Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 257: Mind Pump vs. Jim Stoppani

Episode Date: March 18, 2016

There is probably no other industry that passes off pseudo-science as science more than the fitness industry. More often than not this is done to build authority and to earn a profit. Of course, most ...fitness enthusiasts are hungry for results and are NOT scientists so they have to take the “experts” word on it, even if they are being fed pure BS. It is Mind Pump’s mission to call out this BS and to expose the massive misinformation for profit mindset that seems to pervade the Fitness Establishment. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. If you're new to the Mind Pump Show, welcome. You're listening to Salda Stefano, also known as Mind Pump Sal on Instagram. I'm here with Adam Schaefer. You can find him at Mind Pump Atom on Instagram and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's right. Mind Pump Justin on Instagram. The two handsome guys I've ever worked with in my entire life. Oh yeah. You know this. I just lied. No. You guys are pretty good though.
Starting point is 00:00:38 It's very accurate. Pretty handsome. Dick. Today was a fire day. Oh, it's St. Patty's Day is on fire. St. Patty's Day. We were you know the tie-ins called out side. You know the tie-ins called today. What? Uh, Thursday.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So I know we leprechauns were supposed to, uh, because I know I committed us just recently to putting out two Q&As a week. And I know we were supposed to do one today, but I feel like there's too much shit going on right now. Yeah, I mean, I go away for two days, bro, I take off up to Reno. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And we're not even drinking Guinness's or anything. Yeah, and I get this message from the boys that, uh, sounds over here picking fights. I'm sorry. I said, I got the mood. And I saw you get a fire and get after Jim Stepan, he dude, look at you. Yeah, he's so he's a big name in the fitness industry
Starting point is 00:01:29 He tends to irritate you a little bit. I feel like he's well respected But here's why he gets let me tell you what the thing and it's not him personally. I don't know the guy. He's probably a great guy. I just I hate I really hate the fitness establishment I hate the what I mean by the establishment is that the powers that be that run the fitness establishment. I hate the establishment, what I mean by the establishment is the powers that be that run the fitness industry whose goal has nothing to do with promoting health and fitness or helping the people that they're selling the products to. All they give a shit about is selling the products and the way they do it is they pray on people's insecurities
Starting point is 00:02:05 so they make you feel shittier. Ladies and gentlemen, this is part of the plan to make you feel shittier, to make you feel less than, to make you feel inadequate. And then they promote bullshit science to sell their products. And lately he's been doing this and it gets on my fucking nerves because he is an established
Starting point is 00:02:27 fitness icon and he's also a PhD, which he loves to talk about all the time, how he's a PhD and I have it advanced. Let me tell you something about having a great education and being a PhD. It means nothing in terms of integrity. It doesn't guarantee that you're going to be honest. So I'm sure he's a very smart guy, but what he's promoting is not true. And I'll give you an example.
Starting point is 00:02:49 A while ago, he did a whole post about how, you know, eating two grams of protein per pound of body weight was ideal to build muscle. Now, let's just do the math for a second. Let's just figure this out. You got a you got a hundred and fifty pound female She's gonna have to eat 300 grams of protein a day. Oh, man. Have any of you ever tried to eat 300 grams of protein in a day?
Starting point is 00:03:16 From whole foods. Yeah, good luck with that. That's what I'm back those chicken breasts up I mean, it's it's it's not number one. It's almost impossible, almost impossible to do with food. You'd have to choke your food down. Yeah. You'd probably fuck up your stomach and say an amount. It's, and it's, it's never been proven to be healthy. Well, that put it in perspective. It's about eight to nine chicken breasts a day. 150 pound female would have to get, could you mind telling,
Starting point is 00:03:39 tell your client that right? She can, she rolls up to her first appointment. Okay, so I'm gonna need you to eat eight chicken breast a day to start off with. Can you just imagine the look for? I want to lose weight. Yeah. Imagine the constipation. That's what you need. But because it's impossible, what do you think people are going to do to try and hit that
Starting point is 00:03:58 target? Oh, then I think it shakes. I got to buy a shaker bar. You have to take the only alternative. It's to take like three servings of protein powder a day, which by the way, incidentally, not related, Mr. Stupani also sells. And so we did, I did a big post about this because he came out with saying that this is what you need to do.
Starting point is 00:04:17 So I came out with a post because I was getting lots of questions on social media and I'm like, I need to clarify. And all the science, the vast majority of science shows that that's bullshit and that you really upper limit of protein intake that will give you any benefits like 0.7 grams per pound of body weight. And that's if you're relatively lean, if you're, if you're heavier, it's probably even less than that. So it's less than half of what he's saying. And he made a video after that. That was subtly targeted mind pump. You could tell he was saying how people who say you need less than two grams, I know what they're talking about,
Starting point is 00:04:46 and these are people that are uneducated because he's of course attacking the fact that we don't have the advanced, you know, education like he has. And so from that day forward, I was a little irked by him. And then the gods gave me a gift. And he was softball bitch. Yeah, he did it.
