Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 334: Jujimufu- The Anabolic Acrobat

Episode Date: July 25, 2016

In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin interview Jujimufu, the Anabolic Acrobat. Jujimufu combines muscle, flexibility and acrobatics. He has been featured in a Taco Bell commercial and was a recent con...testant on America's Got Talent. Jujimufu is also a Kimera Koffee athlete. You can get his dark roast at Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So that, Juigi Mufu, great guy. Yes, love him. You know, I knew before, because I kinda did my homework on him. I've actually been following him since the very beginning. So yeah, like 20,000 followers.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, we got half a million followers now. Yeah, we got featured, I know, I'm so jealous. We got featured on like a, I don't remember what it was, like a shredded academy or some page like that had featured. And I was just going back on there to see, I was tagged because I was on it, and I seen his video.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And I clicked and I started watching it and I thought, okay, this is fucking cool dude. You don't see a lot of 240 pound dudes doing fucking aerial kicks, back flips and then deadlifting 600 pounds and shit. Yeah. I was impressed right away and then I picked up really early that,
Starting point is 00:00:57 he was smart, he knew what he was doing. Well, and it purposed with purpose. Everything like he does, he's really meticulous about how he presents it. And that's really what, you know, was fascinating to me. So if you don't know who this guy is, uh, Juji Mufu, if you don't recognize the name, you'll definitely recognize who he is once I tell you this part. He should probably spell his juju juju juji juji Mufu is J.U.
Starting point is 00:01:17 J.I. M.U. F.U. Now he's the guy whose video went viral. He was the one doing the splits on the chairs. So one chair underneath underneath each foot and he was holding a heavy barbell above his head and screaming. And that video went viral and Taco Bell picked it up. Taco Bell picked up. But he's actually a remarkable individual.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Incredible Dixterity, Flexibility, and Strength. He's got this weird combination of things. He's a 240 pound, maybe six foot tall dude, very strong, who can do back flips and spin kicks and all these different, you know, moves and stuff. And I was, I was a little bit, I was a shocked because I think to do that kind of stuff and to do the social media stuff, you're, you've got to be pretty intelligent. But when he sat down, he's a very intelligent guy, very humble, intelligent person. It humble, intelligent person. We had a blast talking to him. You can find him on Instagram at jujimufu. You can check out his website called AcroBolex.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's acrobolyx.com. You can see him do some of this stuff. What you're about to listen to is our interview interview with Mr. Jujimufu. Make sure I'm a little bit louder to sell, you know how I like to do it. Just so sensitive, you can hear me drinking, listen, shut it. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, when we first started, so fucking eats, and pisses it out.
Starting point is 00:02:33 He always does that shit. I'm the biggest asshole at all of us for sure. And Doug is like this, yeah. I can't wait for you to fuck with Doug. Yeah. Doug is like Mr. Sound guy, which I'm sure you picked up on already because he was just like,
Starting point is 00:02:45 do you know anything about these mics right here? Yeah. He asked everything, guess I feel like, I'm like, dude, why do you have to put every guess on the spot like that? I know it's a different thing. It's a different thing. It's gonna be a test afterwards, is that what?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Is it? Do I need to admit that I haven't gone to school and this mic is a mic or what? Because I don't know what the fuck anything about these things either Just you put your mouth closer to them. They you sound louder. You you fucking move away. It's not so loud We just go what what's I sure do we give them there? 2x yeah
Starting point is 00:03:16 You're kind of like a bison. You're pretty big dude You got you I'm assuming I don't know a whole lot about your background and know a lot of your social media and how you went. Did you, is it a martial arts background that you had or acrobat background or? It's martial arts. I had a, I started doing Taikwondo when I was 14. Got it. And then I got in the acrobat at when I was 16 when I, or 15 when I, just found videos
Starting point is 00:03:41 online. So it's martial arts, then acrobat, and then when did you get into like lifting weights? Well, I was actually had a gym membership when I was younger. My parents had me like daycare across the street from my high school as a gym, so they'll like stay there until we pick you up. And I was just, I was just dicking around. I didn't know what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:03:58 About two years later, man, I was like 17. I started like, wait, there's dead lifts and squats. And then life changed. And then life changed. My life changed. I started like lifting, I started wanting, wanting to there's deadlifts and squats. And then life changed. Yeah, my life changed. I started like lifting, I started wanting, wanting to get really strong on those. So when, how did you go,
Starting point is 00:04:10 when was the, that's so almost magical that happens that 17 years old, you know, that you put that together? Yeah, oh, yeah. No, very few 17 year old boys are smart enough to know the importance of deadlifting and squatting, right, for that to happen. Yeah, I was just gonna ask you like,
Starting point is 00:04:22 who taught you that? Cause I remember when I was 17, nobody squatted and deadlifted. It like that the cage was was full of dust I raised curling everybody's doing cable crossovers and concentration curls I who taught you that I think I just stumbled upon some blogs online luckily I can't you know right right and it's just like these people are telling me that this is the stuff that's gonna Make me strong. I wanted to get strong so I can do my acrobatic stuff better right right I didn't care about building a vasica at that point.
Starting point is 00:04:46 In fact, I'd never had really any upper body day until I was like in my mid 20s. You're kidding me. No, I'm not. Shit. My upper body was completely out of proportion with my legs and my butt and everything. So, so yeah, I was just obsessed with getting it.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And you're one of those guys that just built muscle. Easy. I'm assuming them. No, I stayed lean really easily That's why it's easier for me to have a lower body fat at the higher muscle I'm actually more of like an ectomorph then really yeah, there's hope for me So so when how did all how did your whole like social media? I Was watching you back when you probably had,
Starting point is 00:05:26 I think 20,000. Holy, yeah. Really? Yeah, yeah. I like you. I think you were featured on a similar page as I was. We were both featured on one of those shredded pages or some shit,
Starting point is 00:05:37 or I don't remember what it was, but it was a game point. I know. I had just kind of came across you and then I instantly started following and I was very fascinated. And I want to ask you this because I started social media purely for business reasons. I was not, it's kind of a 35, so Instagram was something I had to learn.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I think anybody who's in their early 20s or before, I feel like it just comes natural to someone with that where I kind of started watching and I was like, oh wow, dude, there's business here. There's a possibility for me actually to expand my business through this platform. So I was always intrigued, especially when I saw someone like you that I was noticing you getting attention very fast. So I was watching that and I was curious that when you got into it, was it fun for you or did you have that mindset right away that I'm building this? Up building this.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Okay. I just didn't really figure that. I didn't know what I know now when I was building it to begin with and I just I learned by experience. So you say most people in their 20s kind of get this. I disagree. They don't know what they're doing. They're taking pictures of their food and taking the same angle of them squatting with
Starting point is 00:06:42 the same weight that's in pounds, not for kilograms, it's like, you got European followers too, dude. Put it in both weights. So people can't do this. So you know what I'm saying? Oh shit, yeah. Krebley, think about people who are international, you know? And things like that, they just do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And I'm like, I posted a video, I started posting things that started to do really well. I used the analytics, it's like, this post I just did had 10 times the amount of comments and likes and well, now you have views as another thing on Instagram. I was like, I'm gonna do more of that. I'm gonna do more of that, because that's working and most people don't do that.
Starting point is 00:07:18 They'll do something that does really well and they'll go right back to the crap that doesn't work. Yeah, it's like, so I started like, okay, I'm gonna do more of that. And I just did it again and again, and then I did a viral video. And I went from 3000 followers one night to 33,000 followers in a day. And one day.
Starting point is 00:07:32 What video was it? It was a chair split one. It was a chair pulling the barbell. Yeah. That one, that was it. That was a start of it. Which we saw that on a commercial, right? That got picked up.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah, it did. So what happens is you create viral content. There's a certain way videos can be that'll make them viral. And if you create these licensing companies, we'll purchase them from you, give you a split of the revenue, and then they'll redistribute it to networks that you don't have access to.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So for example, my licensing company is called Juke and Media. And they buy my clips from me. They give me a very good split. I get the majority of the income from it. And they'll be able to sell it to a company like Taco Bell. Now, if I approach Taco Bell and be like, Hey, put my chair split video. Hey man, put my chair split video. They'll be like, what?
Starting point is 00:08:18 You know, but they'll go to John can be like, what do you have? I'm shopping for videos. They're like, well, check out John Call. He's got lots of good videos and check out this chair split one. Oh, wow. That's how that works. So, how did you have the insight to create that?
Starting point is 00:08:32 They contacted me to want to buy the licensing for the video. And then I sold it to them. And then they love me. I have a very good relationship with me. And the moment I'll post something that's good, they'll contact me in the next day. I'll be like, you ready for this? me next day be like you're ready for this and they have a whole library in my clips and so they're always like moving on my clips and all these places that's like you wake up one day and someone be like you're on Tosh.0 you know Tosh.0 you're on a national geographic I took a snapshot of your video
Starting point is 00:08:59 it's in Japanese it's airing in Japan like that's crazy I don't know what's going on you know the screenshot of me on a on Japanese television with a thumbnail of a Japanese guy laughing over here in Japanese, it's airing in Japan. I'm like, that's crazy. I don't know what's going on. You know? The screenshot of me on a Japanese television with a thumbnail, the Japanese guy laughing over here with big cartoon Japanese letters. I'm like, I don't know what's going on, but they're seeing it over there. That's crazy. So yeah, but see, they're not going to buy something that's not going to be viral. There's a certain way of video become that they want to share.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I see. So is that when you're, because a lot of your flavor, your brand, when you look at your social media, there's a lot of this super high energy, kind of crazy stuff, and obviously it combines a lot of your talents. Is that how it started with the chair split?
