Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2549: Body Part Split Vs. Full Body... How to Know Which One is Best for You & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: March 8, 2025

Mind Pump Fit Tip: Stop your full-body or split routine now! It might be killing your gains! (2:14) Do you want to eat more, bump your calories, and protein? Eat grass-fed! (22:57) Brain cancer ...and diet. (26:07) Sal’s beefy. (33:33) The impact of group coaching. (36:28) “You got really nice skin bro.” (40:24) The age of the AI influencer. (42:21) The Christianity explosion. (49:49) #ListenerLive question #1 – Do you have any information about the impact of weightlifting/resistance training on liver function tests? (54:38) #ListenerLive question #2 – What foods would you recommend eating during a bulk to avoid digestive discomfort? Do you have any advice for improving grip strength or preventing this discomfort? (1:02:15) #ListenerLive question #3 – Have you guys had any clients with hyper-mobility issues, and can you offer any insight on dos and don’ts on how to train/help someone stay safe and still get strong with this issue? (1:16:30) #ListenerLive question #4 – How can I hack my mindset? (1:26:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** New users will receive their choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin in every box for a year + use code MINDPUMP and get $20 off your first box. ** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP20 for 20% off your first order of their best products. ** MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal, and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** Efficacy of Split Versus Full-Body Resistance Training on Strength and Muscle Growth: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis Successful application of dietary ketogenic metabolic therapy in patients with glioblastoma: a clinical study Mind Pump #1030: Dr. Roy Vongtama The SIMPLE STEPS To Burn Fat, Build Muscle & Speed Up Your Metabolism - Sal Di Stefano Mind Pump # 2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days Watch Apple Cider Vinegar | Netflix Official Site Seeking God, or Peter Thiel, in Silicon Valley – DNyuz Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump # 1895: Eight Hacks for an Insanely Strong Grip How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism The Dunphy Squat | At Home Squat Variation – YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Roy Vongtama MD (@doctorroyv) Instagram Adam | Relationship Psychology (@attachmentadam) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind Pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast in the history of the universe. This is Mind Pump. Today's episode, we had people call in and we got to help them out on air. We coach them with their health and fitness, but this was after the intro portion of this episode.
Starting point is 00:00:28 The intro today was 51 minutes long. In that portion, we talk about fitness, science, diet studies, it's a great time. Then we get to the coaching questions. By the way, if you wanna be on an episode like this one, have us help you on air, email us your question at live at mindpumpmedia.com. This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is ButcherBox. They deliver
Starting point is 00:00:49 grass-fed meat, crepe-free pork, they deliver wild caught fish, the best protein sources to your door, healthy, clean, and for a good price. Go check them out. Go to butcherbox.com forward slash mind pump. By the way, new users will get your choice between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin included in addition for free in your box for a year. But you have to use the code mind pump. By the way, that'll also give you $20 off. This episode is also brought to you by Caldera Lab.
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Starting point is 00:01:41 Also two days left for the brand new MAPS program. MAPS Transform, Change your body in 90 days from before to after. That's what this program is all about. Maps Transform. Because it's a brand new program, it's $70 off and we're including Adam's 90-day Body Recomp Journal and the Maps Transformation Diet Guide, both included for free. If you're interested go to mapstransform.com, use the code TRANSFORM70 for the discount and the two free editions. Alright, here comes the show. Stop your full body or body part split routine. If it's not right for you, it is
Starting point is 00:02:19 killing your gains. We're gonna talk about this right now. I'll start with the first one. If overall strength, especially strength on specific lifts, is your goal, then full body is probably superior for most people. I think it really boils down to more frequent practice of the exercise you're trying to get stronger at while you're strong or not fatigued. In other words, the more you can practice a lift and not be fatigued, the more you're going to train strength. Frequent practice improves the skill that's involved with the lift.
Starting point is 00:03:02 When it comes to specific lifts, like a a bench press for example some of the strength that you can display has to do with your skill or the skill of the bench press so practicing the just like throwing a baseball this is an easy one because people would agree with this throwing a baseball involves strength and speed obviously but it also involves technique or skill without the skill strength and speed, obviously, but it also involves technique or skill. Without the skill, strength and speed, you're not going to throw the ball very far. Same is true for all the lifts and practicing them without fatigue allows you to perfect the skill and practice them frequently in the sense that you're practicing more days a week versus less days a week. Even if the total volume is
Starting point is 00:03:39 the same, you'll get stronger at specific lifts better with full body. Well, we've known this to be true in the performance world and the sports world forever. And it's like, that's why you go practice. You're refining the skill. You're improving every day without fatiguing a factor. I think somewhere along the lines, when fitness became more mainstream, like there was this thought that you had to get super exhausted and you had to really squeeze every last ounce of energy out in your workout.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And that became sort of the thought process going into workouts when in fact, that is a component and that still applies. Like if you're gonna train to be able to improve your skill, you're gonna get stronger as a result of that. Otherwise, we're kind of spinning our wheels. I'd love to start a trend that says like, stop working out, practice lifting weights. And practice.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yeah. Yep. I just think that, um, and I wish I, I wish I actually understood that earlier parts of my career, cause I absolutely was the other side, right? I was, um, a workout wasn't successful unless I was hobbling out of the gym or I didn't have a good workout unless I was so sore the next day. I was so wrong about the approach there. And I think I just think we would have gotten so much further had I approached the lifting with this mentor, which is crazy for me because I feel like I feel a bit ashamed because I
Starting point is 00:05:00 love the sport world so much. And I grasped that analogy so well. It's like, of course, of course I would never grab a golf club and just start hacking away as hard as possible, expecting to see good results. No, no, I would go and break down the swing and lightly use 50% or less the intensity. I mean, that's what they teach you, even when you golf swing is like, don't even pull it all the way back, half swing and just get that down.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It's like, and so that applies to every other sport yet we've approached working out so different. We've approached workout with the, the, the punishment attitude or how much can I sweat or burn? And so I think so many people would see so much better results if they went into the, not only better results, but I also think you would find your consistency, which we know is so important to your results in training because you're not like, I don't know how many times I didn't train the next day because I was like, I can't, I'm so sore or hindered.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Well, especially in a split routine. I think that's, I mean, that's a definitive difference because like programmed a full body, you can only hit so much volume for that particular body part. So, but the split routine, I mean, you can really go ham with a certain body part and it's going to deter you from wanting to lift that body part. Yeah. So the reason why this kind of got lost,
Starting point is 00:06:18 because this was an understanding by the way, in the early days of strength sports, all the athletes understood that exercises were skills and they practiced them. They practiced them like you would practice any skill. But then bodybuilding became popular where the competition became about presenting my body. Whereas in the early days, the competition was
Starting point is 00:06:38 about what I could do. And then they'd do some body, you know, some presentation, but it was also like who can lift the most weight overhead with one arm or something like that. So what happened was exercise became a means to an end. Rather than looking at the exercises themselves as valuable. So in other words, chest, and here's all your 10 exercises for chest, doesn't matter which
Starting point is 00:06:56 one you do, just hammer your chest. Well that's actually not true. Now yes, they do work body parts but the exercise themselves the better they get performed the better the results they give you as well and then when it comes to strength because we're not even talking about hypertrophy and physique gains when it comes to strength the better you perform an exercise the better you the stronger you are. So to give you an example practicing bench press for 15 sets once a week will not you will not get as good
Starting point is 00:07:28 at bench press then if you did five sets Monday Wednesday Friday so still doing 15 sets but now I'm practicing on a Monday on Wednesday and Friday versus all on Monday and I'm not you know if I do 15 sets of bench press on Monday by the time I'm done with the six set like like I'm fried, technique is out the window. Now I'm just training endurance and I can't really perfect my skill. So this is why, when you look at the data on split routines versus full body, although, you know, in fact, there was a recent meta analysis done comparing the two gains were very similar when volume was controlled for. However, when it comes to strength, there are studies that show that full body is
Starting point is 00:08:09 better. There are no studies that show split is better. So when it comes to strength, which is very important, it's very important, it becomes less important the stronger you become. In other words, if you're super advanced, you know, to go from a 400 pound bench press to a 425 bench press, the returns aren't really worth it. But if you're in your first three years of training, strength is very important. It makes a big difference.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And so if you wanna get stronger, practicing the lifts more often with less fatigue is more beneficial, so full body is superior. I can't wait to hear your argument for the split, because I mean, everything you're saying right now for full body seems like it would, like where are you gonna come up with the reason where full body makes more, I mean, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:08:56 where split makes more sense than the full body. Well, the next one is more for full body, but we'll get to split, because there are cases where split can actually make sense. But the next point here is if you're short on time, now this is an easy point to make, right?
Starting point is 00:09:09 A full body routine, three days a week requires less time in the gym than, you know, a six day split, hitting all the body parts with the same amount of volume. And this is the case, and we don't need to spend a lot of time here because this is the one time the average person gets it, I think the one time the average person gets it, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:25 The one time the average person goes with a full body routine is, oh, I can only go to the gym two days a week or three days a week. So I've seen it. So much more flexibility with it. If you miss a workout, it's not the worst thing because you can have that full body routine the following day and you're going to catch up. To me, that has always been the strongest argument for either one of these is when you train enough people for as long as we have,
Starting point is 00:09:52 you start to pick up on common patterns and behaviors amongst the general population. We're not talking about the highly competitive competitor or the athlete that's a pro, like the average person, rarely ever doesn't have days that they miss. They don't have, they have weeks where they miss. It's not their career to be in the gym. Yeah, exactly. It's not their career to show up to the gym and they do it because they want to be healthy, they want to be fit or their doctor said they need to. And so they're likely, they're
Starting point is 00:10:23 likely to miss a workout here and there, and that happens relatively frequently. It's not like a, they barely ever miss. They, they miss quite a bit. Most people, even if they're consistent, will miss a couple of workouts a month. Yes. At least. So in, in, in, in that case, man, whenever I was running some sort of a split with a
Starting point is 00:10:42 client that throws everything off, it was just much easier. If I would have had a client that our goal was to train three full bodies, uh, full body workouts a week. And if they missed one or even two workouts in that same week, we would be okay. We would, we still were keeping. Because the volume is consistent for the whole body. You don't develop. Here's what happens, Adam, I'll add to that.
