Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 290: Ideal Number of Exercises, Ideal Diet, Importance of RMR & MORE

Episode Date: May 11, 2016

Quah time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about how many exercises per muscle group are sufficient for a full body workout, their ideal diet for longevity and health, the importance of RMR w...hen building a program, forming Voltron using their best features and abilities, and ... go ahead and listen if you dare for this last one... Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Justin you little cocks mucker you whoa hey, you know what that's my name. I You look fantastical right now. Yeah, yeah, no the hat look still that word for me fantastical. I did Yeah, I thought it was fantastical testicle testicle. Uh, thank you. That's that's one of the new hats that we have The angry mic hats it feels right. You want to know it's crazy about hats? Hmm. They never look good on me Except when I put on the angry my cat and you guys posted a picture of me in it. And we got a lot of comments on my appearance. Like, cells finally sexy again.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah, it was pretty cool. What are the colors that we have? We have a red one. We have red. We have the black. No, it's not black. Well, the black ones are gone. Oh, never mind. Blacks gone. Red. We have the black, no, it's not black. Well, the black ones are gone. Oh, never mind.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Black's gone. Red, we have red, all gray. Heather gray. Yeah. And then the heather gray and black. With the black, that's right, with the black bill. Yeah. Available right now, mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:00:55 That's right. And it's got the angry mic on it. That's the microphone that's screaming obscenities. That's it. It's obviously saying something. He can't see, but they're, yeah, they're flying out of his mouth. Yeah, it's angry. It's very angry.
Starting point is 00:01:06 What else are we doing? We got reviews. Oh, shit. Give me a nap. This means shirts, dude. It's time for shirts. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 We should do this more often, though. I liked it. We just tried to sell hats, and then we went into giving away something. So that's kind of a cool idea. It's a cool idea. It's like a sandwich. Yeah Well, not really there's only one like a cake. It's yeah, frosting. Well, we can end it with another one
Starting point is 00:01:30 That's the meat in the middle. It's like a sandwich. Yeah Meat in there beautiful So Adam this last week called for 20 reviews and we didn't get it How many? 16. You know what? You had powers. I was gonna say, it's because you called for him. So now I'm gonna call him now.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Go for it, sounds. Listeners, listen, don't let me down. We need 20 reviews. He almost makes six. No, I was gonna say 60, because I was gonna be crazy. Oh yeah, I was gonna be crazy for that. I wanna see you. But I was all like that. We need 20 reviews. Sal is calling upon you. Bring it
Starting point is 00:02:11 Summoning I'm sure it's gonna happen now. We'll turn this into a competitive thing of course I got everything's competitive next week Justin you call for there we go. We'll see we'll see who wins all right So with 16 reviews, we're gonna give out four shirts All right. So with 16 reviews, we're gonna give out four shirts. We have Gina Marie 14, fit girl struggles. I like that name. Alejandra Miller and my favorite of all, Sal, no cuffs at all.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Oh, that's a dick. Oh, that's a dick. That last one right there, don't send him a goddamn thing. No, no, no, he's getting a t-shirt. He's definitely getting a t-shirt. The funny thing is that he probably probably wrote like the best one too. It's Sal, no cuffs at all, like, like,
Starting point is 00:02:53 cuffs rather than cubs. Oh, he misspelled it even. Yeah, that's something better. Just for you. Yeah. But yeah. Just kidding, by the way, you get to sure. Yeah, you get to sure.
Starting point is 00:03:02 All of you get to sure. You just need to send your iTunes name to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your address as well as your shirt size and we'll get that right out to you. And a new pick of your girlfriend. Hey, that's cool. But if you want.