Starting point is 00:09:36 Is that when you're like, oh, this is what I'm, this is gonna be my flavor. This is what I'm gonna do. Or have you always been? I've always been that way, but I've never been able to, I don't know
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's just it's funny listening to you talk because he sounds so I knew that was gonna happen Yeah, but then when you watch you what was that show you were just on on TV? I can't believe it just there is got talent America's got like you came out you you came out and like and just like Exploded all over the stage and went nuts and so you expect you to get on the mic and sound like a WWE wrestler, you know what I mean? But you're like, yes, my name is you know it reminds me of that Dave Chappelle episode where he was doing what's his name? He's like, yeah, what's his name? Little John. Yeah, but then he'll be like yeah, all of a sudden he talked like so yes I'll be going over here to it like all of a sudden it's real calm demeanor, but I hope I'm not disappointing. No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's not a character, a persona I'm portraying. I'm really a frickin' lunatic. That's really what I am. I'm not like, that's not an act. I'm sure. It's just, there's a certain time when you sit down and you have a conversation with someone. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And there's a certain time when it's just like, you can't be like that all the time. Freakin' throw furniture at the wall. Yeah, I don't think I would like you if you were to. Full on that. Yeah, because I wouldn't be able to have a conversation with you like that. And I would think too, there has to be a part of you
Starting point is 00:10:51 that probably enjoys both sides. I think people always find it fascinating when they get to hang out with me outside of work because I'm kind of more relaxed and quiet because I'm not working. When I'm on radio or I'm doing something in front of a group of 30, 50 people like I'm on, you know, I'm kind of more relaxed and quiet, because I'm not working. When I'm on radio or I'm doing something in front of a group of 30, 50 people, like I'm on, you know, I'm on all the time and this is why
Starting point is 00:11:11 this is very therapeutic for us is because it's, it's not, I don't feel like I have to be on. I can relax, we can talk and it's nice. And people always think like dude, you're so crazy out there. So you're just like me times a hundred though. So I'm not even on that level. So I can relate though. I feel like it probably feels nice
Starting point is 00:11:26 to probably fucking settle down. It's an incredible. Yeah. So you have an incredible amount of energy. Have you always been that way? Just just hyper? It's not like ADD or ADHD. And I'm actually really focused, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:40 But I'm just high energy. Yeah, it's just like, it's just like, ah, I get it out. Yeah, I just it's just like ah, you know, get it out. Yeah, let's do it. That's excellent. You're now now you you did Taekwondo for years. You did acrobatics. Then you started lifting weights.
Starting point is 00:11:54 You're a big dude. You carry a lot of muscle. I mean, you look like an amateur bodybuilder on most. How much do you weigh? Two between two 35 and 240. Yeah, so you're a big dude. Did you notice any changes, or maybe any detriment?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Because everybody talks about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What is like, what a hearted jump in the air. You're like, you're muscle. You don't see big guys like you doing these things.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah. By the way, I think that's probably why I get so much attention is just. Oh, 100%. That's what, so that's probably the most fascinating or impressive thing physically with about you is that it's not just that's probably the most fascinating or impressive thing Physically with about you is that it's not just that you're doing all these crazy moves It's a you're fucking a big buff dude doing that like we just they're they're contradicting right? It's one of the other normally for somebody so it's very rare to see you must piss off a lot of the acrobat's right
Starting point is 00:12:39 Like god you're so huge. No actually. I don't. Most of the acrobatists, they love me. They're just really good. It's the bodybuilders I piss off. Oh, okay. Yeah, I knew it was gonna be something. Yeah, no, they're all like hard. Yeah, it's just, who do you do in that stupid style? Don't smile, you know.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I can totally see that. Because their product lines not legit. You gotta be, you gotta be not be smiling. You gotta be alpha. You're stupid. Bodybuilders are like the most, I swear to God, the man. Right? God, it pisses me off. Yes, because now you're entering into the world that we've all kind of, I mean, Adam
Starting point is 00:13:14 competed in it, we've been in fitness and bodybuilding is kind of connected to fitness very strongly because of the ones that introduce resistance training and, you know, and the supplements and stuff like that. And you go to these conventions and stuff, you're like, come on guys, lighten up. Like don't get your feelings so fucking hurt because somebody's so different than you. You don't have to walk around like you're.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah, talk about that experience. I would love to hear your experience from doing what you do to now mainstream now and having to intermingle with bodybuilders or the people. What do you see when you look at the fitness industry and everything you're in right now? What do you see? you look at the fitness industry and everything you're in right now? What do you see? Oh, man? A lot a lot you know, I got these fitness expos and I love the fans and the people that pass through and I like working with a lot of the
Starting point is 00:13:57 Exhibitors and stuff a lot of the celebrity athletes. I feel like sometimes when they're Taking themselves too seriously, they're like, it's a sacrifice, it's a grind, you know, wake up at 3.30 a.m. every morning and live your dreams, I hate that crap, dude. That's so much. And it's only a select few that are getting so much attention like that. And I think that's kind of giving the whole fitness industry that kind of feel like that taking it too seriously, whereas most of people that walk the Expo Halls
Starting point is 00:14:28 are really good people. They're just normal guys, normal families who are just having fun, they're in great shape, and they just, they want, they want to see more people just kind of lighten up and have fun. And that's, I think one of the things that's helped me explode so quick is because they're like, this guy's just having fun. Why can't everyone just have fun? And it's just kind of one of the things that's helped me explode so quick is because they're like, this guy's just having fun.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Why can't everyone just have fun? And it's just gonna be light and, you know, have that kind of attitude. So I think most people respond well to it because that's the way they really are. And there's a select few or kind of making it, you know, seem like it's something it's not. Absolutely true. Absolutely. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Oh, I'm glad you said that because it's one of the biggest issues I call out stuff and it's been a while since I've done this on my Instagram But I'll talk about you know the beast mode grind every day the you know no days off Yeah, rest day. How do I work my rest muscle and where is it? And it's like it turns to muscle So what part of what inspired me also with all this was when I went through competing And I did all my own my own Pratt my own show so that and it was because I wanted to I wanted to learn I wanted to watch Well as I went through this and as they climbed the ranks I was so fascinated with These guys all and these are the guys are on magazines and everybody's looking up to and waiting in lines
Starting point is 00:15:39 The meat and these motherfuckers do not understand health and fitness They understand they know how to this crazy discipline. If they have some coach tell them to do this, do that, do that. And they make all these crazy sacrifices. But when I hear what they're doing, like cardio for two hours a day, plus weight training seven, what the fuck are you doing? Talopia and asparagus only like, you don't have to live like this. Like just just to look like that, you don't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Don't let these idiots fool you on that. Like life doesn't have to be like this. Just to look like that, you don't have to do that. Don't let these idiots fool you on that. Like life doesn't have to be like, it shouldn't be that way, but it's turned in almost to a competitiveness of who can make more sacrifice, and who can be more miserable. No one ever thought about that, right? Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:16:18 It's turned into like, I never thought about it that way. It is, it's like, oh, you went 14 days of, oh, I've done 30 days like that. Oh, I'm doing three hours of cardio. You know, like like I never even thought about that way. It's totally you're right It's totally that way. Yeah, that's why I'm glad you said that because that's a it's a one of my things It has to come a contest. Yes, it's a yeah Yeah, it's and and I love and that's another thing that I was gonna say attracted to you
Starting point is 00:16:41 But we don't want to make you feel always attracted to you. That's one of the things that I'm not close to, I'm at the whole thing. This golden loss. Yeah, no, this is what attracted me to your page because I love, I love real. I love people that are authentic. I love people that are being them and like, and can show health and fitness and and and be that way without turning it into this sacrifice thing like it's like your life is, it's like who wants that? It sounds meant to sounds just a grind. Because what it shows those people that you're talking about that walk around those conventions
Starting point is 00:17:10 is because they are, those are good, normal people. And when they meet these people and they think like, I'll never be that because I'm not willing to make all that sacrifice and to go through all that. Even the opposite. And they just admire them, but then they don't think they could ever do that. Well, there's even the other side of it. What if they, because we've seen this a lot of times you get these kids going like, I want to be like that. Even the opposite. And they just admire them, but then they don't think they could ever do that. Well, there's even the other side of it. What if they, because we've seen this a lot of times, you get these kids going like,
Starting point is 00:17:27 I want to be like that. They think they got to buy their products to be like them. Yes. And it's false. Or we see metabolic damage from people who've done something crazy, diets for super long or over trained syndrome. And I'll get these kids.
Starting point is 00:17:41 They'll come to me and they'll show me their routines. And I'm like, okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to work out half as much. You know what I mean? Just do that half as much. Next thing you know, I'll get these kids that'll come to me and they'll show me the routines and I'm like, okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to work out half as much. You know what I mean? Just do that half as much. Next thing you know, the guy, the guy put on 10 pounds of muscle. Yeah. You know, just from cutting down that workload because he was following, you know, so and
Starting point is 00:17:54 so's, you know, ridiculous. So I want to get, we kind of grazed over the bit. I want, I really, I like to give people on this show and one of the things we do is we we openly discuss like how this is a business, how we saw a need for the market, and we have a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of people that want to learn that side. And that is what initially attracted me.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I knew what you were doing. I could see what you were doing. And there's not a lot, like you said, there isn't a lot of 20-year-olds that are doing it right, business-wise. They know how to use the functions, the new filters, the new cool shit, butwise. They know how to use the functions, the new filters, the new cool shit, but none of them know how to turn it in.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Like, you got people with 100,000, a million followers, and they're not converting it into dollars anyway, whatsoever, it's just them half naked in a bathroom or something that's like, dude, what is this all for? What are you really doing? So I knew that you weren't someone like that. So kind of share more, like, what turned you on that direction? And are you a one-man team, or do you have people helping you?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Or what's that whole journey been like for you? Well, I mean, I'm one-man team, but of course, there's always people, for me, getting into this business and making it more of a business thing, I feel like the word business is more like a keyword just for making friends. So all the people the word business is more like a keyword just for like making friends. So all the people I do business with or relationships.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Feel like a relationship. I won't work with someone who I don't like. You know, it's just like, okay, this person can help me. I don't like them. We'll go, you know, just pass on that person. It's gonna be a comfortable experience. So most of my, you know, business work with this is networking.
Starting point is 00:19:22 It's just been like, it felt like me just contacting my group of friends through Facebook Messenger, email and whatever and just building things together, you know, business work with this is networking. It's just been like, it felt like me just contacting my group of friends through Facebook Messenger or email and whatever and just building things together, you know, seeing what we can come up with. What did you do for a living before? I mean, I'm assuming you do this full time now. You're so positioned. Actually, I don't.
