Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 372: Johnny Sebastian on Eating Keto, Contest Prep and Competing on the Olympia Stage

Episode Date: September 26, 2016

Johnny Sebastian is an IFBB pro who moved from competing in Men's Physique to Classics on the Olympia stage. Sal and Adam speak to Johnny about how he cuts and prepares for a show and his plans for th...e future. You can find Johnny on Instagram @johnnysebastian. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey listen, the RGB Super Bundle promotion is still going on right now at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle is Maps Antibolic, Maps Performance, and Maps aesthetic, 9 months of exercise programming. You enroll in that, get on our forum, and we will give you Maps anywhere, that's our Maps program, with no equipment required, for free. This promotion is not going gonna last very long. It's at mindpumpmedia.com. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind,
Starting point is 00:00:31 there's only one place to go. Mind, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So you're gonna hear us talk to a professional now, was it classic bodybuilder competitor? Well, Johnny's done Johnny Sebastian and he's done, he started at Bantamweight bodybuilding. The physique back in 2000, 2002, so he's been competing since 2002. 14 years. Yeah, so he was bodybuilder first, Bantamweight, then he went into men's physique and he just recently
Starting point is 00:01:03 competed at Olympia at men's classics. One of the best in the world. So yeah, it's one of the few guys who was actually done men's physique and gone to Olympia and then now done men's classic and gone to Olympia and his new goal, which you're going to hear on this episode, he's going to talk about actually taking a year off and growing and going into the 212 Flex Lewis big boy division and his ultimate goal is to be the first competitor ever to hit stage at men's physique, classic and now 212 bodybuilding at the Olympia stage. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:39 He's a good guy. We go way back with him. Me and Adam worked with him back in the day. We've known him forever. He's a local group in San Jose like we did. So super humble, super great guy. Super nice guy. We talked to him about his diet, his workouts, personal stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So without any further ado, you're going to hear us talking to Johnny Sebastian. Let's get into Olympia. You just got back. You just got back literally you flew in last night. Fluent last night. I got in around 730. Oh, how do you feel right now? Oh, dude. I mean, I just feel tired, you know drained Still dehydrated Didn't drink enough water out there, you know, I mean
Starting point is 00:02:19 Combination of eating all the food and then the pool part of the next day dude. What's that? So what's that on Instagram? It's got that little Snapchat feature now? Insta story. Okay. So I clicked on yours, okay? And it was 15 videos of food that you've been eating. And it was like, it ranged from like, fucking ice cream to like donuts to.
Starting point is 00:02:42 So this is my Insta story, right? So some of the craziest shit, it was all listed. Did you eat, you really ate all that stuff? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so let me ask you this, how much did you weigh in and how much did you end up gaining? Oh yeah, how much weight have you put on since stage time?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Oh man, I think I put on about 15 pounds already this morning. Oh no. Yeah. But you know it's a water weight, dude. I know, but it's hilarious. Oh, I don't know if all that water, actually, you know, it's a waterway, dude. I know, but it's hilarious. Oh, I don't know if all that's water Actually, you know, it's funny you bring that up because they've just they've talked about That post show because we're so sensitive to carbs and insulin sensitive because of how low you've been
Starting point is 00:03:16 Mm-hmm that Your body actually can put on a lot more body fat than than normal so you know in the past we would say that you know 3,500 calories or so is a pound of fat body fat than in the normal. So, you know, in the past, we would say that, you know, 3500 calories just shows a pound of fat. So you would think in your head like, okay, well, I didn't eat more than 10,000 calories today. So I couldn't possibly put on two more pounds of fat, but, you know, I believe Lane Norton actually
Starting point is 00:03:36 has done some cool studies on that, that it's actually not true, that because we are so sensitive, actually our body is ready to store, because we're so sensitive, because you've been pulling away the carbohydrates for so long. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Well, I have to be a little extra careful because I was doing keto for so long. Oh, yeah. And then... Yeah, so you're even more sensitive? Yeah, the only carbs I really had was whenever I would get a refeed. Whenever that would be like a week or two weeks, sometimes I would go like eight days, ten days without a refeed.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And my refeed would be pretty much like burger and fries. Yeah, that's pretty much it. That's all you needed. How did you feel going ketogenic? And first of all, are you one of the only bodybuilder competitors that does that now? Because low carb has always been a part of bodybuilder diet, but keto or ketogenic with a high fat hasn't really been a big thing.
Starting point is 00:04:27 One guy I can remember, who was the Dave Pulumbo? Did he do it a lot while ago? Yeah, he was kind of like one of the pioneers to really bring it into Bodybuilding. But he also did a shit ton of protein at the same time, which is a little different. I think he did if I'm not mistaken. He used to do a lot of protein. Now as he refined his program and diet He he did reduce it a little bit, but what did you just did you notice from doing that like because you didn't do that before right? This is the first time you know, yeah, well
Starting point is 00:04:52 I noticed that my body fat reduced and it lowered a lot fast. Oh really? Yeah, and I noticed that I didn't I didn't really lose muscle. Mm-hmm, you know But I definitely didn't gain any muscle. Sure. During the cut, which is normal, the only negative thing that I saw about it was that I constantly felt flat. You know, like during the gym, I didn't have that normal pump, you know, that great feeling of a pump during my workout.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And I, you know, immensely it was kind of hard to deal with, but, you know, I knew that after like a refeed day or something, the day after when I would workout, I'd feel like the pump would feel really good. Would you notice any differences with recovery? I've had people say things like they feel less sore or, you know, they don't get sore stiff or anything like that. No. Same.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Same. Yeah. But for me, the hardest part of my body to get lean is my legs, you know, like my quads and my boots and my hamstrings. Which is funny because I feel like you have a lot of muscle down. You have great legs.
Starting point is 00:05:54 So normally it's the only one when someone's kind of soft in there. You've got great legs so to, for the first place. So I have a, that's where I store a lot of body fat, you know? So that's always been the last place for me to go as far as lose. But when I used to carb cycle, I would never get that place lean, that's where I store a lot of body fat, you know? So that's always been the last place for me to go, as far as lose. But when I used to carb cycle,
Starting point is 00:06:06 I would never get that place lean, that area. But once I got on keto, you came shredded. Oh, wow. Wow, excellent. Do you find it easier for you to follow that? I found when I went keto, you know, to allow myself to have that much fat, I felt more satiated, I felt better
Starting point is 00:06:24 where when I'm carb cycling or I'm running like a low carb diet, I feel like I'm craving a lot and I'm like dying to have food. Or what keto I felt like it wasn't like you I've same exact thing. I noticed that I didn't have the same massive pumps, you know, it's flatter. So that kind of bothered me a little bit the mental side of it. But I didn't notice the crazy cravings. And when I carb cycle, I get those like dreams. I dream about sugars. And you know, did you notice that at all?
