Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 259: HIIT + Full Body, Getting Visible Abs, Bathroom Poisons & MORE

Episode Date: March 23, 2016

It's Quah Time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about the safety of personal hygiene & beauty products, the percentage of body fat needed to see abs, difficulty living in the moment, going ba...ck in time and giving advice to their younger selves and adding HIIT to a 3x/week full body workout. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Douglas? T-shirt time. T-shirt time. T-shirt time. T-shirt time. T-shirt time. That means you were nothing but a t-shirt right? That's right.
Starting point is 00:00:09 No pants. No pants, dance. Let's get it on. Oh yeah. Chinese drums. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Yeah, so we had... I don't know what happened this last week, but we only have seven reviews.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Buh! Buh! No, it's unacceptable. Listen, listeners. People are sorry, nothing. That hurts me in the loin. Leave us a review and you could get a chance to win a freaking badass.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Oh, mind pump sure. Yeah, and by the way, we have brand new ones that are only available to those who leave a review and win. Oh, so you can't buy them, you can only wait and get it. You can't buy them, you can't buy them,
Starting point is 00:00:44 you may be able to buy them in the future, but right now, you can only get it by... So if you wanna be a cool kid, yeah, you gotta do it. Oh yeah, we've already sent out a few, and we have quite a few of them, so we're gonna be giving them way quite generously. Good, wow.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Who's winning this week? That Smith life and justino fit. You guys win. Two shirts out, guys. I like that guy's name. So what do they do, email you? Yeah, mymppupradiogmail.com, include your name that you used in your iTunes review,
Starting point is 00:01:16 your shirt size, your address, and for all the rest of you, if you want one of those new shirts, leave an awesome review and we may pick you. And all of you single ladies over 40 years old, please leave your phone number for Doug. Oh yeah. Your little pick.
Starting point is 00:01:31 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, mind, up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So I go to your place, Adam, to grab something, and I noticed a movie on the counter. Oh boy, I'm so excited to get home. Yeah, I just saw the picture.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Bro, I'm gonna watch it, but I know it's gonna suck. It's got a suck. Well, can you didn't watch this kid? That's, no, I didn't, so it's gonna suck. Oh, you did watch it? No, I didn't. I's no, I didn't, so it's gonna suck. Oh, you did watch it. No, I didn't. I've never seen it. Okay, so it probably will suck for you.
Starting point is 00:02:08 What's it called, rad? What's it called? You can have no sentimental nostalgia, you know, attachment there. Exactly, so there's this. Yeah, if you watch a chronic kid now. Yeah, if you watch an 80s movie and you, you weren't in love with it in the 80s
Starting point is 00:02:23 and you expect it to like wow you, like no 80s movies in a while you for the first time. Yeah. But yeah, Katrina was so mad at me because I was playing Justin's meme like over and over the car. And I know I took you like right back there. You have no idea what a late time went to find this thing.
Starting point is 00:02:41 You can't, you know, most old shit you can get on YouTube. Like someone's even like recorded it from their phone like watching TV. No, you can't find nothing. You can't Amazon really sold out You can't find on Amazon. You can't buy it on Apple. You can't buy it on Google You had to go to China. Geez. I had to buy it from some like back of a back of a BMW dude like it was like that Allegiance, I hope it's rad when I get there. I hope it says something else. I hope it's not dark. It's like Beverly Hills Cop. It's the Indian version.
Starting point is 00:03:09 That's too easy. It's about the Bollywood version. I can't. The Bollywood version. I got it. Yeah. I know. How much?
Starting point is 00:03:16 How much? That's so, so like that was horrible. I have not been so excited to watch a movie. And you know, and what did it, and this is, when I was a kid, I think, I figured it was, when there's 1986, when it came out, so I'm five years old. I watched that, you know what, and you guys know that you have kids.
Starting point is 00:03:36 So I know you guys have a kid. Oh, you're watching over and over again. Right, your kid watches one movie. Right, there's every kid, every child finds a movie, that was my movie, that movie, I watched at least a hundred times. Yeah. I watched that one and Goonies. Like a million.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I did. Yeah, I love Goonies. The only movie I watched over and over again as a kid. Predator. Yeah. Like how fucked up is that? I was like eight years old. I was like predator over and over again.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Were we eight years old? I'm not love that movie. When was predator? I think we were older than that. It was like night. It was not 90. it was like 80s I'm not maybe once I yeah predator You know, fuck does all don't get up. He's got his pussy. Yeah, this is for joining me
Starting point is 00:04:14 Don't get it because it's legit is labia flaps are just oh my god 1987 bro Space yeah, so I was like I was probably 10 9 or 10 when I watch that shit over and over and over again I love it, and you know what? I still love that fucking movie because and I hated predator part two No, no nothing against Danny Glover, but no fucking way in hell could you kill predator bro? He was Arnold. Yeah Arnold could do it only Arnold could back then Danny clever great and lethal weapon against predator And he had a polo in that movie had just even Turra yet some beasts bro I like how what's his name? What's his name? Fuck withers?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Something withers. Oh Karl withers. Yeah, he's known as Apollo. Yeah, no, he's just a polo forever I don't damn it. Oh, what about that? I didn't even catch that Everybody else but you guys just like assumed it's a follow. Did you guys ever watch that movie The Last Dragon? The Last Dragon. Oh, please say it tell me you've seen this. I think I have. I think he's watching The Last Dragon make in front of us watching Ragnar.
