Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 361: Obesity is a Sickness

Episode Date: September 8, 2016

Sal, Adam and Justin have a heated discussion about Dr. Sarah Hallberg's TEDx talk "Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with Ignoring the Guidelines." In this episode they discuss the affect of carbohydrates on... the body and how to eat to control appetite, lose fat, be healthy and enhance training. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You're about to hear us get really heated as we discuss a TED talk that we recently viewed on the cause of diabetes or how to kind of treat it. And it kind of goes into the obesity epidemic and we get real heated about it and real passionate about it.
Starting point is 00:00:29 And it strikes a chord, man. Anyway, we talk a little bit about nutrition and we realize lots of you have questions about nutrition. We have put together a nutrition survival guide fasting bundle. So you're gonna get a guide that's really gonna break down. Macro break down for it's gonna break down calories gonna help you eat properly. It's a great guide along with that is our is our intermittent fasting guide
Starting point is 00:00:53 which teaches you how to utilize intermittent fasting properly. And fasting is one of the best tools and techniques that I've come across over the last 15 years in terms of something that can really take your nutrition to the next level in terms of health, longevity, fat loss. And you don't have to buy anything extra. You don't. You don't need to just get a learn how to do it right. You gotta learn how to do it right.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Simple, it's straightforward, and it's healthy for you. We break down six different ways to do it. Anyhow, nutrition survival guide, fasting guide, bundle together, massive discount, mind pump media.com. I was listening to our chest episode that we just launched recently. And I've, you know, I know personally, I think the breath the cool chest, the chesticles, yes, which have been huge right? People are love, we're getting a lot of great feedback from all the,
Starting point is 00:01:46 you know, individual. Body parts, yeah, the body parts and breaking them down, the do's, the don'ts, whatever about them. I've caught myself several times using the words rounded shoulders or protracted shoulder girdle. I think that we should kind of explain a little bit of that, whether we do it on the podcast or YouTube. So just remind me, Doug, maybe we do a YouTube shot of just explaining what that means. Yeah, what's up across syndrome, what's lower across syndrome, you know, just because of and deviations. It's so common.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I mean, I would argue to say, at least in my experience, the thousands of people I've trained, I would say 90% have some form of it, whether it's extremely excessive. I know every time I do an assessment, I'm going to see it. Yeah, right. So I think even if we just shot like a video of a row, like a band row or a cable row, we could probably demonstrate. Pro-tracked to children, and then this is what retraction and depression looks like.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Well, I think that's perfect, right? We just wrap a rubber band around something and we show them, like you said, the seated row and then we can really attack the upper cross syndrome first. I just think it's important because it's so common. And you know, put the visual there for us. Yeah, in the video or in the chest podcast,
Starting point is 00:03:01 we are talking about, you know, I mentioned that, you know, here we talk about chest and form, but really a lot of people have a really hard time getting themselves in the correct position to mechanically do the movement properly. And really that's the first phase. We get all this shit that we see on social media
Starting point is 00:03:19 where everybody's talking about the next creative exercise, you know, oh, try this or, you know, use a, you know, gravitron machine for pull-ups to do your fucking chest on or do a hammer-strength machine and turn sideways or, oh, put some bands on your, on your fucking hammer-strength. On your extension? Yeah, or on your, you know, on all these, like it's like, dude, majority of people can't even fucking connect correctly. And you guys are trying to get creative with movements that really are not going to give them much.
Starting point is 00:03:46 You pull ups for cardio. Yeah. Right. So I definitely think that we should get into that a little more just because this is what we deal with with our clients. And let's be honest, a majority of our listeners probably deal with this and have no fucking idea. That's the thing. We got to remember that although we get excited about the new stuff, because we've been doing this for so long, it's just like when you meet a client for the first time. It's always the same things are showing them in the beginning and to them it's always blowing them away because these are things that they'd never
Starting point is 00:04:14 heard and we just take for granted because we've learned them and we've known them for so long. So I think it's something like, you know what? One of the videos we put on Mind Pump TV, that's gotten so many comments, was how to do a proper plank. Yeah. Because, and this is true now, everybody does a plank wrong. I see people plank, I see people posting, I could pull up plank pictures on Instagram or Facebook, and I guarantee you 100% of them will be wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Everybody is in an anterior pelvic tilt when they're doing the plank. One of the ways they're sticking their butt up in the air with those slight arching. And it's all hip flexor plank. If you do the other way, you got your core. Well, and backing that up, I just mentioned upper cross syndrome and lower.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That's lower cross syndrome, right? So it's very common for people to have that anterior pelvic tilt when they get down in that position. So you have to address that first before you even can really do a plank problem. Well, what they don't realize is they think that they're, their doctor or whatever saying strengthen your core because your lower back has problems because your core is weak.
