Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2548: The 5 BEST Sources of Protein for Bodybuilding & More (Listener Coaching)

Episode Date: March 7, 2025

Mind Pump Fit Tip: The five BEST sources of protein for bodybuilding. (1:44) What body types have advantages with certain lifts? (21:38) Mind Pump’s Vuori favorites. (31:29) Probiotics and c...ognitive function. (36:39) We need to normalize parasites. (40:20) Fun Facts with Justin: What color is crab blood? (43:21) Exercise and dementia. (46:33) Transform your body in 90 days! (51:02) #Quah question #1 – I’ve been a yo-yo dieter for years. I’m doing MAPS Starter and have maybe 50lbs to lose. Should I do this in a bulk or cut? (55:13) #Quah question #2 – What is the best way to warm up for a full-body workout? I’m older and need a few sets to warm up before I begin a muscle group. How can I warm up and not double my time in the gym? (58:33) #Quah question #3 – Have you guys ever trained someone with scoliosis? Are there any exercises to avoid, and If so, can you guys recommend replacements to get similar benefits? (1:01:50) #Quah question #4 – I have terrible arthritis in my shoulders. It prevents me from doing back squats, I can’t hold the barbell on my back. I’ve replaced back squats with Zercher and/or front squats, or squats with the safety bar. Are these effective? (1:03:47) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No code to receive 20% off your first order. ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? Probiotic and Fiber Drink Deters Dementia in New Japanese Study  This Much Weekly Exercise Can Slash Your Dementia Risk by 41 Percent The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child&Developing Mind Mind Pump #2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is mind pump. Today's episode, we answered listeners' questions they wrote in. We got to pick some questions and we had a lot of fun helping people out but that was after the intro today's intro was 53 minutes long in the intro we talked about fitness and nutrition and science talk about parenthood it's a good time by the way if you want to write in a
Starting point is 00:00:37 question that we can answer go to Instagram at mind pump media now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors the first one is fury theyiori. They make the best athleisure wear anywhere. And by the way, we have one of the biggest discounts you'll find anywhere on the internet. Go to Vioriclothing.com. That's V-U-O-R-I, clothing.com forward slash mind pump. That link will get you 20% off. Also, this episode is brought to you by Seed.
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Starting point is 00:01:21 Go from before to after, get $70 off, and get two free ebooks Adams 90-day body recomp journal and maps Transformation diet guide if you're interested in transforming your body in 90 days go to maps transform calm Use the code transform 70 that'll give you $70 off and the two ebooks. All right, here comes the show You want to build muscle you want maximum strength? that'll give you $70 off and the two eBooks. All right, here comes the show. You wanna build muscle, you want maximum strength. What are the best sources of whole food proteins? Are they equal or are some better than others?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Well, I'm here to tell you, there are some that are better than others. There are some that are superior for building muscle. I will start with the first one. The best muscle building whole food source of protein, beef. Where's the beef? Beef is number one. Okay, red meat.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Prioritize these or they just? I did. So let's back up for a second, okay? Here's the criteria for what makes a protein, a whole food protein source really good for bodybuilding purposes. Protein quality, obviously, right? Is it a does it
Starting point is 00:02:25 have a good amino acid profile? Is it good for stimulating muscle protein synthesis? Does it have good bioavailability? Animal sources for example are superior when it comes to protein quality on a gram for gram basis in comparison to plant sources by the way. the data, very clear on this, this is just an opinion, very, very clear. So, it's no mistake that all the sources that we're gonna list here are animal sources, because we're talking about the top five, right?
Starting point is 00:02:55 So protein quality, nutrient density, does it come along and paired with other beneficial nutrients for health and for muscle building? And then lastly, digestibility. come along and paired with other beneficial nutrients for health and for muscle building. And then lastly, digestibility. This one's a big one because some protein sources are amazing, but they also tend to be the ones that have a high rate of issues with digestion. And this is a problem because if you're trying
Starting point is 00:03:23 to build muscle and you eat a lot of this protein but it causes gastric distress, it's not working for you. It's not going to help you out. Beef is number one on the list because the protein is excellent quality. It's not the best, it's not superior, but it's pretty darn close. Pretty bioavailable. Yes. It's got, it's very high in zinc and B vitamins. So are many of the sources we talk about, but it's one of the highest for zinc and for B vitamins.
Starting point is 00:03:48 It's also extremely easily digestible. In fact, it's one of the foods that has the lowest rate of food intolerances is beef. This is why you have the carnivore diet, which is not a diet I recommend, but the reason why people with all these immune reactions to food, to many different foods, would go to carnivore and just eat beef
Starting point is 00:04:08 is because it's so nutrient-dense and because beef tends to not be very reactive. Is it even, okay, so I'm glad you said that because that was one of the things that I would consider when I'm making this list, and because of that, I would have not put beef here, I would have put chicken above that because I feel like I've never had a client
Starting point is 00:04:26 who had any sort of reaction to chicken. Although I've had clients that have complained about red meat before. And I know that beef has higher amounts of creatine in there so I know that it has other beneficial products. The highest amount. Yeah, so I know that it's beneficial. But I've also, I've had,
Starting point is 00:04:42 I don't know if you guys have trained a lot of clients like this, but I've trained a handful of clients that red meat doesn't agree with them. It's actually, if you look at immune reactions and if you wanted something that was all the things in the categories, beef would rank higher, although chicken is great. Chicken's up there, but it's not as high, it's high in B vitamins, not as high as beef. It's got zinc, not as much as beef. It's got zinc, not as much as beef.
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's got more creatine than chicken does. Beef has the highest amount of creatine. And they're both easily digestible. By the way, all the sources that we're talking about on this top five list are great. They're all super good. So this was kind of a tough list. Yeah, I mean, so I think that I would,
Starting point is 00:05:22 because I wouldn't just rate the best thing for you. I'd also have to, I would want to consider what I think has been the most universally accepted or easily digestible, and so I would have put chicken above beef just for that reason. I've never met a client I haven't been able to put on chicken for that reason. And then maybe even fish, I'd say chicken, fish,
Starting point is 00:05:39 and then beef, I feel like I've had more people with red meat issues than I ever had with those two things. The other part though that I'll tell you, let me ask you this, anecdotally speaking, when you competed in physique, so you were in the bodybuilding space for a little bit, but I've always been a fan of muscle building and bodybuilding, of the fish, chicken, and beef,
Starting point is 00:06:00 which one has always been regarded as the best for strength and muscle gain? Beef. By far. Yeah, yeah. which one has always been regarded as the best for strength and muscle gain? Beef? By far. By far. I mean, I think if it's easily digestible for you and you can intake a lot of it, it's a no-brainer that's number one.
Starting point is 00:06:14 But I think when I'm putting a list together, because another one that you have on there, I don't mean to jump ahead of all your stuff. Was it an allergy or was it a preference thing? Because I kind of had more preference, like they didn't like red meat. No, it was- It's interesting, Doug, maybe you can Google this
Starting point is 00:06:27 and look up the, looks like a food allergy. Like they had a hard time digesting it, which was, I got that complaint sometimes. But I didn't get that with chicken and fish, I didn't get that. If you could eat meat in general, chicken and fish were at the top of digestibility. Now it's not at the top of nutrient density,
Starting point is 00:06:46 but I never had a client who was open to eating meat that I put on a diet that had any problem eating as much fish and chicken I threw their way. I did have to limit red meat sometimes. Some people would just tell me like, one serving a day, Adam, not a problem. Two, three servings, I just, I don't forget. Now I know we have examples of the carnivore diet
Starting point is 00:07:04 where people, that's all they eat and they're totally fine, but that's also a small minority of people that are following a diet like that. And when I think of general population, helping them with that, and that's the only reason why I'm looking at your list, and I see what the next one is, and I know that some people have an intolerance to that also. And so I would jump chicken and fish as one and two to me,
Starting point is 00:07:21 not because I think it's better, but because people tend to have- I would say, and we'll have and two to me, not because I think it's better, but because people tend to have. I would say, and we'll have Doug look this up, if you're to look at the instances of food allergies with beef, chicken, and fish, they're probably so close it doesn't make a difference. That's what I would guess. Oh, you think they're that close?