Starting point is 00:11:03 What, what workouts or what days on a split routine do people tend for the whole body. You don't develop. Here's what happens, Adam, I'll add to that. What workouts or what days on a split routine do people tend to miss when they do miss? Yeah, like legs. They don't like the most. Legs day. Leg day. Yeah, leg day for guys. By the way, that's where that came from, by the way. Yeah, skipping leg day. That's where Monday Chest Day became a joke and where leg day comments,
Starting point is 00:11:23 that's where it came from. It came from bros guys working body parts splits and skipping the workout. The muscle they don't want to do. And then, or, or when it naturally this is you show up back to the, how often do they skip bicep day? Yeah, you never listen. And by the way, speaking from calling myself out, like I was definitely that kid who, you know, I missed a workout, but I wasn't missing arm day, you know what I'm saying? Like arm day never got missed, but oh, leg day. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Too bad I was sick on that day. Next muscle. I mean, and so that's where all the memes come from is that, and so it's very common that people miss and when they do, it really throws off a split where if you're in a full body routine, you tend to stay on pace and on track track still and they're still well balanced physique. All right. So here's a point for split and there's, this is kind of a two point point. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:12 If you're somebody that loves isolation or auxiliary exercises, you like all the weird movements and you like a lot of volume per body part and you can handle a lot of volume per body part. Well, can handle a lot of volume per body part. Well, a split is probably a funner workout for you, and it's better. The one you enjoy most is probably the one that you'll do the most consistent. In that case, I can see it.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So, if I'm doing full body, I mean legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms, I'm doing some core, I'm not gonna be throwing in a ton of all these one-arm cable crossover to upper chest, lower chest, machine press sideways. I'm not doing all these weird exercises. I don't have time. I'm not gonna be in the gym for three hours. But if today's chest, then I have an hour
Starting point is 00:12:58 that I can spend hitting chest. Well now I can do all those weird, crazy exercises. Especially all the machines. Yeah, I mean, really, I don't see a good case for machines in a full body workout routine, because you're limited to the bangers, right? You only need the ones that move the needle the most. This one, yeah, you could literally just spend
Starting point is 00:13:17 all your time with chest for that day, like all the different machines, and it is fun. There's a bit of novelty to that. Now, I know you're making the argument in the case for Split here with that point, but I'm gonna challenge that point for the simple fact we just had a great caller. She was an ex-woman's bikini athlete,
Starting point is 00:13:37 incredible physique, competed for a long time, just came off of having a kid and was following our MAPS anabolic program, or muscle mommy. Muscle mommy. Muscle having a kid and was following our maps and a ball program, or muscle mommy. Muscle mommy. Muscle mommy is what she was following. And she was really nervous because she's like, this doesn't have enough volume for my legs. I trained so many more exercises.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And yet she had stuck through the process and saw incredible results. And it kind of baffled her because of how many more exercises that she typically does for her butt and her legs. And so my argument to you about that is you're right, you can do all these great machine exercises and isolation exercises, but then what ends up happening is because of that you tend to don't get as much of the good ones and you get more of all the ones that are inferior. And so, you know, and that, this was a great, and I hope the boys can clip this in this conversation.
Starting point is 00:14:31 So the listener can see this, this conversation we had, cause I think it's such a great, great point. You have somebody with a great physique, knows what she's doing, very smart trainer, right? Just was blown away by how little she thought we were programming legs. And it's like, it isn't it's watch what your legs do, because what's in there is no fluff.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's all the stuff that's going to move the needle the most. And when somebody has a full day of a muscle, they might have one or two great exercises in there. And then it tends to have a lot of fluff. So what they count as the total sets, say you did 15 for one muscle group in there, well yeah, eight of it was fire, seven of it was subpar. And so then this is another, in my opinion, case for full body because if volume is accounted for, and they each did 15 sets total in the week and that one did all 15 in a workout, what ends up happening is five
Starting point is 00:15:24 to seven of it is really good lifts. And then the rest is these- Kind of wasting your time. Yeah. Where the person who split it up in three days, what do they do? Yeah. But you're, but you know, you're a hundred percent and you're spoken like a trainer who's trained a lot of people, but there are those people who can handle
Starting point is 00:15:39 a tremendous amount of volume. I'll use an extreme example of pro bodybuilder who's doing 30 sets per body part per week. A full body routine doesn't make any sense. Well that so maybe in the gym for three hours. So that and to me you're right and that one I got to once I got to that level that's how I was training. Yeah because it made you you would be in the gym too long. I'm in the gym two hours a day seven days a week you know what I'm saying. So I had all the time in the world to not only hit all the bangers, but then add all the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So I definitely am not arguing that point, um, for a pro bodybuilder, a pro athlete, like that, I mean, those people that are their job is to be in the gym, tend to do a pretty good job of covering, like this isn't me calling out, because I guarantee somebody's listening right now and is just like well you know you know Ronnie Coleman trying this way it's like yeah okay I'm not calling out the super bodybuilder who's like you know definitely hitting the big body but like they're definitely hitting the good lifts and then they're doing a bunch more I'm talking about the general pop that thinks they want to be or they want to look like that person but you
Starting point is 00:16:43 technically fall on the general population category. Another category where I think a split can, for some people, be an advantage is for somebody who's really wanting to focus on a particular lagging body part. Now you could definitely do this with a full body routine, but a body part split lends itself well to it because you have a day.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You have a day where you're working that body part that's lagging and you can go in and you could just focus on it and you can prime it and you can work the big banger and then you can add a little extra volume on it, other areas. And so I think in that case for some people, I think it works well. Whereas a full body routine, you can still do it. You just prioritize it in the workout. But sometimes it's hard to hit that lagging body part because I'm also hitting chest, back, shoulders, arms. Yeah, or you prime it really well and you learn because it's really a connection issue for the most part a lot of times with the lagging body part. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:34 that'll help you at least rep through and rebuild and enhance that connectivity with mind muscle. But there are ways to do it in full body. It's just not as obvious, I think, for people, but yeah, that's one way you can at least ensure that you're gonna get it to respond. So this is my favorite case for it, or favorite argument for it. And this is kinda how it looked for me.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I've told the story before on the podcast about the female competitor who told me I had weak shoulders and I remember that like that set me on fire. And so the way I hurt my soul. This is where like this is where I applied this like that from that moment on, not kidding. It was like now, you know what everybody says, like, you know, national chest, that was it was national shoulder day. I did not miss Mondays with shoulders and it was, yeah, first.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And that was just it. It was like, if you really do have a lagging body part and you put it to the front of the line, that that becomes now the workout you never miss. Right? And I've applied this also, this was one of the ways I applied catching my legs up because even when I admit that, that I was that young kid who skipped those leg days, once I realized, oh, I can't do that, now legs become part of it, then legs was the front of the line, right?
Starting point is 00:18:49 So then it was just like, oh, if I, you know, let's say I trained her and let's tell you what this looks like. Let's say Monday is leg day, Tuesday, shoulder day, Wednesday, got sick, something happened, and then two days later I come back to the gym. Well, whenever that would happen to me, I started back over. On legs. on legs again. So I got the same or more volume always to that lagging body part to help bring it up. That's how I like that.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I like if you have a lagging body part that you really, cause when you're trying to balance the physique out and you have a lagging body part, it's actually okay. If the other ones get left behind a little bit because you're out of balance. And so it's okay that that week that I just gave as an example, well, what do you, I missed chest day. Well, yeah, well, chest was a strength at that point, or I missed arm day. Yeah, it's okay. Cause arms are a strength.
Starting point is 00:19:34 They can handle a week off. I can't miss legs. And so legs actually got hit an extra bit of time. And so then it worked to my advantage running a split even on weeks where I missed a day because I would start the week back over on the week I missed a day. So I never missed that workout.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, 100%. And then lastly, and this is why, if you've listened to our show for a while, you know when this conversation comes up, we almost always recommend full body workouts. And that's this point, like if you are, like most people versus the, you know, five or 10% of outsiders who have everything dialed can handle a lot of
Starting point is 00:20:11 volume, this is like, like a big, this is like your life, um, then you're better off doing a full body. Now the problem with this is a lot of people lie to themselves. There's a lot of people listening and watching right now. We're like, yeah, I'm that 5%. No, you're not. You're probably not. You're tattooed right here. Ask yourself this. When you're in a serious gym, are you one of the 5% of people that is most jacked and most impressive? If it's not
Starting point is 00:20:37 you, then you're probably like everybody else and you'll get better results with a full body routine. Yeah. And so that's, that's just the one. And I agree with you too. This is like, and I know what the, the researches shows are pretty human, but what people have to remember about the research and the studies and the people that tout that stuff all the time is that they're in, it's in a controlled environment and nobody works in a controlled environment like that.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You all have real life things that happen to you. And so when we put together a routine or when we recommend advice to people in the podcast, you've always got to remember that because we always get some sort of pushback anytime that we counter or we challenge something that's said in a study because we all don't live in a study. We all have real life stuff and, and, and we also
Starting point is 00:21:21 play the, the mental part of this too, the psychology behind behavior also. You have to factor those in when you're deciding to go on a diet, when you're deciding to follow a routine. You have to factor in the psychological part. You have to factor in the behavioral component and that's where we come up with the advice. It's the science. Obviously, that's important.
Starting point is 00:21:44 That's the base of the direction that we make a point. Paired with the psychology and the behavioral aspect. And real world experience. And yes, and that's where you get this kind of conversation and why we tend to lean that direction is not because I haven't seen an example of somebody in a body part split that looks amazing, of course I have, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:02 So I mean, look, just to back you up, like the meta-analysis that was just, it was last year, so the newer one. Remember, a meta-analysis is an analysis of many studies and they're the most reliable when it comes to what is the result, what's the answer? And here's what the meta-analysis shows, that when all things are controlled and consistent,
Starting point is 00:22:24 there isn't a big difference okay however however when you factor in all the things that we talked about the edge strongly goes to full body so if everything's perfect there's not a big difference if you're not perfect which you're not and things are gonna go you know sometimes you'll miss a workout or whatever full body is superior and that's exactly the experience we had. 99% of people I worked with, which includes people that were serious, which includes people that really wanted to, you know, get great gains, did better on full body workouts. All right, I'm going to switch to diet because I'm really
Starting point is 00:23:00 getting a kick. We talked about this before a couple times now where we compared grass-fed meat to traditional meat and the argument typically goes something like this like grass-fed meat is better because it's higher in beneficial fatty acids, it's lower in inflammatory fatty acids, it's slightly higher in certain nutrients, it's higher in CLA which is a fatty acid that's got some fat burning properties so it's just healthier right it's higher in CLA, which is a fatty acid that's got some fat burning properties. So it's just healthier, right? It's a healthier type of meat, which is true, it is true. Especially if you eat a lot of red meat,
Starting point is 00:23:32 going grass-fed is gonna be better for your health. You don't eat a ton of meat, it's not gonna be a huge difference, but if you eat a lot of meat, it makes a big difference. But the selling point that is really sticking with me, I'll give you guys an example. I actually took two screenshots to show the difference. So you're trying to decide between grass-fed or regular tri-tip. Okay? Eight ounces of regular tri-tip is 392 calories. I could eat two more ounces of grass-fed
Starting point is 00:24:02 and eat 375 calories and How much more protein 62 grams of protein and the grass-fed versus 47 grams Wow So I can eat more to yeah, so more volume Less calories more protein Wow, so it's like it's a win-win way What a great easy way to control calories or cut calories too. Let's say you're on a diet where you allowed all the other stuff, if you literally just changed that. If you keep the ounces the same, the cuts the same, everything the same, you went to grass-fed,
Starting point is 00:24:35 calories drop, and protein goes up. What a great selling point for our partner ButcherBox. I hope that they hear the pod know the podcow listen to what we say because what's always sold again is the health benefits and I think a lot of people now have heard that enough but what's not sold enough is hey you want to eat more and get lower calories oh and bump your protein while eating the same cuts. Huge benefits to that. Like yeah that's crazy. Imagine going on a cut and not changing your meal.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Everything's the same, your same amount of meat. You just switched to grass fed. You just switched to grass fed. What a big difference. I think, I don't think. I compared 10 ounces to eight ounces. I knew that, I think you guys did too. I didn't think I realized how much though.