Starting point is 00:05:16 No bitch listen to what I'm saying. Listen to what I'm saying. The Last Dragon, it's the freaking... Yeah, guys, The Last Dragon. No, his name is Bruce Lee Roy. He's a... It's a fucking, and then you had a show enough or what's the name? Yeah, who's a master show enough? You never seen that shit? And his hands glow and he does a fucking kung fu.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Every listener right now is getting angry with you too right now for not watching that. Is this like a spoof? It had to be. It's like a black exploitation almost film, but it's kung fu and it's sick and it's got great music. Rad and dirt by you. You know what I call watch that. Fu and it's sick, and it's got great music. Oh, Brad and Dernbach. You know what, I would watch that. No, because I respect, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:49 come to person. So you have to watch, Brad, because you respect me. I'm for sure gonna watch, Brad. All right, cool. But then what was that girl that was a, Prince's girlfriend, Apollonia? What was her name?
Starting point is 00:05:58 She's in that movie too, and she sings in there, and she's really hot at a massive, bone refer. What were you doing between the ages of five and eight? Do you know what you were into? What were you into between ages five and eight? Quantum physics.
Starting point is 00:06:08 No, I don't know. Five and eight. He-man was the shit. Oh yeah. Love fucking He-man. Thunder, Thundercats. Thundercats was awesome. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I loved 321 contact. 321 contact was my favorite show on TV. Do you guys remember that? 321 contact. How about dragnet? You on TV. Do you guys remember that? 321 contact. How about Dragonet? You were probably all over that with the mass and shit. No, it's stupid. Remember you guys remember 321 contact?
Starting point is 00:06:31 I do remember 321 man. Remember that? It was a science show. 321 contact. Contact. Yeah, it was pretty awesome. And they do that. They would do science and shit and they'd show like weird.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Justin, Justin, where are we going? Oh, legit. He's fun, you'll see. Yes. That was you? I'm legit. It's fun. You'll see. Yes. That was you. That was me. Five and eight. Five to eight.
Starting point is 00:06:50 What was I doing? Yeah. I had a lot of he- I mean, all of your typical stuff, G.I. Joe's and what else was I into? That was into all kinds of stuff. Mike machines. Oh, good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Remember that guy talked super fast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Michael's a sheep. Yeah. You know what I used to say to believe and then there was a joke in elementary school. I don't know if you guys remember this one. Hey, man, does your dick say micro machines on it? They got to be like, no, like then it's not the real thing. Do you remember that in micro machines? You said the same micro machines.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I remember that when we said this. I heard that. I already say that before. I did. You did say it. And in the rest of the time, playing sports. That's what I actually said. I didn't say that's right. What did say And in the rest of town playing sports That's what I did say that's what is this thing you speak of yeah, no one is five years old I was riding I was riding the bikes for sure this was I think that was before rollerblading was
Starting point is 00:07:35 I was skateboarding yeah, I was doing a little BMX in skateboarding. I was hardcore and so you can do a kickflip Yeah, I could do a kickflip you can but not anymore You can do a kickflip. Yeah, I can do a kickflip. You can? But not anymore. Not anymore. He's like, just like fucking, don't listen. Yeah, sure, bro.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Instagram it. No, not happening. I can, I used to have a big wheel. Did you guys have a big wheel? Of course. That was the sickest thing of all time. What the fuck happened to those, man? They still have.
Starting point is 00:07:58 They came back. You know what? They're even sicker now. They're cool now. Yeah, they're cool now. Now they drift. Yeah, they've levered. So the back, actually, yeah, you can turn the back. So it like goes against. Did they have us for a goal drift yeah, they've levered so the back actually yeah You can turn the back so it like goes against it. I was for a doll. Yeah, they do Doug I want Doug I want you to invest in three
Starting point is 00:08:13 Four cuz you need one to four mind pump big wheels and we're racing Let's do that when we go to when we go to a fitness convention. We're riding those fuckers I'm rolling up in one of those you're an athletic ass is fucked in this one. Why? Why does it require athleticism? It does. No, it doesn't. You're the pedal.
Starting point is 00:08:31 One, two, one. Oh, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially,
Starting point is 00:08:39 especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, especially, You might be alright. You might be alright. You should get a lot of power. He definitely has a race. He's got a lot of power. That's a must. You we do, we have the race, but we he has to turn. His is actually drive.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You can't just. Is there, is there, if it got to look cool in super sliver? As long as we don't go downhill or uphill or turn, and then I'm good or the, if there's a little slippery then I'm not, I don't want to do it. We don't put you out of your element. It's too dangerous. Doug, do you, do you remember when you were between
Starting point is 00:09:01 the ages of five and eight? Is that even, can you even do that? Can you go that far back? Yeah, I think I can. What were you doing between you? I had a big wheel. He was playing this pet brunt of swords. They used to have them back then. This pet brunt of swords.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Back when it was a tear down. I had a twin bicycle. That was before the BMX stuff. Okay. All right. Yeah. All right. I like shwins.
Starting point is 00:09:23 A lot of pretend stuff I did because did you have a make-believe friend when you were a kid? I didn't, but I did a lot of pretending. I mean, I was Batman, Superman, Robin Hood. We lived over a valley above a valley and I go down there with a bow and arrow and shoot things. I'm glad you didn't say Robin. Your mom let you have a bow and arrow between five things. I'm glad you didn't say Robin your mom
Starting point is 00:09:45 Let you have a bow and arrow between five and eight. I don't know. Yeah, probably Bro in those days and those days you can eat somehow Squirrel yeah, so What's that sound? It's coming It's motherfucking cool. Wow now you take my slide you took my life First you get this organized. I know dude. You talked to this guy. What's going on? I know what that's your open He wants to close you take your line He's gonna take all my jokes pretty everything pretty serious everybody everybody welcome to the South show
Starting point is 00:10:33 So it's hard he's so funny and he gets so many chicks He doesn't he does all the roles he doesn't even he does two other guests I went just to play that song again. It's sad, baby, doop, doop, doop, doop, doop. John him, it's his show. Wow. Yeah. All right, for the sale show, we have some questions. I'm not answering any of them.
