Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 291: Sleep & Adaptation, Best Time For Cardio, Gender Specific Training & MORE

Episode Date: May 12, 2016

Another Quah delivered to you hot! In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best time to incorporate cardio for fat loss in MAPS Black, the role that sleep plays in adap...tation, recommendations for a high level athlete (rather than the average person) and if males and females should train differently for fat loss. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I was brainstorming the other day and I realized something. What? The most incredible things in this world, in this universe, if you will, are created within a nine month timeframe. The human is created within nine months. Can see it. A beautiful conceived from two cells
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Starting point is 00:01:18 Mind, up, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Doug has this look, and I know that we've been together for a long enough, he gets this look when he gets stressed out, you know. You see the shield wanting to come out. He's in a couple veins in the neck. Do you see a joy stab this motherfucker right now or what?
Starting point is 00:01:37 No, Doug, just our guest. It's not the mention he's he'll destroy me. It's the nervous last smile. Hard to. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, right. It's not the mention he's he'll destroy me. It's the nervous last smile. Right. Yeah, right. Yeah, I don't get that. I personally don't know about you guys, but I personally enjoy hearing my own voice in my ears.
Starting point is 00:01:56 You know what I mean? I personally like the sound of it. Do you know what I don't surprise it on the same way? Are you guys surprised about that? Oh, you are? Okay. I don't get. I'm surprised about myself being the same way.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Really? You have your voices remarkably and unexpectedly soothing, very soothing to me. Yeah, sometimes I'm anxious. I'm like, I am on a tone. I only speak right here. No, no, you're not. That's what I sound like.
Starting point is 00:02:20 No, sometimes I'm anxious and then I hear your voice and it just makes me, I think Doug has to turn the knobs on you more than anybody, Doug. Is that true? I see you all the time with Justin. Says sometimes he gets excited and he yells. Yeah, Justin is in and out of the mic. A lot.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah, I do big, big backleens because I want to scream like, yeah! Yeah, I'm just used to doing that. Yeah, you're not modest. That's just being a man. I'm probably the best at this, so Doug doesn't have to mess with mine right now. And then, and then, self.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I'm captain base. He gets us even. I bet mine right much and then I'm self-baked in base He gets us even I bet you let's see who do you have to just the knobs? Okay, so just in the first Oh my god, we're getting competitive with this Why do we always have to get so competitive? We might as well, but everything I know I'm I'm generally loud all the time So I feel like it's always consistently loud. You generally need more base. You're actually Sal, you're turned down the most because I'm allowed us you're the loudest yeah I'm the most you're piercing
Starting point is 00:03:10 it's actually it's actually a sign of higher levels of testosterone oh my wish is lost well it's conflicting you see what would happen when we were when we were primates the calls to mate uh you know I would reach the furthest parts of the jungle to get the way I see. Basically that was your tactic.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I was banging more monkey pussy than you guys were. Oh, stupid. And far, far away. Not close proximity. What's up, Adam? Um, you know what? What, I, and I don't know who started it. Actually, I think I do know who started it.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Because I feel like you're angry today. No, I'm angry. Yeah, you are. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no but I am annoyed. I get annoyed easily when I see people on Instagram and all the social media fitness gurus starting to start nutrients. And this is the next thing, right? We talked a little shit about the bands on the machines, right?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Which, you know what, like, it's not that there isn't science behind that. It's not that. I think people get it, like they hear us talk shit and they're like, oh, so there's no, and then someone gets combative. Like there's like some isn't science behind that. It's not that. I think people get it, like they hear his talk shit and they're like, oh, so there's no, and then someone gets combative. Like there's like some sort of science behind it. Like, well, yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:04:31 That same science was around a 1985 when both flex came around. Yeah, same, it's been around. Exactly. Same science that was around then. So don't act like it's something new. Yeah, I think that's what we're coming from. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:41 And like, yeah, like it's this new idea and concept. Like just go get a both flex machine. If you're gonna stick. Exactly. And like, yeah, like it's this new idea and concept, like just go get a Bowflex machine. If you're gonna stick rubber bands on a hammer-strength machine, well unless you're using it for performance reasons, you know, which is something I feel like the by-building community has early adapted fully, but they could, you know? Oh, you mean like explosive training or something like that? Yeah, yeah, unless, but it's not athletes doing it.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But it's not, yeah, they're putting it on like machines. Yeah, it's my peers. It's my peers, I see walking around. Yeah, I mean, no, no. They're putting it on like machines. Yeah, it's my peers. It's my peers. I see you walking around. Yeah, I mean, in a nutshell, what a band does is it provides variable resistance. It gives you more resistance as the band stretches out. So it's supposedly strength, well, it does strengthen you in your natural strength curve, right?
