Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 316: This Episode Is About SEX!

Episode Date: June 23, 2016

WARNING!: Sal, Adam & Justin talk explicitly about sex. Enough said. MAPS White it LIVE! Get it www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are anno...unced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What are we doing? A short commercial on Maps White. Oh really? Maps anywhere. Maps anywhere available right now. Finally, we released it. MindPumpMedia.com. This is the only Maps program programmed out.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Without any gym equipment, you could do it at home. Check it out. MindPumpMedia.com. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind. There's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Can I tell you guys I'm looking for someone. I'm looking for a secretary to hire,
Starting point is 00:00:36 so I can have somebody help me with responding to the forum because I need someone full time on there to filter filter. I need to know you're gonna go straight Devin Feseek on this. Yeah, perfect. I like how well that. No, I'd like to let our forum know that I will always personally try and be on there as much as I possibly can. That's a good word. Yeah, as I say, I'd like the forum to understand that what Sal just said right there, he pretty much committed to nothing by saying he would I commit show Let me I know you are you're a hundred percent commit to trying also, you know you see But that's okay. You're like that asshole guy. Do you remember guys remember that show that was on TV that
Starting point is 00:01:15 There was that magician that revealed everyone's Calls all the bullshit up. No, it was a bullshit. He's like hey, let me show you how these magicians Calls all the bullshit out. No, it was a bullshit. He's like, hey, let me show you how these magicians Every magician was like You come on man Dude, uh, mystical right wasn't his name in a leotard I went back to the bathroom there and it looked like there was a car chase involving two turs Throw me and what I've had to do a skid mark it down the frickin. I didn't say Justin I don't know if I had to do a skid market down the frickin' I didn't say Justin
Starting point is 00:01:44 Oh yeah We're just alluding to that We need to increase your... You're here vegetable It was the one closest to the wall That's always you So disgusting What vegetables did you eat yesterday, Justin?
Starting point is 00:02:00 I ate spinach Did you really? In a salad? That's the vegetables, that's it. We need to throw in some butter. No, I've had it, yeah. Some more broccoli. Some more broccoli. I eat a lot of broccoli.
Starting point is 00:02:10 You know what? I'm really into right now as Brussels sprouts. Oh, I love Brussels sprouts. I love it, dude. I've never liked that as a kid. Do you guys? Because it was never cooked the right way. I like Brussels sprouts, but if you eat a lot of them, they can make you gassy.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Is that happening, too? Everything does it. Everything makes you gassy. Is that happening, too? Everything does that. Everything makes you gassy. I have, yeah. Hey, so I was on the forum this morning. It's my tummy. I was on the forum this morning. And before you get into that,
Starting point is 00:02:32 we need to make sure we let the audience know about your Spider-Man pants. Yeah. He is shooting webs out of those. I'm getting ready for our lift today, dude. Bro, but, just know what, though? This is exactly... Just wait to IP our guests. Justin, this, just know what though? This is exactly, just way to IPR, Justin.
Starting point is 00:02:45 This is exactly how he said he was in school. Like they're bright red, super tight, spandex, but in the back it looks like Spider-Man, because it's got like webbing and shit. Yeah. And, I mean, ridiculous, by all means, looks ridiculous. You and me wouldn't wear that shit.
Starting point is 00:03:00 However, he pulls it off. He's gonna wear it and he's gonna wear it with fucking just confidence. And you know his nuts are all snug and snug. By the end of the month, someone else is gonna be wearing those too. Everybody in the forum is gonna have them. Yeah, watch it.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Speaking of the forum, I'm on there today. I'm on there and I respond into the one, whichever one I can catch, right? Cause sometimes it's hard to go through everything, or I try and respond to the ones that people tagged me on. Which don't just start tagging me on that because sometimes people tag me on stuff that everything, or I try and respond to the ones that people tag me on, which don't just start tag me on that because of that, because sometimes people tag me on stuff that there's no reason that I need to answer that question,
Starting point is 00:03:30 somebody else can answer that question. But somebody made the call and I'm like, oh, you guys should totally do this. I love, I feel like we have two different camps of people. We have one camp of people that are like, I mean, sometimes I look, some people like inbox me and like offer money and then I feel really guilty. They're like, you know, hey, I know there's not a lot of money in fitness and I know you guys provide so much content,
Starting point is 00:03:51 so much for information. I don't know how you guys do it. Love you got and they're like super supportive. They want to give money and donate or buy programs. People, I'm like, no, no, I love you. I appreciate that. And then we have the other thing said, you can go to my pump media. Yeah. You know, then you have the other, then you really love it. Then you have the other side of people are like, Hey, you guys should do this. Hey, you guys should do that. Hey, you guys should do this. Is this like, Oh, yeah, great idea. Anything else we can do? I'm already getting up at 345 in the
Starting point is 00:04:16 morning, working till fucking 10 PM. It's hard. Because we, yeah, we can't really tell you guys everything on our mind, everything we talk about every single day. We've talked about a lot. If you have an idea right now, we've said it. I'm just gonna put it out. I like the ideas that they throw out, but yeah, I mean, we've done too.
