Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 378: Mind Pump Pisses Off Academia

Episode Date: October 6, 2016

Sal recently posted a video on his Instagram (@mindpumpsal) demonstrating the right and wrong way to perform a plank. Boy did it stir up controversy and a lot of emotion since his post seemed to viola...te what many in academia hold as truth. Since then, there have been over 60,000 views and hundreds of comments. In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin take on academia and their narrow view about how the body ought to move and present a point of view that translates into practical strength and range of motion in the real world. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So, in this episode, we talk a little bit about Sal's drama that he created. A very controversial post I put up on Instagram about how to do a plank. We love it. Most viral posts that I've seen any of us do. It's already got close to 60,000 views already, well over 300 comments, a ton of tags, a ton of academia people coming after, we really ruffled some feathers on this one.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Which just don't want to let old methods go. There was the intention. So we went over, he did a small video on the right and the wrong way to do a plank. But what we wanted to do is make sure that those that wanted to hear more detail about it, we actually made a video on our YouTube channel. Signed Pump TV.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah, mind pumped TV. So if you guys are not subscribed yet, go to mind pumped TV. You can comment, like it, share it. This is the type of stuff though that we're gonna be getting into, so help us grow that, keep it moving. So if you guys are not on it already,
Starting point is 00:01:09 get over there to the YouTube channel, check out. It's literally titled, How to Do a Proper Plank, and it's on our channel, check it out. We go into a little bit more detail and depth as to why we teach it the way we do. I've actually got the link up on my Instagram right now too, and I believe you're gonna put it up in here. So if you're listening to this,
Starting point is 00:01:25 you'll be able to click a direct link if you're on IG before you're on YouTube. This is what I don't like about Instagram. They're fucking algorithm. Yeah. Because it's a dead giveaway, would you be looking at lately? So we got it. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So we got some good friends in the industry who compete in physique and whatever, and they do lots of posts on Instagram of themselves with their shirts on and the render where it's the business Right anyhow, we were all don't fucking put it on me asshole All of us My Instagram Explorer doesn't like that. Yeah, let me see let me go through Instagram on floor I got like power lifted. It's clean now by the way hot Chips I ended up I clicked on enough chick pictures. Oh, that's how he changed the algorithm Yeah, look at that bro. It's like 15 pictures of dudes with the shirts off on your now. Those are football players
Starting point is 00:02:16 Oh, yeah, well, it doesn't matter what they are. I know you make up your little stories in your head But there's one one men's physique guy. There's a nice that it guys so anyway We're going through and tell, we're going through, and we're going through, and we're looking at, because this is part of our industry, but because I'm clicking on these pictures and looking through them, I guess the algorithms picking up that I like looking at, dude,
Starting point is 00:02:36 and they're underwearing shit that are getting very snugly out. So next thing you know, I go through the explorer, and it's like every fourth picture is a homoerotic photo of some dude. And it's like borderline like fitness. You sent it to us, I'm looking at it right now. Oh, the one I sent you was the worst. Oh, it's so great, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's like, one of them's like a half naked bearded guy out in the forest holding his dick in a black and white picture. Another one is like this teacher looking like this. Who's sucking on a banana? This other one's like this teacher looking like this. Suck it on a banana. This other one's this dude, he's in his bedroom and he's in like super tidy, tidy wideies and he's, you sent it to us.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I know, but I don't remember. His dick is bulging out of his shorts here. Whoa. Then another one is a waterfall that is splashing and making the shape of a penis. Bro, what are you liking, dude? A lot of penis references. I don't know if that has anything to do.
Starting point is 00:03:28 That all happened. Cause that all just from one thing. I mean, I like men's physique pictures. That's how algorithms work. Yeah, dude, I don't know, dude. I think a cluster of. Wait a minute, hold on a second, bro. I'm looking at the data points.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'm looking at the picture that you look at. Yes, there's, okay, there's one, two, three, four, two three four five six seven eight. There's nine visible pictures on the screenshot four One of them is it one of them's a girl sucking a banana that wasn't a dude. I said a teacher I said a teacher. Yeah, he may sound like he was a guy There you assume out of nine pictures. There's two homo erotic ones You could argue there's three or four there. No, there's only two. I'll post that shit, bro Post it on the forum. We're for We're for once to see that. Sure, but our forum wants to know what you know what?
Starting point is 00:04:09 That's what we should all do. Everyone should post their explore. Yeah, snap shot your explorer and let the forum see what we are God damn it. See that open mind. There's more. What's going on here? Yeah, I've got, what's happening? I've got, I've got, I've got, Demarco Murray, I've got Demarco Murray, Tom Brady. I've got, uh, Sadik in here. I've got, uh, some pop-owner football, some chicks with guns. Some girls with bikinis on the, you know. Yeah, I don't know, dude, mine's pretty, uh, mine's pretty accurate.
Starting point is 00:04:38 No, it's good. Mine's pretty accurate. I only saw two of that I like. Yeah, like, in an ace stuff and chicks. Yeah, these are seeming to be pretty accurate. I only saw two, now It's pretty good. It's all good. I'm scrolling through it's all I want you to post the one that you showed us though. All right. I'll post that on the forum You need to you need to show for our private members so they can see how weird it private man I'm sure you are. What did you guys do this weekend, by the way?
Starting point is 00:04:59 What is this weekend? What do we do? I went to Movie do you remember your name? Oh, Storks. Storks. Valerius. Valerius. Yeah. Is that a kids movie? You know what an exciting thing is.
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen from a kids movie. It's like the last time that happened, I think it was like Shrek. Yeah. They sort of... Dude, it was really good. This has to be one of the highlights of being a parent.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Dude, I know. Right? Like it's sad to kind of come to that reality. They're like, dude, I'm all excited about this. Why am I excited about this? Let's be honest with ourselves, right? Because this is what your weekends have turned into, going to the movies with the family and the kids.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And then when you get there, every once in a while, you get to watch a cartoon that's actually a destiny. A birthday party and then soccer game. And then that was the highlight right there. It's hard to understand when you don't have the capacity to love as much as we do. Because we have children. You just understand the joy of still in self love mode. Creating human beings.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I don't even remember what I did this weekend. What did I do this weekend? I'm contributing to society based. Yeah. What did you do, see? You don't even fucking remember what you did. I didn't, you know what? I'm smite. a slept a lot of
Starting point is 00:06:06 So we know I got a burly guy play little video games. I got a pillow early. It was like nine am No, you know, I just made a whole damn enough watching can we talk about this for a second? Because it was easy and nobody interrupted me. This is Adam. This is Adam. Fuck I swore to god at least once I spoke like five joints. Yeah Shit was awesome. This is Adam at least once a week. Oh guy. Oh fuck. Yeah, hey guys This just worked I got sex, but I didn't want anymore. I was like bored. How about this? How about this? Just hey guys, why don't we just fuck we could just come in and just work all day long all weekend? Oh, but guys who cares? Listen, I'm here already. I'll start tomorrow. Yeah, let's just start over here because you know I have nothing else you guys you guys are slacking
Starting point is 00:06:43 Slacking. Yeah, if you adjust, they're their like fuck damn it. We have children. I know Kids kid schedules He thinks we're Captain King or over here and shit. I got I got a pissed off on on Sunday over two different things I can't remember what what angry well. I was I was eating breakfast and you were a mess. I was hungry. You were a progressive construction. Oh, that's what happened. A little bit. So you know my breakfast spot that I eat at daily.
