Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 284: Time Under Tension (TUT), Body Fat & Hunger, Deathbed Wishes & MORE

Episode Date: April 29, 2016

Qui Quah! Q&A Time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about how body fat levels affect hunger, experiences they have had that have shifted their training philosophy/methods, Time Under Tension ...(TUT) and what they would leave each other from their deathbed. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Adam, you're the worst, you're a great guy, I love you, but you cannot keep a secret for shit! No, I know. You always gotta let it slip, you know what I mean? But he likes to drag it out. Are you one of those people that just the tip guy are you are you? Just the tip are you one of those people that will buy a present for someone and then just fucking have to get like it's for Christmas
Starting point is 00:00:34 Oh, absolutely. Anyway, you want to open your present out? 100% there's been many birthdays all days where I don't even rap Katrina's present. I just give it to her There's like here. I just got it. It comes in here. You go check it out I really don't want to I don't want rap Katrina's present, I just give it to her. There's like, here, I just gotta- So as it comes in, here you go. Check it out. I really didn't want to, I don't want to rap it. Yeah, yeah, no, no. So I'm the same way, this is what I do. I wait till the last minute, and I pretend that's the reason why I wait till the last minute,
Starting point is 00:00:53 but it's really because I'm a massive procrastinator. Yes. But then they're like, why did you wait till last minute? Cause then I would wanna give it to them, but it's cause I was lazy. So you need to find it. I'm trying to work on my shopping game, you know, with the internet and Amazon now,
Starting point is 00:01:05 like you can get everything at your door, like the next day. Bro, it makes no sense to go to the store anymore. It doesn't. And yet I still find myself doing it every once in a while. I'm like, what am I doing? Yeah. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Sometimes you're like, you want that instant gratification. You want it really. Well, think about it this way. Think about it this way. Literally, now that we're doing this podcast, we're building this business, right? We could literally, and I thought about this, I want to know what you guys think. We could rent a room somewhere and just live there and never leave and just record podcasts order food, it comes to the door.
Starting point is 00:01:32 We'll put away a cage in there, we'll lift weights. We don't need to talk to anybody else. Anyway, we're all the work right now. We're kind of like talking to millions of people at one time right here. Anyway, right? We might as well. I only like you guys. I feel kind of in a small box. I feel social right now. Yeah, yeah I feel so cool. It's you know what this is the best need windows is what you're saying This is the best relationship because I love I love talking to people, but I don't necessarily like them talking back So I can I can say whatever I want and then I get nothing bad You're bullshit answer back. Yeah, reminds me of the Truman show or what's that one or like the guys living but everybody's watching him. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:02:06 What was that was it true? Yeah, you guys want to do that. Let's do it put a camera. Put cameras everywhere put web cam show, you know, I would go and see where you got Okay, I'm wipes and you know my my parents spank me and we talked about you guys got spanked whooped right didn't get whooped I got beat with the school. Yeah, yeah, yeah,. But the other thing my parents they got smarter was they got older because when I was young when I was younger I used to take the spoon when we get whipped with it whatever but as I got older and it became a little social butterfly they realized that it was way more torturous to ground me to my room for the day and that used to I used to be like just beat me. Oh I would I would. I would just, I'd rather get a spanking.
Starting point is 00:02:46 You know, my parents would put me inside my room and I could hear the kids outside playing still. You could hear him in the street playing basketball and stuff. And I would come a point where the spanking didn't hurt at all, but you'd fake it. Yeah. Oh, I was like, okay, finally. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:01 No, really, that's how, oh, I was, and it was so funny because my sister is the opposite my sister's a huge my pump fans So she's listening to this right now. She would get grounded to her room and she would go in there play with her dolls and All day long. Yeah, just yeah, you come check it in on her. She'll be like, I'm fine. Mom will come out early. Come out later You don't have anything just don't spank me. You don't have any dolls. No, you had no cabbage. Hold on a second, bro You had no jajos. I actually didn't have jajos. You didn't have he man Bro, I had Star Wars figures. No, but I was those are fucking dolls. I did not figure I actually action figures. I actually didn't have either one of those but what I did
Starting point is 00:03:36 I rode my little ponies. I was in it. I was in the Majestically You know, it's funny. Fuck with me. fuck with me. I love capitalism because capitalism will create, the marketing and capitalism is so brilliant that they created the term action figure. I bought it. I bought it. Can't tell.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm gonna sell dolls to you. You can't tell dolls to a boy, right? No, it's an action figure. But you can't sell them. Action. They're the way average pale kids. You can sell them garbage pale kids. What a funny point you just made right there. It's funny they
Starting point is 00:04:07 Plants this is the this is the fucking brilliance. Yeah, what is it get your GI GI Joe dolls? No, you can put a little hat on them. Yeah, no and boys are like I don't want that they're like action figure Like oh, he comes with a gun holy shit. I want one of those Fuck yeah, put him in a tank. They're like in a big board room. You know what I mean? Like what are we gonna do? What are we gonna call these all over? Your sister's Barbie house.
Starting point is 00:04:29 What the fuck? Action figure. Can I just be honest? So I had siblings, right? I had two sisters and a brother. And I had he-man. And let me tell you, the one action, the one shirtless he-man. Yeah, let's talk about this.
Starting point is 00:04:44 The one figure that my he-man would constantly beat the crap out of was Ken. Ken, you got his ass kicked. He got owned by every, he never won a fight. He didn't have a penis. Yeah, Ken was a bitch. Ken, he was, yeah, he was on Bessex. He rode around in a little pink Corvette. Yeah, so he was, he was, he was all taint.