Starting point is 00:03:19 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I'm ready. I am so ready. Do you guys be honest with me? Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:41 We always are, we. Be honest, that's all we do. I can't continue until Adam gets off his phone Dude will be here all night. Oh, I'm texting your mom Come on dude, I won't be home too late So so so this is happening every time I go into a public bathroom if I hear This is happening every time I go into a public bathroom if I hear A fart or someone shitting I laugh me too, and it's and it's like like a
Starting point is 00:04:12 It's like Yeah, like my face starts to get like a child red. Yeah, I think I make a comment. I think it's funny when people make a comment Yeah, I'll say good one. I'm a nice push Yeah, I will. That's not weird. It'll out. Because I think it's funny. If that happens to me, like let's say I'm right in the middle of ripping one or whatever. And somebody comes walking in.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I'm like, oh, sorry, bro. I'll say something. So I don't, or else it's awkward and weird. Bro, I have to admit it right away. Yeah, right away. Yeah. It's so funny because I was squawting with my wife at this gym. Oh, yeah. You're telling me. I was telling you the other day I was I was squatting with my wife at this gym. Oh, yeah You're telling my gas told you the other day. I was squatting. It was first thing in the morning
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm not used to training the morning. I had coffee You did not was it right and it's like my time normally You know what I mean? So I'm squatting down. I'm at the very bottom of the squat Not even thinking it's just like Just totally rip one And my wife looks at me. I look at her and I'm like looking around the room to see who's who heard it. And I saw a couple of people kind of like glance over and I look at her and she's dying laughing.
Starting point is 00:05:10 She just throws me out of the bus right away. And I'm just like, oh no. So I started like just busing up laughing. I remember. So I remember one time I was probably 12 or 13, you know when you're like embarrassed. Like, I don't give a shit now. I'll take a crap and I'll leave the door open. I don't care. But when I was a kid, when'll take a crap and I'll leave the door open, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:05:25 But when I was a kid, when I was a kid, the walk in the public restroom, I thought, yeah. I was gonna have the fucking urinal open and the stall door open. Yeah, I didn't care anymore. You got magazines. You reach a certain point, you don't give a shit anymore,
Starting point is 00:05:37 but at 13 years old, you're embarrassed, right? So this is, I'm in the bathroom, gotta go poop, people are in there, so you're like waiting for someone to turn on the sink or make some noise, you cough every time you fart. So I'm in the bathroom, gotta go poop, people are in there, so you're like waiting for someone to turn on the sink or make some noise, you cough every time you fart. So I'm doing this, and this is when I had first, so I must have been 13, because it's when I first started taking supplements,
Starting point is 00:05:54 and supplements don't really make your poop smell better. They do the opposite, especially when they're fungerous. So it was apparently pretty bad and some dude yells from inside the bathroom, he's like, add water. That's how some bearish dude. I was like, he's talking about me. Add water.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Add water. Oh no. No, no. I called out. That's so funny, I remember that. So I love, I mess with my girl. Lower your protein I mess with my girl on this so much to Katrina so any I think I feel like his girls get way more embarrassed about this stuff
Starting point is 00:06:34 I girls will go to another restroom and use it or of course you know pretend like they're washing their face and there And they turn the water on for like 15 minutes Girls have like all these moves they do like so the guys can't hear them or smell it. Right? They do all so anytime Katrina like leaves to go the rest of we could be at somebody's house or something like she gets it. Where's the restroom? I think I can go to get a pig shit in their bathroom. She's, when we first started dating, when she, when we first started dating it was the best ever. She get embarrassed. Now she knows it's coming, you know what I'm saying? So she don't even think it's funny anymore. But I do do it every fucking time.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Don't do it. She's saying it again. Honey, we just got here. We don't even know these people are gonna get shit in their bathroom. Wow, every time. I feel bad because one of these times she's probably really got to go and do that.
Starting point is 00:07:16 She was putting her on front street. Yeah. Let's see what she doesn't like that. Here it comes. Already? Here it comes. Oh, shit. Here it comes. It's flying so big. He just bleeds. Huge talons. Already? Here it comes. Here he comes. Look at the flying
Starting point is 00:07:25 so majestically huge talons. The motherfucking guac. Quick one. Snatch your face up. Wow. Luke, my senus is asking how many exercises per muscle group are sufficient for a full body workout? All of them. 37. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly 37. You want to do 37 exercises per body part. Did you imagine it's a Jodie? We're gonna imagine a some kid some kids Indeed, yeah, you imagine a some kids listening to this and it's like phone cuts out right when you said 37 Fuck, I don't even know 37 by some exercise So here's the how we extra, okay, how many sorry, I'm still I'm in joke mood
Starting point is 00:08:07 over right now. How many exercises? How do you know when the edibles hit? Right. Pur muscle group. Pur muscle group for sufficient for a full body. Okay. So you're doing it and he's doing it three times a week.
