Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 390: Farts & Gut Biome, Avoiding Chemicals in Hygiene Products, PE in Schools & MORE!

Episode Date: October 26, 2016

iTunes Winners & Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about farts & gut biome..., foregoing popular hygiene products, 2 or 3 full body workouts each week and physical education in school. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video every day on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:02:05 It's important to note that the hard part about leaving a review is if you're already a subscriber, if you're already a subscriber, which is ironic to me, right? Yeah, it's confusing. This is what you do. You go on your phone, you hit the search function, type in mind pump.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Even if you've ever found us back up. Back up, yeah, exactly. So even if you have the podcast already on your phone, you're already subscribed You still need to go like you're searching for the very first time. So you have exactly like you're searching for mine Puma the first time. So search for mine pump two words. We come up. So I'm going to do it right now mind Pump here. We go hit search mind pump comes up. You click on the icon now the icon comes up and right under the Icon in the middle right in the middle it says reviews. It's details reviews are related so I click on the icon. Now the icon comes up and right under the icon in the middle. Right in the middle it says reviews.
Starting point is 00:02:46 It's details, reviews are related. So I click on reviews and now there's a button I can click that says right a review and then you leave a review. If we like it, you'll get a free t-shirt. It's fucking easy. Oh my gosh. And by the way, we like all reviews. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:59 But we do choose our favorite reviews. So who we given the t-shirts today? We like to reward you. Yes. Give away Douglas. We're giving away three So we have stone dog 198 its stacks
Starting point is 00:03:10 J Alcorn all of you are winners today. So send me your winners name the one I just read to iTunes at mine pump media Dot com also Leave your address your shipping address as well as your shirt size. Perfect, I think the glue fumes in here is nice. I'm just kidding, make everybody retarded. I've never heard, I've never heard, I'm like, free, need you. I know, I've never heard of, like,
Starting point is 00:03:32 what kind of figure, what do I need for this person? Yeah. Or you'd add her, he wanted to say, make your picture. I'm feeling it too. Leave us reviews. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, I'm, I mind, hop with your hosts.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You know what, guys? What? I'm high right now. Still from yesterday? No, it's the glue. Not a good way. It's the glue in the fucking room from the tiles.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I was talking Katrina that yesterday. I haven't had any glitch. Like, I'm breathing in this fucking fumes right now. Well, who did it? It's making me dizzy. Who stood up first? That's not a good high. We're a hoffin.
Starting point is 00:04:09 We're a hoffin. We're a hoffin. We're a hoffin. Used it up first yesterday, right? Or a Friday, you stood up. Yeah, Friday. And you're like, God, I was light-headed. I was still sitting down, just to get up and said the same thing.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And I'm like, God, I'm getting a headache. Yeah. And then we put it together like, oh, but it's all the glue. It's a minute. Oh, the glue on these fucking glues. Can I call it a hoffin glue? Yeah, I'm not trying to get high right now, man. Well, and we have no right now,
Starting point is 00:04:25 we have no ventilation in here right now because they're still working on the HVAC, right? Did they fix that, Doug? Or is it still in? No, they're gonna be putting up the new system. Yeah, I don't do it. It's cool though, you see. How are we gonna get this in hell out of here?
Starting point is 00:04:36 We just open the door and fan it out. Fan it out. When we have an AC, it'll be fine, bro. Trust me. You sure? Cause I feel like the AC only blows in, but it doesn't suck out. It only blows, it doesn't suck. You know what I'm saying? It's yeah, but it's gonna circulate the air and this is because it's gonna
Starting point is 00:04:49 Make the fucking glue smell go everywhere. That's cuz it's drying right now when it's completely dry You're not even gonna notice it you sure I know for sure. Yes, it'll be fine trust me And then once they want still all weird and then we'll run well keep the door open like we do right now I'm turning to like NPR what are what are my inhibitions are going away guys? What do you do this last night or the night before last night? Oh, yeah, bro last night. I still am in He fresh now Cabe's hey breeze testa Look at Justin. They're so weird. It's fucking
Starting point is 00:05:19 Slide it's airy. It's pretty I think just Justin's easily the weirdest yeah among the three of us. Yeah, well it depends in what though, right? No, he's weird Justin is just repressed, but he's weird as fun. We mean if we crack them open not that I bet he'd scare the shit out of you and I Adam I do have a secret. We're so evolved the Justin's weird. I know. It's way angry. What did you guys do this weekend? Did you have the kids? No, I don't have the kids. I partied two fucking hard Saturday. And so I'm kind of almost finished here. Nice to hear you. Nice to hear you letting your hair down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Well, yeah, yeah, it was too hard. What'd you do? Hard drugs or what? Just, no, yeah, I did it to do little heroin. No, I just, I just, I just, I just drink a lot of alcohol, which I don't normally do. And it was me and my girl.
Starting point is 00:06:03 No psychedelics or anything really fun. No, no, nothing I like to talk about on air. But we went a little too hard. Pussy. And now I'm feeling better. Yesterday I was feeling, does this happen you guys after like, let's say you go drinking, you know, just with your buddies or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Do you get depressed the day after? Maybe when I do like ecstasy and Molly or shrooms or things like that, then I feel like it's an ecstasy. That or shrooms or things like that then I feel like that doesn't happen yet for alcohol. No, not alcohol. Really? I was good. I hate the word. Isn't it make you feel like that? Don't lie. I'll say that. Johnny Cash song the Sunday morning. You know that song. Well, Justin's probably the morning. Morning.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Son. I don't remember the song. I told my bad thanks for that. Just. Hey, I would think Justin's probably the last one to deal with an alcohol hangover. Oh, no, I'm good. It's in my jeans. Well, when's it? Yeah, I can even remember it till you the last time that I felt hungover from drinking alcohol. I just feel sad the next day.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I hate it. It just depends. I don't think you know you're being over. Yeah, it is, dude. You feel sick. Bro, you feel sick. You feel sick. And you feel sad.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You try to make it sound like it. It's crazy. I don't think that's the alcohol, bro. I didn't do anything crazy. Maybe though, maybe. It just, it just happened. I've heard of it. I got to get the presses.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I just drank a lot of alcohol and now I'm sniffing glue. And that's what's happening. Yeah. So it's a combination of a lot of chemical. What were you thinking? We're about to hop on a plane, bro. Like come on. You're gonna, you're gonna feel like shit.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And when we get out, we're fly a booster immune system. I'm fine. Oh, I'm cool. I'm cool. We're doing fine right now. What do we what do we what do we John Wayne is what we fly into and then we're over to Newport first, right? Hmm. That's that's what's going on. I think I don't know. You asked me like I know anything. That's right. Bill Graham. I thought I thought maybe our producer knows. I thought orange County if that's John Wayne, then that's that's correct. Is it really? Oh, so we're flying into LA. Wait, it is a couple podcasts.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So we're going into Orange County first, and then we're going to drive back to Newport and drive back to OC. I didn't know that. Yeah. Why was one with that? Well, that's an hour. That can't be right.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Are you sure, Doug? I'm not. Okay. I didn't make the reservation. Yeah, I was going to talk to where I assisted. I think it's in the IT library I think it's in the IT. I'm very, very ready for any. Oh, is it, oh yeah, is that IT?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Is that IT? We have the IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT.
Starting point is 00:08:15 IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT.