Starting point is 00:05:01 He had no balls. I mean, I just, you know, my G.I. Joe's are just constantly kicking him. He's like, I don't feel it. Yeah. But he's like tall. Why do I get the feeling that Justin has definitely had this role play before I get used to this? Please. But he's like, I'm really living it now with my, my son. So Ken was tall, right? And he man was short, but like stockiest shit. And he man, let's, let's be honest now, you look at an old he man doll.
Starting point is 00:05:27 He was on steroids. He's yoked, bro. No, no, no, he was overly yoked. He wasn't yoked like dolls, naps on traps. Yeah, they don't make muscular figurines like that for boys like that anymore. Like he man was Mr. Olympia. Broke Skeletor was yoked too. Super yoked.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I never got that by the way. Skeletor, but heies. Totally on HG who's your favorite? He man doll. The action figure was the spooka the ghost or go or go. Yeah. Exactly. That was your favorite. No, of course not. What the hell cares about? I like the I don't know what his name is, but the the guy with the Cycloptic head and you twist it. They had different eyes, so like one of them was red and it was like a laser. Another one was you know, you just twist it.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You're bringing it all the way back. I was just thinking Skeletor. Let me tell you something. I stopped playing with him, man. 2014. But 2014 is the time I stopped. I was kidding. I just tell your son was done with it.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I wasn't into all the things like hot wheels and micro machines, things like that. I was that. I just tell your son who's done with it. I wasn't into all the things like the hot wheels and micro machines, things like that. I was in the cars. Yeah. I wasn't the doll. Did you have the he-man? Let's be honest. Did you guys experiment a lot with fire crackers
Starting point is 00:06:34 and stuff like that? Yeah. Oh my god. I can keep it till all these action figures are like, I was that kid on Toy Story that just blew shit up. You know, they were like, yeah! Where would you get Firecracker? Chinatown.
Starting point is 00:06:48 That was harder to get them porn. Bro, I had people. I had people, you know. No, Fireworks like one of those things that you, I had the kid, you like, you totally stuff them in your pockets when you're around for the July time, whenever they're all going off. I would say them for special occasions.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I'm gonna blow some shit up later on. Yeah. Bro, we used to get, do you know what the piccolo pizza are? Yeah. Those are the tall skinned whistle. Yeah, it doesn't blow up. I'm not gonna say it. You know why?
Starting point is 00:07:13 Because smash a hammer, then. Stop it, yeah. I'm not gonna say it. I don't wanna give a direction. Dangerous. But there's a method, there's something you could do that's very simple that will turn that thing into a very powerful explosive.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, you know what else is cool? Uh, dried uh, creamer. What? Yeah, dried creamer. Pour it over an open flame and see what I have. No, don't do that. Don't do that. You know what's funny of all of your eyebrows?
Starting point is 00:07:35 All the shit we say on the show that doesn't get us in trouble. I know us teaching people how to make freaking explosives. No, no, for sure. I, you know, have you seen the Pepsi and Mentos before right? Yeah, that's crazy That's not that's fastening. Yeah, that's pretty crazy Hey, but mythbusters does all this kind of stuff. Why would we get in trouble? How about when we were kids like the big thing was Doni pop rocks and drink coke. Yeah, it'll blow up your stomach Well, guess you tried that
Starting point is 00:07:59 Not me. I made my friend try it. Okay, anyway, he didn't know. Why do seagulls explode? When you see those YouTube videos, when you see those YouTube videos of the Mentos getting dropped in the Pepsi and they turn the little Pepsi, they turn the Pepsi bottle into basically a bomb or it shoots up, shoots the waterfall, it shoots through back on the throat down on the aisle. Yeah, oh, and then it blows up, right?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Or it shoots like a 30 foot tall freaking stream of Pepsi. Doesn't that make you wonder like, what's going on inside your gut when you actually eat a Mentos and drink a soda. That's exactly what I think about it. Does that not? I don't think the chemistry works entirely that way. I think if you were obviously not or else everyone would be walker-o-shoo, you have to see other assholes. You know what? For update today, I had some Mentos and fuck, I forgot I had Pepsi. I'm in real fast. I got jet propulsion.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You know what that reminds me of? That reminds me of all the videos on YouTube where they're like, look at what Coke does to a penny. You don't wanna drink this. That's not why you don't wanna drink Coke. You idiot, it's not gonna fucking eat away at your insides. It's got a shitload of sugar.
Starting point is 00:08:57 That's all. It's not as dramatic as like showing what it does to it. Look at this rusty penny, get clean with Coke. You know what I mean? It's nothing magical in the Coke. It's the frick the freaking carbonation on that ship. It's not like they put like a special ingredient in coke a coke of that like scrubs metal clean. You can do that with other types of carbonated water. Yeah, that's true. It's still we have a thing where the Mentos and the soda thing like that's
Starting point is 00:09:19 what happens. What makes you think that it doesn't have what what obviously it doesn't happen. Shoot out in your stomach like that, but what causes that to make that shoot up like that? And why does it not use that in your stomach too? Well, okay, so here's what happens. So Coca-Cola is extremely attracted to Mentos. It finds it very attractive. And the slightest touch causes an eruption. It's a Coke ejaculation.
Starting point is 00:09:42 It's very, very inappropriate. Yeah, I'm not drinking anymore. But, too. Yeah. Shh. Huh? Oh. She is back.
Starting point is 00:09:52 It's a dog. It's the motherfucking quack. Drop him. It's time for the quack. I thought that was going to die. It's not going to happen. Is it? Are fans keep bringing it back?
Starting point is 00:10:01 They do. They do. Everybody loves it now. We do. We do. We do. We do. We do. I thought that was gonna die. It's not a, I can't, I can't, it's not gonna happen, is it? Are fans keep bringing it back? He will, they do. Everybody loves it now. We, we, we, we.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Hey, who in here needs a haircut besides me? Doug, everybody's reaching out, be a Doug. Yeah. Why do we need a haircut so bad, Doug? You need one last week in your store. Look at my hair. I'm trying to bring, I'm trying to bring someone else in with me. Oh my, that's why I brought dogs, they have them.