Starting point is 00:08:17 So three times a week he's training and how many exercises per muscle group? Okay. Here, well, here's the, the sets are more important exercises. Right. And here's the correct, the important exercises for you. Right. And here's the best answer is the least amount necessary.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And that's pretty much it. The least amount of exercises necessary to elicit change in your body is the right amount of exercises. Now, what does that mean? Gosh, that's very different from individual to individual. But I'll say this, for most beginners, one exercise for about three to four sets, especially if you're working out your whole body three days a week, is good. Now in our maps programs, it depends on the phase.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Thatcher and some phases have you do more exercises and more volume than others. And some of our maps programs have more exercises than others. Maps aesthetic has tons of volume. Maps and a volic has much less volume, for example, but they're both a little bit different. Yeah, it's a progress up to that. Yeah, say all of this is all a big progression, from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:09:11 My guess would be this is somebody who is looking to go into a full body workout, probably already trains already and is wondering how they do this. So, and Sal's kind of alluded to this before. Probably the best way to do this is to whatever you're doing currently, whatever training, and go by sets, it's easier to think sets than exercises.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Because technically, you don't need to do multiple exercises. You could do one exercise for arms or one exercise for chest. That's it, you don't need to do five or six sets of that. So what you would do is you would take, so let's just use the squad or legs to explain. So if you do a leg day right now, you do a bros split and you do a leg day once a week, and you do a total of 15 sets in that one workout, or let's say you do 20 sets, you're now going to divide that 15 to 20 sets over three workouts.
Starting point is 00:10:02 So that way, you're not totally slamming the body over doing and you're not reducing your volume so drastically that you're going to see bad results from going to a full, because if you go from, if you were somebody who was doing a bros split and you're doing 20 to 30 sets or you're following somebody's program that hardcore and then you drastically reduce to, you know, three sets of squats on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Well, yeah, that now you're down to only doing nine sets compared to the sets of squats on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Well, yeah, now you're down to only doing nine sets compared to the amount of volume we're doing before. So, and if you wanna get really scientific about it,
Starting point is 00:10:32 then you can actually compute your exact volume and try and make sure you land the same. So, volume is sets reps times weight. So, you multiply all three of those, it gives you your total volume. So, you can right now track your workout, whatever you did last week, go back and say, okay, I did this many sets for my arms during the whole week
Starting point is 00:10:49 and this many reps and this was the way I was at. This is 3,000 pounds of volume. So now I wanna take those 3,000 pounds of volume and I wanna disperse it over three more times. So that evenly, yeah. And by the way, there are quite a few studies that support this. Quite a few studies that support the fact
Starting point is 00:11:06 that training your body parts more frequently is more effective than training them less frequently when the total volume and all of the things being equal. There's one study in particular that I'm actually pulled up right now where they compared groups of people, each one training, let's say 20 sets per body part. One of them does it 20 sets on Monday. The other one does 10 sets three days a week or excuse me, you know, 20 sets divided up between three workouts and the three workout group a week had superior gains. As personal trainers, we see this all the time. All the time. There isn't, I would say probably 10 to 15 percent,
Starting point is 00:11:48 maybe 20 percent max of the people I've ever trained do better on less frequency. The vast majority of the people listening right now, you take your total volume, you break it up into two or three workouts and do it per week, you're going to see superior gains and muscle size, strength, and fat loss. Incidentally, every program we've designed, every maps program is centered around this main principle in which you train the full body intensely three days a week and then incorporate either trigger sessions, focus sessions or mobility sessions in between. Modern day to add is asking, what is each of your ideal diet for longevity and health if you could eat just one way,
Starting point is 00:12:28 I guess, for the rest of your life? I don't mean to continue to hook him up, but he just always has great actions. He's got good questions. He does have good questions. I feel like, and I like when we're not all in the same, but this is something different. Yeah, we all have different answers.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah, we are for this. We all eat different. And sales will be the most boring, so we'll let him go first. No, I'm not gonna let you copy me. You go first. I, we are for this. We all eat different. And salads will be the most boring, so we'll let him go first. No, I'm not gonna let you copy me. You go first. I'm not gonna copy me. All right, I'll tell you I'll go first.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So if I had to eat the ideal way for myself, for myself, the perfect way to eat long term would, it's more about what I wouldn't eat than what I would eat, only because I tend to have quite a few food intolerances. So I wouldn't eat any grains in particular wheat, I wouldn't eat any dairy. I probably wouldn't have any eggs or too many nuts because I tend to have intolerances to those two.
