Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 273: NEAT vs. EPOC Cardio Debate

Episode Date: April 14, 2016

How does Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) stack up to Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)? Sal, Adam & Justin break it down in this episode. Please subscribe, rate and review this... show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Is this thing on? I feel like Doug hasn't been having to do much shit lately. I feel like he doesn't have enough on his plate. I think we should just hide, be good. I think we should always just record it and he should have to chop it up and edit it later
Starting point is 00:00:29 Maps black will be available next year You see what happens if you see what you fucking did Adam Where's the where's the beats headphones anyway? Yeah, where are they? I'm sick of looking just looking at Justin always the guy with the buds. Yeah, like this buds for you. Yeah, what's up Doug, what's going on with this? I'm gonna go pick him up. So he did fix them? He's gonna take a flight to Thailand. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Now I took him down to the shop. They're gonna come out, they're gonna be done in two weeks, a month past, a month and a half past, the parts were wrong and they got sent back. Now I get the final call was, oh, we're probably not gonna be able to get it fixed anytime soon. Come pick up your headphones. We have a lot of time for that.
Starting point is 00:01:11 We should call, we should, can we piss the whip up? Let's give them a shout out. We have a radio. We have a radio station now. We have a little bit of a- You're on my level, bro. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:21 You don't do us like that, especially not done. Did we get chargers already? $15 is a deposit. Oh, and we got chargers, okay. What's the name of the other fuckers company? What's this company? I think it's actually called camera repair. Camera slash something, I don't sure.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Well, the first clue. Camera repair slash, I don't care. The first clue, right? That this what happened, Doug. I'm gonna show you a little detective work here. Okay, we have headphones. Yes. happened, Doug. I'm gonna show you a little detective work here. Okay. We have headphones. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Okay. Which you put on your ears. Yes. You brought them to a place called camera repair, which fixes camera. Dang it. So, I feel like, I feel like. Well, we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:02:00 We'll do all of it. Yeah. Actually, I've used these guys before for Cameras cameras. No, no, they never that doesn't just All right call out on the air Now I can't he mad at the guy right here. I brought my headphones the safe way those motherfuckers my bad it's called it was called camera repair and stuff It's like duck duck and stuff is a jiffy Louben asked a guy if you can fix a stereo It's like hey bro. My my speakers aren't working very well here because you guys fix that and the cake just go like
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah, yeah, well take care of it. We tried five W 30, but it didn't work You just hit it a couple times. I don't understand why my speakers aren't working You know it hurts to laugh right now for me. Did I take you guys what happened earlier? Why? So I go to workout this morning because I had some cancellations. So I wanted to work out before I trained my first client. So I go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I'm gonna do some front squats. I wasn't gonna go too heavy. So I think I had, I don't know how much of the, how much of the new kilogram, what are those 25 kilograms each? 2.2. I had two plates don't know how much of the new kilogram, one of those 25 kilograms each. 2.2. I had two plates on each side. So, two 65.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah, right, so 265 pounds. And this is what I hate. Like if I tweak something in my back, I want it to happen when I'm lifting something really fucking heavy, because I want a good story. But it never happens. No, I want somebody to be like, how did you hear your bag? But like, well, you know, fucking lifted 700 pounds. Like a thousand pounds squashed me. No, I want somebody to be like how did you hurt your bag? But I well, you know fucking lifted 700 pounds like a thousand pounds squashed me
Starting point is 00:03:27 No, and I didn't even squat it. I just took it off the rack a little too. I was too excited I was a little too energized and I came up a little quick and then but right in my you bust you're not right I just ejaculated all over the the window. No, I had can't that's what happened. You don't pay attention I know all I hear was Jaculate put the phone down I want to know I moved a little too quickly and then right on my thoracic by my my scapula right by my right shoulder blade I felt a little twinge so I kind of put the weight up and it was the very beginning of my workouts Let me ask you guys this I want to see how similar or different we are okay at this point now It's not bad. It's not like I'm not on the ground right?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Most people would have stopped. What would you guys have done? Start at your workout, about to do set, you just rack, you un-racked the weight a little bit. There's a little twinge. It's not a major one, but you're like, this might not be good. What do you do? Instant bro day. You know, you go a little lighter. See, you don't stop. No, of course not.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yeah. Here comes a machine day. So, okay, so far we're identical. What a machine day. So what would you so okay? So so far were identical. What would you do with the 265 on the bar? Because I haven't done a rep with it yet. I just tried to do it like you get a That's exactly I'm it this is literally what I did. I took this so not good advice. I popped a little yeah This is not good. No, this is horrible advice. I felt it like fuck right? So I immediately racked it
