Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 428: Splitting Full Body Workouts, Efficacy of Fat Burners, Doug's Fitness Journey & MORE

Episode Date: December 30, 2016

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about splitting up MAPS Anabolic (a full... body workout program) into more than one day, their thoughts about fat burners, fascia blasters and Doug's fitness/Mind Pump journey. MAPS Prime the only pre-workout you need is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new video every day on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One, two, three. Days left. That's it, three days left. Three days left. There's only three days left to be able to enroll in maps anywhere for half-off. You want to half-off or do you want it for free? You can get it for free too, Adam.
Starting point is 00:00:13 There's two options. This is how you get maps anywhere for free. You enroll in our nine months of exercise programming, RGB bundle. You enroll in that, you get maps and a ball, like maps performance, maps aesthetic, all mapped out for nine months of exercise. It super sizes it. And we will throw in maps anywhere, absolutely for free.
Starting point is 00:00:29 You can find all of this MindPumpMedia.com, get on there, before next month, it'll be gone forever. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. How long are you gonna let your chin beard grow? It's not a chin beard, it's a full beard, you fucker. I know, but the chin part is a long part.
Starting point is 00:00:55 How long are you gonna let it get? It's a strap for all of it. Can I vote on how long I think it should go? Do how long do you think? I want it to get absurdly long. You want like, take flutcher long. Yeah, I want you. I want you to know. I'm serious. I'm not even joking about this I think To benefit mind pump
Starting point is 00:01:12 We need mind pump. Come on, bro. It's for mind pump. We need Like what is it called gimmicks? We need more gimmicks, right? And if you had this real long beard Yeah, really big top hat or, something like that, right? Like my gimmick is white sauce. You could be kind of like Abe Lincoln. Yeah, exactly. Buff Abe Lincoln. Yeah, Justin's gimmick is his pasty skin, you all day.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You can have the long chin beard. You know what it is, I'm like, I'm so honest that I'm transparent. That was horrible. Yeah! That was horrible. Fuck You're, that was horrible. Yeah! That was horrible. Fuck you guys, it was good, too. That was bad.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You know, normally what happens is, and I actually surprised that I've gotten this far with the Katrina Norma complains after why. She hates kissing me with the crazy beer going on. And I could feel it, like when I kiss her, I can feel my lip hair and chin hair, like rubbing against her and tingling her you know so.
Starting point is 00:02:08 And what? And tingling her? Yeah. So she's got to be into pews if that's the case because pews. Well no she's not a fan of it at all and normally she's kind of razzing me by now and I normally that's normally what makes me get rid of it because I'm just like well you know obviously it's important for me to have sex. It's clearly long enough. If starts to get, if it's-
Starting point is 00:02:26 That's not always limits me. Right, yeah, it looks certain. That's kind of how I feel. I mean, if I was single, I'd be growing this motherfucker out till I could, till I could braid it, but it actually, it impedes in my sex life. No, just to use Trin the stash a little bit more. Yeah, I mean, so- So, so- I mean, it looks like an asshole.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, it's true. You could just, bro, just, here's what you do. I want to grow it to where I have to put a rubber band or I could fucking braid it, dude. That's how I like. Like, Lu Albano? Yeah. Remember him?
Starting point is 00:02:52 We're going all hippie now. We're going to do this. We are going all hippie. Yogi and hippie. I feel like one of us has been going hippie. Yeah, no, no, I'm just kidding. I'm not going that because I continue. I will wear still smells. Yeah, exactly. I will I'm just kidding. I'm not, I'm not doing that because I continue. I will wear still smells good.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yeah, exactly. We'll continue to wear deodorant and shower on a regular basis. And I'm not going to be doing that. So here's what you do. It doesn't impede sex. It's just going to be a name for that, right? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:03:17 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, You have a beard that's long enough to grab and pull on. You just tell your girl, this baby, just grab my fucking face beard and just pull that shit. You know what I mean? Twist my neck.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Do weird shit to me. You know what I'm saying? That's interesting. That's not, that's like a ponytail, but it's on your face. Let's edit that out, Doug. Let's make sure we cut that part out. Let me, let me try that.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We'll see how that goes. I'm just not sure, I'm not sure she's gonna go for it. So far though, I'm not trying to say, which this is this talking about this on air is gonna fuck this up for me. I can tell already, she's just like, you know, I've been meaning to tell you to shave that shit off your face when I get home now
Starting point is 00:03:54 and because she listens to the show. So you guys may see a baby face next to you. You know what though? You never know, dude. You never know the intentions may be different because she may be thinking to herself like, oh shit, like he's getting too attractive, like he's getting too sexy.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I need to remove it because if he gets too sexy, you know what I mean? Well this is me. I tell her the beer. You know what I mean, right? Justin knows what I mean. Look at him. The scruffy, dirty beer and I say keeps all the chicks away.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So I try and tell her that's my defense, but she's not buying it. Because she sees the flock. It's a flock. So I made a friend today, a new friend at the gym. Oh, shit, you got three now, huh? Yeah, I have a friend. Wait, you guys are my friends?
Starting point is 00:04:37 No, I've started to be a little too long. I was referring to your other two friends. Fuck you guys. No, no, I'm gonna take this out. So you ever make like an accidental friend, somebody you'd never hang out with, but for some reason you just mutually respect each other and accidental friend Yeah, let me explain So you guys know how I've been doing the steam room. Oh, it happened in the steam room pretty regularly great. Yeah great place
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, yeah, so we tell us what else accidentally happened in this steam room There's this hand like why bring are you bringing soap in here? Why did you drop it? Accidentally did this to me. I went to sit down and then I felt something. So there's, so I go in this steam room pretty regularly and I've gotten to the point now where I can handle a lot of heat. Like I could turn that fucker on and just
Starting point is 00:05:19 scald everybody in that room till they leave and then I'm by myself. And sometimes that's the goal. Sometimes they're going to- Great strategy. You're trying to flush everybody out. Yeah, so I go in there, right? And I'll go in there and I'll turn that I'll make the steam turn off right as soon as it stops I'll do it again. Sometimes I'll do this three times in a row. Let me tell you some it gets so hot It's I you're that asshole. I love what I come in there. It's so mad. I'm like Jesus brok you barely breathe
Starting point is 00:05:43 I just got it. It gets fucking hot and I love it, right? But there's this older, probably in his 60s, Asian dude, he's like dude, this little guy, no, explain. He's this little Asian dude with glasses and he walks in there, he's like 60 maybe, and he walks in there and he's always in his white briefs. So he wears white, like brief, right?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Whitey tight. And he sits in the back in the corner and he's the only motherfucker that can hang. Like he's the only one. So I'll turn that fucker off, front of it. And people just one by one start leaving. And I know who's gonna leave when. I already know everybody's tolerance.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And I know that the only one in there that can hang is this fucking dude who chills in the corner. So this has now been happening for months, I've been going for months. And every time me and him like, we don't really make eye contact, but every once in a while, we make a little eye contact, and you can tell this mutual respect. You can tell we're looking at each other like, you know what I mean? Like, like, not bad. That's cheating hot. Yeah, that's pretty good, right? So, uh, you're gonna leave. Right. So, so today I walk by him in the gym,
Starting point is 00:06:40 and, uh, I said, you know, I'm gonna say something to him. So walk by him, and I'm like, hey, how you doing, man? And he him. So walked by him and I'm like, hey, how you doing, man? And he gives me the head knot. And it was like, we're friends now. Like I can tell, like me and him, no. So then we went in the steam room. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And he's always in there when I'm in there. And he makes all these interesting sounds, by the way, when he's in there. So. This isn't the spitter. No, it's not. Okay. You made friends with the spitter?