Starting point is 00:04:34 No, no, no, no, there's a different because I like hearing it from them, because there's like, you see that, oh yeah, they're in the same thought process. I mean, you guys just sound like assholes. Yeah, a little bit too guys, but I'm, yeah, you did make me sound like an asshole. I'm not saying myself, I love and appreciate all the, a little much too, guys, but I'm you do mean you sound like an asshole. I'm not saying my assholes.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I love and appreciate all the, and even the person that said that I was, I was jokingly giving them a jab back. But I just, I don't think people really think about that and realize when you go and you look at there's, there's hours and hours and hours of free content that's being produced on a regular basis like, and then in addition to that, because it's free content, it still requires the rest of us to all do other stuff for life. How much are you charging an hour?
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah, exactly. Right? Yeah. Well, which is I charge in? How much are you charging an hour? What are we doing right now? We won't have to sell our bodies for sex pretty soon. I think we're getting over that now.
Starting point is 00:05:19 And it's good timing. We're getting past the prime age. Well, you know what? People want Adam's genetics now. So his whole sperm bank. You don't want my you don't want my Do you want to every every? Have you guys ever contemplated? Because you get money. Don't you get my absolute?
Starting point is 00:05:34 I've contemplated that you have. Yes. Of course. How much do they pay for for for for jizz? I think they I think that's the same to me. So has it in to say that word. I was gonna say come but I'm like My is what it's more offensive Come come when you want to come come is gross Well, they got away with that in the song. So I guess jizz is worse. I think jizz is worse Just sounds with comes sounds more medical
Starting point is 00:06:02 The nurse is like you're gonna come in this little time here. Yeah, that would kind of turn me on a little bit She said that yeah, and say saying you know, this is the cup You're gonna use yours like when you're gonna come in this cup But she says I want you to come up like right now I think about to have a girl looks looks at you and says I want you to come all over my face I want you to jizz all over my face sounds worse holy moly I want you to jizz all over my face sounds worse. Holy moly. Both sounds sexy. Both sounds awesome. Both sounds awesome. I don't know. Both says this sounds completely awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know it's worse than jizz and come. Spunk. Can we, spunk? Let's, you know what? Spiders. Can we talk about things that are appropriate for a woman to say in the bedroom and with things that are not appropriate to say? I like that. Okay. There are certain things that I think a man that wants to hear and there's things that certain things you don't want to hear, don't I? Yeah. If it...
Starting point is 00:06:48 I don't want to hear Giz. Come on my face sounds fine. No, Giz on my face sounds awesome too. There's nothing that's inappropriate. I can't think of a single thing that's inappropriate. That's why I wanted to bring it up because I think you are a sick fuck and I think that it's it. Yeah, I want to see the view of the extreme view because I think there is...
Starting point is 00:07:00 I don't want to hear like, oh, I'm going to fart or something like that. Oh my God. Well, that's like what happened. Oh, and then... Oh. I don't know to hear like, oh, I'm gonna fart or something like that. Oh my God. Well, that's like what? What happened? Oh, and then I don't know. Actually, no, maybe you can say that too. Do you think there's? See, yeah. Yeah. Now it's coming out. Yeah. Do you do you think there's there's two? There's a you can be two vocal. You think a girl can be two vocal.
Starting point is 00:07:20 If it's fake, yeah. What would you mean? You know that reminds me of the Mariah Carey thing where they sing and then they just keep going on this like crazy. We're like, we get it. You can do stuff. Like get back to the fucking chorus. No, can they be too vocal?
Starting point is 00:07:42 I think if it's fake and you can hear it when it's fake, you can tell. Really, or do you think all the girls right now are laughing and giggling at you? Because they're like vocal? I think if it's fake, and you can hear it when it's fake, you can tell. Really, or do you think all the girls right now are laughing and giggling at you? Because they're like, Oh, I tricked you. Yeah, here's the thing. Like, because we're like,
Starting point is 00:07:51 actually, it's a lot. Like, moaning and stuff like that is cool. That's fine. Talking, super cool. That's like fucking level million. Like, I'm such a cerebral person. Looking back. That the more you talk, what? Yeah what we know what position just what right guys
Starting point is 00:08:10 Adam's like this is to reveal Adam's like the sound of choking that's very very sexy what what what what what about you Adam forehead like if she would if a girl was like okay I got it what's, what if a girl was like, okay, I got it. What's the one thing a girl could say to you that would both A, make you really happy, but B, also make you really pissed off and sad, all at the same time. Wow, really happy and then really pissed off.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah. She's like, oh my God. She's talking shit to me. Your dick is bigger than all of your friends. If you're on it. Yeah. Yeah, if you like, yes. Fuck. Wait a second. I gotta go. Wait a you're I can't
Starting point is 00:08:46 Wait a second, I gotta go wait a second. I don't know if I like that I think I think if you're if you're in full swing and she's telling you harder you're already full steam ahead right there She's like harder you pussy I see that would work That would Swing already bro, huh? You're full swing already. Is that about the ability? In fact, you were just about to slow down because you're at a breath.