Starting point is 00:07:10 What's it called? It's called a country in. Okay. I shouldn't give them a plug though because I was pissed. Oh, that's a mid-range. Oh, that's a mid-range. Okay, so I've eaten at this place for the last, I don't know, three, maybe four years, consistently, five to seven days a week.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's my breakfast spot. I go there every, and I like it because it's off the grid a little bit. A bunch of gray hairs are in there. People that don't know me, I sit at the bar by myself. I work and I eat and it's just kind of my routine. So I've been there for a long time, right? Well, every once in a while on the weekend,
Starting point is 00:07:42 especially on like a Sunday football, Katrina will get up and she'll be like, Hey, you know, I'll make bacon eggs, but you know, once you go pick up pancakes from our spot because they make the bomb is like blueberry pancakes. So my God, that sounds great. It sounds like an awesome Sunday treat. And I said, well, put the order in in telemates for me. And then I'll be there in just a little bit. So she calls in and tells them it's for me. And I have like a, I don't ever want butter and shit and sugar on my pancakes, they know that. And so I'm running behind a little bit
Starting point is 00:08:13 and the reason why I'm running behind is you guys are texting me about what's going on with their construction. And so I'm like reading that back and forth and I'm kind of frustrated with what's going on with our contractors for our spot right now. And then I'm like, I gotta get over these pancakes. So I head over to the pancakes, I'm like 10 minutes late already
Starting point is 00:08:29 and I'm like, fuck it, whatever, we can just reheat and we get there, what get there? It's a madhouse, it's like super busy and shit, I walk right up to the counter to pay. So, hey, my pancakes ready and they're like, the manager's there and he's like, oh, you know, just sit down, we're really busy. And I'm like, okay, so I just kind of slide to the slide.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I had already had my card out ready to pay. And I guess my pancakes were ready. That's weird, I was 10 minutes down, we're really busy. And I'm like, okay, so I just kind of slide to the slide. I had already had my card out ready to pay. And I guess my pancakes were really, that's weird. I was 10 minutes late, and they're not ready. But I'm like, okay, cool, then I'm gonna get hot pancakes. So I don't have to reheat them, it's cool. So I'm like sitting there, I'm waiting. I'm texting back and forth with you guys. You guys are getting all fired up
Starting point is 00:08:56 because we're talking about the contract. I just shit, so I'm already irritated. I'm going, and I'm waiting for these pancakes to come. And, you know, I'm sitting there in like 10, 15, 20 minutes start to go by and I'm like, dude, this is ridiculous, right? And I text, and Katrina's like, where are you? And I'm like, I'm still at the breakfast spot.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And I'm watching like all these plates come in and out. We did it from scratch. And now I'm sitting at the bar and I've been waiting. And I'm having a cup of coffee waiting. And I said, I said, you know, can you please text me the time that you called before I get crazy on these people? Because I was like, was it that long ago? She's like, she sends me the time that you called before I get crazy on these people because I was like, was it that long ago? She's like, she sends me the time that she called my, I was fucking 57, there are 57 minutes
Starting point is 00:09:30 ago. It was an hour ago. I was like, holy shit. So I walked back to the counter, I go to the manager and I'm like, is there reason why my pancakes aren't ready yet? I go, oh man, we're really busy. I'm like, busy is that an hour I ordered to go, that I can't get four pancakes. And he kinda looks at me with like this blank stare
Starting point is 00:09:47 and then this girl comes walking up, she goes, oh, your order is right here. Oh. Right in the middle. So my pancakes have been sitting there for like, fucking 30 minutes. So you got cold ass pancakes. Oh, I was fucking furious.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And then on top of that, there's nothing, and then you could tell the manager was like, it felt like an idiot and then I was just like, I don't do it for free. No, he didn't. That's it, and that makes me mad. Oh yeah. Like, you know, you have to do that.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It was $9. You know what I'm saying? And then the past, I've eaten there so much before they've given me breakfast for free, so it's not like I asked for or I expect it. But that's just so annoying to me for you to fuck up that bad. There wasn't like a big apology about it. It was just like, oh, whoops. And then like the girls were like, look, I should, why didn't you guys tell me
Starting point is 00:10:28 he was here? Like, oh, and I'm like, they're like, did you not tell me? I'm like, no, I walked up. I tried to pay. And then you guys slid me to the side. I stood there like an idiot for like five minutes. Then I sat down for 20 minutes while people kept coming asking what I was doing there. It's interesting that some people just don't innately have that customer service gene. Yeah. Like, you have to like teach that to people just don't innately have that customer service gene. You have to teach that to people. Like, oh, how can we remedy this situation? Well, you got to start thinking, like, that's one easy way to do it, right?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Is to, okay, well, this one's on us. We'll eat that. Especially from a guy who eats their fucking everyday. I mean, there's been thousands of dollars there per year at a breakfast spot. Like, who the fuck else does that? Like, there's literally do not have another customer. I have my own coffee mug there per year at a breakfast spot. Like who the fuck else does that? There's literally do not have another customer. I have my own coffee mug there.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I have my own spot. They have they save your coffee mug? Yeah. This reminds me of what served in my mind pump cup. I had a favorite shake. I would go to this place all the time, like a protein smoothie shake with kale, the stuff I would add in there.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And this guy would make it and he had it on the menu all the time, right? And I was like, you know, kale, all the stuff I would add in there. And this guy would make it, and he had it on the menu all the time, right? And I was like, I always look forward to that. And I would go, and I would get that in between because I'd have a client, and I would go drive to the next appointment. And the guy's like, yeah, we're not making that anymore. I'm like, you're not making that anymore?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Like was there like this, you know, he's like, yeah, well, I just felt like I was gonna change the menu, and so I'm not gonna make that anymore. And he gave me like, well, I could probably like this, you know, he's like, yeah, I just felt like I was gonna change the menu, so I'm not gonna make that anymore. And he even gave me like, well, I could probably make this for you, or you like, do whatever, or like, well, I'm not coming here anymore. That's what's fucking happening.