Starting point is 00:05:17 So it's easier at the bottom of the rep, harder at the top of the rep. So if you put it on a machine, it's going to change the way the resistance feels. But really bands are supposed to be for freeway, compound movements, you know, squats, deadlifts, bench press, that kind of stuff. Well, who are we to say what they're for or what they're not for? It's really more, which one's more effective?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah, well, that's what I mean. Yeah, it's, you know, we are not here to tell anybody what they can't, I can't do. And you most certainly can put rubber bands on your hammer strength machine in your leg press if you want to, but you can also go, you, you could probably get a Bowflex machine on Craigslist for $10. Probably the same way you're in home. Yeah, quick. Yeah, easy. Yeah, I think nobody owns a Bowflex anymore. And if they do, they probably have it upon sale. I got to get out. So I let you borrow it. It's not a little
Starting point is 00:06:02 good. Probably, yeah, still easy. But this isn't even the one that's been annoying me the most. So the new one, or what I, I'm seeing, it's not new. I've never seen it way back when I saw this guy post this a long time ago, is dudes doing like squats and stuff with like three, 15 or like heavy ass weight, right? While they get kicked in the abdominal. I'm like, what the fuck? Everybody sends me that video.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Oh my, I like expecting me to, I will kick you in the face if I see that. That's so stupid. I could even process it. I think they're just doing it for posting, for some kind of shock by performance. There's a guy, okay, pull up your guys' Instagram. So I know exactly what video you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, I know, you know the guy, not a video. A guy who started this, okay. That's what I'm trying to tell you guys right now. So guy, if you're fucking phone, you you know the guy not a video a guy who started this okay? That's what I'm trying to tell you guys right now. So guy if you're fucking phone Listen to me. What's his name? You're making his work real real world tactical. Oh that guy. So he's he's oh that guy's a beast Yes, he is now listen now this guy don't talk shit about him. Well listen. You'll kill us I don't want to be this guy. It actually serves a little purpose. That's he's he's in look at pull him up tell me when you guys pull him up I did I've seen him before I follow him. Oh, yeah, you showed me this guy before yeah, okay So this guy is getting out there and I believe is he was he is the X seal. What is he I forget?
Starting point is 00:07:15 He's veteran. He's SWAT. Yeah, okay, so he's SWAT and something else right so this dude This is real-world tactical for him This motherfucker goes out, you know, kicks down doors and it's got people shooting bullets at him and trying to stab him with knives. So this is a little, so this guy can do a start there. Like this guy's, you know, has a legitimate reason. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:37 People torment him. Because you know what he might be, there might be a time when he's carrying a pregnant woman over his shoulders out of a burning building while bullets are firing at him and somebody kicks him in the stomach. This is possible. What an asshole, by the way. 1% scenario. Who kicks the guy carrying a pregnant woman out of a burning building? What an asshole. That guy is very unlikely.
Starting point is 00:07:57 That guy is. But you know what? The width you do. But this guy, this guy also obviously trains in Muay Thai. He obviously trains in Jiu Jitsu or grappling. If you look at his videos, he fights too. He didn't just lift weights, because I see other people who never train in Muay Thai or anything. They're just doing squats and their friend is kicking them in the stomach. He's just tightening their stomach to get kicked.
Starting point is 00:08:17 They're like, check this out. I'm fucking awesome. And you know what? I guess it's cool. Yeah, but. No, it's not cool. It is stupid as can be. It is, it may be, you know what, It's I guess it's cool. Yeah, but no, it's not cool. It is is stupid as can be it is it may be it may you know what it may be the number one now. It's it might have passed Queens. It might be going up there because is it like a thing?
Starting point is 00:08:33 No, can he? Oh, yeah. No, I'm sorry. Oh, yeah. I'm starting to see now. I've seen him over. I've been following him for well over a year or two now. And I'm super in a tank as the guy is fucking a beast and he's extremely strong and it's very entertaining. Super strong. Yeah. And to me, as crazy as some of the stuff he does and silly and dangerous, I think, okay, if there was a guy that I would train this way or teach to do this, it would be this motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I would make this harder, lighting myself on fire. Yeah. It makes sense. Ah, ah, ah, ah, I've've got an idea you're going to pull this truck while I kick you in the face and you try and punch me with gloves. I'm gonna have a big heavy hooker step on my nuts with stiletto. Whoa. You went way too far. I think I see your point. I think I see your point though Adam. For example, I'm not a football player, but it's so it would be ridiculous for me to put on a football helmet, do a bench press and then tackle someone as part of my work.
