Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 295: These Supplements Are A Waste Of Money

Episode Date: May 19, 2016

The deeper the Mind Pump Crew dives into the supplement industry the more it seems most supplements are only making one thing bigger... the wallets of the supplement companies. Does this mean there go...od supplements and good companies don't exist? No. However, if you are on a limited budget a little Raw Truth may save you a lot of money and help you focus on what REALLY matters when you want to build muscle and burn fat. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Listen here, hurry up, get over to MindPumpMedia.com. We got all kinds of cool shit going on. What do we got? We... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I like where you're going, do it again. We need some monster truck excitement. We need to get playing. We're so fired up, they need to go round the man, put media just come and go check it out. Listen, people wanna know about our programs. Listen, just talk about it. People want to shoot shit out of a cannon.
Starting point is 00:00:33 They want excitement. You guys, you guys blowing stuff up and getting free shirts. Woo! No, no, you don't. It's a commercial, they don't wanna hear some nerdy guy talk the whole time. Listen, maps and a ball at the foundation. Math performance works on multi-planar performance,
Starting point is 00:00:48 the ancient athlete, maps aesthetic, sculpt the perfect physique, all three available, put together in order, nine months of programming. Nine months of personal training, pretty much. Gosh, damn it, you guys. They just want to hear the program. MindPupMedia.com, the Superbund.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You got to tell them about the hats you're moron Yeah, we have hats on there. We have a peril all on sale mine pump media dot com explosions Get it if you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Might up might up with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. People of the world. Hey, listen, real quick guys, before we get going here, I want you guys to,
Starting point is 00:01:31 I know you guys always get upset with the doubt and masturbate. No, you want to talk some shit. No, I don't want, I don't think it's okay for you guys to make out with me today because I'm getting a cold. Every time you get sick, I get sick. Well, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Is it because of our big week? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. You can't. If I get sick, I'm gonna punch cold every time you get sick I get sick. Well, that's why I'm saying because of our big week That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying you can't if I get sick as I'm gonna punch you in your vagina You guys always contract something when you go in these retreats. No, you don't work. Don't use the word contract Sounds like I caught like yeah, you know, I don't know. I don't know exactly what it is The only thing I afflicted the only thing I can track is my pecs Yeah, no last week was we had a good time with you guys last week. That was awesome. Yeah, our little retreat Yeah, who's productive but exhausted Maps white is around the corner already. I'm so bad at keeping secrets keeping in your pants. I can't talk about it
Starting point is 00:02:19 Why? Because not even you can't yet. It's not it's not time. I'm excited for it It's not time to talk about it. I like to talk about it because I know it makes Doug cringe and puts pressure on him You just saw five vans pop out of his face. I was gonna say something even crazier like hey, Matt swipes should be here anywhere between 7 to 14 days T-shirts What I wonder what people are gonna guess it's about, you know what I mean? Because we have maps in a ball, which is kind of a foundation program, you know, that's a muscle strength. Then we have mass performance, your, your multiplayer performance, being able to, you know, hypermobility and all that
Starting point is 00:02:56 stuff. And then maps aesthetic, which is more of your like, you know, physique type. Like what else are they gonna pop up? I saw thinking I saw some good guesses though on the forum. People had some good ideas. It's all about sex. We met with each people how to make the lady orgasm. We actually dropped the pro-wrestling. Maps wizard, like Star Wars. That's what we did.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Oh yeah. That's right. The analogy for the prequels. I'm right there with you. Yeah. See that's no jar jar. I just know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:24 No fucking jar jar. And we kept Darth Maul alive. Well, I mean, that's no jar jar. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking jar jar. And we kept our small lives. Well, I mean, that's what should have happened. I'll tell you what I'm impressed with. I'm impressed with the sides of my quads. Besides that, this is something awesome to impress with. I'm very I'm very impressed with this series now. Okay. Our ability to sit down and get shit done. Like we we get to these places, we decide, okay, we're gonna go off and we're gonna film and write this new program. We get there and we fucking do that non-stop. Like crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:52 We pump out ridiculous amounts of work. It's still fun. How does that work? Drugs. We do that must be the driving force. I think it's because we don't get a chance to do that. We do this, right? We all, I mean, I guess filling people in we don't get a chance to do that. We do this right we all I mean, I guess
Starting point is 00:04:05 filling people in that don't know We all have other stuff on our plate always and then we only have these small windows when we record We have two to three hours to record pretty much and it's like get to business There's no there's no prep repining what we're gonna talk about. It's like light the mics up I'm sure between one of us three There's something to talk about related to fitness. This is all we've been doing for fucking 15 plus years. So we just let it fly and we go. And it's created magic. And I think it's been super beneficial to the majority of people out there listening and gives a lot of people inside on the fitness industry. But we don't have
Starting point is 00:04:38 a lot of time to do anything else. Yeah. So when we actually get to go, I mean, what were we together? Three days, three days we're together. We did the seminar on one day the day before it, right? And then by the way, that seminar was blast. That had a good time. It was it was shout out to solar city. Let me first of all, I love doing those. I love doing those. So okay, if I was, if a mind pump was an awesome and I wasn't a trainer, okay, I would
Starting point is 00:05:01 work for solar city. Oh, yeah. 100% after getting that sales rooms, those were awesome. It was the way I would design for Solar City. Oh yeah. 100% after getting that. After getting that. Sales rooms, those were awesome. It was the way I would design a sales room. Yeah. I wanted to almost, I was literally, I actually told,
Starting point is 00:05:11 I think I told Adam at one point when we were kind of walked off a little bit because he were giving us a tour and I told Adam, like, dude, do you want to, if we have time, you want to just like sell one thing. Let's say I was, let's get on the phone. Oh, I had a massive boner walking through there. Literally, we was knocking over people's cups.
