Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 362: Staying Lean Year Round, Electro Stim Training, Benefits of Saunas & Steam Rooms & MORE

Episode Date: September 9, 2016

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using electro-stim training as a r...eplacement for regular training, the benefits of saunas & steam rooms for health, recovery & performance, the best way to stay lean year round and how Mind Pump balances out giving free content with making a living and paying the bills. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video every day on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're almost out, right? We're almost, didn't we put a limit on how many maps anywhere, we give away with the best value we've ever done, right? Well, I think we only, I think we have like five or six available. Okay. So check this out. The RGB bundle, nine months of exercise programming,
Starting point is 00:00:15 it's maps and a ball, like maps performance, maps aesthetic. Every three weeks you're changing phases. It's, each program is like three programs within each program. But here's what we were offering. Yes. Get the RGB bundle. You're going to get the sexy athlete mod. You're going to get the butt builder mod for free. And we're also going to throw in for the first time we've never done this before. We're throwing in a maps program for free. You're going to get maps anywhere for free. This is our equipment. No equipment required maps program. Throw in for free. And it's limited, no equipment required, maps program, thrown in for free.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And it's limited. We set a limit to 50 and we're almost out. Well, it also comes with a suspension trainer mod inside there. Wow. Yeah. And we have a stick mobility mod. So those are all the mods that you're getting free when you get this program. Wow. So you're going to get maps read, green and black, severely discounted, free mods, and then we throw in maps white for free, which is your equipment free workout that you could do when you're traveling
Starting point is 00:01:10 or if you wanna mix things up. I mean, that's a lot of exercise programming. It's a great companion to our maps program. So much content, so much value. It's really a years where the training when you think about it, because you could either cycle back through red or you can take the white on your vacations
Starting point is 00:01:22 because most people within a year's time is gonna go on vacation a couple times, right? So it's super convenient to have it. So why not put it in there? It's going to set you up for the rest of the year. MindPumpMedia.com that's for the RGB bundle and we will throw in maps anywhere for free. MindPumpMedia.com. C'mon more left, get him.
Starting point is 00:01:39 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind. There's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. One lady who ran the marketing, the social media and stuff marketing for Apple. And she's like, nobody goes to websites anymore. Oh no, she said nobody gives a shit about website. That's right, it's a last thing to even put on there, you know. She said nobody gives a shit about website. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It's the last thing to even put on there, you know. She's like, send people to your social media. Because you know, it's exactly what I told you guys when I was searching through looking for information, I found myself, anybody who had a website that didn't have a YouTube for me to watch and listen to, I just went right over it and I thought to myself, here I am doing research on other competitors or people in our field and their web pages and I was supposed to be reading and looking what they're doing and I got so tired of reading that I just wanted to watch people's videos
Starting point is 00:02:35 and I was like holy shit that moment I was like I'm doing this and it's my job to be looking at these people's shit and reading it and I was already bored of it like to how many people are like the especially the generation below us. You know, I'm fucking 35 years old and I have to deal. Imagine a 25 year old fuck, no, they read none of that shit. They're fucking true. They're just grazing right over that shit. Well, here's a thing, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:58 for this is for anybody who's trying to build any kind of presence online, which I don't care what business you have. You kind of have to now, right? That's the competitive market. And it's just the way it is. Like people want to see video. They want to see your social media. We ain't you're taking a dump.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah. Nobody, nobody cares about your website anymore. Unless your website is a place where they can get this information. Why go to website? A website just your, it's fucking boring. Well, think about it. And we know that we've got more like a billboard. We know this. We know watch my billboard. I don't want to learn about board. We know this from being in sales for so many years that, you know, people buy from people they like. And there's no
Starting point is 00:03:39 way to portray you through like text or through, you know, an email or through a reading a website. Like you could try your best to like give your bio and who you are, but nothing delivers that better than like a video. Like you see, you just see their mannerisms. They see how they talk, how they act. Like this was, that was one of the best parts about what we all saw with the, the MindPunt platform of a podcast was, you know, if you got people tuning in and listening to you for 45 minutes to an hour, it gives you a chance to really convey who you are, your message, your beliefs, like just a lot more comes across.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, a lot more time to describe things in fuller detail. Yeah. And for me, it's a must because I'm already, my whole life or a majority of my life, this has been a challenge for me. Like, I'm definitely that guy where after somebody's been like, let's be, I just got him literally yesterday, a message from a client of mine and they said,
Starting point is 00:04:34 you know, I just want to let you know that, you know, we're on her second month right now, or third month. We're going on her, we just finished two months, we're on her third month. And she's like, I have to tell you that, I've known you for a couple of years before I decided to hire you.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And you're totally different than what I thought. And this is someone who saw me on a regular basis. No, I think it's really, they only saw me for 10 minute bouts and real short little conversations. And she got a chance to really get to know like where my heart is, who I really am by listening to me and talking to her now on a regular basis. And, you know, it's hard to do that. I get people, people judge, man, you can't help it.
Starting point is 00:05:16 We all do, you know, you see somebody or and instantly you want to put them in a category of, oh, this is like this, this buff looking dude who's all, he must, he must be self absorbed, he must be an asshole, he must be a steroid meathead, he must, you know, I'm saying like all these things like right away. So I'm always have to knock walls down when I first, first meet somebody and that's tough when you're trying to beat yourself. Like I just want to be me and not have to like worry about what people think. Well, I think the future, I think the absolute future of marketing, especially if you are your own product,
Starting point is 00:05:50 which we are, right? What we're selling is us. Hello, by me. Yeah, and I think the future of that is not the old way of putting out processed fake production of who you want people to think you are. Because that worked in the past, because in the past it was print, which you don't get much at a print, right? It's like, boom, that's it. You don't hear anything from them.
Starting point is 00:06:16 They're not writing much, or it's TV. And most of the TV was planned, pre-planed, written, and it was a character, right? One of the reasons why reality TV got so big was people kind of got a peak, or they felt like they got to peak into something that was a little more real. Well, the future is actually, it's already here, and that's that people want to see real people.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And this is good. This is a good thing because it breaks down walls. And I think, when you're presenting yourself, rather than thinking about, I'm gonna present myself in this particular fabricated way to the formula. Yeah, I'm gonna be me. And you know what's funny is-
Starting point is 00:07:00 You'll attract the other people that are like you. Well, not only that, but you're, it's it's funny okay I'll tell you what when I first started when I first got on social media like Adam was like hammering me like get on Instagram and I was just like yeah and one of the turnoffs I'll be honest about Instagram for me was and I I've must have called it this 50 million times is its narcissism hell looks like that to me like you scroll through and it's just, it's like Facebook but even worse because it's just pictures.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And so when I first started on Instagram, I'm like, I'm gonna post information. Like I know it's a pictures, you know, site, right? That's what it is. It's Instagram, it's about pictures. But I want to, you know, that's not me. I want to post my information because, you know, I get the whole look thing, but there's also lots of information I want to, you know, that's not me. I want to post my information because, you know, I get the whole look thing,
Starting point is 00:07:46 but there's also lots of information I want to convey. And I had people who I worked with, um, who were social media experts, people who worked in the field and they were telling me like, no, Sal, you're doing it wrong. Like Instagram's all about pictures. Like stop posting long captions about, you know, information and yourself. And like nobody wants to, they just want to look at pictures. If you want a lot of followers, it's just about, you know, information in yourself and like nobody wants it. They just want to look at pictures. If you want a lot of followers, it's just about, you know, the picture.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And it just rubbed me wrong. I couldn't really, and there were a couple posts where I tried doing that and it just didn't feel right to me. So I stuck to my guns. And as a result, although my following hasn't gotten massive of the following that I've built from it, I've gotten lots of interaction. I've got lots of people who are, I feel like I'm impacting positively. I've learned a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And I think people are appreciating the kind of, that realism that's coming from it. And I think that's the future of effective marketing is that realism. And that's kind of the way we've tried to run the show, which is interesting because now you start to see a lot more information coming about out that all these big accounts have bought all their followers. And this is like an epidemic. And what's so interesting to me is to see the mentality that I even had, when you look at somebody's number,
Starting point is 00:09:03 like you look at a million, or you look at somebody's number, like you look at a million or you look at, you know, this, I'm always like, wow, like, I've never even heard of this person. Why do so many people follow this person? You know, and it's so strange to me. Like, did they get in very early? Did they make all these moves and like, talk to this person, share for share, like, share for share, they're shit out of themselves. You know, to get that, like, like, I'm just like trying to break down, like, how the hell did this happen? Dude, we have, do you know when I first started,
Starting point is 00:09:30 so, I mean, I was the first one right out of all of us that ventured this way, like, that's like, okay, I know I need to do this. And Instagram was fairly new. And I was, and just like Justin just said right now, it was like searching through all these people that had millions of followers. And I was like, what the fuck right now. I was like searching through all these people that had millions of followers. And I was like, what the fuck are these guys doing?