Starting point is 00:11:54 You fucking dickhead. That's, I, it just so, it's, I don't know. Well, I only get irritated when it's a situation like that where I feel like, you know, I've been in this customer for this long. I'm always super patient about things. I tip hell of good, like, you know what I'm saying this customer for this long. I'm always super patient about things. I tip hell of good. Like, you know, I'm saying like, I'm the guy you're supposed to give that breakfast to for free or make, like, make a big deal or like, feel so bad about
Starting point is 00:12:13 what happened. Damn, did you have a good weekend? Oh, no. Yeah. Then like I said, you guys are hitting me up with the contractors. I mean, when I went off to, I went off to Maui and I thought, okay, this is perfect because we got estimated that it would be done in 20 days. And I figured, okay, that should fall somewhere
Starting point is 00:12:28 between one and one and we're in Maui. So when I get back, our studio is gonna be ready to rock. We're gonna come into our new, I'm gonna come back to a new spot, like I was so excited to get back. When I get back and shit looks like as even fucking changed. And I'm like, you gotta be kidding me.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And then you guys are all fired up and then south down there measuring the, or checking the level on the walls, and make sure it's fine. And I just had the tile got to be kidding me. And then you guys are all fired up and then south down there measuring the or checking the level on the walls and make sure it's fine And I just had the tile guys ready to come on Friday then I pushed into Monday And now I pushed into Wednesday and everybody's hitting me up like because we have three different teams that are working on this And they're like, listen dude, we can't just sit around and wait for you to call us and tell us when you want to come in We need to know a date when we're gonna be laying floor. We're gonna be laying tiles. This is when it's this is when it's Beneficial to have an asshole on your team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Because then Adam can go off on people. Unleash the asshole. And we can always come up to the crack. Like, we can just, you know, sorry, Adam's a little angry. I'm sorry, he's angry. He gets in the way. Sorry, listen, yeah. Well, I felt like we can't judge him a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It works out, we gotta let him go. It works out real well. If I felt like you were prodding me in that direction. Actually, I can be a massive asshole, but the difference is I'm, uh, no, there's no difference. I can just be a huge asshole. And it depends on who gets their first. Right. Because I, when we texted them, when we sent the text, I was asked, I wasn't, I wasn't quite asshole. You're coming at him. I was, I was, but it was as a whole ish. And then Adam came at him. We'll find Polish and then Adam came Adam will find full But yeah, yeah, it was as Polish, but it was good. Okay, they need to be said. It was a little tag team there, buddy Yeah, I don't think me and you can both be that level at the same time
Starting point is 00:13:54 I know of Justin goes as old to late. It's gone. Yeah, if you hit Defcom 5 if he doesn't I'm thrown below It's too late now. Yeah, the idea is the I go to violence. The idea is to play the good cop the bad cop Right one of us is the nice guy who's kind of cuddling the emotions listen. It's gonna be okay He's he's just had a bad weekend. You know I'm saying like you got cold pancakes today. What do you expect? I'm not having Ranges he's working on it. We haven't seen this angry since he got out of jail He's working on it. He's working on his stuff. Cole Pancakes and Cricut Walls, dude, that's enough to send me off.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I went, you know what, I went over the weekend. I actually was, I went to, they had a Renaissance fair down at a Casa de Fruta, you know, over there in Gilroy, or whatever. Doug was down there too with his daughter, so I brought my kids down there. Kids who have ever been to a Renaissance fair. Who's the Ren Fair?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Like, Kaza! Have you ever been to a Ren Fair? You've ever been to one of the Larius. It is, so you know what it is? I know what it is, I've never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been like, I have never been What? Yes, because you walk around. And we brought you guys brought you kids there. The nerd chicks. Yeah, they all wear the really tight. They're kids falling out. Yeah, and they're all very like, and the guys have no shirts on because they're trying to be like warriors. And they're all dorks.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And, but you can tell. Like, Xena warrior prince. And they're all drinking, and you can tell everybody's got this weird sexual repression coming out. You know what I mean? Yeah, didn't you feel the same way, Doug? You can totally sense that, right?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Absolutely. Yeah. And there was like jousting But they were actually hitting each hitting each other shields with these long joust that were designed to splinter So it was real dramatic. Yeah, but there were girls in the audience like And I was like whoa you guys some panties out there. It was weird. It's a weird vibe. It's an interesting vibe It's like a sexual repressed nerd is it kind of like what's the one that's on that movie? I heard those are real too. I never the Warping and the last yes, yeah, I forgot movie that is to it's
Starting point is 00:15:53 What movie is that? Some like step not step is it called larping? That's what's called? Yeah, larping. What's it? It's an acronym right? What's it's hand for? Yeah live action role play. Yes. Yeah, you knew that You do that pretty fast I was trying to slow it down I Said the acronym I Said of a new he knew right away. I knew like oh Well, I think it's live action. I'm not a genetic 20 times
Starting point is 00:16:18 Really I'm not real burst. I bet you though. I bet you they have some good sense though Lightning they do dude. It's here's a thing if you're comfortable enough to do weird shit like that in front of people in the public theatrical When you get when you get to be when you get home with your little nerdy chick. I bet you will do it freaky shit Here's what you see there. You see super nerd come here serving wench Yeah, you see the super nerds then you have bikers There's a lot of bikers that go there because they get to wear their leather and they get to kind of look like pirates I'm serious. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Pirate bikers. It's kind of like this weird, interesting mix of people. But I think it's not, see, I'm not going to. So what's it centered around? I mean, you go there. The Renaissance. Yeah, they like make sure that I'm not. That's not what I mean by a center.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I mean, like the whole event. Like, is there a play going on? Is there people that are just, is it like a place to meet? There's like up. I mean, what is the whole? There's like vendor selling stuff, but it's all stuff relative to like, they're selling like wooden cups that are hand carved and costumes that look like it from the air.
Starting point is 00:17:16 But how many people are like dust though, like it's in air? Everybody talks like that. Yeah, everybody talks like that. I'm referring to the women as their wens. Look at my wensh or whatever, it's really, it's an interesting vibe. But it's not just Renaissance fare
Starting point is 00:17:32 where you see sexually repressed nerds. I think anywhere you have a nerd convention of some sort it comes out. It comes out. That's what I'm saying. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. It comes out. that come out and they're just like in G-string and like boobs and they see this like heard of like yeah booger nerds
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yep, no, I'm the can't talk. I have a picture. I'm telling you it's just like that's there like they're their juices get flowing You know what I mean? Yeah, cuz they're all like together acting weird. So you guys go there Which is cool? This is real life. Which a man. It's cool if that's your thing. It's cool I enjoyed it. I enjoyed looking around and seeing all the different costumes and the acting and the, I thought it was really cool. I like the gypsy style a little bit. I do, I really do. And you see a lot of that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:11 The belly dancer kind of gypsy style, it's kind of hot. It is, let's just. It's totally your style. What? Because you like that earthy kind of hippie-ish kind of like, let's get up and just move on a whim. Yeah, that's your not wash or something. Yeah, not showered like, you know, I wouldn't go that far. Fucking hair just nothing really done. No, let's take crystals and just rub it on a
Starting point is 00:18:32 shower. Oh, stuff like that depends on the crystal am I. Anyway, so it was a good time. The kids had fun doing it. How about your post that you did this week? Dude. Holy shit. Dude, did you fucking... Yeah. Dude, the fucking bear. So if you are an Instagram, go to my Instagram page, MindPumpSoul. It's a post. It might be, it's the last one right now by the time this errors, I'll probably end up posting one or two of the things. Yeah, but let's talk about how many.