Starting point is 00:05:25 We grew up, he did, I thought. We grew up in sales. I mean, and I think I've talked about this on the podcast before, I had a passion for sales before I had a passion for fitness. I just happened to love selling fitness. So for me to walk in there was like, it was literally like, so if you guys watched the show billions,
Starting point is 00:05:41 which if you don't watch the show, they can crawl out from underneath your rock and start watching that show because it's a badass show. Yeah, well, you don't watch the show, crawl out from underneath your rock and start watching that show, because it's a badass show. Yeah, well, you don't even want to work a TV. So too busy, internet. Yeah. He knows Google.
Starting point is 00:05:53 He needs you for that. Google's scholar. He's all up in that show. Yeah, leave the cool shows to Justin and I. We'll keep you up on that up to date. So billions, right? Which is an awesome show. And they're, they're floor room.
Starting point is 00:06:05 It's like that, if that, if billions had a baby with boiler room. So, by the way, great, say, if you're in sales, you must watch boiler room, and you must watch the King of All Sales. What about Wolf of Wall Street, though? Wolf of Wall Street's good, but the King of All Sales movies, Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross.
Starting point is 00:06:21 All right. Well, if you haven't watched it one of those, you're probably not much of a sales guy. Yeah. I think that's like it. I think that's part of training, standard. Glenn Gary Glenn Ross. All right. Well, if you haven't watched it, one of those in your you're probably not much of a sales guy Yeah, I think that's like it. I think that's part of training. However, however good you are. You're not great Yeah, yeah, but you walk in it right they had white boards everywhere Did TV is going on with everybody's closing percentage and who's the top leader? You had all these boards where they made like baseball games and basketball games competitive stuff You had these classrooms rooms where people were,
Starting point is 00:06:46 you could tell we're getting yelled at for sales inside. They were like, there was just energy in that place. I was like, holy shit. There's an alpha force one on this side. There's another team that these made up. Oh, no basketball hoops for guys who shoot nerf balls. Oh dude, catch. The best part, this is the best thing that I saw.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I don't know if you noticed this. I think I pointed out to Adam. they had in each kind of sales area They had like one place had a gong another place had a cowbell another place had a horn and for those of you who are not in sales You probably think well, why do they have those things? I'll tell you why this is what this classic sales motivation Every time someone makes a deal or a big deal right a big deal. They run over the gong and they hit it And everybody knows you just close the big deal and just exciting to hear that shit go on I love to the way they they set this up. They have these floors like this and then there was three of them right and It was levels of their so if you were entry level sales your downstairs. It was like the game You gotta work your way up. Yeah, no, then you was there and after you get kind of graduate from there
Starting point is 00:07:44 You move the next level of sales and so you have a whole nother group of people to report to and a whole new room of people in there and then the final room, which is, there's just so cool that you have. Well, it was cool because these were the people that attended our seminar. It's kind of like, I enjoy, I really have a great time
Starting point is 00:08:01 speaking in front of people, especially if I'm talking about fitness, but it's cool to have all these kind of young, energetic, you know, sales people sitting there because I know we could let it fly a little bit. I mean, we're obviously very professional when we do our speaking engagements, but you can let it fly a little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I think Justin said the F-word. There was a total filter. Yeah, did I? I don't remember you. I don't remember you. I thought was really funny. You said shit. I totally could have.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Originally, we had them set it up very similar to the setting that we have in our studio I don't remember you. I thought was really funny. You said shit. I totally could have. Originally, we had them set it up very similar to the setting that we have in our studio, because we're snobs like that. We want to be comfortable in our big cushy chairs. So they did, but I think we anticipated it to be kind of on a stage like we were going to be elevated. So I had already made up in my mind that I'm going to sit. I want to be comfortable when we're talking and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I don't know. It doesn't work for me. And Sal was like, dude, Sal was standing, sitting, standing, sitting, sitting, sitting, the whole thing. It was like when he tried to sit, that was like hilarious. So, he's just got all shaky. No, if I'm speaking to a bunch of people, I gotta stand. I know, even if I'm sitting with a group of friends,
Starting point is 00:08:57 it is hands-hat to leave you. Oh, dude, I'm like, I get excited. Even right now, we're talking Rob and Zoyer. Yeah, a bunch of, you know, with a group of friends. If I get excited, two things will happen. Rob and sorry about you know with a group of friends if I get excited Yeah, two things will two things will happen. There's you and you and you and you there's two levels level one I stand up shit's getting serious. I was out of the passion coming up. Yeah step number two This is when the shit hits the fan is when my foot goes up on the table when I'm standing like captain Morgan's
Starting point is 00:09:19 And I'm talking. Yeah, then you know the shit coming on my mouth is fire Many start trusting your your hips. It's it's over. That's the alcohol I was wondering why you put your foot up on my knee what that was all about But you're being a pervert they put my foot on me Let me drive this point home Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude It was a lot of fun Speaking of fire and big mouths
Starting point is 00:09:39 Man the controversy did you see the controversy my posts caused? Oh boy, I love when this guy's on a roll Controversy, did you see the controversy my posts cost oh boy? I love when his guys on a roll Dude, I don't think it would cause that much controversy, but it always Ripples into title waste sure we do sure. Yeah, we knew it. We know what the fuck we're doing But I mean He's like the cute little girl trying to play night. I had no Reaction I had no idea I I had no idea. I was gonna fuck everybody like totally believe their action. Yeah. I sold the pre predict. So here
Starting point is 00:10:11 it is. The bottom line is this before you read the pro. Okay. The bottom line is this for a year, for a year, what a year and a half almost now. You know, we, we mentioned early on that we were not afraid to speak our minds about things and we, and we addressed right out the gates crossfit. We got into the supplement industry right now. Nobody's fucking stopping us. Yeah, and we already, when we had five listeners, we had decided that the here's, here's the, here's the deal now though. Everybody better watch the fuck out now because now we have like an army of millions of people behind us. So there's not gonna be anybody, there's not gonna be any company at the beginning. It was like we had to be tread of millions of people behind us. So there's not going to be anybody. There's not going to be any company.
