Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 429: How to Achieve Your 2017 Health & Fitness Goals & Permanently Banish Unhealthy Habits

Episode Date: January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! 2017 is here and the Mind Pump Crew wishes you a safe, healthy, prosperous and amazing year. In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss what it takes to not only reach your 2017 healt...h and fitness goals but to maintain the progress you make for a lifetime. Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, dude, I'm so ready for this. We've been waiting for this to happen. I mean, God, we worked on prime almost like six months ago. This is like, this is the answer for a lot of people to be asking for. We want people to have it. We keep saying this over and over. This is like happy 2017. Happy new year. We have put together a maps, super bundle. We've put together your whole fucking year. This is your year saying your year is set up. have put together a maps super bundle. We've put together your whole fucking year. This is your year is set up.
Starting point is 00:00:27 You wanna know how you need to be training this entire 2017, you have it. This is all of the maps from around. Even if you travel, if you travel, you've got options because we have maps anywhere in there. You've got the foundational program, maps, anabolic, maps for performance, the mobility and athletic training specialized program.
Starting point is 00:00:44 You've got maps aesthetics, which is the program specialized to help you work on weak body parts, improve symmetry and balance. And of course, you've got maps prime, which helps you set up your workouts to make them that much more effective. This is as complete as it gets. We've taken all of them, okay, check this out, taken all of them, cut 33% off the total price. 33% off. Taking all of them, cut 33% off the total price. 33% off, it's the MAPS Super Bundle, it's your entire year of fitness. Retail that'd be almost $600.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Almost $600 that would be if you were to pay for retail price on each one of those programs. And what are we gonna do with $4, 397? Two guys, great saves. Three 97, three 97. Yeah, three 97. You get all of them, it's almost an entire year map that all planned out for you of exercise programming. Everything broken up in the phases, every three or four weeks. 397 you get all of them. It's almost an entire year map that all planned out for you of exercise programming Everything broken up into phases every three or four weeks
Starting point is 00:01:32 You're doing new workouts focusing on different adaptations workouts do not get boring They're going to change the entire year how you'll be working out the beginning of the years and be very different How you'll be working out the end of the year because of the programming and because of your your body's progress It's available right now at mindpumpmedia.com. Plus, if you guys get enrolled, and then also you're also gonna get an option for 50% off the form. So if you're somebody who is like, you know what, I still feel a little nervous,
Starting point is 00:01:52 I need some guidance, or what if I don't know this, or what if I don't know that, and you need feedback, that's the reason why we created this form. Now you have the ability where we have a private form that you get for 50% off when you buy this bundle, and inside there, you've got all three of us in there that are answering, helping questions. We've got tons of trainers, tons of PT's,
Starting point is 00:02:10 chiropractors, physical therapists, doctors, all kinds of brilliant minds that are in there that are helping each other, that we've fostered this community since the beginning of MindPump. You have access to that 50% off when you also get that, so saving all kinds of money, set your entire 2017 up, get started. Reach in, connected and ready to go. MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 00:02:31 If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Adam. You doggie. Adam, and Justin Andrews. Adam. Adam. Yo, doggie. Adam, say gigity.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Why you gotta do that, bro? Just say it. Why? Because I wanna see if you can say it. Why you always trying to fuck with me? I'm not trying to fuck with you, dude. I just wanna hear it. Just say gigity.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Are you that gigity? Say it again. gigity. You can't do it. Gigity gigity. I can't do multiple outsort of this. Gigity gigity. That's what I can't do. It's like the back of your throat doesn't wanna. Yeah, I can't do multiple. That's what it is. Yeah, that's what I can't do.