Starting point is 00:19:00 It's the one that says wrong and right, it's me demonstrating a Plank the way most people do it and the way that I like to teach it and I explain why it's approaching Holy shit. It's approaching 60,000 views 60,000 views how many comments is that? 340 comments that is insane 340 comments and The people who really came out and had a fucking tough time because people were tagging their trainers. That's what they were doing. So this is what cracked me up, right? Because they're like, you teach me wrong. This is what this is.
Starting point is 00:19:30 This is what trainers and PT's all kind of. This is why I was so excited to watch this unfold was because. And by the way, half the time I post shit to be controversial on purpose, this, this was all part of the party. You weren't even thinking you would get that kind of reaction. I knew that it would piss some people off some people yeah i knew that would have a think you go this crazy well we knew that i mean you guys saw uh... i think i did it the moment you posted it was only up for maybe an hour and i snat i screen shot it posted on the forum and said
Starting point is 00:19:57 uh... you know social media one-on-one for those of you that are entrepreneurs and fitness and you want to see so i told everybody on the forum like this is what you do, you know, this is like an ideal situation because you're gonna get something that is bait and hook. Yeah, totally, totally bait and hook, which is showing people something that, I mean, even ourselves, like how long did you do a plank run?
Starting point is 00:20:18 I know I did a plank run for a very long time, right? I taught a plank long for a very long time. Totally, that first one was very common for the beginning of my career. It's exactly what we used to tell people. And, you know, so to, to, for you to put it, spinning on its head like that or turning on its head, like that just freaked out. And of course, all these clients that have trainers
Starting point is 00:20:39 that have told them to do that. And they, you know, they probably just got out of a session the day before and they were doing a plank and they're like, and they probably already listened to my bumper listen to this and they're like, we just, it's not when you clap me. So these poor, when you think about it,
Starting point is 00:20:52 I mean, I know we are kind of talking shit about these academia nerds that we're getting on here and trying to be smart. But what do you do when you're in that situation? When you're a trainer, your client calls you out on something that you've been teaching them and it's wrong, you kind of have to double, you put everybody in a position to kind of double down.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It's happened a couple of times. I actually ran into a friend of mine who have known for a very, very long time, and she's a trainer and one of her clients, who's a big fan of our show, called a meeting with her and her manager because she heard opposite on MindPump and she wanna have a meeting with her and her manager because she heard opposite on mind pump and she want to have a meeting with her. So I ran into it. The grocery
Starting point is 00:21:28 store in Silesia's like, man, you guys are making things tough. Like what's going on? And she told me that I'm like, oh, well, you know, you must have said, you must have been doing the wrong thing. I don't know what to tell you. So so here's a thing. Let me break it down. I fire people. I really, I really feel like we've created this love hate relationship with trainers. You either love us or you hate us because you're either on team mind pump and you're all about us continue to spread the good word or you're a fucking hater and you've
Starting point is 00:21:55 decided not to tune in and like learn and you're preaching opposite shit and your clients are coming back. Well, so here's a thing. Just so the listeners understand what we're doing. Okay. So in the post's the thing, just so the listeners understand what we're doing. So in the post that I made, I demonstrate a plank like most people do it, which is with a neutral slash anterior pelvic tilt type position.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And this, I could pick up any fitness magazine. I could go online, look up plank. And this is how they teach it, 100%. Now, here's the problem with that. Which, by the way everybody a lot of people that was their debate and argument for the oh yeah we're gonna get there okay okay make sure you touch on no we're gonna get there so common knowledge so the problem with planking that way is it becomes an it becomes a hip flexor position it's a hip flexor
Starting point is 00:22:39 plank tight hip flexors low back tightens lots of low back you're definitely stabilizing some with your core as well but a lot of its hip flexor and low back tightens. Lots of low back. You're definitely stabilizing some with your core as well, but a lot of it's hit flexors on low back. And so when people do planks like this, they're always like, oh, I feel in my low back when I do it this way, or I can hold the plank for five minutes. You know, I can hold it forever. And it's because the way they're doing it.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Yeah. Now, the way I teach it is I teach it, or the way we've taught it now, is with a posterior pelvic tilt, I'm crunching the abs, I'm squeezing the abs, I'm tucking my tailbone, squeezing my glutes and I'm pulling back on my elbows. The reason why I teach it that way is because that maximizes the recruitment with your abs. Exactly. I'm maximizing abdominal recruitment and minimizing hip flexor recruitment.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And for the vast majority of people that you'll train, most people have hip flexor dominance. And so when you do an exercise like leg raises or any type of a sit-up or whatever, they're pulling really hard with their hip flexors and they're not getting that good lumbar flexor. The argument is like benefit, you know, what are the benefits versus one or the other? So you see it like the way that Sal's showing it,
Starting point is 00:23:41 there's much more benefit to that. If we're going to use our abdominals primarily as the focal point of this exercise in particular. Right. And so what happened is on the post is I had a bunch of academia come up there. And what I mean by that, if these are people who are educated physical therapists, psychiatrists or trainers with a bunch of certifications or a bachelor's degree in sports medicine, whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Here's the problem that I have with academia. First and foremost, I learned through certifications initially and a lot of things they taught me I throughout the window. I'll give you a great example. We were taught to bench press at down to 90 degrees. We were taught to bench press down to 90 degrees. We were taught to shoulder press down to 90 degrees. We were taught to squat down to 90 degrees.
Starting point is 00:24:31 We were taught to limit ranges of motion and keep everything, every exercise, every movement we were supposed to do was supposed to be in this braced, neutral, anatomically correct, neutral spine, which is fine. There's nothing wrong with it. Well, let's talk about why that is The reason for that and okay if you're a certification and you know you're you're getting you're giving credentials to these these young 20-year-old minds that are gonna go out and they're gonna go be teaching people which the average client is a Middle-aged soccer mom with all kinds of fucking imbalances, right? They know that they literally that's like 80 to 90% of the content.
Starting point is 00:25:06 We're mitigating potentials for injury. Exactly, let's be honest. They're covering their ass. If they cannot tell a trainer that this is the ideal position, if that trainer isn't ready to address those issues and knows how to correct those imbalances, to get that person to be able to go through full range of motion. So they choose the safer route,
Starting point is 00:25:24 which is, hey, let's teach them these movements like a chest press, like a shoulder press, like a plank, like these movements that are basic. So okay, let's keep them here because we know they won't hurt themselves. They're less likely to get hurt by doing a movement like this than if we encourage full range of motion when most people can't go through four on plus like a lot of this is like they're they're trying to sort of jump start like with trainers to clients. They want to get them to a point where they can take them through a full workout. So it's like this entertainment value to it as you're coming in as a member. You have these expectations based off of like what you see in magazines, what you see on TV.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I want to sweat, I want to work out hard, I want to do other things. They want to make sure that, okay, let's build this out so they could then take them through this heart pumping workout where we're not going to address these root issues, like these impending issues that need a lot of time. And you need a lot of slow progression to get to a point where you can really blast and take it to a higher intensity. Well, here's the thing that I, here's the good and the bad with academia. So academia teaches everything around neutral anatomically correct spinal alignment. Okay, so every exercise you do, if you do a row,
Starting point is 00:26:46 if I do a cable row, they want you neutral spine, head looking straight in this neutral position, stay tight, and then all I'm moving now are my arms to do my row. If I'm doing a press, if I'm doing a crunch, if I'm doing anything, it's in this neutral spine position where everything has to stay this perfectly straight, and the philosophy behind that is you want to strengthen anything it's in this neutral spine position where everything has to stay this perfectly straight.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And the philosophy behind that is you want to strengthen anatomically correct neutral spine. You want to build everything around it. And that so that that person is in that perfect posture, you know, posture position all the time. Unfortunately, here's a problem. I'll tell you what the problem is with that. That's a great place to start, but here's the situation. We are not robots.