Starting point is 00:04:45 I kind of stretched a little bit and I'm like shit and I can feel it when I'm breathing You know you get one of those yeah, yeah So I walk over the side of the bar and I take one plate off right one plate off on the left side one plate off on the right side I'm staring at the bar. I go get the plate put it back on the side of like fucking I'm doing two sets of the shit And I did two sets and I feel horrible now We're gonna make you laugh all night sets and I feel horrible now. Now we're going to make you laugh all night. And now I feel horrible with you. Listen, I am the best trainer for other people.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I am not that good for myself. Right. I'm terrible. And hence, don't watch what I'm doing in the gym. Right. It's never. It always is that way. I end up doing stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Well, you know why? I blame these testicles. I blame, you know, it's where you're your own worst enemy because you kind of know too much. You feel like you can flirt with that fine line always, right? It's like a race car driver, right? He's gonna push those limits always, you know what I'm saying? I feel like that's not accurate
Starting point is 00:05:35 because I literally think to myself, there's no level of smart, there's no intelligence I'm applying. It's literally, fuck this, I'm doing it anyway. Sure there is. Sure there is. You stopped, you did a little bit of Dynamic stretching a little bit like that then you came back in I'm sure you made it you made a conscious
Starting point is 00:05:49 Ever to brace your core even more before you went down so there is some sort of intelligence It's like the race car driver He could have just like on three quarters right just to get the engine warm the first run But he's like you know I want to see what this has yeah exactly I mean like pedal to the metal I need to see how this corner is at 240, you know, I want to see what this has. Yeah, exactly. I mean, like, pedal to the metal. I need to see how this corner is at 240, you know? Right. Fine. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Now I'm a little tweaky. That was today. That was this morning, dude. Are you sure that was in from Adam's big bear hug? You guys are outside. Did we hug each other? We hug each other. No, we didn't.
Starting point is 00:06:18 He does that every time he sees me. Oh, the one we were, yeah. Yeah, we're holding each other up for pictures. The thing about Adam having a small waist is I can reach all the way around and touch my elbows. Yeah. I'm like, I do.
Starting point is 00:06:28 That's a great leg. I'm gonna give him a snanaconda. Is that the end of a condo? I want you to envision him just like he just did. Rapping his arms all around my waist like that. Good. Hmm. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Front or the back? That's what I was gonna say. There's no good, there's no good side. Really? Yeah, either way. The backside or the front side? Smash. It's no good. There's no good side either way the backside Or face is smashed into something uncomfortable. It would have been it would have ended horribly. Yeah, so Why are you in a bad mood today Adam? Not a bad mood huh? Why cuz I went on a rant
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah, just get all you don't weird sometimes in angry face. I don't get I I guess hold on hold on did you get sleep good? This is Monika go tea. I did I get rid of that Did you go to keep let it go bro? And I'm like a bro. I want to be able to braid it bro. Did you did you sleep good last night? I did I slept excellent. I woke up in a dress. I had a great I had my staple breakfast had my eggs and bacon and stuff I had in my slide on your mind pump cup. You been having sex. Yeah. Yeah. Everything's great. Well then what the fuck's going on here? Well, you know, I love this part about our form. So our form is filled with lots of intelligent minds.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yes. So we actually have the smartest people in the world on our forum. It's true. According to me, yeah, it's back. It is. I beg your brain. Super sexy.
Starting point is 00:07:39 No, no, no, no, we get, we got all kinds of very intelligent people there. And I like it because it is always challenging us. But ever since everybody has been hopping on this ketogenic diet, which once again, we keep telling everybody this is not the mind pump diet. You guys just happen to be going through a process with us. We keep everything real and we air it on the air.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Sal's said how much he loves it, which I blame you to be honest with you. This is my fault. Yes, it is your fault. Why? Because you're the science nerd. Everybody hears you talk and they're like, it must be true, sounds hate.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, no, I like that. Which is why I'm gonna be out of this, not therefore it is. Which is why I'm gonna make you say how much bullshit this net carb thing is, okay? And I wish, I don't really tell him about the questions about net carb. What do I count? Carbs or net carbs?
