you're gonna hold X amount because I've attracted that detail to myself Then and it's such a comforting thing for them to know that I'll say hey, guess what? I know I told you to eat like this and do this tomorrow You're probably gonna be holding on to a little bit of water and you're just gonna see the scale go up I don't want you to trip. It's supposed to and then they're like, and it goes up like point five. You only get that from experience.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah, exactly. You don't read that in a book, nowhere. You don't get that. That's something that you we've learned through, you know, testing it through ourself. I just I'll talk about this too, which I think is a great time to reiterate this. Something that we have, we have to be careful on now that we have created ourselves as authorities in this industry. If you've listened to us for 240 episodes, you obviously know that we know something a little bit about fitness. So now when we say something, everybody jumps on right away. And we all had a talk the other day about, you know, we got to be very careful of explaining to people. Sometimes when we're doing stuff, it's
Starting point is 00:34:42 because we're actually experimenting ourselves. So we're just trying to, we're constantly trying to learn, we're trying to learn more, it's because we're actually experimenting ourselves, so we're just trying to learn more. We're constantly trying to learn more. We're trying to learn more. We're always pushing the limits. An example of that, sounds running a ketogenic diet of that, ketogenic diet right now. Example that for me, I'm running my modified version. It's definitely not ketogenic because I'm not 100% no carbs, but I allow fruit into my diet and all what I want fruit-wise when I feel like I need it, but I am running a super high fat and a moderate to low protein intake
Starting point is 00:35:08 that's kind of similar, you know? So, you know, we're always doing different stuff of that. Right now, I'm actually doing a lot of different mobility work. So, I've been really the two focus things I'm focused on right now is shoulder and hip mobility. And I've been incorporating different exercises that would never do on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:35:25 I try and post those on Instagram. I just did one other day. I do stuff right now, different dynamic. And I'm doing different moves. I'm trying different things for me. And then I'm assessing how I feel when I work out in my day, when I walk around and I move. And noticing if I'm generating more power in my squat
Starting point is 00:35:40 or I get more comfortable in the hole, there's things like this that we're always messing with. So just because I come out and say, like, this is what I'm doing right now. It doesn't necessarily, I mean, always remember that. We are none of us are ever saying this is the best way. Well, we had someone, we had someone on the forum the other day comment and they said,
Starting point is 00:35:55 you know, I've been listening to your episodes and so I started a ketogenic diet. I did it today and I got really sick and I threw up in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. I guess my body just need to adjust to the diet. Like that was their response. So I've luckily I saw it right away and I went and commented and I said, listen, rule
Starting point is 00:36:12 number one, listen to your body. If that's the kind of reaction you're having, it's probably not for you. It's not something you need to adjust to. Either go into it's much slower and see how you feel or don't do it. And that's something that took me a long time to learn to be able to say to people. Because, like I said, you get stuck in that dogma. Look, I'm 100% confidence in the MAPS program being one of the most effective workouts out there. But I always have said this.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It's going to be more effective for most people, not everybody. But I could confidently say about 80% of the people that do it, it'll blow away be more effective for most people, not everybody, but I could confidently say about 80% of the people that do it, it'll blow away anything that they've ever done, because I know there's probably a 15 to 20% of people out there that might do better on a body parts split, traditional type of routine, although they probably already know they're doing good on it, and they probably would never even look into getting something like that, but you get my drift. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Like eating, I mean, for instance, on those lines, like I do a lot better with like high fat, high protein, and very low carbohydrate. And my wife, like she does not, you know, do well with like lowering her carbohydrates. It really affects, she gets headaches, you know, it's just, it's just really, really bad energy and gets affected.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And it just ruins her whole day. And I'm like, well, you know, this is something. Unfortunately, it's not like, you know, preparing dinners and all these things like you eat together, you know, ideally I would have like things just on the fats and the proteins. And, but, you know, that's how I respond.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And I had to realize that. I can't like me being the trainer and her being the nurse, you know, like, come on. And then she's giving me the pushback. And, but, but it's true, though. It's like we, we're very different. You know, I, I, I sleep. I'm like a million degrees and she's freezing. And it's like, ah, so I can't win something that I learned, you know, and I'll share with you guys. So I try, we'll try and do this when, when we do this, when we test ourselves and, and I'll share with you guys. So I try, we'll try and do this when we do this, when we test ourselves and feed back. Here's something I learned about the ketogenic diet. When I'm trying to follow ketogenic, and if I'm teetering, and I feel like I can feel, literally feel my body do this because I get headaches, I get really tired. And what I think in
Starting point is 00:38:21 Sal, you can chime in here if you actually have some fucking study that you probably read and remember. Because I probably read the same one I can't fucking regurgitate the way it is full well. So no, I appreciate it. That's why we have you here. So what I notice is this is let's say I'm going about my day and I've decided I'm committed to a ketogenic type of diet. I'm eating this way. So I start off, which is those that don't know, high fat, absolutely no carbohydrates, and then your protein is moderate. What I found was I would get these headaches or I'd feel tired and I would think, this isn't for me. It's not working for me.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Then when I was tracking my food and actually really paying attention was going on, what was happening was I was not pushing the fats high enough. I wasn't making the same way that I used to make an effort to get X amount of protein or shoot at a certain point of carbs. I never had to focus on like literally trying to get more fat into my diet. I thought, well, I'll just eat fatty foods. I'll always make a fat of your choice every time. That's just how I was going to go about it.
