Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 346: Bonus- Craig Capurso Does CrossFit

Episode Date: August 13, 2016

Craig Capurso is now in Tennessee, cut his hair and is training CrossFit. What is going on?! Sal, Adam & Justin give him an impromptu call to learn what he is up to and how his training has changed. S...ubscribe to our new channel Mind Pump TV on YouTube. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Justin put your fucking headphones on. I'm not gonna talk to you. This is the final week of the T-Shirt. The T-Shirt Astravaganza. It's so what is it? The final week for what? The promo? Yeah, what is it?
Starting point is 00:00:12 Astravaganza. What is that? It's a cornucopia, right? It's an extra and then they throw it in the GANza. Yeah, extra GANza. Oh, I love that. I'm just saying something the other day. This is what T-GANza does all over the place.. That makes sense and this is a T-shirt extravagant.
Starting point is 00:00:27 It's a fair. Because if you get three T-shirts, does it now? Any three, any three shirts. Or three pieces of apparel for that. Any three, you get two shirts, any three tank top, yeah. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Any three pieces of apparel, you get free forum access to our Mindpunk Private Forum, which is for the life. For the life. Get to know us better. It's $57 normally, so you buy those three shirts. For the rest of your life, even if you live to 115. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:55 You probably will, if you listen to Mindpunk in the blue zone. So by three pieces of apparel, here's like worst case scenario, you got three bad ass t-shirts. Best case scenario, you love the forum. Right. And if you don't like the forum, if you should point it out, those shirts are tri-blend shirts. They feel like it's silk cotton.
Starting point is 00:01:10 What's a bi-blend shirt? Like a tri-punch? No, no, but what's a bi-blend? We got to try what's the bi-blend? You know what I'm saying? One of the difference. Two, two, two. And then there's the,
Starting point is 00:01:20 and then there's the unabland. Yeah, which is just shit. Cotton, it's a shit cotton. So listen, mind is just shit. It's a shit-gotten. So listen, mind pump- mind pump media.com any three shirts and get free forum access for life, do it now. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Mind up, mind up, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. This is the soundtrack to Adam's sex life. Yeah It's so small And flaccid girl been that over And let me take over That's a how did how did 70s music get the disco stuff going on? Yeah, no, but how did, no, not that, but how did 70s music get attached to porn? I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:02:13 You know how you like hit that groove? Like you think of porn music and it's always like, which, you know, I think, because like you move your hips a certain way. Yeah, I mean, that's it. You move your hips a certain way. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh exploded and so I think that's why I also think because porn porn used to have music like nobody watches porn like do you ever watch does every music in the background of porn now no but back in the day it's like they actually went out of their way to make it kind of like a movie you know that you know that movie that they run oh he got it all right we're called you got you got Craig Craig on the phone no we're gonna call him let's call him a surprise him that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:03:00 let's surprise Craig or see how I'm like crazy. You should be doing. Call the great four. I like now that because we meet every day, we have the opportunity to do this where we can just call up some of our boys and see what's got. Hello, hello. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Turn that down. Yeah, is the Thunder God. What's up, brother? What's the matter, my microphone's better than your microphone. Oh, there you go. There we go. Hey, are you in Arkansas? Are you in the state of E? You just have microphone's better than your microphone. Oh, there you go. There we go. Hey, are you in Arkansas? Are you in the whole state of G?
Starting point is 00:03:26 You just have a better producer than we have. Poor guy. I'm thinking about Doug today. Where are you at? Where are you at, Craig? Tennessee Homeboy. Tennessee. Demi sounds good, actually.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It does. You sound really? Are you at home on your computer? Are you on your phone? Mike's up. You seeing y'all? Y'all. Yes, Mike.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And then I made a hat. This is my first rodeo. Oh, there you are. Whatever you have, we need to definitely tell the rest of our guests to get on fucking board with this because you sound better than most people. This is true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Come on, you're talking to me. I know. This is true. This is true. Hey Craig, expect nothing less from you. I was shocked the other day when I noticed you cut your hair. We were like a little depressed, me and Sal. Why Why why'd you do that? I was just over it It's kind of one of those things where I mean I would definitely talk about this on air. I don't even know if we're on air, but um we are
Starting point is 00:04:14 We are we're always on. That's right. We're on Basically, I just fucking look like shit half the time right maybe 90% of the time Let's just be real it looks good like probably 5% of the time and then there's like 5% you're like in between looking good and then 90% you just look like ass. So it was more or less like I was sick of looking like shit all the time and it's a lot harder to maintain than what I got currently and I always just growing up with the big boy haircut cut it down and corporate Greg. Did you lose any strength? Big boy haircut cut it down and corporate Greg. Did you lose any strength?
