Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 296: Alcohol & Gains, Resetting Hormones, Exercise Addiction & MORE

Episode Date: May 20, 2016

Qui Quah! Q&A #2! In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer Instagram questions (@mindpumpradio) about the effect that alcohol has on recovery and muscle growth, training clients who are addicted to e...xercise, whether or not you can "reset" your hormones and the rank of strength training vs myofibrillar hypertrophy vs sarcoplasmic hypertrophy for muscle growth. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Would you say Adam, what are we selling? Huh? You're asking what? What are we selling? Oh yeah, no, no. What you said we're gonna do a commercial and I said, well, what are we selling? I don't even know what the hell we're selling.
Starting point is 00:00:08 What are we? Well, we got all kinds of shit. We have, we got a polythera. We've got smorgasbord. We've got shit, a shit, shmorgasbord. You're speaking of shit, you sound like you're in the toilet. I know, why do I sound like I'm in the toilet, dude?
Starting point is 00:00:19 Was your, was your, I have a loud voice and if my voice is so loud that it gets picked up on your mind, goes sounds like you got to get out of the urinal so if you go to So if you go to mindpumpmedia.com Here's what you're gonna find you're gonna find all of our maps programs We put them all together in a super bundle. This is Nine months of exercise programming literally from beginning to end you fall out for nine months You'll get some amazing transformation, but that's not all. We've also got a system. That's great.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah, but wait, there's more. We've also got a nutrition survival guide on there. We've got our fasting guide. We have the occlusion training guide. We have our no BS six pack formula. This is a workout program, just for your core and help you build a six pack. And then Adam wanted to talk about some of our peril,
Starting point is 00:01:02 like he's worrying some of it right now. But do I get a sham wow? He's sham wow. Yeah, we've got what we've got. Can I still sell those? I don't know, do you think? I don't know. I think that guy died.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Did he die? No, that's the fucking oxyclo. The oxyclo. We have hats. We have hats. We have hats. We have tank top. We have angry mic.
Starting point is 00:01:19 The angry mic logo, which is sick. It's the really pissed off microphone. Looks like he's yelling. Black tank tops, white tank tops. Yeah, we have black and white. The new tanks are sick. They's the really pissed off microphone. Looks like he's yelling. Black tank tops, white tank tops. Yeah, we have black and white. The new tanks are sick. They are. The hats are awesome. Those are flying off the shelves. Yeah, we have three different colors.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Then we have all of our regular shirts now, too. So now if you if you went through MAPCentabolic and you don't, you never got a MAPCentabolic shirt. So there's MAPCentabolic on there. All those are green, black and red shirts. Yeah. So all those are on there. And here's the gray, the gray, my favorite, my favorite shirt is the gray V-neck. That's my favorite. That's a handsome one. Yeah. Here's, here's a, here's the thing. I'm just going to be fucking real with the audience right now. I'm going to be straight with you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:55 If you've been listening to Mind Pump for a while and getting all this wonderful free information that we're providing for you, that's benefited you. Yes. And you have a body goddamn thing. Go on there and buy a shirt. Yeah, just buy a fucking shirt. Just just a shirt. At least tell that's like saying, hey, I like you guys. That's all I want you to keep doing this. Yeah, right? Buy something. Yeah, one little thing. Yeah. Okay. And it's little, but it goes a long way. It does. Yeah, I mean, thank you. Yeah, thank you guys. Just as kids gotta eat. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, mind, up with your hosts.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Daddy still got a dick slinging cock. Right? How, what did you just say? I don't know what that, that's, I don't know either, but somehow it made sense in my head that where I verbalized that is the opening Yes, can we please dad's got a duck? No
Starting point is 00:02:51 Hello second that might be gay. Hold on a second. You have a dick slinging car. It's a dick sling. So your cock slings Dicks I'm just talking about my own right. So your dick your cock. Yes slings dicks. It's that might be homosexual No, it's a slinging dick cock. I just have two names for one thing. That's all. So for sure at least probably one or 2,000 people just tuned out, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:15 That's how we started out. You know what, I'm, I think from now on, we need to hit them hard in the beginning. So that way the ones that stick and make it through that, those are the real listeners. Yeah. Well, you know, I've noticed that some skin some podcasts have like these they literally you know They the ones that like have to like cut at it do make you know, they they doctorable. Yeah, most of them right not all of them a lot of them though
Starting point is 00:03:34 Right, I've seen them where they actually they're smart because they know that typically a listener starts to trail off on an Episode so they leave like they do like how TV desert like you know like earthenic the news You know, they show you like the crazy one like you you know, lady gets you know, head decapitated while she was running outside and they could jumpy rope, you know. So one thing that I've heard other podcasts do is I'll say and if you if you continue tuning in at the end of the episode, we're going to tell you blah, you know, some information. Yeah, that's what that's what I mean. So like if you listen to mine pump till the end of the episode, we're going to tell you the secret to burning body fat just off your stomach. Oh
Starting point is 00:04:07 My god, we should do we should make a bullshit. Yeah, we should make a bullshit one's like at the end Listen at the end of the wall makes sense at the end of this episode We're gonna teach you a simple technique. You could do it home for two minutes a day That will put one inch on your biceps. Mm-hmm. Thanks for listening. Yeah, some shit like that So what? Yes, yes, yes. You didn't put it in that good, though. But bad.