Starting point is 00:10:59 No, so good at it. Beginning with Caitlin M. Barr, she is asking about body wash shampoo and that type of thing. What to look out for because we talk a lot about what to look out for as far as eating is concerned. Oh, right. This goes in the language you were mentioning about. Yeah, there was a, I had just heard about this. If you want salad, go ahead and say it for you. Can you say what? Can you go ahead and go and talk about this? You want salad to say no, what did you guys say? Come on come on man he thrown me off I think like I need daddy salad it oh my god I gotta fuck with Justin everyone's while I interrupt him
Starting point is 00:11:34 he does that to throw me out of my train of thought I was like so focused no I was thinking about this study that I'll they're showing, I don't know if it was young girls that were putting on makeup that had some kind of like a steroid or not a steroid, but like a hormone. So their hormones changed because of all the makeup that they're applying. And so it just got me thinking about that as far as like the skin being an organ and lotions and products with shampoos and soaps and all that.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And that's the right. And you know, the flora that's good for that we don't want to necessarily get rid of, but we do by using specific types of products and stuff like that. So anyway, so that's all tied into health as well. And I thought this is an interesting question because you know, stuff like that. So anyway, so that's all tied into health as well. And I thought this is an interesting question because it highlights that. Excellent because look, you buy a bottle of medicine or supplements or what. God, if it wasn't enough that big herbahates us,
Starting point is 00:12:33 now the fucking cosmetic surgery. No, no, the fucking Johnson and Johnson's coming after us. Well, they're actually tiny. They're very closely tied. Grab your bottle of lotion or grab your shampoo and look at the ingredients and it's very difficult to tell how much of what's in there. Skin lotions typically don't even have,
Starting point is 00:12:50 a lot of times don't even have them. Makeup doesn't necessarily have ingredients. What you have or you have a lot of chemicals known as Xenoestrogens. And these are chemicals that, they interact with the estrogen receptor in the body. So they may exert effects like estrogen. And so these girls, these young girls,
Starting point is 00:13:10 are using these makeups and stuff and lotions, and they're stimulating puberty earlier. And they're getting into puberty earlier. And this is not a good thing because you start messing with the estrogen receptors, you increase risks of cancer and stuff like that later on. And so we talk a lot about, you know, eating organic food and eating things that are clean and, you know, non-GMO and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:13:35 But the products that you rub on your skin, you put on your face, that you put under your arm, that you wash your hair with, that's also, you got, and we sound like pain in the ass is like. We sound like total hippies. But it's true. It's gone down that whole. That's also, you got, and we sound like painting the asses. We sound like total hippies. Yeah. But it's true. It's gone down that whole. It's true, man.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Think about it. And it's else. Every single day you put toothpaste in your mouth. Every single day you rub this stuff in your scalp and some of it gets absorbed. Every single day you rub lotion on your skin, whatever. All of those things, if there's something in them that interacts with the body is over time,
Starting point is 00:14:04 going to cause, can cause things to happen in the body. So we have to consider this. I mean, it's just something you're doing to your body like frequently. Just like we talk about when we get to muscle imbalances or we have overactive muscles, it's due to repetitive movements that we're constantly doing that we don't address or we don't combat by teaching the body how to deal with that properly. And so this is just another facet that we do have to consider.
Starting point is 00:14:32 We have to consider all these additional types of hormones and things that we're exposing ourselves to. Well, it's funny because I'll tell people this kind of stuff. They'll be like, oh, but I love this product. It makes my skin look so nice. Do you know what makes your skin look nice? Proper diet. Proper diet and hydration will do more for your skin
Starting point is 00:14:52 in terms of youthfulness and suppleness than almost any product that will ever rub on it. Same thing with hair and with anything else. People like, oh, I need to use a really strong deodorant because otherwise I'll off-b-o. Proper diet, a lot of times correct that as well. Change is the, your external floor, the bacteria that lives on your skin,
Starting point is 00:15:10 and we'll change and make it to where you don't smell when you sweat. It's interesting stuff, but it's something you need to consider. Look, I'll give you a great example. It's a really easy example. For years now, we've seen, and you're seeing less now because the backlash has already started, but for years you would go to the store and you would see soaps and then you'd see antibacterial
Starting point is 00:15:29 soap, right? What's the difference between soap and antibacterial soap? Well, first of all, regular soap is also antibacterial. All soap is. It kills bacteria or washes it off your skin. So soap is all antibacterial. But the soaps that were advertised as antibacterial soaps would contain a natural antibiotic called trickle of sand. And trickle of sand, you
Starting point is 00:15:53 rub on your skin when you wash, you rinse your hands off, but trickle of sand stays on your skin and it acts like an antibiotic. Well, overuse of any antibiotic is extremely dangerous. Keep in mind, we're also washing this off into our water supply, and it doesn't get filtered out very well. So it's no wonder that we're seeing lots of these bugs that are becoming antibiotic resistance, or gut issues, or autoimmune issues that could be tied to some of this stuff. Now you're seeing some backlash, and they're not selling as many as anymore. I believe the FDA came down on them and said, you can't do this anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:24 There was a big, and you see that too with these trends with like people like the bird flu or like These sort of pandemics happen like the sales of these antibacterial soaps and gels and lotions and then goes to the roof and Yeah, that's the thing. It's like people just want to almost bleach their whole body So they won't catch whatever sort of cold or disease is out there. And not really addressing it from, I mean, like give you an immune system a chance to, you know, be familiar with these antibodies. Well, let's, let's be honest, this is very similar to like Salazar and say the whole bigger herb thing that we're talking about is that here,
Starting point is 00:17:03 now you have these companies, makeup companies, lotion companies, any sort of the shampoo stuff like that. And you know, the marketing behind it is, you know, kill this or cleanse that or purify that or you know, you want something strong like that's they've 99.9% kill everything. Right. I mean, and even to the point where I have to be honest, I remember like getting shampoos and stuff like I like the shampoo's, I mean my and even to the point where I have to be honest, I remember like getting shampoo's and stuff