Starting point is 00:08:23 IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT. IT It's my dream we get we get it we get a fucking itinerary things laid out for us still don't redo. I'd see that's my it's my dream My dream wake up. Where are we going my dream is literally to have somebody do everything for me All I got to do is record. Yeah, I'm saying wake up. Oh, what am I wearing today? Thank you cool. Oh, where's my food? Thanks. Oh now you're okay with that you're okay with somebody dressing you. Yeah, we're flying into Orange County I am now see I had the process caught them there Adam. Yeah, I know yeah He's been thinking about yeah, he's been thinking about it He's been thinking about that's why yeah, you planted the seed. I did I did I brain-ing
Starting point is 00:08:50 It's not bright be nice Adam see after I don't put any effort into this anyway Yeah, it might be nice Yeah brain-inged It's okay, dude. It's okay. What's that sound? What are we doing? What's- Are we hearing things now from the distance? The boot time!
Starting point is 00:09:10 We caught single-handedly. We caught single-handedly. We caught single-handedly. Today's Quas being brought to you by Kai Maricopi. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused fuzz without the crash. Put the chimerilink at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPump.a. Check out for 10% off! It's the motherfucking fuzz! An eagle has landed!
Starting point is 00:09:39 Quiqueuille? Our first question is from Cody Boom Boom. How do farts relate to gut biome? Hey, whoa, that's a great question. Yeah, Farts. Farting is actually... Do we know yet? Oh, we do.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Oh, we do. Yeah, I actually did a little research on this because I knew some stuff about Farts because Farts are interesting to me and their whole letter is. Is anything funnier than a fart? No. Let's just talk about that for a second. There's so many variations. It's the funniest, it's a single joke that's funny every time you hear it's the same fucking thing, right?
Starting point is 00:10:12 But it's hilarious. You even have to have the same language, you know, you know what a fart is. Bro, I feel like that's... I will laugh every time in public if someone fartes. Could we sound more like a bunch of bros talking about that? I know, but it's about Farts. We're just being honest though. I think half of our audience is female.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I was going like, I don't find anything. I don't find it. That's bullshit. If girls are watching, let's say you're, not all of them grow. You're my first female, you're my first. I don't even know. Let's say you're hanging out outside with your friends
Starting point is 00:10:36 and some old dude walks by and like, oh, I felt it goes like, picks up my up or something. You're gonna laugh, dude. It's fucking hilarious. That's because you're outside and you saw some old man do it That is funny, but if we're sitting in a studio and let's say we have a female guest right here And I just rolled in my side real quick can blow a farther way. I don't think she's gonna get it I don't think she's gonna get all this dick
Starting point is 00:10:57 We do that bro if I didn't but if I did it to you it would be funny. Yeah, you're my friend If some random did if some random, just saying that parts are, farts aren't funny to everybody, dude. But you just presented a bullshit situation. If you were in public and a stranger came up to you and farted in your face, you would fight them. Right. That would be a fight. You know, I'm saying, okay, so, but it doesn't have to be different. No, it doesn't have to be that if I was driving on my way to the studio to work today and I was dropping my girl off at work and decided before I let her out of the car that I would fart, I she wouldn't laugh. She wouldn't? No, she would not laugh.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Oh, man. Oh, how do you know you would say you dick? You couldn't do that after until I got out of the car? Yeah, it's because you haven't tested it yet. No, bro. It's not that. I feel like that's the one thing for Ben you guys. I mean, like one thing preventing you guys from getting married. It's defaunting. No, that's it. Once that happens, you're getting connected. Oh, level. We are. Didn't you see this? The tree that if you're listening right now and you want Adam to propose to do for it on the process. He blows a mask right next to his face. She knows better. And then you guys will be married. He'll propose you. We had we have this this went this went viral on the forum bro after this last episode where we talked about this and
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm sorry, but there was a lot more people on my side than that dishonest people no And there's nothing to say I'm not against you guys. I'm not against you guys farting on your wives and girlfriends I just that are pro far yeah If you guys are doing Dutch ovens and doing that stuff with your girls that to each their own I'm just saying that not everybody likes that, I don't like that. And I don't like you.
Starting point is 00:12:28 No, it's not like situational. I'm not trying to like, you know, trap her and burn on. I'm not that, I'm not that, I'm not that gassy. What the hell man? Trapper. Yeah, it's like, you know, I'm stretching or something and whoa, there it goes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Well, I'm not that happens. I'm not that gassy that I can't control it. Like, if it's, if I got a fart. I think you are, you think I am? I think you are, gassy. I've been reading your insides or f**k. I've been reading statistics, Adam, and a healthy person will fart between 14 to 18 times a day.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I think you just don't feel the fart because things are open and it just comes out. But for those of us that are very open channel. A little tighter. I think you can hear it. You know what I'm saying? No, but really 14 a day, 14 to 18 times a day. Most people don't even realize it. Here's the thing about farting. How much of those are in your sleep though? Yeah. That's a good question. I don't know. But farting is the same amount of spiders you eat.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. Farting is a normal natural thing when bacteria breaks down food. The bacteria itself produces gases. You swallow air and these are the things that you release. What you need to be careful for is if your farts are, if you're getting painful cramping, if your farts are disturbing your life where, you know, mean it's true like look dude. You make it so dramatic bro You think you think that's funny if if you drop bombs like the one that Craig dropped at the fucking At when we went to go watch the WWE that could ruin your life. Yeah, you can have a problem like imagine that Imagine if some if some poor lady is like dropping ass like that,
Starting point is 00:14:06 she's gonna be traumatized. Like, every time she has a fart she has to leave a room and stay away for 30 minutes, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, she'd have to wear some kind of like filter. You can't tell me that's the sign of health. That's true. No, that's true. I think if your farts are super like stinky, very strong,
Starting point is 00:14:20 then there's excessive amounts of gases that cause odor, you might have some digestive issues and you need to examine your diet. Most of you like the high protein diet. Really. Too much protein. It's horrible. Too much protein is one of them in food intolerances
Starting point is 00:14:34 or another one. Like if you're farting all the time and your farts are just putrid, then there's probably, there might be some gut issues going on and you should be probably in the inside of your diet. I would like to challenge the theory that 14 a day is healthy and normal.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I would like to study this, but people have. Think about this, Kay, this is what I think that, I think they're overfed, huh? Exactly. I think Americans live in a caloric surplus, at least 90% of them out there at majority of the time. So yeah, you're gonna have all this build up and gases and farting, where if we lived in it,
Starting point is 00:15:12 I mean, when you're living in a deficit, now I would think that you guys have both been in this scenario. I don't know, bro, I could be in a deficit and you could give me fucking way protein and guess what's gonna happen to me? Well, yeah, you have intolerance to that. Yeah, and I think a lot of people, look, I've had clients.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I'll tell you what, wait a second, wait a second. You're taking a right on my point here. You're going over to talk about intolerances and so that. I'm saying that people just in general that are over consuming, that think maybe 14, 15, 18 times a day of farting is totally normal. I disagree. I think that's an excessive amount of farting. And just because it's the norm, but the norm is obese. So to me, that's a terrible fucking wherever you're getting your information
Starting point is 00:15:52 from. I call it shit. That's a good point. We don't, I mean, we don't know. I guess you could say then we don't know, but we do know is if your farts are super stinky, super putrid, if you're getting lots of bloating and pain, you know, getting cast cramps. You have to gauge for that. What is it? I mean, wait a while. Wait a while.