Starting point is 00:07:01 No, not the spitter, fuck that guy. He sits in there and when it gets really hot, he's very audible about how hot it is. Like he sits in there and you hear him go like this, he goes, oh, it's painful, but he doesn't fucking leave. I'm not a fucker, stays in there. So he's in there with me. And it was busy this morning.
Starting point is 00:07:18 So like six people, we're like sitting, asked to ask in there, which is uncomfortable anyway. So I'm like, I'm gonna get everybody to get out of here. So I'm just gonna fucking just heat this fucker up. So I'm just spraying water on the, you know, the little temperature gauge or whatever getting a cold. So the thing is tricked into turning on hot.
Starting point is 00:07:33 God, I hope they're not listening. I mean, maybe kick me out. Anyway, it gets fucking hot, right? Now it's, there's a big sign by the way. Now it's, don't do that with me. Now it's me, there is. Yeah, no, there's not. It's all right, keep going, fidget story. Sorry. Now it's me, my fucking red letter. Now it's me. There is. No, there's not. It's alright, keep going, fidgety sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Now it's me, my fucking red letter. Now it's me, my homeboy, and this other dude, this Persian dude, who I remember a long time ago, I think his Persian is really hairy. He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he,
Starting point is 00:08:04 he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he indication maybe right but he I remember this guy from a while ago because I remember this motherfucker could hang too So now it's me my boy. Oh, yes, and this motherfucker and I'm like let's see what happens because I definitely am not gonna leave and I just see like these eyeballs getting bigger and like you know like veins Dude guys are all like how staring each other down dude four cycles of steam Okay, four cycles of steam. Okay? Four cycles. I'm actually, I'm actually at my eyes closed at this point. I can't really see that.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Your eyelids are fucking burning right. Well, if I open my eyes, I'm gonna go blind. And I'm like, I'm like, but I'm not going. The insides are melting. But I'm not going, right? So we're fucking sitting in there and I'm just looking down and I'm like, God damn it, who's gonna leave first, right?
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah. Finally, dude, through the fourth cycle, that thing's almost over. It's like, scalding hot. The Persian dude goes, God, I can't take it. This literally says, he, like, he says that, and he like, walks out real slow, because you can't walk fast or steam like that. Oh, you're a melt your skin. He walks out, and my little fucking Asian friend, dude, he looks at me and we both look at
Starting point is 00:09:03 each other and we fucking both kind of smirk a little bit like, haha. Yeah, like pussy. I am not looking for it. I think he smelled like a roasted crab. It was, you know what I mean? It was like, you got steam, man. It was more like sauteed garlic because I'm Italian. That's true.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But I am not looking forward to the day where we were being him. Like, okay, now it's between you and I. For now, it's mutual. Like, we're mutually friends. We're a team. We're not gonna ever go head to head because we don't want anyone to die. I see. But that day's gonna come soon, so we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:09:37 We'll see what happens. But he's my boy, dude. Oh, this is a fucking badass. But boy, this is the early mornings over at the club sport, right? That it's fucking love it, dude. Yeah, and then I go right into the cold time. Where are you down there? You you know what? I've recently opened up my buddy because I'm okay. We don't have to tell anybody. I was you can tell me off
Starting point is 00:09:53 air because I was thinking about coming down there with you in the morning. Yeah, you won't be there at the time I'm going away. Yeah, I think I will actually you know, but shit you gave me when I said I went at the time I went. Yeah, January. I'm setting new goals. There you gave me when I said I went at the time away January I'm setting new goals. There's new things I'm trying to do and part of that may require me what I'm finding out Well, you he's to wake up at five for those classes anyway, no bro 345 is what time I will see yeah Bro, then we can fucking meaning we can steam together. I put my mind to something and say I'm gonna do some I'm gonna get jealous you guys all steam and you know how much business like ideas and shit we can come up with That's what I'm thinking do some. I'm gonna get jealous, you guys all steaming. Do you know how much business like ID isn't shit, we can come up with. That's what I'm thinking possibly to do.
Starting point is 00:10:28 We're showering together. I think it all helped me keep a closer eye on him. I'm about to. Yeah, I think that, wait, we'll see, we'll see, maybe I'll start. I'm gonna find a friend. Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna leave Justin. You don't like the steam Justin?
Starting point is 00:10:40 I don't, I like cold. You're the worst. You're the cold. I like steam. I'll outlast you guys in the ice bath. For real? You think so? Yeah, you put it. I like cold. You're the worst the cold. I like steam. I'll outlast you guys in in the ice bath for real 100% you think so. Yeah, you I like to do that. Oh man. I'm a whoo when it comes that I like to do that whoo when it comes I want to get better at that though. What cold? Yeah, I hate cold I do this the cold shower thing every once a while but man
Starting point is 00:11:00 I had to be honest lately with the winner man and then we've had some cold days lately It's been colder than we're hitting like record lows and I get up and I'm like oh good cold showers They that fucking hot shower sounds dude. I'm gonna add heat in a month. It's dude piss me out Dude, it's right. You're heated your house isn't working right now. You still don't have heat. No What do you know? So it's like the kids the insurance and they're a bunch of fucking idiots So it's the family like all circle around, like one of these little electric heaters or a lot of those little heaters.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And you can't even turn it on because you don't wanna leave it on overnight, right? Cause it's a hazard. So, you know, first thing in the morning, it's like you literally see your breath and I'm walking around, I feel bad, but yeah, we're all sort of. Dude, you just brought back a memory.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So, you know, as a kid, I've shared stories of us not having very much money. So part, we had to be very, very, like, frugal. Yeah, it's strategic about how we heat the house and stuff. So the only time that, you know, my parents would turn it on was like, first thing early, my dad was up by like 5 a.m.
Starting point is 00:12:00 and then he turned on it. Yeah, he turned the house to be at like 45 degrees and he'd turn it up to like, you know, 60, we would get. Did you sleep in like really like thick pajamas? Oh for sure, I mean. And I remember as a kid getting up for school, I always got up for school about a half hour before so I could defrost and I would go,
Starting point is 00:12:16 we had those, the heater was on the floor, you know, the vents and I would, I'd hit a huddle over it with my blanket and make like a tent. So all the heat was trapped strategy, trapped under my blanket, and it would like defrost my body. And so once I would lay there for like 30 minutes to defrost and then I would get ready for school. I stand right over it. So at least, you know, I get all that heat to go right to my crotch.