Starting point is 00:19:35 You're kidding me. No, no, no, I'm kidding. I'm kidding, fuck outta here. No, no, no, no, no, I have a day job, you know. No shit, I had no idea. Okay, technically it worked right now. What? I am, I work from home every other week. Oh, okay. And so I'm here right now. So when I check my idea. Okay, technically it worked right now. What? I am. I work from home every other week.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Oh, okay. And so I'm here right now. So when I check my phone in a bit, I might have some working emails. Oh, what? I had to take care of this. Now is it not really, you're talking about a day job that's not related?
Starting point is 00:19:55 It's not related. It's about a take job. Oh, wow. And it's like, I'm making definitely as much money doing the fitness stuff as I am doing that now, but when it doubled my income, it's kind of like, it's not to give it up. It's kind of like, I really don't have to worry about that right now, or like the bill,
Starting point is 00:20:12 or, hey, I can buy this barbell if I want, you know, I can, you know, it's been nice. And the job hasn't really gotten in a way of what I'm doing, obviously. You guys didn't even know I had a job. I thought you would have stopped it by now, fantastic. I'm just organized. Hard working. No, yes. How many hours do you work a week?
Starting point is 00:20:29 At my job. Bo, everything. Shit. I mean, every day I get up. I don't really, I mean, just work is play for me. So working with some sort of label I'm doing for a new product or getting design concepts for this or editing a video or coming up with ideas for something for someone or scheduling things
Starting point is 00:20:49 for me to come like, you know, working with you guys, working with us. That's just fun, you know? It's not like work. I mean, what would be something that's like, I don't like doing it. I mean, think here. Sometimes I don't like meal prepping.
Starting point is 00:21:01 I think it's old. Yeah. Well, you seem like the kind of person that I mean, you're passion driven. So it doesn't make sense that you would do something you didn't like for work. But- Do you have specific people, either iconic or even just
Starting point is 00:21:15 relationships in your life that inspire you, that you look up to? And that's, I mean, yeah. You know what? I get the questions like, who's your inspiration or whatever I'm like, well, I guess the only person I would say is like someone I'd really like more than anything model my behavior after, or just like someone's like,
Starting point is 00:21:35 that guy knew what he was doing. He's Jackal Lane. Oh yeah. I love Jackal. He's my idol. Absolutely. His energy is just like, oh my God, he's just raw animal, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Do you know a lot about it? Some of the stuff, you know, he's just raw animal, you know, Do you know a lot about it? Some of the stuff he, you know, feats of strength. Yeah, I do. Boo, I learned about him. Some of those feats of, I don't know what you call him, feats of strength or performance. I was crazy random. Just like pull a tugboat like fucking a mile. On his 70, I believe it was his 70th birthday, he pulled, I think it was seven, like little
Starting point is 00:22:03 boats with 10 people in them. So 70 people from Alcatraz to shore with his hands and feet shackled at the age of 70 years old. Yeah, something like that. I mean, ridiculous shit. You know, set the world record and push up some pull ups like 50 years old. So just inhuman kind of shit. Yeah, he was just, he looked amazing all his life. He was obsessed with eating right and taking care of the body.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And he didn't do it in a way where it was like, you know, like we're talking about sacrifice in the grind. He did it in a way where it was just like, everyone should do this because you'll feel amazing and your life is gonna be changed. It was almost as if it was like a sort of sort of health of fitness gospel to him. Just like, this is, life is awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Let's do it this way and, you know, enjoy it. And it's gonna be really good if you take care of your body and eat right. He's like the Socrates of fitness for sure. Do you place health and wellness above performance or the other way around? Or do you consider the meekle? Equal. If you don't take care of your body with boring stuff like eating your greens and I eat a lot of vegetables, I have a juicer where I'll juice fruits and vegetables.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Not very many fruits, more like vegetables. A lot of vegetables. I have a juicer where I'll juice fruits and vegetables. Not very many fruits, more like vegetables. A lot of vegetables, carrots, kale and stuff. Take curcumin, greens, extracts, that stuff. If I don't do that, I'll feel it in a few days. You know what I mean? Especially with the type of stuff you do, probably work out some stuff. Yeah, yeah, I'll explosive stuff at my size.
Starting point is 00:23:20 It hurts your joints and stuff and inflammation. And you feel every little thing, you know? You're also incredibly strong at the traditional barbell lifts. I went through your Instagram, I saw you deadlift and some pretty ridiculous weights. What's your best? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Recently, I don't have enough weight in my apartment. So really, test and I don't know. Gems are kind of like, I don't know. Okay, so my best, the best I've ever pulled deadlift was 635, which no belt, no strap, no suit, no nothing. My squats kinda weak, it's probably around the mid-500s with nothing. That's pretty, I'm such a pretty accurate.
Starting point is 00:23:53 He's like, to me the heck. Well, I mean, there's a, I'm more than, there's a set of my fucking packs and I'm freaking 240 pounds. I mean, body weight ratio wise, it's like, that sucks. Another 240 pound power lift rule, just like completely, that's obliterate. That's fine because it's like, that sucks. Another 240 pound power lift rule just like completely, that's obliterate. That's fine because that's a black flip.
Starting point is 00:24:08 It's fine, I'm okay, I'm playing a different game. That's cool, but I have a lot of respect for them. And that's why I'm not gonna be able to, oh, I can do this much. It would actually be extremely fascinating to see someone like you, if you just completely stopped that and you were just driven for power lifting. I mean, I couldn't imagine, right?
Starting point is 00:24:23 I mean, because you have to do some sort of mobility work or drills to keep yourself that flexible and mobile while you're still doing. Yeah, I was going to ask how you balance that. You know, lifting heavy and then also like, you know, maintaining mobility just for just some of those. You don't you have guides or I thought I was going to your website and you had like, is this what you do?
Starting point is 00:24:44 Like for courses You teach other people how to basically build a physique and be able to do I have a website with a lot of free information That's acrobolex calm, okay, and I am writing a bunch of ebooks and one of them is almost done It took me almost two years to write it I don't know it took me two years to get out my head the way I want. I'm a perfectionist with that So my ebooks coming out in about a month. It's on flexibility training. Oh fantastic It's gonna be fucking awesome. How much how a month. It's on flexibility training. Oh, fantastic. It's gonna be fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:06 How much time do you spend on flexibility training per week versus resistance training? Well, see, here's the thing. If I squat, ask to grass. Isn't that a good stretch? Absolutely. Okay, and if I'm pulling Sumo deadlift with as wide as stance as I can,
Starting point is 00:25:21 and I'm all the way at the bottom, isn't that like stretching my groin pretty good? Absolutely. Yeah, and if I'm doing a really wide powerlifting squad, you know, like really wide, and you look at it, it looks like a martial art sitting stance with a hell of a lot of weight on your back. Flexibility and mobility is a lot of strength and coordination. It's control. You want control and in range of motion. It's a range of motion. Yeah. And so you're asking me like how much time do I spend working on a mobility where a lot of it just crosses over
Starting point is 00:25:46 where it's mixed. So it's not like I'm like this much stretching, this much lifting, this much cardio, this, it's all integrated. So there's, there's, you know, all those things are kind of built into one another. Fantastic. That's what I was reaching for. I'm so glad you shared that because that's like the perfect answer. It is the perfect answer. And it's the, and it's we, we talk a lot about, uh, performing the squat and deadlift through full range emotion and the importance of a lot of people, I feel, especially as they age,
Starting point is 00:26:13 totally neglect those movements because they can't because they're, you know, mechanically can't do it anymore and, or then they, and so they don't address that to get back to that. And if they only knew like if you could just squat and deadlift through full range emotion, yes, yes, how much better your entire life, how much more you would know, how much better you would move doing everything. So you don't have to, you wouldn't have to spend all this time doing stretching all day long trying to fix these issues if you just learn to do that. So I'm glad you said that. That's such a great point.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Do you have any background in like fitness education or was it the martial arts was a like I'm sure you had a, did you achieve black belt level at the tech level? Any background in fitness education? No, most of it's just self-educated by reading. Think about it. Am I going to get a degree in fitness education by listening to your podcast? No. No, but I'm going to learn to have a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Absolutely. You're going to learn a lot more. I can't be like, oh, I'm a, you know, this and this and this and this and this. Well, you know, no, I don't. But I've freaking like absorb this information for 15 years. So, you know, reading blogs, watching videos and stuff and, you know, just going down the rabbit hole of Google, just trying to figure this stuff out and my own experience because I've been doing this for 16 years. So let me ask you this. You seem like you definitely an intellect.
Starting point is 00:27:26 This is where we all, where do you see fitness and education like that? So I, I believe that the future of education is going to be a lot like TED talks and podcasts and information like that. It's just a, it's an easier. Decentralization. It's a decentralization of information. Yeah. That's a, it's a big, I believe that's, I mean, that's how a lot of what most of it,
Starting point is 00:27:47 we talk about no one in here. Well, Justin has his degree, sound, I don't have our degree. We didn't, I was going through Kinesh, and I didn't finish, I fell into work, and never look back, and along the way, I got a ton of certifications, which none of them I carry still. And most everything that all of us have learned
Starting point is 00:28:02 is pretty much self-taught, and it's through channels like this. People don't realize how much good information is out there. You just got to know where to look for it. Which is kind of what my pump is about, which is kind of like why we wanted to bring someone like you want to, I'm excited for you to really dive into the show and the relationship that you have with Chi-Mera. Now I'm sure we're going to end up seeing each other a lot. So you'll enjoy what we're working on doing because we want to be a channel for that. We're not saying that we know everything with fitness, but we want to be able to help and direct people.
Starting point is 00:28:32 We want to cut a lot of the red tape out, and get right to the point of what matters and how to do this thing properly. By the way, speaking of Chi-Mera, I tried your dark roast. Yes, good, isn't it? Do you have it? I haven't got the dark They sold out yes, they're sold out right now sold out good good job. No, could you slow down a little bit? So what's the difference with the dark? It's just just different beans or just roast a different light taste It's roasted it's roasted darker
Starting point is 00:28:57 Okay, so the Camara is slightly on the light side of a medium roast and mine slightly on the dark side of a medium roast and for me, you know, that makes a big difference. So that's why it tastes the way. I like your videos where you like pour the grounds and like your face. There's one I think you have like a horse head on. Yeah, yeah. The few times I wash my hair a month. How did that relationship start?