Starting point is 00:09:48 And so there was lots of little things that I, little things I noticed. And I tried to emulate that. Like, you know, there's like pages that was guys. That's the business man in here. Right. Yeah. We were trying to dissect the formula. Yeah, I was trying to figure it out
Starting point is 00:10:01 because there was, there was an ultimate goal behind all this was once I captured a large enough audience Then you know, then we would transition into the podcast and we because we knew we needed some sort of momentum before he launched I'm like, you know, I know a lot of people are like, you know, how do you get into podcasting? Well, it does help if you have a little bit of Momentum heading into it because you know, imagine if we started a podcast and none of us had any social presence whatsoever and we just, Very difficult.
Starting point is 00:10:28 All we had was yours. All we had when we started Mind Pump was your Instagram and your Facebook. If it wasn't for those two things, it would have been just like my family. With so many friends. Hey, good one, bro. But it took some time and I actually really enjoy,
Starting point is 00:10:44 I've enjoyed posting now versus posting when I first was growing it because and when I first started I was, I was trying to do what everybody else was doing to figure it out. I read a e-books and like, when am I supposed to post and how often and you know what things to do and just like you're saying like, man, I was, I was doing the things like I was all these, you know, half naked pictures and my shoes and all these things that like, you know, materialistic things that, you know, to make people like, oh, this is cool. He's got must have cool things and I want to see what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Like, man, it just wasn't feeling it. It was, but it was what I saw everybody else doing. So, you know, it is something that has only been around for a little while and you're starting to see it. And I love to see like a page like yours where, you know, there's great content behind it. And I feel like you follow a formula with it where, you know, you get the people are going to look because you're really fit and you post maybe a picture of your shirt off.
Starting point is 00:11:38 But there's always a message behind that, you know, it's not just this narcissistic photo of look at me, you know, which also reminds me too of, you know, it's not just this narcissistic photo of look at me, you know, which also reminds me too of, you know, a lot of these people that do this, a lot of people don't understand how fake a lot of these profiles really are. Like, I know a lot of these fuckers that have a million followers and shit. And when you meet them in person and you know, like some of them fucking live at home with their parents, you know, saying they're they're posting their bad ass whip and they're this pro at doing this and they put on this flamboyant lifestyle. I'm like, bro, you live with your fucking mom. Like, you got all, I can't believe there's a million people that are aspiring to be like
Starting point is 00:12:17 you. Like, who the fuck wants to be 28 living at home with their mom still with their BMW? I'm like, that's fucking not cool. You borrowed a drone for the weekend. You know, he's cool, aerial shots. Yeah, I'm too, I'm too, I would be too fearful that my cover would be blown. Like I could never be that guy. I could never lie like that because I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:12:38 well, fucking people see me like, well, I'm, we must have brought up that I drive of 2012 Jedda on the show a million times. Part of that reason is, because I honestly don't care. I'm very confident in the fact that I don't care. But part of it's also like, people are gonna see me like, I ain't gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm not gonna make up shit and try and portray something that I'm not because you'll get found out. You know what I'm saying? Here's the other thing too. It's like, when you see people on social media with these huge followings and they're doing nothing with it,
Starting point is 00:13:09 what are they really doing? You know what they're doing, right? It's a popularity concept. They're feeding their ego. It has nothing to do with anything, but they're making money out of it. Dude, we know people personally, we were just talking earlier,
Starting point is 00:13:20 and I'm not gonna name any names because it wouldn't be right, but we know people personally who've got, you know, over a quarter million followers or half a million followers and they have done, not only have they done nothing with it, but they can't do anything with it. They can't figure out how to capture anything because they're following is based on like this, like this cosmetic. The wrong stuff, which is where I was getting at with when I was first posting, right?
Starting point is 00:13:45 So if you go back, those that have ever gone through like my old social media, all the way deep into my Instagram, you know, I was 1,000 likes on photos and way more, way more interaction, but it was the wrong interaction. You know, it was people hitting on me or talking about my body or you know, people sharing photos just because, I'm half naked on there.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And those aren't real customers. Those aren't people seeking information or wanna learn or want help. Those are people that are just looking at you half naked. And a lot of these big social media people, they get so focused on the number of people that are following them. They're so concerned that I've got a quarter million followers and they feel like that's
Starting point is 00:14:26 a big accomplishment. But it's like, dude, 90% of those people don't give a shit what you have to say. You're a pretty face. You know, or you have some sort of fame because you were on TV or something and you've got yourself all this celebrity status, but you have no way to turn that into any sort of a business. And it's not as simple as everybody thinks like you do that. And then you create something in the percentage of those people all by like, no, sorry,
Starting point is 00:14:51 it doesn't work down. You have to do things number. And I was just talking about this with Jessica this morning, we were talking about the kind of impact that you want to make in, you know, right now in the arena of fitness and health. And the impact that if you truly want to make a real impact, you have to be true, you have to be honest with yourself. The second you start to move away from that, and you start to think about the things that you should say
Starting point is 00:15:18 or the things that you should portray because like you're saying, this is what gets likes, this is what gets followers. You're not actually reality is in the long run, you're saying, this is what gets likes, this is what gets followers. You're not actually reality is in the long run, you're gonna do worse, because you're not making a real impact. Let me break it down even further. If you could truly impact 2,000 people,
Starting point is 00:15:39 you're gonna be from a business perspective. Forget about the, now we're talking about being honest with yourself, being true to yourself, but now let's just look at business. You take 2,000 people and you create a real impact in their lives, business-wise, that's worth more than 200,000 people that just like your photos. Excellent point.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Much more. And there are businesses that demonstrate this. There was one podcast and I can't remember, I think it was one podcast, and I can't remember, I think it was entrepreneur on fire, I don't remember the name of it, where this guy was talking about, and part of his podcast is he's explaining how you make money podcasting.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And this guy was bringing in revenues of like, you know, a hundred to $200,000 a month of revenue. He doesn't have a huge audience, but he has a product and coaching where he'll charge a thousand dollars for this, you know, intensive coaching. Now, when people spend a thousand dollars on your services, it's because you are making a tremendous impact and because they're seeing a return. Like, I'm going to spend a thousand dollars on something if I'm going to get two thousand dollars back or three thousand dollars back or whatever I'm getting back is totally worth it. So this guy is extremely successful, not because he's reached millions and millions and millions of people, but because he's reached some people, but on a very deep, impactful way.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And to be honest with you, I would rather do that. And of course, we want to reach as many people as possible, but I don't want to just reach people and have zero impact. I want to reach the people I do reach. I want them to leave feeling like they got something out of it and that I've done something for them. And in return, this is the selfish part of me. I like also learning and growing from those interactions. And believe
Starting point is 00:17:27 me, you can look at, you can listen, you can go back to Mind Pump Episode 1, start from there and listen to our episodes, and you can hear us changing and growing. And some of that has come from working with you guys. And a lot of it's come from our fans. A lot of it's come from the shit people have pointed out and talked to us about. We continue to grow. Of course. I think that's an important point to make that when we started this, although we had a vision in a direction, we knew that it would forever be evolving and changing.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I think people have to understand that too. If you dove into social media and your intentions were to turn it into a business, if you're doing the same things that you were doing a year ago, and so if you're doing the wrong things, you should always be evolving and changing and growing. And like I said, if you were to go back, I laugh when I go back and look at my Instagram when I first started. But that was part of the growing process for me. And it wasn't ever about a popularity contest, just like you said. It was,