Starting point is 00:12:40 My crotch is warm. I'm warm. Your crotch gets cold. Yeah, it does. That's not cool. That's not cool. Crotch is never cold. How once you to prove that. Let me, let me, let me test it with my hand.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I don't believe you. I don't believe you. Let's cup it real quick. I checked the temperature. Yeah, Adam, you've had, you had some hard times, buddy. Uh, well, I mean, come on, we at least we had heat though, right? It could have been worse. And just spoken like a true fucking champion. You know, he says he makes a positive. You know what I mean, come on, we at least we had heat though, right? It could have been worse and just spoken like a true fucking champion
Starting point is 00:13:05 You know, he makes a positive. You know, I mean True man Mad respect. Well, we talk about I think things like that. I mean, I love I love how What's got to Tony Robbins talks about thinking thinking your your parents are thinking your family for everything right? If you're gonna if you're gonna blame or blaming them for everything right? If you're gonna blame them for all your hardship hard times, then blame them for all your success also. So I'm a huge believer in that.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I believe a lot of that's a built character, right? If you haven't froze your ass off or waited in a food line once before, you're not living. We'll run out of toilet paper. Yeah, bro. Oh, shit. That one, that one scarred me a little bit. That one's still dealingred me a little bit. That one's still
Starting point is 00:13:45 that one. That one I'm still dealing with issues a little bit. Yeah. Hey, our kids, we have to choose between toilet paper and which one? 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Oh, shit. He's holding a roll. Without the crash put the chimera link at mind pump media.com and input the discount code Mind pump a check out for 10% off. It's the motherfucking Quee-qua First question from the real Jake from state farm Real Jake from state farm. That's let me let's say some art that's some smart I got a little respect for let let's give it a start. He's a brilliant motherfucker because he just got us
Starting point is 00:14:48 to advertise his shit because his name has his business. That's right. So if you guys need us to say that, not like state farm insurance, go to the real Jared from Subway. We're not doing this question. Yeah, exactly. Now I want to know, now I want to ask the guy,
Starting point is 00:15:02 if he was smart and he did that because he knows that he knew that we were going to read his name on there. Very very smart of course. I like him. Jake. I like you already Dude smart thing. I'm state farm. All right. Jake is doing maps red. He's in phase two and he finds all the volume Difficult to do in one day without feeling like he's killing himself So he's asking would it be a bad idea to break up the foundational workouts into more days while keeping the same volume? Well, Jake, it sounds like you're a pussy. Yeah, whoa. Next question.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Next question. I'm just kidding, Jake. No, he's joking. Listen, here's the thing. At the end of the day, I don't care what advice we've ever given. We always end it with this. Listen to your body. If you're doing something,
Starting point is 00:15:46 I don't care if it's a program we developed. If you're doing something and it's killing you and you're not feeling good and it's not working for you, then reduce it, modify, change it. You gotta follow your body because the best program to work out in the world is not gonna do you any good
Starting point is 00:16:01 if it's too much for your body and is maps too much for some people. Of course it is, absolutely, but that's why we also leave a lot of room for people to modify according to their body. So if you're in phase two and it's too much volume and it's too difficult for you, don't break it up in a different days, just cut the volume down, reduce the sets. Reduce the sets of how many exercise you're doing or even cut some exercises out and focus on the ones that are the most important. Well, I think that's okay to do what he's doing, too, also, don't you?
Starting point is 00:16:32 I don't think there's anything wrong with spreading it out. Well, here's maps of design three days. Three days. We're not a trigger session concept. See, here's a thing. This is why I say no to that that because the goal is to stay within the parameters. You don't say no, you say it would be more ideal.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Yeah, yeah, yeah, because the concepts of maps read, you lose them more if you start to break up the foundational workouts and work out more days. It changes what it is. Yeah, versus reducing the volume. You see what I'm saying? Let's explain what you mean by that. So you would reduce the total amount of sets you're doing, right? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Rather than split up what we tell you to do in our sample workout into more days, which then just kind of changes it to more, brings it closer to a body parts split. I would say reduce the volume and reduce the sets and see how you feel after that. You'll be surprised. I mean, you got to understand that people's capacity for workload can be dramatically different from person to person. That does not mean the results you're gonna get are less either.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Some people just need less volume, just do better with less volume and get the same, get great results. Well, let's be honest, the goal is to do the least amount possible to list a change. If you can get away with doing one set of each one of those exercises and your body is changing and you're still having a great workout,
Starting point is 00:17:49 well, fuck it, hey, do that first, you know. Do that for the first three to four weeks before you start to increase volume. So I agree with Sal, I think that that is ideal, but I also think that that wouldn't be a fail by doing it that way either. I think the way the programs is designed with the trigger sessions, they're supposed to complement these foundational days, it's design that you have these three days, I think it does take
Starting point is 00:18:14 a little bit away from the program, but I also think that the reason why I picked this is because I've done that before. There's been a time before where I get halfway through the workout and I'm just like, I'm spent and instead of pushing myself through beyond that, I say, you know what, I'm gonna pick up where I left off tomorrow on these other body parts and I've done that before until I could handle the entire volume. You know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You always say, Adam always says, you wanna do the minimum amount required to yield the best results, right? It's funny because you can apply that to anything, and it's interesting. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who's a physician, and he was talking about medications, pain medications in particular. And he said that exact thing. He said, take the minimum amount to give you what you're looking for and don't take any
Starting point is 00:19:00 more than that because when you take more, the benefit you get starts to drop off dramatically. But the side effects start to dramatically increase. The same is true with exercise. You wanna do the minimum amount to get results because once you start doing more, the amount of results you get for that more starts to diminish, but the side effects start to dramatically increase.
Starting point is 00:19:21 So if you're doing this workout, and it's just feeling like it's too much, listen to your body, reduce it, and watch what happens, and judge your workout on its results, not on the intent. Never judge anything on the intent, by the way. The intent can be great.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I can come, I can intend to have the greatest results in the world, and I'm intending to have all these fat loss and muscle gain, but if that's not happening at the end of the day, that's all that fucking matter. So based it off of how you feel, off your results, reduce the volume and start to monitor and see if your strength goes up, if your body starts to get... That's a really interesting thing to think about with exercise because like, is it really your goal to be doing like two hours of working out?
Starting point is 00:20:04 Fuck no. Right? Who wants to do that? It's just not sustainable. And it's so funny because I know we've had people before our peers, and by peers, I mean people in the fitness industry, I don't mean other smart fitness trainers
Starting point is 00:20:17 that have given a shit for, you know, oh, you know, team no sweat, and you got, oh, you're being a pussy or no, it's not that at all. It's just like, why would I create more work? It's just like, why would I go to work and work more to make less money? If I can work less and make more money, it's to me, it's like duh.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It's, duh. Like, why do I want to go to the gym and work extra hard if I can get more results doing less work that's more effective? Because we've now, they've started. Everyone wants to be a fucking martyr. Yeah, they've glorified the hard work of it. And what I mean by that is they don't,
Starting point is 00:20:54 a lot of people don't identify hard work as effective work. Hard work to them means something you hate fucking doing. I've actually had people tell me this like, that they'll be like, oh man, I worked, you know, I worked 60 hours last week and I'll be like, oh I work about that much. I'm like, yeah, but you like your job, it's different. And you're not really working.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's like, you know, obviously your mind, you have a distorted view of what work really means. Hard work doesn't just mean shit, you hate to fucking do. If that was the case, then I would stop doing mind pump. I'd go, you know, dig holes for livin. Go dig holes and pull them back. Exactly, that reminds me of that,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I mean, growing up like that and working all these labor intensive jobs. It was like, you know, like some people had, had pride behind it, which was great. But even then you'd get guys that were resistant to like tools that would really benefit you. They would make your job a lot easier and more efficient. They finished the job really quickly.