Starting point is 00:16:10 They're on brand. Yeah, that was a seven right there. No, no, no, no, no, no. You gotta get somebody else to tell you. No, no, listen bro, listen. That's how you do. Since my diet has been as clean as it is, and what I mean by clean is right for my body.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Since it's been as right for my body, as it's been over the last couple years, my farts don't really smell anymore. They just don't, it's true. When I eat something I'm not, when I'm not, you know, quote unquote, supposed to, that's when I get stinky farts. Come on, man. Doesn't that happen, you?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah. If it's coming out of your ass, it's thanks. No, it's, it's, it's gonna be honest. I don't know, man. I like the, well, there's something that there's what we're gonna be on a plane together. We're gonna be in a room together. You know, and I'm gonna, and I'm gonna, and I'm gonna, and I'm gonna, it's. Yeah, let's be honest. I don't know, man. I like the well, there's something that there's what we're gonna be on a plane together. We're gonna be in a room together, you know, and I'm gonna and every far I have I'm gonna have I'm gonna do it right next to you guys and you see business. Now unless you use wipes if you use wipes down
Starting point is 00:16:55 there and so that then it's coming out. It's probably because there's methods. Yeah, there's some charcoal filtered underwear. I kind of want to jump on Adam's point though because like my wife could have tested this this like when I've started the whole fasting and You know getting more into that like it's been a lot less like volume bro. I've had clients They really used to let me know numerous clients numerous clients where Over time they start to change the way they eat because of my influence as their trainer. They remove food and tolerances Over time, they start to change the way they eat because of my influence as their trainer, they remove food intolerances, they start eating differently.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And the first thing that they notice is they don't fart as much and that they're fart so smell. That's what they all say. I know this from firsthand myself too. I mean, I've noticed a big difference when I switched over the high protein intake. And just like I said,
Starting point is 00:17:39 the difference between living in a surplus for as deficit, I know it's a huge difference. When I'm on the bulk, regardless of where my protein intake or not is, I am farting more often. When I'm on a deficit, it's very, very, very, many more. There's probably less food for the bacteria to process. Yeah, that's why I'm, that's why it's a very obvious
Starting point is 00:17:57 thing to me, and that's why I'm debating wherever you're getting information, because I don't even have a study in front of me, and I know better than that. I know that if you're living in a deficit, you shouldn't be farting that often. There's just, there's not enough food as being consumed to cause all that gas. Well, I think that most of it's getting utilized right away.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I think the big takeaway is if you are, you know, lifting weights, and people joke about this, right? Like, meat heads, oh, the protein fart, so they smell so bad or whatever. Yeah. If you're one of those people and you're farting and it's like, it's fucking horrible. Like you're embarrassed about it.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah. Examine your food. Like other people taste it. You are not eating in a way that's, you're not eating in a way that's gonna benefit your health and you're not eating in a way that's gonna benefit muscle and fat loss. It's just not.
Starting point is 00:18:40 If you are having digestive issues, then you're taking away from your ability to build muscle then you're taking away from your ability to build muscle. You're taking away from your ability to burn body fat. You're taking away from your aesthetics. So I know a lot of you guys are just don't give a shit and just worry about aesthetics. It's bad for that too. It means that you're doing something wrong. So if your fart smell really bad, this is what I think you should do. Throw your protein powder away or find a different one. Try something different. That's the first place I would go. The second place I would go is eliminating dairy. The third place I would go is removing eggs from
Starting point is 00:19:10 your diet. Those are the most common... Well, Terry Walts just talked about this. Yeah, she just talked about this and you know, if you haven't heard that episode, go back and listen to that episode. I mean, she talked about the order. I think that was the exact order she said to eliminate first, right? And did you guys know this? So I looked up as I was researching this a little bit because I wanted to make sure I was accurate. I actually read up on a couple studies that show that inhaling hydrogen sulfide in small doses might actually protect cells mitochondria and stop cellular damage, therefore preventing cancer. So that contains smelling farts. That's what contains for preventing cancer. Guess what contains smelling farts is actually contains
Starting point is 00:19:44 your presence. Hydrogen sulfide. Stupid rogue. Get out of here. This is an article. Yeah, this was an article. I'm starting tonight. Did I'm Dutch Evans for Katrina?
Starting point is 00:19:54 Yeah, I'm trying to save your life, baby. Yeah, trying to save your life. Complaining all those years and I was helping you. Neuroprotecting. Do you know what I mean? That's the same. Do you love her? Well, then you need to let her.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It's anti-cancer. You need to protect her from cancer? Well, she didn't understand what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I'm saying. of chemicals such as lotions, deodorants, et cetera, from his lifestyle. And what has he noticed from that? I'll share with you. Here's a couple interesting things that I've noticed.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I'll share you what I have fucking notice. Go ahead, though, bro. Go ahead and tell us all the positive shit first. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm gonna tell you a couple of things that I've noticed that are very, very fascinating that I had no idea about until I embarked on this, I don't know, journey or whatever. First, the reason why I embarked on this, I don't know, a journey or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:46 First, the reason why I did this is this, what sparked this is when we went up to see Ben Greenfield and we were on his podcast and Ben was talking a lot about not using deodorants, not using lots of lotions about when he showers his body, maybe every third shower, he'll soap everything up. He washes his hands, of course, all the time, but he doesn't necessarily have to soap everything up all the time because he wanted to protect and, you know, help proliferate his microbiome on his
Starting point is 00:21:16 skin. So this prompted me to do some research and I realized that you have, all of us have a fingerprint, a microbiome on our skin that's very individual to each of us, and changing that through lots of antibacterial soaps, or constantly washing with soaps all the time, or putting deodorants and stuff like that will influence your health in the negative, and that it's probably not a good idea to always do those kinds of things So I started experimenting with that myself
Starting point is 00:21:48 Here's a couple things I noticed if I'm not wearing deodorant Nine at a ten times. I have zero body odor if I sweat because I'm nervous or stressed out I will have body odor and I noticed I noticed this because we were gonna do our presentation Our seminar you notice through your coach. Yes. Well, no, I noticed it too this because we were gonna do our presentation our seminar You noticed or your coach. Yes, well, no, I noticed it too and then you did too And it's because I was a little nervous, right? We're doing this big seminar and I was like God I haven't I haven't worn the odorant for like a week
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'll in and I never smell what the fuck why am I smelling today? And that's when I had to go across the street and You know put on some the other and I and so I did some research and yes, in fact, you do put out different types of sweat when you are nervous or when you're just active. And being nervous puts out a type of sweat that different bacteria tends to feed on, and that's what'll cause odor. So that was something interesting. But anyhow, here's what I've noticed on my skin. When I shower now, I will always wash my growing area, my butt, my armpit, stuff like that. The areas I think I need to.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I'll avoid soap on most of my body, and I'll use soap every second or third workout. Excuse me, I'm shower. I'll shampoo my hair more less frequently now, maybe every third day. And you'll back up here. Did you say you use soap every second to third workout? Every second to third shower. Okay back up here, did you say you you you you you soak every second to third workout every second to third shower. Okay, you said workout. No, second third shower.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Okay, that's disgusting. No three, but two to three workouts will fall before you actually fuck. No, well, here's a deal, you you still go in the shower, you still rinse, you still rinse your body off. But what I noticed is I don't have to use lotion anymore. My skin feels and looks better than it's ever felt. It's like, it's like naturally, you know, soft. It's got this kind of natural oil to it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 My hair is much softer. It doesn't feel like I need to put anything else in it. I almost can comb it better when I haven't washed it for a couple of days, which was show. And again, I always rinse it with water. If I get really dirty, of course, then I'll use the soap. Not using deodorant, I also notice again, I have no body odor except if I'm gonna be stressed out,
Starting point is 00:23:53 and that's what I'll have deodorant with me, and that's what I'll put it on is when I'm gonna do something that's gonna cause a little bit of stress. But I've noticed my skin, oh, and here's the other thing, I've always gotten for a long time now when I take really, really hot showers or when I get really hot,
Starting point is 00:24:07 sometimes I'll get very small hives and very random hives. And then I get hives that break out everywhere. And so I used to take allergy medicine sometimes for it. And I never could understand why I would get these. I stopped getting that. Like I don't get hives anymore and I think I had to do with my microbiome on my skin.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So I've noticed all these positives, and I'm definitely not gonna go back to what I used to do before. So lots of positives from it. I recommend it unless you have a job that's very, very dirty, like you work in construction and you're around a lot of, but most people work in offices and at desk and we have clothes on.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Needing to soap up your entire body every single day, is likely excessive. You probably every third shower and you're absolutely fine. And if anything, you'll start to notice, benefit your skin and then that carries over to other places. Okay, all that is good. Now, this situation happened to me this weekend. I was working out at that family gym
Starting point is 00:25:01 that me and my wife go to. And I had to complain about this guy. This guy, let me just describe to you, Ponytail, you know, he had like a tank top on. He had those vibrant shoes, you know, very earthy, let's just say he's doing pull ups. It was so putrid the entire like just were in revolts. We all had to go up to the front desk and say, hey, you got to do something about this guy. The body odor was so thick, it was horrific.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And there's this fine balance. Like, granted, I get it. Obviously, it's good to not kill a bunch of your natural bacteria that you promote, but there's a fine line there where you have to be considerate so there are people around you. God damn you. I mean, your time's over, Sal. You can't have talking more.