Starting point is 00:06:52 I noticed it. I still had the cravings. You know, even on keto, but I wasn't, you know, um, I didn't, what I noticed was I didn't have so many ups and downs in like blood sugar. I didn't feel tired and then energized and consistent. Yeah, it was more consistent even flow so Yeah, we did that we also had to do a lot of like calorie cycling within the diet Oh, so you like undulated your calories. Yeah, so some days we would go you know a little bit higher fat and
Starting point is 00:07:20 The protein would be the protein always stay the same but some days we would go higher and fat as far as like the oils and stuff like that. And then nuts. And then some days we would go strictly protein vegetable. We would go no fat, you know, like maybe two days, no fat right before the refeed. And then we do a refeed. Interesting. And then we go back to protein vegetable and then we go back to protein fat protein fat protein fat Protein vegetable protein vegetable protein fat protein fat. I say so it's constantly changing
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah, yeah, because my my metabolism is so adaptive Like once it once it sees like two or three days of a calorie like a specific calorie intake It'll stay Yeah, you know because I've done so many shows. So it's like it just stays super. That's actually a good, an interesting point you brought up. You've done a lot of shows in a short period of time, right? This was, what number was this in a 12 month period, for example? This was show number six.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Six. Wow. Well, I mean, people don't realize how brutal it is getting ready for show. Everything from the cardio to the dieting. Does that start to take a toll on you? Does your body stop responding? You know, because I hear people say that, like I need to take time off,
Starting point is 00:08:32 my body stops responding or I feel like, is that happening? Yeah, with this show, it definitely did, because I noticed that it was just, for instance, I did have to increase my cardio to like two hours of cardio a day. Oh, shit. Yeah. Like towards the end of the prep, um, you know, I really had to watch my refeeds because if I would refeed too much, or if I would refeed on just a little bit too many cars, I would hold. Yeah, your body definitely adapts, man.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Who did you have in your corner that you're, I know you've cycled through different coaches and, and you've always had, I know Omar Omar you're just being one of your best friends. You guys are always working together but who were you all working with like is everything from program design to your nutrition to pose I this time around for diet and everything was was aerial from cuts. Yeah, okay run on and that was this the first show or you did you do a show before with him at the last And that was just the first show or you did you do a show before with him at the last Four shows was with him. Okay, so including the Olympia the last five shows because I did six shows now What if you I will you've you've had quite a few now. I'm interested in your And I don't want you to I'm not asking you to roll anybody in the bus or anything like that
Starting point is 00:09:41 But you know what what were some of the things you've learned through each of them, Mike, as far as your experience with all the different coaching and the different nutrition and the different type of strategies that they've all applied? What have you personally learned about all that? You know, a lot of the stuff, you know, I already kind of knew, you know, but of course, you're well read for the average bodybuilder. Yeah, so when I prep myself, it's almost like when you know too much, you can kind of screw yourself over because you're constantly thinking over analyzing your body, your mind is constantly like a hamster, we'll thinking about the following day or
Starting point is 00:10:15 the next seven days, and you know, you're calculating all these different things that you're going to do over the next seven days. But then you wake up the next morning and you don't like what you see. So you change up your whole plan for the next seven days. But then you wake up the next morning and you don't like what you see. So you change up your whole plan for the next seven days. So the, so your plan for the next seven days never really went through because now you're changing it up. And before you know it, you're screwing yourself over because your mind's playing all these tricks on you. And you know, all these things. So you're gonna pop this, I'm gonna lower this up that. And then it just mentally drains you, dude. So that's why, you know, I I With the whole keto thing and me not knowing too much about keto, you know I went with get with Ariel and Ariel's kind of like guided me through it and he's you know
Starting point is 00:10:52 Allowed me to take kind of like a break as far as thinking what about what I'm gonna do for the next seven days It was pretty much all in his hands, you know It's probably it's got to be relieving to give give control to someone else Especially when you're when you're prepping and working out and dieting and doing a lot of stuff. I can only imagine putting the extra stress on yourself and mentally. For sure, that was the most stressful thing for me, was being alone in that,
Starting point is 00:11:13 to have to like assess myself and then make the decision. Like, it was so important that I photographed myself every day, I tracked everything. And then if I committed to like, okay, I'm gonna be doing this for the next week, that just like Johnny said, I didn't allow like a bad day to fuck with me. Because I learned really quick that if my hormone levels
Starting point is 00:11:33 were slightly off or I took in six more cups of water that day or 500 extra milligrams of sodium, it could easily change the visual the next day. Or even stress, it didn't sleep very well. All these things could manipulate my body to look a little bit different the next day when I'm waking up expecting that I'm going to look better. And you don't, just like you said, you mind fuck yourself. And you're like, oh shit, I need to do this where I always was constantly having to talk
Starting point is 00:12:02 to myself. Okay, stick to the plan, stick to the plan, don't let it get in your head. And now you're competing in a division where you can display some of your body parts that before you couldn't, right, when you were in physique. Right. You're training must have changed. I'm assuming. I know you've always worked out your legs, but did you change your training now knowing
Starting point is 00:12:21 that you were going to be really presenting those? Yeah, I mean, I would, in Massachusetts, my arms were too big. Now I could train my arms, you know. And in Massachusetts, I really didn't have to train my legs because I didn't want my legs to grow out of my shorts. But now, you know, I do have legs, but I need detail in my legs. So, I started training just to, you know, build a leg muscle because there's no exercise that's going to build detail in your legs. You guys already know that you just have to hit them hard and get the muscle to grow And that's that's what's gonna make the detail, you know So that's what I worked on most was was those two things. Yeah, cuz I think did you notice any overall growth
Starting point is 00:12:58 stimulation from that I've heard people say you know now that I'm working, you know my legs out real hard I noticed that the rest of my body's responding more as a result, especially with things like squats. I didn't notice too much, but I mean, because even when I was doing mental physique, I was still training my legs once a week. Well, I would like to know your weight difference between your last men's physique show
