Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 382: Trust the Process

Episode Date: October 13, 2016

So much of what is discussed on Mind Pump goes directly against the quick fix mentality that pervades the fitness industry. Occasionally Sal, Adam & Justin run into people that pre-judge what they pre...scribe before it even has a chance to blow their mind. In this episode the boys discuss why it is so important to "trust the process" if you want to get the long-term benefits to training, eating and living following Mind Pump principles. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, mind pump listeners. We go up on a little bit of a rant, kind of a positive rant in this upcoming episode. When we talk about really listening to your body and trusting the process. And we know a lot of you don't have the experience or the knowledge that we have in trusting the process.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And so we have programs, we have programs that you can follow, they're all laid out for you. And one of the best things you could probably do is enroll in them and follow them to the T and watch your body respond. And we've combined a lot of these programs together so that you have long-term programming because we understand that the body does very, very well when you plan it out on a long-term basis,
Starting point is 00:00:53 when you train it in different ways over the period of six months, nine months or over a year. So we have bundles. Our longest bundle is the RGB bundle. That's nine months of exercise programming. It's all the best deals, too. The best deal, it gives you everything you need, everything's phased, all your,
Starting point is 00:01:09 it has all the exercises and blueprints. It's all broken down for you. We have another two bundles. We have the sexy athlete bundle, which teaches you how to take maps aesthetic and combine it with maps performance for both mobility and aesthetics. And then we have the build your butt bundle,
Starting point is 00:01:24 which has maps aesthetic and maps and a ballac. And it combines them and teaches you how to to put them together to wake up what we call a sleepy butt or to build your posture or your chain, because we know a lot of people have that as a challenge. All those bundles are discounted, but this month what we're also offering is, if you enroll in any of those bundles, we're going to give you for free the no BS six pack formula.
Starting point is 00:01:49 This is the first time we've ever given away for free. The no BS six pack formula is a entire workout program phased out and programmed out specifically designed to build a strong visible effective core, $57 value, and it's yours for free if you're rolling any bundle. This is a promotion that's going on this month and then we're ending it and never bringing it back. You can find all these programs at mindpumpmedia.com. Do you either want to go guys watch the office? Have you ever seen the office?
Starting point is 00:02:18 I love the office, dude. Oh my God, do you know what it is? I've said I know what it is. Oh God, I have so many things to turn you on to, bro. I feel like we need to go to camp for like All right, you just took this big old road trip. Yeah, it's like you know, you're just on your way bro I don't watch I don't watch much TV. That's a thing getting out of your bubble. Huh? I don't watch that much TV I know it's I watch YouTube and Netflix sometimes and that's it especially since you since you enjoy marijuana too
Starting point is 00:02:43 I feel like that's the isn't that I, there's nothing more that I love than like shutting my brain down, smoking and then watching a fucking mindless show like the office that just makes me laugh. Just full of one liners and just like super random. But I love how they like try to make it so serious and it's so not serious, you know, like paper. So great. No, see, I do the opposite.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Like, if I'm going to, if I'm going to use cannabis and watch TV, honest to God, I prefer watching, like, abstract thinking, documentary stuff. I like watching, like, like, documentary so things, like, like, trips. Yeah. I enjoy that too, though.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I'll give you that. I like that too. I think that's it. That's enjoyable. Did the past the past few nights have been introducing Jessica to Milton Friedman and we've been watching economics videos. Wow. That's a fucking party right there. I think I found my soulmate. Hey, babe, what do you want to do to that for fun? You guys watch economics videos. Okay. I I have to say, I have to say, I know what, right? I haven't got Katrina quite there,
Starting point is 00:03:49 because every once in a while, I do that, and every once in a while, she will be like, you feel like watching a documentary? And I'm like, of course, you know, I'm always down to watch something like that, and she rarely ever wants to watch some, she's like, that, why is that? Why do men really, like, of course,
Starting point is 00:04:01 she wants to watch notebook, you know what I'm saying? That's what she wants to watch. I want to watch something like that for sure Is is documentary is that a male dominated genre if documentary? I don't think so my wife loves those There she is a good question. I wonder who likes the more men or women or depends probably on the documentary You could probably Google that she cannot get me to watch a romcom the fuck off. What's that romantic comedy? Oh? I've I've told I heard somebody call it. I didn't even know I knew.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yes, who's in that? Romcom. You know why I don't like, you know why I don't like them? Because they all have the same exact thing that happens at the end. And acting is always like horrific. Here's what happens at the end of every romantic comedy, okay? They, there's a couple or two people. Oh my god, they like each other.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Oh my god, big fight break up at the end. They fucking get together somehow, like on a plane, someone's leaving. And I'm gonna run on the plane or some last minute thing or every time. I got one more thing to say. Oh, they ended up together. I have to say that's why I hate them too.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I hate them for things. I know exactly what's gonna happen. Well, they're not real. It's a formula. It's fooling all the women out there. That's why I don't like it. It's like they're all waiting for that They're like, you know, sometimes I feel like my girl looks like that like when are you gonna come romantically speak?
Starting point is 00:05:10 You know when the white horse and scoop me up and throw me over your shoulder and win some battle like when am I gonna Do that like I feel like they're waiting for that that exact scene to come out because they watch so many those goddamn movies And when you watch that many in a row eventually a brainwash is you into thinking that's really what happens to man with porn though Yeah, same thing. That's what I mean, I Hey, why don't you write your friends? That's true. Yeah, fuck that's what happens on every movie. I put it in that one What can I see what can I stick the champagne bottle in your ass? Wow, that's not okay. I was trying to screw it around that. Adam just went right in.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Just, just, just, just, I'm a bitch. Justin did the PC version. Yeah, was that, it's gonna harm me all like, you know, it was super dragon. Where we on, where we on my pump family today.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah, we're on family today. I don't like this is what I say. Yeah, imagine when we get like that, what we're doing, like, three different types of podcasts and we have to try and remember, which one is it? What other, what other kind of podcasts, what kind of podcasts and we have to try and remember which one is what other
Starting point is 00:06:12 Okay, what other kind of podcast what you got what kind of podcast would you want to do besides my pump my pump family besides that oh besides that yeah I would like to talk a little more I don't want to do one only specifically on Star Wars Star is it just in Star Wars talk it's so big like I could talk about it for like a million years So it'd be like it would be like nerds talking about comic books. Yeah, Star Wars Star Trek fun of ourselves. That would be cool. Yeah, actually that'd be a good podcast Yeah, Adam would have like we probably have like Adam's story time or something like that. No, no That's what I mean Adam's story time. Oh like that. All right today today on today's episode I'm gonna talk about something that happened to me when I was 15 years old
Starting point is 00:06:43 I think And you get a rash that looks like this. This is what it means. Yeah. I would do more of a sports. I like talking more sports. We don't talk very much sports on here. I would have to come on that show. Yeah, I see it.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And bullshit with you. I think that fink. Oh, sorry, I woke up. Yeah. You fink. F*** sleep over here. Well, you would do a political one for sure. Yeah, you could do that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Something like that. Yeah, the show where Sal tells you he knows everything. Yeah. Kind of like my pump. That's the show already. The show already. Who was it, the kid that we have on the show that was in Danny?
