Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 305: Developing A Healthy Relationship With Food

Episode Date: June 6, 2016

Is it possible to build muscle and be lean without resorting to crazy and unhealthy dietary habits? Not if you follow many of the standard eating recommendations put out by the fitness industry that l...ead to eating disorders and jeopardize long-term health. Sal, Adam & Justin go into what it takes to develop a healthy relationship with food. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, what happened to us? Was that last episode where we were giving Doug shit? That was hilarious. Oh, dude. That was so funny. It was so funny. It was so funny. And then, so, Doug, are we recording? recording. Good, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, so we're, we're. I pretty much, yeah, we should just record. I think Doug's, I think we only a couple times have missed on that. Since then, anytime he fires these things on for us, he's gone. Yeah, he's gotten the habit of it.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Well, so this is what Doug did. Doug, when we do our Q&As, you're going to sell them out again? Well, no, it's a great story. Twice? We have, there's an eagle sound. We're going to kick him wise down. There's an eagle sound that comes along, it comes out and it's the,
Starting point is 00:01:04 it's the, it's the, it's the out and it's the it's the sound the ruthless It's the qua eagle the Q and A eagle and he forgot to put it on one of our episodes So we teased him about it and he was really mad people could you can tell to you listen to it? Yeah the mic is pissed off Yeah, this fucking guy went back perfectionist the episode had been up for like 48 hours or something like that Yeah, yeah, I go I go to listen to the rest of it because I had only listened to like you know up into that point And it didn't work or something like that. Yeah, yeah. I go to listen to the rest of it because I had only listened to like, you know, up into that point. And it didn't work. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:01:27 I had to reload it and it came up brand new again. I'm like, this fucker really? T-re, you took it down and put it up. It was eating you and wasn't it? That's just, what can I say? It's the curse of perfectionism. That's this craft right there. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I told you guys, what would we do if we got a kippin pull up? That snuck its way into our program. You would freak out to horrible example, you never happen Well, I think that's how Doug feels about this like this who never happened did it as I'm saying That's horrible. What if it did what if we were going through like how did this keeping pull up get into best for like Yeah, it's more like we had a video for this where they all to go Yeah, that happened he was so angry, but it's all it. It's all right. That's like, we forgive him. That's got to be the second mistake only like, I made in the entire mind. I missed. So you have to hammer him a whole nother episode on it. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:02:14 We've got, yeah, that's what I'm going to pick on Sal right now. We've had times two where Sal writes his, he names exercises really funny sometimes, like he does. He mean accurately. Yeah. We're going to do the front side lateral raises. Today you guys have like front side lateral. No, that's not what I said. He said rear lateral. Where's your side lateral? Where's your side lateral?
Starting point is 00:02:36 I didn't say side lateral. I said rear lateral. There are. Rear laterals, if you go in writing. Listen, listen. I can bring it. Yeah, dude. Listen, if you go and Arnold Schwarzenegger's and psychically
Starting point is 00:02:46 you have a lot of going, it's your reference. Come on, dude, you can't. Which bank, everything in a heart. By the way, did you guys see my post? I did. I found it. Is that the original? That's the original.
Starting point is 00:02:57 That's awesome, dude. Bro, that thing is being held together by a prayer. I got it taped and, because I used to read, I must have looked through that thing a million times and I probably read it cover to cover a hundred sweaty teenage palms. Did you add them? I know you had one of them. Did you ever follow? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. You don't? No.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I set up my coffee. I set up my coffee. I set up my coffee table at my house for years. I mean, I was that was that was that in the stack of playboys was like the thing that was on my coffee table for lost your lost the encyclopedia. I still got the playboy. Still have the playboy. Did you order of importance? Did you ever follow Arnold's advanced routine
Starting point is 00:03:31 that he listed in the back? I didn't. You never did? No, I didn't. You know what, it's hard core as well. Well, because I also, you got as a kid, so it was like more impressionable for you. I got it because it was like,
Starting point is 00:03:39 I want this in my library. That was more what I used it for. It wasn't like this. And by that time you looked at it, I was like, I was just crazy. I don't even, I don't even think I can claim that I used it for. It wasn't like this. And by that time you looked at it, you're like, oh, it's crazy. I don't even, I can't, I don't even think I can claim that I read it from cover to cover, like you did either. Yeah, no, like, yeah, I used it as a reference
Starting point is 00:03:51 and thought it was cool, like pulled good dead. I mean, one of the best places to find exercises. You wanna, you wanna book that's just loaded full of. Freeway, I mean, all the, all the old school freeway and cable exercises, and there's some Smith machine exercises in there, but that's it. There's no hammer strength, there's no plate loaded, except for, but that's it. There's no hammer strength. There's no plate loaded, except for, excuse me, what are they called, weight stack loaded,
Starting point is 00:04:09 except for maybe leg extension and leg curls. It's all the old school equipment that existed in the 70s and 80s and nothing else, but most of its free weights and a lot of the free weight movements are like forgotten exercise. That's why I loved it. I love it. Yeah. Well, I just looked through it. Yes, because I had found it, so I looked through it.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And I forgot, I can't even know the name of this exercise because I've only done it a few times and I haven't done it since. But it's for shoulders. And you have your arms straight up above your head with your palms facing each other with dumbbells, keeping your arms straight. And you do it. It's almost like a standing fly, but you're going up straight. Great front delt exercise.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Oh, yeah. I forgot all about that. That is weird. It is a weird, yeah. It is, I forgot all about that though. I love that move. I love it, but his workout in there, the advanced program that he has in there,
Starting point is 00:04:54 you wanna talk about volume and frequency times a million. Like you're working out twice a day. You're doing 20 sets per body part and each body part's worked three days a week. So, it's like an hour workout in the morning, hour workout at night, and that's how that fucker worked out. You get the fucking, get the pump. You want to talk about crazy recovery genes.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I know, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, genes, yeah. Those guys were maniac. And that's still all the genes. That's still the problem that we have in the industry. So, it started all the way back to anywhere. You know, that is, that's the mentality is who can come up with the most grueling crazy routine and put it out there. And then you have all these people that are trying to fall in it that are just not genetically gifted,
Starting point is 00:05:34 that are not, do not have that recovery ability. Nor do they, most people have that kind of time, you know, where they can spend. I remember the first time like I was really getting into fitness, it was probably my third year or so into personal training. And, you know, I was starting to put some decent size on me. I remember talking to one of my buddies who was an athlete all through high school in college. He played football and he was all in weird kids. He was always like the bluff guy. Then I started getting a training. He got into construction and some of that. He started to get smaller. I started to get bigger. Then it then it was always like this going back and forth all time.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And he looked at me one time and he was just like, dude, I just, you know, I have a career now, I have a job, I got stuff to do, like, I don't have time to spend two hours in the gym every day. And I'm like, what makes you think you guys spend two hours in the gym? Yeah, you can be in really good shape, bro. And not spend nor near that, nor that many days in the gym. Like, what makes you, oh, no, and I I don't wanna take all those supplements to be like that. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:06:27 it's a big one now. But even that's the misconception. Everybody sees that and they assume, like, oh, I gotta take all these supplements and I gotta work out two hours a day, seven days a week. Like, I just don't care enough for that. And so they just kind of put it off as like, it's just not for me.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Like, this isn't for me. Because I've always been into lifting weights and I have a lot of cousins. There's about nine of us and we're all right around the same age and we would all hang out together. This is a big group of guys. Definitely would get competitive
Starting point is 00:06:54 but we all love each other. Great group like I said. But I was always into lifting weights and they would be into it sometimes and sometimes they wouldn't. And so when they would come to the gym with me, and I'd be stronger than they would be in exercises, inevitably this is what would happen.