Starting point is 00:07:36 I would guess it's so close. So that's interesting. I would love to see that, because in my experience, that's not true. Yeah, and I'm wondering, because I hear you, because I know there was clients, but I'm wondering how much of that was actually
Starting point is 00:07:46 that they, the saturated fat from beef. So I, and or if they weren't eating grass fed. Exactly. So I, I, now that's probably, and this is what I would go through my head as a trainer. Cause I know for me, I feel way different eating grass fed. I remember, I remember clients telling me and I'm going like, I don't think it's the red meat. I think it's the other stuff coming with it. telling me and I'm going like, I don't think it's the red meat. I think it's the other stuff coming with it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, and they're kind of associating it to, I had a lot of clients that were getting a lot of information that red meat was really bad for you. So that could affect it. So yeah, the association to that, it seemed to me, and I had to kind of walk them through that, but I have had a few clients that did not digest beef. Yeah, and I'm wondering if it was like burgers,
Starting point is 00:08:24 you know, that they're attributing to? Oh yeah, exactly, too. What kind of food were they eating? Yeah, so Doug, are you finding anything? Yeah, so the beef allergies are typically associated with tick reactions to tick bite. Right, but in general, if you were to look at fish, chicken. Well, fish allergies are one of the most common
Starting point is 00:08:43 food allergies in the United States. That's true, I knew that. So about 1% of the population has a fish allergy. Beef, I don't have an exact number, but as far as the ones associated with the ticks, it was like 450,000 people in the United States. Yeah, that's for the specific infection. Yeah, so beef being, cows are a ruminant animal,
Starting point is 00:09:06 humans have been consuming forever. Longer than they've been consuming. I mean, I agree with your point. More than they've consumed birds. You're making, because I think if you were to ask me, because going back and trying to recall those conversations with those clients, how many times did I, you know, okay, I agree with them,
Starting point is 00:09:24 like yeah, I'll put you on more chicken, but in the back of my mind I'm going like, I don't think you have a problem with meat, I think you've made an association with it, or you're making choices like hamburgers and you're saying that the hamburger, it's like, it's probably the bun, the cheese, the other stuff that probably affected you.
Starting point is 00:09:41 No, generally speaking, beef would be an ancestral food. Now they'll put chicken in there, but humans have been eating those kinds of animals like beef, bison beef, related animals for a long time. And we consume more of that than we did of birds, for sure. So I think if you were to look across the population, I think digestibility, now besides fish, I know that there's a lot, there are reactions to fish.
Starting point is 00:10:07 A lot of people are allergic to fish, especially shellfish, but other fish as well. But I think if you put chicken and beef, I think they're so close it doesn't make a difference. But when you compare nutrients, you compare protein quality, although both have good quality, I would say beef outperforms chicken.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You add creatine in there and zinc. Zinc is, especially for men, if it's low, you're not gonna be as anabolic as you could be. It's higher in some minerals and B vitamins as well on an ounce per ounce basis. And again, I'm also going with bodybuilders. Bodybuilders of all, even current bodybuilders will tell you, oh, I eat a lot of beef in the off season,
Starting point is 00:10:44 especially when trying to pack on muscle mass. In my experience, working with clients, when I got them to switch to beef from chicken, even though we would somewhat look at the macros and keep them somewhat the same, and I think it has to do with the creatine, people would notice benefits. They feel stronger from the beef.
Starting point is 00:11:01 That's right. So next up, eggs. Now eggs, eggs are so nutrient dense it's ridiculous. The multivitamin protein. They're super high on a gram-per-gram basis, some B vitamins. Choline, which is extremely beneficial for the brain, folic acid.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Their amino acid profile, you could argue that eggs have the their amino acid profile, you could argue that eggs have the perfect amino acid profile. Now some people would say whey, but other people would argue eggs, whole eggs stimulate muscle protein synthesis like almost nothing else. I think it has to do with the cholesterol
Starting point is 00:11:38 that's in the egg as well. They are, if I had to label one food as a bodybuilding food, it would be an egg. Now the reason why they're not as high as beef is because digestibility issues. I think a lot of people have issues. Yeah, but I would also make the case because that was the close second that I was gonna,
Starting point is 00:11:53 when you said body, in the bodybuilding world, what holds the highest regard? I said beef, chicken, I mean eggs would be right up there. Totally. I don't know, a bodybuilder, one that didn't start his day with a dozen eggs. I know. I mean, if you were doing a dozen whole eggs, you that didn't start his day with a dozen eggs. I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I mean, if you were doing a dozen whole eggs, you were doing the egg white pumps. You have to market. It's like a whole building there. 100%. I really, and I'm not sure if that's, it'd be interesting to see the history on where the egg white phenomenon came from.
Starting point is 00:12:17 That came from the whole fat scare. Right, but. Bodybuilders were not afraid of whole eggs. Okay, okay. It came in the 80s when everybody was, oh, we gotta watch out for fat. They're like. Like oh you could just take the fat out by getting it rid of the... Yeah because for as long as I know the eggs have been, every bodybuilder was using eggs and lots of eggs. Oh bodybuilders in the 20s, 30s, 40s,
Starting point is 00:12:35 like this was the super food anabolic, like you go hard, you know 12 of them, 15 of them. I know for myself and I've done this with clients, if I take somebody and have them dramatically increase their egg intake, even know for myself, and I've done this with clients, if I take somebody and have them dramatically increase their egg intake, we control everything else. Instead of eating two eggs a day, they're eating eight or 10, and we control calories and everything else. There's this anabolic effect. There are studies that show equal amount of protein.
Starting point is 00:12:56 If they just eat egg whites versus whole eggs, whole eggs have a much higher muscle protein synthesis signal. They're like, we don't know why this is happening. I think it's the cholesterol. I know dietary cholesterol in other data seems to have this kind of muscle building effect. So eggs, eggs are incredible source of protein. It is a super food.
Starting point is 00:13:15 If you were to label any of the things that we're talking about on this list as super food, eggs are the only reason why they didn't be beef though is because it's got a relatively high, especially in comparison to beef, issues with digestibility. A lot of people have issues digesting. A lot of people don't, but a lot of people also do,
Starting point is 00:13:33 especially egg whites. Next up, fish. Here's where we put fish. Now I ranked fish higher than chicken because of the omega-3 fatty acids. If I say omega-3 fatty acids. It's one of the, if I say omega-3 fatty acids, the first food you think of is fish. Fish oil, fish.
Starting point is 00:13:53 That's right, and omega-3 fatty acids, they have great health benefits and muscle building effects. They now show, there's studies now that show that increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake In diets actually helps with muscle growth So I love fish. I think it should be I definitely think it should be above chicken in my opinion It's one of the better ones for sure. Yeah, and then chicken now we got chicken now chickens great What does chicken really have going for it? It's easy, it's inexpensive, and it's easy to prepare, cook, freeze, make.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's just one of those versatile foods. Also high in B vitamins and great amino acid profile. All animal sources. Well, go back to fish. If you're gonna rank, I mean, if you're gonna put a specific fish out there that you would say that you'd try and seek more so. I know tilapia is big in the body. That's a terrible one. Salmon would be number one if we're gonna go the nutrient dense world.
Starting point is 00:14:54 If you're gonna position it the same way you position the beef, then salmon would win because salmon is the wild salmon would be the most nutrient dense. Well I have one that'll beat salmon, in my opinion, sardines. Sardines are even higher in those nutrients and they're even, they're one of the cleanest fish that you could get because they are not eating, they're not higher on the food chain. Even on the Omega-3s?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Very high on Omega-3s. I, you know. Higher than salmon? Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, on ounce per ounce basis. Maybe compare them, Doug, to show, but they're. I know sardines are up there too. they're also high to be a special person to eat Open to eating stuff you guys aren't thinking anchovies, right? You're eating like a little fish Little skeleton in there. No, they're good. What does it say there Doug? Yeah, so sardines contain higher amounts of EPA and
Starting point is 00:15:50 Salmon has lower lower overall omega-3 content compared to sorry the most dense Okay, well so then sardines and then salmon with chickens is chicken. That's it Yeah, I actually I would make a case on the chicken argument with chicken thighs. Yeah. Because it's a good source of fat. It's not bad. No, it's a good source of fat from chicken. And I...