Starting point is 00:13:19 and then now a classic show. What's your weight difference between those two categories? About 10 pounds. 10 pounds, man. Are you gonna compete soon again? Are you waiting to take some time? No, no, no, no. I promise myself to take all of 2017 off.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So you can take a whole year off. Take a whole year off. And what's the focus during that year? Well, the first half of the year is just gonna focus on just getting my health, you know, focus on health and just everything about being healthy, you know. So what does that mean for you? You know, like the first two or three weeks, you know, I'm going to lower my protein a little bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:00 just to give my kidneys and everything to rest. I'm my training and I bring down like four times a week, cardio, 20, 20 minutes, maybe three or four times a week. Sure, sure. You know, I'm still gonna keep, and I'm gonna keep a variety of all the assortment of fats in there. I'm gonna bring some carbs back into the diet,
Starting point is 00:14:20 some veggies, some fruits and stuff. Just more variety. More variety, you know. And then just give the body a rest, man. And then after that, you're taking a break on supplements too, or you're thinking you're all your pre workouts, all your stuff that you normally take. I totally take a break off like all my stimulants
Starting point is 00:14:38 and all that stuff. There's many, taking a break off of as many supplements as I can, you know. Just keeping the standard like multivitamin, omega-3s, omega-6s, stuff like that. Yeah, you'd be surprised at how much stimulants in particular will just downregulate the hell out of receptors and the brain that react to them.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And then all of a sudden, your regular dose doesn't do shit for you, and it just keeps you normal. So taking a break is very, very important. I think what will end up happening because of that is you'll come out of that, take your supplements again and it's going to be like fucking brand new, man. Everything's going to start kicking off in a high gear again. Yeah, so. Are you going to change your lifts?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Are you going to change the type of lifts you do? Focus more on functionality or more on barbell lifts? Are you going to incorporate different types of training? Well, if you're the first few weeks, I'm going to try to just keep it. focus more on functionality or more on barbell lifts or you can incorporate different types of training. The first few weeks I'm gonna try to just keep it you know I'm definitely not gonna go heavy as heavy as I used to for the last you know four weeks is my joints and everything I've been banging at them for like so long you know so I'm gonna give that a rest for a little bit just doing general exercises but just to get a pump. After I'm done with that, about
Starting point is 00:15:45 four or five weeks of that, I'm pretty much going to start focusing on growing because, I don't know if I told you this, but to get to 165 for classic physique was pretty much like almost impossible for me to get down to. Because I was stuck at about 175. So you just want to, your body wants to be bigger. 171, you know, so I decided that. And that's where you need to be for that, for the category, right? Yeah. So for you, it's a hard cut.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Wait, well, how do they determine that? What do you mean by that? You have to be it. You should. I'm 55. So for 55, they say you can't be heavier than 165. Oh, well, that's, yeah. If you're 56, you can't be heavier than 165. Oh, well that's, yeah. If you're 5'6", you can't be heavier than 170.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So you either got a growing in, you're just fucking deal with it. Yeah, so, you know, I put everything in, I gave everything a lot of thought and, you know, I looked at my photos on stage and like, I've got the structure there, but I seem to be a little flat. And the only reason why I'm a little flat is because you're so sucked down. I'm so sucked down to 165, right? And I look at myself and I'm thinking like,
Starting point is 00:16:57 I like the look that I have when I'm in the gym, when I have a nice pump, you know, full of carbs, I'm full of water. I look like the shape is actually filled out. It looks a lot better, but that's at about 175, you know? So, if I take a whole year off and I continue to train the way I train, I'm just gonna get bigger and bigger. That sounds yeah, exactly. So, but the next thing for me would just be go up to the two 12 division. Whew, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:16 The big voice. How are you thinking about doing that? Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. Oh, you're working, you know? That was my original plan after Men's physique. And then classic physique came out and I was like, Oh, perfect. You know, I could do classic physique.
Starting point is 00:17:29 But now that I make classic physique and I've grown so much since then, I'm only going to continue to grow over the next year after taking the year off. You know, so you look at guys in the 2012 division who are smaller and who are doing well well like this guy named Sean Clarita he's only like five one he weighs in at 159 and he made it to the Olympia stage in the 212 division. Oh wow. So you get you don't have to be 212 you could come in at 180 190. Oh that's the limit. And the dope yeah yeah you just can't be over to 12. Yeah, so, or you jump into the big boys. That's right up your alley.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So just imagine me on stage at a full blown, you know, on 80, 180, yeah. Wish I can do and I don't have to worry about cutting weight. I don't have to worry about making weight, weighing in two days before the show and then loading up on carbs. You know, I just have to worry about how I need to look on stage.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah. You know, because there's no way I'm going to have to make way to 212. There's no way. I always felt that I got kind of caught in the same predicament too because I remember my second show I did. The judges said that was too big and so I had to come into every show flat. Like I literally like intentionally came in with this flat look. Otherwise, I was getting docked all the time for looking too big. So I never felt like I ever got to present my favorite physique, like the, what I like
Starting point is 00:18:50 to look at. So I totally get how that feels. That sucks when you're being told that you have to be to fit in this certain size. When really your body probably looks at bet. It looks its best with an extra 10, 15 pounds on top. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. You don't want to fight your, your fight your body's strengths, I think.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I think when you start to work with your strengths, you probably look, you know, you probably look a lot better. Body parts of focus going into that, because you're putting on a lot of muscle, do you want to put it all on evenly or are there areas that you really want to develop more to stand out? Because I know in bodybuilding, like the big body parts that really win contest
Starting point is 00:19:26 are like what, back, legs, you know, that kind of stuff. Any particular you're gonna focus on or is it just overall keep everything looking the same and just keep growing everything the same? Well, you know, I've always needed to bring in my chest so, you know, I'm gonna focus on keeping my chest full. My back, it used to be a strong point, but over the last five shows, it's kind of shrunk just from doing all the cardio and then the localities show to show to show.
Starting point is 00:19:57 So I definitely want to get my back up and get a lot wider. That's pretty much it. You incorporating dead lifts into your routine at all? Yeah. Oh, excellent. mostly rack pulls. Okay. How come not off the floor? I've seen a lot of your peers say the same thing that they do just rack pulls as their particular reason. Yeah. Well, not no particular reason. It's just, you know, I like the movement, you know, and I like how it simulates my back.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Do you do it before the beginning or end of your workout? Kind of like as my second exercise. Okay. Warm up, get in there. Warm up. Yeah. I like the movement, you know, and I like how it simulates my back. Do you do it before the beginning or end of your workout? Kind of like as my second exercise. Okay, warm up, get in there. Warm up and then do a do a rock ball.