Starting point is 00:07:10 They'd be like, well, if I took supplements, I'd be able to blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, or they'd be like, hey, Sal, if I took supplements, how big do you think I'd be? And you know what's funny back then, I don't really know how to answer because I had no idea that supplements didn't really do shit. Now, if somebody asked me that that because I still get that question
Starting point is 00:07:26 Hey, how much muscle do you think I gain if I took supplements? Say well You're talking about creatine or all kinds of supplements Well, just all kinds of supplements. Okay. If you took a bunch of supplements not including creatine You gained zero pounds of muscle if you took creatine you gained about two pounds of lean body mass That's about it and a lot of that lean body mass is from increased fluid in the muscle and... What you're gonna do. They should have been saying,
Starting point is 00:07:48 oh man, if I only had that consistency, you know, if I was always consistent is you. Yeah, when's the last time you actually did a work, you know, worked out consistently, you know what I'm saying? You don't have to find all that it is. This reminds me of... Exactly, all of it is. This reminds me of the number one compliment I feel like
Starting point is 00:08:04 I get now being a part of mine. Pum, this also reminds me too when I was a trainer. You have nice eyebrows. Yes. Pretty much that. The right one is nice. No, do you guys ever remember asking like your clients like, I don't know if you guys did this, I used to do this. I used to ask my clients like straight up like, you know, what is it that you, especially with someone who's been with me for years?
Starting point is 00:08:22 So, why do you keep resigning with me? What makes you keep continuing training? And part of that was that you asked your clients that? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Bro, that's it. That's almost like, like you're hanging out with some girls, but like, so I want to ask you guys, like, what do you think is handsome about me? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I would do that too. You know, I think I think, no, that's actually smart because you want to know what you're doing right. Yeah, so I want to know what I'm doing right. And, and the irony in it though, is I think the number one thing I used to get told is a trainer. So this is just totally sucks. If you're a guy who prides himself on growing as far as your knowledge and getting a better trainer,
Starting point is 00:08:56 would be, I counted really well. That was like the number one feedback. You count really well. That's funny. What does that mean? It's like the worst compliment you could ever give me, right? Well, then they would go on to tell me, like, you know, I've had other trainer, it was normally someone
Starting point is 00:09:09 who's had many trainers before, and they're like, You didn't feel special. Yeah, and they like, I just feel like other trainers, they just tell me what to do, and then they say, go and stop. Like, you know, I like the fact that you give me a number and you're counting and you're watching, and you're keeping me motivated, counting down as I'm going through, like it helps.
Starting point is 00:09:24 It's just connected. Yeah, right through, it helps me to the workout. So, now the mind pump thing, so why I told that story is why I keep getting feedback from people like about my pump, and I like to ask them, oh, what do you really like about the show? And they're like, I saved so much money on supplements now. Everybody said that.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Like, it's like the number one thing. I'm like, you mean, all the information we give, the biggest takeaway you have is like, I save so much money on stuff. Listen, if you- It sounds like a Geico commercial. Listen, do me a favor, if you're listening and you're saving money on supplements,
Starting point is 00:09:55 go to mindpumpmedia.com and check out our programs, because mind pump doesn't make shit. Yeah. Because we don't, because supplement companies hate us. So support us, get a program. Oh, and by the way, they're awesome programs. Right. Yeah, no, that's, do you guys find yourselves coming up with creative ways to count for your
Starting point is 00:10:12 client to make it more motivating? Yeah, absolutely. Like you don't just go one, two, three to ten, you'll go like up to five, you'll be like, okay, only five more. Yeah, you'll go to more. You've got to get a little more. Yeah, if it's a long, like if it's a 20 rep or whatever whatever like I'll take like either the last five or I'll flip it And I'll do up to 10 and then I'll do 10 down backwards, right?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, cuz like last three you got this exactly the psychology with that, you know Like yeah, if you're going like five four three two one somehow that's easier to take it so funny I said I did not know you guys did that and I but asking you guys as soon as I asked you said I bet you they do. Of course, because I've been doing it a long time and it's funny. We're awesome. The small trip. I mean, only awesome people. And the show. Yeah. It's the these little things that you pick up through experience that you find that have some effect on motivation or results. And that's one of them. Like I'll tell someone like if they have six reps left, I'll be like you have six reps, you know That's only three plus three like breaking it down somehow makes people more
Starting point is 00:11:11 Can't stop teaching I'm gonna give you with a rhythm I don't have a study for this, but I'm gonna hit you with a rhythm it right now if you didn't go into social studies Three times two or seven minus one. So you got six more to go. And you know what's happening? They're doing the reps. Like, fuck, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:11:29 And they forget how hard this is. This is awesome. I'm learning math the same time with Sal. Three plus three. Yeah, I don't do that. But when I, you know, I think it's actually an important thing to talk about because this was probably, I would have to say the number one thing
Starting point is 00:11:43 that I tried to drive home to trainers that I got the most push back on. So some trainers, they've got their style or their way of teaching or coaching their clients. And when I'd inherit these guys or girls, they wouldn't want to break that. And they would think that's such a simple little thing and they wouldn't care enough to do it. And I would try and beat it into them. That, listen, you have no idea that it's the smallest little thing for you to do that.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And it matters so much. And even though the client's not telling you that as the boss, like, I get this feedback, I know this. You got to trust me that you got to count. Yeah. This is like, this is very ego, very much an ego thing like for trainers, because like, you don't want to, I don't know, there's, there's sort of
Starting point is 00:12:25 like this this weird thing when you see another trainer counting like oh he's from counting you know I got a lot of shit for that too because I counted you know for my clients and you know it was a little more vocal but then like in another environment where like none of the trainers are counting you know and all that I bet right over to your other place, I bet nobody does that. Nobody does. No, nobody does that. So, because it's just like you said, like the client likes it. Yes. So, you know, what the hell does it matter? You know, all these other things.
Starting point is 00:12:52 It's because of the old stigma that, oh, a trainer just counts for you. That's all a trainer. That's what it is. Yeah. But it's not. Here's the thing, what you're really doing is you're giving them feedback.