Starting point is 00:07:19 He's like, oh, I like Sal because he speaks in absolutes. You know what I'm saying? No, I don't. I never do. I never do. I always do. That is for sure. It's true.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's true. But fitness is the best one. You know what I like fitness? It's our backbone. No, this is what I like fitness. I don't care who you are, where you come from, what your political beliefs are, what you know, nationality you are, or religion you are, everybody's interested in being healthier and feeling good, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Well, that's okay, I think. It's great, because we can reach everybody. Like I can talk about fitness in any audience or crowd and I'm not gonna have to. You can benefit anybody. Yeah, the only people that can be pissed off of me or if there's other people in the crowd who are in the fitness industry
Starting point is 00:08:02 because I'm probably gonna talk about. Right, they're in a different camp. Yeah, that. Right. They're in a different camp. Yeah. I think it guarantees that one characteristic about every single one of those people that are on that journey and that's that they all care about being better than what they are currently. So I think that's kind of unique in itself, right?
Starting point is 00:08:20 How many other things like, if you show up to a theme park just because everyone's at a theme park, there doesn't mean that all they're gonna have the same characteristics and so on. But there is one characteristic that all those people will share is that they have that desire to better themselves. And there's something to be said about people that are like that that are. You can walk into a room, a crowded room of people,
Starting point is 00:08:36 and there's gonna be a large, a pretty significant percentage of them that are gonna be interested in losing weight or becoming more fit or building muscle or getting stronger or moving better, you know, just getting healthier in general. It's something that impacts everybody. That's why I like it so much. I can talk about it and just so many people are impacted in a positive way by good fitness information. I can help people. Here's the problem with other categories of help. If I'm talking to someone and I'm trying to tell
Starting point is 00:09:05 them how to benefit their business or benefit their life coach. Some specific, right? There's going to be a large percentage of people that are immediately going to shut off and be like, I'm not listening to you because you believe in this political thing or you believe in this religion or whatever. If I'm talking fitness, right away people are open. Like, oh, let's talk about fitness. It's an end and end. Yeah. When we influence you, you're political decisions. Yeah, the only exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah. The only people I think that would have a problem with talking would immediately shut us off or the kind of the know what alls. The people who are part of this big monster that we kind of go against all the time. Yeah. They're in protection mode. Yeah. Well, yeah, the beast. Well, because they have. Like you ever try to talk to that we, that we kind of go against all the time. Yeah, their protection mode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Well, yeah, the beast. Well, because they have, like you ever try to talk to like a, like some like a big, like, roided out bodybuilder about fitness? Well, didn't you just, you just recently, they don't listen to you at all,
Starting point is 00:09:55 they don't, you recently got into a little friendly discussion with Paul Rivera. Oh, just asking questions. Yeah, yeah, no, it's intelligent. I like that I I was I was paying attention. I saw you baiting him. Yeah. I saw you baiting and he was pretty. That's health growth. What I will say. Hey, what are you doing in there, baiting? I don't know him, right? I've only heard I've
Starting point is 00:10:14 only heard him speak on Lane Norton's podcast a few times and it seems like a cool guy. It seems like a smart dude. And anytime that you do something like that where you bait somebody I always like to see how they were. Because right away, it will tell me something about their character. And anytime that you do something like that where you bait somebody I always like to see how they were. Cause right away it will tell me something about their character. And I like the guy. So I think I think he handled you very well. You did come on his page and you did ask some questions. And see there you go again. Guys on his page. I'll be right here. No, they have, it's an interesting, you know, this whole, they're double down on the philosophy or the understanding
Starting point is 00:10:45 that if your macros are in check and your calories are in check, then there's really no good or bad foods. And I don't know, I don't know. I mean, does it make me upset a little bit because there's a lot of people that follow them, but how can you say that? How can you say that with a straight face that? Well, because they take, and I'll tell you right now, being somebody who's listened to almost all of lane stuff
Starting point is 00:11:08 along with this guy, I've read some of his shit too, is they really take the, they take the other extreme approach and this is their answer. So for example, like a lot of people demonize foods, right? And when we do this, we've talked about this on our podcast before, and they take it to such an extreme that they talk about how psychologically damaging
Starting point is 00:11:31 this can be for you. And so they take that allowing balance and these types of foods to come in you to have such a positive on the psychological side that it counters what it's doing to you, basically internal internally. And mainly because we just don't have the science to prove how bad that really is. Well, no, I get that, but he literally made a post that said, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I even asked the question, so what you're saying is, this is literally what I said, is that if somebody's macros are good and calories are good and they'd pop tar every single day for 30 years, there would be zero effects, zero negative effects, zero, it's benign basically. And the answer was yes. That's a benign thing to do every single day for 30 years. And that's just, that's just not true. That's the can't be true. Not only is it can't be true, it's the lot of science is proving that it's not. We just interviewed Dr. Terry Walls
Starting point is 00:12:27 and she talked about some of her research and how food is influencing the body and how the body reacts. And it had everything to do with things that had nothing to do with calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, had everything to do with other things. I'm supposed to prove a case
Starting point is 00:12:44 because any introduction of a specific type of a food, like her body reacts like within what she's like 48 hours or so. Yeah. And she's an extreme case, but still. But still, I mean, you can see that as like a physical change in her body. Well, there is a type of food that you've. And the response that I got was, well, for people who may have health issues, that's true.