Starting point is 00:18:25 you know, I'm trying to grab the attention of these people. And that's when I figured it out, I was like, I was getting all these people, but I was like, didn't know they cared about with my shoes, my car, my body. Like, that's not the message that I'm trying to get at. That's not my business either. And what kind of an impact does that really make? Yeah, what am I really doing with those people? You know, so, you know, then I then I started a transition where I was riding more content and I saw, saw the direction that was going. And then, So then I started a transition where I was writing more content and I saw the direction that was going. But then I also learned too that if you just did that,
Starting point is 00:18:50 then I was also losing people. So there's like this. You see, here's the thing, you gotta be smart. Like, I'll definitely have your flavor on it, just like we've always said. It has to reflect who you are and how your personality, how you project yourself on a daily basis.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Like, you know, for me, it's a, it looks totally different from me as opposed to you or Adam, you know, say it. Definitely. It has to be like, oh, Justin said that, you know, because it is a reflection of how I interact with people. And you also, you know, and yes, you have to be smart about like what Adam was saying, you know, will you post in a luring picture or should you post in a luring picture? Yes, sometimes because it gets there, it's the bait. That's the bait. I clearly,
Starting point is 00:19:32 I'm gonna be honest with you. I posting pictures of myself on my shirt off. I honestly, when every to every fucking time I do it, I cringe only because not because of body image issues. I'm comfortable with myself now. I don't give a shit. I'll walk around naked on camera if you want no big deal the the part that makes me cringe Yeah, please don't is it? Can you get the wide angle lens? Calm your buddy down, please. I I But I'll tell you why I cringe I cringe because I feel like I'm feeding into what I don't like about the fitness industry Yeah, which is the cosmetic part
Starting point is 00:20:03 But then I say to myself, now, Sal, are you doing as you're baiting people who wanna look at that funnel of truth? They're gonna bait them by looking at that picture and then I'm gonna trick them into reading my shit and then I'm gonna make the impact. Oh, you're looking at my dick. And so yeah, you just learn something.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Let me drop a knowledge bomb on you. Here's a picture of my dick and here's a post about ketones. But I, but because you're just, I'm just trying to finagle it. Strangely aroused. In a way to make that, to make that impact. And here's the thing you got to always question like, why am I, why do I like these likes? Why do I like these comments?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Is it because I'm making an impact? Or because it makes me feel good about myself, because it feeds my ego, because there's a lot of fucking people who it's all about their ego like I'm gonna post this cute Picture of me and look how hot I am and do you know me people? I know who got my today Do you know me people? I know have five thousand ten thousand twenty thousand followers who have no business It's nothing other than they just and they're not really trying to convey any message other than they just like the fact that people Like their pictures and I'm gonna tell you something,
Starting point is 00:21:05 that's fine if that's your thing, but be careful with that because it is fragile. And if you start attaching your happiness to these people that you don't fucking know that I have no connection to you that you're not really making an impact on that they're just liking your shit, that's gonna fall off at one point
Starting point is 00:21:23 and how you gonna feel about yourself. So be very careful, it's fragile. Well, I just read an article today on fuck, where did I read this at? Um, fuck. I'll look it up on my phone and see. I know, I know. I just read it though, so it's true. We've just read it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It's weird. They know they were talking about trolls and how it's ruining the internet. How they are going, you know, it's becoming this epidemic of people that go through and they get just pure enjoyment on pushing people off the cliff. So in the past, like over 10 years ago, it was like the internet was, you know, tried a lot of intellectuals and people that were, wow, we can share all this information and I can learn from people across the globe. And there was a lot more of that going on. Well, now it's become flooded. Everybody's on there. Social media starting to take over. And now you're starting to get these people that enjoy the
Starting point is 00:22:12 bullying and the pranking and all that stuff so much. So the, so they go out of the way to look for these people that are, oh, man, I'm so, you know, depressed and sad. And instead of picking them up and lifting them up, it turns into this like trying to push them off the edge and shit. And it's really, it's really, it's really, it is. It is. But it's horrible. It's real. And I just wanted to point that out because it goes along the lines with what you're
Starting point is 00:22:37 saying right now, if not allowing that to tie to anything like, if someone gets on my page and tells me I should jump off a cliff, I don't give a fuck. You know what I'm saying? Like it, but hey, if you're somebody who has attached themselves to this, this Instagram and you believe your likes and your comments is a representation of who you are. Oh, bad. Well, isn't that? I mean, it's, it's crazy because like you have your physical presence that used to be your identity was used your physical presence.
Starting point is 00:23:02 That's a good point. And now it's, it's so much more than that. And it's so much more you have to manage. So I would say if you don't have a good handle on all that, you should really limit the amount of exposure you have on the internet. Well, here's it. You just what reminds me of,
Starting point is 00:23:16 I don't remember the exact quote, but it was Hicks and Gracie. Do you guys know Hicks and Gracie is? So he's probably one of the best. Yeah, legendary Gigi Two fighters from the legendary presenter Gigi Two, Gracie is. So he's probably one of the best. Yeah, legendary Jiu Jitsu fighters from the legendary Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gracie family. And someone interviewed him and said, you know, gosh, you're a fighting legend. Like, man, like, how do you feel? People must come up to you and challenge you all the time. Like, don't you feel like you don't you have to you must get in fights and stuff all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And Hicksons like, no, it doesn't bother me. The guy's like, well, how can I not bother you? And he goes, how would you feel if a three-year-old child came up to you and threatened to beat you up? He goes, you would have no fear. You would have no anger because you're confident. It's a three-year-old. What are they gonna do to you?
Starting point is 00:23:57 And it made me realize, like, it's that kind of calm confidence. Like when you're on your social media, you're doing your business, you're doing what you're doing. And people come on there and they'll make a negative comment about your appearance or they'll make a negative comment about your clothes or they'll talk shit about whatever has nothing to do with you. That isn't you. That's everything that has
Starting point is 00:24:17 everything to do with them. The second I look at that person who I don't fucking know and I really don't care. And they're saying this negative thing to me. And I start to like get angry with it or I start to own it. Like I'm owning it now. There's no reason for me to own it. Like they're going to say what they're going to say. And it's like, that has nothing to do with me. That has everything to do. So they're enjoyment. They're enjoyment is to get some kind of reaction. And it's that calm confidence that well, I've told you guys is that anytime somebody says something at all, I ride away,
Starting point is 00:24:47 especially if it's a negative or it's hurtful or my initial reaction is not an emotional one of fuck you or, oh, I can't believe it. It's like, I actually, there's a, I actually pity that person where I feel bad for that person because I know that's a reflection of themselves. You know, anytime somebody makes a jab or a common, it or a comment, it's a reflection of their own insecurities. And to me, it's glaring. If you find the need to point out a flaw or point something out to someone like that, I ride away and go like, oh man, that poor kid or this poor guy or girl has a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:25:18 going on inside of them. They feel the need that they want to put me down to make themselves feel better. And to me, I just shake my head. And, you know, if you really want to be a dick, you can point that out. But most times, you know, I just let it slide because I think like they have so much to work on. And I'm most certainly not going to let them stop my stride in my day. You know, so these, that's how you become what you're talking about. And that's a process.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It's a process I'm still going through and I'm still working on. But it, it turns you, it makes you bullet proof. And if you truly want to be bullet proof, and by the way, yes, this is still, we're still on a fitness podcast, but this completely, this completely relates to how you become with your own fitness and health is when you truly become confident and calm in yourself with who you are, and you become bulletproof, your fitness and health and longevity, and all these other things that we talk about, they take on,
Starting point is 00:26:09 and it becomes effortless. It just takes on a life of its own, and you notice that you no longer punish yourself with food and exercise, and these things don't bother you because you have that calm, calm, fresh, shoulders. It's just no problem. I think it's very important and very tied to health and fitness. I mean, when you're talking about too often,
Starting point is 00:26:31 we tie health and fitness to aesthetics and how we look, and then what other people think of how whatever the people expectations are for you and your process and all this kind of shit. Who cares about everybody else? Dude, the biggest thing you can get is to figure out like where you are and what you wanna accomplish personally and you just stay true to that.
