Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 282: Best MAPS for Fat Loss, Healthy Poop, Building Self-Esteem & MORE

Episode Date: April 27, 2016

QUAH Time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about becoming a personal trainer in 30s and where to start, the best MAPS program for fat loss, converting fat into muscle, the signs of a hea...lthy bowel movement and how to get someone with low self-esteem to stop comparing themselves to others. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Leave an awesome 5 star review and you may be announced on the show as a winner of a Mind Pump t-shirt! Winners announced weekly! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's going on Douglas? What are you bringing us? Oh, we got some t-shirts to hand out today t-shirt tie T-shirt. Yeah, did I hear you say we had 17 reviews. Yeah, 17. I think it's the most. That is it is 17 is more than 16. Yeah, write that down. That's good Your smart it was 15 though. I believe I do. I think that was a lot that was the most before 17 is the most reviews I've ever had in a week. Yeah, it's good. Right direction here. Excellent job, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:29 And we like to reward good behavior, of course. So 5T shirts going out. Damn. Yeah, so if your name is called, please contact us. Take it, reindeer. Yeah, I am. I am. Please contact us with your iTunes name your address your shirt size to iTunes at mine pump media dot com
Starting point is 00:00:51 So here are the names page 4k Mizzical 101 Relentless pump I had one of those the other day And it wasn't your bicep college kidness and I had one of those the other day. And it wasn't your bicep. College, Kidness, and Leo T.S. All of you. All of you.
Starting point is 00:01:11 You guys win. You sexy people. All of you. You're gonna be about to be sexier with those shirts on. Get some. By the way, you can get a shirt at mindpumpmedia.com if you want to buy one. Yeah, yeah. For sale.
Starting point is 00:01:22 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So Adam, you were just telling me off air, we're apparently a lot of people are getting a lot of our apparel. Yeah, it's what it's put.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Here's the thing, of course, we're transparent. We're gonna tell you a whole thought process. When we made apparel, we were super reluctant. Justin, in particular, we were super reluctant. Oh, I was too. You were too, because you guys have tried selling apparel and it's like a big food now. Yeah, we've been down that road.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I mean, it's like a fun business, but you have to be like all about that as your business. Oh, I still make it move. I still don't have any. What's the reason why we've already contracted it and farmed it out. There's very little money in it. It's more of a hassle than you else. We literally do it for everybody else right now.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It's because we get it for- But they're flying off the shelf. No, that's why I mean, it's awesome about it. It is. That's what makes it great was we got to a point where so many people were asking about, okay, I'm down to produce it and make it happen. It's just it's not our business You know, it's not I'm not in the business of selling t-shirts whatsoever, but we provide them Yeah, so people so I've have you guys seen people in shirts randomly. Yeah, of course
Starting point is 00:02:36 Yeah, I see him I've see it more often now. It's pretty cool. It's kind of weird, right? It's kind of it's like Oh, you're wearing my shirt man So did I tell you guys what happened to my mom at the grocery store? No. So yeah, I'm dead. Did I tell you about this? Tell me, do tell. So my mom, my mom who is the best mom in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Okay. I don't know, dude. She's the best mom. I'll give you that, but she's better than your mom's. Okay, but she's one of my mom's. We're talking about my mom. Wonderful mother. Very supportive.
Starting point is 00:03:04 So supportive in fact that she listens to our foul mouth podcast. She's got me on that one. And trust me, mom, it's not like we didn't talk about it. Anyway, we talk about buttholes of a giant is a. Hi mom. So she went to the grocery store randomly,
Starting point is 00:03:19 bought some groceries. The guy's ringing her up, some kid. He looks at her credit card and he goes, are you related to Salda Stefano? And she's like, oh yeah, he's my son. Oh my God, I'm doing his program and I listen to my, she was so like tripped out over that because she was at all places at the grocery store, you know, she was so excited. So she said, exactly, she sends me a text with all these hearts and I love you so much. And so then I start messing with my mom. Because my mom, so sometimes I come across overconfident, maybe cocky.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Some people might say pompous. No, you don't. And this is a trap. This is just something I've struggled with my entire life. So whenever, I don't think it's been a struggle. So I tease my mom. It's pretty natural. It's pretty fucking natural.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Oh, she might not do this. Oh, yeah. You were wrong and I was right. So she, she's, it's always been an issue with my mom. And so I jokingly will be super cocky to get her to like pissed off, right? So she'll send that to me and she'll be like,
Starting point is 00:04:22 oh my god, I'm so happy. You know, someone regularly that means it's, you know, what you're doing is working this and I'm like mom not you know I'm famous and she's like Listen should be like you need to stay humble and remember your roots and she gives me this whole speech on text And so that I keep responding like a dick Like over the top with it. I'm like mom. I said it doesn't matter. So do you know how much shit? I'm gonna get away with as I become famous. I'm like don't even worry about anything. I'll be able to do whatever She's like, so don't even worry about anything. I'll be able to do whatever. She'll be like,
Starting point is 00:04:45 SOW, don't challenge. That's not good. You challenge a universe like that. You know, God's gonna put it in. I said, it's all about money. It doesn't, I'm just fucking with her.
Starting point is 00:04:53 For like five minutes. That's all it matters. For like five minutes. And she's getting angry through text. I can tell because her, there's no more emoticons. Yeah, it's just, everything's capitalized.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's just writing. You know, she's like, we are gonna have to have a talk. So then I send her a text and I'm like, I'm just kidding, mine I send her like smiley faces and kisses, I'm like, I love you of course not. And she's like, thank God. So you know what she used to tell me since I was a kid?