Starting point is 00:25:55 You've already got to give your point away. It was so bad. I was like, I got angry. Well, here and before I jump all over Sal on this stuff, I do agree with a lot of things. So I'll tell you this. I'll be honest, since we went and hung out with being angry, Phil, there's been some things that I've been doing myself. One has been the cold plunges that he swore by as like the biggest change for him.
Starting point is 00:26:17 So I do a lot of really, really cold showers. I'd never used to do that before. I was like the super hot shower guy. Love the benefits that I'm seeing with that. It's not skin benefits, things like that. I'd notice more with my energy levels, my mental clarity and then just my alertness. That's what I notice the adrenaline I get right from it.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So that's what I'm getting from that. I also have been walking around. Every day now I walk my dog's barefoot. So I go out and I walk on the concrete and the dirt and grass for a good 20, 30 minutes where I'm barefoot. So I go out and I walk on the concrete and the dirt and grass for, you know, a good 20, 30 minutes where I'm barefoot. I've noticed a huge difference already. And then with my squatting and my heart swell right now. So proud of you Adam. My ankle. No, I'm very, I mean, you guys should know better by little. You better, no, no, here's
Starting point is 00:26:59 a thing with me. This is I'm the balance between, I mean, we've always said that I'm like in the middle of you guys with the extremist between us. That's right. So I'll take some of this good information that, you know, and disseminate for myself what I think is really, really valuable and worth applying to my lifestyle and stuff that I just not a fan of. I shower about three times a day. I've always been a shower fanatic. So now I've gone from all three showers like Lufa scrubbing, like crazy to literally only using soap in one of the three, like sal. If it's been a day where, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:35 maybe the night before I rinse off really well, I didn't get really dirty. I'm just hitting my main areas that I would be concerned about. Odors coming from. I still wear deodorant. There's no way I stop wearing deodorant because if I perspired all with it being the gym or not,
Starting point is 00:27:48 like I can smell myself. If I can smell myself, I think that that means my odors even worst for everybody else. Does that something that most people don't understand that if you can kind of slightly smell yourself, you are used to your own fucking hormones and pheromones. So when you smell yourself, you're 10 times worse than you think you are. So I keep that into perspective that, okay, it may be okay that I'm not wearing a deodorant.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I don't stink, but if you can smell, if I can smell myself in the slides, but I know that other people can smell we were. So I'm not a fan of that. I'm not a fan of skipping out on the deodorant and something, a tool that we are a science that we've evolved and figured out, can fucking make you smell better when you sweat and perspire because we sweat so much. Let me ask you a question. How do you approach somebody that is offensively smelly? Well, here's what you need to realize about that.
Starting point is 00:28:34 People who are offensively smelly, many of them, they do everything. I know because I've worked with people like this. I've actually... No, no, no, no. I've worked with people like this. No, hold on a second. I've actually trained people like this. I've actually, I've actually, I've worked with people like you. No, hold on a second. I've actually trained people like this
Starting point is 00:28:47 and they've brought this to my attention. And luckily being, you know, here's the good thing about being a trainer that's very open to discussing these things, is that your clients will feel comfortable bringing these things up. Now if you're like Adam and you talk about, you know, his clients can be afraid to tell him
Starting point is 00:29:02 certain things, my clients, all right. My clients come to me and say, Sal, I shower, I put Deodor odor on, why do I have such strong bio when I work out? And we've changed things in their diet and guess fucking what bro? No body odor. Your diet has a very large impact on your body odor. I can tell on myself and I can tell on my clients.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And for people who constantly fucking stink, even if they're not stressed out, and they just shower and they they have to and they smell Themself they have to change there's something in their diet that they need to change Yeah, but the diet will change your microbiome on your skin. Here's the thing though, bro First of all you represent a 1% of the people that eat like you, okay? I know you want to believe that all these people eat like you You're so rare as it is and even you went off the wagon and drink this weekend You better believe that's gonna change your fucking fair modes and how you're so rare as it is. And even you went off the wagon and drink this weekend, you better believe that's going to change your fucking pheromones and how you're going to smell.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's what I'm saying. So instead of being somebody who's like not wearing deodorant and you put up with those few times that you're going to go off the wagon because most people are going off the wagon, a hell of a lot more times and you're going off the wagon. And if you experience smelling and odors because you go off every once in a while, imagine the average person. Of course. Even my diet is clean as my diet is in comparison to the average American.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It's still not clean enough to wear. I would ever recommend not wearing deodorant. No, and here's the thing. Now, if you're gonna wear products and use products to make yourself smell better or whatever, there are natural products that are beneficial. Like if you go get an antiperspirant at the store, just your regular, you know, whatever, you know, old spice or whatever. A lot of them have aluminum in them. And aluminum is toxic and it will absorb
Starting point is 00:30:37 into your body. And over time, it can, it has been connected to things like Alzheimer's dementia, cancers. In fact, some doctors will even tell pregnant women not to wear antiperspirants for that particular reason. So if you're going to use a product, they make natural products that contain things like baking powder in them, or that contain like certain salts that will influence the type of bacteria that will grow under your arms, and will prevent the ones
Starting point is 00:31:03 that smell from growing and promote the ones that don't smell. That's the direction I recommend. That's the kind of deodorant. I do use when I do use deodorant. Again, if I'm gonna do a stressful thing, like I know this, we're gonna be going on some podcasts and sometimes I get a little stress about that. I'm gonna put on some deodorant, but it's gonna be the natural stuff. Thank God. Because I don't wanna use, you know, this other stuff. Just when you're working out, like, you know, like just let's all help out the community and we're deodorant. And I didn't finish explaining some of the things that I had been doing and the things that I have seen. So, I hear psoriasis is better.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Exactly. So I have psoriasis, which is an autoimmune and it's something that I have dealt with since I was about 25 years old, which is crazy too, right? That comes on at a later age, came out of nowhere, which I attribute a lot of that to all the process, protein bars and shakes and speed stacks and artificial. I mean, I was just consuming for a good, you know, eight to 10 years in my life, you know, malt regularly. Oh, just same here. Yeah. I mean, two to five things a day had artificial sweeteners and the chemicals in it that I couldn't put out. You know, it's funny. You and I both were nuts with that shit.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Justin was much, much less. And of the three of us, me and you have the worst of them. Oh, absolutely. You know, you're right. You're right. For sure. And I have noticed you guys make fun of me
Starting point is 00:32:18 for not washing my face. I know it's a huge. Remember that? Well, bro, when you got crust in your eyes, listen, I know I'm being... I'm being El Natural. A huge, huge difference in my psoriasis. That's been my diet, the carbohydrate intake dropping
Starting point is 00:32:35 and then the showers with less scrubbing is done wonders for my skin. Like I have the worst skin ever and super, super sensitive. Bro, try this, try doing this. Okay. Try, I know you use soap once a day and you're one of your showers. You soap on just the, you know, the quote unquote important areas. You know, wash your, wash your dick, wash your ass, wash your armpits.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Don't use soap on anything. Oh, I leave the his arises. I leave that completely area. Okay. Oh, yeah, that's something, that's one of the things I do already. Oh, and it's already helping. Yeah, no, it's, it's, it's the most suppressed I've ever been with that. Normally I every two months I go and I would normally get these steroid shots that I get in