Starting point is 00:13:15 My diet would be higher in fat, much lower in carbohydrate, but I would definitely cycle through the types of meats that I would eat. So I would have chicken, fish, you know, I would have beef, lamb, all the as much variety they possibly can with the types of meats I and the types of vegetables ate. And I would also change my macro nutrients every once in a while. So although I do all tend to do better on a low on a high fat lower carbohydrate diet. I do occasionally, like maybe once every two weeks or so, or sometimes longer, incorporate a higher carbohydrate day.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And I do this to foster more diversity in my gut flora and to encourage metabolic flexibility. So my body can switch from being in ketosis to being out of ketosis and then back into ketosis. And that's an important feature of the body. It's important for the body to be able to have that ability to switch back and forth that actually demonstrates good energy production of the cells, the mitochondrial health. So I guess that's pretty much it. You're right. It was kind of boring. No, no, but I think what you just said right there is a very good point because I know we're being He's making us pick a way of eating
Starting point is 00:14:29 And something that I if I had to stick to a way I'd have a way right but Ideally, I would do what I do right now which is rotating and always changing You know, I do everything from running a ketogenic diet to carb cycling to you know,, just typically what I would pick would be a high fat you know, moderate to low carbohydrate you know, moderate protein type of diet would be would and the reason more so that anything for me would be just the flexibility because I like gelato So I've ever once in a while I would like to have things like this and if I went on a ketogenic type of diet forever This would not be possible
Starting point is 00:15:04 So I definitely would not follow something like that would not allow things like that in life that I enjoy. So I would want some sort of flexibility. So I'd have to be able to consume some carbohydrates. But in reality, you know, and we don't talk a lot, nobody really talks a lot about this, which I find really strange. Maps is geared around muscular adaptation, but a lot of people don't talk about nutritional adaptation. And when you eat a certain way, the same way all the time, all the time, whether it's great for you or not great for you,
Starting point is 00:15:35 the body gets efficient and gets used to that just like anything else. And one of the best things you can do is coming out of that and doing something unique. Like, for example, when I went ketogenic, which I was so anti that it completely changed now how I will eat food going forward. It was before that, if before I played with ketogenic, I was doing a very high carbohydrate between four and 600 grams of carbohydrates a day, a very low fat and moderate to higher
Starting point is 00:16:03 protein type of diet. And so going ketogenic was so the opposite of that. And I like to talk before on the show that I was a very open-minded about doing it because I wanted to see how my body was born. Well, needless to say, I was blown away by how I felt off of high fats like this. I'd never eaten such high fats in my life before. I'd always stayed away from them. And even if I did introduce high fat foods, it was in moderation.
Starting point is 00:16:28 It wasn't as extreme as I was right now. So going that extreme and high fats really opened my eyes to how my body was running off of it and how it felt. So that now, now when I went back to introducing carbs, now I don't run nearly as much carbohydrates, not even close. A high carbohydrate day now for me, a high, very high, would be like 300 grams. That's very high, where I normally run probably around 150 or so. Yeah, the ideal diet for me, I mean, it would definitely be a combination of a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I think you guys gave a good example as far as rotating different options and things. Like for me, if I had to combo and put an all into one package, it would definitely have a fasting element there because my body does very well with that type of an eating schedule, where I'm either, you know, fasted till 2 o'clock and I'm eating two meals or I'm just eating one big meal towards the end of the day. I just find that my energy levels are way better. And then the other experimentation with that is like, as you guys were getting heavy into the keto and like, I actually liked a little bit more of the paleo, which is a little bit higher in the protein. That sort