Starting point is 00:25:16 It's a big, it's not a little different. Yeah, yeah, that's a big difference. That's a big difference. I mean, jumping 20 grams of protein, I mean, it's hard to find 20 grams of protein. So that's a tough, so being able to add 20 grams to the same amount of ounces of meat that you're already currently eating, that's incredible. I know, that's amazing. I know, I know, I love it. I think that's one of the reasons why I didn't realize this,
Starting point is 00:25:38 but I always feel better when I eat more grass-fed versus grain-fed, and I think part of it's the fatty acid profile. I eat a lot of red meat. Okay. So for people like if I eat probably a pound or more of red meat, that's not including other protein sources, but I've just read meat almost every day. So I ate a lot. So I think that's part of it. And I think the other part of it is I end up with a better macro profile and I'm
Starting point is 00:26:01 not, I have never really calculated it, but I bet my protein, I mean, of course, my protein goes up and everything's so much better. Speaking of diet do you guys see this study on I think it's brain cancer what type of brain cancer glioma if I'm not mistaken did you guys see the study on brain cancer and diet I'm gonna pull it up. This is flying right now. This is absolutely flying. So, glioblastoma multiform. So, this is a type of brain, I mean, brain cancer in general is terrible.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It's one of the worst. Yeah, Doug, look up the five year, look up the prognosis or the survival rate of glioblastoma multiform brain cancer. Actually, I know what it is here. Let's call that out. I already know what it is here. Let's spell that out. I already know what it is here. So they did a study where they took people with this cancer.
Starting point is 00:26:51 They kept some of them on a regular diet. Then they took some of them and put them on a keto diet. So this cancer is a terrible survival risk. And they already have it. They got it. There's a, it's like if you have this, it's really bad. To death sentence. I mean, it's just tough. It's like if you have this, it's really bad. To death sentence.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I mean, it's just tough. It's tough and there's always miracles and I want to be careful how we say this because somebody listening may be suffering from this. And I just want a little side note. There is data to show that when you lose hope, you also lose, your survival rate also goes down. So be careful when you go and you get a terminal prognosis.
Starting point is 00:27:25 There are some studies that suggest, and when you talk to surgeons and doctors to tell you this, when people are like, that's it, I'm going to die, they tend to die. So even if you have this prognosis, there is a chance of survival. But nonetheless, it's very aggressive. It's a bad one. The people who had a regular diet, their three year survival rate was 8%. So the people who just ate normal,
Starting point is 00:27:48 8% of them made it three years. People who went on a ketogenic diet, 66%. Wow. Whoa. That is a massive difference. So there's two big things happening there. Because like you just said before you said said that stat, I've experienced firsthand with my family that has suffered from cancer.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Uh, and I've seen, I've seen clear differences between the family members who got it and instantly began to fight instantly began to change diet and habits and do their own research and doing everything they can to prolong or potentially reverse. And then I've had other family members that would say things like, I've had a good run, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:33 and it was a good time. Like, yeah, kind of threw in the towel about it. And even if they said they kind of weren't, they kind of like mentally, you could just see it. You could see that they were, and there was a huge difference. So I think what you're highlighting is not only obviously what the diet can do,
Starting point is 00:28:48 but also the mentality. Back to your original point is those are the people that are like, you know, to go on a ketogenic diet is a radical diet. That's not like a, hey, eat a, you know what I'm saying? It takes a lot of structure. Yeah, that's a good point. They know they're doing something.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Oh yeah, that's a strict diet, very strict diet. Especially one for cancer. This is a traditional ketogenic diet. Yeah, the clinical version. It's like moderate to low protein, no carbs, like you even cut out carbs in your toothpaste carbs, like nothing, high fat. And you also gotta keep in mind, those people,
Starting point is 00:29:17 if you've been, you have, been with people like that, like man, their cravings and appetite, you know, is always up and down, and depending if they're doing chemo or not throws it. So it's challenging from what I've seen, very challenging to follow a strict diet. So you've got somebody there who is not only following the optimal diet for that, but also is fighting. That cares.
Starting point is 00:29:38 66% though, I mean the diet played a big role in that. It's pretty remarkable. This is flying because you rarely ever see a dietary intervention with cancer, at least in a study that shows us. Now, the reason why this is such a big deal, it wasn't a huge study. The reason why it was such a big deal is it follows along with what there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:29:59 doctors and individuals who have said this, especially about brain cancers in particular. And a lot, it's just look, here's the deal, like cancers in general, not all of them, so this isn't 100% true, there is a group of people that will say that the, what's called the Warburg, I think it's the Warburg effect if I'm not mistaken, maybe Doug looked it up so I know I'm not saying it wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Cancers aggressively consume carbohydrates, uh, carbohydrates and sugars aggressively. And starving them of those and going ketogenic often slows down or can kill. The growth. It's the Warburg effect. Yeah. It's a metabolic phenomenon observed in many cancer cells where they preferentially use
Starting point is 00:30:39 glycolysis to generate energy, even in the presence of oxygen. So going ketogenic, uh, can kill or weaken some of these cells. It seems to be particularly true for brain, for the brain cancers. So it's pretty remarkable. But then again, back to the other point, I used to train a lot of surgeons that worked
Starting point is 00:30:57 with people who, and God bless them, man, what a tough job. They would come and tell me these stories. It's like, I don't know how you do it. But they would, no joke, at least five bless them, man, what a tough job. They would come and tell me these stories. It's like, I don't know how you do it. But they would, no joke, at least five of them, this topic would come up and they'd say, oh, I could tell when a person gives up that
Starting point is 00:31:14 it's that they're, and their health will decline. I said, really, you really think that that's why? Because they gave up and they said, absolutely. These were like, logical science-based doctors. Don't you feel like it's very similar to what we've seen too, and most people can up on this, absolutely. These were like logical science-based doctors. Don't you feel like it's very similar to what we've seen too, and most people can relate to this, where they've seen a family member who has lost a spouse that they've been married to for 50 years
Starting point is 00:31:35 or whatever like that. Yeah, they're in a rapid decline. Their health goes down fast. Super fast, super fast. Definitely something too. I mean, we had Dr. Roy Von Tonma, I think is how you pronounce his name. Just, and it all resonated with me
Starting point is 00:31:49 because it's just the presentation of like, a positive outlook versus a negative outlook from the very beginning of it. It's like you're trying to organize all your efforts around it. It's like, it's gonna determine a lot. Like your psychology going into it's gonna determine a lot. You know, I've thought about it
Starting point is 00:32:06 because I've been around it like how I would be. And obviously the easy thing to say is like, oh, I would be this way. But you always wonder, right? You never know, yeah. You always wonder like if you got hit with like news like that, you know, would you be the same fiery person who attacks
Starting point is 00:32:21 like how you attack everything else in your life or would all of a sudden that totally change. I've seen it a few times where I've seen it where they fight but then because the cancer starts to get aggressive, they start to, it gets nasty, dude. It gets really tough and really nasty. It's an ugly treatment process. I had someone really close to me who was very, she was very Christian. She had a very strong faith and I'd never seen anybody
Starting point is 00:32:45 would maintain that level of faith and grace. I mean, she was terminal. She shouldn't have made it four months. She made it a year and a half. When I used to own my studio, she would come in and I'd train her. She was family. She'd come in and her hair falling out from the chemo and she'd get ascites with all this fluid retention in her midsection, it caused all this pain. And she would always come in and she would ask everybody how they were doing and she had this,
Starting point is 00:33:14 and she'd change the lives of everybody around her. Even though it took her life, it took a while, but she changed the life. I'd never seen anything like that. It was really, really incredible. So yeah, but you're right, like in that position, what would you? I know.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's easy to say when you're not, when you're not, oh, I would do this stuff. But then getting hit with that news is totally different. I know, crazy. Speaking of diet, so your fat jokes have gotten to me, Adam. Hey bro, I saw your Max Lucavere video that's going viral right now. And I'm like, bro, you were looking
Starting point is 00:33:43 like Jordan Peterson video. I know, dude. You know what? So here's, here's. Camera adds 10 pounds. Ooh. Yeah. Directly to the face.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Give me the one. Hey, can we switch to the camera that takes the camera? This is karma, dude, for all the. You know, it's funny because I guess maybe this one is like shooting you straight on, so it doesn't, but and then when you go to others. When you go sideways?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah, I think it has something to do with that. You know what it is. So here's the problem. Here's my challenge, right? My challenge is I always, on and off, I deal with gut health issues. And what's happened is, and I've talked about this before, my gut health has become this wonderful barrier,
Starting point is 00:34:16 or should I say it controls how I eat and how I feed myself. And it really is a check. Natural regulator for you. It's a natural checks and balances. My tendency is trying to get as big as possible. I have this, it's still is a check. Natural regulator for you. It's a natural checks and balances. My tendency is trying to get as big as possible. It's still a mental illness that I have with that. Just get as big as possible.
Starting point is 00:34:31 But my gut health stops it. It's like a gift from God. Now I see it, I'm like, okay, I know why you gave me these gut issues. He's like, no, no, no, we're not gonna keep you from killing yourself by trying to get too big, and you know what's gonna happen is you push your calories too high,
Starting point is 00:34:44 or eat all these foods, you'll get gut issues. They'll take you back. So that's always it. But whenever my gut health is really good, then I tend to go off and I push it and I get bigger and I feel stronger and, Oh, I like it. And I keep going. And I just went too far, dude. I'm like, so far.
Starting point is 00:34:59 We went to Hawaii. We went on vacation, came back. I'm feeling like not good, man. I'm just not feeling good, except for when I work out and I get pumped and my ego feels great. It's just not feeling good. My sleep is off and it's like, this is bad. So I just sat down with my wife and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:35:15 I can't do this, my health is not great. I'm gonna reverse it. So I've been cut, I've been reversing. So I'm going to, yeah. So this is you coming out to tell the audience so you hold you accountable. Yeah, dude. So then they're gonna ask you. Are you? Yeah. So this is you coming out to tell the audience so you hold you accountable. Yeah, dude. So then they're gonna ask you.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's so annoying. You know what you're gonna do? Bro, I'm walking around. That's what everybody does here, do you know that right now? We all wait, we all wait to say anything out loud. You know what I'm saying? And then once we say out loud,
Starting point is 00:35:37 you know that you have to like, because it's like, it's not just, it's one thing to tell your friend or tell someone else, it's another thing to announce it on a damn show. Everybody's gonna be asking. You gotta be careful, yeah, once you leak out, it's like, oh, now you're bound to that. I'm walking around, like, around 230,
Starting point is 00:35:50 which is like the heaviest that I ever can walk. And you're- And I'm not built like Justin. You're lean, too. I don't like you being heavier. I'm not like Justin. Justin carries size well. He's an athlete, he's a big boy.