Starting point is 00:20:31 There's a variation of, you're the only person ever seen do this exercise, I don't even know what it's called, but you do like a road to deadlift combo, right? And what is that? Like three, three barbell rows, go down on the third, on the fourth barbell row and come up and do a deadlift Yeah, you guys name that is that yours? No, Omar actually kind of yeah, you named it venture rose The intro rose. Yeah, sure. Yeah, it's the first time I've ever seen it. Yeah, it's you know, it's a
Starting point is 00:20:56 Traditional deadlift is is a movement, right? So you're focusing on perfecting the movement not right trying to feel any muscle But the way you're doing that deadlift with the rows, I can see, and I can see watching your form, you're really activating the lats in the deadlift aspect of it. You're like squeezing back with the lats. It's very different than like traditional deadlift. It's almost like, I don't know how to say it. It looks like you're really squeezing back when you get more of that lap pump.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Right, right, right, right. At the top. Yeah. And the reason why that exercise, the reason why I incorporate it is because I feel that it enhances my rear-alat spread shot and my rear double bicep shot because right before you hit each pose, you're pretty much coming back, you're pulling back, and you're showing the Christmas tree and you're arching your lower back. And that's like that top part of the game.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And that's what you want, you want all that thickness down there in the directors and you're arching your lower back. And that's like that top part of the dough. And that's what you want. That's what you want all that thickness down there in the directors and the insertion of your lats. So I feel that that exercise really helps bring out that detail to hit that shot right before you can hit that shot. Flex Wheeler did a version of a deadlift on the Smith machine. I know most of our listeners are cringing right now, but he would do something where he would almost do a deadlift on the Smith machine.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I don't know if you ever saw this. He would use a Smith machine, come up and he'd squeeze back like Johnny's saying to get that feel, that connection to that Christmas tree look or whatever. And he kind of popularized it for a second. And his Christmas tree was amazing, man. I mean, it was gnarly. Yeah, you can't.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Well, that's one of the best physics in my opinion of all time, right? Wheeler? Yeah. I mean, symmetry was gnarly. Yeah, you can't. Well, that's one of the best physiques in my opinion of all time, right? Wheeler. Yeah. I mean, symmetry wise and muscle development, I think he had one of the most gorgeous physiques ever. Speaking of which, do you have any current competitors that you'd like to emulate yourself after or look up to?
Starting point is 00:22:39 What are your some of your favorite physiques? We're current physiques right now? Yes. I like Flex. I like Flex Lewis's physiques. We're current physiques right now? Yes. Uh, I like flex. I like flex. Lewis is physique. Yeah. I mean, he's, well, he just looks like a mini dory and with better arms.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, he's, he's been able to put on, he's been able to max out his weight while keeping pretty lines, you know, he's not distorted or anything like that. How tall is flex? He's, I think he's five, five. Oh, okay. Five, five, five, four. And he's in the two 12 and he's, he looks like he hits close like that. How tall is Flex? He's five, he's five five. Oh, okay. Five five or five four. And he's in the two 12 and he's, he looks like he hits close to that.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Well, he barely makes way to like, 211 pounds. Oh, shit, he's a big, big son of a bitch. So that's, that's when you're top physiques. Yeah, I mean, of the past, I like, I like Leela Brottas, you know, Fizzica shape. You know, Flex Wheeler. Sean Ray.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Sean Ray. Leap Priest, yeah, he's a little on the freakier side, you know? But I think like Sean Ray's Fizzikas amazing, you know, Frank Zane, all those guys. Awesome. I love Zane. Was that your favorite? Yeah, yeah, just like, you know, I was just telling him off air, well, before you had walked in that because Sadik this year did
Starting point is 00:23:49 men's classic and he used to be a men's physique competitor that used to compete against Johnny. And I didn't even know. So can you explain, can you talk about this a little bit? I, I always knew that if obviously like Phil, he, you take first place in Olympia, you're automatically qualified to come to Olympia the next year. You don't have to do a show or anything all your long, right? You're automatically qualified. But this year and only this year, they allowed any of the top five just men's physique people or anybody top five and anything could could hop into classic. How did that? How did it get a chance to go to the Olympia and compete at classics without ever having to do a classicics show. I don't understand that. Because the Classics of the Physique Division, because
Starting point is 00:24:29 it was the birth this year, and they wanted to fill that division with people, you know, they gave Sedeek pretty much the opportunity to go ahead and cross over since he's already qualified to step on the Olympia stage for men's physique, you know, so they gave him that opportunity to go ahead and go over, you know. So I think if anyone else in the top five from last year's Olympia wanted to go over the classic physique, they probably would have done the same thing. But it was only for this year. That's funny to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 For next year, that won't happen. See, that's weird to me. That's weird to me that you get for one year, you get to do it within the no other year. So you think it's encouraged people to who want to move over? Well, and you know what, I mean, even on the, it sounds like a little favoritism to me. Even on the NPC level, you know, they say, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:21 when you do an NPC show, you can cross over, you could do both divisions, you could do classic, and you could do mensurzyg, or you do an NPC show, you can cross over, you can do both divisions, you can do classic, and you can do mensurizeek, or you can do bodybuilding, you can do whatever you want just to figure out where you actually belong on a division. But after next year, we're not going to be able to do these crossovers just for this year. So let's say I decide in 2017 that I want to hop into classics. Does that mean I'm going to have to start back at the amateur level of classics and work I decided in 2017 that I want to hop into classics.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Does that mean I'm going to have to start back at the amateur level of classics and work my way up? Or because I'm a pro, well, I still be able to at least jump over to pro level classics. Yeah, you'll be able to jump over to classic for sure, right now. Okay, so I could still do that. I would, you're not, I thought you were saying that
Starting point is 00:25:59 if I, if you were to go over and make a switch, because I've never done classics that I'd have to start back at the amateur level, work my way back up. So you could, if you could still make over and make a switch because I've never done classics that I'd have to start back at the amateur level on my way back up. So you could, if you could still make a pro crossover. Yeah. You just wouldn't be qualified for a limp. Right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, got you. Now, what did you think about the men's physique division? What do you think about Jeremy Wendee on winning again? I think he deserved it. I did too. He looked deserved it. I called that.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I called that months in advance. But he looked big. He looked big. He looked awesome. He looks like he's, he's, he's's he's classic. He's about 190, dude. How tall is he? He's about five He's about five six five seven. Yeah, he looks like he should be competing in classic. No. Yeah Fucking he were to do classic. He wouldn't make weight. He wouldn't he wouldn't say me too big for classic. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, he'd be too big for a class. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Cause he's a lot bigger. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'm not gonna follow the sport super closely, but he looks a lot bigger than he did before when he won last time. How was he? Do you know if he was heavier? I don't know. Yeah, he was heavier. He came in. His legs got a lot bigger.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I mean, I know he didn't show legs, but on his Instagram. He's always had some pretty good legs underneath it. Cause he did, you know, way back when Johnny's first started, Jeremy was competing back in those days, right? Jeremy was doing bodybuilding back when you were doing bodybuilding, right? I mean, we have a few years on him, I know he's younger than us, but I know he's been competing for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah. And he started in bodybuilding and then when Minsphysic Division came out, he hopped over there. But here's the way I look at it. Like, you know, because it's so hard to say who fits in what category, right? Like who has, because classic in Mins because it's, it's so hard to say who fits in what category, right? Like who has, because classic and men's physique, it's so blurry to me now. It's