Starting point is 00:21:52 They're like, no, I do it this way. You're a fucking idiot. Dude, I wouldn't you do that. So I was just talking to a friend of mine because I was talking about how I want to hire somebody, a housekeeper, I want to hire someone to come, clean my house and organize it. And this friend of mine's kind of old school
Starting point is 00:22:10 and I, oh, you're fucking lazy, why don't you just save the money and do it yourself. Don't be so lazy, it's not a big deal, clean the house. And I explained to them, I said, look, cleaning my entire house would take me, I don't know if I went real fast, or whatever, two hours, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I could hire someone for two hours, and it might cost me 75 bucks to pay them for two hours of housekeeping. I can make more money in two hours than it's gonna cost me to spend on them cleaning the house. Absolutely. I have profited, and then they say, well, what if you do nothing in those places?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Not to mention you've actually created a job for somebody. It's all, that's the way I look. I look at this beautiful circle that you have a profession that you hopefully love that what you do regardless of you love it not. That you've decided to do it as a living or to make a living and I'm providing work for you because I've had one since I was 21.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So since I bought my house, I've always had a house cleaner and that's been my theory since the very beginning is that I can go in the amount of time that it takes my theory since the very beginning is that I can go and The amount of time that it takes me or takes me would take me to clean the house that this for these four cleaners come in and do Do it in an hour or two hours time. I can be doing something else that I'm more passionate about that I love doing and providing Another service for somebody else in that benefit. It is yeah, it is so I to me only when people say shit like that as just so It's silly thinking to me and the same thing goes for working out. It's the same mentality.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And here, it's hard because we have a lot of these bodybuilders out there right now that are in covers of magazines and on the forefront when it comes to social media and shit. I can't wait to see where all of them are in 10 years. Like show me these guys that like, that's all they do. They live in the gym two to four hours a day, every single day of their life, every post, everything they do about is beast mode this, is training this, is exercises,
Starting point is 00:23:56 shirt off selfie this, every single thing they've done for the last like three, four years because they're chasing this, you know, becoming a pro dream or cover a magazine dream. You know, let's see where these guys are all, these guys and girls are all at in 10 years, went and went all that shit, doesn't pan out the way they plan to,
Starting point is 00:24:15 if they still have the motivation and drive to maintain this. And if they haven't created these poor relationships with exercise and nutrition, and where that goes, because most people that I've been, being someone who's been doing this for 15 plus years I've seen that I mean 10 years ago I remember seeing the most elite looking physiques before and I see where they're all at now a lot of them have
Starting point is 00:24:35 Jobs that aren't even related to fitness they all stop working. They don't go to the gym anymore They that's the crazy thing to me and they talk about stories of when they were. Oh, I remember when I was. Oh, I remember this picture. Yeah, fuck that. I don't want to be like that. I want to be healthy and fit the rest of my, I want to progress every year. At least in some aspect,
Starting point is 00:24:53 I may be able to look back and show people when I competed, look how cool I looked. This was the best shape, but I want to continue to progress in my health and fitness journey, even though I may have had peaks in my career as far as aesthetics, I still want to progress in my health and fitness journey, even though I may have had peaks in my career as far as aesthetics, I still want to progress my overall health, mental health, physical health, spiritual health, all that shit I want to see increase year over year, and I don't want that to ever
Starting point is 00:25:15 stop. And I think the best way of doing that is not letting yourself get burnt out. And I see so many people just about being smart, man. We're humans for God's sake. So we're intelligent creatures. Regrest of volume, drop your sets a little bit, go down to one set if you have to, you know, or maybe pay attention to what movements are really burning you out, and maybe regress just one set of those and see what happens before you move back out. Great advice. Frank Bull, thoughts on fat burners. The crap. Fat burners. Next question. Well, you know what? I picked this question for us because it's a good time to answer. We're heading right into the new year.
Starting point is 00:25:50 We are. We're heading into the new year. We've had a huge surge in downloads this last month because we were on on Ben Greenfield show. We did some stuff with Jordan. We did. We've had on it. Yeah, we're on it. So we've got a lot of new listeners that probably haven't gone back and listened to 400 episodes already.
Starting point is 00:26:07 So we haven't really addressed supplements in a long time, although this was something that we talked a lot about when we first started. And fat burners and muscle builders, period as a name is already a red flag for you. There's no pill on the face of the earth that is going to just build muscle on your body or is just going to burn fat.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Your body doesn't work that way. Most everything that's out there is a complete gimmick. And really when you talk about even the ones that are supported by all these great studies and backed by science, you're splitting hairs on how much it really is helping you. There's so many other things that you should be focusing on that's going to help out. Well, here's a thing. Fat burners, as a general rule, kind of are broken up into two categories.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You have your stimulant-based fat burners, and then you have fat burners that contain ingredients that your body utilizes to mobilize fat in the fat burning process. So let's start with that first. There is a process the body goes through when it takes fat and turns it into energy to be burned. And there are certain things that are used, certain nutrients that are used to do that process. And so taking supplements that provide more of that doesn't make more of that happen if
Starting point is 00:27:23 it's not going to happen in the first place. Okay, now if one of those ingredients happens to be a limiting factor, let's say you're lacking in a particular nutrient that you're deficient in and so it's kind of slowing down or stopping the fat burning process, then yeah, it's gonna help you. But if you're otherwise healthy,
Starting point is 00:27:38 it's not gonna do shit for you. It's like, it would be like me, you know, quadrupling my protein intake, but having no muscle building signal. Like, where's that extra protein gonna go? I didn't get it turned into muscle. My body doesn't want to build muscle anyway. She's gonna go straight to body fat.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Well, these fat mobilizing based supplements are the same thing. So pretty much a waste of money. On the other side, you have the stimulant-based fat burners. Can they help you lose weight indirectly in a very short, in the short term, maybe? And the way they do it is they, for the most part, will suppress your appetite. You take some of these very powerful,
Starting point is 00:28:11 stimulate, suppress your appetite and increase your heart rate. Well, I mean, the, the, the thermogenic effect of the stimulants is, is minor. It's minor and so that's not really doing much for you. Really, if anybody sees weight loss from a stimulant-based fat burner, it's because it kept them from eating more food because they're appetite-suppressant. But what you want to consider is how stimulants work. Stimulants will tell the body to produce more of particular types of chemicals or
Starting point is 00:28:42 natural hormones. Catecholamines, for example, if I take something that increases epinephrine and or epinephrine, I'm going to feel more hyper, I might move a little more and it's going to suppress my appetite. However, my body soon picks up on this and it starts to reduce its own natural production of these chemicals and it starts to reduce or down regulate its own receptors that these particular chemicals connect to. And the effects become very short lived and then I get a rebound effect to where I have to take these stimulants just to stay normal. And then at one point, I got to go off of them.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And then I go through a two or three week period of feeling like shit, feeling sluggish, feeling tired with an increased appetite. And all of us experience this with good old-fashioned coffee. I mean, for those of you that drink coffee every single day, you know what I'm talking about, when you avoid coffee for a week, you feel like shit for a week. Because physical withdrawal.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Well, your body has become dependent on this particular substance. So when it comes to fat burners, they're all waste of money. They all... 100%. Well, they're all complete waste of money. You're better off.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Meanwhile, yeah, you know what a great fat burner is fasting. Yeah. I mean, absolutely. And I hate to say that because I hate using it like that, but at the same time, you know, like what's more effective than that and not being oversaturated with calories all the time? Well, I think that's an excellent point.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I mean, this is how the way the body works is it's going to for fuel, it's going to want to tap it, and it's going to want to use glucose, right? That's an excellent point. I mean, this is how the way the body works is it's going to, for fuel, it's going to want to tap and it's going to want to use glucose, right? That's the primary source of fuel. And when you deprive the body of that, the next source of fuel that it's going to want to utilize is fat. Yeah. So when you're in this fasted state where you have an E8 for 17 plus hours, even if you're
Starting point is 00:30:20 not exercising, you can be sitting on the couch and you can be sitting there and your body is going to be metabolizing fat. Now flip that, say you eat normal, you're eating your X amount of meals every single day, you're not fasted, but you take your fat burner pill and you sit on the couch, I think I do shit for you. No. Fat burner pill isn't gonna do anything for you.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Your body isn't gonna start all-subtabilizing fat because you took some pill, it doesn't work that way. Your body's still gonna search for that stored glucose that your body has because you ate maybe a few hours before that. I mean, you gotta remember, like anything you take that you instantly feel this energy boost or this, like,
Starting point is 00:30:56 whoa, I can tell I just took something with it's a pre-workout or a stimuli-based fat burner. You can feel it and your body knows it and your body will very quickly start to adapt to whatever you're doing and start to adjust its own natural state the way it normally is. You don't fucking want that to happen. You don't want your body to adjust its natural state to make up for this stimulant that you're taking externally because then you become dependent on it and then you have withdrawal.