Starting point is 00:09:08 No. And she says, harder, you pussy. No, so you wouldn't like a girl talking shit to you like that. You step up to the game, calling you names and shit. I like a little shit talking, but not a lot. Yeah, but not. There's certain things I think is a man that someone has said to you at one time that is stuck in your head forever.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Or if a girl slapped your face. Don't like that. You don't want to one time that is stuck in your head forever. Where if we go slap your face? Don't like that. You don't want to get a slab. No, you don't want to get a slab. No, I don't like, see that's why I'm mad. But I think there's limits. Yeah, slapping in the face is kind of weird. I don't like my face slapped.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't like fingers in my butthole. I don't like my- I like how he said plural. Yeah, yeah. Hold on, let's just get one. We need to be clear. One thumb is open. He's okay with one.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, he's okay. Fingers okay. Little stinky little stinky pink fingers. No, that's a well I don't know I wish I wouldn't you know what guys. This is the challenge. Yeah, let's make an episode that Doug refuses to air Yeah, let's get let's finally let's finally do that get even worse than this. No, I can't it absolutely I think we're just kidding warmed up. I, what about choked? What if a girl choked you? I don't, I'm not. I wanna do the choked, you don't wanna get choked. You don't wanna be choked?
Starting point is 00:10:11 There's that whole, yeah, you're the passenger, you're a driver, yeah, I'm a driver. Either way is cool though, because then you can play either role, no? You guys don't think that, that's cool. No, this is why I wanted to bring this up, because I feel like you are the most open mind when it comes to your sexual right.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And it's not that I'm, you're sexual, you're are the most open mind when it comes and it's not that I'm He likes the reverse sexual and let's be clear. It's not that I'm I've done all these things It's just I if I the baby diaper position. That's weird. What do you mean baby diaper position? Oh happy baby yoga Here's the thing What's here's the thing with sex if it's really turning the other person on? Then I can maybe get turned on by it and even if I don't really like it, you know what I'm saying? Just because the other person's getting turned on. Okay, now that's a very good point
Starting point is 00:10:48 because I think a lot for me, that's, I get way more turned on if she is, if he, well, you try to finish your sentence, no, she, I'll just try to finish your sentence. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:02 If, if, it didn't work that time. If she is, you know, if you could tell, she is enjoying herself and she is thoroughly into whatever it is you're doing, that turns me more on than something you do to me. I'm more turned on knowing that what I'm doing is working very well about the feedback.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah, that's what drives me for this. Yes, there you go. See you. And I think getting slapped or choked or a finger in the butthole is not great feedback to me. That's, that you go. See you and I think getting slapped or choked or a finger in the butthole It's not great feedback to me. That's like that's negative Because that to me that's like I'm not I'm obviously whatever I'm doing is not is you have enough Mental awareness to reach around and stick your finger in my butthole or to choke me because whatever I'm doing is not got you So like try I want I want you like back arched moaning, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So you want, I can't do anything. So you can't submit, you need to be always dominant. Yes. Yeah, I like to be dominant. But you can't even conceptually wrap your mind around being submissive. Like imagine, Yeah, you know how there's a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Imagine being tied up. Imagine crawling. Imagine being tied up and your girl, and it's gotta be someone you trust. You can't submit to some random, you can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way.
Starting point is 00:12:09 You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can't get in the way. You can's doing shit to you. You can't wrap your mind around that.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Does that just too weird? Yeah, for me it is, but I would like to ask you since you brought that up. Have you ever had a gag? No, never. Never. However, like I said, I pride myself in being able to take my mind places.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So I don't know. I can't say yes or no, because I'm sitting in a room with Adam Justin in Doug right now, and I don't wanna take my mind to weird sexual places with you weirdo, but I can't say no either. I feel comfortable enough to talk about this with you guys. I feel like we've been together. I don't think you're honest with me, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh, you think I'm like, I think you lie a little bit. Really? What do you think I lie about? You think that I would want to get your stompers on my butt hole? I don't know, I think maybe. Like, tied. I think what I am is the same way the same way I am with working out and anything else. That's why I believe, you know, and how you do anything is how you do everything.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Right. I have that same approach in the bedroom. I mean get it out there. It's not a secret anymore. Too soon. Too soon. I think being dominant is definitely more natural, especially for a man, I think that's more, I could totally get excited over being dominant. Now being the one that's dominated, I'd have to wrap my mind around, that's all I'm saying. Well, now that everyone's starting to get the jitters out
Starting point is 00:13:44 because anytime we talk about sex, you guys get all weird, but I'm not worried anymore. That's all I'm saying. Well, now that everyone's starting to get the jitters out because we anytime we tell about sex, you guys get all weird, but I think we do. Justin just said pony play. I feel like sometimes, but I actually think that let's be, let's be real. And two, two guys that had been married for a very long time in their lives have been, you guys know the importance of, of sex and a relationship. I think there's a major health point to discuss and talk about when it comes to one being comfortable
Starting point is 00:14:08 with that being comfortable with yourself, being comfortable with your partner, being open-minded about things like improving. Improving? Yes, progression is important and everything. If you're with somebody, coming out of the map sexual. Yeah, if you're with the partner,