Starting point is 00:36:01 He's husky. Yeah, I'm not like that. So 230 for me is like, you know, it's like if Justin was like 260. No, you and I are like, we're supposed to be like 190. Yeah, dude. We're supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Oh, calm down, I'm not going down that far. I think you're supposed to be like 190. I'm supposed to be like 200 flat. That's where we're supposed to be, I'm pretty sure. I'm not going that far, no way, dude. 190, oh no. I just gotta get back to a big trap with no neck. I'm really excited about what we're starting today.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Today we start. Actually, when this goes live, it'll have already started. But we had a really good time helping the GLP One group out. It was a, we all are trainers by heart. And even though we get a taste of that being on the podcast and sharing our experiences and, and, and wisdom with people, but still not the same as like coaching people one-on-one. And so I really enjoyed the GLP one group that we got to be a part of, especially considering that I thought this would, I thought it'd be challenging, right?
Starting point is 00:37:05 I think we all like a challenge. We've trained almost every kind of person you could think of. And so- There's a part of me too that misses training people. Yeah, yeah. So that was cool. And I, you know, it was, we weren't sure.
Starting point is 00:37:15 What we were more concerned about was, you know, how would, how would we be able, would we really be able to help in a group and would people really feel like they got a lot of value from it? And it was just, it was an incredible response. We had an incredible response from it. Everybody loved it. So we're going to try something new this time, which is not a specific group like GLP one, but like more general, which is maps transformation is now live, which is inspired by
Starting point is 00:37:40 the journey that I took to get back and thought what And thought what a great group training to do with everybody is this transformation process of if you've fallen off and you're getting back in the swing of things to take these people through. So Kyle and the training team is going to be taking a group of 50 through. So we limited it. So for people that are listening and wondering
Starting point is 00:38:04 if they hadn't heard about it or whatever, it's like we'd. It's already gone. Yeah, we, we limited it. So for people that are listening and wondering if they hadn't heard about her or whatever, it's like, we, we, yeah, we already, we already went with it. We, and if we might do it again, if we do, it sells out fast. This one sold out quick. Um, and so excited for that. The boys and I will drop in. We we're going to launch it today. We'll be in there and then we'll, we'll be in and out of it with them.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Really wanting to see our training staff and this training team that we have now take these people through it, so I'm super excited. Yeah, and the program, Transformers, it's just, it's flying. It's more of a popular program, right? GLP One's very specific. This is a program I think a lot of people identify with, and a lot of people are, it's cool,
Starting point is 00:38:37 I can't wait to see some of the before and afters that people get through that 90 day process. I think there's just been a lot of that, like, oh man, I really should get back to it. And that's sort of him and Han. And it's one of those that kind of presents an opportunity. And then that group is great, because it's like, you know, you're going to have all this momentum.
Starting point is 00:38:55 You want the accountability with it as well. It's really helpful. But also, too, the psychological help to not overdo it. Well, it was a bit of an aha moment for myself, talking again about the accountability of putting it out there on the internet. When we did the, when I did the transformation coming back, you know, we've openly talked on the show many times
Starting point is 00:39:17 about how we tend to overreach. I don't care how long we've been doing this, how much knowledge we have, if we have a tendency to do anything, it's to overreach, especially when you've taken somewhat of a break, if you've fallen off a little bit. It's just human nature. It is human nature. And I don't care how experienced you are or not,
Starting point is 00:39:33 we even have a bad habit of doing that. And so when I was being, being documented through this whole process, I had this like pressure of like, okay, I got to not do what my tendency is. I need to do what I teach and what I tell people so people the world can see and then of course had incredible results like You know what? it makes sense for us to create something like this because I can't be the only person who falls off for a month or two and then comes back on and
Starting point is 00:39:57 Then when they come back they tend to hop right into way more than they need to and so it's the perfect segue to get somebody back into shape and so so I'm excited, too, to see how many people use it that way. And follow it. Follow it the way it's laid out. Don't overdo it. Trust the process. If you've taken more than a couple of weeks off
Starting point is 00:40:14 and you're back in the swing of things, following that program and watch what happens. Watch your timeline shrink in terms of getting those results. That's the thing that trips people out. Totally. I got to ask you guys a question. So as a man, as a grown man, how many times in your life have you been approached
Starting point is 00:40:29 by another man and told you have really nice skin? Is that something that ever happens to you? Zero. Yeah. I'm so pissed. That's a Sal unique. This is weird. It's happened to me twice recently.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Wow. Two times. Yeah, one of my friends. Did he try and touch you at the same time? No, so one of them was a friend of mine, which is, eh, it's cool, still kind of weird, but whatever, he's like, you know, you got really good skin, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:51 especially for your age or whatever. So I'm like, oh, thank you very much. And then I had someone randomly tell me that I had good skin. I'm like, this is weird. Maybe I shouldn't really say that. Shout out to Caldera for bringing it, huh? Caldera Labs, it's gotta be that, righta Lab does it. I mean it's gotta be that
Starting point is 00:41:06 right. It's gotta be that. It gives me that sheen. I don't know. I have from family that because family that sees me and that's what I tell them all the time that is. They say your skin looks nice. Yeah I've had that. Okay. I've been super consistent with it too though. Are you doing the cream and the oil? Always always cream oil. Base oil, yeah I do the I do the the base layer with the serum and then I use their soap. Their soap, we don't talk a lot about their soap. I know I went off on it when we first got it. You like the suds? I just, it's a lather. I don't know like. You love soap. Well okay so there's a lot of like organic natural brands of soap out there that you can get.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And one of the reasons why I always go away and go back to my chemical base soap all over myself is because there's something about the lather. I just need to feel. That's a fact. They know this. It's just like, same with toothpaste. It is like toothpaste.
Starting point is 00:41:59 It's just like that. So if you gave me toothpaste that didn't set up, I just don't. We're too conditioned. We are. I'm like whatever. I could be. Well, Caldera Lab though did it without chemicals. That's why it's so, that's why I'm so impressed.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And not only that, it's better than any chemical-based soap I've ever had that lather. So it doesn't just lather good for the natural soap, it lathers good compared to anything else on the market. So they sold me right away with that. Hey, I'm gonna change the subject. Did you guys see, maybe you did did Justin? You're into this. Okay. Did you see what happened when an AI called another AI? Yes. God I did see that video Yeah, so they were calling each other to make like hotel reservations
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, so they didn't know they were AI so one called to book a restaurant The other AI is helping a book a restaurant. Yeah, and so they, and then they figured out, is like, oh, by the way, I'm an AI assistant. And then the other one was like, oh, why don't we make this conversation more efficient? And then they started talking in some weird, like digital languages, like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They started talking and they realized they were talking to AI.
Starting point is 00:42:59 And then they switched to like some secret language to book to. Dude. Did you guys see what Danny, did you see what Danny said this morning? No. You didn't see Oh, I did. Oh, with the doctor, the influencer. Yes. It was a doctor of 800,000 followers. Bro, I'm a doctor and here's what makes your book look good. I'm a doc. It was a not even real. I was like, Oh my God, I've seen this. And before that it was like, she was pitching that she used to be a Victoria's Secret model and here's all my secret hacks and like here's all the you know, you name off all of these like
Starting point is 00:43:32 herbal You know and like food that she ate only Yeah, yeah all these things like exotic things that she did in her diet all the stuff and really just to sell supplements all linked to Amazon all linked all linked. All linked. All linked to Amazon. I mean, imagine if you're- What an easy way to make money. Amazon has to be making those.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I mean, right? No, it's got to be the company selling the products. No, not necessarily. Or somebody who has an account, maybe? No. Or, I mean, what stops a normal person- Like an independent person selling through. Yeah, an independent person to make an AI bot that gives you a 10 or 15 percent kickback on all these Amazon products.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I think the age of influencers is limited and is going to die soon because companies very soon, okay, very soon are going to realize with AIs advancing that they can create an AI influencer. And here's the kicker, people don't need to be tricked. People are going to know it's AI, it's still going to work. And they're going tricked people are gonna know it's AI it's still gonna work yeah and they're gonna have an AI influencer that's gonna get all these followers only fans so okay this is a good robots conversation or debate here because I don't think it's gonna kill the age of the influencer I think it's only gonna embolden it and what I mean by that and it's kind of funny that we did this, right? We did put on our podcast real human
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah, real human. Yeah, I did that on purpose by the way. Yeah decipher carbon based Influencers because I would think that what will happen is people that are are real and you know, they're real You've seen them in a live event. You've met them before you know What they're like that you will lean more into taking advice and information from that source because it's trusted, than just someone hot on Instagram. I just think that that's- I disagree.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I'll tell you what, here's what I think. Okay, it's like bi-local. There are people that are like, I gotta bi-local, I look for the sticker. Most people don't give a shit. Most people look at, yeah, or organic and grown. Wait, wait, wait. Can grown. They care about trade. Show me how you make that connection.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Why is it like bi-local? So there are, so there are people. I know what you're talking about, bi-local. So there are people who are interested in where it's coming from and who's making it and whatever. And that's a market. But the bigger market, by far, are people who don't care. They could care less.
Starting point is 00:45:40 So we could, you're gonna have people who are like, no, no, no, I only wanna listen to real people. And there's gonna be that market, still gonna exist. The vast majority of people, they're not gonna care. Okay, so you're talking about two different customers. You're talking about a customer that is already looking for something specific and will they buy from Mindpump versus buy from the AI influencer?
Starting point is 00:45:59 Well, they don't care because they're already searching for a product. Influence and what the word influencer comes from is the ability to influence people to buy something. That means that person is following that said person who that person then influences them to purchase something like that. That customer- You don't think an AI is going to become an influencer?
Starting point is 00:46:16 No, no. I don't. I mean, I think right now they are. Obviously, they're 800-some followers. I think as more people become privy to it, they'll be less likely to just follow somebody on Instagram. And they're going to want some sort of proof that this is a real human and have some sort of connection and engagement before they do it.
Starting point is 00:46:33 But we're in this time right now where I think, yes, those AI bots are going to get away with it. Look at the real people who have already been failing. Like the Bill Gibson story, like another cancer faker that got exposed. You didn't see that? She's from like a whole documentary on Netflix. Oh, you told me about it.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah. She pretended to have brain cancer. Yeah, and had like a beautiful Instagram with like everything, like tracking her food. Like I'm just treating myself with whole natural foods and blah, blah, blah. What a scumbag. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Bro, she made it on a 60 minutes everything. She blew, she was like a phenomenon. So, you know, I blah, blah, blah. What a scumbag. Yeah, dude. But she made it on to 60 minutes, everything. She blew, she was like a phenomenon. So, you know, I don't know, man. I mean, it's interesting because, yeah, like you look at somebody like that that's just like completely an evil person that's taking money at everybody else's expense and versus like an AI.