Starting point is 00:33:12 addition to that. I have the creams and everything that I have to put on it. Um, I've had to hardly at all manage it when I go through diet and shower now. So I haven't gone back. I haven't gone back to get a shot. I haven't gone back and got any of my I've been out of my creams for a long time. It's and it's winter time right shot. I haven't gone back and got any of my, I've been out of my creams for a long time. It's, and it's winter time right now. So this is typically where it's starting to flare up and I, I see it starting to kick up a little bit more, but nowhere near as bad as it would been in the previous winter. So, you know, I'm interested to see now when I go get a steroid shot or do that, which
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'm not, it's not ideal. I know that, but it's something that I don't like. You're not going to need it anymore. You continue down this path, especially as you start to dial in your diet, because I'm watching both you and Justin, because I was, you know, and you guys can argue with me if you, you know, after I say this, but I think it's pretty true. My diet was far more dialed in than that aspect and the health aspect than both of you. And you guys are both progressing quite a bit through some of this.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And watching you guys do this, and you guys are commenting, you know, Justin's saying he's got less of his, what is that? Heartburn issues, you're talking about less. As you continue to get moved down that path, you will kill your problem, mark my words. You will not have to get any of that shit
Starting point is 00:34:19 because even for me, I was still having to use allergy medicine. I was still having to do certain things. And now I need nothing. It's fucking liberating, dude. It is liberating. I think it's important to note since you said that, that people understand this. And I know this is totally different than the ankle mobility and mobility thing. But these are things that I've been working on, like hardcore for the last year plus.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So it's not an overnight thing. So if you're listening to this right now, and you're like, okay, I'm gonna start to... No, one thing at a time. I'm gonna start to apply these things and you wanna see, and maybe you have psoriasis or eczema, you have some skin issues too. And you're like, oh wow, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:55 maybe I'm gonna try and see if this helps, and you do it for like a week or two, and you're like, I don't notice a difference. Like you're not going to, it takes time. It is taking the last year of, you know, refining my diet and eliminating a lot of the process, carbohydrates, things like that. It's taking the changing up the showers and doing that for some time. And it was time, I would say it was probably a good three
Starting point is 00:35:17 months before I really was like, hey, this is making a big difference. It takes time. Yeah, it doesn't happen overnight. No, it does not. Your microbiome does not just alter the first time you, which is also why too, I think some people can get away with having these drinks and having these processed foods and not notice it for so long because it's not an overnight thing. And that's why here's the other thing too. That's why people notice that it comes out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Exactly. It feels like it comes out of nowhere. But it really was. It's a cold. It's built up. Yes, exactly. That's just like my strius is. It feels like it comes out of nowhere. Like, but it really was. It's a, it's a, it's a cold up. Yes. Exactly. That's just like my strius is. It came on at 25 years old. And you're like, what did I do? I haven't changed anything. I didn't do anything last week or the last year different than when I did the lab, but that's just it. It was, it was accumulating from the 10 years of little,
Starting point is 00:35:57 I was eating a shake in two bars every single day of my life for literally, like 10 year plus I use speed stacks and rockstar cola. Creative all new rituals. Let me tell you something. There is a real issue and I guarantee a lot of people listening, phone is fucking category. You're not going to admit it to yourself, but you do. But the fitness industry is then such a good job of pushing tons and tons of supplements.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And again, I want to be clear, there's nothing wrong with supplements when they're used properly, but the way that they're advertised is as if you need them, like you need these supplements all the time, and I had an addiction to them, and I would pop shit tons of supplements every day, a handful of pills, and I drink this, and I'd eat that bar, and it would happen for fucking years, and like Adam, I developed these issues,
Starting point is 00:36:42 and it was, I brought it on myself. Well, I feel like this is such, I developed these issues and it was, I brought it on myself. Well, I feel like this is such, I'm glad we kind of went this direction on this question because it's been kind of weighing on me for a while to talk about this because I've noticed, our form is probably our strongest like audience as far as like-
Starting point is 00:37:00 That's our people, man. Yeah, the immediate feedback. If you're on our forum, I'm talking to you like you know that you've probably listened to the most the episodes if not all of them more than once a lot of them. You guys have been going through the programs you've adopted a lot of the eating habits. But one thing I can say that a lot of people are still having a hard time breaking away from is all the supplement stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:23 The bars, the shakes, the, I still, it's a dependent song. It's so deeply ingrained. And it's a dependent song. And you've heard me say on the podcast before, hey, if you got the money to throw away, then by all means, but about whatever, you know, you can do it.
Starting point is 00:37:35 But my purpose is saying that is, I don't want to demonize it and be like, oh, it's so bad. But really, if you had any idea, if you're doing that, if you're every day, you're having an artificial sweeteners, you're having any idea, if you're doing that, if every day you're having an artificial sweeteners, you're having a diet coke or you're doing some sort of an energy drink or you're doing a bar
Starting point is 00:37:52 or a shake, you don't know what you're doing right now. You have no idea, especially if you're like 25 or less. I mean, if you're somebody who's 40 something years old and you know, okay, then so be it, you've been doing it your whole life, maybe you're just that lucky fucking 1% who is not going to alter it for the bad. And you've got this fucking indestructible buy on. But everybody else that I know in sales mentioned this before in the podcast that has been in the industry as long as we have. All have problem. Yeah, that they all have got all these gut issues that are going on or they
Starting point is 00:38:21 have all these skin issues that they're dealing with or they're these intolerances they no longer can have this. Some of them can have milk anymore. Some of them can have peanuts anymore. Some of them fucking can't have gluten anymore. Some of them fucking can't have any of this shit without some sort of an allergic reaction or major gas or diarrhea or fucking headaches. All this stuff is starting to happen to them because they grew up in that 80s to 90s, early 2000 era of bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:38:46 and working out and they were a part of that the supplement crave and was just like the rest of us fitness guys that were all about trying all of it looking for that extra bit of gains and now looking back it's like fuck man. That's why if you're if you're you know and again supplements or tools and if you use them as tools then you're going to be okay. And your lip mist test should be how natural are they, how unprocessed are they? What are they flavored with? And is this something that I need or is this a tool that I like to use to, you know, amplify
Starting point is 00:39:17 or, you know, this is why I have respect for some. There's few, very few supplement companies that we've actually talked positive about. Organic muscle was one of them, and this is quite a small company, but they sent products once, and I looked at the ingredients, and you could see how they were sourced, and whatever, on it,
Starting point is 00:39:34 it's another one we've always respected, these company highly integrity. They have integrity, and they go in that direction, but most supplement companies unfortunately don't. So if you're going to take supplements, if you find the convenience of a protein powder, useful for you and you do need to supplement protein,
Starting point is 00:39:49 if there's neutropics or whatever that you take because you want to use it as tools, look at how natural they are, look at how minimally processed they are and the integrity of the company. Well, that's really how I look at it for the most is the convenience factor for people. Like they just, I mean, they love the fact
Starting point is 00:40:04 that they could just grab something when they're in a pinch, you know. And whether that's something packaged up, that's kind of where we get into a trap, though, if that becomes the ritual all the time. And so we just put a cautionary warning out there because it does accumulate over the years. You do see this compounding effect
Starting point is 00:40:23 that may have a detriment to you. Just be careful. Curtism, 1978, 2000. With maps read, how do I know if I should do two or three foundational workouts each week? Great question. That is a good question. Very good question. So it depends on where you're at right now.