Starting point is 00:27:29 so themes that way. Yeah, it's so closely related to me. And I really feel like, I mean, you could, guys like that could hop in either way. What I think is impressive and why, why I think it was, he deserved it was the last three years, I feel like every package he's brought to the Olympia stage has been better than the previous year. That to me, that to me is why he deserves to win the title. And I know a lot of people are haters and are big fans of him, what do I do? I'm not like a Jeremy win DFM,
Starting point is 00:28:00 but I'll give someone respect when I see them continue. Because when you get to that level, when you're at the professional level and Johnny can attest to this like To continue to progress your physique Every year is fucking tough man, and I feel like his physique was better this year. Did you think so? Oh, yeah, right? Yeah Fuller harder. Yeah, he leaner. He looked dope. Now I was I didn't I didn't pay attention to the bodybuilding side How was that? It was Phil one again, right? Yeah, what about that? Phil one. Yeah, he deserves a win You thought so even over Flood road and yeah
Starting point is 00:28:32 Sean wrote I like I saw I saw it well. I saw it live Well, it was being streamed, but you know just To compare both I mean number one to to dethrone mr. Olympia, you got to be, you have to crush him. He's got to be off and you got to crush him. Yeah. That's true. That's the only time it's ever happened. Phil was on this weekend, you know, and he was. More so than he was last year. More so than he was last year. He was off last year, but this this year he was on. He was full. He was hard. There was no way he was gonna get the throne. Which, and I like that you said that because I feel the same way about this because a lot of people hate on that. Like when you're the champ, I feel like
Starting point is 00:29:10 you weren't, you were so hard to earn that that it shouldn't be so easy just to give it up. Like when, like I remember last year, people were going back and forth between him and Kai Green and like, oh, Kai was better. It's like dude, that is so close. And we could take different parts of their bodies and argue all day long, who's better.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And then, motherfucker's the champion already. Like, I feel like it should be indecisive, just like in boxing. Like, if you watch a boxing match, if you want to beat the champion, you have to kind of knock him out. Yeah, you're gonna get the decision. Yeah, the decision should go to the champ.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Like, he already worked that hard to get to that point, earn that throne. Like, if you're gonna dethrone him, you have to, you know, dethrone him completely. It has to be an ass whoop it. Some people argue him, you have to, you know, dethrone him completely. It has to be an ask-who-best. Some people argue just gotta go to the better man, but, you know, it's a judge-sport subjective, so. It's two subjective.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's super, I mean, that's all, it's 100% subjective. There is no objective, objective, you know, win in a judge-sport, like figure skating or boxing or, excuse me, or bodybuilding. You know, they're on stage and judges are gonna determine who wins. You're the champion, you automatically get points. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 There's nothing you can do about that. Any outcome surprised you? Well, we already talked about it, but, you know, I'm odd in the two-twelfth division. Like, he came out of nowhere, the guy from Kuwait, the oxygen team. What's up with those guys? And he just freaking comes in and sweeps house and takes second place and gives Flex Lewis a run for his money because, you know because they kept comparing and comparing and comparing. And I mean, I don't know if you saw the guy's last spread, but when he opened up his last
Starting point is 00:30:35 spread next to Flex, he blew Flex out of the water, dude. You're kidding me. Wow. It was a cobra back, dude. So his back is better than Flex's? Oh, yeah. Let me try to pull it up. Well, so that's not good. Then because here's what happens
Starting point is 00:30:47 throughout history and bodybuilding, a someone will be up and coming and will challenge the shit out of the champion, but they won't win the following years when they get their shot. Oh yeah. So if he comes back next year looking the way you did that. And that's very.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And backs win competition. This is very, very much so how judging happens in PC and I at PB, I feel like and that's I think a lot of people think there's so much politics that it's oh, it's so political, but no, this is kind of how they that's how they judge is that if you're the new kid on the block, I remember my very first show I came out. They didn't want to give it to you. They didn't want to give me national qualifying the very first show. I took fourth, you know, they're going to give you third because then I can go right on to the next level, right? I didn't come back and earn it, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:26 And to me, I get it, you know what I'm saying? I get it that, you know, that somebody, they're gonna make that person come back and prove they can bring that physique or better. Holy shit. You look sick or what? Bro, it doesn't even look, it looks crazy. That whole oxygen squad, man.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, what is going on? Cause those guys are coming back and they look ridiculous. I didn't even know. It looks silly. I didn't even know who this guy was. Yeah, what is going on? Cause those guys are coming back and they look ridiculous. I didn't even know who this guy was. Yeah, I didn't even, wow. Wow, that's crazy dude. That looks like, and he was in the 212. Yeah, that looks like a back on a 280 pound body builder. Dude, I walked next to him at the Olympia Gala after the dinner.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Mm hmm. He was, I was looking down at the top of his head, and I'm short. Right. That's how short he is. Wow. So what's, are you gonna be heading over to Kuwait in your off season?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Just introduce some training over there. Yeah. At that gym. It's that oxygen over there. They just got some great oxygen over there. I don't know what's going on, but these guys are coming back and they're looking crazy. What about Roli?
Starting point is 00:32:23 How to Roli do? Oh yeah, how did he do? I think he got top five. I didn't see him. I was trying to figure out where he was placed at. So if he got top five, that means three of the five guys that were representing the oxygen team in Inquate took top five.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Mm hmm. Fuck. Camel me. Camel me. There's source of protein in three camels. Yeah, they're in good camel protein. There's some, man. So, so now that you're taking because you didn't, you just, you do lots of competitions close to each other. You did, would you say seven? Well, I did seven, nine, six this year, six this year, the year prior
Starting point is 00:32:58 was, I don't even know how many shows. And then the year prior to that, I mean, you're just a competing machine. Ever since I got my pro card in 2013, I haven't stopped. You know, so I haven't really had a real rested offseason where I haven't competed. Well, there's there's a benefit and a detriment to that. Obviously, the detriment is to your, you know, your body, your mental health, because it's just fucking crazy. Right. Although I would there, I could easily argue that you obviously love it, otherwise you wouldn't do it so often. But the second, the positive is, in a sport like bodybuilding or physique or classic, unless you're like first place all the time,
Starting point is 00:33:35 to stay relevant, you have to compete a lot. And through all this competition, you've built your brand quite a bit because you're like a workhorse. You know, you're always appearing on stage and bit because you're like a workhorse. Yeah. You know, you're always appearing on stage and competing. And so that's a good strategy, in fact. You need a throw up a picture of your little trophy case.