Starting point is 00:17:25 Like I like the shampoo's I mean my my scalp tingling, you know, I want to do for you But it feels like it's minting it tingles. Yeah, it feels like it's doing something right? So I mean when you think about the same type of the same type of marketing Goes here and and what people need to understand is you hear it on my pump and we're talking about it Trust me. We're not gonna see uh, it's swing the pendulum you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. I don't, if you're gonna make a product, here's a guaranteed way for you to sell a lot of your product, make people feel it. That's it. Throw something in there that makes people feel something and then they will equate that to this product as doing something. Here's another example. Shampoo or toothpaste that lathers. Like we equate lather to like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:18:20 this luxurious lather, it means it's really cleaning my hair or this toothpaste. This toothpaste makes all these bubbles. it means it's really cleaning my hair or this toothpaste. It's just like, it's soaping all up, right? Yeah, this toothpaste makes all these bubbles. That means it must work real well. That has nothing to fucking do with what it's supposed to do. They add an ingredient to purposely make bubbles and shit because people like the feel of it. But it actually, it does nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:36 You could brush your teeth with baking soda. You're not going to get all these bubbles and wonderful lather in your mouth. And you're going to clean your teeth just as good as you do with the frickin' detergent toothpaste. That makes all kinds of bubbles in your mouth Yeah, it's pretty interesting all the sugar that they put in it as well or other shit Pump head rob is asking what percentage body fat do you need to see your abs? There you go Adam
Starting point is 00:19:04 Fuck your real house. He's the handsome one. So that depends. Everybody's gonna be different. We've kind of mentioned this a little bit. I think in fact, all four of us in this room, even for Doug here, have seen our abs probably at different body fat percentages.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I typically can actually still see my abs, uh, between 12 and 15%. Asshole. Yes. And and right away, someone would say that asshole, but then I don't see, like, separation in my quads or my back until I get down to like, fucking 5%. Hmm. So, you know, everybody tends to hold body fat and in different areas and store it. And, you know, everyone's, and for every person that has a weakness somewhere, they probably have a strength somewhere else. And like I said, you know, everybody tends to hold body fat in different areas and store it. And, you know, everyone's, and for every person that has a weakness somewhere, they probably have a strength somewhere else. And like I said, you know, everybody said, oh, good for you. You get abs, but unfortunately, I don't get to ever see my back muscles
Starting point is 00:19:54 until I get completely lean or my legs. Yeah. See, I need to, for me to have a good six pack, I need to be about nine, nine percent. In the past, I'd have to get down lower than that, but then I built my abs. So I actually built the muscles of my abs with a stick out more, and then they're now they're more visible at higher body fat percentages. And I did that through just proper programming and training.
Starting point is 00:20:13 But for the most part, if you're a man, you probably need to be around 10%. Yeah, 10 or less. Around 10% to get a six back. I need to be a little lower, someone like Adam can be higher. For women, I think they'll probably get a six pack. I need to be a little lower. Someone like Adam can be higher. For women, I think they'll probably see a six pack around 14, 15, 14%. If I'm not mistaken, maybe 13. And they'll start to see a six pack. But yeah, like Adam was saying, it's a little bit different for everybody. If you really want to see a six pack, you got to get lean, but also build
Starting point is 00:20:39 your abs and build them properly. We actually have a program called the NoBS Six Pack Formula that talks about that. It's a program specifically to build the apps. Wouldn't you say too that some of it could be different because somebody also has been a poor eater for a very long time and they have a lot of stomach fat. They have a lot of fat around that,
Starting point is 00:20:56 a lot of stubborn fat in that area and they've been eating because they've been eating so poorly for so long. It's interesting, studies will now show that depending on what you eat You can store body fat your genetics play the big big role, right? But there is a small there are some studies to show that eating a certain way We'll store more body fat in the belly or in the thighs I believe
Starting point is 00:21:19 hormone disrupted disruptions are really changed at the most so So I know we just talked about the Xenoestrogens and certain chemicals and stuff like that. They find that, you know, men whose hormone levels are off will store more body fat and, you know, other parts of the body and, you know, you'll get maybe more visceral body fat. So yeah, there's definitely up to a case to be made for that.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Well, and I know mine's completely anecdotal, but I remember after I got fell out of shape and decided to get back into shape after I kind of pretty much beat up my body nutritionally for sure, for a good year, year and a half. And when I got back into shape, I remember when I got all the way down, I think I was down to 7%.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And I still had like this little pouch of fat that was on the bottom part of my stomach. And it took me three shows before that literally like went away. It was crazy. And I remember it tripping me out every time that got. That's interesting. Yeah, it was very, and like I said, it's only anecdotal. I'm talking about myself. I don't have fucking tons of studies to show this. But that was something that I noticed and being somebody who was watching stuff like that because I'm getting on stage and every and every drop of fat on my body mattered.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I'd had this stubborn little tiny little bit. And each time I leaned out, back down to the single-digit body fat, that stubborn fat was a little bit less, a little bit less, a little bit less, to eventually now, when if I drop all the way down to 6% body fat, because now I've not allowed myself to go beyond
Starting point is 00:22:42 probably 11 or 12%. I've kept myself that at the highest and then mostly in single digits for the last almost three years now, but going when I when I first was coming down that first couple of times that was still hanging around there. So I've always been very interested in what the science would probably be behind that. I know it was I know something was going on. I know that when I was at 7 percent the first time was definitely different than the two other times after that. Getting really lean is difficult.