Starting point is 00:13:03 You're showing them that you're watching and that you're connected to what they're doing. It's no different than when someone's talking to you, one of the best things you can do is you can nod your head or give them some kind of feedback that you're connected to what they're saying. I contact as part of it, but the other part of it is like someone's talking to you, you kind of nod along or you smile or you give them a little bit of nonverbal feedback because it makes them feel like you're paying attention, you're involved. When you're counting for your client, a lot of that, that's a lot of times what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Like, oh, he's watching me. Oh, yeah. I actually think it's more of this. I don't think the trainers don't do it because of those reasons. I think they don't do it because they think it's not as important. And there's some truth to their argument. So especially when you talk about trainers like Justin, Justin has a lot of educated trainers in the facilities. Yeah, it was a very high caliber trainer.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah, super intelligent guy. So it's not a lack of them not thinking that it's more like they think that it's not a pride thing. It is. And to them, it's not important, right? Because I'm watching their form and I see if it starts to deviate then I tell them one more or what, and I just keep them going like that.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And so they feel like the way they're doing is a better method. And I understand that perspective because that's what I used to deal with. But that's also why I think it's always important. And here's the juggle as a trainer. We know what's best for the client, we have our goals, we have the things that we think they should be doing,
Starting point is 00:14:18 but we are still in a service business. So there's still has to be this fine line that you walk of what doing what you know is best for the client And then also finding a what a medium that okay, I know they like this or they want this How do I juggle that and I think a really good trainer knows how to do kind of both and those that are so good It's a good point because you bring up service like that's why a lot of times like you're you have to really read the person And you have to read them when when they're first coming to you. And you wanna make sure that you're meeting their expectation
Starting point is 00:14:51 and you're exceeding it. And so I'm not gonna be super abrasive as far as, like if they have an idea of like, well, I used to train really hard and this time I'm like, okay, you know, my, I used to like train really hard, and this time I'm like, okay, you know, I understand that. Like I'll take them through like something that's like, you know, they might have some familiar feel to it, but it's not at that level, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:15 So it's like, I know that they're into that. You know what I mean? I'm not gonna just take it away because I know. It's like an attic, you can't, you can't just take it cold turkey if you could train. No, this is the hardest part of being a trainer. Yeah, this is literally the hardest part is being able. It's tough to do, you can't, you can't just take it cold turkey if you were training. This is the hardest part of being a trainer. Yeah. This is literally the hardest part is being able to do what you know that they need while
Starting point is 00:15:30 giving them kind of what they want. Right. I'm experiencing this right now at the gym that I train at, the place that I used to own. There's a trainer that comes in there and I don't want to, you know who he is, Jessin, but I'm not going to put his name out because I don't tell him I would. But he's an excellent trainer. He's a very, very good trainer, especially when he comes want to, you know who he is, Jessin, but I'm not going to put his name out because I don't tell him I would. But he's an excellent trainer. He's a very, very good trainer, especially when he comes to strength,
Starting point is 00:15:49 you know, building strength and, you know, foundational kind of power. Because I observe, I always watch other trainers, I'm always trying to learn. And this guy knows his shit. And he's training a young lady that's competing in the pageant world. I don't know if you guys have ever been
Starting point is 00:16:02 in the pageant world before. Okay. Fucking nightmare, by the way. Worst, worst industry that I've ever worked in or serviced in my entire life, which is the whole other, never store. But anyway, he's training this young lady and she's only, I believe she's 19 or 18 years old and she's a pageant competitor. So she came in very deconditioned, right?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Didn't need properly. It was just about being skinny. And he's an excellent trainer. So he's having your deadlift and squat and overhead press and use kettlebells. And she's building strength. And she came in first off, very underdeveloped, posterior chain. So glutes and hamstrings were poor. She had a strong anterior pelvic tilt, shoulders are forward, kind of look, just, you could tell she's decondition. After training her now, he's been training her now for months, her glutes developed, hamstrings developed,
Starting point is 00:16:55 her waist is tighter, her posture is better. I bet you she's either the same way or even heavier, even though she's leaner now, because she's put muscle on. So he's training her, she's getting stronger, She's getting legit strong. I mean 19 year old girl She's I saw her pull 200 pounds So I live so she's getting strong and her mom comes in and works out there and Her mom came in and sure her mom trains with the new owner so they're working out together They always talk right and I hear her mom say this she says yeah, you know my daughter
Starting point is 00:17:24 You know she's enjoying her training, but her dresses don't really fit anymore and she's kind of getting too big and the hips and maybe you should talk to so-and-so trainer. He needs to change his training because she needs to be smaller, not bigger. Now mind you, she's not bigger, she's smaller because she's leaner,
Starting point is 00:17:44 she just has more muscle now and she looks like she works out now. And by no means that she looked like a female bodybuilder that he said, she doesn't even look like a bikini competitor at this point. She just looks fit and healthy now. But you hear the mom complain about that and it's like, oh, you got to deal with that now. Like how do you deal with that parent or that person? It's like, okay, no, where your mind at is completely wrong. And I know what you think you want, but that's shit. And so we're gonna go, this, like, what do you do with that?
Starting point is 00:18:11 You know, you counter that, because that's, anything that she wants is gonna be an unhealthy solution. You know, like, what are you gonna do? Like, put her through shit tons of circuits and have her run and starve herself. Did. And so that's where corsets and do all that.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Yeah, she'll look worse. And she'll's where corsets and do all that little shit. She'll look worse and she'll have, she'll have, at 19 years old, you'll destroy her metabolism. And by the way, her mom has a completely unhealthy relationship to food and alcohol because I can, I can hear how she talks about it. So I'm like, this is, this is a bad situation. It's not good. It's just bad all around because then, you know, and then she's so vested in her, like, it's like she's trying to develop her daughter in a certain way. It's like, no, let her make her decisions. Let me tell you about that world, bro. I trained a competitor, a local competitor in the pageant world. And she did very well with my training. And I had to reverse a lot of horrible habits.
Starting point is 00:19:07 It is like starving yourself, bulimia, binging purging, it's very prominent in that whole world. It's like a secret underground secret. There was a doctor that a lot of them would go to and he would prescribe them drugs that would suppress their appetites. These are teenage girls. I was blown away and I told her,
Starting point is 00:19:29 if I'm gonna train you, you do any of that shit, I'll stop training you. If I think, if I see your performer drop of the gym because I think you're starving yourself or I can tell you're taking, you know, drugs or whatever, I'm just not gonna train you anymore. So she stuck it out. Anyway, she did well so then everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:19:44 who's your trainer? This guy over here, you know, Sal. So now I'm getting invited to do these fitness seminars for these girls. So I was already like, I don't wanna get in this industry because I'll just piss everybody off. I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything. If I see something unhealthy, I'm telling them.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah. But I agreed, I went and did a fitness seminar for them. And you're talking about girls between the ages of 14 to 17 Okay, so I'm talking about right in your will house. I'm talking about I mean, it's just horrible when you say that I'm out my nose so I'm doing the seminar and they're all there with their moms and their parents But it's all moms and daughters. So I'm doing there, you know, going over nutrition, talking about proper nutrition, talking about, and, you know, showing them exercise and why you want to build muscle. One of the mom raises
Starting point is 00:20:31 her hand in the back, because it's a Q&A part, right? She raises her hand. She's like, yeah, can you please explain to the girls why that apples also have calories in that you don't want it always, you would not want to eat an apple all the time because it's just it's got calories in it. Now I'm looking at this. Yeah, and I'm looking at her and I was like, hmm, you can excuse yourself. Do I drop kicker? Yeah. So I told her I said, well, I say, here's a deal. I said, we're dealing with teenage girls. I said number one. Number two, can you overy apples? Yeah, but it's pretty hard. You'd have to have a like a really serious apple addiction. You'd have to have a serious a like a really serious apple addiction. You'd have to have a serious and I said, but I said, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:07 there are no. I'm not an apple. How many of you had say lunch? 27. So I get wood chucked. I told the mom. I said, these are your tea. These are these, I said, your kids are all teenagers said, uh, the vast majority of what they learned through nutrition is not going to be through me. It's going to be through watching how you guys eat. I looked at the mom who was obese. And by the way, most of these mothers were pretty massive. I think she was like,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I'm like, six, yeah, both a day. Yeah. Then afterwards, dude, I afterwards, a drop, when everything was over, one of the moms walks over with one of her daughters, who's like 15 years old, and she goes, oh, Sal, thanks, great seminar. She goes, so can you help my daughter?