Starting point is 00:31:23 When you go off of it, this is true for any substance that does that, whether it's nicotine, alcohol, or a fat burner. This is why fat burners have been anything but the panacea that they've been promised to do. I mean, the original stimulant-based fat burners, the most effective ones were a fedra. Yeah, a fedra. And a fedra, sure, is fucked in, sure, it didn't cure anybody's fat loss, you know, problems.
Starting point is 00:31:47 So these new ones on the market ain't gonna, ain't gonna do a damn thing either. So I'd say stay away from fat burners, tell you what, look, our fasting guide teaches you how to fast properly. There's six different ways to fast that we highlight that we find to be the most effective. We encourage people to use fasting for health,
Starting point is 00:32:02 but the side effect of fasting can be fat loss. It's 27 bucks. It's probably 10 to $20 cheaper than your average fat burner. Invest in a fasting guy. You only have to buy it once. Practice that shit. You'll blow away any fat burner you've ever taken. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Nicole Mal, have you ever heard of the fascia blaster? It sounds like the butt blaster, because I've seen that in the gym. Sounds like a weird porn. I haven't heard of that. The sky blaster. You just did with fashions. I'm just finishing with fashions.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I'm just finishing with fashions. It's all my face. I'm pulling it up right now. It's fucking stupid. Oh yeah, it's like a roller. It's just a tool. It's just like little prongs on it. And you really aggressively bring rubbing across your
Starting point is 00:32:45 your basically raking your tissue. So, Brink just got somebody on our forum recently about this. Dimitar was actually doing a post with his the the medicine, not the medicine ball, the lacrosse ball on his so as trying to get relief from that. And this was something that he was talking about, you know, the old school mentality of, you know, finding these trigger points or knots that we used to say inside, you know, on our fascia or in our muscle, you would put this and you would try and roll it out.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And it just doesn't work that way. Normally, when we have these aches or tightness or pain that's going on, it's's going on, we're in mobile. We've basically got these overactive and underactive muscles and what really needs to happen is we need to learn to mobilize and get that tissue active and moving and doing it with this outside force
Starting point is 00:33:39 by the tool is almost counterproductive to what you're trying to do. It is. Well, two things. First of all, you fascia, breaking up fascia, releasing fascia what you're trying to do. It is. Well, two things. First of all, you, fascia breaking up fascia, releasing fascia, you're not doing it. There's nothing you can do aside from surgically, you know, going in and doing something with your fascia or getting severely injured.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Well, I just, I just wanted before you can make a very strong statement like that too. I want to say that there is a lot we're learning about fascia right now. There is, but the way that it is. But the way they describe it, like go in and break up, yeah. Which is even more reason why it's wrong, right? The fact that they talk that you can go in and do all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Well, I'm pretty sure that they are trying to market it, like you can break up the fat and then you're just, yeah, you can like shit it out. That's what they're asking about. Oh, that's even what they're asking about. Yeah, that's even fucking worse. I was just gonna say, really? That's what they're asking about.
Starting point is 00:34:24 The fascia blast is actually. Yes, nothing to do is mile fascia release. It has to do with like, oh yeah, you can break up all your fat to your tune. It's the stupid tool. No way, really? It's the stupid tool that's this hard plastic or whatever tool.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And what you do is you really, you aggressively rub it on cellular. Oh wow, okay. And it makes cellulite go away. Okay, so now I'm here, okay. Ashley Black is, and she's trademarked it. So it's fascia blasters, hers, it's $89. It lessens the look of cellulite, breaks down fat cells,
Starting point is 00:34:57 improves muscle performance, reduces pain, accelerates muscle recovery. No, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, yeah. So, I wanna let the listeners know, by the way, this is not new. If you go back 30, 40 years, they've had, this is actually old, rehashed bullshit. Every, God, every few years.
Starting point is 00:35:17 It's like a squeam there. Dude, every few years, what they'll do is they'll come out with this new fat loss piece of equipment or whatever. And it's just rehashed old shit. For example, I guarantee it's gonna come out again this season. The thing you wear over your abs, the electric stem, that makes your abs contract and you wear it. And then, oh, you don't need to work out your abs.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You just wear this while you work. Like, they've been marketing that shit for the last 20 years. Yeah, that'll come back. Yeah, I've already seen it come back and then go away and it's gonna come back again. Rubbing, getting someone to really like deep tissue massage, you know, cellulite to make it go away. It's been around for a long time.
Starting point is 00:35:55 It's bullshit. Here's what it will do. Temporarily, if you do this to your cellulite, it will look like your cellulite starts to go away. Well, this is because you make some, the in between areas swell, the fluid, and it creates the solution of having less cellulite. Two days later, it comes right back.
Starting point is 00:36:12 It doesn't accelerate fat loss. It doesn't reduce cellulite. It doesn't eliminate cellulite. It doesn't break up fascia. It doesn't do any of that shit. And that's how they trick you into buying their bullshit. It's like the body wraps. Ooh, I lost three inches from the body wraps.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Well, that's because you can compress fat cells and then they expand to what they were before and you've done nothing or you sweat out of water and yeah your tighter all of a sudden so if you have cellulite and you wanted to kind of reduce it's a fat the way it looks because you're gonna go to the beach the next day maybe but I will say this you run the risk of bruising the shit out of yourself so you might have less cellulite but you have massive bruises of. Look at this marketing dude. Scarfage isn't it? Oh, she's got major league baseball players coming out with testimonials.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Oh no, the page is just like phenomenal. I mean, it's so important to protect your brand. They're gonna look like such dumbasses later on. For attaching themselves to that shit. Well, it's not, yeah, right? I didn't see what Pro did. I mean, her page is like phenomenal. I mean, it's a great sales page. I mean, she's got, she's right? Yeah, who are, I didn't see what Pro did. I mean, her page is like phenomenal. I mean, it's a great sales page.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I mean, she's got, she's making a lot more money than we are. Obviously, I mean, you can see all these things do. I mean, they just take your money and then it's over. And then, Oh, what am I, what am I good friends? Is wife is, I mean, it's part of the reason why I've,
Starting point is 00:37:18 I always feel bad when we hammer the shit out of the squeams and so on that, but she has made a fortune off of people and People want to buy the illusion they want to buy into the quick fix like it's it's always a battle And so if you want to hear from us It's it's we have to tell you it's bullshit because it is and you know, we're not gonna make money off of like these gimmicks so no Aaron K. Edwards.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Can we have a whole episode asking Doug about his fitness journey and working with you three? What? Yeah. So Doug, you kidding me? What's these assholes? Doug, that may be two episodes long, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I don't know. Talk to us about your fitness journey and then you can talk about how difficult it is working with three chimps. He has challenging all the way across the board for sure. My fitness journey, okay, well let's go back to Rocky 3. That's what I'll start it for me. How old were you, how old were you when you first? I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I thought we had a robot. No, when you first started lifting. I think Mr. T, yeah, Mr. T. So I must have been, I hate to age myself or date myself this way, but I was probably around 15 when Rocky 3 came out. T. Yeah, so I must have been I hate to age myself or date myself this way But I was probably wrong what 15 when Rocky 3 came out, okay, and I saw still alone I said you know that guy looks good. I want to look just like that. That's so that really is what motivated you just truly how ironic Then you found sell I got the real life for each other
Starting point is 00:38:41 Now sitting in my studio We should have. We should have. Now sitting in my studio. Oh, buddy, is that okay? Continue on that, let's get it. So anyway, I watched the movie, about that time my dad got me a membership for a local gym. It was a lifetime membership, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:54 One time fee, lifetime membership. Of course, the gym went out of business two or three years. That's brilliant. But my buddy and I, we worked out hard. And I started to subscribe to Muscle and Fitness Magazine. Yes. And I started reading that. I saw all the ads for all the cool supplements
Starting point is 00:39:14 in the back of that thing. I started saving up my money, spending money on that crap. I followed these workouts from these big old, massive guys. But at this time, you don't think it's crap. At this time, you're really hoping that you're gonna buy this stuff and it's gonna help. And your goal was obviously to buy lots of stuff. I wanted to build some size. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Did you drink raw eggs? I didn't do that. Actually, I didn't do that. But, you know what I think you talked about the, was it cyber genics? Yeah. I remember buying that. See, that was expensive.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Cyber genics had like this, they sold you like 10 different supplements and it was, they were like the pioneers of the before and after bullshit, like pictures, like they were the fucking kings. Even before EAS. Dude, they were the kings of it. I've been a Google, I'm gonna Google it so you guys can see. Yeah, I truly believe that. So you took Cybergenics?