Starting point is 00:16:11 It tastes way better. Yeah. I mean, I remember as 20-something years old eating chicken breasts with everything. And boy, it gets old fast. It's like eating sand. And try prepping your meal and reheating chicken breasts. Reheated chicken breasts. How much salsa did you have to add to wash that down? It was just dry.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And I remember forcing that. And then I remember, I'll never forget, like having, I don't even remember why this was, but I remember I had boneless skinless chicken thighs and I was in, this is weighing in, early days of weighing and tracking. And I realized how close it was to the chicken breast. Six ounces is six ounces, like what is it?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah, it was not a big difference. And the little bit of a difference was a little bit higher in the fat content. That little bit of a higher fat content meant the chicken tastes so much better, was also so much better reheated the second or the third day because all that fat kind of solidifies around it.
Starting point is 00:17:01 When you re-microwave it heats back up and it's like, I don't know, it makes the meat still juicy where chicken breast just it was it's dry from the jump and then it's dry again when you reheat it. It gets even drier. Yeah and it's like all in the pursuit of saving 30 calories I'm like this is ridiculous I'll never do that again. I can't tell you how much mustard and ketchup and salsa I ate to wash down chicken breast because it's so dry you have to add something to it. It was such a, for a young guy who was trying to eat more protein and struggling to do that,
Starting point is 00:17:28 chicken breast is one of the dumbest strategies. It really is, it's hard to eat a lot. If you're really counting every calorie, then I could see it. But I mean, it's rarely that though. It's normally the guy who's chasing after more protein, more calories, is what it is, and then he's still eating the chicken breast,
Starting point is 00:17:44 and it's like, dude, switch to chicken thighs, the difference in the 30 calories is not going to put on a bunch of body fat in you, it's good fat, and you're gonna be able to eat more of it. So, yeah, put that up there. Lastly, and the only reason why this is last, because it would be definitely top three, is the digestibility issues.
Starting point is 00:18:03 It's one of the top foods that people have issues digesting. But it has one of the best protein amino acid profiles and that's milk. Milk is an amazing amino acid profile. It's made up of whey and casein. Both have their benefits. Whey, everybody knows how great whey is.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Casein also has some great amino acid profile benefits. It's high in calcium. You're gonna get more calcium in milk than you will in some of the other sources. It's relatively high in other nutrients. And it's the most versatile of all these things. How many milk type foods can you eat? Like cottage cheese and yogurts and just drink it, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:44 All the variety of pieces. It's great. If you have no problem digesting milk, I'm very jealous because this is one of the most inexpensive, best sources of high quality protein you can find anywhere. I think it's been, it's super understated. And all your protein shakes are processed versions of milk. Most of the popular ones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah. So if you have no issues that Just add that to your meals, right? You're eating the rest of your protein on the list, but you're drinking milk You want to post-workout meal? I don't have some cottage cheese and or drink a couple glasses of milk and you're totally set So it's one of my favorites again The reason why it's five though is it's at the top, it's one of the top foods that people have issues with, either lactose intolerance or just plain dairy intolerance. Now, in a perfect world, and I love this a fun, cool conversation for me because I always took a lot of pride in rotating all of these foods in my diet.
Starting point is 00:19:40 You went through and you kind of talked about each of these, why they're top five, and some of them have different properties that makes them top five and why they're so amazing. And I think in a perfect world, you're rotating through all these. And I would, I would have like a, I mean, I added veal bison ground turkey in that mix also. And I would just rotate through all the meats. Never let a week go by where I didn't have one of those, including those other ones in there. And that you rotate through those. And really with carbs, it's so basic. It's like sweet potato yams,
Starting point is 00:20:09 quinoa rice, like those four. That's so simple. And when you compare it to what the nutrients and the things that you get in meat, it pales in comparison. So the fact that I don't really rotate much of that doesn't matter that much. I mean, I'm sticking to those four. It's easy to cook. I can cook them in bulk, they all go with all those things, you know what I mean? But the real, I think the real good stuff is in the rotation. Well, it's the main part of the show.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yes. Of your plate is your protein, so for sure. Yes, and rotate through those. If you're okay eating all of them, eat them all. Now the only reason why I didn't, lamb, by the way, special mention, the only reason why I didn't put it up there is just it's not popular here in the States. But lamb, lamb is extremely nutrient dense.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It's a great source of creatine. It's high in zinc, high in B vitamins, very easily digestible. It's a great source of protein. Just a lot of people. Yeah. Pork's another one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You wouldn't eat a lot of- Yeah. And I didn't put pork up there because I was competing with chicken, fish and beef Yeah, pork's another one. Yeah. You wouldn't eat a lot of. Yeah, and I didn't put pork up there because I was competing with chicken, fish, and beef, but pork's okay, it's not bad. It's the other white meat. Yeah, it's the other white meat. Consider it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 That's what they said. I love that marketing pitch. I'm not a huge fan of pork except for breakfast meats, but I'm just, don't typically. Oh man, we used to make the Costco's pork tenderloin that comes like that. comes tenderloins are great Yeah, real good, and it's and it's leaner than you would think I remember originally thinking that pork was so fatty But you can get leaner cuts of it and so and it tastes pretty good
Starting point is 00:21:35 So it's normally the rotation for me also so so I wanted to ask you guys something that See if we can paint a couple pictures because I was on that, see if we can paint a couple pictures, because I was on social media, and what popped up on my feed was, I don't remember what it was, but it was like this dude that set this new world record in bench press, and for anybody who cares, it was equipped or whatever, bench shirt, the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:21:57 But anyway, this guy was, he was leaning over the bench, and he was equipped, and he had to wear a bench shirt and all that stuff, and it was ridiculous, it was like a thousand something pounds, which if you can argue all you want about a qu quit, but good luck trying to lift anything like that. Yeah, that's insane Yeah, like without it. I'm sure he's been I mean even getting into his outfit would have been insane but he's leaning over the bar and For for someone like myself who understands biomechanics and body types, you know when you get to a certain level of performance
Starting point is 00:22:24 What ends up happening is the body, the polymorphisms that work well for particular lifts start to appear at the top, right? Like, if I'm at the, like, if I'm at just strong, you got a lot of people who are just strong, but if I go to like the top 1% of bench pressers, they have a body type. Oh, it's like comparing Michael Phelps to your average high school kid who swims. Yeah, genetics. You go to a high school swim pool and everyone kind of looks like your typical high schooler
Starting point is 00:22:51 and then you look at Michael Phelps and it's like- He's got a long torso, little tail. Yeah, like odd. Like oddly shade, but for that sport, amazing for that sport. You know, it's weird about that too. I was just listening to this while I was reading the book The Sports Gene. They're talking about the whole LA Dodgers and how they tested them in, in terms of their visual acuity. And they were the top, like the top,
Starting point is 00:23:12 top, top, like, uh, ranked out there, uh, in baseball, because like they're talking about the whole, how they could see the spin of the ball in this micro second, you know? And like, and so anyway, that all played a huge factor in it. And you, you don't really like think about those things. You just think about the normal skills of like, well, they can really throw the ball hard. They can catch it. They can do all the normal skills.
Starting point is 00:23:33 But it boils down a lot at that top tier to how well they can recognize images. I remember I read an article one time on Barry Bonds. And that was actually the main, of course everybody is, you know, his name has been bastardized because of steroid use and all the things like that. But he's also, he's been walked more than anybody in the world too, which is a testament to his ability to see the ball. And it's like the skill that it takes to see that ball come out because it's like milliseconds and to be able to catch the rotation,
Starting point is 00:24:05 to then process in your brain of what kind of pitch is coming, to know where it's gonna go, to know whether you should swing or not swing is crazy. And he had- All the body cues that lead up to that. Yeah, he had one of the most brilliant abilities to be able to process that at a high speed,
Starting point is 00:24:18 which is why he was such a great home run hitter, why he got so many walks in his career and stuff, so fascinating. So with this guy who's this champion bench presser, obviously what do you think you look like, right? Short arms. Super short arms. Big ass chest and torso.