Starting point is 00:47:22 What's the difference at that point? Well, there's definitely not a difference. They're just as bad. Actually the person's worse. AI is just doing what they've been programmed to do, that person is flat out lying. I think AI is gonna be so good that people are gonna follow AI,
Starting point is 00:47:34 and they're gonna like it. And like I say, I like this AI influencer, and they give me great advice. See, I think it's gonna look like this. There's already people falling in love with this. I think we're an example of this. What are one of the things that you noticed about like our most loyal listeners it will tell us that they actually use almost all the products
Starting point is 00:47:51 we talk about and that's because they have a relationship with us. We're trusted, we're authentic, they feel like they built this and then so it's like so if the guys recommend this thing I like now they get that thing because of the trusted source. So I think that what you'll see in the future is more and more personal brands able to connect themselves to so many products that maybe not even align with what they do. So, you know, like, what, like, for example, like, not that I think we're going to go this direction, but you know, we could have, you know, bath towels and do things that have nothing to do with health and fitness because they at least trust who we are recommending
Starting point is 00:48:26 that product or said thing. And so it becomes more about that, then oh, I think that's the best towel in the market because Mind Pump says it. You know what I'm saying? Let me put it this way then, maybe. Maybe the influencers who gain influence because of the way they look,
Starting point is 00:48:40 and they're not really presenting tons of value, they're probably gonna be gone. Oh yeah. Don't you think they're not really presenting tons of value, they're probably gonna be gone. Oh yeah. You know, so there's a dirt. But don't you think they were, they're on their way, I mean there was a reason why we trademarked stay authentic. Yeah. Yeah, we believe that early on when we first moved into space that, oh this is just a free for all for people
Starting point is 00:48:57 and there's so many people being fake. Yeah, you're finding out how small of a, you know, amount of people out there that you really think are authentic, it's like, it's pretty crazy and it really is, the whole world, as we know it, how small of a you know amount of people you out there that you really think are authentic it's like it's pretty crazy and it's it really is the whole world as we know it media everything has just been this complete facade we're about to see how weird it gets and we're gonna see it pretty pretty soon who was it that sent the video in our group thread of the guy that fell in love with his
Starting point is 00:49:20 car literally that's that's a that literally an extreme example. What's going to happen when people are talking to AI robots? From what I just love, those exhaust pipes. Yeah. Dang. You think that's a joke that's real. There's a whole group of people that are like that. I know. I know. But there are people right now falling in love with their AI boyfriends and girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:49:42 That's more realistic to me when you start to... Yes, of course. Yeah, especially when they're programmed to make you feel good and tell you all these sweet things. I was just talking this, I was talking this weekend to a friend of mine about, so this data came out that shows that, I think I brought this up already, that the decline in Christianity that's happened over the last many decades has finally halted, looks like it's reversing.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And one of the segments of the population that seems to be really returning to it are, is Gen Z young men in particular. And if you go deeper and dig deeper, you know where a lot of them are going? The more structured, orthodox versions of Christianity. Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism. So we had this great conversation,
Starting point is 00:50:22 and my speculation is these young men in Gen Z grew up with internet, pornography, everything in their face all the time, that they're like, I need some structure. That's it. I need some parameters and some structure. They didn't have boundaries. They didn't grow up with, you know, real rigid, strict male leadership. They're missing male leadership. You know, it's another, more proof of that, Sal, is how many grifters are out there making men, men camps. Yeah. Yeah. Because that's a clear indication of the need
Starting point is 00:50:50 there, right? That's why they can get away with making all this money running man camps, you know, for all these beta dudes, because these guys are seeking strong men leaders and it makes sense that they would go back and probably look towards one of the, one of the most famous strong male leaders in it makes sense that they would go back and probably look towards one of the most famous strong male leaders in the world ever. And so that would highlight that to me that that's why you would see that.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Attachment Adam, it makes this case all the time that male depression should be treated differently than female depression because male depression oftentimes is just a lack of purpose. So you can take a guy who's super depressed and you give them a, like a sense of purpose and then he just, he's going to do it. And by the way, if you're a young woman listening right now, this doesn't make sense
Starting point is 00:51:35 to you, but if you're a young man right now, you probably got a little excited hearing that. Like you give a guy a purpose and he'll drag himself across glass to get to that purpose. And I think the reason why a lot of these young men are, are, are moving towards religion, but in particular the more structured Orthodox versions is because it's very disciplined, structured, and it makes them feel like, yes,
Starting point is 00:51:59 this is what I need. Cause I'm living in a world where I have everything I want, pornography, you know, you know, I just tap on my phone and there it is and I can eat whatever. And I'm being told being a guy is stupid and like, you know, I don't have anything to, what's that? There was that famous speech on, um, fight club where Tyler Durden is like, yeah, we don't have a war to fight. We don't have a whatever. A lot of young men love that clip because I think a lot of young men, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Yeah. What'll be interesting to your point is how quickly it turns because of technology, right? historically we have these this ebb and flow in society of Trendy things or stuff but it tends to take decades, you know Sometimes even a century for things to come and go through our society But with the ability for information to travel so fast and social media, it seems that all the trends and the things move much faster. It's like something's hot really quick
Starting point is 00:52:54 and then it's out and then it's on the next thing. So it'd be interesting when you point out this movement that you see in this direction, like how quickly will it shift the other direction? It seems like it would be a lot faster than in the past. I'll speculate. I don't know, right? But I'll speculate as someone who's a new Christian. I think if it's only about the discipline and structure, then it'll flip because what it'll turn into is self-righteousness and I'm better than you or shame, but if it turns into a real relationship with Christ, then I think it's gonna stick. But if it's bringing
Starting point is 00:53:30 people in, that's good because then they have that opportunity. Well, like most... I do think a lot of young men are just, they are drawn because they're lost. They're anxious, depressed, I'm playing video games, you know, watching porn, I'm eating garbage, I don't have any whatever. I need someone and something to give me a purpose and that is appealing. It's very appealing to a lot of young men. Digestive enzymes help you break down all that amazing protein that you're eating into digestible usable amino acids. Masksimes is the best when it comes to digestive enzymes for people who want to shape and sculpt their body.
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Starting point is 00:54:34 It's free. Adam and I teach you how to build your business. Our first caller is Sarah from Connecticut. Hi, Sarah. How you doing, Sarah? How can I help you? Hi, how you doing? Good, how are you?
Starting point is 00:54:44 I'm doing okay. My question is about the impact of weightlifting on blood tests intended to check for liver function. Last year, my routine blood work showed elevated liver enzymes and in a follow up a few months later, they were even higher. My physician ordered an abdominal ultrasound, which was normal, and decided to do one more round of blood testing. She said if it remained elevated, she was going to refer me to a liver specialist. I did a little research myself and found paper, they didn't find a lot, but I found some papers that suggested that muscles when they're damaged release the same enzymes that are used to screen for liver damage. There was at least one article that suggested that subjects being tested for clinical trials should stop weight training for a week before blood tests so that the presence of these
Starting point is 00:55:29 enzymes don't unnecessarily disqualify them from clinical trials. So I asked my doctor if I should rest before the third round of testing. She said, just keep doing what you normally do. But I'll be honest, what I was normally doing at the time was probably over training. So I thought, and, and definitely on the second time that I did blood tests, I had lifted heavy that very morning and then I had the blood tests in the afternoon and they, and really my, I think it was the ALT that spiked it from like 30 to 70. So I just decided to, on my own, to rest for just a few days.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I didn't take a whole week off, but I rested a few days before my last round of tests and sure enough, they dropped back to normal or close to normal. One was just a teeny bit high, but it was just three days that I rested. So, I mean, since I sent my question and I found an article that was a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:56:20 it was an NIH article, it was more of a health industry article. The others had tended to be like fitness medicine people. But that suggested that intensive muscular exercise, here's a quote here, intensive muscular exercise should be considered as a cause of asymptomatic elevations in liver function tests in daily clinical practice. So my question is mostly, I'm back when I sent the question, I wondered if you had experience of this. I had just done the research myself.
Starting point is 00:56:47 My doctor had said, that's interesting, but let's just do the blood test and you can see a liver specialist if it's so high. But even just that little rest seemed to drop it right back down. So I wonder if you have experience with this issue coming up or if a different physician might have asked the question or if it really is Something that they tend to not take into account when they're we just interpreting liver tests. We just talked about this Right. We just had I don't know if it was another live caller or we had conversation on this I remember the first time this happened to me
Starting point is 00:57:19 And it's interesting that more physicians aren't aware of this or they don't tell people that because I was told the same thing later on found out, oh no, if you work out in the same day, it'll absolutely will affect the test. And so I think this is just a disconnect with our physicians and understanding how the whole workout can impact these tests. Really Sarah, I tend to recommend when I would work with clients or even callers, find a doctor that strength trains. Because otherwise they're not really,
Starting point is 00:57:54 as you experienced, trained in this. Now if you went to a liver specialist, they would know this. That's what I figured, but it seems like why have an unnecessary point? It was so easy to just. You're right, yeah, yeah. This paper was was from 2007 and it said it has long been known. This is well Understood. Yeah, well understood. So what they're measuring when you look at
Starting point is 00:58:14 AST ALT CK BUN even what you're looking at what you're looking at is These are signs of tissue damage. So what they could show is liver damage, they could show heart damage. Any kind of tissue damage can elevate this,
Starting point is 00:58:34 including the damage caused by exercise or strength training. Now, the other part that you want to pay attention to is if you're getting these really high spikes, which, the number you sent, the second one was a little high your AST that you know that's pretty out of range I think you're in the 30s I think yeah so that might indicate that you're just going too hard okay that you were yeah so so when I would have clients that would get like really out there numbers then you know, okay,
Starting point is 00:59:05 we might be training a little too hard or maybe that run you did on your own was a little too difficult. But other than that, no, you're totally fine. So next time you get one of these tests, let your doctor know, hey, by the way, I do pretty strenuous exercise. So they can know ahead of time when they look at,
Starting point is 00:59:21 you know, your test. And part of the reason why most general practitioners are not really well versed in this, well number one, they don't tend to exercise themselves. They tend to fall in the same category, same general activity levels as the general population. But also because the vast majority of people they work with, if they see levels of liver enzymes elevated in CK,
Starting point is 00:59:43 that's not because they worked out. It's because there's something underlying. And so they're trained to look for those other things and not consider that the person might've worked out. But yeah, I mean, the fact that you stopped working out for a few days and now numbers went back down to normal. I mean, you solved it. You solved the problem yourself, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Okay, well thank you. Yeah, you got it. Sarah solved the problem yourself, yeah. Okay, well thank you. Yeah, you got it. Sarah, are you following any of our programs? I'm not following any of your programs. No, I'm working with a trainer, but I just started listening to you guys a few months ago. So I'm trying to do your programs. Welcome to the family.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Thank you. Yeah, well working with a trainer, they should be training you appropriately. You know what I'll do, Sarah, I'd love to do for you, is let Doug put you in our free, it will put you in our forum for free. So that you have access, that way you wouldn't have to wait for this. You could just post in there and tag one of us and then we could have this conversation
Starting point is 01:00:35 with you inside the forum. Totally. I appreciate it. Thank you. You got it. All right Sarah. Thank you. Yeah, this to me can be very frustrating.