Starting point is 00:04:31 No, that was good. Let's just give him another try. You got it. I don't have to. No, you did. It was the whole episode. Listen, fucker, you lost the bet. You lost.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Me and Justin are the judges. Champion. You just threw that out there. That was, yeah, there was no loop. Well, you know, I love butt sex. It was that out there Yeah, there was no you know, I love but the conversation It needs to be part of because you're you have to be in a string of ascension and then in the middle You're just I want you to keep going. I want you to say it in a way where everyone's gonna have to pause and rewind Like did you just say that? I used to do that when
Starting point is 00:05:03 People can think I'm an asshole. Well, someone wanted to do. When I used to sell, when I ran gyms and we would sell memberships, the sales process is pretty quick. You take a guest within 40 minutes they buy or they don't buy. And you see lots of, especially big gyms, you see lots of guests sometimes. So you just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And you end up getting really good at it
Starting point is 00:05:22 and it kind of becomes super routine. And then you want to spice things up, especially with your salespeople. You used to do getting really good at it and it kind of becomes super routine. And then, you know, you wanna spice things up, especially with your CLS people. I know you used to do this, of course you did, because you're like, I am. So we were, I think I came up with the idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Did you learn it from the, oh, from my people? Yeah, it reminds me of super troopers, you know? Or he's like going up to like, ask them for their ID or whatever. He's like, what did he say? It was something like fuck you. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I used to tell my peers, right? So this is, I used to role play with them and I used to tell them, okay, listen, this is, I want you to be like, throw me off. You know, say use, I mean, and so they would say like, ran and weird shit to try and make me laugh or get off my game.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And I would use whatever they'd say and re-incorporate it into the sales pitch. Oh, dude, so I was just to practice my skill. I would always do that. say and re-incorporate it into the sales pitch. Oh, dude. So I was just to practice my skill. I would always do that. So I'd go in for a T.O. Part of it was because I wanted my sales people to have fun.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Number two, I was kind of being arrogant asshole by showing off that I could say something and that it wouldn't matter and that the person you could still save it. I could get away with it, nobody would know. And the third thing is, it's hilarious watching your salesperson pick up on it and try not to laugh because I'm in the straight face.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So I would say things like, I'm presenting personal training and I'd be like, well, they're gonna be doing lots of exercises to strengthen your core, your legs, they're gonna help you squeeze your bunch, which is underneath your undercarriage and it's gonna strengthen your pecs. And people would be like, you can see sometimes in this motherfucker just saying,
Starting point is 00:06:44 the friend is weird, but I don't think it's, I would keep going. In normal talk, they're wondering in their head like, wait, is it medical? Maybe that is a medical challenge. I know I've heard that before. Or I'd say other stuff too. Like I'd use the words like sphincter.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Like a lot of people don't know what a sphincter is. That's a muscle in your butthole for example. And I would put that in that, you know, I'd be like, well, when you're doing squats, it's important you squeeze your sphincter in your core to stabilize your body. Now, a lot of people would be like, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:10 The poopoo comes out. They'd be like, yeah, you do squeeze your core. You know, you didn't catch the first part, but the sales guy did, and he's trying not to laugh. Or she's not trying to laugh. So, yeah, I would do shit like that all the time. So, you guys know how I had, I was getting like a really bad cold on Monday.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah. Guess what? It's gone crazy. It bad cold on Monday. Yeah. Guess what? It's gone crazy. It's gone. Wow. What'd you do? So here's my remedy for my cold. So what I always do when I start to get it, but you have to catch it early.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Very little science, by the way, is in what I'm about to talk about. Okay. Here we go. Homeopathic South. I'm glad you announced that first. Very, very little South. I know how our people get. Now, now when Sal says some shit like.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's Ram and E. All of a sudden I see these like wave of people are all said and doing them like, did this motherfucker over here? I'm gonna keep him in line over here. Oh really? You see a whole bunch of people do it all of a sudden. All right, so this is what I do.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I enroll in every program that we sell. You run, yeah. No, this is a piece wax. All of a chest. This is what I, this is, I run my left nipple counterclockwise. I, so as soon as I start getting the symptoms of a cold, as soon as I feel that, you know, that, that, that tickle and throw, this neising, whatever, I do zinc lozenges every other hour.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Now, there is some science supporting zinc lozenges. By the way, they have to dissolve in your throat. You can't chew on them and swallow, because the zinc, the theory is that the zinc coats the throat and it prevents the rhino virus, which is the virus that causes the cold from adhering to your throat and replicating. That's one of the what's favorite places to grow. So the zinc prevents it from adhering, so you just kind of swallow it and it goes in your gut and your gut destroys it. So zinc losages every other hour, I take elderberry three or four times a day, elderberry
Starting point is 00:08:51 has been shown in a few studies to be antiviral in particular for influenza. Then I drink lots of teas that have things like a straggulous in them, I hope I'm pronouncing it right, and other types of herbs for cold remedy. And I do this every two or three hours. And when I do this and I catch it early, my cold usually will last two or three days and then I'm good. If I don't do this, I get that long ass,