Starting point is 00:24:30 T-Rex, yeah. Super wide body, like imagine a short refrigerator. You know what I mean? That's kind of what you look like, this really wide body. Do you have really small legs? Like who cares about the legs? He was like this, with no neck, but just all body,
Starting point is 00:24:43 and these little tiny arms that were really short because biomechanically the advantage for him is huge. So I was gonna go through the major lifts, kinda talk about what body types have advantages. So bench presser, that's you. Short arms, wide barrel chest, kind of a stocky body. You're gonna have more of an advantage with bench press. Squats, squats, short femur.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Short femur, short guys, period. Yeah, they look like they just sit in the squat, right? Like they don't even have to lean forward and do it. And then deadlifter, this is why I like deadlifts so much. It's the opposite of all that, it's like a long, lanky dude. Long lanky, yeah, long arms. Really helps. Especially if you have longer arms,
Starting point is 00:25:23 and basketball players tend to be decent at deadlifting. Longer arms than legs, yeah. Because they have real long arms, if you have longer arms. Basketball players tend to be decent at deadlifts. Longer arms than legs, yeah. Because they have real long arms. If you have longer arms than anything else, then that's a huge advantage. There was this one deadlifter, I wish I knew his name, black dude, skinny guy, who could pull, I mean, he was like probably 160 pounds,
Starting point is 00:25:38 and he was pulling like 700 pound deadlifts, sumo. But when you look at him and he's standing up getting his award, he had, his arm length looks so weird bro like he's standing there he wasn't a tall guy but his arms are so long that he got into sumo. Hanging down by his knees. Yeah but he was pulling crazy amounts away. I always wondered like if I so I mean I was taught conventional deadlifting and so I've gotten really good at conventional versus sumo but when you think about biomechanically, like if I got really good at sumo, it would be such an advantage because I have such long arms and then I'm already
Starting point is 00:26:12 spreading wide base. So you're already almost there. So I'm like, it's a two split. Yeah. I mean, I love our friend Lane, but I mean, I kind of look, when I look at him doing sumo, I'm like, it's like, he's got like a huge wide stance. It's cheating, Lane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's like a six inch stick. You know what he always says when people make's like, he's got like a huge wide step. Yeah. It's like a six inch dog. You know what he always says when people make fun of him? He's like, you do it. Yeah. Yeah. You got me there. I can't deadlift it. I can't deadlift it. So, but I mean, when I think about it, I'm like, that would have been the move. Would have been getting, you know, if I, if I was trying to compete and just say how much I left, it'd be, I was going down the rabbit hole of all these strengths sports and obviously strong man, you just be a giant, right?
Starting point is 00:26:45 There's no weight class. So if you're just a giant, then you have a huge advantage. Then I was looking at arm wrestlers and these guys, the size of their wrists and hands are always so big, bro. Some of these guys, these champion arm wrestlers, their hands are so ridiculously big. They're all hands and forearms. But just forget even the muscle, forget the muscle,
Starting point is 00:27:02 just the bone of the wrist and the hand. There's one guy, I don't remember his name. Oh my God, his hands are like mitts. Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. He looks like... He just engulfs the person that he's competing against with this huge mitt. I think his mitt started with a C or something like that,
Starting point is 00:27:17 and his fingers were like, two of my fingers put together. So he grabs your hand, it's kind of like, it's not really fair, you know what I mean? He's kind of crushed you. He's like a mutant. With his big old, yeah, with his big old fingers or whatever. Anyway, I thought it was cool going down that, you know, with all those different strength sports. Well, you remember when we shared that, there was a really good, one of my favorite Ted Talks, and we talked about it on the podcast. Yeah, the democratization of sports.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, that might have been the name. Maybe Doug can look it up to see if that's what it was. Oh, that's the guy. That's the guy with the long arms and the deadlift. Look how long his arms are. Yeah, look at that. They are down to his knees. Lamar Gant. They are down to his knees. Almost down to his knees, yes.
Starting point is 00:27:51 How much is he pulling right there, Doug? What was his record and how much did he weigh? He didn't even pull sumo. I thought he pulled sumo, he didn't. Oh, wow, man, that's dimensional. He's got, how did you find him, Doug? I just. Exceptional long arm deadlifter.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yes, exactly. He's been working on it. He's got his Google skills. Yeah, I've been working on it. I get so much flack for it. What was his lift there? Yeah, he said 71 world records. I'm trying to find his actual lift.
Starting point is 00:28:15 He's in a 123 pound class? Oh yeah. He weighed 123 pounds, he lifted 623 pounds. Oh, then he pulled 688 pounds at 132 pound weight class. He's only a hundred. Now, look, here's the deal. I don't care what your biomechanical advantages are that helped. He's still strong as hell.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah, yeah. Come on. Well, I think the point that you're making, I don't think you're taking anything away from just... Yes. It's like all, everything working together. Exactly. What you're...
Starting point is 00:28:39 I mean, this is again why I love sports. I mean, professional sports is the greatest expression and example of that. Yeah. Yeah. We, and now we've, it was different 80 years ago. 80 years ago, you had full-time contractors, you know, picking up, there was no money in the sport. It didn't draw the attention of everybody. Now there's so much money in sports that it attracts the right, the- Well, you know, it's great too. It's like you're born different. You're like a mutant, you know, it's great to like you. You're born different. You're like a mutant, you know, you have some kind of appendage That's like oversized or but guess what? You're like an amazing athlete just for this one thing It's like so true. So rad almost every kid that had something that he probably got teased or thought was a deformity when you're
Starting point is 00:29:18 Could be leveraged as a an advantage in some sports something and something we can create a sport for it. There is a sport out there for you that... I'll give you guys a crazy example. You probably know his name, but he was a kicker. Was it the Steelers? Oh yeah, the nubfoot. He had a clubfoot. Yeah, a clubfoot. What was his name?
Starting point is 00:29:37 And he was like, at one point... I don't remember, but I remember watching his story. Yeah, and at one point he had the record, the world record for... Tom Dempsey. Huh? Oh, Tom Dempsey. Tom Dempsey. Yeah, and at one point he had the record. Yeah Tom Dempsey, huh? Yeah, dude. Yeah, so I like this kind of stuff is cool. It is cool And I think it's so cool to watch in in real time I mean, I know I've brought up already like watching somebody like Wimby right now and watch
Starting point is 00:29:58 I think did I bring this up to you guys tonight bring the Mugsy Mugsy? Yeah, we talked that was off air It wasn't on air was it was on it was on air when we talked about it. Yeah, I just think that's so fascinating when you talk about like the these guys and what the the league is turning into. I mean, it's changing. The whole entire game is changing and where you know the smallest guys soon to be 6'6". You know, in the original, in the in the early early early days of the Olympics, they thought that the best athlete was the most well-rounded. Yeah, they thought everybody was like the wrestler look. Yeah, the Meso-morph looking guy was the best athlete. And you know, generally, yes, but then when you get to like what you talked about,
Starting point is 00:30:36 the specifics. Yeah, when you get to the highest, highest level, you find out there's a body type for that. There's a body type for every sport, every feat. Yeah. In jujitsu, whenever there was a guy that you're grappling with who had bigger kind of wrists that looked kind of bigger, you knew he typically would have a good grip on your hand. And you would see this sometimes with, in fact, if you look at some of the Gracie's that had some of these bigger wrists, they grab your knee. They just had strong grips on you or whatever. I was always afraid of the guy with the big butt when I was playing football.
Starting point is 00:31:07 That's basketball too. Power. Yeah, you see a guy like that with his tall hips. You know he can jump or he's fast, you know what I'm saying? If he's gonna run you over. Or the guy with the big back, but not lats, although that's also good. But you know what I'm talking about, the yoke?