Starting point is 00:40:40 First, let me answer the specific question. Then I want to turn this into a question that I'm sure a guarantee a lot of listeners have, even those that don't do maps. So first off, I'll answer the specific question. Maps and a ball, which is Maps Red, has foundational workouts, which are the heavy and hard workouts, and then it has trigger sessions on the days off.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Those are the two main concepts, the two very specific individualized individualized concepts in maps and a ball like that you don't find anywhere else. In there, it gives you the ability to decide for yourself if you want to do two foundational workouts or three foundational workouts a week. Now for those of you listening, this is also a question for those of you that don't do maps. You might want to ask yourself, well, how do I know how many times I should go to the gym or how often I should work out hard in the gym?
Starting point is 00:41:29 Here's what you need to understand. Your goal should be to get the maximum, and Adam loves talking about this, the maximum amount of results with the minimum amount of time spent trying to get those results. You don't want to do more work than you need to because besides the fact that you're wasting time, besides the fact that you're in the gym and you could be doing something else productive. You don't wanna overload the system.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Besides all that, what you're doing at that point is you're likely, you know, very, very unlikely are you not influencing anything. What's more likely happening is because you're doing more than you need to is you're actually taking away from your body's ability to adapt and recover. So my advice to you is if you're following NAFSA and Obolic is to do two foundational workouts a week, unless you're super experienced and you've got this phenomenal recovery ability, do two foundational workouts a week, see how you progress.
Starting point is 00:42:21 If you're kicking ass and you're progressing great, well then fucking leave it, it ain't broken. If you feel like you're not progressing that quickly, then experiment without adding another foundational workout a week. Now I've been working out for a long time. I've been adding frequency, frequency something I'd really like to fuck with when I work out. So I can do a lot of frequent workouts.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I can work out every single day. I've got my body to that point where it recovers pretty well So I do three heavy foundational workouts a week myself For a lot of people that's just too much. So it's something you're gonna have to kind of determine You know for yourself when you're working out that being said You can work out very frequently if you modify the intensity this is a big this is a big lesson We try to teach a lot in mind pump. And you know what? It still hasn't got through to a lot of people
Starting point is 00:43:08 driving me. It's funny. We hit these two questions. I'm glad you picked these. I was, uh, some, I think I tagged one of you two on there. I don't remember. Maybe it was Doug. Um, somebody posted it was one of our hardcore four members. He posted on his own Facebook page. I'm attached to him and, and him and and they got this great thread going and some it's an intelligent debate and one of his buddies is debating him about intensity and going to failure. And you know, and he was and he had a, you know, a decent argument going back and forth with him and made some valid points, but it's still the culture, man.
Starting point is 00:43:45 It's still this. Yes, everybody thinks that you need to go to failure to see optimal gains. And that in fact, his final statement that he had said to our mind publisher was that, you know, I, you know, if you look at any, you know, body builder or somebody who makes a living off of their physique, they'll tell you that, you know, it's about how hard you train and going to failure. And it's just like, and that's where he lost his credibility was going that direction was that was because that was part of my mission of getting into the bodybuilding world was to prove that you can go all the way to the professional level,
Starting point is 00:44:17 be at the one percent of the one percent and be unconventional about it and not train the same way all these idiots train, not eat the way all these idiots eat. And there's a way to get your, in fact, there's a much healthier way and approach to doing that. So I can't say this enough to people that stop approaching your workouts like it is the harder you go, the more results you see it is not, that's not how this works. Unless you were a fucking athlete, and you were trying to become adapted to whatever modality you're doing, and that is your goal.
Starting point is 00:44:48 If you want to be efficient at working out, and you want to be able to go to a gym, hammer yourself and survive it, and not be beat up every time afterwards, you want to push that way. But that most people that's not their desire, you're designed, unless you're a Spartan racer, or one of those guys that-
Starting point is 00:45:02 Then you're just adapting to survive. Yeah. So it's a good thing you said that because when you talk to people who train at very high levels, like Navy SEALs or people at high levels in the military, the hardest test they ever have to physical test they have to go through is to qualify to become a SEAL and then the training is much more specific. The training is much less.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Now, you had to ask yourself why they trained so because they're looking for the mental It has nothing to do with getting a Nothing and that guy that's in the X one point I grabbed you winged that direction too because that's a that's where all these fucking Nate of these Spartan races and all these things evolved from they took what the buds training and they've made all these cool little things A trying mimic with the Navy seals have to go and they told everyone is playing all you and I hate to fucking pick on you if you love doing this stuff because if it you do and it helps you stay in shape and you love it then by all means it's your thing. But don't think for a minute that isn't just brilliant marketing.