Starting point is 00:09:16 that, you know, Adam cold that he has for an hour for two months or whatever. Yeah, no, it goes away. Because I am on the other way. I don't do any of this stuff. I'm so bad. Yeah. I just say no, I'm not sick, I'm not sick. Ah, and then it goes away because I am on the other way. I don't do any of that stuff. I'm so bad. Yeah. I just say, no, I'm not sick. I'm not sick.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And then it goes away. I noticed just I noticed a big difference just by me drinking lots of water. Soft talk. Like because I know you're late. Is that your answer for everything? It is. It is like, drink lots of water. I will.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Every time. Oh, a better pump. Drink lots of water. No, this is something that because we talked about before. My dick to grow. How water? I just assume that I drank a better pump drink lots of water. No, this is something that, because we talked about before, how water, I just assumed that I drank a lot of water, because I felt like I was, water's always around me, I always had a bottle of water, I'm always drinking out of the faucet, I drink a ton of times,
Starting point is 00:09:54 so I'm working out, so I just assumed I was. Dad, I broke my arm, drink some more water. Hurry, hurry, water him, he's brand, hey Rose, talk all the shit you want, but I guarantee there's a ton of people out there that are under drinking water and They have no idea because in my experience, most anybody that I've ever had tracked their water and report back to me with their drinking was under consumed, grossly under consuming water. There's something there. So talk some shit to me about that. But I'll tell you right now, and I've also, and notice when you're
Starting point is 00:10:21 sick and you lay in bed all day long, you have a half gallon of of water? Well, they're always like recommending you drink a lot of fluids. Right, you know you've heard that forever, but do you really drink a lot? Or do you drink a lot compared to a guy who's sleeping in bed all day long? So it feels like a lot because you get up and you drink a glass or two. You know, or do you really try and like when I try and flush a ton of water to me, it makes it makes it speeds the cold up. When I don't do that, it drags out forever.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Well, okay, so this might be what you're seeing here. I'm gonna be an asshole real quick. Go ahead. This might be what you're seeing. And by the way, again, another disclaimer, I'm partially making some of this stuff up. Okay. But I believe that when you're slightly dehydrated,
Starting point is 00:10:59 your mucus is thicker, and it's gonna, you're gonna feel more congested. And so drinking a lot of water may thin the mucus is thicker and it's gonna you're gonna feel more congested and so drinking a lot of water may Thin the mucus and allow it to flow through and when you have a cold The secondary infections that you get from a cold are because the mucus Doesn't go it doesn't go through and it just builds up and then bacteria builds up in there and then boom you develop Something like a sinus infection. So what I just said makes a lot of sense. I have no idea if it's true. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 00:11:28 That makes a lot of sense. What's that called that one device that like flushes? Nettie pot? Yeah. So gross. I saw it with commercial for that. And I was like, it's so convenient in this lady's like, got shoved in her nose. I have one and I use it quite often and I hate using it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 He's talking about the Nettie pot, not just pot. Yeah, this is great. Actually, the nitty-pot works. No, it does. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have allergies. I have allergies. So it's like, when it's a godsend, when it's so bad outside and windy, and I'm just like, I'm red-eyed and sneezing like crazy, I have to go flush.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I have to go take the nitty-pot and do that. And then it gives me relief, but I mean, when it's really bad, it still gets me relief. So does give me relief. So I read a study on the nitty-pot, and it actually showed that, so those contradicting studies one show that regular use of nitty-pot increased the frequency of sinus infections for some people.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Now, right, and I think it might be because you're constantly flushing water and shit. I don't know because I know for me, I use a netty pot and it gave me the worst sinus infection of my life. And I'm wondering if it's because, and the same reason, by the way, this is why blowing your nose too much might cause this as well. There's lots of little pockets in your sinus cavities and it could be forcing mucus that
Starting point is 00:12:44 might have bacteria into some of these pockets that it's not in there and then it doesn't necessarily flush out and it builds up in there. They find this with people who blow their nose too much too. Like your blur nose and cause so much pressure that it forces mucus into some of these pockets in the sinus cavity. Captain farmer blow.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And then it builds up into it. You know, ever it's like that, my roomie is. Oh yeah, I just always, oh, it then it builds up and then it can build up to you know ever it's like that my room Yes, oh It's like a blow heart and you could hear him on it like downstairs He can be in his bathroom with the door closed and you could hear bro. I shred through those Tissues like I have to get like four. I can't just get one my wife's always like why don't you just one because it like blows and it Decinegrates one because it like blows and it disintegrates. As I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:13:24 or power right now. Yeah, I take, I'll do, I'll do pseudofed and I think it's called with finisin. I think that's the chemical name musinax. Yeah, that's what's called. And do those two combo right there and that whole congestion thing is gone.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Well, every, your hyper from the pseudo acid. So what is so, you know, every nurse I ever trained always told me, pseudofed was like the, all not not when it comes to cold medicine You know that's you know what it is in comparison to everything else That's like always been the go to soot of fed is the is the brand name of soot of fedron. Oh, yeah, a fedron A fedron reduces the production of mucus by the mucus membranes So when you take it it just it dries you the fuck out
Starting point is 00:14:02 You'll also notice that you'll it'll dry out lots of other things in your body. So your eyes and stuff like that as well. I think it reduces seminal volume. I don't know why I said that, but I do remember reading that. This is the dry load. They also make meth out of it too. A dry load. This is the drawback to having a photographic memory.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Is that remember shit I shouldn't? You know what, I'm saying like why did I say that? I don't know well. We're all distracted Come on, it's not cool. There's a look at I just asked you. Yeah, I reduce the seminal volume Why the fuck what I I don't need to remember that shit? I want to increase it not decrease it It's like you said before the impact of that though Here it is. Here's the eagle. It's the mother fucking the mother affin. Quee qua.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Bring it, give it to us hard. Qua. Here comes the first question. Jesus narrows, how does alcohol affect recovery and muscle growth? We look at him up again? Yes. And why not? Good questions, get answered. Listen, listen to it. I don at him up again. Yes. Why not?