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah, so it's been all over our thing. I've been getting people calling me text to me out of my gross carbs. And so before I went on my rant, because I like to do a little bit of my own research before I just punk the shit out of somebody, is I wanted to see who the motherfucker was that started this. Who is the guru that started this and the importance and the science behind it? And here's what the whole point of it. Absolutely. We can dive into the science of understanding how fiber gets digested
Starting point is 00:08:45 or not digested in the body and how it plays a role on your metabolism. So somebody has come up with this concept of subtracting out your carbohydrates or, excuse me, subtracting out the fiber from your carbide. So net carbs are what's left. So if I ate a meal of 50 grams of carbohydrates, but 25 of them are fiber, then in reality, I've only had 25 grams of carbohydrates, but 25 of them are fiber. Then in reality, I've only had 25 grams of net carbohydrates. Exactly. I'm scratching like, like if my brain was a chalkboard, I'm going like, that's how I felt.
Starting point is 00:09:14 That's how I felt when I keep reading it. And everybody keeps asking them, like here's, okay, I get it. And we could sit here, we could talk about the science and who, why they come up with it. Yeah, how it's healthy to have fiber, to roll the body. science and who, why they come up with it. How it's healthy to have fibers, the role of the body. And this is, it's like, keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:09:29 There's levels of why you don't need to go to this point. Like, there is no reason for someone to start adding another thing that they need to subtract or add into the macro counting already. Macro counting already is already mundane and crazy. When you start to add in something like this, it's just getting ridiculous. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You know, average male or female needs somewhere between 25 to 60 grams of carbs. Pay attention to that. If you are a fiber, sorry, I keep saying carbs. Fiber, if you're not getting that much fiber, okay? Get that much fiber. It's that simple. To get into the point where you start subtracting
Starting point is 00:10:02 your fiber's carbs from your regular carbs, if you're gonna do that, then you should start calculating and changing the difference between high glycemic versus low glycemic carbohydrates. You should start subtracting out your plant protein versus your... I'm starting to see your frustration. Your meat protein. I didn't before, but now I do.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Well, because it's your... You are... Well, we're getting... We've got to look at this putting the hairs of getting... And you can. We can get that low, but it's like, why? Why would you do that? Nobody in that form, nobody on on this podcast listing to us is at a level that that should be a concern Well, here's a deal who why okay the term net carbs who uses that you got to ask yourself that what type of
Starting point is 00:10:36 Dieter would even look at net carbs versus carbs. It's a low carb diet It's somebody who's eating very very low carbohydrates and it's probably somebody who's doing a below 50 gram a day carbohydrate diet. Somebody who would be doing either adkins or ketogenic diet or, you know, whatever. But those are the people that pay attention to net carbs versus total carbs, right? Okay. So if you're eating below 50 grams of carbohydrates, it's not going to make that big of a difference. It doesn't make that big of a difference anyway. It's definitely good for you, but you're already so low, like, okay fine,
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm gonna, if I have to stay below 50, does that mean I can go up to 150, if a hundred of them are fiber? No, no, it doesn't. It's still kind of counts. Now, not all calories are the same. And of course, some things are gonna make you leaner than others, studies are now proving this.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And things, of course, there's things you can eat that are healthier for you than others. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the, we're splitting hairs to the point where it doesn't really make that big of a difference. Well, not only that, it's something that... I mean, eat healthy carbs, how about that?
Starting point is 00:11:42 The other thing is that you can't each per it affects each person differently so not only are you starting to split hairs there but then you're also taking something that is not the same for every single person the way we all the way all of our metabolism work and the way it's always free flowing and changing so you're getting way extreme to go that route and if you took in like I like the post that I wrote you took in your 500 grams of fiberless carbs or 500 grams of regular carbs, it still equals 2000 calories. Dude, this is, and if you think that, if you think you can subtract it at a diet, but because
Starting point is 00:12:13 it's got full of fiber, you're wrong. It's 2000 calories. If you over consume your diet by 2000 fiberless carbs every single day, you'll still get fat. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's, they're health. I mean, they're going to come from sources that are healthier than you and they probably have a better. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, they're health, I mean, they're gonna come from sources that are healthier than you and they probably have a better effect on the body.
Starting point is 00:12:28 But again, I mean, you're 100% correct at them. It just doesn't, it's not like an invisible thing that you can eat, you know, that doesn't count. So the reason why I went around is just to make that point because so many people were asking about it. And I only get frustrated when somebody tries to throw the science back at me, like I don't understand how it works. No, I'm fully aware of it, but my goal is to help educate the masses.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And there's a level of what science is important and what order. I'll be honest, like half of the questions, like people ask are irrelevant. Yeah, I'm sorry. Well, that's just normal. Yeah, but now here's the thing. Like, you're asking things to a very specific degree that have no relevance to your plan right now as we speak. So you read something that somebody posted
Starting point is 00:13:15 that's like on a scale of like specificity, like to that degree, because like maybe you saw like somebody you're following or somebody else, some other dietician or somebody else brought this up and then made it into a fad and made it into this new thing that we're gonna concentrate on.