Starting point is 00:29:20 I really liked the boys by the way. You said something earlier about how you won't do business with anybody that you don't want. This is us. So we, you know, it took about a year, once we had a year on our belt of podcasting, that's when we broke into, you know, the millions of downloads. And at that point, we started getting all kinds of people
Starting point is 00:29:37 that wanted to do sponsorship this and that. And we've turned down them all. The actually Chi-Mara was the first one that we took and we were sold on them. We really like the boys, we like the direction of the business. So share a little bit with them and how that all happened and your relationship. Well, I was one of the first people they scouted.
Starting point is 00:29:56 They contacted me very early right after my first viral video. So they contacted me over a year ago. It was pretty soon after things started working. I was like, wow, this is cool. One of the first few opportunities that come through my door, now I get emails every day from people wanting to send me free bars of soap. So I'll post, make a post about their soap. I'm like, come on now. But they contacted me. And so I got, well, I can, for the listeners, I have two rules. I follow when I'm thinking about working with a group or whether I want to, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:22 so for Camera's like coffee, hell yeah, okay? Of course. I'm a coffee drinker. I look at their product and it's like, well the new tropics are putting in it three out of four of those actually use myself already, okay? So I already know that those are legit. The logo looks cool. And, you know, you start to get to talking with them. I like these people. So it has to be some, it has to be a product You actually like and it has to be a group you actually like people you actually like to work with if you don't have both of those Don't work with a group don't take a sponsorship don't don't work with them But you just don't so it has to be both and that's really hard to do and I've got lucky that they were one of the first people to Contact me because now it's like man. It's really rare to find, you know, both.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And it just happened that happened soon. Well, I think what you're saying is great advice to, because we have a lot of listeners who are in fitness, we're trying to build their brands and use social media and personal trainers that want to build their brands. And a lot of them dream about having a sponsor. And I think a lot of people make the mistake of just signing on with one that they maybe don't believe in
Starting point is 00:31:25 Which will hurt them in the long term I think if you thought if you do something you believe in and work with people you like you're looking at long-term success And I just looking at short term because it is tough. It's tough turning down Offers like you get a ton of them now, right? So I was like here. I'll give you five grand to mention my you know Whatever shampoo and you're like I don't really like your shampoo. It smells like bubble gum. I think I'm gonna go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, so I think that's really, really good advice. So, you have a family?
Starting point is 00:31:51 I have a wife. Fantastic. Yeah, I saw the ring on your finger. Oh, thank you. Very nice. How long have you been married? Two years, no, very good. How is that with this whole traveling?
Starting point is 00:31:59 And she come with you, or is it? No, she didn't come with you. She's going through the physician assistant school. Oh, fantastic. And she's in rotations, so it's. She's going through the physician assistant school. Oh, fantastic. She's in rotations, so it's pretty stressful, if you know what that's like. Yeah, it's been a rough year for us. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, we don't see each other. Oh, darn it. Well, hopefully as it continues to take off and keeps growing, maybe you guys can, I don't know. That's the plan. Yeah, she's probably got her own aspirations. Sounds like. Of course.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah, absolutely. Very cool. So your previous shop, you worked in bio, biomedical, is that what you said? Biotech. Biotech, fantastic job. Fantastic, yeah, you're, it's a lot of brain power, doing that kind of work, that's pretty good stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Oh yeah. Is that how you got into the new tropics? How did you get into that? Yeah, it's just kind of nasty. Because you were already new tropics. Yeah. Oh, you know, just when you're a kid and you're researching things online and you know, stuff will make you.
Starting point is 00:32:45 He says that like every kid's like smart like him and just did you like that bro. Bro, dude, it's okay, you're special bro. Let me say something, you know. If you buy like zip-zat-boom-bre workout, you're gonna frickin' look at the fucking ingredients. Aren't you? All right, well that's what I do.
Starting point is 00:33:00 It's like what is in this day? It's a smart guy, it's a smart guy. It's a smart guy. You look at the products and then you start Googling the name of those ingredients and you figure out what is making this work. And then you'll know like, okay, so I buy most of my supplements that I'm going to take myself from a bulk website, like truenutrition.com. Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I know I want this amino acid. I know I want this amino acid and all that other crap is useless. And that's the way you do it. But I don't know, is that right? Yeah. That's how I do it. That's how you do it. It's probably on the average person
Starting point is 00:33:29 who goes to like fill heath and then like, you know, whatever it like colors they use. Believe it or not, that is marketing. Simple, yet great advice. You know, it's such, it's so like duh. Yeah, I know. It seems duh. Maybe I'm stupid to think that everyone does that.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Am I? I mean, it's not that you're just, I thought everyone did that. No, bro, no, they don't. They don't, I mean, it seems done. Maybe I'm stupid to think that everyone does that. Am I? I mean, it's not that you're, I thought everyone did that. No, bro, no, they don't. I mean, I did a, I didn't, that was a video I did a long time ago on Instagram where I turned around the label and just kind of like broke it down to people so they understood like, first of all, do you understand that you're really only getting the first three ingredients?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Because the rest of this proprietary blend and shit means you got like a fucking, it picks you up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You like nothing. So this is the bulk of what you're paying for. And you could technically go get that raw form if that's really what you're trying to get after. And this is what makes you feel this way.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And so people just don't do, they don't understand to do that. They are, they're sold on the sexiness of fitness and the who's, who's, you know, pushing it. That's how we're trying to, we're trying to change that part of the industry. We think that it's, that what's so toxic about it is it's the people that you were talking about that are at these conventions that are making these people
Starting point is 00:34:29 think this way and they gotta take their supplement to do all of this stuff. It's all ass backwards. And so we're trying to educate people on this that and we're all about natural. If there's something that you can get, this is why Chimera we like Chimera so much as we were already into synthetic metropolis. We've done things like that and I was kind of like,
Starting point is 00:34:46 yeah, if it's synthetic and not as big of a fan, you know, sal really likes them, but if I can find whole natural foods that have similar the similar effects, I would much rather go that route because I know if it's found in nature, it's gonna be probably more than likely okay for my body, right? So we end up finding, when we, they chimera came after us, we started doing our homework on them
Starting point is 00:35:05 and that's what made us fall in love with them and the boys attitude for sure. And it's really cool that they came after you that early. I didn't realize it was that early when they came after you too. So they saw that right away or well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now you said you were headed over
Starting point is 00:35:19 or you either had gone to or you had it over to an acrobatics like event or something. I'm here for Loopkicks Camp. It's a tricking event. It's a World Watch tricking event. Yeah, so what's tricking? Okay, the word tricking is derived from kick, flip, twist. Okay. So it's like martial arts fused with gymnastics and other movement practices. So it's kind of like what it looks like that people is like break dancing in the air. Got it. So it's just a lot of fancy, you know, acrobatic aerial acrobatics. Are there competitions? No. So for example, this is a camp. It's they also have gatherings. They'll sometimes have what they have called battles, but there's no like competitions, no titles, no national events or anything like that where people get together and compete. It's just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:36:04 you know, people get together to train together. And sometimes they might have a little fun contest and prize money, be like, you know, $1,000 or something. So you said martial arts. So I feel like there would be a lot of crossover, probably martial artists, gymnasts, and maybe even parkour. Yes. Do you see a lot of that stuff in there?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, it's all fused together. Oh, fantastic. Have you done any other, I know you did martial arts. So I'm assuming you did presentations with Taekwondo and I've seen some of those which they look, I mean, you explain tricking, I've seen Taekwondo competitions where they're doing presentations and there, I mean, some of the aerials that they do is just ridiculous. Have you tried anything else like par core or aeroseps of things? You know, I like that stuff and some of it, you know, I'd like to try but my plate's kind
Starting point is 00:36:46 of full. And now I don't really, I don't do, I don't dabble in parkour much because I don't know. Jumping off a building and doing like a, I don't know what I even, I don't even call it when they hit the ground and roll out of it. It's probably a name for the base jumping. It just seems like it would be harder in my body than the tricks. There's a lot of technique involved. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 There has to be because the guy your size 240 pounds jumping in the air like you do landing. I mean, you outweighed me by 50 pounds. If I did that, I don't have the technique. I feel like I'd break my knee. I want to go back and keep going back to the business. I'm impressed with your business mind. Well, thank you. I don't have any training. Yeah. Well, you know, some of the best business people, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:29 No, it's what's be real. And I did you, I feel like you have to be like one of the biggest faces for that. I don't know anybody else who really does that. And I think you've gotten a lot of attention and fame in the last year. Did you see that? Did you know that? Do you know that you're kind of like the face of that? Are you trying to be your face of like tricking or? Oh, we'll see. Yeah, to me, you're the biggest.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I know it's been around and I've seen like videos. I don't know any one person. Yeah, I don't know like a person who like rappers, and I think you could totally be that guy. If you're not already, do you see that or do you feel that like? Well, see, tricking is such a small group. If you actually search on Facebook, tricking and look for the tricking group,
Starting point is 00:38:13 it's only like 20 to 30,000, 20 to 30,000 members in the tricking group on Facebook. Now, what if you looked at baseball on 20 million? Yeah, it'd be like, okay, well, that's how small that pond is and that's where I just kind of popped out of nowhere. It seems like it was a weird discount I come from. It's because I was in the Bows of the Internet on the small tricking communities, old forums before social media,
Starting point is 00:38:34 Facebook, all that stuff. I was, I'm really old school in their community. So a lot of them, they call me a legend in that community. Because I was the one that created the, the community that got them all together before Facebook. 10,000 members on a forum organizing these things before Facebook. Now I have a lot of a cloud and respect for them because I got a lot of them into it.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I was some of the first tutorials I wrote online and we were like, hey, this guy. Coming back to being the face of it, what I'm really doing is I've gotten out of that small pond and jumped in a fit and more of the fitness pond because it's much bigger. And that's actually kind of bringing more attention to the sport. Yes. So it's not like, be the face of it, but like getting out of it is going to be more. Now, we saw you with this. That's the Sun right now.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just, I'm interested to on if there's any smart companies that see that. If there's anybody that sees that yet or sees your vision or what's going on, because I do, and I think it would be smart with anybody else that's trying to build something or create something for that industry, because it is kind of a small pond, but I think you're introducing a lot more people to it
Starting point is 00:39:37 that are probably becoming very attracted to it. I mean, I was drawn to your page in St. Levi's, so, and that's totally not my world. So I know that if that's not my world, and it's got my attention, and I'm paying attention to it, there's got to be tens of thousands of people or possibly millions that would, too. Well, I've noticed too, like,
Starting point is 00:39:54 a American Ninja Warrior became like real popular, and that was something that was like, kind of outside of the norm with fitness. You're starting to see kind of gyms pop up now that are teaching more rock climbing and techniques to get you better at going through these courses and stuff like that. So do you see something happening like as far as like tricking's concerns for us competitions or something like that like you know what I think needs to be done and this is kind of coming back to the business thing. One of my visions actually is I do want to open up my own gym, a big one.
