Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 306: Building Muscle While Losing Fat, Hair Loss, CrossFit Style Training & MORE

Episode Date: June 8, 2016

iTunes Winners & QUAH! In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whey protein causing hair loss, the need of a caloric surplus to build muscle, the real world benefit of fitn...ess certifications, doing CrossFit type training with MAPS and their impression of each other when they first met. Get the Mind Pump Discount Red, Green & Black Super Bundle at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We ready. We are ready. What are we doing? We're giving away some t-shirts. Boom, boom, boom, t-shirt, t-shirt, go! Give it away, give it away. Give it away now, give it away now, give it away now. What was that supposed to go there?
Starting point is 00:00:11 There's no sign of the way. Who was that? Give it away now. What was that? It's red hot chili peppers, bro. Oh, idiot. What an idiot sometimes I am. God.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I think I'm a very lazy person. I love red hot chili peppers. Huh? I love red hot chili peppers. I think that they're one of the most underrated rock bands of all time. Not because people think anything poorly about them, but because they're not considered great, but they are. Well, they're in a funk kind of rock band though.
Starting point is 00:00:35 You know what I mean? It's like it's not like rock. Well, wasn't it, too, I mean, they're their own style, man. I would like to ask you, maybe you know more, weren't they one of those bands, too, that were like a super anti-going with a major label. So they were, aren't they? Maybe yeah. There's some Pearl Jam was, but okay.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Pearl Jam is like that. I know, okay. So I knew it was like someone around that era that they, there's some bands that were like that, right? That were, we know them, they were great, but they could have been so much bigger. Like the record companies and they went their own way. Just, you know, put out their own. they weren't one of those ones, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:07 I don't know. I have no idea. I thought maybe you would know all right. God damn it. I looked sorry I don't have a music almond acro here This time around we got 30 reviews got they just keep going up and up and up and up Lee holy that's all that's pretty excellent. That's great Yes, who called upon the 30 was that you pretty excellent. That's great. Yes. Who called upon the 30 was that you does? I must have been me. I'll take credit.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Doug. Oh, why not? You've done this all. How many shirts are we giving away then? We're gonna give away seven. Whoa. And then shirt number seven shirts. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:01:38 That's a lot. You're not looking it up. You know, you know, these shirts only grow on trees though. They do not. They do not. They do not grow on trees. Good thing we have someone else do with that. Exactly. only grow on trees though. They do not. They do not. They do not grow on trees. Good thing we have someone else do with that. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:48 They grow on cotton fields. So, you know, one thing that you've said, Sal, is like, if we like your review, you can get a shirt. Yeah. I'm going to tell you this. We like everybody's reviews. All right. But if we really love your review, and if it's really got some really neat stuff in it, see Doug, this is where you the producer producer you're clear. Yeah, you're very
Starting point is 00:02:06 clear. I'm actually glad you said it because I think someone responded to us like I'd left a review and I didn't get a shirt like yeah, guaranteed. Yeah, not guaranteed. No, I mean, we're gonna choose the ones we like the most not to say that yours is not great, but we thought the others are great. Still seven out of seven out of 30 is a is a is, is it, is it, is it, those are great on those are very good odds. So getting a t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah, keep leaving reviews and your chances are high to get one. Now, I'm going to read them off. Tateh, H93. Tateh is saying that mind pump is her Google for fitness. Oh, so if she wants to search anything fitness related, she searches mind pump. Yes, who just got to write to the source. I like that. We got M clan field. This is a name you'll love. I make barbells. My bitch. Oh, yeah. You do. Oh Jay Poppy. Fearsht. And pump one Ron man.
Starting point is 00:03:09 All our winners send your name, your iTunes name to iTunes at mind pump media.com. You're shipping address as well as your shirt size. We'll get that right out to you. Claim your free shirt. Get it bitches. Why it's hot. Whoa. Let's be nice. If you want to pump your Claim your free shirt. Get it bitches. Why it's hot. Whoa, let's be nice. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I feel like ever since we had these mafia shirts, you know, you know, but you said like, it's getting me in the of, I don't know. You sound like a cross between like a scar face and the Godfather. Like you can't decide where you're from. You know, it's a little bit of this. A little bit of that.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And it's a little bit of that. You know what I mean? My pungulo. I love it. That's a good time to get there. Thank you. I like these mine pump mafia t-shirts. It's a good time to get there. Thank you. I like these mine pump mafia t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's fucking dope. They're pretty nice. Pretty nice. Those are bad ass, bro. They're nice, dude. I like them. I feel like I'm, they sold faster than any other shirt we've ever done for a spills of olive oil on.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Really? Oh, yeah. Fasten the shirt with Justin's face on it. Faster than that shirt. Damn. That one went real fast. Yeah. Doug's producer shirts moving pretty quick too. Oh, the one that says who's fucked up?
Starting point is 00:04:26 You guys wanted to make that into toilet paper. Remember when we talked about that? What? It was not cool. Wait, what? What are you talking about? My face. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Stay with me. Yeah, stay with me. That's it. That's it. You guys what happened? I didn't tell you guys what happened over the weekend. No, you were fucking radio silent this weekend, bro. Where are you, dude?
Starting point is 00:04:44 We were having communication. I was having a tough time. I don't like when you're happened over the weekend. No, you were fucking radio sat in this weekend. Well, where are you, dude? Well, we're having a community conversation. I don't like when you're like that. I was having a tough time. So this week, so Saturday, I go. We're gonna keep you nappy next time. I go because I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna buy myself some running shoes. Everybody calm down.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I'm not gonna run. It's because I wanted some shoes. That were, whoa. Everybody calm the fuck down call on the fuck down, call on the four-lack, there will be no running here. Yeah, too much. Because I've been, now that the weather's really warm,
Starting point is 00:05:12 I like to go on our walks or hikes and my indoor soccer shoes as much as I love them, just don't cut it. So I'm like, I need running shoes. So I went downtown, Los Gatos, and there's parking in front of the post office there. So I parked there, and walked over to go look for my displaced
Starting point is 00:05:30 that sells running shoes. Apparently, they're at a business or not there anymore. So I walked back to my car, and I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna eat, I wanna eat some seafood, but it's a little further down the road. So I got on my car, moved my car down further, went in the restaurant, ate dinner. I come out, and I go to the original parking spot, forgot I had moved my car. This is
Starting point is 00:05:49 what happens in your normal stress, you forget everything. So I go over there, no fucking car. I'm like, did somebody steal my car? I'm like, did someone steal my car and lost gattos? Like, for those listeners, not familiar with the Bay Area, that's a very wealthy part of Silicon Valley. You're not gonna find a house less than 1.5 million, right? So someone's just fucking steal my car. Not only that, but I don't drive a car you wanna steal anyway. It's a fucking Jedda. Like someone stole my Jedda.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And I look up and there was a sign. That is hilarious. There was a sign that it said 30 minutes parking only, all others will, if you stay long on that will be towed So I'm like I thought for sure I got towed so I'm fucking heated right so I call the police department the law's got its police department And the and the ladies like you know, I'm like you guys told my car and she's like well kind of car is it I'm like a black jet or whatever and she's like yeah, we did She's like, but you're not gonna be able to get it probably till Monday. What?