Starting point is 00:23:10 That's, I mean, even now you go to gold, you go to one of these hardcore gems. And the person who will get the most looks is some of the guy or girl that's really lean. More so than the really big, smooth person. The really big, smooth person doesn't really stand out that much. It's when you're called a determination. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Justin, when you're shredded, you get a lot of attention because it's rare. And a six pack is rare. You get a six pack. You get a nice six pack that you can see without flexing. Big and smooth. And you go to the pool, you know, you're going to get recognized. But it's just, it's difficult. It takes a lot of planning, nutrition, good programming with your workout and consistency. You you gotta be consistent as hell. Fit Chris 86 is asking with all the stress and busyness of life. Do you ever have difficulty living in the moment with your family and friends? That's a daily struggle.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Wow. Boy, this probably is a zinger for all, all for men in this room for sure. I'm sure of it. That's Chris. that's why I thought it was a good one. And this was a topic just recently, I got into with my girl. It's very difficult for me. It's kind of, and I guess, and the reason why I don't let it beat me up.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It's a constant struggle. It is a constant. It's something that I have to be always self-aware of, but at the same time too, and I've spoken to my girl with this, I wouldn't get rid of that trade either, because I also believe that's also what propels me to be successful in the things that I pursue,
Starting point is 00:24:34 because I believe that if you're gonna be exceptional at anything that you do, whether it be health and fitness or financially in your career or sports, whatever, you have to be a tad fanatical about it to be elite. You could be good at anything if you apply yourself and you work hard, I believe anybody can. But I also believe unless you're naturally gifted in some specific area.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, there's a obsessive component. You have to have a little bit of this, you know, fanatical side to you, which means you're kind of always, you know, like business wise, which I think all these gentlemen in this room are, you know, I could be sitting there at a table with family and this nut and talking and this nut and my mind starts to drift and fuck, you know, what I need to do, I need to make sure I send a message over to Doug because I want to make sure that tomorrow when I meet with the boys, all of us are doing this together
Starting point is 00:25:18 because we finished that. And that starts happening in my brain. And I can't help it and I can't stop it. It's the same thing that goes why I have like a bajillion notes in my iPhone and I can't help it and I can't stop it. It's the same thing that goes why I have like a bajillion notes in my iPhone is I can't sleep some nights and I'm up till two in the morning just writing notes. You know when we're all in the moment? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Right here. When we're on the fucking. You know what I just realized that shit right now. That's why all of us have talked about how therapeutic it is to get on the mics. Do you know why it's therapeutic for us? Cause we're in the moment. This is the only fucking time I'm ever truly in the moment.
Starting point is 00:25:48 This is insane. It is a fucking struggle. Are you kidding me? Yeah. If you are like one of us and you have a family, you're gonna get into battles. You're gonna get into battles with your wife. You're gonna get it because it's difficult.
Starting point is 00:26:02 It's difficult. You get into that space. I know, man, I live in that fucking space. I love it here. I don't want to leave. And you know, I see my family, I get my kids, I want to, you know, I know I got to, you know, to be able to devote more time and be able to be more present. It's very fucking difficult because it's so addicting what I do and what I love to do. And it's just kind of part of, I think it's part of who I am. So it's, for me, it's a constant, something I have to constantly work on.
Starting point is 00:26:27 It doesn't come naturally at all. Yeah. Oh, it's insanely hard. It's insanely hard. I find myself always in a moment with, where I'm just trying to kind of justify, you know, reason my way around it. Like, well, you know, this is gonna lead to this,
Starting point is 00:26:42 this, this, this, this. And then I, you know, I try and catch myself and try and turn the mind off and just be like, okay, no, I'm just going to be here. And, you know, occasionally I can get there and I can, and I'm always like, I give my wife a lot of credit for just knowing that and she, she deals with it and she kind of calls me out on it and then we kind of move forward. But she knows and by now that that's never gonna change. Like my mind is always gonna be racing
Starting point is 00:27:09 and I'm always gonna have another idea or another major business thing that I'm gonna get myself involved with, especially with you guys. So it's like, you know, saddle up. This is life. You know. This is how it is.
Starting point is 00:27:25 How many times have you guys said this to your significant others? Listen, honey, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, this is gonna grow, then we're gonna make this much money. And then I'm gonna be able to take all this time off and then we can have this wonderful time together. How many times have you said that?