Starting point is 00:33:53 It's been a while since I've seen you post that. You must have a fucking crazy. It doesn't even fit on my mantle anymore. Like, I have metals of like so many different metals from all the other pro shows. Yeah. Then I just throw them on top of like all the trophies next. And there's just no place to put them.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I mean, you've got to have one of the bigger collections that I've ever seen out of any other pro. So how many shows and times you've placed. Yeah. And I remember you did a video or shot it probably two years ago and it was crazy. So I can't imagine how many you've done the last two years, how much it's at that. It's over like 40 trophies, dude. I mean, trophies and medals and all of them,
Starting point is 00:34:30 I mean, obviously, the only way to get a trophy or medal is it to be in the top five. Yeah. So, I mean. They don't give you a participation medal. No ribbons, dude. It's all about to compete. I'd like a couple of medals.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You know, what makes Johnny kind of interesting to talk to to when we talk bodybuilding is, it's really different compared to myself and like Craig Caperso and other guys that we talk. You know, Craig is similar to me where, you know, I got into bodybuilding with no passion whatsoever with it, with just the desire for business to use it as a platform where you actually have a real pat.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah, Johnny's, you're, this is, you love it. Yeah. It's your thing, man. Yeah. You know, you'll probably be in bodybuilding forever. I mean, even after you're done competing, I would assume. It's just, it's obvious. It's obvious that you love you've been doing for how long have you been doing it now? Since 2002. So, holy shit. I started 19 years old. Yeah. And how old do you know? I'll be 34 this year. 34, so you're not old yet for bodybuilding. You're kind of in that net. That's kind of like the sweet spot, right?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Like the 30s is when you start to. So, for kids that are like you, that have a passion for it, and then we have a lot on our form, right? We have a form that's a bunch of my and public listeners. We got over about 100 competitors or spying on that. I'd say two or three hundred on there. Just on there. Yeah, that are aspiring competitors
Starting point is 00:35:49 or already current competitors. A lot of young guys that are like 18, 19 that are just trying to grow and build. They know they got to build a physique first. You know, what are some advices that you have for these? These guys are passionate about wanting to compete right now. What are some advices and things that you've learned along the way? When you first start out, you're like a sponge man. So you're going to learn a lot, you're going to make a lot of mistakes, you're going to learn a lot about your body every year, you learn a little bit more about your body.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Take your time with competing. I made the mistake of, I don't know if I made a mistake But I I just kept going and going and going you know, and that's how I advance so fast, you know but Yeah, just take your time it takes lots and lots of years you guys know it takes years to put muscle on oh Yeah, you know I started out competing at 125 pounds my first show I remember no you worked for me. Yeah, you were a little shredded guy. Yeah, 125 pounds, and I won the battle weights in a, for the Mr. San Jose competition. And then that's when I got the bodybuilding bug, and I kept going, and next time I was on stage,
Starting point is 00:36:54 I was 135, then 145. You know, so it just takes years, but you know, three or five pounds of muscle on a frame makes you look like you put on like 10 to 15 pounds of muscle. When you're lean, definitely. When you're lean. Absolutely. I want to elaborate. That's a very good point you just made three to five pounds.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And that's, we try and tell people this all the time, like when they expect, like, they change a new program or they start falling to die. Except when you first start, right, you get those newbie gains. Yeah, I mean, after that, it's like, okay, now. Which that's like what, the first six months, and then once that's a kind of slow down, yeah, then it slows down dramatically. And then as, as a professional bodybuilder, I'm excited if I can get anywhere between three to 10 pounds and 10 is ridiculous. I mean, most bodybuilders aren't getting that much. But, you know, so, and I always try and explain this to kids that are coming up
Starting point is 00:37:41 that, you know, and we're talking about professional bodybuilders, we're most of us are taking all kinds of anabolic and hormones to add this size on. Imagine you trying to be a natural kid and you're wondering why you're not putting 15, 20 pounds on a year. It just doesn't work that way. It's a lot of fucking hard work and dedication. Which is also why I get frustrated when two, when people think that, oh, it's just the hormones thing or just steroids, like, listen, you could take all that should you want and you're still, it's still a game of inches, you know, it's still the game of inches of adding a half a pound to a pound or getting a little bit leaner this time than you were last time. So it's this constant grind that never, never stops.
Starting point is 00:38:19 What about like a relationship, dude? What's it like being somebody who's, who's got to be competing that much? How taxing is that for relationships? Oh, this is very taxing man. I mean Relationships whether they be you know with a significant other or relationships with your friends Family even if you have kids. I don't even have kids and I know it's detrimental for that too because I talked to other competitors and You know even after like three shows in a year They're like I got to take time off from competing man because it's it's screwing up my relationship with my wife I just you know, I don't have any time for my kids, you know, I'm always tired
Starting point is 00:38:59 Work is suffering because bodybuilding, you know when you're prepping for a show you know that If you want to be thebuilding, you know, when you're prepping for a show, you know that if you want to be the best, you know, it's bodybuilding first and you have to do it precisely dude. Like everything has to be done at 100% your cardio, your diet, your posing, everything revolves around it, you know, and if you don't, if you give it like 95% for diet, you know, you know, 90%, 60% for cardio, you know, 70% for training, you're not gonna come in 100%. You know? So that's kind of the mentality you kind of have to have if you want to be number one and you know the people around you, you're significant other, you know, your friends and your family, they have to kind of understand that that's we can't really take it personal, but that's how it's gonna be while this guy's in prep, you know.