Starting point is 00:15:05 Good questions, get answered. Listen to it. Listen to it. I don't give a shit. Who you are, you ask a good question. We're gonna fucking talk about it on my, put it up there. We're gonna talk about it on my,
Starting point is 00:15:14 oh, day. How does alcohol affect recovery and muscle? It's the devil. It definitely doesn't improve recovery and muscle. And too much of it will be negative on recovery a muscle. A regular normal amount does it affect recovery muscle? I haven't seen any studies that have particular what does that even mean? Regular normal amount. Like like like okay, you know when they have studies a lot a day or a glass of wine. Yeah, you know when they go oh you know six ounces of wine every single day is
Starting point is 00:15:42 supposedly good for your health. I've seen a lot of people in there six ounces of wine. I mean, putting in conditions. You know, that's just because it's a problem. It's just because it's cut fruit. And that's that's so always a fermented fruit. That's the science they use behind it. Is you get some antioxidant benefits from it? Yeah, eat the fruit. Don't you? Yeah. Well, I mean, there is some evidence showing that it might be something in the alcohol,
Starting point is 00:16:07 but it's totally inconclusive. Here's a deal. There's no studies that show a regular, like, you know, the recommended dose of wine or alcohol. They never had, there's no studies that show how it affects athletic performance, muscle growth, recovery, or that kind of stuff. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:24 All I can do is speculate off of my own anecdote and off of my clients and all the people that have trained, thousands of people that have trained. And I have never seen alcohol be a positive aside for the resveratrol. But that's in a super concentrated form. That's the only one I've heard. All the studies on resveratrol.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah, they've, oh fuck, you know which wine you'd have to drink? Well, I know, that's why you have to concentrate the shit out of it for it to even make it an impact. Now, it's not positive. You're not gonna do any better from drinking wine. The only positive I could see from drinking alcohol is that you're stressed out as shit
Starting point is 00:16:54 and you need to chill the fuck out. And there's a benefit to that sometimes. You're here drinking, you have a glass of wine or here's a martini and now you're chilled. Well, I think the biggest problem with alcohol too is what comes along with all of it. You know, it's not just, it's not rarely does anybody just have four ounces of wine by itself, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:13 or just one beer by itself, like, it's like potato chips. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's with some nuts and chips. And yeah, or you're washing it down with, you know, four more right behind it. So, you know, and then the next day day you you how do you normally feel after drinking? You know you drink a lot how much I mean I mean some people may try and say like oh, I feel great the next day I'm drinking whoa fucking enjoy that why that last because eventually it makes you feel it makes doesn't make you feel great
Starting point is 00:17:39 I don't buy that though I think that people who drink every day are like I feel fine. They have no idea that they feel shitty. Well, that's until they stop. Well, that's just it though. We've talked about this before being addicted to anything, right? You think that until you get off or you stop, you don't realize how much it, it's like when you tell people, you used to tell me to like, oh, you know, I have no time to work out. I just don't have time.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I don't have time to make it. Well, you'll be blown away. Like if you actually just force yourself to make time, you'll start finding more time. It's unreal what happens. All that really is because you have more energy. You move more. You get more things done more efficiently and faster. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I always tell clients that if they can just bite the bullet on that for a month and just sacrifice whatever it is they need to sacrifice. Get in that hour gym workout, you'll be amazed at your energy levels and your productivity level because you think you're normal right now, but you're not, you know, so. Well, I think too, like, I'm like, who thinks about like drinking alcohol as a recovery, you know, after a workout, something like that?
Starting point is 00:18:34 Wasn't there like some kind of study, like back in the day about beer and like how, it would help you recover, like you would drink it, you get the benefits from it, but then also like it would help you to recover. Yes. drink it, you get the benefits from it, but they can also, like it would help you to recover. Yes. Beer has liquid in it. It's got certain,
Starting point is 00:18:50 I have electrolytes in it, certain things in it. That doesn't mean that that's ideal. You know, if I were, okay, if you were starving on a desert island, and you ate donuts, pop tarts, and candy, they would show benefit. Oh, he's not starving anymore. He's surviving. Therefore, those things are healthy.
Starting point is 00:19:11 No, it's because he had some fucking calories finally. I mean, alcohol, really, if you're drinking out, let me put it this way. If you're drinking alcohol for the health benefits of it, you're doing it wrong. I mean, that's, there's way better things you do for the health benefit. Not if you're drinking alcohol because you like the taste, you're a connoisseur of it, you're doing it wrong. I mean, that's, there's way better things you do for the health benefit. Not if you're drinking alcohol because you like the taste, your economy sore, you like to relax and feel it. That's fine, that's totally fine. But don't, you know, bullshit.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Well, I think it's not going to promote it. I think that's what he's alluding to too is because he's asking how does alcohol affect recovery muscle? I don't think he means necessarily like, if you were to drink it to help you recover or build muscle, I think it's more like, if I'm somebody who likes to drink, you know, a beer to every single night. How was it detracting from your progress?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Exactly. How much is detracting from my progress? I would say it is. It is detracting from his progress and it's related to how much he drinks. So if you drink a little bit, it might detract a small amount, maybe not even noticeable. You start to drink two, three beers every night. It's going to affect
Starting point is 00:20:08 you big time in terms of your athletic performance. Well, it's inflammatory for the most parts. Yeah, you got to count for that. Alcohol, by the way, any alcohol, any regular consumption of alcohol increases cancer risk. So, yeah, I don't like this whole alcohol as a health food type of thing. I think that's very very smart marketing And I think that they'll come up with certain studies that show certain markers get better and it's a very popular headline in a newspaper or a website You know, yeah people who drink one glass of wine notice this one thing, you know and everybody's like oh this feels more Budweiser The next question is from Derek Wurz. Have you ever had a client that was addicted to exercise?
