Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 263: NEAT at Work, Fitness Trends, Looking the Part & MORE

Episode Date: March 30, 2016

This week's Quah will take your breath away! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about transitioning from physical therapist to personal trainer. fitness trends to follow to be successful in the ...industry, the need for a nice physique to build a fitness clientele and how your avocation affects the calories/macros you consume throughout the day.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we live right now? We are live. We're live. Mom. Hey, Gordon. What are we gonna do with the forum? I know we've talked about. You guys don't want to do my idea? What? Yeah, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:00:09 Yeah, I was like, it was really. Well, so the price of the forum is going up forever on the first of April, right? Right, Doug? I guess that's absolutely correct. And so if you get it now, you get it at the ridiculously low price of what? It's $27 and one time fee for life. There's tons of trainers on there. Lots of other people who are into fitness, lots of
Starting point is 00:00:28 great information. But if you wait till the first, it'll go up to $37, and then it's never going to go down again. April 1st is freaking April fools. What if it happens to land on April 4th? What if we raise it to like 107, and then we're like, ah, April 4th, it wasn't going to go to 37, it went to 10 7. You should have got it 27 bitch Won't that be a great April Fools show?
Starting point is 00:00:48 You know what? I think a lot of people I can't do it now cuz I think a lot of people will get the joke Yeah, I think a lot of I think I think we'll be right down the middle actually I think we're gonna make a lot of people laugh and we do it all the motherfuckers that got into the forum already They're gonna think it's hella funny. They're gonna be like, ah I'm so glad I got it. What an idiot you were were for not. I was telling you yesterday you should do it. Not. People that's only listening to like 20 episodes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:09 They will not get it. They will think that's funny at all. No, no, no. So that was pretty much it. But price for sure going up April 1st, never going up again, excuse me, never going down again. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And if you enroll, you pay one fee. That's it. You never pay it again. And you get access to a fricking bomb ass forum. Sick community of people. It's worth more than almost anything else we offer, because of all the the attention we pay on it, people ask us questions, ask each other questions, people share work out. People are talking right now. Yeah, all of us are on there. So that and what it's used for, I would say, let's do some of the most common things. It's a great, pretty much live
Starting point is 00:01:46 questions. Any questions you have related to your program that you may or concerns or anything going on with you, we also use a lot, you get a lot of people who actually video their form, they'll perform a squat or a teleph, and a critiquant. A lot of times so many people now have been going through the program and they've been around through so many rounds
Starting point is 00:02:01 of the phases and have learned so much through all the episodes that before either one of us three even get on there, there's five, six, seven people that have already helped that person out. And nine times at a 10 like us guys, the only time we really have to step in, which is rarely ever where we feel like there's something that someone needs to know more information
Starting point is 00:02:16 about whatever their question was or a little more detail to what everyone. And we do have a decent amount of people on that are certified trainers, it's been trained for a long time. Yeah, yeah. So there's a lot of good resources. Absolutely. So there's some doctors, you have some nurses, you have some physical therapists, we have chiropractors on that. We got everything. It's awesome. Yeah, there's a lot of people on there.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Get in, get on it now before April 1st. Otherwise the price is going up. You mind pump media.com. What's up, Douglas? We have some t-shirts to give away. T-shirt time. Let's keep away some t-shirts. Did you guys know that was from the Jersey Shore? Well, you look at me because I know you watch I do know yes, I do know yes it is from the Jersey Shore I didn't know that it was actually Paulie that was the initial one to do it and then they yell it's t-shirt time t-shirt time yeah, that's the shirt before the shirt if you watch the show you know that oh I
Starting point is 00:03:03 See it's me. I've seen it before though Yeah, and I have and I remember that now, but I didn't remember that why we were doing it So are you sober when you were watching it probably? What was their acronym that they had it was something like yeah tan and oh Details down but no detail DTF Yeah, I understand. Maybe we have T-shirts to give away. Sorry. Yeah. Jersey Shore Trivia.
Starting point is 00:03:28 So this week was really good. We had 14 reviews. Boom! Awesome. So everybody, keep it up because we're gonna give away four shirts today. Oh, that was like that, son. That's the way it works.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Are there more reviews and more shirts? The more shirts. Doug, Egi. Are these the new ones? Oh, these are the new ones. These are the black ones. And by the way, yeah, they're the charcoal gray with the black riding on it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 They're nice, they're crew neck. They're made for us by blown gear. I was, yeah, I was wearing, yeah, blown gear. Good, very good workout equipment. They've been in the middle of the boat. They've been in the middle of the boat. I feel great equipment. Sometimes I take my shirt and I curl it.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Oh, yeah. So yeah, I want to give it a shout out to the Blogan Gear guys. They've been very helpful with us and us producing our shirts. But yeah, we got four shirts going out. The first one is to, howdy-duty. And this guy is a gold miner and Alaska. Whoa. He's going to school. I read it a whole lot second.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I read this guy's a this guy's review. He does his trigger sessions in a freaking gold mine. He said that in the right. Yeah, he did in his drill. I think he's not drilling. Oh, we definitely have to give him a shirt. No, he's he's getting a shirt, but I don't know. Is it real?