Starting point is 00:21:43 Cause she needs to lose more of this, and she grabs her daughters, like midsection can you help my daughter? Because she needs to lose more of this and she grabs her daughter's midsection. It squeezes it. Oh, no. And she needs to lose this and she grabs her inner thigh. Oh, my God. So I said, you know what? I said, let me talk to you separately. Yeah. I'd like to talk to you to kind of give you some,
Starting point is 00:21:56 I told her, I told her exactly how I felt. And I said, you are creating a major body image issues with your daughter. I said, if you ever ask a question like that to me again, and grab your daughter like that again, I said, I'll embarrass you. And I left. And guess who never got invited back to do this?
Starting point is 00:22:11 I'm gonna have to. Okay, moving along from that trainer. Yeah, that's why we don't do a new work corporate of it. Yeah. But speaking of relationships with food. Yeah, what a great topic. It's been a while since we talked about that. But speaking of relationships with food. Yeah, what a great topic. I'm gonna get into it. It's been a while since we talked about that.
Starting point is 00:22:26 You know, I think it's funny because for me, I don't know if you guys noticed this, but fasting properly really helped me with that. Did you guys notice that? Yeah, that's the first thing that really showed me. It enlightened me as far as like, how much do I really need to be eating, A, and then also like this, the
Starting point is 00:22:46 whole rituals behind food and like how like we're so marketed that it has to be, you know, in this order and it has to be this way and we build and develop our entire day around these eating schedules. It's crazy. It is. And we have to say this. I think the reason why we've had such an impact from fasting is because our poor relationship with food was not under eating. It wasn't like we were starving ourselves. We're getting out of there. I ate a lot of Carl's junior. Yeah, we over ate in college and we over ate frequency.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Like we ate, you know, six, seven, eight meals a day and we ate a lot. So fasting helped correct that for us because you wouldn't recommend fasting to someone who doesn't well, I think that's important. I don't do it because I think someone who's listening who's never who's never experienced it or has never even attempted to do any sort of fasting at all is probably listening going like well, how the fuck does that help you with the relationship? That sounds like a starving your body sounds like a weird thing right. It's a great point. So I think it's important to understand that first of all, and I just said it right now, starving your body, you're not, you're not starving.
Starting point is 00:23:50 No, there's a proper way to do it. Yeah, there's a proper way to do it. The body, and this is like why it was so big for us, like Soudja said, I was the guy who was so afraid that if I didn't have something to eat every few hours, my body would just tap into muscle and start burning muscle up. And I felt that way because I felt like I looked that way too. And what I mean by that is I could go like a day where I just got busy. And I fell off my routine of eating my six to eight meals a day and making sure everything's regimened out all right.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And then the next day I'd wake up and I would have this, I would look like I would want, I would lose weight. I would have this, I would look like, well, one, I would lose weight, I would have lost a couple pounds on the scale and I would look flat, I looked like I have less muscle on me, but in reality has so much to do with what's going on, water weight wise and that was getting in my head and for a guy who was trying to build muscle, that was enough for me to get scared of death.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You know, like, oh my God, look at one day, one day of missing some meals, look what happened to me. Exactly. Imagine if I did a couple of days of this, like this is just, I gotta make sure I get my meals. And so I used to preach to that all the time. Gotta get your meals, gotta make, don't miss your meals, every two to three hours,
Starting point is 00:24:55 get my meals, get my meals. Or else this, the muscle would just go right off my body. And it took a long time for me to break that. And it took me to really dive into intermittent fasting and do a lot of reading and research on it and go, okay, and then not only doing that, but then like biting the bullet saying, okay, not only am I going to just attempt to do this, I'm going to incorporate it for a while and really start to pay attention to how my body responds. And when I realized that, okay, I wasn't just losing muscle overnight. In fact, you know, after a couple of weeks to go by,
Starting point is 00:25:26 if me implementing fast on a regular basis, I started noticing, wow, I'm actually just losing body fat. And as soon as I would refeed the body full calories, I would fill right back out. So it wasn't muscle that was falling off my body. My body was burning fat. It wasn't burning muscle up. That's exactly the experience I had.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's like as soon as I tried it, I was like, oh my God, I don't have to eat all the time to build muscle. And I actually started even getting better results in the gym. Oh yeah, right, that was the stuff that was really mind-blowing. The performance aspect, yeah. That was huge for me, especially to train with intensity, like not just on a day where I'm on a lower
Starting point is 00:26:03 to moderate intensity, but on a like a high intensity type of a day where I'm doing these heavy compound lifts, I was a little bit like nervous about it. Like I was always thinking that, well, I need to have some kind of carbohydrate to really drive me through this and provide the type of energy I need to produce enough to perform well to get through this lift. And, you know, so just stepping outside of my comfort zone decided to start doing it. And, you know, there was a couple that it took for me to really realize it like, oh my God, like no, I have just as good energy. And then the more frequently I did it, I had even more energy.
Starting point is 00:26:47 So it was a trip. I was just like, how's this work? This reminds me of when I get a non-fitness clients. Because I think the problem of eating too much and too frequently is really relegated to the people who are pretty hardcore into fitness, right? But the average person, this reminds me of like a client, like a female client that will come in, and I'll have her eat more. And she's afraid
Starting point is 00:27:09 because she thinks she's just going to blow up. And then all of a sudden she does it. And then we check her body fat. And it's like, Oh, you went down half a percent, but you gained a pound of muscle and you're stronger than the gym. And all of a sudden they're like, Oh my God, I didn't gain all this body fat. Like this is crazy. And you can see that relationship to food within them, switch at that very moment. At that very moment they realized, holy shit, I'm not gonna blow up like I thought I would. I have someone I'm helping right now.
Starting point is 00:27:35 She's actually a forum member. I kind of helped her privately a little bit. She's been staying at around 1300 calories. She checks in with me, like, should I do, what should I do next? Should I drop? She's trying to get leaner, should I drop?
Starting point is 00:27:48 And I told her, I said, okay, how's your performance in the gym? She's like, I'm stronger. I feel better. She's like, I'm like, how's your weight? She goes the same. I said, but how do you look? She goes, I think I'm getting leaner.