Starting point is 00:05:03 He did other things. He gave it just a beautiful like, wow. I mean, we could debate protein intake And he was softball bitch. Yeah, he did, he did other hand pitch that team. He gave it just a beautiful like, wow. I mean, we could debate protein intake and the science. He went straight for the wrong. Oh, nice. It's like he came out and made a video and he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:14 hey, ladies and gentlemen, hey, everybody, one plus one equals six. Yeah. He came out with a video saying showing a technique on a preacher curl and how it targets the lower bicep. So he basically made up a new muscle. Apparently, apparently, it targets the lower bicep. So he basically made up a new muscle. Apparently, apparently you have a lower bicep now and you could target it and develop it
Starting point is 00:05:33 more with this particular technique, which is probably one of, I think one of the first things you learn when you get your basic personal training certification is that that's bullshit. Well, you know what's pure myth. There is a small piece of me that kind of feels bad for like some of these guys, you know, because I feel like the industry has, it's almost cattled someone like him.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And if you're gonna be successful, you're gonna make money. This is the formula to do that. PhD or no- There's the playbook. Exactly. PhD or no PhD. The fact that he has a PhD and it's probably an intelligent,
Starting point is 00:06:06 not only intelligent guy, but he probably understands business better than the average person too, and realizes that this is part of what I need to do to be successful at business. And it's just unfortunate because a lot of it is ego-driven because at one point, he got big enough to where, you know, all these people are following. It was a question and big issue.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Exactly, no one's gonna question me more. And at one point, when you're in that situation, and I feel like this is what? So you're soul. Well, this is what we did. This is what people will realize. And they've seen us do it already a couple times. We're very careful when we explain anything to anybody
Starting point is 00:06:39 that, hey, you know what, we might find out in two or three years, new science comes out and proves us wrong. But you better believe that if that comes out, one, we're not only gonna be one of the first? We might find out in two or three years new science comes out and proves us wrong But you better believe that if that comes out one We're not only gonna be one of the first people to fucking find out We'll also be one of the first people to announce that we are wrong, right? And that's the one we did that with my old-fashioned release with the following we corrected ourselves and said It's actually not my old-fashioned release. We did it on our own show. So so it's all about integrity for me And the problem is yeah, you're making money. That's great,
Starting point is 00:07:06 but in the meantime, you're misdirecting a shit ton of young impressionable people who want to work out, want to get fit. A lot of these people might have self-esteem issues, a lot of these people might have issues with how they view their bodies. And all you're doing is making shit worse, man. All you're doing is making shit worse, man. All you're doing is fucking them up. You're telling some kid, eat two grams of protein a day and do preacher curls to develop your lower bicep. It's like you're fucking lying, man.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Well, yeah, it wasn't just that too. I mean, he came out and was selling belts in the fact that you should wear your belt like around everywhere. And it's gonna slim your waist, which is basically just like the corset thing that we talked about. Unbelievable. So yeah, he's guilty for the scream stuff,
Starting point is 00:07:48 but basically using his belt for the same purposes. So, I mean, we just read the post. It's not like we're making this stuff up. This is something that was out there. And that was what first irritated me. And because I have heard great things about the guy, you know, like he's this great icon in the fitness industry and he's definitely smart and educated
Starting point is 00:08:07 and went through the whole academic process to its fullest degree. But like you said, it's a machine. It's him trying to make a living and I understand it, but guess what, the industry's changing because we have more information that's available to anybody. So that's scary.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And like Adam said, it's a whole new landscape. It reminds me a lot of like your mom and pop shops that have been, they've never really remodeled or made it, made it more customer friendly, never upgraded to the latest software, all that kind of stuff. And they're just getting squashed because the whole landscape is changing. Well, I'll tell you what,
Starting point is 00:08:46 this is why we started the show. And I'm glad we have this vehicle where we can actually talk and defend ourselves because let me tell you something. If you're in the fitness industry and you speak out against any of these people, they will crush you. Don't think for a second when this episode airs,
Starting point is 00:09:00 we're not gonna get a whole fucking, you know, we're gonna get huge heat put on us by him and by some of his supporters and by The big fitness supplement machine that exists because we pose a threat to them It's the frickin. It's the it's the we're looking at the cracks in the armor It's the fucking wizard of Oz, you know, it's you got this big voice is big. Oh my god. It's the Wizard of Oz Right, we're just pulling back the curtain and saying low. It it's a frickin' little green dude behind their operating this machine. Or just admit when you're wrong. That's all wrong. That's it. Like that's really all that we're out for. You can't change your ways. You can't. He has to double down on his
Starting point is 00:09:34 bullshit because if he comes out, then we come out looking like we were correct and we influenced him. And you got to think too, from a business standpoint, when you're committed as much as they are into it. I mean, God, God knows what his overhead is on what he has to cover for his supplements that he has pushing in and out. And I mean, for all we know, that's a, that is a huge piece of his, his revenue stream. And to come out and, and just say, like, oh, what I've been saying about protein intake is, is not right whatsoever. He has to know that would make a dip in his, in his sales. So that's a scary, that's a scary thing for anyone to be faced with. That'd be scary for us to be faced with that, that situation. And, and, and wonder how we would handle it, which