Starting point is 00:05:14 So then they go do a plank and they do it in the end. And what they don't realize is they're reinforcing, they're reinforcing the imbalance. They're strengthening the problem. It's such a great point. And before I even lay somebody down on the point, I have them stand up. And I just show them what anterior pelvic tilt, posterior pelvic tilt, and then neutral looks like so they can feel that standing up.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And it looks funny when we're standing up there because I thrust my pelvis forward and say, okay. I got sick. This is your normal person. Yeah, this is your posterior pelvic tilt. And then you stick your ass out all excessive. You say, this is the anterior and then you go, now find the middle of that. And then when you, and it's funny, when you get somebody in the,
Starting point is 00:05:52 you have them mirror you and try and find what neutral hips look like, it's awkward for them. It's awkward and they, they're working to do that. And that's because they have major imbalances. So they need to understand that first before they get down and they progress into a point position and now have to suspend their weight. Dude, it's, uh, there was a meme on Instagram that destroyed me. It was a picture. I know what you're talking about. It's, it's like a side view of like, uh, Lordosis, low, so Lumbar Lordosis, right? And on the top, it says, do you got a bad chick or did she just have a more nervous who does which is just she a bad bitch it's it's the you know when the
Starting point is 00:06:30 girls on the in the Instagram they stick their ass out super hard and they're like I dated and it's like that's a positive deviation by friends dude I dated this model that was like this right and everybody thought she had this bad ass ass dude that she's bad now dude was hitting it, so I know what it really looked like, you know, since she didn't. She didn't at all. She just had this excessive tilt. Her flat account.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Unbelievably excessive tilt. In fact, she had a tiny little flat ass, but it looked like she had this bad ass. We could stand straight up and do doggy stuff. Well, and let me tell you, this is eager, right? She had major low back pain all the time and dealing with all this stuff and it was just like trying to get her to, and you know what, trying to get her to fix it was like, fuck, no, this is what, this is people love that. That's me, man.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah, well, they get complimented on it, right? You tell someone like that, they need to tuck that, that pelvic in and oh god, then her ass just disappears. And then they wear high heels that encourages, this by the way is why high heels make you look more attractive. It encourages anti-republic To it makes your butt stick out. Oh, yeah, you flexes your calves right you're you're in plantar flexion and then it rotates the hips out So hamstrings are tight fucking calves are tight asses rotated out like I feel like we should hold a clinic for strippers And all these Instagram chicks Okay, we'll help you single Single handly ruin their business. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:46 What I look normal again. What I really want to talk about is the video you just recently shared with us. It's mind blowing. You know, our carbs fucking killing us, dude. That's a good question. Our carbs killing us. And, you know, the video, I actually posted it on our Facebook page, our Mind Pump Facebook page. And it's private form. Yeah, no, no, not on the private form. I posted it on our regular Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And let me see with the name of the video, so that you can look it up yourself. Well, why don't you just tell him where the name of our Facebook is? Well, it's just Mind Pump. You just go to Facebook. Mind Pump, that was Mind Pump show. Oh, Mind Pump show. Yeah, I'm a new guy. I didn't say Mind Pump show when I looked it up. It's just good. Is it Mind Pump show still? Yes. Okay, Mind Pump show. Oh, my pump show. Yeah, I'm just a new guy. I didn't say my pump show when I look it up. It's a mine pump show still? Okay, mine pump show.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, research, mine pump show on Facebook. Everyone's got a fuck. But the video I posted it a couple of days ago, it's called Reversing Type 2 Diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines. And then I wrote that the overcomes consumption, the overconsumption of carbohydrates and the underconsumption of natural and healthy fats are easily the main cause of our modern disease epidemic. This is 100% true. Now the way the video opens,
Starting point is 00:08:55 and this is a doctor that specializes in treating obesity and in treating diabetes and insulin resistance. And she comes out and says, and at first I get a little bit irritated because she comes out and says, and at first I get a little bit irritated because she comes out and says, you know, people are overweight, you got lots of obesity,
Starting point is 00:09:12 and all of us believe that it's- They're fault. It's just their fault. Like all they need to do is have a little bit more self-control and they won't be so obese. And then she starts to highlight the statistics. Here's the statistics. We know for a fact that over half, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:27 So a majority of people are overweight in America and a good chunk of those people are considered obese. So not just overweight but obese. Right. About, what was the number? 40 or 50% of Americans, 50% have some form of insulin resistance. This is what I, so this is so fascinating.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Go ahead, go ahead. I just, I found that what she said that a majority of these people, we don't even know that they are on the course for this because we don't test for that right now. Right now, the pre pre. Yeah, right now we test for blood sugar, right? And what we don't realize, and I didn't even realize this till she said this, that, you know, let's say I'm somebody who's young, teenage years,