Starting point is 00:26:53 True, and you know what? This is hilarious because literally this morning, so I'm going to, I'm going to, you know, I work out in the mornings now. And the place we go to, you know, club sport, fantastic locker room, amazing steam room, just a great area to chill, there's a lounge in there, whatever. And it's interesting, because I find myself less and less,
Starting point is 00:27:14 I feel less and less modest, what people, the term people use. But what I mean by that is, I don't care as much if I'm totally naked, you know, while I'm changing or whatever. And I find it to be... Very good, again, Doug. I know. I find it, no, I'll tell you know, while I'm changing or whatever. And I find it to be. I know I find it. No, I'll tell you something. This is funny.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I find it very freeing. And it's not an exhibition. Well, I'm not showing anything off, but I find that I care less and less about if people are going to look at me or whatever. And I for a second, I took my mind. I was thinking about this this morning and I was at how freeing it felt. And it made sense to me why people will do shit like that, like go to a nude beach or because it's a very freeing thing to feel that where you're confident and not
Starting point is 00:27:55 feeling judged because if you think about it, if we strip everything down, some of the most basic things that we feel, you know, self conscious about, it's our appearance. We feel so self conscious about our appearance to the point where there's an entire billion dollar industry around clothes and covering yourself up and that you know there's a very free element to to it and it makes sense to me now why nudist colonies is not not saying that you're gonna go do that but I'm just saying it makes sense to me I think these people are just exhibition is I think I agree but it makes total sense I agree but I think it's just cause we're getting old. Maybe that's what happened. Maybe that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Just beyond. It goes back to the zero fucks. Yeah, it's less and less. That's it. Shh. Hiya. Oh god. I forgot it's coming.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah, it's coming. Shh. We call. We go ahead and play a bit. We call it Mara Quas. Today's Quas being brought to you by Queen Coffee Go ahead and play a bit Cymera Claw Today's Claw has been brought to you by Kine-Marikoffee It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, color, and more focused buzz without the crash
Starting point is 00:28:56 Put the Kine-Marik at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpa Checkout for 10% off It's the motherfucking squad. An English landed! Quijo. Our first question is from Henning BCKHS. He's asking about what your thoughts are on electro-stim training as a replacement to normal training. Awful idea.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, so I read, so the whole post was he was saying how it's like a really big thing in Germany. Let me get a cattle prod and fucking poke me in the ass and see if your glutes grow. He let me know. Zap your daily. I do that for fun. Hey, look, your glutes are getting bigger. That's why my ass keeps twitching.
Starting point is 00:29:40 So he said it's this new thing in Germany. It seems to be popular. Two things, number one, it's's this new thing in Germany. It seems to be popular. Two things, number one, it's not a new thing. Stim has been around forever. You'll see it being used regularly and physical therapy. Yeah, for the most part. Yeah, and all it is is they'll place a pad on your leg,
Starting point is 00:30:00 for example, hook it up to some batteries. That then they'll send electric current to the muscle, which causes it to involuntarily contract. The stronger the current, the stronger the contraction for the muscle. Could it replace normal training? No, not even close. Where's the near muscular connection? You're not telling the muscle to contract.
Starting point is 00:30:22 You're not controlling that response. You're not controlling other muscles around it. You're not controlling that response. You're not controlling other muscles around it. You're not using it in a functional way. You're not moving it within a full range of motion because remember, muscles adapt in pretty specific ways. So if I only contract my muscle involuntarily in this one position, I may get better at contracting in that one position. It's very narrow.
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's very narrow the scope of where, you know what this reminds me of like, maybe somebody manipulating my legs and like moving my legs so I could be a better runner. Right. That's good enough. Oh, he's picking up my legs and I got the perfect gate and stride.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Okay, now I'm gonna go race. Yeah, no. It's like, it's not gonna work out very well. No, but now here's where you, here's what I see there being benefit. Yeah, no. It's like it's not gonna work out very well. No, but now here's where you, here's what I see there being benefit. Yeah, as I say, there is definitely benefit. There's benefit in that if you have some kind of an injury or such poor recruitment that you just simply,
Starting point is 00:31:14 and this happens when people get injured, they can't, like, like I hurt my knee, it's been in a cast, whatever I got surgery, I can't flex my quad. Like nothing, I just cannot activate this muscle. Even if I try and push, but my knee is still hurting so bad that I can't do any exercise, I can't flex it or whatever, then I can put the stim on there
Starting point is 00:31:33 and it'll get the muscle to flex. It'll minimize atrophy. It'll minimize atrophy and it gives me, it gives me familiar with that feeling of firing that muscle. Like okay, I can feel it firing, I know what it means to feel like. I could see maybe some benefit to, like let's say you have really poor glute recruitment,
Starting point is 00:31:54 but here's how you would have to use it now. This would be a major no pun intended pain in the ass, but you'd have to get the stem machine, bring it with you to the gym, attach it to your glutes, fire it for five minutes, then do another movement like a hip thrust or something where you continue to feel the muscle, and then progress from there. And we make Adam do this in a video.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I love you. I'm gonna fuck off. You know what I'd wanna do? I wanna have it on one butt cheek, just so we can see that one lift and drop. Which in majestic. So I have a stem machine that I bought. And I do, I actually was just talking to Trina one
Starting point is 00:32:30 and one ordered. Yeah, this is what I did it with. I would put them on my calves at night, trying to just give more frequency, more volume. Did you really? I did and I would work out on top of our dosage. And I really didn't do anything. But I did notice that when I use it
Starting point is 00:32:45 on areas of my body that were tight, that it would help almost relax them. Because it would, I use it more like a manual massage. Yes. So I use it a lot of my traps and my shoulders that get a lot of over usage, and I'll put it in certain areas that it almost relied,
Starting point is 00:33:03 almost feels like a massage because it's just kind of lightly firing that muscle gets the kind of blood flowing in that area and stuff. I find it more useful for that. The only other reason why I'd ever use it are recommended to clients is just like you said, if it injury, we can't lip she just had, you know, ACL or full knee reconstruction, the next two months, we're not going to be doing anything related to a squat or anything serious, throwing it on the quad or whatever to help
Starting point is 00:33:30 with atrophy. I think it slows down. Yeah, and you're still going to get atrophy, but it'll help minimize it more. Yeah. But is gains from it? No, get the fuck out of here. No. You know, I think you can e-stem yourself for 24 hours straight, five days a week, and
Starting point is 00:33:44 then you can go squat one day, and you'll get more gains, more muscle gains than you will from an e-stem machine all day. I could, I would be interested in seeing, like, what if we got, and I don't know if anyone's ever done this, but, you know, let's say I'm gonna go do a bench press, put some steam on my pecs, and make it contract with my positive portion of the wrap. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And the relax just I don't know just to see what would happen. That sounds like a fucking cramp. That's a. I don't know. I'd be interested to see if that does anything. But I so it's so like work intensive. There's so many moving parts that I don't, I don't think it'd be worth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I think you would throw you off more than that would be that would be kind of fun to to test that. I would be interested to see to test that I would be Interested to see what happened. I don't see it working or helping much though. I think you would throw you off You can buy these they're gonna buy in pretty cheap on Amazon. I got two to five hundred bucks or something No, no, no, I got one for 40 bucks. No way. Yeah, 40 50 bucks. It's really yeah, it's just one unit and had four pads while they've Got really cheap. They're super cheap dude Have I look I'm a Tucket trainer
Starting point is 00:34:45 They recycle they recycle these fricking stupid fitness You know devices all the time it's gonna happen again the fucking belt you're around your waist and it does the stem on your Abs every fucking 10 years that shit comes out new works at your abs while you're just sitting there It's like yeah, no that they've been coming out with that shit since the 70s, so it's not new. I'm waiting for the one that just shakes my fucking fat off. Yeah. They have it already.