Starting point is 00:39:47 But after you get off prep is the time that you give back, you know, to your friends, family, significant other, you know, once it will one thing that I learned though is that over the past three years is I never really took time off. Yeah. Therefore, I never really had an off season to give back, you know. So, and I did get caught up with, with you know constantly competing and on the grind for being back on the Olympia stage and chasing that dream You know, so yeah, I mean I've had relationships suffer from it, you know breakups and stuff suffer, you know as a result and you know
Starting point is 00:40:18 I learned a lot from that and that's a huge reason why I'm taking this holy whole next year off You know is not only do I need to give a break and give back to my friends, family, you know, significant other, what not, but I need to give time back to myself, you know, to kind of regain like, hey, man, this is how about time for Johnny, you know. And you, another thing that's really impressive about you is you actually work a full-time job while you do this. Right. yeah. So a lot, I don't know, I don't know how much you talk about that, a lot of people know
Starting point is 00:40:48 that about you, but it's always been one of the most impressive things that I think is for someone to get to your level to where you're getting on the Olympia stage like that, and you actually work 40, 50 hours a week on top of all the training and dieting. I find that crazy, dude, that you can do that. Yeah, yeah. It's a minimum of 40 hours a week. For those of you guys who don't know what I do, I'm a probation officer. And our job is pretty demanding as far as working
Starting point is 00:41:13 in case though, because we work our 40 hours, but sometimes we gotta do a little bit more investigation on the case, and we gotta put in an extra hour or two over time just to submit a court report on time because one of the guys committed an attempted murder over the weekend, you got to submit this investigation report to the court because this guy has to be seen in front of a judge within the next 72 hours.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So now there goes your whole schedule. So it's just a lot of balancing of that, but I've gotten so you, I mean, it seems impossible until you do it. And you somehow find a way to make it all fit. Well, you must have created very good habits. You gotta be regimented as hell. Oh, dude, I mean, you gotta see my phone in my notes.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I have my whole entire schedule of like, what I do from, you know, taking a shit in the morning, at one time, to what time I take each morning, to what time I take each supplement, to what time I have each meal, to everything, and to work, to get in off, to go to the gym, cardio, prepping my stuff, getting ready for the next day of work, it's all calculated in there. So it's so taxy, man.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And I mean, three years of it, it's just, would you ever consider, like, I mean, in a perfect world, would you just compete and actually be able to like be sponsored and just do that? Or do you like the fact that you have a job that's separate from that world? Or would you love to actually like,
Starting point is 00:42:39 hey, if someone would pay me a salary, I mean, I would love to just compete and focus on my body and do that. Yes and no, I mean, in a perfect world, if I could compete and not work and like most bodybuilders, professional bodybuilders, yeah, I'd love to do that because, you know, rest is such a huge part of, you know, making the gains and making progress. With me, I don't really have that time to, I don't have the luxury of waking up,
Starting point is 00:43:07 doing my cardio, training a body part, eating, going home, taking four naps, going back to the gym at night and training. You know, I don't have that luxury. So it would be nice, but at the same time, bodybuilding is not gonna be around forever, you know? And with my job, it gives me something to kind of take my mind away from bodybuilding. And I have around forever, you know? And with my job, it gives me something to kind of take my mind away from bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And I have good retirement, you know? Good retirement, good insurance. So that's something that's gonna be with me forever. You're being smart. Yeah. It's, I'll predict some challenges for you because you've been competing for so long and you've been on this crazy regimen for so long
Starting point is 00:43:42 that now you're taking time off and you're gonna find yourself with more time on your hands to do different things. It's going to drive you crazy. Yeah, I mean, like this morning I woke up and you know, I already looked at kind of like my list of things to do and like, I'm going through it and I'm erasing all these things that I would do on a prep schedule. And now that I'm training four days a week for the next two weeks, it's like you and Jamie, more crazy, like what am I gonna do?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Do you have a day still written in there that you can read off? Do you have a day like so everyone can hear what it was? Oh yeah, I mean, read a crazy day of like what it looks like from morning to night. Let's wait up, take a shift. Yeah, I wanna hear like fast from supplement taking to all your food to. I mean, I'll just let you look at it, tonight. Wake up, take a trip. Yeah, I want to hear like fast from supplement taking to all your food to.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I mean, I'll just, I'll just let you look at it, dude. I mean, I'll read it off, but. Yeah, leave out the personal stuff. Yeah. Watch porn masturbate 4 p.m. Yeah, he tracks all that too. Yeah, I mean, that's just, just, that's just one day starting from like a protein fat carb day.
Starting point is 00:44:43 You know, is he allowed to read it? You might have figured it out. No. Yeah, don't give away a shit. Wow. Jesus Christ, dude. This is just one day right here. That's one day.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah. Yeah, you've got to be. You don't have a cliff notes version of this. No. This is one day. That's one day. Oh my God, I wouldn't read this. I couldn't read this.
Starting point is 00:45:04 There's too much. And I checkmark every single little thing I do in there. And that's all precise. I stay. That's now what's that's what helps me stay so accurate with everything. Oh, wait till you see this, y'all. I couldn't I know the listeners right now are wishing that I would read to. I couldn't read this to you guys. It would take up half the episode. It's ridiculous. Yeah, it's that's what I'm saying. Like taking time off and trying to, like, you're probably going to find struggle with that. Like, what do I fucking do?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Well, a lot of people, you know, a lot of people have already talked to me about this. Scroll down. Just a lot of people have already talked to me about this and they said, like, dude, you're going to have some struggle, like, not knowing what to do with yourself now because, you know, you're just, I was so regimented in that and stuck in that you know that schedule of a lifestyle so I've got a lot of figure out to do over the next You know Year probably been scrolling the whole time. I finally hit the bottom. I told you I couldn't I couldn't read it to the audience if they wanted me to Yeah, they get bored and that's it's too much., yeah, I mean, here's what I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I'll tell you what, with this time off, it might be a great opportunity to focus on things that, you know, aren't necessarily directly gonna affect, you know, bodybuilding in terms of how you look and stuff, but maybe things that'll affect it indirectly, like meditation, yoga, maybe working with you. Are you thinking about doing anything like that? Like anything that's kind of weird or different
Starting point is 00:46:28 that you think might benefit you? Or is there anything on the horizon that you might even consider? No, just for now, I don't wanna get too ahead of myself. I just wanna kind of take it like week by week, you know? I would love for him to let us get a hold of him with that type of stuff. Well, that's what I'm trying to tell him.
Starting point is 00:46:43 It's fucking, come on, bro. Have you tried hot cold, hot hot steam cold shower cold dip? Have you done anything like that consistently ever? No. You fucking love it. You would fucking love it. Yeah, you'd absolutely love it. I've been doing now for about two months
Starting point is 00:46:57 because I've been reading a lot of science on that stuff. And your body adapts to those stresses like anything else and then they notice benefits in my workouts too. But there's a lot of things like that. I'm wondering if you, you know, starting corporate. And those things will come up along the way, man. I'm open to trying a lot of things like that, you know, even like becrem yoga or something,
Starting point is 00:47:16 you know, even open to trying that. So yeah. No, I think doing, I think definitely heading that direction with that, man, Tati, because you are somebody who obviously obviously likes having a schedule having a Regimen, but maybe they're just they're geared for different, you know, it's all more health and recovery based You know versus you know progressing so hard. Yeah, cuz yeah, I think even though you're not like a salusane Even though you're not like heavily focused on it's got to be a grind or pushing or gains
Starting point is 00:47:42 Ultimately, it will result in that your body is telling you it needs. Well, just resting. pushing or gains. Ultimately, it will result in that. Your body is telling you it needs. Well, just resting. Yeah, fuck. Yeah, just resting. Just resting. But you can only sleep so much, you know what I mean? Right, right. And for someone, and I know, because I'm like this,
Starting point is 00:47:52 Adam, the same way, is that when you're such a focused individual, because I mean, the listeners you can understand, competing in body building, first of all, body building by itself is an extremely selfish sport. And what I mean by that is it's like, it's a constant, you're constantly bodybuilding unlike other endeavors where I'm dedicating three hours to it or four hours to it.