Starting point is 00:10:23 But Doug doesn't necessarily need a haircut as bad as I do. Definitely. I'm bringing the 70s back. Yeah, why not? Yeah. CM Halsey has a question that CM Halsey 74, how does body fat affect hunger and do people with lower body fat get hungrier? Because apparently she gets very hungry. I would assume that as your body fat percentage starts to drop, you will get hungry because your body is eating itself. That's what happens when you lose body fat. It's tapping into its fat stores to, you know, to create energy because you're not getting sufficient energy from your food. So yes, as you get leaner, your hunger signal should go up.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Now, doesn't mean that someone who's lean is gonna have a higher appetite than someone that's not as lean? You can't compare people like that. It's difficult. There's so many factors that go into, everything from emotional factors to stress levels to gut flora and hormones that affect hunger. It's very difficult to say,
Starting point is 00:11:24 but if you took the same person, you cloned them and they're the same exact lifestyle, and one of them maintained 9% body fat, and the other one maintained 13% body fat, both of them meeting healthy, I would bet money that the 9% body fat person might have a stronger hunger signal, all other things being equal,
Starting point is 00:11:43 but this is a very difficult thing to speculate on, you know? Yeah, it is difficult to speculate, because I know that at some point to private myself from food say I've been on a long-term fast or whatever, like that hunger signal definitely isn't as loud. Oh, after a while, yeah. So if I am eating consistently, I tend to be a lot more hungry.
Starting point is 00:12:08 You know, it is when I'm lean too though, like I am hungry and I'm lean, but like, yeah, there's kind of like, I could see both points. I just want to say, yeah. Well, there's several factors coming to play aside from genetics and trying to, you can't compare two different people because that's the problem Grillin and and leptin level. Yeah, well, yes, and and also a couple things one Your body fat if you have a lower body fat percentage that could mean a couple things one you're reducing your fat Or you also mean that you're increasing your muscle mass. So if you're increasing your lean body mass
Starting point is 00:12:43 Your body is naturally going to want more calories to support the more lean mass that you have in your body. And if you're in a caloric deficit to get down, so as you're going down to get leaner and leaner and leaner, absolutely, you're depriving yourself of calories so the body is going to want more food because it needs more food. And then also the less body fat that you have in your body, the less stored energy you have. I mean fat is stored energy, that's what it is. So I'm sure, and this is anecdotal, but I know when I get lean, like when I'm down 2% body fat
Starting point is 00:13:15 ready for a show, there's very minimal stored body fat on my body. And so it wants food non-stop. And I even, and I notice too, when I start like, fueling it and refeeding, like before showtime, I feel like I can, I cannot get full enough. Like it feels like I feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, and I'm wanting, my body is wanting it so bad
Starting point is 00:13:38 that I just kind of burn right through it. It literally takes two or three days of constant, heavy loading of food before it feels like it's fully, it's filing saddest. Well, so here's what's interesting to me. Now, you're talking on extreme case. Yeah, most of the body fat percentage, most people would never see and probably should never see.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Right. But there's such a strong mental component, right? Because you have on one end of the spectrum, you have people who are 500 pounds obese, plenty of stored energy on their body. And their appetite is ravaging. And then you have anorexics on the other side of the spectrum who have a mental disorder with food, who you ask them, are you hungry?
Starting point is 00:14:14 And they'll say no, and a matter of fact, you and I've worked with people with extreme eating disorders. You force somebody, you can try to force somebody to eat who's in that anorexic state and they find food repulsive. They have such a bad appetite that they, it's even hard for them to force themselves, they eat like one grape, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:33 or one piece of, you know, chicken. They've trained the body to react this specifically. I'd say hunger, a huge part of hunger is your state of mind. And it is your mind, a huge part of it. And I think that one of the reasons why fasting for a lot of us, I know for me, fasting actually reduces my appetite, is because I think I kind of get over the hunger,
Starting point is 00:14:56 like, oh, I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Okay, I'm not gonna eat until tonight anyway. And then it's like, just gone. Well, you have to take it into consideration too, what just and mention too. And you know, you're left gone. Well, you have to take it into consideration too, what just- What Justin mentioned too, and you know, you're left in level. So, you'll,
Starting point is 00:15:07 left in is the most important hormone in the body when it comes to burning fat. It is, it is the signal that tells your body, I have extra energy and fuel to utilize. And if we're living in a caloric deficit fasting or eating minimal calories to lose body fat for a long period of time, meaning it could be hours without any meals in between it could mean days and weeks of living in a colorect deficit. You start to suppress those left and levels.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And as those left and levels start to lower, more than likely you're going to feel like you have less of an appetite. But here's where people don't realize is, you know, maybe if you're one of these, a lean person, and you're like, sourcing, maybe you're a 9% body fat or even lower, and you think you have a major appetite, maybe pay attention to when you feel those that appetite increase or feel like you're really hungry. A lot of times it's after you refeed or you have a surplus.