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah, so I'm like, what the fuck? My car's gone. I got my gym bag in there, which is where I keep all my work shit. I'm stranded. You know, half of my family's gone at a town right now. I almost called your, your asset, fucking 830, but I'm like, there's no way he's sober enough to drive.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So I'm like, what am I gonna do? So she's like, well, we have two emergencies we're dealing with and then we'll come back and get back to you later on tonight. So I'm like, what am I going to do? So she's like, well, we have two emergencies we're dealing with and then we'll come back and get back to you later on tonight. So I'm like, fuck, so I'm just roaming around. I walk over and get some dairy-free frozen yogurt. I'm really good. So I'm sitting there and I look across the street. I'm like, wow, that car looks just like my side. I hit my alarm and it turns out like, oh, fuck. Bro, I swore to God for fucking three hours. I was convinced.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But then the weird thing is the police department. She's me, my blood pressure goes. The police department actually towed a car that was like mine. Fucking crazy. That is crazy. So me. So the more the story is, the whole,
Starting point is 00:07:41 there's a moral here, is that getting ice cream helped me find my car. Did I? Did I? There was a good part. Oh, okay. Did I ever tell you guys my tow truck story? No.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh my god, I got one for you guys. You just reminded me of something. So when I lived in my complex, right? So when we, I had a gated community and they used to have about a year or two years after I was living there. They put a sign on that said that if you did not have an additional parking pass for any additional vehicles that you would get towed. And it was in this small gated community, you probably had about, I don't know, 50 to
Starting point is 00:08:16 a 100 extra spots set. You know, everybody, if you had a second car, you had guests over, that's where they parked. Well, now they wanted you to buy a parking pass and you, you know, then you had to put in your window or else you get towed. So of course, I was the asshole who didn't do that right away and I got towed and I'm ever going down to the first time and I'm like 250 bucks, right? Is that how much it cost? Yeah, 250. That's what I thought. Oh, so mad. So 250 bucks to get it out and I'm like, son of a bitch, that's what I get. Well, let me go find out how it's just parking passes. Find out the parking pass It's $50 and I said well I
Starting point is 00:08:46 Have three cars plus my roommate has a car and then we each have girlfriends So can we get more passes like no you're only allowed one pass per household Well, how the fuck second will work? So I'm already up shit Creek right now because I've got an extra car myself We have a two car garage so so two cars are in there, but we're still fucked right now. So Outside and I this is what I lived on East Side San Jose. So this is kind of like, I'm in the ghetto, but I'm in an ice gated community. So like, we're okay where we're at.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Outside the gate. Outside the gate. I've scared of death to park my car out there, right? Especially my cars that I have stuff done to it, right? So I'm like, fuck this. I'll just, you know what, when they told me they told me, and I'm just going to... Hope we don't have any listeners.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I'll deal with that. I lived there for almost 10 years. Come on. So, uh, so this was this game that we played. And we'd always be like trying to figure out when the tow truck club was coming and kind of go out and then come back in and like I played this game for many years. And at the time I was making good money. So, you know, when it happened and it was, it was occasionally, it would happen to me a couple of times a month. I would go pay for it. And I was like, whatever, fuck you guys would happen to me a couple times a month I would go pay for it and I just like whatever fuck you guys. Well a couple times a month that we get towed. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So and this this expensive. So this went on this went on for years to the point where I got to know the people really well, you know, and
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'd be coming down and they say hi to me when I come walking up and every time we love your money and every time I'm bitter and pissed off. But if everybody understands like I the way I looked at it was I was I felt safer about parking my car in there and the chances I would take of it getting stolen, then putting in my car outside this gated community where I was certain that somebody would drive by and I had a stereo system ran everything on the cars that I was driving. So, you know, I for sure was going to get stolen, right? So I'd rather roll the dice of dealing with
Starting point is 00:10:25 this tow truck thing. So this happened to me. This literally goes on for maybe a year, two years. And then finally, I have this incident where I'm heading to work and go outside sure as shit, fucking cars towed. So I'm pissed. And I'm heading down there. And for some reason, I don't know why with the guy that was running that was in charge of this, this morning was just a fucking dick. And he was just being a complete asshole to me. I actually, I take that back. The guy, it was an old lady first that I was dealing with. And she was being a complete bitch to me.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And I was asking for the manager. And well, I guess she's the owner and the managers her son. And I've dealt with him a billion times before and whatever. And I was like, man, he's serious. I need my car and they're like, no, you need to, you need to get a picture or you need your actual, what you want to call it, your driver's license. No, not your driver's license. The, say my name to the car, the registration. Oh, I registration. Right. And so the registration, I didn't have in the car. And I was like, I got to go all the way back across town
Starting point is 00:11:26 to go get that. I was just towed two weeks ago. You can look in your book, just flip back. The same car was towed and I paid for it then. I was like, can you just use all my information? It's in there. And she flips back. I can fucking see it on the piece of paper too.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And she's like, no, you still need to bring, you need to still bring it. And I'm like, I'm so, I'm so heated right now, right? Sorry, I got to drive all the way back town to? Sorry, I can drive all the way back to town to go get this. I drive all the way back to town. I come back and get it. Well, when I come back, I can't remember what it else it was. They asked me that now I need it again.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And so I'm like, at this point, I'm free. Now I'm dealing with a guy, right? And I'm pissed off and I go, you know what? I already had to deal with some fucking cut before. Now I'm gonna deal with you. This is what I found out it was his mom. And he's like, that's my mom. Right?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Luckily, I'm a pretty big guy. And this guy wasn't nowhere near my size and stuff. And so he was at least someone intimidated, but it didn't go over very well. And so now he's like being a bigger asshole about me getting it. Now I'm at the jump through all these crazy hoops, to make sure everything's, I need this now, I need that copy of this and you proof of this.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So at this point, I'm so I'm so I go, I'm like, okay, and I'm such an asshole that I will find a way to this. There is a there I will always find a way to get like the last right. So I'm and at this time, I'm dating my girlfriend and we're dating my girlfriend Katrina and we're driving home and she's trying to tell me to calm down this and that relax so I'm and at this time I'm dating my girlfriend and we're dating my girlfriend Katrina and we're driving home And she's trying to tell me to calm down this and that relax and I'm so fucking heated and pissed off And she's trying to you know tell me to settle down about like no, fuck this. This is about principle now She said what are you gonna do it? I'm like, I don't know. I'm gonna I'll figure out something I'm gonna do something but you don't they have your car. So don't do this. Don't do anything destructive No, no, I'm just trying to but I'm I'm furious. So I'm like I know what I'm gonna do
Starting point is 00:13:06 So I go to the bank to go get my money and I asked the teller said um could you give me $250 in quarters, please It's crazy already. Let me tell you so that's awesome. She's like $250 sir. Are you sure? I said yes, give me $250 in quarters, please so she comes out with all the play a lot of video games She comes out with all the roles. And I'm there's no way I'm going to give them to the roles. These are I break open, I break open all the roles. You spend like an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Oh, I spent a half hour fucking just breaking the roles up, right? So I break all the roles up, dump all the quarters in a plastic bag. And I show up and I fucking slam it on the counter. So there's my $250. Here's my registration. Here's my fucking car. And she and the guy that two of them were both in there now. They're like, you can't do this. I'm like, what do you mean I can't do this? That's money. It's $250. You need to count it.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I said, I already did count it. You need to count it. If you don't believe it's $250. And so they literally, they literally had to sit there and count it. They would have to count it before they would take it and release my car. So I went next door to McDonald's. I got a coffee and I came back and I sat there and drink my coffee while they could joke counted two hundred fifty dollars with a chorus That's a good story Excellent bitch. I don't I don't have one Nobody I'm actually nice to people nobody's ever towed your car. Yeah, yeah, they have but It's here. It's the motherfucking claw. The vehicle was landed.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. That was a new one. Do you like it? I like it. Yeah, just keep it there. Hair by Claire, can protein powder cause hair loss? What the fuck? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Now, it's not protein powder, right? It's got to be something that's in the protein powder. That's a new one. I. So the full Sam heard that. There was more of the question though, wasn't there? Well, so she had a client. And she had a client that she's a hairstylist
Starting point is 00:14:51 hence the name hair by Claire. Oh, okay. So yeah, I know we have a bunch of things. Nothing gets by you guys over here. So she has a client of hers, which I'm assuming she cuts her hair, and that's what she means by client. And she said that this client of hers was losing her hair and said she started doing some research
Starting point is 00:15:09 and she had came across some material that had said that way protein can cause hair loss, which way in itself sounds crazy. But where maybe she has, is there some truth to this? Maybe there's something in the protein that they would be buying? No. No. No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:15:26 No, it's not going to cause hair loss. So I tried looking this up because I'm like, I wonder, because she said like that her friend had read somewhere. So I googled literally, I googled, does protein powder cause hair loss? And there's a doctor Shapiro, who incidentally,
Starting point is 00:15:49 also JKs. Also, also does hair transplant. Does hair transplant? No way. Yeah, so he's a doctor. Oh, this is so beautiful. This is right in our will house. Thank you, hair.