Starting point is 00:39:24 That was not a good approach because what it ended up doing was, and this, this is what I think I felt, Sal, and this is the part where you could help me out here is I really, I think I felt my body confused on, am I supposed to be using glucose or am I supposed to be using ketosis? Because it's too high. Yeah, and it's wondering like it's, yeah, it's like, it's it's looking for because it what happens when we get go into ketosis now Our body is using ketones for energy versus glucose is this primary source of fuel correct Mm-hmm. So what I think is happening is I'm not giving it any glucose because I'm starving it of carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:39:58 But then I'm over over saturating it with protein and under eating it with saturated or under eating fats. So it's not getting a good source of energy. And so I would notice when I went, okay, I'm going to, I guess I'm going balls of the wall on this fat, 10 pieces of bacon, six eggs, one ounce of organic cheese. Like that's now or in some steak or something would be all that would be a breakfast. And you feel better. Oh, I feel much better. And I feel satiated.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I feel great. I wouldn't have any dip. It was. Well, number, much better. And I feel satiated, I feel great. I wouldn't have any dip. It was. Well, number one, like I said, is listen to your body. When you're, you know, if you're working with a professional fitness professional, and they don't ask you how you feel, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:36 That's a red flag. Big time. Because every time I train a client, every single time, the way I begin their workout is, how did you feel after our last workout? Which this is the same. And this is all feeling today and like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:40:48 This is also the creation of the forum. And why we built that was, we knew that, okay, we're gonna roll this program up, but if we're still once again, gonna make sure that it has so many more moving parts and abilities to evolve it, we need to have this ability for people to access us and tell us their feedback and say, great point.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Say, hey, guys, I noticed whenever I do this movement, I feel this way, or post a video, could you check my form? Now it allows us to say, oh, wow, we noticed that, you know, your body's in this way, you need to sit back more on your heels, you're not able to rotate your hips out enough, you're bending down too much, we can start to critique, and we can probably give the head start to help them
Starting point is 00:41:24 learn more about their body and send them in the right direction, which may mean they got a change from our program a little bit, but now it's directed in the way that's really gonna benefit them. Yeah, and well, one of the main problems, like for me being functionally, you know, training based, looking into online training, it was just like,
Starting point is 00:41:44 you know, where do I begin? How can I train somebody from a functional standpoint with the tools provided today virtually? I mean, it's pretty difficult because all I'm focused on is how your movement is, the quality of it, where I need to address and balance. These are things I need to address imbalance. And these are things I need to see. A good trainer, a good fitness professional, a person that's helping you with your fitness and health, is not a teacher, it's a guide.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It's very different. They're not telling you specifically what to do. They're guiding you because of those individual variances. Now think about yourself as an individual. Think about all the things that can influence how you feel, how you move, how you eat, how you sleep, everything. Everything that, everything from what you had for breakfast
Starting point is 00:42:35 to the argument you had with your husband to, I had a sleep good last night, to have three kids, to my job is stressful, or it's not stressful, or I go for walks during the day, or I don't, or I'm predisposed for this particular autoimmune issue, it's not stressful or I go for walks during the day or I don't or I'm predisposed for this particular autoimmune issue, I'm not or whatever. There's literally a million different types of variables. So you want an instructor that's a guide that's going to listen and help you listen to
Starting point is 00:42:57 your body. I have another individual that I'm working with virtually and she's extremely experienced in fitness, very, very fit, knows quite a bit about what she's doing, but she's dealing with metabolic damage or journal fatigue and some gut issues. And so I'm helping her on this, and she decided to do a fast, a bone broth fast. And this is recommended by some gut health experts to help build the gut, reduce inflammation, especially if you have something like leaky gut syndrome. She was on it for five days.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I contacted her and I asked her like, you should if you're a good trainer, how are you doing how are you feeling? I'm so emotional. I can't stop crying. I feel so sick. I'm nauseous. Any bit of food in my mouth, I want to throw up. And so the
Starting point is 00:43:45 fastest, supposed to last seven days. Now she's like most of us, you get stuck in that dogma. This program says seven days. I just need to take to it. I need to tough it out. I need to tough it out for two more days. This is my body detoxing. It's my body telling me that it's getting rid of all this bad stuff. My advice to her was, it sounds like you need to stop. Yeah. Why don't you slowly reintroduce food one at a time, see how you feel, and always listen to your body,
Starting point is 00:44:13 listen to what your body's telling you. And this is what I mean by being a guide. I'm not stuck on one particular method or methodology, method or dogma. You have to listen to the body and listen to the individual and how the body's responding. method or methodology, method or dogma, you have to listen to the body and listen to the individual and how the body's responding. And you can do that to yourself as well.