Starting point is 00:27:24 We live in the everyday world. We do not robots. We live in the everyday world. We do not walk. Straight up and down. No, you're gonna bend over, you're gonna pick something up. Your spine is gonna flex. Oh no, your shoulders are gonna round. You're gonna pick up a round, heavy objects. You're not gonna have neutral spine.
Starting point is 00:27:38 You're gonna be twisting and moving and climbing and doing different things. You're gonna play with your kids at the park. And there's all these different ranges of motion that your body has to move in. And if you don't train and strengthen within those ranges of motion, then you are not gonna be strong
Starting point is 00:27:52 within those ranges of motion. So when it's up happening is you're stable and strong in the gym, but you're weak and unstable in everyday environments. And that's the problem. There comes the problem. This is why if you always train within a particular range of motion, everything has to be perfectly straight. And here's the thing, you got to understand something. If your body can move in a particular way,
Starting point is 00:28:14 with good control, with good tension, without pain, then guess what? Your body moves that way, and it's okay to strengthen it that way. It's okay to do that. It's okay to bend forward and flex the spine sometimes. I can't always bend with just hip-hinging and squat down, look like a fucking robot because I'm not going to think that sometimes. Sometimes I'm going to go pick something up and I just go to pick it up. What are my kidfalls? I've got to bend over and grab them, right? You've got to be strong in all these over positions. So they're trying to argue that you don't want to you don't want to add any load to A flex spine even though and then because then this guy comes on there right this guy's trying to debate me Mm-hmm, and he says well
Starting point is 00:28:54 I wouldn't have somebody flex their spine and do squats with 300 pounds and I'm like listen you fucked art Nobody said put a bar on your back Tuck your tailbone and do flex spine squats. Yeah. I am in a plank. I am horizontal. The gravity, my rotational forces are down. I'm not, it's not going from my head down to my tailbone.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's forcing me down as is because I'm horizontal. The floor, not to mention it's your body weight that you're suspending and holding up to. Right. It's not fucking 300 pounds on your supply. You have to strengthen. Let's hope to God you can hold your body weight up in an extended or a flexed position with your spot. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You have to be able to strengthen all these different positions. Now the key is, the key is to do it with good control, good tension without major joint and balances or issues. So when you're doing a movement, even if I'm doing something, like for example, the Jefferson curl, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:51 A Jefferson curl, if I were to do a Jefferson curl in front of 99% of the, oh my god, that would freak out. Sort of, all the three cowards. They would lose their minds. They would. Because what a Jefferson curl looks like, is I have a bar, I'm standing up and I literally
Starting point is 00:30:06 roll down until the bar touches my feet and I'm flexing my spine, I'm rounding my back, I'm going down. Now you do the exercise real light, you do with good tension and you never let the ligaments support the weight. You always support it with muscle and then you roll yourself up. Now why is that important? Because my spine moves that way. You're trying to alert your ears to your body. You're trying to alert your ears to your body. You're trying to Because my spine moves that way. You're trying to alert your,
Starting point is 00:30:25 you're teaching your body, you're teaching your body to articulate your spine through a full extension inflection. That's all you're doing. Exactly. And learning how to strengthen through that full range of motion. Exactly. Which is what gymnasts have been doing for like centuries.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yes. It's like, it's so silly and obnoxious because like, their argument is solely based off of like machines that have already been manufactured and built for us to move in a specific way in the gym. That has no translation to everyday life. Like if I have to conform my body to these movements and these specific angles all the time, then you know, it's just that there's no comparison between the two. This is why some of the old school fucking amazing exercises
Starting point is 00:31:08 have been discontinued. The windmill, for example, has made a large comeback. Thanks to kettlebells, but for a long time, people didn't windmill because they say it was bad. It's terrible for your back, right? Don't bend over and twist. That's what they say, don't bend over and twist your back. Right, the behind the neck shoulder press,
Starting point is 00:31:24 the behind the neck shoulder press requires better shoulder mobility. It requires better control and tension. But if you have those things and you can work towards it, you just increase, you just improve your shoulder mobility. Adam is a beautiful example of that. Adam, train forever, right, with your shoulders anatomical position, perfect. And did you end up getting better or worse shoulder mobility? Of course, worse when I was when I was stopping at 90 degrees and training this way and the bodybuilding non-stop when I came and I decided I wanted to try and press like that it just was I had to start with just the bar I had just the bar and I would start with just good mobility movements to get now I can take a behind the press and I could do 185 pounds behind my neck completely safe, completely controlled.
Starting point is 00:32:05 But even like so, I just did a squat right the other day and one of our fans made a comment about my wrist and asked me about it. He said, oh, I was reading I think Sepul Leper or something else and he was talking to our Mark Riptog as we had recommended that on the show. And he was talking about the way I wrist was and I said, absolutely, if you notice my wrist are breaking. And that's because I still don't have as good of mobility in my shoulders as I would like to have perfect shoulder mobility in that deep of a squat I would still be able to keep my wrist in a nice neutral position but you'll notice that they're broken and they're broken because I'm retracting as hard as I can to get a bar in a lower position and I don't quite have the flexibility quite yet. So it was excellent
Starting point is 00:32:45 that he pointed that out, but in the same token too, I'm not sitting here saying that this is a perfect squad. This is me working towards that. And it's been a lot of work the last two years of working on my death, working on my mobility. But you know, I don't know if you saw what I wrote on that. I finally chimed in. I kind of let you have some fun with these guys for a while. And then I got in there because I must have read at least 50 comments of this neutral spine talk, neutral spine, neutral spine, which is a fucking hypothesis. This is not even something that's a fact. So for people to start getting into debate over that and talking certainties makes you look
Starting point is 00:33:19 like more of a fool. Neutral spine is a zone and it's a hypothesis that was created years ago by somebody and it's one of the most heavily debated things amongst all your, it is. It's heavily debated amongst all your, especially nowadays with all the mobility specialists that we have now that are starting to come out and say, well, there is some truth to this and there is some, there is some of this that there's gray areas. And what you did, which is what I love to see, is you went after that gray area. You did something where you knew that it was going to
Starting point is 00:33:52 ruffle some feathers and some academia people that just come fresh out of school right now and just got taught the opposite about what you just, we're gonna freak out and start trying to spit off some knowledge that they think they know already. But what they don't realize is that the neutral spine is so debatable on, because genetically we're all different. And what is neutral?
