Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 389: Kyle Kingsbury Stops by to See the Mind Pump Boys

Episode Date: October 24, 2016

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin engage in a fascinating talk with Kyle Kingsbury, former UFC fighter, entrepreneur, soon to be podcaster and philosopher. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train y...ou with a new video on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 change the do the bomb. Oh, do the bomb. Do the bomb. Bam. Do the bomb. Just then you're getting better and better. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:00:10 Hey, listen, practice in front of the mirror. And the leg space he has now. Dude, and the balls are free. I let it free. Let's his balls free. In this episode of coming,
Starting point is 00:00:19 you're gonna hear us talk to an awesome guest, and we talk Kingsbury. We talk a little bit about intermittent fasting. We're big proponents of it. We'll check this out. If you fast properly, very good for you, burn body fat, increase insulin sensitivity, good for your brain, if you do it wrong, not good.
Starting point is 00:00:36 You can do it wrong. Fasting isn't just not eating. There is a proper way to do it. We have a fasting guide that we put together that highlights six ways you can fast that we find to be beneficial for athletic performance and fat loss. We highlight them in our fasting guide available mind pump media.com. It's only 27 bucks. That's it for $27.
Starting point is 00:00:56 It's super important though that you know this and we always talk about this even though we're all huge fans of fasting and the importance of it and learning how to do it correctly. We also think it's really important that you just learn balance first. If you're somebody who has just gone from one diet to the next diet and you're just looking for something- Balance and quality. Exactly. Is learning how to choose the right foods and what food groups that you should be eating from? This is what the nutrition survival guide is and you can actually get a bundle with the two of them together at a discounted rate for $57, too. So if you're somebody who is looking for overall nutrition guidance, too, not just fasting. I highly recommend that you do that at least first if you don't, if you don't do both
Starting point is 00:01:33 them together in the bundle. There you go. So you can find both those at mindpumpmedia.com. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. What's up, MindPump listeners. You're about to hear MindPump interviewing a pretty badass fucking dude. Kyle Mart, a fascinating guy.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Kyle Kingsbury, he's an ex UFC fighter, but believe it or not, that's not the most interesting thing about this guy. He's extremely intelligent. We talked about brain hacking. We talked about psychedelics. We talked about fitness nutrition. This dude knows his shit. He's right up along. He's on the same, you know, path that we are in terms of knowledge seeker. Oh, huge knowledge seekereker. He's gonna be hosting a podcast, hopefully within the next couple months, and just from talking to him, it's probably gonna be a pretty bad-ass podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Anyhow, you can find him on Instagram, and we suggest you check him out. On Instagram, at Kingsboo, that's KNGSBU, he's also connected to a company called Brain FM, which you can find at brain.fm. And this is, it's a product, I believe, that plays frequencies in your headphones that can enhance cognition, can bring relaxation.
Starting point is 00:03:00 On a whole other level than the... Than the binary beats. Yeah, the binary beats, I know a lot of people are familiar with, but it's like, this is like on a whole other level than the than the binary beats. Yeah, the binary beats. I know a lot of different familiar with, but it's like this is like on a whole another level. As far as where they're at with a science, it's it sounds extremely fascinating. I can't wait to actually like to learn more about the inner we actually invited the CEOs down. So hopefully we'll get a chance to get them on the show and get more details. And this is actually who is setting up the pot He's partnered with them for this podcast that he's launching in somewhere between December and January He's gonna be launching this podcast brain FM podcast is gonna be the title of it now
Starting point is 00:03:36 There's an app for the brain FM stuff that you can actually get right now If you have a if you have an apple phone And it's available at the at the Apple store or whatever, I guess you can download it. We haven't tried it yet, but I'm excited to try. But I tell you what guys, I was not anticipating that interview to be that fucking awesome. I didn't see it going in that direction.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, that was a really nice treat. So without any further ado, here's Kyle talking to my pump. You guys notice how Adam's microphone keeps going flaccid? Yeah. Isn't that weird? It's the irony. You know, because you're playing with it all the time. So it goes flaccid?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Yeah, yeah, fuck you. It should be the opposite. Yeah, when you fondle my shit, it goes flaccid. Let me tell you. That hurt my shit. You need a new partner. Yeah, that really hurts my feelings. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I mean, normally I have my fucking chair. How do I get signed up to sit next to you? Oh my gosh. Let's hope we don't get a blackout again. You guys are the friendliest. Well, I can't sit next to you guys. I'm sure glad we don't do, we don't allow, uh, eggs and fucking broccoli and fish in here anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Oh yeah. Thank God. Nice. That's all how I can open Kansas Sardines in here. Yeah. This guy. Real big. Exactly what he does. My wife will kick me out every time.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Really? He's that fucking outside. Go, actually go heat it by the outside trash can. So you can just dump it right in immediately after, right? I'm like, we used to be a video identify with sell. The old studio was, I get it, was what, 500 square feet dogs, someone that 500, 350 square feet. So basically it was a fucking bathroom that we were recording in, right? And this guy would come in here with that. It's just like, God, bro, you can't get away from that. You can't escape it. You can't escape it. It's not at all.
Starting point is 00:05:08 It's farting right in our face. So we signed the deal here. But you look at my, oh, look at that skin. Smooth. Mike Pelt is nice and soft. I can't deny that. You gotta eat that stuff, man, if you want to be healthy. Yeah, no one can deny the benefits.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah, that's the time. Dude, I gotta ask you about your fanny pack. I haven't seen those in a long time. Are they making a comeback? You know, I'm not sure. I think they're making a comeback among a small community, but it's a small community of elites. So, so I mean, he's gonna hate just endorse it last year at a baseball game. Oh shit. Okay. You know, we got we got the guy running the Lincoln commercial. I think we're doing all right. Dude, this is a
Starting point is 00:05:42 fucking trend. We need to jump on it and I'll tell you why because that shit, I don't care what it looks like. It's the most useful thing ever for a man. It is. Hands down. Hands down. I was looking at it. We got to get it. This thing's packed to the brim.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I want to know what to do. There's a lot of shit in that backpack. We're going to do, yes, we're going to do this before. Okay. I want to know what's in this thing. It's got a lot of ones from last night. That's what it's just, just in case you stop by a strip club on your way out of here, huh? Yeah, that is useful.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I got about as many receipts as George Costanza's wallet. Yeah, and as an insightful reference. Pro, I love you. Yeah, we got a pen, highlighter. Let's see, let's get in here. Of course, of course. He's got a pen. He's got a new pen.
Starting point is 00:06:19 He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a new pen. He's got a little snooze, a little cell phone wallet, chapstick, then I got another little charger here, little Mofie pack. See?
Starting point is 00:06:29 You know? See, look at that. Oh, that is handy. Do you know how many times I'm gonna be honest with you? I'm gonna be honest with you. Do you know how many times during the day I think to myself, I need a pen. God damn it, I don't have a pen.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I need a fucking extra charger. I don't have it. That thing is brilliant. What? It's the go-to. I feel like if you're chial size and you have ears like he has, you can get away with the clock.
Starting point is 00:06:49 You can do whatever the fuck you want and no one's gonna say shit to you. I saw a picture of you wearing like a pink shirt for Wayans. Oh yeah. I loved you right away because you're my friend. Well, it cracks, one of the things that cracks me up in life as men is this idea of that you have to act a certain way to be a man.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You know what I'm saying? And so it always cracked me up. Like people listening, I listen to death metal when I work out with Jesse Burtick because that's what he puts on. And I'm used to that from training at ASU. Our old coach would, the whole line get to pick music one day, death metal.
Starting point is 00:07:21 The D line get to pick music the next day, rap music. So I was used to that. But for me, that's never something I put on when I'm just hanging out. I'm like, AHHHHH! You know so, but it always cracked me up because a lot of guys will walk out to that kind of shit and it's like, I don't need to be pumped up as I walk to the cage. The second that door shuts, I'm fucking going, right? My heart rate, I'm trying to get that down, not get it up.
Starting point is 00:07:44 So that's why I always come out to like 80s pop and, you know, just, just heartfelt songs that make me feel good inside. You must have brought everybody off with that. Yeah, put a little smile on my face. Yeah, oh yeah. I walked out, I fought in King of the Cage and I was walking out. It was in Lacta Flambo, Wisconsin. And I walk out in my ASU warm-ups and the second I pulled them off, I had bright pink Muay Thai shorts on
Starting point is 00:08:06 And immediately the cheers went to beat that fangit So mad they were they were infuriated like right off the bat just cuz I had pink shorts on. Oh, I love it Man, we would for sure be best. Yeah, that was half of like that was like my style growing up was I would try and be so opposite of everybody else just so I mean, and I feel like there there's something to be said about that I tell these guys all time it's confidence man it is you know it's not what you wear it's how you fucking wear it you know saying that's that's what it's about when you when you and when you when you do shit like that that's different than everybody else like yes that's how you you you build character that's how you make a statement like you don't look like a fall like those are my people dude dude, my friend. So he used to wear a, like a, like a, like a, like a, like a, what do they call for jacket?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Like to class and he'd wear like a pink thong. And what? So he was gonna class where you guys are. So his pink thong is like hanging out of his pants, you know? And he just like, no, whale tail. He was hilarious. That's, you know, he just did it for the shock value. Oh, that's taking a long time.
Starting point is 00:09:00 What's he do now? What's he do now? He's like a youth past, right? I think. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which is, yeah. He's on the stage and giving the sermon with a pink Hulk Hogan bowl.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I don't think he wants to admit any of this, you know. So Kyle's connected to one of our good buddies, Justin Brink, who is a mutual friend of all of ours. But I wanted to ask you, was that how, how did you first come across Mind Pump? Kind of tell me that story. When you first started listening to us and everything, because I know you've listened for a while. Yeah, Brink, was that how, how did you first come across Mind Pump? Kind of tell me that story. When you first started listening to us and everything, because I know you've listened for a while.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah, Brink actually was telling me, like, hey man, these guys are coming up. They just started a podcast. It's one of the top 10 fitness podcasts. You got to listen to these guys. It's a great show. And I started listening. I was like, first thing I noticed was holy shit.