Starting point is 00:13:33 But in reality, this is what frustrates the shit out of me because people are just so quick to go find something that they can have to latch onto that is like, it's either it's new or it's like some kind of like buzzword or they saw it on Oprah or whatever it is is detracting them from the actual core of what is gonna give them success and longevity and what we're doing and promoting for fitness and health.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Oh, we see that all the time. And dark chocolate has an ingredient there. Yeah. So it's been shown to burn body fat. And so people like, I need some dark chocolate. It's another distraction to me. Like I just immediately screams distraction. Like, and if you are like, I really,
Starting point is 00:14:15 you'd have to make a case for me that you're at that level that you need to even talk about it. Well, it's very similar to the debate that people start having between fasted, hit cardio, you know, steady, all these crazy things. And it's like, how about you take a look at how much your fat ass moves every day, focus on that for me. You know what a difference that how much more of a difference that will make than you debating whether hit is more beneficial than you're doing high intensity versus low intensity versus steady state.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Right. Like it's exactly. It's getting it's it's it's getting into levels. Yeah,, it's getting into levels that are so minute as far as the difference that it's going to show in your overall health and physique. So when people get caught up in that stuff, I get frustrated with it because that's why you guys, this is why we started this podcast. It was to help everybody, point everybody in the right direction of health and fitness. If there's something new that comes out, one of us, one of us three, you better believe. It's already reading up on it. It's already reading up on it.
Starting point is 00:15:09 We can answer a lot of questions from our various backgrounds. There's a lot of specific information that we've acquired within our specific realms. But like I said, it's a general thing. It really is relevant to the master plan, but I see us as like, if we can answer it, we're gonna answer it. That's great, but for the general, everybody else is listening,
Starting point is 00:15:37 just grab onto those core things and hold onto them and ride it out for as long as you need to ride it out. Yeah, if you take care of the big things that make the biggest impact on you, you probably won't even have to look at the small stuff. Those are the things that are reserved for elite competitors who, you know, an extra point, you know, 5% might, you know, get them to the next level or whatever. But for everybody else, it doesn't, none of this stuff makes any difference. But you talked about something.
Starting point is 00:16:08 You just brought some up about cardio and how people look at what type of cardio they're doing, but then they don't pay attention to how much they move throughout the whole day. I read an interesting study on Neat, which was, what was Neat Stanford again? It was. Non-exercise, activity, thermoginist.
Starting point is 00:16:23 There you go, I always forget that. So, they did a study on aercise activity thermoginist. There you go, I always forget that. They did a study on a group of people who started doing cardio and they were measuring calorie expenditure throughout the whole day. What they found was, over time, when they would do an hour of cardio every day, the women would, on their own, reduce, without knowing, reduce the amount of activity they did throughout the day. They would do an hour of cardio and then the rest of the day
Starting point is 00:16:46 be less active because they had justified, they just did a bunch of hard work. Either that or you also got to consider this, the body when it notices an increased expenditure of calories, it will send out signals to make you not move as much at other times. This is an evolutionary advantage, is something we evolve doing.
Starting point is 00:17:06 So whether it's by choice, which I definitely think that plays a role, or it's by just energy levels, and now I just want to sit down or combination of both, which is what I think it is. It's interesting because people are not focusing on the main and most important thing when it comes to calorie burning. Because when we look at cardio, let's look at it this way. Cardio, unless you're training for a particular type of athletic adaptation, if you're an athlete and you want to improve your VO2 max or your ability to,
Starting point is 00:17:35 you know, train at a, you know, set intensity for long distances, like a long distance runner. If you're the average person that does cardio, the vast majority of people who do cardio only do it for one reason to burn calories. If you're looking at cardio to burn calories, you're missing out on the most important thing, which is the rest of the day. What are you doing the rest of the day?