Starting point is 00:04:42 Is he real? Are you really in a freaking gold mine in Alaska? Very possible. That's hard core. If you are, I want you to take sure and put on the forum. I want you to take a video, take a picture. It's kind of a Wi-Fi you're getting.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And I want you to post it on Instagram and I want you to tag us because that would be fucking ridiculous. That would be awesome. Where are the shirt? Drew B. Fit is our next winner, Dennis Nuber, and New Fit are the three extra winners we have for a total of four and the rest of you get on there and leave us a review.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Five stars, of course, and you may win next week. Where are the winners email you at? Yeah. MindPumpRadio gmail.com include your iTunes name, your size, and your mailing address. Size of your shirt, not your other size. Shirt size. Yeah your mailing address. Size of your shirt. Not your... Yeah. Other size. shirt size.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah, that's leaving your pants. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Can you hear yourself now? No, I can't. Can you hear it? Can you hear yourself now? Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:05:48 Tell me can you hear me? They're items. And you hear me. It all has a crying. Ooh, that's beautiful. That was like Barba Streisand. I love it when Adam Adam, like as soon as he hears his own voice, he always says it. There I am.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Okay. Now we can start. Yeah. That's beautiful. Oh, there it is. It, okay. Now we can start. Yeah. Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah. It's just a sign of manly release. Hey, do you talk to yourself romantically while you're doing? No, dude, if people could picture what it's like in here.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Oh, yeah. We all have these, we all have our, you know, our big headphones on. Thank you, sir. Oh, my God. Stop. And you can't hear each other talk, except for through the microphone, right? So when you put your headphones on, and if it's not clicked on yet, I can't hear. You just you can't hear each other talk, except for through the microphone, right?
Starting point is 00:06:25 So when you put your headphones on, and if it's not clicked on yet, I can't hear. You just just can't hear shit. Yeah, I can't hear anything. And then as soon as you hear it, it's like crystal, it's surround sound in your ear. Never heard. I've never heard myself in surround sound before.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Till this podcast. You want to know something fun? And you know what? It's fucking fantastic. It's nice. It's nice. You want to, first of all, you're the one that everybody makes comments about the Soul Tree voice.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's just Soul Tree voice. It's the one they turn the bass way up. Fuck his voice, okay. You want to sound like Kermit, listen. Here wouldn't be Soul Tree if we didn't have Kermit, though. You know what's funny? So when we first started doing this, K, K, K, K, K, K.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Well, we first started doing this, and I listen to myself talk. Everybody does this. When you hear your own voice, you're just like, oh, I don't like to hear my own voice. Nobody likes to hear the own voice. I'm so used to it now. That's how I like it.
Starting point is 00:07:11 But now I like it. Adam, how's your beard come along there? You're your own beard. Why did you trim the sides, dude? Does everybody, Captain Morgan now? Everybody else gave in on me. You two, you two, you two, you two, Moffo, me and last time we,
Starting point is 00:07:23 I only saw under the bus. You two never started, Doug, I mean, you two, you two, Mo Fulving left and we, I'm rolling the soul under the bus. You two never started, Doug, I mean, you two fell off in a week, Doug didn't ever start. There was a stipulation in that from the beginning. You remember that? Yes, I know. I suppose this guy has to get some.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Well, so my two best friends, my two best friends and Brennan were all doing it with me too. So everybody, I was like, I got cool, we got this like beard thing. And I know everyone's like, this is so stupid, like a bunch of guys get together and they decide they're all going to grow their beers together. You need, you know what, if you're not a beard guy and you don't rock a beer 24 seven,
Starting point is 00:07:50 you get itchy, get scraggly looking. I don't know if I look really good. I mean, my girl thinks I look like a terrorist when, uh, if I grown out too much. So, let me ask you this. We're just, so. Did you raise this for you? No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. So, let me ask you this. This is a legit question,
Starting point is 00:08:09 because this happens to me when I grow, by beard, because I have like a, well, looks like a, not a five o'clock shadow, like a nine o'clock shadow. It's a little longer than that, the five.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Oh, really? But let's say, when I start to grow my beard out, because I've done it a couple times, the longer it gets, does this happen to you? The longer it gets, the more aggressive I get
Starting point is 00:08:26 in my workouts. Does that happen, you guys? No, the shorter my hair, the more aggressive. Does that happen? Okay, for sure. You see, because I look at the mirror and I see this fucking bearded like. I kick your eye, though, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You know what I say? I see his bearded like Faw's rocket effect. And I remind my shaved head exactly. And I remind myself of Rocky from Rocky IV. Remember that one when he fights a Russian? He's in the snow training and his beard grows out. So I'm looking at the mirror and I'm like of Rocky from Rocky IV remember that one when he fights a Russian He's in the snow training. Yeah, his beer goes out. So I'm looking at him like that looks like Rocky And I just get aggressive. You just how Mother fucking
Starting point is 00:09:02 Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack go Mother fucking Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack go I don't know how to try to come up with a tag He's got mother fucking claw. I'm trying to invent my own My own The drawing he's used to steal mine. That's why you know what to do right there He's like oh shit out of took his own line back Wait, what do I gotta do that was an awesome line? Yeah, what I got one what's that?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Okay, well hold on a second. This is why you guys don't understand my brilliance. It didn't work when I did it, but now that we just talked about it for about two minutes, we said it three times. It is now gonna be a thing. It's gonna be this car. Yeah, you're right, everybody's gonna be hashtagging.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, all right. Drop it, Dougie, for it. All right, Josh, you are the creative edible. Smith 13 is asking for tips for a physical therapist who wants to become a personal trainer. Oh, wow, stay in the job you're currently and you'll make more money.