Starting point is 00:09:40 When I put you guys in my feed, you have daily podcasts. The only other guy that I know that does that is Joe Rogan. So it's really hard for me to keep up with daily, but everyone that I've listened to I've loved. And one of the things that I absolutely loved, I was just talking to Brink about it today, was the concept of neutral spine. It caught me up.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I was like, God, thank God, somebody else is getting shit for this. But it reminded me of Coach Sumner when he went on gymnastics bodies when he went on Tim Ferris and he was talking about the Jefferson curl. Yeah. And he explained, I was like, oh, fuck, that makes so much sense. That makes so much sense.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And when I'm on the mat and you get to, there is not a single damn position. I'm in neutral spine. Ever. Even if I'm on my back with my legs up, I'm not neutral spine. There's no position where that happens. Get your ass kicked if you're neutral spine. Yeah, man, there's no position where that happens. Get your ass kicked if you're neutral spine. Yeah, man, there's no position where that happens. So it's, it just makes sense that we would articulate our backs, go through full range of motion, and then have some type of stress
Starting point is 00:10:33 are involved. It doesn't mean you have to do it ballistically. But when I was listening to that podcast, and I realized, you guys were getting shit for this in a stable fucking plank. Yeah. It's like, yeah. So intense. Yeah, so intense. Oh, it's an entity dynamic explosive ballistic. No, come on, dude, I got ripped for that. I don't know if you, I don't know if you're connected to us on on social media or not, but so I mean, that was, it was the most viral thing he had done.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's, it's got what? It was 65 or something thousand? Yeah, like 65,000 views. And they're, I think there was like with 400 comments or something, just ridiculous. And half of them is academia. Just, and these, and this is, I fuck it. We hate these guys. Do I swear to God? We hate these guys. It's because they, they, they just wait. They wait till they can find something. They feel they can put their two cents in, right? Yeah. But I know more than you thing, right? It's like, no, no, no. I'm the fucking man. You
Starting point is 00:11:23 don't know what you're talking about. Let me tell you what I learned in school. Exactly. And this is one of this is probably one of the things this is how this is how childish we are. This is how we get our entertainment. You know, I was I was hoping for that. Yeah, it was we were totally setting the bait right away. It was just like, you know, we know when we put this out here, we're going to cause a bunch of shit and then we're just going to fucking mushroom stamp all these idiots that get on there and try to talk shit about fucking a plot, a plane being so stressful on your spine and the in the flames go to move Everybody needs that smash. So do you still train quite a bit then? Yeah, yeah, I do a powerlifting Once a week of a Jesse Burtick we do heavy legs it goes back and forth between squat day and deadlift day
Starting point is 00:12:02 But it always changes, you know yesterday We did sumo from a deficit the week before we had Camed bar, smunch Bob square box squats. He called it. Sometimes we do Bluetooth squats, which is hands free, obviously with a safety bar and not with a regular barbell. But it's just, it's awesome because we're training the same muscle groups, but it's never the same workout.
Starting point is 00:12:21 You know, reps and sets will change, but the bars will change. I mean, he has more equipment in there than I would ever purchase. So it's a treat to get to, and then also, I mean, he's just such a phenomenal coach. You know, when I was playing football at ASU, I was really fortunate to have two phenomenal coaches. I had a coach house, Joe Ken, who would later go on
Starting point is 00:12:41 to become the head strength coach with the Carolina Panthers. He got strength coach of the year last year. Mark Guayama, Ui, he's out head strength coach of the 49ers. So when the Panthers came to play last season and the Super Bowl, they came in a town. All of us met to do deadlifting at Birdix Place at CSA at the PowerWide crew. So this is the first time I got to live with my old strength coaches in like a decade. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And the thing that really drove home how awesome Jesse to live with my old strength coaches in like a decade. Oh, that's cool. And the thing that really drove home, how awesome Jesse is, is both my old strength coaches who are head strength coaches in the NFL were picking his brain the entire time. Oh, you're kidding me. And I was like, fuck, dude, I knew he was good, but man, you know what I'm saying? Like that really sold it for me.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Like how awesome he is and how talented he is. He fixed my squat, he did a ton of things, you know, and I'm, it's one thing to build strength, but just like you guys were talking about, it's another thing to add mobility and to be able to move properly and get it all at the same time. Well, let me ask you this because obviously, you know, being a pro MMA fighter and having all that experience, you still, you still train you Jitsu, you still, you know, on the mats. What kind of carryover do you see from that kind of training to grappling or fighting or just that functional component?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Because I know when people apply strength training, but they do it improperly, it tends to take away from their ability to move in their technique. What did you notice? Yeah, well, I trained it at a different place that was a little bit more into functional. I get the air quotes going on that functional strength. So, you know, one leg at all.
Starting point is 00:14:06 One leg at all. Exactly, one leg at both, so I'm never shit like that. And here's the thing, for connective tissue and balance, that, yeah, it's gonna help a little bit, but I read easy strength by a Paul Totsulin and D'Anjon after I'd finished fighting. And I was like, fuck me, what didn't I have this when I was still fighting?
Starting point is 00:14:23 You know, and really, what your focus is as an athlete, strength is just the general physical preparedness. The specifics are the fucking sport, right? So if I need balance stuff, if I need to balance, if I need to work on hand speed, if I need to work on those things, it's gonna be done in my sport. There's no sense in trying to accomplish that with the weights.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I don't need to do battle ropes to burn my arms out because I'm gonna be wrestling and fucking hit and mitts with my boxing coach. And still doing what you did too. You know what I'm getting at? So you really, you can't stretch your, in MMA and you see this all the time, guys are stretched so thin.
Starting point is 00:14:55 You've got a coach in every department saying, this we gotta work this, we gotta work that. And then you gain plan for your opponent and then just to become the focus or, you know, this guy sucks on the ground and I'm already good on the ground so we're gonna focus on striking and takedowns whatever the case may be your plan is is specific to that so the things that you need from strength have to apply to all areas and that's when it comes down to what are the basics of human movement and how does and is
Starting point is 00:15:20 that gonna apply to everything else that I do? Fuck yeah you give somebody a good deadlift they're gonna jump higher they're gonna run faster and they're gonna be to everything else that I do? Fuck yeah, you give somebody a good deadlift, they're gonna jump higher, they're gonna run faster, and they're gonna be more explosive because that hinge is natural in any sport. So the transfer's there. And I feel now, I don't strike anymore because as I told Rogan, if I sharpen that blade, I wanna test it, I wanna spar.
Starting point is 00:15:40 The more I spar, the more I wanna fight again. But I'm doing what you did, so I don't get hit in the face, which is lovely. And the strength on the mat is just, it's incredible. You know, I roll with guys that are way better than me. We train with a team check mat and a lot of world champions are with that team. And what's cool about it is a lot of them are bigger guys.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Marcus Buchetcha, Shuawaseez, he's a 2-18 champ. Oh, it's shit. So I mean, these guys are, you know. You're some of the best in the world. They're some of the best in the world and they're big guys. So, when I get to roll with them, I learn from them, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:16:10 they crush me in an instant, but all of them are like, dude, you're really strong. You know, and I'm like, hey, man, these are the things that I'm doing. It's not rocket science. And the beauty of the book in easy strength is that you can get a lot stronger
Starting point is 00:16:23 with really low volume. As long as you're still picking up something heavy and moving heavy weight, you don't need to be so sore that you're broken down. No, that's a huge message that we try to hammer home on a consistent basis. It's one of the driving factors for the programs that we design for people,
Starting point is 00:16:40 but I think what people need to realize, especially athletes or people who are in sports, you need to realize that all of these things that you use in your training or tools, okay, resistance training or weights is a tool, and that tool is very, very good at one thing and that's getting you stronger. Can you use that tool to do other things like get lots of endurance or get lots of flexibility.
Starting point is 00:17:05 You can, but you're using a hammer to screw in a screw at that point. You wanna use the tools that are, you know, for those specific things that you're looking for and use them for those things because you're gonna get the most out of them and weights make you strong. And so you should use them in that sense.
Starting point is 00:17:20 And I think a lot of people mess up because they don't do that. They don't understand that they think, oh, I need more endurance, therefore, you know, I'm a cyclist. So I'm just going to do weights for endurance. And I'm going to do all these circuits and all this. And what you're saying is so true. Look, if you want that endurance on your bike, go ride your bike. If you're going to lift weights, weights makes you strong, then you should use it for strength. And if you do it that way, you get the best results your body heals. You train different forms of adaptation,
Starting point is 00:17:44 and you just do, you just do much better. Kyle has to be one of the few athletes that we've talked to you. So I've got to ask you then, we just had this on Q&A, maybe a couple of days ago, where somebody asked us what we thought about the trainers, the training programs in professional sports. I remember that question.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Oh, you do, okay. So I would love, and I have a little bit of relationships know relationships with pros and some of that So and I've heard them but I would love to hear you kind of in your person considering that you get it Like you I mean, it's rare to find so when I feel like to like you who really understands that how much of a disconnect is there with There's such a large disconnect, but and it is individual sports, you know everything's a case by case basis But it comes down to two things. One, what's being taught by the coach and two, who's buying in, right? Because, ooi is the head strength coach of the 49ers, and I think you guys mentioned
Starting point is 00:18:34 a 49er who would hired his best friend of yours trainer. So, you know what I'm saying? If you buy me, remember that episode. If you buy me, it was just struck me as like, oh, yeah, I can see that happening, but dear Lord, is that the fucking biggest mistake that guys ever made? Where does bodybuilder first? Seriously. Yeah, seriously.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah, it's, but you know what, I mean, if you're in anything you do, you gotta buy in. Otherwise, you don't stick to it. It doesn't matter if it's a diet or a training protocol or a new type of meditation. If you don't buy into it and you don't feel how it works, you know, that's one thing I love about Wim Hof is feeling is believing, right?