Starting point is 00:10:17 that's, I think a lot of people are trying to come into his defense at, you know, that we're arguing semantics. And here's the part that I feel like. That's not semantics. It's literally black and white. I know, but some people, I saw some of the comments that people are tagging back on your page that, oh, it's true like we're being mean about it. Well, no, they feel like, well, we're kind of taking it and exaggerating what he's trying to say
Starting point is 00:10:41 and making it like, you know, he didn't explain it he just he didn't explain it well, you know, it doesn't take away from how great the guy is. It's called the dissidents that have freaking a beautiful example of cognitive dissidents. And the problem that I really have with it is, you know, even the whole scheme of whatever his desired outcome is, whether it be a sell a supplement or a sell a book that's just reiss or get somebody in there, his membership based, whatever. I don't know even know how his business model and how it works, but obviously it's to drive people to this. I just, I don't like the gimmicks to drive people to anything. That's, to me, I think that's what's cheesy about all this
Starting point is 00:11:12 is that the angle that he's coming from is just bullshit to start with. So even if, even if his, his little bit of what he was saying that had held any water, which it doesn't, but even if it did, the argument would be like, what a waste of time this would be even teaching and showing somebody. There's so many other things that would be far more beneficial
Starting point is 00:11:30 for them building their biceps, than getting someone to try and focus on a certain part of their biceps. It's like it couldn't be more of a waste of time. It's clickbait, it's clickbait. If I make a video right now that says, this exercise will burn fat right off your butt. I'm gonna get a shit ton of clicks and women are gonna want to watch it and people are gonna you know because it draws attention
Starting point is 00:11:52 because of the title and it's completely false. I have to say something I had to interrupt you because I feel this is a perfect time to share something with our audience. We've always kept things very real. We've always shared with everybody what's going on with us and what we do behind the scenes business wise. So currently mind pump obviously if you've not been falling along so with the last We've always kept things very real. We've always shared with everybody what's going on with us and what we do behind the scenes business-wise. So currently, mind pump, obviously, if you've not been falling along so the last three to six months, it's been crazy. It's been a roller coaster ride for us.
Starting point is 00:12:13 It's completely exploded business-wise and downloads and the connection of people are big of seeing right now as being able to provide enough content and stuff for people. And right now, we have not even dabbled in our YouTube channel. We haven't mess with social media really. We all have Instagram handles, but we haven't done it for a real business purpose. We just utilize it as a place for people to contact us. So we've actually contracted somebody out for social media. And one of the biggest dilemmas that we're
Starting point is 00:12:38 having right now is, you know, obviously the idea is that we spend, you know, a couple thousand dollars in marketing on social media. It gets our name out there. People listen to podcasts to hear what we say, and then we now have new listeners and people joining this whole movement. The problem is the way to get more people to click and listen to us are all the fucking gimmicks. So here we are with the guy that we've hired for our social media, and we're having a real hard time like letting go because the whole point of us hiring him
Starting point is 00:13:07 is that we no longer have to deal with it. Doug's got so much on his plate, we can't expect him to be doing all time. The three of us, we've got so much shit going on. We don't got time to be fucking around with the social media stuff, but we know it's important, it's an important business piece.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So now we have these guys that are trying to develop these ways to drive people to us, but guess which ways they're using. They only know the tools that have worked. Exactly. Well, that's what I'm saying. It's got, you know, here's the thing. There's a formula.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And there's nothing, I have nothing wrong with advertising and business. I have everything wrong with lying and not having integrity. And I will be damned if I ever do that shit. I'll go fucking bankrupt before I start bullshit and leave it. Well, even if somebody called us out on that and see we did like shortcut, you know, six pack or some like, you know, gimmicky, you know, verbage or whatever, we would just
Starting point is 00:13:52 explain like, no, this is really how you do it. Or I'm not going to be tied into that. Yeah. Right. And here's the thing, like there's a difference between saying great, glued exercise or look at this workout for your abs or this will help you get a six pack. That's not lying. But if I come out and say, do this exercise to work your lower biceps, that is completely false.
Starting point is 00:14:13 It's completely false. Just to break it down, just real quick, because I know people are listening saying, well, why is that false? The bicep has two attachments. It attaches, just imagine two attachments. I don't even have to get into the details. The muscle contracts and it shrinks. So if the muscle, so think of a rubber band with two attachments. If that rubber band shrinks, it's going to pull from both sides. That's it. It's physics. It's not even, we don't have to look at the, you know, the physiology
Starting point is 00:14:38 of a muscle. Because I had somebody arguing saying, well, the actin and the myosin, you know, contract on one part of the bicep before it contracts on the other side, doesn't matter. It's still going to anchor on other muscle fibers, which eventually anchor at the attachment. It's still going to get affected. They all have to contract to support that other, that lower bicep, you know, actin or myosin or whatever. Right. So it's completely false.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And if there were, if we could, you know, look at the muscle somehow in our microscope and see that the lower bicep fibers are contracting before the ones at the upper fiber or whatever. You're splitting hairs to the fricking quantum level. Like, you are doing it to the point where it's complete waste of time. You're still full of shit. And so this, this is the kind of misinformation that gets on my nerves. Some of it's dangerous, some of it's downright dangerous. Telling people that aim for two grams of protein
Starting point is 00:15:25 per pound to body weight is potentially dangerous long term. It sure as fuck is, you're gonna have people with gastrointestinal issues if they keep that shit up for five, six, seven years. And you've got people trying to stuff their faces full of protein, probably not neglecting things that carbohydrates and healthy fats, which you also need.