Starting point is 00:27:57 She's like, what do you want me to do? I said, I want you to add 100 calories every single day next week. And I'm pretty sure she tripped out for a second that I said that. She's probably expecting me to bring it down a little bit. She's like a shock, yeah. Because again, it's that relationship to food
Starting point is 00:28:10 that you develop that becomes unhealthy and it can go in either direction. Another, the other breakthrough for me with food was paying attention to things that had nothing to do with my weight or body fat percentage or muscle. You know, paying attention to things that had nothing to do with my weight or body fat percentage or muscle. Paying attention to things like my skin. I would get, every once in a while, when I take a, especially a hot shower,
Starting point is 00:28:33 I'd get some hives, random hives on my body, and I didn't vote the fuck it was. I had no idea. You used to be herpes, but. Yeah, I was probably, I'm like, do I have an acidity again? It's only once a year. But I realized it was when I ate certain foods that would cause me to have, that I would probably, I'm like, do I have an acidity again? It's only once a year. But I realized it was when I ate certain foods that would cause me to have,
Starting point is 00:28:48 that I would have an intolerance to, and when I'd remove those foods, I didn't get those hives. Now, those foods, I'll tell you are egg whites, okay? Now I love eggs, so for a second I said, well who cares, it's a little bit of hives, no big deal. And then I said, you know, I should pay attention to these responses that my body's having because it's gotta have, that's just a visible thing
Starting point is 00:29:10 that I can see. There's gotta be other things that are happening under the surface that I might not be able to identify. So why don't I avoid egg whites for a while and see what happens and sure enough, digestion was better, less blow, and I feel better when I don't eat egg whites performance wise.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So that was a big one for me too, just paying attention to those other signs that I see. Well, that's a great point because this is something that I try and coach to a lot is, you know, it's tough because when I, when I virtually coach, I'm asking for daily weight from people. So I'm asking them to weigh themselves, which kind of goes against my philosophy of training that it's weight is not an issue and weight is not what I want you paying attention to. I use it as like an indicator for me on whatever I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:29:52 whether I'm adding food or calories and I don't wanna see this huge fluctuation weight. I wanna see him kinda maintain, he or she maintain a little bit. So I'm using it as like a home base for me, but it really doesn't matter. So I always had a remind them that, I know I I know you I'm having you send me your weight, but I don't really care about the way I care. Tell me how you feel.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Like, you know, do you feel strong? Do you feel energetic? How do you feel after you eat these foods that I have you eating right now? Do you like it? Is it conducive to your lifestyle? Like these are all things that we have to talk about in this. Because there's so much more to health and fitness than just a specific goal that you're trying to reach and achieve because it is.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It's about maintain that. Nobody ever said, I want to get super ripped and shredded or I want to build muscle or I want to look a certain way to fit in this dress just so I could go back to where I am at right now. Everybody wants to get there and they want to stay there. And if you really want to stay there and you want to live in that place, that health,
Starting point is 00:30:42 that balance, that look, whatever it is you're trying to achieve, then there's so much more to that than just following some sort of a plan that someone lays out for you. And a lot of that is the relationship that you have with food. And another analogy I give people is thinking of it like a car, like an engine, and all the things
Starting point is 00:30:59 that are so important to the engine as far as the timing, the oil, the gas, the, you know, everything has gotta be fueled up, oiled rights. You need to have all your levels out balance for the car to run properly. You start taking those things away or not giving the engine that it doesn't perform right. It may still run, it may still get you from point A to point B, but it's not going to run efficiently. It's not going to add its highest level.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Your body is the same way too. I mean, you can get away with not feeding it properly, and it still can show you some results or get you from point A to point B, but it's not gonna run efficiently for you and teaching people how to get their bodies to run efficiently first and be healthy and balanced is so important to that.
Starting point is 00:31:39 That reminds me, I was just trying to kind of look for a good definition. I found one, but it's not really that great, but that's why I've always really liked that word, nourish, because it's like the only one I can think of to tell somebody, like, what do I need to do for a diet? What do I need to do for my body? How do I pay attention to all these signs and signals?
Starting point is 00:32:02 And you have to find the foods that nourish your body. That I guess the definition was to provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. It's just basically thinking more in terms of like, what is gonna benefit me internally, which is then gonna reflect my exterior bodies or reflection of that. Right, and we want to, let's think about all, let's get real deep here. Let's think about all
Starting point is 00:32:30 the things that are associated to come with food. There's the obvious, right? The nutrients, the macro nutrients, proteins, fats, and carbs, the vitamins and minerals, the phytonutrients, all the little compounds that affect the body on a physical level, but that's not where we stop. There's much more to food than that. And if you disagree with me, then all you have to do is look at any celebration, look at every meal, look at any time you do something with people, it's centered around food
Starting point is 00:32:59 because food means much more than just those physical nutrients and effort. It's just psychological part. There's a psychological emotional component to it as well, which is why we talk about health and fitness all the time. People sometimes get the impression that we're food Nazis incorrect. There are definite benefits to celebrating a big event like, oh my god, you just, it's your birthday, Have some cake.
Starting point is 00:33:25 You know, it's just cake nourish you on a physical level. No, it's not good for you. Will it, does it maybe nourish you on an emotional psychological level? It might, it might because you're celebrating something like you don't want to be in the opposite extreme where everything is absolutely perfect because that's all you over careabout and you're stressing yourself over it. Because that is also an unhealthy relationship with food. So there are times when I'll go and enjoy myself. I took my mom out to dinner the last weekend and she's going to be at a town now for a little while.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So I'm not going to see her for about a month. So we enjoyed ourselves with the food. We had some bread and we had some, you know, we had a little bit of alcohol and we split a dessert. And, you know, for me at that moment, my relationship to food was understanding that right now, I'm using this food as a way to connect with, you know, my mom as a way to celebrate or to tell her I love her or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You know, and that's what we have to understand. So if you're feeding yourself, if you're using that type of a connection in a poor way, let's say, I feel horrible about myself, I'm depressed, I'm stressed out. Let me eat this donut to find temporary relief. Like now you're using that in the wrong way, just like you can use healthy food in the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So that's when we say a healthy relationship to food, it means you understand what food is on all levels and you, you, knowing this, you can eat it accordingly. It doesn't mean being perfect by any way. Well, it just helps to be more educated, you know, about the whole process. All of it. Yeah. So that way, you know, you can build a better relationship
Starting point is 00:35:04 with it because now you can, you can have like rigid structure with flexibility. So the, the flexibility is what you're talking about. That's, that's life. You know, you have to have that. But you still have a rigid structure that drives you. Here, there's a big misconception with this and, you know, this is a perfect topic for what I literally just had this conversation yesterday with one of my clients. She's been with me for coming up on five months now, and we've definitely changed her physique a ton, but she still has a ways to go from where she wants to be. And she's currently right now entering phase three of Maps Black with me. And right where we're at nutrition, we just came off of consuming 2200 calories on a
Starting point is 00:35:42 regular basis. And I just now reduced her down to about 1600 calories. So, and we've had this last couple weeks. Well, back up a couple weeks ago, and we kind of had this, you know, little road bump for her, and she was feeling discouraged. You know, I've been doing this for this long. I thought by now I looked this way, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:36:02 and I feel like I'm making all these sacrifices. I don't get to do this, I don't get to do that. And I said, why? Why do you say that? Why can't you do this or why can't you do that? Well, because you told me when I do this, that sets me back here, and I won't see the results that I want to see in this one.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Well, I said, that's all it is. I said, you get to understand something. The way the body loses and adds fat to the body is a very slow gradual process. And now, mind you, it's much easier for us to put it on because you can literally sit down and consume 10,000 calories if you tried, where you can't sit down and burn 10,000 calories. You could do that in 10, 15 minutes versus what it would take time-wise to do that. Obviously, it's easier to put it on, but to lose body fat, it's a slow and gradual process.
Starting point is 00:36:46 And you have to first really understand that. And it's, for example, let's just take what happened, what we just did with your calories, because she was frustrated at the time. She's like, you know, I get this thing coming up, saddered, and I really want to go drink with my friends and do this stuff. And, but I don't want to screw it up. And I feel like you've reduced my calories. We've gone into phase three, which is a lot more volume in black.