Starting point is 00:20:47 Yeah. Oh yeah. These are the hardest things. Probably more common than you would think. These are the most difficult clients for me to train. In fact, this is probably the only type of client that I would prefer not to train. It is so difficult to break people of this
Starting point is 00:21:04 because they'll come to me and it's usually that they've already worked out with another trainer. I had a young lady that did this. She was working out with another trainer. She came to me, metabolic damage. She beat the crap out of her with the workouts. She understood everything.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I explained everything to her. This is what we're gonna do. We're gonna try and get my tablets and we're working again. We're gonna try and eat this way to get your hormones back. And she understood it all, but in the end, she ended up stop, she stopped working out with me.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And I know why, it's because I didn't beat her up in the workout. She didn't get that addiction with me. Very difficult to break this, because it takes a while for them to see their body start to respond well again, because their body's so damaged from the shit that they did before.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And so now they've gotta hang out with me for six months to a year before they really see the big benefits of exercise. And so now they've got to hang out with me for six months to a year before they really see the big benefits of exercise. And for someone who's addicted to exercise, that's a very difficult thing to do, you know? No, it's, and there's a lot of psychological stuff that's going on for sure too.
Starting point is 00:21:54 There's more often than not, they have either some sort of punishing. It is, it's the, at least the ones that I've dealt with him. And I've dealt with a lot. In fact, I don't shy away from these clients. You know, I talk about how salad life's a train, a train a lot of the older population. I'm more of a fan of someone like this type A personality where they're, you know, they are, they're go getters and they hammer it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 They're hammer it. They're, their lifestyle out at work. They hammer their lifestyle inside the gym and, you know, teaching them. Because I can relate to that. I think, and I think I do a pretty good job of understanding what they're going through and stepping them through that. And I also know that they're also one of the ones
Starting point is 00:22:35 I can really change and impact their lives when I finally break through. So it's a very rewarding client for me to take, because I remember coming up through my training career and all the different hundreds and I mean, all of us in here have trained thousands of clients, right? So you get everything. You get every type of person and condition. I really enjoy this because of what Sal just said, though.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's my most challenging. But I enjoy that. It's the competitive side that I have of wanting to be better at my craft. So I like to take these people on because it's just like what we talk about with nutrition or anything else. There's small goals, small things you're taking away from them now. Instead of adding things, it's kind of like the nutrition concept. I'm not expecting you to go from this person to go seven days a week, you know, trains an hour at time, high intensity working out too.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Okay, only three days a week. I want you to, you know, don't go to failure. It's like you have to slowly wing them off. And normally it's, I allow them to exercise as much. It's I focus on the intensity first. Do you, do you have to, do you find yourself having to point out like the small victories? Like for example, I have, I have a friend who,
Starting point is 00:23:47 she's kind of following someone by advice and she's getting frustrated because she's like, God, I used to be able to get lose weight so quick. And now, what I'm doing, what you're telling me and I'm not, and I'm like, well, let's see, before you would do an hour cardio day and you would eat nothing and you lose weight and then you'd gain it back and you do the COO thing.
Starting point is 00:24:03 So now we're trying to fix your metabolic rate. I said, but let's just be clear now, you are exercising half as much because you're doing it right. You're stronger in the gym. You're eating more food and you're having gain anyway. So what does that tell you? We've now sped up your metabolism. So I have to find myself having to point those things out and then of course, I'll have
Starting point is 00:24:22 what I'll definitely do. Oh, 100%. Otherwise, yeah, they're going to like revolt because it's And then, of course, a lot of what I'm often gonna do. Oh, 100% otherwise, yeah, they're gonna like revolt because it's such a, it's such a like, base, like they base each workout almost on like, it's relevance for how their body's been reacting to it. So like for me, like I've had a couple clients. This is just as difficult, by the way, as somebody who,
Starting point is 00:24:42 you know, has an intensive like eating disorder or something where, you know, they look for eating for some kind of, like, psychological benefit. It's the same kind of psychological benefit they're getting. It's just for a moving. And so that's been their answer. So then they're gonna wanna drive that home
Starting point is 00:24:59 to its fullest ability. And so it's just like Adam Saini, you have to really just like steer in a different direction, but you have to do it like one thing at a time. You take, you know, if they're like, I used to have people like, they would train with me. And then after that, okay, I'm just gonna do yoga, you know, nothing crazy, I'm just gonna do yoga.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I'm like, oh yeah, so you did yoga. Oh, I did the hot yoga, you know. It was super, you know, it was crazy, it was awesome. And then I'm like, oh yeah, so you did yoga. Oh, I did the hot yoga. You know, it was super, you know, it was crazy, it was awesome. And then I'm like, well, great, because we were gonna do a full, like comprehensive foundational, you know, compound lifting day. I was like, I'm gonna go ahead and tone it down.