Starting point is 00:16:01 So for example, we'll just use hypothetical numbers. You're cutting, you're trying to lean down, you're eating minimal calories, you're eating like 1500 calories, day in, day out, day in, day out to lose body fat. You're pretty, pretty, pretty lean, and you say, hey, I'm going to enjoy myself and have 2500 calories today. And you eat 2500 years. Well, that's what will shoot up those leptin levels levels and then what people don't realize is that the day they did it Maybe they know it's a little bit in their appetite Maybe not so much the next day is when I get the most feedback from clients and people that I'm teaching this to is the next day They're like holy they're hungry. Yeah, and I always growling. Yeah, and that's that leptin fired up from all that extra surplus
Starting point is 00:16:42 You know too, I mean our carbohydrates, a contributor, like, you know, when you're heavier on carbohydrates, I tend to be a lot more hungry. And then when I'm stripping that for my diet and focusing a little bit more on fats and proteins and such, I tend to get satisfied pretty quickly, but then I might be under eating a bit. Well, here's the interesting thing, when it comes to hunger. First of all, we have to separate hunger from cravings.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Right. I think there's a big difference between actually being hungry and craving a particular type of food. And this was something yesterday I texted you guys. I sent you guys a text late at night. I was reading some information on gut flora and it kind of dawned on me.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And I've talked about this mildly before in previous podcast but really dawned on me that you know bacteria is a life form so your internal microbiome your internal gut flora contains life forms and the goal of a life form from an evolutionary standpoint to survive proliferate and survive right multiply reproduce and live this is what humans this is why we're what humans, this is why we're driven to mate. This is why we're driven to for self-preservation. This is why all living things do what they do. And it only makes sense that the bacteria in your gut
Starting point is 00:17:56 will send signals to your brain to make you crave foods that will feed it and allow it to proliferate. And carbohydrates and sugars tend to be this way. This is why when you avoid, one of the reasons why maybe when you avoid sugar completely, you stop craving it. And when you start reintroducing it, perhaps those internal gut flora is sending signals
Starting point is 00:18:15 to your brain saying more, more, more, because we want to continue to grow. So just I just wanted to say that because it was an interesting thought I had last night. And science is now showing that in terms of cravings, at least your gut flora plays a major role and they've demonstrated this in animals already where they'll change their gut flora
Starting point is 00:18:32 and then the animal will prefer one type of food over the other. Pretty interesting stuff. Now this thought was promoted by marijuana, my dad. Yeah, what? Which also stimulates hunger. So next question, Dad. Fit Chris 86, have you ever had a negative experience with a client that caused you to rethink your program design? I think a one one one case in particular and I hope she's listening someone apologized to her
Starting point is 00:18:58 I so I had you know I had kind of a I had a different attitude years ago as a personal trainer. My attitude was, I always cared about my clients, I always wanted to help them. And the way I thought I could help them was to get them to their goal. So this person came to me, this lady, and she wanted to lose 30 pounds. And so my goal as a trainer is to get her to lose 30 pounds. Like that's it. We're going to lose 30 pounds like that's it like we're gonna lose 30 pounds I'm gonna show you what we need to do and I'm gonna be brutally honest with you
Starting point is 00:19:29 And I'm gonna push you to get to that goal because that's why you're hiring me and so she would come in and we work out and You know, I started having her track her food and she's not losing any weight and you know next thing I know she's gaining weight and her body fat percentage is going up. And yet she's telling me that she's eating these foods that she's written down. And I know that it's impossible. There's no way she's eating. She changed her diet dramatically.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Her calories are much lower. She's active now. And yet she's gained seven pounds of body fat. She just isn't working here. Not at all. And meanwhile, her husband, who's also my client, is telling me, no, she's lying. Like yesterday she ate, you know, two cupcakes
Starting point is 00:20:08 and she ate pizza the night before. And so I'm getting very frustrated with this client. Now in the past, I would have these come to Jesus talks with my clients where I take them aside. And I tell them, we're gonna have a come to Jesus talk and I would lay into them. And I laid into this lady. I ripped into her and I told her what Jesus would do laid into this lady I you know I ripped into
Starting point is 00:20:25 her and I told her what Jesus would do and I said I know exactly he's the read the Bible no yeah obviously we see how much he's read of it we had a come to Jesus mean listen here bitch yeah this is what here this is what this is what this is what I'm trying to grind it so we're not work still. So we're sitting. We're not WWJP. So we're sitting down.
Starting point is 00:20:48 First you got to wear a bracelet. So we're sitting down and I'm like, so I'm asking these questions and I said, look, I said, in order for what you're saying to be true, then the laws of physics would have to be broken. You're lying to me and I hammered into her and she cried and I was pleased with myself like good I broke her she cried she gets it now more like Lucifer and she's gonna and she's gonna get in shape now and this woman never came back and I you know I felt Horrible because then I called her the following week and she you know she she would kind of flake and then finally She told me she's like I'm gonna be honest with you, like, I can't, I don't wanna train with you
Starting point is 00:21:25 because you maybe feel so bad, this and that. And at the time, I thought to myself, like, well, yeah, fine, she's not ready to get in shape, whatever. And then I thought to myself, like, I've done her no service. I have helped her zero. And what I could have done instead was, thought to myself, like, okay,
Starting point is 00:21:40 she's eating crappy, but at least she's exercising. And one step at a time. And I'm gonna be compassionate. And I'm going to give her the room to be honest with me, but not forcer to be honest with me. She'll be ready when she's ready to be honest, she will be. And I'm gonna be a guide rather than a drill sergeant. And after that moment, I changed.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I changed how I approached training people. And my success, which was much better from that point going forward. So yeah, I definitely changed everything just from that one moment. Have you ever had a negative experience with a client that caused you to think that it was your program design? No, no, just change your program.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Or change your, how you approached it? Yeah, I don't think so because... Besides being perfect. No, no, no, that's not why. It's not because I think that my program was flawed. Straight up his business by making it awesome. No, no, no, no, I don't think that. I just made money again.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Sal said this one time on the podcast and I think it was one of the few smart things he has said before. And it's so true that a program that is, an inferior program done consistently is better than a superior program done inconsistently. So anytime I've had a client, like the story that Sal just shared where going up weight law or going up weight gaining or not seeing results, I rarely ever look back and think