Starting point is 00:10:13 and I am just fucking excessively eating carbohydrates, candy, and slurpees, and coax, and everything, right? Just French fries, whatever. You know, and in your head, you know, you exercise, you move a lot, so maybe you're not even obese yet, but what you're training the body to do is it continue because the blood sugar spikes every time you do it to release more and more insulin.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And your insulin levels are becoming elevated, and elevated, and elevated over years. And because you don't have an obesity problem. And you don't even have a blood sugar problem. Yeah, you don't have, because you, exactly. You're testing totally fine, but you don't know that you're training the body to increase these insulin levels that holy shit,
Starting point is 00:10:48 you could be somebody who looks healthy and normal in your teens and 20s, but because of these habits of consuming like this, you're training this at this. So it's what she call it, the pre-diameter. Pre-pre-diameter. Pre-pre-diameter. Yeah, pre-pre-diameter. Well, here's what's okay.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So my big epiphany from this is basically that she was able to simplify so many, like so much of the epidemic of obesity in this country is all related to insulin resistant. Like how we are all, like how this insulin resistant, like process, like how that was contributing to everybody's obesity. Well, I mean, but it goes even further than that because you have people with prediabetes and diabetes
Starting point is 00:11:35 who aren't even overweight. That's what I'm saying. There's a big percentage of people who have diabetes who have no weight problem. So here's the problem that we are currently having with this obesity epidemic, is that we're viewing obesity as the cause of disease. When in reality, the obesity is a symptom of disease.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Does that make sense? Can you get more problems as you become more and more overweight? Yes, but I will also use this as a fantastic example. You could take two people with a 20-pound weight difference between them with a similar frame and the person who's got less 20 pounds lower, it has far worse health than the person who's 20 pounds heavier. So there is a fluctuation there in body fat that you can have and be very healthier unhealthy and it doesn't matter if you're fat or not as fat.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Now, besides that, yes, obesity does contribute. Pause there for a second because that's a big fucking eye opener right there. For you to say that you mean to tell me somebody could be carrying the same body types, we look, we're the same, same age, same everything everything they could be carrying 20 pounds more weight on their frame than I am and Could technically be in healthier be healthier than that. That's a little mind-blowing when you think about that right? Because it's absolutely true and like I said if we look at so the reason why we focus so heavily on obesity is Because obesity is such a visual representation of what's happening. Like I can walk around and I could see, you know, in my lifetime, how much fat are people have gotten?
Starting point is 00:13:10 I know by my parents what they say, my grandparents, how different it's gotten. I can go to other countries, undeveloped countries and see that there's a big difference in obesity and developed nations. So it's very visual representation, but really we got to look at the root cause. What's causing this?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Now you talked about insulin. Here's what insulin does. Insulin is, insulin is raised when we carbohydrates and to a lesser extent when we proteins. And it very, very, very little to no insulin comes out or is released when we eat fat. What insulin does is it comes out and it tells the cells to uptake glucose and along that maybe some amino acid.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So, regulator and a hormone. It's a hormonal regulator. If I'm constantly making my insulin rise all the time by eating an over-consuming carbohydrates, my body becomes desensitized to insulin. That's what insulin resistance is. What it means is that signal that my body's getting from insulin, it starts to ignore it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And so what my body does is it then releases more insulin. And then over time, it releases more insulin. And this process can take decades. It escalates. It can take decades. And the truth is, you could have where let's say you're you know 18 years old and your body's using so much insulin and now you're 30 years old and your body's using three times as much insulin to remove the same amount of glucose
Starting point is 00:14:37 at your blood. Your blood sugar will test normal. You'll go to the doctor, they'll test you and be like no you're fine. But what they don't see is that the amount of insulin that you're needing to release with each of these carbohydrate meals has now tripled since since the age of 18. And over time, that's what causes the problems. Here's another, like, fact that really blew my fucking mind was that the single largest contribute to coronary disease, to heart disease, is not cholesterol, is not fat intake. The number one, largest contribute, over 40% of cases can go directly be linked to insulin resistance.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So really, if we look at the modern Western world's epidemic of health epidemics, because we're seeing right now, and by the way, ladies and gentlemen, this is a huge epidemic. It's so big that it has the capability to literally destroy and cripple our economy, which will then cripple our society. So this is a big fucking deal. It has the power to do all that. And what we're doing is we're ignoring the cause because when we look at, if okay, you're body... Why are we ignoring?