Starting point is 00:35:13 They do have that already. I know, I just wanna buy it. Silly as fuck. Kierce is asking, what do you guys think about Saunas and Steam Rooms to promote health recovery and performance? Well, we've been sitting in some steam rooms after our cats lately.
Starting point is 00:35:28 We've been steaming. I'll start with a little anecdote because now I have access to a steam room. And now that I've been doing it regularly, a couple of things I've noticed. I haven't noticed anything in terms of recovery, but I noticed my skin is really starting to take on a new look. It feels and looks a little bit healthier.
Starting point is 00:35:51 So I think because it's encouraging circulation, and encouraging sweating, or whatever, I think steam in general probably does that to skin. I feel like it helps my breathing a little bit, like just taking in a lot of steam. Oh, dude, in your sinuses. Oh my god Oh, it's great. That's the best benefit. I could well especially when you go to the ones like we get where they actually have the the eucalyptus Oh in the in there right inside the steam so it can feel it when it goes through. Yes clears me out
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah, so I've noticed my skin looks a little bit different and then what I do is I go from the steam to the shower and I go straight to cold water Well, let's talk about it and I feel invigorated I feel really I almost get get this little boost of energy. Eyes are all like crazy dilated. I just feel really good, but here's my views on the health and recovery and performance and longevity, you know, potentials. Anytime you see something that,
Starting point is 00:36:40 because do we have the science that supports the use of sauna steam rooms, cold dips for longevity? Some science points to it, and then some science shows, maybe not. However, any time, and the reason why I'm doing this is I've learned my lesson, I've learned my lesson now over and over again, that just because we don't have science right now supporting it,
Starting point is 00:37:02 doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't have benefit because I will use fasting. I will use fasting as an example. Fasting has been used by cultures for thousands and thousands of years, has been heralded by hypocritees and all these ancient healers and all these Chinese medicine,
Starting point is 00:37:21 all these forms of medicine that are far older than Western medicine who have advocated fasting fasting and for the longest time We've had zero science supporting it in fact doctors and Western medicine said no, it's bullshit Fasting you don't need to cleanse or whatever your body does a great job of it eat regularly It doesn't it delivers for and now we're getting science supporting yeah the fasting really backing up the anecdote Well going in steam, going in sauna, going in really cold water has been used for thousands of years by cultures that have no contact with each other,
Starting point is 00:37:53 cultures that have no influence of each other. So basically, what I'm saying is, you've got this culture over here that's 10,000 years old, and they've been doing hot stones in a T.P. And there's cultures over here that are doing dry sauna,. And there's cultures over here that are doing dry sauna. And then there's cultures over here that are doing steam. And they're not even related to each other. They somehow came to the conclusion themselves that there's health and longevity benefits to it.
Starting point is 00:38:15 There's probably something to it. It's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so. It's like it's the same thing with like overcoming Environmental stress. So if you think of this as an external environmental change that you're overcoming like Why wouldn't that affect your body in a certain way if it's affected my core temperature? If it's affected my skin temperature if it's affecting the way that you know my blood flows and like my body's Challenged in a different way. I would feel that there had to be some sort of Well, we just talked about this on a recent episode about any sort of like, you know, exercise. It's a temporary stress and, you know, and you said, man, I think I'm having, you said this in the episode,
Starting point is 00:38:54 I think I'm having an epiphany right now that, is it, could it be possible that any stress, any temporary stress applied properly? Yeah, applied properly actually has, like you said, no sleep. Like we talk how important sleep is, but maybe having a day where you don't sleep one day, you know, like that temporary stress, maybe that would actually have all these benefits
Starting point is 00:39:14 that come along with it. And I would, I would, Hey, totally dude. Yeah, totally. I would venture to say that the, the putting yourself in a fucking soup in an oven, you know, putting yourself in an oven for 15 minutes, occasionally, would for sure a boat.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Dude, I'm shocked, like I get, again, it shocks me how consistent the concepts of adaptation are for across the board on every board. Yeah. Because here's what I know. I know exercise very, very, very well. And here's what I know with exercise. It's a stress on every floor. Across the fucking board. Yeah, because here's what I know I know exercise very very very well and here's what I know with exercise It's a stress on the body apply it properly and the body will adapt to that stress by getting stronger getting healthier getting more fit If I apply that stress
Starting point is 00:39:58 Wrong by over applying the stress like if I go lift weights and I just beat the shit out of myself I go to failure and every set and I just hammer myself, I overcome my body's ability to adapt and all my bodies worried about is recovering and sometimes it can't even keep up with that. Now let's take that and let's apply it towards... Lassana. ...tourds, let's start with fasting. Sorry. ...let's apply it towards fasting. You know, I'm really good at fasting. That means I can
Starting point is 00:40:24 fast for 48 hours and I feel okay. But let's say you've never fasted before and you're used to eating really poorly and frequently. Is it 48 hour fast? Gonna be too much of a stress? You'll be miserable. It's gonna be too much of a stress. It's just like a sauna.