Starting point is 00:09:52 No, no, wait, that's not the tip we want to do. I have a lot of experience with this. I've worked with quite a few physical therapists and then I've had physical therapists work in my gym as personal trainers. Honestly, he's probably going gonna make a badass trainer. Who? If you're a therapist first and you become a professional trainer.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Here's the deal. Here's the problem. Physical therapists are the best when it comes to correctional exercise. That's what they do. They're correctional. They're the best at it. They're better than any trainer you've ever find.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You're always gonna, that's where their brain's always gonna be. Just excellent. They're horrible shitty for the most part when it comes to progressive resistance, when it comes to program design for any kind of performance, for getting stronger for building muscle, for doing any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They simply don't, now of course I'm being very general, but I'm talking about physical therapists that's all they do is physical therapists. No, that makes so much sense. I've never even thought about that. Bro, you take a physical therapist who all they do is therapy. You put them in a gym and you're like, okay, I want you to do a workout that's a physical therapist who all they do is therapy. You put them in a gym and you're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:10:45 put, like, I want you to do a workout that's gonna make me build the most muscle strength performance. They don't know what the fuck to do. Most of them don't even know how to use a power rack or they want to know how to use a T-bar row or all this equipment that isn't in physical therapy offices. So if you're a physical therapist, you're excellent at the correctional exercise.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Congratulations, that's actually, that's part is part. That's one of the hardest parts. Now learn progressive resistance, now learn how to train people to maximize muscle and fat loss and use your intellect that you applied when it comes to correctional exercise and learn how to program for those other things
Starting point is 00:11:19 and you'll be golden. That analogy reminds me of the same thing I see in the bodybuilding world when I see these like super athletes you go guys that went like pretty far and like the football with it went NFL or hockey or whatever they're like super athletes super fit just genetic freaks and they then get into bodybuilding where it's now getting into a little bit more program design is different than the way you program you had your program design for you when you were competing in sports. And a lot of times carry that same mentality into their training program for getting ready
Starting point is 00:11:52 for a show. And it's totally different. Yeah. You know, it doesn't work. Can a physical therapist still be a personal trainer and utilize all their tools and be pretty good? Like, absolutely. But the problem what happens is when you come in an expert at something, professional
Starting point is 00:12:04 athlete or Physical therapist is you once again and you get so caught up in your own dog mother you get in your own way and you allow yourself You because you are gonna over analyze you probably would watch like a trainer train Like maybe you want probably watch me train a client and be like oh, I can't believe he's doing that because I can tell her Scatula is she has a slight elevation on the right side and her hips off said, oh my god, I can't believe he would do that. Full detail. Yeah, I can't believe he's even allowing her to squat right now. Well, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So there's, yeah, there's going to be a place for them too, as far as like a specialty type of trainer is concerned, like, you know, there's a better place for them. Once be honest with the demographics out there, don't you think? Yeah, well, I mean, even too. We're talking about baby boomers. Yeah, I mean, yeah. One of the biggest lucrative areas to get involved in right now. So it's a great, if you are coming from that type of a knowledge base and you're coming into our, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:56 arenas, whereas fitness is concerned, like that transitional period from like people that were in physical therapy and then are trying to get that corrective help because there's really not a great bridge there a lot of times. No, I'll tell you what, I train, any given moment I'm training four, four or five doctors because the gym that I used to own was right down the street from a big hospital. I started training one doctor, next thing you know, I'm training a lot of them, right? So I have, I've trained probably over 30 or 40
Starting point is 00:13:26 Doctors and surgeons and it's gotten to the point now that I've trained these people for so long. They know me that I probably get one to three referrals a month For correctional exercise. They will send some of their patients to me and not to the physical therapist now This isn't because I'm better than a physical therapist that correctional exercise. I'm good enough to do, and I'm talking about from a comparative standpoint.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Now as a trainer, I'm a freaking bad ass correctional exercise guy. As a physical therapist, I'm good enough to help a lot of people, but one thing that I understand is the progressive resistance aspect or how to progress them through a program for performance. And so what ends up happening is their patient comes to me, gets full range of motion back, can move again, but now they're getting in shape, they're getting stronger, and they're better than they were before.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Because physical therapy for a lot of times, what they focus on is that range of motion. So you go in, you have a knee injury, they'll bring back range of motion, but they're not going to bring you back to where you were before a lot of times or definitely not beyond that. And that's where you're going to need to focus on learning those types of things before you can move into personal training. And when you do, you're going to be an awesome personal trainer. Oh, no, I think he's, uh, I, I've had probably, I don't know, in 10 years, probably four or five, uh, physical therapists that worked underneath me at one point and I would