Starting point is 00:25:37 No, no, I'm like, look, you're not doing, like you're adding every time, like we meet, you're adding something on top of this. And this is so, so I have to count for that as a trainer. You have to count for it. So, so yes, I would do that. I would start scaling back the workouts in like almost like, you know, tell them,
Starting point is 00:25:53 hey, well, if you're gonna do that, then I'm gonna do this. Right. You know, when you do this, I'll do this. And so I would just like sort of push and pull them because they're the type that's gonna fight you the whole way until you finally have that breakthrough moment. Yeah, I don't know if Derek is a trainer or not. Sounds like it's a trainer type of question.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Part of this will come with just getting perfecting your craft. Sal talks about all the conditions and the things that these small victories will. Part of what I started doing so many clients like this, and I get a lot of clients like this, a majority of my clients are like this. You start to attract these people because you get good at it, right? And I think that's why Sal has a lot of the elderly, right? So he gets a lot of these people that have aches and pains and conditions that other trainers couldn't help them with and they meet Sal.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And like he literally changes their lives and he's very good at it and he continues to perfect that. You know, with these type A personalities, I've learned to be ahead of their complaints or be ahead of their frustrations. So I already foresee that, you know, as soon as I give them this new goal this week of, I want you to only walk for one hour here and do this and do this.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I already know the feedback I'm gonna get from him or her, and so I'm already telling him. So this is how you're going to feel. You're going to feel like, you know, this is this. And you're going to text me like, ah, it's not enough. Yes, you're going to feel like that. And you're going to want to start to do this. And you're going to want to do that.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But this is important that you follow this the way I'm telling you is because there is, there's a reason behind everything that we're doing. So I'm closing before that, the objection would come up. Right. Before they start bitching or complaining about, they're not not seeing the results. They're used to seeing when they were going to the gym, you know, twice a day and doing
Starting point is 00:27:32 that, well, no shit, starve your body, go to the gym twice a day. I can lose anybody 15 pounds in one week. That's not impressive. You got to stay in their head. Yeah. You're mentioned, you got to stay ahead of that by just like constantly dropping like that that knowledge, that reassurance because they need to be reassured because otherwise they're gonna feel like it's a disservice.
Starting point is 00:27:51 They're not gonna get what they want out of the experience. Especially like those. And I'll tell you why I fell in love with those type of clients was once I learned, once I got good enough at my craft that I could foresee that stuff and I could really help this this you know type of person Was that these people when they do get the switch switches over? They're the best ones. Yeah, they're the ones that are like those are like dial. Oh, yeah And you you tell them to do something boom. They changed it. Do they're not because I rather have that than the fucking Waivering person every time I see, oh, I tried, but I forgot.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Oh, you know, yeah, but we were at the dinner with my friends. And so, you know, and it was her birthday, you know, and my husband got a promotion yesterday. So, you know, fuck that, bro, I don't want that. I'm saying like that, just, I can't help that person. That person's got way more for the, you got a lot more to do before you come over. You let me help you.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I think the two best clients, if you're a trainer and you're listening and you want to like have lifers and like focus on the ones that need to address pain or like Adam said, the one that needs to be, you know, they're already type A, but then you have to win them over. Yeah, I think though, like, so that you could fit in a category, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Anna the Wise one. can you really reset your hormones by intermittent fasting or detoxing? Yeah, there's so many things in that question that make cringe. I know they do because you reset your hormones. Yeah, so much shit there. Can you reset your hormones and detoxing? I fucking hate the word detoxing. That sounds like one of those isogenic or like cleanse things. I'd be in there like marketing, you know, brochure. Here's the thing detoxing. Let me tell you why I hate that term. Detoxing literally
Starting point is 00:29:33 means you're full of toxic shit and you need detox. If you're toxic, you need to go to the hospital. That's just a term that's thrown around by the fitness industry to sell you, I don't know, T supplements, powders, you know. You're gonna feel like shit for the first month because your body's detoxing. No, you feel like shit because you're fucking drinking nothing but cayenne pepper juice, you know, for whatever and you know, that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:29:58 As far as resetting your hormones is concerned, I don't like the term reset your hormones, but can you change your hormones with intermittent fasting and diet? Yeah, absolutely. If you eat improperly, your hormones will be affected in a negative way. Things like insulin, which is the easiest one to affect. You want to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce the insulin's ability to make your body sore body fat. Definitely cut sugar out, and then the
Starting point is 00:30:25 second thing would be to cut carbohydrates down. And then insulin becomes a lower load. And as a result of lower insulin, you have more growth hormone, which tends to be fat burning and nourishing and stuff like that. I was not saying insulin is bad. I'm just saying just one easy way you can manipulate your hormones. Well, yeah. The point is that you're making is that you can manipulate your hormones. Totally. We're constantly manipulating our hormones. I mean, when we get stressed, hormones are changing in our body. So it's not, it's not, that's a, that's an ever flowing, moving, type of thing that we're always, you're trying to have optimal hormonal levels.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah. You don't want one to be too high anyway, because it's not how it works. But let's just throw it in our room. Well, yeah, but they want to interrelated. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, they all, to interrelated, yeah, exactly. But yeah, they all, it's such an intricate, you know, way that they react off of each other. So it's true. If you will, If you think about that, actually,
Starting point is 00:31:13 Testosterone is probably the one hormone that you could, like everybody could benefit from that. High enough, yes, right. Overly high levels, right? Is not overly, no, there's still a balance there. Well, okay, there's obvious adverse effects of converting over to estrogen and then like in a little,
Starting point is 00:31:28 switch, not just that, not just the fact that it converts to all these other hormones, but it will affect other things like, see, presses your natural hormonal you can get to, and yeah, and you can get, you know, prostate enlargement or more and your I mean, like from a,
Starting point is 00:31:43 from a natural perspective, not from a, like it, not. I mean, from a natural perspective. Not from a synthetic. Yes, we're not talking about adding testosterone. I'm saying you could handle or you would want as much testosterone as possible. And I'd achieve, yeah, I agree. Like you want to achieve that like higher level like naturally.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Well, the range is ridiculous. I don't know what the range is, something like 200 to 1200 or something like that. So that's a big fucking, there's like six times more testosterone and you're still considered normal or average. You know, here's the thing, if you're noticing that your hormones are off and this is more common for women than men,
Starting point is 00:32:15 although this happens with men also. Yeah, eat whole natural foods, bump your healthy fats, eliminate sugar, and reduce your carbs, you don't have to go no carbs, foods, bump your healthy fats, eliminate sugar, and reduce your carbs. You don't have to go no carbs, just reduce them a little bit, and that tends to provide the body with the right building blocks for good hormones.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But there's much more that goes into this. Get enough sleep every night is one of them. Liff weights properly is another one. If you don't get enough sleep and you lift weights improperly, you exercise improperly, that will negatively affect hormones as well. Intermittent fasting is very effective in terms of fat loss, it's very healthy for you.