Starting point is 00:40:38 You never sit in a sauna before. Thank you. Is it necessary for you to go at 200 degrees for 10 minutes? Like no, like, you're used to the hottest day You know it is it necessary for you to go 200 degrees for 10 minutes like no like There's no you're used to the hottest day what hits 105 maybe hottest ever your body ever ever feels and that 90% of time You're in a fucking AC room. Well, I was just gonna say in the past when I've used the sauna I've got negative benefit results from it where I feel dizzy I feel the thargic afterwards and the reason was because I would go in a Saw in our steam room in the past and my goal was to push it right like I'd sit in there
Starting point is 00:41:08 be like okay, you know same way hard work out. Yes, same way people train the body right Yeah, I was guilty of the same thing bro. It's fucking that's why I said it was an epiphany to me Yeah, so now I treat it like exercise like I go in there I challenge myself a little bit Yeah, and then I get out and what I find is with the frequency that little by little, I'm comfortable, I'm more and more comfortable hanging out and they're a little longer, moving around a little longer and I'm noticing health benefits. Again, it's anecdote, but that's what I'm noticing now. Same thing with the cold shower right afterwards.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I used to go into cold shower after the steam room and it was fucking shocking. Now I go into the cold and it's like, I can kind of handle it. I feel like my body's starting to adapt to these changes in temperature and it was fucking shocking. Now I go in the call and it's like, I can kind of handle it. I feel like my body's starting to adapt to these changes in temperature and it's gotta have some positive effects on my health and I can feel them. And like I said, it's been in these cultures for so long,
Starting point is 00:41:54 shit in the Nordic countries, like in Iceland, it's their culture. Yeah, that polar bear club or whatever, they would all jump in and they dig know, they dig a hole basically in the frozen lake and they all jump in for, you know, 10 minutes or so. I think it's important to know too that simple adaptations like that too are, you know, like working out anything else over done and the more consistent you use it, the less the change and benefits you're also going to notice too.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Like let's say you decided to do the sauna every single day for the last year. What you felt and saw from it in the first month or two as far as the change and the health benefits are going to diminish by the year. Your body adapts to it. It's become adapted to it and now it's easy. I'm saying so I don't know. These type of things I love to because I utilize it for, and I like to intermittently put it in there versus, you know, I read a little bit of something and it goes, oh wow, there must be benefits to this. I'm gonna do this all the time,
Starting point is 00:42:53 which is what I feel like people do, or I'm gonna take it to the next level. Oh, the sauna's beneficial. They say, you know, good 10 to 12 minutes, I'm gonna do 15, you know, oh, they say, you know what I'm saying? Like, that is such the mentality of us as humans is like, we find out that there's a little bit of good of something.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And then we then we want to take it to the extreme thinking that we're going to get more benefits by pushing it further and harder. No, it's about changing things. Paul Ryan 1987 is asking the best way to stay lean year round, taking into account metabolic adaptation, slash damage, and the use of macro management and adaptation. What a great segue into this question. This is actually related to the last question we just talked about with the Son and Steam Room, and like what Adam said about, you know, not doing it all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And let me explain what I'm talking about. The best way to stay lean your round. Let's consider this. Should you... First, can we address the people that think they're lean your round and they're like, can we say that? Or we wanna wait, save that. Oh, let's say, well, no, I know where you're going.
Starting point is 00:43:56 We'll save that for a second. Okay. But here's the thing. There's a... Backloaded pictures. I want you, if you're listening right now and you in fitness is something you're passionate about in longevity.
Starting point is 00:44:08 In other words, you're not just training for one specific event and then never training again. You want to be able to do this for the rest of your life. If you're that person, hear me out. Rather than giving yourself like this lean body fat percentage that you need to stay at year round, give yourself a range. Give yourself a range of where you're gonna allow your body to be. And that range should be, it could be 10 pounds.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It could be 15 pounds. And here's why, the human body did not adapt in a constant state of everything being exactly the same. The human body evolved in states of famine and feast, in states of cold and hot, in states of eating seasonally. This food is growing right now. Well, I mean, humans are opportunistic eaters.
Starting point is 00:44:58 This is why we're omnivores. This is why we can eat so many fucking different things because we almost went extinct many times and we learned to eat what was there. Sometimes, tree with fruit. Guess what I'm gonna eat right now? Tree with fruit. Sometimes, no fruit.
Starting point is 00:45:12 All I have is this fatty salmon that I can catch. So I'm gonna eat that. Some bugs. Bugs, you know, whatever. If I have food, I'm gonna eat it. I'm gonna gain a little bit of weight. If I don't have food, I'm not gonna eat as much. I'm gonna gain a little bit of weight. If I don't have food, I'm not going to eat as much. I'm going to get a little leaner.
Starting point is 00:45:26 So when you're thinking about staying lean your round, I want you to give yourself this buffer and range that you allow yourself to be within because constantly trying to stay at 9%, 8% body fat, or if you're a female, 15%, 16% body fat, will not contribute to longevity in any good way. If anything it will contribute to poor body image it will contribute to issues with food where you need to control everything in a certain way. It'll take away from your life rather than contribute to life. That being said,
Starting point is 00:45:59 the best way to stay lean within a range, your round is to keep health and longevity on the forefront. Make that your ultimate goal. The way you do that is, you know, by cycling things, like, I do find that my body does well, and this is for me personally, with relatively low carbohydrate intake. However, I do also understand that having that metabolic flexibility gives me benefits to my health. I make sure to include them on occasion, and I do make sure to include things like a day
Starting point is 00:46:34 where I just vegan or a day where I'll include some starch or I'll have some fruit. This is a food that's in season. I'm going to throw some of this in there. And through doing that throughout the year, you'll end up finding that you're able to stay healthy and relatively lean year round, and it's not a struggle all the time. And it's a good relationship with all these different things. And it's not, you're not worried about this one period of time, like I got to get in shape for this one event or one, you know, one of the pool.
Starting point is 00:47:04 It's just, it's just like that always. Well, I'm glad you said that because I think for this one event or one, you know, one of the pool, it's just, it's just like that always. Well, I'm glad you said that because I think that people are always asking us, you know, what diet are you guys on or how do you eat or you'd be really surprised on how inconsistent we are with what we do, you know, we're aware of. There's certain things we're consistent with, but a lot of things we're not inconsistency with. Yeah. Yes, you know, and but there's never like this diet or regimen that one of us is always following, like whether
Starting point is 00:47:29 be ketogenic or vegetarian or carb cycling or none of us are like doing that nonstop. Like there's all these benefits to all those things. There's a benefit to carb cycling. There's a benefit to ketogenic. There's a benefit to vegetarian. There's benefits of intermittent fasting and we intermittently incorporate all of them into our nutrition regimen.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I wanted to point out that a lot of people think that there's the social media stuff with like all these, you know, pro at my peers, right? Fucking drives me nuts. Most of these motherfuckers don't look like this most of the time. They don't look we know a lot of them. Yeah, they don't know they don't know they do they save a shit ton of photos. Yes, I've when they were shredded. They look like I look right now, you know, I look all right. I look like I work out, but I don't look fucking shredded. You know, I walk around,
Starting point is 00:48:19 you know, at my best, I think you're six years like this, but anyway, thank you. Yeah, you know, I walk around at my best six percent and what I mean by at my best, I'm not talking about stage. I mean off stage, off season between six to 10% body fat. I'm riding that range. And it's a very manageable body fat percentage for me. Six is much, much harder. The more realistically is that seven to nine range.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It's pretty easy. Pretty easy meaning I don't have to track and log everything. I make healthy choices. I include my intermittent fasting. I stay on my weightlifting routine. It allows me this little bit of flexibility and I can still manage myself in good shape. When you see these pro athletes that look like they're fucking shredded year-round. They are not looking like that year-round.
Starting point is 00:49:07 They have taken photos and videos like crazy when they are completely shredded and they just have a library of how do I know that because I fucking have the same thing. I just choose not to do that. I've got at least 100 to 200 photos and videos that no one's ever seen that I took like crazy when I was shredded and I just don't do that I don't I don't like I don't like giving that perception to people I think that mine pump represents the opposite of that and you know the the peers that I work with or work around and and deal with like Dude those guys are and most of them are actually more extreme than I am. They get way out, way out of shape and off season, and carry a bunch of body,
Starting point is 00:49:47 and then they go to the other extreme. So, you know, you don't wanna try and maintain that. It, like Sal said, I think it creates a very unhealthy relationship with one, your body image, and then also with food. It's, it shouldn't be like that, you know? So, No, if you're a guy, if you're a guy,
Starting point is 00:50:04 and you're constantly like, okay, I wanna stay 7% all the time, or 6% all the time, even if you were to do it right, you know. My friend. Yes, that's right. Well, even if you were to do it right, even if you were to stay at 6% or 7%, you're around and you were, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:21 trying to do it right and what I mean my right is you're, you know, you're trying to eat this way and that. Just maintaining that lean of a body fat percentage for that long without letting it fluctuate is probably not good for you. You probably want to show your body that it can have a little bit more sometimes that I can fluctuate a little bit. I notice detrimental effects. I'll say to myself like it's time to do what I call a mini bulk, I hate to use word bulk, but I'll start to notice detrimental effects where I think I need more calories,
Starting point is 00:50:50 I need to eat a little bit more, and then there'll be times when, you know, like right now, I'm like, I just don't need much, and I feel good right now, and you just gotta be smart enough to be able to do that, and give yourself that buffer. For me, it's a weight buffer, more than body fat percentage, we're all say, okay, I like to stay between,
Starting point is 00:51:04 you know, 188 to 195 195 pounds is like, right, I like to tend to stay and let myself kind of fluctuate. I think that's one of the keys. Yeah. Well, I definitely, we talk a lot about the mini bulk and mini cut, you know, is allowing yourself. And we, and people say, well, what's the optimal time? And, you know, we've had debates of, you know, two four week range, somewhere in there that you should stay on the mini boat.