Starting point is 00:27:37 And then how many times have they said this back to you? It would, nothing will change. You're not gonna say that. You'll do something else. That's exactly what we're gonna do. Exactly. I wanted to talk about this because I felt like it, I felt like all of us could give some really good advice
Starting point is 00:27:48 in this area too because it is a reality. Like the boy said, if you are like us, this will be a bridge you will cross if you have not crossed with your significant other. And this is probably the reason why I- That's important to find somebody who understands it. Yes, exactly. So it's probably why I've waited till I was in my 30s
Starting point is 00:28:05 before I found the woman that I would settle down with. And let me tell you something that's very unique about Katrina is that I can tell her, I can tell her this and I told her very, right from the beginning, I learned through my 20s of going through girlfriends that it was kind of my MO was, you know, I would be with a girl and then a new business thing
Starting point is 00:28:24 or something would come up and then I bury myself into it and then they could never take it and they freak out and then it turns into this big thing. And I'm just like, how am I going to be with this woman that's getting in the way of my success? Like that's so stupid. Like she's out of here. So like, that was kind of it. And then when I met Katrina, you know, I felt, first of all, was the first woman that I felt like love that part about me. She's now been with me through, she's seen four different businesses been built and seen them from ground up with me. So, and one of the things about her like Justin's Courtney is, she'll call me out. And she does it in the right way because I told her from the beginning that this is how I am.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm not changing. I'm going to be a maniac like this. I'm going to provide a lifestyle for you that you're going to love. I'm going to love you like no one's ever loved you before. And I'm going to be good to you. And these are all this is, but this is who I am. You can't change that. So one of the things that she always does is she 100% supports it, respects it, you know, and then every once in a while, the way she tells me is just like she'll be kind of like, she'll joke about it. But I know she's being serious because I can be this way where she'll be like, Hey, don't forget to look at me. I've been home for, you've been home for like, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:29 three hours or whatever. And because I can be that guy, I can be the guy. It comes straight to the door and right away, I've already got something else on my plate that I got to accomplish, you know, and you know, she'll kind of give me that little subtle job like that. And she also knows that I'm aware enough to pick up on that and go like, well, I think part of the key,
Starting point is 00:29:43 I think the key to that is to find a partner that is also, that is also very independent. So if you're, you know, if you're a man and you're doing this, you want a woman that is very strongly fiercely independent because then they won't be challenged by it. They'll have their own shit. So you'll be doing your thing. They'll be the own thing. Then you guys can meet together. Right. And it's all good. This is also a good reason why you need to let them have friends and let them go out and let them. You know what I'm saying? I wouldn't even say let I'd say promote it.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Not not let. Yeah, you're the wrong way to say. I'm just trying to. You're giving permission to do it. Like you can go out. Yeah, go ahead. I'm just saying some idiots out there. They're always like, you know, they get like, no, like all needy with their significant up there. Oh yeah, that's very common in relationships. It's not just, yeah, it's like, I know a lot of guys that are like that that are real like possessive and it's like, dude, no.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Well, I'll tell you what, for me, what tempered me was my kids. That's it, nothing could do it, but my kids did a little bit. And even then, I still don't, I still know I work. Some people might say way too much, or most still don't, I still know I work, some people might say way too much
Starting point is 00:30:46 or most people might say, but back in the day, man, I was six or seven days a week, 8 a.m. 10 p.m. That was, I mean, every fucking day, that's what I did. Then when I had kids, it was one day off a week. Literally, that's what I did. I said, okay, I'm gonna take Sunday off. And, you know, that doesn't work for a lot of people, you know? And now I'm getting a little bit better at it, but it's very, very difficult.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So Chris, you're asking the wrong guys if you're looking for good advice about this. No, communication to me is the number one thing, if I didn't get that across, is that, being in a relationship that you can communicate that, be honest with yourself, be honest with your partner right out the gates that this is the type of person I am. You know what if you are. You know right away if you're listening right now, male or female, if you can relate to us and you have this mental, you've got to express that from the very beginning with someone because if you're trying, if like Justin was saying, you suffocate each other like crazy because you're all in love, you just met each other and you're spending 24 or 7. And then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:31:40 24, you realize like, oh shit, I'm not pursuing my career goals or my dreams and you're a very ambitious person. Then also when you go the other direction, guess what, you're in for a shits. Well, yeah, and you have to be very honest, like Adam's saying, the other thing is you have to have like non-negotiables and you have to have things that you value. Like, and if it is at a point where you need to designate
Starting point is 00:32:01 specific hours of your day or you just, you turn everything off and you're there. You know, that does help. It definitely helps. Like I'll throw my phone and get rid of it. And I'm there for two hours. And so it's not that it's, you can't do it. You just have to make it another discipline.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah, correct. So I mean, that's all I would say. I mean, I'm not great at doing that all the time, but if I do, you know, get myself to be disciplined with that, it does make a difference. Well, I imagine Courtney is real similar to Katrina, is where I know when I've pushed that limit, like when I, exactly when I get the,
Starting point is 00:32:35 the little hint. Yeah, once I get that settle hint, and I know, you know, that, okay, if she says something that I've been going to fuck, she already knows this about me. She already puts up with it on a daily basis. So I already know that. So when I get the sign, then it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:48 just like Justin said, the phone, the computer, everything gets shut down, and I'm 100% focused on you, and what we're doing right now. What would you like to do, honey? There it is. Who is Lisa P is asking, if you could go back to any age,
Starting point is 00:33:01 what age would that be, And what would you tell yourself? Hmm, we're getting close right today, huh? That's a good one. I just, I'd go back to the one I was five and I'd tell myself, don't eat that spider. Don't eat the spider. No, no, no, no. I would go back to, let me see, I was,
Starting point is 00:33:19 I must have been, I would have made that kid eat the shit brownie. Fuck. When I was, I think I was 20 and I had an opportunity to go run a gym in Hong Kong. This was back when, when 24 owned, with a California fitness club, so you guys remember those in Hong Kong?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Big fucker. These were massive like three storage gems. 50 to 100 trainers in each one. 50 to 100 trainers in each one. I was gonna get paid a shit ton of money. The tax isn't Hong Kong or nothing, but I was 20 and I was intimidated as hell. And I said no, I actually would turn it down.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And I had a couple of opportunities like that where, at one point I could have been a district manager and Colorado, I think that would have been awesome. It would have been awesome just to go out and be out other places and learn. But I was intimidated for a couple of reasons. The one I was young, I was just a kid,
Starting point is 00:34:11 in a lot of ways I was like an old man, but in other ways I was very young. And number two is, and you guys are gonna laugh at this, but you guys know how horrible my sense of direction is. And one of my biggest fears would be going to fucking Hong Kong and just getting lost. Like who the fuck am I gonna ask how to get back to my place? Everybody speaks Chinese.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Hey, how funny is that that I have the same fear, bro? No, you don't. It's what I've been there. Yeah, I'm like fucking hell. Let's do it. It just seems crazy. All the movies you watch it looks hellabizzy and lots of streets and super tall buildings.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I always feel like I'm gonna be reaching for some handle and then looking and everybody's on me. Yeah. Yeah. So, what? Oh, so, what is he talking about? Oh, shit. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. That's that I wish, I wish if I could go back in time, I wish I did that. It would have been an amazing experience. You imagine that 20 years old running a frickin' gym, I probably would have made a couple hundred grand a year. Yeah. Most of it non-taxed. I would have lived like a frickin' champion, busted my ass and made a lot of good friends. probably would have made a couple hundred grand a year. Most of it non-taxed
Starting point is 00:35:05 I would have lived like a freaking champion busted my ass and made a lot of good friends would have been awesome I thought I saw the similar like that, but it was it was being a trainer on it on it One of those boats the cruise ships. Yeah, wow would have been awesome. That actually sounds like I actually had Yeah, I had one of my buddies said that he did it And just you know, he had the greatest experience ever he did all Jamaica He did the whole Bermuda and all these different like awesome places. Did he have sex with a lot of people on the boat a lot Top yoga and band All day that's immediately what I think about
Starting point is 00:35:41 I know it's true. You got like nothing but rooms all over there. Is this your first cruise, Mrs. Johnson? Would you like to do some training tomorrow? Two. That sounds good. Oh, God. Yeah, no, I'm sure it was an experience for sure. What age would I go back?