Starting point is 00:31:21 You see the guy with the back, the mid-upper back area? Yeah, you're gonna get, you know, taken off your feet. Anyway. You see the dude with the back, the mid upper back area? You're gonna get taken off your feet. Anyway. Yeah, that's good stuff. All right, so I gotta ask you guys something. So my wife makes jokes about this. It's a thing, right? Like, gray sweats for dudes?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Is that like a thing for girls? Yes. I think that's been. It's the CR package, bro. That's what it is, right? It's the seat, it's, why gray sweat? Why other people do that? Yeah, at what point did people do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:45 At what point did you realize that? Because I remember out wearing sweats and then girls would snicker and I was just like, really? Yeah. This is like junior high or something. And I'm like, I stopped wearing sweats. It made me all self-conscious. I actually was very much so naive and unaware of it until Katrina made a point to talk about it
Starting point is 00:32:06 It didn't get teased when she used to take my boot camp classes and she go I see you brought the gray sweats out for resigning Totally over my head didn't get it. Yeah weaponize it, but I loved grace. Well, I always Pick great too. Yeah, it's like We're supposed to do we're, today we're supposed to shoot a Viori shoe, so Viori's one of our sponsors, At Leisure Wear, great stuff. And I told Jessica last night on my way home,
Starting point is 00:32:33 I said, hey, I need two pairs of sweats, I need three shirts, because we're supposed to change into different clothes, and she packs my gray Viori ones, which I only ever wear at home. And I'm like, as I look at her, I'm like, you always tell me to wear those. Like, what's going on? And she tells me that.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's the meat market over there. What's going on, babe? But I don't even know which ones, the Sunday Joggers. That's what you're wearing right now. Those are the most popular. That's a top seller. Is it their top seller?
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah, I think it's a top seller. So when we first got with them, I went Sunday Jogger kick like crazy. I have every color they have. So I think by now they've made probably nine or 10 colors. I have all of them. Some of them I have two pairs of because that was my favorite.
Starting point is 00:33:15 But I've fallen in love with the Meta Joggers now. So the Meta Joggers, the ones you see me wear most time now, they're the ones that kind of like, they have more of a shimmery look. They're still cuffed at the bottom like But I like them because I like these I won't dress up. Those are comfortable. I wear. Oh, yes You're right But the meta joggers I can wear with like us like a sport coat like and then it almost looks like I have
Starting point is 00:33:36 Almost like slacks with the kind of slacks. I mean these are the meta jogger or pant The joggers on now These are the meta jogger no duds and has the pants. No, no, you's talking about the jogger. I have the pants. The jogger's on now. These are the Meta Jogger. No, Judson has the pants. No, no, you don't have Meta Joggers on right now? Yes, I do. They're the shimmery? Are you sure about that?
Starting point is 00:33:51 I'm pretty sure. You don't have a zipper on your side, do you? No zipper. OK. Yeah, maybe those are. I can hear them. They don't look like it from here. It's hard to see underneath it.
Starting point is 00:34:02 So I like the ones Justin has for dressing up, because they look like slats. The chinos? Yeah. No, these are Met here. It's hard to see underneath it. But so I like the ones Justin has for dressing up because it looks like slaps. Yeah. No, these are meta, but I have chinos too. The chinos are more like straight cut. And so these, these form fit a little more. Yeah. We all it's funny because we don't, I don't wear any of the ones he wears. Yeah. I know we totally have different styles with that completely. And I, I ended up like, I don't wear any sweats. I work out in these more than I
Starting point is 00:34:24 work out in shorts, which is is funny and people give me grief and I mean if they this is by the way a testament to the quality of their products Justin squats about that it's a it's a category in fashion that didn't exist when we were kids crazy didn't even exist and And now it's probably the most. Sweats back in the day meant you were unemployed, lazy, or you're working out. It was one of those three things. Or broke.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Yeah, I still have that association. I don't know. To wear sweats? Yeah, just in my own brain. Yeah. So I wear sweats. When I put them on, I'm like, ah, chill mode. I do.
Starting point is 00:35:00 But that's what I love about the Viori is that it's like, I feel like both. I feel like I'm being Relaxed borderline lazy, but then I feel like I can be I can be dressed up you can be so they do a good job Can you look at women? What's what why do women like men in gray sweats? And I want to see what the internet says because I know I think it just defines the package it just kind of highlights and Shadows and molds it do that. I mean they I I can't really I didn't know either, Sal. So it was like,
Starting point is 00:35:26 Explain to me, Justin, what do you see when you're... Listen, you get really inspected. No, stop! It's the lighting, dude. I mean, I never had anyone say anything to me until Katrina. When Katrina said that to me, like, I really, I had no idea. You know, I think girls knew about this for a long time. She was jabbing at me like I was doing it until...
Starting point is 00:35:42 Here's the deal. Women act like, man, you guys talk all dirty way I think when women get together, they're just as bad. That's what I can firm because like dude I one time Okay Courtney had all her friends over is like a house full like ten girls all nurses and whatnot And I'm just in the other room and I hear everything and they're just going off About male body parts in the whole nine and I I'm just like, okay, yeah, yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:36:07 You know what they say it is? It's equivalent to the wink at like digital being there. So us wearing gray sweats is putting like, I'm thirsty. As like you're, so that's even worse, dude. Oh, like we're portraying it? Yes, like you're portraying it. That's not fair. That's exactly what it says.
Starting point is 00:36:23 That's what it means. Now I know how they feel. Yeah. Yeah, one minute you're asking for it. It's not fair. That's exactly what it says. That's what it means. Now I know how they feel. Yeah. You're asking. Just because I'm showing my cleavage. Yeah, that makes sense why Katrina would say that to me then. She thought you were doing it on purpose.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah, yeah, like I'm getting all my ladies to resign. Resign, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, I have no idea where Grace Woods is all the time. All right, I'm gonna change topics here. A study came out on probiotics, let me pull this up here, and cognitive function. Okay, cognitive function, another one. Recent study found that after 12 weeks of consuming a drink containing the probiotic
Starting point is 00:36:56 Bifidobacterium, it's one of the more common bacterias that you'll get in a probiotic, that older adults demonstrated significant improvements in cognitive performance, specifically, ready for this? They showed nearly twice the improvement in complex attention and cognitive flexibility and three times the function or three times the improvement in executive function compared to a placebo group. These gains were also accompanied by reduced pro-inflammatory biomarkers. And of course they tested if the Bifidobacterium in their gut went up and sure enough.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So this is a brain inflammation thing? Yes. Even in healthy individuals, systemic inflammation can lead to transient cognitive impairment. So anyway, the point of that article was probiotics, especially Bifidobacterium, good for brain health. But this study shows measurable differences in older adults. This is an easy supplement to take.
Starting point is 00:37:54 It's an easy supplement to take to reduce your risk of, other data will show depression, anxiety, improve the way your skin looks. There's studies that show it might help with athletic performance. And now we're looking at cognitive function, your brain, from taking a probiotic. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I gotta get so much better about taking my C, dude. I'm so inconsistent with it. Put it next to your bed. Just take it right in front of your bed. I know, I know, I mean. That's the most consistent supplement I have. Is it? Period. I know you're- Because of all my gut issues,
Starting point is 00:38:24 that's why. And I take it every night, no matter what. I know this is an excuse I'm making. I take it traveling a lot. It's just one of supplement I have. Is it? Period. I know you're- Because of all my gut issues, that's why. And I take it every night, no matter what. I know it's just an excuse. It's just one of those things that I never trained myself to do. It's also one of those things that's hard for me to like feel it right away. I think that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I think it's like, it's easy for things, like for example, what I take a lot at night is I'll take the supplement from Legion, I'll take that. And that- That puts you to sleep. Cause it puts me to sleep and I feel it. And so it's an easy like, oh, I want it tonight. Probiotic is like a multivitamin.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Yeah, and it's compounding. The more you take it, the more consistent you are, the more the effects kick in. And so I just kind of train myself because I've never been disciplined to be really, really good. And I wonder what would happen if I were. Are you good about you taking yours consistent?