Starting point is 00:14:46 coach you up. And one of the hardest things, you know, reflecting back now of, you know, helping them and, you know, with their career was they were really, really smart. And that point in my, in their career too, they were probably a lot smarter than me, especially when it comes to corrective type work. So they probably discredited a lot of stuff that I probably tried to help them and teach them with their business and being a better personal trainer because they had that edge on me, which was probably the biggest challenge I had with coaching a physical therapist was so, you know, you got to come in with that open mind that you are. You're a badass when it comes to that, but be careful because that can get in your own way. Because someone might be teaching you
Starting point is 00:15:22 something else and because they're nowhere, you just expect them to be that versed as you. Here, bottom line, if you take your average physical therapist who just this therapy and doesn't work out on their own, because a lot of them do therapy and don't work out on their own, there's a lot of them do exercise, but a lot of them don't, they're not trainers, they're not in a gym, they're in that kind of rehab environment. And they don't understand, you take those trainers,
Starting point is 00:15:43 you take most of these physical therapists, and most of them don't understand basic barbell exercises. It's a fact. I could take the average physical therapist, bring him in a gym, put him in a squat rack, and have them demonstrate a barbell squat, a barbell deadlift, and a barbell overhead press,
Starting point is 00:15:58 and they won't know how. They understand the function, but they don't understand the movements behind some of those big barbell movements, many times, and I know this because I've trained, actually had physical therapists hire me as trainers and I'll take them to the squat rack and they understand muscle and balance
Starting point is 00:16:12 as they understand correctional actually, but they've never done a barbell squat and they don't know how it works and where to set the bar and all that stuff. So a different focus. Totally. Josiah Bayak is asking about the trends for the future in the fitness industry to become a successful
Starting point is 00:16:27 Trainer because in a prior episode you guys strongly Disweighted people from starting a gym. I'll tell you what man We use the analogy that it's like buying your own bar. Didn't we use that analogy? Yeah, opening a gym is a very difficult way Buy in your own bar money. It's you know, you'll love it if you love it That's great, but you're not gonna get Well the off event unless you catch on to some kind of trend, you know like orange theory is one of them that things grow in or But I will say this a lot has changed since I had a lot since I had bought my gym because I had bought my gym It's not my anymore, but I just recently sold it. But I it, I don't know, 13, 14 years ago, right?
Starting point is 00:17:05 A lot has changed since then. And in mainly, it's in social media and how that is utilized now. Now I see trainers being very successful because they're very good at social media. Whereas before, that wasn't even a factor. Like when I bought my gym, nobody used social media. It was on a way to build business.
Starting point is 00:17:24 But now you've got guys and girls selling programs online or doing online coaching and utilizing those types of things who are extremely successful. I mean, you get yourself 10, 15, 20,000 good active followers on Instagram, for example. And you've, you know, potentially got yourself a decent online training business right there with just that. So that's where I would say, if you're going to, if you're just success-oriented and you liked everything about fitness, so it didn't matter what you did, I would say focus on look at social media and how to utilize that. I think that's where the growth is. Well, I just think that the brick and mortar is the last step of,
Starting point is 00:17:58 it's the last thing you need. You know, that you don't need, you don't need a facility to build the success. But now, so if you have built this clientele and you're making a ton of money and you're renting space from someone and your business has grown so much that you have a waiting list and so you know you could probably hire a trainer and meet you and start having him do. I mean, and that's kind of how solid it. I know he didn't really get in a detail share, but I mean, that guy had so much business and had so many people that wanted to train with him that he could foresee that, oh, I'm going to hire two, three trainers. And then I'm still going to keep getting clients and make money off that and then have them
Starting point is 00:18:30 train it. And so not only is this bill being paid at the facility by the trainers that are leasing from him, that on top of that, he's still making money on the people he's farming. So if your business hasn't grown to that point without a brick and mortar gym, I think you would be silly to think you're going to get into it and try and build it then. So to me, it's still very, so if you're working to do it, it's the very last step that I would ever think about doing. So yeah, it's just the biggest commitment.
Starting point is 00:18:58 That's the one that you really have to, you know, you have to sign away just like another mortgage. Like this is something that, you know, you're going to go through periods where, you know, you have to sign away just like another mortgage. Like this is something that, uh, you know, you're going to go through periods where, you know, you're not going to be profitable, but you're going to have to scramble and do all you can to be profitable. And it's just, the fact there is it's limiting. So I guess the, we were just trying to caution because it's like, you know, even for me personally, like, I got into a position where twice I almost pulled the trigger and got, you know, a gym because it's very appealing, you know, especially in this industry to do that. Because it seems logical, but like Sal was saying, like there's just more opportunities now. So there's there's more ways to grow.
Starting point is 00:19:38 As far as like people reaching you and finding you and communicating back with people. So whatever you have as far as a knowledge base becomes valuable, like information is valuable. And you know, there's lots of opportunity out there right now, especially as technology is growing. You're already seeing trainers like having video conferencing, you know, you're looking at different aspects of training. There's so many different avenues, like, you know, specialties, like Pilates studios, you know, like yoga, like, you can get like super knowledgeable in one facet and then at least be able to voice that
Starting point is 00:20:14 and draw people, like unique people to you. And there's enough unique people in the entire planet, you know, that everybody can make an awesome business out of it. Whereas, you know, it used can make an awesome business out of it, whereas, you know, it used to just be like your local area. It's very true. That's such a great point. That's a great point.