Starting point is 00:37:03 She feels that she notices it. And she's like, I don't feel like the weight's like coming right off of me. I said, okay, well, first of all, you know, we've gone into phase three, which is a lot more volume in black. She feels that she notices it. And she's like, I don't feel like the weight's like coming right off of me. I said, okay, well, first of all, you know, we're reducing by about five to six hundred calories. Plus, you just got done telling me that, you know, since I've given you more freedom with, you know, putting, you know, olive oil and having adding butter to certain meals and this and that, that you haven't been calculating and being super strict about that. So maybe give yourself an extra 100 calorie buffer or more that you're probably actually consuming now that you're not tracking that or paying attention to that.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So we're probably more like 1700, but you're still in a deficit. But our deficit now is only three, four hundred calories. We don't have long that take. That's going to take you 10 to 15 days before you see one pound of fat that could possibly come off your body. And that one pound of fat is distributed through your entire body. So imagine how incremental and how small that is. Plus, you're listing a new phase of adaptation right now of your training program, so you
Starting point is 00:37:52 might actually build a little bit of muscle. So you might actually put like a quarter to a half a pound of muscle on. So we're going to see maybe even the scale go up a tiny bit or you might not see the scale move at all and you're living in this reduction. So you think like you're failing miserably, but all kinds of great stuff's happening inside your body. It's just a much slower process than you think. And then we head into Saturday, and Saturday you want to go have a good time and enjoy
Starting point is 00:38:15 yourself. Well, by all means, do that. Enjoy yourself and get right back on your program. But also keep in mind that you're just kind of prolonging that, and you're going to shrink up. There's nothing wrong with it. But I think it's the time frame that people are, they think that you're just kind of prolonging that and you're going to shrink up. There's nothing wrong with it. But I think it's the time frame that people are, they think that you can lose, because they see all this, oh,
Starting point is 00:38:31 lose in 30 days. And that's why I get so angry when I see those things because I'm like, we're giving people such a bad perception of really how it's supposed to work. So when they relate it to that, and then they're going through a real program done the right way for somebody that's just so confused. I don't understand why am I not losing it this fast enough or why isn't this coming to me quicker? And it's like, no, it's a journey.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah. You're like, where's all these time parameters coming from? Right. You know, like it is. It's marketed that way because of because of stupid shit heads like us in the industry that, you know, they take that direction instead. And they're like, you know, yeah, I can get you this in a couple of weeks and you're gonna lose 10 pounds with me.
Starting point is 00:39:10 You know, I'm like, that's crazy. You're already setting them up for craziness. Part of your job as a trainer is to educate your clients on this process. Your job is not to just give them, oh, weight loss, weight loss, weight loss. You're not going to be a successful trainer, number one, long term. And number two, you're doing the person a complete disservice.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And we have lots of evidence now to show that metabolic damage or, you know, adaptive thermogenesis, and the negative happens as a result of this. Look, we used to say, and I used to say this too, if you exercise too much and you eat too little, you'll burn muscle. You're not burning muscle. You know, it's harder to burn muscle. I love your analogy with the expensive fuel.
Starting point is 00:39:56 It's like the most expensive fuel. It's the most expensive tissue on your body, aside from your brain, for example, but your body's not burning muscle for energy. Your body's making you lose muscle. It's adapting to a slower metabolism. It's trying to make itself slower. And if you lose 30 pounds and 30 days, that's what you did.
Starting point is 00:40:16 You have effectively guaranteed you, if I tested your metabolic rate at the beginning of that and the end of that, you've significantly lowered your metabolism. And now you're in this really shitty situation. Explain what you mean by that. Explain to people what the body is doing to make it more efficient and more conducive to all the exercise that you're giving in the lack of food. Well, here's what you've told your body.
Starting point is 00:40:38 You've told your body in 30 days, which for all intents and purposes a very short period for the body, but you've told your body, hey, you went from burning this many calories a day to now burning three times as many calories a day and we just literally ramped up your calorie burn through activity.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Oh, and we've taken your food intake and brought it way down on top of it. So now your body's dealing with a situation where it's burning a shit ton more calories, but it's taken in a lot less calories, all at the same time. And you're putting a ton more demand on it, so. That's what they're doing, yeah, all this demand,
Starting point is 00:41:09 all the stress. So now your body's saying, okay, it has to burn body fat, but it's at the same time saying, how do we make this body, how do we make this body operate on less calories, because we need to adapt to this crazy new lifestyle. Right, the way it does it, we can't give it so much energy. That's right, and the way it does it, is it, one of the ways it does it, operate on less calories because we need to adapt to this crazy new lifestyle. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:25 The way it doesn't give it so much energy. That's right. And the way it does it is it, one of the ways it does it, is it makes you lose muscle. Yeah. It's going to get, it's going to get rid of shit that's expensive. And muscle is expensive. Having a lot of muscle, unless your body weighs, it weighs you down. It weighs you down.
Starting point is 00:41:39 It's expensive to maintain. It takes a lot of energy and blood. It's just, it's a tissue that your body will have if it thinks it needs it. Here's something you need to understand with the body. Your body will only ever be as strong and as muscular as the minimum it thinks it needs to be. It will never be more than that.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Your body will never surpass the minimum that it believes that it needs to have. So the environment, it's the environment that you create around you that dictates to your body will never surpass the minimum that it believes that it needs to have. It's the environment. It's the environment that you create around you that dictates to your body as to what it needs to overcome. And so, you know, if you're, what you're doing on a day to day basis is sitting down and not moving a whole lot, your body is going to make that very efficient. So you're telling your body, oh, wow, I don't need a whole lot of muscle tissue, you know, to get up and down, because I don't do it very often.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Right. Or I'm so active and eating so little that rather than having this muscle for it, it's more efficient to just get rid of it because I need to conserve calories. But you know, if you don't believe me, you know, here's an experiment, I recommend you don't try it. But if you really have, you really want to experience it yourself, this is what you do. Put yourself in bed and be bed-ridden for one week. Just lay in bed for a week and watch how quickly
Starting point is 00:42:50 your body deteriorates. We're talking seven fucking days. This is how fast your body will adapt to become more efficient when in terms of activity and caloric intake. You sit down, lay in bed, don't do anything. Your strength will plummet and you'll lose muscle. I'm very rapid right.
Starting point is 00:43:08 That's so interesting because I was just thinking about this because one of the biggest fears, you know, with old people and like, you know, like I've seen this happen to personally with close, you know, loved ones, like once their hip broke, you know, you knew you only had a certain amount of time left with them. That's right, because they so unmotivated to move, you know, most of their motor skills like start deteriorating, like almost immediately. So fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 What you want to consider too with the elderly is that the elderly, their bodies adapt in the negative sense in terms of making them more efficient with calories in terms of, you know, not being expensive with muscle much faster than someone who's young. Someone who's young can get away with, you know, burning more calories when you're older and you stop working out, like if I train a 75 year old on a consistent basis, let's say twice a week, and they leave for a month and they come back, it's equivalent to like a 30 year old who stop working out for three or four months. That's what I noticed when they come back,
Starting point is 00:44:09 it's like, okay, here we go. We're gonna start you off kind of. And they bounce back pretty quickly, but the older they get, the more that becomes evident when they stop exercising. So, I mean, these are all important things. When you look at food, a healthy relationship, here's another example.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I have another very, very close friend of mine who I've kinda had to hammer into her that she needs to eat a little bit more and be okay with that. Well, the other day, she sent me a message and she's like, hey, she was checking in with me and I said, how's your food today? And she said, well, and her target is about 1300 calories a day.
