Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 388: Finding Motivation when Uninspired, Impacting Public Health & Growing a Podcast

Episode Date: October 21, 2016

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to help change awareness and m...ake an impact on public health in this age of unprecedented poor health, motivate self to work out when you just aren't feeling it and the toughest part of growing the Mind Pump podcast. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video every day on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Justin, what are we talking about? The RPG. G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G of exercise programming. We're having lots of people go through it and lots of incredible success stories. This is nine months all planned out, different forms of adaptation, different types of exercises all broken down into phases. It doesn't get more detailed, it doesn't get more informative. You're not going to learn anything more than you will with the RGB bundles. And the one you need to get informative is the key word you just said. And that's one of the reasons why we wanted to make sure that we brought this up again before this episode starts because in this episode, we do talk about that. And you know, really the evolution of maps is to get everybody at one point to go through all the programs.
Starting point is 00:00:55 So they learn they have all the tools. And so like Southside, even though all the bundles will include the six pack, the RGB is the nine months. You're going through all the different adaptations that we've designed for you guys. All you are doing is you are adding all these tools in your in your back. So this is so this is going to set you up for the rest of your life when you after you've gone through this program. You can find all these bundles, including the RGB at mind pump media.com. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, There's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Why are you so stressed out today, Doug? Yeah. What's going on right now? We got a lot of good news though. Well, no, no, no, no, no, good news. Yeah, we're gonna yell at some people today
Starting point is 00:01:40 and then we're gonna sign contracts with other people. Doug came in and stressed out, and so Adam, he's like a fucking heat seeking missile. He senses it and then he presses at the button and he just pushes it and he's like, Doug, hurry up, what's going on? And poor Doug, running around here. I do come on, I came in with the good news.
Starting point is 00:01:55 The frazzled out. Although I am the bear of good news most of the time, let's be honest. Tell us some good news, Doug. I mean, Adam, and then he just says not to, and he walks away. Well, the best thing is because so, so Doug was always known
Starting point is 00:02:05 as the backpack of Mind Pump because of what you said that one time, right? Like he's a little back. He fits right on you. That's how he gets small. That's nice and snug. I think it's nice and snug. But now we got, he's not that small, but we're whipped.
Starting point is 00:02:18 When we fly, when we go and travel, we do actually save money on it. He just sits on my lap when we do go to fly. So he fits in the overhead, come find me. He reads him stories. But then we brought on Josh, who's, if Doug's a backpack, Josh is Doug's backpack. He's a fan pack.
Starting point is 00:02:34 He's a fan pack, yeah, he's the addition to it. He holds all the credit cards. This is great. Yeah, I know. It's a good, I love everybody. Small, tiny camera. We're gonna see how fast Josh actually listens to the podcast too, because we're gonna talk shit about him
Starting point is 00:02:46 here. We're gonna tell him that we did that. You don't even know what this is a test. What we're gonna do He doesn't know this yet because right now he's on a trial period with us. Yeah, we haven't even jumped him in yet We're gonna officially show up. We're gonna beat him up. We're gonna officially a higher Yeah, but after we officially hire him what we're gonna do is he we're gonna turn him into like the Justin What was the guy's name from a fantasy factory?, drama. Yeah, he's gonna be our drama. He's gonna be our drama. Can I, can we do that though? Can we have, can we like beat people up like gangs do to get him in?
Starting point is 00:03:11 I mean, jump in a consent form. I mean, he's, I think we could probably just say, I don't think it's gonna take all of us. Josh is not a very big guy, dude. He's scrappy. He probably needs to be like, you might be like, Doug, remember, Doug's the one, easily among the four of us, that's the most dangerous. Once he foams at the mouth, dude. He's easilyppy prize ninja music. You might be like Doug remember Doug's the one easily among the four of us
Starting point is 00:03:25 That's the most things he foams at the mouth. Yeah, he's easily the most thing that Doug does have the chip Chimps drink Adam Adam looked at I mean a Doug looked at Adam is like don't forget that eyebrow and all I bow on me and shit. I'll kill you. I will We're almost shank. We are almost Complete here. I hope hopefully I'm crossing our fingers that the the last bit of our foam comes in today You think I hope well if you base if you base the speed at which our construction people have been working We should be finished sometime by 2035 is a formula for that somewhere. Yeah, it's just gonna be like yeah Because there's nothing more pleasing than coming in and working an entire day, and that's seeing a single fucking person doing anything.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Well, and this is how, I think we've all, that's very frustrating. We've all flashed at one point, and the way I take it, but mostly me and you. Yeah. But I feel like, I can't make sure that they still get it done.
Starting point is 00:04:17 What calms me down is that I have to remember that this is the drawback of being somebody like Sal or myself who just, we can't turn a screwdriver if our life depended on it. So we have to pay everybody yelling at everybody. Well, yeah, you know, what you so what happens? True. We're at the mercy. Like I have a student. I'm somewhere in the middle. I just need a TV hung up and I need some foam shit glued on a wall and my fucking ass just won't do that, you know, saying like so. And we don't want you to do that. Yeah, I don't want it. If me and
Starting point is 00:04:42 Adam came in, could you imagine if me and Adam were the ones responsible for putting the shit up? Oh my God. The disaster. It would be horrible. It'd be an absolute, I think we could if we tried Adam. Yeah, we did. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I don't want to, I don't want to do any of this. We make a YouTube video and just, where me and Adam try to do, I just want to see you guys hammer a nail. That's all. Well, you remember our old studio? The what? Our old studio.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Yeah, we had foam on those walls. Yep, who put that up? I don't know what you mean. I helped that's You and Adam me and you bitch. I did me and you both stapled it up. Yeah, yeah look terrible You guys can handle a stapler. Bro, we we literally so you supposed to put the foam up And what you're supposed to do is you's glue and glue the back and then stick So it's real nice right right right me and Adam are like let's just get this shit up We bought we had a we had a swing length There's a couple of them popping out. We had a swing length stapler. We just stapled it like two ends And put it up. Fuck it man. It was for the side right. It's not for look. It worked. This one looks sexy
Starting point is 00:05:39 We made sure to pay somebody yes, somebody that was smart even if it takes them 10 years It'll be done. It'll be done eventually to pay somebody. Yes. Somebody that was smart. Even if it takes them 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be done. It'll be done eventually. Do you know what? They got to milk it a little bit. It's that motherfucking time. Hey, hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I want to get a pair of your, what are those pants called? Types. Types. Types. So they had a question to ask you, what size are you wearing? Do they come in like different, like large eggs or larger? Is it more based on? I believe so these are under armor and I keys.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I don't know what I have on under armor and I keys, but one of them, one of them goes like large medium, smaller, sure large size like normal sizes. And then I think the other one does like waste size or something. Yeah, 32s or I think so what size are you? Are you I'm wearing shorts over those? Yeah, I would never do that. I don't, I don't care how trendy and cool that becomes that it's never,
Starting point is 00:06:23 we'll never be cool. But we don't want to see camel toe. Well, I well, I mean I've got I have a dick on me too Like these guys that get away with that stuff obviously don't have much of a package You're wearing don't mind if I say so myself. I mean I got a dick on it I don't know how those I don't know why those guys do that. I mean, they put you saw the formation. They post on social media like showing off their legs and the tights after they're all pumped up and stuff. But I'm like, dude, you can't even see your package
Starting point is 00:06:52 bro and you're wearing spandex. That's not a fucking good thing. And you know, and Adam's looking at him. Adam is really looking. He wants to see the pack, but he is. He can't see. One of my biggest scientists. One of my big, can I be honest with you?
Starting point is 00:07:01 So I did judo as a kid. I was a grappler as a kid, but I didn't do wrestling. And one of the big can I be honest with you so I did judo as a kid I was a grappler as a kid but I didn't do wrestling And one of the main fears of mine was wearing the fucking singlet because you could see everything With your dick out there isn't that and you know have you been you've never been on stage with the with the speedos right? You did the physique thing which was in boxers. Oh, yeah, yeah, no, no, I mean I could do the I can't I don't know I guess I could because what if you get a boner? Yeah. That's everybody's fear, right? You get up there, you get excited.