Starting point is 00:10:45 At the beginning was like, we had to be tread lightly because we've got to be careful. We don't want like this. Well, let's be, let's be true though. Let's be honest. We never, we never, we never did tread lightly. We've always been that way. The difference now is we actually pose a threat now. Whereas before we were just some new podcast who gives a shit, just ignore them.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And I don't know what the quote is. There's a quote, something like I first ignore you. Then they something then they fight you or whatever. And then you win. We're getting past the ignore phase. Like they ignored us for a long time. And we kept speaking out and they kept growing. The movement kept growing. People are sick and tired of the bullshit. We're just calling it out. I thought we're doing. We're just speaking our minds. We have big mouths. It's just we're born that way. And and now we pose a threat. And so people are getting pissed off.
Starting point is 00:11:27 We've pissed off people for a long time, but some of these people are relatively close to us getting pissed off because people make their money through supplements in the fitness industry. That's the biggest money maker. Well, and here's something that I want to, since you brought this up, and we're negative dive into this, I think it's important to note this is that, you know, as we're doing this, I have, there's a little soft spot that I have, especially when it's to people that are connected to us, because before mine pump came around, this is how anyone and everyone made money in the fitness industry. This is the formula. This is the formula. The formula is either one, you become this badass,
Starting point is 00:12:06 reputable trainer who puts out amazing content, you draw all these people in, and then you sell them a perishable item, like supplements. So that's where the big money is. Well, not only that, it's other companies that make multi-level types of business. Also the one marketing. Yeah, they wrap this entire business
Starting point is 00:12:26 around one supplement, you know what I mean? And it's like, it's very ingrained in the health and fitness community. And it's a lot bigger than just like your one person you follow on Instagram, that's like pedaling it. It's like just breaking free of all that stuff. It's like tearing this huge curtain back and you're just like, wow, look at all the shit that's behind here.
Starting point is 00:12:51 There is, and that's just it is. And the part that I feel bad is, you know, rewind, we started this podcast with the intentions of this. We knew that this needed to be called out. And that's the thing, it's from day one. From day one, we've been saying this, which a it helps us because nobody can tell us differently. We're not bullshit. Or it's like, it's all recorded, motherfucker. Go to iTunes, listen to day one and to all through all 300 episodes. And you will find that we've been very consistent.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Right. We're not for sale. Yeah. And I think that's what we're running into now, like you said before, is, you know, we were small enough to ignore. And now we're starting to ruffle for the other. And by, and the one thing I want to make clear, especially to those that are connected to us in front of us, I have a lot of buddies, man, that are in the competing world that are, you know, your athletes and your people
Starting point is 00:13:42 that have created these big names for themselves on covers of magazines. And by no means in my or us, we are trying to hurt anyone's business or that. That's what I was trying to get at is that I don't want it to be that way. But at the same time too, I also don't want or what you won't see is a let somebody like that flex on anybody. You try and flex on me in a situation like that, well, then you're going to get punked. And I'm not out to call anybody out or punk anybody directly. I'm we're out to expose a lot of stuff in the fitness industry, share
Starting point is 00:14:16 with people. We're not calling names out or anything like that. But if you're going to come come after one of us over some bullshit, well, okay, well, you know, now you're putting yourself in that position and it's not my fault if you get knocked the fuck out. So there's nothing worse you could possibly, I'm just gonna speak for myself personally. The funny thing is you guys are exactly the same which is crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:14:37 There's nothing you could possibly do that's worse than try to silence me. The second you try to control or silence me, I become 10 times worse. I become your worst nightmare. I'll die before I'm silenced. Like I said, if something ever happened and there was some communist takeover,
Starting point is 00:14:54 I mean, one of the first motherfuckers to run in front of the tank and get my head blown off because I will not be silenced. And so we're cool with people. We're not trying to take anybody out, but if you're gonna come at us, it's just gonna make it worse for you. And ain't gonna make it worse for us
Starting point is 00:15:09 because we're gonna let up. Nothing, nothing at all. Doesn't happen that way. So, I mean, the post, if you guys want to see, you know, what it was and what happened, it's on Instagram, my Instagram handle is Mind Pump Sal, and the post was pre-workouts waste of money and it's dollar signs. And I just wrote about how pre-workouts waste of money and it's dollar signs.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And I just wrote about how pre-workout supplements are pretty much a waste of money and the reason why most people buy them is because of the stimulants that are in them. And that's supposedly that pissed off a lot of people which is funny to me. Well, because what pre-workouts, and let me tell you, pre-workouts,
Starting point is 00:15:41 one didn't exist over 10 years ago, two, they've evolved in from, okay, just being a stimulant caffeine to all these other supplements that have weak ass studies to, you know, connect to the pump, which connects to, you know, a sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which connects to building muscle, which let me tell you all that shit's very fucking gray. And that's the thing that this is a part that drives me crazy is your splitting hairs when you talk about that. Like somebody will try and get a debate with us about oh so you're saying that citrilline or branch chanel amino acids doesn't have benefits?