Starting point is 00:39:55 I did. I did. I paid the money. I remember at the time it was really expensive. I couldn't afford it, but I paid for it because I was desperate because, you know, I believe because I saw these bodybuilders that they knew what they're doing. I mean, they're big.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Oh, why would they not know what they're doing? Some that's working. Yeah, some things working. So I follow their arm workouts, their chest workouts, their shoulder workouts, and I got some growth early on, but nothing significant. I mean, substantial. And it just became plateau after plateau,
Starting point is 00:40:25 from that point forward. So over the years, I worked, worked out fairly consistently, but then I'd go through periods where I just stopped because I was just totally frustrated, right? And then I would take it back up with new hope. Something would come across my desk and say, okay, you know, do this to build muscle. Oh, maybe this will work for me. So I kept trying thing after thing after thing. So you did the whole body parts, split, you did the... I did everything they said to do in the magazine.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Okay. And again, I never really saw any growth and I thought, well, maybe I'm just a hard gainer. Actually, that's true. Doug told me that. He literally told me that when we first started training together that he was a hard gaingainer, you know? Yeah, and if you know him now, you would never guess that, you know, you're looking at a guy who can deadlift over two times body weight
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah, you know fantastic Yeah, so you know the years progressed and you know, I've always was as a kid I was kind of an overweight chubby boy and then throughout my 20s and 30s and even my 40s, I always dealt with 20, 25 pounds excess fat. And then I lose weight, I was constantly going up and down. And the way I deal with it always would be to work out more.
Starting point is 00:41:38 How am I gonna lose this weight? Okay, I'm running four times a week. I'm playing tennis three times a week. I'm going to the gym two or three times a week. I would just, I'd work out really hard. And I was in actually what you'd considered to be excellent shape, but I would be, you know, 15, 20, 25 pounds overweight
Starting point is 00:41:56 all this time. So around, what was it? 2001, I did the body for life challenge with some friends. Oh, the Bill Phillips. Yeah. There's the EAS. Yeah. Did did the EAS I bought every product they had I Had the book I had the journal my old shakes. Yeah, all that stuff. I followed it to a tee and I mean I lost weight I got down to the thinnest I'd been for a while. I got to give him credit where credits do I put on some muscle in my
Starting point is 00:42:24 Opinion around that time, I thought that body for life was why I actually used to refer people to that book. I thought it was one of the better bits of information. Well, he at least attempted to do, apply a little bit of smart, you know. So. So I did a three month thing,
Starting point is 00:42:36 and but the thing is, you know, the book, you look at the book and there's all these great before and after pictures. And it's just like incredible transformations. And I looked at great before and after pictures. And it's just like incredible transformations. And I looked at my before and after picture and it was nowhere close to what those people had seen as far as results are concerned. So I was frustrated after all that was concerned.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I thought, you know, I followed everything to the T, every workout, every meal plan. I could imagine because I know your personality. I am that way. I am that way. If you tell me this, me this I'm gonna do I'm gonna follow it Tell or yeah, he's a dream client Yeah, it is for sure if I were to miss a single workout. I would have felt I felt would have felt like I That was a reason why yeah, that was the reason why exactly I missed one workout
Starting point is 00:43:19 I failed at doing this so I was that type of extreme person and So I did them my three months, I looked a lot better, but I fell off the wagon after that because it's like, oh, I didn't get the results that they promised in the book. So, you know, I'm going to go back to my old way of doing things and I regain the weight. And then I think it was around 2011 or so. I was know by this time you've got shit. 20 20 years. Oh, I have 30 years. I have 30 years under my belt of moderate to no gains and up and down fat gain and loss.
Starting point is 00:43:54 So around 2011, I was at a family reunion down at Newport, California and there's a beach and they had volleyball and I didn't want to take my shirt off because I was fat and I have a picture of me going for a volleyball hit and my shirt had, you know, rode up my belly a little bit and I had this blubber hanging out underneath my shirt and I said, you know, this is it. I'm done. I'm done with this. I realized at that point and I had this epiphany that said, okay, if I continue doing what I've always done, I'm gonna get the same results I've always gotten. And in order for me to take the fad off
Starting point is 00:44:31 and keep it off for the rest of my life, I have to totally change my relationship with food, and I have to realize I'm never gonna be able to go back to the way it was, because it's always been, okay, I'm gonna lose the weight, and then I can go back and start eating the way I like to eat, which was basically indulgent, okay, I'm gonna lose the weight and then I can go back and start eating the way I like to eat, which was basically indulgent and, you know, eat anything that I wanted to at any point in time.
Starting point is 00:44:50 So I said, all right, I'm going to take this weight off and I'm gonna never go back to the same way of eating. And I became very mindful of what I was eating. I tracked, I tracked for 18 months straight. I never missed a meal. Now, because we talk, I know, Sal openly talks a lot about not being big fans of tracking. I say, I love to track.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Did you find it was something that was very important to your journey? Did you learn a lot to that process? Yeah, absolutely. For one thing, I realized I didn't know what I was eating. I thought I knew what I was eating. I thought I knew how many calories I was consuming. I thought I knew what I was eating. I thought I knew how many calories I was consuming. I thought I was eating good food and that type of thing.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And actually, in truth, my diet from a nutritional standpoint was probably better than most Americans. I didn't do soft drinks, I didn't do fast food. I was very mindful. Would you say that, when you assessed him, when you first got hit, would you think, oh, this guy's pretty health conscious already. Well, you guys know Doug, you know the kind of individual he is.
Starting point is 00:45:46 So he had buried himself into fitness and health and he was far more knowledgeable than the average person. The problem was a lot of the knowledge that he had when it came to exercise in particular was the, because I mean, look, you go read about exercise and it's like, there's no good information out there. Yeah. So you've been tracking, you've tracked for like a year, you've said for a long time. I did it for 18 months.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I religiously. Wow. And I knew exactly what I was eating. And I realized if I, I didn't know what I was eating before that time because it was just, oh yeah, I'm not really eating that much. And then you write it down, it's got holy crap. I knocked out 2500 calories today.