Starting point is 00:09:26 You'd be like, why are you doing that? You don't play football. Exactly. Okay. So it makes sense. Exactly why you're annoying. Exactly my point. If you do not fall in the cat, and I feel like that's the rule for everything, right? I feel like a lot of stuff that we see out there, we see some super bad ass do it, and nobody really stops to think like, well, what is the real purpose of that? And where does that play a role in what I'm trying to do? Say I'm just laughing over Justin's fucking
Starting point is 00:09:50 Star Wars the latter stepping on somebody's nuts. I don't know that came from Sometimes some in some parts of the world people pay good money for that. Yeah, I mean it's a yeah, that's definitely a thing It's definitely a thing to find that Right, Doug? It's coming. It is. It's coming. It's the queen of the world.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Don't let that thing step on your nuts. It's the motherfucking gull. The talons of Q&A. Yeah. Starting with the peasy life. What's the role that sleep plays in adaptation? What sleep? Yeah, what is that?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Is that where you close your eyes longer than a blink? Cause I don't know what that is. Well, this sucks. This is a question that we decided someone asked before I finished reading or I started reading the book that I bought. You wanted to sound all smart. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I feel like we all, at least I'm, I'm interested here, you two talk. I understand the importance of it to a point, but this is not my field. This is not something that I'm well read in. So I'm really interested here. What you guys have to say as far as the importance of it. Obviously, we know basic stuff,
Starting point is 00:10:57 but I'm really here. I'm interested here the nerd to see if he can dive into this one. Huh. What are you talking about? Yeah. So sleep is one of the essential things that you need literally to survive. So that's how important sleep is.
Starting point is 00:11:10 If you go without sleep long enough, you will first lose your mind. Psychosis takes effect and or you can die. You can actually die from sleep deprivation. No, is there a reason why we know this? Is it has something to do with circulation or where the brain actually needs to get that REM? Or if there is a lot of things that happen during sleep
Starting point is 00:11:30 but they're not 100% sure as to why it's so fucking important. Now we do know that the brain gets rid of waste while you're sleeping. So it's important to reduce waste buildup in the brain because the brain, anything that produces energy or uses energy will produce some kind of waste byproduct. This is also where neural connections will strengthen or will sever.
Starting point is 00:11:52 So neural connections will develop things like memories and by the way, severing neural connections is also very important. For example, if you have a traumatic experience, you don't want the neural connections to be so strongly formed that you relive that memory over and over again. That's literally what happens with things like where people have what is it called? Dajevo.
Starting point is 00:12:12 No, not Dajevo. People coming out of the military, they have a PTSD. PTSD, sorry, thank you. Thank you, Doug. So, those are all important factors, but they're not quite 100% sure. It's still a little bit of a mystery because from an evolutionary standpoint, it would seem that sleeping doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Like why did we evolve to need sleep? Shouldn't we have evolved to not need sleep? Because when you're sleeping, you're not doing shit. You're not hunting, you're not thinking of cool shit, and you're not getting away from animals I can kill. You're actually super vulnerable in the sleep state. So it's kind of a, it's a massive conundrum in science. But here's what we do know.
Starting point is 00:12:51 We do know that the amount of sleep that you need varies depending on the individual. We know that the category of people that tend to need the most sleep are pre-pubed, excuse me, girls going through puberty, girls going through puberty actually need more sleep than almost any other category. As we age, we need less and less. Correct. We do need less and less and less and as we get really old, we tend to need more, but we're not quite sure if that follows just the pattern of, you know, maybe because more sick people tend to have more injuries.