Starting point is 00:07:27 It's the same thing. Well, you know, try, you put it this way. I'm flexing. If you think in your mind, it's happening. This is what happens to men. If you think in your mind, don't get a boner, you get what you will.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Your dick always goes the opposite. Does it, does it really? When you're trying to hit it over the water, you just hit in the fucking water. Does that really happen to men, or is that just 17 year old boys? Oh. I don't typically have that problem where I just, you don't, you just hit in the fucking water. Does that really happen to men or is that just 17 year old boys? I don't typically have that problem where I just... You don't, you don't, you see it right now, don't get a bone.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I go like, don't have a bone or don't have a bone or a baseball, a grandma, a baseball grandma, like I don't want to get a heart on it. I know we're like this. That's why the belt loop wasn't that. I'm getting turned on. No, that didn't happen. You said grandma. That didn't happen anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And normally situations where you have your doctor who's gonna go do a check on you or you're gonna get up on stage, I don't get find that arousing at all. Really? Not me at least, I don't know. You ever have a female doctor? Check your cold hands.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Check your junk. Oh yeah, sure, I've had female doctors. I don't think it's- Was she prettyish? I don't have, I've never had a hot doctor. I had- That has always been a fantasy moment. I told you I took my pants off too early.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I told you this way. Oh, what? Say it again? Yeah. When I was getting physical. Your doctor's like,. I told you this way. Say it again. Yeah, when I was getting physical, your doctor's like, uh, no, no, it's a female doctor. Yeah, but you're infected. No, she's just like, she's, came in for an ear. Here's what happened. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So it's for a football. So yeah, I go into it. Like we're getting a physical. Like what do you think is going to happen in my head, right? And so I'm getting the physical. I'm getting ready. And then she's like, okay, I'll be right back. I'm getting my my chart or whatever and she's coming back in. I'm like, all right, cool. And I just started taking my pants off. We're picking out. Yeah. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:51 standing there but naked and she just look at me. She's like, oh my, we don't do that anymore. She got so like embarrassed that I was like, oh shit. You're like, you sure you don't want to see this doctor? It's not embarrassing. Well, check it out. Is there something wrong with it? Have you guys had this? I've had this at least, at least a handful of times. That maybe not more than 10, but at least five times I know in my life I've had clients when I go to take their body fat tests
Starting point is 00:09:14 where you ever had a woman who just like, Oh, where they take their shirt off? Like just right away, like you go to go do your, no, yeah, I've had that. I think only you. I turn around a girl. You're the only one. I turn around to grow the calipers
Starting point is 00:09:24 and she's standing there with just in her body. Dude, I had, I had it. This happened. I had a guy. I turn around a guy. The calipers and she's standing there. I had a trainery, but that's going to make this a lot easier. We didn't need a shirt. I had a trainer working for me brand new trainer years ago. Do you guys remember the, so now when you do body fat tests, it's bicep, triceps, scapula, super eleac. It used to be the inner thigh. It used to be the upper thigh. It used to be the upper thigh.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It used to be the upper pack or whatever. And it was different for men and women, right? So I had this fucking kid working for me and he was like 19 years old and brand new trainer. And I'm like, okay, you're gonna do body fat tests so you can talk to people about personal training, no problem. So I'm watching them test people and he's doing the men's body fat tests on women,
Starting point is 00:10:02 which means he's pinching their boob. So he's doing a boob test, and they're all coming out with high body fat. No way, no shit, right? He's like, and he's like, so, so this is how I find out. He comes to me, like, he comes to me, he's like,
Starting point is 00:10:15 Sally goes, this says she's 32% body fat, but I don't think that's right. I look at him, like, no, she's pretty fucking lame, bro. I'm like, let me watch you do my abs. She's got abs at fake tips. And he grabs the fuck,
Starting point is 00:10:23 he grabs the top of her boob, dude And he's pinching it now at that moment. I don't want to say something Yeah, yeah, you don't want to fucking embarrass. I don't want her to know that he's grabbing her boob and he shouldn't right So I'm like, okay, and I looked at the number. I just made some shit up on like all- I'm professional like very medical. I'm like, no, you added it wrong She's a 21% and she leaves and like bro, you just totally grabbed like you're not supposed to do that That's supposed to grab her, but. Do you remember, so how about this one,
Starting point is 00:10:46 like when you used to get measurements, right? So I don't know how many times I had to go over this with trainers, and it doesn't matter, they still get caught up doing this shit, where you go to do it, you go to measure their thighs, you know, and then people just reach their hand through their crotch to do the, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It's like, no dude, you don't do that, you drop it down, you go from the side and you, there's a problem for it. But they kneel down, I don't know that. You drop it down. You go from the side and you. There's a proper way to get the needle down. I don't know how many times I come around the corner to see one of my trainers who's like kneeling down in front of some lady's crotch and he's sticking her hand through it through between her legs. They get her. They take you. You want me to get you some forceps while you're at it? Yeah. Like, and you know what? It's always the dude. The dude's always doing it with the hot client too. You know what I'm saying? No one's, it's like a real big lady
Starting point is 00:11:25 or she's not good looking at something like that. Oh my God. And did you take her measurements? It's like, oh, she didn't really want to take her measurements. We just did weight or what that. But oh, you better believe the fucking hot 25 year old was getting all of her measurements down. You just remind her accurate results.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, right. I totally forgot about the story. You just totally brought back a memory. I was a trainer brand new. I'm 18 years old. I had this young, extremely hot model. That was my client, so she was probably 19 or 18, right around my age.
Starting point is 00:11:51 She comes in to get a body fat test and she's wearing like a little sundress, okay? Now back then, you would test the top of a thigh. So I'm like, okay, I guess we can kind of do this. You just have to pull the dress up a little bit and she pulls it all the way up, dude. And she had no underwear on, I'm not making this up. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And I must have to, if you act off to that. I must, here's the thing, I haven't, but I will now because I must have buried that. I must have buried that somewhere in my mind and I just remembered it because she pulled it all the way and I was scared. It's an 18 year old kid. I'm like, oh, and I was so scared
Starting point is 00:12:24 that all I did was test their body fat. So she's naked. I just tested my battery. You're welcome. Yeah, you're welcome. And she must have felt so dejected. She must have great memory. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Son of a bitch. Got one for you for later. Yep. Yep. Spank bank. The quad, please. Come save us. Get us out of this shit. Marolink at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPump a checkout for 10% off!
Starting point is 00:13:13 Our first question is from Ty Leish. As a student studying diatetics, we are still taught the benefits and importance of carbohydrates. I used to be all four carbohydrates and thought they were essential for performance and recovery until I recently heard a guest speaker talk about how your generation is at its highest percentage in mental illnesses like depression, ADD, and ADHD, as well as obesity, and how it's well known that my generation, millennials, are in the worst health state in US history.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Anyway, my question is, how do you think people like myself and others in my generation can make an impact on the public's health, and do you think we're gonna see any headlines about how our food consumption is related to the prevalence of mental disorders as well as physical health related problems? Wow, he wins for the longest short, longest question ever right there. Yeah. It was not painful. Listen to me.
Starting point is 00:14:09 No, it was. So we're all out of time for the Q&A. We'll catch you guys next week. We'll be answering this question on the next episode. Yeah. I actually really enjoy this question. I mean, it's a great question. Because it's a lot of depth. I'll tell you why I like it because he or she, I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl.