Starting point is 00:15:52 It's a $250 billion fucking industry, bro. It's huge. A quarter of a trillion dollars is being made off of not fixing the problem. Treating the conflict of interest for them. Yeah, to tell you otherwise. Dude, she made a comment that I was just like, holy shit, like she talks about right now,
Starting point is 00:16:10 the ADA, right? That's the... American Diatetics or Diabetes Association. Okay, so the right now, the prescription for when you come in and you have the diabetes is actually to give you medication. The medication they give you requires you to eat carbohydrates or else you get side effects from that medication, which is only feeding the fucking root cause of how you got in the place
Starting point is 00:16:30 that you are right now. Spin in your wheels. Mind blowing. Why? Because we make more money keeping you fucking sick. We do. And because the information that we've been taught about fat intake was based on no real science. There were no real randomized control studies to show that fat intake is what is causing our problems. What's causing our problems is our overconsumption of carbohydrates in particular process carbohydrates. And I'll tell you what, go into your grocery store, look at your grocery store. If we took all the food in your grocery store and turned it into macros, which macro would be represented the most?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Carbohydrate. By far, they're cheap and they're cheap partially because we subsidize the shit out of them. They, when you eat a carbohydrate, your insulin rises, your body removes that glucose, your hungry again, so it promotes you to eat more, so they want to eat more. So the very thing. Explain to people what subsidized means. Because a lot of people don't understand what that means.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Subsidized just means that your tax dollars without you, you have no choice, of course, like all your taxes. Go to these mega corporations that grow corn and, you know, GMO corn or wheat and these types of things. Because at one point, we believe that it was in the best interest of the government to promote the growth of these high calorie density foods because there were issues with, we want to make sure people had enough food. Billions of dollars go to growing corn, for example, which is why products made with corn are so cheap.
Starting point is 00:18:09 If you look at soda, a can of soda 50 years ago, it was sweetened with sugar, cane sugar. Today, it's almost impossible to find a soda sweetened with cane sugar. It's sweetened with corn syrup. And the reason why it's sweetened with corn syrup is because we've subsidized corn. It's far cheaper. Well, what are some examples of this corn, flour, wheat? What else is it? Yeah, I mean, those are really the big ones.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So wheat and corn are the two big soy corn and wheat are huge. So when you think about that, that these guys are responsible. They're making billions of dollars, right? And they got their hands in the government. What do you think about that, that these guys are responsible, they're making billions of dollars, right? And they got their hands in the government. What do you think, okay? Just, just, I mean, don't even, to back up on everything that we've said already, trying, what do you think the message,
Starting point is 00:18:54 the studies that are getting done? Who are they going to benefit? If these are the companies that are fucking funding, I'm just gonna pay for all this. Studies to happen even. Yes, most of us, if who can afford to hire a team of 20 doctors and scientists to run control studies and group who can't the average Joe who's trying to get out good
Starting point is 00:19:13 information. We can't afford to do that. I can't pay. We can't afford to pay a whole fucking study group and pay doctors and scientists to put together the all these theories and ideas. No, but you know who can't A company that's picking billions of fucking dollars and is funded by the government.
Starting point is 00:19:28 So that's what's so hard about what we do is trying to get out a message out there. We're getting fucking drown. There's the same problem with academia coming in and having this over authoritative position just because they've placed themselves in that position because of the way that it's structured. So now this person has also authority because, you know, they've gone through a specific type of schooling and gathered a specific type of knowledge. But, you know, there was, there's a gender there. You know, there's, there's the information that they have is definitely, you know, very centralized to, to, you centralized to the academic world.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Well, the original study or the original, I say study, I believe Doug, maybe you can correct me if I was wrong, if I'm wrong. Was it Dr. Ansel Kees that came out with the original? I believe so. He did it, I think he called it the seven country study in which he analyzed countries and their fat intake. I thought he took black and white photos.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah. Yeah, I answered that. Yeah. So he came out, I didn't know that. He only dug up the yo-semity. So he came out with a seven, he called it seven country studies.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And he, Mark, sorry. He related it to the fat intake to health and showed that the countries with the lowest fat intake were the healthiest. He got international acclaim. I believe he won a Nobel Prize for it. The president of the United States at the time made him like, this is the guy we need to listen to.