Starting point is 00:04:44 Exactly. Yeah, a little bit. So what's up with the training, dude? It's so different. Yeah, I'm excited to talk about your CrossFit journey going on right now. Are you legit doing CrossFit or are you just working out in a CrossFit gym or what's going on?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Well, debatable, I guess you could say I'm working out in a CrossFit gym just because I don't really join any of their workouts yet. We talked about this a while ago. And I said, I was obviously going say I'm working on a CrossFit gym just because I don't really join any of their workouts yet. We talked about this a while ago and I said, you know, I was obviously going to do it the right way. So, I checked my ego. Obviously, there's kids in the gym that are hell of a lot less strong as me. I don't know how to how to best to say it, but I can pretty much do everything they can
Starting point is 00:05:18 do just by muscling the movements, but that's never going to get me to the games or even to integrate in a competition that, a competition that people of equal caliber. So I'm pretty much just working on mobility and trying to get myself into the position to do the movements correctly before competing against time or competing against anyone else. So I got a, I'm probably, I don't even know, I don't even have a time frame on it, but mobility is slowly improving. I mean, I'm talking centimeters of improvement. So it's a really slow road and it's frustrating. I was actually in the gym for the first time last night, our traditional gym. And I was like, I don't even know what to do here anymore because I can't get bigger. I can't, it's not that I can't get stronger, but I can't get bigger. I can't
Starting point is 00:05:56 catch a pump. I don't want to, you know, break down muscle fibers. So therefore, I can't work out again. I mean, the whole point when you're training with CrossFit is kind of like your football player, how fast can you resume practicing your performance with as much power and emphasis as you can. So unlike bodybuilding where you're trying to just break down fashion, tissue to rebuild, this is a complete different aspect for me. How do you, how's your body changed? Has your physique changed in terms of how it looks? It's just changing from... I probably a little bit. My traps are getting bigger, obviously,
Starting point is 00:06:27 because I'm doing all these lifts from the floor and everything's going so. That's crazy. I've already had anti-productive, because I've already had big traps. I was trying to shrink those things, but that's not gonna happen. I was gonna say, that's a hard transition
Starting point is 00:06:37 because you're such a strong guy, already doing all these strength moves and really building your body up. And now you have to move really, really fast. So, you know, like mobility, I mean, that's the great, you know, mindset that you have going into this really working on your mobility and getting that established to do these lifts better.
Starting point is 00:06:56 What do you like, and what are you not liking? Share this whole experience, like, what's going through your head right now? I know this is a total new world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get a lot of questions a lot of time because people already aware you guys are are I'm sure as well with The anti or the ability for them to actually program correctly, you know my strength in this whole game
Starting point is 00:07:13 Comes from you know not being a fitness celebrity, but becoming like a program author, you know putting together You know good programs that have good thought behind it and you know building making making results happen These guys are kind of sometimes just throwing shit up against the wall and just working you out that have good thought behind it and building, making results happen. These guys are sometimes just throwing shit up against the wall and just working you out. And so you are not completely strength training or you're not completely performance training, but you're exercising. Is the biggest difference that I find with CrossFit. They're making you exercise to lose weight or to just increase your robot capacity with
Starting point is 00:07:44 very little thought behind some of the workouts. And I say that not knowing a whole lot more about it, just I'm just looking at specific lifts and seeing how the progress, you know, you might do a strength workout prior to doing a MetCon or a WOD and then in the WOD, you might be hitting the same thing. You just did for strength,
Starting point is 00:08:01 which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. So I will be eventually programming crossfit workouts in my system and I just got to get myself into a position where look I could do the lifts. And then I don't like to prep, I don't like to put anything on paper before, I particularly can do it in sequence. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:17 A lot of people will just create shit out of thin air, but if you don't actually program a workout and go through that workout, it may not work just the way you thought it would. What have you enjoyed the most about the transition? What have you liked the most about this? Then I'm not taking a fucking hundred selfies a day, talking about how good I look.
Starting point is 00:08:33 No. Yes. Well, that's the athlete in you, you know what I mean? They just say, yeah. My performance is gonna basically do the talking for me. So I'm just looking forward to the day that I can actually do a full front rack and overhead clean, et cetera, and all these things.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So I'm really just trying to, like, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I probably post 75% less on social media than I had, you know, a month ago. Just straight, you know, not being all about me, just trying to, you know, focus on the business and everything else, just priorities. A lot of stuff going on in life.