Starting point is 00:40:25 And I think it can be kind of branched off and start to grow and more gyms can start to model themselves after this thing I've seen my head. Okay, so here's my problem. If you look at most of my videos and be tricking, they're mostly outside. Why? The reason is because if I go to one of these gymnastics centers and say, hey, I want to use it. They'll be like, no, you have to either take our classes or you can come in at 9.30 at night on Thursday for an hour. Well, I fucking work. All right, or they'll look at me like a pedophile,
Starting point is 00:40:53 a 30-year-old guy and you're wants to work out with children. No, I wanna do moves. It's like, no, you can't, you're too old. Okay, so it's hard to find a, because I'm talking about like, plyometric floor blocks, foam pits, things that tools that you need for that. That's best like plyometric floor blocks, foam pits, things that tools. That you need for that.
Starting point is 00:41:07 That's best used for that. Yeah, that you need for that. And it's so hard to find a facility that's just open, just come in and like, okay, so go into Gold's Gym. You work out any time you want. 24 is going there and lift some weights. You can't do that with acrobatic stuff. It's so it's kind of like excluded.
Starting point is 00:41:23 CrossFit is sort of similar. So you have these Crossfit boxes that are really like closed off their little community bubbles. If you want to go in there and just work out, most of the time it's like, no, you got to be remembered, no, you got to take your classes. And if you do, and then maybe you can come in, you know, some all times. So my vision is this, you take a gym, and it's like three sections. You have plyometric flooring, all the gymnastics stuff. Right next to a bunch of squat racks. Right next to a bunch of dumbbells, machines, bodybuilding stuff, right next to just fuse it all together.
Starting point is 00:41:54 You'll have guys tumbling over here and then they'll be like, hey, maybe I should lift some weight so my knees might not explode before I get to 32 years old. Because that shit's healthy for your joints. And maybe the guys lifting weights will be like, maybe I should probably stretch and move my body like these guys before I get to 32 years old, because that shit's healthy for your joints. And maybe the guys lifting weights will be like, maybe I should probably stretch and move my body like these guys over here, so I don't feel like I,
Starting point is 00:42:12 someone tosses a soup can at me, I'm gonna pull a muscle, trying to catch it, you know what I mean? You need to put them together, you need to make it accessible. And I get a grass field on the other end of that. Yes. I actually see the future of fitness going in that direction because you're starting to see it now.
Starting point is 00:42:28 You're starting to see the growth of the fitness industry when we were running gyms was exploding with the big box gyms. So, you know, I managed clubs for 24-hour fitness and those were the big, that's where all the growth was happening. Now you're starting to see a lot of the growth happening these smaller, more specialized at facilities, Pilates studios, yoga studios, Crossfits, where people come in and it's a little smaller, a little bit different than just your typical jam.
Starting point is 00:42:54 The future, I think, is gonna be facilities like what you're talking about where they have multiple disciplines where people go in and can learn different things and train their body in different ways. The closest I can think of that gets to that, that doesn't have that element, but the closest I can think is UFC gyms. I don't know if you've been into a UFC gym before.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I've been in one, but it was just a mat. Yeah, they might have taken it. So if you go to the UFC gyms where they build them themselves and actually can put everything they want, there's one up at Sunnyvale over here. You'll see, you know, Jiu-Jitsu mats, boxing, you know, you have bags, you have tires, you can flip, sledge hammers, powerlifting platforms,
Starting point is 00:43:30 bodybuilding machines, cardio. And so I see, you know, that they're kind of trying to do that. But I think what you're saying, well, I think that's more geared towards the MMA than it is. It is, but my point is, I'm multiple disciplines, you know what I mean? Yeah, but I think there's a big need, the gymnastics more that way, like even like a floor that would be, you know, a little bounce to it, having the foam pit, like
Starting point is 00:43:51 you just don't see anything like that. Because if you're a trick, especially if you're, if you're really talking about tricking and stuff, if you're pushing boundaries that you've never attempted before, you would, you probably don't want to land on some dirt outside, which is I'm assuming that you, you have to kind of go through that or what is that, how that works or, Or do you solely wait for that time you get to get into a gym that, okay, I'm going to try this crazy fucking move now. How does that work? Well, most of the time I was, I guess I was a pussy, I waited for the time to get this. The best I did outside was I found sand pits near old tracks. I used to use a lot of the sand pits
Starting point is 00:44:24 to jump into and learn moves because that's the best I could do a lot of times. Because otherwise it was like Saturday at 10 in the morning. That's all you got, you know, can I come any other time? No. Shit, you know. Well, that'd be frustrating. It is.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Especially when it's your craft, right? Oh, dude, and I'm from Alabama. It's fucking hot outside. You have no idea how hot it is outside it is. How hot is it? Oh, you got that humidity. Oh, dude. Hell no.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It just, it just rapes you. It's terrible. It's awful. We got big ass insects. Oh, shh. No, they're all melons. That's a heat. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:44:55 No, it's not many bugs. They're all this too hot for them. They're all dead. Yeah. Uh, injuries. Any injuries doing this? Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:03 You get good at working around them. So, I do so many different things. If I freaking roll my ankle, I can do upper body day. If, or, since I do such a wide variety of moves, I roll my ankle, well, I can still do this move, and this move.
Starting point is 00:45:20 So, injuries are a two-fold process of always finding what you can still do to the maximum around it and being proactive, that kind of start building it back up slowly. So it's like, you know, I'm not just gonna like be lazy and not use it again. I'm gonna start jump roping if I roll my ankle or you know, getting it moving again
Starting point is 00:45:33 and then slowly getting back in the, you know, so that's how you manage those. How is the fitness community in Alabama? Cause I mean, you're in California now, right? California is known as the mecca of it, but fitness is so big now, I would assume it's not that much different. or is it? Over there?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. I don't know what it is, really like to be honest. Because you don't go into gyms over there, right? I have one gym and one of the towns I work in, and then the town I live in, I went to five or six different gyms, and honestly, I didn't like any of them. I had a membership for one of them for half a year. I was like, I don't wanna go this place anymore.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I just didn't like the vibe them. I had a membership for one of them for a half years. I was like, I don't wanna go to this place anymore. I just didn't like the vibe. Unfortunately, I'm really, I don't wanna say sensitive to the vibe of the place. And if I just don't feel it, I just don't care. I gotta feel like, I can't really pinpoint exactly what makes it, there's so many factors. It's kinda like a relationship with someone. You can't sit there and list all the things
Starting point is 00:46:22 why you love this woman or whatever. It's just like you just feel it or you don't, you know? I don't know. I feel like you can. There's certain we've been I've been going, I'm as my favorite. I just I totally relate to that. And I've actually thought about it like a gym has to like one of the things I love about my gym, right? It's it's clean. The the the mem and it's can clean not because the place there works really hard to keep you clean because
Starting point is 00:46:43 you can find like a spa type place that's super clean. It's a total, you know, it's a golds So it's got the Platforms I can deadlift I can squat. There's a lot of motivated people there They all take care of the gym everyone rewraps their own weights the stuff they wiped the machines off They're all sweating friendly. Yeah, people are friendly like it no one's you know eyeballing each other on stuff like that If they are they're coming over and introducing themselves and talking and saying, hey, why are you doing that? It's got a very comfortable, yet serious lifting feel to it.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And that shit matters to me. Like, and I'll get a membership somewhere and if I don't feel a fucking, I'm out of there. Or what I'm the worst at, which my girl gives me a hard time, is I keep the membership I'm still paying for, but I'm not going, and she'll be like, hey, we're paying for this damn membership that you go once every two months maybe.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Why are we doing that? Like pay the day fee and I'm like, all right, all right, well, I thought I would use it more because of the jacuzzi, but I just fucking hate every time I come in. You know what I'm saying? So I'm finicky like that. I owned a personal training studio for about 14 years. And for me, I say I got spoiled. Adam thinks I wasn't spoiled because I only had a cage and I had some cables and dumbbells and that's in benches.
Starting point is 00:47:49 That's it. I had no other equipment because it's a studio, it's a small studio. But I love working out in my own place, small place. I can turn the lights off or down, blast my music, do my thing. Well, you have your garage or something set up, right? Is that, that's why I was head and tore it up. Yeah. Yeah. I watched some of my videos like that. Damn, damn dude has a rogue squat rack in his living room. Yeah. It's actually my dining room. How many people use a dining room? How many people use the dining room anymore?