Starting point is 00:20:31 So I'm saying social media, like, let me put it this way. If I had the number one selling magnet store online, I'm a millionaire. I'm talking about refrigerator magnets. If I was selling refrigerator magnets, but it was the number one online site online, I'd be a millionaire. Now, if I open a freaking... And nobody could know you too, that's the thing. Nobody knows, that's a crazy part.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's not even big enough for me to be famous. But if I opened up a refrigerator magnet store right now, or we live or anywhere around here, I would go out a business within three weeks. Like, it's not enough people to pull from. Now, if you like to just, you just still wanna do the old school type personal training or whatever, here's why I bought a gym.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I bought a gym because I like to be the boss. I'm being honest. I'm not bullshitting. I don't like working for other people. So I said, you know what, I'll own my own so I could be the total boss and control whole thing. That's the truth. The reality is, I probably could have made as much or more money if I rented from someone
Starting point is 00:21:19 else and was just a trainer. Because when I owned my gym, I had, you know, my nut was over $6,000 a month. You know, when I counted my rent, my bills, and all the other shit, I had to hit over six grand just to break even. Which isn't that crazy of a number, what do you think about it? Like it isn't, but for a small, it could get a lot more than that.
Starting point is 00:21:37 But for a small 1500 square foot personal training, facility with massage, whatever. That's what I mean. Right? So $6,000 a month, I got to hit that number just to break even, whereas I could have gone into gold and paid them, I don't know how much I took. That's $600 a month.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I could have paid them $600 a month. I could have trained my own clients. My net was nothing and I'd make a lot of money. So for me to even beat that at gold, I would have had this, have generated $5,400 with a sub-lease, sub-rent. You see what I'm saying? So that's the thing,400 with a sub-least, sub-rent. You see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:22:06 So that's the thing, it's difficult to hope that they're pulling people. So if you want to train people, I would say, don't open your own gym. Go rent from somebody who lets you rent your business out of the gym. Smartest thing you could possibly do. Well, and the thing that you got,
Starting point is 00:22:19 the Justin said about, and you said about social media, and you got to think that if you, I don't know if you've been listening, if you haven't, and you care about business, you really should start from the beginning of this podcast and listen to it, listen to it because ultimately this was a business that the three of us came together and we are building.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And we're still majorly in the building process. And one step to that, we all knew that if we get ourselves out there, whether it be virtually on social media platforms or through a podcast, that there'll be a like Justin said, enough people that are like minded that see what we're trying to do and we'll latch on. It might take us a while. And we knew too that we couldn't ask for anything we had to give. We had to give. We had to give. We had a show. We had to show that we knew what we were talking about, that we could help people out. And we knew we had to do that until we got enough people that understand and see it and get it and get what we're trying to do. But we knew they were there, we knew they existed, we knew there was a big need for it.
Starting point is 00:23:14 So the same thing goes for yourself. There are a lot of people that are just like you, that are like minded, that think the way you think, you just got to get out there, you have to find a way to get there and get connected to those people, whether it be through podcasting or social. And there's a step, there's a process to this too. So like, you know, as, you know, step one, like we kind of mentioned, big box gym, that's a great opportunity for you to see, you know, a higher volume of clients right away without having to worry about the marketing piece.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And step two, the marketing piece, we get into independent training right how do we maximize that how do we get Ourself's known how do you become a leader in your community? You know how do we how do we tweak all these things to make sure that you're totally gonna Be successful in that aspect of it now we go into gym, you know now How can we own a gym and do it the right way and get leads and contacts and all this stuff? You know you have to consider all these things and then what if I want to go off and create my own product? Oh, well guess what? There's a whole formula for that. And there's also crowdsourcing.
Starting point is 00:24:10 There's all these different ways that you can pull funding without having to sign away all your stuff for 10%. So many opportunities. But it's out there though. It's out there. There's just a lot to consider before you just sort of like see yourself within this box.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yeah, I'll say this just to not to keep hammering on this, but I'll tell you what, if you're going to do the social media thing, here's the best piece of advice I could give you, because I'm relatively new to it. I started it recently, is this, know your flavor. Here's what I mean. If you're a good looking muscular photogenic person, that's your flavor, that's what I mean. If you're a good looking, muscular, photogenic person. That's such a good point.