Starting point is 00:17:37 of mentality and my body tended to respond differently to both obviously, but it was a nice change to lure my protein for sure. I end up my fats, my body, it felt less inflamed, you know, it had like as much as the reflux, you know, these are all those signs that you try and pay attention to and all that kind of stuff. So it would be, it would look something like that, like kind of like a lean gains meets keto,
Starting point is 00:18:05 like modified keto slash paleo. And by the way, and by the way, you know, we're talking about cycling your foods, cycling your macros, cycle your calories. And I like pizza. And by the way, protein is a macro that you can and probably should cycle. Cause I think when people think cycling macros, they think fats and carbs. They think I'm gonna lower carbs, raise my fats or lower fats, raise my carbs.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It's a good idea to every once in a while bring your protein intake down. We're not talking about going super low towards dangerous, but rather than eating one gram per pound of body weight, go down to eating half a gram per pound of body weight, or maybe even a little less than that. This is how I eat right now. Yeah, so protein intake, believe it or not, high protein for long periods of time, too
Starting point is 00:18:49 high a protein for long periods of time, may in fact be a risk factor for cancer. It does stimulate some of the pathways that do 10 to 10, 10, excuse me, drive cancer and cancer rates. So it's probably not healthy for longevity to eat a super high protein diet all the time, all the time. For performance high protein is good. Super high protein isn't good for high performance either,
Starting point is 00:19:15 but high protein is, but it might be a good idea every once in a while to cycle that down a little. Yeah, sure. Yeah, that's what I do on my vegan days. Yeah. Kyle Lewis Lewis before building a program, how important is RMR? RMRs were resting metabolic rate. Metabolic rate. So,
Starting point is 00:19:35 well, you're resting metabolic rate is extremely important, but figuring out what that number is is extremely impossible. It's a wild gas. That's not the body gem told me. Yeah. It's a, it's kind of a wild gas to determine what your resting metabolic rate is. The internet will give you a super general number. Machines will try to calculate it for you.
Starting point is 00:20:01 It's very difficult. The best way you can do this, and we've talked about this in the past, is to write down everything that you've been eating for the last week or two and use that as your base and then move them there down if you want to lose weight up if you want to gain weight. But your resting metabolic rates, the majority, it's a lot of it's most of the calories you're going to burn, right? How many calories you burn at rest? What takes to keep you alive? All the activity you do on top of it doesn't add up to as much as what you burn just to, I guess, to be alive, or sometimes it's equal, right, 50, 50.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Yeah, it's rarely equal. It's more resting metabolic rate typically tends to be much higher than the rest of your activity. I mean, even when we go to the gym, balls to the wall, you're only burning 600 calories, you know, tops, you know, maybe if you're a big dude,
Starting point is 00:20:49 nine times a day. It's RMR than it's neat, and then it's the actual exercise activity. Yeah, exactly, right? So that's the pyramid. And RMR really is, it's not gonna help you whatsoever if you don't know,
Starting point is 00:21:03 you don't know that person's activity level, because let's just say hypothetically, we could figure out exactly what my RMR is. I've had it tested. One of mine gets tested. They tested it right around 26. It changes, so my inflexiowates as I build muscle according to the machines and shit that I've done and used in the Justin Chimding and said the body gym where you breathe into it. So I've done the breathing in apparatus thing.
Starting point is 00:21:28 I've done the digital ones, I've done all those tools and they all kind of land, they land me somewhere between 2,400 and 2,800 calories as my RMR. Now, I burn though anywhere between 3,800 and 5,000 calories a day. Based off of these tools and this stuff, once again, we're using these tools
Starting point is 00:21:48 that have lots of room for air. But based off of that, that's a huge fluctuation. And in a lot of that movement, you wouldn't want to set a diet for somebody based off their RMR because their activity level may not be double of what their body, their RMR is, but it's most certainly is more than a thousand