Starting point is 00:48:11 No one uses a dining room. They eat in the kitchen. They eat on the go. So that really stays there. Is that really there? Hell yeah. Oh, that's fucking great. Yeah, I got a rogue monster rack in my dining room. And your wife is on board with us? Oh, she loves it. Wow. Wow. Cause she trained a lot too. She, she, she, if she has the energy after her rotations, she said that dad, she will train every day if she, if she has the time.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Now, she, if you just put her on vacation for two weeks, she would train every day. Wow. Well, like me, you, I noticed you don't post. I don't post, I keep Katrina off. So she's not on social media whatsoever. Is your wife like that? Is she not on social media?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Do you keep? She tells me no. Okay. She doesn't want to be seen. That's, she doesn't mind filming. So for example, we're talking about the licensing company that licensed some of my viral videos. I had this little thing with them. I was working with a new person in a group and some of the videos are actually licensed
Starting point is 00:49:04 to her because she films a lot of my stuff. So I was like, look, it was my camera and I told her what to do. I just had her hold the camera. No, it's her video. Okay, fine. Well, she's getting money in the mail from these people. She'll get a check man at the heart for like a thousand dollars. Because she was holding the camera. I'm like, you see that check? Yeah. That's all she's got. You see that check on table? That means you get to go film me wearing a horse mask today outside. Don't complain about this. That's fantastic. That's great.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Well, you know, people give me a hard time for it a lot. And I think more people that I see that actually treat their social media as a business, it's to me, it's more obvious. Like, I'm not trying to give you a little bit of my personal life, but not very much. I mean, to me, it's, it's, there are things I like to do, it's fitness related, it's whatever, but, you know, when it comes to my family and, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:50 my girl and things like that, like I'm not trying to put all that out there. And yeah, well, let me tell you something real quick. Let me, I notice a lot of guys who are kind of in the business of it and they have sponsors in trying to grow, will post a lot about their wife or their girlfriend or their relationship. They'll always write these big, long descriptions about how thankful they are.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And, you know, if you think about it, you pull yourself back for moments like, all that is is just bragging, you know what I mean? So it's like, I don't need to be here like telling you how great my relationship was with my wife and how happy I am and everything. I just don't need to do that, you know. So it was, it was over the holidays, Christmas. There was, it was actually one, I posted a picture of am and everything. I just don't need to do that. So it was over the hall that is Christmas. There was actually one, I posted a picture of Katrina Knight.
Starting point is 00:50:28 It's the only picture I think of her and I and yeah, over a year, right? Under it, the caption says insert caption that tells you how much better our love is than everybody. Oh shit, so you did that? Yes, I'll talk. Oh, exactly. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:50:42 That's exactly how I feel like everybody is all, it's this pissing contest on whose love is deeper. Yeah, I'll tag you. I'm talking about that exactly how I feel like everybody is all it's this pissing contest on Whose love is deeper? Yeah, how how I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky and they write these long old things And so literally it's a picture of her and I and it just it says in parentheses, you know caption Our relationship is better than yours. Oh my god, dude. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about than yours. Oh my God, dude. That's exactly what I'm talking about. I know. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I, August 1st, we all go 100% live mind pump. So we all have other jobs that we've been doing for a long time and now we've all decided to leave and dedicate. We're doing this 100% yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:51:31 All right, so let me ask you, what wine now August 1st and not January 1st? Well, these two are pussies, pretty much that's a nice excuse me. That's true. No, I think, so when you look at it, here's a couple of things. First of all, you look at your success and you can always relate it back to how much
Starting point is 00:51:48 work you're putting in, how much time you can spend doing it. And having full time jobs and doing mind pump, there's only so much time you can devote to mind pump. And we see the growth, we see the potential. And really, I've owned businesses and I was not to peneur it, you know, I think my first business, everyone owned was 22. And I've only ever really fully succeeded when I've dived in headfirst.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And it's hard for me, and these guys can agree. It's very difficult to have your foot in two different places, because you can't fully 100% dedicate yourself. Now, I also have kids, and so I don't have the ability to be able to just work, because I would work 24 hours a day. It wouldn't bother me at all, but I also have, want to be able to dedicate time to my kids and be a part of their lives, and the only way to do that would be to stop my day job, to vote, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:38 most of my time to mind-pump and then have the time available for my kids. And I know that doing that is gonna propel it so much faster because the growth that we've had so far has really been us part time. So we like the pressure of it. You know, we like the pressure of having to be able to like make this like one income to where we're like, okay, you know, we have to like devote all our energy into this in order to really like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:01 pay for my mortgage and everything else. So that, you know, it's pressing, we really gotta do this. And your back is up against the wall. You gotta make it happen. So sometimes when I know myself, I perform better that way. Well, I've been pushing these guys for a while now. And the reason I wanted, we're now at a point
Starting point is 00:53:19 where you said you were where the mind pump has now exceeded what your other job is. And I knew at that point, like I wanted to leave before that because I wanted the pressure. I know people like us when you back us into a corner like that, that's when our character comes out, that's when the best of us comes out. And I didn't want us to transition comfortably.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I didn't want it to be uncomfortable. And so I had been pushing for it early because I wanted to see that all come out of us. We're now, I, there, and it's still not going to be comfortable, but it's still, it's not as hard as I would have liked it to been. I would have liked us to struggle because I think that's important. I think it's important to, spoken like a true entrepreneur. I think transition has been easy for you. It's, it's, it's been easier than I, I think it needs to be. I think there's been, because now August 1st is when we officially go all the way over. I think January we should have been we should have been January and January we would have been a little stressed out beginning
Starting point is 00:54:12 but I think that also would have forced us to move in together into one a small apartment. The best time. Do you ever think you that the January to August set eight months or so? Do you ever think like wow if we had done a January first, we would have been waiting for it. We've gotten that, yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, see, I'm thinking about these things. I'm not perfect. You know, this is still something that's like, well, it's a vlog. I'm working on it, you know?
Starting point is 00:54:36 It's scary. People are really scary, especially, and I bet you know, but a lot of this is virtual, and I'm sure you've, you sound very analytical. I'm very analytical, so I pay attention every time I do a certain post, a certain way, or we say something on the radio show, what does that do to trends and units and everything and I'm watching and it's very volatile. It's, you know, you can get out.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Well, there's also that fear like, what if this just ends, you know what I mean? What if it's just a flash on the panel? What if it's just exciting now on five years from now? It's nothing. And then I left my career, you know. It's just, it's scary, but I think if you look at all the successes in history and business,
Starting point is 00:55:11 there people had to take those risks. You just gotta do it, yeah. You know. And I think there's something to be said about doing it when you're uncomfortable versus when you are. I mean, and I can't speak for you. I don't know your history of business and entrepreneurship, but I know for myself, anytime I've't speak for you. I don't know your your history of business and entrepreneurship But I know for myself anytime I've ever been doing a business the best of me has always come out when I when I am like
Starting point is 00:55:31 Scared when I'm worried like oh god How am I gonna pay you know for my rent and my bills next month and what am I gonna do like I've never not been able to do it You know and but at that moment that when I have that, the best of me has always came on. Do you ever not think sometimes that maybe you're setting yourself up to get yourself in a situation where you put that pressure on that you might make a bad decision because you get desperate though, like, because I see a lot of people selling out because, you know, they quit their job and they too early, they have like, you know, 2000 followers, they quit their job and they, you know, they have like, you know, 2000 followers, they quit their job and they, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:06 they sponsored by, you know, some supplement could be never heard of, they're like, I'm making it big and then it's like, well, now they're like a whore, you know, this kind of thing. Yeah, but someone like you, you make a good point. No, he makes an excellent point.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah, someone like you, someone like us though, don't do that. Like you don't, like you wouldn't be dumb enough to even, you do, just if you're the type of person to circulate or if you're a type of person that turns a label around and Google's everything, if do just if you're the type of person to Tarkin leave it over your type person turns a label around and Google's everything if I though You're also the type of person that before you make that decision You've kind of thought it out the one thing that you got to be careful with minds like ours is paralysis by analysis That's not you're not you when you do with someone like you
Starting point is 00:56:39 I'm not worried like are you going to succeed or not? It's just a matter of you are you gonna drag your feet on it long enough? Because I know you did your homework. I know you're a smart guy. It's that you're just, you're not quite wanting to do it quite yet because why take that risk if I don't have to? That's like these two gentlemen and I've been telling, and I've been pushing and pushing because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:56:58 I know you and I know you fucking know you. And I know you know that if tomorrow we had nothing lined up and we were gonna make any fucking money, I know we would would we'd find a fucking one. Well the big difference and if you if you jumped in with a 20% commission on a sponsorship note because we all know those kids don't make fucking any money and if you have 2000 followers the guy makes you know 70 you know 75 dollars at the end of the month is what that guy fucking makes so if you set yourself up in that position you've already got plan B in line of what, you know, worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Okay, if that's not working out, I know I can start training clients privately doing this and I've already been offered coaching this and I could do this. So we have all these, we all have opportunity or possibility things that could happen if that all tanked and happened but you won't allow it.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's just that. There's a couple things. There's a couple of things. You know, taking into account. Yeah, yeah. Yo, no, you, but you won't allow it. It's just. Well, there's a couple things. There's a couple things, you know, taking into account. Yeah, yeah. Yo, no, I mean, you're there. You're obviously already there, you know what I mean? So at this point, it's up, it's just up to you
Starting point is 00:57:53 when you decide you're ready, but you're already there. And what'll end up happening when you go to vote 100% is the growth is gonna accelerate. It's gonna compound. It's gonna accelerate faster than it already is accelerating. It's already accelerating very rapidly. I think You were at 200 something thousand followers like yeah after the show it to show you half a million pretty big spike, huh? What after ages? No, no, no, no, just really what what what happened in the last night you you jumped quite a bit in the last video
Starting point is 00:58:22 Poor video. Oh really is that the one where you were doing the weights under the water? I got like a hundred thousand followers in like five days. Wow, that went, wow. Yeah, that one, yeah, I can remember going into a grocery store. I was like, okay, wait a minute, what's going on? I came out of the grocery store. I came in four thousand followers, like,
Starting point is 00:58:39 and the time it took me to buy my groceries. What the fuck is that? Son of a bitch. I was like trying to do a pool video. Yeah, no. Lift weights underwater, you know, with funny music. I could do it with twice as much underwater. Yeah, yeah, okay, I see that's the thing though.
Starting point is 00:58:53 What you just said there, I wanna make a mention of something. When I did the chair split, there's some other crossfitters who were trying to compete with me, like add a little bit more weight and other cheating they didn't know what they're doing. They weren't doing chairs, they had blocks all the way up to their thighs. It's not the same thing. No. But they're doing it and they, like, add a little bit more weight and other cheating they didn't know what they're doing. They weren't doing chairs. They had blocks all the way up to their thighs. It's not the same thing.