Starting point is 00:17:54 That makes the big, big difference. And that's what need is. And I hear people talking about things like epoch. You know, let's talk about that for a second. Yeah, it's a... Well, let's leave through that curve. Here's the thing, like epoch. You know, let's talk about that for a second. Yeah. It's a. Well, let's lead through me that curve. Here's the thing. Like, like, epoch, dude, it's just like it's just like a lot of just other terms. Let me bash it for us a little bit because thank you for saving me.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah. No, here's the thing. Okay. epoch. It's just like any other thing, right? It's something that the fitness industry has found that there's some significance. Like the body's some significance like the body's going to prioritize the fact that I need to get that oxygen back from expending it. And so now I'm going to get an added increase in expenditure the rest of the night. And nobody really knows how many calories that equates to. This is where I kind of like, I scoff at it a bit because I've heard a range from anywhere from 20 to 400, like anything in between.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Now that people are banking on the fact that this is gonna be the rest of my night, this is gonna be the rest of my evening. I did my one thing, it was like 35, 40 minutes long. And now I'm gonna, I'm gonna eat a burger that's like equal to this 400 calorie burn that I have as an after burn effect. Yeah, so epoch real quick, it stands for excess post exercise, oxygen consumption. And so this is otherwise known as the after burn effect
Starting point is 00:19:22 that we've, I'm sure you've read about, right? You'll work out your burn X amount of calories and then your body stays elevated your metabolism stays elevated for X amount of hours post exercise Too much way too much value has been placed on this. It's such a small part of the whole thing And it really doesn't make a big difference They don't even know like you said Justin. They have no idea What that equates to how idea what that equates to, how many calories that equates to,
Starting point is 00:19:47 and the best science that we have shows that it's probably negligible. It exists, but it's probably negligible. Now, if you compare it to something like neat, there's no comparison. No, neither would we compare it. Which we predicted a while back, and I've been talking about neat for a long time.
Starting point is 00:20:06 It's for sure, I've changed completely how I train. We talked about before, right? How many, how many little times in our fitness career where our paradigm was shattered or we've totally altered the way we coach or train, right? This was one of them for me. And it was during the cold competing process when I got into that, I got so anal about tracking.
Starting point is 00:20:26 And I realized like, dude, this is crazy that I see all these competitors around me doing an hour of cardio, you know, every single day. And then all of them as they get closer their show, they're doing two hours of cardio every single day. And I'm like, this is fucking insane. Like why everybody's just on hamster wheels. Yeah, just unproductive. Because they think that's what you have to do. And I'm like, that's way too stressful. Like, that just sounds like so much work. And then I would see them and their friends of mine. And they're like, just miserable.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And I'm like, well, why don't you just track your steps every single day. And then each day, as you get closer each week, as you get closer your show, add 2000 to 3000 steps per day every every single week and see what that does. And then reduce your calories by 200 calories, instead of not reducing them at all for those for that week. Like, wouldn't that make more sense? I mean, a lot less stress that you'd have to go through to get the same result. And, you know, no one understood that.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And nobody, you know, that we've been told by their coach to do otherwise that thought this is ridiculous. It's why I don't do any, I get ready for a show at the fucking professional level and do not do any cardio till the last two weeks. The final two weeks, you will see me on the treadmill. And when you do, it's short lived.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It's not, and literally I have mapped it out according to my neat. My neat comes first. And then when I get to a point where I'm basically running at a time of moving all day long because I get to that crazy level when I'm getting close to showtime where I'm stepping 25 to 30,000 steps a day, well now I need to pick the intensity up. You know, well think about it this way. It makes so much of a difference. It's such an effective thing to communicate to people who are trying to
Starting point is 00:22:08 To get in shape because way more success way more success way more for so many different reasons number one That accounts to more of your calorie burn than an hour 30 minutes or an hour a cardio would so there's that But there's also this let's not forget this if I'm the average person, and I want to burn body fat, and I want to work out, you know, I'm going to do an hour of cardio every day, that means I have to prepare myself to do an hour of cardio every single day, or 30 minutes of cardio every single day. I have to get my workout clothes on,
Starting point is 00:22:37 I have to go to the gym, get on a piece of cardio. You know, if you're from your family, your friends, whatever, you're just doing your thing. Right, stop work, or maybe it's at home, but still I'm on a bike or I'm on a treadmill and that's what I'm doing. All I'm doing is my 30 minutes of cardio. Versus, you know, I'm gonna measure my need
Starting point is 00:22:54 and I'm going to just be more active today. So I'm already working on the computer. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stand. And as I stand, I'm gonna shift my weight from side to side. Like that's increasing my need. Instead of reading this book and sitting down, I'm gonna get one of those ones where you can listen through my headphones.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And I'm gonna go for a walk and instead of sitting and listening to my book, reading my book, I'm gonna get up and walk while I listen to my book. Or instead of doing- Or I'm gonna be productive and I'm gonna wash the dishes. I'm gonna take care of whatever errands I got to do. I'm gonna do some chores outside. Like your productivity goes way through the roof
Starting point is 00:23:32 when you start just, I'm not gonna sit down because once you sit down, game over. Right, and that's what I mean. Like, instead of thinking of it as a 30 minute workout, every single day, I'm just moving all the stuff. And I'll have to do anything. I don't have to go to the gym. I don't have to change my clothes.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I just got a, what am I doing right now? Oh, I'm just sitting here. Let me get up and move around. Well, you do, everybody, everybody, like it feels like they have like this, I don't know, they're entitled to rest, right? Versus earning rest. And I feel like, I feel like as society is a whole, like we just have this, right, versus earning rest. And I feel like, I feel like, like, as society is a