Starting point is 00:13:23 We see it more. We're not quite sure. of, you know, maybe because more sick people tend to have more injuries. We see it more. We're not quite sure. Quite, we do know that intelligence really, really smart people tend to sleep less. That does not mean sleeping less makes you smart. What is likely the reason behind that is because people who are intelligent tend to seek novelty. They like stimulation. They like stimulus. And going to sleep is boring. And they want to stay novelty. They like stimulation, they like stimulus,
Starting point is 00:13:45 and going to sleep is boring, and they wanna stay awake, and they wanna read, they wanna look at the next thing, and so they tend to deprive themselves of sleep. So, high people with lots of success, people of very intelligent tend to sleep less, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's the formula for success. It just means that these people tend to wanna be stimulated.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah, I've heard it, I've heard it's more like relative, you know, from person to person and it's contradictory to what we've you know, we've been told so much in the fitness community that like sleep like you have to have at least your eight to ten hours and like that's your A lot of the amount for you to fully regenerate and for yourselves to recover for everything to Rebuild and and you know, I've, I kept hearing more and more that like, you're basically, I mean, whatever works for you is going to work for you. And that's what your standard is. You kind of set that standard.
Starting point is 00:14:35 What have been on a hormonal level? Yeah, well, when we, when we settle down and we sleep too, that we start, we tend to balance out also. Yeah, growth hormone gets released, cortisol drops, cortisol raises as it helps wake you up in the morning. Melatonin gets released by the pineal gland of the brain. Melatonin is neuroprotectant. It declines as we age. They think that some of that decline has some stuff
Starting point is 00:14:56 to do with some of the degenerative issues that we have with the brain. So there's definitely lots of things that happen during sleep, but even if we mimic those things, you're not gonna cure not sleeping is my point. So we still don't know 100% of what, you know, why we need sleep. But we, I will say this. This seems logically like it will help, you know, if anything. Like more sleep doesn't seem to be like that detrimental as far as performance recovery.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Right, but if you look at studies, you see that people who sleep the most have the worst health. However, again, how do you separate the reasoning, the reason behind that sleep, like people who are really depressed, tend to sleep a lot. People who are ill tend to sleep a lot. That's true.
Starting point is 00:15:37 So the body's requirements for sleep tend to change. The general range that they'll recommend is anywhere between six, seven hours to nine hours, ten hours of sleep depending on the individual. So this is something you have to kind of figure out for yourself, but I will say this, if you're chronically sleep deprived, if you chronically sleep, you know, if you're a single parent or you work a lot and it just sleep doesn't work in your schedule very well or you have chronic insomnia,
Starting point is 00:16:05 you could be chronically sleep deprived and just not know it and think to yourself, like, I don't need more than six hours sleep, I'm fine on six hours and really have no idea that you may need seven or eight. So really the best thing to do is to experiment with this and see how you feel. For the longest time, I thought it was awesome
Starting point is 00:16:21 on five or six hours of sleep. And that is until I forced myself to sleep seven and a half hours every night. Now that I make myself go to bed and I have a routine, by the way, it's very difficult for me to go to sleep at night. And it's not because I have insomnia, it's because when I finally sit down to settle,
Starting point is 00:16:37 there's about a million things I wanna read and look into and I wanna watch a documentary and I wanna text ideas to the mind pump boys or whatever. So I set up a little routine and what I do is I make myself camel milk tea, I drink the tea, I look, I go social media for a little bit, I turn that off, I turn off my phone, turn off all electronic lights, and then I purposely meditate in bed for 10 to 15 minutes and then I go to sleep and so I try to schedule this so that I can get at least seven and a half hours and since I've done that, I feel better. So I think you have to experiment to sleep. And so I try to schedule this so that I can get at least seven and a half hours. And since I've done that, I feel better. So I think you have to experiment to see.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Where's the vaporizing fit in there? Uh, what? Where's the vaporizing fit? You know, it's funny. If I vaporize right before I go to sleep, I ain't going to sleep. I, I will stay awake. It'll stimulate my mind. I'll stay awake.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I want to read. That's funny because I am, if I do it too long before I'm about to go to sleep, it will keep me up. I have to do it like right before I go to bed. Really? Interesting. Yeah. No, I do it too long before I'm about to go to sleep, it will keep me up. I have to do it like right before, like, really, I'm laying in bed. Interesting. No, I do it maybe two hours, an hour to two hours before I'm going to late.