Starting point is 00:22:05 galleries or so. It's going to be a decent amount with your meat and their activity combined. So, you know, nothing's going to be more accurate than tracking precisely, you know, how much they're moving for the entire week and what they're consuming and their body weight staying up or staying up or going down whatever, and then going from there. Yeah, I mean, that's really the only way. I mean, I think we're just starting to realize just how inaccurate the whole adage of it's a calorie, it's a calorie, you know, calories a calorie,
Starting point is 00:22:33 and then you burn this much, and you eat this much, you should lose this much weight. Like we're just now really starting to realize how completely false that is, or how... It's more complex than that. How way more complex. We know now, we do this with animals. We take two mice, one is skinny, one is fat,
Starting point is 00:22:51 eating the same amount of calories, doing the same exact amount of activity. We take the gut flora from the fat mouse, transplant it to the skinny mouse, and the skinny mouse gets fat. Nothing else changes. Like what the fuck is going on here? So there's the hormones and you know,
Starting point is 00:23:05 that factor as well. Yeah, change the hormones of the animal, change nothing else. Next thing, you know, it's leaner and you've got more muscle. Whatever. So or just change the gene. We, I mean, so it's so complex. What Adam's talking about is really the only way to do it. And that's, you have to track for a week or two. And that will give you your base and then go from there. Other than that, these measuring devices, I had good luck. Yeah. The tree 1918, if you could form Voltron, what powers would you bring? And you need to answer for each other. Oh, let's tell you. I can't tell you how the song went for Voltron. Oh, man. I'm thinking he man No, it's gonna be their he man or like some mix of transformers. He know. I wonder how many how many of people in our audience actually know what Voltron was
Starting point is 00:23:55 I know this is any power in your life not just fitness too. So your first anime He was the legendary defender. Yes. I'm going to try and find the freaking original. Voltron was that he was that big like robot that that was made up of the different lion robot lion. And there were different colors. Yeah. And they each like one was from the earth. One was from the ocean. One was from the the the lava. And then they'd combine into this big legendary awesome fighting machine, that protected the universe.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And just because of this question, I'm gonna get me a shirt. I'm gonna find me finding like a total retro. Yeah, so throwback. Can I just say something real quick, just an observation. Yeah, I have children. And they watch cartoons.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And can I just say right now that the cartoons of the 80s kick the shit. Superior kick the shit at the cartoons for kids today are so poor. They're so pussy. Come on, dude. They're stupid. I'm watching these cartoons, my son's watching.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And I'm like, where's the fighting? Like, where's the fucking? They got rid of all the shit. Where's the cool shit? Where's the buff dude that blasher? Cookie Monster is now like broccoli monster. It's what the fuck. Yeah, it's so dumb.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Like we had a little tron. We had a. We're so scared. We Yeah, it's so dumb. Like we had full tron. We had, uh, we're so scared. We had, uh, what was that one that we had? The frickin' the, uh, the, the tigers, the, Lionel. Yeah, yeah, thunder cats. Thunder cats, dude. Come on, that was bad.
Starting point is 00:25:16 That was a thunder cats, he man. It was all like, I'd drink some, duck tails even, diving in money and shit. Where's cool shit like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck you. Woohoo. Yeah, shit. Who is? Yeah, what kind of values are the teaching kids nowadays?
Starting point is 00:25:27 Ah, just, all right. Who's gonna go first for Voltron? Uh, let's, yeah, let's see here. Let's build these guys up here. Um, let's, if I was building Sal has super powers. Yeah. You have a lot, bro. Where do I start here?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Besides your, your great looks. Oh, yeah. No. I've, I've, that leads the way. By the way, God. So would you give him the face of Voltron? Yeah. Yeah. Definitely the mouth of Voltron. Well, I'm trying to think like yeah, I'm trying to think how I would how I tie these powers to what they do. I mean, what cell has this unbelievable ability to, you know, remember anything that he reads.
Starting point is 00:26:07 If you have, obviously, if you've been listening to Mind Pump for a long time, we've talked about this before. There's no prep. There is no computer in front of us. When he reads studies, he's not reading a study. It's his brain that's regurgitating him. So he has this, yeah, he's the robot brain. I actually make sure.