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's a guy. He, oh wait, he's on our forum, isn't he? Okay. He's asking what can they do? Now, two things here. Number one, it is true. Millennials, I feel sorry for you. You are in one of the worst positions in, you know, the past generations in terms of health. At record levels, diagnosed with 80, D80 HD depression, at record levels, diabetes at young ages, record levels of shit that didn't even exist 30 years. Just a bunch of horrible things that are happening to you health wise. And so I feel for you, I feel for you because you almost,
Starting point is 00:15:04 you, you inherited this. I mean mean you're at the tail end of Horrible policies on nutrition, you know when we were kids the food pyramid had been Introduced not that long before us and so for us we were kind of in it But we weren't at the tail end of it now you've got you know 80% Penetration of the food market with GMO type foods, foods that were not tested on things like the microbiome of the gut. And yet now it's an 80% of, you know, non-organic foods. You have people, you know, it's a hammered into our minds that fats are bad for us and that carbohydrates are fine and healthy. You've got all this bad information that's now, you know, been promoted
Starting point is 00:15:43 through two generations. So you've got these kids being raised on this shit. On top of that, they're also inactive because of modern technology. And so it's like this perfect storm. But on the flip side, you are also the luckiest generation ever. And I'll tell you why, no generation has been as connected to each other as the generation now. You are connected to everything. You can communicate with humans. You can, on a ridiculous level, you can spread ideas like never before. Anybody can post a YouTube video, and if it's good, it can go viral.
Starting point is 00:16:19 In order for that to happen when I was a kid, you needed lots of money, and you needed a major network who was willing to promote that. So disinformation is easier now to combat because there's so many less barriers. You don't have these holders of information, these guardians of information anymore. It's accessible at your fingertips. So one of the best things you could do
Starting point is 00:16:41 is research and spread and talk amongst yourselves through social media, through internet. Yes, lots of bad information gets out that way, One of the best things you could do is research and spread and talk amongst yourselves through social media, through internet. Yes, lots of bad information gets out that way, but lots of good information gets out that way as well. A lot of the stuff we're learning now is because of this connectivity through the internet. So my advice to you is spread this information, convince other friends to do the same thing. You can go on forums now and read people's anecdotes, but instead of it being one anecdote, like it used to be when we were growing up where you heard from one person, you go on these
Starting point is 00:17:14 forums and you hear all these people who've solved some of their health problems through diet and it becomes more science now because you're hearing it from so many people. I mean, when you look at the way cannabis is being used to treat epilepsy, for example, that was entirely driven by the internet. Big farm now is interested in some of that stuff. If you look at the ketogenic diet and it's popularity today, that's, you know, ketogenic diet has been around for a very, very long time. But it's because of the internet and because of, you know, the citizen scientist that have kind of promoted it. So that's the best thing you could fucking do. Well, you know, I had to comment, though, on you saying that they're one of the
Starting point is 00:17:51 luckiest generations, too, because of the fact that we can connect so easily. And I think that's kind of a double-edged sort of. Of course. Of course. Information is a tool. Information overload. Yeah, right. And let's be honest, the people that are funding this stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:06 I mean, now like, I mean, look at the way it's getting with cookies on your computer, and it's getting with commercials soon. And if people don't see this already, the future of commercials are gonna look like this. When you watch, Spike TV does it already, you'll see this with everybody, because everything will be streaming.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So commercials will be obsolete. They already are pretty much obsolete because who the fuck watches TV live? Which is nice nice because now it's at least targeted, right? Like if it's something I like, like that seems to show up more often now. Thank you. Thank you. So I actually enjoy that aspect. Yeah, and that's how it's going to look. So you'll now, the way you'll be watching TV is you'll be streaming your show that you
Starting point is 00:18:38 want to watch while you're watching your show, a banner will come up with the things that are the commercials now will look like that. They'll no longer be these three to five minutes. I'm not giving a lot of monesthetes. Seven commercials. Is what I'm trying to say. Well, here's the thing that, you know, and my point of saying that is that that's still that the more we're still in the same predicament that we were 10 years ago with the information
Starting point is 00:18:57 that you still are still going to be dominated. Wait, as long as we have big government, as long as we still have bigger, a big pharma, you know, these are the people that are funding and backing a lot of these promotions and commercials and advertising and marketing. So here's the thing you gotta consider, they always have. The difference now is now we have the accessibility to be able to spread information like they do.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And here's the thing, with any great power, there's dual, those duality to it. Okay. Nobody's going to argue that the discovery of fire wasn't one of the greatest achievements of mankind. If we never discovered fire, we wouldn't even be here today. Fire can fucking burn you and you can be used in a very negative way. That's an excellent analogy. And that's, and that's the same thing with information. With accessibility to information, our ability to communicate, you're gonna get a lot of bullshit. We know this, I go on the internet and I have to stuff you're gonna read is full of shit too,
Starting point is 00:19:49 but there's a lot of stuff that's not full of shit. Well, that's the scary part, because if you're solely relying on other people's information, I feel like you can get in a trap with that generation being so relying on other people's processes of how they collect this information. If they've been in the very old and actually got their PhD
Starting point is 00:20:06 and it went through the grind of everything, there was to get this type of information. I don't feel like, I don't know, I feel like this cautionary warning out there. I think that's a piece of advice for you. You have to really vet your sources. I'm saying because now anybody can get access to you. Anybody could say they're a PhD online. Anybody can, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:20:28 Like, you could have went to, you know, University of Phoenix for fucking 15 years and say you got all this education in schooling and then build this badass website that looks super professional and you've paid all the money for SEO and you're popping up all over the place. I mean, you really can create a celebrity status now. And with virtual, with all the social media platforms like that, you can show your ass on fucking Instagram
Starting point is 00:20:50 enough times and you're gonna have enough likes and thousands of people listening. You can post some good. Now, you're a fitness professional. Exactly. That's so, that's, to me, it's like, I don't know, man, I don't know how much, I don't know how much money. Because let's, let's look at just our, our world, right?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Let's just look at fitness and Can you say 10 years ago? We were in a worse place than where we are now. Yep, you think so 100% I'll tell you why Fasting ketogenic dieting the questioning of frequent meals all these things existed 70 I mean fastings been around since the beginning of time. You're right, but today, today it's far more widespread and more and more people. So I'm standing out of a plight. I'm going to challenge you here. I'm going to challenge you here then, because here's the thing with like fasting, which we know is great.
Starting point is 00:21:37 This is why we wrote a guide about it. But the people, the first people that really made it popular were like the Hodg twins. So even if you're a mind-pumplist and you're still outnumbered by the Hodg twins who are teaching you a tool like fasting incorrectly. Sure. So you're getting some of the information, but because it's muddy,
Starting point is 00:21:57 because of where it's coming from and the source that's giving it to you. But because they've established himself as a credible source, because they're celebrities, because they're come putty, funny guys. So millions of people are following that protocol. Here's the conclusion to your, the train of thought that you have,
Starting point is 00:22:13 the train of thought, and that's, and by the way Adam, where you're going with your, your train of thought is very common. And this is where it leads, it leads to centralized education, it leads to people designing, okay, this is only if it comes from this source can it be trusted and we know where that heads.