Starting point is 00:17:33 So if I know I'm going to go to bed at 11, I'll have it at 9, for example. And then by the time 11 runs, rolls around, I can go to sleep. If I have it right before, I want to stay away. Now, the question he asked actually was the role that sleep plays with adaptation. So. Oh, yeah. Lack of sleep will definitely influence muscle recovery strength.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It'll recover. It'll influence it on the acute level and on the long level. You want to test this for yourself. I tell you what, don't go to sleep tonight and go lift weights tomorrow. So you can see immediate effects. Well, I bet the question also is stemming from, I mean, you guys probably, you know this, right? That's a very popular thing for like your super competitive bodybuilders. Like somebody like a Phil Heath,
Starting point is 00:18:11 that's all he does is basically train and do all this shit. You know, these guys might train two, three times in a day, and in between are taking small maps. You know, they'll go slam the body real hard, feed it, and then sleep, and then sleep. There's a lot of science supporting that sleeping in that fashion, rather than the long block of, you know, seven hours, eight hours that we have at night,
Starting point is 00:18:33 that it's better to sleep less at night and to have a nap during the day, to break up your sleep. And it's, there's a lot of science supporting that and saying that that's more of a natural way to sleep. And it makes sense. The CESTA. It makes sense, a lot of cultures natural way to sleep. And it makes sense. The Ciesta. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:18:45 A lot of cultures. Yeah. Old cultures do it that way. I know when I train super hard, if I have a schedule that allows it, and I can take a little nap, man, I feel. I feel powered up. I do way better.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I can say that too. Same thing. So there's a lot of science supporting that. In terms of athletic performance, I don't, I've never seen a study. I've seen sleep deprived studies, but I've never seen like comparing like normal sleep, like okay, these athletes sleep eight hours a day and these athletes sleep, you know, seven hours, but have a one hour nap and then comparing
Starting point is 00:19:14 performance. I would love to see a study like that. If one exists, please send it to us. The next question is from ODamn, it's Alex. Oh, damn. When is the best time to incorporate cardio for fat loss in maps black? Oh, that's kind of a cool question. I think it depends, really, right? It really depends on your goal.
Starting point is 00:19:40 There's a couple of things that I think are important to keep in mind. And I believe we've talked about this before in our cardio episode. Is that your body adapts to cardio faster than it does resistance training. So if, let's say, for example, you started out the gates, which you totally could start maps black and start doing cardio right out, right out the gates, but just keep in mind whatever modality that you choose to do, that the body is going to become efficient at doing that. So if you start that on week one of maps black and let's say your routine is you get on the stair master for 30 minutes every time you go to the gym or whatever and you've been doing that since week one will come week five and six. The
Starting point is 00:20:16 body is getting very efficient at doing that. It's not going to respond as much you're not going to technically burn as much fat. So this is the reason why too, like when I'm competing or getting ready for a show, you know, I really don't start doing cardio till about two to four weeks depending on if I feel like I'm on time for a show. I try and do everything nutritionally and through weights first, and then I use the cardio as a tool
Starting point is 00:20:37 to speed up that process that I get closer. So it really would depend on the person. I think focusing on neat would be a more important direction to go with it. You know, I have you guys seen the article that came out about the biggest losers and how they're testing their metabolism and how much slower their metabolism are now after they've lost weight versus before. Oh, wow. So this is right along the lines of what you're talking about. Because what you're saying, there's a lot more brilliance to what you're saying than I think you realized.
Starting point is 00:21:08 It meets the eye. I don't know. I realize it. Okay. Never mind. My bad. My bad. Is this leaving my mouth?
Starting point is 00:21:16 So here's what they're finding. No, scientists call this adaptive thermogenesis, but your body will slow itself down as you lose weight. So as you lose weight, your body's metabolism will purposely slow down so that you don't get rid of or lose this insurance or a policy, a.k.a. body fat. So easily, because your body doesn't want to get rid of body fat.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It doesn't want to eat itself. It wants to keep it around just in case there's a famine or starvation or something that might happen. That never happens nowadays, but it happened to to us thousands of times as we were evolving. And so here's what you want to consider. Don't ever forget this. Cardio burns calories, but it does a shitty job at affecting your metabolism. It does a really bad job at speeding up your metabolism.
Starting point is 00:21:59 It really won't speed up your metabolism that much, if at all, and it might even slow it down a little bit. Resistance training doesn't burn as many calories as cardio, it just doesn't. to pre-metabolism. That much, if at all, and it might even slow it down a little bit. Resistance training doesn't burn as many calories as cardio, it just doesn't. However, it's an effective metabolism booster. It will speed up your metabolism. If your goal is fat loss, your goal with resistance training, or excuse me, with exercise, should be to maintain or speed up your metabolic burn.