Starting point is 00:36:01 I would go back probably to, I'd say, freshman year in high school. And I say freshman year just because at that point in my life, I think you start to realize the importance of education and learning and stuff like that. I think at least for me in elementary and junior high, you're just kind of going through the motions. High school, you know, people start talking about college and future and stuff a little bit. So you're starting that point in your life, at least for me.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And I would teach myself how to learn. I would teach myself a better way of learning than the school, the school is going to teach me in the next four years. And I would find the things that I was passionate and I would really press myself to learn more. And everything, whether if I was into bicycles or if I was into drafting and drawing, if you know into health and fitness and working out in sports
Starting point is 00:36:48 Whatever the things that I loved I would really really pressure myself To continue to to explore that and to to dive deeper into it if I already like it I would I would want to push myself. I feel like That's one of the biggest issues that I have with how we teach and how we learn now is that we try and put everybody cookie cutter in the same type of classrooms, the same type of stuff. And at least 90% of the people I ever talked to, you know, talk about their high school years and even some into college years of like a waste of time for a lot of them as far as the stuff they actually do. It was so memorable for me. So memorable. And you know, and I feel like that it's just because we are.
Starting point is 00:37:27 We're in this stupid system that's terrible. And I feel I would challenge, even though, like, you know, and I know one day I'll be challenged with this as a parent of, you know, my kid going through school and he's supposed to get his good grades in class. But in reality, I want to be finding out what my child is really, really enjoying and loving and impressing him to go further in that, wanting him to teach me more and learn more about that.
Starting point is 00:37:49 What about this son? What do you know about that? What do you know what I'm saying? That's exactly, I mean, not some of the exact along the lines of what I was going to say. Just being apparent now and watching my kick grow up and everything and what he's totally into and stuff, it's different than what I was into. You know, I was just like a total jock. Like I just immediately wanted to kick a ball, throw a ball, run constantly.
Starting point is 00:38:12 You know, and he just doesn't have that. He's just like so into Lego, so into Star Wars. You know, I mean the Taikwondo and it's just like, you know, like back then, I'm like, oh man, dude, you're so nerdy. You had a sal. Yeah, exactly. He's kind of salesque. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah, he's something. No, but he is awesome. Of course. Yeah, but I mean, it is stuff like that. Like, I totally would have been into martial arts. And I really wish that I would have pursued that more earlier in life, you know, but I definitely went to sports route, which, oh,
Starting point is 00:38:46 too, I wouldn't, I wouldn't trade that either, though. I'm kind of in a spot where I didn't want to be totally shame, be like, I wouldn't change anything because, you know, it wouldn't have led me to where I am right now, which is totally true. But, you know, that's one of those passions. I have a passion for that and I have a passion for art and drawing. And I was in this cartooning class in high school. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I loved it. And then it just was over within a semester, you know, and then never did anything ever again. And like, I remember that being like my favorite thing. I totally could have got into like drawing and comics and all that kind of stuff. But then people would have like shot spitballs at me and like call me nerd and you know, so I didn't. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Adam Wakefield PT is asking the best way to add in hit with a three day full body workout. So hit, he's referring to high intensity interval training, which is a type of cardio where you go at a very high intensity for a short period of time, then you go at a low intensity for a little bit longer period of time and then you repeat that. So it would be like a 20 second sprint followed by a minute walk and then back and forth or whatever. And typically that type of cardio you do for a shorter period of time, 15 minutes and you're done. 20 maybe. Versus regular cardio where you're there 30, 40 minutes. I wish I knew, I wish I knew a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I wish I knew what the desired goal is. Oh, that's what I was gonna say. It depends on the individual. Here's what I've always seen work well for the average person, is if they're doing a three day a week full body routine, which by the way, is superior to a body part split. So three days a week full body, is to do three days a week of cardio,
Starting point is 00:40:23 two days a week of them are steady state and one day a week is high intensity interval training. I've seen good success with that with a with a decent percentage of the amount of people that I've trained. But if you're an athlete, if you're fitness levels at a different level, right, you might want to do more or less. If you're like, you know, one of those high intensity individuals who doesn't get much sleep and works a lot, maybe you have two kids, you're like, you know, one of those high intensity individuals who doesn't get much sleep and works a lot, maybe you have two kids, you're tired,
Starting point is 00:40:49 then you probably don't wanna do. Yeah, you're pressed on time. You probably don't wanna do high intensity interval training because it's gonna stress your body more. You're already lifting weights three days a week. You're probably better off doing the very slow, recuperative, restorative type cardio, like walking outside or something like that.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So, I, and this is why maybe we don't talk about hit. We don't talk a lot about different types of cardio training very much. Cause I'm doing what it likes it. Yeah. And I think that's how I would exactly why that's probably how I would tell someone to do that is if you like doing it. And I would probably say if you're doing a three, but I would do it two to three times a week, but that's your main reason of doing it. A lot of people do hit because there's been studies