Starting point is 00:03:05 It's like the back of your throat doesn't want to. Yeah, you know what? It's open. It's just open. The back of your throat and you have to get the clothes in. I see. You know what I'm saying? But George remains open.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah, you used to practice keeping your mouth closed. Yeah, you are the deep throat expecialist here. So you don't have a, what's that you would know? What's that thing in the back of your throat? little hanging you feel a no Adam doesn't have one Yeah, which this is why he doesn't gag. I see all my big oh So I'm gonna say something you gonna gonna say something that's that's that's offensive like you just did right now. Yeah, okay That's our lesson. I like better is is the old guy on that Fuck the old pedophile.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Oh, hey there, shiny boy. That's not him. He's creepy. But that is an old pedophile, he's just doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I think about when we're going with it. No, how does he go? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, I don't remember. So this is. He's getting good there. There you go. This is a little, this is a little sexist, but do you know when you're, I'm sure every guy can relate to this, right? You're working out or you're doing something that's, you know, stereotypically manly, right?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Like, oh fuck, my car broke, you go to try and fix it, you're an idiot, like I am when it comes to that kind of stuff. Girl shows up and just fucking does it for you. Party you, a little party you, just a small party you, I don't care how we evolved you are or how modern you are a little part of He's like god damn it like I'm supposed to be better at her than this because I'm a guy, right? It's just it's a stupid stereotype thing. Well, I just experienced that right now going back to the bathroom Yeah, the worst the worst shit smells I've had in off in years me and Justin go back there were both like hey
Starting point is 00:04:46 Man, yeah, like we were talking business and then all of a sudden like I like I ate something Yeah, we're like oh my just like penetrating my mouth. We're both like that is the fucking hot worst shit Ever I had no idea that was the direction you were going with that I thought you were gonna talk about the the girl that we jumped the other day at her car when her her died. No, no, out and it's like, oh my god, a girl did that. And then I felt like fuck. Yeah. Well, we should share a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:05:31 a little bit emasculated. We have a whole flower thing. Community bathroom in our facility is we have a large building we're in and we share a share walls with a crossfit. So some crossfit chick. It was a crossfit chick. I'm trying a little aggressive on that toilet
Starting point is 00:05:45 Which man That paleo You know what's funny is that they They that they listen to our show next door Yeah, right One of them is gonna listen to it They're gonna know they're like oh no they found out Oh, that's right
Starting point is 00:06:00 That was me So not only Jesus Bruno we have to talk about it She was like that That ad's insult to injury because not only can she probably outperform me in many of these barbell lifts, but then she can shit worse than I can. She's so I pretty much quit.
Starting point is 00:06:15 She shits like Craig Perso, Stanis. Oh, I don't know about that. It's Thursday at, but I love Craig, but it's Thursday at one hour pm. So if you're a crossfitter and you listen to this It was just a couple days ago Thursday at one p.m. Whoever was in there blowing because it's bathroom. You guys crushed it Yeah, it was just the polished it high high five to you baby. So hey, hey, you baby. Yeah Yeah, I thought you were gonna talk about it. I think you're gonna talk about the other day when we went over to
Starting point is 00:06:42 Julio and we got ourselves our our Julios is a burrito place by the way. Yes, that's not our friend Julio. It's like Chipotle, but better so they use like all local and but actually Mexican. Yeah, it's no it's really good Chipotle but Mexican. Yeah, there's actually real Mexicans back there that are actually Well, I don't think that's what Justin meant that are actually so much fun. Yeah, well, I don't think that's what Justin meant. We've got both. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:05 That's it. Don't you always feel suspect when you show up to like a sushi place and there's like no Asian people that are fucking doing your sushi? Well, there's like six Mexican guys back there doing I feel like, I don't know. But they probably learned, I don't know the skills. Of course.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You do realize, you do realize. Some of the best sushi places are like that of a fucking sarcastic. You do realize that 90% of Italian restaurants are not owned by a time people. They just don't. I know you always gotta go back to your Italian thing. Oh my God, it's not Italian, it's not Italian, it's not Italian.