Starting point is 00:20:57 What we don't realize is he actually omitted several countries out of that study that did not fit that model because these other countries ate lots of fat and were very healthy. It's crazy that someone could win a Nobel Prize for that. At the same time, there were other scientists who were going against them. There was one British scientist, and I can't remember his name, and he was coming out with the opposite saying, no, you're wrong, you're going to promote lots of problems in obesity, and they not only shut this guy down, but
Starting point is 00:21:26 they created this campaign of, you know, where they basically discredited this guy so poorly that he, yeah, he even like a scarlet letter and shit. Yeah. Like he lost, he lost quite a bit in terms of credibility. But it turned out that he was very, very right. Now if you look at, you look at, you know, what's happened in Western societies, pay attention, you know, the obesity rate among children was almost non-existent in 1960 and 1970. And I'm talking about, I'm not talking about poor kids, I'm talking about middle class children
Starting point is 00:21:59 who have access to food. Today, it's a huge percent, something like a 20% of children robies. Would you look at adult obesity and diabetes? Diabetes, by the way, type two diabetes used to be not called type two diabetes. People don't realize this. When I first started getting my certification, they referred to type two diabetes as adult onset diabetes. Now, it was the name of it.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Because the only people that got it were adults and they got it because of poor eating habits growing up. Now, kids are experiencing it. They change it to type two now because kids get it now. So you can't call, you know, you don't want to call adult onset when you've got children with it. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:37 This all happened right at the same time, our own government regularly, you know, guidelines came out and said, cut your fat intake, cut your fat intake, increase your complex carbohydrate intake, increase your grain intake. Look at the food parameter. I'm just gonna say that.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It's hilarious, because like, dude, I mean, she made like a couple like really stand out points for me. And, you know, it's the non-essential piece, right? Whatever, like, there's two essential macronutrients, fat and protein. What do you mean by essential? Your body needs them.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Your body needs to have them, can't produce it. Therefore, I have to go out and eat protein and fat. You get zero from carbohydrates. Your body already produces glucose already. It'll produce all the glucose it needs from protein that you eat, and even some from fats. But if you don't eat fat,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and if you don't eat protein, you'll die. If you don't eat carbohydrates, you'll be okay for the rest of your life. So I don't wanna come across as demonizing carbohydrates, but what I do wanna do is I wanna be very clear that I firmly believe and the evidence now is very strongly pointing in the direction of the Health epidemic that we're experiencing that we've been in now for the last few decades is directly Direct result of the over consumption of carbohydrates period end of story That's where it starts and that's where
Starting point is 00:24:05 a lot of it ends. That's where we're seeing all this problem. And you know what they'll look and say, you know, people are also eating more calories and they are, but let's also, let's also take a step back. One hormone does a very good job of making you hungry and that's insulin. Eating carbohydrates is appetite stimulating. Eating fats is not. In fact, eating fats is very satiating. One of the first comments I get from people who dramatically reduce their carbohydrate intake and bump up their fat intake is that they just feel full. Like their appetite is just, you know, it's not a, it doesn't come up like it used to when they take carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You made a comment about not demonizing carbohydrates. Well, fuck that, dude. I want to demonize it. Like I feel like it should be looked upon as that because at 90% of it is fucking garbage. What's it look as minuscule and comparison? Yeah. I mean, if you're talking about fruits and vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, can you say that, right?
Starting point is 00:25:00 I mean, that's it, dude. Like everything else is, there's little to no benefit. I know people are right now going, oh, whatever, there's benefits to this. There's been, most of that shit's tainted and we don't need it. So, you know, I don't like, and I know, do I have carved, yes, I just talked on an episode recently
Starting point is 00:25:17 where, you know, I had pizza and I had this, but you better damn well believe when I do stuff like that. I understand what I'm doing, you know, like it's, this is not ideal. No different than somebody who decides that they're gonna do a line of coke or fucking drink 10 beers. Well people just get defensive about it.