Starting point is 00:09:05 How did they receive you there? Because you got to cross the gym and in walks, a bodybuilder. And it's almost like they're like enemies, you know what I mean? It's like vampires and werewolves. Yeah, the record kind of stopped for a minute, but they're very welcoming. It's a great support community, CrossFit in general as far as going into it. Everyone seems to want to help you. I'm certain there's people behind your back that are like, shit, this guy just showed up and if he's going to try to get on the team that might be a spot for me, but it's kind of like the the the fittest will survive in this game. And obviously,
Starting point is 00:09:38 one great thing that I like about their competition side of it is something that we should talk about, and I'm going to definitely be happy to fucking slam this kid in a minute, but um. Yes, that's the great idea. IFBB will allow of previous Olympian competitor, I don't know if it's one, two, or whatever it is, to compete the next year without even competing, which is fucking horseshit, right?
Starting point is 00:10:00 These guys in CrossFit, the competitors who compete in the games, they have to qualify every single year, just like everybody else, which I think is dope. So, you know, it doesn't matter if you're on top one year, you have to completely beyond, you have to completely go through the same rig or mortem as everyone else the second year. I, I, that's brilliant. I think that's smart business to be honest with you, because I would like, you know, if I were a bodybuilding fan, I would like to see Mr. Olympia compete to qualify for Mr. Olympia again.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I think it'd be fun. Yeah, you know. I'm very worried with you. Yeah, that we know that's part of the politics mission. So how has that been since you've, I mean, you have completely disconnected from that now, too, right? No plans of shows, you're not talking anything like that.
Starting point is 00:10:40 How has that been? Has it been refreshing? I mean, great. Yeah. Not the, been great. I mean, again, when you sacrifice everything in life for a specific moment of time that's going to last maybe five to 10 minutes in its entirety, but yeah, you put three to six months of effort into getting ready for that. It's very anticlimactic, right? So I'm happy not to say I'm only going to sacrifice my existence and my social life,
Starting point is 00:11:04 my, my health, my looks, all the things that are gonna go above it for five to ten minutes of fame. So yeah, it's like a weight lifted off my shoulder quite frankly. Not to, you know, I don't want to take the wind out anyone's sales who's going into that route, but I've been there, done that, and I could tell you there's more to life than the stage. And, you. And it's gonna be, I know how to say it's sometimes a means to an end or a means to other opportunities, which I'm sure a lot of people are looking for,
Starting point is 00:11:31 but I'm so much happier not gonna be comparing my abs to your abs out of my run stage and have some person that does not know me personally, gonna judge me and have politics and every other different thing, gonna come to play on my positioning, whether they like my abs or whether they like your abs. That's subjective and that's gonna be, you know, based on judging.
Starting point is 00:11:54 The one thing I love about this sport is like a football game. There's rules and regulations and you gotta compete to win and that's it. How's your diet changed since switching your training? What fucking diet? I need to start actually, I'm talking to a couple supplement companies and potentially I'll be in the sponsorship seat in the next one or two months and I assume they're going to want me into get me in front of the camera, do some, you know, marketing images and things. So I'm, I had just talked about, I don't know if you guys, I think, got them just like my post with the peanut butter that just came in the mail.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But I'm like, shit, that's just came in the mail. I just, was it just talking about getting myself into, you know, some kind of program to start losing some weight. Now, you're followers, like how the whole following you have, like, question, how they responded to your transition. I would say majority of people follow me. I have seen my engagement go down. So I'm sure people just tune me out at this point. They're like, Oh, he's a cross fitter now. Um, I've had some people shake their head at me and send me like personal snaps. Be like, how could you kind of think? Um, but I, I'm going to be honest. I think I just ripped everyone apart. Who ever had
Starting point is 00:13:02 anything to say in the first 10 minutes of this phone. And I'm happy to be honest. I think I just ripped everyone apart who ever had anything to say in the first 10 minutes of this phone. And I'm going to continue down that path. Who the fuck wants to take a selfie 25 times a day? I have to post everything about it. It's so self-centered and I'm happy to be showing the light, if you will. So, you know, I'm not saying it doesn't, it's not all about looking good and feeling good. But again, what about your family, what about your friends, what about your social life,