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I thought I cut you in all of Garden one time. Yeah. Let's be honest. I love their, I love their, they're, they're, they're, they're baloney millenaisy, delicious. That must be like the deal.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It takes them like five minutes to warm up. Yeah, but they're macaroni and the bread, and go that is that like the most ultimate sentence for you people what is For you people I did say that absolutely it you people. It did you is it you met a training type Is it like the all racism is it the ultimate send to go to Olive Garden? Like if you got caught in all garden like a family member caught you coming out of there They'll be like oh my god. a family member caught you coming out of there they'd be like oh my god Well actually if you caught you coming out there, they say we're going in there Like you know me grandma just cries. Yeah, all of garden is it's uh god. It's like sacrilegious It's horrible like I wouldn't go there. I don't even know if they taste good or not to be honest with you
Starting point is 00:08:18 I just can't go there bam He's can't go that I feel like What's like I his name the the chef boy or D. Oh my God. What the fuck is he just like? You know what I was dude when I was a kid. I'll never forget. There was this. Do you guys remember when we were kids? I don't think too many kids is this anymore. Sometimes kids would bring a thermos and the thermos didn't have like water in it. It had like hot soup or you know food or whatever right. I don't see too many kids do this anymore. So this one kid me and him were sitting down,
Starting point is 00:08:49 I don't know, I must be in, I was probably in fourth grade. And my mom would make me, sometimes she'd make me an American style sandwich with just the sliced white bread and whatever, but sometimes she'd make me a tie and sandwich, which is, it's like a meal between Chabata bread and it's just, you know, soaking through the paper or whatever. So I'm pulling it out, right? And this kid's like, meal between Chabata bread and it's just you know soaking through the paper or whatever
Starting point is 00:09:05 So I'm pulling it out right and this kid's like wow he goes you got what you got on my I don't know It's a fucking Sardine and meatballs sandwich. I have no idea and that was is that really something? No, I was like holy shit. That's being weird So it's disgusting. So he's like no, I'm having pasta Do you like pasta? I'm like yeah, of course. I like pot. I have it every night So he opens up his thermos and he pours out what I just, he was, bro, it was Chef Boyardee. I'd never seen, I had never seen Chef Boyardee
Starting point is 00:09:33 in my entire life. So he pours it out and I'm like, how old are you right here? Probably fourth to fifth grade. Okay, so you're young. And I'm looking at it and I'm like, I'm like, did you, I'm like, is that with ketchup? Like it looks like ketchup, not like sauce with, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:45 whatever. So he had me taste a little bit and it was, it was fucking horrible. Horrible. I don't know how people eat that shit. Horrible shit. That's like spaghetti. Artificial, ever had. Have you ever even had spaghetti?
Starting point is 00:09:55 It was, it's like awful. Oh, spaghetti. I grew up eating that shit. Did you really, oh the worst thing that you had regularly when you were a kid? That's a good question. Yeah, that is a good question. I think we used to eat a lot of like, box cereal, though. I was a box cereal.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Box cereal, I'd have that for breakfast lunch and dinner, dude. I mean, and my, in my, my pants, with water, we every cereal with water. No, that would be just, that's blasphemy. Serial, I would like, yeah. Yeah, like if you run out of milk What am I gonna do? I would do some shit like that. I was like rancid milk Yeah, I was like pull milk vitamin D like the fucking creamier thicker Adam does like the D Adam you adjust and you you were about to say you know for a guy
Starting point is 00:10:41 I was a for yeah for guy doesn't know where a battery is on a car You fucking talk a lot of shit, dude. That's for sure. You're sorry. I know where the battery is. Fucking guy. Hey, man. It's in the truck, right?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Let's keep it. Yeah, let's keep the two here. Is it in the truck? I think you know what, I think you're extra feisty because of the people that were been chalking shit on your Instagram lately. Oh, well, no, actually, that's part of the reason I'm on feisty.
Starting point is 00:11:04 The other part of the reason is, because now we have our Camera cold-brown nitro coffee. Got you flying. Dude, that's like, well, that shit gets me high anyway, and I've already had my coffee this morning. I usually like have easy cheese. There you go. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Oh, God, there's one. You have cracker. How do you eat easy cheese? Cheese whiz. What a fucking plastic existence. Oh, dude. Is it even cheese? No, it can't be. It can't be. It a fucking plastic existence. Is it even cheese? No, it can't be.