Starting point is 00:34:13 And just like you guys were saying before, we're not robots, we don't walk around. We don't all have the same limb length. Exactly. You know, like, and that's, I think that's the other problem with academia is like, they tried to create a standard. And by trying to create a standard and having this authority over this realm of what is fitness, how to work out, how to do it properly, they made it in the super generic, like a version of what it could be because they know that if they can keep things just so, the risk of injury might not be as great. However, you're not going to get individual performance that's going to maximize what
Starting point is 00:34:53 you individually are doing. Well, and this is where I would come in and I would argue against Sal. If he was showing an exercise that were the risk of it, it would be really dangerous to be putting the spine in that much of a flex position. I would be like, that's regardless of articulating the spine as ideal or not for us, that's not an ideal place to train that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:35:16 But moves like a cat cow and the plane. Just basically what you're doing. It is. It's really what he really did was combine a cat cow into a plank into a planking position. So there really is not much of a difference. Very minimal stress there. It's hilarious to me that there is such an outcry and outburst of like a plank position. There's a big difference between having a flex spine with weight on top of the spine,
Starting point is 00:35:41 pressing down and compressing the spine versus being in a horizontal plank where the only reason why my spine is flexed is because I'm contracting my abs and creating that position. Well, you know what's hilarious? Just saying the same people that are chiming in, I guarantee you have not chimed in at all with CrossFit and with what the fuck people are doing behind their back
Starting point is 00:36:01 and snatching overhead with their weight and compromising their spine, like get your priorities straight. Right. For fuck's sake. Well, it's because they teach playing. Well, that's how I show the wrong way. Yeah, it's because they look stupid.
Starting point is 00:36:15 They look stupid. I get it. Yeah. So their clients tag them and they're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, always do a playing with neutral spine. Always do like, no, dude, that's,'s that's that's not how the body works. And look you go go to the fucking go to some third world countries where people are picking rice with their hands. Are they hip-hinging and squatting down? No they're fucking bending over.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Just doing it. They're bending over and guess what they've they've been over for hours a day all day long. Like your body can move a lot of different ways. The key is to be able to do movements with good tension, good control without any obvious imbalances that are going to cause you problems. You want to train within lots of different wide varieties of ranges of motion because that's what's going to translate to the real world. Then from a cosmetic standpoint, it's what's going to develop the most muscle and strength. The only about the, I'll defend some of the people that came after there and there were a few
Starting point is 00:37:11 that I thought handled it correctly. And I'm sure it was challenging, right? Cause they were trainers that got tagged by their clients, you could tell. But what they would say is like, you know, yes, he's right. It does, you did have an excessive curvature in your spine to do show what you were trying to teach because I can do that same plank with, and I could tilt my pelvis in without creating that much of a curvature. And somebody might look at mine
Starting point is 00:37:37 and go, Oh, yeah, that's better. That's right. And it's not necessarily mine's more right or less. You exaggerated that movement to get a point across. And that was what I was trying. When I chimed in was like, that was the point of that movement to get a point across, and that was what I was trying, when I chimed in was like, that was the point of this, was to show that 90% of these people that are doing this planks are doing it in an anterior pelvic tilt, and all that's doing is continuing to reestablish that poor neurological
Starting point is 00:37:57 connection, it's putting stress on the low back, it's constantly firing those hip flexors, which is the main problem with like 90% of the population You having some sort of a Your thoracic curve like that The guys were trying to say like oh, you're gonna create these neurological poor patterning It's get the fuck out of here. No, you're not you're not gonna do that in a plank position holding that for a fucking 30 seconds to a minute All he in fact there is no real neurological connection going to there.
Starting point is 00:38:25 All of it's going to your abs and your contract and it's squeezing there. That's where most all the patterning is going. Pulling all the forces right there in the meat is where you need to. Well, just academia can, you know, they contribute quite a bit to fitness, but the wrong two a lot of times, I'll give you an example. They said for a long time that the stress on the knees is too much for a full squat And so you need to stop at 90 degrees we now know that if you stop at 90 degrees
Starting point is 00:38:49 You actually place more stress on your on your knees than you if you were to go all the way now We're more on the edge in your glutes. That's right. And now this is of course We're talking about people without major muscle and balance is again good control good tension It's not true. We're going a full squat is better for your knees than doing a half squat. Other examples, every time I post a sissy squat, everybody, people lose their fucking shit. Oh my God, that's so bad for your knees.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Not realizing that same shearing force happens when you do a leg extension. You do a leg extension, it's all knee extension. The difference is one is more functional and your body's probably heavier, so it might be hard for you than a leg extension, but it's fine. If you can do a movement without pain,
Starting point is 00:39:29 with good controlling, good tension, then guess what, you can do that movement. That's really the bottom line. I used to not think that. I used to think, don't do that. That's gonna be bad for you. Don't do a pull down behind the neck because that's gonna be bad for your shoulders
Starting point is 00:39:41 and don't go all the way down. Don't go so deep with your dips. There's another one. You do a deep ass dip on parallel bars. Yeah, I should have that before. People freak out. Well, you know what I did that. You didn't do it in someone, yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah, I did that the gym one time and somebody was trying to talk shit about that and I'm like, well, you know what? It's been a gradual process that I've built. Even more range of motion that's supported for me to give me the kind of strength. I'll show you right now. I can stop here at the very bottom of this
Starting point is 00:40:06 and then press my way out of it, no problem because I have that kind of a connectivity that I can pull from. Now, if I didn't and I was going down and I was feeling no support and strength and I was just really trying to press myself down, that's the issue. Oh yeah, no, for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I think part of why we struggled with it in the past was because exercises like that, a deeper, a deeper dip or a pull down behind the head or shoulder presence was because the information that we are getting back then was like, oh, this will work this muscle better. You know, oh, do it behind your head so you get more rhomboid action or do more this so you get more rear delt. Like that was like the way. Well, that's why it's still nails on the chalkboard somewhat for me to talk about isolating muscles because I feel like it's such a fucking waste of time. And it ruins everything that your body's supposed to be doing.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Well, no, you're right. I mean, you're absolutely right. That's where I think for someone like me who's so aesthetically driven, it's always been trying to find that balance. Like, right. How do I find this balance of where I do care about, you know, the way I look and I want this, you know, I want to have that bodybuilder look to me, but then at the same time too, I understand the importance of the body working together synergistically in that. I don't want to lose that because all I do is isolation movements all the time. So I think that, I think there's, I think there's a way to balance.
Starting point is 00:41:26 But I mean, I really think that's what maps black was a lot about. You know, maps black is a perfect example of these full body compound type movements that are incorporated with, you know, a balance of isolation movements to create more volume and progressive overload. But for the most part, it's, it is. And your meat's coming from all those compound lifts. Yeah. for the most part, it is. And your meat's coming from all those compound lifts. And I think some of the misinterpretation comes from observing athletes or people who work out and the injuries that they get.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Like, oh, you shouldn't do that with your shoulders. I was a swimmer and now my shoulders are bad. Or I was a, you know, I just swat that way and hurt my back. And it's really, that's not a good comparison because, A, you're looking at overuse problem issues and overuse issues can happen with anything. Were, did they have good control and tension throughout the movement?