Starting point is 00:13:23 what about your, everything else that goes into it. If your social life, what about your everything else they go into it If you're completely sacrificing it's a solo mission where everyone else around you is miserable Yeah, well you I think you you Approach this to in a total different way than I think a lot of people do which I think it is the right attitude You have this goal in mind, you know, even though you're not putting it out there like I'm gonna compete in the games I know you I know how competitive you are I know where you're your ultimate goal is to get to that level and you know, you're not you're not putting it out there, like, I'm gonna compete in the games, I know you. I know how competitive you are. I know where your ultimate goal is to get to that level. And you're working on your mobility,
Starting point is 00:13:51 you're working on your technique, and you know it's a journey ahead of you, and you're showing that process to people that might be in it. I think it's a beautiful, it is a very cool fucking sport. We've always said that, and everybody thinks that, because we jab at CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:14:04 there were haters, and oh, we don't like, no, it's not that at all. It's just, and you're a perfect example of someone I'm excited to watch go through it because you are a fucking athlete. You are an animal. And I can't wait to see how you do, especially when you actually apply some decent programming behind it and mobility way. I think it's the mindset to like people bring into it versus like people that you see, like get really brainwashed and then get like absorbed By the culture of it and then they tend to I don't know it just becomes this different thing that they were doing versus You know coming in with brains applying their own process to it and you know treating it as a sport and not the answer to health
Starting point is 00:14:43 Right Craig how was how was how I'm sorry, go ahead. No, I had nothing. I was going to say, um, how's the move? Uh, Tennessee is a lot different than California. How are you doing out there? What's a lot? Well, your weather kicks my weather's ass. I'll say that.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Um, it's so humid out here. It's beautiful. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's nice, but it, it thunderstorms and drops some rain on you. And a matter of a second, and you don't even know when it's coming. It's beautiful. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's nice, but it thunderstorms and drops some rain on you in a matter of a second. And you don't even know when it's coming. So cool, because we don't have a drought like you guys have. But it's humid.
Starting point is 00:15:14 You go walk outside and get like punch in the face by the heat and the water. You're instantly sweating. And then I do know why now crossfitters do not wear clothes in the gym. They're just naked half the time is because you're sure, prior to warming up is drenched. You're just, you're just, it's just drenched.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So I just posted a video there the day and halfway through, you could see me ringing on my shirt. I don't know that I've ever sweat like that inside the gym inside a traditional gym. Anything that you were unaware of going into this that you're learning about this process that's been fascinating for you That's like oh man, I didn't think it was gonna be like this or I didn't realize they do this Like is there any would it if you learned anything new?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah, it's hard Doing upside down handstand push up is hell of a hard-earned sounds. I saw your progression though. You fucking are doing good Yeah, it's horrible just getting into it I mean a lot of it has to do with the mobility my shoulders and pressing forward instead of pressing up, right? But it's getting better I'm heavy too, so that doesn't help anything. I'm 233 pressing that above my head for the most part Versus most of these guys lighten the ass around 180 190 that are competing So I don't have that going for me. So eventually when I do want to compete,
Starting point is 00:16:25 I'm going to have to take some pounds off to get in that position. I think Jason Leip was one of the heavier guys in the games. And he's done well over the years. He's just a house. He's up by you guys, Norkel. I've seen a lot of smaller guys competing because it tends to favor that. They're sure to. the endurance side of it. Yeah, those pull ups and those kipping things and all the, I can't do any of that stuff yet. I'm all strict at this point. I just learned how to kind of like kip halfway through like one of these workouts that was doing,
Starting point is 00:16:57 I don't know what it was. It was like, I had to do as many reps as possible. I think it was in 10 or 15 minutes. And I think it was like 20 or 30 pull ups and then you know 400 meter you know jog sprint whatever you can do and then keep repeating as many rounds as possible. So halfway through that thing I learned how to keep just because I had no energy left. So it's like your body being like a limp worm on top of a you know pull up bar you find ways to do it. So there is so much technique to it. Some of these guys crank 30 out in two seconds,
Starting point is 00:17:28 and it's just flows. So getting your body into that position, it's hell of a lot harder than it looks. And so I know when people like shit on the butterfly pull-ups, don't get me wrong. They're not doing strict pull-ups. And there's better ways to build your body from an upper body position.