Starting point is 00:22:32 We know where that's going. You look at, look at, where did we learn nutrition from schools? What kind of schools? Public schools, the same fucking government that told us to eat a high carbohydrate diet that's predominantly grains is also going to teach children through schools. So when you start to to say only from
Starting point is 00:22:49 this source can it be trusted and we need to make sure everything is is as accurate through our lens. Are there negatives to that? There's definite negatives. The potential for damage becomes much higher versus giving people the freedom. Look, here's the bottom line. When people are given freedom, usually it's a better thing. And that's true for information as well. Does that mean that it's perfect? Of course not. There's going to be bullshit that's going to be, you know, spread out there. There's going to be bullshit that you're going to read. But at the end of the day, there's, you're going to get more positives as a result. And you're seeing more of these, Dr. Terry Wall said this, citizen scientists, look, my
Starting point is 00:23:27 story wouldn't even be possible if it wasn't for the current state of technology. I have zero formal education. All my knowledge comes from my own searching, and it wouldn't have been possible without this ease of accessibility on the internet. And I wouldn't even have been exposed to it prior. So that's why I'm saying that we're also in a good position. And I think if you want to spread some of the science, some of these new studies, if you want to debunk a lot
Starting point is 00:23:55 of these myths, start by using your social media, start with your circle, start with your influence, and watch it start to spread. You know, it's interesting when it comes to information, especially when it comes to the internet, there's something called critical mass. And you see this with anything that goes viral. Is it grows at a particular rate, at a slow pace,
Starting point is 00:24:14 and then it reaches a particular breaking point, and then it explodes and goes viral. And I think a lot of this movement, especially a lot of stuff that we talk about, it's starting to reach that critical mass because, guys, how many more fitness podcasters or fitness people are starting to kind of talk like us a little bit? I'm hearing bodybuilders now, big ass, righted out fucking bodybuilders talk about intermittent fasting or utilizing some of these things or saying, I'm having a low protein day, like,
Starting point is 00:24:41 are you kidding me? I never heard that before. I think that this information is starting to, it's starting to independent. So you see that, and I see that. You see a lot of the other stuff too, which is gonna happen too. Yeah, it's because then I see,
Starting point is 00:24:55 I mean, let's use bodybuilding since you brought up bodybuilding. And I think of the time of Arnold lifting and the types of lifts that they were doing, and the way they were training. And then I look at my peers now and the way that they train and the information that they're sharing with the people that are looking up to them that, you know, they've got 50 to 100,000 followers on social media because they're a pro and they've been on stage at the Olympia and stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And so all these people are looking at them advice and the advice that they're giving them for training, training protocol is fucking awful. Torrible. And then you see them, then I walk in, this is what I see when I walk into my gym, I walk in my gym, and I see all these little mini versions of them rocking the same gear, whatever gear they're sponsored by doing some sideways fucking chest press
Starting point is 00:25:37 with a rubber band on them. You wouldn't see that shit fucking 20 years ago. Dude, it's what? You would never see that. But you know what you saw during that? That still exists. Thank you. Right? What'd you say? Sig saw cigarettes still exist. Thank you. Right?
Starting point is 00:25:45 What you say? cigarettes still exist. Yeah. People smoke and might catch all the time I walked on the street. I see people smoking cigarettes. But it's a lot less. But it is a lot less. It is.
Starting point is 00:25:53 But that's what you're saying. There's always going to be that. Yeah. There is. And you know, it looks okay. Is it really by the way? What? Is it really cigarettes?
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah. Oh, way less. Ah, yeah. The cigarette uses way less now than it was. It could be marketed.'s a success or not in europe though right now europe but europe's also declining in terms of its use uh... some of the highest places smokers in the world are now and i think russia and china some of the highest in the asian countries but uh... you know in in regards to what you talk about about you know sitting the bodybuilding in the seventies here's what you found
Starting point is 00:26:21 in the seventies with bodybuilding you saw a small percentage of people that lifted weights and most people didn't add a lot. I knew you were gonna go that direction. I mean, that's the argument that's the- So there's negatives, but there's positives too. Yeah, I mean, there's- Women didn't lift weights at all back then.
Starting point is 00:26:35 But the question is that is that gonna be a compounding rate and does it actually end up making it worse? If I'm getting, so like you're what you're saying, and I get the direction you're going. So, let's just say use hypothetical numbers that in the 70s, you know, one million people were heavy into health and fitness. And out of that, one million people, you know, half of them were doing it pretty well, you know, kind of new program to try, okay, we'll just say that for argument six.
Starting point is 00:27:00 So that's a half a million people that have got their shit together. Well, now it's fast forward 20, 30 years later. Now because of technology, what you're saying, now we're reaching, now there's 10 million people that are in health and fitness and that number 50, you know, more than, I think more than 50% of them are fucking it up now because there's so much more information and so many avenues that people can get this stuff that everyone's just sucking it all up. I think here's the thing, I think what you're doing is you're judging it based on what you knew the actual bodybuilders were doing, but the reality is the average person back then that was lifting weights, believe me,
Starting point is 00:27:36 was misinformed on an entirely different level. If you go in old bodybuilding, and I know, because I used to buy old bodybuilding magazines, I used to collect them, and you look in the back at some of the products that they were selling and some of the shit that they were doing, it's actually worse. Some of the stuff was worse than we have today.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Fuck that head of machine where you put the strap around your waist and it shook the fat off you. That was in gyms. It shook the fuck out of you. So I remember that you should wrap in the legs, it was like one of those things that massage like bowling balls. You put it around your waist and it would shake. It was like, I was a bowling ball. You should wrap in the eggs, it was like one of those things that massage like bowling balls. You put it around your waist and it would shake. It was like, I was a leather belt that went around.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It was on a big edge. And it shook the fat off you. I mean, that's gonna, I think that's logical. It does look kinda like those power plates, so I'm not gonna lie. That's good. But it does. Out of the same guns.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I do think that there's always gonna be that element. You know, there's always gonna be that element. You know, there's always gonna be that element of misinformation, but look, for every freaking idiot on Instagram that's saying, crazy shit, you've got people like Dr. Spanay, you know, that's coming out, you've got the steroids that are coming out. You've got other, you know, we've got other podcasts
Starting point is 00:28:40 that we're hearing, you know, like Ben Greenfield and some of their experts that are talking on, on his podcast about health and fitness and of course mine pump and some of the stuff that we present. So for all that shit, now you're getting this counterbalance, whereas before that's all you heard, all you heard was the dude, you know, that could bench press 500 pounds and whatever he said was freaking, you know, was golden. So I think the best thing you could do is continue out of common thought processes, right? Yeah. But I'm so glad you said that because especially today with the fact that that you
Starting point is 00:29:08 have access to all this information, the best thing you could possibly do is enter things with an open mind and be okay with having your mind being changed. Don't value it. Yes. Be open to that. Well, because it's going to get changed. And if you stay so solid in your own fucking belief system, you stop growing and you stop learning.