Starting point is 00:45:59 You know, everybody wants to be a seal. Every man or woman down would like to know if they can hang with a seal. I see so many products wrapped around like a Navy seal developed this and you know, because there's definite, like, I mean, we're an awe of what they can endure and mentally and physically and they're at the pinnacle of what that looks like, obviously, but at the same time, like you mentioned,
Starting point is 00:46:22 it's, that really was like to decipher whether or not like, they at the same time, like you mentioned, it's, it that really was like to decipher whether or not, like, they had the cycle, like, uh, the psychological, yeah, ability to, to endure that. That's 100% what it is. Yeah, it's not like that week, that two week training, it's not to get them in shape. Yeah, it's not like, well, you're going to be in the best shape after you go through this. No, it's going to see, are you a pussy? Are you a qualify? You got to be fit. All those guys that go in there are fit as fuck. It's the mental component of it. But they'll all tell almost every one of the,
Starting point is 00:46:50 those, the national guard, all these, they'll tell you that most of the fucking big buff meet head fit looking dudes are not the ones that make it. It's the 145, 165. So you gotta like, group on a farm. Yeah, it's just hard work. Yeah, labor all day long. Working 15 hour days, bailing hay and shit and just is like and
Starting point is 00:47:08 Conditioned, you know, I'm saying like it has that has that grit to him, but yeah, here speaks the frequency. I mean look at that Yeah, you got you got a look number one going to failure is too much intensity most of the time for most people Now I didn't save every time for everybody Bodybuilders just talk about them for a second. Bodybuilders, they've discovered a lot of great things. They've contributed quite a bit to the fitness realm with good information, but just as much good information as they've disseminated, they've also disseminated
Starting point is 00:47:39 horrible shit information. The last fucking person you should get advice on when it comes to intensity of workout is a genetically gifted, freak-as-oid bodybuilder on seroids. They do not represent the average person in any way, shape or form. You take a fucking pro bodybuilder or a guy that just, it's just massive or a chick that just builds tons of muscle and they get that way in spite of the fact that you're bad shit. They wanted to get that such crazy jeans and a lot of them run so many drugs that they can get away
Starting point is 00:48:08 with it and they may even thrive on it. And you try and copy them and you're ruined. Forget that. I don't, I wanted to get a step further than the steroids because I think it's more the genetic side than it is even the steroids. Of course. I mean, look at like if anyone's ever looked at Phil Heath
Starting point is 00:48:24 when he looked like in fucking high school. A basketball player. Yeah. He was more muscular than I'm trying to be as muscular as hell. He was a basketball player and he looked more buff and that. So that just goes as and then you throw that guy on an anabolic. Of course, you know, I'm saying. So these are the guys that are giving advice to these people that are in these threads. So, you know, that is a terrible example is to use them as a, this is why or oh, they've done that right. Here's a genetics play a huge role. Steroids play the next big role. So these guys talking about their training modalities are so fucking off. It doesn't matter though, because those other two ones, they're at the top. They've got the best
Starting point is 00:49:00 steroids and they've got the best genetics. You know what it reminds me of? Again, I love to use the tanning analogy because that's a form of adaptation. But it's like a dude that is super dark, right? Got super dark skin telling a bunch of really white people the best way to tan their skin. You know what you gotta do? You gotta go on the sun and you gotta sit there for like,
Starting point is 00:49:16 I tell you. Yeah, you gotta sit there for like two hours and just tell you how I got really good. And just I like to put all the oil on my skin to let it bake in and I get a really nice dark. And then you know, fucking Justin goes out there and tries out shit. Any blisters and dyes.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Third degree. Yeah. Fifth degree burns. Yeah, no. So you need to, the way you determine how many intense workouts is, find the ones that give you the best results. And if you go do a bunch of them and you realize
Starting point is 00:49:37 that your progress isn't installed or not improving, try backing off and see what happens. Well, you might be blown away. One last note on that, and because I wanted to make sure I touched on that with the, make sure you're on the forum whoever that was I forgot who it was, who's a thread I'm talking about, so you can, I can say kudos to your posts.
Starting point is 00:49:53 It was a great post. And to that your buddy's note that was arguing with you, you know, I worked my way up to, from amateur to the professional level, never once had a spotter. So never once did I go to a failure to where I needed someone to lift the bar off me. That was almost three years of training and working my way up that ladder with never once fucking going to failure.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So you can shape and you shape your body. There's another better way to do it. They're 100%. By the way, by the way, I know what's going to happen when I ask this question, but raise your hand in this room if Realizing that you didn't need to go to failure was a massive breakthrough in your body Just went to a new level for sure. Yeah, I admitted that almost every time everybody in the world right now It's life-changing thing for me. Stop going to failure with every set and watch what happens next question Kevin Stuttle, what would you change about PE and schools? That's a great question
Starting point is 00:50:43 I'll spend a while so you can talk about it. Why don't you go with that one, Justin? Yeah, I hit it's home for me because like I just see I just see a lot of activity and movement already getting cut out and getting pushed towards extra curricular activity. So like signing up kids for for stuff outside of school whereas we're not even really instituting and teaching these kids like movement as an educational process. So for me, I'm very passionate about this just because I feel like, you know, it's synergistic. What you learn, you need to include movement in order for your brain to function even that it's highest capacity.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I know there's actual stuff, I mean, this is science supported. A lot of science behind it. And I have, and I've brought this example up before, but Dr. Ed Thomas has, I felt like is creating something unique in I.O.I. believe, but just like instead of it just being this free-for-all care-free kind of recess, which is great. It's great because we get activity, but there's a lot more structure with teaching the kids like more, more very specific movements. So getting more extension.
Starting point is 00:51:57 So they have breaks where they get up and they all do very specific stretches and they all do very specific types of movements in order to reconnect and have that connectivity in their body. So that way they're stimulated again. They go to sit down, they have good posture. So there's these, also he has these, these like little inserts for their seat. So it gives them like a nice tilt in their hips. So it actually gets them a little bit more in upright posture.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Interesting. Yeah, especially for, this is true for boys and girls, but especially for boys, they learn better when they're active. If you keep them sitting down all the time and don't let them move, statistically, they'll show that they'll perform worse on cognitive tasks. So a lot of the reasons why PE and physical activity was cut from schools is because when funding is cut or when they mismanage their money as is the case
Starting point is 00:52:53 with a large percentage of public schools, by the way, I'm gonna go on a little rant here, but if you actually look at the actual numbers of how much money public schools receive per student, it's actually a decent amount. So a lot of the money is just being fucking wasted because of the bureaucracy and bullshit anyhow. They cut money from PE because they think that it's not important because all we're trying to do is get these kids to score higher on the STEM, you know, on science technology, on math. You know, that's the most important thing. But we know that moving contributes to those things as well.
Starting point is 00:53:27 When kids move, same thing with music, when kids learn music, they do better on math. Exactly. And music should also be another, like, STEM and a branch of education that should always be there and always be included. Because, you know, we want well-rounded, well-developed human beings.
Starting point is 00:53:43 We don't want just, you know, desk jockeys that sit and program. Like, we're gonna make computers to do that. You know, so I feel like people really need to think, think about that, think about what, what kind of jobs are gonna be in the future and what's gonna benefit human beings in a long term? Well, you're, I've got the perfect, I've thought about this,
Starting point is 00:54:07 even though I have no children. I think that there's a huge problem with not only the PE and movement in our schools, but even how we teach our children. And I've talked about this, I think, before in the podcast that I think the future of education is gonna look really similar to like TED Talks. Imagine an hour of a subject for your child, look like this. They've got 15 to 20 minutes where they watch this TED Talk type of video on their subject.
Starting point is 00:54:35 So maybe it's history that kids are in the class. It's only 15 to 20 minutes long. It's a speaker that's a PhD that's got entertainment values so the kids are engaged because of the way they tell the story. Now mind you, it would be geared towards children. I'm using TED Talks example because we don't have this for children yet, but a more child-friendly type of platform. So maybe it's more colorful, maybe the conversation is lighter, the vocabulary they're using
Starting point is 00:55:02 is a little bit easier for children to understand, but it's entertaining first with bits of information. It's 15 to 20 minutes long, then you shut it off, then your teacher spends another 20 to 30 minutes with the kids open discussion about what they just watched and learned and they get this dialogue, they work on their communication, they elaborate even deeper, this is where that teacher now comes involved.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Then the final 10 to 15 minutes of classes some sort of movement, some sort of getting down in the squatted position, balancing on one leg, hip-hinging, teaching them these movements that we start to lose because we're in a seated position. And that becomes just this, this, this, this, these habits and patterns that they start to do throughout the entire school day. So your hour of learning is only like 15 to 20 minutes of really just sitting still in a chair. Then the rest of the time it's open dialogue and it's movement and the whole day looks like that. Imagine the difference in OBCWC, if a kid is having to move every hour, he's moving 15 to
Starting point is 00:56:00 20 minutes, doing some sort of movement. He's also communicating with his peers and so working on his social skills. And then he's being entertained through education, through like a TED Talk type of... Well, what's funny is science now has conclusively shown that activity improves brain function. So we know that now for a fact. But now when we talk about peeing schools, it's being cut because it wasn't, they thought it wasn't important. Here's another thing that I see in PE that is troublesome.