Starting point is 00:44:31 If you're working with a trainer, pay attention to yourself and don't forget that the internet is in a very valuable tool. There's so much information out there that you can learn from. I got a DM the other day from. I have a gate properly. Dude, I got, well, the more you practice, the better you got.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I can find almost anything on Google now within two seconds, but I had a doctor contact me the other day on a direct message on Instagram. And he's like a big fan of your show. I love mine pump. You mispronounce this word and this word. And I can't remember what they were. And so they called you out on that? Well, I'll tell you why. This happens to me all the time. I've I train a lot of surgeons and I'll talk to them about an article that I read on a particular medication or surgical procedure. And they'll correct me on the pronunciation of a word. Why? Because I've never heard that word being said. I've only read it. And so this is true. I've only read these words because I'm constantly trying to learn these things.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I've never heard them being said. So of course I'm going to sometimes especially been on you for especially medically because a lot of stuff is derived from Latin and shit. So it's like super. I mean, right. And so it's just, you know, I do a lot of that. Why do you just do what I do? What?
Starting point is 00:45:38 What do you do? I do say real fast. I just blended all together. I just blend the woman together. But I wait. Did he say that properly? Yeah, you know, what do you want to do with that? Exactly. But yeah, that information is there and it's available to you
Starting point is 00:45:52 and you can learn and read about it, but you just gotta be up and mind it. Look for a guide, don't look for a trainer. Look for someone who's got experience working with a lot of regular people. Chances are you're a regular person. You're not gonna, you're not any different than anybody else. Yeah, but that's really hard. It's, it's tough
Starting point is 00:46:06 because you see this guy or girl and they're in phenomenal shape and they're inspiring and it's, you're drawn to that. Yeah, you're drawn to that. And you know, it sucks and this is true. And I think you guys, I think you guys will agree with me here. If not, please speak up. If I were to talk about some of like the most like intelligent well-read trainers or people that I would look to for mentorship or to learn from I would hate to say this but 80 maybe 90% of them don't look like I want to look That's that's really when you think about that right there That's and it was one of the hardest things I had as a as a trainer as a head trainer
Starting point is 00:46:46 With a staff of these trainers underneath me that I was developing and you want these really intelligent guys and girls And what I would what I was finding when I was hiring them was like I felt like I got either or I was like I either got the super pretty guy who's super ripped and the chick that look but doesn't know shit His dumbest rocks and then I but then I got the other guy who's like, you know, going through his kinesiology degree, he's read all these great books, he's learning, he's, oh, perfect, he's super smart, fat as fuck. You know, I'm just like, it's crazy, but there's, it's,
Starting point is 00:47:16 it's, it's very true. It's, you, they tend to, uh, people tend to, if you're a trainer and you're successful because the way you can get yourself in shape, you tend to spend most of your energy and your time growing in that area and that area only, those that are really, really intelligent, send a cent spend and that all their time in that world that they neglect the other side. It's rare to find somebody in the middle and it makes it very tough for the consumer because you hear this one really smart guy telling you all this good information, but then you look at him,
Starting point is 00:47:45 you're like, fuck, he doesn't, I don't wanna look like him. So if he's preaching this, that this is the way, even if that's the, I'm gonna find the other way then, cause I wanna look a certain way. I determined a long time ago, and for those of you who are listening who are fitness professionals and trying to build your business, if you build your business based upon the way you look,
Starting point is 00:48:04 number one, if you're the 1% of the 1%, and you're super model, good looking, fine, but the chances are you're not. Even if you look great in your super fit and you can get yourself 10,000 followers on Instagram, if you're known for the way you look, that is super ineffective at selling any product or selling any type of training or building any kind of a brand, because it's very fleeting Eventually you get older and nobody and you and you're not gonna look the way that people want to look and no one's want to listen to you Not only that but you have no influence you have zero influence like how much influence do you have if you just look good
Starting point is 00:48:37 Versus if you're the one that came up with the idea is that changed we can see a lot of flavor God right Craig Craig our boy a little shout out to our boy Craig Capriso. Actually, he just did a pariscope the other day on something very similar that of asking yourself the why he was venting. He was frustrated that he was heading over to the gym. He was after he left the funeral and then he had to go home after the reception and stuff. And then he went to work out because he's right in the middle of, you know, cutting