Starting point is 00:29:27 It'll either fortify something that you already knew or it's gonna totally change your whole perspective. Here's what I always do. I like to go into forums, it doesn't matter the subject. I'm into economics, I'm into politics, I'm into fitness. I will go into forums and purposely go into forums that are against or anti the things that I believe in. So I'll go in and I'll read people's arguments for why you need so much protein or why you need
Starting point is 00:29:55 frequent meals. And I'll go in there and I'll debate them. And my hope is that they can maybe teach me something. And many times they don't. Sometimes they do. Sometimes I see stuff and I go, okay, that might make some sense. But you gotta be open-minded enough to do that. And unfortunately, what people shut themselves off is where they're so stuck in their own. They get emotional about it.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And what they do is they end up going in an echo chamber. So, if my belief system is this, well, the only people I'm gonna talk to are people who believe what I believe in. And I'm not talking to anybody else and you're doing yourself a disservice. Well, I think we've talked to Off-Air before about the personal growth between all of us.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And I think that's a big part of the formula is, we all are like that, and there's been plenty of times where there's been a topic that we disagree on, and when both guys make its point, one guy a lot of times goes like, okay, I see that now, you know? And because everyone's always open to that,
Starting point is 00:30:44 I also think that this is, I mean, a lot of people don't realize, either that people think of us just as a mind pump as this fitness podcast, but this is just, that's, we're a media company. Yeah, yeah, no idea what we're talking about. And this is, we first had to do it first and show everybody, but I mean, I really hope that, you know, this generation you're talking about can rely on a source like us to go ahead and do all the vetting for you.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And we're the ones that will bring these guests on and and show you people that, you know, these are the people that should be on the forefront and should be teaching the next generation on how to eat and how to train because they didn't just get their degree, their PhD 30 years ago, and they're still spouting off the same bullshit they learn at some school 30 years ago. They're on what's new, what's cutting out there, and they're doing their own science, their own research. Yeah. Let me, you know, here's an interesting little thought game here. Imagine, because it was in the, I don't know, 70s, I think, where the government took a very vested interest
Starting point is 00:31:42 in promoting a particular way of eating because of, you know, they wanted people to be healthy, right? And so that's when you had the big push for, you know, food pyramid and don't eat that. And the surgeon general says, avoid saturated fat and all that stuff. Do you think today we'd be better off had government never even stepped in there and just let people... Of course. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Isn't that interesting? It's odd because people would have talked and it would have been an anecdotal thing. Like, hey, man, when I eat all this, I fill this way, when I do this, I fill that way. The American diet has changed so much as a result of that and in the negative. And now we have this epidemic of disease. So that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:32:16 That just goes to show you that it's better when this information is free and when you kind of start to learn it for yourself and spread it yourself and not rely on this centralized form of information. It is defense though, it is hard, it is challenging though because, man, you guys know as professionals with all the experience, education, background that we have,
Starting point is 00:32:40 how hard it can be sometimes to communicate this message to people. And that's the part that I have to be ready for a lot of times. You already have to kind of have that thought process brewing. Got what it's right. That's such a good point. You're right. You have to already have, you have to be in that open mind, open-minded position first before you're ready to set somebody's things. Because so much of it goes against all these truths that we've been told for so long.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I had this conversation with my mom two nights ago. You know, my parents, look, they're my parents for fuck's sake. I've been in the industry for how long now. And so you would think that they would change their eating habits as a result, but of course not. The people closest to you are the hardest ones to convince. Of course. And it's been I'm enamoring certain things over and over and over again for years, years, years, and to the point where they get irritated with me and my parents say, okay, stop talking about that you're pissing us off. Well, finally, finally, I sent my mom a video,
Starting point is 00:33:32 it was the mindermata congeuria TED Talk that Dr. Terry Wallace did. And finally, she's like, oh, wow, wait a minute. Let me, so you're saying I should avoid this and maybe I should eat more of that and this makes some sense. And I know why she's more receptive now. It's because we have a family member with chronic
Starting point is 00:33:49 Crohn's disease and he has seen success with changing his diet where drugs have completely failed. And so she's a little more open to it now. So you just gotta be persistent, man. And eventually, I'm excited. I'm excited to see the future of fitness because I can see that there's a sea of change that's kind of bubbling and I hope that we're a part of it or at least part of the poor for.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I hope that we know we are, bro. I'm trying to be humble. Yeah, you are trying to be humble. I mean, what worked out? I was hard for you. We knew that we knew that didn't feel natural. We knew there's a huge need for that. We knew there's a huge need for this. I mean, how crazy is it to remember being trainers that that was like the aha moment for me was, you know, after 10 years, right? After I'd been 10 years in the business and done tons of national certifications, been managing trainers for years,
Starting point is 00:34:38 thought I'm smart as a fucking whip and just patterned, or paradigm being shattered and shattered and shattered and being like, Jesus Christ, I've been, you know, many people, I've preached this too, like, you know, many lives I fucked up, like, I can give you, and I consider myself as really intelligent and good at what I do, this is crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So to me, I was like, if I'm in this industry and I'm reading and I'm the one who's preaching, I'm the one that people are looking to for answers And I'm giving bad information stuff because all the information that was being fed to me I'm like holy shit is there a need for a Platform or someone to just share the right information that is just unbiased and unguided from somebody else without anybody else's hands in the pockets Man, it's just like it's almost impossible to find that. It is.
Starting point is 00:35:27 So I mean, that's really. If you look though now, you look, you can start to find easier. You really got to though. You know, I mean, God, I mean, most people don't even, unless you're a podcast listener, most people even know podcasts. It's until it comes into your like every day form of media, like for one of my clients, too, I've been telling her forever. And it tells you saw it in like, Huffington Post or like some kind of like, you know, New York times
Starting point is 00:35:49 or whatever. It's like, fuck, you know, I've been saying like, I've been talking about fasting forever, but now it's like just dawning. It's this seed that's been planted from somebody else and it's like, yeah, that's why it's going to take some work, man. It's not going to be just as simple as open your ears, share some information. You're gonna have to do your homework. You're gonna have to make sure that you're getting the right information, you're sharing the right information. And I mean, obviously you're connected to us. So it's already pretty easy for you
Starting point is 00:36:18 compared to it's the other people. Sure, mine pump. Yeah, I mean, that's the whole idea of what we're doing. You should be able to rely on the people that we put out there So and we have plans for you know our YouTube channel and other stuff that we're gonna do We're gonna start to dive into the professionals that are out there giving information and talk talk about it Oh, they're not safe. We better run. I can't wait version 20.16 is asking what to do when you don't feel like working out How do you push through it and make it happen?
Starting point is 00:36:46 So, suck it up. We did a recent episode where... It's my normally Netflix and chill. Yeah. You know, we did a recent episode where I... It did, in other ways. I talked about the motivation to exercise and how I said, you know, there's two kind of ways you can look at your
Starting point is 00:37:01 motivation for exercises. There's one way where you work out because you hate your body or you work out because you love your body and how they both will motivate you to exercise, one because you hate the way you look and the other one because you love your body and want to take care of it. But the end result ends up becoming different. One fosters a negative relationship to exercise and food, can cause you damage, doesn't make you happy. The other, you nourish your body with exercise and diet. You feel good about yourself and you continuously progress and grow.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And this question applies to that. When you don't feel like working out, you gotta figure out your motivation. A, is it because maybe I do need a break, maybe I need instead of working out hard, maybe I need to do a little work-in day, maybe I need to stay at home and read, maybe just be on my own,
Starting point is 00:37:54 maybe I need to hang out with some friends and foster relationships with them, or maybe I do, you know, I don't wanna work, I don't have the motivation, but I know I need to, my body needs to move. Then you adjust the intensity, you go into the gym, you train with much less intensity, you focus on other aspects of your fitness and health, like stretching, mobility, maybe movements you don't typically do.
Starting point is 00:38:16 This is what I do. I rarely miss a day of exercise, but I get my days of exercise, definitely don't look like each other depending on my mood. If I go in and I feel like this morning, I went into the gym and I just felt like moving my whole body and I was kind of little painful in my joints from my previous workout. So I didn't do any bodybuilder style movements. All I went in there and I did a bunch of functional kettlebell kind of stuff and perfected my form and you know practice on the skill of the exercise and that was my workout for today.
Starting point is 00:38:45 So you got to kind of look at it that way because that'll help determine whether or not you go to the gym or not. And if the answer is yes, I need to go to the gym but I need to do something different, then go in and do something different. Yeah, that's great. I do very similar to that,
Starting point is 00:38:56 especially on the skill side of it. Like I think for a lot of people like going into the gym and like, oh my God, I have to get this workout in. It's this whole elaborate thing that they've had planned out. It's gonna take like an hour, it's gonna be 45 minutes, whatever it is, but it's like very specific to where,
Starting point is 00:39:14 if I can now just pick one thing, even for me, if it's just getting back into squats or getting back into power cleans or something that's like very skill related, if I can just go and do my whole workout, just focus on that one thing. And that just released so much pressure on me. And then it motivates me to go on and do it
Starting point is 00:39:33 because I enjoy that a lot. And then I'm still moving and I'm still getting benefit. But you just have to kind of, like you said, you gotta refocus on something else and not make all your workouts look the same. I feel like it. I'm deaf. I'm both of you guys for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Listen, I love that. So great. That's like me and Justin had a baby. It is. It is. And it's beautiful, beautiful and strong, beautiful, hairy, baby. I was the top. It is.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah. Well, this is what Italian somewhat, you know, this is how this is what I feel is like the evolution of maps. And it's probably the hardest part. And I don't think, I don't think we have completely figured out how we're going to deliver this or be able to give this to people.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And I think the best way is through this podcast and us sharing our own stories or how we do things because this is very individual, right? Like, how do we, how do I judge like, you know, it's rough for you to get, well, why is it rough for you? Is it rough because you're depressed? Is it rough because you're tired? Is it rough because you're sore?