Starting point is 00:42:14 If not, then of course you're gonna have issues. But I tell you what, the human body has an amazing capacity for movement far more than you, you can even imagine. If you were to put me on the rings, and it had me to try to do movements that male gymnast would do, I will fuck my shoulders up. Now does that mean my shoulders can't move that way,
Starting point is 00:42:36 or aren't supposed to move that way? You can't try to get there. It means that I can train and get myself to that point, but that doesn't mean I should avoid, it means I should avoid those movements now, but I can work my way up to that point. But that doesn't mean I should avoid, it means I should avoid those movements now, but I can work my way up to doing those. So there is no like exact like, don't do it this way because that's totally wrong type of deal.
Starting point is 00:42:52 There are with certain lifts, but when it comes to training the body and flex spine, twisted spine. Well a lot of them. And that's where you can kind of trace back. Like if you get an injury in a high performance sport, you can trace back to the training. What you did not address in your training that contributed to you not having the proper
Starting point is 00:43:11 response or support within that movement. And it happens all the time. Like, it doesn't matter if it's in a really super fast twitch movement, you know, that needs to be involved in the training that's lead nothing. So your body can respond and support joints and all that properly. Yeah, and there was some debate about dead lifting with a rounded thoracic spine. But then you have athletes who will go lift an atlas stone, like an atlas stone requires a rounded back.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And do it any other way. And much of hundreds of pounds you're picking up. And much of the lifting that you do in everyday life involves some kind of flexion around the back because you're lifting awkward shaped things. Yeah, they're never perfectly. I'm not lifting with a bar, it's not a perfect barbell. So the key is, can I maintain that position with my muscles or is it my ligaments
Starting point is 00:44:01 that's holding me in that position? If it's my ligaments, if I'm at end of range of motion and it's my ligaments that's holding me in that position? If it's my ligaments, if I'm at end of range of motion and it's my ligaments that are supporting me and I'm just pulling and letting my ligaments do the work, then we have a problem. But if I'm supporting it with muscle, it's not end of range of motion and things have good tension and control,
Starting point is 00:44:18 then everything's okay. Well, in a very easy test, okay, with this, with your compare, and I know you challenge a few people that, which was go do it. You know, go do it. If you don't believe me, you don't get it. Don't try and see what it feels like.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And it's very, it's a, it'd be a very simple test. Go do those two planks, the right one and the wrong one. When you, and sit on in that position for as long as you possibly can and pay attention to what fatigues you and makes you stop. If you start in that first one where Sal says says this is the wrong point and you sit there, I guarantee what you will feel give out is your low back. Your low back will be what will fatigue you and make you want to move at one point. You'll get tired. Even if you are using some of your core,
Starting point is 00:44:58 even if you're using some of your core, the moment when you realize that I can't hold this much longer, it will be that low back starting to feel stress. There's nothing wrong with training the lower back. Right. But this is a better way. If your focus is to build up your core and drawing more with your abdominal muscles, like South showed you a better way to do that. And if you do it the other way, the right way, and what you'll give out, you won't be
Starting point is 00:45:24 able to hold that because your abs will fit. The moment those abs give out, you'll go into your tilt, yeah. You'll go, you'll tilt right out of it and you'll be done. And what'll be great, you won't feel any stress anywhere else. The guys that we're trying to say that any sort of
Starting point is 00:45:36 thoracic stress, get the fuck out of here. There's no stress there whatsoever. When you're in that full contraction, and your transverse abdominis is completely engaged, there is nothing, there is no stress on that, on that upper or lower back. And then once it fatigues, once the muscle fatigues, you'll collapse and you'll fall and you'll be dying. I've had, I can't tell how many people have, it's actually that plank, that position, if you're a trainer on your open mind, go ahead and go on my Instagram, see how I do it,
Starting point is 00:46:04 try it yourself. It is a very effective tool to get new clients because everybody's planked. It's like the most popular exercise for core, right? Everybody's plank. And a huge, I would have a client come in, a new client, they're thinking about hiring me for personal training. I'll ask them, hey, have you ever done a plank before? Oh, yes, I have. Okay, can you get into a plank for me? They'll get into a plank. Tanned it at 10 times. They're an anterior pelvic tilt. I will place my hands on their hips.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I'll support them and I'll say, okay, tuck your tailbone. I'll have them tuck their tailbone, squeeze your abs. Then I let go and I'll say, do you feel a difference? I'm like, oh my god, I can feel my abs. Whereas before, they couldn't. It was like I said, a hip flexor plank. And this is what makes a plank a shitty exercise. If you do it that way, most people have our hip flexor plank. And this is what makes a plank a shitty exercise. If you do it that way, most people
Starting point is 00:46:46 are hip flexor dominant. You're like, sit with tight head flexor. Like 90 plus percent. That's why it's a, that's why the people that were arguing at the only, the only people that shouldn't be doing that plank would be somebody that's the opposite
Starting point is 00:46:57 that have an excessive posterior pelvic tilt. If you let an excessive, and weak hip flexor. Yeah, if you had excessive, exactly. Excessive posterior pelvic tilt, weak hip flexors. Yeah, if you had excessive, exactly, excessive post-tier ponytail, weak hip flexors, then doing something like that would not be ideal. But literally that is like less than five, less than 5% of the population. Those people stand out like a sore thumb when you see them because they walk like they're sticking
Starting point is 00:47:18 their dick out when they're watching. It looks, and they have, they look like a frog and suspenders. If you've ever seen that look, that's what somebody in the frog in suspenders. Yeah, where do you get that? You can picture that, right? You're right. A frog in suspenders is what somebody like that looks like. I want to post it. When they come in at your heart, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:33 like maybe Justin can find us an animated picture that does so people can put that together. I want to post it like that. Yeah, I mean, you just got to consider this. There's ranges of motion that you can move in under control. It's okay to train in those ranges of motion and your goal is to be able to get longer and better ranges of motion with control. It's a slow process. It's a step ladder. As you get the new ranges of motion, you get strong with them. You
Starting point is 00:47:59 get confident in them and then you progress and move. And what ends up happening is you become stronger in much wider in them and then you progress and move. And what ends up happening is you become stronger in much wider in different positions than you would had you always stayed in this perfect anatomical, looks straight ahead, don't move, you know, your spine and do your press like this, do your rows like this because life doesn't work that way. It just doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Anytime you go pick something up or go play with your kids, you know, you've got a twist, you've got a bend, you've got a flex at your spine. It, none of it looks like an exercise in the gym. None of it looks like you're doing squats and deadlifts and fucking rows. It all looks a lot different. And so, a lot of it's unilateral.