Starting point is 00:41:29 out there that have shown that it's one of the most efficient ways to burn fat. This is such a over abused word efficient, the most efficient way to do this. And the supplement industry uses like crazy, the training industry uses it like crazy. I'll tell you what, like the biggest thing game changer that I've changed since I coach a lot of clients and I still do this, especially with competitors and stuff, I prescribe more neat than I prescribe any other type of form of cardio. I teach people how to understand, how to just move on a daily basis and pay attention to that more than that because let's put it, let's say you did hit cardio every single day for 12 to 20 minutes, because that's the normal time for hit cardio, 12 to 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:12 You did that seven days a week. Well, and I find out that I, I start tracking your movement all day long. And let's say with that cardio seven days a week, you average 15,000 steps and X amount of calories every single day. Simply me getting you to just walk around for an extra 10,000 steps a day and get rid of your hit will end up benefiting you more in the fat burning zone, burning more fat overall than doing your hit seven days a week.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And that's easier for the average person. Learning to teach people how to just incorporate more movement through their day to ramp up their caloric expenditure ends up being a lot easier way to coach somebody than telling them you should do hit. Well, not to mention hit requires more skill. It requires a higher level skill, right? It's a harder on the joint. It's harder on the body.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It can, it definitely will stress your body more than regular cardio. Well, it's not a restorative type of cardio It's definitely a workout So it's I mean if you want to improve your endurance your VO2 max That's great if you just want to do cardio and you're focusing a lot of your energy on your lifting Which you should then you got to be careful with it You got to use it judiciously, but don't make that all your cardio
Starting point is 00:43:23 That's typically I usually don't recommend more than two days a week of, of hit unless it's an athlete that's specifically training for the... This has been the hardest for me because like people ask me, you know, how do I incorporate hit? How do I incorporate hit? Because I know like I would be that person that would want to do cardio that way. Because that's the way that we moved when we were being athletic. And when it mattered when you're getting condition before the season, that's kind of like the go-to recipe was like you did this, you know, these high intensity bouts. And then you would emulate that in-game player,
Starting point is 00:43:59 like I'm doing basketball now, and all these required like a pretty high level of endurance or stamina, I should say. And so, you know, getting into that kind of shape meant that you're in shape, right? And that's the association there that I have and a lot of like ex-athletes have. Or so, you know, getting somebody back to to a field of reason like now that their season's gone
Starting point is 00:44:27 is not just like all 100% effort in performance, doing things that help the body working with the body. Like that's been the game changer for me. That's what's done the most change in my body and I know that we'll help with me going forward as far as like getting burnt out and then like going in these spurts because I would get in these moments where I'm like I'm doing hit I'm doing hit but then I'd always trail off and then there'd be this period where I really wasn't into it anymore. So that is the reason why I don't, so I do prescribe it.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I have two scenarios where I prescribe hit to somebody and I just did to a client literally like two days ago. So I'll explain how wide it hurt. And the other one would be somebody who is an athlete and I'm trying to emulate what they're going to be going through, sprinting up a down a basketball court. They're going to sprint for about 30 seconds, high super fast and they're going to come down there and go back. So someone like that, you want them to be adapted to it.
Starting point is 00:45:26 You want them to be used to being put through that. So it makes sense to incorporate that for an athlete like that. But a majority of the people out there are using it for fat loss reasons. Okay. So how do I use it for a fat loss client? This is what I'm talking about right now. I just gave it to a female client of mine. She's 26 years old.
Starting point is 00:45:45 She has been with me now almost three months. For three months, she has done no cardio. In fact, I took her out of a high intensity class, completely stopped that. She runs maps. So for three months now, she's been lifting weights, no cardio, walking is her only prescription for me. We are three weeks out from her heading out for her birthday for, I believe she's going to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I have now incorporated three times a week, 12 minutes of hit, and it's strictly just because time. I'm slowly gonna add more and more work to her. As ramped all the way up to that point. Exactly. And I wanna start with, and that's the other reason why I would prescribe it because it's short.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And I just wanna kick up her kill-a-cow's a little bit. I slightly decreased her caloric intake, and'm just going to bump up a little bit more activity. All everything else is staying exactly the same. And I know I will watch her drop another percent or so a body fat in the next week. And then the next thing that we'll get an introduced to her is an additional like steady state. So then I'll like two days out of the week.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I want you to get up early, walk for 45 minutes to an hour. And that's in the last thing I really want to do is I want to, because I want to keep her fed. She's right now, but she just went from 2,200 calories down to 19, down to 17. So that's, and that's, what's great is when I, when she first hired me, she was eating 1,500 calories. So I built her up when I took down all the, all the cardio stuff. Now I have all kinds of room to play with that. So that's how, the only way that I would prescribe hit, um, to any, any two types of people. Now I have all kinds of room to play with that. So that's how the only way that I would prescribe hit to any two types of people.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yeah, I would say for me personally, when I use it, I'm very careful with it because especially if I get a client that's relatively new, it's a high skill type of cardio. I mean, I'll get a new client. It's very rarely when I tell them to sprint anywhere. They just, they don't even exercise at all. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:47:26 So hit is something like you just said, that's a perfect scenario. I would say other than an athlete, that's a great example. So you can check out some of our testimonials from people who have done our programs like Maps Antibolic and Maps Performance. At MindPumpMedia.com, you can also leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. And check us out on Instagram at MindPump. You can find me at MindPumpSoul, you can find Adam at MindPump Atom, and you can find Justin at MindPump Justin. Thank you for listening is MindPump.

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