Starting point is 00:19:09 If you feel different from it and you feel the benefit, you're gonna fucking believe it. That takes all the skepticism out of it because you understand how it works and how it benefits you. You know, but that said, yeah, MMA is no different. We have, even at A.K.. alone, there's several different guys working with several different trainers. There is no one in-house strength coach that we work with, no one in-house dietitian. I know they have a nutritionist that's working with a few of the guys,
Starting point is 00:19:35 Luke Rockold, DC, and Cain, and they're getting good results with the man guy knows his stuff, but that's not a guy who trains the entire team on how to eat and do food prep and all that. So really it is individualized. And if you look across the board, I got buddies that train at PowerMMA and Fitness, Ryan Bader, those guys, they all got their own individual guys. You know Robbie, Elisma?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Elisma? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I was one, okay. I was wondering if you connected to him also. Real smart guy too, and we've talked. He's a really good close friend of Katrina. And him and I have sat down and talked and I know he's really close to Kane
Starting point is 00:20:08 and he's part of the A.D. Yeah, he had trained, I think with, I forget the guy's name, it's slipping my mind right now, but the coach who coached Adam Marchilleta before he went into the NFL. And I had followed Adam because he played at Arizona State
Starting point is 00:20:19 and was one of the greatest guys there. And Adam's story obviously came in as a hundred and 45 pound twerp and he left ripped to 10. But as he was getting bigger, he was getting so much faster and so much more explosive and more endurance, like he didn't lose a step anywhere in gaining that size. And that's proof in the putting that what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:20:39 That's impressive. It was working, right? Because it's very easy to take a guy and say, hey, we're gonna have you eat this much food and we're to train like a bodybuilder. And the next thing you know, your gas after the first quarter, right? Right. Yeah. Very, very true. Let me ask you this. What are the main differences between your training now versus when you're doing MMA? You've got the strength training is much different. How were you applying it before? Well, we had done, I mean, it was really a camp, I camp basis, some camps I would do heavyweight training,
Starting point is 00:21:10 deadlifts, bench press, those kind of things. And then other camps, I would be like, no man, I need more endurance. And I'd throw that shit out of the window. And that's something that, that it's not a regret, but it's an observation where I realized, you got to stick to whatever got you there. You know, and I was always stronger
Starting point is 00:21:25 than most people at 205, with maybe exception to Stefan Bonner. But, you know, anybody I thought I always had a strength advantage. So, I don't, you shouldn't take your foot off the gas in that respect, you know what I'm saying? And then try to focus elsewhere, and then you lose that advantage. It doesn't mean that that's your main focus
Starting point is 00:21:42 that I'm spending eight hours in the gym, lifting weights, and only a 30 minutes, hitting mat mitts and doing things sport specific. It just means that those are certain things that I should have kept all the way up until the fight. Interesting. So Stefan Bonner's real strong. Stefan Bonner's a beast.
Starting point is 00:21:56 But you wouldn't know about looking at them. He was like a big guy, but he doesn't look. Yeah, well, the thing is too, he's, when I fought him, I was a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu and he was a high level black belt. He been a black belt for years. So the nuances of where you place your hands, how you move your hips, all those little things, where your grips are, they make a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:22:17 So I'm sure that added to it. But yeah, I've never felt, and I credit him immensely for making me fall in love with Jiu-Jitsu because once you get big brother and just absolutely smothered by another man in your hometown, it was right here at the Shark Tank, and then everyone watching on TV. You know, that was my first fight on the main card too. So, you know, there was a lot of viewers on the pay-per-view. Yeah, that was, it was humbling to say the least.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Now, diet-wise, any changes in diet now that you're more into the fitness world. Yeah, yeah, you know, I kept doing my research. I love reading and continuing the education and started learning about the ketogenic diet and really enjoyed everything they were talking about. So I tinkered around with that. I played with it for a couple of years on and off
Starting point is 00:23:02 and absolutely love it. I'm not in ketosis right now, but I feel like that was a really big help for me. We have a one and a half year old son now. And the first six months, anybody with a kid knows, you don't sleep at all. At all. And even if you're getting up every two hours
Starting point is 00:23:17 and you're able to crash again, just breaking that sleep cycle each night completely fucks you up. Like I felt like a zombie. And it was so hard. And my wife wasn't drinking coffee because she was breastfeeding. So rather than scale back to my normal 32 ounces,
Starting point is 00:23:31 I would make the whole pot still. And I would work through that whole pot throughout the day and still end up going and getting some concentrated coffee or nitros or whatever, just to make sure that I could stay awake. And the ketogenic diet really helped with that. There was something I think Dr. Dominic Diagostino was talking about how they're not sure the mechanisms,
Starting point is 00:23:51 but the benefits to the brain are such that even if on your less sleep, it's not gonna impact you as bad. What's interesting to me about it is the types of people that are starting to embrace it. At first, it was obviously there were medical reasons for it and that's how the ketogenic diet was kind of utilized. Then the strangest things, you had athletes now,
Starting point is 00:24:15 extreme endurance athletes were the first ones to start to use it. Hearing fighters say that they're utilizing it's kind of crazy. Because I don't think that works too well for explosive athletes. Yeah, not for explosiveness, but for the endurance, I think I've heard people say for inflammation. And then the other thing is this whole,
Starting point is 00:24:31 like it's neutropic effects. I'm hearing all these people talk about using it because they like the cognitive effects, which is kind of weird. It makes you feel sharper, which is what you're commenting on. 100%. And there was also times,
Starting point is 00:24:42 like, look, I can't kid myself. I've had this, I've, you know, my left orbital blown out twice, left eyebrow fractured. My jaw's been broken in two places. Anytime someone's hit me in the head hard enough to break bones, it's going to take its toll. So really, there's been a lot of focus on how can I heal the brain? What are the things that I can do to boost my cognitive function? And I'm into Neutropics as well.
Starting point is 00:25:03 But yeah, the ketogenic diet, it felt like my brain was working for the first time. And I could retain all the information from the books I was reading. I had a goal, I think in 2010, it knew years to read one book a month. And I was able to start doing that just to get more information in. And then I don't even keep track anymore. It's not on the goals list because I'll fly through multiple books in a month and I'm able to recall everything that I read from it. And even being on a ketosis now,
Starting point is 00:25:31 I'll still have ketosis with MCTs and different things to really make sure that I get some level of ketones in the morning. Well, I feel like you sound kind of like me when I first went through it is that it just changed my relationship with food. Like before I ever went ketogenic, I was a low fat guy, carbs,
Starting point is 00:25:46 carbs, carbs, carbs, and I never had gone the complete opposite like that where it was super high fat and just the way you feel. So I too don't run, I'm not a ketogenic diet, 100% of the time, but I kind of float in and out of it and I've never gone back to eating carbs like the way. I mean, I was a four to 600 gram of carb day every single day. You know, and if I was doing anything like training really hard,
Starting point is 00:26:10 I would go up even higher than that or getting ready for your show. I was pushing sometimes 800 grams. So I mean, that's a ton of carbohydrates. And I've never felt so good by eliminating that down to like 100 to 200 grams. And then the rest is just filled with fat. I've never even felt like that feels so good. Well, you just said something really interesting, Kyle, about doing it for the brain protective effects and having, you know, obviously you were in a sport that was very, you know, lots
Starting point is 00:26:35 of trauma to the head before that you played football very similar. And you know, you're making it a point to, you know, look at things that are neuroprotective. Ketogenic diet, you just talked about that. Anything else that you're looking at? Well, yeah. We know oxygen heals all things, right? So right when I started learning about Wim Hof, I was like, man, I've been doing meditation and I've had different forms of breath work.
Starting point is 00:26:58 But when you actually do five rounds of, you know, 30 to 40 deep inhalations, halfway out, all the way in, halfway out, and you do the retention period, like, I feel ignited inside. I can feel every part of my body functioning. I can think crystal clear. So I'm not familiar. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You guys are familiar with Wim Hof? A little bit. Yeah. So tell me about that. So for the listeners that haven't heard him, check him out on Rogan. I think he's episode 712, Tim Ferris is interviewed. He's about a number of podcasts, Rich Roll as well. He's like superhuman.
Starting point is 00:27:27 He's the, yeah, they call him the ice man. He's got over 22 world records. Is that the guy that we run? We run barefoot like in Siberia or something? Yeah, I've seen a documentary on him. Yeah, he's a bad, bad dude, but his thing is that I'm not special. It's the technique, right? And you can go to Wim Hof Method dot com. I have no affiliation, but I did the course. It's the technique, right? And you can go to Wim Hof Method.com.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I have no affiliation, but I did the course. It was 200 bucks. It's a 10 week online course. And he basically gives you baby steps, starting with cold showers, until you can get and start doing ice baths. And, you know, I've been able to work my way up to 10 to 15 minutes in 40 degrees.
Starting point is 00:28:01 You know, and that's nothing compared to him. I think this guy set the world record with it. But doing ice therapy and things like that has shown to have cognitive, and anytime the temperature change, you know, Dr. Ronda Patrick's always talking about this. Infrared sonnas are really hot, 220 degree plus, heat shock proteins are developed,
Starting point is 00:28:18 all these things are great for helping heal the brain. And especially, you know, you go the opposite direction, the same benefits are there with the cold. And he was really into that. But really the thing that I use the most is the breath work, you know, when I drive to the power wall crew on Tuesdays, it's a 40 minute drive each direction. So I'm just huffing along the way. I won't do, you know, quite as long a retention period where I hold my breath because I don't want to peel off the road and die. But it's an easy way to get me into that mindset of hyper-oxygenating the body. And then when I go to work out, I just top myself off in between sets.
Starting point is 00:28:51 You know, I'll finish a hard set and then start taking these big breaths and I'm really ready to go before the next set. And there's so many qualities in that that are meditative. You know, when you're focused on your breath, you're not thinking about other shit. You're in the moment. Yeah, you're not thinking about anything else. You're completely present. And so the physiological benefits, the wellness,
Starting point is 00:29:12 the hyperoxygenation, the healing for the brain, all these things are present. Immune system goes up, they did a study, one of my favorite studies, because he said, I'm not the guy to invent this, just been around for thousands of years, but I'm the first guy to bring this to science. And so I forget, I think he was in the Netherlands
Starting point is 00:29:28 in a university and they injected him with E. coli. And 1,000 out of 1,000 people who had been injected with E. coli previous to him, all got sick. They got a hardcore fever, you know, bad sweats, pale as a ghost within minutes. They checked him, no know, bad sweats, pale as a ghost within minutes. They checked him. No results. Nothing. A thousand and a thousand. He was the first guy. Wow. Not sick at all. And then again, he said, look, it's not me. I can bring you students of mine and have them run the same test and
Starting point is 00:29:58 they'll pass it. So the next trial they did was with 12 people trained under his method and 12 untrained. 12 for 12 untrained. All got sick, 12 for 12 trained, no sickness whatsoever. Get the fuck out. Wow. So what the implications are that you have, you have way more, we all have way more control over our bodies than we give ourselves credit for. Then science gives ourselves credit for, right? The autonomic autonomic nervous system, right?