Starting point is 00:05:13 I think I'm gonna sit on the podcast. Since I was a child, do you guys have, is there a saying that your parents, like something you've always gotten in trouble for your mom and dad has always said to you because there's something for me. My mom has told me since I was a child. I remember this, something she's always said to you, because there's something for me. My mom has told me since I was a child. I remember this, something she's always said to me.
Starting point is 00:05:28 She's always said, Sal, your mouth is one day either gonna get you in big trouble, or it's gonna make you a lot of money. She's been telling me that shit forever, dude. Yeah. Damn. You know, I got a trouble.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I don't want you in trouble. I was, I was, I was, I was like, I'm gonna make him, I think those teachers like call you a smart ass, really. Thanks. I've just always had a big mouth. Right, right. Yeah. I was getting trouble. They're the women ass for not for not like celebrating our success, you know, we I don't think we've even talked about this. We recently have surpassed two million downloads and Yeah, another cool milestone for my pump and you know, it was it was just the other day, right?
Starting point is 00:06:06 And we had a lot of stuff going on right now. I feel like there's so many things on all of our plates. And so my head's spinning like a top. And that's a very cool milestone for us. But I feel like if you were to, and we do have this recorded one day, maybe we'll release this, of all of us talking in the room about our vision
Starting point is 00:06:27 and the direction and the process of all this and where we saw it all going. And Katrina and her mom were like, they were so excited. And they're like, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you all pumped? And I'm like, well, I'm not pumped. I'm not not excited. It's just, it's not as big of a deal as you guys think
Starting point is 00:06:43 it is a big deal. I know it's a big deal. I get it. Process the same problem. And I'm like, but I expected this, you know, I expect this. And they're, and to me, it's just one step along this whole process. And it's not that I don't want to, I'm not excited. I'm not proud of all of us. I'd wear it where it's at.
Starting point is 00:06:59 It's that this vision is so much more grand than the average person can see that when all these little cool little things start happening, everybody, like, I'm telling you right now, dude. This is a problem. Okay. This is going to be a problem for us in the future. I'm going to put it out here right now. So this is what they're lecturing about. So it's on fucking, it's on, it's on record. Okay. The none of us are ever satisfied. Bottom fucking line. We can wake up tomorrow, 50 million downloads will be super excited and then anything less than 50 million downloads, we will be craft out.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Yeah. Let me once we hit that, it's like, let me be super transparent. I'm not going to share specific numbers because it's not smart to do that and Doug will stab me in the face. Yeah. But I will say this. Yeah. This is shit, right?
Starting point is 00:07:41 I will say this. January of this year was a milestone in terms of downloads for the month We had hidden number. I'm not gonna put the number out there But we had hit a number. It was a big fucking deal. We were super excited this month. We're projecting to a Ticket dump on it. We're projecting to eight times that. Yeah, so that's how fast the growth is But what's funny is every time we hit a new milestone anything less than that I don't know about you guys, but I literally find myself getting depressed This is a fucking problem, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:07 We have to, at some point, we have to find out. I disagree, though, see, this is the debate. There's so bad, you made it worse. I know, this is the debate I had with. Don't get me excited. What the two is, do you have to be a little fanatical? To me, if you believe in your, and you know what, take this one, it's worth, I don't care right here.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Okay, so if you truly in your heart believe that you were destined take this what it's worth I don't care right here okay so if you if you Truly in your heart believe that you were destined for something big and something great right and you if you truly But if you truly believe that Prober sauce three of us the three of us have the craziest delusions We all have a humongous idea of what that looks like to and it's like completely separate like it is so funny I think it's it's great how are you going to like it like you're the same picture of it like and and that's why completely separate. Like it is so funny. I think it's great how it goes. You go like it, like it's the same picture. But like, and that's why I like for me,
Starting point is 00:08:49 it's all about like, yeah, great little wins along the way. I just look at him as little wins. Yeah. That's cute. But we're gonna get this thing that ends in my head and I'm like, yeah, I'm, dude, I'll know when that is though. So I don't feel like I'm gonna be, that's what you're gonna say, right? This is what I exactly, what I said to you.'ll know when that is though. I don't feel like I'm gonna be, that's what you're gonna say, right?
Starting point is 00:09:05 This is what I exactly what I said. I know when it is, when we're gonna be sad. I have, I have this vision in my head and like it's always, I mean, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, come on. I disagree. I know, I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I'm like, you sound like Katrina and her mother. That's what they were saying. But I'm not gonna be unsassified forever. Yes, we will. I know us, I know us very well. We will always wanna do the next thing. We will always want to do the next thing. We'll always want to put any know what? That's fine. I guess is it a good thing? I don't know. Is it an exciting and fun thing? It is if you're a fanatical idiot. Crazy people like we are.
Starting point is 00:09:35 We are. Yes. This is why I describe. I remember when I first started competing and I set out this, this, this mission and why I was doing it, where I was going with it, the whole purpose of all of it, I set exactly what I was doing. And I remember Katrina, I vividly remember this conversation with her, she looked at me one time and she goes, is this going to be our life? Are we going to be this like competing? Are you gonna be all in this world now?
Starting point is 00:09:58 And I said, no, hun, I told you what I had to do. I have to get to the point where I worked my way up this, I make a name for myself, then I'm, we're building the pyramid, bro. And that's just one rock. And I literally like a band-aid, bro, just ripped it right off when it was, it was, I was done.