Starting point is 00:24:07 whole, like we just have this, like, well, we got a couch and we got, you know, this show and we got all these things. I just worked all day. You know, it's like, you did not work that hard. You pussy. Oh, I love you calling everybody out on that because it's so true. We've got into that mentality as a society that You know because we had a long stressful day mentally it's sitting on our desk from the fucking computer for 10 hours Then we come on he's starving to move. Yeah, it is it is absolutely is what it's probably half the reason why you're so goddamn stressed out And you have a headache because you your body does want to move. Yeah, it was made to move Yeah, you know, and then you sit at a desk all day long
Starting point is 00:24:44 That is not ideal for the body. And that's not where that's not the anatomical position. It's not the position it wants to be in. You got to get out there and move. And simple like going back to what Sal was saying, like I would give goals to like tell a client, hey, you know, what time do you normally get up? Okay, well, now I want you to get up a half hour earlier. And literally you can in your pajamas, you know, just go for a stroll. Whether it be if you got this equipment inside or go for a walk or walk your dog, you know, or make it a ritual now
Starting point is 00:25:09 that you and your husband after dinner, you guys go for a walk together. Go walk for 30, 45 minutes. I mean, bam, that's healthy for your relationship and I guess what, it's gonna be healthy for your heart and it's gonna be healthy for your body. Track it. Yeah, there's tools and there's things
Starting point is 00:25:22 that you can get ahold of now that, you know, make it a lot more motivating because the thing is we didn't really have a metric for this for a long time. And, you know, it wasn't popular, but now it's like, you know, it's pretty easy. Like, you can anybody can get just your basic pedometer and just see the increase in movement, like activity throughout the day, that's something that is a number than that will equate into your overall program, just like we talk about with volume, you can increase the volume of your activity. Well, you know, one of the things I'll do sometimes, just to increase my kids' need is if they've been sitting around, because let's face it, nowadays modern times, children are far less active because everything's designed for them to be not active.
Starting point is 00:26:07 It's so entertaining to not move when you're a kid. And I don't blame kids for wanting to sit down and play video games all day long or whatever. When I was a kid, cartoons came on Saturday morning and, you know, video games kind of sucked and so we were outside. So what I'll do sometimes is I'll shut everything off, put some music on,, we have a dance competition. And it's just small ways you can get people to, you know, get your kids to move and increase need. But here's another thing. I know everybody who's listening who's ever traveled to a country that required them to walk a lot has experienced this. You know, I know for myself personally, I had traveled to France. This was a year ago, years ago. And I ate a lot, you know, I'm on vacation, right? So I'm eating everything.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I'm eating crepes on the street. I'm eating desserts. I mean, and I ate a lot. You know, I'm on vacation, right? So I'm eating everything. I'm eating crepes on the street. I'm eating desserts. I mean, and I come back and I'm always lighter. I've always lost weight because I walked. All day. I walked everywhere. I don't work out at all, but I walked everywhere. It makes that big of a difference.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And think about it this way. If you're looking for the best all around kind of fitness schedule where you're kind of, you know, you're tackling a lot of different issues with your body. You want to get stronger, you want to get leaner. Cardio, if you do good knee, you don't need to do cardio. You got a lift, right? Training with the resistance is very, very important, but here's a good news about resistance
Starting point is 00:27:18 training. It doesn't have to be done every day. You get your resistance training quite effectively for the average person two days a week. As you get more advanced three days a week, you probably don't need more than that unless you really want to take it the next level. And then the rest of the time, just have good activity throughout the day. Just have good need. Well, and we said it once before, I'm going to say it again, is that, you know, shit, where did you hear shreds first? You heard about us telling you what was going to happen with that company? What do we tell you? It's going to happen with keto gin. Some of you may have
Starting point is 00:27:44 heard of keto gin before you heard it on here, but I'll tell you right now where it's going right now and how many people are talking about it now. It's because there's new science, new studies, new stuff is coming out. That's what we're about is like informing you guys about that. The same thing is going to happen with neat. Neat right now.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And it's a big rock. There's a lot of shit you hear. If you hear hit, you hear epoch, you're gonna hear about neat a lot more. Before, like Justin was saying, the tools, the technology wasn't really there. About 2004 was, I believe, when body media came out and released body bug, which was the first really accurate tool. And it was ugly.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Nobody wanted to wear it. It was, it was big news. New splash, okay. The technology has not gotten any better since. It really hasn't. The only thing that's gotten better is awareness in the market. Yeah, that's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Oh, and the way it looks. And the way it's made it's a bit of a technology. It's not nowhere. So relying solely on that, like, anyway, I didn't mean to interrupt it. No, no, no, no, it's a good, it's a very good point. And in 2004 was when it first really hit the mainstream, those of us trainers in this room were all part of that,
Starting point is 00:28:45 got a chance to utilize those tools well before the general population had it. So huge fan of it. It was a game changer for me. But still the majority of the population wasn't wearing it. There still was hardly anybody still, probably hardly anybody who's listening to this, even knows what a body media body bug is
Starting point is 00:29:03 when it was one of the first ones that Apex released. But everybody knows what a Fitbit is. You know, everybody probably knows what a job on is. Everybody knows. Yes, the Nike feel bad. Everyone knows these tools. So now they're extremely popular. They're sexier, they're cool, they're hip.