Starting point is 00:23:00 like, oh, what I was training or what I've been teaching her is wrong. It's always probably related to the nutritional piece that, you know, what are they doing there first or the consistency of following the program that I've given because even if I didn't think and I don't think my program design 10 years ago was solid. I think it was good enough. That was good enough to teach people some of the basics and, you know, new movements and I was good with biomechanics and teaching form and technique. And I was all about core and teaching people how to train the body
Starting point is 00:23:30 from the inside out. But do I think our programming now, oh yeah, no, our programming now is far more superior. But yet I still got people great results back then. And I still have people that didn't get great results. But I never would probably look back at it and say, you know, it had something to do with my program design. It's like Sal said, it's always somebody, I mean, the nutrition is everything. I mean, it really is everything. And if they're following a program, even if
Starting point is 00:23:54 it isn't the best you or the best program you've ever designed, they still should be seeing some sort of results. They're moving. They're moving. They're lifting weights. They're exercising. They should be stimulating new muscle growth, they should be burning fat. And if they're not, and I'm seeing the opposite, then I know there's a major disconnect with the nutritional piece. I definitely, yeah, I mean, thinking back, like there's things I cringe, you know, with some of my mentality coming into training clients, but one of them I know that I definitely had to change was, I definitely
Starting point is 00:24:28 look at it from an entertainment perspective with clients. I want to make sure that they're always seeing something. So I would change my program up to accommodate these cool moves. I would highlight things that I thought would interest them, which has some validity to it, like they want to learn new skill and all this stuff, but really what you want to do is keep them on the meat and potatoes of the program and keep that as consistent as possible, and it's all about consistency and frequency. But I would almost like try and show off, and then also highlight a lot of these really hard ways to do things
Starting point is 00:25:06 and try to get them to really get challenged and, you know, I was very much more on the intensity piece and we've kind of gone over this, but I was I was big on, you know, not hurting them, but getting them to a point where they just feel like just like they got killed, you know, they got worked, you know. So I had to change that. Cause, you know, I had to actually apply what knowledge, I came in there with and I kept learning and figuring out a better way. Well, I think all of our program is programming is for sure evolved and changed. I mean, even when I think about just recently,
Starting point is 00:25:42 when we designed green and black, like I don't believe that I could have designed either Even when I think about just recently when we when we designed green and black like I don't believe that I could have designed either one of those programs by myself Could I done a pretty good program? Could I done something with this similar concept? Absolutely. Absolutely. I could have done that But Without the the other minds of the gentleman in the room with me. I don't think I would have looked back at when after we were done with those I I truly believe we all step back when like, this is fucking the shit. Like this, like literally, yeah, way, way better. All the things that I could possibly have wanted in it for what we're
Starting point is 00:26:16 trying to accomplish was there. Any sort of obstacle or challenge that I could have seen with it was seen by one of the other guys like, we like represent different body parts. You know what I mean? They're all like fighting together to make the whole body better. Yeah, that's so, I think. Well, there's a lot of things to consider when you're putting together a program. But let me ask you guys this.
Starting point is 00:26:35 What got you guys, because you guys were training people right in the midst of the whole functional exercise thing with the balance balls and standing on one leg on the d functional exercise thing, with the balance balls, and standing on one leg, on the dineda disc, while doing the tricep press down, and all the ridiculous stuff, where it just got too crazy. Both you guys were training people
Starting point is 00:26:55 in the middle of that peak. At that point, I was managing gyms, I wasn't training people, really, anymore. So, but I saw it. What made you guys change from there? Because you guys don't do that anymore or get to that level anymore. Was there anything in particular that made you go with? I think for me it was just getting back to strength and not focusing so much on balance and
Starting point is 00:27:15 reactive training that which was I could understand where they're coming from as far as like you know a decondition person coming in that's not coordinated, has no connectivity, with their neuromuscular. The kinetic chain isn't doing what they're asking it to do. So if you're getting your average person that's in that case, balance is definitely a priority, but it's establishing a good connectivity again there. So the best way to do that is to get work on strength.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Right. You know, and so like what made you make that switch? Was it just your own training? Yeah, I think that was, I think just seeing it within my clients. I mean, I did everything like kind of protocol, like NASM, like this is, you know, step one, this step two, but just kind of like seeing through that with clients like, you know, who had the best results. Like you could visibly see like the progression between people and then also, yeah, my own training totally, like I got sucked into that because I was like,
Starting point is 00:28:25 oh, maybe I'm like, I never did this when I was training. I never really focused specifically on single leg this and single arm that and balance ball to this and all that kind of stuff. And then I started to think back to that, like, what did I really And when I was at my peak performance shape. And, you know, it revolved a lot more around, you know, your staple like squats and deadlifts and bench press and maybe some plyometrics and things like that. But like, you know, that was like what was really giving me the best result.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I'm trying to think when it was that I kind of had this realization of all the gimmicks in fitness and started to have that skeptical mind. And it was probably around 2010, somewhere around their give or take, towards the end of my fitness career with 24-hour fitness, did I start to realize it? I think the reason why it started to dawn on me was like, it seemed like every year or so, there was a new supplement or a new way of training or the newest best this, and this light bulb