Starting point is 00:13:08 But for healthy people, it's okay. But even then, when you look at people with chronic disease, yeah, if you have people that with chronic illness, they have just a lower tolerance for it. But that doesn't mean if you do it every day for 20 or 30 years. Because again, if you look at studies done on these types of things, yes, a lot of science is gonna defend them, but the science is not long.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I mean, we don't live, we don't eat, you know. Well, not only is the science not long, but it's also for God how many years has it been biased? I mean, most of those studies are getting paid by companies that want that argument to stand, you know what I'm saying? Like they're not gonna, that we're just now starting to see,
Starting point is 00:13:47 and maybe in what would you say last five, maybe 10 years tops, are we starting to see the counter? Like that was one of the things that when we asked, Dr. Tracy Walls, like when she was going through, or Terry Walls was, you know when you first started going through this process, what was it like with your peers?
Starting point is 00:14:02 And the pushback that these guys, because some of these people are the pioneers of some of the stuff that we're talking about, the doctors and our fields that are putting these studies out. Well, yeah, so she may only have 15 to 20 studies right now to support what she's arguing talking about. And there's thousands of support like Lane, Norton, and Paul, because that's because there was 30, 40 years of this that were all done to support that. Well, it's also they weren't given some time and watch what happens.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And they weren't looking at certain things that they knew exactly. They were, they were, they were, they why would they be looking those things that you well, but she even said it. She said a lot of the studies now are being done on animals. She said it'll take about 20 years before we have conclusive, you know, evidence for human. She goes, but it's all pushing point in that direction. And that's how she does her treatments. And, you know, she said that the results that they get from getting nutrients from whole natural foods versus getting these same nutrients from supplements is far better. And a lot of it has to do with the fact that food has things in it that we still don't
Starting point is 00:14:58 even understand how they react with each other and then react with the human body. So although you may be eating a particular vegetable because it's got, let's say vitamin B12 or something that you really want, there's other things in that food that help in utilization of that B12 that have their own benefits and then in the combinations that are right
Starting point is 00:15:16 because that's the way food grows. That nature is that balance down. We don't know yet. We still have an identified what that means. So to say that we, you know, eating something every single day is going to have no effect. Well, first of all, that's false. And everything you do every single day is going to have some kind of an effect on your body. Almost nothing is going to be a very defect. Yeah. So to make a blanket statement
Starting point is 00:15:41 that it's not going to affect you, that's like stupid. Well, I'm surprised you, I thought for sure you were gonna head towards a gut floor direction when he went that way. I thought for sure you were gonna start asking him questions. So then would you think that it would alter the gut floor at all by consuming a bob tartar someday and what do you think, what kind of effects do you,
Starting point is 00:15:57 I thought you were gonna go that way with him. Yeah, no. No, I mean, there's epigenetics. There has, you know, epigenetics is something that's really, you's really evolving right now. The science coming out is pretty amazing. And basically the basis of that is that your genes are kind of as blueprint.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And epigenetics is your lifestyle. And your lifestyle tells your body to which blueprint to utilize. And so if you're eating a certain way or your activities are a certain way, then you're activating, you're turning on this blueprint, that's there, but now you've turned it on. So if you're genetically predisposed for say diabetes or Alzheimer's or cancer, that doesn't mean you're going to get those things. It means that the blueprint exists within you, and it's up to you to turn it on or not.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And that's what epigenetics is all about. So there's a lot more than meets the eye. And I think it's safe to say eating whole natural foods, being active, taking care of your body and all those types of things is better than not. I'm saying, and every little thing you do does have an impact, and that's fine. Nobody's saying you should live like a robot. Of course, you want to enjoy your life,
Starting point is 00:17:11 and I've said this before, if you're enjoying food because you're with your friends and you're enjoying the actual food itself, that's one thing, but if you're just mindlessly eating shitty food and calling that balance, well, that's not really balance either, right? Yeah. Or calling it not shitty food, that there's no such thing, right? Yeah. Or calling it not shitty food, there's no such thing, right?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah. Because I agree, that annoys me, you know. I get what he's doing, though. He's doing the reverse of what you do on your page. He's using that shotgun, uh, like, good. You got to believe, you got to believe deep down those guys know, you got to believe that, you know, lane and himself, know the science and know what's coming out of it's new, but I think just like Like Dr. Wall said like she was talking about it's gonna take 20 years for us to get it through human studies So these guys know they got it They got a 10 to 20 year run right now before someone's gonna be able to really prove that they're wrong Well, even if they know that it's heading in that direction It's like if I'm if I'm in their shoes and we know the formula to make money is to
Starting point is 00:18:05 push supplements and bars. And talking about integrity. She brought that up too. Absolutely. Well, it was drawn to like going that direction and come out about it regardless of like, you know, waiting on all the studies to back her up. Well, today, here's a thing though that's different about today. Today, we were so connected with social media and the internet that you have, you know, anecdote in the past, if you, you know, I'll give you an example, I have a family member of Crohn's
Starting point is 00:18:30 disease. And if this were 20 years ago, you would have to seek out special groups of people who would meet who have Crohn's and who've had Crohn's for a long time and talk to them and hear about what they're doing that they found helps them. That's not approved medically. It's a very difficult process. You hear it through the grapevine. It doesn't get, the information doesn't get disseminated like it does today, where if you have crones as these, you go online, you see these message forums.
Starting point is 00:18:56 You can find out how to find out. Yeah, and so this is how my family member found what's called the carbohydrate-specific diet. Another thing that is so awesome with the internet, we talked about. And the carbohydrate specific diet. Another thing that is so awesome. We talked about, you know. And the carbohydrate specific diet, something that people with Crohn's have been using, anecdotally, lots of people have said it's really worked for them.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So he tried it and lo and behold, it put them into complete remission. It's not a approved diet, you know, no doctor would have told them that. It's not an unhealthy diet, so it's not like the doctor would have said don't do it, but nobody would have given them that. It's not an unhealthy diet. So it's not like the doctor would have said don't do it But nobody would have given him that advice and where would he have heard about it in the first place? There's no studies yet. You see what I'm saying? So the internet's kind of changing things now to where we're I'll give you another example
Starting point is 00:19:35 Let's look at cannabis cannabis treating epilepsy. There's certain forms of non-treatable epilepsy like Dravace syndrome where children will have multiple seizures every single day, 20, 30 seizures a day, horrible affliction where eventually the child gets brain damage as a result. And there's nothing that you can do. There's no medicine that treats them, there's nothing on the market. And all these people were discovering that giving their children highly concentrated CBD oil, which comes from cannabis, got rid of their epilepsy.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Now the reason why people started hearing about it was the internet. All of a sudden, people are posting videos of their child having these seizures, given in the CBD, boom, within 30 seconds the child stopped seizing and then they're having one seizure a day or no seizures a day. It created this huge momentum online. Pharmaceutical companies got wind of it, started investing and now you have drugs which should be FDA approved very quickly here,
Starting point is 00:20:34 they were put on these fast tracks to approval, but it was all because of the internet. Had that not happened, they would have never had the momentum behind investing in this kind of thing. So I think when it comes to things with nutrition, we're going to see these movements happen a lot quicker because you're going to see much more power in anecdote, much more power in people.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And it's going to motivate people and doctors and researchers to look in that direction because they're going to see a whole see of people saying, you know, when you have a You know forum after forum saying hey when I gluten, you know This is what I feel in my joints or this is what I noticed in my skin or whatever You know you're gonna have researchers saying hold on a second. Let's maybe we should look into this like look at all these people Like thousands and thousands of people in these forums, you know talking about this this issue with gluten And I'm just using an example. So you're going to get more money going towards some of the features that you would have normally not seen before.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I think that's a very good thing. Oh, it's exciting as shit, dude. So it's very exciting for me. So I don't know. I'm pretty hopeful with the future of fitness. I think one of the messages I was talking to an old client of mine, they're like, you know, I haven't trained now for a few months since we've been full time.