Starting point is 01:00:44 We just talked about this. We did. And it's frustrating because the average person will become alarmed. Oh yeah. I was alarmed. I was alarmed. I'm healthy, what is this?
Starting point is 01:00:54 Yeah, I was alarmed the first time. And you gotta, people need to understand. And I actually told my doctor that I, and they still didn't, they didn't even make a... Didn't register. Yeah, didn't register at all. And I'm not trying to speak ill of doctors. Doctors are people and they work with a lot of people and
Starting point is 01:01:11 most people don't exercise consistently. The high majority. Yeah. So so they're not, why would they know this? Not only that, they also have to lean on the extra cautious side and you would never tell somebody with their blood work coming back like that, oh, you're probably okay. Just because they look fit or they exercise,
Starting point is 01:01:29 they're always gonna lean on the, because they'd be in way more trouble telling someone to go get more further tests than they would be to tell someone they're okay. This is how bad it is. If you get insurance, life insurance, and you do this test, they don't care typically if you work out.
Starting point is 01:01:43 You just stop working out for a week because if they see slight elevations, you can tell them all day long you lift weights. It'll make your premiums go up. Yeah, so you gotta have to stop. BMI is another one that people tend to get in trouble with. Everyone in this room, all of our BMIs would put us in the overweight or obese category.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Because of the amount, because we weigh a, because we have a lot more muscle mass, uh, which doesn't put us in the overweight category of health issues. So yeah, it could be a bit challenging. So if you're fit and healthy, you gotta know this stuff and prepare yourself. Our next caller is Teja from Canada. Teja, what's happening? Teja, good morning. I just want to start off by saying thank you for having me on the show.
Starting point is 01:02:23 It kind of feels unreal. I will begin by reading my question just to make it easy for everybody. So I'm 5'2 and I'm currently 130 pounds. When I started my fitness journey, I was 150 and growing up, I was always active and playing numerous sports. So losing weight initially came easy for me. I dropped 20 pounds within the first three months, but hit a hard plateau. And around that time, I started listening to your podcast, which motivated me to check
Starting point is 01:02:55 out your website and purchase a match maps program. Not knowing where to start, I used the live chat and spoke with Margaret, which she is awesome by the way. She suggested that I reverse diet and recommended the RGB program. I purchased it. And since then, I've also purchased muscle mummy program, which I'm running now. But when I wrote the question, I was running it. Sorry, now I'm finished it. And I've also purchased maps 15. Initially, I was too nervous to reverse diet, but after listening to you guys and learning more about its benefits, I finally increased my calories from 1800 to 2500. I am now at 2800 since writing in.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Yeah. And I, however, I've noticed some digestive issues since bumping my calories. So my first question is what foods would you recommend eating during a bulk to avoid digestive discomfort? And then my second question is actually about lifting heavy because I do like to challenge myself and lift heavy. But I've noticed that my grip strength isn't very strong. And when I lift heavy, my hands start to hurt and cramp.
Starting point is 01:04:06 So do you have any advice for improving grip strength? Yeah, good job, by the way. Awesome. So going from 18 to 2800, lifting heavy, you probably saw some serious strength gains. Oh yeah, I feel great. My sleep is better. And I can't believe it took me this long to reverse diet, but I'm so glad I did.
Starting point is 01:04:26 That's awesome. So what lifts or exercises are you noticing? Is it deadlifts that you notice the big issue with your hands or just when you're holding on to heavy weights? Yeah, deadlifts specifically. I feel like even like incline bench press or like bench press too sometimes I'll notice
Starting point is 01:04:44 that like discomfort in my hands. Okay. Um, even curls sometimes, like if it's dumbbell curls, I noticed and, um, even, um, skull crushers too, sometimes I'll notice that pressure on my hands. Okay. How much, what do you, how much are you lifting in your deadlift? You said you're, you're five, two, one 30 something. What are you pulling off the ground?
Starting point is 01:05:05 So I want to say close to, so the, the barbell itself is around 40 pounds, right? 45. Yeah. 45. And then I want to say 50 on each side. So that's like 145. Yeah, you're doing great.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Sometimes I could, I sometimes I can lift heavier, but I feel like I'm but I feel like I'm not able to because of my grip strength. Yeah. And I also feel like I do have some issues in my back. So right now I'm actually not lifting right now because I hurt my back. So I'm trying to have that heal first.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So I'll give you a couple of pieces of advice. First off, this is normal, because you're tiny, you're small, and you're lifting a lot of weight. Yeah. and your strength went up very quickly. So you're going to have this rapid ramp up of strength, you're small, petite, you
Starting point is 01:05:52 probably have small hands, you're going to notice some issues with that. And then you mentioned back issues. So what I would recommend someone like you who saw these and you're an ex athlete, so reverse diet, strength training, ex athlete, your strength probably shot up very quickly. So what I would have you do is stay with lighter weight and slow the tempo down and just perfect
Starting point is 01:06:12 your form for a little while. Because the strength gains came on so fast and furious that what you may notice now are some issues with technique and form. And it may be just a small deviation, but because the strength gains came so quickly, the small deviations can start to cause issues. Okay, so I would have you practice your lifts when you feel really strong, rather than adding weight to the bar, slow the reps down. So if you're, you know, you're pressing a hundred pounds and you're like, oh my god, I think I can go 115, don't go to 115, stay at a hundred and then make the
Starting point is 01:06:47 100 feel like 115 with slower reps. And I'd want you to do that for at least a month with all of your lifts to allow your body to acclimate to some of those gains. You were going to say something? Yeah. And I, and I, I've heard you guys say that this before on your podcast, and this is what I plan on doing after my I heal from this back injury, but it's just so hard for me because I like to push myself and I'm
Starting point is 01:07:11 like, I grew up with all brothers and like, I'm, I'm, I consider myself strong. So it's definitely difficult to lift light, but I'm going to definitely try that once I start lifting again, after this recovery, you don't actually necessarily have to go, go go light per se as much as you just don't need to keep pushing the weight. So when I have a client like you who's doing this good and you've gotten this strong already, the fact that your hands are the limiting factor is okay. I mean that's normal and you probably have got a really you probably have really strong legs hips and back and that so that weight came up really quick now the limiting factor is your hands
Starting point is 01:07:50 they'll come up too just if you continue just to do those lifts and not try and push the weight allow them to be the limiting factor this strength from deadlifting consistently especially if you start to slow the tempo down like Sal is saying your your grip strength will come up and then allow that to be what guides you, okay, I've now got to a place. And there's things you could do, like when you're deadlifting, let's say you can stay the same weight,
Starting point is 01:08:11 but now at the top of the rep, hold on to the weight at the top for a few seconds, go back down, hold the weight at the top for a few more. So just, you could even do it like that where you're not necessarily going lighter, but go to the weight that you can handle and just try to hold on to the bar a little bit longer and your grip strength will start to come up with that.
Starting point is 01:08:29 And following this process, your strength gains will be better. So you're excited about gaining more strength. Do the way we're saying, this is going to give you the strength gains you're looking for. If you keep pushing the weight, then your limiting factor is going to be injury and pain, which you don't want that to be the limiting factor. So this is a really good problem to have. It's a really good problem to have. The other thing I'll say is at the end of your workout, you could always add one set of an isometric hold. And so what you would do is you would get two heavy dumbbells and
Starting point is 01:09:02 you would just hold them at your side. You don't have to move, you could just sit there and do like a 30 to 45 second hold. You don't wanna go to failure till you drop the weight, but go till you get, you know, you can feel it. Put the dumbbells up, you just add one set, and that typically speeds up the hand strengthening process. Yeah, I was gonna mention that and even doing like farmer carry,
Starting point is 01:09:20 but also too, if you're not doing any wrist cars or any kind of like mobility pre-workout, like just to get the strength and dexterity with your fingers and your wrists and really kind of like sharpen that. And it's going to help with the technique as well. When you go to grip the bar, you know, it makes a world of difference. A lot of times the restriction is just, you don't have that mobility right away. I love adding wrist cars into your priming before you start every workout. That's gonna help I love what Sal's saying with that and then I'm gonna add one more thing. I'm gonna have Doug send you map symmetry
Starting point is 01:09:53 I think you would benefit from a round of that going back to like you've gone through RGB You've got our muscle mommy. You've progressed really really well now I'd take you to something like map symmetry for a cycle. And then when you come back to say muscle mommy or anabolic or one of those programs, again, you should see improvement in strength from that also. Yeah. Um, now one, one, one last thing, um, you could also try using chalk. If your gym doesn't allow chalk, use liquid chalk. It's really cheap. You buy it on Amazon or anywhere.
Starting point is 01:10:24 And that usually helps a lot. I use chalk with every workout. Have you tried using- Are you using switch grip? Have you tried using chalk yet? No, but I wear gloves that have grip. Yeah, but chalk will make it- No, way better. Yeah, chalk will- Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Oh, chalk. You'll be able to add 10 to 20 pounds more just by chalking up or liquid chalk. So gloves actually increase the circumference of the bar through the fabric and actually make it harder to grip. Oh, really? Yeah, so it's like you're making the bar a little thicker, which makes it harder.