Starting point is 00:14:23 I don't know, it depends on the people. I'm personally, you know, I like to be stimulated mentally. So you've got to be kind of open-minded and do different things and go different places. But it doesn't necessarily mean you're specifically doing weird things. You know what I'm saying? A lot of it is just to be just talk. Well, why does it have to be weird? You know, my sister, I'm going to throw it. It was weird for one person person is normal for someone else. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I'm gonna throw my sister in the bus. So my sister has worked for a Dildo manufacturing company. Which is crazy. He was waiting for the day that you're gonna bring this. She's a die hard mind fun fan and I'm sure I'm gonna get a text message from her about this. Dildo manufacturing.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, which is totally if you need to. Is it like the rabbit stuff and all that or just like straight like big old black mom? Oh no, no, everything. Everything. I mean, things that you wouldn't even think about. My sister comes across and they have to do, and my sister does a lot of the answering the phone calls
Starting point is 00:15:18 and she does a lot of the admin work in there. So she talks to a lot of people that are calling in for questions or they, they're just. By the way, those big ass frickin' Dildos when you go to the sex toys and you you know I went and you hold one of those motherfuckers those things are heavy you can't help it like lightsaber you know dude I could tell I could literally take one of those things right now and beat the fuck out of each of you that's how heavy and like well so while violating death ever why why I brought up my sister's company is we
Starting point is 00:15:46 We we first started doing this and she was a big fan and I was like man, you know what? I was like, why don't you talk to your boss about the possibility of us doing something because I could see us You know being sponsored by a company like this that's non-conflicty and we have nothing to say negatively about the industry What's my proper sponsored by rubber dicks? Yeah So I had a ball see but here's why she said that would never work. Because exactly what you just did right now. Because we don't, that's in Dildos. We joke about it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Hashtag. We joke about it. This is what I meant about. We can't get serious when we got my sex. We joke about it so much that they take it so serious. Like I mean, talking about, you know, experiment, experimenting with different things in your partner and, you know, what do I do if I have a partner that, you know, always is wanting me to do anal penetration. And that always goes there.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Adam always goes there. Well, he talked a lot about that. They take it very, very serious. And because we joke about it, it's all, it would be all bad. She's like, there's no way they would, they would like that because they, they, they're trying to take the industry to a different, in a different direction of like, I was trying to go with this podcast, but it's, well, no, it's not. I think that, I think sex is a very important topic when it comes to health and wellness. And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and health and wellness and totally, totally. I mean, it's one of the things that we all do, and we all do consistently, we do for a very long, long time in our lives.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And let me tell you, how many times do you notice the way the mood you are in or your partner is in, based off of your sexual activity at the home? And when sex is phenomenal and great, you ever notice how you guys are with each other and how you fool everything is. How life, how much better, the day is, things like that.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You don't think these are important things. When we talk about the importance of stress and we talk about balance in your life, like how do we, how do I remember hearing it? Like this, I don't know if it was like a family therapist or somebody that would tell me this story about this couple that like they basically had prescribed that, you know, they couldn't communicate well
Starting point is 00:17:46 anymore and like everything was dysfunction all this stuff and like well how's your sex life and like they're like waltz pretty much not existent. He's like okay I don't want you guys like they basically told them that like that's what you have to work on. You know I don't want you to talk about it like nothing else like just work on your sex life come back and see me in like you know a couple months boom massive difference right yeah. You hear that and see me in like, you know, a couple of months. Boom, massive difference, right? Yeah. You hear that, ladies? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Just bang. Here, you know, there's my armchair. Here's the thing with sex. Number one, I bet you if we had a crystal ball and we could look and see what people did behind closed doors, we would realize that, most of us are pretty out there. Number two, if we could look inside people's minds, we would know that us are pretty out there. Number two, if we could look and say people's minds,
Starting point is 00:18:26 we would know that people are really out there. I think the tall taboo thing was sex and, oh my God, they talk about this and they do this and, ooh, I heard that they are swingers and I heard that she's into multiple people. You know what, they're like, most, we like to put taboos on these things, but we're all fucking like that.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I disagree with you. I know. I think more people are square than you think. I think they're square, but I think in their minds, they're not, and I think they're afraid to come out. This is the problem. This is what I'm trying to say. They have to get stimulated about it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 That's what I'm trying to say. Like, why is it a problem? Like, if nobody's getting hurt and it feels good and you like it, and the other person likes it, who cares? I don't give a shit if you want to dress up like a pony, like Justin said, who cares? I don't judge. I don't judge anybody when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Now, if you're hurting somebody, it's a different story, but who cares, man, do all the weird shit you want. If you like it, you'll have to. Even the fact that you say that though, I think is wrong, saying that it's weird, why is it weird? Why is it, it doesn't have to be weird. I'm just using the word that's being, there's a stigma that comes with it. And that's the problem is that, and that's where my sister was alluding to when she's
Starting point is 00:19:30 talked about the company is that, you know, calling it weird or laughing about it or, you know, making jokes about it. Like, that's the problem with the, with our society is that it's, we're not okay with, you know, your sexuality and it's, and if you do things that are different than what everybody else does or if it's not like missionary, everything, then it's weird or you're a horn ball or you're a freak and it's like, no, you're not. No, I think you're having sex with the same, if you're married, you're having sex with the same person for the next fucking 30 years.