Starting point is 00:10:14 No, you're missing the whole point. No, yes you are. You weren't, you were satisfied you stopped. No, you used that to catapult you. Yeah, to this. Right. You will never stop. You're the terminator.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You're never gonna stop until your desk, until someone crushes your brain in the fucking machine. Are you trying to ruin my relationship right now? Bro, I got lectured. I got lectured for like an hour the other day because it was like, you're never satisfied with it. You need to be happy, like look at the present. You know, look at what's happens. You gotta be satisfied and happy with the, you need to be happy, like look at the present, you know, look at what's happens,
Starting point is 00:10:45 you gotta be satisfied and happy with the present and cause all I could focus on was next, next, next, next. Like we need to, like what's the next thing we could do and how can we leverage this and how we can grow that and yeah, we have big dreams. Yeah, I don't know. Well, things are just, I don't know, I mean, things have been going good.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'm just like, things are just starting to start like getting momentum, dude. We're in momentum. I don't care that we're never gonna be happy It's exciting to me that I get to work with crazy. No, it's not Don't get me wrong. You know like there's always gonna be something but like I will know like a pinnacle moment Where I'm gonna be like hey, let's stop the podcast and hug I will say that I like to hug you guys on air though, But I'm just glad I'm working with everybody,
Starting point is 00:11:25 right, right, this down. That will be the moment my pump is meant. You're gonna get in on this too, buddy. Oh, yeah, I need to be right in the middle. We'll hug around. I just happy I get to work with crazy people because I would be so crapped out if you guys were normal.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Oh, that would suck. So bad. The reason why I guess I just, I feel like so many people get scared to be a little fanatical. Everybody talks about everybody once. Bro, don't encourage this. Yes, I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Because I hate to say this, dude, not everybody could do it. People end up hurting themselves, burning out. They do. How many, let me ask you this, how many people had worked? How many times have you tried to run with someone,
Starting point is 00:12:04 either a partner or, and you've just burnt them the fuck out. And they've fallen off. Of course, of course, of course. All of them. Now you've met your match. You've got these guys crazy guys with you, which means we'll all die. But in a huge flame. Yeah, my theory is not to be some little type.
Starting point is 00:12:20 If we live fast enough, we might get to live wife twice. Oh, I love that. Or we'll stop time because we'll go back. Yeah, that's kind of funny. You've summoned it. It's the quad eagle. It's the motherfucking quad. Listen to the majestic quik quik.
Starting point is 00:12:35 There she is. Yeah, the little quik quik quik. Hey, is it? It had eggs. Did Doug throw a random quad inside of our head? Yeah, did you hear the last episode? So I heard a random qual. So Doug, the eagle got loose.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yeah. He let the eagle out of the cage. Doug apparently accidentally injected the eagle sound into an episode that wasn't a Q&A. He had to remove it and reupload it so it's not there anymore. Sorry if you missed it. He did. He did. How does that accidentally happen?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Is it just automatically on every podcast yet to remove it? Well, actually, the Quass sound is in every file that I put up, except I mute it on most of our episodes. Oh, you just read it. Just so I don't have to keep putting it in, right? If someone saved that episode with the Quass, they could save that to be worth money, because it's so rare.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Absolutely, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was annoyed with myself. Doug was so bad. Doug was all mad. I liked it. I was awesome. I was like, leave it. It'll be so random.
Starting point is 00:13:32 People were like, what the fuck? I'm so confused right now. I'm not in that. Expectations might be that there would be some qual following and unfortunately it never happened. That's not about, I was probably a right call. It's all right. Let Doug be perfect.
Starting point is 00:13:44 This is why you had it to require. I am so perfect. I am. This is why you were the producer and I was probably a right call. It's all right. Let Doug be perfect. This is why I'm sorry. I am so perfect This is this is why you were the producer and I'm just a really good looking guy talks Exactly. We know our roles here All right, Gaby our first question is from J. Mac 384 Is it too late to become a personal trainer at age 32 and the second part of the question is where to start? Absolutely. And as a 50 year old, I think you ought to go for it. That's my end.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah. Oh, that's nice. Doug answered the question for us. Doug, I remember what we just talked about. You're the producer. Yeah. Okay. Let the plot of the bag in there.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Go answer the question. Yeah. No, you's definitely too late. I would say, if you're not the trainer, that's how you're 20. You're caught. Go do something else. 20, you're caught. Go do something. Actually, you know what, you're probably, you're probably better off starting at 32.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I have to think, I believe, at least personally myself, being a personal trainer between 20 and 25 is quite challenging for many reasons. One being, I was just thinking, because of being inappropriate. Yeah, that was a temptation for you. Oh, that's not where I was.