Starting point is 00:21:45 But I still have clients that'll send me messages about, you know, their nutrition and exercise. And it's a tough road, we all know it. It's a very difficult road to go down, especially when you do it the right way because you want instant results, you want your body to respond right away. You've done things in the past where you'd lose five pounds
Starting point is 00:22:04 real fast and it wasn't the right way, which is why you're at where you're at now. But you know, it's very difficult to go down the path of getting the metabolism to work doing this right way. And I have to constantly reinforce the trusting the process. Trust the process. You know, the right thing to do, you got to just do it. And then you'll see, you know, what happens. What didn't you guys agree that that has to be at least 80% of your job is it when you're a train, when you're a train. 100 totally.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah. I mean, literally once you lay down the foundation, that's, you have to repeat that like all the time. Yeah. I think that is one of the hardest, and that's why I think that's why we're also passionate about what we do with coming out with the Roth that is truth is because that's who we're battling. That's they make our job so much fucking harder when there's all this gimmicky shit
Starting point is 00:22:48 out there. That's the tours that are making people believe that oh, my friend, she lost 15 pounds in this and it's like trying to get those people to understand that, yeah, we could do that. Yeah, we can go that route, but we're setting yourself up for a headache down the road. And it's only going to be worse. And if you had any idea on how much harder it's going to be for you, if you continue to do things this way, you would never start in the first place because, you know, helping somebody early on and teaching them how to balance, eat balanced and train properly early
Starting point is 00:23:17 on in their life so much easier to keep that person in shape than somebody who has just been fucking their body up for 30, 40 years. You have to say, look, you could, you know, if you want to build a house that looks really nice on the outside, I could get a bunch of workers and say, forget the foundation, forget the freaking inside of it. Just build a shell. Frame the shit up. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Put a shell up and make it look real nice from the front, you know, from the front view. Make it look real nice and that shit could get done real quick. Yeah. But the second you go inside that house trying to live in that thing, that thing falls apart, looks like shit, there's no plumbing, whatever. To build a good house takes a little bit of time, but when you do it, it's a house, and it lasts a long time, and the same is true for your body. You know, I had a client.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'll never forget this because it was such a battle for me, but luckily this young lady eventually came over and finally trusted the process. And I ended up training her for a long time. I trained her for three years before she finally listened to some of the stuff that I was talking about. And during that period of time, this is what this lady would do. She would work out with me two days a week. She would eat very low calories, around 1200 calories. She was running about 10 to 15 miles a week, every single week. On top of working out with me and running,
Starting point is 00:24:27 she was doing Pilates, yoga, and doing other additional workouts on her own. She was just a fanatic, all these different things. And granted, she did get lean. She got, you know, kind of where she wanted to, but in order to maintain that, she had to maintain, continue doing that. And I remember I would talk to her and I'd tell her,
Starting point is 00:24:45 I'd say, no, I'd say, you're eating, let's say, let's do the math here. You're eating 1200 calories a day. You're working out at least between one to two hours every single day. On top of that, you're being active throughout the day because she would also measure her neat at the time that's when the body bug first came out, right?
Starting point is 00:25:01 So she's measuring that. I said, doesn't that seem kind of weird to you? Your whole day is she's measuring that. I said, doesn't that seem kind of weird to you? Your whole days revolving around that, like every minute of the day, you're fixated on like calories in, calories out, burning, you know, the proper amount and getting the movement.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And it's just like, where do you have time, you know, the rest of your day to just hang out and do things that you want to do? Well, I would tell her that's, I said, doesn't that seem kind of crazy to you? That's that consumed that 1200 calories is maintaining you with all this activity. And she say, no, my metabolism's just really slow.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I'm not one of those lucky people. You know, I've always had issues. And I say, okay, what do you mean by always having issues? Let's back up. And we had this long conversation. And she told me how she first died it when she was 12 years old and how she died it. And it was a crash diet and how she basically this was the
Starting point is 00:25:50 repeating cycle since she was 12 and how it's always been difficult to keep weight off. And so I pointed that out to her and said, well, maybe it's been difficult because this has been your process. You're teaching your body to become extremely efficient with the amount of calories as burns, it burns because it knows that you're going to be active, it knows you're going to eat very little. And then second, you feed yourself more than 1200 calories or take a break. It holds on to that. It holds on to everything. And that seems to be the
Starting point is 00:26:16 cycle. So I don't think it has to do so much with your genes as much as it has to do with this is just your process. This is the signal that you're sending your body. And I told her to tell them your body to do that. And you know what? One day she broke down, she cried, and this is what she ended up going on vacation for a week. She went to go visit some family, came back, she gained 10 pounds over one week period because she binge-donged candy, chocolate, and didn't exercise. So then she was punishing herself. She came back, she was crying.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And I sat down with her and said, look, here's what I want you to do. You've been doing this for years. All I want you to, you've been, you've been, this has been a battle of yours for years. I said, just please give me six months of your life. Just give me six months. What's the worst thing that could happen? Think about that. The worst thing that could happen is you gain 15 pounds and we stop it and we go back to what you were doing before, okay? What's the best thing that could happen? Everything I've been telling you is true. Imagine that. Imagine if anything I'm telling you is true. I said, just trust me. I want you to. We're gonna reduce your cardio to the point where you're not doing any cardio because we've got to repair things.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You're just gonna lift weights with me. We're gonna focus on making you stronger so that your metabolism speeds up. We're gonna slowly work your calories up so that your body gets used to eating more food. We're going to get rid of most of your supplements. You're going to be eating lots of whole natural foods. You're going to focus on things that are going to bring your level of intensity down. So you're going to stop doing that crazy power yoga that you do four days a week. And I'm going to have you do Yin yoga, the boring stuff that you hate, where you're sitting in there meditating. We're gonna teach you how to meditate. You're gonna go on hikes instead of runs. And, but I want you to trust me. For six months, just do everything I say.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And she was in so, she was so broken down, she said, okay, and she literally did to the word, everything I told her. She trusted the process. And here's what happened. The first four months, nothing, nothing happened. I think she gained a little bit of weight. She was getting stronger in the gym. She was feeling better, but the mirror wasn't changing. Her weight wasn't changing. She wasn't noticing the fashion metabolism.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It was a very, very slow process. After about four or five months, then weird shit started happening. All of a sudden, she's like, you know, she'd go away herself and be like, I lost two pounds. This is weird. And it's staying off.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And, oh my God, I look leaner. What's going on? I'm still getting stronger. This doesn't make sense. And, you know, and I tell you, you need to eat more because you're losing too much weight. And she's like, well, what's going on here? Maybe I'm sick, maybe something's wrong with me.