Starting point is 00:44:47 She's like, well, I only ate about a thousand calories. This was like nine o'clock at night. So I'm like, okay, what are you gonna do? She's like, well, I was gonna like force feed myself some fish because I need to hit 1300. I'm like, what do you mean force feed? How do you feel? She's like, I don't, I'm not hungry at all.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Like I feel, I said, why don't you just listen to your body? It's okay if you eat a thousand calories today because you might be more hungry tomorrow and then you can eat 15 or 16 hundred calories. This is another level of that whole relationship with food. This is why I always recommend people move their macronutrients. Don't be so regimented every single day.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Don't be so regimented with your calories every single day. And by the way, when you eat this way, you actually get better results. I've noticed that with everybody, that's been done this around me, where they eat, you know, instead of eating 1,500 calories every single day, some days are 1,200, some days are 1,800,
Starting point is 00:45:34 but they average out to 1,500. Well, we've been preaching for a long time now about, you know, understanding the process of adaptation when it comes to program design and training, but not a lot of people discuss the same thing with nutrition. That's very similar. It's the reason why doing the same thing, same calorie and take, same the over and over and over every single day is not ideal.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It is not ideal. Can it work? Sure. It can work. So it can follow the same training program. It could get you some results. But if you want optimal, it's optimal for you to be constantly rotating foods there. You know, I wanna be careful though,
Starting point is 00:46:07 that, you know, we're saying this right now, and I feel like all the IIFYM people are like, yeah, to see this is why we eat this way, because it's balanced, and you're not always, you know, following exactly the same food. In theory, IIFYM is fine, the way it's being used is not well. That's okay, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I like the term flexible dieting better. Yeah, I don't, I think they were both attached to that. I like flexible eating better than flexible dieting. Yeah, yeah, dieting. You're right. Yeah, flexible, flexible eating is a better term for it, but here's, you know, and here's a little plug for somebody that we follow. All of us follow a guy named Jay Titan.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So if you, on Instagram, you can look him up. Jay Titan, dude is awesome. Probably probably one of the better people out there as far as post. He's a bodybuilder, dude, very direct and straightforward with everything he talks about. He recently just got into a heated debate with Lane Norton, which was fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Oh, I saw that. That was awesome. Fucking awesome to read and watch him just, you know, some people, they're not, he doesn't have a soft of an approach, I think, as we do. So if you, if you don't, if you don't, yeah, you know, he's probably, he's kind of a cross between us and Joe Donnelly. So if you, if you like, that aggressiveness, that Joe kind of delivers every once in a while with our intelligence level, I think it's kind of a nice little, a nice little blend, right? It's totally, it's
Starting point is 00:47:22 totally love the dude though, like he's blasted in Lane Norton and, and these IFYM people and it for the exact same reasons that we do, which is all the chemicals and shit and food that nobody likes to talk about. And, you know, Lane likes to always defend, you know, of course, is IFYM because of that's what he stands by and he's doubled down on it. But the more and more studies that are coming out, like Sal has talked about with gut, flora and things like that, and we're the more and more studies that are coming out like Sal has talked about with gut, floor and things like that. We're finding more and more things are linked to cancer. And then you go through these pages of all these people that promote this and like half of their posts or cupcakes and desserts and this, that is not a healthy relationship with
Starting point is 00:47:57 food. It's going, it's now taking that information that we're saying right now about having balance and rotating foods and now it's taking it to an extreme to where they're out searching for the next junk food that can fit into their macros. And that is not any more healthy than the person who eats tilapia and fucking especially. It's not like they just randomly stumbled upon it and they're like, ah, you know, I'm gonna just chill for a minute and eat this because I enjoy this
Starting point is 00:48:21 or whatever. It's like, yeah, like you said, they're planning actively. Yes. How to fit that into their like you said, they're planning actively. Yes. How to fit that into their, you know, almost everyday routine. And I hate it because once again, it gets another bad perception to that person who's scanning through that is wanting to get in shape.
Starting point is 00:48:34 They see this super fit girl. And, you know, she's looks great and she's strong and, you know, every other post she's posting is cupcakes and donuts and cake and ice cream and Ben and Jerry's this with all kinds of crazy artificial sweetener desserts on top of it and that is so fucking unhealthy. I've actually seen posts where they will post donuts and some other junk food and they'll have it like a split screen and on the other side is fruit and healthy stuff and they'll show that the macros are the same, you know, same calories, same fat carbs and protein and as if they're making the argument that they're the same, they have the same macros so you can eat this shit over here and
Starting point is 00:49:16 it's the same as eating this healthy stuff over there. It's not, it's not the same, not even close. Which I find is you have to be an idiot to think that, right? To really think that, you know, six strawberries is the same thing as fucking six gummy bears. Yeah. Like just because it's just because the two of them both equal the same amount of calories does not mean that they're the same fucking thing whatsoever. And any idiot that would think that
Starting point is 00:49:36 because I have yet to see a gummy bear tree. You know, I've yet to see it. I've yet to see it. It's not grown naturally in nature. I don't think it's gonna be even comparable to something like that. So that stuff drives me nuts. And it drives me nuts when I see that when these are,
Starting point is 00:49:48 these are fitness professionals. Like right now I'm talking about someone who they just came up on my feet. I think it was about six, six months ago. Do you remember when it was when we got into that little tip with the the IFYM chick? Was it? Oh, that was a five, six months ago.
Starting point is 00:50:00 A six-month-old cat or whatever. Yeah. Her name was or whatever. You know, and so uh, south, I think is she responded to it was mine. She responded first of your post and then a drug kind of all of us in and then we were going back and forth. And then of course I have to look at her page and see and then sure enough, she has every
Starting point is 00:50:15 picture. Yes. Donuts literally. And she hasn't stopped since we talked, which I'm, it drives me crazy a little because I felt like we had a very good, uh, healthy debate back and forth and try to inform her and then we did a pod guess right. Well, because her defense was like, no, I eat really, really healthy over 90% of the time. And I said, and I looked at her page and I'm like, okay, you've got, you know, 20,000 followers and I don't see any posts of healthy food.
Starting point is 00:50:39 So maybe you are, maybe you do everything right and you've got a good relationship with food, but that's not how you're advertising yourself, and it's definitely not the message that you're sending out to all these impressionable whoever, you know, that's following it. Right. And anybody who's been a trainer for a very long time knows that this is a struggle. We're talking, and the reason why I bring this up, we're talking about the relationship with food. Normally people that you get, and when I get somebody who's 60 plus pounds overweight,
Starting point is 00:51:01 they have a bad relationship with food, and it's different, you know, and their relationship is very similar to, and I had this conversation with another client just the other day about how crazy it is to me that, you know, because we live in this society that deems like, this is a drug, this is not a drug, this is bad for us, it's not, you know, that they decide that they govern us and tell us what is illegal and what's illegal and stuff. And so society says, okay, this is good. This is not bad for me because it's legal. I can get in the grocery store and we can eat as much of it. But when you think about how much sugar and how much death is and disease is caused
Starting point is 00:51:34 by the overconsumption of sugar, but yet it's completely legal and free for people to get. And then if you actually break it down even further, and I don't know of you guys. I've dealt with a lot of people either related to me or clients of mine that have battled addiction, drug addiction. I've seen alcoholism, I've seen cocaine, I've seen prescription drugs, I've seen it all. Like I've had all these people around me
Starting point is 00:51:54 that I've seen battle this in my 35 years. And when you listen to someone like that, talk about their drug addiction, it is almost identical to listening to someone talk about their addiction to fucking food. It's sugar. You know, and this whole like that one, the first it's denial, just the same process, they don't think they have an issue, then they realize they have an issue and then it's like
Starting point is 00:52:15 they have a handle on the issue, but really they don't have a handle on the issue. And then they think they can kind of introduce it into their life. I still need it for like post recovery. They're become always these things. This is the same conversation. It's, it's, I'll have a client that, all the cester food, and I'll say something to them, like, well, you, you may have an issue with dairy. Let's try eliminating dairy, and they look at me,
Starting point is 00:52:38 like I told them, oh my God, cheese, I have to get rid of cheese. Yeah, like I have to, like I just said, you have to sell your children. You know, like, like, like, what, what, said, you have to sell your children. You know, like like, like, what will I eat now? I know I can't cut out dairy. It's like, it's fucking dairy.