Starting point is 00:15:42 But here's the thing, like I don't wanna pick on one individual, because Mr. Stepanee represents, he's only one person. We're talking about, when we talk about the establishment, which we're mostly against, this is a huge fucking machine. People don't realize this. There's a lot of people behind all things. Did you guys know that something like
Starting point is 00:16:04 the majority of supplement companies either are owned by or their major investors are pharmaceutical companies. Yeah. Big pharma has a major, major hand in the supplement industry. So you're supplic, so a lot of people who take supplements and fitness and pride themselves on, I don't take pharma, big pharma, fuck them. They're just trying to make me sick,
Starting point is 00:16:24 but I'm gonna take all these supplements. Same company, they just hedge their bets. A lot of them will sell the natural, quote unquote, natural products to get you, you know, because they're not gonna get you on one end, so they'll get you on the other end. So those are the good business. Those are the morals that you're,
Starting point is 00:16:38 that you're, that you're, that they're thrown at you. And it's all about saying to you what's gonna get you to buy their products, not informing you properly or getting you to be fit and healthy. They benefit on you not being healthy and fit. They benefit on you constantly searching for the next thing, the next gimmick to get you to burn more fat or build more muscle. They benefit on your insecurities remaining insecurities. And there's just so many of these.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I mean, we haven't even tapped into the whole infomercial style marketing and just what we've seen with programs. And, you know, people, we know what people respond to and so do the advertisers. And so, you know, people are just used to that. And so this is a really hard thing to break the mold and come out and say that, you know, this is a lot of this is bullshit
Starting point is 00:17:27 and then, you know, you should really reevaluate where you're getting your information from. And so that's, I mean, it's a battle. It's a battle that we're going to have to keep fighting until we can get more people to understand. Well, the good news is this. The only advantage that we have is that we have a podcast in which we record a 30-minute to an hour show so we can defend ourselves and speak our, you know, our minds for a while very clearly. So people can listen to us and we can talk. So they have, you know, commercials and ads on internet and, you know, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:18:00 We have this podcast in where we can, you know, speak out and talk about particular topics. So it gives us some ammo. Because like I said, we would be fucked. If we didn't have this, if we weren't entertaining, and that's the other part, like people like to listen to us because we're entertaining, if we didn't have that, we would be screwed.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Because we're barking up a tree with a frickin' monster. Well, it's the same reason why we're not getting any feedback from them either. It's pretty crazy how both shreds now and just Jim's, this Pawnee are both two people that I think we've all been tagged at least a hundred plus times in their stuff. So you know, for sure, they've, they've heard my impump or they've seen my, but we're blocked from all their pages, you know, so we can go on there.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And it's not like we're going on there and we're picking fights. It's just they know that they know what we're exposing and they know better to even come on our page and even say anything like that because they will. They'll get into a debate that they can't win. And at the end of the day, we will have an opportunity to break down the science and break down exactly what they're trying to spin. You know, because you could probably one of them or, or, you know, could get in here and spin like a whole, you know, something debate over
Starting point is 00:19:02 over semantics, but at the end of the day, we'll be able to explain like, no, it's not semantics. This is really how it works and this is what's going on. So just because he's putting all this information, like you notice how to all, like I went through his page because I've never gone through his page until all this stuff happened and I looked at the, you know, he responds to a lot of his people. But like his response is his own, all his own sales pitch stuff, you know, it's like someone asked a question and it's like he links his video. Someone asked a question and he links another video he's done. And someone asked a question and he links another video.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's all his information, you know, so like he backs up his science with more of his science that he's created. And that's like, who does that? Who does fit? Yeah, right. Right, go to the CrossFit Journal. Yeah, we got a CrossFit author right in the CrossFit Journal.
Starting point is 00:19:45 We'll tell you everything you need to know. Yeah. This is that great. We got to cover. Like, that's the angle. That to me in itself is like, wait a second. If I'm asking, if I'm questioning something, you're a stadium. You're the last person I want to hear.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah. Can I hear another? Qualifying the person in this meeting. Where's your anybody? Yeah, anybody. Yeah, anybody. Just somebody else. Where's your anybody? Yeah, anybody. Is anybody, is somebody, just quote somebody else. Where's your evidence out? Let me show you, Pony said.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Let me show you where I said this last week. Let me show you, grams of protein, Jim's the Pony. Let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you,
Starting point is 00:20:19 let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, let me show you, It's sucks because it's taken this long for somebody to speak out. It's funny because everybody was scared. Everybody was scared to do this. Nobody was calling any of this shit out.