Starting point is 00:30:25 That's the one that just happens automatically. We have zero control over it, our immune system falls into there, those types of things, and he's saying bullshit. We definitely have control over that, but we have to be mindful and we have to practice, and we have to work on our breath work. And by doing those things, we can reconnect
Starting point is 00:30:43 to a deeper part of ourselves that's previously unachievable. Well, I mean, they've had, this has been well documented. Well, they'll take these monks who obviously dedicate their life to meditation and stuff. They'll put them in snow, and these guys will meditate and generate body heat
Starting point is 00:30:59 enough to melt snow kind of around their body. Or they'll put, you know, wet towels on their body and they'll dry the towels with their body here, and they're doing this through meditation. They're learning how to control some of these things, but I'd never heard of that method before. That's absolutely fascinating. Do you find your body adapting to it in the sense
Starting point is 00:31:15 where it starts off very difficult at first, where you feel like you're at a breath, and then you head it. Yeah, like what's that process feeling? Well, I mean, you wouldn't want to start doing this in the car, you know, but once you have a good feel for it, you can do it there. I mean, just wherever you would meditate, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:29 lying down or sitting, you know, in half-load us, load us whatever you want to do, just getting a comfortable position and then start with those breaths. And, you know, when we'll tell you, like, if you feel tingling sensation in your fingers, if you start to see lights with your eyes closed, chase that, chase that. Chase that.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Don't back away from it. Don't be afraid of that because that's what you're going for. It's not hyperventilation. It's hyperoxygenation. Okay. You know, these aren't short, you know, panic attack breaths. These are really deep all the way in.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Full expansion of the diaphragm. Then the chest second and then only halfway out. You know, he says all the way in, letting go. All the way in, letting go. all the way in, letting go. And that's all it is. As you do that through rounds, you can go 30 breaths, you can go 40, you can go 50, you can go even further than that.
Starting point is 00:32:11 And then you have your retention period where you hold, take a deep breath in, push it all the way up, so you feel that pressure building your brain, sending blood, and oxygen, and nutrients up there, then you start the next round. Well, you know, it's like a full range of motion for your lungs. You guys remember when we asked Ben Greenfield of all the crazy things that. Well, you know, it's like a full range of motion for your lungs. You guys remember when we asked Ben Greenfield
Starting point is 00:32:26 of all the crazy things that he does, you know, he's a major biohacker, I don't know if you're familiar with him or listen to his book, I guess. Okay, so, you know, we asked him of all the things that you biohack can do. What would you, you know, say is made the biggest difference and he talks about his cold plunges.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I mean, that training that, he said has made the biggest difference that he feels that of all the other things that he's done. So I've actually incorporated the freezing cold showers now in the morning and stuff. And it's tough sometimes when I'm tired, I don't want to be woken up like that, but it makes you dig go inside your body.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Well, you just, I mean, that's what I tell my life anyway. It reminds me of walking out when I walk out of that same kind of feeling when I walk out of like the cryobooth because I'm a big fan of cryo therapy too. As soon as you step out of there, it's just like this endorphin run. I mean, you just feel the adrenaline, you're wide awake, you feel alert, the mental clarity. I mean, it's immediate.
Starting point is 00:33:15 You know, it's not one of those things you need to do like for months and months and months before you feel. I mean, I always challenge someone like, hey, if you've never done that before, take a freezing gold shower. And yeah, it might be a pain in the ass for the first minute or whatever, but pay attention to how you feel when you walk out of that shower. It's a big difference.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I feel like the next phase of athletic training is gonna visit some of these types of things. It feels like this is the next, you know, kind of the next evolution of training, training the mind, you know, with, you know, some of these meditation things, you know, chasing those types of adaptations that we've ignored for a long period of time, that people knew thousands
Starting point is 00:33:50 of years ago and really worked on. And it's a part of a lot of cultures in fact. I know breathing in this way, I mean, when you learn yoga, if you learn the real yoga, they talk a lot about breathing. It's actually one of the main components of yoga. You go take yoga at your local gym. It's kind of been westernized and they remove some of that.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So what about anything else? You talk to a little about mountain utropics. I know cannabinoids are neuroprotective. Do you ever use anything like? Oh yeah. Okay, I'm way into the plants. So cannabis has been a big help for as long as I've been fighting until now. In fact, well, I mean, I started when I got out of the house and went to college,
Starting point is 00:34:30 smoked all day every day, I had classes two days a week, you know, and really did not have a good relationship with cannabis. And so I kind of backed off the throttle for a couple years. And then when I finished college and got into fighting, I noticed a lot of the fighters were using it as a means for recovery, getting rid of pain from all the tic-y-tac shit that you have throughout camp, even if you're not injured, you're still banged up. There's no guy that goes into a fight fresh. And then the biggest one for me when I started incorporating it was, I
Starting point is 00:35:00 can quiet my mind now, because it doesn't matter if I sat in a contract eight weeks out and And I'm thinking about my opponent now. I can't sleep then if it's seven weeks out six weeks out It the clock's ticking every inch that we step forward I know this at the some point the cage doors are gonna lock and I'm gonna get punched and I'm gonna try to punch this guy right so in that it's hard to turn off your mind when you lay down at night because you're thinking about your training Oh, did I get enough. Did I get enough sparring in today? How did I do? What were the mistakes that I made? And you just cycle through these things
Starting point is 00:35:32 and they're good to think about, but you have to be able to turn it off. Cannabis has been an incredible ally and just helping me to use that for that purpose. And then now, I'm not fighting anymore, but I still see the benefits from inflammation, lowered inflammation, better sleep. And I don't drink anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So just for a good feeling, it's a great way to feel good and not have any extra calories, not have any hangover or anything like that. I sleep great and I wake up feeling refreshed. I tell you what, this is what I predict with cannabis, because you do have a lot of athletes who've used it for a long time.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And anecdotally, they like the effects and the benefits. The neuro protective effects of cannabinoids are is fascinating. And there's lots and lots of science showing that the there's lots of neuro protective benefits. But if you're in a contact sport, if you're getting hit in the head or if you're playing football, there's always that risk of later on. This trauma is going to catch up to you. I mean, professional football players, for example, have a very, very... I think the average lifespan of a pro football player is something like 50-something years old.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And a lot of that, they attribute to some of that constant head trauma. I foresee this being something used to prevent some of that buildup because of its neuro protective effects. And they'll do studies on animals where they'll starve them of oxygen and the ones that have, you know, cannabinoids don't get the brain damage like the ones that don't have the cannabinoids. So I can see that being a big factor. I mean, how do you feel about that?
Starting point is 00:37:02 I really hope that the NFL especially loosens the reins on it, you know, really stupid to see that. You guys getting thrown out and spending for smoking a joint, dude. It's out of control. But one of the things that I love is, is obviously, you know, podcasting the internet, we're able to share this great information. And it's dispeled so much bullshit that we were taught growing up, you know, I mean, if you're in your 30s, I'm sure you remember the dare program, that kind of stuff. And there's a doctor at University of San Francisco, University of California, San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:37:34 He's a Japanese doctor. I think he was featured on the culture high documentary. It's a great film if you haven't checked it out. And he was giving his cancer patients cannabis, high THC cannabis that way would help with their pain mitigation. And he found that his cancer patients cannabis, high THC cannabis that way it would help with their pain mitigation. And he found that they needed less opioids or if they still took opioids for pain,
Starting point is 00:37:51 a little go a long way, right? There was a synergistic effect with less toxicity. And of course, knowing that cannabis makes you dumb, THC makes you dumb from all the rhetoric and shit that we were force fed growing up, he started looking at the brain. And as he was doing FMRI and all these different technologies that we were force fed growing up, he started looking at the brain. And as he was doing FMRI and all these different technologies that we have now, he saw that it was neuroprotectant THC specifically.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So the thing that makes you your short-term memory go away is actually helping the brain. And another interesting fact that he found was that it was helping clear away amyloid plaque in the brain. So what are the implications there? Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, and dementia. So now they're starting a trial where they're gonna look at THC with Alzheimer's Parkinson's and dementia patients.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And I'm guaranteeing it's gonna have great results. Bro, I own a year's ago, I bought, and I bought quite a while a bit ago, though I did buy a lot of shares in a company that's actually doing studies on that very thing. They have trials on... GW. GW pharmaceutical.
Starting point is 00:38:47 They're doing... They're an actual pharmaceutical company, but they're doing studies on how it works with dementia, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and cancer. That's the big one that they're finding that it actually promotes cell apoptosis, meaning that the cells that are cancer, they don't die, they don't kill themselves. That's what makes them cancer. Having cannabinoids present kind of reprograms them to do what they're supposed to and kill themselves
Starting point is 00:39:12 and you're finding animal studies and some human studies where cancer goes away. So I think it's good stuff. It's fascinating. They showed too that I think there was one study where they used cannabis in conjunction with chemotherapy and they showed tumor cells drop by 300% as compared to chemo alone.
Starting point is 00:39:33 So that's nice too, because then you don't get big pharma shit in the bed saying, well, this is the way we've done it. And we don't, you know, so much of why cannabis isn't legal now. Oh, it's all, it's all bullshit. Come on, man. It has to do with money. Here's what people do not realize.
Starting point is 00:39:48 And it's now, it is 100% verified, but the war on drugs was accelerated because of the counter-culture at the time. You look, if you look at the 60s and 70s, you gotta consider this. In the 60s and 70s, you had a very powerful and scary to the government counter culture. This is the hippies, this was the protest, this was the anti-vietnam movement.