Starting point is 00:25:30 You know what I mean? People get defensive because they like to include that in their diet and I understand that. But you, it's cause they're addicted. Look at reality. Yeah, look at the reality. You don't need it. If you don't need it, then why are you so defensive towards it?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Like why do you have to have it? This the same thing. Okay, when some, you know, and I love, I know it's extreme, right? So, I know I piss people off when I give the cocaine and the alcohol and the pills and all this analogy comparing to carbohydrates, but the same attachment that those people get to those drugs in their body that they feel they need, they have to have them is the same thing that goes that process goes with people with carbohydrates. They introduce them at such a young age and they continue to ramp them up, ramp them up, and the insulin just keeps going and going and going and creates more and more and more
Starting point is 00:26:12 of a craving for it. And then you tell that same person who's been doing that for 10, 15, 20, 30 years of their life, that's, excuse me, sir, you don't need that ever again in your life. And in fact, if you got rid of it out of your life, you would have a much better life and it'd be healthier and feel better and all these things and symptoms that you're doing with would probably start to go away. You know, that's a fucking huge thing
Starting point is 00:26:33 for someone to look themselves in the mirror and say, I'm no longer gonna do this because they're an addict. And they don't need to. And that's step one of addiction is realizing that you were addicted to something. Well, here's the thing, like, so many, the way people eat now, many cultures now are based on many of these carbohydrates, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Now you got to ask yourself why. Well, a long time ago, humans went through the agricultural revolution and it solved a lot of problems. It did. Like, before the agricultural revolution, people died of starvation all the time. After the agricultural revolution, like our food is here, we don't have to move all the time. We can grow it.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And there were some good things that came from it, but there were also some unintended consequences as a result. And so a lot of these cultures, for example, you look at my, where my family's from, my family's from Italy. Everybody's like pasta and bread, that's Italian actually. It's not if we go back 500 years it wasn't it wasn't a huge part of a time food That's more of a recent right in that way. It's more of a recent, you know relatively Recent development 500 years ago. They weren't eating a big ass loaf of bread and pasta
Starting point is 00:27:42 It wasn't this big thing that they were, feasting all time. I mean, they would give poor people, I don't think I've ever seen pizza on Game of Thrones, dude, for sure. But my game of thrones is reality. Yeah, and I, I mean, it's important to note all that. And are there, there are definitely different.
Starting point is 00:27:58 It's twerkly accurate. There are different ways to eat to be healthy, but here's what you wanna consider. Carbohydrates are very easily over-consumed. That's why you need to be careful with them. I'm not saying don't eat them and avoid them completely. There's a lot of you listening right now who probably half of you, who don't have insulin issues.
Starting point is 00:28:18 You're very active, you're very healthy. Your insulin is probably at a normal level, you don't have to worry about this rising insulin levels. And to you, I say, you can eat those carbohydrates, just don't over consume them. But send them to me. But yes, I suggest you look at them differently now. That's it.
Starting point is 00:28:33 That's the point that I think I want to drive home because like, even for myself, like I didn't consider the fact, like a lot of this information is still new. Like even the whole revolution of the revolutionary idea that fat isn't the problem, like a lot of this information is still new. Like even the whole revolution of the revolutionary idea that fat isn't the problem. You know, like that's still something people are trying to digest. So, you know, you gotta start, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:54 paying attention to the studies that are out there and like what is real and what is truth and what you need to nourish your body and to fuel yourself properly. Right, and you know, one thing that the doctor said need to nourish your body and to fuel your self-proper. Right. And one thing that the doctor said in the video was that really what insulin resistance is is carbohydrate toxicity, which makes perfect sense. Very well said.
Starting point is 00:29:16 If you can't, if your body has issues processing and dealing with carbohydrates to where it needs to continue to raise its production of insulin in order to manage it, you are reaching higher and higher levels of carbohydrate toxicity. Now what are some of the problems associated with carbohydrate toxicity? This is before you become pre-diabetic. Well, inflammation is one of them. It's actually not good for the brain.
Starting point is 00:29:47 It can cause some neurotoxicity. It can cause issues with athletic performance and cause issues with sleep. Does it cause issues with other hormones? Well, yes, yes it does. Do you think that rising and rising insulin levels, even before any signs show up with blood sugar or never show up with blood sugar? Do you think that rising insulin levels, even before any sign show up with blood sugar or never show up with blood sugar
Starting point is 00:30:06 Do you think that rising insulin will affect other hormones in the body? Of course. We know for a fact that growth hormone and insulin are inversely related The higher your insulin is the lower your growth hormone is and so now you're losing some of the benefit and the health benefits of normal So now you're losing some of the benefit and the health benefits of normal growth hormone levels. And again, hormones when they're at optimal levels are good for you. When they're off, they become bad. This is any fucking hormone. I have testosterone.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I can have healthy levels or I can take mega doses of testosterone. I can have, you know, bad effects. Estrogen, cortisol. Everybody talks about cortisol being the stress hormone. Oh, everybody avoid cortisol. Let me tell you something right now. If I eliminated cortisol, cortisol at everybody, you would be very, very unhealthy. You actually need cortisol to do a lot of important things