Starting point is 00:56:26 They've tried to eliminate the hurt feelings, quote unquote hurt feelings that you get from physical activity, from competition. Yeah, like we're not going to have, you know, team leaders peaked teams anymore because then there's going to be a kid that's picked last. There's not going to be any winners anymore. Okay, number one, life, sorry, sometimes you're gonna fucking lose. I tell my kids this all the time. There's gonna be people smarter, stronger, faster,
Starting point is 00:56:50 better looking than you, deal with it. The only tool that you have to beat them, if you want to, is your work ethic. And so that's what you're gonna develop. And that's number one, kids need to fucking learn to lose. They don't need to learn how to win. Nobody needs to learn how to win by the way. That's the most important part.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Yeah, exactly. Like winning is fucking easy. And no one's ever taught me, you know, hey, Sal, you need to do a lot. How do you take a loss? How do you respond? How do you come back? Like it, it just prepares them for getting into a job
Starting point is 00:57:18 where it's a competitive environment. You're not gonna, you don't just like go to school and then oh, here, you have a degree here you go. and then, oh here, you have a degree, here you go, here's, you know, you're a VP in this department. No, you're not. You got to work your ass off to get up here. Thank you very much. Like I said, nobody needs to teach me when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Nobody had to sit me down and say, Sal, now we're going to talk about the fact that you just got first place in that contest and we want to talk about, nobody has to say that shit to me. I'm fucking happy, man, I'm first place. The lesson comes from me getting my ass kicked. I can't, I'll tell you something right now.
Starting point is 00:57:47 When my kids compete in anything, I look forward to their losses. Their wins are fun and exciting. We have a great time. We have a great time. We learn to do that. But their losses, every time I see them get their ass kicked, I think to myself, here's an opportunity
Starting point is 00:58:01 for some lessons that you, me and my kid are gonna hang out and talk about what just happened, we're gonna process it, and they're gonna grow from this. I fucking love those opportunities. The wins are great, that's excellent. I'll tell you what right now, if I had a kid that wanted everything, I'd be worried.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Because I'm like, how am I gonna teach this kid what to do when they finally get their ass kicked? Because they're so used to winning. So that's number one. Let kids compete, let them lose. It's not a fucking big deal to lose. Let's talk about it, and you gotta work harder if you wanna do better. That's the number one, let kids compete, let them lose. It's not a fucking big deal to lose. Let's talk about it and you gotta work harder if you wanna do better.
Starting point is 00:58:27 That's a number one thing. Number two is, you know, allow them to compete with things that let kids gauge their work. So you've got kids racing in a race. There's gonna be some kids that are fucking fast. And no matter how hard that slow kid tries, he ain't gonna beat the fast kid. He could work his ass off.
Starting point is 00:58:44 He could run every single day. He'll never beat the fast kid. He could work his ass off, he could run every single day. He'll never beat the fast kid, but you wanna show the kid that there's benefit in their work. Why not show the kids their improvement? Why not measure their effort by showing them how they perform? Like, hey, John, we know you suck at basketball
Starting point is 00:58:58 and you shot the ball 10 times at the free throw line and you missed every single one at the beginning of the year. But today, you made two baskets. That's a fucking huge improvement from the beginning of the year, but today, you made two baskets. That's a fucking huge improvement from the beginning of the year. It doesn't matter if he's still the shittiest kid in the class when it comes to shooting basketballs. He now has attributed his hard work and practice to improvement.
Starting point is 00:59:16 You saw it play out. Yes, and I'll tell you something right now. You get a room full of kids. You can take the talented kids out of the room and you take the hard working kids out of the room and I'll bet a fucking million dollars every single time hard working kids are gonna be successful on more consistent basis than the talented kids.
Starting point is 00:59:32 That's a great point. So I think that like as far as physical education, I would love to see it evolve into more metrics. So more things that kids could see, like skill wise, that maybe you know, like this type of kid can do something well here but is terrible this but now like there's methods and ways that we can for this. And this was, I was in a really nice school. And they had, they had this whole official national test day or whatever. Like that where they came in, we did all the pull ups, the sit ups, the, all those things. The presidential, yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:00:14 And they did all that stuff. And, but we also during, during PE and we still incorporated that to improve on it. So, and you, in the back of my head, I always knew that, oh, I could only get three pull-ups. I wanna do better than that, or, oh, I could only get so many sit-ups, I wanna get better at that. But they didn't really, even them, I felt like they were ahead of a lot of people or a lot of schools.
Starting point is 01:00:35 You know, I wish you saw more of that, right? Like, you know, you went to your class, it would be great to see the beginning of the year. These are all my, this is my mile marker, this is my two mile marker, this is my long jump, this is my, this is my standing broad jump, this is my sit and reach, this is my pull up, this is my sit up, this is my push up.
Starting point is 01:00:53 All these markers with my numbers where I was the very beginning of the year and then throughout the year, all these type of things were able. This is what you do, okay. My second favorite population of the year. And then your grade and your scoring should be on your personal improvement.
Starting point is 01:01:07 That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. My second favorite, my first favorite population to train or advanced age. My second favorite population of people train or kids. I love working with kids. There's two opposite people. I know, I love working with kids.
Starting point is 01:01:20 But here's how I train kids. Shoot me in the face. I train kids. The reason why I like training kids is this. Exercise is a very clear, an obvious visual metric. Last week you did five pushups. This week you did six pushups. You got one pushup better.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Very clear, you improved. It's very easy to show that you improved, and it's very quick. And I always tie it back to how hard they worked, and the effort that they put into it. And then what happens is they make that association between hard work and improvement. And when you make that association in a child, it bleeds over and other things because every single, I'll fucking say this all day long, you can go back and test and go interview all
Starting point is 01:01:57 the kids that were ever trained. Every single child I've ever trained, every single teenager I've ever trained, got better grades, studied harder in school, became more respectful to their parents, and ended up, many of them ended up getting jobs as teenagers because we made the connection between hard work and physical improvement and all they realized was, if I work hard and I can improve on things and they applied it to fucking everything, that's all you got to do. So yeah, you can have your kids compete and some are going to suck and some are going to be good and you just make it not a big deal. What you emphasize is the
Starting point is 01:02:26 improvement and then you base how good they're doing on that. Then you can say, look, John over here, he can run a mile and seven minutes. He's the fastest kid in class and Sam over here can, you know, took him 20 minutes to do it because he's super slow and obese. But at the end of the year, his 20 minute mile went to 10 minutes and that dude, seven minute while only went down to 6.30. Dude, you fucking improve the most at the end of the year, his 20 minute mile went to 10 minutes, and that dude, seven minute while only went down to 6.30, dude, you're, you fucking improve the most in the cloud out of the whole classroom. Your improvement was it tremendous. And you know what, he's going to be able to celebrate that victory and tie his hard work to that performance. And that's what I would do in PE. That's the number one thing I would change
Starting point is 01:02:59 is showing kids that they can do something to improve their athletic performance. And it's more inclusive in what it should be. That's how you make things inclusive. Not by eliminating the competition. Not by eliminating the competition. And telling kids, you don't have to do that. Yeah, you don't have to do that if you don't want it. We know you don't like to play dodgeball because you're fat
Starting point is 01:03:16 or whatever. But guess what? You have to realize you suck at things. Yeah. Thank you for you to get better. Absolutely. Absolutely. Listen, if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five-star rating
Starting point is 01:03:25 review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you will win a free Mind Pump T-shirt. You can also find us on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me, Sal, the Stefano, at Mind Pump Sal. Adam Schaefer is at Mind Pump Adam and Justin Andrews is at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpedMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:04:11 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:04:41 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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