Starting point is 00:17:44 But to do what they're doing, it makes sense. and strict pull ups and there's better ways to build your body from an upper body position. But to do what they're doing, it makes sense. What they're trying to do is cut corners, take away as much the resistance as possible. That's obviously what they do. My whole thing, too, bouncing dead lifts off the floor, I've never done it. You can't find one video of me doing it unless I'm doing this CrossFit thing now now, but I used to do like one rep at a time, every single time I did it, I did lift, and anyone who would bounce, I would consider that not a rep, I would be like your bouncing. It doesn't count. But these guys do it all, just again, same thing. They're trying to find
Starting point is 00:18:17 the quickest time because the game is not about, you know, you growing at that point. The game is about you finishing what they consider a rep. So it's eye-opening, it's hard, it's this challenge. So it's like I'm kind of starting over, I call it the do-over, I hashtag do-over. So it's humbling. I mean, everything about it is, I wish I started it 10 years ago, quite frankly, I feel old as fuck at this point, but you know, it's what it is. I don't heal as fast. So I definitely, sometimes I get in there and the joints are aching and the morning when I wake up. But I do still have somewhat of a chronic, left side Terry's minor, Terry's major,
Starting point is 00:18:54 and for Spanatus area, right where that connectivity hits that lap. I do still have some issues and I've had it for years and it's not going away. So I'm not sure if I'm gonna have to go crutch an MRI at some point just to get peace of mind and hope there's nothing wrong. Well, we're about to go actually go shoot some video.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Are you getting ready to go to the gym? Is that where you're getting ready to head off to? Yeah, you caught me on that. Well, this is what I, and this is what I'm glad we finally got the touchpaces. I would love to if you're open for it. Just kind of check up on your whole journey and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:19:21 The boys and I are always curious about how you're doing and I'm sure listeners would love to hear it. But before I sign off with you, on a business side, let everybody know what you got going on right now, where to find any stuff that you have that's out there and touch you, where you at, where you at, tell plug-ins. Sure, man. Well, obviously my company's metronome, I co-founder of the company, metronome.io. So check it out, if you're interested. I don't want to compete with the boys and what they're doing. I know they got legit programming
Starting point is 00:19:47 and never want to take it away. We have a different spin. We personalized stimulus when you train, something that people can't really do for you on a one-to-many scale. We do it from a one-to-one, almost personal as basis, but besides hijacking your feet at this point, we did get funding.
Starting point is 00:20:05 We got funding out of China close to a million bucks. And so I'm actually heading out there at the heart of the month to kind of talk with some of the partners that we've joined forces with. We do have opportunity to talk to the Olympic Committee and China Beijing. And so really positive things are happening. And it was damn near.
Starting point is 00:20:24 They always say it, it comes down to that two-year mark. And I got to be honest with you guys, I was looking for almost another job, some kind of contract work to make some money on the side when I got down here just because, you know, my interest was not, my interest was fading, but my money was fading. I was a good oil trader, but money runs out
Starting point is 00:20:39 when you don't get paid in a couple years. So, you know, I was ready to supplement my income, actually joined a job, I have business cards. My microphone's actually sitting on business cards that I joined this other company, this energy company to do some work. And as soon as we got funding, I was like, that's it, I'm back in.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I'm good. Here we go. Tried Lane Norton said it right, success is the battle of attrition, man. Man, I gotta tell you, we could do a whole, I mean, you guys are the same. And entrepreneurs sell posts to something the other day and scream that hit home. But, I mean, we could do a whole, I mean, you guys are the same. And entrepreneurs sell posts to something the other day and scream that hit home. But I mean, we could do a whole episode on that.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And I'm happy to do it. It's just, you got to just have that end goal and say, look, there's steps along the way. And I got to push effort every single day into one of these capacities. And, you know, to some days when you don't have the answers, you got to find the answers, you got to figure it out, being a startup, being something that we're doing that's non-traditional to other users or other businesses. Sometimes the answers aren't there and I'm struggling sitting at home,
Starting point is 00:21:30 being like, man, I'm away from everybody, just have my family here. What the hell am I supposed to be doing with my time? And you got to make it worth your while. You got to put something in a paper, put something together, but a lot of good things have happened. We got some affiliate stuff going on for revenue share opportunities with partners,
Starting point is 00:21:47 so we could see our revenue growing. We're definitely at the high of our revenue growth per month right now. One of our users are over 1,000 active paid subscription memberships right now. Metron's growing as well. So we got some good stuff going on business-wise, but that's kind of a...
Starting point is 00:22:04 Hell yeah. hell yeah. And those are... No, no, no, no, no. I'll be level out. You never talk about this in Nord do I, but there's a whole spiritual side of things going on here too. So these guys are, you know, it's the Bible bell and being introduced to this just kind of prioritizes little things with a daughter and everything else.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Just kind of says, hey, I got to put some side, some aside time for that as well. So I'm kind of, uh, uh, I'm open to a lot of different things here. And it's, it's pretty cool. It's just a good journey so far. Nice, dude. Good for you, bro. Good to hear good stuff, right? Yeah. We'll be checking in with you, brother. You have a great day today, man. Uh, love you. Take well or take care and we'll be talking to you soon. I'll take well, my friend. Yeah. See you later, guys. See care. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 00:22:50 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps Performance and Maps Esthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price.
Starting point is 00:23:25 The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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