Starting point is 00:40:30 Is it rough because you're inflamed? Is it rough because you're just mentally not there? You're stressed from like, so this is where, like, so how I go in, so I have like, these like, series of things and just and, Sal, both of them touched on things that I do where, in case so like, if I go in and today,
Starting point is 00:40:47 I wake up today and we'll use today for an in-app because this is how I feel. I'm achy, I'm achy, I'm inflamed a little bit, I totally over-trained, and technically today, I should be back to working my squats out, I don't wanna go to the gym. Today will actually be a day where I'll go in there and I'll just do mobility work.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I'll get on, I'm gonna go to the grass That's why I have my my tights on right now because I'll be on the grass And I'm gonna be doing a bunch of mobility stretches and moves and just kind of open my hips up and get the blood flow Maybe walk on the treadmill, you know, say another day comes in and I'm just man I feel cloudy and I don't feel my mental clarity isn't there and I just I feel puffy or like I'm hope retaining water or something That might be the day that I decide I'm gonna go I'm gonna go inside the sauna and I'm gonna meditate for while That's gonna be my workout for the day. I'm not gonna press it You know, then I have another day where you know, I'm just I'm discouraged. I feel like I've been I've been focused on like maybe a weight loss goal
Starting point is 00:41:42 And I'm not seeing major change in my weight loss So I'm gonna readjust my goal for the day. Justin touched on, I do this a lot what he said. You know, you got movements like the deadlift, the squat, the overhead press, the bench press. Those moves alone could become literally our workouts of just the priming of the body, getting the mechanics down and working on that skill
Starting point is 00:42:03 because that skill is gonna carry over into your programming and your workouts later in the future. And it doesn't need to be that you don't need to hammer the body. I'm going to go in and let's just say I just did this other day. You know, my back had been really sore. I was I was feeling down. I wasn't feeling great. My workout is side. I'm going to go in and I'm going to just deadlift and I'm going to work on my pull off the ground and just my mechanics was staying retracting the explosiveness. I didn't go over 135 pounds and for me, that's extremely light for deadlift. It's like, that's barely warming up. So I just, I played with it for like 45 hours just 45 hours or 45 minutes. I play, I just worked on it.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I mean, that's a lot of reps probably. I worked on my deadlift and the speed and my negative. And I was just kind of toying with my stance. And you know, and instead of like being hung up on, oh, I'm not losing the body fat that I want or hung up on, I don't feel really strong. None of that was a goal. None of that was a focus.
Starting point is 00:42:59 My focus was on mechanics and perfecting a skill that I can still continue to get better at. And so it was a very rewarding workout. So we're all those other ones that I just am. So to me, it's about learning your body and learning, you know, what is it that why you're unmotivated? Why am I feeling down?
Starting point is 00:43:17 What is it related to? And then once you have that nailed, then you learn the things that can, you, other things that you can focus on that will, it helps a great point. I just wanted to, you gave me a great idea, dude. I think we should do a 45 hour challenge. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:33 We'll just blast it out there, have them compete. No. 45 hours of deadlifting. A tough year, right? I was a deadlift. No big deal. Like right before Christmas. Crossfit, eat your heart out.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I use the 45 hours of deadlifting. Boom, boom. Like right before Christmas. Crossfit, eat your heart out. I use it forward. Here's a four to five hours of dead lifting. Boom, boom. Here's the thing. You know, there's this bad message that's given out by the fitness industry where fitness is supposed to be grueling and tough and, you know, just power through it and don't be lazy and you don't want to do it, but I do it anyway. You just fucking go and here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:44:04 If you're planning on making fitness a lifelong endeavor, which it should be, okay, fitness, and nutrition, and eating right, these are things that are supposed to be with you forever. They're supposed to be lifestyle changes. Don't forget about making fitness fun too. For fuck's sake, man, if you really don't feel like working out today because you're despising what you're gonna do today or what's on your plan today and you're
Starting point is 00:44:27 thinking yourself like I don't want to fucking do 30 minutes of cardio and then go lift heavy deadlifts today I really don't want to fucking do that I'm not in the mood for that that doesn't sound fun go to the gym and have fun then go do something else go do something you enjoy oh you don't want to go to the gym go outside oh you don't want to go outside stay inside and do some yoga or something you don't want to go outside? Stay inside and do some yoga or something like that. My point is there's something you could do that's gonna make you feel better, that's good for you. Go ahead and do that.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And for the long run, believe it or not in the long run, it's better for you to train that way. Well, let's be honest. And this is why I said, this is really the evolution of maps. And I feel like even we haven't figured out exactly how to package this for people to really help people direct themselves through this. The idea, like anybody if you're listening and you've only gone through one map for you had planned, like, oh, I'm not sure what one map's program is right for you.
Starting point is 00:45:16 The idea is you go through all of them, you know, and I'm not just saying that for business reasons, you know, I'm saying that that's why we designed that. We designed them. So you get you learn the importance of all these tools. And then you learn how to apply those tools. So we put them in a perfect order. So you get maximum results. And there's a reason why we did that. But that doesn't mean. And this is why we've always encouraged this, especially if you're on our forum, to think outside the box and to play with things and to be, you know, to try and learn your
Starting point is 00:45:43 body and try different stuff and interchange things. And, you know, once you get all the maps under your belt, you have all these tools that you can start to utilize for this exact reason right here when you don't feel great. When you don't, you know, you're on, maybe you're on maps, you know, maps black phase three. And you're just like, man, I'm fucking feeling like death. And you're like, but maps program says I'm supposed to do this. Well, no, I mean, maybe you should work on your mobility that day. You know what, or maybe it'll be a trigger day now. Now you're going to do a trigger day and you'll do a foundational day after that.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I mean, we give the tools, we give the structures, so you understand the importance of all that stuff. But this is the next level of, you know, really taking your health and fitness is learning to look at them. And we talked about this with nutrition, right? Well, the same thing applies with weight training and programming and how you feel from your program is learning to read and connect these signs. I'm so glad you said that because we, this needs to be said. A program, okay, good programming, good exercise programming that is getting your body to adapt the right way where you're not hammering it, enforcing it, that is getting your body to adapt the right way,
Starting point is 00:46:45 where you're not hammering it, enforcing it, but you're actually triggering it to adapt, where your body wants to change, wants to get stronger, wants to be leaner, you will enjoy working out. That's the thing, I think a lot of times people hate working out because they've picked the hard way to do it. You know what I'm saying? Like, if there's, like, I use this analogy before,
Starting point is 00:47:03 if I need to dig a hole and you give me a spoon, I could dig a big ass, I could dig a very big hole with that spoon. It's going to take me a long fucking time and I'm going to fucking hate it. Or you could give me a frickin' backhoe that I've never used before, but it's a lot of fun. And now I'm digging holes and I'm having a great time doing it and I'm real efficient at what I'm doing. When you train properly with good exercise programming, you'll find that these days where you just don't feel like working out, they're going to become few and far between because the signals that you're reading from your body, the fact that you feel better, the fact
Starting point is 00:47:33 that you're stronger, the fact that you can move better, you're going to connect to your workout and now it's going to be enjoyable. The same is true with diet. Intuitive, fitness, intuitive nutrition. I mean, we're striving to get to that point. That's the pinnacle. We're giving you all the tools, that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:47:48 All the tools that you need to be able to reach that point, and it takes a while to get there. It's gonna take you a long time. I mean, if you follow, if you enroll in our RGB bundle, that's nine months of exercise programming. At the end of it, you're still not ready to be able to be more intuitive
Starting point is 00:48:02 with your training, but you're a lot further than you were before. If you stick to it and do it long enough and really pay attention to your body and listen to some of the advice that we give you, you're going to reach that point and you will reach in that point. I'm telling you right now. It's freaking awesome. When you get to that point man being fit and healthy, it's easy, it's second nature,