Starting point is 00:14:49 No, that's not where I was. That's good. Justin, Justin, what? It's still a temptation. Yeah. I know, I'm just, the guy's fucking in his mid 30s. Right. I'm just saying, like, you had less control about.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh, God. No, I love where your brain's going though. Uh, no, that's not why I was saying, I'm just thinking from like, uh, just an experience, educational level, maturity level, between 20 and 25, regardless of all of us in this room, said we were very successful.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Which we were as a trainer. I bet we did a lot of stupid shit. There's a lot of things that we probably misguided information. I mean, there's a lot of things that in my 30s, I think I'm a little bit more careful. A little bit more careful what I say, how I say it. I also have prioritized learning differently now. I mean, I didn't really start diving into reading until I was in my mid late 20s. So I think, I think there's definitely advantages to being in your 30s. Plus people,
Starting point is 00:15:44 I feel like people take us, when I was in my 20s, this was the most, even when I was in great shape, right? The most common thing someone in their late 40s and 50s would say to me is that, oh, that's great, but wait till you get older. It didn't matter how much knowledge I had or how much I could teach them,
Starting point is 00:15:59 the fact that I hadn't been in life enough, long enough to have said that, oh, I've been out of shape. I know it's like to have kids or family. Well, I think you still kind of think you can work it off, you know, even though, because you can rebound so easily, you know, when you're, when you're a bit younger like that. But dude, there's, of course, you can start
Starting point is 00:16:18 when you're, yeah, 50, 60, 70. I mean, there's, the thing is, if you're passionate about it, like there's, there's so much room in this industry, and such a great industry to help people in any case. Like you can, I mean, there's all kinds of different niches that you can find yourself in where people will really seek you out because you have that type of wisdom.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And really that's wisdom. It's like you're spending time with somebody that has a knowledge that you're trying to acquire from them. And whether that's a skill or whether that's like just learning about the body a little bit further, you know, people are gonna be receptive to that. So here's something that a lot of people don't realize. When people think fitness, they think it's like
Starting point is 00:16:57 the industry of fitness, especially in gyms and careers, they think it's a young person's industry. They think that young people have an advantage over older people because of course they're young. And when you look at a young person on a magazine, they tend to look better than an older person. But you're not in the fitness industry on magazines. You're in the fitness industry in the gym,
Starting point is 00:17:17 instructing people, let me tell you a secret. The fit older people in the gym, get way more respect than the fit younger people. Absolutely. And if you're a fit older person, if you're, and I'm, you're 32, you're still a baby. But let's say you're 52, but you're fit and you're a personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You're gonna run circles around somebody who's 20, who has the same knowledge as you because you're 52. This is the fact. You're actually better off looking older and fit than you are looking younger and fit if you wanna be a successful trainer. 100% my last, one of my last business partners. off, looking older and fit, then you are looking younger and fit. If you want to be a successful runner, 100%. 100% my last, one of my last business partners, she was,
Starting point is 00:17:49 when I, she hired me, she was 49. We trained for three or four years. So she was 53. She was in the, I got her in the best shape of her life in her 50s. She competed first time ever in her life, ever getting on stage and putting herself out there like that. Got a phenomenal shape.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And after she had done that, I looked at her, and I said, hey, you know, I know, at that time, she was in the interior designing. And I said, you know, I don't know, I don't know where you're at with your career or have you ever thought about this, but I feel like you have a passion for health and fitness and you just took right to it.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And I said, and I think you would be a lot more successful than I think you would probably already think. I said, you and she was like, oh, I'm not in there. Her same thing, oh, I'm not young. And this and I said, no, I said, listen, if someone walks in this door right now, and I've got, you know, at that time, I've got like 10 years of experience or whatever,
Starting point is 00:18:36 and she's got zero. And I said, and this person comes in, we'll say some middle-aged woman right now, 38 to 45 years old comes walking in the door and you and I are both personal trainers. Your brand spanking new on the guy has been around for 10 years. She will want to listen to you first before she even wants to listen to me. Even if I'm the guy with all the experience and knowledge, she's going to relate to you
Starting point is 00:19:00 way more before she'll ever relate to me. That's a huge advantage for you. Now, having forbid you throw some knowledge and some experience behind that. Oh, man, way more dangerous than that. Older is an attribute in the business of personal training, but if I extend that and just go into the gym and you're working out, I'm gonna tell you something.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I've been in gyms half my life. Who gets all the respect in the gym? The young, ripped people or the older, ripped people? It's always the older people. They get lots of respect in the gym because The young, ripped people or the older, ripped people? It's always the older people. They get lots of respect in the gym because they've been there, they've done that. It's harder at that age. And of course, when you're older,
Starting point is 00:19:31 you look like you know more stuff. As far as where to start, obviously get certified. And my best advice is to start at a big corporate gym to learn how to sell training, to learn how to build a business, to learn how to train lots of people. And then from there, there's lots of opportunities in terms of either moving up the ladder at corporate fitness or starting your own personal training business.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah, at the end of the day, this is a job like anything else. You need to think about it in those terms as far as how much money you're going to make, how you're going to get there, you set goals for that financially, but you definitely want to be as educated as possible, because it's a great asset to provide. You know, your closing rate will go way up. Well, I 100% agree with going to a big corporate gym, and we all stand behind that for sure. I think we've talked about this before with other people. Something to keep in mind though, not that you're in your 30s and and wiser than probably the 20 year old version of you starting at this corporate gym. There's a very good chance you're going to work for some dumb dick. That's probably five to
Starting point is 00:20:37 seven years younger than you. So that's something you need to mentally prepare yourself for is you're going into this environment, not to necessarily be there for the rest of your career as a personal trainer. It's there to get experience. It's there to learn systems. It's there to see how the trends of a fitness business, to see the do's, the don'ts, to get to get some clients under your belt, treat it that way. Do not be discouraged because you probably will have somebody who is in their mid to, you know, early 20s that could possibly potentially be your boss telling you what to do, who you may be a lot more intelligent than as far, maybe not fitness wise. Maybe they have, they
Starting point is 00:21:14 have more fitness knowledge in you, but they may not have the most, the most talented managers. Yeah, you know, you're there for you that are learning. So just be humble and do it. Use it for that. Feel like that dumb dick guy. He'd be like, yeah, I'm gonna need you to, you know, stay over the weekend and some more subs. Yeah, say something like that. Yeah. Yeah. They're good. I mean, the chances are they're gonna run into that. Yeah. So it's gonna sound a lot more. Just give me flashbacks. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You H. Denny is asking which maps program is best for fat loss? And the second part is, can you convert fat into muscle? Okay, so let's talk about which maps program is the best for fat loss. Now, the maps programs are different in their programming in terms of the type of muscle adaptation and function you're going to get. Fat loss for the most part is a result of diet. So, maps and a ballic, which tends to be a foundational program builds general strength, overall strength,
Starting point is 00:22:14 overall muscle, overall function. Then you have the maps green, which is map performance, which is broad spectrum performance, like an athlete, you're getting better mobility. Then maps aesthetic, that's our most recent one, which is specifically designed to have you sculpt a mold your body on a visual basis to look what the way you want. Besides that, the fat losses about your diet. So if you can get ripped on any of those programs, if you adjust your nutrition accordingly. That's an important point to make too, because I think that people associate that a lot of times with the 40-day-to-fat burn program, or they wrap all that in as part of their program.