Starting point is 00:29:18 And you haven't heard a lot of the fitness gurus starting to go this direction, but you will. The ones that are intelligent because they know this is a big rock. Knee trumps damn near every fucking cardio shit you've heard out there. You teach someone about knee, you educate them on understanding their knee and how to manipulate it and change it and on a progressive manner towards whatever their goal may be. We'll outweigh, we'll kick the shit out of epoch, kick the shit out of hit, kick the shit out of all that stuff all day long.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And you remember you heard us say it first because ain't nobody talking about neat right now. You haven't heard it. Most people didn't know what the fuck that acronym stood for. South can barely even remember what it is for. It's that, it's that new when it comes to people talking about it, but it's going to be talked more and more about it, especially as the awareness of these tools are coming out that have been out since 2004.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah, I think, I think you're right on that with that. No, I don't know what Needs stands for. No, but you are. You are 100% on that. That's going to be the next big thing because look, here's a deal. If we took two groups of people, identical twins, one side did, one hour, a very intense workout every single day. And the other group, I don't know, had to wash cars for eight hours.
Starting point is 00:30:29 That was their job. Whatever. Guess who's going to burn more calories? The group that moved all day long, even though it was nearly as intense, is that one hour of freaking hardcore workout. And I think really the reason why neat is going to make such a big impact as the market starts to learn more about it isn't because it's this revolutionary idea because it kind of is it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 We've known this. If I tell you, if you move all day long, you'll be leaner than if you sit around all day long, everybody knows that. But it's really it's about the change in mentality and understanding. Whereas before, when people would go and have that 45 or hour long hard workout, they didn't just didn't count the rest of the day. Well, that was cool. I worked out. It's about controlling your environment, not making excuses for it and then trying to make up for it.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Right? We're in the society where everybody wants to make up for their sedentary job or their sedentary way that they, you know, they do things throughout the week. And then so they want to just, they want almost like pay for it, right? So they want to do this like hard and tense workout. That's going to burn them excess amount of calories. And now they're just like equating everything to math, math, or equation. Well, recently we did an episode about nutrition and the nutrition guide and understanding that and how people just blow all that shit out of proportion. The same thing goes for this.