Starting point is 00:29:38 kind of finally went off of my head that like, wait a second, you know, and that's what, I think that's what really made me want to dig deeper and start to learn more about what it was that I was teaching, because before that, I have to admit that I fell right into all the propaganda that I was being fed. I was gonna say at 24, you know, I probably kept that,
Starting point is 00:29:56 it's when I went to golds after as an independent contractor where I totally started changing all that because I was kind of in a different environment, right? Yeah, the priorities were more about these big lifts. And that's why I think that's why I said around 2010 as I was leaving. I tried left and then I kind of looked back and reflected on my career and kind of looked at fitness from a different view. You know, when you're in it, it's really easy to get sucked in yourself. You're getting fed this information from corporate. you're getting told this,
Starting point is 00:30:25 you're going to these national certifications that you're always getting certified in the next newest one. And I think, you know what, now that I say that, that's definitely something that's turned to light ball. When I started getting, so I've got a bunch of certifications that I've gotten over the years.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And when I started getting into one after the other, I started realizing that a lot of them had contradicting information. One would say squat this way. One would say squat that way. One would say this is safe. One would say this is not so safe. One would say you do.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Now you can look at it now, like who is the, on the priority list, like what are they prioritized? Are they prioritized? Safety the most, like your ACSM. Or somebody like that, and it's more clinical, versus somebody that's more performance-based. set, like I'm doing some kind of a kettlebell certification or something like that that's very
Starting point is 00:31:13 much a skill set. It's interesting because they all have their established modality and protocol for it and they definitely want to weigh in harder as far as like theirs is the best. No, it was definitely has a lot to do with that. And then the combination of that and then probably seeing myself getting back to old movements. I mean, I mentioned for years that I didn't squat.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I didn't squat. I did everything out. I did a bunch of fucking single leg balance shit. I did all kinds of other leg stuff and your name was Joey Schwartz. Yeah, right. I did all out. I did a bunch of fucking single leg balance shit I did all kinds of other leg stuff and your name was Joey Schwartz. Yeah, right? I did all these other movements and I think maybe when I got back to my my roots and started lifting some of your Your basic compound movements and I saw the change in my body and then I realized too how much how how How little of work I actually had to put in to get the same amount or more results
Starting point is 00:32:06 than all the other stuff that I was doing. I was doing all this crazy stuff inside the gym trying to be so creative, you know, trying to be so creative all the time and wow people with, I bet you've never seen this before. You know, I think I got that from you, dude. I think about it. It's like, I don't care how I'm out of the lot.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Because for me, I remember, I mean, so I wasn't training people when that got popular. Yeah, you're really good. But I was training, you know, I thought trainers worked for me, I trained them. And I would watch, and I would have Dory and Yates didn't do it that way. No, I would have meetings with my trainers,
Starting point is 00:32:38 and I would tell them like, okay, I'm glad you guys are learning this new stuff, but let's focus on the basics. And I would have these meetings with them, and I'd have debates many times. I never really got into a lot of that stuff. Now, I used some of it because it was new and different, and I wanted to test it out. But, and then when I own my own gym, no, man,
Starting point is 00:32:56 it was like, we're doing the basics because when I have you squat, I can see how you're moving better the week after. When I have you do this weird, you know, stand on a dynodisc one leg, you know, side lateral exercise, I can't fucking tell, except for when we do the single leg on the dynodisc side lateral exercise. That's the only time I can tell, you've improved. Other than that, I don't see any carryover anywhere. Yeah, there was no carry. No, and I saw that right away, and then with my own training, you know, I saw that, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:23 doing that kind of stuff, I lost muscle and strength and I was like, fuck that. I don't care about that. I want to get stronger and build muscle. And then I read a book called Dinosaur Training. And the guy in there was talking about all the different ways of training and how to focus on strength and increasing frequency of the lifts. And that really made me take my training
Starting point is 00:33:43 to a completely different level. I started playing it to my clients and I was blown away at the results. Is it a rip to the starting strength? He did start a strength. I read that one too. The other one is Kubrick, I think his last name is, but both valuable information you can get out of those. Both Sal, Margolo and Josh Dusan are asking about time under tension.
Starting point is 00:34:06 It's been a hot topic right now. There must be something's floating around because somebody on the forum, member just talked about this and I answered that question. I feel like I've only really seen this in the bodybuilding community. To be honest, following some of these Instagram people are they like to voice that a lot like when they're doing machines like how they're like they like to voice that a lot. Like when they're doing machines, like how they're like, they're doing this constant press, but it's apparently having tension throughout the entire repetition, which means how we're discussing
Starting point is 00:34:37 is not just tempo. Yeah, it's time under tension. There's some studies that came out that showed, oh, if you have this many seconds of time under tension versus a really fast movement, you're gonna get more muscle hypertrophy. So of course, they take that study and then it's like, time under tension is everything.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Okay, let me explain something to you. If I do a curl and I wanna dramatically increase the time under my tension, I can take 30 seconds to do a single rep. I can do a super slow motion curl with that weight, with the lightweight, and have a ridiculous time under tension. Here's the problem with that. There's definitely negative returns after certain point.