Starting point is 00:48:15 It's 24 hours a day. It's 24 hours a day, man. It's everything. Everything has a role in bodybuilding that you're doing in your day. Everything affects the package you're doing in your day. Everything affects the package you're gonna bring on stage from the way you sleep to your morning cardio to the supplements you take in the morning to the amount of water you're drinking every day.
Starting point is 00:48:36 So damn, so damn, so damn, so damn, so damn, so damn, so damn. Everything comes into play and people say, oh, that's too extreme or that's you know that you don't have to be that detailed. Yeah, you do. You know, and especially when you start getting to the pro level, where everybody is that detailed. You know, if you're not keeping up with how detailed things are, you're going to get lost in the shuffle. You're going to stuck as a pro. Well, I just, someone just asked me recently about that.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And I said, you know, when I, when I was at the amateur level, I'll never forget standing in the back room and, you know, seeing all the guys getting ready to get on stage and, you know, seeing a handful. There's 20 guys getting out of that show, getting ready to compete against me. And seeing maybe two or three guys, I was like, oh, shit, he looks really good. He looks good. But the other rest of the guys look like, oh, they, they work hard, but they got, you know, we're all amateurs, right? Then I remember being at the national level show, being over at, you know, USA's and going like, holy fuck dude, these guys look, everybody looks sick. Maybe one guy or two guys that thought look kinda weak sauce,
Starting point is 00:49:32 but for the most part, I thought everybody, then you go to your first pro show, and everybody, like literally everybody looks like the cover of a magazine. Yeah, everyone's on point. Yes, everybody, like all 20 dudes, could easily arguably be a first place guy, which they probably were in another show somewhere in another state. So once you get to that level, and then I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:49:51 what Olympia, at the Olympia level, it must just be at a much even crazier scale, you have to. I mean, every single guy backstage for Class of the Zeke was walking around like rock hard granite. Yeah. I mean symmetrical lines. I mean, there was one point, you know, like bodybuilders lay down backstage to and they kick their legs up to keep the blood out of their legs before they get on stage.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I was laying down and I watched Danny Hester walk by me, Stan McQuay walk by me, all these other guys walk by me and you know, I'm looking up and I'm looking at their legs and they're walking and you just see like every single time they take a step like every muscle. Their granite striations are popping out of their glutes, their hamstrings. I mean the details crazy, you know, I mean every single guy there was on and that's the level that you're playing. It's funny because you go watch a bodybuilding show and watching a bodybuilding show, it doesn't fucking,
Starting point is 00:50:48 you can't see that shit. You see that in pictures or if you're up close to people. That's how intricate the details are. It's like if you're five rows back, you can't really tell a big difference. You get up close and you're like, oh yeah. Holy fuck, this guy's got way more strations as this guy does and that's why sometimes you look
Starting point is 00:51:03 at the pictures and it makes more sense. Well, that's also why, and I'm sure Johnny can attest to this. It's kind of annoying when you hear people who try and critique that have no fucking clue what they're talking about when they're looking at like a video or something. Or a picture on stage.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Yeah, right. Like one angle, it's like you, when you're in person and you're standing next to these people and like the detail that you can see, like for most judges will tell you this, most judges will tell you it's actually more obvious than you think it is, you know, that there's glaring, obvious, when they, when you turn around and you do a back pose and you stand the five best next to each other, the guy who's, who's dominating everybody,
Starting point is 00:51:37 it's just like you said, when you said you saw, oh boy, turn around next to Flex Lewis, it's just like, holy shit, you know, like you, you see it, you know it, because you know what a bad ass back looks like. And then when somebody stands right next to that bad ass back, it either looks really good compared to it or it looks like shit. Yeah. So, yeah. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing how big you get this year coming up, man. I'm a size you put on. Yeah. And everybody knows, everyone knows that, you know, the offseason Johnny, he can get really fat and pudgy, you know, um, start speaking to the third person. And, uh, one of my goals this year is to just really put on some quality size. Stakely, stakely
Starting point is 00:52:15 without getting fat. I mean, I've already enjoyed, you know, a lot of the sweets and I got a lot of the cravings out over the weekend. I would say. And this morning, this morning, what do I have? I had three hooligs at a cup of egg whites, and I had a cup of oats. Like that's all I wanted. And today I'm probably going to eat pretty clean, just like that. And throughout the week or whatever, if friends or family want to take me out to dinner,
Starting point is 00:52:40 I'll have it. But I won't be like the old Johnny where it's like throw everything down my mouth to put on size and grow, you know, everything's gonna be pretty calculated now because, you know, this cut going to my first year, I came down for like a hundred ninety five pounds, you know, and a lot of those body fat and it sucked to take it away. Yeah, you don't want to do that shit again. Yeah, way more stressful than by the bottom.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Well, before we sign off, you know, now that you're 34, does eating those foods like post-post competition foods, doesn't that shit fuck you up? Oh, yeah, dude. I mean, my, because I mean, when you're younger, you eat that shit and like whatever, but I know now I just look at a donut and I shit myself. Major like, major gas, backed up, you know, bowel movements aren't coming like they used to. For the last four days, it was just like a backed up,
Starting point is 00:53:32 you know, can't go like two or three times a day, like I used to, it was just, I'll messed up, you know. So, now that I'm 34, man, it's the way of life and the way I'm gonna eat is just gonna be for optimal health, you know. Excellent. Yeah, for sure. Well, I got you extra large shirts this time. So I think, I think all the years we've known each other.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I think I've given you a medium, a large, and now we are to XL's, did. XL. I look forward to bringing you some double XL's. Some double XL's, how sure. Well, it's been a pleasure having you on, brother. Always a pleasure, always a pleasure, brother. Definitely, you can find Johnny on Instagram. What's the name of your Instagram? It's just, it's been a pleasure having you on brother always a pleasure always a pleasure brother Definitely you can find Johnny on Instagram. What's the name of your Instagram? It's just just just my name Johnny Sebastian one word J. O. H. N. Y
Starting point is 00:54:11 S e b a s t i n Tech check them out there. You can see what he looked like when he competed on the Olympia stage If you like mine pump leave us a five star rating review on iTunes if we pick pick your review, you will win a free mind pump t-shirt. You can also find us at Mind Pump Radio on Instagram. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Adam at Mind Pump Atom, and we're missing our co-host Justin. He's not here today, but you can find him on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. And also don't forget to check out MindPumpMedia.com. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 00:54:46 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at minepumpmedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price.
Starting point is 00:55:21 The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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