Starting point is 00:16:00 He's a doctor here by Claire. Exactly. He does shenanigans. And so he presented some paper about way protein saying that it causes hair loss because it stimulates testosterone. Yeah, it raises testosterone. But before he sounds like a commercial for protein.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Right. I want to take it now, fuck. Oh, I'm like, I'm gonna lose my hair. You're gonna lose it anyway. With my testosterone. Well, before you dig into these guys anymore, I'm so'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm that tries to throw a study out. I'm like, dude, do you even understand how to read a study? Do you understand that that study is so goddamn biased because of who just put it out there? The person who put it out there is going to benefit from the whatever the outcome that
Starting point is 00:16:53 study is. Exactly. Bro, it's so much better. It gets so much fucking better. Oh, laying on us. So this doctor who does hair transplant stuff was he was studying like this way protein Clause hair loss and he's studying all the ingredients and so based on his research He developed an enhanced weight protein concentrate for me. Yeah, so now he sells some of it's and it's called
Starting point is 00:17:14 It's called help hair shake. So this this protein powder So so he made up a problem and so he could sell a product. Fucking brilliant. That makes you snake oil strikes again. Yeah, fucking brilliant. Yeah, so he made a protein powder that solves the problems of hair loss with protein powder with his protein powder. Brilliant. Yeah, no, complete absolute bullshit. Yeah, if your friends losing your hair,
Starting point is 00:17:41 something else is going on, could be a nutrient deficiency. Could be a nutrient deficiency, could be stress, could be lack of hormones. Now it depends on how old she is right now, which could be going through. Could be all, I mean, could be a lot of different things. Isn't there some weird like ticked, like some people get really like bite their nails or they like pull their hair out
Starting point is 00:17:56 and they don't even realize it? Oh, yeah, I don't know. They don't realize it? Yeah, they don't even realize it. I don't know, like, they like get this like urge to like pull their hair out. Yeah, but you don't realize you're doing that? No, you just like they're just like kind of taking it It's just a constant like you want to do it like you can pay attention to it. Okay. I think I've seen girls do that before
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah, but they actually pull it out because they want you to know this is this is not something that you Oh, not that I know okay, but I have no idea what you're talking about But the main the most I mean the most common cause of hair loss is what they call androgenic alopecia, which is your DHT receptors in your scalp. If you have a lot of them, you tend to lose your hair. And this is why men have lose hair at much higher rates than women do, but women can as well.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's just not nearly as common. It really has to do with the concentration of these receptors in your scalp. Some of us have a lot of them, some of us have a little bit of them. I was just thinking about something. I'm totally going to detract us from Q&A right now. I'm a little disappointed in you because we had a thread, a huge thread going on the form right now and we were all to participate in a TV series or a sitcom that we most identify with and Doug got involved, Justin got involved.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I did. I didn't see you. I commented right after you. What? No, you didn't. I did. What did you see it just like? Bro, I love this.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, yeah. Why don't you do this? Pull it up. I don't remember it. And you'll see it was, I replied to you right on the thread. This is great when Adam thinks I'm wrong. Why don't you tell me who it is then? It's, so do you guys remember the TV show, show the wonder years I've told you guys this before.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Okay the wonder years. Okay. When I was a kid people used to tell me that I looked like or I reminded them of Paul Paul was a nerdy kid. His friend with a glasses. Oh it's okay. Yeah it's because I was skinny like him or whatever. I didn't have glasses or anything. So you most identify with the character because the way he looks. Because the way he looks and you know what the truth is I don't watch a lot of like TV shows like sitcom shows a watch yeah like documentary's and shit Wow, that's such a lame answer I can't really get out of all the fucking movies you've watched in your lifetime and so that you can't find Can we see a TV series? I know Doug called me on that too. I said sitcoms originally Doug's like well technically Adam
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, that is a TV series, I know Doug called me on that too. I said sitcoms originally Doug's like, well, technically Adam. Yeah, that is a TV series. That's what I went with. It's Uncle Joey. So I was like sitcom. I know. I plucked it. Of course, that's me. You guys should know better anyways. You know what? I went back and I thought about you know, when I wrote it, I thought I thought I wrote that. Because in my head, it was, it just, the shit doesn't come out fast enough. You know what I'm saying? The brain goes too fast sometimes and I just leave stuff out. So that's what happened. Yeah, no TV series, sitcom movies, anything like that. Like a character that you could best identify.
Starting point is 00:20:32 The reason why I thought it was a great exercise, I thought I was, I love doing stuff like this in the form because you learn about, if there's movies I can pick someone. How many people did you read? I mean, I read through every, I was, I was, Oh, I was so,
Starting point is 00:20:43 myself other people, like you get insight in a different way. Oh, I mean, Doug, I would have never guessed Doug to pick Gus from, yeah, from, uh, from what you call it, from Breaking Bad. That was so great. Which one's Gus? Oh, Gus is, he's total villain. He's a total bad guy.
Starting point is 00:20:57 That's why it was awesome. Well, you know how Doug crazy Doug is. Well, nobody else does. And the guys like, he's very, very intelligent, but he's got a, uh, no, what a great character. See, when I, I always identify with like some kind of like, uh, like, Braveheart, like, I really identified with him, only because he was being told to do something and he wouldn't do it. And he fought and died for it. That kind of shit. I tell, I'm not, I'm just a true. I identify with Neo, you know, like from the Matrix. Oh, you know what? That's another one. Cause it was just like, yeah, sometimes you feel like you're the one. Yeah. See, the, the matrix. Oh, you know what? That's another one. Cause sometimes you feel like you're the one.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Yeah. You're the same everyone. I feel like those are emotions and those are like, you can't pick for me. No, I can't. You're just, your answers are horrible. Like Justin's like, Joey from Full House was so much better.
Starting point is 00:21:36 You can pick for me if you want. No, I don't want to pick for you. That's all you want. You have someone in your mind. That is not true. That's not. I'm actually, I was really, like was when I saw dogs I was like holy shit That's so awesome. I thought that was such a great gave me great perspective of how he identify
Starting point is 00:21:51 himself right and then when Justin did his I thought oh that's so hilarious because that's I would have never guessed I would have never given that that's why I was really I was excited to see you actually do this exercise and you failed miserably yeah miserably Oh, second that, moving back to qual. All right. Back to the task ahead. Chase Smith, do you really need to be in a caloric surplus to build muscle?
Starting point is 00:22:14 That's a great question. I've got to ask that question all the time. Here's a thing with building muscle. You do, it does require energy to build muscle. That does not necessarily mean you have to be in a surplus because your body can do what's called calorie repartitioning. It can burn, use body fat to supply you with some energy.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Some of the nutrients you're eating can go to muscle. And so you can burn body fat and build muscle at the same time. I've seen this happen many times. Athletes will do this sometime. It's not very easy and you won't be able to stay in this state for very long. And everything has to be very, very on point for you in order to do that to be able to die and build.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's like the gold elox. Yeah. Well, it kind of goes in the same similar theories too, as, you know, what would you guys say if I said, I'm definitely going to eat this big 1500 calories. It's going to be a surplus right? It's going to put me over. It's going to put me at least a thousand calories over. I'm going to have this big 1500 calorie burger and fry and joy. I'm going to go to town meal and I can either do it later on tonight. And this this morning I did this a huge
Starting point is 00:23:25 leg workout and I killed legs, harder than I normally do. Or let's say I do it tomorrow and I take the day off of working out completely. Do you think there's any, any science to support that either one is more beneficial than the other? So eating the food, working out or not working out? Exactly. You know, so let's say, and let's say,
Starting point is 00:23:46 let's actually separate it, because I think that it would be better, I think it would be easier to explain this if the days are separated further apart. Yeah, I was gonna say, yeah, right, because I know if it's close like that, it's we know we're putting hairs. Let's say that the difference is me doing the working,
Starting point is 00:23:59 eating it tonight after I had a hard workout this morning or eating it four days from now after I've taken the last three days off. Totally recovered, I'm fully recovered, I'm not sore anymore, my body is, is it? Well, here's the thing, so excess calories themselves can,
Starting point is 00:24:15 or are known to stimulate protein synthesis. So simply eating more food does kind of build signal by itself, but that signal is very, very short lived. It very quickly will turn into body fat. Again, the body has to have a reason to have muscle. And so that's really the signal that you wanna send that's gonna make you build muscle,
Starting point is 00:24:36 because I could take anybody, not change their food at all, give them a strong hormonal signal with, you know, anabolic steroids. And without changing their calories, their body will find a way to find the energy to build a little bit of muscle. So I think we, calories are definitely important. They definitely help.
Starting point is 00:24:56 But we play so much importance on having to eat a shit ton to gain weight that I think we get confused a little bit that, and we consider that to be the most important thing when, if your nutrition is decent, if it's good, the most important thing that's going to determine whether or not you build muscle is your workout. It's not your nutrition. I mean, figuring out how to stimulate that signal. Exactly. It's got to be through the workout or, you know, in the right sort of setting where you're
Starting point is 00:25:23 establishing this environment to where your body needs to overcome it. Well, this is why... Especially when you talk about CNS, too. Well, I was gonna say, this is why full body routines, where you train the body parts more frequently, for the vast majority of people that do them, build more muscle on those type of routines than they do on a body part split. Because the big detriment to a body part split
Starting point is 00:25:45 is that you send this muscle building signal once a week and even if you hammer the shit at your muscle, people don't realize that recovery can take a while but that muscle building signal ends pretty quickly. I mean, it'll last, the studies will show, I don't know, 48, 72 hours. So that build muscle signal goes down, you're still recovering all week versus training your body parts more frequently, where you're sending that muscle building signal more frequently.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And you're not necessarily doing as much work per workout, but you're still doing the same volume per week. This is one of the core concepts behind the maps programs. And one of the main reasons why there's so effective, I mean, we get messages all the time when people were like, oh, I got leaner and I built more muscle. I lost 15 pounds of body fat, my squat wouldn't have 50 pounds. And the difference is the signal, they're just sending the right signals. Well, I think there's something to be said too, if it's a new adaptation too for them, right?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Like, let's say you're somebody who's never lifted weights before, and we've seen this a lot, right? You've never lifted weights before, and you come to me and your Hunter pounds overweight and I put you on a super calorie deficit and yet you still build muscle I mean this happens because it's a it's a brand new stimulus and new adaptation this body is totally new It will adapt and you gotta remember to it still has other sources of energy on your body like fat That's stored up and there's so your body can get really figure out what it needs to do.