Starting point is 00:39:02 No, like honestly, You should be. I should be, I got gut issues I know it's like top of mine actually I'm being a little bit better with it But every time I travel I have this whole pack of things for Enzymes and all these different things to make sure that you know My digestion isn't like horrendous because you never know it
Starting point is 00:39:20 You know if you have to go out a bunch like it will react you already have a suitcase for all your supplements Why don't you just bring us ours and then you can feed it to us when you feed you Give you guys enough so my wife actually does it. She'll just Real good if you do that if you feed it to me every day. I'll eat it Hey, what a great relationship we have you guys trust me so much. I have you have never to say You know why cuz you're gonna be tired of giving them something. I'm worth nothing to you dead That's why I trust that. No, we got life insurance.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I'm a couple million payout, that's it though. You're worth more. We talk and Adam makes money from it. Yeah, I'm worth way more alive, bro. No, you guys, I give these guys supplements and they'll add, like what's this do? That's all they say, oh, this, okay, cool. I normally ask after I take it.
Starting point is 00:40:00 After the tattoo. What did I just take? Yeah. Oh, that's a roofie. Good night. But I mean, you're already so consistent, you have your little suitcase, you just not, you know, maybe get me and Justin to take ours out of that. Yeah, I literally, like Courtney will feed it to me. No, see, the one thing that I take,
Starting point is 00:40:16 like I've been taking it for years non-stop, I'm most consistent with it. Justin, speaking of guts, yeah, did you end up get doing the parasite protocol that I sent you? I haven't, no. You just sent, or Jessica too, you guys sent me that and I just looked it up and I'm, yeah, I'm convinced that I need to do that. So I, so was it pinworms is what we, yeah. It's like disgusting and I had to look it up and I don't know. Not that I don't trust you, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:47 One of the side effects of pinworms is grinding, right? TMJ and grating and grinding. I know, that's why I was like, yeah, that resonates, dude. Are you, and pinworms are common. They're very common in kids and they're especially common. Makes you feel dirty. If you have pets.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I feel like some kind of weird. You need to normalize parasites. You know how many people have parasites? Like the dirty kid, yeah. A significant percentage of people. One in three have parasites. I thought I read one in three. Probably more.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I thought one in three. Probably more. Yeah, see pinworms. Thanks Doug for looking them up and making us all feel gross. I appreciate that. Well that's why. Yeah. Little kids get them all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Oh God, is that living in me right now? I don't know. So what normally just naturally kills it off? Like is anything naturally killed? No, you just live with it. For how long? Ever. I mean, yeah, but can't you fast
Starting point is 00:41:32 for a prolonged amount of time and then? They'll come back. They survive, they hunker down. You would die with the parasite if you fasted long enough. Oh hell no. To kill them. Well, I mean, it kind of makes sense because I've been living with this issue for,
Starting point is 00:41:47 I can't even tell you when the beginning of it, like I noticed it, it's been forever. So who knows? I've had it. But yeah, animals, babies, if you're around little kids, if you're around, and if one of you in your house has it, check, check, check. You all probably have it.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Now here's the good news. Pinworm treatment, you go on Amazon. Anybody can buy it, it's one dose. You're good, that's it, you just take one dose. So go on Amazon, buy one for, they sell it at a double pack, buy however many you need, there it is right there, pinworm treatment or whatever. Take it, that's it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I may as well take it just to do it. I know, just to knock you off. So grinding. Doug, look up the side effects of Pin Word, cause you're gonna laugh at it. Oh no, let's see. Teeth grinding is one of them, huh? Teeth grinding is a pretty significant.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I've crushed like all of my teeth, like just from the grinding and then the acid reflex and the combination of both is a fucking disaster. Anal itching? No, no, come on. Restlessness and difficulty sleeping. Okay. Vaginal irritation. Sometimes. Abdominal pain and nausea and invisible worms. Yeah. In some cases urinary tract infection, bacterial skin infection, appendicitis, but you can also
Starting point is 00:43:05 look up pinworms and teeth grinding. Yeah. We're just very well versed on this because we did a whole parasite thing in my house. Okay. Okay. Well I just know, somebody had mentioned two pills over the counter. I was having a pill, it's like a little liquid, tastes like bananas. Oh really? Yeah, we did it a while ago. I'll have a picture now or some. Yeah. Well I also learned something new last night which you probably know about this and I'm curious if you do know about Yeah. Well, I also learned something new last night, which you probably know about this And I'm curious if you do know about this or not but it would the funniest way that I learned about this was I was talking with with Everett and
Starting point is 00:43:33 For some reason he was just thinking he's like what color is crab blood and and we both were just like blue, right? Yeah, exactly that I was like, I think it's blue And I'm like, why do I think it's blue? I, why do I know that it's blue? And then he's like, no, it's gotta be red dad. And we're going back and forth on different animals and what color their blood is. And so I was like, you know, I'm gonna look this up. I look it up and the first thing that pops up
Starting point is 00:43:57 is horseshoe crab blood and it's bright blue. And there's also, it's worth like $60,000 for a pound. What do they use it for? And they use it, so what they use it for actually is vaccine safety testing. Because they've been around for, you know, before the dinosaurs. And so they use the blood to actually test these toxic bacteria, how it reacts. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And, you know, it's funny too, and I was reading this article about it and this article came out 2020, like right before COVID really like took off and like, yeah, so all these, you know, companies worldwide are going to be using this, but Pfizer in there was opted out, you know, of using that as a testing protocol. I'm like, wow, dude, like this is something like, I never knew this was part of their testing procedure, but it makes a lot of sense. Does they use the crab blood for other stuff too, Doug?
Starting point is 00:44:56 Look up crab blood benefits just to see. Interesting. It's used to make a substance called limeless amoebocyte lysate which is used to test variety of drugs, medical, but I thought that it was used for something else. Tests for endotoxins, for sterility. What are concerns? Wow. You're like 15 grand a quart, dude. I mean I was like, man I gotta drum up some horseshoe crab. Yeah, but you know what though, if it's that much, I want how many hermit crabs you would need.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Just to get that much. Well, these are big though. They're off the coast of Asia. I mean, these are horseshoe crabs. Horseshoe crabs are like this big. What? They're that big? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:39 They look, it looks like those fossils, you know, where they're like, oh, wow. They're creepy looking. Oh, but a declining bird species relies on the crabs. You know, I'm all for animals, but if there's a comparison, you know, if we have to do the whole like animals versus humans, I feel bad for the birds. If it benefits humans, then I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:01 You know, one of the best ways I've ever seen how stupid that is, have you ever seen how many species fall off the earth at like a day? Yeah, on their own a day? Or like every time we do anything like, like it's a ridiculous amount. It's like hundreds, like are constantly, and then we're finding so many.
Starting point is 00:46:17 How do they know that though? Are they making shit up? Are they like, oh look, we can't see this anymore. It's like it's a number that just kinda. Yeah, once you start looking into it, you're like, hmm, this isn't what I was told. There's a little bit of jitters. It's a little bit of jitters, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah. What's going on? Yeah, what's happening? Anyway, I got a study on. I got a study on exercise and dementia that I love because it confirms a lot of what we talk about. So, okay, so the study was on the association or the effect of exercise and the risk of dementia. Okay? Now here's what I like about the study. 35 minutes, okay,
Starting point is 00:46:58 of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. 35 minutes a week. So you're in all seven days, an entire week. 35 minutes of that week. So it's five minutes a day. Led to 41% lower risk of developing dementia. Wow. So if you wanna cut your risk of dementia by 41%. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:20 You just do five minutes of exercise a day. That's it. Five minutes a day. That's nothing. That is nothing. That is crazy. That's how incredibly protective exercise is. It also highlights just how poor our health is. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:47:34 We can't get that. We're so unhealthy. I think that's more the case. Move a little bit. I feel like that's more the case. That's sad. You know, it was cool, the book I was reading, the latest chapter was talking about
Starting point is 00:47:44 with like helping their children with, I've been sharing this with you guys, right? The whole, like the book I was reading the the latest chapter was talking about with children like helping their children with I've been sharing this with you guys right the whole like the four quadrants of the brain and keeping it integrated is what you want and in moments where the kids get like where they're Really angry or throwing tension like one of the best things to do with them when they get stuck in this in this moment Of anger or frustration or whatever, is physical activity. It's physical activity actually will get them to kind of balance out and regulate themselves. So like if you just, if they're just so frustrated,
Starting point is 00:48:13 they're so stuck on something to get them to go out, whether that's tricking them through play or chasing them through the house, like getting them to exhaust their energy into something like that, will help them get back into normalization. And so that's a cool strategy to try and implement the next time your kid's having a challenge with that.