Starting point is 00:22:23 You don't want your thermogenesis to adapt downward. You want it to move up as you're losing body fat because worst case scenario, you don't want to be stuck in a situation where, ooh, I lost, you know, 30 pounds, but now I have to eat 1200 calories a day and that's it in order to keep it up. You don't want to be in that situation
Starting point is 00:22:41 because- Or I'd just start coming to the gym twice now for an extra hour cardio because I was already doing balls in one cardio for an hour. You don't want to have in that situation because, or I'd just start coming to the gym twice now for an extra hour cardio because I was already doing balls in one cardio for an hour. You don't want to have to do that all the time. So cardio is good for your health. You know, do it because it's good for your heart.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Do it because it gives you more activity. But you don't got to do a ton of it. For those purposes alone, three days a week, 20 minutes is plenty. Other than that, like I'm always saying, increase your just daily activity. If you want to burn more calories just move more throughout the day and focus on resistance training. Of course this is
Starting point is 00:23:14 if you're an athlete and you want to build endurance, you want to improve your VO2 max, that's completely different. Yeah, specific things you're trying to focus on. It's a different story. And it would be a different story if I was talking to somebody who was a competitor. If this if you bought Maps Black and you said, okay, I've got a show in 10 weeks, Adam, you know, how would you incorporate? I would have a different answer for you because we have, we have to be in the best shape at that 10 week mark, putting you on stage. So I am going to introduce cardio slowly. And I'm going to continue to ramp it up as you get closer and closer to show time. You know, so that, but if someone who's just trying to get in shape and you're going through the program, I mean, let cardio be the last piece that you implement into that.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Focus on balancing out your nutrition first and figuring out, what do I need to eat to continue to show gains and at the same time, reduce body fat. And whenever that number is, kind of hang around that, let the program do most of it. And then if you feel like, hey, in two weeks, I'm getting ready to go hit the beach, or I'm gonna be at poolside somewhere, then hey, hit some cardio up,
Starting point is 00:24:15 and ramp it up for those two weeks before you go, and it'll help shred you out faster. But if you come right out the gates, doing it all the cardio you can, plus going through the training program and reducing calories, well, yeah, you're going to see some great results for a good, you know, three to five weeks. It's your body's going to drop quick, but then you're going to hit a hard plateau and you get to ask yourself, now where do I go from there?
Starting point is 00:24:35 And this is what happens to a lot of people. And by the way, the biggest loser contestants, their workouts revolved around cardio, entirely around cardio. Yeah, even their weight training was cardio. When they lifted weights, it was circuits. They go back and forth, and it's just cardio. Lots of endurance there. It's cardio with weights.
Starting point is 00:24:52 So let that be a lesson. Cody 31 is asking, what do you recommend for a serious athlete to improve performance? Because we often talk about the average person. Yeah, and I think this goes alongside what we were kind of talking about in the last question, but we're focused a little more on specialization, the principle of specificity, right? So, when I'm thinking about an athlete versus your regular person, I want to ramp it up, so I want to get specific with know, specific with my phases. So I build up the intensity and multi-directions with this.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And so that way I get the best performance result, you know, leading up into competition time. So whatever it is, your sport or the thing that you're competing in, you want to get to that peak performance and you want to be able to time it out correctly. And also too, just like thinking about, your sport is a skill and what's gonna be most optimal with your body and like where you need the most performance
Starting point is 00:25:55 in what you're doing. So that looks different on different sports. So, if I need to be more explosive, you know, off the balls on my feet and I have to be quick explosive off the balls of my feet and I have to be quick to move, laterally, all that kind of stuff, I have to consider how to train that way, to promote that at its highest capacity.
Starting point is 00:26:17 So there's a specific way to do that. And I think that you just have to be a little more measured in your training than you would your average person, like really using metrics and using, you know, weights and paying attention to, you know, how they move, whether you need to regress or progress, you just have to pay a lot more specific attention to that. Yeah, I would say, I mean, with athletes,
Starting point is 00:26:42 you know, Justin was talking about the specific type of training. I mean, it doesn't get more specific than that. If I'm training someone for fat loss or muscle gain or overall fitness, even though those are specific goals is pretty general. There's a lot of ways to lose body fat with exercises, a lot of ways to build muscle.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And when you're training a football player, a basketball player, a swimmer, hockey player, it's very, very specific with how you train them. Now besides that, there's two broad categories of training for athletes, and that's your offseason and your in-season type training. And this is true for all athletes, except for those that maybe compete year round. But when you have offseason and in-season, offseason, that's when you really want to improve upon your performance
Starting point is 00:27:27 in terms of your speed, your strengths, your flexibility, explosiveness, those types of things. When you're training in season, your goal is not to improve performance, your goal is injury prevention, your mobility and your skills training, or really the high priority. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Maps performance is designed in this fashion, for example. It's designed. It's a program designed from beginning to end, but basically would take someone from off season to in season. And then the mobility sessions that we have in there are what we talked about, preventing injury, increasing mobility. So that while you're in your intense season, you don't hurt yourself because that's quite common with athletes. Keely Davis is asking should males and females train differently for fat loss?