Starting point is 00:30:52 in the body. And the same thing is true with insulin, just too much of it can cause these problems. And so let's say you're the other half, let's say you do the other half with rising insulin levels where you're starting to get into that insulin resistance stage, well, what can you do for yourself? Eliminate the macronutrient that requires insulin to be pumped out.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Eliminate carbohydrates. It's actually that simple. In fact, and people, they'll cringe at hearing this, but things like pre-diabetes and diabetes type two, type two diabetes, it can be managed with medications, it can be managed with an insulin pump, but it can be reversible by simply eliminating carbohydrate intake and even protein intake to a lesser extent by lowering that just a little bit. Because again, one of the points she makes on there is that people mistaken low or no carb
Starting point is 00:31:47 with extremely high protein, which is another big mistake. It's not, it's just high fat. We pride ourselves a lot on any time that our paradigm has shattered. And I love to share with you guys, when I feel like I've been fucking up, or not doing something correctly, and you know, something's like this. We were we just
Starting point is 00:32:06 recently like I don't know maybe six months ago we went through the whole ketogenic process and it completely changed my relationship with food and in general or in being specific with fats. And you know I used to brag about being able to consume four to 600 grams of carbohydrates daily and not get fat because I was training hard I was doing all these things. I kept a low fat diet and in reality I'm I was on course to do the same thing that we're discussing right now and just because I'm not showing signs of obesity Because that my my blood sugar is in check right now. I'm thinking to myself, I'm totally fine, but in reality, I'm really just continuing to elevate these insulin levels,
Starting point is 00:32:50 and will I be training the way I'm training at 60, 70 years old? I don't know, I hope so, but, you know, am I gonna have this major uphill battle when I get older because I've been training my body to... He's been stacking it up. Yeah, right? So now I went from the guy who used to consume four or 600 grams of carbs,
Starting point is 00:33:08 and I never touched 400. 400 would be crazy. Like what I did the other day with the pizza, like where I let myself to go to high, where that was a normal day for me to consume that much. Now a normal day of carbs is only a hundred to maybe tops 200 grams of carbs, majority of that coming from fruits and vegetables,
Starting point is 00:33:25 and then the rest of my calories really coming from fat. I'm always, and that was a huge sip for me because our whole fitness crew, I mean, every diet you guys ever probably wrote 10 years ago, or even last maybe five years ago, was centered around carbs. 60 to 65% of the intake was carbohydrates. You know, extremely low fat,
Starting point is 00:33:47 and then we're going after protein. Oh my God. And then, like, you know, dieticians and nutritionists out there that would come at you if you didn't start with that in mind, right? 60%. Like, if you got away from that many carbs, you were like shunned.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Well, I mean, so check this out. So this just brought something up in my mind that I remembered. So I keep up with a lot of these longevity experts. And there's a whole new category of study where scientists are trying to literally cure the problem of aging. trying to literally cure the problem of aging. There's like Ray Kurzweil, who's this brilliant scientist. He works for Google now, believe it or not. But he studies longevity and he thinks
Starting point is 00:34:35 that we'll be solving the problem within the next 100 years of how we can prevent the aging process. Cause they're viewing aging as this process of slow progressive disease and that's why you end up dying. And some of these guys, including him, actually a lot of these guys, are recommending that people on a regular basis take Met Forum.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Do you guys know what Met Forum is? Met Forum is a drug. The trade name is, I believe it's glucose phage or glucose phage. It is a first line treatment for type 2 diabetes. Now what it does is it reduces the amount of glucose that is produced by the liver. And what they're finding is when they do studies with this particular drug that it definitely lowers blood sugar and it helps control it, but it also has evidence of preventing cardiovascular disease and even cancer. And now, let me help you with your blood sugar and give you some cancer.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I'm gonna get a drug. No, no, no, no, no, what I mean is it has all these health benefits, but it's a drug that's doing this and all of this drug is doing is what you can do naturally. You can, yeah, stop eating carbs with. Yeah, so you just reduce, like, don't over consume carbohydrates. And so, you know, really what I want, would I want listeners to take away from this episode isn't to eat it, go keto. Keto's not for everybody. It's not to go super low carb. It's to view your macronutrients in this order.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Look at fat first, then look at your proteins, and then your carbohydrates. That's how you should be viewing the types of foods that you're eating. If you're still hungry, sprinkle in a little bit at first. Let's eat that way. How many of you look at your plate of food and go, I'm going to eat the fat first, then I'm going to eat the protein. And then whatever's left over, I'm going to have carbohydrates. And then when I do, I'm going to shoot for like leafy greens and fruit and things like that as my first
Starting point is 00:36:26 First choice of carbohydrates just that alone like fuck counting Fuck all this like all getting crazy details I suppress a lot of your you know that that feeling like that I have to have that you know that that sweet or you know Whatever it is is driving you towards a car. Yeah, we put so much I mean we have a we have like this 50, 50, like, listen or base, like you have these like really advanced like competitors and stuff like that that like want crazy detail of how many grams of this should I have, how many grams