Starting point is 00:22:58 They're just going to make them do some kind of crazy intense circuit to burn fat. That's the answer. It just feeds right into that same old barnacle way of thinking where, like Sal said, it really amounts to what you're putting into your body and working with your body. Well, I'm glad you said it like that because in reality, there's no such thing as a program for fat burning. There isn't. There's not a weight training thing as a program for fat burning. There isn't. There's not a weight training program that's designed for fat burning.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And if it is, and if it says it is, it's exactly the gimmick that Justin's talking about. What they do is they take a program, which was probably initially could have been a pretty good program. And then they decide they're just going to throw all kinds of extra crazy shit on top of it to where you're hardly resting It's all this high volume high intensity Bang bang bang bang bang bang non-stop. So what is that? What does that just means you burn a ton of calories? So we can so that way we can say that this is a fat burning program because It burns a lot of calories. You're burning way more calories than another program But in reality that doesn't matter. Well, that's a fair question.
Starting point is 00:24:05 That is a good question, though. Which maps probably would burn the most calories? I would say hands down, probably performance. Yeah, green maps probably would be because, well, the hypertrophy phase. Well, besides the hypertrophy phase, we have the durability phase. Yeah, all of them.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Really, all the phases in maps. Oh, I was just about red, but yeah. No, last time I'll green. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would the phases and maps about red, but yeah. No, it's time for green. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would, for sure. I would, I would argue, this is okay. It would, I, for calorie burn, right? For calorie burn, if you're somebody who trains like an athlete,
Starting point is 00:24:36 then I think black would be. If you're somebody who trains like a bodybuilder, I think green would be. That's what I would say. Because of the difference in the way that you, actually that's a very good point at them. That's a very good say. Because of the difference in the way that you're talking to the athlete switching to an aesthetic or even to maps and a ball. That's why I mentioned hypertrophy.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Because for me, I feel like I work the hardest during that phase in in maps and a ball like that's always like kills me because yeah, I just don't do I don't do like high reps like that without rest. Oh, you're going to shit. Matt's black. We take it to that. It's not what I just started that. It already is. But it's not just that though.
Starting point is 00:25:09 If you take the guy who trains math performance all the time as excellent mobility, excellent performance, switches to red or green, they might build more muscle to lose some, excuse me, or to black. They might build more hypertrophy, losing some athletic performance, but building more hypertrophy. So the metabolism may speed up as a result.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Vice versa, you take someone who's all hypertrophy all the time, whether they're in mass black or maps red, goes into performance. Now they're burning a shit ton of calories. So that, so you're best bet. You know what? The reality is guys, your best bet if you want to get lean is to cycle between all of the maps. It's to start with one, and we always recommend people start with maps and a
Starting point is 00:25:47 ball, which is red, move to green, which is maps performance, and then move to black, which is maps aesthetic, and then start the cycle again. That's from a workout perspective, from an adaptation perspective, would be the best, your best. And from a, and if we were, if we were to gimmically pitch this, if we were like trying to be all gimmicky about and say, this is the best way to burn fat, that would be it. That would be it. That would be the pitch.