Starting point is 00:28:12 Nope. Yeah, I love questions like this. It's like we're like two... Should I get pink and blue pills? Yeah, it's like we're two completely different species. I blame the fitness industry for who I'm talking about. Hell yes, it's a fitness industry two completely different species. There's, you know, I blame the fitness industry for who I've been. Hell yes, it's a fitness industry.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, yeah, the as they market shit to man, it goes right back into the shit we've talked about. I mean, everybody wants to put us in a fucking box. Everybody wants to put it even to the point where they just want to separate separate the sexes. There's no reason to separate the sexes in any way. What's however, and, you know, And even the small, even the small nutritional things that fall into this category, almost everything
Starting point is 00:28:48 were the same when the amount of sleep that we need, the amount of rest recovery with the bodies and the need, how hard you should train the body, all the types of foods that your body needs to work to be efficient. Like it's all the, it's man, woman, same. Yeah, the absolute, and there are differences and to be completely honest and clear and fair,
Starting point is 00:29:07 there are measured differences in the ability of women to recover versus the ability of a men to recover and exercise, believe it or not, women have been shown to be able to recover faster or better from certain types of activity. However, there are super small differences, and when you account for individual variances between individuals, men and women, it doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, no, for sure. The rules that apply to men and apply to women and vice versa. If you want to build muscle, you train a particular way. You train with resistance. You train full body tends to be better than splits. You focus on big gross motor movements. You train with resistance, you train, full body tends to be better than splits. You focus on big gross motor movements.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You train for strength. You learn how to train for full range of motion for hypertrophy. If you're trying to get fat loss, you have to eat in the calorie deficit. I don't care if you're a man or a woman. Neither one of them is any different in that sense. When we look at individual variances, there's a huge difference now. Now, some people are gonna do better with lower carbs, some people with higher carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:30:09 some people are gonna do better with a bigger deficit. Other people have to be careful with their deficit and how you incorporate certain types of exercise. So, yeah, men and women, exactly the same. And so, here's the advice I give to all the women listening right now. Ladies, if you want the most effective programs to get you into shape, don't buy the ones that are targeting women.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Buy the ones targeting men. Throw away your booty man. Because the programs that they direct towards women, they take the principles that work and they soften them and they bring them down and they make them like, here's your little, here's your curly workout. It's extremely sexist and be honest with you and you should be offended by workout programs that are specific for women because it's bullshit. Well, it's the same problem I have with like planet fitness and all this kind of stuff. It's like they glorify the fact that people are intimidated by legit workouts and legit training that works. And it's just like, why can't we just make it more inviting
Starting point is 00:31:14 to do it the right way instead of like already accounting for the fact that people get intimidated by it? It's just like, it's silly. It's not treating people like the, I don't know, it's like for me, it's just silly to watch. You know, something that kind of add to this question, and I challenge everybody that's listening right now.
Starting point is 00:31:33 If you're a female and you're listening to this and the question is about males and females, train differently. Doing something that you, as far as training, style, training in a modality that you would never think you should train in or think is so opposite, is probably the best thing you could possibly do. Those that are looking for change in their physique, if you've been trained, you have these certain, maybe a few things you types of classes you take
Starting point is 00:31:58 or types of rep ranges that you stand and sets you stand or certain ways of training you like, the best thing for you to possibly do would be something so out of the box and so out of the realm for you. Well, that's why I love Maps Phase One. Women, they come back and they're like, whoa, cause it's so different.