Starting point is 00:59:06 But they're doing it and they're like, oh, you know, do more weight, but no one cared. You know why? Because I was screaming my head off like a crazy man. People want to see someone go bananas. They want to feel like, hey, you know what? This energy, you know, this person is a human being. They're not just like this very sterile post
Starting point is 00:59:22 where it's like about numbers and stuff. They want to see something there. It's like, I'm getting to know the person. You know? What are you now looking ahead future wise? What are your goals for this side of the business for you? Do you have dreams and aspirations? You talked about a jam.
Starting point is 00:59:36 What are some of your goals? Well, I'll continue to use the social media in a way to grow it so I can reach more people, continue to entertain and then teach them and get them to get this kind of feel. It's like, it's okay. You can learn a backflip in a month. If you can jump up, reasonable heights. Don't build it up into something bigger than it needs to be. Just have some fun with it. Of course, I'm writing e-books, so I think at least the flexibility I want to start with is going to completely change the way people look at that type of training. Change, maybe change gym culture when I get this gym thing going, maybe other gyms will be like, hey, that model's really cool, you know what I mean. So it's just, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:15 one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Maybe a Fanny Pack line? You know it's funny about this? Yes! I got them coming. No, I was like, I was gonna be like, dude, you're bringing it back, bro. I am. I'm gonna bring it back. One of my force, they are in the works. They are in the works. Yeah, you want to know what you did.
Starting point is 01:00:33 You want to know it's funny, that's fucking brilliant. Yeah. Because Fanny Pax were huge for a second. Yeah, it was the thing, bro. They were huge for a second. And we all know, everything gets recycled. You know what I'm saying? Everything will eventually come out.
Starting point is 01:00:43 So to be the first guy to do it, and you're a good guy to do it. It's a good call, bro. That is a money. It's a money. They're already coming through. I can see that. First fitness pack for the fitness industry.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You don't need to wear LL bean anymore. Oh, shit. Yeah. We should, we should work with them and put, maybe, no, no, no, no, absolutely. You know, we've never really done this, but I think it's kind of neat because you're, where your fitness mind is, business wise stuff, you have questions for us. I mean, I, you know, we've never really done this, but I think it's kind of neat because you're where your fitness mind is business wise stuff
Starting point is 01:01:05 You have questions for us. I mean, I you know, you've gotten to know a little bit of us I know you read up on us, but is there anything you want to ask that these knuckleheads and maybe it maybe turn the the mics around here a little bit Well, how'd you start with the podcast? How'd you get started with that? So we were in the fitness we've all been in the fitness industry for a very very long time and actually it was Adam believe I believe reached out to me and we knew each other through Through people in common and we got on the phone. We started talking I had talked about wanting to do a podcast previously with with Doug who's the producer Because we had worked together on developing, you know, the first maps program that we had developed.
Starting point is 01:01:45 And I like to talk. I have a lot to say, I got a big mouth, and I got on the phone with Adam, and immediately I recognized those same qualities. Big mouth, loves to talk. There's a lot to say. And so we're like, dude, let's get on the, let's do a podcast, and it just sounded like a great idea.
Starting point is 01:02:02 You know, we originally, our podcast included another member and we all met. We all sat down together in Adam's living room and it just happened. It's interesting. You know who Craig Caperso is. Do you know who Craig Caperso is? Bodybuilding.com. He actually looks like you as a bodybuilder guy. You guys have like Thor.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah. I think so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's pretty big. He's he was the face of cell you core for last five years. He's been all. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He just was on cover of Iron Man like you probably. So he's, oh, yeah. Yeah, he's pretty big. He was the face of cell you core for the last five years. He's been all over.
Starting point is 01:02:26 He just was on cover of Iron Man. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I know, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so he was originally part of the show. And we just sat down, we started talking. And it was chemistry. And really the amount of prep that goes into each show, what we do is almost zero.
Starting point is 01:02:42 We literally sit down, like we just did with you. We sat down and we just go just go and it just comes out So it's really hard to say what made us you know think podcasts. We just knew we oh here it is I tried it and we went for all there's there's the analytical side of me that wanted it I mean I I knew that where Podcasting was going I knew that where if you look at like your TV now, like everything's digital and streaming. Like we're getting away from this. There's no more broadcasts.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah, exactly. I mean, we're not gonna have TV soon. Soon, like the way Netflix is on, where Netflix is ahead of the game, right? Yeah, they're the standard of how television is. Podcasting to me, like is the future of radio. Like there, why wait for your song to come around when you can digitally stream it to you right away.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Why wait for your favorite radio host to come on at eight o'clock and just listen to them or have to report it. When you go listen to them whenever you want. It's stream them whenever you want instantaneously. So streaming video, streaming radio, streaming everything digitally instantaneously is the future. It's gonna be in cars soon. All your cars will look like the Tesla cars
Starting point is 01:03:44 where it looks like an iPod Inside the fucking car, you know, so you'll have your podcasting button your iTunes button directly everything if whatever your Pandora You'll have it all most of them some of them already converted that way so well also I mean if we read up a lot on the analytics as far as you know the trends with podcasts and like how it's becoming the new Which was the old it's an old media source, but it's something that's been trending a lot new because people are getting a lot of solid information from everybody else's podcasts.
Starting point is 01:04:12 They're just putting it out there for free and people love free shit. Well, let's also look at this. Who would have aired any, who would have aired us? I mean, a lot of our episodes are very controversial. This is extremely like right now talking to you, we're being very, we're like at level one million professionalism. Normally, when we are on our show, on our own,
Starting point is 01:04:31 we talk about some of the craziest shit, and there's no way anybody would have aired us. So a podcast allows us to do it ourselves, put it up, put, you know, explicit on the title, and, you know, people can... We're not censored by anybody, there's no, I mean, that's why too, we didn't take any relationships.
Starting point is 01:04:47 We didn't want someone trying to do. We like to change our message. Like we, we have a message. We have a vision. We have something that we want to get out there. And we knew that, that podcasting was the perfect medium for that. And it's, it's been fun.
Starting point is 01:04:59 We knew, we knew that we had never done it, but we all have the same kind of work ethic where we take pride and they were shitty at this, we're going to get good. We'll get better at it. Yeah, we'll get better. We'll listen to others. We'll do our research and you can definitely hear a huge difference between our first
Starting point is 01:05:16 – Oh, God. – You know, first couple of months of doing it at a Doug's living room to finally getting into the studio and now 300 and something episodes later, it's become very comfortable. And, you know. So this is for. That's like the help of the sound. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:31 It's cool. This whole room is covered in. And it's like styrofoam, funny tiles. Fend foam. It makes you huge. When we first met. It is fend foam. That's the best description I can really know.
Starting point is 01:05:40 When we first met Doug, I was like, you know, okay, so we need this guy to produce all our stuff and I get that because I can't do any of that fucking shit. And he was like so anal about the mics. We didn't even really get it. Yeah. And I was like, dude, relax. We're on professional mics. Most people are doing this on their fucking computer with a little, like, or on their phone, just like talking into it. But I didn't realize how much that matters. Like some of the best feedback we've gotten from listeners is I feel like I'm in the room with you guys. I feel like I'm a part of the conversation
Starting point is 01:06:11 and that's the sound quality. It's because Doug's so on it with the sound and that makes a big difference business-wise. And I've known it and now I know because I'll listen to like a, like I listen to a lot of podcasts, Lane Norton One and a lot of times he's interviewing somebody sounds like he's in a fucking bathroom.
Starting point is 01:06:25 And I literally will just stop, I'll stop listening because of the echo, because it just, it don't annoys me. Even though it's a great information, I'm not sucked in anymore. And so we, Doug, are you feeling good about yourself? Yeah. You've been on a few other podcasts. You said, yeah, because when you walked in, you liked our studio, even though it's a tiny little studio.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Yeah. You know, a lot of podcasts are done over Skype. So this is the second of the podcast I've done that's where you're in the studio. The other one was Mark Bell's super training. Oh yeah, yeah. We've had Mark Bell on the show. Yeah, very cool.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Very cool. Hey man, it's been excellent having you on the show. Thank you so much for asking me different questions. Oh right, so refreshing. Yeah, I get. Look at the questions you get normally. He's like, I don't want to get into that. Well. Look at the questions you get normally. He's like, I don't want to get into that.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Well, honestly, the questions I almost always get on podcast are the same ones that you're going to get when you read my bio and my website. Oh. What's it? How did you get your name? You know, just the same generic shit. Generic shit. Generic stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Yeah. I'm actually getting to talk about like this, this shit, I'm still working on myself, the business stuff of it. And it's just like, yeah, this is stuff I do want to talk about. Well, this is why I actually, I mean, I don't know why I was trying to kick you out already. I mean, I just said I like to. I'm a 1080 HD people. I have a 10 just fan for so long.
Starting point is 01:07:35 I recognize, well, what's cool is we can always split this episode. We've done that before. We do multiple parts when we just end up hitting it off and going on with the guest for a long time. We've done fucking one where we actually ripped for like four hours and we just made a four four series. We did that with Joe Donnelly. But I can tell where your mind is at and we're at similar places in our lives and that's why I wanted to give you an opportunity to talk to these guys. Everyone in this room is especially these guys are extremely, extremely successful and talented what they do. So it's not often that you get other minds that are like that
Starting point is 01:08:08 that are in the same business that approach it the similar way. So I really wanted to give you that opportunity to bullshit and talk and sometimes some of the best dialogue comes from that you know, maybe some of the stuff that you're thinking about right now or that you're going through you know, fitness wise and thinking about moves and you're not sure. And the fact that you're a one man team, I'm blessed with three other brilliant minds.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I get to bounce my, I don't know how many times, like we all, one of us thinks this is a brilliant idea. The other three guys shit on and say, no, you gotta think about this. So it's nice to have other minds like that. So if there's stuff that you wanna fucking ask man, you ask right now, let's talk about it, let's pull shit.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I mean, that's what I love about this show is that we keep everything very raw upfront. So, you know, maybe that's why it's, for me, like, it's really important that I mean, that's what I love about this show is that we keep everything very raw upfront. So, you know, maybe that's why it's for me, like, it's really important that I get a good feel when I work with someone because you guys are a team. You can deal with it a little bit better if you're having trouble working with a group or something and get it, you can push it in the right direction whereas me, it's like, I have to bounce my ideas off the people I'm technically doing business with, you know, right? So, I have to be able to write a fucking email that has an exclamation mark in a smiley face emoji in it know? So, I have to be able to write a fucking email
Starting point is 01:09:05 that has an exclamation mark in a smiley face emoji in it. You know, I have to be able to be that relaxed when I type these people because I don't have, you know, a guy next to me, be like, this is how we're going to, you know, it's like the people I work with, I have to be that comfortable with, you know. They have to be like, you guys, you know, or team, I have to be a team with them, so.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yeah, I just, it's probably challenging a lot to you. Yeah, yeah. It's fun. I really enjoy it though. But, yeah, okay. So, you guys have a podcast like this. Now, why, how do you, one of the things I have trouble with is what, what social media avenue or what you know, you
Starting point is 01:09:48 got podcasts, you got YouTube, you got Facebook, you got Instagram, you got blogs, you got all these different ways to reach people. Why did you choose a podcast and not like blow up your blog or something or something? So it allows you to get to know us. It allows this connection, like right now, someone's been listening to us for over an hour and they're engaged in it. There's a trust factor.