Starting point is 00:27:05 It can get really creative with what it does with the calories that it does take in. Of course, you can go down to a deficit that's so low that your body simply has to, it's got priorities, right? Maintain brain, maintain internal organs, and it goes down this priority list. And if you don't need enough to meet just those priorities, yeah, you're definitely going to lose muscle. You're not going to lose everything. But if you meet all those, basically what you want to do
Starting point is 00:27:35 is you want to make muscle building one of those priorities or at least you want to move it up the list. So that's what that signaling the muscle to grow is doing. You're just taking building muscle and making it somewhat of a priority to the body. And so if you're at a deficit, and it's not a huge deficit, but you're at a deficit, your body will burn body fat, but it believes that more muscle is in its best interest. And so it becomes somewhat of a priority. So you then build muscle and burn body fat. Well, it's such a, I mean, that's such a small,
Starting point is 00:28:06 you know, like it's so delicate the balance there. It is, you know, it's just like, I think that's why we talk more about like little incremental, like 500, you know, calorie, like bumps up and then 500 calorie bumps down because we want to, we want to sort of make that a little more intermittent so it keeps along that line. It's really hard to stand that very fine line because it's so easy to bump out of it.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Well, think about this way. If you have any kind of experience with resistance training, let's say you're not a total beginner. You've been working out for at least a year, or six months or whatever. If you gained one pound, one solid pound of muscle, a week, you're a freak of nature. Like that's a ton of muscle. You're getting four pounds a month. If you gain one pound of muscle a month, you're still kicking ass.
Starting point is 00:28:53 That's 12 pounds in a year. You have most, most antibiotic enhanced bodybuilders are excited about 10 a year. That's what I'm saying. So, so let's just say that you're just, you're kicking ass, you can build 10 pounds of muscle, lean muscle a year. How many calories do you think that comes out to?
Starting point is 00:29:09 I mean, do you really think that's an extra thousand calories a day? No, that's 10 pounds for the whole year. That might be an extra 25 calories a day, or 10 calories a day. It's actually, it might not even be that, it might not be like 10 calories a day, literally. It's not that much more.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You gotta think that you have to, for every pound of muscle you increase too, you're gonna, your body needs X amount more calories. Sure, but you spread that out over 365 days. Yeah, no, no, no, I get what you're saying, but I think it's important to know too that, you add 10 pounds of muscle, that's an extra five to six hundred calories
Starting point is 00:29:44 your body needs a day to sustain that, just alone from that. It could be an I've read studies that say as low pounds of muscle, that's an extra five to six center calories your body needs a day to sustain that, just alone from that. It could be an I've read studies that say as low as 100, but it definitely speeds up them towels. I mean, that's 100% correct, but fine, let's say 50 or 100. That would be 33,
Starting point is 00:29:55 would it be 33,000 calories to build and maintain 10 pounds of muscle? So my point is it's not nearly as much as you think. People over do the bodybuilding is, if there was a theme in bodybuilding, So my point is it's not nearly as much as you think. People overdo the bodybuilding is, if there was a theme in bodybuilding, it was take everything that does something and overdo the fuck out of it.
Starting point is 00:30:14 So, oh, oh, eating, I need to eat a little bit extra to build muscle good. I'm gonna eat a shit ton extra. Or, oh, protein builds muscle great. I'm gonna eat a shit ton of protein. Or, you know, this bottle says, take two grams of protein, excuse me, two grams of creatine a day, or what gonna need a shit ton of protein. Or, you know, this bottle says take two grams of protein, excuse me, two grams of creatine a day,
Starting point is 00:30:28 or what I need according to these studies. So I'm gonna take 20. I mean, it's this theme that's common along bodybuilding, but I'm gonna tell you something right now. If your body wants to build muscle, if you send it the right signal, then it's gonna build muscle, and your nutrition should be pretty good,
Starting point is 00:30:42 but it doesn't need to be this ridiculous tons of calories I see people do. This, the mini bulk and mini cut concept comes from the fact that there is a little bit of an anabolic boost you get from increasing your calories, but it goes away very quickly. So you go into a bulk of maybe an extra, I don't know, 300 to 500 calories depending on how big you are,
Starting point is 00:31:01 a day, and then you go to a mini cut for a short period of time and you kind of go back and forth, and this allows you to build lean muscle, because I know for myself, I would go through major bulking seasons, and I would eat a lot of calories, and I would definitely gain a lot of weight, and I'd get real strong,
Starting point is 00:31:17 but knowing what I know now, I could percentage that weight with fat. Well, you know what I'm saying? Once you get over 15% body fat, your body starts to, you know, your testosterone level is declined just naturally for you. They can for being higher in body fat. They can, I mean, fat is an estrogen sensitive hormone,
Starting point is 00:31:33 but I know this, I know, because now I can lift more in certain lifts than I did when I would bulk up to 230 pounds. So it's like my lean body mass is at least the same if not more, and now I maintain, you know, the much, much leaner body fat percentage. And that's because I learned that that whole mentality of major, you know, massive bulking and extreme cutting and all that stuff. It's all bullshit. Well, so many recently just asked me on my periscope about, you know, the mini cut, our whole mini cut, mini bulk theory and, you know, how long,
Starting point is 00:32:02 how long do you do a cut or how long do you do a bulk four? And, you know, there's not like this, one thing we've always stayed away from is like this formula. You know, you should be six weeks of this or two weeks of that. You know, but I was trying to explain them exactly what we're talking about. Now, there's just certain things that you need to keep in mind. You know, like Sal was saying, like after a surplus for so long, those, those hormonal benefits that you were getting for being a surplus start to diminish. And you want to, you want to optimize the peaks of those. You want to be at the peak of your fat loss. You want to be peak at the muscle building when you're in those phases and you're trying to do that. So there it really, it would
Starting point is 00:32:39 behoove you to switch back any time your body begins to get more efficient and adapted to whatever you're currently doing. Same thing with cutting and going down. There's that point where your body's just not going to respond the same. You need to add a little bit of a surplus to break and re-aggest and recalibrate everything again. This is the whole concept of having a cheat day. Again, bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:33:04 They take something. Super stream. Yeah, like a real year. Again, bodybuilding, they take something, like super stream, and they're like, oh, awesome. We're gonna make this a cheat day where I'm gonna eat, you know, 10,000 calories or whatever I want because it speeds up my metabolism. Right. Again, you know, not really the way,
Starting point is 00:33:17 you don't even, you only need about 20% what your maintenance is. Yeah, I mean, I would say, in order to get those hormonal benefits and shooting leptin up, your body only needs about a 20% increase of its daily Maintenance it doesn't need 50% it doesn't need a hundred percent doesn't need to double up what you normally do That's all it needs and it'll spike it right back now. This requires that you kind of listen in your body a little bit
Starting point is 00:33:38 You know if I'm in a bulk and mini bulk when I start to notice in the mirror that I get smoother than I want or I get a mirror that I get smoother than I want, or I get a little bit more body fat than I want, then I go to a little mini cut. And likewise, when I'm in the mini cut, when I notice that my performance in the gym starts to decline and I'm getting weaker and I'm starting to feel a certain way, then I'm going to bump it up. I just did that this weekend. I mean, I've been kind of getting leaner and leaner, leaner. I dropped like three pounds very quickly, and I noticed my performance wasn't so good,
Starting point is 00:34:11 and I wasn't feeling so good in the gym. And so this weekend I gave myself somewhat of a surplus, but workout today was much better. And I think I'm gonna stay in a surplus for a few days before going back down. So, but to answer the question, Chase, no, you don't have to be in a surplus. It does help though, if you are for short periods of time.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Fig Chris 86, what do you guys still use from your personal training certifications? This question was a little bit longer. He was talking about our whole experience as trainers and what certifications were the most beneficial as far as what we're using, what we still utilize, and is it all just a bunch of precautions as a trainer versus actual stuff that we apply still? Well, my original, my very first certification was, so when I started working at 24-Fitness as a trainer,
Starting point is 00:34:59 this is before they aligned themselves. You had to be an apex. He did your apex, even before that. He's before that. No, so 24-Fitness had your eight pack. No, even before it, he's before that. He was before that. No, so 24 fitness had their own certification. Oh, but before that, you didn't. No, no, I had no certification.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So I went in to work in the gym. I sat down in the office with a manager closed him. He hired me. I got clients, I couldn't train them until I was certified. By the time I got certified, I took me three weeks because they had the class and you go take the test. I already had 40 hours of training waiting for me. It was pretty cool. But anyway, I went, did the 24-hour fitness certification, and here's what I learned. Insertion and origin of muscles, and I learned muscle names of muscles that I wasn't familiar with.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Everything else was forgettable from that certification. Later on did NESM and I learned a lot of you know I learned some stuff in terms of correctional exercise from the NESM Sir, but the vast majority of what I learned and used today I would say of all the knowledge I have When it comes to personal training and helping people, I'm not even exaggerating. 99% of it self-taught. 1% was a certification. I went into the certifications already knowing quite a bit because it was somehow passionate about.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And I came out of it with a little bit of information. And then that spurred me to learn more. But I haven't held tons of certifications either. I've always self-taught and then I own my own business. So I don't need to have tons of certifications either. I've always self-taught and then I own my own business. So I don't need to have tons of certifications. I work with physical therapists and all that stuff. So I know you guys have held quite a, I know Justin, you have probably the most
Starting point is 00:36:33 actual formal education in this realm. Yeah, I mean, I do you certification wise? I have probably like, fine. Well, because he also went to, Oh yeah, I know, it's BS for sure. Yeah, I don't know. Like I, I mean, I've done like pretty much all the in and the Asms they did, which is like hilarious, because it's all pretty much the same
Starting point is 00:36:51 once you break it all down. Once you learn the one, you would learn the corrective side, then you learn, you know, more of the sports specific and, you know, performance side. And then, you know, I was actually gonna do NCSF. And so I studied for that, decided not to do that. But where I started to get focused on more was, I know for me, like, the best way for me to learn is hands on or just seeing and shadowing. And like, all of the knowledge I have
Starting point is 00:37:22 is from shadowing people. And like, asking questions and going up is from shadowing people and like asking questions and going up to like people I thought were, you know, doing it right. And, you know, this is before YouTube and all this kind of stuff existed, right? So it's like I was in the gym and I'm just watching like, you know, trainers with their clients, the interactions, you know, how their clients were responding. I would pay very close attention to all these things.