Starting point is 01:10:52 So chalk up your hands, use your bare hands, and you'll probably have a better grip. And then let's talk about diet here. You know, 2,800 calories for someone your size is phenomenal. Oh yeah, we didn't get to do that, Jeff. The first place I would look are common food intolerances, which tend to be gluten, dairy, eggs, legumes. But let me ask you this, have you identified any
Starting point is 01:11:12 foods that tend to bother you digestively? So this is, this is the issue, right? So I, I listened to your show religiously. So I eat ground beef, white rice, whole eggs, Greek yogurt, and it's not necessarily So I eat ground beef, white rice, whole eggs, Greek yogurt, and it's not necessarily what I eat. I think it's because I'm eating so much. And then also I eat a lot of protein. So I eat almost 160 grams of protein in whole foods. Like I don't have any shakes and it sounds insane, but I love protein. So
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'm wondering if it has to do with something along those lines, but I love protein. So I'm wondering if it has to do with something along those lines, but I don't know. Go on a mini cut. Run a little cut now. I mean, this is what I love. If I'm training a client like you, you're at a place I just, I love for you to get. You're now at a place where you're like, Adam, this is so much food I'm eating all day. And I'm like, great, let's cut a meal out. Let's cut a meal out in the day somewhere. And then let's see what happens. And I'll run a little mini cut for two or three weeks with you and see if you notice an improvement
Starting point is 01:12:08 digestion notice if you lean out notice if you're made able to maintain the strength you feel better just about the amount of food you're eating so you're now in such a great place eating 2,800 calories we can easily drop down to 24 you know or 23 even and probably your digestion a Yeah, give it a little bit of a break, lean out a bit, and then hopefully also still be able to maintain strength. So that would be what I would recommend and see what happens from that.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Another thing you could look at is typically when protein goes up, fiber requirements go up as well. So you could look at psyllium husk. Psyllium husk is a very easy fiber. You could take a few capsules with each meal to help with the digestive process as well and see how that works. But I like what Adam said.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I think a mini cut is, I mean, at 2,800 calories at your size, that's a lot of food. You're crushing. Yeah. You go, you drop down to 24, you're probably not going to lose strength. You'll probably just see yourself get leaner. And then that brings me like, if it's okay, can I ask one more question? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:04 So I'm, I've been bulking since November of last year. So it's okay can I ask one more question? Yeah. So I've been bulking since November of last year so it's been a slow bulk so I didn't start off with 28 obviously I worked my way up and now I want to cut for the summer so how would I do that would I initially just like Adam just said just go down to 2400 and just maintain it through summer or like I don't know how like how to navigate through the next steps. Yeah, no, good question. I would go down to 24. I would stay there for three or four weeks. I would go up to 25 for a week and I'd go down to 23 and I would do that step ladder
Starting point is 01:13:36 approach until you're pretty happy. I would not bring your calories below where you started at 1800 though. So once you get down to 1800, then regardless of what body fat percentage you're at or whatever, which I think you'll be pretty happy with, then I would reverse you. And then once you get to a place where your digestion is good, you feel like you're eating a sustainable amount of food, your energy is straight,
Starting point is 01:13:57 like you feel like, man, this is a great place, then don't actually overthink it and just kind of let the calories naturally undulate. So let's say some days you're a little bit hungry and so you ended up eating 2,800 calories. Other days you weren't as hungry, you only ate 2,200 calories. Then some days it was kind of in the middle. So allow yourself to have that much flexibility.
Starting point is 01:14:15 When you're in a very healthy place metabolically like you are now, you can have a lot of play in like a lower, like a low day for you is 2,000 calories, which is higher than where you calories, which is higher than where you started, which is incredible. So you can have days that you eat as low as 2000 calories and then have other days that are as high as 2800 and allow your body to just organically tell you when to have higher days and lower days based off how you feel.
Starting point is 01:14:38 And then that should keep you in a very good place, aesthetically, strength wise, energy wise, and that's kind of where you want to hover. Unless we're trying to make moves, and then you come to me and you say, Adam, I really want to push strength and let's build some more muscle. Okay, well then maybe go on a mini-bulk for a while, or you go, man, it's almost summertime. Adam, I want to look shredded. I want to see my abs. And so maybe we cut for a while. But if you're at a place where you're very happy with your physique and strength,
Starting point is 01:15:01 and kind of where you're at, allow the body to just kind of naturally lead you into undulating those calories every day. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, thank you guys. I feel like I know it, but I just need to hear it. Yeah, yeah. You're doing great. You're doing great. You're doing great.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Thanks. And we'll send you symmetry, okay? All right, well have a good day and thanks for having me on again. You too, thank you. Bye. You know, I'd. Bye. Bye. You know, I'd like to just point out,
Starting point is 01:15:26 I'm gonna always do this whenever this happens because it annoys the hell out of me. I'm gonna point out. I know. Here's another example. All right, look, according to the internet dorks out there, let me pull my phone here real quick. Can the editing team please,
Starting point is 01:15:37 I know we've talked about this. Can we send these as gifts? No, we wanted to start posting these on Instagram and sharing this with our community. We need to do this more often, that way that all the Instagram people you're about to talk about see this shit. I would like for the internet dorks and you know adding a pound of muscle only burns an extra five to eight calories.
Starting point is 01:15:55 She's eating a thousand more calories a day. A thousand more calories a day. According to their math she would have gained what is that she would have gained how many how many Yeah, a muscle 20 pounds of muscle So I don't think she gained 20 pounds of muscle No, her metabolism went through the roof and she probably gained something like five to seven pounds of muscle How do you figure that math out internet dorks? Yeah, I'll tell you you don't know what it is You don't understand human metabolism. Nobody full understands it, but reverse dieting, when applied properly, it freaking works. And this is more example. Our next caller is Heath from Kansas. What's up Heath? How you doing Heath?
Starting point is 01:16:33 Happening. Hi guys, how are you? Good, good. How can we help you? Well, so my question is on hypermobility. In December, I ran into a girl I used to train. I worked as a trainer at a big box gym about 12, 13 years ago. I ran into her a couple of months ago and we got to talking. She back in her 20s, she didn't have as much of an issue, but the last decade, she's really been having the hypermobility issues in addition to an autoimmune disease, which I was almost wondering if there was any correlation there. But overall, like, you know, the typical stuff with the hypermobile person, issues with their knees or shoulders or hips.
Starting point is 01:17:16 She's seen some other fitness professionals and she's had some run-ins with different physical therapists, but she just hasn't gotten many answers from them on, on losing weight, on gaining muscle. Um, so I, I really wanted your guys in, in, put on, if you've had any clients that, you know, with similar issues, any advice you'd offer, um, any suggestions on someone like that, not trained as heavy, um, and then just go from there. Yeah. What's the auto immune condition? Um, she, she talked more like it was, she's had a lot of, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:52 intestinal distress over the years. She's really had to try to fine tune what she's eaten. Um, and I don't know a whole lot of details because we talked more about her issues with not being able to gain strength, but I think it's been more focused around, having IBS and other issues with pain throughout the body and all that. There could be a connection if there's an issue with her connective tissues, which would affect both.
Starting point is 01:18:20 So I would try and get deeper with that, but nonetheless, I have a lot of experience with hypermobility. Your friend as a trainer, your number one tool for any hypermobility is isometrics. Yes, indeed. Isometrics is your most effective method for strengthening or opposing or countering
Starting point is 01:18:39 the hypermobility that she deals with. So if you train her for an hour, you're literally doing 25 to 30 minutes of isometrics and then 20 minutes of traditional strength training. The strength training is slow, controlled, and it's within a controlled range of motion. Do not have her train in her full range of motion, but actually have her stop her reps
Starting point is 01:19:01 within what you would consider a decent range of motion. In other words, you have someone with hypermobility, they could probably sit all the way down on a squat with a normal person, that's fine. Not with her. With her, I would have her stop her squat just below parallel. I would have her stop her shoulder press where her dumbbells aren't all the way down to her shoulders, but just above it type of deal. But the beginning of your workouts and on her own, I would have her do lots of isometrics.
Starting point is 01:19:27 It says here in your question that she's, there's a lot of hypermobility or metatarsals over feet. So things like short foot, lifting big toe, pressing big toe down, like isometrics are gonna be, and I would give her two or three movements to do two or three times a day for like a minute or two. And then when you see her, you're literally doing isometrics for the whole body.
Starting point is 01:19:48 All right, isometrics for glutes, isometrics for hams, isometrics for quads, and you're moving through. And remember with isometrics, you have a range of motion that you can do them. It's not just in fully shortened, but then you could do against an immovable object, you could do the kind that are yielding. That would actually be, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:07 the best in terms of her being able to push against the rack or pull against the rack, and you find that range where there's usually a deficit there, like she loses a bit of tension. I mean, the thing here is, and there's things like the Dumpy Squat, I don't know if you've ever seen us do that in our videos, but there's two, there's things like the dumpy squat. I don't know if you've ever seen us do that in our videos, but, um, it, there's, there's ways and techniques to try to apply, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:20:29 use tools to, to create more tension in these exercises. And really that's the focus. If she is moving, like it's very slow, it's very controlled, but the whole action is squeeze. And, and, and, and I'd be emphasizing that like continuously, uh continuously with every single exercise. So yeah, everything Sal said though is like, we wanna break it individually, like compartmentalize each part of the movement and have her kind of stay there
Starting point is 01:20:54 and like really tense her muscles. Heath, you're a trainer. How long you been listening to the show for? Five years. Do you have Prime and Prime Pro? No, I do not. Okay, bro. I'm gonna send you Prime Pro, No I do not. Okay bro I'm gonna send you Prime Pro but you should listen to us for that long you should probably
Starting point is 01:21:10 heard me rail every trainer that does not have those two programs okay you should have them. Yeah you're right absolutely. I'm gonna send you Prime Pro. There's so much in there that I mean you could literally build the first 20 to 30 minutes the guys are talking about, you can pull from there. You can literally pull all the movements from there and that becomes her first 20 to 30 minutes. Then you take the exercises that they're talking about, to be her back 20 to 30 minutes. But that program alone will help you train her going forward for all the stuff that you
Starting point is 01:21:43 do before. And the cues that you hear us cueing in there with Dr. Brink. That's how you want to cue her when you're doing those things. And like Sal said, you just, every exercise and movement you do with her, I'm going to, like you can take, you can do all the normal exercises for your back 23 minutes. I'm just going to shorten the range up. The opposite of what we tell most people, right? I'm going to shorten the range up on her, still want a good full range of motion, but not her full range of motion. And at the end of the, at the end of the movement, I'm creating an isometric contraction. So in that squat, she's going to come down, like he said a little bit, and then she pause, pause and hold her there for a good five seconds.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Then she comes out of squat. If you're doing the shoulder press, like he said, she's coming down and so the dumbbells all the way down to her shoulders, it stops at her ears and she holds. Isometric contraction there and it goes back. So you can do a lot of the traditional movements that we train any client on, shorten the range up, create an isometric contraction at the end of that, where you want her to end, and then the priming, the first 20, 30 minutes from prime pro. You're not training her muscles
Starting point is 01:22:40 as much as you're training her CNS, Heath. That makes sense, sure. The reason why she has trouble developing her muscles is because her CNS isn't firing her neural drive is off. So that's what you're training. So every time you train her, don't think muscles, think neural drive. Uh, another, another tip is if she, I don't know, does she have coffee or caffeine every day?
Starting point is 01:23:02 Uh, I wouldn't say daily, but she does use caffeine. If she does I'd have a pre-workout just to give you a little boost in that neural drive so it's hey save your coffee for before your workout 30 minutes that'll help with the neural drive and then honestly you can make the whole workout isometrics you just think of an exercise think like a leg press right you got the bring the bring the platform down you press it up this is how you would do it isometrically you bring it down halfway and hold. And that would be one set.