Starting point is 00:24:47 That's your flavor. That's what you use on social media. That's how you get yourself big. If that's not who you are, then don't use that. Don't post, you know, don't try and be that person. If you're not that person, know your flavor. For me, when I got on Instagram, I saw on Instagram, everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:25:01 talk about, look at my new workout, look how buffed I am, look how hot I am, whatever. And I understand that got attention, but I knew what my flavor was. My flavor has always been information, always. And so I used my platform to provide information. And that's how I've started to build my social media. If your flavor is as sports or your flavor is weird,
Starting point is 00:25:20 yoga positions or whatever, use that flavor. And that's how you'll build your following on social media. Oh, it's a bit of a be authentic. That is such great. That's what I mean. Yeah. Be authentic. Be yourself. Stick to that formula. Do not try in me or what's the biggest mistake I see in the fitness bag and it cracks me. Here is what they, here is what they think is the formula. They think it is the take the half naked pictures of yourself. That's a must show hardcore workouts in the gym and then tell people about about supplements
Starting point is 00:25:51 that they can take for that and then leave an inspirational quote. That's like the post. That's like a fitness person's post and they just recycled over and they're super positive and you know, work hard and do this. When I first started going like, I remember like trying to figure this all out Like I was trying this and trying that and it wasn't until I find said fuck all this trying bullshit I'm just gonna just do me you know say I'm gonna do me I'm gonna piss some people off along the way, but fuck them. I don't want to hang out them anyways
Starting point is 00:26:17 I only want people following me that want to hang out with me anyway, so then I just started Being true to myself and posting what I would post and talk the way I would talk. And you know, forget everybody else because that's what you want. Those are gonna be your best customers because those people are like you, they think like you. And the internet allows you to reach so many more of them that it's just a big pool.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, people from. So Margolo is asking if you need a nice physique to build a client tail in the fitness industry. It'll help. You don't have to be like, you don't have to be like muscular and ripped. If you're overweight, that would make it very difficult
Starting point is 00:26:54 because people are gonna look at you and they're gonna say, well, fuck, you know, either A, they think you don't know what you're doing or B, you're not displaying that same kind of, you know, the commitment that you would need to be fit. Did you ever hire a fat trainer? Well, I was just gonna say, so here's a deal. I did, I have a story for that.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I have, but I'll tell you what it was. I, so I went to, this is the story, look, while ago I went to a restaurant and the kid serving me was so charismatic. I don't remember where it was, it was like some, whatever, I think it was like chillies or something. The kid was so charismatic and joking and laughing and just great personality that, you know, immediately I thought to myself, I got to have this kid working for me.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So I started talking to him and I said, Hey, I managed the gym up the street. How much do you make here? Well, did you know you can make this much? And do you like fitness, this and that? So I start talking about fitness and the guy goes, Oh, man, he goes, I've been working out consistently for the last year. And I start talking about fitness and the guy goes, oh man, he goes, I've been working out consistently for the last year and I've lost over 85 pounds, pulls out his wallet, shows me his driver's license
Starting point is 00:27:50 and the kid was still, he's still not what you consider fit. He doesn't look, he's a little heavier than average, but he was massive before. And I looked at that picture and I said, this fucking, I love this, like he's gone through himself, he's busted his ass, he's gotten in shape, he's got a great personality. I'm gonna hire this guy. We started talking, I wanted him to be a sales guy,
Starting point is 00:28:09 he wanted to be a trainer, so I let him be a trainer, and guess what, he did pretty well, and one of the reasons, it didn't get in the way of what he was doing because he was able to relate to a lot of people, to a certain clientele in the gym. Those people that are coming in, that are real intimidated by working out, kind of overweight, well, they're gonna go to him
Starting point is 00:28:28 and they're gonna feel, you know, and they can hear his story and they're gonna feel like, okay, this guy understands me. So, you don't have to be ripped, you can make it work, but you better take health, you know, seriously, because otherwise you're just bullshitting, you're lying and that will make a good trainer, I don't think at all.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I heard someone really overweight, wasn't that? Yeah, and the only reason why I did was, you know, this was during early years when I was still learning myself on how to hire. How to hire a great trainer. You know, what should I look for? And what are like, you know, non-negotiables in them? What are some of the things that, you know, I've never really, you know, ventured this way with this. So I was always, you know, hiring different personalities, learning a lot, which is why I always attribute to the last facility that I had is like, you know, probably one of the, I had great teams always, but that last group was really, really dialed. And a lot of that just came with, I felt like I was better at that. I learned, I got better
Starting point is 00:29:16 at picking out what would be a good trainer right out the gates. And one of the, during this learning curve, I, you know, with this phase where I was like, man, I feel like I just totally, if someone's really at like really out of shape, I just, no way, I won't, I can't hire him because I felt that you got to be someone in shape, right? But then sometimes I would turn away someone who was really smart, you know, they had like their masters in kines or something. And I'd be like, man, but that trainer, Paul, he could really help some people. They probably really knowledgeable.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And so I remember then I told myself, okay, the next time like a really smart trainer comes in, I don't care if he or she is 50, 60 pounds overweight, I'm fucking hiring them. I'm gonna put this to test and see what happens. Well long story short, she didn't do very well. And I got a lot of people that would complain to me. She was very, very intelligent, but that was the complaint even. They would say to me like, man, she was really smart,
Starting point is 00:30:06 but I feel like if she really knows that much about all this stuff, like why would she allow herself to be overweight like that? And I'd be like, fuck. It's tough. It was a really tough situation. And she'd send her yourself. Yeah, I mean, this business, you're selling yourself. And it's very superficial.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I mean, unfortunately, it's a reality. And so you do have to consider it. You know, and if you do have a background story like that where you lost a ton of weight, and then you still have to fluff and all that kind of stuff, that definitely is a selling point that helps. Because it definitely hits a demographic of people that are intimidated that they could really see themselves