Starting point is 00:35:17 After certain point, it becomes endurance. It just becomes endurance. I'm just stabilizing it and holding it and curling it up. And I'm not building more muscle. I'm building stabilizing it and holding it and curling it up and and I'm not building more muscle I'm building more endurance So time under tension is one of those things that you manipulate and you you put in your programming But it's not like anything that's in your programming. It's not a be all-end-all I know where I've seen this and I'm not trying to talk serious trash or anything, but
Starting point is 00:35:42 I'm seeing a lot of rubber bands getting attached to machines lately. And oh fuck. And here's the thing, it's labeled as time under tension. Like they're adding more time under tension by doing that, but they're not. They're just adding another kind of tension to what is all the things that are the same tension, which is weight that's going through gravitational forces that you're already fighting. So you have tension, you're contracting, you're going through concentric, you know, you're going through isometric, you're going through eccentric tension the whole time.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Think about the rubber bands that if you use them properly, like you're going to try and set them up. So maybe, you know, during your lift, like it's gonna match your natural strength curve, like your bell curve. So that way, when I'm pressing, I wanna get more increased tension into, so it's away from the joint. So that way now, I'm, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:39 this is something that too is a great transitional force when I go to like free weights. Like that's how I would use rubber bands. I'm using that more to alleviate some of the load or maybe help. So that way I'm stressing my joints too much, but I'm also increasing the amount of load where I can handle it. No time under tension is literally what it is. What it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:37:03 It's the amount of time that your muscle is under some type of force. That's all. That's the time under tension. A rubber band, adding bands or chains, it's just changing the tension, but it's not. Exactly. Because you see people post and they'll do like a, like a hammer strength chest press and they'll attach it. Which by the way, if you're in the gym doing that and I come by, I will take the rubber band off the hammer straight and slap you in the face with it. Well, I'm just going to say that because I've seen shreds videos and I've seen more people doing it lately and if I catch you in the gym and you know the fuck I am, be you look it out because I will take the rubber band off the hammer straight.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Just waddle pressing down. And I'll slap you upside to head with it because it's just stupid. It's just one more stupid thing. You're already doing an inferior machine and then you're adding a rubber band to it. It's just so silly bands are a beautiful Great change properly to you right to change tension Use it properly. It's not something you just throw in novelty like everything else that happens in fitness It's like the next thing and now everybody all of a sudden well you might as well
Starting point is 00:37:59 Where ankle weights while you're doing it on the machine too. The biggest factor, the biggest factor when it comes to muscle hypertrophy with time under tension is this, the total time under tension for the entire workload of that muscle for the entire workout. This is volume. So volume. So if you do a total and the entire workout and we'll just use the biceps, 10 different exercises, 10 different biceps 10 different exercises 10 different sets 10 different reps of that of that and then you do it the first week
Starting point is 00:38:31 You do it with a tempo that is a 422 so you've got a whole total of you know six seconds that it's under tension for all those and you can do the math on that really quick six times 10 times 10 times 10 and then the next week you come in and you're going to slow it way down. And that six seconds now becomes eight seconds. That would be a great way to manipulate your intensity to get some sort of growth or change because you've been used to the different time and attention. Vice versa, if you were trying to de-low because maybe you've been training something really hard and you want to bring it down a notch, one way to do that would be to shorten the time and
Starting point is 00:39:07 retention. But as far as like it being this magical thing that happens, like no. And of course, if you were somebody who never focused on tempo before and you did all your stuff like super power movements and then you go through and you work out with someone like me who does stick to more like a 422 type of tempo. Yeah, but I get you hella sore because you're just not, that ends up and you do the same amount of exercises and sets, but now you've increased the time and attention by three to four seconds every single rep that you did for that day. Yeah, no shit.
Starting point is 00:39:38 And by the way, like when they do studies on this and they're comparing a fast tempo versus a slower tempo and they're finding that the slower temper build more muscle consider that the time frame that these studies are being done. They're like a phase. Yeah, it's a phase. It's eight weeks or 12 weeks or whatever. But I'll tell you this much right now, I'll take somebody who always trains with a good high time
Starting point is 00:39:59 under tension who does slow reps, put them on power moves. Have them do power movements, have them throw some weight around like an Olympic lifter and guess what's going to happen. They're going to build some muscle. So it's just a variable. It's a variable that you're going to use that you should use and inject into your programming. This is one of the things, and we don't call it time
Starting point is 00:40:17 attention. We call it tempo, what's what it's supposed to be called. We call that, we looked at all of our different programs. It is just one of the variables that we took and plugged in at the right phase, at the right moment, to maximize the form of adaptation that we were looking for within that particular phase. No, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:33 This is exactly why I like to go over and I'll go train with Justin every once in a while because he has more of a power, a power amount of mentality. I have more of a body builder mentality than I live so when he lives with me, if he mirrors my tempo, it's a much slower eccentric motion. I hate it, but I need to do it. Right, and he exactly, and he knows that if he falls,
Starting point is 00:40:52 if we do my workout for the day and he follows my tempo, you know, he knows he's gonna get a little bit more sore than what he's used to and vice versa, if I go in and I do more of a power type of tempo, then I'm going to do that. And a lot of that is one, you should always be phasing it, rotating it like we already do in our programs. This is why we build it into that.
Starting point is 00:41:09 It is something that's important. It is something that shouldn't just be overlooked. It should be integrated into a good program, but it isn't like the end all. It shouldn't be the main focus of a good program is the time under tension because sooner or later, the body gets adapted to your new time under tension and you'll have to move to a new modality. And let's also talk about the type of adaptation you get from changing this.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Like if you're, you know, that slower tension, that slower, excuse me, rep with higher time under tension will give you that strong foundational grounding, grinding type of strength. Yeah, grinding and that will contribute to speed also. But if I don't, if all I ever do is that, I'm not going to get as much speed or power as I will if I also incorporate the fast reps where I have a lightweight and I'm boom, I'm throwing it as fast as I can.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I'm going to get a lot of power out of that as well. So manipulate it. Like don't get stuck on when a study comes out and says, you know, look, I'll tell you something. If I did a study right now and I took two groups of people and one group trained and they're all beginners and I took one group and I had them train the one to three rep range and the other group training eight to 12 rep range and we did eight weeks. I guarantee you the eight to 12 will build more muscle. That does not mean you should always train eight to 12. That just means in within eight week phase, compare head to head for beginners, it's going to build more muscle.
Starting point is 00:42:27 But if I train that person over three or four months, and I keep these people eight to 12, but these people over here, I phase them in and out, and I do change different things and I program properly, they're going to kick the, they're going to kick the down. And really, I attribute that to the, it just humans natural strength curve and the amount of volume you end up doing over eight to 12 reps, really. I mean, that's probably a big, a big factor that plays that. And then like you said, once you get adapted to that, if you don't transition out and compare it.