Starting point is 00:51:26 But that doesn't mean there hasn't been a time where I'm in a surplus for longer than that, or I'm in a deficit for longer than that. But it's just being aware of that, being self-aware of how long you've been eating this way and continuing to confuse the body. I'll give you an example, which is happening this weekend.
Starting point is 00:51:43 So Thursday I took off from Thursday all the way till Sunday. I was out of town with my best friend who was getting married and you know, there was drinking involved, there was cake involved, there was eating out involved, there was lack of activity and exercise involved. So I definitely, you know definitely let my body go for the last four or five days. And I'm very aware, I mean last night was so last night Katrina, we get home and we're like, hey, we're back on our routine and regimen come Monday. What do you wanna have for like your last, Haral, we piled a last bit of shit
Starting point is 00:52:20 on what we've been doing already. Well, let's go get some pizza. So we had pizza last night. And I literally got up at one, then at three, then five in this morning on the toilet. And just my stunt. And then today, I'm just not right today. People, a lot of people just ignore those signals.
Starting point is 00:52:41 They feel that they ignore it. And I most certainly can go today and I can keep piling on the shit and soon my body will get adapted to it. They're looking like a pile of shit. And then soon you're right. And soon my body will start to tell me that it will get adapted to allowing all that shit in there. And then I'll stop getting the signals and then it will feel fine and it will feel good and I'll be okay. And then and this is what happens to people.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Do not ignore those signals. If you've been eating good, you've been eating clean, you decide to enjoy yourself a little bit. By all means, do that. Be human, allow that. There's lots of positives that happen to that. You create that. If you're not craving nutrients and like healthy,
Starting point is 00:53:19 like whole foods, that's something you better address. Yes, you've adapt. If you, like, exactly, if you never want a big ass salad, you never want fruit, you never something you better address. Yes, you've adapted, if you, like, exactly, if you never want a big ass salad, you never want fruit, you never want any of these nutrient dense foods, that's because you've been eating a lot of shit and you've let your body at your tap. Chances are you're walking around
Starting point is 00:53:36 and you look like a pile of shit. It's just nicely put right there. But there's something to be said about allowing them metabolic flexibility, so allowing yourself to kind of detour for a day or two or whatever, but then also not ignoring the signals that your body gives you as feedback. Because if you do ignore them, you continue on that track. Trust me, the body will also get adapted to eating pizza and fucking ice cream every night. And then sooner or later, you're on this fucking train that ain't stopping man. Well look, health also has a lot to do with social health, your mental health, your relationship with your partner,
Starting point is 00:54:12 your friends, like you were at an event. What was the event, your friend got married? Friend got married. This is a social health event. This is not about you being fit. You're not there working out, you're not there, you know, trying to nourish your body with nutrients. You're there to nourish your relationships with your friend and your family. And that means you drink alcohol. You eat, you know, your party. You have a good time. I did the same fucking thing this weekend. It's funny. You brought that up like, yes, I partied this weekend. I partied this weekend. That's high five. But I tell you what, it was because I was nourishing the relationships.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I was nourishing, you know, the people I was around. I told everybody I'm nourishing this moment with you guys. Yeah, it's no, I mean, that's part of being healthy, but like Adam says, then pay attention to those signals and then realize that, okay, now it's time to, you know, nourish my body, my health, my mind. And the funny thing is too knowing what I know, I can mitigate some of the damage caused by some of that stuff. So for example, if I know I'm going to eat or drink, I'm going to drink lots of alcohol,
Starting point is 00:55:19 I will do things that I know protect my brain. I will make sure that I'll be in ketosis leading up to it because I know ketones are neuroprotective. I'll use neutropics, you know, chameracoffee's got neutropics in it, some really, really good ones that I know are neuroprotective. So I'll make sure to have, you know, some of that in the morning and I'll put some MCT oils in there so I can, again, have those ketones. I may do things like I'll take a little bit of melatonin at night because the melatonin
Starting point is 00:55:47 I know is got some neuro protective properties and I know it'll help me sleep and so I'll Mitigate some of the damage, but I'm not gonna like you know be at this party and say to me I'm not going nuts with it and the reason why I'm not going nuts is for the same reason like if I go crazy with the drinking and the food Then it becomes about the drinking and the food. I'm at this event, or I'm hanging out with this person or these people, and I'm because I want to build this part of my health, which is the relationships I have with them. So I, two ways I can go that can be wrong.
Starting point is 00:56:17 One way is I could be like, no, fuck that. I need to be lean and not, it just be super, super, super strict. Now I'm not catering. Now I'm not taking care of that health part of me, the social health part of me, or I can go the opposite direction and be like, I'm with my friends, I'm gonna go fucking nuts, I'm gonna eat everything and drink everything.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Well, now it's not about being with my friends, it's not about nourishing those relationships. It's about, again, other food. It's about me going ape shit with the food. So really, it's just being, you know, you have to go in there and understand the type of health that you're fostering there. It was about my friends and family.
Starting point is 00:56:51 It wasn't all about the drinking and the eating, but it was, I allowed those things to happen. You know, you loosen up with the alcohol, you have a great time, you make those connections. And that's it. Yep. This next question is from Watch Me Take It. This is on red, too.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, red take what? Is this our mind pumping channel? Like a cucumber, or what are we talking about here? God. This person is asking, how do you guys balance out giving free content and making living and paying the bills? We haven't figured that out yet. Yeah, this is a work in progress.
Starting point is 00:57:29 What a perfect question. Okay, so I'm gonna just air shit out a little bit. Yeah, like we always do. You put our laundry out there. Why not? Literally before we... Can we start a GoFundMe account for a second before you say all this?