Starting point is 00:36:54 of it, then we have the other have that are like just people trying to do make better healthier choices. Like, so I feel like it's so important that we address both. And, you know, let me tell you like being a competitor and somebody who isn't accounting, do it, fuck, I don't even, you don't need to. Like, just start with that. Just start with, stay, try to stay away
Starting point is 00:37:12 from all these crazy carbohydrates and target your fat first, then target your protein, and then what you have left over, trying, if you are at all, gonna fill with any carbs, you know, target your leafy greens and vegetables, and then fruit, like in doing that order. It may be so easy, really well. I'll tell you what happened this weekend to me,
Starting point is 00:37:32 when like I said, there are times when I'll enjoy myself with friends and family and, you know, nurse relationships, and I'll eat what's there, not because it's about the food, but because it's about, you know, the people that are around me, but, you know, I'll eat these foods. If I ate something with sugar or ate lots of starch, I am so aware of how my body responds
Starting point is 00:37:53 because I pay attention to it. These are things that I ignored in the past. These are things that everybody ignores. But I'm so aware now that when I eat these foods, I clearly, I will eat big bowl of pasta with some bread, and then I'll finish off my meal with my mean vegetables. Whatever. I'll sit there at the table stuffed.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Like what I mean by stuff is that I have the physical feeling of being stuffed, but I'll have the emotional and the, you know, chemical craving for more sugar and carbohydrates. I'll literally be sitting there knowing I'm full. Like I can feel my stomach is very full. But you definitely can get some ice cream. Yes, my stomach hurts because it's full. And yet I still want to eat more food. This really happens to me when I don't eat those carbohydrates. I can easily stop before I get to that point because the signal has been told to my body, you don't need me more. Instead, when I ate those starches, insulin went up, removed the sugar from my blood.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Excellent. Now I'm craving more food. Excellent point. You're sending the wrong signal to your body. Could you imagine, so you know when you go to a restaurant, we of course, what are they served for? Bread. They give you bread at your tail.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Imagine they give you a thing of just fat. Yeah, here's some avocado. Here's some avocados. I'm not really interested in that. Entry. Wouldn't it be great though? Wouldn't it be great if they did? They brought that out and they served you Yeah, here's some off of here's some avocados. I'm not really interested in that on tray. Wouldn't it be great though? Wouldn't it be great if they did? They brought that out and they served you with avocado
Starting point is 00:39:10 or served you with slices of bacon and that's all it was. Like that would be great. Yeah, you'd be like, I don't know if I want to eat them. Right, then every one of them, everyone's dinner would be a salad. That's what it would be. You ever noticed that by the way, I just have a salad. They give, and I don't know if there's any studies
Starting point is 00:39:22 about this, I would love to see one. But I would bet my left nut that Giving people it by giving people free bread. I want both restaurants that give free bread Probably sell more food than restaurants that don't of course I bet you anything because the people are eating the bread and then all of a sudden the appetite goes up and now they're like You know, oh you ready to order now and they're like fuck yes It's just like when you drop the dessert menu, like right when people are still eating,
Starting point is 00:39:50 so that way they put it in their mind already and then they always make room. Yeah, I mean, I'll say this a hundred times over. If we want to solve the health epidemic that we are having in this country and in most Western nations that we're starting to see in other Western nations, it is the over consumption of carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:40:10 and in particular processed long shelf life carbohydrates. And if you wanna make one change, just one change in your diet, one change in your relationship to food, that will make a massive impact. It's take those carbohydrates and move them to the bottom of your list in terms of the order of macronutrients of importance
Starting point is 00:40:33 and stick to foods that are real, that are natural. Here's the funny thing too, she made this hilarious point. If you have to ask yourself. If something says all natural on it, like if you have to ask yourself if it's all natural, it if something says all natural on it, like if you have to ask yourself, if it's all natural, it's not. You should look at a food and know, oh, that's natural, rather than looking at a box and like,
Starting point is 00:40:50 I wonder how natural this particular food is. You know, stick to those whole natural foods. Think about your fats, think about, think about vegetables, think about proteins, and then at the end of all that, you're still hungry or whatever, maybe have some other carbohydrates, but watch what happens.
Starting point is 00:41:06 If you just make that one change, I think you'll be pretty blown away at how many of your, weight loss problems get solved simply by doing that one thing right there. So if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, we may give you a free t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Also go to MindPumpTV, that's on YouTube. It's our MindPumpTV channel, we're posting all kinds of awesome videos on exercise demos and advice on nutrition and we'll be posting even more videos on all that stuff. It's pretty cool, check it out. And also go to MindPumpMedia.com to check out all the programs that we offer.
Starting point is 00:41:43 If you need more specialized coaching. Check it out. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically
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