Starting point is 00:48:31 It's like, you know what? I'm not gonna try and talk to you about this. Let's go do something. Let's go run. Run with dad. Let's go do this. So effective with boys. I mean, I'm sure girls too, but like it's,
Starting point is 00:48:39 I mean, for me it was always, and that's why we've got that punching bag too, when there's this moments of frustration just to exhaust and get it out. And then, yeah, and then come back calm. And then we rationally talk about it. So there's neuroscience to support what's happening there. Like I'll tear it up. I'll probably be better at it as I read more through the chapters.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But that was like what I just recently read was just like, it's what's happening in their brain. They're in a, when they're in that moment of anger and frustration, they're deep in one quadrant. I think it's like they're at the bottom quadrant, the primal one. They're stuck in that. They're stuck in that. Yeah, reactive, primal, and you want to get the,
Starting point is 00:49:13 you want to get the upstairs working part of the brain so to get them back in the neutral position. One of the ways, instead of you trying to logically get them there, is for you to just exhaust them physically to get that out, and then that will organically bring them up that way. So the next time, which obviously you've hacked into that already with your son, you've realized that like, you know what, I'm not gonna try and-
Starting point is 00:49:32 Well, he gets stuck in those real deep. Right, and you can't logically, and you know, you probably can't logically speak to him when he's like that. He's not hearing it right now. He's so there that it's like, you know what? Let's not even talk about this. Let's just go play ball or let's go punch the bag for a little bit and then that calms them down fast as you can yes that you use the example of
Starting point is 00:49:50 run let's race let's run as fast as you can and until you can't you're upset right now buddy why don't you run as fast yeah let's go you know and then they do that that exhausts him then that brings him down then you can logically communicate to them how they were feeling why they felt that way and then help them logically process to get them back That's gotta work for adults to of course. I know right. That's gonna work for it's all I mean Next time you and your wife are fighting you gotta chase me first and I'll answer you. Come get me! No, I'll just start resting my life. Watch your back. What the hell are you doing?
Starting point is 00:50:28 Just trying to help you get me up on the water, man. He's down the street, body slammer. I'm doing this for your own good! He put his joggers on, he'll be back. Pitter on the bed. Come on, get out, you gotta get out. No, it's true, I mean, it's... This, obviously, all this is... All of this is neuroscience, so it doesn't just apply to children.
Starting point is 00:50:45 It's all of our brains. You know what's active too, honey? Sex, I know you're really mad right now. Why don't we move? That'll go over brain. No, it's so true. And the better, obviously, that we can train the kids on their ability to do that, then as they get into adulthood,
Starting point is 00:51:00 the more likely they will regulate themselves like that. What did you guys, I wanna ask you guys, what did you guys think about what I said, so today I was talking to the forum about our new program launch, Transform. So for people who don't know, Maps Transform, it's a 90 day transformational program, take you from before and after.
Starting point is 00:51:18 That's the whole, basically the point of the program is three months before and after. And what I talked to our forum about was I said, I want you guys, if you're interested, to take a before and take an after picture, but here's the difference. I wanna know the difference in strength, I wanna know the difference in energy,
Starting point is 00:51:36 I wanna know your difference in mood, sleep, difference in outlook. Like I don't want just a picture of how you look. I want to hear about how it impacted your life from a non-esthetic. Every characteristic. Yes, dude, because when I train clients, and people need to understand this,
Starting point is 00:51:54 visually changing your body, that's nice. But it is one small piece of the big picture. And if you just focus on the appearance, you'll miss the beauty of what's going on, and you'll actually develop a relationship with fitness that is not sustainable. When you start to really realize like my energy, my mood, oh my God, I'm eating more.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Wow, look, I'm stronger, I'm more mobile. Yeah, and I remember Adam talking about this when you did the series, and me going through this now is like just being a little more intense and active and consistent. It's like, I'm just so much more balanced in that balance. It just brings that calm demeanor. And I'm bringing that into my family and I'm not letting like a lot of the friction effect,
Starting point is 00:52:38 you know, that ability where it would just take me to this high stress point and then, you know, I would have a reaction to that. And so there's not that reaction. But it's so much about moving and being active and having that working out provides me with that. Well, I think it's great because at the end of the day, you can't deny, and our own community has asked for it. I know that we've decided, we've made the choice that we're not going gonna use before and afters as a marketing strategy. But there is this, and I've got it from plenty of people
Starting point is 00:53:10 that are huge fans of the show and they love it and that, but they wish they could see more of the stories of the people and lives that we've changed. That's what I want, a story. And so, and I think that we've communicated this since day one that like, whenever we had clients, our goal was always to move them away from just focusing on the aesthetic part because we knew that if this is going to be a
Starting point is 00:53:29 long-term thing for them, that they would have to learn to attach their success to all the other things that are being successful in their life because of it. Because their relationship with their partner, their energy, their sleep, their sex drive, their mood, all the other things and other intangible things that's happening to you when you go on a health and fitness journey like that. And to me, that should be what's highlighted in the transformation is like, I've noticed this, I've noticed this, I've noticed this.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It's like, awesome, that's cool we can see that you went from 20% to 10% body fat physically and aesthetically, that's also a cool feat. But what else changed? But yeah, what else has changed? And you need to know that because if you don't, to your point, you'll end up reverting back and you'll be in this constant chasing a solo.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You place all the importance on the mirror, which it's important, but it's not all important. There are many, many things that you should pay attention to. What's cool about this program too is it is our first like 90 day before and after that incorporates diet with the fitness and it works the diet in with the strategy of the program with reverse diet, mini cut, mini bulk cut
Starting point is 00:54:36 and the programming changes along with the diet to take you from before and after. I am excited to see what people send in after completing this program. And it's gonna be a fun one. It'll be a lot of fun. LMNT is one of the most popular electrolyte powders for a reason.
Starting point is 00:54:52 It tastes good, no artificial sweeteners, no sugar, but it has the right amount of sodium to fuel your workouts, give you the best pumps and make you feel good. Go check them out. Go to drinklmnt.com forward slash mind pump. On that link, you'll get a free sample pack with any drink mix purchase. By the way, use the code MPM, get 10% off your order.
Starting point is 00:55:12 All right, back to the show. First question is from Becca Miller. I've been yo-yo dieting for years. I'm doing Map Starter and have maybe 50 pounds to lose. Should I do this in a bulk or a cut? Ah, great question. So map starter, people know this is a program for like total beginners, right? You know, you don't have any experience strength training. You want to get the benefits of resistance training. That's why it's called starter.
Starting point is 00:55:34 So the question is I got a lot of weight to lose. Do I cut my calories right out the gates? Now what you want to do a successful strategy for long-term fat loss, especially when it's more than like 10 pounds, right? You want 50 pounds to lose, that's substantial. And you want to keep it off. You have to set yourself up well. That's how you start this journey. You start this journey so that you can set yourself up for something that is sustainable later on. What you don't wanna do is skip that part, get right to the cut, set yourself up for long-term failure.