Starting point is 00:32:51 However, if you do it wrong, you will increase your stress hormones too much. Going ketogenic for too long, for example, may reduce your thyroid output and some people. So it depends if you have issues with thyroid. You might want to be careful with a pure ketogenic diet. So it really depends on the individual. But I would say if you're eating a very good whole food natural type of diet, you're getting adequate fats and you're utilizing intermittent fasting properly,
Starting point is 00:33:22 it should, for the most part, balance out whatever imbalances you may have with your hormones. So long as those imbalances were diet and lifestyle related, not genetic or disease related. If you have genetic or disease related hormone imbalances, change your diet, might help a little bit, but you probably need to go to a doctor and we need to supplement. As far as fasting is concerned, definitely a wrong way to do it. Definitely a right way to do it. Definitely a right way to do it. We have a very inexpensive fasting guide
Starting point is 00:33:48 that spells it out for you on mymputmedia.com and so you can check it out there. Nope, monsters is asking, how do you rank strength training myo-fibralar hypertrophy, circle plasmic hypertrophy for muscle growth? Okay, so versus, so which one is? So the question is, so strength training would be... Strain my CNS. Yeah, so I think he's probably talking about central nervous system training. So strength, both improved circle plasmith and muscle, and bigger muscle fibers will contribute to strength.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Working on strength will contribute to more, you know, myophybridal hypertrophy and more cycle plasmith hypertrophy. Increasing myophybridal hypertrophy will contribute to more, you know, my own fibrohypertrophy and more cycoplasmic hypertrophy. Increasing my fibrohypertrophy will contribute. So basically they all can contribute. They all work together. They all, there's can you explain that with the myo fibro versus the cycle plasma? Okay, so central nerds. So when he said strength training, that's the central nervous system. The central nervous system, we've used this analogy a million times.
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's the amplifier and your muscles are the speakers. You're just making your amplifier more powerful. So it's giving you more output to the speakers. So improving the the effect of your central nervous system, it's efficiency, effectiveness and health will make you stronger in the gym. It'll make you stronger or period anywhere. A real easy example of this is, you could take an artificial central nervous system, stimulant like caffeine, and you'll get a little stronger
Starting point is 00:35:11 instantly, that's just because it makes it fire harder. We want to build it through training. Myocybral, myocybular hypertrophy, these are the actual muscle fibers. So if you look at a muscle, if you look at a big muscle and you go down and look at it, you'll see that there's fibers that make up that muscle hypertrophy just means growth. So that would be thickening those fibers, which means when they contract, they're stronger, okay, through that process.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Circle Plasm is all the other stuff in muscle that makes up its size. So if you take out all the muscle fibers, there's still stuff in your muscles. These are all the non-muscle fiber structures within muscles. Everything from the fluids in muscles, the energy that's in muscles, to some of the cross structures that are in muscle, that make it. Which, and you can improve, you can make that grow too. Visually, it's the most, I think, that you see, right? That's what the pump we all talk about. Yeah, if you, okay, so when you get a pump, a pump is known as transient sarcoplasic hypertrophy. In other words, you're temporarily increasing the circle plasm
Starting point is 00:36:09 within your muscle while you're exercising. You get a pump, it grows. Then that circle plasm goes down, the blood leaves the muscle. Which, just so you know, this is also how a lot of people write programs and show people to make people think that they're getting the most results by following a program like this day is focused on the pump
Starting point is 00:36:26 It's driven to get a pump so you feel it and you see it because it's noticeable Instantaneously if I took you it is like coming if I took a power if let's for example I take let's say this this power lifter hired me I don't know where I said hey, I just want you to train me how you would train me This is how I've been training. I've been a power lifter for a long time, for a long period of time. What do you think we should do? And I said, great, we're gonna go right
Starting point is 00:36:49 into some hypertrophy training. And I put him on hypertrophy. And he's gonna be like, whoa! I mean, that's how I would rank these. I would rank these, the one most superior to the other is the one that you're not doing. So if you... That's a great yes.