Starting point is 00:20:30 It reminds me too of Justin brought up the infomercials. I was just watching one just like two nights ago, one popped on and just it's crazy how they play into it. It's the right way. It's the band, the cool transformation pictures. And then it's like this new piece of cardio equipment. It's this stair master. It moves while you go and it because of it,
Starting point is 00:20:46 it burns an extra 25% more fat while you're doing it. It shows like all the fat burning and furnace and they just, they give you all this and they throw a couple scientific words in there. So it sounds like, damn, this is some interval training. Yeah. And I'm like, the myself do this thing. They can arrest, they can afford to put a commercial here. So this is fucking business is making money, dude. They're selling these fucking things.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And people are buying right into it, that it's like, this is the game changer. It's like, how about you go outside and go walk on the hill for free, it's fucking, so fucking insane, you can't do it. Buy it. We're gonna confuse your muscle. What do you,
Starting point is 00:21:20 you know what the talk? Like a cougar comes out and you're, wow. You guys know what the number one piece of exercise the number one Selling piece of exercise equipment of all time is right. Oh, yeah, I master the thymaster. Yeah, yeah a piece of shit You know, it's so funny like outsells every fucking thing that ex that's out there and fitness by far And I think as a matter of fact I think the thymaster is the number one selling thing on TV ever not just fitness
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, it was a fucking spring with foam on it In fact, I think the thymaster is the number one selling thing on TV ever, not just fitness. Yeah. It was a fucking spring with foam on it. It was, it was, it was all bullshit. Well, he goes back to, we talked before about the TED talk, like, you know, the, that they did about the top five things that make a business successful. And that was just timing. I mean, the Jane Fonda era when it came, women cared a lot about inner thighs. Oh, it was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:22:03 It was, right. When she came out. So if you were a woman and you were working out in that 10 year era or what about that, you probably owned one. Well, here you go, Krony fitness people. Like what's really hot right now? Booty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah. So now you got the booty band. Well, the fucking shake weight made sure you'll see something like that. The shake weight made millions of dollars. Oh, yeah. The shake weight. Millions. When I first saw the commercial, I'm like, this something like that. The Shake Weight made millions of dollars. Oh yeah. The Shake Weight, millions. When I first saw the commercial, I'm like, this is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:22:28 It's gonna be made. I thought it was high thought. I thought it was genius, because it's kind of like, it's a gag gift, right? It's one of those things that people buy their friends. Oh, you know, like, just because it looks like you're jerking off. Yeah, and they sold millions.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Yeah, I'm so angry. I know. That they made millions of dollars doing that. Off the shit. But you know, don't remember the commercial, like how they pitched it and they sold it. guy really doing like tricep extensions with it Cool like graphics of like thermal heat on his like yes tricep And you're like an inferno. Oh
Starting point is 00:22:57 Eight minutes a day you're like dude, this is so awesome. Whoa, and he's shaking it right in his face I had a client asking me about that when I first came out. She's like, is that shake that new shake weight effective? I said, how muscular are your 15 year old sons, arms? She's like, he's kind of skinny. I said, okay, if that motion was effective, he'd be rick. And he just said,
Starting point is 00:23:18 I'm ready to have boom. I had no idea where you're going with that. That's awesome. He'd be shredded. I was gonna say, it was great for those married couples. Here you go, honey, yes. That's not good, are you kidding me? I'd be like, honey, can you, she's like,
Starting point is 00:23:33 oh, my arm's already 50. Can you think of one's stupider than that? That has to be one of the worst ones. The shake weight? Yeah, that was a pretty good one. Because even though have you guys seen, there's this, it's like a horse training, horse riding, like a thing from Japan, or no, Korea.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And you get on it and you like gallop and it's like a little spring thing. It's the most like crazy sexual looking thing ever seen. Well, do you remember that you remember the era where this wasn't much longer, it was probably late 90s or so. The ones that were like the, Oh yeah, it looks like you're smacking.
Starting point is 00:24:03 That's the rest of it. They're like the thrusting, you sat at it, pulling a bike but it's like, and they had the information that would come the, Oh yeah, it looks like you're smacking. That's the rest of it. They're like, they're thrusting. You sat at it. Pulling a bike, but it's like, And they had the information that would come on like at 11 p.m. at night, and it'd be like all these like super hot chicks like doing the machine and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:24:13 You were like just sucked right like, I'm buying this thing. It might have been toty little. Toty little, it would have been him. It might have been, it was definitely like that whole that around that era, definitely. It was right around toty little time. I don't know if he, he always had the glider, right?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Or the gazelle or whatever it was called that he had that. There's a video on YouTube of some lady using the gazelle and she just flips upside down. It falls under her head. That's a perfect example though, is somebody who like, okay, you look at someone like Tony Little and he probably never wrote his own gazelle because 90% of the time he's probably lifting weights
Starting point is 00:24:42 inside the gym to look like the way he looked. But yet, he made millions of dollars selling in a look. Well, that's the classic, that's the classic ploy right there with fitness is, you know, by my product that I never use to look the way I do. Yeah, that's what they all do. It's funny because he's a real idea. It's funny because we, and maybe this is bad business. I don't know, but we continue to fuck ourselves because nobody's gonna advertise with us. Like supplement companies can't advertise. How can they possibly advertise with us? I'm so, you're less or doing it right?