Starting point is 00:16:12 No motherfucker I'm not saying that. Broccoli has benefits too. Doesn't mean it's going to fucking build you a ton of muscle just because you eat a head of broccoli. It's the same type of thinking is you know you could take a little bit of science you could take a little bit of science, you could take a little bit of information and show that, oh, look, this helps with muscle recovery. Therefore, it builds muscle. Therefore, if I put it in a shake before you work out, it builds all this muscle. And there's studies to prove that. No, it's the therefore, that's the problem. Like they may have a, okay, this study shows that branch amino acids lower, you know, markers
Starting point is 00:16:42 of muscle damage post workout. That's it. That's what the study shows, that it may lower, or sometimes lowers, markers of muscle damage. They go that, they take that and they conclude now that taking branching amino acids before or after during your workouts is going to pack on muscle on you.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Unfortunately, there's very little, if no evidence, showing that supplementing specifically with just certain amino acids does anything like that. And oh, by the way, that chicken breast has a shit ton of branching amino acids in it. So does an egg, so does the glass of milk. So it's, it's for me, I mean, it's not just for me, it's obvious, it's fucking obvious.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It's kind of, it's expensive. Well, there's a pyramid of priorities. It's like, like all we're doing is shining light to the base, the big meat of what you need to focus on. And like, the frustration there is that everybody's been highlighting this tiny little bit, that the very top, that, you know, once you have everything else established and fully functioning at its highest capacity, you know, that's when we can keep pursuing up the ladder up to the very top of the pyramid, where, you know, something like, you know, these supplements may contribute to, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:54 furthering your progress. But people just have been shying away from the actual programming and the way that they're training their body and the gym and they're shying away from actual whole nutrient dense foods because they're all looking for the quick fix. They're looking for the pills, they're looking for the powders, they're looking for the answer, they're looking for somebody that's had this rapid weight loss
Starting point is 00:18:17 change and all this sexy bullshit. And what you need to focus on is what matters and that's what mind pump is. Mind pump is what matters. I give's what Mind Pump is. Mind Pump is what matters. I give a fuck about this little fractional thing that's, you know, looks sexier because it's gonna give me this crazy stimulant feeling. Yeah, it doesn't, you know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Adam put it perfectly when you compared these supplements to putting a spoiler on like a Honda Civic. It's like, I'm gonna put, you know, this, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna put high octane gas in my four cylinder 1997 Civic. Is that gonna improve its performance? No, tested on the quarter mile, it's probably gonna be the same.
Starting point is 00:18:54 If you were to look at all the things that impact your body, your performance, your muscle, your fat loss, and let's say we took it all and we made it, the number 100, okay. Supplements would be 0.1 of that loss. And let's say we took it all and we made it the number 100, okay? Supplements would be point one of that 100. You have food, you have the programming of your workouts. Which you have. We backup right there. The programming of your workouts can now be dissected in about a million other things. That's what I'm saying. But if you take it,
Starting point is 00:19:19 tempo, right, right, periods, you know, different types of phasing. Yes. You could break all in each one of those. the changing of that of learning the adaptations of each one of those will fucking blow out any supplement on the market out there. Blow it out of the water. Learning about that, learning how to your body response to those adaptations, that will do way more than any supplement on the market. Here's what people will say to me then, because I've had a couple people say something like, well, I'm just looking for every little bit I can,
Starting point is 00:19:48 because I really want to maximize my gains. And this is what I tell them. Look, you're spending $70 or $100 a month on supplements. Take that money, take that $100, and spend it on something else that will enrich your life, spend it on going out, you know, go out to dinner with your girlfriend, read a book, or if you're still so focused
Starting point is 00:20:05 on your fucking body, take that $100 and buy some high quality food and you will get way more for that $100 than that jug of, you know, piniacalata flavored caffeine shit. Well, here's how I, I mean, that's 100% true. The reason why I use the analogy with a spoiler
Starting point is 00:20:22 on a Honda Civic is this is, you know, you could make a Honda Civic pretty fast. I mean, I've seen some of the Hitt quarter miles, it's, you know, seven, eight seconds. You could make a Honda Civic fucking super fast. But the first thing you do is not put a spoiler on it to make it run a seven to eight second quarter mile. Where's the engine?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Exactly. The engine, the suspension, the wheels, everything else, the clutch, the flywheel, everything else comes before the spoiler the flywheel, everything else comes before the spoiler. Does that mean that they don't put nitrous oxide? Now does that mean they don't put a spoiler on a seven second Honda Civic? No, there's a normal, you'll see that too.
Starting point is 00:20:55 It will help. It will improve, but you're talking about a million other things that you do to that car before you race it down the track. Your body is the same way too. But if you've got your Honda to save it, completely tricked out. Go by all means, go by a fuck. Carmin fiber, everything. Go get yourself a burger.
Starting point is 00:21:10 But it's even worse than that though. It's even worse than that because studies don't demonstrate that these pre-workout supplements or mostly supplements really do anything. Forget about the blood markers of this. And we noticed this blood marker and this, you know, sign of damage went down. Forget that. Look at the study that shows, did they, did this supplement build more muscle, increase strength, increase endurance or reduce body fat over a control? That's what you want to look at. You want to look at the end result because, you know, what else will reduce markers of
Starting point is 00:21:39 muscle damage? Takes them, I'd be profan before you work out. Oh, by the way, there are studies on I'd be profan with workouts and it actually reduces the amount of muscle you build and reduces results. So is that necessarily a good thing to show that? And let's talk about the pump for a second. Is the pump by itself responsible for some muscle growth? Maybe there's some theories that say that, yeah, it might, however, does vasodilating your blood vessels,
Starting point is 00:22:03 does relaxing your blood vessels? If you're already a healthy human being, is that going to increase that effect? Who the fuck knows? I will say that. Or does that just make them look bigger because of the fluid in the muscle? I don't even think it does that.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Here's the thing. The best vasodilators in the world are erectile dysfunction drugs. Literally, Viagra. Are erectile dysfunction drugs? Literally, Viagra is a PDE5 inhibitor. It blocks the enzyme that degrades nitric oxide. It dramatically increases nitric oxide. It's a powerful vasodilator. You get a boner.