Starting point is 00:30:41 in you. And I think a lot of times two people hire, like they see themselves in you. I I think a lot of times two people hire, like they see themselves in you. I've had people even tell me that, like, you know, like you're strong, you know, I wanna kind of look like you. You know, like I've had people even say that. And it's like that's kind of weird,
Starting point is 00:30:54 but, you know, like it's, it is something that, you know, people superficially are looking at, you know. I remember, I only took like one trainer seriously that was overweight and that was one of my strength conditioning coaches in college because I knew that he was strong. He was strong and he was amazingly like he just knew so much about like working out and competing at a very high level. It's just that he was older and you know didn't just let his body go to waste
Starting point is 00:31:24 but it's like the knowledge was there, you know, to pass on. Well, here's a deal. There's definitely, there's a cause, cause medical aspect, but the cause medical aspect is limited to any job. It's, it's any job, if you're good looking, you tend to do, if you look good, if you're fit, like if you're fit and you sell houses,
Starting point is 00:31:40 you'll probably do better because people find you attractive. But that's a small part. Here's the big part. It would be like a priest preaching to me about religion, but then behind, you know, but then when no one's looking, the dude is freaking fornicating and doing all kinds of drugs and doing all kinds of crazy stuff, I'm not going to want to listen, even though I might be very religious and I need that guidance, I'm not going to want to listen to that priest because he's a fucking hypocrite. This is what happens when you look like you're out of shape and clients look at you. It's not necessarily the cosmetic thing because it's kind of extreme example, but yeah, you get what I'm
Starting point is 00:32:09 saying. It's not necessarily cosmetic thing. It's that it's just throw the priest out of the bus. Whoa, just throw the priest in the bus. I'm not far right now. Yeah, but you get what I'm saying. Like, you're gonna look at someone and they're gonna say, this guy or girl, they don't practice what they preach. And fitness, a lot of senses is religion to people because you're preaching. I mean, that's what you do to your clients. You preach to them about nutrition, exercise. And if you don't follow yourself,
Starting point is 00:32:35 you're like, fuck you man, I'm not doing this hard work when you don't even do it. Well, you know, in the funny part is, I believe Salah, I know I've been on this page before, he's fucking fit. Yeah, he's really fit. So, and so maybe I hope he's not wondering like You have to be even crazier fit to be decent. Yeah, he looks good. Yeah, he looks great already. Maybe he's asking for somebody else
Starting point is 00:32:51 Send new to Adam. No, don't do that. We just stop. I just told you haven't been getting those No, no, let's not talk about that. I've been happy. I mean, no, no, no, that's not bring back. You're having gotten a dick pick in a long time Other than the ones you said me, wait, on my pump, you're at mine pump atom on Instagram. Okay. I just do drag message. No, I just think that if he's asking for himself, which I like I said, I've seen his page before,
Starting point is 00:33:17 he's definitely fine. Yeah. The only thing I would say, because here's a thing that you have to think about more than the getting in share, or being a trainer, it's like super ripped, right? I have to say that, you know, there's been phases in my 15 years of training, right, that I've felt like I've really learned a lot about training, you know. One of the things was literally actually teaming up with the gentleman in this room, I mean, to like I said earlier, just bringing a whole other perspective and specialties and combining our
Starting point is 00:33:47 experience and expertise all together, I feel like I've grown so much in the last year. For sure, so this will always go down as a memory for me of a huge growth time in my life. Another one was the process for me going through competing. Just because I took my body to a level I've never been before, I believe it's made me such a better coach and a better person. So you think there's value in.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yes. Okay. So there, I think that is, I care more about that. Like that you've gone to that point, because I feel like there's things I learned that I can't, I can't, I couldn't ever explain until I went through it myself. Right. So there was a big educational piece for me. Well, that's a, that's a great point. I mean, if I'm,
Starting point is 00:34:29 if I'm perfecting my squat, my own personal squat, I become a better trainer with squats. Yeah. It's just the way it is. Well, and that's a great point. It's, and it's also like how I feel. If you were to compare Justin teaching sports performance and me teaching sports performance, I feel like he has applied that in his own life and way more so than I have that, even though I may be able to, you know, mirror and teaching that process, I don't think I'm as can ever be as good until I have applied. You don't have that intuitive. There's an intuitiveness to it to when you've done it yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yes. And those little, and I'll tell you what, and if you guys can for sure for me, the little tips that I'm able to give to a client that I'm training, that like the subtle things like, you know, rock your hips back or think about pulling your chest to the bar and say, it's because you've trained people. It's because you've been with so, and sometimes it's the most subtle little thing you tell somebody that just this switch goes off and now their body, they click right into it, that you just can't read that. You'll never get that in a book. And you have to go through it enough times. You have to have stumbled enough times where you fucked up and didn't get to. So, so that process going through for me that allowed me to go through
Starting point is 00:35:40 a process and challenge my body and ways and And many ways mentally too, that I had to learn how to overcome that. So now I feel like when I notice that, or I see that coming in a client, I feel like I can help them much better. Yeah, definitely. Joseph Awe Lua, 89, is asking about the, if the job you do affects the calories and macros you eat throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Okay, so the question is, what you're doing during the day for work, does that mean, does that make a difference in terms of how many calories you should eat or what your macros look like? This is why I got that right here. Yeah. This is, Adam always likes to talk about meat. Yeah, it's neat. Let's talk about meat. Rich is, what is the acronym, neat? It's not exercise activity, thermal genesis. There you go. So basically it's all the it's the calories you burn when you're not exercising. So your regular day, your regular day can, it will actually, if you increase the activity in your regular day, even by, by little amounts, you'll overall burn more calories than you do during your workout. If you're the average
Starting point is 00:36:41 person, you work out three days a week. That's three hours a week. I mean, there's a lot of hours during the day where if you just simply, you know, part of our other way lunchtime underrated things, it is the biggest underrated thing. And it is for sure. It goes, this goes right back to the last question because this was something when I got so crazy in competitive mode and I was tracking everything to where I was tracking my steps.