Starting point is 00:37:47 And then also I was more likely to absorb it when I went to seek it out. So something like NASM or one of these certifications, I think has a lot of value, but I think that for me, it wasn't as interesting, it was more of a formality, you know, to get me involved and it was almost like a safety net for me to get it hired in a sense. I really learned a lot more from a lot of these workshops I attended and just having people walk me through techniques and a lot of the mechanics involve all the little intricate details that you're not going to get from your books. And then just really just like all the hours, all the hours, just like every time I'm just, you know, refining the process. This is why I think, like, an apprenticeship
Starting point is 00:38:32 would be an excellent way for you to learn. Well, that's why we always recommend that they started a big box gym where they would work with a fitness manager. I'm surprised that these certifications don't do that. Like, if you go get massage therapy, you know, a big box gym where they would work with a fitness manager. Yeah. I'm surprised that these certifications don't do that. Like, if you go get massage therapy, you know, if you want to get certified as a massage therapist, they require you to go, you know, kind of work as an apprentice almost, right? To learn from the experienced therapist. Well, I don't, why don't personal training certifications? Well, I'm
Starting point is 00:39:01 surprised. Technically, you don't, I don't even carry any of my certs. Someone asked me on my parisco, what certifications do you have? I have none anymore. Oh, yeah. I don't mind anymore. I've had a shit ton though over the years, but I don't keep any of them current anymore. I don't have to. When you work for like a chain, they require you to have a certification, but that's just there as a company or requirement. It's not a law. You don't have to have a personal, uh, so if you'd run your own business, you can, yeah. So that, to me, is crazy in itself that there's not this, you know, we have to put a hundred hours in plus we have to have this much schooling in order to do that. It's, it's why there's so many bad ones, you know, it's why there's the 80, 20 role applies in this also is that, you know that they're 80% of the trainers out
Starting point is 00:39:45 there kind of whack, and there's only about 20% at best that are really credible, really good trainers. I think most even them would say that because I've had many trainers with their bachelor's or master's even some PhDs that work for me in the field, and that's not what made a good trainer for sure. I mean, your education level is important. And what I'd say about all the certifications, you know, I've gone through IFPA NESDA, the NASM CPT, the NASM SFS,
Starting point is 00:40:16 the CES, the PES after the SFS. I've read through NCSF, I, I, I, I, I, I, I've gone through a lot, and a lot of the, a lot of the certifications. You know why I managed for all those years, I had trainers taking them. So I was always reading or helping them through books that they were going through, even if I didn't get the certification. Because Justin was saying, kind of once you get a few of them under your belt or have gone through some of them, they're all kind of the same. They all, I used to be really good at telling somebody,
Starting point is 00:40:47 like, oh, if you want Nesta, this is really practical. Oh, if you want something that's, they get a lot of the math behind fitness. The NCSF is really good. If you want something that's more floor and working like, ACE is such a good certification. If you want something that's super well rounded than NASM. So I used to be able to- CSCS, you know, if you're like, you want to all the accolades,
Starting point is 00:41:08 right? That was one that I almost got. Well, you got to have a bachelor's or bachelor's or just even be able to do that. So yeah, you know, those, I used to be able to tell people what certification I thought was, was better for certain things. The takeaways that I have and things that I utilize, probably the vocabulary, more than anything else. You can talk to my head. That's true. No, no, really. I mean, I'm turning to selling points.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah, no, if I have a doctor now instead of telling him, we're going to do a chest file. Okay, we're going to do an abduction of the humorous and horizontal plane here. And this is an impactors major. You're antagonist that we're working here, your rhombones and raridels. So you'll talk all nerdy like that, just to sound like you're really smart, but that's all I feel like that I really got from those certifications was the terminology. And I mean, all the study and for the vocabulary to understand what the fuck some of these
Starting point is 00:41:54 medical books are saying and what this guy is explaining to me, which I tell you, you know, it's funny, is now that I have all that background, this experience, it annoys me when people talk that way. Because I find it for the 90% of the people out there, it's so hard to understand that. I would never talk to a client like that because why? Jother, I've learned to pull back from that.
Starting point is 00:42:15 That's hilarious. It's the same with me. And when I catch somebody online, this happens a lot too online, like social media, where somebody, because I don't post like that. I don't write, I don't sit down because I don't write well as it is. I can hardly put a sentence together much less, you know, put it together with all kinds of big words.
Starting point is 00:42:30 I got to look up to see how to spell. So I'm not that guy. I'm just going to rip what is what's on my mind. I'll say it, but where people make a mistake is when you come after me and you try to get all smart and you start talking like that. And just because I don't do it all the time, doesn't mean I don't understand the fuck you're saying. Oh, I understand all of this.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I see, I use that for- I'm trying to speak to the major population, so they understand. I use that verbiage, but I always explain it in layman's terms. The reason why I use the verbiage is- Well, it's smart, it builds credibility. People read your page and they, that's why they think you're a doctor.
Starting point is 00:42:59 It wins on your environment, dude. You know what I mean? Your environment's a little different. That's true, I feel. I have a lot of clients that are in the medical. Because I'll use it with certain clients. If I'm trying to be a little more professional and their CEO type minds,
Starting point is 00:43:14 really are trying to extract a lot of more specific information or something like that. But for your general type clients, just like, let's do this. I'll say this, a certification is a good place to start, but it is in no way a place to finish, or that's, you start there, you get your certification, and then the rest is really up to you,
Starting point is 00:43:37 and here's the thing, can you learn a lot from certifications that you can't learn on your own? Nope, all that information's out there, all of it is out there. Yeah, but for free. But before you finish knocking on them, I wasn't done explaining what I think is still good. I think there's there's some good to the certifications. I don't want us to just knock. I I I accredited a lot of the my education information from certifications. I've read a lot of those books. I did and I've taken a little bit from all of them. Does it supersede or Trump the hands-on knowledge hell, no? Not even close.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Do I think though that that order still, I think you should read. I think you should get a certification. I think you should go through those things. That way when you start to go apply things in the real world, you have something to pull from and to start with because that's what it's about. It's about having some sort of a foundation and grasp and understanding, because you also don't want someone to be like, oh, I have, you know, this pain or a care and you have no fucking clue. I'm gonna learn as I go. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You can do a lot of that right? We do. We do. We do. You want to minimize that as much as possible and certain certifications. Right. Help you a lot with that. I the in ASM, the foundation of looking at someone's squat and look at someone's deviations, I would never even have looked at a fight like that. Squat assessment tool. And the most valuable thing is like, the assessment, yeah, that's good for you.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Absolutely, the squat, and on many levels, not just on helping, you sales tactic, what a great way to sell somebody. I've just seen people and how they move, that like opened my eyes to like all the different, you know, dysfunctions that are out there. Yeah, you're a trainer. You want to impress somebody.
Starting point is 00:45:09 You learn a squat assessment inside and out and the terminology and all the corrective exercises that you need to do to fix an imbalance. And you'll, right there, I guarantee if you become a master that one little thing, you will sell so much more training that you have no idea because that is one of the coolest things that takes somebody who walks into you. They think they're here just to hire some guys and help them lose 20 or 30 pounds. You have them do this assessment, which they have no idea really what they're getting into when you're making them do a squat assessment.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And then you tell them about all the imbalances going on their body based on the way their movement pattern is. And they start tripping out that you know all this because they're like, oh my God, I had surgery on my right knee. That explains why you have that asymmetrical shift to your left. Oh my God, when I was a kid, I used to play baseball, and this side was always, you know, always bothering me.
Starting point is 00:45:54 You know what I'm saying? And all the things that you were able to point out, they correlate to all the things that they've been doing their entire life, and all of a sudden you have this connection with them, and they're just hitting home. Yeah, and this credibility of, wow, this guy's not just going to help me lose 15 pounds or gain five pounds of muscle.