Starting point is 01:23:28 The next one would be a little lower and you hold. So you're basically breaking down the full range of motion into three or four isometric contractions. And now you've done a full range of motion leg press. The difference is I've paused at each one. And when she's paused, I encourage her to tense up every part of her body so she can tense up your feet I want you to grip the platform with your
Starting point is 01:23:49 feet I want you to grip it with your toes I want you to squeeze the handles I want you to squeeze everything and then give her a break and rest yeah she's got to increase neural drive is what she needs is what you start bilateral you keep it all kind of balanced and then you start doing split stance and you know work your way up to the more imbalanced positions but really that's that's the progression that makes perfect sense what about nutritional intervention do you think taking collagen would be even more important for someone like this protein or general collagen in general science but yeah you look at a neural drive this is
Starting point is 01:24:20 a neural drive issue this is is not a muscle issue. Okay. No, that makes perfect sense. That all makes sense to me. Yeah. All right. Awesome. All right, man. Excellent. You got it.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Well, I appreciate you guys so much. I mean, thank you for all the content you put out. Every day you guys put every podcast so valuable. And I mean, you guys have changed countless lives with your podcast. And not only are you inspiring in the fitness and nutrition world, but as far as being a good dad,
Starting point is 01:24:48 I mean you guys are just awesome people. So thank you so much for everything you do. Appreciate that. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. I love what you guys do. I love what you guys do so much. I haven't bought anything.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Hey! I'm glad you said it. You know what, hey look, listen. These clients can be very challenging to work with because it's so opposite of what you encounter. Yeah, but you know what? If you're listening and you're a trainer, we have something for everybody, for every fucking challenge you've ever had.
Starting point is 01:25:17 And if you reach out, you can reach out to us personally, you can reach out to our chat bot that we have where Margaret and them are on there. They'll point you in the right direction of program that you should be, you can literally pull from our, and then, and then once they progress Justin's point, then you move to symmetry. And what does symmetry have for the first two weeks? Isometrics. Exactly. And then you go into all the unilateral work.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I mean, we have something for every challenged client you'll ever have. We try to figure out every pain point that we've ever seen. And if you're a trainer and you're listening to this and you do not fucking own Prime and Prime Pro, that makes me so angry because it's there's there's not a trainer in the world that will not benefit from that. And that those two things you can apply to every client that you should apply. You want the Prime should be the way you start every single client. If you really want to individualize how they warm up for their workouts and get ready. The education and knowledge that that is,
Starting point is 01:26:26 it's an accumulation of all of ours plus Dr. Brinks of 20 plus years. Physical therapists and chiropractors use it as well. Yes, it's an incredible tool. If you're a trainer and you're listening, you got to pick those two programs. Everybody should have those programs. Our next caller is Eric from Florida.
Starting point is 01:26:43 What's up, Eric? How you doing, Eric? What's happening? Hey, how you guys doing? We're good man. How can we help you? Let's see. So I'll get into the email. Uh, started with how can I hack my mindset?
Starting point is 01:26:53 Uh, this is a two-parter. I started lifting seriously and consistently back in July. I made it through RGB. I just finished aesthetic a couple of days ago. Um, I seem to love hitting PRs, which at this stage in the game seems to be mostly every week. When I hit PRs, usually every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, that day ends up super productive, and so I'm in a really good mood for a big chunk of the day. So one, how can I get the same feeling or
Starting point is 01:27:25 productivity at least on my off days? I seem to have a formula to you know to have a successful day, but it's only three days a week plus the two days of light pumps but those don't give me the same feel. And then two, how can I prepare myself for when the glorious you know every day or every week is a PR day is over I'm 29 now, but know that day's coming even if it isn't for you know, a little bit now This is a fun conversation. I don't think we've really had and This is less to do with the training and more to do with the reframing
Starting point is 01:27:59 it's actually a very dangerous place to get that you get addicted to this PR feeling because that absolutely is going to change. And then at one point you'll be where all of us are at where you're in the mid-40s and you're weaker than you were when you were in. So, and that can be depressing if you are hung up on the amount of weight that is moving on the bar. So my advice, be interested to hear what the guys would say is I'm going to, I would want you to really start to peer into the other things, the other benefits that are coming from this new consistency that you've built. Is my sleep better? Is my libido better? Is my skin better? Is my overall mood, my energy levels? Like learning to attach all of those other things that this consistency around training is providing you and not just the adrenaline rush and high that I get from my PR days. Because if you do and that becomes the driving force, it'll end up leading you down a path
Starting point is 01:28:59 of injury or depression because you can't possibly live up to that. So instead of trying to find ways to find more PR, adrenaline high days, I would actually be, if you were my client, be trying to get you to reframe the way we look at all the other parts of your life that have been positively impacted by this consistency. Yeah, it's, well first correction, I think Justin and I are probably the strongest ones here.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Yeah. We're still, we're it, no I'm just kidding. He's just like, what are you talking about? No, I'm just kidding. You know, Eric. Says the guy with the one hamstring. Yeah, I wasn't from lifting, I was from sprinting. I did the one thing I never did. You're trying to do the sports thing.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Yeah, see, I knew it. No, so here's the deal with this, Eric. Exercise is a great thing to do. Health is a great thing. It is awesome, but it is not awesome when it becomes your top, top, top God, your priority. So there's a lot of things in life that are good that if you put them in the wrong order can become bad.
Starting point is 01:30:01 And so if you start to worship PRs, if that starts to dictate everything, if you start to worship PRs, if that starts to dictate everything, if you start to worship muscle and fitness, even health, then it starts to move in the wrong direction. And so what you're talking about is a relationship that is starting to develop that will turn this good thing into something that starts to tyrannize you. Okay, it starts to become a god with no grace, if you will. So, the way you want to look at it is this. The relationship that you're aiming for with exercise in particular is that you start doing it for the joy of
Starting point is 01:30:38 doing it. So, although it's great to hit PRs and it feels good to get a good pump and all that stuff and there's nothing wrong with that And that'll always feel good that always feel good But doing exercise for the sake of the joy of doing the exercise going to the gym for the sake of the joy of Movement the joy of the fact that I'm here is Where you want to go and when you get there because here's what's gonna happen even everything Adam said although Adam's telling you the next step but even with what he's saying libido energy sleep at some point those aren't gonna continue to improve and at some point if you're blessed you'll get older which is a blessing but some of those things will decline like you're not gonna be 90 with
Starting point is 01:31:23 the same sleep and libido that you had at 29, no matter how consistent you are with exercise and diet. So even those could start to move in the wrong direction. So at some point, all these measurable improvements will stop. And sometimes even before aging, I mean, you might get sick, stress might happen, whatever. I mean, you're young, but things happen in life.
Starting point is 01:31:44 And so the goal is for the joy of just doing it. So it's the joy of the fact that I'm here, the joy of the movement itself, the joy of exercise itself. That'll never go away. That'll always be great. And then the relationship becomes appropriate and it doesn't rule over you.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Because something that serves you, not something that you serve. I think in order to get there, you have to learn to attach it to other things. Totally, that's the next step. And there's certain things that won't decline when you get older. And you'll find this out.
Starting point is 01:32:15 When I work out, I'm a better father than when I don't work out. I'm a better husband, I'm a better business partner. And that'll never decline. I'll always be a better version of myself when I work out and so those things you attached to you attached that oh wow You know like I'm more productive around the house with my wife when I get that work at it I may not I hit a PR it may have been a rough workout It may not have been my best anything
Starting point is 01:32:39 But because I did it I'm better in all these other aspects and so learning to look at it through that lens But because I did it, I'm better in all these other aspects. And so learning to look at it through that lens is how you move away from having to hit records, having to look a certain way all the time. And this is natural and everybody I think in some form or another faces this. And good coaches and trainers have the ability to step their clients through this process because it is fun to hit PRs and there's nothing wrong with chasing these milestones. I think it's a good thing and it's awesome you're doing it. But at some point, as you've already alluded to,
Starting point is 01:33:10 I know it's gonna end, I know I can't PR forever. And so that's the conversation I'm already having with you is like, what else are you noticing, man? You notice how you're getting stuff done at work, how you're getting stuff run with your family, and you start really, and you go, oh yeah, you know what, you're right, Adam. Right? We're all just speaking to balance. Yeah. You know, and it's, it's one of those, it's fun. Right now
Starting point is 01:33:29 you're in this phase of like, wow, this is exciting. Like I haven't seen my body do this before. Um, and, and it's appealing and it's something that, you know, it's, it's the juice that's driving you right now. Um, but you know, and you're already aware that this is just something that, um, you have to consider all these other elements and components of health and fitness and, you know, and you're already aware that this is just something that you have to consider all these other elements and components of health and fitness. And you know, how do I sort of turn my eyes into different directions? How do I fit or fill all these other gaps that I might be because I'm obsessively like drawn to this. And that's just something you just got to constantly kind of look at this.
Starting point is 01:34:03 I always call it like a pie chart. Like I'm looking like where some of my deficiencies might lie Because my emphasis is so heavy in this direction and so to just kind of like work your way around and keep Filling those those holes that you know, you're neglecting and that could be relationships that could be, you know sleep That could be whatever it is like, you know doing things and being productive Around your house and cleaning or you know at sleep, that could be whatever it is, like, you know, doing things and being productive around your house and cleaning or, you know, at work, whatever it is. But, you know, right now is exciting,
Starting point is 01:34:29 so yeah, you just gotta kind of pay attention, monitor it, and try to look ahead and see what's next that you can kind of... You know what's cool about this, this is just a, if you do this forever, it's a developing, it's a never-ending developing relationship. It is, it's a wheel, man. You're not gonna hit a destination, there's no endpoint if you do this forever, it's a developing, it's a never-ending developing relationship. It's a wheel, man. You're not gonna hit a destination, there's no
Starting point is 01:34:46 end point if you do this forever, so this relationship will continue to evolve, it's just gonna always continue to evolve, and evolution is a process. You get the right mindset, I'll tell you what, the question that you're asking me, or asking us, tells me you're gonna be fine. Just the simple fact that you asked this, You're aware of it. I'm like, oh, he's gonna do great.
Starting point is 01:35:06 He's gonna have some challenges, because you're going to, but you're gonna do great. Just the fact that you're even asking this at your age. Have fun with it right now. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Eric, are you in our private forum yet? No, I'm Facebook.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Yeah, I'm gonna have Doug put that. I think having a great community is also helpful with a conversation like this. Yeah, so I'm gonna have Doug put you in there you in there and when you have moments like this you have questions I mean just post in there is such a great community of other like-minded people that probably have already gone through what you're going through And we're in there also, so we'll put you to set you up in there so we can communicate with you in there Awesome. I appreciate it. Thank you. You got a man. Thanks for calling in. All right, Eric. Yeah. Thank you guys. You got it Yeah, I think at some point,
Starting point is 01:35:48 you know, I'll stop chasing PRs and great gays. My relationship eventually will evolve. No, I mean, I'm speaking to myself as much as I am to him. And it is an evolving relationship that you'll have with this thing that you do forever, just like anything you do forever. But you know, he's 29, he just started, he's in the early days of gains.
Starting point is 01:36:07 The fact that he's thinking this way, he's ahead of 99%. Way ahead. People, you know when people start to ask this? When they've hit the wall so hard that they're crashing. They're using all the fitness. Hurt three times. Yes, dude.
Starting point is 01:36:20 They beat themselves up and all that stuff. He's got a good head on his shoulder for sure. Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump. Justin, I'm at Mind Pump. Stefano, Adam's at Mind Pump. Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:36:32 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes Maps Anabolic, Maps Performance, and Maps Aesthetic, nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having
Starting point is 01:37:05 Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5 star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.

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