Starting point is 00:22:37 There is a single pre-workout in the world that comes close to the nitric oxide boosting effects of Viagra. Now have they studied Viagra on athletic performance, muscle building and fat loss? They have. And what have they found? Does nothing. It actually, there's only one study that shows
Starting point is 00:22:52 a very minimal increase in performance when athletes use it, when they train at altitude. And in that particular sense, it kind of makes sense. However, if you train at altitude every day and that's where you live, you're adapted and you're gonna do shit for it. So, if Viagra Angon and make your muscles grow because of the pump,
Starting point is 00:23:06 you better believe, you're gonna be real horny for your game. Yeah. So you better believe the pre-workout, don't worry. But to make matters worse, so I post that and it's like, you know, I'm not a very religious person, but sometimes I just can't deny that things just fall right into my lap.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Freaking study comes out, done by the Stockton College of New Jersey, and they tested six of the top protein powder manufacturers. Now these are, and I'm gonna list these names up for you. These are not like, they were actually able to list the names, huh? The names are there, bro. You gotta see my post, it's my latest post.
Starting point is 00:23:41 It's appalling. They name the supplements, okay? You ready? And I'm not gonna, these are not chinchy, like shitty supplement companies you never heard of. These are like the top, muscle milk, the GNC brand, which by the way sells quite a bit. Syntha 6, ISO flex, cellucor,
Starting point is 00:23:59 optimum nutrition gold, and optimum nutrition hydroway. Wow, optimum nutrition, huh? All of them got tested. All of them are, if you had asked me a year ago, what supplement companies can I probably trust? I would definitely list these within them. I'd say look, they're big companies.
Starting point is 00:24:13 They're all reputable brands. They've been around for a while. They're very reputable. And so what they did is they took those companies and this is according to their study, okay? So what they found was that the branch chain amino acid content in each of these was many times far less than half the what they claimed on the label. So muscle milk, for example, claims to have over 6,600 milligrams of branching amino acids per serving,
Starting point is 00:24:38 what they found 1300. The GNC brand says 15,000 milligrams of branching amino acids. It said, oh, take our protein powder, you can get 15,000 milligrams of branching amino acids. What they found? 2000. Every single one of them was the best one was Isle Flex, and they were 2,000 milligrams lower than their claim. Everybody else was half or less than half. And so this is, to me, it's just showing me one thing. These fucking companies cannot be trusted. No, it wasn't that long ago. I don't remember what company was. It was a muscle farm that got got got caught in that big class action lawsuit. I'm not 100% sure if that
Starting point is 00:25:18 was them. So don't quote me. It was okay. But they were nitrogen spiking the protein, which that is really popular. Really common. Yeah. And so what that is is when they take, when a company tests a protein powder, they're testing for certain key amino acids. And if they're at certain levels, then they're going to say, okay, there's this many grams of protein. Yeah, there's a formula for it.
Starting point is 00:25:39 There's a formula for it. If we read this much branching to me, I says this should equal X amount of protein. Something like that or the nitrogen. I can't remember exactly what they're testing. Anyway, what these supplement companies were doing, or excuse me this much branching to me, I says this should equal X amount of protein. Something like that or the nitrogen, I can't remember exactly what they're testing. Anyway, what these supplement companies were doing, or excuse me, what muscle farm was doing,
Starting point is 00:25:50 is they were just pumping it full of that thing that they were testing. So when it would get tested, they're like, oh, look, 50 grams of protein, just like the label says, when in reality it was a lot less. So you're over here measuring your macros, I need to get this much protein, I'm gonna compete, or I'm serious, or whatever, and you're like 30, your macros. I need to get this much protein. I'm gonna compete or I'm serious or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And you're like 30, 40, 50, 100 grams less than you think because, you know, and then especially because people take multiple servings of protein everywhere. Which is crazy because a lot of these athletes are like measuring out all of their food and then, you know, totally like banking on the fact that they're reading the label, they're getting what it is that's on the back of the product.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And, you know, to have something like this that's completely, you know, like shady and not providing what they say they're providing is pretty fucked up shady thing to do. Well, I told you guys, and I know this is antidotal, but I told you guys when the different shows, I would manipulate this. I would go 100% all natural food, and then I would incorporate bars and shakes. And it never failed that whenever I ran an all natural diet, the look, my physique that I brought to the stage
Starting point is 00:26:57 was always superior. Now, to the average I wouldn't be able to tell. It wasn't like, oh my God, he was built, and the other one, he's not. But I could feel a difference, I could see a difference. I can't calculate it or break it down exactly why, but I always knew, I knew like, okay, something isn't adding up, right?
Starting point is 00:27:11 Something is different. And these are just, I mean, these are just a handful of companies. And in reality, there's so many more. Those are the big ones. Those are the big ones, this scares me. It scares me, they're like the top, those are like the respected, industry leader.
Starting point is 00:27:27 The ones that are crossing over into like, you know, your average person, you'll see it like the cascos and wal-marts and all that, because it's like, you know, these are good brands. The supplement industry is under fire and they have been under lots of lawsuits over the last five years because of this. I, every study that I've seen so far, where they've tested pills or powders, comes out where
Starting point is 00:27:50 half or majority of the supplements fail to meet what their labels say or will have something else on them. That's the scary thing. Here's the thing. If I'm testing a protein powder and it's branching to acid levels are a fourth of what they say they are, which by the way, we're not talking about something that's not important. This is something they advertise on their body. As the most important piece.
Starting point is 00:28:12 We have the highest amount of branching amino acid. This is not like some little thing like, oh, we saw that their pro-lein levels were, you know, it's not something that's not inconsequential. It's a branching amino acid that they advertise. If that is that bad, what else would they find? Because this college didn't test everything. They just tested for this. It wasn't like they tested for, here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:28:33 like we talk about artificial sweeteners all the time and how they're probably not good for you long term and they probably, and they do disrupt things that got flora. Have you ever seen a label that labels how much sucralosis is and supplement or aspartane? There's nothing, we don't know how much they put in there. What's the limit?
Starting point is 00:28:48 And if the limit is, you know, X amount of, you know, micrograms or whatever, is anybody checking? Oh, no. And I would say. When you know that the better it tastes, the more it sells, you would be inclined to pump that shit up too. Because that's what the game is. That's the argument.