Starting point is 00:37:05 A huge light bulb went off for me. I went holy shit. Like, why am I doing this stupid cardio that it because just because that's like the formula for bodybuilders, they do this one hour in the morning, this and that. Why don't I just simply increase my steps by 5,000 to 8,000 steps every single day, just by simply being more active. Now, if I have to get on there and run because I'm behind the day, I would have there, but starting that approach, handling that, or looking at it with that approach, I was like, man, that equals way more calories.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I'm gonna end up burning just by doing that and it's way less effort for me. If you take the average person who wants to lose weight and instead of telling him to go to the gym and do 30 minutes of cardio three days a week, just tell him walk 10,000 steps a day, that's it. Way more effective. Way more effective. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Way more effective. You guys remember those devices? They still have them. The one I used was the body bug. But these are devices that tell you how many calories you burn throughout the day, because there's different metrics that it measures or whatever. I'll never forget, for me, this happened years ago,
Starting point is 00:37:57 because I actually was selling body bugs when they first came out in my gym. I carried them. And I had to have clients wear them. And then they downloaded them. I'd look on the computer. And I didn't have clients wear them, and then they downloaded my look on the computer, and I'd see that my clients were burning more calories on sometimes on the weekends,
Starting point is 00:38:11 then they wore them the days that I trained them. We had the same exact thing, I had the same time in our career, because I was pushing bodyguards, I was a furt one of the first ones I ever have one. And it blew me away because I was tripping out on their Saturday or Sunday, they clean house, they just like that,
Starting point is 00:38:23 and they were burning more calories, and they were after my hard ass workout, I was blessed in their ass off., they clean house, they just like that. And they were burning more calories and they were after my hard ass workout, I was blessed in their ass. I was like pissed. Yeah, I remember specifically, I had one client come in, I'm like, dude, you burned a lot more calories on Saturday. Like, what did you do? Where'd you go?
Starting point is 00:38:35 And she's like, I didn't do anything. I'm like, what do you mean you didn't do anything? She's like, well, I went to the mall. I did do this year. Yeah, and then, oh, I had to wash the car and I had to, I had to lock to get ready. And I was like, holy shit. Exactly, I was oh, I had to wash the car and I do it. I had to lock to get ready and I was like holy Exactly. I was like holy shit like you just destroyed calories More calories than the freaking day that we you know the workout that we had the other day
Starting point is 00:38:52 Which was real hard plus you did 30 minutes of cardio that day and you just killed it with your your neat Yeah, and this is a big by the way ladies and gentlemen Adam As accurately predicted this and I'm going to back this up. This is going to be the massive, this is going to be the next massive paradigm shift in fitness is focusing on that. It's not going to be, you know, workout at the gym and do extra cardio. It's going to be, let's look and see what you do the whole day and just ramp that up a little bit every single day.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And just add little increments here to, you know, improve. I know anyone who's ever been coached by me that listens to knows that. That's one of the things that I do that I know nobody does. And it's the simplest thing ever. And to me, it's so much easier to be precise about it. 30 minutes of hit cardio. Well, it's the first real metric that you're getting biofeedback for that's legitimate. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, like, because I mean, everybody's trying to scramble to come up with these things, but it's like, if you can figure out just how much you move from there,
Starting point is 00:39:49 it's like such a great starting point, to really build and excel your program because it's so individualized. I make every single client of mine has to have that device. Because I've had way more success coaching to that than ever per scribing cardio, which is why I never talked about that stuff. It is the last thing that I've do, and success coaching to that than ever prescribing cardio, which is why I never talked about that stuff. It is the last thing that I've do. And I mentioned this. I think
Starting point is 00:40:09 just on the other day on a podcast that I have a client right now who's getting ready for her birthday. She's one which is less than a week now out. And this I'm now letting her do all that. Now I'm like, go crazy. You know, do your cardio, do your cardio. Add all your stuff like that. I was the final week we're heading in and we're trying to bring the bet. But I waited all the way before that was just around neat. Was just at this meeting stage. So each week I would just ramp our average up. So it was so subtle for her to that it didn't feel like it was like,
Starting point is 00:40:35 oh my god, I have to go way out of my way. Do this. You just be like, well, you know, now my lunch break, I make sure I just go walk for 15 minutes or instead of driving here, I walk here for launch or, you know, I get up a half hour early. And then when I'm waking up, I just kind of walk around establishing new patterns. Yes. I'm real what it does.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I take the stairs, little things like that. I, that'll be the biggest one. One of the biggest game changers you will see and I even think in the competitor bodybuilding world for sure is that learning to coach that. That's when you know you got a fucking coach that's on point. That's it.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You heard it here first on MindPunch. Oh, yeah. Leave you got a fucking coach that's on point. That's it. You heard it here first on Mind Pump. Oh, yeah. Leave us a five star rating and review on iTunes. You may win a free T-shirt. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal on Instagram. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. And you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. And you can find Mind Pump the show at Mind Pump Radio on Instagram and on Facebook. It's Mind Pump Show. Check us out. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump Show. Check us out. You

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