Starting point is 00:26:09 The pitch would be, hey, you gotta go through red, you wanna go through green and then you wanna go through back, because ultimately, that would burn the most fat, because your body just as it's starting to get adapted and used to the maps of bombic form, boom, I throw you in a performance, right after you get through all the phases of performance and you just think your body's starting to get adapted. You stuck and boom yeah you're
Starting point is 00:26:27 getting so that is that would be the most ultimate way if you do that but in reality and what we're sticking what we keep continuing is nutrition because if you eat like shit and any of the programs they can become a weight gaining program you know it could be whatever you want it to be it could be and that's and that's actually a very popular question That we've been asked on our forum is you know people ask like well, where should I? Which one? I'm wearing the most yeah, yeah, what phase should I you know be dieting in should I cut here and really we all any of them Yeah, it's it's really open and and we highly encourage people to try different things like maybe
Starting point is 00:27:02 Maybe this time when you go through strength Maybe you should be in a calorie deficit and see what that's like. See if you see it hurts your strength a lot or it benefits it or pay attention to those things, but we always recommend people going on these many books and many cuts. We don't highly recommend people being on low calorie diets
Starting point is 00:27:20 for long periods of time. And we don't recommend people being on high calorie diets for long periods of time. I think it's most advantageous for the body to be always manipulating and always changing that and coming in and out of that. Now, ultimately, if your goal is fat loss and you want to lose body fat, you will end up spending more time in calorie deficit than surpluses. You know, your surpluses are going to be short surpluses just to respike up the leptin levels and kick up that metabolism. Then go, you know, your surpluses are going to be short surpluses just to re-spike up the leptin levels and kick up that metabolism and then go back to your recalibrating.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Exactly. So that's, but you cannot take, you know, the next part of her question was asking, I believe she said, if you were to devastate, could you convert, you know, the fat over into muscle, they're completely different cells. Fat does not turn into muscle. Muscle doesn't turn into fat. They're different muscles. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:28:08 That's what I mean. Yeah, doesn't, doesn't, doesn't work that way. It's magic. Yeah. What's so, what's so ever? No, no, no. Your body will take fat converted to energy to be burned that maybe can turn into a process to build muscle, but there's no direct conversion.
Starting point is 00:28:23 That would be literally magic. Josh Dusson is asking, what is the sign of a healthy bowel movement? I've been waiting for this question. So there's, I should look weird. You guys have, how's it taste?
Starting point is 00:28:39 You guys have seen, I was gross. You guys have seen, you guys know what the Bristol scale is, right? Have I shown you guys the Bristol? If you actually mentioned this before in the podcast. Okay, so the Bristol scale BRI SBR I SGO. It looks like scale. It'll it'll look Seattle tell you it kind of defines what your poop Should look like so you can't just take a text picture of it and send it to your friends be like're like, Hey guys, how's my poop load? How's it look today? No, they've actually got a ranking system. And so it goes from it goes from one to seven. So type
Starting point is 00:29:14 one is I'm going to get you guys ready. I'm going to get into some poop. Lots of ones. You can share the app of the webstamp. So the website for everybody just Google just Google Bristol scale. Bristol school. It's purple purple way. Oh, probably go to the hospital. Give me one minute. I'd like to be on the same pages. We're all done with it Bristol I would like to be looking at these go Bristol stool chart Bristol stool Chart porn I'd like to look I'd like to look I don't know what Jesus I'd be scared to do. Why is that in Germany? Did you do that?
Starting point is 00:29:42 Which one the one the red or white doesn't matter just click on images? Well, I want to be on the same. I want to be look at the same shit as I look at the same shit as you Literally, they're all looking at the same shit. So type one Type one on a lot of getting advertising sitting here Obviously a lot of people look at this. I like the double tap to zoom. Okay. I'm here with you So check this out. So there's seven types. I like type four the ideally the ideal I'm gonna go through the different the different types here. You guys will find out I'm put with type between type three We're about to shielding I sort of got we can't get serious. Okay, so type one hard
Starting point is 00:30:19 Pinnet cluster hard separate separate hard lumps and they're like nuts, these are very hard to pass. So this is, this is almost like constipation. Oh, it's like, we don't want this. Boo, boo, boo, boo, it's like, that's like, baby easy. Type two is the sausage shaped, but it's lumpy. So it'd be like those hard lumps, but pressed together.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So it's a little bit better, but not quite good. Type three is probably ideal and type four. Like a paid, type three and type four ideal. Okay, that's right. Type three is like a sausage, but with cracks on its surface. Usually about six inches long. I'm not making this up by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Type 4, type 4 is like a sausage or snake smooth and soft. So now you're moving. Now you're getting a little more to diarrhea. Type 5 soft blobs of clear cut edges. Pass very easily. Type 6 fluffy pieces with ragged edges. This is mushy. That's normally when you're sick. then note type seven is the total watery one
Starting point is 00:31:07 That's the diarrhea So you want to be around three or four and that will tell you that your gut is probably not inflamed and Probably doing okay. It doesn't mean you're totally healthy with gut issues But it's a good sign if you're anywhere from five to seven or one to two especially at the ends Then something's wrong. If you're constantly constipated, increase your vegetable intake, your water intake, look at food and tolerance. And it's the sale. Yeah, you know, don't fuck it up.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Well, I do want to, I think it's important to, when you first, when you brought this up, you brought this up before. Yeah. And you thought I made it up. Well, no, it's not that I thought you made it up I just had no desire to Google afterwards. I did not look I didn't look at least very glad you did I am glad because this is actually this chart is actually very useful Okay, and it is not disgusting. It doesn't it look it actually in fact they they actually look it doesn't get a Color I would probably eat some of these right? Yeah, they don't even they look like little cinnamon rolls It doesn't got rotten banana. Yeah, it doesn't get a color. I would probably eat some of these, right? They don't even, they look like little cinnamon rolls.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It doesn't, it doesn't. What's it got rotten bananas? Yeah, it doesn't look, well that one looks a little gross. But the rest of them. But this is, goal out real quick. The point, the point. This is an illustration that we're looking at. It's not actual pictures of poop that Adam saying.
Starting point is 00:32:16 It's like this good. That's what I'm trying to say. They're cartoon poops. I was like saying, you know what I mean? Doesn't have the colors because there's like, some things that mean that like there's blood and there's like different things. That's a good question. Very good.