Starting point is 00:48:18 it's breathing. What an amazing place to be in. Well, it takes all the stress and pressure off of this. It's just like the same thing goes with the nutrition. It's they literally are parallel, right? When you eat, when you learn to eat this way, it's not like this, oh my God, I gotta count my macros or I'm gonna get fat from this,
Starting point is 00:48:34 that you stop thinking of that way because you've gotten so good at connecting to how they all make you feel and your performance in the gym. The same thing goes with the weight training, the programming. You're gonna learn some things along the way. Like, I mean, the way training the programming. You're you're going to learn some things along the way. Like, I mean, I shared this on a podcast just recently, right? Where we talked about, you know, I'm not in my best shape ever right now. Of course, not I've competed on
Starting point is 00:48:54 stage before it's going to hard, it's going to be hard to beat the best aesthetic shape ever been in my life all the time. But what I am in right now, I'm in the best shape I've ever been with the least amount of work. That's a huge win for me. And a lot of that is the growth process that I'm still having. 15 years later, still training and still tweaking. You can do as little micro tweaks now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And you don't have to do as big huge dial tweak. And like Justin said, we are in search of that. The pinnacle really is becoming intuitive, how you and tood of how you train and learning that but yes It takes tracking at first. Yes. It takes program. You've got to have the plan first. You got to go through that stuff You've got to be you got to you know, it takes a little bit of humility because yeah, I don't know how hard it is for you know Meet head buddies remind or if you're if you're a trainer already right now And you've heard a lot of the concepts we're talking but you haven't bit bit the bulletin and actually enrolled in any of our programs because you feel like, I pretty much know what they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I know what it, dude, go through it, go through the programming under and with all the knowledge that you have and then you feel it and notice it, you're going to learn shit about your body. And I know I can say this confidently because I still am. It's fucking 15 years of doing this. We created the goddamn programs and I still learned something new about myself every time I pass through it, because I'm constantly making modifications. I'm constantly making tweaks.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I'm constantly getting better at picking up on all those signs. You know, and that's what it's all about. Watkins 23. What is the toughest part of growing the Mind Pump podcast into what it is today? Salzy go. Yeah. Yeah, I'm like a prima donna. It's big.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Sometimes when we get on the podcast, Sal actually asked Justin, if we can not talk for the whole episode. Listen to that. Like, dude, that's where you kidding me bro. You want to talk for the whole episode? I'm like, you need to address me as Sir Sal. Yeah, but that's what the fans want man. So fucking pretentious.
Starting point is 00:50:39 You know, the hardest part about growing the podcast, I think if you're going to start a podcast and you are trying to get it to grow easily in my mind, the hardest part about growing the podcast, I think if you're going to start a podcast and you're trying to get it to grow, easily in my mind, the hardest part is just getting a foothold, is cutting through all the noise and gaining an audience initially. Once you gain somewhat of an audience and you're doing a good job and they become regular listeners, then they start doing the work for you in terms of growing it and promoting it. But I mean, it's, when we first started, it's difficult, right? It's difficult just to get people to know who you are. Luckily for us, we kind of had this formula that worked out.
Starting point is 00:51:17 One thing we had going for us was Adam had somewhat of a social media presence. It wasn't huge, but he had about 20, maybe 20,000 followers at the time or 24,000 followers, something like that, time on Instagram. Nothing huge, but it gave us some a little bit of exposure. And then right out the gates, we did an episode titled, Why Mind Pump Doesn't Crossfit.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And we were really controversial on it, typical Mind Pump style. And people shared it because a lot of the stuff we said was either a, you know, pissing them off because there were big proponents of CrossFit or B, they loved hearing what we had to say and they agreed with it. And it was entertaining because it was very controversial. And that gave us that initial kind of boost. But controversy, controversy, definitely drove us. But how do we, how do we stay there? It would have been very difficult. We still wouldn't have gotten big
Starting point is 00:52:06 I think Making connections with people making relationships with people Sharing you know getting on other podcasts or getting other people show social media But it's it's a constant thing you constantly have to be thinking about about growth and exposure and You know, I'm hoping that we're gonna reach that point where we don't need to necessarily work for that anymore because it's just, but we're still doing it. It's tough because I feel like you gotta be very forward
Starting point is 00:52:32 thinking, you gotta think way into the future. And I think that's the problem we've, and we talked about this before, and I talked to Adam about this, about us not really taking a moment to appreciate milestones of like, okay, we hit this marker, and you know, let's reflect on that. And then, you know, and then we go to the next, because we're so driven by, you know, this thing, we just see so much, you know, so many places we can go. And it's
Starting point is 00:52:57 just this insatiable urge to get the message out and reach a larger audience. And so, that's the tough part for me is to really reflect on things that we've actually done really well because it doesn't feel satisfying. No, and I think what you have to consider is if you're trying to get something to expand through social media, through podcasting, through whatever, one factor that has been guaranteed
Starting point is 00:53:26 and proven to help in growth is passion. So if you look at, if you come out very passionate about a subject, that passion is gonna translate to the listener, to the viewer, and they're either egging to connect with it or be be repulsed by it, either way, they're gonna to share it. And if that passion that's got to come through, I don't think that's necessary because there's
Starting point is 00:53:50 lots of really popular things that aren't necessarily passionate. But I noticed that passion is a factor that tends to get things to grow rather rapidly. We've got big mouths. Mind pumps got big mouths. We don't really sense or anything. We've gotten ourselves in trouble before and Pretty sure we'll get ourselves in trouble again, but that's been part of our formula I was just to kind of speak our minds and you know, it's who we are. So tough as part I would probably say the toughest part is the part that actually none of us know shit about which is probably Doug's job It's probably one of the hardest parts and probably the most overlooked parts about mind pump success is the luxury of having a producer.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I know this, it would 100% when it exists without Doug, for sure, because I don't even know how to plug my headphones in. So, to try and produce. He doesn't, he's not lying, he has no idea. Producing from his head. He's retarded. Yeah. To produce a show. And, and, whoa, I didn't even know we have, it's been a while since we brought retarded
Starting point is 00:54:52 that. My bad, he just went right there. Sorry. So, uh, Adam Smart. Yeah. No, he's very smart. He's smart guy. Doug, um, Doug, and Doug has really changed even how I look and appreciate sound and video and all
Starting point is 00:55:07 that stuff. When I first started, like, just started listening to podcasts, I listened to a few, I listened to Lane Norton and Joe Rogan and Fightin' the Kid and some other ones and people would turn me and say, oh, check this one out, check this one. And it wasn't until we started doing ours and Doug would talk so much about the sound and the importance of all that. Like, I realized like, wow, I find myself trailing off whenever I'm listening to a pocket. No matter how interesting it is and how good of a podcast it is, if the sound quality
Starting point is 00:55:38 isn't like, immaculate, my brain just naturally trails off unless I'm really really dialed into it and I think that's a a big Piece that a magical piece that people don't realize is that you know Jug does it this job that makes it sound like we are in your car with you right now like to me It just it makes the podcast that much more entertaining and because you feel like you're really there and a part of it where some of their podcasts, I just feel like it's some I can tell some guy sitting in his fucking bedroom, you know, with a mic next to his computer and he's dropping shit on his desk and he's talking and his guest is in the same room and she you can hear the echo off the wall and shit like it just is, you know, unless they're talking about something I'm really, really interested in.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I don't feel like I'm a part of the conversation. So, podcasting, I think there's an art to it and I really feel like Doug is, you know, still mastering it, but I think he's way ahead of most people out there that are doing this. So, I think that's a hard part that the three of us knuckleheads don't have to deal with. My personal biggest challenge, honestly,
Starting point is 00:56:48 is probably having four partners and different types of schedules. I've never, this is my first business. I've ever started like this. I'm not organized and like Sal. And he's gotta bring me along. Yeah. Or time.