Starting point is 00:56:10 And the data on this is very clear. The majority of people fail, gain the weight back that they lost, they don't hit their ultimate goal, they lose some weight, but they gain it back and then some, because they don't set themselves up well. Now what does that mean to set yourself up well? Let's get your body more metabolically healthy. Let's build some lean tissue. Let's get you stronger and set you up first
Starting point is 00:56:32 So what does that look like? That looks like you're not trying to cut your calories You're actually feeding yourself along with the strength training and you're focusing on building strength first. If we could build strength and build some muscle on building strength first. If we could build strength and build some muscle initially, then the cut later is easier, faster, and more sustainable. And by the way, what tends to happen in that initial stage of trying to build is you end up still losing some body fat, but it sets you up later for this wonderful process
Starting point is 00:56:59 of fat loss that doesn't feel so damn forced. This is 100% bulk. This is what you have to do when you first start. This took me a while in my career to figure out this is where I needed to start with everybody. Whether they needed to lose 10 pounds or lose 100 plus pounds, everybody starts here. And you recently, if you watched at all the journey
Starting point is 00:57:17 that I went through when I did my getting back in shape on YouTube, you know, my first month was dedicated towards rebuilding my metabolism. Even though I didn't need to lose a bunch of weight, still that's the focus to set yourself up for success. And what's cool to Sal's point, what ends up happening a lot of times is in that pursuit of quote unquote bulking, to build muscle, the speed of metabolism up, not only do you find yourself eating more calories than what you did before, but then what ends up happening a lot of times too, is they also lose a little bit of body fat percentage.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And that's exactly what happened to me at the end of that month. In that month, we had 20 pounds of muscle we gained, my metabolism was flying, and I also dropped a few percent body fat. So it's like both can happen, it's not happening simultaneously, but throughout the cycle of in pursuit of bulking
Starting point is 00:58:00 and adding calories, this can happen. And it's hard to get somebody who needs to lose 50 or more pounds. To see that, they don't believe it, but I can't tell you how many times I've done it with clients time and time again. Now for you, Becca, if that's your name, that's your handle, after starter, do the new program we have, Maps Transform. It's actually set up this way. Perfect for you. You would start the first 30 days. The first 30 days of maps transform is a reverse diet with a process of building. And it's perfect for somebody who just completed map starter because you've got some experience.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Next question is from Action K Jackson. What is the best way to warm up for a full body workout? I'm older and need a few sets to warm up before I begin a muscle group. How can I warm up and not double my time in the gym? So this is, I mean, we have to talk about the program right now. I mean, this is maps prime prime and this, and there, there is no, there's no better answer than the specific answer that you, what you should do, because everybody has got different stuff. Right? So even if you looked at all four of us in this room right now,
Starting point is 00:59:04 and let's say all four of us were following MAPS Anabolic, and we're getting ready to work out. Same exercise and everything. Same exercises, right? So following the same exact program. All four of us would prime our bodies differently getting into that workout.
Starting point is 00:59:15 So it has less to do with the full body workout you're doing, it has more to do with your body, and what your body needs to be put in optimally. And that's what MAPS Prime is all about. You take a test, you find out you know zone one, zone two, zone three, which one, what zones you fail, then it goes over and tells you what movements to prime the body to get it in that optimal position. That becomes your warm-up. That now becomes your probably forever because you're not, I mean most likely you're working to get normal, normal behaviors that you're doing in
Starting point is 00:59:44 your daily, your daily activities and so you're gonna be I mean, most likely, you're working to get normal behaviors that you're doing in your daily activities, and so you're gonna be priming like that before every workout going forward, and that is your answer. There is no this exercise or that exercise. So to give more of an example, you may be somebody with poor ankle mobility, and let's say poor rotational ability.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Your priming session is gonna focus on those two things. But if you're somebody with, let's say, poor shoulder mobility, maybe a forward head, your warmup is going to look different for you. Now generally speaking, if you don't know any of this stuff, well, you do a set or two of the exercise you're about to perform. Now the problem with that, which is, by the way, if you're advanced, that's okay, because advanced people know how to position themselves as they warm up to get in the right position.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But somebody who's not really advanced in experience, when they go to warm up with a squat, and they go do squats to warm up with a squat, what they're doing is bad movement patterns to warm up for the squat. Because they don't know. They don't know how to position themselves in the right way, and so that's why an individualized warmup or priming session is just, it needs to unlock your movement potential.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And you're going to find that out by going through those tests. That's why we put it together that way. So it simplifies it because it is like, it's confusing for a lot of people to pick, you know, if there's some limitation or restriction, you know, some joint that they're having a hard time with in that particular exercise. If we can narrow it down to just like one to three movements that are like so specific to you and your needs and your shoulder needs or your hip needs or your ankle, then it's like it's very clear and it's a repetitive thing. It's just ritual at that point. You do that, you're gonna benefit so much the entire workout from it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 What was Justin's webinar called? Maps Prime Webinar. Free, there you go, check that out. Maps Prime, so if you don't just go straight to the program and get it and buy it and you wanna see what is in it, then go to that webinar, you can watch it for free. He teaches you to do the tests with video. That is how you prime for a workout that's specific,
Starting point is 01:01:47 and you will see the greatest return by doing it that way. Next question is from Elissa Walker, 143. Have you guys ever trained someone with scoliosis? Are there any exercises to avoid, and if so, can you guys recommend replacements to get similar benefits? I have a lot of experience with scoliosis, and I've trained doctors that work with patients
Starting point is 01:02:07 with scoliosis and the old thought, the old belief system around scoliosis and strength training was to stick to purely unilateral training. That was the old thought, right? It was, okay, so the spine. Depending on the severity of it. Yeah, the spine is imbalanced,
Starting point is 01:02:20 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do everything one arm and one leg at a time. Now I disagree with that. I do think that's important. I think 50% of your workout should be unilateral, but I also think 50% of your workout should be bilateral because the real world uses, you're going to move bilaterally in the real world and yes, you're going to compensate because of your spine position, but that's okay. You need to develop strength in those positions because that's how
Starting point is 01:02:48 you move in the real world. So generally speaking, your routine, now what exercise do we avoid? Well, ones that really bother you, of course, stay away from, but generally speaking, at least half of your workouts should be focused on unilateral work. One arm dumbbell chest press or shoulder press or one arm rows or one arm or one legged type squat you know type movements or one legged deadlift that kind of stuff. But then 50% should be bilateral with barbells.
Starting point is 01:03:12 So don't avoid barbells altogether because again in the real world lifting things often requires both arms and both legs. Yeah I mean you're lifting boxes, you're lifting dog food, groceries like you know typically you're gonna use that bilateral position, so I totally agree. And even then, if you're not like optimally set up
Starting point is 01:03:32 with your posture, like, but that's, you know, obviously something you're, you know, you're born with. You're gonna have to strengthen what your limitations, you know, around that, and so I totally agree. I think that's been always pushed as like, just unilateral only, but it's not realistic. Next question is from MGX30423. I have terrible arthritis in my shoulders. It prevents me from doing back squats. I can't hold the barbell on my back. I've replaced
Starting point is 01:04:00 back squats with zircher and or front squats or squats with a safety bar. Are these effective? That's totally fine. Yeah, they're totally fine. Totally fine. Now that being said, if you, you can work on, and I don't know what your history is. Okay. Uh, but I've worked with many, many people with shoulder issues who couldn't squat.
Starting point is 01:04:20 They couldn't hold the bar. Okay. And through a process of working on shoulder mobility, scapular retraction, strength in the back, loosening the pecs, I've never had anybody, now that I think about it, I've never had anybody I couldn't get to do a bar squat without problem, then solve their problem. In other words, they couldn't do squats, then
Starting point is 01:04:38 they could do squats. Some people took three months, other people took as little as a few weeks. So you can work on shoulder mobility. In fact, that webinar we talked about earlier, the Maps Prime webinar.com, the wall test that Justin does on there, do that and do it the way he's cueing it in that webinar. It's free so you can watch the whole thing. And then go try squatting and see if you don't notice a difference.
Starting point is 01:05:02 And I bet you that you probably are going to notice a significant improvement in the pain of holding the ball in your back. I was going to answer that very, like, yes, those are great alternatives. And that would be what we do immediately would be those types of exercises. And you're going to be just fine doing that as far as developing a good balance physique in your legs. But simultaneously, I would be doing shoulder mobility work in thoracic mobility. Like that would be, we would be living in prime pro and that's how I would prime you before we go on
Starting point is 01:05:32 to see if I could make that improvement, to see if I can get you to a place. And that would be a huge accomplishment for us. Like how awesome would that be? And this was, I think what probably all of us love doing with clients is you get a client like that who would say a statement like, hey, I can't do back squats for this reason. And you go, okay, cool. We'll do some zurchers. We'll
Starting point is 01:05:48 do them this way. But then I want to work on those shoulders. You open to it. Yeah, of course. Okay. Well, then we start putting in the work and then before you know it, they can hold a bar on their back. And so I wouldn't give up on that. Let's say totally look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. Justin is that mind pump, Justin. I'm at mind pump to Stefano and Adam's at mind pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps
Starting point is 01:06:21 anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes, and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:07:06 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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