Starting point is 00:32:30 So, deficiencies, if it's, if it's tarry black, there might be blood way up high in the digestional system. Right. If it's a gray pale color, you might have some liver issues. If your poop is sinks and just sits on the bottom of the toilet like a brick, too much protein, too much protein in your diet. If you, when you flush the toilet, it sticks. If it leaves skid marks just like yours do, that also means there's probably too much protein in your diet. And you might be able to reduce your protein.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Hey, you know, Jim was wrong. But also, by the way, was known by his good, by the way, poop will smell, but it shouldn't be freaking disgusting, Justin. If there's a horrible smell to it, then that means throw me under the bus. Something's wrong. And I'm just calling your name. I'm not saying good one.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm not saying good one. I'm not saying good one. I'm not saying good one. I'm not saying good one. I'm not saying good one. If it's pure trade, then that means there's also some issues with your gut. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:33:24 It's roses, everybody. He's a lot of... Bristol's also some issues with your gut. It's fine. It's roses everybody. He's Bristol stool chart very useful. I think it's very good. By the way, I had this chart. I'm not lying to you I had the Bristol because they have cheese too, but you know the Bristol forms no I had this chart on the back of the bathroom door in the gym that I owned It's what I got I did I had it right there So people would yeah, this guy loves get you know people be leaving the chart on the back of the bathroom door in the gym that I owned. It's what I got. I did. I had it right there so people could. You would. This guy loves getting out.
Starting point is 00:33:47 You would. You know, people be sleeping in the chair while they're looking between their legs and stuff like that. Yeah, because you make sure you're aware, dude. People have no idea. They have shitty shit and they don't even know it. Yeah, shitty shit. So if you're shit shitty, go ahead, check out Bristol chart.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Bristol's still chart. Do you have an STD chart there, too? Oh. Why can't I? 23 is asking how to get someone with self-esteem issues past the problem and stop comparing themselves to others? Oh, wow. That's a very, very, very complex situation.
Starting point is 00:34:19 By the way, in no way are we psychologists or psychiatrists or experts on the subject, but we're going to pretend like we are. Cause we deal with everything. That's why we deal with everything. Yeah, why not? Here's the thing. In fitness, I deal with this all the time. This is the number one thing you're going to deal with with your clients is self-worth, self-esteem. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Your self-esteem and your self-worth must be separate from your body image. Separate image, excuse me, self-image is not body image. I want to be very clear with that. Separate the two because if your body image is your self-image, you will never, ever get out of this conundrum. You will never solve your self-esteem. I'm not how fit you are, no matter how fit you are. And I'm telling you something right now, being in the fitness industry,
Starting point is 00:35:09 some of the worst self image issues that I've ever seen in my entire life are some of the fittest, most ripped people you've ever seen. Absolutely. That's what I would, I would venture to say a number up in the probably 75% maybe higher or because that's what normally makes somebody so neurotic about fitness to where they can get in that shape. That's true. That's, most of these people have this huge, and a lot, and let's, we've talked about it.
Starting point is 00:35:33 We've all talked about our insecurities and the things that motivated us to become fitness trainers and most of us were. And it probably took years into our careers and professionalism before we finally kind of put that together and figured out like, wow, I have an issue here. I need to learn to be okay. I mean, I got, I don't remember how long it was. I think, I think it's, I think I just started wearing shorts like five, six years ago. Really?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Oh, yeah. I was, I had such an issue with my calves for so long that I wouldn't, I wouldn't wear it to be summertime, bro. I'd be walking around with, with sweats and shit. Like, I mean, there's, there's things like that that you know you know the joke and sound right but we laugh about it but some people have some some I mean you know it isn't it isn't a laughing matter it's a very serious issue it's a very it's something very common and you know there's a lot of making me feel bad I know dick right yeah there's there a couple of things too that I really try
Starting point is 00:36:25 and get someone like that to also stop focusing on everybody else because we all have very, very different body types. I will never, ever, no matter how I train my body, it'll never look like Justin's. We have totally different body types. It'll never look like a Craig Capersos. We have totally different body types. And you might have like a Craig Capersos. It'll have totally different body types.
Starting point is 00:36:45 And you might have some things in common with certain people, but for the most part, we're all very, very unique and different. And the best you will never look like the best somebody else. So comparing, and to be honest with you, most people that do compare themselves to the people, their perception is so fucking off that they're comparing themselves to someone who's nothing like them. It's like, you will never look like that
Starting point is 00:37:06 You know, so why even try and consider looking like that? Why don't we focus on where you are and improving your health your fitness Your overall physique, you know on a real and and celebrating that as we as we pursue whatever your goals are Well, it's very important to you know, pursue whatever your goals are. Well, it's very important to separate body image from your self image because number one, you'll never get out of that rut. You'll never be able to explain that.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Please keep saying that. Well, okay, so here's the difference. I can have a good self image and I have a really good self image. I could understand my worth in the world, understand my worth to the people around me. I could feel confident with who I am, but I can also look in the mirror and say,
Starting point is 00:37:48 okay, I need to lose a little weight or need to get more fit. That means that my self-image is strong, my body image is just objective. I can see what I want to work on. And that's the thing because when you start focusing on changing the way you look, it's very easy to make that yourself image.