Starting point is 00:40:08 You had all these domestic terrorist groups, like whether underground and all this crazy, all these civil rights leaders, like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and all these musicians with all this power. John Lennon and all of the, by the way, all of them mysteriously got killed. But you have all this crazy shit going on and it's all counter-culture and the government, of course,
Starting point is 00:40:29 don't forget this, everybody's realized this that one of the jobs of the US government is to assess threats. And you gotta look at these threats and you gotta come up with ways to battle these threats. But how do you fight a counter-culture when you have protective freedom of speech, when you have the right to assemble and protest?
Starting point is 00:40:48 When you have all these things, you can't in fringe upon, you can't just shut these people up. So what do you do? You take their favorite drug and you make it schedule one, meaning most illegal, and you throw them in jail for smoking pot.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And this is why marijuana went schedule one and became public enemy. Like the target to hippies that way one 100 fucking percent. In fact, the government invested heavily in finding a connection between marijuana and lung cancer because that would have that would have helped their cause, right? Marijuana, right? They couldn't find it. And not only could and they not find it, but in 1974, there was a study that was funded by the Nixon administration looking for a connection between cannabis
Starting point is 00:41:26 and lung cancer and they started finding a protective effect and they immediately cut the funding and buried that shit and made the study classified. Yeah, and that was even with, and I think one of the parts of that study was even among people who smoked cigarettes in conjunction with cannabis. Protective effects. At the far less cancer rates. And we know why now. We know that cannabinoids have anti-cancer effects. And of course, smoking, it's the worst way you could use it, by the way. I'm not advocating smoking it. If you want to use it for its health effects, eating it's probably the best.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And vaporizing would be kind of a close second. And of course, today, we've got all these pharmaceutical companies now who do not want anything to do with marijuana being legalized. And you have alcohol. Big alcohol also doesn't want to be used. Well, you've got all these pharmaceutical companies now who do not want anything to do with marijuana being legalized. And you have alcohol, big alcohol also doesn't want to be. Well, you've got all these. It's competition. What was it just, was it Seattle that gave the, or the Washington gave the report of how much opiate usage is down since then?
Starting point is 00:42:16 Every state that legalizes it medisantly shows a dramatic decrease in opiate addiction, which by the way, unspoken about, you know, nobody talks about this, but the biggest drug problem in America in terms of addiction and growth of addiction is prescription drugs. It is not illegal, illicit drugs, not crystal meth, not crack, not anything like that. It's a little bit more. Yeah, great, a great wonder to watch is prescriptions, thugs. Yeah, we saw that. Oh, fucking phenomenal. We had Mark and Chris. We had Mark and Chris. I love Mark and Chris.
Starting point is 00:42:47 They're great guys. But yeah, that really just details the ridiculousness of it. And how out of control it is, you know, it's just a big deal. I lost a friend in college who started with, bike it in, worked his way up Toxie con, and that wasn't enough. So heroin and then one bad batch, Sinara. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:43:05 I mean, and I've had a cousin who died a couple years ago just from the pills, you know, from the opiate. So these things are no joke, man. There's, and how many deaths do we have with cannabis? Yeah. Zero. Nope. Trust me, Adam has tried to overdose on it.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And you can't. It's impossible. Hey, I may be all hook you up. My buddy Tom Loller, who was on the ultimate fighter with, he, you'm, I'm like, I'm, I'm like, I'm, I'm like, I'm, I'm like, I'm, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm. So it's like, what the fuck are you crazy? Bro, I couldn't cut this in quarters. I still haven't used it. Are you nuts? If I cut that thing and I look, I can handle a large amount of psychedelics and really have a great experience.
Starting point is 00:43:56 But I'm a lightweight when it comes to cannabis. A little goes a long way. I have no problem being a 100 quitter. I've got no balls about it. You know, I don't feel like I'm less of a man if my wife smokes more than me at night. It's not an issue. But yeah, that thing is collecting dust. I think next time I see Joey Diaz, I'll have a moment.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Over to what? Because he's the only guy I know that can handle something like that. That is a silly amount. By the way, for the me, especially to come up to go that direction too, because you got to think right away that that's going to hit you a lot faster and harder.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And way harder, way harder, because 100% of it's getting in it's like mainlanding it you know you're not gonna have any breakdown from stomach acid or zero loss I mean I cut I don't know I don't know if I'll oh here we go I cut south shoving one a little chocolate balls up his ass and that's only five milligrams you know he was ripped after that so I can't imagine what it's on them all day. But did he put his hand back in the jar for a second one? This is him, man. But we looked at it, that's it. How'd you want, man? Phil Brodne, double dipping.
Starting point is 00:44:52 You can't double dip, bro. I replaced it with a different chocolate ball afterward. Yeah, that's what I was tasting. Mary, no, I mean, it's fascinating. And I think some of the protective effects might have to do. You know, they call Alzheimer's some sign. I just might have to do you know they call Alzheimer's some sign I just learned this the other day they call Alzheimer's type three diabetes some scientists saying that it's the brains in ability to Use glucose properly and there are some
Starting point is 00:45:15 Insulin sensitizing effects of cannabis as well. So I'm wondering if that has yeah, let's your management Dr. David Pearlmother wrote a great. He's actually his two great books, but a grain brain was his first in 2013. We're trying to get him on the show. We're trying to get him on the show. He's the man. I love, I absolutely love that guy. And a brain maker of course, was his follow up in the book.
Starting point is 00:45:33 We love that, but. We've talked a lot about how probiotics and affect not only our mood, but cognitive function, behavioral disorders, everything in between. And yeah, he was, that's where I really started putting in the context. All the time, I was just type typed three diabetes and I have lost, let's see, a great-grandparent and a great-grandmother tall timers.
Starting point is 00:45:54 It's all on my dad's side of the family for sure. That was another reason that sparked my interest in going low-carb and things like that. Even though I'm not in Cotosis now, I don't know if you heard of Terry Walls, the Walls Protocol. We just had it on the show. We just had it on the show. and things like that. And even though I'm not in Cotosis now, I don't know if you heard of Terry Walls, the Walls protocol. We had a show. We just had it on the show. Oh, three episodes ago. Okay, that's right.
Starting point is 00:46:09 That's right. Brink was mentioned that to me. So she has the three tier system. And I love this when I'm talking to people and they're like, man, I can't go 50 grams a day or less of carbohydrate. We'll start at tier three, drop to 150. Then go to tier two, under 100.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Then go to tier three, under 50, right? And tier three, under 150, is a to tier two, 100, then go to tier three, 100 of 50, right? And tier three, 100 of 150 is a dramatic drop in carbohydrates for 90% of Americans, right? So you're gonna see weight loss, you're gonna see benefit. You might not have the same cognitive function and boost that you get from ketones, but you're gonna have weight loss,
Starting point is 00:46:37 you're gonna have lower inflammation and a lot of the benefits are gonna be there. But yeah, that's kinda where I'm at right now. The only time where I'll really go way above 200 grams is if I hit just some monster squat day. You know, and I'm like, all right, I earned it. Let me, let me, let me, uh, indulge a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I'll eat my grain free pizza and that'll be my cheat meal. Well, you're, you're extremely knowledgeable. I was gonna say it's so great to hear him name drop all these people that either one that we've had on the show or we've planned to have a show. Because this is really a lot of what we're about is, we are trying to put these people out on the front end because these are the people
Starting point is 00:47:14 that we read that were inspired, right? I mean, literally the people that you see out there that's giving information right now, it's all this biased information for some supplement company or they have. That's also a bunch of idiots. I mean, look, here's all this biased information for some supplement company or they have. That's also a bunch of idiots. I mean, look, here's the thing. It's not sexy, you know, Terry Walls,
Starting point is 00:47:30 Dr. Diagostino talking about some of this research. It's not the frickin' ripped dude on the cover of a magazine or the chick with a nice ass, but it's cool when you got guys like you, like you're a big muscular dude, you use the fight, you know, you look a certain way and you're starting to talk about this kind of stuff. And muscular dude, you use to fight, you know, you look a certain way and you're starting to talk about this kind of stuff and that was our goal is to get, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:48 make it sexy number one because that shit, I mean, it works, it's legit, it's not bullshit and we know that sexy is what's gonna spread it, you know what I'm saying? But it's very refreshing to hear a guy like you, talk about all these things and know about, are you looking to do anything with, because you're obviously very passionate about real wellness and health and performance,
Starting point is 00:48:09 are you gonna be doing anything with that and the future, are you doing anything with that now? Yeah, yeah, I'm glad you brought it up. So my original plan was to be a part of the first ever cannabis gym. And I really wanted that to go down. We knew you liked it. It looks like that's still going to go through,
Starting point is 00:48:25 but I ended up parting ways. And it's not on bad terms at all. I'm totally rooting for these guys. The one in San Francisco, right? Yep. The one in San Francisco. Hey, now is that I was a part of that. I was going to be the general manager and with Ricky Williams. Okay. It was. I told you. I told you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a great idea. It's just taking a little longer than expected. And I need to get the ground rolling right now. So another thing that I got to when I was down at this XBT life event with, with, and I'll name drop a bunch here, Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece, Brian McKenzie, and Kelly Storette as a buddy of mine, he got me in there, he was one of the guest speakers. Awesome. And Brian McKenzie told the story of when he first met
Starting point is 00:48:58 Kelly in the gym and he, he saw what Kelly was doing and he was like, dude, you need to get the fuck out of here. And he was like, huh? And he dude, you need to get the fuck out of here. And he was like, huh? And he's like, seriously, get the fuck out of here. And Kelly was like, what are you talking about? And he's like, you can't stay here. You can't be in these walls, teaching what you know. You have to spread this to the masses. You gotta write a book.