Starting point is 00:37:05 The one you've been neglecting. Excellent example. Yes, so if you are, because they all have huge benefits and are essential to building this optimal physique for not just performance, but aesthetic and everything. So... If you're not training,
Starting point is 00:37:19 if you're not specifically training for each of these at some point in your training, you're missing out, you're missing a piece of the puzzle. Oh, for sure. And by the way, I don't know if Milk Monsters, I don't know what your name is. I don't know if he enrolled.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I feel like he has maps and a ballock because he literally listed the phases that are maps and a ballock. So he's asked some more questions before too. He's been around a lot. Yeah, I wonder because that's kind of how maps and a ballock has broken down. You do three weeks of
Starting point is 00:37:45 Central nervous system training Then there's three weeks of myocybrular hypertrophy type training and then three weeks of circle plasmic hypertrophy training And then you go and you cycle through it again That is by far the most effective way to train for overall muscle growth And strength because you're you're specific with your target But you leave the phase before your body adapts and stops for spot. For somebody who doesn't have our maps program, that's the key takeaway from this is that that's how I would rank those.
Starting point is 00:38:14 There's not one more superior than the other, although somebody you might read somewhere that someone tries to argue that, but the reality is they're all important and the one that's probably most important is the one that you're not doing. So that's what's gonna show the greatest change in adaptions. At the end of the day, if I had to trade sarcoplasm for actual thicker fibers, of course I'd want thicker fibers.
Starting point is 00:38:37 If you have two muscles that are the same size, but one has more sarcoplasm and the other one has thicker muscle fibers, The thicker muscle fiber, it might, I mean, there's a lot of factors that go into that, but if all things being equal, it will be stronger and it will look different. It's gonna look hard, it'll look dense, it'll look grainy because it's more solid muscle
Starting point is 00:38:58 that's within, but again, they all contribute to each other. So, here's some tips. Okay, if you're training for central nervous system strength, you want to train, you want to pick very basic compound movements. You want to do lots of sets. So I'm going to do six sets of squats, but I'm going to do very low reps, you know, two or three reps. I'm not trained to failure. By the way, I don't train to failure in any of these things. So I'm picking a weight that I may be, maybe be able to do five or six reps with and I'm doing maybe three or four reps, but I'm doing five or six sets.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And you do this with your body and you tend to want to train movement versus muscles. When I'm training for central nervous system, I'm not so much worried about hitting my lats, hitting my traps, hitting my delts. I'm more focused on pulling off the floor, squatting up, pressing up, pressing in front of me, rowing behind me. Then when you move on to my Ophiibular hypertrophy or actual muscle fiber hypertrophy, this is more your body building type of 8 to 12 reps. I'm doing more exercises.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I'm doing straight sets. You know, I'm hitting my chest. I'm hitting my delts. I'm doing different angles. And then when you move to your circle plasma hypertrophy, I'm doing higher reps, I'm doing super sets, I'm doing a lot more volume. Not your rest. My pace is faster, I'm trying to go for a pump.
Starting point is 00:40:16 And you know, some people will say, well, why don't I combine all those in one workout? Like, why don't I start with strength? Go to my O5, you're a muscle confusion man. Right. Let's confuse everything. Because you won't get as good a results as if you focus on one at a time. You'll get very little bit of confusion. Adoption is still a priority and it's just like you now, you've given before with learning a language, you wouldn't throw all kinds of random sentences that don't even make sense
Starting point is 00:40:42 together to try and learn the language. You would put things in order. Well, I'm an owner in German and Spanish. Right, and you know, insert anything. Right, so you're better off, and this is based on a lot of our experience, and there's some science to support this, but from an experienced standpoint,
Starting point is 00:40:59 like if I take a client and I do strength training, central nervous strength training, central nervous system training, excuse me, muscle fiber hypertrus features training and circle plasma hypertrus feature training. And I do that all in the same workout or in the same week. I don't see the same kind of measurable results and I don't have the same focus
Starting point is 00:41:20 as I do when I can take and focus on it on two, three week periods and then they contribute to each one And then it makes it more fun too like if I'm just doing Pure central nervous system training for three weeks. It's fun to fucking PR on these heavy left for three weeks And then I go to muscle fiber and then you know hypertrophy and then I can see you You're able to see like a benefit like even if it's endurance, you know You're able to feel like oh my Even if it's endurance, you're able to feel like, oh my God, I feel like I'm in good shape.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I'm not winded and I'm doing all these things. It's like every one of those things has its own benefit that you just need to focus on. Yeah, and then it's fun to go through again. Now I'm done with my circle plasmic type training, my pump. Now I get to go back to strength. It's really fun to see those numbers go up. Or it's really fun to get into circle plasm plasma hypertrophy when I've been in the other phases.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And it's like, oh man, I really miss getting that skin type fast paves, but much lighter weight type workout pump. It's really fun also to train that way. Cause we need to consider this when you're designing a program for someone, if you're a trainer, or for yourself, adherence to the program is a factor you need to consider. And so if, let's say, mixing up all those phases in the same workout or in the same week gave the same results, but the people that hear do it less because they're not seeing the measurable results as much, well then the other way is going to be more successful because people are more likely to stick to it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 So that's a big factor as well. And that's another thing. I consistently, people tend to stick to programs that I give them when I give them specific targets for three week periods. Like, okay, for three weeks, this is all you're focusing on. And now for the next week, this is all you're focusing on. It's easier mentally, too. Totally.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah, totally. So with that, if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star rating review. Actually, if you don't like Mind Pump, leave us a five starstar rating review. Actually, if you don't like Mind Pump, leave us a five-star rating review too. You may get a free, sick ass t-shirt, and you can check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump. Black on black. You can check us out at Mind Pump,
Starting point is 00:43:13 radio on Instagram. You can find me at Mind Pump, Sal, Adam at Mind Pump, Adam, and Justin at Mind Pump, Justin. And you can check out our site on the internet at Mind Pump Media.com. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, on the internet at mypopmedia.com. you

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