Starting point is 00:29:05 The big game is, it's not gonna move. Who can provide the most amount of protein for the best taste? Chocolate mint this and peanut butter cup this and all these crazy flavors, okay? With none of that stuff, none of the real shit in there,
Starting point is 00:29:18 all artificially flavored. How much do they have to pump in there to make it taste sweet like that? Think about it, think about how crazy this is. This is something that I thought about not that long ago like How we talk about processed food and everybody agrees that processed food is not as good for you as whole foods How much more processed can you get than a protein powder? Yeah, that was derived from milk They took out some ingredients from milk. Then they made it taste like
Starting point is 00:29:43 cookie dough Like how processed and they turn into a dry powder that stays good for 10 years out some ingredients from milk. Then they made it taste like cookie dough. Like how processed? And they turn into a dry powder that stays good for 10 years in your cupboard. And you just add it to water, you shake, it instantly dissolves and turns into this thick frothy whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:56 NASA hasn't even done that. That is some fucking chemistry. That is some fucking chemistry. And by the way, the money that goes into creating these supplements, I don't know this for sure, but I bet a lot of money on it is not going into formulating the most effective supplement. It's going into getting the best packaging and the best tasting fucking supplement. Oh, of course. And that's it. Don't think for one minute that big, big, big, erba is not as big of a gangster as big, big, farma. Big time. Big
Starting point is 00:30:22 erba is just as much as a motherfucking gangster as big, as big pharma. People just dismiss it as food. This is food. Look at it as food. That's shitty food. That's a food, man. That's insane. That's enough. I can just look at that. Ooh, that's food. That's not food. At least Big Pharma has to go through strict regulations on what's inside their drugs. There is no FDA regulations for supplements. There's no regulations. That's fucking crazy. So I would be willing to bet their bigger gangsters. At least the drug industry has to tell you what's in the regulation. Oh, yes, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Well, here's what I think is going to happen. Here's what I think doesn't happen. I hope and pray that the FDA doesn't flex its muscle and say, now we're regulating supplements. This is what's going to happen. Okay, if that happens, your protein powder is gonna cost you $200 and about 90% of the products on the shelves will disappear Including the ones that are legit got. Okay, that's what will happen if we get those regulations. They'll be expensive Who cares? Okay, anyways. Well, I Just for me personally you guys know me. I don't like more government. I don't like my taxes going
Starting point is 00:31:23 I don't want a free market everything. I don't want my money to go to my tax money to go spend to some shit that I already know is crap. Anyway, you know what I'm saying? But what I think is gonna happen, here's what I think is gonna happen, besides that, and I hope that doesn't happen, but I hope this happens, is that the market starts to wiseen up.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I hope more people like Mind Pump, open their mouth and start talking, you know, telling the truth, because we're kind of the first ones, right? We're the first ones to really talk about these supplements this way. And we're not selling any supplements. And I hope others start to come out
Starting point is 00:31:51 so that this becomes a trend. And so people start taking their money and spending it elsewhere because once the money moves, these companies are done, they're done for. And that's what I'm hoping for. And this is why people are pissed off. I get it, man, you're sponsored by so and so supplement company. And you're trying to be cool with this
Starting point is 00:32:07 because you don't want us to fucking out you. I get it. We're gonna be cool. But listen, we're not gonna fucking lie. You know, we have integrity. I'm not gonna not tell the truth or what my opinion is just because you guys are cool with us. I love that you've been called out too.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Like you have this secret agenda that you're trying to do. Like you're trying to push, we had Tate. What's my agenda? I don't sell anything. We had Tate Flet you have the secret agenda that you're trying to do. Like, you're trying to push. We had Tate. What's my agenda? I don't sell anything. We had Tate Fletcher on the show today, which fucking dude was awesome. Yeah, he's a great guy. He's great.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Love the guy. He's got caveman coffee. Yeah, caveman coffee, which all of us love, and I was fucking zipped, and after I had some. Yeah. And so just at a support, we put, we don't make any commission. No, we don't, we don't make any, we don't get paid shit for it. I just ordered three cases myself, and I paid paid price. So I got a 15% discount. The same thing that a mind pump person would get. And all said, everybody thinks that we're
Starting point is 00:32:51 trying to push this instead of like a pre workout. Like no, motherfucker, it's a great coffee. We like it. Somebody was on our show. We want to support people. And it is something that, hey, listen, it is something that is now. It's not. Wait a minute, wait a minute, you're talking about coffee. Coffee's been around for a long, fucking time. We know the benefits of coffee. Coffee's healthy, it's good for you. We know that coffee.