Starting point is 00:46:09 He knows this shit and he's going to really help me. Here's where I was going with the certain thing. Like if you have a trainer that's got six certifications and they know lots of stuff about exercise and training, part of that is because he's a very motivated individual and he's seek out and studied and went and did six certifications. My point was that if you're that kind of a motivated individual and you're really passionate about training people and about fitness and about biomechanics, that information is all there. Certifications, they package it together in a particular way and it might make it easier to access, but it's all that information
Starting point is 00:46:43 is all there is all I'm saying. And if you're a motivated person and you wanna learn, don't think that you have to get certified. If you wanna learn, it's all there at the touch of your finger, of your finger right there on the internet. So that's what I'm saying. And what you, I think what we're doing right now,
Starting point is 00:46:59 I mean, you know, this is fucking gold. This is, if you're a trainer, oh, I would have benefited a lot. Oh, hell, yes. Is listening to this? I mean, just like that question, and I felt like it took a lot of us kind of throwing shit out there about it to get some,
Starting point is 00:47:14 if you could take one thing from what we just said, master your learn the squat assessment. Master the squat assessment. Yes. Learn that squat. And as I am now, in ASM, I think is one of the best at it. Does it mean you have to use them as a certification? But it's probably one of the most powerful tools I ever
Starting point is 00:47:28 I would also recommend FMS screening to for you know if you want to take that then assessment to the next level You know for sure just to take that because you just learn so much more about you know mechanics and however The well, I think that even more I think Justin's even that's kind of like the great, you graduate to that. You learn the squad assessment, you understand how the basic, a basic squat should look like in the movements and balances, then you progress to, you know, mobility type stuff like that and I, I think that's a way brilliant
Starting point is 00:47:57 and way smart because that's the direction the fitness industry is going. I'll tell you right, and I've said it already once. You're gonna wanna know what that's all about. Yes, yes, mobility and fun. Yes, for sure. Had that way. East Coast Kinney loves doing CrossFit type training
Starting point is 00:48:12 and is wondering how to incorporate intense physical activity into maps. So he's doing, he's doing maps, but he wants to also do CrossFit. Can I just say, I'll pray for you. I want to make a sure it says to also do CrossFit. Can I just say, I'll pray for you. I want to make a sure it says, I love CrossFit and MindPump. I love CrossFit and MindPump. What a rebel. And CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah, and CrossFit. Yeah, I would say, you know, here's the thing with CrossFit. CrossFit has its own, specific type of methodology. And they're training, it's intense focused, intensity focused. It's going to compromise quite a bit of your ability to adapt and build muscle like you would on the mass program. But if you were to do them, I would take the mass program which includes two or three foundational workouts a week
Starting point is 00:49:00 and I would bring them down to one or two and then do CrossFit one or two days a week. You can continue doing the trigger sessions on the off days. That's a lot though. That's the thing. You got to be careful because you could actually look at it specifically as its own phase. That's a great answer. You could just keep it as this is high intensity circuit training, which is basically if
Starting point is 00:49:21 I had to sum CrossFit up, that's what I would see it is. But I mean, they get like way crazier. But if you take it in a phase of like three, four weeks would be tough of Crossfit, but and then come back to, you know, rational thinking. That's actually a good idea because you could go, you could go on your system. You could go maps, phase one, two, and three. You end phase three in, for example, in red, is much more of your faster paced. You're gonna build a muscular endurance. And then come back.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And then you can go crossfit for two or three weeks and then come back. I feel like if I was talking to this person, I feel like I could prescribe this to you if I was talking to you. I would need to ask you more follow-up questions, for example. First, we'd talk about a crossfit.
Starting point is 00:50:04 No, what I actually would like to know is, I would like to know what do you like about Crossfit. So I need to hear from you. Is it the movements? Is it the competitiveness? Because he might like phase four. Well, that's where I'm getting at. If it's just the intensity, well, there's other ways that I can show you how to use maps to increase the intensity to where it feels crazy like CrossFit. Is it the power movements? Do you like doing power exercises? Because there's ways I would tell you to do that.
Starting point is 00:50:31 That's focused just on that. Right. And there's ways that I would tell you to do that. So I'd be more interested to hear deeper into what it is about CrossFit. And once again, please don't take this like I'm saying I'm so anti CrossFit. I just, you know, what part of it that you enjoy so much that you feel that you have to, you know, follow it exactly how it is and find a way to try and mold it into maps. Well, let's, let's break it down on the things that you love about CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:50:56 And I really think CrossFit, with, if you can extract, you can extract a lot of great things from CrossFit, a lot of great things. And in fact, that's what it needs. It needs somebody that actually knows how to program design, which is also why some CrossFit gyms are awesome because they have, I know some buddies that are really, really intelligent trainers. And they have drank the Kool-Aid, they love CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:51:20 and they compete in the games, which fucking more power to them, and they run a business around it So they do their best to program design within what they have to work and that's why some boxes They some of the trainers totally deviate from the typical work out of the day The work out of the day stuff to me that's you don't want to be that I hope that's not the what you like about CrossFit is somebody randomly throwing you a workout every single day That's has no rhyme or reason why you're doing it.
Starting point is 00:51:47 That's just absurd. If you want to do that, then yeah, just do that. Just do crazy shit. Well, the beauty of maps is that it can complement pretty much anything that you're doing. But you always want to consider this. If you're training for multiple forms of adaptation, you'll get a little bit of each of them, but you won't really get a lot of any of them. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:52:06 And CrossFit is, you know, a very intensity driven, it's lots of strength endurance, some cardiovascular's included. And so if you throw that into maps, you're gonna get, you're still gonna get more benefit because maps does a very good job, depending on which one you're enrolled in, whether you're looking for, you know, aesthetics
Starting point is 00:52:24 or building. I'm gonna sit. Yeah, like Adam was trying to get at is like, what were the adaptations you were seeking? Because I'll guarantee there in some phase of maps that we addressed, specifically wanted to in performance too, because conditioning is its own face. And let's keep that separate.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Moving super fast with power is its own face. And let's keep that separate. Moving super fast with power is its own face. And that's the only way I could think of that you would even need to really make a major modification to fit your CrossFit quote-unquote into maps is if there's a specific exercise that we don't do, which I could, that's what we do on the forum. Somebody says, man, I love doing, you know, power cleans, you know, and maybe it's not in the program somewhere. So we say, okay, we love people that love power clean. That's my jam, right? So that's a perfect example of we'd say, okay, well, absolutely. I would, and then we would even give you a recommendation of where we have a certain exercise that we would replace that with and where you would
Starting point is 00:53:21 put that in the mass face. So if there's movements that you love about CrossFit that just happened to be, uh, not be in there. And if you're like super adamant about doing a silly one, like a keeping pull up, you know, just because that's no, you'll never find that in maps. Would you absolutely want to do that? Cause maybe you're inspiring to be a, uh, a gymnast one day. Then yeah, I mean, absolutely throw some, you know, keeping pull ups in there for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Try doing one of those in a real gymnastic gym. Andreia Maleki is asking, what was your impression of each other when you first met? Oh, I fucking hated these guys. Yeah. Pretty much. You didn't, you didn't think to yourself like, damn, I was only gay. Well, I, I think so Doug has the love and well no Doug has Doug had you right there's none of it none of us had the experience of meeting all of us at one time for the first time right we we all many well we can still go back in time and remember the first time you met each other. It doesn't have to be when you know I'm saying no no what I'm saying is I was just I was curious to the perspective different perspective weird isn't it like okay what I'm saying is I was just, I was curious to the perspective, different perspective.
Starting point is 00:54:25 It was weird, isn't it? Okay, so I had, I had, I had, I met Justin, I go further back with Justin than I do with Sour Doug and I met Justin probably in 2005ish, I'd like to say somewhere around there, Justin, would you graduate from college? Yeah, 2005. So about 0506, right?
Starting point is 00:54:42 So he came, he was just a young little whipper snapper. We were snapper was 2004 and he came he came into my gym and a one job my first impression of Justin true story here I thought he was gonna be okay in fact you know asshole in fact I hired him and I and I had to admit this is this is part of what why I like Justin you know how we always say we like our paradigm shatter well Justin, Justin Shatter My Paradigm. I actually didn't think he could be that great of a trainer and he did more than surprise me. So I thought it was pretty neat, because I actually hired him at the same time
Starting point is 00:55:15 that I hired another guy. So it was Nick and Justin and I trained them together. We met every day and I went through the whole process with them and when I would talk to my superiors and they'd always ask me, how are the new guys coming along and say, well, you know, I got this Nick guy. I'm really excited about. And then there's this Justin guy. He seems to be, he seems to be pretty smart, but I don't think he's going to make it. He's really quiet. He doesn't, uh, he doesn't seem to be outgoing enough.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I don't think he's going to be a lot of soldier. But I was like, I'm hoping because I can tell he's got like a competitive spirit to it that maybe I can play off of that a little bit to get him to compete with Nick who I think is gonna be great and Justin in the Yeah, no, we got to happen. Yeah, Justin squashed him among every other trainers Which is why he was my right hand man. I love Nick by the yeah, yeah, Nick is he was a great trainer That's just shows you how great Justin was Nick was I wasn't wrong about Nick Nick was a great trainer Justin just became a lot better.
Starting point is 00:56:06 So that was, thank you for vocalizing that. I got you. Is that really, I've even been waiting for years. Yeah. Yeah, so, you're finally starts crying. Vindication.