Starting point is 00:57:04 It was a little bust., you know, time management is always been a challenge for me. And the way I've been successful in every business or company that I've started is I just outwork everybody. And that's just all I know how to do. I just know how to put my head down. If I run into a wall, I'll get back up and run into another one, get back up again. And, you know, we have, we're trying to, we have to create the schedule. We have kids and families and we live in different parts of town and we're doing multiple things at once. And everyone has different responsibilities.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And it has really challenged my organizational skills. And I, and at night, sometimes I get really frustrated at myself not anybody else It's just because I it's a part of me. I know has always been a weakness and you guys know on fear listening around this Podcast I preach a lot about not worrying about your weakness very much and that's a problem Here's the problem right here is because I focus so much on what I am good at and trying to be great at it that you know The time management thing. I've always just fuck. I'll just hire somebody to handle that bullshit for me And that's been a challenge because I have you know, the time management thing, I've always just, fuck, I'll just hire somebody to handle that bullshit for me. And that's been a challenge because I have, you know, we have, I have three other partners and we have to organize that
Starting point is 00:58:08 and do that. So it's been probably one of the biggest struggles that I've had with is trying to be really good about executing, you know, when we're here, when we're doing this, we have to do that. And I believe that a lot of this will come as we evolve because we really are building a business that has never really been done before, you know, there's, there's maybe one or two other companies that we think that are out there that are kind of... There is no handbook for this.
Starting point is 00:58:30 There isn't. We are literally paving the way for what we believe to be a very big industry in the future with media. We plan to be on the forefront of it. So a lot of this is learning, which is also what's very exciting about it. I mean, I fucking, I can't sleep at night because I'm so excited about all the things that we're doing and all the ideas that we have.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So, you know, and we had, you know, I remember when we first sat down and we talked about doing this, we had a lot to say, you know what I mean? And we didn't, we weren't afraid to say it. And in fact, I believe there was a, there was a convent Craig brought it up the other day. I think it was a whole conversation where me and Adam were talking about who's gonna piss off more people and who's gonna
Starting point is 00:59:09 Say the craziest thing and not because we're trying to but because you know We've got you know We got big mouths and we just we just you know say what we're gonna inevitable We just say what we're gonna say and I think You know going into this I I had no idea that it would grow the way it did, but I knew I had something to say and I was hoping that some people would listen and if they didn't fuck them, that was my attitude,
Starting point is 00:59:32 like fuck you if you don't wanna listen, but if you do great, I got a lot of shit, I gotta get out of my mouth and this is very therapeutic to me. And it's still a say, it's still a very therapeutic thing, it's like my therapy. Oh, I think you guys are like my freaking therapist. That's what makes us survive. I mean, that's definitely not the tough part of it.
Starting point is 00:59:46 There's definitely a lot of things that have balanced us out, that helps us power. What are our milestones? What are the things we, because it's okay, CrossFit episode was our fist first thing? No, I think just what else? What else? Talking about more like business financial.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I mean, for us to move into a studio the very first time when we left Doug's living room. Physical growth, yes. When we hit a million downloads when, you know, the podcast was averaging, you know, over 10,000 downers per day. We're our first major guest, but yeah, yeah. A few mongers for all of these. Yeah, but what are the, I'm saying, what are the things that exactly?
Starting point is 01:00:15 Cause number one on 19. CrossFit episode was a big one. That one gave us a boost. I can think about, you know, when I was on smart drug smarts or bang bang field, those two things gave us boost. Well, those are all big. There was some other things too. Those are all big boost though. I think he's talking more like it milestones.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I think more things like that we have accomplished. Those are boosts, those are boosts, those are spikes in the business that we'll see for the rest of our career. Just sitting right here where we are right now. Yeah, that's just, it's a big thing. Let's be honest with you. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:00:43 We're sitting in a big studio that we're building for some big dreams. Justin and I, yes. Our mouths have created this. That's pretty exciting. Justin and I were leaving yesterday and we were talking about this. And I said, dude, isn't it crazy that if you were to ask
Starting point is 01:00:55 either one of us one year ago, if I were to tell you, these guests would have been on your show. You would have been number one in fitness podcasting. You'd be making this much revenue and programs and you would be in your studio that you're building literally from the ground up how you want it and the way it is right now. What would you say?
Starting point is 01:01:15 Like how, if I asked you that question a year ago and we were like both like, oh my god, I would have been like fuck yeah. We made it. You know what I'm saying? When we- Right now, like nobody even even and it's an important thing that I think we all talk about.
Starting point is 01:01:28 It's also why I think we're all into meditating and things like that is and reflection is because masterbiting wrong. All into that sometimes sometimes that happens. So yeah, so when we when we meditate, we master rate two. And that's something that I feel like is brought us all closer. So prepod, that's more important. We do it to each other. Yeah, no, I think that that is something that it's important.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I think that's important for everybody to take away from this is that it's important to be mindful. It's important to be mindful of of the things that you do have and the successes that you have and to focus on those things and to not dwell on what you don't have yet. I think a lot of people use that as drivers and motivators, but sometimes that leads you down a rabbit hole that you can never, you never find the end of that, you know, chasing that dream that just keeps getting stretched out in front of you.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So it's important that you reflect. I also think that we know getting through tough parts like this is does he have a podcast? Is any honor for him? Watkins. I think he might be. He does. I don't does he have a podcast is any honor for them what can I think he might be he does I don't think it's a podcast he's on a forum though okay yeah it's Ryan Ryan's his first name yeah I mean you know if you're trying to grow something and you and you want some advice I mean we're very busy so I'm not a guarantee that we'll get back to you but we love helping people message us on Instagram or email us. These are great discussions.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Or get on our forum. These are very popular discussions that we have in the forums. I mean, I love fucking, I love helping people. If there's something that I figured out, I'd love helping you out. And if I have any time, I'll do that. And I know these guys are the same thing. We've also relied on a lot of other, we have a lot of people behind the scenes that nobody gets to hear about or see that has.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And I think that's a testament to the men that are in this room because I feel like we all have been very good people. We've done good by other people. And because of that, we've built very strong relationships. And really, your net worth is your net circle. And I've spent a good majority of my career in just business in general, not just fitness is building and forging relationships with other intelligent, successful, like-minded people. And, you know, I'll tell you right now, Katrina gives me, teases me all the time and she always thinks it's really neat because she's been with me for a long time, so she's seen these unfold before where she's like, man, I swear you've been watering that flower
Starting point is 01:03:45 for two years and to see it unfold is so amazing to watch behind and what she was referring to is just, you know, something that I had told her that, hey, this is a relationship. It's important to me. I know I'm going to have to go do this. I'm going to go do all these things like that. But, you know, I know somewhere down the road, this will, it'll pan out or work out or will end up doing something together. And, you know, one of those that just came, uh, nutrition Trisha and just recently, and I was telling her that, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:08 I, I, I don't ever know when exactly it's going to happen. And I don't really focus into well on that. All I really focus on is, is building the relationships and caring about people. And I think if you generally do that, your circle continues to grow and grow and grow. And then eventually you become the guy who has a guy for everything. Yeah. You know, and I, and I pride myself on being one of those guys where, you know, just let me know, like you need this, you need that. If I can't do it or provide it for you, I've got a guy or a girl that I trust that can do that. And that's that that helps a lot when you're trying to grow
Starting point is 01:04:38 something and build something very well said. I guess at the end of the day, just be a good person and be good to other people. And if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you're going to get a free Mind Pump t-shirt. Also, do not forget to check us out on Instagram. You can find us at Mind Pump radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Justin is at Mind Pump Justin, and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal
Starting point is 01:05:27 Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, PRGB Super Bundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love
Starting point is 01:05:57 by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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