Starting point is 00:25:11 And then Adam's always like, hey guys, let's go to the Arnold Classic Convention. Let's go to the Olympia. And I'm like, they will, number one, they'll probably not let us in. Number two, we'll probably get jumped in the parking lot by the supplement company reps. I like Justin's idea about rolling up
Starting point is 00:25:24 with like our with like, like, our own, like, pumps crew. Our pumps girls. Yeah, like 15-migits all in like freaking pumps. Oh my gosh. Oh, that's awesome. That's just awesome. Look at Hella Hard and tough.
Starting point is 00:25:36 You know, all shades on. We're carrying our mind pump flags and shit. Well, I was telling Doug, because Aaron. Aaron's horn going the whole time. Yeah. I like to get a booth, right? I want these places, but of course they'll probably never let us have a booth. So what I was thinking is we get on the back of a flatbed with real loud speakers and we
Starting point is 00:25:52 just drive around the fricking event and just report our show. Hey everybody! Are you guys just seeing the bullshit? Yeah, and just talk shit. Come on over here. Oh, God. Yeah, we got it. We're going to have to make our own way because there's no way these guys will come on.
Starting point is 00:26:05 We should give them like, you know, victim towels. It's gonna be, it'll be, you know, actually the industry's moving in the direction that we're talking. Yeah, like real slow though, but. They have to because they've got so much money. Tell loves to get excited with one new study comes out that finally like supports
Starting point is 00:26:18 where we've been trying to tell everybody everybody's fast. Yeah, crazy. Yeah, everybody know they're not. No, they're not, bro. Not yet. Just the people that we talk to every day now just just no, it's, it's, it's got a long ways to go, man, it's really tough because you know, there's, there's still a big
Starting point is 00:26:32 part of people that understand where it's supposed to go, where it needs to go. But I mean, a perfect example to me, like using Coca-Cola with having the green Coke for almost over two years now, but yet we've never seen a commercial with it, you've never seen it put on shelves in hardly any stores. It's rare to come. Most people didn't even know it existed. And then the few that have seen it are like,
Starting point is 00:26:52 it's rare you find it, right? But yet they have that product. So they know that the market is eventually gotta go that way. But they're too scared to even go that way because how many customers are gonna lose that? They're still gonna just hedge in their bet, like Salsis. They're putting it in there bet like Salsas. They're putting it in there so they're first to market when it does switch over.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Even better, even better, what they'll do is they'll buy like Coca-Cola, will buy Adwala, or Nestle, will buy. Yeah, you don't think they're gonna buy the ones that are popular? That's what they do. You've got the mom and pop organic, you know, this is the greatest, you know, health thing or whatever, it grows to a certain size. Whom Pepsi comes in and says, we're buying your new natural product. And then we're going to keep it the same and no one's going to know. And I'm not against, look, I'm not against big
Starting point is 00:27:31 corporations. I don't care. But I'm going to call out the shit. So that's out there. And there's a lot of shit that's out there. And the fitness industry, fitness and supplement ministry is, we've said this a million times, is one of the worst period. It's absolutely one of the worst. You the fitness and supplement ministry is, we've said this a million times, is one of the worst period. It's absolutely one of the worst. You go in a supplement store and you can throw away 95% of everything that's in that store. Well, it's one of the only industries that really plays off of everybody's insecurities. And so, you know, you could sell anybody if it's a hope and a dream. They're going to buy it. Just on the whim of that, this is going to help me.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I'm going to end up looking like this. So it's just like, it's so frustrating to us because those are like sheep, you know, they're just like, no, don't go over there and get eaten. Yeah. You know, I think back to myself, like when I first started, yeah, we got ripped off the shit ton of times.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah, and I remember, but I remember even being a trainer and you know, that's how you sold. You used to sell the dream you sold What they what they could be what they could look like or how much weight they could lose or this that My when I talked to somebody now and since somebody done it's totally opposite. It's like I lay out expectations This is gonna be a journey We may not even lose any weight or change it says we have to work on things like this first We need to do this this is these are our priorities
Starting point is 00:28:41 Sure if all you cared about this I could absolutely show this But that's not why you hire me. You hire me some like this that truly help you out for long term, not just for the next six weeks or before Vegas or whatever. So, yeah, for success, long term, you can learn this yourself and apply it. You know, and it's something I'll carry with you
Starting point is 00:28:57 the rest of your life. Well, see, I firmly believe that that's how you have longevity with your business. I think that's longevity, because I'm the same way. And I have clients that have been with me for 12, 13 Some of them even 14 years Which is extremely rare as a personal trainer to have some of this stays with you that long
Starting point is 00:29:12 But it's because I I've you know I from early on I started that way where I'll tell people the expectations and This is a journey and this is a lifestyle and I think we're doing the same thing You know with mind pump and what we're talking about and I also also think that the back, it's ripe for the backlash. You know, Adam, you said something about the timing. I think the timing is ripe for a show like Mind Pump. I think the timing is ripe for what we're doing. And it's funny because people are referring to what we talk about as the revolution. And the timing's right. People have been ripped off now for decades. The whole weight loss industry got really big right around the 70s and 80s. And now we've had three, four decades of this shit.