Starting point is 00:56:17 My impression started off wrong with Justin. It was changed then. And I guess from then till now, all these men, I feel like we have become family. I mean, it's really, we take baths together. Well, and I know and Andre is on the, she's on the forum. So she knows, like, you see how I think the forum and I, you know, I'm going to get off topic a little bit because recently we had a forum discussion that got a little a little rough. Somebody thought I got butt hurt over something because I simply disagreed with their their thinking. And I love. And this is why it's like the the forum to me is
Starting point is 00:56:54 like our baby. It's like a child. You know, it's something that and and and Sal really was the one who developed it and fostered it first. And I feel like now it's a piece of all of us. I love the atoms like feeding it with his titty. Well, I look at it and correct me if I'm wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong. And this is where I'm getting at with this. I know it sounds like it's a huge detour, it's really not. Is I think the form is such a great representation of each of us combined. There's a little piece of all of us, or not a little, there's a big piece of all of us or not a little, there's a big piece of
Starting point is 00:57:25 all of us in all of it. And so I'm very passionate about how, how it's evolved, what has changed. And I've watched that happen. And I feel like it's a direct reflection of my relationship, my feelings about each of you, gentlemen. I mean, all the way down to watching the way people openly express their feelings amongst each other to people sharing dark secrets of theirs and struggles and insecurities and joking, hooking up. This is where I, you know, I've grown to love these guys like family is because we, we have this ability to do that. It's not, it's very, very rare to find that in other men. You know, other men aren't comfortable and secure enough was sharing their emotions
Starting point is 00:58:08 and their feelings. 100% true. You know, and I really, I'm way different than bodybuilding.com. Yeah, it's way different. It's just that. So, man, my impression is now I would take a bullet for anybody in this room for sure. Oh, yeah. You might have to.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Yeah, we follow that. I hope you remember that. Oh, no, that's Justin, right? Hold that bullet for anybody in this room for sure. Oh yeah. You might have to. Yeah, do we follow that? I hope you remember that. Oh no, that's Justin, right? Oh, that bullet was for Sal. Wait, when I met Sal, and this is, yeah, truth for sure, it was like love at first sight with him. Like Justin, it was a total different story. I met Sal and I'm like, oh my God, it's me.
Starting point is 00:58:42 This is totally me. And I love me. You might cock brother. You found a way to couple me and you at the same time. Cocks, a lion, a tree. No, I was like, no, I found a smarter, better looking version of myself. This is fucking crazy. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I think very highly of myself. So that was a bunch of huge pump.
Starting point is 00:59:05 The madness motherfucker, smart. You know, and that has not, to me, like I said, it was love at first sight with him and I, and I literally from that moment on, I've, and I keep falling deeper and love with him the more we spend time together. And I'll, I do want to say one thing that, and it just recently happened maybe like two nights ago, where that just attributes to the whole volume, love deeper
Starting point is 00:59:29 in love with the man is that he, we can get, we get a disagreement all the time where we, literally, no, I disagree with you. And we'd say it just like, no, I disagree, no, no, I don't think so. And I love that we can do that. It's totally cool. Yes. We're all totally cool. Everybody is. You and I have my little like, menstruation sessions. Right? Everybody has this,
Starting point is 00:59:48 has this unbelievable respect for each other and it's rare to find. It's unique. It's also, it explains a lot of why this is so special. And then Doug, lastly, Doug was, I met Doug, you know, literally like right after I met Sal, because you know him and Sal had already been doing business together
Starting point is 01:00:06 and we were introduced. And Sal was like, man, a biblical sense. And when I first met Sal, I had intended Sal to work just with I, and at this time, I had no intentions of working with Doug at all. I didn't know Doug. I just knew that I knew where Sal's brain was, fitness wise, his philosophy and his theories,
Starting point is 01:00:23 and where how it all aligned with our visions adjusted an eye. So I thought this guy would be just a huge asset. And this just goes to show how much respect I also have for sale. And what I think was when he told me, Doug's the man, and you know, I want Doug to work with us and you'll see, I was just like, okay, yeah, and I would never do that. I would never allow just some random person to come in our circle or random person to be a part of a business That I have this huge vision for especially if not I've not seen him work or do anything But I already had this huge respect instantaneous for a cell
Starting point is 01:00:54 That one he had mentioned Doug and then Doug has been like this He's like this present that you just you open up and you're like oh my god. You're so excited You got this present and then you keep finding like more things in there like, oh shit. And there's this and oh, it comes with this. Oh, this is yeah. That's like, that's my impression of, of dog. Like he just he just keeps getting better and better with the more the more time I know. And that means in everything too. What's up? Yeah, I'm a box within a box. He's a box. No, he's he has his view act now, give you a sham. Wow. An unbelievable talent for what he does. The reason why you guys
Starting point is 01:01:30 are the hardest working people. Absolutely. Period. Which to me, that, and that's where I think I have, where him and I, he, Sal talked in an earlier episode about, you know, how we were talking about just pure working that I'd probably work everybody to death. But if there was anyone that's gonna give me a run for money, it was definitely done. Because anytime I texted like 1230 or one in the morning, if there's anyone that responds to me, it's fucking done. He's like on his computer around the tree. Oh, my God. Him and I sometimes sleep. Him and I will be going back and forth sometimes and I'll look down my phone. I'm like, oh, this motherfucker's, I don't even notice it.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It's second nature to me. That's just how I am, right? And then I'll actually look at my phone, like, oh, shit, he's responding to me at 12 30 at night. It's crazy. So yeah, no, his is, uh, well, yeah, you can test them at any time. Set your alarm. Trust me. Set your alarm to 3 AM. Text the kill respond. Do it at 1 AM midnight anytime of the his work. Yeah. So his work ethic is talent. I mean, it's, it's very sick and it's, you know, it's, and it's
Starting point is 01:02:25 very special. And the whole thing together is very special. So I continue to fall more and more in love with these guys. The more and more we do work together. It's a great team. I mean, at the first, see, Adam, the first actual first time I met you was when you came, you're with Larry, who's somebody that we both had worked with. You guys came to ABF. You guys came to my gym and you had walk through. And so we didn't talk very much at all because I met Adam before I met Justin. And when you came in, I was just like,
Starting point is 01:02:53 look at this tall handsome motherfucker walking through my gym. I'm like, I wanna hang out with him. And you laughed, you didn't say, you know, we didn't say much, but I had heard people had told me for a long time that I needed to meet you because whatever, you guys need to meet, you didn't say much, but I had heard people had told me for a long time that I needed to meet you because whatever, you guys need to meet, you guys need to meet, which is very strange,
Starting point is 01:03:08 you know, that's something that you would hear if like you're a single guy and then someone wants to introduce you to a girl. You know, I'm like, you gotta meet this girl. You guys will totally like, like people hit it. People keep telling me that, you gotta meet this guy out of me. You're actually the only man that that's ever happened. I mean, where people have told me the same thing too,
Starting point is 01:03:23 like you gotta meet Sal. It was so weird, right? So I used to hear that about you. Yeah, really mean, you're actually the only man that that's ever happened to me. We're people have told me the same thing too. Like, you gotta meet South. It was so weird, right? So I used to hear that about you. Yeah, really? Yeah, so when I finally, so then when we got on the phone, it's actually what happened, we got on the phone. Remember, we talked about just the fitness industry,
Starting point is 01:03:35 and that's when we started talking about podcasting, and we were on the phone for like 45 minutes, but just flew by, and then one night, when I came over your house that night, when we were gonna just you know talk about You know what we're gonna do and I met Justin and it was just nobody we we couldn't there was no silence We were all going back and forth and the energy continued to get elevated You know what I mean? I don't know if you've ever those you're listening if you've ever been in a group
Starting point is 01:04:00 Conversation where the energy elevates to a point where it becomes a frenzy of Whatever just energy just excitement just you know, and that's exactly what it was. But initially, I remember telling Doug this right away. I said, I said, well, I said, you know, because I had met, you know, Adam and Justin before Doug did and Doug sent me a text or a phone call I think and he's like, you know, what do you think? I said, definitely me and Adam will be able to get on the mics and talk and do all that stuff. Justin didn't say much, however a couple of times he said some stuff that I thought was really cool.
Starting point is 01:04:34 So we'll see. Same thing with my experience with Justin was, although right off the bat, I'll tell you this, Justin, right off the bat, you came across very, very straight shooter. Like there wasn't any doubt, it's pretty rare where you meet someone you go, I trust that guy to watch my kids. Like I thought that would Justin right away.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And then when we got, and we started recording, I remember thinking like this is like, this is gold, because you bring a, you know, Justin brings a quality to the show that would not exist, that we couldn't create without him. And I think that's true for all of us, but definitely Justin has. Oh, no, we've all done an episode where one guy's missing
Starting point is 01:05:12 and it always sucks. Yeah, but Doug, I met, he came to me as a client and we sat down and talked and he had experienced exercising and a chiropractor at Sentum because he had a bad back. And we started discussing my philosophies, which were very different from what he had heard exercising and a chiropractor at Centum because he had a bad back. And we started discussing my philosophies, which were very different from what he had heard in the past. He was very receptive and in a very short period of time,
Starting point is 01:05:34 he became one of the hardest working clients that I had ever had. And what I mean by that is he would do what I told him, he would train, he would come back, he would ask questions, he was very receptive. He was like everybody's dream client in that sense. So he's very hardworking, it was all business when we came to the gym, but then in between sets,
Starting point is 01:05:51 we'd have fantastic conversations about whatever. And it was at that point he had approached me and told me, South, if you ever come up with anything, let me know, I'd love to work with you. And that's where it all started. I had no idea, I remember, I think I even told him, I said, I don't know, I let me know. I'd love to work with you. And that's where it all started. I had no idea. I remember, I think I even told him. I said, I don't know, I have no idea what I'd want to do.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Let's just start with film. When I came up with, when I came up with some of the ideas behind maps, I wanted to write a book and Doug's like, no, we're going to put you on camera. And so that's how this started, you know, and then he said, we need to start a podcast. You should write a book. You should do all these different things.