Starting point is 00:28:35 She couldn't figure it out. And I said, trust the process, stick with it. Anyway, long story short, this young lady ended up later on becoming a personal trainer. And she works out a total fraction of the amount of time that she used to work out. Her workouts are much more effective and efficient. She now has a fast metabolism.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I'm still friends with her. I talked to her and she tells me she goes, south she goes, if I don't eat 2000 calories I'll start losing weight. She said, I can't believe it. I told her, I said, remember when you said those conversations back in the day? That's the thing, I think. You're a metabolism's finally working for you now. You know, and that's and that people don't under have a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:29:10 You're working with your body is what you're going to get to. You're working to resonate for a while for these people. You know, it's a hard, it's a hard thing to do. It's a tough man. It's tough man. Especially when you know what the go to has been forever for losing weight. Like everybody kind of knows knows what they've done to lose weight at a certain point in their life.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yes, and I think what you have to do is you have to take your eyes off of your old goals. Stop thinking about weight loss and fat loss and shredded and all that stuff. Stop looking at it for a while and start focusing on health Performance in the gym am I moving better and I stronger? How do I feel? How does my skin look? How is my sleep? How's my energy when I'm with my kids? Hey, it's my sex drive
Starting point is 00:29:55 Good, I'm just you you got to stop right there because you started as you said this earlier too when you're talking about how the how she went four months without Seeing anything really as far as weight in in fact, she kind of gained weight. But there was other markers that were showing indicators, and this is what I, the conversation I find myself having a lot with clients is that, you know, we get so hung up on the scale and the mirror, and that's what we're looking at, which is so easily manipulated.
Starting point is 00:30:17 We've talked about this before with sodium and water and carbs, like that all makes the way we look in the mirror totally different. So getting caught up in that is bullshit anyways. But telling our clients, listen, it's not just about those things. There's other markers that are showing you're on the right track. Like, a huge win if you were somebody who didn't get full nights rest, like Nelson, you're sleeping really well.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Or you were somebody that experienced headaches two to three times a week. Now you don't have headaches anymore. You used to be somebody who was so hard to get times a week. Now you don't have headaches anymore. You know, you used to be somebody who had just, it was so hard to get out of bed. And now you kind of spring up and you have your energy or used to have dips in the middle of the day. Now you like, these are all huge victories in the journey of health and fitness and getting your metabolism to work for you. And it's all, it's all indicators that you're fucking going the right direction and learning to focus on those victories. Instead of getting so hung up on the long term goal, longterm goal of whatever it is that you want to look like aesthetically
Starting point is 00:31:08 or feel like, it may take a long time to get there, especially if you've been beating your shit up for a long time. If you've been somebody who's been hammering your body for a very long time and feeding it poorly and you just now decide you're going to change that, you've got to give it some time. We get messages all the time because we have programs that we offer our maps programs, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:28 maps and a ball, like performance aesthetic anywhere. And sometimes I'll get messages, actually, rather than not a whole bunch, but we'll get messages from people who say something like, okay, Sal, I know maps and a ball, it calls for three, you know, hard foundational workouts a week in the gym, but I'm so used to so much volume
Starting point is 00:31:46 and so much, I work out so much now, I'm gonna add an extra one or two days of foundational workouts, what do you think? And my answer's usually the same, it's like, trust the process, just, what do you have to lose? Try it out. What do you have, literally think about this for a second. If you went with your logic,
Starting point is 00:32:06 if you objectively look at it something, because you know it's right, okay? All of you guys listening right now who have this up and down battle with weight loss, and muscle, and all these crazy things you do, or you are a guy, and you're eating 400 grams of protein a day, and you're farting your ass off air all day long, you know what you're doing is wrong objectively.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You know it. If you were to look at it, you would say, well, this is not working. This is obviously fucking up my gut and it doesn't feel right. But yeah, you stick to it because you're being mindless about it. Take a step back and be objective for a second and then give it a shot for like three months.
Starting point is 00:32:39 What's the worst that's gonna happen? Think about it. And three months, what's the fucking worst thing that's gonna happen? You're still working out. What are you gonna do? You're You lose five pounds of muscle. Big fucking deal. Do you know how fast that comes on? Do you know how fast you gain five pounds of muscle you may have lost? Or maybe you gain five pounds of body fat. Big fucking
Starting point is 00:32:54 deal. At the end of that, you're going to be able to, you're going to be able to have the answer and save yourself. I was right all along or holy shit. I've been wrong this entire time, which is what's going's gonna happen I didn't lose muscle. And that's gonna be, that's an exciting place to be. At the end of that it's very exciting to say to yourself, holy shit I was wrong man I was wasting all this time. Well it's important to know that you have to teach because I know I've spent a lot of time actually teaching
Starting point is 00:33:19 clients to learn to even look for these things because we were never really taught to pay attention to that stuff. And if we did feel these things like the headaches or the lack of sleep or the stress, or whatever that may be going on, all these little indicators of we're not taking care of our body, our stool, like you said, farting, burping, all these,
Starting point is 00:33:36 we have all these little signals that our body gives us, but we always attributed to something else. It's like that it totally has nothing really to do with it and learning to look at those symptoms and try to learn to correlate it with the foods that you're in taking or what you're doing with your routines, as far as your workout, and your daily habits.