Starting point is 00:33:11 It's one thing. It's, yeah, we know what coffee is. It would be like us saying, hey, this company makes great chicken breasts. Fucking chicken breasts. There you go. And what's your agenda, bro? Yeah, we're like,
Starting point is 00:33:21 we're trying to push, man. Yeah, Tate didn't invent coffee and come up with a new chemical Formulation, okay try this thing out. We're gonna call it coffee. It's fucking coffee That was great. Well, the end of story. You know cold brewing is kind of new. That's fairly new people the cold brewing for a long time It's new in the market. Yeah, Starbucks started doing it maybe a year or two ago. That was the first time I ever had it So which by the way, I love coffee. I can't have it a lot because it bothers, it tends to bother my stomach and make me feel a little edgy.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And I'm realizing it's because, I think it's because of the acidity of coffee that bothers me because I can drink cold brew, no problem. Yeah. It doesn't bother me at all. Smooth and easy to handle. It tastes differently but it doesn't bother, I don't get the edginess that I get
Starting point is 00:34:00 if I drink too much coffee. So I'm realizing it was more from probably in tolerance to the acids and stuff in coffee. This guy is tummy. Yeah, I know. I feel like I want to rub it. And tell us about it. I don't mean to segue here, but you're talking shit about my tummy.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You motherfuckers were paying the price on the fucking retreat because you guys ate pizza and your foot, Adam, your room was right above mine. And at least three times a meal my I hear you Echoing that toilet was echoing the worst part of rock in the house The worst part of that the worst part about being healthy is when you introduce shit like that and you're died You just don't get to enjoy it the same way It doesn't have the same magic. It does look like shit
Starting point is 00:34:39 That's it never fails to you. We own a trip like that and I want to try it. I tell John I look at just a Pete's a time do let's do. I'm wise. Really? Let's fucking do this. Of course. Let's do this. Okay. Yeah. He's always tough to twist his arm. I ate a burrito. Yeah. That's how bad I went. Yeah. You posted that on forums. Yeah. I did. That was pretty money that was a chase was chase Right? Chase guess that my burrito was the fattest, but it's obvious if you look at you can tell That I have the fattest burrito. No, I thought his theory was great that, you know, more than likely sales. He'd only be eating once or twice a day,
Starting point is 00:35:07 so that's why you had this ginormous one. I had like the average side because he knew that I would be eating multiple meals a day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. And then just had the next biggest one and then Doug had the little me one. How, now, I didn't ask you guys about this, because I tend to do this shit when I get excited
Starting point is 00:35:23 and we had the seminar coming, I was really pumped up about it. But when I woke you guys about this because I tend to do this shit when I get excited and we had the seminar coming I was really pumped up about it But when I when I woke you guys up in the morning with the with the real loud raging It's a shame just to get you to listen that song out of an angry I so I this is what I expected and this is what I got wake up. Yeah, that's the wake up song Yeah, I expected to play that shit and for you guys to be like wake up and be like Fuck yeah, no not piss like fuck yeah, let's do do that I'm trying to pump you guys up like come on and I'm yelling I'm like wake up you sons of bitches It's on you know I'm pumping and instead you guys wake up first of all take you guys like the whole fucking song to wake up
Starting point is 00:35:54 Then you get out and I got the dirtiest looks for each one you guys you guys each look to be like Well, we just we discussed this before one of our other is that the morning. I am not if I have never in my life been somebody who likes to get abruptly woken up. I keep my alarm on a very quiet. It's like a vibrate. It vibrates to wake me up right on his right and I I snooze it. Yeah, my crotch. Yeah, I do this. I do this at least 15 times. No, I do this about three times. Snews, or I do. So it takes me a good 30 minutes before I completely get out of that. I fucking hate that. Oh, your guy jumps right out of bed.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Bro, when my shit goes off, I don't crawl out of bed. I, you know, the old movies of Dracula, how he opens the coffin, he just sits up. That's me. I'm away. Because it's annoying. What the fuck? You're just gonna drift in and out of sleep for like he opens the coffin he just sits up That's me
Starting point is 00:36:46 Because it's annoying what the fuck you do that you're just gonna drift in and out of sleep for 30 minutes I would make me feel like shit. Oh, it doesn't process like how do you do on? Why do you do you wake up like that? No way dude? I like I roll out and then I'm like, huh? Where am I like I'm all this oriented and I'm like okay, you know giveoriented. And I'm like, okay, you know. Give me my car step, second step, bathroom. Hey, get out of my way. Give me my coffee. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, all right, let's go.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Do you have to, you have to have a coffee every morning to start your day? Yes, I have to. Doug, Doug didn't look that good the next morning at all. No, his eyes were all puffy. The carbs destroyed his. It was the pizza and all the coffee we were drinking. Maybe the second hand smoke.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I drink an excessive amount of coffee. It was a little much. Doug's a late night middle-night guy worker. I've caught him several times. We're working on our side or doing stuff. I'm late night. Oh, let's be clear here. If it was a fucking work fast,
Starting point is 00:37:42 I think Adam would run our dicks into the dirt. I honestly got to think that because I can text him. I've done it before. Well, I'll be excited about some of the texts in my midnight boom. He shoots right back. Oh, I'm working on this right now. I'm in. Just love a fucking asleep. Four o'clock in the morning. I take you to start the day. He's a vampire. I think he drinks the blood of young good. A little bit of a maniac. A little bit of a maniac.
Starting point is 00:38:02 And maybe they come boot red. He brews in his basement. That's Douglas. What do you mean they could come boot should did bruise the kombucha in the bed yeah Doug are you still are you still doing that Douglas I am yeah I still haven't had any I want to try some well he he just drunk he spikes it just so you know yeah last time I drank some I woke up and Vaseline all over the room it was weird last time I'll ever do that again. Weird. I'll tie it up.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah. Anyways, yeah, so let's get back on the supplement. The supplement topic. No. You know, here's the official mind pump stance when it comes to supplements. Uh, supplements can you get to give that? Huh? Why do you get to give that?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Here's the salo official stance. Yeah, let's hear what you were to say. I'll decide if that's the truth. Well, let's see exactly. Yeah, we'll back you when you're done. All right, you Yeah, let's hear what you're to say. I'll all decide if We'll back you when you're done. All right, you guys are worried about what I want to say. Of course Here's what we say Represents all of us. No I'm like that girlfriend that wants to get the boyfriend in a fight. Yeah, we'll kick your ass
Starting point is 00:39:05 I'm gonna go stand over here, but we'll probably kick your ass bigger than'll much bigger than us. No, okay, here's my official stance then. We'll solve, and you guys can agree if you, or not. Supplements can be used if you supplement for particular needs and nutrient deficiency. If you're at a high level already, creatine definitely has been shown to be effective. I always will support the use of creatine. But for the vast, for the, for the big