Starting point is 00:49:16 You gotta put videos out online. And of course, then he's needed a free video. He wanted to do one free video a day for a year. That'd be 365. Of course, I think he has now over like 2,400 videos online And people know who Kelly started it is. They know mobility ward calm They know becoming a supple effort that they've heard of the book because of the funny name but I mean all that shit works and
Starting point is 00:49:37 When I was when I heard that it really resonated with me, you know because I feel like you guys I want to connect the dots for people. I wanna put out good information. And it is this conversation we're having right now that helps people change because knowledge is power, but they're not gonna just take it from a meat head like me. So bringing in an expert who really knows their shit and can really dive into the science of the ketogenic diet. I mean, every time Dom's been on Tim Ferris' show,
Starting point is 00:50:01 I've been glued to it. I've listened to him multiple times. He, by him, you know, you say make it sexy. A lot of guys that talk about fasting, you know, they look like yogis, they haven't showered, they have giant weirds. That kind of shit. And here's a guy who fasted for seven fucking days
Starting point is 00:50:16 on water only. And then, then he did like, 500 pounds, he did like, 500 pounds for 10 reps, then he did 585 for a single. And then he's still fast in a fasted state when spoken for 300 people on the benefits of ketones and fuzzing. I was like, shit man, this guy, the cognitive wear with all,
Starting point is 00:50:32 after doing all that, on his seventh day, to hammer out a great speech in front of people and really drive home the message. So legit, bro. So legit. I mean, you talk about what you're saying right now is so much of what brought all of us together was we our missions.
Starting point is 00:50:47 They it is. It's totally is as we we knew that like, you know, we are the perfect guys to come out and talk about this because it's it you're so used to it's so polar opposite. It's like it's melding the sports performance with wellness, right? They're you they're so opposite right now. It's like you either look like this bodybuilder, meathead guy who takes all the juice and everything and is like, I'll take whatever to look this way. Crazy, spout, not a bunch of bullshit. Or you're the total tree hug and hippie looking guy who's spouting off of all the great
Starting point is 00:51:14 science, but don't look like you lift any weights. Yeah. There really isn't a lot of people in the middle that are like giving this message and we're like, this is this is us, man, this is what we need to do. We need to come out and we need to tell people like, it's not like man, this is what we need to do. We need to come out and we need to tell people like it's not like this, it's not supposed to be this way. This is the way that we're supposed to be going. You guys want to really learn about your body and improve like this is the direction
Starting point is 00:51:33 and trying to meld that together. So, yeah, how do we integrate all these concepts? And how does this stuff apply? And how do we implement it into our lives? Those are all things, because you know, you could learn something and be like, all right, that's great, but when are we gonna fit this into my schedule? All this shit
Starting point is 00:51:46 can be fit into your schedule. You know, that's another thing I learned from Pauvel was the grease in the groove idea, right? You don't need an hour in the gym if you don't have the hour. Just fucking do 10 perfect push-ups every hour. By the end of the day, you've got a hundred perfect push-ups in, right? So you're greasing the groove on that motor pathway. You can grease the groove with breath work. So what if I don't have 30 minutes to meditate? I on a 10 minute drive, I can do my breath work and pop in, well, there's the segue right there. So Brain of M is the company I'm working with.
Starting point is 00:52:15 We're gonna start the Brain of M podcast. I don't know if you guys are familiar with them. It's basically music for the brain. But they had a guy who... Is this the whole by this is a binary or Far above binoral beats and I liked bineral beats before I'll admit it But this is on a different level. So they've created artificial intelligence to our artificial intelligence to generate Different tracks and it's just like weight training
Starting point is 00:52:38 You know if I do the same preacher curl with the same weight every day my biceps will respond maybe a few times And then after that it's it's gonna with the same weight every day. My biceps will respond maybe a few times. And then after that, it's gonna be the same deal. It's gonna be much more interesting. Is it promoting like better alpha waves? So it depends. You can select this and this is another way that it really makes it state of the art is that you can choose for focus
Starting point is 00:52:55 while you're reading or if you've got a long road trip, you can choose quick relax to just relax quite your mind. You can go into meditation. They have guided and unguided meditation. I nap every day with my son, you know, that's kind of how I hack getting around, you know, less sleep during the evenings. And, you know, it'll knock me out, 15, 30, 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah, I mean, I'm knocked out and I feel fucking great. That's the other thing too, is that like, try it out, you get 10 free sessions. It feeling is believing, just like Wim Hof said. And when you feel different, it'll say you'll feel results within 10 to 15 minutes. You do feel different. Have you guys seen on, you just reminded me,
Starting point is 00:53:32 have you guys seen the videos of people on YouTube who will listen to frequencies or different frequencies? That's what Ben Greenfield said. Well, no, no, they'll get like, you'll see them, it's almost like they're taking a drug. I think they call it like I dosing or something like that, where you're listening to like one sound and one ear and one, and then you'll see them like, they'll talk about hallucinating
Starting point is 00:53:51 or and they'll name the different sounds. Like this one feels like marijuana, this one feels like, you know, ecstasy. And you have all these anecdotes of people saying, no legit, like when you're doing that with your brain, it starts to change the way your brain works and feel. And it sounds like you're obviously not going that direction, but it sounds kind of like a-
Starting point is 00:54:11 Well, they're pushing the envelope. Adam was the scientist behind and he was a neuroscientist and in that field, he understood music has an impact on our bodies and our brains. And it's not just an emotional thing, but now we know our emotions are generated in the brain. And so everyone was telling them, music has no impact on the brain.
Starting point is 00:54:30 It's placebo, you just feel it. You think you're feeling something, it has no impact. He's like, complete bullshit. So the more he started studying that, and the more he realized it does impact a brain. And then how can we tinker with this to create these different states,
Starting point is 00:54:42 you know, an alpha state or a beta state for increased cognition and focus. All these things are, it's not science fiction, it's right now. And the best part, the thing that I like about it the most is that it's never a finished product. These guys are constantly pushing the envelope as technology gets better and the AI gets better. They have brand new musical tracks. They're working on cinema now.
Starting point is 00:55:02 So when you go and sit and watch a movie, you won't even need headphones. You'll sit in a stereo cinema and they'll play a fucking track during a battle scene and you'll feel ignited. They're playing with shit and pushing the envelope. They want to push the 300 on that. Yeah, exactly. The push kick. But they want to push the envelope with the focus portion to the point where college kids don't eat Adderall. I mean, that's where it's headed, right? And obviously the healing benefits for people with post-traumatic stress, things like that. If you're familiar with Stephen Collar and the flow states, he wrote the rise of Superman,
Starting point is 00:55:36 getting into the flow state is one of the most healing things we can do. And now we can hack that. We can get ourselves into a flow state. And you can do it while you're doing other shit. That's how it's implemented, is that you don't have to set aside time for this new activity. You can throw in your headphones while you're driving,
Starting point is 00:55:53 throw in your headphones 15 minutes before a presentation and get gassed up or calmed down if you're already too up, all these things. And it's another thing that I wish I had when I was fighting. So this is gonna be a podcast? How does this work? Yeah, so their company already exists. I've been using them for over a year. other thing that I wish I had when I was fighting. So this is going to be a podcast? How does this work?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah, so their company already exists. I've been using them for over a year. And I've given them shout outs on multiple podcasts. So the CEO hit me up and he was like, hey, let's meet in the city. I got a business proposition. And so he wanted to start a podcast and wants me to be the host. And it handled me because I really was just searching for a team. Joe Rogan's got Jamie. Joey Diaz, his Lisa Yatt,
Starting point is 00:56:27 and these guys handle all the technical aspects and things like that, and really joining up with a company that I really appreciate and give a shit about. But also, these guys know a ton of the guys on my bucket list of people to interview. He's the CEO's friends with Dennis McKenna. That I've been a fan of.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I mean, I'm a fucking fanboy. I'm gonna have to do some. I'm gonna have to do some. I'm gonna have to do some Wim Hof breathing just to calm the fuck down before I meet this guy. If you drop some fucking acid or shrooms with him, some of the shit. Well, I would, I don't know if he'll be down for that, but I definitely would love, I would love to go. He talked to I know. Yeah, I would love to go to the Amazon and do Iowosco with him.
Starting point is 00:57:03 You know, he had a podcast with Jesse Lawler on SmartDrocks. I just want to, I would love to go to the Amazon and do Iowosco with him. You know, he had a podcast with Jesse Lawler on SmartDrooks. I told him that's what I listened to. And I fucking loved that because wasn't it? There's so much more, it's yeah, I was pretty recent. There's so much more, there's a lot of people who do this shit and then they come back
Starting point is 00:57:17 and they try to treat themselves like a spiritual guru. You know, and that's a pushback for people who haven't had the experience. This is a pushback for people who have had the experience, but Dennis is so humble, you know, he doesn't have the potential at all. Not in the fucking least, but he says, I'm Iowaska's cheerleader, you know, I want to help people know what this stuff can do and promote it to the world. So people understand how powerful and wonderful this plant medicine is and that's exactly what it is. I always laughed at the idea that something could be a teacher plant, but I've done Iowa's for 14 times and
Starting point is 00:57:49 I learn all kinds of shit every ceremony I do. There's something new to develop. Dude, I have been trying to get a house. I have fucking since we started the podcast that's been one of our most rare. We're scared. Go do it together. These fucking pluses will not even consider it. They're so scared about, you know what I mean? Okay, you guys are like my wife. That's all right. My wife had that way the first ceremony. She was like, she's red.
Starting point is 00:58:10 She was like, oh, you purge. You heard of this lump. You broke up, you shake your stuff up, and you shit. Now, in my experience is no one has ever shit their pants. You can always make it to the bathroom. So you can always make it to the bathroom to shit. You do puke violently. Like, the first, my first ceremony,
Starting point is 00:58:26 they talk about the noble silence, you're not supposed to look around and invade people's space, just staying your own thing and meditate. And it sounded like I was in a fucking war zone. Like people were like, I love it. I was like, our animals dying.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Like what's going on? And then when I realized it was that many people were all purging, it just started messing with my mind. Like, oh, well, I'm not gonna purge. I'm healthy. I take care of myself. People were eating fucking potato chips the day before. They're not following the diet and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And then it just built and snowballed until I vomited that. I vomited that anger and resentment towards people who don't take care of themselves. And that's something I had had my whole life. You know, if I saw some will to beast, to wheel themselves into a Carl's junior It wouldn't it wouldn't just bother me. It would make me angry of course, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, and but then in that moment it was like a weight had been lifted off my chest
Starting point is 00:59:14 It wasn't just a physical purge. It was an emotional purge and I realized that guy or girl doesn't fucking know No, they don't know you found empathy for them. Yeah, big time It was just it was in instantaneous perspective change and compassionate at its deepest level. No. They don't know. You found empathy for them. Yeah, big time. It was just, it was in instantaneous perspective change and compassionate at its deepest level. Wow. All right, you got me sold dude. We got to do one all again. Maybe we'll do like a cool like lead up video to it
Starting point is 00:59:34 and we'll all go do it together or something. Yeah. That's how I'm, I'm kind of down here. Are you ready fucker? Yeah, I'm kind of down. All right, bitch, don't fight. Don't, I'm not scared of puking. I'm just, you know, I'm gonna go to space.