Starting point is 00:33:55 People just, they don't have that ability. Some of them just, they don't even think about it. I ask them, how is your sleep? How is this? I started hitting all these little things and they're like, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. What the fuck is fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. Like, that is, I mean, I know me, it's always changing.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Like yesterday it was a certain way and I know it was a certain way because I fed myself and did everything I was supposed to do this morning. Like today I had great energy because I knew I got to sleep. Like, like, there's, I know every day that it's not always fine.
Starting point is 00:34:24 There's something up or down and what am I consistently down in or what am I consistently having or battling with like learning to see those things and Then learn to correlate that with you the food I was I remember you know I had to and this is a lesson by the way, you know I know we're preaching right now, but this is a lesson the three of us have had to go through ourselves Time and time again. That's what we're stressing it because I know we know how difficult it is to trust the process. I had this experience a long time ago, God back when the designer steroids or the pro hormones or whatever you want to call them were available over the counter. And you could buy these things at your, you know, some supplement stores would sell them
Starting point is 00:35:03 or you could buy them online. And these were literally, some of them were active hormones themselves and some of them were pro hormones and they'd get converted by your body to testosterone. So it's basically like taking steroids. And I take these things, I'd buy them and I thought they were okay because they were legal.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And you'd feel them, right? You take a steroid, you're gonna notice something. You're gonna gain some muscle, you're gonna, you're gonna get the gains, you're gonna get the pump, you're gonna feel all these great effects. But at some point you gotta go off. At some point you gotta stop taking it. You take them for four weeks or six weeks cycles
Starting point is 00:35:35 or eight weeks cycles. And when you go off of them inevitably, you notice a huge dip in your gains and then you wanna go back on them. And so I did this on and off for a relatively long period of time, right? Go on cycle, on cycle, on cycle, to go back on them. And so I did this on and off for a relatively long period of time, right? Go on cycle, on cycle, on cycle, on cycle.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Because every time I go off, I would just deflate. And my muscle, I'd lose muscle, I'd lose strength. I wouldn't feel good. And for obvious reasons, right? My hormone levels and my body were probably off as a result. I was probably training, I know I was training wrong because I was able to get away with training wrong because of these designer steroids that I was taking. And so there was a point, and I'll never forget, I was hanging out with some friends and
Starting point is 00:36:15 these two friends of mine who've influenced me tremendously. And I'm the person who I am today, a lot of who I am today is because of them. And they were very much into health and wellness, and we were discussing this, and I was more of the meat head of the group, and they were both telling me like, you know, Sal, why don't you, you mean you know all these things, why don't you trust the process and let your body,
Starting point is 00:36:34 give your body time to heal and reset itself off of stop, when you stop taking these, and maybe you'll discover better ways of working out and better ways of eating, because you're training and stuff kind of maybe dictated by better ways of working out and better ways of eating because your training and stuff kind of maybe dictated by these types of things. And so I took a leap of faith because I knew objectively, like logically, I knew,
Starting point is 00:36:53 like the right, these people are right, but part of me was like, fuck that, I don't wanna lose game, like this sucks, I'm gonna keep going. And it was a very difficult thing to do, and I made that decision that day and I told them, and I gave them my word and not because I had to because I knew if I did I would stick to it and I proceeded to go through about three to four months of the worst workouts of my life. The most difficult probably period of
Starting point is 00:37:18 my fitness of my life. My body had to readjust. I had to rediscover why my body part split was shit. And that's how I kind of discovered frequency worked a lot better. I discovered that maybe I was eating too much protein and I had to cut that down. I discovered quite a few things. At the end of that four month period, it took my body time to heal. And what I did was I just stopped focusing on building muscle. My workout still geared around that, but I started thinking about the other signals,
Starting point is 00:37:49 and that's the only way I could deal with it, right? I had to think about how do I feel, how am I sleeping, my skin, I'm not as bloated, all these wonderful things. And after about four months, my body started kind of responding really well. I started getting stronger. At the six month mark,
Starting point is 00:38:04 I was at where I was when I would take these things at the year mark. I was hitting PRs in my lips My workouts look completely different and it was totally worth that Four months of trusting the process and so that's what I I implore you to do if you're listening right now You know, you know in your heart what the right things are to do with your training what the right things are to do with your training, what the right things are to do with your diet, and they're usually health focused. Trust the process. Just close your eyes and get in it and do it because you know you're doing the right thing. Don't worry about weight so much. Don't worry about how you look for a second. Let your body adjust. Let the thing. Let your body work with you. And then at the end of it, you're going to come out of it and you're going to come out of it and
Starting point is 00:38:45 you're going to be shocked. You're going to be shocked how easy it is. It's almost effortless at that point. I think it's important to know too, or at least for me, that this is something, this is a conversation I still have to have with myself. I still got to remind myself that there's other victories and things to be focusing on with my health and wellness journey and not just cut up and the aesthetics and not just cut up in the PRs and cut up and, you know, seeing the gains, you know, gaining, like, physically, you know, and I'm not, like right now, you could argue that I was in better shape and stronger and all those things at a different time and then just the last year. But there's other things that, like, I get better out and some of those are just like,
Starting point is 00:39:23 you know, I get really crazy. And I think this is, you just keep getting to, each, every year, you take it to the next level of your health and fitness. It's another level of awareness. Yeah, exactly, right? And noticing like, man, when I make sure I incorporate fish, at least one to three times in the week,
Starting point is 00:39:38 man, I feel so much better when I do that. Oh, if I make sure that every day, I'm getting X amount of greens. And when I make sure I get peppers and in there for my digestive enzymes, when I start doing this, like I start noticing like all these little things, how they're affecting my sleep, my stool, my energy levels, and I try to improve that, and I try and be aware of it,
Starting point is 00:39:56 and make sure I cycle it into my diet and stuff. And even though my PRs are down right now, and I'm not in 4% body fat ready to get on a stage, you know, I'm happier with the balance of that I'm doing, and I'm better getting better about being aware of that, and making sure that's a part of my life. But I would even argue, let's say your goal was to start hitting PRs and get to 4% body fat, knowing what you know now. Oh, yeah. Easier. Better and healthier. Well, I just mentioned this, I think I talked about this in the podcast about I feel like right now
Starting point is 00:40:25 What my big victory that I'm like holding on is that I'm putting in the least amount of work in the gym to maintain The best shape that I've ever been so I'm not in the best shape of my life I'm in the best shape with the least amount of effort inside the gym And that's because I've really also honed in a lot of the movements I mean through all the program designing instead that we've been building, I've realized like, okay, these are the biggest bang for the buck moves on this. At the bare minimum, I make sure I get in the gym, I do that, and I it's going to sustain a pretty solid physique on me. It's not going to be ready for a stage, but it's a good look that I feel comfortable in. It allows me flexibility. I don't feel
Starting point is 00:41:00 married to the gym all the time. So that's something I'm going through right now. But I, but I have to have those talks with myself because I'm human too. I wake up, I get, I dry off in the morning and stuff and look at myself and go like, this motherfucker was on a stage just like six months ago. What the fuck? You're, you know, get your shit together. And I, and you want, and I want to beat up on myself a little bit, but then I realize like, yeah, but that same guy is get, it's better at this and better at that and better at this. So I think too,. I think too, we've been talking about trusting the process. Trusting the... Well, you need to have a solid plan.