Starting point is 00:46:21 You got to be kidding me. I didn't think I ate near that much. And so I did the tracking. I had this ritual every day and I still follow it to this day. And that is I wake up in the morning, take a pee, I take a tape and measure my waist to see where I'm at because that really indicates to me, you know, if I'm going up or down, I'd weigh myself. That was more secondary because weight fluctuates more. And I'd record it every day. I'd write it down.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And then I'd go drink like three cups of water or so. And that was a ritual that I did. And I did. I totally changed by doing that. I totally transformed my relationship with food. I never put the weight back on. And then I can't remember what year it was, but I was referred to a chiropractor
Starting point is 00:47:11 who ended up referring me over to a cell. I think it's about 2013 or something. Yeah, I think so. So I'd already lost that weight for the most part. And then I went over to cell because I had, you know, some issues with my lower back. And this chiropractor, Dr. Renshaw, he said, you know, this guy knows more about fitness than anybody I know.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And his approach is totally different. And when you work out with Sal, you're not gonna be exhausted, you're gonna be energized. And I go, that's interesting. And so what happened though, I met Sal, obviously a very smart guy. I could see that's interesting. And so what happened though, I met Sal, obviously a very smart guy. I could see that he walked the walk, and I started working out,
Starting point is 00:47:51 and it rekindled my desire to start putting some mass back on. I remember, I told Doug. So when he first came in, did he, what do you remember what he asked you? Oh yeah, we were talking about his back, but then he would tell me about his goals in his history, and I told Doug, I mean, I'll never forget the look you gave me when I told him, you're going to be working, you're going to be lifting weights twice a week.
Starting point is 00:48:08 He looked at me like twice, because here's a guy that when he lifted weights, it was, you know, between four to six days a week with these, you know, these crazy routines. He looks at me like twice a week and I'm like, yeah, we're going to start, we're going to work out two days a week. It was maybe a year and a half before he went up to three days a week. That entire time, I mean, strength gains on a very consistent level. I think that's when you discovered you weren't a hard gainer after all. Yeah, things started to change rapidly.
Starting point is 00:48:32 And I was very impressed by that, of course. And it's like, oh, wow. Everything I thought I knew about weightlifting is total BS. And so I did see great gains. And then I think when we started to do the original maps program in 2013 I Well, it's actually 2014 2014 was 2014. I Went and I dropped my body fat way down took some pictures. You took some pictures There's some before and after somewhere out there. We got them on the mind pump by jeans pretty deep down there now
Starting point is 00:49:03 We posted way down there, but yeah, I got, I don't know what. Just you should be all right. Yeah, you should be post that for how many, what percent my body fat was at that stage, but single digit. Yeah, I got for sure single digit. I got down to 143 pounds, anomic 5.8. It saw super lean. Strong as hell. And strong. Strong. Very strong. Yeah, you're pulling what how much you deadlift It's max is four would you hit four oh four oh five max deadlift? Yeah, that was that was that a hundred and fifty three pounds That's a that's a very very good deadlift. Yeah, yeah, for sure So you know, I'm about 156 pounds right now
Starting point is 00:49:38 So I've gained some weight. I'm not as lean as I was but you know, I continue to weight, I'm not as lean as I was, but you know, I continue to progress. And I'm a lot healthier. As a matter of fact, this is interesting because one of the things I never did was mobility type stuff. And I would be all stiff. I remember, remember when I first went to your gym and we were doing squats and my hips right here, they hurt so much. I could, I could not do squats. And you said, oh, you got to get, you know, you got to do some stretching, you could not do squats. And you said, oh, you gotta do some stretching, you gotta do some mobility work. And then that pain went completely away. But in recent months, I've been doing a lot more mobility work
Starting point is 00:50:15 and everything has just gotten so much better. You know, this whole concept that, yeah, you're getting older, you're gonna get stiff, you can't do as much as you used to, I find that to be largely crap. It's crazy how many people just give into that, right? That misconception. Some of my, oh wait till you get older,
Starting point is 00:50:32 you'll see you just can't move, it's not that you can't, you've allowed yourself. So at what point after you had gone through this journey, you had gotten the best shape, you're now pulling more weight to you, every built more muscle, at one point did you shape, you're now pulling more weight to you every, built more muscle. At one point, did you decide that you wanted to do business with Sal?
Starting point is 00:50:49 What did that marriage happen and how did that go down? And who asked who out? Yeah. And what were you wearing? Yeah, I was wearing shorts. Very short ones. I have my T-shirt, does he have cowboy boots on? Cowboy boots.
Starting point is 00:51:03 He sells the sucker for cowboy boots. Yeah, he is. Big sucker for that. No, I mean, I first met Sal, and I could tell that this guy was very smart, very knowledgeable, and anytime I meet anybody, I'm always thinking about, okay, what kind of relationship might there be in the future
Starting point is 00:51:20 from a business standpoint? You know, I'm always open to be an open about collaborating. Collaborating opportunity. I've always been kind of wired that way. I've always been an entrepreneur. I just kept it back in my mind. This guy, there may be something that we can do together because I had some experience
Starting point is 00:51:41 in internet marketing. I had a lot of different skills. I could bring to the tables, far photography and videography and websites and that type of thing. And I had been wanting to get into the online line marketing realm. And so I just keeping this in the back of my mind
Starting point is 00:51:56 because I was totally in the health and fitness and that type of thing. I thought, well, if I can meld all these things together, this would be like a super awesome thing to do. And so I'd talk to Sal about it after maybe, all these things together, this would be like a super awesome thing to do. So I'd talk to Sal about it after maybe, I don't know, a year of working out with him, just kind of dropping some seeds. He's like, you know, I do some of this online marketing stuff, and you have some pretty
Starting point is 00:52:15 interesting things you do with health and fitness. Maybe we can do something together at some point. However, it wasn't really very clear at that time what that might be because there's such a crowded marketplace here as far as health and fitness is concerned. It's really hard to get an in-road here unless you have something very unique or special to offer. And then one day, Sal says, you know what, I came up with this concept,
Starting point is 00:52:41 this trigger session concept, and this whole concept for this program called Maps, and it stands for Muscular Adaptation Programming System. And it's revolutionary, and he started to describe it, and intuitively, just from him describing it, I knew there was something real to this thing. Especially since you've pretty much hands on experience it, because you went through it, and you were a great candidate for it,
Starting point is 00:53:04 because you had gone through all the other bullshit heading into it right? Right exactly and then but then the concepts of maps with the trigger sessions and that type of thing started to integrate that in and Saw that it actually worked, you know, he talked about the adaptation process and how like, you know, how do you tan skin. It's frequency. It's not like huge volumes of sun will give you a sun tan. Look at the male carrier. Why do they have big calves? They're not out there doing calf raises with 300 pounds. They're just walking around. This whole concept of frequency really made sense to me.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Then of course, I put it to the test and I said, you know what? This is the thing that we need to take to the test and I said, you know what, this is the thing that we need to take to the marketplace. And he felt at that time, right, Sal? You felt at that time that, yeah, this is the time that we can start developing this thing. So we got to work on this whole process
Starting point is 00:53:56 of putting together maps and a ball like, and we did photos. Well, Doug convinced me, Doug was the one that convinced me to do video. Cause I was gonna write a book. I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna put it together in a book and put it out and he's like, no, no, no, no, no the one that convinced me to do video. Because I was going to write a book. I'm like, yeah, I'm going to put it together in a book and put it out. And he's like, no, no, no, no, we need to do video. I don't want to be on a video. I never done video before. But, you know, we started shooting him and it worked out great. That was it from there. And it had been, what, it was about a year you guys had under your belt before we all got together.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yeah, about a year. Yeah, I think we launched Maps Red in, was it 2013? And then in 2014, we got together in fall. No, maybe 2014, we launched it in 2015. I think we got together, right? Well, I remember we shot your photos in 2013. That's right. The summer of 2013.