Starting point is 00:29:49 And it's not just ripped off. People are starting to get smart too and they're noticing things that we've mentioned before. Like, the kids that you have children in their kindergarten class that has all these food allergies and tolerances. And they now also, and they have things like I have got dealing with psoriasis or you have all of a sudden you're lactose intolerant. They're starting to notice like their own bodies changing and people are starting to scratch their heads and go like, okay, what's so different about humans in the last 20 years versus the last 60
Starting point is 00:30:14 years? Where do we go wrong or where do we change? What are those things? And the really intelligent people are trying to really figure that out. Worse is the rest of the fucking drones and lemmings are just, you know, I'm just kind of tramping along. I'm not dead yet. You know, and this is what makes me angry right now. And this is what makes me angry because the fitness industry is supposed to be the remedy. It's supposed to be the health and fitness industry.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And a while ago, it took a left term and it turned into the cosmetic just look a certain way industry. And never, it just, it went the wrong direction. It's supposed to be not the problem, and now it's become part of the problem. It doesn't, I would love for the fitness industry to be the place you turn to, for you to go to your doctors
Starting point is 00:30:55 and for them to say, we don't know what's wrong with you and you're sick and chronic and no pro, you know, chronically ill or whatever, we have no solutions for you except for take these drugs, and you could turn to the fitness industry and say to them, hey, I have these problems. Can you help me? And the fitness industry professionals to say, yes, I have some answers. Here's what we can do.
Starting point is 00:31:12 We can eat whole natural foods. We can exercise appropriately. We can focus on longevity and how you feel. Let's look at the things that are going to make you healthy for a long period of time. Oh, by the way, the side effects are, you get leaner, you build more muscle, you're stronger, you move better, you look better, your confidence goes up. Oh, and by the way, before we even do that,
Starting point is 00:31:32 let's talk about loving yourself. Let's talk about caring about yourself. You're not a bad person, you're not an ugly person. Let's talk about the good things. That's what the fitness industry was supposed to be. Instead, it became an extension of the big pharma, you know, chronic illness. You know, bad about yourself because, you know, you're fat, you're out of shape, you know, you've lost, you know, we got, we got the answer. Yeah, exactly. And it looked, there's no coincidence
Starting point is 00:31:56 that public policy took this strong stance sometime in the late 70s, and then all of a sudden, obesity exploded, especially among children who are not supposed to be chronically we have children with chronic fucking illness man these are kids this is crazy it's not a coincidence this is this is what happened in it part of it was a mistake and part of it i'm sure might have been planned uh... if you want to go the conspiracy route but the fitness industries job in my opinion is to be the counter to that. We are the solution.
Starting point is 00:32:25 We are going to look at the things that make that start to turn this boat, because let me tell you, modern Western society has done a fantastic job of solving acute illnesses. We've done a great job of curing some of the greatest, you know, you know, scorges of mankind from diseases to infection, to being able to get surgery, but we have completely, completely destroyed long-term health and now chronic health issues are the number one reason why people die and will bankrupt, absolutely bankrupt this country.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I looked at another statistic today, did you guys know that 70%, 70% of Americans take at least one prescription drug and people over the age of 65 on average take over 10 pills a day, 10 prescription drugs a fucking day. Damn you. Okay, this is not because this is not a result of, hey, we're making you healthier.