Starting point is 00:48:32 All that stuff. It does, and so you've got to train in those different ways. So to say, you know, because I, and the funny thing is too, is I trapped some of these people in some of this post where I, where I said, okay, well, are you, are you trying to say this right here? And one guy, like like he doubled down. I said, are you trying to say you should never exercise with the what do any exercises with a flex fine. And his response
Starting point is 00:48:55 was, no, never, never do anything with a flex fine. Ever. He said, it's reset. He said, that's correct. I'll never be an advocate for loading a flex fine, whether it be bodyweight or external weight. It just doesn't make sense. Plus it puts you at a greater risk of injury. It's like, what does he mean by loading? Yeah, like load how? Then you never do a crunch.
Starting point is 00:49:14 You get in gravitational forces just walking around anyway. Like, so you're intensifying that a little bit being in a horizontal position. But that would mean you would never do a crunch because a crunch is literally flexing at the spine, at least a proper crunch is. And the load is gravity.
Starting point is 00:49:28 So does that mean we can't do that? So then I can't work my abs in the full range of motion. I can only have them be strong. He should have stuck with like adding an external load. Was it the same, not gonna body weight too? Was it the same knucklehead that referenced to the low-rabdommels? Was that the one?
Starting point is 00:49:41 No, that's another guy. Oh my god. He's like, well that would be good. I wanted to just like, but it's not gonna work the lower abs and I was like, no, that's another guy. Oh my God. He's like, well, that would be good. I wanted to just like, but it's not gonna work the lower abs. And I was like, oh, did you say all these? You got all these academia guys trying to be all smart, throwing their credentials out, talking shit,
Starting point is 00:49:53 using terms like lower abdominals and fucking neutral spine, like all things that are fucking debatable already. And like, dude, you sound so stupid, arguing something like this when, and you're using terms like that, like just stop while you're ahead. Just fucking accept that you were teaching your client wrong. Fucking fix the issue.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You move along. Dude, take the advice. You know, just a heads up to everybody. You know, going forward, we will be posting more shit like that. I mean, it was just, it shows that there's a need for that. And that, you know, a lot of common knowledge exists and pervades the industry as far as like what's common. So, you know, I think that was like our first taste of like, wow, this isn't common knowledge what we sort of teach our clients.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And I think, I, I think, I, Sal headed on the head. I think we'll, the next one we should do is the seated row because I remember. Oh, dude. I'm not the first time. I know where the first time I did that and right away both of you both, both of you guys squat. I can't believe you're doing that because now you know how many people are doing it. Well, even you mentioned 90 degree squats and all that, like that's totally still there.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. It is, but it's still, you know, with the squatting you're seeing more people talk now about full squatting, thankfully. It's because strength coaches are coming out and saying what the fuck are you talking about. But for a long time, we were when we were in training There was a big no-no to do a full squad
Starting point is 00:51:08 I just was going across somebody who's a you know one of a lane Norton's Prodigy's that actually was teaching that and talking with them I thought oh man, I used to like this kid. What's going on? What's saying don't do a full squad? Yeah, you're saying just squat in his theory because I'm not a power lifter I'm not a power lifter someone going down to 90 degrees. I. So I'm only going down to 90 degrees. And I was like, what the fuck is that? What does that have to do with the anything what we're talking about? It's funny to me.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Think about this. I want you to think about this listeners. Okay. They used to literally advocate. We were taught, do not do a full squat. Do you ever see little kids when they sit down in a squat? Yeah. Do you know that's a very natural position?
Starting point is 00:51:42 That's how women gave birth. Women gave birth by sitting down in a squat and pushing a baby out. That's how people took a shit for a very long time before we had toilets. Okay. It's a natural movement. Same thing with flexing at the spine. It should be real comfortable in that position. Yes, if things are good, like again, strong, good tension and control, your body can do a
Starting point is 00:52:02 lot of different things. So this whole idea of having to say, helps you prove better everything. Exactly, man. Look, I read this first paragraph right here. What is it saying? Yeah, he's just advocating, you know, training in a short and range of motion for... Oh, I am addressing it for hypertrophy reasons.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And I'm maximizing muscle activation by staying in his active range of motion. Well, yeah, if you can't go lower, then I guess you shouldn't. Well, yeah, if you can't go lower than I guess you shouldn't. Well, so, you know, somebody brought that up on my page the other day talking about, you know, the argument of exactly that, which is shortening it up so that there's all this, you know, time under tension. And this was something that I used to preach a lot. This was, this was a lot of my theory on stopping at 90 degrees,
Starting point is 00:52:44 on a lot of the exercises is, if on stopping at 90 degrees on a lot of the exercises is if I stop at 90 degrees on a bench press, I know that I'm keeping complete tension on the chest the entire time. It is, right? And like the chest loses tension because you're going down all the way. And it was it was something that I remember I used to say that all the time and it was all about this time under tension and then you would extend up and you would keep your elbow slightly bent and you would never fully lock out and There was and it was always the argument was always based around hypertrophy and time under tension It was like the best way to build muscle is time keeping time under tension and the long of the muscles being worked The more effective it is and if I lock out then that's less time under tension
Starting point is 00:53:23 If I go too deep and now my shoulders are kicking in. Talking about adding more time under tension, add increased range of motion with tension. Oh, that's more time, it's more time. Exactly. So it's one of those things that there's a lot of shit out there right now and I think going forward will definitely have to stir it up.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Man, we're not safe from anybody, man. The bros hate us and the fucking academia hate us. Both sides hate us. Well, we knew academics. We anybody, man. The bros hate us and the fucking academia hate us. Both sides hate us. Well, we knew academics. We knew academia would because we know we win through all of it. That's the thing too. I love when people start to ask, like, oh, it's certification,
Starting point is 00:53:53 like, dude, I don't even give a fuck about any of the certification that I have. Like, why do you think it's not posted on my bio? Like, I'm not trying to be like, oh, I have this, this, this. Oh, there are good places to start. I've got a shit ton of them. And I'll tell you right now, have to shit that we learn in there is like
Starting point is 00:54:05 moot compared to what we what we've gone on to learn and what we're still learning the body we're we're so evolving with that and movement like this is this is something that's highly debated and anybody that starts talking in certainties I think that should be your red flags if you got somebody who who gets all that God complex because they wouldn't got their PhD and something and they start talking in certainties when they haven't even opened a book since they graduated. It's just regurgitated.
Starting point is 00:54:31 They haven't put any thought behind it like as far as internalizing it and applying it. So somebody that has applied it and spent years on it and manipulated things and sought the progress, sought the wrong way for a long time. You know, saying like, we've done all that shit, dude. Come on, come on, dude, come on. Listen, if you like Mind Pump,
Starting point is 00:54:51 leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you will win a free Mind Pump T-shirt. If you want to check out some of those posts on Instagram, you can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Justin's at Mind Pump Justin, Adam is at Mind Pump Adam, and you can find the Mind Pump Show at Mind Pump Radio. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump Sal, Justin's at Mind Pump Justin, Adam is at Mind Pump Adam, and you can find the Mind Pump Show at Mind Pump Radio. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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