Starting point is 01:06:23 And, you know, that's kind of let us down here. But I've worked with a lot of people. I've been self-employed for most of my working life. And I've never worked with anybody where I feel like I could completely go to shit and they're not only going to carry me, but they're going to carry the whole project. I've always felt like I had to be. And I feel like that now, I feel like I could, something happens to me. We're, it's, we're going to still do fantastic and it's because these guys bust their assos.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Some of this is, some of this is, I don't know what you want to call it, luck or fate or whatever. I don't know. It's fate, man. It's fate. Okay. Yeah. No, I feel the same way. Like I literally do feel like we can conquer so much more, which I didn't really think that I would find that because, you know, and much like I think you guys pick up on about my personality, it's that, you know, I'm really, really, really good at managing myself. And that's where my strength is. So for me, getting through the whole process of college and learning and getting away and finding myself and then coming back, for me to meet other people
Starting point is 01:07:35 that I wanted to be successful. And so I naturally gravitated to successful people and charismatic people and people that I felt like, you know, had really strong integrity and, you know, were reliable and all these things. And, uh, you know, that's exactly what I found with each one of you guys. And it's like, it's, it's unparalleled because I've worked with so many other people that like, they don't share that, that quality to that degree where it's like, you know, you're you're at a you're at a level where you're so much more professional, but at the same time like you're not going to take
Starting point is 01:08:13 those those other pathways to get there, you know, you're like you're going to be successful but you're going to get there the right way, right? And that's so freaking hard because that's the hard route. That's what I've always been about. It is just going like head through walls and I'm gonna go that hard way and I'm gonna get there. And so anyway, so my experience for meeting with Adam, it was pretty close. I was just sitting there and I couldn't believe you were younger than me.
Starting point is 01:08:49 This guy had this weird energy about him that he's like five years older than me and just commanding me. I'm just like, all right, man. Teach me. OOB1. That's like, I do quite a bit from like going through school, but like, I got to give you all a credit. This is here. Here's where I'll give it back to you, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Like, I feel like you're the one of the best managers, like, I've had ever. Out of any other, like, industry, anything I've ever done, better than any teacher I've had, because it's like, they didn't connect with me, you know? They didn't try and find who I was and what my strengths were and like get inside that. Like, I don't know, that's one of your gifts for sure. Um, but yeah, so he was able to kind of unlock that and then I was able to find that and then just fucking run with it. But, uh, yeah, so that was, that was a big deal for me because like, there was a point where we were like,
Starting point is 01:09:46 I'm gonna go to this other gym now, you wanna cruise with me? You know, I'm like, I'm like, yeah, dude, were you gonna leave me here? I just got into this. So yeah, and then the first time I met a Sal, I was just like, oh my God, here's another one. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Like, it was crazy. Like, just the charisma and everything. I was like, wow, it's like, don't trust this guy at all. I'm gonna do this guy. You know, he can't be for real. And then like, like the integrity piece took, you know, it took a little bit and I started realizing, like, wow, no, this guy, not only is he like super
Starting point is 01:10:25 like articulate and like, he presents information so well and easy, like, but it's like authentic, you know, it's not like, this is just something that he's trying to show off or, you know, be above people. And like, I don't know, I've had a lot of professors that have that same sort of a way of delivering information, but they're so fucking arrogant about it. And I feel like that's your gift.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Like you're not arrogant about the way that you present solid information. I feel like people really benefit from that. And yeah, and then, so yeah. So for me, it's all about realizing the authenticness with you guys. same thing with Doug, you know So it you know him to to work tirelessly on All these different projects we do behind the scenes and then like we just every now and then we try and like
Starting point is 01:11:16 Dude he's doing all these shit and we're trying to tell like our listeners like how involved he is because like you have to know You have to know how hard this guy works. So anyway. Crazy amount. I think you cry, man. You know what I want to hear? I want to hear Deb's perspective. I think he has the neatest perspective for sure. Well, one thing I got to note here is,
Starting point is 01:11:35 anytime we get a question about the origin of mind pump and our relationship, it's always the longest answer. Yeah, we get to any question that's ever presented on our podcast in a whole like episode on this. Yeah, it becomes a whole episode in itself because I think the thing that really that we all share here is this intense passion for what we're doing. And as you said earlier, I think was you Adam that said, you know, we don't always agree on things. And we put out our conflicting views. And then we easily morph into a single-minded view and we move forward with that. Because we do set the, the egos aside and we're malleable and we have the bigger vision
Starting point is 01:12:22 in mind. And you know, if we feel like, okay, yeah, you've presented a better point of view I'm gonna go with that. I'm just gonna put my point of view aside I'm gonna throw it aside and I'm just gonna move forward with with you guys because there's so much trust them crazy how everybody can do that and we do it and and that to me has been the thing That is mind-blowing and this this is, I think, really our magic power. What's crazy because it shouldn't be mind-blowing. It should be, like, common sense, right?
Starting point is 01:12:51 Well, why fight? Yeah, exactly. So many people go through life fighting everything and everybody. Why do that? How does that get you ahead? I mean, you're far better off if you can get along with people and work together. But my perspective begins with Sal, as I was mentioned, was I came in needing some help. I had 20 years of experience in a gym and I had 20 years of frustration.
Starting point is 01:13:21 And I met Sal and here's this guy that presented this point of view that just blew my mind really because he had such a different point of view from anybody I'd ever dealt with and again the articulate nature of his Way of expressing it. I knew he was Somebody I wanted to rely myself with from the very get go and I think I mentioned mentioned it before that, he had this Tony Robbins-esque type of presence. It's my big teeth. Yeah. And so here he is in a small personal training studio and I knew that he could go well beyond that.
Starting point is 01:13:59 And then of course, I met Adam and I'm not the biggest guy in the world. Adam looked like a giant and I go, man, God. You know? That's what it looked like. What are we gonna do with this girl? Yeah, so I jumped on his back and that's been the ride ever since. Yeah, I'm glad to.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I'm in the back. You know, I got to confess, I've wanted to impress you guys too. You know, this is one of the drivers behind it. I just want to do a good job. I want to earn my keep and be an integral part of this team and be an essential part of this team. And so I'm happy to hear you're always that. I've been able to accomplish that to some degree.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Well, I think we're all a little bit like that, right? I think that's what really motivates all of us is everyone has so much respect for the other three that you don't want to be the guy who doesn't bring his egg. That's right. No, absolutely not. Yeah. So yeah, and then we did that first recording, which is happens to be on the forum
Starting point is 01:15:00 where Adam goes into his sparkly tank. Yeah, what was going through your head at that point? Come on, tell me how you're going to go. You're like, uh, Sal, I don't know about the sound of the gun. I mean, you know, any of you who have seen that video and saw Justin's head down and shaking, that was me times 10. It was like, oh my God, what did I get into?
Starting point is 01:15:20 You know, I kind of come from a conservative background. I was so excited when I heard that. But, but I also was like, you know, I get the same reaction. You guys are like, yeah. But, you know, I, I mean, I could instantaneously tell that Adam was a very charismatic person. And, you know, I felt like, wow, this, this is going to go somewhere right from the get go.
Starting point is 01:15:44 You know, and Justin was, somewhere right from the get go. Justin was, of course, the more quiet one and took him a while to find his footing as far as the show was concerned, but Justin has got to be the funniest guy. I know, I mean, I've done a lot of improv comedy, not saying that I'm the world's greatest at it, but I've been around some very good, very high level performers.
Starting point is 01:16:14 And I think Justin could really hang with a lot of those guys. Oh yeah, for sure. What's funny is that he's seen- Don't tell him that. No, we don't want to lose you, Justin. No, it's funny. It's funny. The guy that was the most nervous on the mics is usually the guy, he's, he'd be the most comfortable if we did a seminar or something to just like
Starting point is 01:16:31 do some crazy shit on the stage. In fact, he actually gets excited when we consider it. Like, we're going to come out. We're all going to, you know, do a summer salt and then, you know, moon everybody just like, fuck out. It's so much fun to do that. Exactly. Then do what you do. Well, listen, if you like, mind pump, leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes and I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:16:48 I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:16:56 I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:17:49 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes, and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. And until next time, this is Mindbump.

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