Starting point is 00:59:44 You don't want us, where are we going? You don't want to see shit. Yeah, exactly. Because you got some I'm not scared of puking. I'm just, you know, I'm gonna go to space. You don't wanna see shit. Yeah, exactly. Cause you got some darkness in you, just some demons. I don't want them to come out. You know, it's, again, a part of the counter culture, all these psychedelics were made, schedule one, LSD mushrooms,
Starting point is 00:59:57 Ayahuasca, very illegal, unless I guess there's a loophole if it's used for spiritual, you know, religious reasons or whatever. But again, I mean, there's a lothole if it's used for spiritual religious reasons or whatever. But again, I mean, there's a lot of fear behind those things because I think of what people come out with it. You find when you talk to people who use it improperly, by the way, I want to be clear because I'm sure we have some impressionable listeners. All these things are tools. Now, I have no experience using most of what you're talking about, but like anything a tool can be used properly and improperly, just like cannabis, you can become a pot head on the couch and just be a loser with it,
Starting point is 01:00:32 or you can use it for good reason. That's true with anything in life. You could do that with food, you could do that with anything. Anything. Anything can be abused. Yeah, but I think the people, everybody I've ever met or talked to who's done these things who used it properly, they say the same thing, like they come out with empathy. They want more peace, they want unity with people. And it's like all these wonderful, fluffy, sounding things, but they really believe it.
Starting point is 01:00:59 It's almost like this life-changing thing. And holy fuck, would the establishment hate that? Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? Are you a RB, RB Marcus fan? A little huge fan, right? Huge fan, I'm very super stoked to go out there and hang out with him. I absolutely love listening to his experiences in the Amazon. Like every time he comes back and has, you know, stories of his visions, especially the last
Starting point is 01:01:17 one where he, you know, he had the demon steal his soul and it was like fucking amazing, you know. Generally, I haven't, I've left my body in DMT experiences and other experiences, but not often do I do that with Iowaska. Most of the time when I'm in an Iowaska ceremony, I'm working on myself. And it's not by choice, it's just what I'm given.
Starting point is 01:01:40 You have an intention when you go, there are things you wanna work on. And sometimes you get that, but they say, you know, you might not get what you want, but you'll always get what you need. And there's so much to that where, you know, just the things you talked about, the compassion, the perspective change, the feeling of connecting this to everybody. Every time I do a ayahuasca, I see my wife with new eyes. I fall in love with her all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Wow. You know, and there's nothing, nothing that brings us closer together than even if it's just one of us that goes into it because it's like everything's brand new. You know, I joked about on the Align Podcast, I joked about now, I'm not a religious person but I'm definitely spiritual and I believe there's something after we die. I think that's one of the first lessons you get in Ayahuasca
Starting point is 01:02:20 and sometimes that can be quite violent. Like, you know, Aubrey talked about a snake just eating him apart and bugs ripping apart his flesh till he had no more body. So that, yeah, that would be quite violent. Like, you know, Aubrey talked about a snake just eating him apart and bugs ripping apart as flesh till he had no more body. So that, yeah, that would be a little scary. I got so into this, I guess what? But guess what? The fuck is wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:02:32 But hold on, once his body was gone, where was he? You become a tunnel. No, he fucking knew. He was like, well, I'm still here. I'm not my body, right? And that's the whole fucking thing. This is our meat wagon for this little piece, this blip, this blip of time that we're here on earth, you know, and it just makes so much sense like, oh, I'm still alive and I'm not my body. And it doesn't mean that,
Starting point is 01:02:56 I mean, and in that, you know, obviously this has been talked about by, for eons, you know what I'm saying, but the thing that I like about this is. It is very old knowledge, but what I love about this experience is just what Dennis McKenna said, it's not someone else telling you this. It's you experiencing it for yourself. Don't take my fucking word for it. Do it preaching to you. No one's trying to direct you or manipulate.
Starting point is 01:03:19 You know, there's no book from 2,500 years ago that some guys trying to fucking interpret. That's been, you know, rewritten and been rewritten and language changes and all that. And don't get me wrong, there's great pieces to draw from religion, but there are also many fallbacks and many things that don't quite translate to today. So that first hand experience of something for yourself and the ability to ask questions. When you break through after your second or third cup of ayahuasca and you ask questions, it's like you're on the telephone line with mother ayahuasca or the earth or whoever it is.
Starting point is 01:03:51 It's just one of those things. And some people argue, it's just you, this is just your mind playing a trick on you and you already knew these answers, you just unlocked them. Here, so fucking what? Because you still get the answers. Here's where I go with that. Where I go with that, you know, let's say I do this and I'm still believing like, oh, this is just my mind. Holy fuck though, my perception is shattered.
Starting point is 01:04:14 It has completely changed. It helps you realize that what you're living every day is the same fucking kind of illusion. Every time you're walking down the street, everything you see. Do you think all the stuff that you're looking at right now as outside your body? Everything you see in touch is in your brain. It's inside you. It's all your perception. So when you change that channel, when you shift and change that channel, it just helps you realize it. And there's a difference between, like you said, someone telling you and you knowing. Try to explain what it's like to be in love to somebody who's never been in love. Good luck. They'll never understand until they know themselves. and you know, try to explain what it's like to be in love to somebody who's never been in love.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Good luck. They'll never understand until they know themselves. And I could, I just imagine that this, this is no different, that you step into something like this and you come out of it and you go, well, fuck, I know now. I totally know. Yeah. That must have been, I mean, your first time doing it, you must have been like, what the fuck? I mean, I was so, so blown away. And like I said, my wife had a reservation. So she said, you do it first and then report back to me. And of course, she was there my second time. Yeah, I mean, there really is nothing like it.
Starting point is 01:05:15 And like I have smoked DMT, I've smoked five MEO DMT and that tremendous experiences with that. But Ayahuasca is her own thing. And there is this feeling that there is this spirit. They call her Mother Ayahuasca is her own thing. And there is this feeling that there is this spirit. They call her Mother Ayahuasca. There's a feeling that you are talking to some fucking knowledge that's not you, and it's not something that, I mean, it is its own thing. And among all other psychedelics, and I've had amazing breakthrough experiences,
Starting point is 01:05:40 Elisdina float tank, like John Lillard talked about. Oh shit, Elisdina float tank. Yeah, that's an incredible experience. And even on a microdose, a float tank, like John Lillian talked about. Oh shit, he dropped out. Elisdian, a float tank. Yeah, that's an incredible experience. And even on a microdose, you can cut a tab into a quarter and just take that and you will launch. There's no wait time. You know when you get in the float and 15, 20 minutes go by and then you finally let go,
Starting point is 01:05:57 it's fucking zero to 60 in an instant. Right, when you get in there, the door shuts and then bone it into another galaxy. Yeah, so, and all these experiences are tremendous and teach me things in their own way. But ayahuasca has this certain feel to it, the certain presence and a certain knowledge that that's what keeps me coming back.
Starting point is 01:06:14 What's always fascinating to me is, you know, talk about DMT, DMT is the active constituent in ayahuasca, but it's taken out of the plant and made more potent and pure, and so the effects from what I've heard are stronger, faster, but different. And it seems that theme is true with so many different things. You know what I mean? Like, we find a plant that helps with pain, and you eat this plant, and you get some pain
Starting point is 01:06:41 relief. And then scientists go in and they identify what is that one component in the plant that's doing that, they take it out, they concentrate the fuck out of it, and you start to get side effects, you start to get potential negatives, it becomes less healthy. It's almost as if nature packages things in ways where you get benefit, the synergistic benefits from the actual natural package itself. We interviewed Dr. Terry Walls and she talked about how she identified all these different nutrients that are needed
Starting point is 01:07:10 for brain health, and she had MS, and how she was trying to slow down its progression. And she did slow it down by taking all these specific supplements and nutrients, in particular doses. But it wasn't until she found the foods that contained those things and ate those that she reverse it. Yeah, reverse her MS And in our industry in the fitness industry This is a constant battle for us because we have people who
Starting point is 01:07:35 All they focus on are macronutrients proteins fats and carbs and calories everything else doesn't matter We have some huge names in the fitness industry very respected people that People that we respect who will fucking double down and go to bat for, you know, if it fits your macros, look, it doesn't matter if it's a pop tart or if it's something else, if it fits your macros throwing it in every once in a while, even if it's for over 30 years, you're not going to have any detrimental effects. And it's like, how the fuck can you possibly say that? There's so much we don't know. Well, we know that's because they're biased and they're tied to their company. Almost every single one of those guys
Starting point is 01:08:06 has a supplement company either. There's a money factor. Yeah, that's it. I mean, we've talked about this before. It's like, and that's just what's the Western way, man. And that's where I am. I have a little bit of empathy for it because it's how we've done business
Starting point is 01:08:21 for the last 20, 30 years. And like, I really feel like, you know, the discussion we're having right now is, I mean, it's new to a lot of people. I mean, there's probably people, there's probably thousands of people listening right now that have just a lot of this new information to them. So, you know, there's not a lot of, a lot of people that are out there talking about it. And if you were somebody like us 10 years ago trying to come in and, and make money in this industry, saying these things, they would just say you're crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:46 You're crazy. Nobody would want to sponsor you. No sub-home and companies are going to back you and no one's going to listen to your message. So you have guys like that that, you know, and I know who you're talking about right now that have, you know, went to college and they got their PhD and they've been chipping away in the industry for almost 20 years. They've finally made a name for themselves.