Starting point is 00:41:31 That being a long-term thinking, that's why we stress a long-term plan, a long-term program. How do you organize that properly? How do you add in a proper nutrition program with that? Like you have to have something that you can lean on to be able to trust. That's a great, great point. You know, there's a lot of people I just know, like listeners that haven't invested in a program, even if it's ours, if it's somebody else, is that, you know, is reputable.
Starting point is 00:42:07 If it's somebody else is that, you know, is reputable and, you know, you walk around somewhat aimless, but you feel like you've absorbed a lot of the content. And it just helps a lot to be able to lean on something that is sort of your backbone in the gym. So it's like, well, I'm kind of at this point in my workouts, you know, where do I go from here? Well, that's why we put so much effort into phasing these types of workouts. So that way, we can really stay on top of it and just take you along this journey. So it's not like you're going to walk into the gym and float around and try to really
Starting point is 00:42:40 grasp this concept that we're trying to stress. No, that's a great point because if you look at, and I mean, I know I'm gonna sound like a commercial here, but if you look at our Cadillac bundle, right, the big bundle we have, the RGB bundle, which is three of our main programs, but they're put in an order, and they're a particular length for a reason. It's not because we're looking to give people more stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:07 It's because following it in that order for most people is going to take them on that journey, is going to take their body on the journey from where they're at to nine months later, where they want to be, and where do you want to be? You want to look a certain way? That's definitely going to happen. You want to feel a certain way. You want your body to respond to a certain way. You want to be able to go to the gym and know what you're doing. And here's what I mean by knowing what you're doing. Knowing what you're doing in the gym
Starting point is 00:43:35 doesn't mean you know exercises. Okay, that's easy. If you've got a smartphone, you can pull up an exercise. Anybody could do that. It's knowing your body. When you can walk into a gym and know your body That's when you really know fitness and it takes a long time and the way you get there initially is by trusting the process You gotta be careful when you say that though because I feel like so many people say like oh, I know my body
Starting point is 00:43:58 I know how to get in shape. I've met very few people that know they're both cool I agree I started I feel like I'm 15 plus years deep. I've met very few people that know that. Well, of course, I agree. I agree. I feel like I'm 15 plus years deep. I'm still fucking learning mine. You know what I'm saying? So that's why it's when your body is being aware enough to know the things that you don't know. That's the key.
Starting point is 00:44:16 True awareness isn't like that's true. You did motion intelligence. That's emotional intelligence. But most people don't have that. That's what I'm trying to say. Most people think that they think just because they got themselves in shape before that they know their body. How many times have you heard that before? Oh, I've done this or I've been here or I used to do this and I looked amazing or who look at this picture of me or check me out here like I know my body I know what it takes to get there. I'll give you I'll use you as an example. I'll use Adam as an example
Starting point is 00:44:43 I Adam been training for a long time, but working himself out for a long time. Easily one of the top trainers, I've ever known him my entire life, okay? He's lately been working on mobility, mobility for his hips, depth in his squat. Squats for Adam was a big issue for a very, very long period of time.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And since starting Mind Pump, he's made a concentrated effort at improving his squat mobility. He recently injured himself as a result because he was aware enough to know what he needed to work on, but he wasn't allowing himself to be aware of to know that he doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:45:19 So he didn't trust the process as much as he trusted him, quote unquote, knowing his body. Now he's back, he's your awareness is even higher higher because now what are you doing? Yeah. You take a step back and like, look, I'm not even going to fucking pretend like I know what I need to do. I'm just going to follow how it's laid out and just take it from there.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And now what pain is gone and mobility is getting better again. Great example. I mean, you know, and I appreciate you doing that because it helped me do the same thing for myself. And that's, I think, uh, I think the message when I say knowing your body, it's really not that you know the answers, that you're aware enough to know that you probably don't know the answers. And so you trust the process. This happens to me all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I get real, it's real easy for me to get caught up in the phase one of red, you know, MAP Santa Ballack. It's real easy for me to get caught up in the, you know, one to three rep range, go in there, build strength and power, get heavy deadlifts, get my deadlift, you know, weights to start getting up into the mid five hundred's or whatever, it's easy for me to do that
Starting point is 00:46:15 and to keep pushing that, it's very hard for me to go, okay, I've done this for two or three weeks now, I've hit a new PR or whatever, I'm gonna cycle out of this and go in another phase, because I go into that work, I go in, I know I can lift more than that know I can live there right now. Yeah, I can totally be last week. Yeah, I think I should just go for it Like that would be what I'd want to do But I'm aware enough to know not to trust that and so I'm just looking what's the program say? That's why I designed it that way now. I'm gonna follow the program as it's laid out and when I do that
Starting point is 00:46:41 I progress I progress faster pressure off yourself and better. So the pressure off yourself too. It takes a lot of pressure on yourself. If you're really trusting in that and leaning on a solid program, think about how much anxiety that just eliminates. It's true. And you know what's funny right now, I love this. So here's what's happening. We're super transparent.