Starting point is 00:31:48 People don't understand the science behind this with the whole steps and everything like that. It's seriously one of the easiest things that you could tell a client to focus on without over complicating the whole process. You're going to see it more and more. You'll see it more and more, get come out and penetrate the fitness industry, which is also a reason why right now,
Starting point is 00:32:10 I'm busting my ass to trying and get ourselves aligned with something like this, like a wearable, because this is something that I feel like my pump would stand behind a tool like this because we know the importance of it and how much it can help the average person towards their fitness goals. Yeah, I think, again, this will make a bigger impact on your fat loss, on your overall fitness
Starting point is 00:32:32 and longevity. Let's not forget that guys. Let's talk about longevity here. Being, you know, low to moderate level of activity all day long versus being sedative is excellent for longevity. 30, 40 minute, one hour hardcore cardio sessions three or four days a week. Those are not really indicated for longevity. Those are great for performance. You'll burn some calories, but when you look at the people who live the longest in the world, they're always active and is doing regular stuff. So it's better across the board. Of course, cardio,
Starting point is 00:33:06 there's definitely a place for it, especially if you're an athlete and you want to train for particular type of endurance. You got to do that type of cardio, but for the rest of us, for the rest of you, you'd never have to step on a piece of cardio again if you understood that just staying active and moving and increasing your need would give you that much more of an impact. People grossly underestimate too, let me tell you. I don't know how many times I've asked a client like, how active are you? Nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Everybody thinks there's a lot of... Everybody thinks because they go to the... That's where all the calculations go wrong. Well, did you know that a recent study that I came out that actually says that the average person who goes to the gym three to five times a week for an hour is still considered sedentary. Yeah. So if just because you go to the gym and you bust your ass for three to five hours a week, you still could be considered a sedentary person because the rest of your lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I think I think people just this is what this is why people think they're active when they work out three days a week because they're comparing themselves to their peers. So they're like, well, you know, they don't work out at all. I fucking hell active. And yes, in comparison, you're a freaking Lance Armstrong. We're the top of the shit pile. But yeah, the reality is, you're not. You can work out for an hour every day,
Starting point is 00:34:19 and you're not active, if your job and your day involves sitting down all day long. We work in gyms and we're moving and walking and I still, and I work out every day and I still don't consider myself very active. I would consider like a construction worker very active, you know, even a male carrier. People who are constantly moving, you know, repetitively with a moderate level of intensity, that would be very active. And in today's society, those people are quite rare.
Starting point is 00:34:46 The vast majority, like 99% of you guys listening right now are sedative. All of it, even those you that work out all the time, were pretty much sedative. So pay attention to what you do throughout the rest of the day and it doesn't have to be a workout. Like Adam was saying, just move more or stand or walk and watch what happens, watch how your body progresses.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Especially when you're overweight, right? And your option is, I'm gonna do a high intensity workout and then I'm gonna try and add that into my current routine to account on this excess post oxygen, this epoch effect. And like, think about about what kind of stress that's putting on your joints. Think about how that's going to make you feel.
Starting point is 00:35:32 That's going to be murder. Why not just keep it super simple? Yeah, I think the future of a fitness is definitely going to be talking a lot about me. And I wouldn't, I would predict that this will be the big thing that you see in programs where they don't even talk about, you know, things like cardio. Well, and I think it's for us, it's obvious. And I know that it makes us seem like whether these future tellers want to come to stuff like this. No, we just, we just see what's happening.
Starting point is 00:36:01 It's, yeah, it's a, it's a huge rock. It's been, it's been a neglected subject. It happening. It's, yeah, it's a, it's a huge rock. It's been a neglected subject. It is. It's, it's very neglected. And, you know, and there is a place for epoch. There is a place for hit. There is a place for, you know, these types of, so don't think that we're saying that.
Starting point is 00:36:17 There's just, there's an order of importance here, you know? And the number one importance that should be addressed should be neat. And the problem is, most people don't even know what that is. Nobody's addressing that. Nobody's talking about that. Everybody is talking about the different types of cardio. It's faster cardio.
Starting point is 00:36:33 It's more sexy. You know, of all these studies and all these other gurus right now that are, you know, super smart that are out there talking about the extra benefits of, you know, faster versus fed cardio. And every, you know, every doctor has his debate on which one's better than the other. It's like, dude, all that stuff is so, so small in comparison to getting someone to really, truly understand neat and learning how to focus that and apply it to their lifestyle. So that's why we can predict this. It's not
Starting point is 00:36:57 because we're that, that genius. It's pretty damn obvious to us. And it's pretty crazy that we don't discuss it. We don't talk about it more. And, you know, the more and more you see these tools coming out, it's, it's, it's going to be, it's pretty crazy that we don't discuss it. We don't talk about it more and, you know, the more and more you see these tools coming out, it's gonna be the future of the world. There's a lot of, and like you said, programs. You'll start seeing fitness programs that we'll start to incorporate that. If we don't do it first.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah, of course we will. Yeah, of course we will. Of course we will. Yeah, cause, yeah. Don't forget to leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes and check out mine pump media.com. We've got some awesome testimonials. We've also got some cool apparel on there. We've got the maps shirts, the red, green, and black. And we've got our mugs on there, the angry Mike mugs, and we have hats still on there, Doug. No, no more hats. Solem out. Maybe we'll bring them back up at one point.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You can also find us on Instagram at mine pump radio you can find me at mine pump Sal. You can find the wonderful singer you can hear him right now at mine pump Justin and you can find Adam at mine pump Adam. Damn straight. Thank you for listening to mine pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin. Visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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