Starting point is 00:54:41 That's right, we were together all of 2015. Oh, we were. That's right. So, yeah, 2013, we right. We were together all of 2015. Oh, we were. That's right. So, yeah, 2013, we shot the photos, we kind of put things together. I think we launched it that fall. I mean, all these things take a lot of time, especially if you've never actually done it before. You know, you create like a membership site, all that back end stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:58 If you're not familiar with it, it takes a lot of effort to put it all together. And we finally put it together in October of 2013 and we were basically marketing maps and a balic for about a year or so before, we got the whole mind pump crew together. So. And then what's that been like for you? I mean, you've been somebody who's been
Starting point is 00:55:18 from the very beginning, you've experienced yourself, you've gone through maps, huge transformation, you and Sal hit it off business-wise, and then you meet these two knuckleheads. And Mind Plump is created. And what's it been like for you, all the goods, the bads, what's, you know, I mean, what's it been like?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Well, it's been a wild ride first off. I had no idea where it might go. And I think I said this on another podcast like a year and a half ago, is I go, these guys, if they're not good, we have no future with this thing. Oh, yeah, that first one, huh? Oh, yeah. So I remember I grabbed a camera.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I'm getting all my equipment together, my microphones and my XLR cables and stands and cameras and dragging it over to your place. I think it was. Yeah, your place, Adam, setting all this stuff up and we turned on the recorder and you guys started talking about sparkly tains. I'm going, okay. Yes. What have I got myself into? But I did recognize that there was great chemistry. And so I was very hopeful that this would go someplace. In fact, early on I felt like this has a real chance if they can keep this energy going and provide real valuable content.
Starting point is 00:56:32 This could go, you know, this guy's a limit really. And then that's been proven out over time. We have had a wild ride here. You know, early on I felt like, well, you know, I am definitely not the fitness trainer, I'm not the authority here, I'm the producer, I got to make sure everything flows properly. And there's been a certain degree of stress regarding that because, especially Adam is like, dog, dog, damn it, dog. That's like a meme that will never die.
Starting point is 00:57:03 That's you a meme that will never die. That's the image of it, dumb. Dammit, dumb! So I feel the way to the world on my shoulders sometimes, but I love it. I mean, I can spend all day doing this, and I do. Yeah, I do spend all day. So we record here, just so you know everybody out there. I we come in record, a episode or two, we record some videos, and then when we're all done at the end of the day, I come in record a episode or two, we record some videos, and then when we're all
Starting point is 00:57:25 done at the end of the day, I go in and I'm uploading everything to editors, I edit some of the stuff myself, like the shows, and sometimes this stuff doesn't end until like 12 o'clock or 1 o'clock in the morning, getting all that taken care of. So it's a lot of work, but it's a lot of reward as well. I mean, again, I'm doing what I love. So I'm doing fitness. I'm doing design work. I'm doing editing.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I'm doing all the creative stuff that I love. And so I can't ask for much more than that. You know, being a guy who's been through a lot as far as not just the health and fitness journey, but even like career-wise, you've done a lot of different things. Do you feel like you have found what you plan to do for the rest of your life?
Starting point is 00:58:07 Like have you fallen in that much in love with it? No, absolutely. I mean, there's nothing else I'd rather do. For most of my career, I've been an entrepreneur and I've done all types of different things in the financial arena, I've done things in sales, that type of thing. And every time I was doing any type of job,
Starting point is 00:58:23 I was always thinking about where else can I go? What else can I do? Because I'm not being stimulated by this. I'm not excited by this. We definitely stimulate you. I'm so overstimulated. Yeah. I just drool at you. You need to get you a personal masseuse. So yeah, all my life, I've always been looking for that thing that I would be totally engrossed with, that I love and that had a lot of potential. And ever since I've been doing this, I've never looked elsewhere. I mean, there's nothing else to look at for me.
Starting point is 00:58:56 So yeah, I am totally satisfied where I'm at in case you're worried. Okay. Now, I gotta ask you a little quick overview and possibly if you have a favorite, if at all, or what you've got at it. I know, right? No, I like to get about all the maps programs.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Oh, there's some of them. You're one of them. You're one of them. You know, you are one of them. Also Katrina is another person who I think will be interesting to talk to about this. Someone who I know has gone through, all of them done all the different programs.
Starting point is 00:59:24 What do you like about all of them? And do you have a baby that you're more drawn to? Or I mean, tell us a little bit about your experience going through maps, all of them. Well, of course, because I was one of the first people to ever do maps read, I've gone through it probably 20 times. Oh, maybe not that many, but quite a few times. Obviously, it's the foundational program.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And that's the thing that got me my original gains and continued to deliver for month after month after month. However, when Maps Black came along, Adam, since that's the program that you kind of spearheaded, I really got into that because I love the concept of the focus sessions and the ability to really focus on those lagging body parts. And my shoulders have been the thing that have been a challenge for me over the years, but have really come up a lot,
Starting point is 01:00:17 especially since I've done maps black. And the same with my quads, I've been doing focus sessions on my quads doing a lot more doing focus sessions on my quads, doing a lot more squats, doing a lot overhead pressing for my shoulders. And I just actually started Maps Green. Okay. And I'm very interested in the mobility thing.
Starting point is 01:00:36 That's something I've added in progressively over the past year. A lot more mobility work. Yeah, no, I've noticed that just recently with you even watching you prime and warm up, I've seen you focusing more on progressing on your mobility. So I'm interested to hear your feedback
Starting point is 01:00:51 as you go through all that because that was a game changer for me also. Yeah, no, I mean, my squat, I've gotten a lot more depth in it. And I realized, you know, especially after working with Dr. Brink a little bit, there's just so many parts of my body that I lack connection to.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And I have been dogged by injuries over the years, in my shoulders, in my lower back, pain, and that type of thing. And I haven't been injured for quite a while now. And I have to attribute all the mobility stuff that we do to that. Now, the original mobility stuff I was doing was that video that we made over Justin's old gym that's up on YouTube. I think it's 12 mobility drills,
Starting point is 01:01:31 is it 12? I remember. I think you titled it Adams 12 mobility drills or something like that. So that's, I started with that and that's fantastic. Obviously, maps prime and some of our other programs take that to much higher level. And so I've been adding it into all types of mobility work, ending clubs, you know, the stick work, the stick mobility that's in maps green. All that stuff is fantastic. Excellent. All right. Beautiful, thanks, Doug.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah, it's awesome, Doug. It's my pleasure. It's great to listen to you. Yeah, sometimes I feel like when we're all going crazy and when I say all going crazy, I mean like me, Adam and Justin, losing our minds, standing on tables, you know, talking about this, Doug, right this down, Doug, we got this idea to holy shit, and video this!
Starting point is 01:02:16 And Doug is sitting there like really trying hard to get it all written down and you can tell half the time he's thinking to himself like, yeah, you guys are gonna, you guys are gonna think this is cool later, but we'll write it down anyway. And we're just fucking blah, we got this great idea's thinking to himself, like, yeah, you guys aren't gonna, you guys aren't gonna keep, this is cool later, but we'll write it down anyway. And we're just fucking, blah, we got this great idea, blah, blah, blah, it's going crazy. And I'm looking at Doug, I'm like, he's a cat-herter.
Starting point is 01:02:33 That's like 90% of his job is hurting cats. Absolutely. Listen, if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five-star rating and review, we are trying to get to a thousand reviews before 2017, Help us out. Please help. Go on your podcast icon. Click on it. Search for Mind Pump. Even if you're subscribed. Click on our icon. Then the little thing will pop up. It'll say reviews. Click on reviews. Leave us a review if we'd like you review as one of the best ones and we pick it. You'll get a free
Starting point is 01:03:01 Mind Pump t-shirt. Also, don't forget to check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, just in a Mind Pump Justin, add in my Mind Pump Justin, and our fearless, yes you did it again! I didn't get in a Mind Pump out of, sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And our fearless, I'm getting more subscribers, because of that. Our fearless producer, Doug at Mind Pump J. Justin, make sure you post that picture of Doug back up on my radio. Oh yeah, Mind Pump radio.
Starting point is 01:03:24 It's sexy Doug back on the front. That's right. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
Starting point is 01:04:22 on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is Mind Pump, hey?

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