Starting point is 00:38:02 To then identify with that and make that who you are and what your worth is. You know, look, if you do that, you're going to have trouble your whole life. We all get old. I don't care how awesome you think you look, eventually you're going to get older and your self image is going to decline along with that if you're not able to separate the two. For me personally having children was one of the things that really made a huge dent in this problem for me,
Starting point is 00:38:28 because I had a horrible self-image for a long time or low self-esteem issues, because my body image wasn't good. Well, having kids, I mean, my son, my boy, he's got the identical body type to me, which means he's gonna be skinny growing up just the way it is. He can work on it like I did if he doesn't, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:48 But I have, it doesn't, like, I love him unconditionally. And there was a point where I recognized like holy crap, how come I can love him unconditionally? And I can't do that for myself. You know what I'm saying? It wasn't like I looked at my kid and said, oh, he's not muscular. I'm not going to, he's not cool anymore. I never would think that, right? So why kiddin' I do that for myself?
Starting point is 00:39:09 And here's the secret about this. If you can solve this problem for yourself by really accepting and loving yourself and having good self-image, the body image part, the getting fit part, becomes easy. It's way easier. It actually becomes, it happens as a side effect.
Starting point is 00:39:24 You look at it differently, that's why. Totally. And we talk, and you've mentioned this before, and I like when we talk about this, of really focusing on health, and then the other stuff comes, getting healthy, and a healthy too is mentally healthy. So people don't think about that either,
Starting point is 00:39:40 is that is a part of being healthy, is having your mind right too. Well, I think to get focused on something else, I personally, if it's something that I have an insecurity or something, or whatever it is, I want to have some kind of a solution where I'm pouring myself into it to better myself on a daily basis. It doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:40:06 If I'm pouring myself into things that are driving me and I feel like I'm accomplishing things, the other stuff becomes irrelevant. It's like a background noise. Things that were in the forefront that I was worried about other people and what they thought about what I was doing or what my body looks like or whatever it was. I like to pour myself into other things that drive me personally and I find out
Starting point is 00:40:34 what those are and I want to focus on that. And then everything else, it sort of takes care of itself. So that part of that could be physical. So for me, just to train and just enjoy the training process and enjoy eating better food and having a different outlook towards that, it's going to do a lot for you just to focus on positive things. Well, just imagine how liberating that must be to walk around and literally, and this is impossible, all of us care what other people think, I don't care what you say. But imagine how liberating it would be to actually really be there, to really walk around
Starting point is 00:41:08 and be like, I could give zero shits. It's like better old hashtags. That is such a, that is a very liber, that should be a very liberating feeling, freeing feeling. Now, it's impossible to get, I don't know if you can get there, but you could get, you could get a lot further than you are now, by going to the gym, not caring, how silly it looks for me to do these corrective exercises,
Starting point is 00:41:32 or I'll tell you something right now, my workouts are 10 million times better now. One of the reasons is because I stopped giving a shit about how much weight I lift in the gym. There was a point where I wouldn't go light on movements because I don't wanna lift, lightweight. I gotta always be lift and heavy ass weight and so my my performance suffered my body suffered as a result I had injuries as a result whereas now I go in there and I don't care and let me taste something right now
Starting point is 00:41:54 You know hosting the show like we are mine pup. I get recognized in the gym I still don't care. I don't care if I do an exercise and I'm using 15 pounds and people Oh, I thought that was sour. Why is he only I? I could care less. I've flipped it on a dead. I actually, I love to go into. I know. I love to do the stuff that's like that. That people are looking like this buff guy and he's doing weird, weird flexibility stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:42:16 What? He's benching with 45s that's in on there. Like that's so weak. Like eating a salad and a whole bunch of protein sheds. It's right. It's all the competitors eating it. You're so. You know, Justin, you talked about having the positive. salad and a bunch of protein shake. It's right. It's all the competitors eating your salad. You know, Justin, you talked about having the positive mental attitude.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It reminds me of the quote, you know, whether you think you will, you won't, you're probably right. And I think that's so important too when you have someone like this is that, you know, those people that compare themselves to other, they have the self-esteem issues, they're constantly beating themselves up and beating themselves up. And you know what, you're right, you're not gonna, you're not gonna have her body. You're not gonna look like that. You're not gonna have this sexy look
Starting point is 00:42:51 because you keep telling yourself you're not. Like stop thinking that way, celebrate where you are now. Be happy with who you are right now. Focus on the things that are going well. And then like, South said separate the self image from your body image and learn to focus on each one individually. You know what, as a trainer,
Starting point is 00:43:10 I practice this quite a bit with my client. So, you'll hear a lot of trainers when a client comes in, they'll be like, oh, you look like you lost weight, or oh, you look like you built muscle. And I'll say that sometimes too. But usually what I'll say to my clients is, you look really healthy today. And I, you know, the color in your face looks my clients is, you look really healthy today.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And I, you know, the color, the color in your face looks really good. You have a nice aura today. Your energy looks really good. You look like you're rested. And I say that because I want them to associate those healthy signs with their workouts, with their diet versus because as a trainer, let's, let's, you got to be very real here. As a trainer, you can either fuel a self-esteem issue or you can help solve a self-esteem issue. And I've had a lot of clients come to me who've worked with trainers that have just made their self-esteem feel like shit. I've had female clients come to me, be like, oh, my trainer, you say, hammer me, tell me I look fat, tell me I did this. And so I'd starve myself right. And I couldn't believe what I
Starting point is 00:44:04 was hearing. It's very common. It's actually quite common. So please leave us a five star rating review on iTunes and don't forget to go to MindPumpMedia.com. Our new Maps aesthetic program is out now. And you can also check us out on Instagram at MindPump Radio. You can find me at MindPumpSoul. Add them at MindPump Atom and Justin at MindPump Justin. is MindPump.

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