Starting point is 00:26:23 So maybe he's the brain. He's the head. He's the robot brain. I actually make sure. Oh, make it all right. So maybe he's the brain. He's the robot brain. He's the head. There you go. So you're the face. Yeah. That face it draws a man. Adam is the thing.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Adam's the one who you're the sword. You stab in the sword. Yeah. In the leg that kicks in the nuts. Just as the power glutes. Yeah. No, because our special move is a donkey kick that just fucking destroys the monster.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Oh, yeah, lightning bolts. And that's just empowering that with his hip extension. I do that. So, so, so, so Adam, so you're flying in like this robot that's just a face. Yeah. And then like, oh shit, I'm in trouble. Call Voltron and then you connect. You connect, you connect to the big machine.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Wow. That's pretty cool. I'm the ass. Doug's the back. Doug's the heart. He's the heart and the back. He's the pain-quiet. He's the right and the back.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I don't know. Who's the dick? Oh, no. Somebody has all of us. No, Voltron doesn't have a dick. Voltron. It's a kid show. I'm not playing anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Wow. I don't want to be in a robot that's not having sex. Well, he's not going to be an angry robot. We have too much stuff to do or saving the world, bro. We don't want to be in a robot that's not having sex. Well, he's not gonna be an angry robot We have too much we have too much stuff to do or saving the world, bro We don't have time for sex. Well, sometimes that's how you save the world. Well, it's kind of like it's a story One vagina at a time one One robot Robots
Starting point is 00:27:39 Get a bit of shit. We're gonna be that a lot more robot robot robot seed Saved the world one vagina at a time being that a lot more robot seed. You know, saves the world one of the gen at a time. Hmm. Devam. Who better move on from this one? Let's get to a more serious question. Yeah, if that question was not off the rails enough,
Starting point is 00:27:52 we have one from Kevin X. Death. Oh, you're not really going to say that one already. Fucking Adam. Damn. Yeah, Adam wants this one put out there. So the question says, Roll him under the bus 100% the question is anal sex with your lady
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yay or nay that was so dirty. I'm so I'm so glad we get to answer this question So anal sex so glad anal sex with your lady. Yes or no? Absolutely for me. It's a no because that shit hurts. You ever try that? Oh, man Oh wait, we're talking about giving to them. Yes My bad The question Yeah, whoopsie. I think it's I think it's important one time. That's it one time. Yeah, it's only important one time I need anal sex after that is to teach their
Starting point is 00:28:45 own, you know, if you're a smaller penis guy, I highly recommend it. Typically that holds a lot harder to get in and out of. So if you're a little guy, it's probably a good idea, but no matter what big guy or a little guy, I think it's important that you do that once you remember you like you can't sneak it in You know it's coming No matter what you do They know you know, so I read this study. Yeah, I read studies on this I'm so sure yeah, I'm a little ashamed anyway. I read a study. I was a lady was Adam I read a study I was a little was Adam who I'm making I read a fun sexy and women who are open and enjoy anal sex are far have more orgasms per sexual episode and more and rate their orgasms to be more intense. I like you so so
Starting point is 00:29:39 Very good study. Yeah, no, this is this is legit look it up Thank you for bringing that up now the question the question, the question is, is it the anal sex that's giving them the better orgasm or the open mind or is it the fact that there's crazy that they're such open at least to that. So that's what I think is that. This is why I mean, I appreciate that. I didn't explain why I think it's important, but it's I think it's important one time. And that's why I think it's important. I think it's important, but I think it's important one time and that's why I think it's important. I think it's important you have a woman that is open-minded to that and that is down for that. So the fact that she allows.
Starting point is 00:30:10 How open-minded are you, Adam? Huh? I'm not open-minded. A little prostate massage? No, I don't like when you say that. He's like, I like women who are open-minded. Don't touch my booty. I don't want to know any of this.
Starting point is 00:30:19 We're about to go on another retreat. Yeah. No, so, I'm not open-minded. I'm not open-minded. I'm not open-minded. I'm not open-minded. I'm not open-minded. I'm not open-minded say I like women who are open minded don't touch my booty. I don't want to know any of this We're about to go on another retreat. Yeah, no I don't know. Yeah, so go ahead you're safe I just think it's important for that one time and that's the reason why I think it's important that she's open
Starting point is 00:30:38 She's open minded like that. She's in the open position I have the right tools. Yeah. I don't think it's necessary all the time, or whenever the hell you do. You ask for it. For Doug. Yeah. Doug's diet over there.
Starting point is 00:30:53 If you ask, it's there. Yeah. Typically, the thumb works just fine, too. Wow. Wow. Start with that. Well, hey, if you enjoyed the show, please leave us a five- rating and review on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:31:05 You may win a free t-shirt that says MindPump on it. It's actually a pretty good looking t-shirt. Does it say anal sex? Doesn't say we got rid of those long time ago. So hold out. Also, don't forget to go to MindPumpMedia.com. No, six, okay. We have something super awesome and special to show you.
Starting point is 00:31:22 We got hats on there, we got new tanks on there, we got all kinds of cool stuff on it. And we've got our programs available. MindPumpMedia.com. Come. Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal,
Starting point is 00:31:38 Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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