Starting point is 00:52:50 There's a billion other things you could eat. And you obviously have a food intolerance of dairy because by 3 p.m., you look like you're pregnant and you're farting throughout the entire workout. That's right, but he still want it. But they, but they're just like, I can't, it's impossible, like this is crazy. Which is like talking to a method,
Starting point is 00:53:04 a method you're teeth are falling out. Okay, listen, this is an issue now're just like, I can't listen part like this is crazy. Which is like talking to a meth head and met your teeth are falling out. Okay, listen, this is an issue now. I know, I know it started off as a fun Saturday thing with all of you, with all your friends, right? I'm listening to you guys and I was like, oh my God, I think I have a cheese problem. Fuck. Well, you guys have to bring that up.
Starting point is 00:53:20 You know, I think I'm so passionate about it because when we did the whole ketogenic thing, it was such a huge thing for me, man and we always talk about shattering our home bear dimes and that was one for me. I remember Sal talking about it and I was totally teasing him. So I totally sounded like the alcoholic who's making fun of Sal because he doesn't go out and drink because you're a pussy and alcohol so much fun. Why wouldn't you want alcohol and you're an idiot? Like, and I remember listening the episode after we aired it and I went, you're really mean. I'm like, what a douche, I sound like right now.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And what an attic to Carbohydrate. That was the first time you noticed. What? Take it. It wasn't funny, Doug. It wasn't funny, man. It wasn't funny at all. Yeah, you know, what an attic I sounded like to Carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:54:05 And because I'm the type of person who wants to challenge myself in these ways, I thought, you know what, fuck that. I'm gonna do this ketogenic. Well, dude, I mentioned, I'm dead honest. I saw this show where this guy realized that he was dairy intolerant. And so he went to the get a tattoo of a slice of cheese, right?
Starting point is 00:54:25 And I was dying laughing because I was like, oh my God, I can't even imagine, you know? And it's like, wow, it like really though, it is. It's like, I love it, but it's on a weird level. I eat, you know, I eat pretty high fat and very low carbohydrate, most of the time, but I purposely, for health reasons, throwing a vegan day, or I'll have a day like today where I'm going to allow myself about a hundred grams of carbohydrates because I want that metabolic flexibility. I don't want to lose
Starting point is 00:54:53 the benefits of the diversity that may give my gut flora. But also, I don't want to get stuck in that crazy, you know, mind space. You know, here's something, this was something I do for my kids too. You know, mind space. You know, here's something I, this was something I do for my kids too. We eat very healthy compared to most people. However, I know my kids live in the regular world. They live in America. They're gonna be exposed to birthdays.
Starting point is 00:55:15 They're gonna be supposed to parties. Eventually, they're not gonna live under my roof. Eventually, they're gonna go do, you know, buy food on their own. And the worst, one of the worst things I could do is be so crazy strict on healthy food that when they get the opportunity to go eat and feed themselves, that they do the exact opposite
Starting point is 00:55:32 and eat shitty. So I make sure every once in a while, hey you guys wanna have a treat? Let's go get ice cream or like McDonald's. My kids will have McDonald's maybe once or twice a year. Why? Number one, I don't like to give them more than that because it's not very healthy, it's fast food. But number two, the reason why it's not less than that
Starting point is 00:55:49 is that McDonald's is fucking everywhere. And if I completely demonize it, then kids get rebellious, especially teenage kids. And last thing I want is my kids, like fuck my, you know, fuck dad. And you know, I'm 15 years old, I got money. And now every day after school, I'm meeting, you know, 10-piece chicken nugget type of deal.
Starting point is 00:56:05 So these are all important strategies that we do. I do it with my kids, I do it with myself. This all falls in that category of a healthy relationship with food. Now, we're saying all this right now, but I think it's important. And maybe you guys disagree here because we probably all coach a little bit different but this is why I am really stringent at first with somebody with tracking at first because I feel like you need to do that. You have to make them aware first. Yes. First, they're just they're unconsciously competent because I feel like somebody I feel like
Starting point is 00:56:40 okay, you're a new listener. You just start listening to mine pump and you're like you know, someone already told you like you gotta listen to these guys are great, they give all kinds of information, they're super good-looking and super smart. Sure, I got it. I doubt everybody says that, but. Well, so someone tells you that. Everybody thinks your voice is on my body.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, what's up with that? How does it, someone said that the Justin and I, they get confused. This is Adam speaking. I think I've got that now. There you go. Nobody trusted. Apparently, my voice matches my face.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You're perfect. Like, Nero and like projected very, Nobody just it apparently my voice matches my face. It's a curve. Like narrow and like projected very, you're personally like, I feel like we're also distinct you would never get it. But maybe whatever, I whatever, maybe you have a shitty stereo system too. Who knows? But I make, I make these people track it first because I think it's just, it's making them aware and understand the little incremental things I'm talking about that. You know, otherwise they get in this like, oh, you know, if I didn't lose X amount by this amount of time, then whatever I'm doing must not be effective. Like, no, that's not true. I need to teach you and show you.
Starting point is 00:57:38 What you're doing is like I'd mentioned before in a previous podcast. It reminds me of being passive, like being a passenger in the process, and you're not taking ownership. So to really take ownership is to understand your habits. And if you're not gonna put the effort into that arena, like just like that has to be your focus before you even get started. Well, and the reason why I wanted to say this,
Starting point is 00:58:02 because I know I was starting to say that we have, you know, somebody who's listening, they don't really know much about mind pump or heard previous episodes. And they're listening to us talk about like, you know, you know, relationship with food and balance and, you know, having flexibility and different foods, you know, incorporate in there. And, you know, so we're almost preaching against like, you know, the bodybuilding world where you're tracking your weighing, your counting, you're doing all those things, which there's something to take from that that I love and I appreciate and I think is very important
Starting point is 00:58:30 to coaching and training that I don't want to get that message, misconstrued to people who are listening right now that think like, oh well, I heard on my pump like that's an unhealthy relationship for me to count or track or weigh. That's an unhealthy way to live for the rest of your life. But you have to become aware. Before you can change anything,
Starting point is 00:58:45 you need to be aware of what's going on. Before I can fix my addiction to whatever, I need to be like, oh fuck, I'm addicted. So tracking initially lets people know like, oh wow, I don't realize I ate that much sugar. Oh wow, I didn't realize that my calories were actually that high or I didn't realize that when people start to write things down, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Automatically, when people write their food down, they start changing how they eat, because they become aware what they put in their mouth. The perfect example of this is, and if you don't think you're somebody who doesn't, you don't think you need to do this. Here's your challenge, okay? For one day, one day after you eat all the foods,
Starting point is 00:59:21 sit down, write them down, and guesstimate what you think, you're consuming macronutrient wise, calorie wise, and see, then, then, then, yeah, then actually input that into like a fat secret or something like that and see what it comes out to be, and see how close you really are to that. Most people are so far off, it's unreal. Dude, we're good at it, and we are off. Yes. When I went and tracked mine, I was like, wow, I didn't realize I was eating that much. That's pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I had no idea. Well, listen, if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. Don't forget to go to mindpumpmedia.com. We have the fasting guide on there that we talked about a little bit. Tessie had a fast properly. There's a nutrition guide. We also have all of our maps programs, which are expertly programmed in terms of working out building muscle burning body fat. You can also find us on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I'm at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. And Adam is at Mind Pump, Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle
Starting point is 01:00:26 at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by SAU, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:01:06 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. Bump!

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