Starting point is 00:19:57 If you think you're a different person, yeah, or not. Or not. I mean, there's a lot of couples that they're married together, they're a partner, partners with each other and then they go off and have sex with other people as partners or whatever, like, like, you know, why define it? You know, it's like I said, if nobody's getting hurt. It's like watching your favorite movie, even if it's your favorite movie, you're going to watch it a million times over and over and over. And if it's always the same thing, like it gets old after a while. And so that's why people end up doing that. So I think
Starting point is 00:20:22 as a couple, it's important that you keep that going. You keep that part of your relationship growing just like anything else. Well, nothing, no sex is better than making love. Okay, just to be clear, like when you're connected to somebody, oh, good. We're going to go this way. No, no, no, no. When you're connected to someone,
Starting point is 00:20:38 I can't wait for this rabbit one. And you make, and you make, and you make, and you make, and you're making love here. And you're making love here. No, no, and you're making, you know what I mean? Like real connected sex. That's, that's, you don't need to do shit with connected.
Starting point is 00:20:49 It could be missionary, you and the other person or whatever, very connected. That's, that's gotta be, that's among the top, right? But that being said, a lot of the stuff that couples do can just be an adventure. I mean, it's just doing things together that are different. It doesn't have to be something you do again. It doesn't have to be something you do again. It doesn't have to be something
Starting point is 00:21:06 you necessarily enjoy at that moment. You're just like, oh, we did this together. And that was it. It's no different than, hey, let's go on vacation and go check out this new place we've never been. That's such a funny point you make. And I was like, you refer to something being connected as love,
Starting point is 00:21:20 which I don't think you can make that connection. And then on top of that, well, I don't know it from me. If you're out sleeping with people you're not connected to, you're a fucking slut. You know, that's just, I mean don't think you can make that connection. And then on top of that, I don't know it for me. If you're out sleeping with people, you're not connected to, you're a fucking slut. You know, that's just, I mean, what do you mean? If you're sleeping with people, you're not connected to, I mean, wouldn't that be a reason to sleep with someone is because you're connected to them to be not connected to fuck somebody. No, you can, you can, there's, if you're a person and you see another person and you're
Starting point is 00:21:40 like, let's have sex. Okay, there's no connection there other than the fact that you guys want to have sex with each other. That's fine. What life does this happen in? This is real. This is all self. This is real. To me, this all speaks of like a selfish intent, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I don't know. I look at it like, why all the emphasis, you know, you can be happy and you can do things together, but like you have to make sure that like this sexual relationship is defined and you're still working at it, but like I think it's overhyped. And hopefully, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Wow. I see I disagree too. I mean, and of course mine's all anecdotal and personal experience, but you know, when Katrina and I's sex life is, you know, through the roof, you know, constantly having it, sex life is, you know, through the roof, you know, constantly having it, everything's great, oh, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Everything else seems to be extremely better with bar communication. And now, well, let me ask you this, wouldn't you get the chicken or the egg, you know what I mean? It's a good point. Which one makes the healthy, right? Yeah, you're right. I just think of the pressurizes my only point to that.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Like, I definitely, I'm all for it. Yeah. But like, I just, I the pressure wise as my only point to that like I definitely I'm all for it. Yeah, but like I just I've learned about myself to kind of pull back and then I get like what results, you know going forward Well as men that's finding that out as men. We have to learn to do that. Yeah. I'm just trying to put that out like it's not all about like I have to get I have to get it, you know, well quantity Is important to an extent but quality I think is much more important. I'd rather have less equity. I'd rather have less frequent sex than what's great.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I've learned to say nah. Just because I know it's not going to be as good, and that's done wonders. Well, don't you think that once again, chicken or the egg, don't you think that plays into that? It's just like, who said the best? Was it Chris Rock or Eddie Murphy when he does the analogy of, you know, some people think that they finally have sex with the girl that was holding out, that was a virgin, they were dating for a year and you finally have sex and it was the best sex of your life. And he's like, no, it's because
Starting point is 00:23:34 you were starving and someone gave you a salty and cracker. You think it was the best meal you ever had in your life because you were fucking starving. And that's why. And then you had, don't you think they kind of build up is similar to when you take away, right? Yeah, and it's also like, you know, the actual act of intercourse is a small part of sex. I mean, for me personally, all the stuff that surrounds it, I find more fun. I have way more fun with all the cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:59 All the C-Sales like Toy Chest. Well, just all the stuff that leads up to it, the talking, the whatever, the four play, then you have the intercourse and then the after and that, you know, that to me is much more enjoyable than the actual act of the intercourse. That's like, intercourse to me is great, but it's almost like, and then you're done, you know what I mean? So working up to it is much more exciting for me.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Well, and this is, I think it's a very good point. And this is the direction I was hoping you would start to go. I was waiting for you to say something good, because I feel like you're such an intelligent mind. And I feel like you have a lot to say in this. I think you're just, you were, here comes this like a shit sandwich with the room.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I am throwing your shit challenge. I am throwing your shit challenge. Shit challenge, right? Which one? I'm throwing a shit challenge. I'm throwing a shit challenge. Yeah, I just, I think whenever, you know, and my girls call us out on this before,