Starting point is 00:39:25 part, the majority, I would say save your money, spend it on good food and learn how to exercise properly. Not enough people understand proper exercise programming. Eat right, proper programming will blow away all the hundreds of dollars, a thousand dollars, you spent on supplements. And besides that, we're now learning you can't trust them anyway. That's my stance. Do you guys agree? No, I agree. I have kind of a different way of thinking. I look at it like supplements like this,
Starting point is 00:39:54 kind of like the same way I look at my shoe collection. It is completely unnecessary. It's completely unnecessary to have the amount of shoes that I have, right? But I like to. And I have the money to spend on it. So to each their own. And if you got money to burn,
Starting point is 00:40:07 and you don't mind burning money on that, would I have a problem with the subject? I think shoes are more valuable though than a lot of supplements. Well, I mean, if I was like deserted somewhere, you had the choice of branching in the last days, or a pair of shoes,
Starting point is 00:40:18 I'll be like, I'll take the shoe. Yeah, but I said my shoe collection. There's some, I've paid some, I've paid some, like, 5000 shoes. Yeah, I've paid some serious money for shoes that are probably a waste of money and somebody else's eyes, right? So I feel like we should start some kind of foundation
Starting point is 00:40:29 for like taking people's old supplements and giving them to people in need, or you know, around the world. Right, heard a more. Yeah. Let's do a bomb fire like, like the old school, like when they, when they throw like albums, like churches
Starting point is 00:40:42 would take albums and throw them in a big, let's just take supplements and let them off fire. It just takes me back She's did that she now should I'm gonna keep driving home to everybody is the is the Honda Civic with a spoiler I mean just don't buy a hot buy a spoiler for your Honda Civic or buy supplements because you want to and you don't mind Burning money and who gives a shit and and you like to but if you're doing it because you think you're going to Build more muscle or you know burn more fat or do these things that they all claim to do, you're silly, you're not.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And you're not in comparison to all the other things that you could be adjusting in your program. So, yeah, I would say, look at them like a candy bar. Yeah, it's the same thing. Like, it's good, if you like it, it's good, whatever, but it's a candy bar. Yeah. I'll say this, nothing better than that. It's good, if you like it, it's good, whatever, but it's a candy bar. Yeah. I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Nothing better than that. It's shitty food. If in the future, because there are certain supplements like that, you definitely have an effect. There's neutropics, that'll do something. There's certain supplements that might give you a tiny bit of an edge. There's all kinds of products out there.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Again, if you have a nutrient deficiency, here's a deal. Here's one thing you can know for sure. And this is why I think nobody will ever work with us. As if we ever decided to work with anybody, number one, we will not compromise, not a single Iota on our integrity. Number two, we're gonna have to test the fuck out of your shit
Starting point is 00:41:56 because we put ourselves out there so strongly that if we ever promoted anything, and it came back like these supplement companies it would destroy us, so we know better. So that's just, I think if it were ever possible, although I don't think, you know, supplement companies run the other way now when they see us. Yeah, I don't think, I think after all the ones
Starting point is 00:42:13 we've had already, I think everyone's kind of given up on the idea that we are, I mean, I don't know, you never know. You never know. I think it'll be something much simpler if we ever were to, you know, I like a raw creatine. I like a raw plain old way, no flavor, no nothing to it. You know, I could see I'm going to get sponsored by steak.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I can stand on my own. Oh my, I can stand behind. Stay there you go. Omaha steaks give us a call. Yeah. Omaha steaks, maybe a good coffee bean, coffee is good. Trojan condoms. Yes, definitely fit.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Nike call us. You can do that it's cool Rolex call us I don't know about that I can't would you like I could not hey all right Chevrolet call us hey if you like mind pump and you like watches go check out roll headphones we're using them right now yeah yeah call me I that's I I foresee the relationships that we build it will be things that actually are probably outside of the fitness room because the fitness room is so fucked up. Well, wait till it all, the dust settles and everything
Starting point is 00:43:11 and then we'll come back in our shiny horses. You know what I would love? Maybe compression pants. I got a pair. Did you get a compression pants? I thought you just go ahead and not say that. I wore a pair of compression pants. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:22 For the first time ever. How did it, didn't match your purse when you put on it? Did it hug your nuts real nice? Hey, IPR'd. That was the front's, that was the first time I had it. Hold on a second, what it was. Can you, before 10,000 people were listening to my pump, go buy compression pants?
Starting point is 00:43:37 That's not why you PR. Not at all, not at all. The reason why I bring it up, so obviously, if you're a MPP, right right if you're no G of mind pump You obviously have heard me talk shit about compression pants before So the irony is that I've got a pair to try it so all this fuss about it And I'll tell you the main reason why I did this is because I wanted to see how cool my quads looked And if it made my calves look bigger that's the main reason why I understood that the science behind it
Starting point is 00:44:03 Wait, did you are you are shorts over them? Yes, thank God, bro You know what nobody wants to see that moose. No, yeah, no My package looks awesome too, but I would not I would not walk into my thing. I'll just like strand wrap We don't it's yeah, you could see everything. I don't know. Yeah, dude I don't know the guys that can do that either one do not have a big dick or two They're wearing some super tight underwear underneath underneath to tuck their picker up underneath. Or they do the back tuck. Yeah, exactly, they tuck.
Starting point is 00:44:29 They either have to tuck that in the back tuck. Yeah, I mean, I'm not. I'm not. Whoa. You do the puppets? No, you know, there is nothing we've talked about compression of hands before. Once again, it's like the supplement thing.
Starting point is 00:44:44 There's a couple of studies that show that it increases blood flow. If you increase blood flow, that can help with recovery. So then there's this whole theory behind wearing them that you could recover faster and better. We talk about supplements, that's all a bunch of bullshit giving. But if you have small calves like I do, and you do wear, you're scared of varicose veins. Yeah, that's right. They were cool. So I looked cool in them.
Starting point is 00:45:09 So I definitely might wear them again, actually. Always with shorts over them. Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you like this information, you'd like to thank us. Leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes. And don't forget to check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. I'm at Mind Pump Sal.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. And Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening at Mind Pump Radio. I'm at Mind Pump Sal. Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. And Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. This is MindPuff.

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