Starting point is 00:57:41 Exactly. Before we started recording this episode, we're in here and we're discussing, we're talking about our revenue and production and what we're doing and how there's certain things we're doing very right and some things we're not doing very right. And so Doug, Doug is definitely the one that kind of, you pays attention to the more organizational type of stuff. So he's basically outlining how bad we are
Starting point is 00:58:06 at the certain sides of the business, inventory, and tracking this and tracking that. And you know, it's good because we realize that we've done as well as we've done just because we love to give, we love to give information and some of our talent. But it's also good though, because we're realizing
Starting point is 00:58:25 there's a lot of stuff that we're missing. Yeah, we can improve. That we're missing and that we can improve upon. But at the end of the day, here's the thing. At the end of the day, if we're going to be totally honest with ourselves, what really excites us and really makes us passionate is impacting people. And the nature of the beast is lots and lots and lots of free content.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Now, if I take it a step further, if I wanna analyze that from a business perspective, it's also smart business because the more free shit we give out, the more like our YouTube channel, let me tell you something right now. We only have, as of the time recording this, I don't know, 1,400 people subscribe. We just started
Starting point is 00:59:05 our YouTube channel. It's mind-pumped TV. Only 1400 people right now. It's growing pretty rapidly, but if you look at it, you look at the, you can tell the quality and the information we're putting out, and it's we're not getting anything for it. We want to give that as much information as possible. We want it to be really good. We want it to represent us. But we also know business wise that that free content will come back to us in more of an impact, more of a following, more of people listening to us, being in people's ear more, being in front of people's eyes more. So really, the nature of the beast nowadays is you got to be really, really good at giving out free content before you could ever expect to make a dime.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah. Because it's hard to make a dime without that. Well, it's being growth-minded, too. Like, a lot of people, I feel like that sort of famine mentality of, you know, most of these businesses you'll see. Like, so people that are doing things and selling supplements or promoting certain things, there's a shelf life on that. And they feel it and they know that, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:13 they have to hustle as hard as they can to squeeze as much out of everybody as they possibly can in order to, you know, make this a success and basically write off and do something else. Well, this is what we're doing. This is what we're doing long term. And what we're doing is we're trying to provide as much information as we can to then attract different types of people.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Everybody has something else that led them to our show. And we feel like the more opportunities we can place out there to attract a different kind of person to get into what we're trying to do, you know, we find that as a win. So if you become a, you know, a listener of ours and you want to then try and contribute to what we're doing, like that's where we get the benefit reward thing going on. And also we provide programs that are specific. So a lot of our information, it's kind of shotguned out there. You're going to find a lot of great information
Starting point is 01:01:09 on the podcast, you're going to find a lot of information on the videos and all that. But how do you put it all together in a nice, tight, uniform, sort of fashion? Well, we thought of that too, but that's what we have to sell. That's the thing that once you trust in what we're talking about, once you see all the effort and information that we've put into this, that's really where you can can see it presented to you in the fashion that we want through our program. Well, being straightforward too, like, and very blunt, and
Starting point is 01:01:43 Lane Norton said this, and I've said this like quote I think a couple times on the podcast that you know success is the battle of attrition and that couldn't be more true in what we're doing you know first of all when we entered all this the four of us were very successful entrepreneurs outside of mind pump so that helps helps a lot. Let's be honest. I mean, if we were four guys that all got together and said, hey, let's build this business and we all were, weren't making very much money or weren't very successful beforehand, it would be very, very challenging to have done what we've done right now. We've given, we didn't pay our, we didn't give ourselves our, and everyone's probably cringing right now in the room is I'm about to share some of
Starting point is 01:02:28 our finances. But we didn't pay ourselves any money for the entire first year. And the first time we paid ourselves was in January, it was $1,000. And you can't fucking make it. You can't make any money off of, or you can't make a living off of a debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. to debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. to debt. To debt. To debt. To debt.
Starting point is 01:02:49 To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt.
Starting point is 01:02:56 To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. To debt. that gives you an idea that it took a year before we could even give ourselves a fucking dime. So you can't just expect to get into something like this and okay, we're going to be turning revenue the next day. We also knew that, you know, we had to create ourselves as an authority, which required, like, you can't just come out because, and this is what I don't like. I don't like when you see PhDs or people come out there and they just, you know, I went through all the schooling, I am authority and buy what I have to sell you. Like we don't have that, right?
Starting point is 01:03:32 None of us are PhDs in here. So we had to build that credibility through giving out free information for a long time and a lot of it. We've had to drown people with help and giving and giving and giving and giving. Now that we've created this following of people among all of our social media platforms, now it makes it a lot easier to ask.
Starting point is 01:03:55 So once you've given so much that people, and we get this feedback a lot, so I mean, being straightforward, a lot of people that have purchased things for us, some people will buy things and they're just like, man, I feel like I need to buy from you guys because of how much you've helped me through free information. And so that makes it a lot easier to produce revenue or versus coming right out the gates and like, oh, we have all the stuff for sale and trying to convince people to buy, to buy, to buy. It's like, no, the approach was, let's give. Let's give, give, give. Man, I don't think we even, we didn't
Starting point is 01:04:28 even have a website up and running to where we even sold a single program for the first six months, right? Doggy. Is that something like that? The first six months or so? Yeah. First three or four months before we even had the first website up to where we even offered anything for sale. And we really didn't even start to push it that way with commercials and things on our show until almost a fucking year in. So we spent a lot of time knowing that we needed to give and that's the same thing with this YouTube channel,
Starting point is 01:04:54 like Sal said, like ultimately we hope that if we have as many listeners, many people that are listening to the podcast that actually go over to the YouTube, we'll get paid through ads and advertising through YouTube, and that's the ultimate goal. And that's one of the ways that those of you that are listening, that have enjoyed listening to the show and that we've helped out in any way,
Starting point is 01:05:13 I mean, not even asking for a dollar from you guys, you can help us by just going and subscribing and sharing. That's huge for us because when we start to get into the millions of people, then we can get YouTube's gonna fucking pay us. And other companies will pay us. We don't even need your money. We can continue to provide free service
Starting point is 01:05:29 and free information and free help. And that's really the model of what we're building is, is to drown people with information and content to where literally we put every fucker out of business because we deliver something that is better, more professional, more content for free for everybody, but in order for us to do that, I mean, we really need the help of all of our listeners to go on and listen and subscribe and share all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And for the most part, I feel like a lot of people have. We've gotten a lot, most, most all of this business has grown through word of mouth and sharing. We haven't paid big advertising. We haven't done a bunch of shit like that. And we've really relied on impacting people like Sal said and giving to people in hopes that, hey, and I feel that,
Starting point is 01:06:13 I feel most people, when you genuinely care and you generally give like we have with a true heart with good intentions, I think a good majority of people feel that and they want to give back and help it anyway. And I feel like a lot of where we're at and that balance of being able to make a living has come from that has come from people that truly want to support us. And we have a if you're not already on the forum, you get you get to hear us kind of express this more on there
Starting point is 01:06:40 because I really feel like the people that are on the forum have been with us for a long time. There's some of our biggest supporters. That's our OGs. It is. Those are some of our biggest supporters in what we do and we try our best to continue to give back and do express that, to express how much we value them and tell them that, man, you guys have really helped this business grow to where it's at. And to be honest, it's barely the beginning right now. What? It's fucking so much more coming. You honest, it's barely the beginning right now. This is fucking so much more coming. You know, it's funny, like training people, you know, having clients, I would always say this one thing to them
Starting point is 01:07:12 because inevitably people would get frustrated with their progress, they would get frustrated because either starting with me and my goal, and I'll be straight up with them and say, we're gonna get you healthy before we even think about losing your 30 pounds or before we even think about these cosmetic goals you have. We need to make you healthy first.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And so they would get frustrated sometimes because, you know, Sal, it's been three months, and I would always tell them, trust the process. Trust the process, you're doing everything right, and it's gonna happen. And of course, sure enough, before they knew it, they lost the 20 pounds of metabolism is faster they're feeling great better than they ever
Starting point is 01:07:48 have and the weight never came back on well you know same thing here like we're trusting the process and the process is to be who we are provide the information that we want you know provide that we want that we know will impact people in a positive way and that's the process we got to continue to pressure because that's what we can scroll and look at a positive way. And that's the process we gotta continue to pressure because that's what we'll make us grow. And look, at the end of the day, here's the bottom line guys. At the end of the day, if I just support myself,
Starting point is 01:08:13 if I can just support myself, and this is my job, I think I fucking succeeded. I have succeeded at life. Because I get to sit in here, bullshit with you guys, laugh, have a good time, do what I love I love talk to people and I can pay my bills I don't need more than that good stuff. Yeah lead out by helping people That's it. And if you want to help us go to mind pump media.com you can check out our programs there On that note on that note
Starting point is 01:08:40 Help us out please you can also leave us a five-star man got kids, man. Leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review, and we think it's one of the best ones, we'll get a free t-shirt. And of course, go to YouTube. Mind Pump TV, it's our new YouTube channel with some pretty awesome videos. We're getting a lot of good feedback on them right now,
Starting point is 01:08:58 so check it out. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at minepumpmedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:09:29 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. We thank you for your support and until next time this is Mindbump.

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