Starting point is 00:47:01 So we're just going to be more transparent. Throw everybody under the bus. Lately, mind pump has been seeing a lot of maps performance. and we're super transparent, so we're just gonna be more transparent. So everybody under the bus. Lately, mind pump has been seeing a lot of maps, performance, people enrolling in the maps performance program, maps green, which is arguably one of our less popular in terms of purchases. When people get it and do it, they love it, but it's not as sexy as thatic or anabolic, right? It's not specifically designed to make you
Starting point is 00:47:24 look good on stage or whatever. It's more of a performance-based, mobility-based type program. And that's just not sexy to a lot of people. However, we've had a lot of people enroll in the RGB bundle and they're now moving into and it's crazy to watch it happening right now. Right, you've got all these,
Starting point is 00:47:38 this huge flood of people now who are moving into maps performance and now are getting through maps performance and they're raving about it. And so they're telling their friends and now all of a sudden we're moving into maps performance and now we're getting through maps performance and they're raving about it. And so they're telling their friends and now all of a sudden we're getting people enrolling in maps performance. Because people trusted the process. Because they're going through it.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And they're going through. And almost I get an inbox probably every day now if somebody's like, man, I tell you what, when I got started green, I wasn't really feeling it and I wasn't sure about this and then it ended up feeling that, but dude, I've never felt so good. It's a comfort thing, man. Oh, it is. And when you first deal with it, it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:48:10 rrr, you know, especially if that's not your way of training. If it's way away from you. It clashes a lot of that. It does. But boy, when you go through it, and especially if you go with the right attitude, because then I have some people that get in, go into one of any of our programs
Starting point is 00:48:23 and then expect something magical to happen, right? We had somebody like after two weeks, like messages, like, you know, I was expecting this program to do more. This guy's heard so much great about it. It's like, oh, how long are you going? Let's go back to the adaptation that you were doing. Let's face, you're talking about it. Exactly right.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah, I think, you know, if you, you know, if this is a path you want to go down, you know, here's what you do. You sit down and I want you to remove yourself from your body and I want you to observe yourself from the outside. I want you to pretend that you're watching yourself from the outside. You're seeing what you're doing with your workouts, you're observing the nutrition from the outside. I want you to put on your health and longevity and what's gonna work best for me in the long term glasses.
Starting point is 00:49:06 That's what you're gonna see everything through. Put those on and now objectively break apart what you're doing. And I want you to write down the things that you think you should probably do. And I want you to cross off the things that you're doing that you probably shouldn't. And you don't have to make a commitment
Starting point is 00:49:23 to that the fact that you're gonna do them. You don't have to say, okay, if I write this, I'm gonna do it. Don't do that yet. Just write it out. Just write it all down. Just see you have it on a piece of paper. And at the end of it, I want you to look at it and then decide if you're willing and ready to trust the process and take your own advice. That's another big one. A lot of people don't take their own advice. It's so funny when I hear, you know, I have bodybuilder friends, right, who just do some of the craziest things with their nutrition and exercise. And then they're now they're all, you know, now we're all in our mid to late 30s and some of us are in our early 40s. And they've all got kids now. I've got a couple of them, a couple of friends who've got kids who are like, you know, boys who are
Starting point is 00:50:01 13, 14, 15 years old. And they're asking them, hey, dad, should I be eating, you know, 200 grams of protein? Should I be taking all these supplements? And the dad's like, no, no, no, just do this, do so that. And I asked the dads, well, when do you think they should do that? And like, well, probably never. I mean, because all of a sudden, just your son, now you're giving them advice, you should take your own advice and see what would happen. And a lot of people don't take their own advice.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And that's, that's what I recommend. Step outside. Wow. It's all time. Step outside. Look at these things. You know, what would you tell your friend? What kind of advice would you tell your friend? Forget about the, I need to get in shape in five weeks or six week thing. You know, you're looking at being fit and healthy long term. What kinds of things, you know, would you do? And if you need guidance, if you're looking for, you know, a lot of that work being done for you,
Starting point is 00:50:46 I can only speak for the programs that we offer because I know them well because we design them and we are trainers, we're not fitness, people on that. I'm not a personality. Yeah, we're not made up, people that look good and we're buffed. I mean, some of us look good and that's great, but that's the side of it. Some of us. Yeah. Yeah, well, what I mean, the notation, Adam is a physique competitor.
Starting point is 00:51:10 He's a professional physique competitor, right? But he was a trainer first. That's my point. Like, we've trained people. We've trained people. We've trained people. We've put this together. We've put this together. Try them out,
Starting point is 00:51:25 enroll in some of the programs, trust it. Just do it, just do what it says. Well, I wanna throw away your old shit and do what it says and watch it out. I wanna challenge you one step further and that's because we talked a little bit of it on the podcast also is just to learn to objectively look at all the markers that we were talking about.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Learn to look at your stool, learn to look at your sleep, your poop, your sleep, your bowel movements, your energy levels. Are they sustained to the day? Sex drive, your skin, your hair, your nails, all your mood. All that stuff. All these breath. These are all these are all things your body is trying to tell you and learn to start to look at the on a day to day basis. So if you're ever somebody who would ever answer, oh, I know my body and I'm fine, fine, fine, fine on all those things, then you're fucking lying to yourself for other gates like learn to assess daily every day. So though all those markers are being affected by the foods that were consuming
Starting point is 00:52:17 and learn how to start to connect the dots, but it first starts with you paying attention to it. If you're someone who's never even really paid attention to the consistency of your own stool or the consistency of your bowel movements or the consistency of your sleep, start with these things. Start with paying attention to that. Start recognizing that and start connecting the dots with the foods and your programming that you're doing in the way you're taking care of your body. What you'll find is that those are very effective long-term motivators to doing the right thing. The scale and how lean you look or how muscular you look aren't necessarily the best motivators long-term because those things can be affected by all kinds of shit and you can lose weight
Starting point is 00:52:58 on the scale or gain weight on the scale by doing the wrong things. And if you just pay attention to that, then you're not going to notice that you're doing the wrong things and you know if you just pay attention to that then you're not going to notice that you're doing the wrong things So those are very very strong motivators and we think you should start there and also listen if you like mine pump Leave us a five star rating review on iTunes if we like your review and we pick it you'll get a free mine pump t-shirt You can also check us out on Instagram at mine pump radio and we also have our own Instagram pages Mine is at mine pump sal just and is at mine pump just and an also have our own Instagram pages. Mind is at Mind Pump Sal, Justin is at Mind Pump Justin and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
Starting point is 00:53:34 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. www.mapsanabolic.com over 200 videos. The RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at minepumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love
Starting point is 00:54:22 by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump. you

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