Starting point is 00:49:03 hard. You know, he's got a 20 pound cut. He's already like 5 middle of cutting hard. He's got a 20 pound cut. He's already like 5% body fat and he's got a 20 pound cut right now ahead of him to get it under the weight so we can do clap men's classics. And you can see he was frustrated because he's like, what is this all for? I challenged those of you that are listening to me right now and it was a really good little rant that he went on because it is true. We don't, a lot of people don't realize what the why what the why is, you know, and they search after getting in there Self in this crazy crazy peak condition that's not even really sustainable for a long time and they get there and it's like
Starting point is 00:49:32 What I do with it now and in my industry what I deal with they actually think that's the end all you get super ripped You get on stage you get you work your way up. Yeah, I work your way to professional level and then I'm gonna make all this money That's a joke. Yeah, it doesn't work like that at all in fact, I don't know very many and I'm talking guys that are sponsored up What's Adam's fake laugh? Favorite it was kind of scary you know My favorite these guys are sponsored up and don't be fooled you guys It's my favorite. These guys are sponsored up and don't be fooled you guys. They don't make shit for money.
Starting point is 00:50:07 And I mean, literally the 1% of the 1% of the 1% are making decent money being sponsored by some company and all these magazine shoots. You know, most of these people, they aspire so much to be like these guys. And then they get there and it's not what you think it is. Well, I think too they get caught up in the hole. I have this many followers.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I have this, this is gonna guarantee me success and I'm gonna make all this money. I'll tell you something. If you're going to social media route and you're known for your ideas and your information and you have 10,000 followers, you're gonna be far more effective with that 10,000 than so and so who's just known for their looks
Starting point is 00:50:44 who's got let's say 50,000 followers. So be one of those people. Take fitness seriously and promote real, true information and help people with your ideas. Looking good is great. And if you look good on top of it, that's a home run. That's a kicker.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, but focus on the real information. Become a guy. Yeah, just be careful. I mean, be careful right away when I see someone crazy super ripped to be honest with you. I'm always skeptical because in my experience in 15 years and 10 of those years developing trainers, the ones that were super ripped, nine times at a 10, weren't the best trainers. So now there is there are those anomalies. I'm not saying that there's guys out there that are not badass, badass at looking badass and then badass at actually teaching people how to be badass. But let me tell you, they are anomalies.
Starting point is 00:51:34 They are very rare. And so don't be fooled just because they have a million followers. They look super badass and that, you know, they, and they're super inspiring to watch and watch their videos and shit. Toby fooled more than likely. They're not the one I'm talking about. It's the same thing. It's the same thing with athletes too, though. I mean, the most badass players that you've grown up watching and what, you know, insert sport, look at how many of them could be a coach.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Very little. I mean, they is very little, very selectively, or even be a commentator for that batter. Yeah, right. You know, I mean, they're just little, very selectively or even be a commentator for that better. Yeah, right. You know, I mean, they're just very good at doing what they're told. You know, it reminds me of, it reminds me of this thing, it reminds me of this saying, the guy in the gym with the biggest calves probably doesn't work out as calves. All right. Right. And so I think I think a lot of these people that are that look the way they do, they were, they were, they were one kind of the genetic lottery. Yeah. And they apply some principles and boom, they look ridiculous. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And so that may be why they never learned some of that important information. It was easy. It's don't be, don't be fooled by it. Don't, don't buy any cookie cutter or anything. And that being said, don't forget to what's out. Leave us five star rating and review on iTunes. You can find us on Instagram at mine pump radio. You can find me at mine pump sal.
Starting point is 00:52:47 You can find Justin at mine pump Justin. And you can find Adam at mine pump Adam. And if you're interested in checking out the maps programs that we've talked about on the show, you can go to mine pump media.com. Dot com. Thank you for listening to mine pump. For more information about this show
Starting point is 00:53:03 and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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