Starting point is 01:09:03 They finally got these big companies that are behind them, that are sponsoring them and paying their way. And you know, fuck, now all this new science is coming out and telling you that a lot of the shit that you talk about and promote may not be as good as you think it is. I think I know you guys are talking about it. It's gonna dance around it. It is the Western way.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It is the Western medicine way. Look, let's look at something basic. Look at the Western way, it is the Western medicine way. Look, let's look at something basic. Look at sugar. We know sugar is bad for you. We know all the negative effects of sugar, but try to get negative effects from sugar in nature. Walk around in nature. First of all, you're not gonna find,
Starting point is 01:09:38 and naturally, unless you go and plant it, and you know, before the agricultural revolution, you're not gonna find a tree with beautiful ripe shit tons of apples on it. It you're not gonna find a tree with beautiful ripe shit tons of apples on it. It's just not gonna happen. You might find one, it's got a shit tons of seeds in it. And you'll eat it and then, and you're fine.
Starting point is 01:09:53 And then in that case sugar is okay. It's not gonna hurt you. There's so much fiber tied into that. Your body has to work hard to break it down. Dude, Adam, what is that statistic? Like how much sugar can you have to eat? Eight feet of sugar cane equals one soda. So go try and eat a fucking foot of sugar canoes stick.
Starting point is 01:10:09 It ain't gonna happen. And this is true. You'd burn the calories off before you finish the damn thing. You know, we just talked about cannabis. Can you overdose on THC? If it's concentrated and purified, you could, you'd have to take a shit ton of it. Can you overdose on natural cannabis, the plant, the only way you could kill yourself with it is literally if you bury yourself in a pile of it
Starting point is 01:10:29 and suffocate, there's no way you could possibly do it. Naturally, now there's definitely people get creative. There's definitely things in nature that'll kill you, but my point is when you find beneficial effects, you tend to get a wider variety, maybe not as an acute of an effect, maybe not gonna get this shotgun effect that you might get when you concentrate and purify something. Okay, it's mega-dosed, you know? a wider variety, maybe not as an acute of an effect, maybe not gonna get this shotgun effect
Starting point is 01:10:45 that you might get when you concentrate and purify something. Okay, it's mega-dosed, you know? Yeah, but when you get it in its natural form, I mean, like again, you're talking about Iohaska, what's giving you the effect is DMT, but do DMT versus Iohaska? I've never talked to anybody who says
Starting point is 01:10:58 that they feel the same. Ever since the person, well, there's so many, like just like with cannabis, we know there's many alchaloids that they've been there in discovering, not only CBD, which is very popular with the children with epilepsy rather, and of course CBG now, THCA, and then the terpenes, we know that certain terpenes help.
Starting point is 01:11:16 That's a big one. They potentiate the THC, so they can get you higher. There's the same one that's in mangoes, is in a lot of cannabis. So if you eat mangoes 45 minutes before you smoke a bowl, the odds are it's going to impact that high in them in a positive way. And not in an over the top way, just in a minute. Adam's trying that tonight. Right, a little bit greater. So, and that doesn't go for all of them, but we also know some of the turpines that are found in citrus fruit, like
Starting point is 01:11:39 de-liminine. And if you've ever seen somebody get their house done in organic termite removal, they'll use orange oil. Well, that isn't a lot of cannabis, so when you smell cannabis, if it has a fruity smell to it, odds are that there's some delimiting in that, which is a great antifungal, antiparasitic, antibacterial.
Starting point is 01:11:55 So these have all kinds of health benefits that we're just scratching the surface on. And, you know, Western medicine really missed the ball with that when they were trying to create a THC pill, and they came out with marinal, and it was just synthetic THC. It didn't have anything else from the plants involved. And so when cancer patients started taking that, they're like, this shit sucks, I'd rather smoke. I'm just high, right? Yeah, I'd rather smoke and take my chances on lung cancer than pop this pill and not feel the benefits that I feel from the plant. Or just the paranoia.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Like, when you give people pure THC, the paranoia effects are much stronger versus when someone has the whole whole balance it out. Yeah, and the anti-exity effects. So on your podcast, you're gonna be interviewing people and talking about these kinds of things, just the whole spectrum of fullness. Anything two point, human two point, no.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Anything that helps optimize living, because that's really what we're talking about right now. It's not just weight training, obviously we'll get Mark Bell and Jesse Berticon and guys like that who are masters of their profession, but we're going to have tech guys on at the end of the month. We've got one of the leading scientists of nanotechnology and that is science fiction. In our lifetime, they're going to be able to give you an intravenous injection and these little micro bots will destroy cancer cells. And they'll clear M.O.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Black from the day will do all kinds of shit for us. They'll fucking, they'll be like our immune system on steroids. They'll be able to do a number of things for our body health wise that we, we really couldn't even dream of before. So I think pushing, we're going to have technology guys, we're going to have psychedelics guys. We got Rick Doblin at the end of the month, the head of maps, multidisciplinary association of psychedelic studies.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I think his work is so. Isn't that a coincidence? You guys got a month too? No, no, no, no, we have, our program is called maps. Oh, okay. It's a muscular adaptation programming system. What's funny is when I first created maps years ago,
Starting point is 01:13:37 one of my good friends, she's an astrophysicist. She sent me the information on the multidisciplinary out there. So she's in the psychedelics, there she is. There you go. And she's like, is this why you named yours? And I'm like, no, but that's fucking cool. Yeah, these guys push the research globally. I mean, they've got MDMA now as in its third phase human trials
Starting point is 01:13:55 and they're doing this in Marin for psychotherapy. So they're doing couples therapy and they're treating people with post-traumatic stress. And they're also pushing research for cannabis globally. And if it's not a lot of be done here, then they're doing it couple's therapy and they're treating people with post-traumatic stress and they're also pushing research for cannabis globally. And if it's not allowed to be done here, then they're doing it in other countries. And they work hand in hand with the Heftar Institute and the Beckley Foundation.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And these are institutes that are working in the same direction, but in different countries. Oh, we're gonna have to share guests, do you sure? Yeah, we're gonna have to cross promote a show for sure, because all the names you're dropped. This is, well, this is exactly what we love the deal. So you're basically gonna be a maven. You're gonna be the cross promote a show for sure because all the names you're dropped. This is what this is exactly. We love the deal. So you're basically gonna be a maven.
Starting point is 01:14:27 You're gonna be the guy that brings all these people together and let's talk about awesome. And that's the thing, like even Tim Ferris mentioned when he had on Patrick Arnold, who I fucking couldn't wait to listen to. He's like, look, this is really needle nose point stuff here that if you're not into, you don't have to listen to. So, but if you're into this, you're going to love this guy. And obviously for people don't know, he was the guy who made and designed the clear for Victor Conti and the largest doping scandal of all time. He's also the creator of Keto Kanna, the best, in my opinion, the best ketone sports supplement. I've used it.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yeah, it works great. It raises jack's ketones up and it tastes good now. You know, it doesn Yeah, it works great, raises jacks, key tones up, and it tastes good now. You know, it doesn't taste like the rocket fuel liquid they first came out with. That was brutal. But, you know, point is, I'm getting off track, your point is to have different people,
Starting point is 01:15:15 that gives them the optional listening, right? And I feel as you tie these pieces together and sew the quilt, you're gonna get things on breath work, you're gonna get things on meditation, you're gonna get things on strength, and conditioning, mobility, flexibility, quality of life improvement, psychedelics, and how they help just fucking dissolve
Starting point is 01:15:30 all the bullshit we think about. And really, that's my take home. I've been a lot of guys who are like, oh yeah, I've done a acid and I've done mushrooms and blah, blah, blah. And you watch them in their behavior and the way that they care themselves and what they do and what they talk about.
Starting point is 01:15:44 And it seems like nothing stuck, right? But for every guy like that, there's somebody like Dennis McKenna, who is, you know, you listen to him and you fucking hang on every word this guy has to say. And you know, that no point is he saying, my work here is done. And that's what I love about it. My sister's never done Iwaska and she jokingly said to me, you know, what, how many times are you going to do this? I was like, I only do it like three or four times a year. It's like, but when will you stop?
Starting point is 01:16:08 And I was like, well, I'll stop when I stop getting something from it. Every time I go, I get something from it. And I gain so much. And there's no, you know, among other drugs, we'll call them. There's all what goes up must come down. You have this brutal come down. You feel like shit. There's repercussions that can last for weeks.
Starting point is 01:16:24 But among the plants, that just simply doesn't exist. It's like going in the pool or any of the oceans swimming around and coming back out and you come back easily, and when you're back, there's this gratitude, this overwhelming sense of love and appreciation and connectedness to all things, and that's a lasting thing. That doesn't go away when the ceremony is. I can't wait to see Justin do that.
Starting point is 01:16:44 What is your podcast going live? That's a lasting thing that doesn't go away when the ceremony is. Actually, I can't wait to see Justin do that. What? When is your podcast going live? Do you guys have a... We're gonna go live in December or January. We wanna get a few in the tank right now. So, the goal is to have five by the end of the month and 10 before we launch.
Starting point is 01:16:56 We got a cross from our... Yeah, how far away are you from us? Where are you at? Where are you gonna be? I'm in Sunnyvale. So, what we were doing recording down the street in San Jose, I think there's a location near San Jose International. It's probably where we're gonna be doing the recordings. Oh, wow. Fucking right. I didn't line with us. Yeah, I did not expect this interview to
Starting point is 01:17:13 be as fucking awesome as it was, man. I was pretty excited. I know I know I know Brink pretty well. And he's, you know, he spoke very highly of you and said, but you just trust me. You're gonna love this guy. You're gonna love him. He's just like you guys. He's just like you guys, you know. So and not a lot of people say that, because we are a little bit different, you know? There isn't a lot of us, there's not a lot of athletic fitness, thin, big looking dudes,
Starting point is 01:17:33 that are head category, that are also talking health and wellness, it's just, you don't see a lot of that. So it's really exciting. And man, I mean, 100% we're gonna be huge supporters of what what you're doing bro. I just can't wait to see you take off and be a part of it and watch the journey and for sure going to have to have you on the show multiple times. We really appreciate more people spreading that message so excellent man. It's been great time talking to you. Hell yeah thank you guys. Thank you brother. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to
Starting point is 01:18:03 build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbumble has a full 30-day money back guarantee.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindFong.

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