Starting point is 00:24:47 she's like, you know, whenever you guys get into the whole talking about sex or relationship, you know, you guys have this ability to start acting like a bunch of children when it's a very good, a very good topic. And I think it is a very good topic. And I think it says a lot about us
Starting point is 00:25:01 that we get all like that because, you know, shame on us for being that way. We pride ourselves on being so open and upfront and raw and real and talking about everything I think it says a lot about us that we get all like that because, you know, shame on us for being that way. We pride ourselves on being so open and upfront and raw and real and talking about everything and man, sex and sexuality and I, there's, you don't think there's a bunch of minds that are listening right now that have maybe only had sex with one person in their life or maybe two at best and have very little experience whatsoever and feel nervous. And I mean, to me, like, there, I mean, you want to, if you want to go there,
Starting point is 00:25:25 I mean, you know, sex and all the things that surround sex, they are among the ultimate forms of creativity. There really aren't expression of creativity that humans do on a very primal level. I mean, think about it. What is the byproduct of intercourse? Why are we driven to- To reproduce sex, child?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Just to create, right? That doesn't mean that's why you're having sex. Obviously, but my point is when you look at a very primal level, that's what comes out of it. And so it is a very creative expression of primal desires, needs, and whatever. And so that's why, and humans being as complex as we are, and as intelligence as we are,
Starting point is 00:26:04 it only makes sense that sex is gonna look very different from person to person. And why things can get quote unquote weird. I mean, use that word, not because I think it's real. Weel Barrow, are you? That's why some people are like, there's foot fetishes, there's fetishes that have to do with,
Starting point is 00:26:22 there's people who are sexually attracted to cars, there's people who wanna be, you know, feel pain, there's people who wanna be, you know, sensual or whatever. It's a very creative expression. And like I said, for me, the actual act of intercourse of where you're just, you know, penetration, it's such a small part of it. It's all that other stuff that surrounds it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's what I truly enjoy the most. And I think if you're, you wanna it's such a small part of it. It's all that other stuff that surrounds it. That's what I truly enjoy the most. And I think if you're, you wanna healthy sexual relationship, you should focus on those things. That's where the real, you know, creativity comes out. I agree, and I think it, I think that it tells us a lot about ourselves, right? It tells you a lot about that. A lot of those issues are, issues are a lot of those
Starting point is 00:27:01 fetishes that you just brought up. I think you could be stemmed back to something else. I think there's such a connection. I think there's such a connection. I think there's such a connection to the way we are sexually to... Well, I've heard actually, based off of a critical impression that you've had, it's almost imprinted on you at a crucial moment in your life. If it's during the process of puberty where something happened or you were affected by something.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I have a story to confirm that. It has this lasting impact, and so that becomes your thing that is brought into sex. It can be, but it can also be other things. It doesn't necessarily need to be connected to something that happened to you. It could be literally your, I have friends that were not into
Starting point is 00:27:45 certain things at all. And then they decided, I'm going to see if I can get into it. And just because they've opened their minds to do so, they did. It's no different than anything else. Look, I growing up hated, and this is not, this is trust me, this is related to the same subject. When I was a kid growing up, I didn't like seafood at all. But I realized as I got older, it wasn't because I didn't like seafood, it's because I thought I didn't like seafood, it's because I told myself I didn't. So the second I opened my mind and tasted it and said,
Starting point is 00:28:12 hmm, this is different than the steak you chicken. That's how I was. That's how I was. It's hard to choke. Right, and now I love, I really, really enjoy seafood. And I think a lot of that has to do with sex. Like, you're talking about like, no, I don't want to be submissive. I think a lot of that might be that you're always so dominant and I'm talking to you Adam, you're so dominant
Starting point is 00:28:27 in your normal life, just like I am. I think just like the three of us are that you can't, you don't let your mind go there. And I'm not saying you would like it, I'm just saying. Where's Kurt? Every now and then. Exactly. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:40 No, I'm saying that I think if people kind of open their minds and explore certain things, I think they'd be surprised at how many things they could get into. I think sexuality is very free-flowing. It's not rigid in any sense of the word at all. Do you think there's a line two of too much or too little? Of course, of course. I think where you're willing to take your mind.
Starting point is 00:29:00 The same thing holds true for your sexual identity, whether you're heterosexual or gay. I mean, a lot of people like to say you're born straight or you're born gay. And I think there's a lot of truth to that. But I also think it's a spectrum. And I think, you know, men don't have sex with each other in prison because they were born gay. I think that the circumstances changed how they viewed sex. I think it's much more flexible than we like to admit. I think history talks about lots of this stuff. You look at the Romans, the Greeks, you look at the way sexual preferences have changed.
Starting point is 00:29:31 In the past, it was a blow job, by the way, and the 1800s was more expensive than intercourse. Why? Because they were less likely to give you a blow job. It was so taboo. Now, prostitutes charge less for a blowjob. It was so taboo. Now, you know, prostitutes, you know, prostitutes are charged less for a blowjob and more for sex and other things. It's just, according to current rates.