Starting point is 00:33:21 This is we're keeping you alive longer while you're sick. You see what I'm saying? You're sick. We're gonna keep you alive longer while you're sick. We're not gonna make you well. And the fitness industry now has no role in fucking helping these people whatsoever. You've got a person who goes to the gym because they have chronic illness and they want to feel better and I'm overweight and I have all the stress and I feel shitty. Then they get introduced to Mr. Trainer who's going to tell them to take this protein powder twice a day. Here's a fat burner. I want you to work out this particular way.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Here's your diet. You're going to eat the same foods, six small meals a day and we're going to hammer the shed you and that's going to make you lean. Not what's going to make you healthy. And by the way, at the end of of the day it doesn't even work either way and that's that to me is horrible because you have nowhere to turn and i hope that we become the voice of reason uh... among an industry that we love so much that is gone the wrong direction and hopefully we survive i'm you know these are big powerful people that were going up against that we're talking shit about that we're challenging
Starting point is 00:34:22 and uh... but hopefully we we know that And hopefully, it doesn't bring us under, but I think our listeners, the people listening right now got our backs. Well, I think the industry is, there's people in the industry, I think, that are saying that they've been saying what we're saying for a long time now. Like, you've got that side, like the all-natural hippies
Starting point is 00:34:39 that have been, you know, marching this march for quite some time now. Where I think we're different is, I think people used to separate it like this. It was like, you either performance or restorative. Is it right? You know, because we're not the first ones to talk about the importance of yoga and meditation
Starting point is 00:34:56 and taking care of your body and eating all natural whole foods. Like that message has been there, but where that message hasn't been is that, guess what, you can also look fucking really good. You can actually perform really good. Actually, it what, you can also look fucking really good. You can actually perform really good. Actually, it's the best way to look good in performance. That's actually the shortcut, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:35:11 It is. You're right. No, you're right. Focus on that first and it would be amazed how fast all the other stuff is. Let me tell you, man. There's no doubt in my mind about, I don't know, I'm 37 now. So it was about probably six, seven years ago. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:24 That's when I, my chronic kind of, chronic kind of autoimmune issues really started to pop up. And it took me a couple of years to get them under control. And now I'm okay. But I guarantee you, I was the one that caused it. And why did I cause it? Well, I've been working out since the age of 14. And I've been taking supplements probably since I was 14 or 15. I'm one of those people that I'm very inquisitive. I'll pick up a magazine. I'll scour it. I'll read
Starting point is 00:35:51 it from front to back. I'll learn all the information I can. And I was taking protein powder. I would take a pre-workout, an intro workout, a post-workout. I take other supplements throughout the day. I need bars. I was consuming a shit ton of artificial sweeteners, of fillers, of colors, of highly processed, either foods or supplements. And I didn't just do it for a year or two. I did it from the age of probably 14, 15, till, you know, for 15 years or more. I cared about was getting bigger. Right. And so in the studies, we'll show that these things are safe because the studies are 12 weeks long Maybe a year long when they do that you know they do the surveys for a year
Starting point is 00:36:34 But I was doing I did it for 15 years and my body retaliated and rebelled and I guarantee a cost in permanent damage Because now I have to be very careful with how I am with certain things and guess what? I'm not the only one I guarantee you this people listening right now who are exactly the same way all of a sudden Man, I used to be able to eat this kind of food. I can't even touch it anymore, fucks me up, where I have all these strange symptoms, I have all this chronic fatigue. My body doesn't respond the same way, and they chalk it up to age, or they chalk it up to other things.
Starting point is 00:36:55 When in reality, it's probably the little pinpricks of damage that you did to your body by following the advice of these people who don't give a shit about your health, and really just want to continue to keep that. To keep that. They're products. And I hope we can make a dent in it.
Starting point is 00:37:11 That's what it really helps. We're not making more than a dent. I tell you what, I got pretty emotional listening to some of the testimonials just because of the biggest thing in the most common theme is that people and their relationship for food has changed because of us, which I couldn't be more prouder about that. I think that is probably one of the coolest things.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I mean, I love the fact that we're trying to teach people a program design and understand how that all works and to get away from all the gimmick type programs that are out there just quick things to sell you on. And this is how you should train your body. But even bigger to me is that because I think the food relationship thing is probably, I mean, we know that it's 75, 80% of your results. I mean, it's going to come from nutrition. If you eat like shit, you could have the best program in the world,
Starting point is 00:37:51 and you're still going to have a lot of issues going on inside. So the people that are, you know, figuring that out and understanding that, like, you know, hey, I still might not be at my goal weight or look the best. I've ever looked at my life, but I'm on a healthier path and I understand, like, and I have a whole different new look and outlook on food and the relationship with it. And to me, that's cool. And I know we are making that dance,
Starting point is 00:38:12 so that's pretty neat. And it's gonna get crazier, you know? And we're definitely gonna have some challenges along the way. Well, the bigger we get, the louder we get, and the one thing about the four of us, and this includes Doug, is A, we usually don't trust authority. B, we all have big mouths.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And C, we have impeccable integratives. One of the reasons why I love working with you guys is you guys won't, you guys just, you don't bullshit to a fault, to where we might hurt people's feelings, we might hurt our bottom line when it comes to money. But at the end of the day, we believe in what we're doing. And I personally think it'll pay off and it'll grow,
Starting point is 00:38:47 but we'll see what happens. We got our hands up, we're ready to throw down, we might get some hits going down, but we're going down fighting, and we ain't gonna stop till we die or till we succeed. So, let's watch out establishment. Fuck the fitness establishment. And thanks for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Please tune in next time. And also, give us a five-star rating review on iTunes and check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump radio. You can check me out at Mind Pump Sal. You can check out Adam at Mind Pump Adam. And you can check out Justin at Mind Pump Justin. And what's the Facebook? Facebook is Mind Pump Radio. Mind Pump Show. Check us out on Mind Pump Show. I can't get that right. Thank you. you

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