Starting point is 01:10:11 It's so, it's so, it's out of all the mediums you just mentioned, it's the most powerful. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, the other ones might get you. Because you're on, they're tuning in. Maybe it's between that and video, I feel. Well, video's powerful, but how long
Starting point is 01:10:24 has the average YouTube video? Right. Still short. That's what I mean, true. From monetizing, it's the most powerful because all those other ones, they're shorter, it's about quick attention. Getting them like, and that doesn't,
Starting point is 01:10:38 and when you're trying to sell something, especially when you're trying to sell, like our programs aren't cheap, all of our programs are $100 plus. So it's not like we're pushing some supplement for $9.99 or something. Well, I feel like people are listening to us, but we're also building a relationship with them,
Starting point is 01:10:53 not only by giving them information, but now we're using those other venues to communicate with them. So it's like, they're listening to us have conversations about what we feel are important topics in the fitness avenues, but now we can talk to them one on one sort of through Instagram or through Facebook or we really are, we need to develop our YouTube presence
Starting point is 01:11:15 and all these kinds of things. That's why we need to go. Does it ever bug you? It's like, we need to work on YouTube. I gotta do this one. I feel guilty for not uploading a YouTube video for three weeks. 100% yeah, it bugs me now. I need to work on this one. I'm not guilty for not uploading a YouTube video for three weeks. 100%.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Yeah, God, it bugs me. Well, I mean, the downside is that you don't have the viral effect that you can get with a video or a picture, right? So a YouTube video, a successful YouTube video has got a million hits in one video, a successful podcast episode, excuse me, depending on the categories it might have, 10, 20, 50,000 downloads. So it's not nearly as much of
Starting point is 01:11:50 that viral effect, but the connection and the impact is much stronger. Plus you got to look at your strengths. You know, we're pretty fit guys, we look all right, but we're not going to compete with like the most muscular, good-looking models on Instagram. So I'm not going to go that route. You know, videos, you know, we can make video, we don't know yet, we haven't really gone to YouTube route yet, that's gonna be a focus of ours coming up next, but we like to talk, we have good conversation. It just seemed like podcasting would be the, you know, the best, the best road for us. Like that. Yeah, and we picked up, you know, so there's some people that are better on
Starting point is 01:12:22 print and better in writing. That's the direction they should go, but it's cool because there's so many different. I have that ability too though. Have you been on his Instagram yet? If you get a chance, you can get on sales Instagram. That's kind of how we all have built. Every, all of our social media is an extension of this. So if you look at mine and you kind of look at the stuff
Starting point is 01:12:41 and how I talk or the shit that I post, it's my personality. It's my personality on the show. And you'll see I you kind of look at this stuff and how I talk or the shit that I post. It's my personality. It's my personality on the show and you'll see I'm kind of an asshole. I kind of like prod things and like very direct. So a lot of my personality comes out in my Instagram. Justin, you'll see his same thing. Sal, he's got this, you know, he's got the photographic memory.
Starting point is 01:13:00 He writes, he's got the silver tongue. Like, you'll do these long, long posts. I like, I fall asleep halfway through him, but they're fucking, they're powerful. They're powerful. I'm kidding. They're powerful because it's really, it's a really good solid information
Starting point is 01:13:14 that he breaks down very, very simple. But we get into some deep shit that most people don't talk about. And especially when you talk about all the fitness icons, because most of the fitness icons, I'm sorry, man, most of of them are stupid Most of them are not I mean controversy is is one of our biggest things because we want to drive that home because I feel like You know it needs to it needs to come out like if there's something that you see is wrong or that people haven't thought of in a different
Starting point is 01:13:41 Way we need to bring light to that so that that's been a lot of what this show's done initially. Where's your biggest reach? Is it Instagram? Yes. Okay. And then from there, did you just have an Instagram page at first and then you went from there?
Starting point is 01:13:54 No, I had everything else. Instagram size. All the same time. Oh wow. Instagram was an easy format for me to adopt. So for example, my YouTube only has like 30,000 subscribers. Okay. I'm feeling like maybe that should be a different,
Starting point is 01:14:04 I should use that for something different, like Q,000 subscribers. Okay. I'm feeling like maybe that should be a different, I should use that for something different, like Q&As or educational programs or longer compilations, but that's never gonna really grow me a subscriber base like a viral video can on Instagram. So I'm kinda torn really, should I be doing the same thing I do on my Instagram as YouTube or something to use it for something different?
Starting point is 01:14:19 I don't know. So here's a chair of trying to figure that out. I think a big mistake people do is they take, they try to do the same thing on all of the social media platforms. So I'll post the video on Instagram and I'll post that same video on YouTube and then I'll post the same video on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:14:33 I think one of the best strategies is to compliment. So like you said, you have your Instagram and then your YouTube may be better used for, because now videos can be a little longer, right? So maybe connect more with your people and do a little bit, you know, different side. Oh, I think that's a brilliant idea. Because having you listening to you on the show right now, this is a completely different side than I was exposed to, right?
Starting point is 01:14:53 Because your Instagram is very different. And I think you should be able to see that. Absolutely. I think they need to see that. And I think YouTube is a beautiful channel for that. Podcasts or YouTube, for that absolutely would be, both of them would be great. I mean, if you don't know already, 2017, they predict that YouTube will now become the number one search engine. It'll surpass Google. What?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yes. Yeah. Holy crap. So that just, just so if there's a Google own YouTube. Yeah. Oh, there you go. They don't care. But of course, and that's why it will definitely happen, right? Because it's, it's only better for them. But think of that from a business standpoint,
Starting point is 01:15:27 that people now in the future, when they want any sort of information related to fitness before they Google now, they're going to YouTube. So think that way, like... You're lazy, and they want to watch a video. I want to have a video or something connected to almost any topic that I address, or I think people should come through me for.
Starting point is 01:15:44 So that's gonna be our number one focus, come August first. August first is to build our library, our YouTube library, to where when you are looking to Google, which where you would Google in the past, you will now YouTube that we have an answer for basically everything. It's nice.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Yeah, so I think that's a brilliant idea is to dabble into the YouTube and start building that out. And I think a Q&A would be all, I think it's neat. I think I'm glad you came on the show. And I'm glad we're gonna be able to introduce you to and let your fans listen to you and actually hear the man.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Yeah, they hear different sides for the man behind it. And a lot of people just think, and that's too like a lot of other people, they actually watch you, probably the majority of the people that watch you and are all fascinated by everything that you do, but not probably not a lot of minds look at the business side. And I always like to address that and show
Starting point is 01:16:29 that because I know the guy behind it is smart enough to know what he's doing. And I think I like to let other people that want to be entrepreneurs and see what we're doing because then they just start mimicking the moves or the things you're doing and they think that's it. You know, it's like, well, here's, I don't think they, I don't think they understand the amount of work that it goes into some of the stupid skits I do. It's like, in order for me to get out, for example, I did one with wearing a horse mask, drinking eggs and then kicking a barbell
Starting point is 01:16:53 and like throwing it overhead. That's awesome. All right, that took like five hours worth of work. Oh shit. For like a 15 second clip, they can't just go do it because it's really hot outside. It's on the middle of nowhere. You gotta be able to get all your stuff out there
Starting point is 01:17:05 in this secluded area. You have to have someone willing to fucking film you do this. And you have to, when you see the shot, you have to film it, you have to look at it and be like, that's exactly it. The sun was hitting me right. I mean, all this stuff goes into planning, you know, this little stupid clip.
Starting point is 01:17:18 They think I'm just crazy. You just go out there, yeah, I'm crazy. I go out there and do it. But it's a, it takes, there's more that goes into it. And there's that. I have noticed that on some level, but it's a, it takes, there's more that goes into it than just that. I have noticed that on some level, like, especially when you see videos of people where they haven't really considered, like, all these factors to make it look better. Let's kind of like, what you're just saying about the podcast, they don't consider the equipment,
Starting point is 01:17:36 the, the, the audio mastery, having thin foam in the room, you know, they don't think about the, all these little details at it, right? Well, great. I don't know if you guys have anything else you want to ask. No, no, I'm sure I'm looking forward to the future, the fact that we didn't really talk, we talked a little bit about Chi-Mera, but I'm sure all of us are going to be hanging out a lot in the future. Absolutely. Have you been out there to see them yet? Have you gone out there to... Did Dominican Republic? I want to go.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Ah, I met him before. We've met him a couple times at Expo's and hung out. Cool. Lots of times, but not on their turf. It'd be awesome to do a whole group trip. Yeah, we want to be on the ground. I don't mind. Yeah. Tripp flying out to the Dominican Republic.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Right. I know. I'm not going to say no. Exactly. Right that down, Doug. Perfect. It was great having you on, brother. Oh, thanks so much.
Starting point is 01:18:23 I really enjoyed this one. This has been awesome. Thank you. Thanks for coming, man. Thank you. Thank you on, brother. Oh, thanks so much. I really enjoyed this one. This has been awesome. Thank you. Thanks for coming, Matt. Thank you. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump
Starting point is 01:18:39 Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps on a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:19:19 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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