Starting point is 00:29:50 It's just very, it's very free flowing is my point. And I think we, you know, we as society and as people like to place taboos and put people on boxes, it's way more fluid and out there than you think. And I think it's interesting. I think you should challenge yourself a little more. Well, look how huge the industry is, but yeah, it's so tell,
Starting point is 00:30:10 like you said, so taboo to talk about. I mean, it's what's the number one. It's weird. Taco loaded stuff on the internet. I mean, what are they? The internet should they say 80%. Everybody's into it. Not many people want to talk about it. Yeah. Well, dude, everybody masturbates. You know what I'm saying? Everybody fucking masturbates. Everybody's masturbating. But go up to somebody and just talk about masturbation and they'll want to call the cops on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Like it's so weird. It's so weird that we've created. A lot of it has to do with, I think the religion has to be replaced. Yeah, there's a lot of that. Come on, man. I mean, nobody talked to me about masturbation when I was a kid. Not my parents never brought it up.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Oh, my mom did. She made me feel like it was bad. That's what I'm saying. You know? Like, shit. That's what I'm saying. This old time, I thought it was a cool thing. Which is horrible because I don't know about you,
Starting point is 00:30:52 but I remember the first time I did it, I felt ashamed after works. Yeah. I was like, oh my god, what have I done? Well, there was nothing to be ashamed about. You know what I'm saying? I should have, what should have happened is they should have talked to me and told me,
Starting point is 00:31:03 look, it's totally normal. It's something private. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want it, but if you do it, everybody does it happened is they should have talked to me and told me, look, it's totally normal. It's something private. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want it, but if you do it, everybody does it. And I would have done it. And I would have been like, okay, I'm cool, rather than feeling guilty and ashamed about it. Well, and that's a good point, too, because that's the same thing with experimentation
Starting point is 00:31:15 when it comes to, you know, your sexuality with different things like that. A lot of people are afraid because they're ashamed. They're ashamed that they want to try that or they like that or they're into that. Like, I think it's unfortunate. I think it's unfortunate that we do. We act silly. We call it weird. We say things like that when it's something.
Starting point is 00:31:31 One of the most common fantasies that women will admit to in private because I've read surveys and studies, I sex is a topic that I, it's the psychology of sex that I'm passionate about. Not the act of sex is whatever, but the psychology of it's something that has fascinated me for a while, because I think it speaks to our core, right? It's one of the most primal instincts we have besides eating and drinking water. It's the one thing that kind of ties us back to the fact that we're animals. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:58 100%. Exactly. And one of the number one fantasies that women have in private is being dominated or being forced to have sex and or having sex with multiple men. Now women will not admit this to each other and a lot of times women won't even admit it to themselves. They'll find that it turns them on and they'll become, they'll feel ashamed about it. Now here's the thing when it comes to sex is you can fantasize about things and realize
Starting point is 00:32:24 that things turn you on and never you never have to do them Doesn't mean you're gonna do it You know if you have a fantasy of having sex with you know multiple people or you have you know some fetish that you might think is strange You can fantasize of it. It's okay. It doesn't mean you're gonna go out and do it That's the beauty of masturbation right isn't that the bring that isn't that the purpose of that right there? I think so I mean really but imagine if you could share that with your partner. Imagine if you could share fantasies with your partner that you know are safe to share that you'll never do you know real life like you you you could tell a woman could tell her husband how I fantasize about having sex with
Starting point is 00:32:56 with several men at the same time and the husband is secure enough knowing that she's not gonna do it and she feels comfortable enough sharing that now we're're getting somewhere. This is where I want, this is also talks, you talk in a communication with a relationship. People always give me, or think it's crazy that, the dynamic that Katrina and I have, and this is something that I think is so unique
Starting point is 00:33:15 that I don't see in a lot of relationships, and why, you know, her and I have now been together for over five years, is because I feel comfortable with expressing what's on my mind. And that's so crazy when you think about it that, and every girl talks about, oh, they want you to be honest in a relationship,
Starting point is 00:33:32 but how many guys have tried being honest and then been scolded for it because their woman gets crazy or acts silly after they say some shit like that, and then it turns into a big fight and they break up or whatever. So then what does that do to that man? Now that man's afraid to death on the next relationship that he goes into.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So he suppresses it. He suppresses it. So he's not gonna open up and share that with the next girl because he knows his patterns before. And I remember when Katrina and I first started dating like even myself being as raw on a front as I am, she would continually tell me like, I'm not, you're any of your past relationships,
Starting point is 00:34:04 so why would you even go through them? So she calls me on my bullshit if I'm ever like that. And it's one of the most awesome things to have in a relationship is the ability to see a good looking woman, to be able to say, yeah, she's hot or yeah, that is. Why? Like that's sort of to be challenged.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I think one of the best things in a relationship is to be challenged. Like imagine if your girl is challenging you and pushing you about certain sexual things, not necessarily pushing to do things, but just to talk about them. Oh yeah, she at all the time. Do you want this? Is that something you're into or you like this? And that's awesome because then you feel like, wow, I can, like, I feel safe in this, you know, in this type of this, this relationship, which promotes, promotes honesty.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I had a female client once who was, I looked up to older woman, very, very, you know, non-shelom about stuff. You couldn't phaser, like you couldn't say shit in phaser's woman. She was an executive at a high ranking company. Just somebody I looked for, I looked up to. And we would talk about different subject. They always blew me away how she wasn't like embarrassed
Starting point is 00:35:04 or nothing, phaser. she was always telling me like, why, why, why be embarrassed about certain things. And she told me that she would, she would get turned on by watching two men have sex with each other. Now at first when she said this to me, I'm like, that's crazy because that's not common. Like that's not society's in talk about.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Like society talks a lot about two women having sex. It's not a problem for a guy to watch porn with lesbian. I heard that. I'm interested. Nothing. She told me, she says, Sal, she goes, why does a man, or why would you get turned on by watching two women? I'm like, because to me, if I break it down, it's like they're so aroused that they have