Starting point is 00:42:51 So if you compare somebody who went nine weeks or let's say 12 weeks, 12 weeks of eight to 12 reps versus the guy who did like our program is where you're phased in one to three rep range and then you moved to that with the guy who moves through the three phases over those 12 week. Yeah, it was a crush on. Yeah, it's going to see way more results with the guy who moves through the three phases over those 12 week period. I was in a crush on. Yeah, it's gonna see way more results than the person who's it's stuck in it. Right. Joseph Awe Lua 89, if you guys were on your deathbed, what would you leave each other
Starting point is 00:43:16 and why? What? No idea. I, you know, I don't have a leave. I would leave, uh, there's some condoms at them. You see, you guys are dicks. I'm gonna leave you guys my good shit, bro. I didn't really.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, just leave him alone. I could put this on record just in case it's done. But all right, with a standing court dog, if he dies and a try to go to court it, right? It's all in the show. If all this stuff will probably be gone by them. I'm dead, all right. So in the will.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I would leave my watches to Doug. Wow. Yes. I leave my watch in. Easy bro. He's never late. He's the one. I know what I'm gonna get.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You're getting the cars, bro. Yeah. Yeah, you get the cars. Wow. So I deserve him. Yeah. What would I give Sal? I would give Sal the car.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I would give Sal my dogs. Really? Yeah. You would get the boys. That's sweet. And everyone for the real real reason I would give sound the dogs because I've seen the way south looks at him And I see the way he looks at his kids so that I want him to look at my I want him to look at my dogs I love my dog Justin obviously give me shower Justin the car guy so he gets he gets to make out with the Camaro in the toys So just to gets the cars and Doug, Doug to me represents a class he, and I think that he
Starting point is 00:44:31 would appreciate the watches more than you two for sure. So I think I would look better in them. Let's be honest, put him on eBay. Yeah. I'm fucking. He won't doubt. There you go. This is a horrible question.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I know what I would leave. I think what I would do is I would make, I don't know, I'd leave you my children to raise. I know, right? Why do we do it? It's a good point. Who would you leave your kids with out of the three of us? If I had to leave, probably not me. Probably not me.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Okay, so because I've already got people that I would watch me get out of my way. I would say so. Yeah, I think the purpose of this question is we're not like obviously if I had a will and I died tomorrow, unfortunately, I love you guys, but probably my, my girl and probably my family would have to get some of my expensive stuff. But if we were leaving it to each other, just that we were stuck. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What would you give to each other?
Starting point is 00:45:17 What would you, yeah, leave for each other? I would leave my 2012 Jenna to Adam. I think we talked shit about me and I have an awesome car. Yes. God, that's a fuck, that's a rough one. My kids, who would watch my kids have I had to pick one you guys?
Starting point is 00:45:33 I think all three of you would make, I would put in my- You'd have to do like full house. I would put in my will that you had three equal guardians because they would get wonderful lessons from the theater around. Like I think Justin would be great with like little league and sports and shit like that. And I think Doug is just the most caring, you know, understanding kind of, you know, person. And I think by the time my son's ready to start dating, Adam could give him
Starting point is 00:46:00 useful advice, you know, on how to be a wizard. I'm gonna be a wizard. You know, that's invaluable information. You know, that would do. I would make, I would make a very sentimental bit if I knew, Useful advice, you know on how to be a wizard and how to be a wizard should have some valuable information You know that would do I would make I would make a very sentimental video if I knew like I'm on my deathbed I would make a video Talking to you guys and I would put the pressure on you fuckers. I'd be like hey guys listen my one wish Well one death wish is to that you guys with the money you raised through your endeavors to your cancer And I'd give you some crazy shit like that do it for me please that you guys with the money you raised through your endeavors, share cancer. And I'd give you some crazy shit like that. Do it for me please.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And then you guys will go, Oh, you know what, Pep Top. You probably got that. You'd be like, fuck, we have to do this now. I would probably give you my shoes too since you got a little less, a little less fun. Yeah, you get the shoe collection. Plus, like, like, I'm trying to think of stuff. You know, but I'm like, what, like, what time is it? We're talking about right now. Like, we have for stuff. We're talking about what we're gonna have. I'll leave just in my helicopter.
Starting point is 00:46:48 That's what I'm saying. I'm like, you can have my yacht and the school that I created. Well, who are you gonna trust? You can't trust your kids. All the charities. The same way too, you're gonna try and make us all watch your kids. Are you gonna, yeah. I feel like Sal dies this game. It's work. He can't say that. And then yeah, exactly. I feel like Sal dies.
Starting point is 00:47:05 He's like, he can't say that. And then yeah, exactly. I give you guys all cool shit. Sal gives us work to do. I mean, each of you has fatherly traits, you know, like, you know, compassion and discipline and all these like things. I don't know. I couldn't, I couldn't like nail down one person.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It's not fair. No, it's not fair. That's it. You could say something and spin it in any way. And I'd be like, okay, all right. I'd leave you guys. You can have them, dude. Leave you behind my bills.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I'd leave my bills to you. And to Adam Schaefer, Sal's debt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get to be off his jet. Can I retract everything that I was giving you? Oh no. Sal, you can have my truck that doesn't run. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Yeah, it's sitting there. It's pretty. I just park it. Yeah. I'm doing nothing else. And then Doug gets my chickens. Mm. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Well, hey, great eggs. Well, hey, you never know what might happen. So if you're listening right now, it'll make us feel nice. If you leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes. And you can take us out and get my whirmer, ain't it? Oh, and you can check us out on Instagram. At Mind Pump Radio, you can find me at Mind Pump Sal. Add them at Mind Pump Adam and Instagram at MindPumpRadio. You can find me at MindPumpSow, add a MindPump Adam and Justin at MindPumpJesson.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Oh, and by the way, MapsEsthetic, still available, MindPumpMedia.com. So all our programs in a parallel are available. You can check out some of our cool shirts and awesome stuff. Right on. Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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