Starting point is 00:32:15 We talk about this, right? We talk about that, you know, that there wasn't by chance that we did that. We knew that. We knew that the industry is filling it with a bunch of bullshit, telling women that they need to be doing a bunch of little butt kicks and Thi master shit and you know high repetition so you don't get build bulky muscle
Starting point is 00:32:32 So we knew if we went the complete extreme opposite of that strength-based lifting one to five repetition range Heavy ass weight doing compound manly movements, like squatting and deadlifting, that women would change so fast, so much, that they would be blown away by what we're teaching them. And that really, that was, that what, if you wanna talk about the tricks or things that we did, that's what we did. We introduced you to knowing that the majority
Starting point is 00:32:58 that people would see a huge difference from that, that here you go, this is probably something that you've never trained, watch your body change. Well, here's the thing, like when we first, you know, marketed maps, even before Mind Pump, we specifically targeted men, and I'll tell you why, because you cannot sell a program to women and then try to sell to men, men won't buy it,
Starting point is 00:33:19 but you can sell a program to men, and then maybe some women will buy it, or you can go then and design a separate program for women. And so I'm just following the patterns of the fitness industry. But of course, the rules, like we said, the rules apply to everybody. We probably sell more programs. So I would say it's probably 50, 50 men and women that buy our programs. But a lot of the emails, a lot of the feedback we get is from women because they just never, I think a lot of women just have never trained that way. And so they're seeing results that is blowing them away. I mean, we have women that are, you know, getting leaner and eating more food
Starting point is 00:33:54 than they ever have. And that's the biggest thing we hear from people is like, I can't believe I have much food I have to eat. And I'm leaner than I've ever been. And it seems so much easier than before. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more.
Starting point is 00:34:10 You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more.
Starting point is 00:34:18 You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. You're more. I don't know if you guys ever remember we appreciate working. Yeah, you guys worked at Hillsdale 24. Yeah, do you remember the original? Do you ever go to the original Hillsdale before they moved before home deep where was it? Yeah, no, okay?
Starting point is 00:34:34 So the original gym that I worked at as a personal trainer and Quite a few gyms followed this and so this was let's see 19 90 must have been, probably 97 or 98. They had a women's area in the town. That's the old cowbun McKee used to. Had a women's in. Yeah, it was all section of it's purple and it was a separate room that was just for women. It was the same damn machines that were in the other room just with purple, with purple leather seating. That's it. I remember that. Like it had a women's area.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Like segregated women's section. It was segregated. It was segregated because they were trying to attract women and they wanted them to feel comfortable in the gym. And I tell you what, man, number one, I feel for you, if you're a woman, you lifting weights in the gym because yes, men can stare at it, we're visual creatures.
Starting point is 00:35:25 But I also will tell you this, don't be a pussy. Go in the fucking gym, go in the freeway area, lift weights, if a guy looks at you, give him the finger and continue on with your workout because that's where you're gonna get the results. That's where you're gonna change your body. If a guy stares at you in the wayroom, it's probably because you're wearing some fucking tight ass yoga pants and a cute little fucking top
Starting point is 00:35:47 If you don't want to get stared at then don't wear shit that girl likes which I'm a huge fan of so I'm not I'm not discouraging people from wearing that at all But you mean I can't stand when girls complain about stuff like that and then you look at their tits or hang out You're wearing yeah, yeah, I can see your camel toe through your, I don't know. I don't know. And your mad guy, I'm just staring. What do you expect with that? Come on.
Starting point is 00:36:10 We'll have Adam go to the gym, which is like a super low cut short. Just show off a little neck. Well, here it is. See what that is. It's a guy in a trench coat, you know, yeah. No, I mean, here's unacceptable. I mean, that's a reality.
Starting point is 00:36:22 That's where you're going to get the results. And you know what? More and more now, I'm seeing in the gym now, when I go work out, that's a reality. You know, that's where you're gonna get the results. And you know what, more and more now, I'm seeing in the gym now, when I go workout, that it used to be like 99% men, one percent women. Now it's more like 70, 30, 80, 20 now. And in some gyms, like golds, it's almost 50, 50,
Starting point is 00:36:39 because I think a lot of people go to golds knowing that they're more serious. But yeah, stick to those women. If you're going to do a program that's going to give you great results, first I'd recommend our maps programs. Those are the best programs on earth. Trust me. I help design them.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And if you don't do a maps program, get one that's advertised towards men because it's the most effective one. The ones towards women and the exercise equipment advertised towards women, throw a crap. You don't wanna do any of those. I think that's it, right? Well, leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes. You may win a free t-shirt and go to mindpumpmedia.com
Starting point is 00:37:19 where you can check out all of our programs. By the way, we've actually put together all of our maps programs in what we call a Super Bundle. It's nine months of exercise programming where you go from maps and a ball. And you'll ever need. Maps performance to maps aesthetic all included in one program. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Until next time, this is MindPump.

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