Starting point is 00:35:39 to have sex with each other because no one else is around or whatever, or they're just getting each other off and that's arousing. She says, I'm attracted to men. Watching two men have sex would be the same thing. Like they're so aroused or having sex, she's like, it doesn't, it doesn't faze me. Wow, really? And you know what? It made, it made sense. It doesn't make sense. It makes total sense to me. And I'm like, I guess you're right. But I remember it blew my mind at that time because I said, nobody, nobody but gay men get turned on by that, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. And she told me she goes,
Starting point is 00:36:03 no, it's not true. She goes, I have women friends that will sometimes talk about how that'll turn on. That's fascinating. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 20, 30 years as shit gets more open, you'll see more of this stuff come out. As more people are on social media, as less secrets are being able to be contained, you're gonna see people sexual, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:23 you're gonna see some of the stuff that we think is weird kind of come out in the future. I bet you mark my words. Less and less stuff will be considered taboo in the future. Yes, donkey shows. Oh, God, just it. No, I think we are heading in that direction for sure. I mean, look at even the way people dress in comparison to 30, 40 years ago. I mean, how conservative they were before.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Now, I mean, we're getting closer and closer to naked. You know, I really feel like that's as free as you can be, right, is where why have clothes? Why do we spend all this money on decorating ourselves with all these clothes and dressing all up? Like, why doesn't everybody just walk around naked? So everyone's gonna walk around and start fuking each other, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:36:58 And then you take it to the next step. You got, when you have, it won't happen in our lifetime, but when they'll have fr these artificially intelligent robots that you cannot tell between the difference between them and a human, then people are going to go, buck, wild, because it's going to feel safe, because it's not a human, right? And then you can see people do all kinds of shit. Well, we talked about that before, haven't we
Starting point is 00:37:16 mentioned that on the podcast? Like when that when that artificial intelligence gets to that level that like, there's this constitute cheating, if you're fucked in a robot. How many how many think about this? How many women would not be okay with their husbands having sex with them and another woman but would be okay with them bringing in a robot woman. Oh, I bet you there'd be a bigger percentage right?
Starting point is 00:37:32 Of course, because I think the biggest thing that people have with that is the, and I even as a man, right? And I know it's a hard thing for any of us to do, but you know, picture your woman with another man. And the biggest thing that, right, the biggest thing that would, that I think would hurt or pain is, is the emotional connection. We know that women are emotional, and they have to have this connection in tie. So if, if she went out and sub with this man, she must be, she must be really like him or really into him. So that hurts more than the actual act of them having sex. Well, that's what I'm saying. Like, if, she must be really like him or really into him. So that hurts more than the actual act of them having sex.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Well, that's what I'm saying. If you have a couple that is so connected and secure with each other, then they can go to those kinds of places and not feel threatened by it. You know what I'm saying? So that's, and I'm not one of those people, I'm not really necessarily one of those people. Could I go there?
Starting point is 00:38:22 I don't know. It would require, I think lots of work and stuff, but I could understand how other people might be able to do that. And to me, it's like, to more power to do it. I'm jealous of those couples who can really go to those places. Maybe not even do those things, but take their minds and their conversations to those places and feel so secure with each other that nobody feels like jealous or threatened by it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:43 How cool? How about having a responsibility? I got one for you guys. So this, the couple relationships ago, just a couple girlfriends ago, was the first time somebody had ever cheated on me. And you know, after the fact, and I'd been in a relationship with her for almost two years, and you know, after she had cheated, everybody was like, dude, how are you, you know, I can't believe that, fuck her and everyone, you know, of course everyone wants to, you know, sigh with you and feel like it's, you know, all her fault is that, and I can't believe that, fuck her. And everyone, of course everyone wants to side with you and feel like it's all her fault is that.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And I didn't have that attitude. I said, oh, it's my fault. And they're like, what do you mean? That is unacceptable. And I said, well, what I do know is I know myself and I know how I was over the last six months to a year in the relationship. And I was very disconnected.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I was in the middle of building this business. And she's traveling all over. And I'm the type of guy who business and, you know, she's traveling all over and on the type of guy where if you're gone, like if you don't call me, whatever. And if I, if I continue to show her that and then all it took her was to be out and drinking and having a good time in another, another state and having fun and then it's up, hooking up with some dude and the way I find out is flowers get delivered to the house and, you know, they're not from me. And that's how it all came out.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And I didn't have this like, bitter, like, of course, it stings when it first happens, but that's not my personality. Like right away I was like, fuck, you know, well, that's what I get, you know what I'm saying? That's what I get for being that way. And how many people really do that when shit goes wrong in their relationship?
Starting point is 00:39:59 We're so quick to, you know, oh, internalize it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? What could have I done different in the relationship to not allow that to happen? Well, statistically a good chunk of people in committed relationships cheat.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Men and women. So again, it's one of those things that everybody when somebody gets caught, everybody's ready to fricking, you know, but drive a stake through them and set them on fire when a lot of these people pointing the finger probably did it themselves. Well, dude, communication is everything. Let's just put it out there.
Starting point is 00:40:30 If you're not happy, you express that. You know, like there's no need for all that, like sneaking around all that shit. If you don't have good communication, then go find somebody you can have good communication with. That's it. That's a great way to end the show. Thanks for listening to Mind Pump. You can leave us a five star rating review on iTunes.
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