Starting point is 00:11:26 It can't be. It's just a formula. I think it's flavor. Somebody made it. It's flavored petroleum for something like that. Oh my god. Is it really something that bad? It's not, come on.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Flavored petroleum. I would doubt it. I think it's like orange shaving cream. It probably is, dude. I thought you could shave your face, clean your tires. Yeah. You could say all purpose. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 You could eat it with crackers or you could put it in your hair. It's like great for hair, yeah. Or you could style your hair or fix a flat tire. The birds might come like, peck at you, but. I bet if you read the can, it says, it'll probably say cheese flavored something. Like, if I'm gonna be cheese, it's cheese flavored. No, yeah, it's cheese flavored. No, yeah, cheese flavored.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I actually believe it comes with flavor. I believe there was a warning label on it too. There was like one was like baking and I was like, wait, how did they bake it in this flavor? No, it just baked in flavor. Oh, it's a bit of a flavor. I used to eat bacon bits all the time, like that was, I'm like, that might be real bacon.
Starting point is 00:12:18 You think so, the bacon bits? Maybe. I don't think so. I think that's a big deal. Do you know what else is fake? That I just discovered, not that long ago, maybe five years ago, and it really kind of broke my heart a little bit. Pringles.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Oh yeah. Pringles are not like sliced off potato chips and fried. It is like bits of potato and a bunch of other shit that then they impress, that's what they're perfectly shaped, then pressed into the, to the Pringles shape. They were like real potatoes. I, you know, if I thought about it, I would have said there's not a thing.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Were you a commercial? Because they're like, I said it. Were you a big Pringle guy? We never had Pringles, but if my friends had them in school, you better believe I had fucking house. Yeah, yeah, no, I had them like that too. But I was never a big, but you know what? That brings up more shit food that I see as a kid.
Starting point is 00:12:59 It's a lot. Definitely box cereal, definitely lots of chips. I was a candy fanatic too. Lots of candy. How do you not have diabetes by this point, can you? You do love fucking sugar. Well, true story. My sister in her early 20s got a, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:13 I apologize. Might be horrible now. Well, yeah, you probably a little bit. She's, she was hyper-gyecemic. So, which is like borderline diabetic, you know, she was riding like, I mean, she was starting getting these like hot and cold flash at night and, you know and try to tough it out
Starting point is 00:13:26 for a while, then to one point where her husband had a rusher to the hospital and then she was told this. And I know that. Is she managing okay now? Oh yeah, absolutely. My sister is, I mean, obviously she's a die hard mind pump fan. She's listened to every single episode multiple times and she's changed a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:13:42 The ketogenic diet totally changed her life for sure. Did it really? Yeah, and this was just recent. So I had visited her after we had gone through it. So this wasn't that long ago. And I had told her that, I think you would really benefit from eating this way. And even if you don't eat purely ketogenic,
Starting point is 00:14:00 I think you'll benefit a lot from really altering your diet to a really high effect. Even when she became aware of her being hyper, I see she would still tell you that she would go on and off where she was really good and then she would allow some of that stuff in there and then it would cause shit and flare up. Now she's completely altered. My sister the last year of her life is probably healthier than she's been in a very, very long time.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And if you looked at my sister, she's not like this overweight. She's not overweight. So that's why this type of stuff too has always been so passionate about what we talk about on here because you know, you could be someone like her who looks great. I mean, she looks great. You look at her, she looks fit. She doesn't look like she needs any help nutritionally.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And she's an active person, but because that for so many years and she'll tell you, like, I mean, sour patch kids and mint chip ice cream was like a staple corner of her diet. Wow. And eventually caught up. Well, you know, there's like this growing body of evidence that's starting to support the notion that obesity is merely the side effect of a lot of issues, and you don't necessarily have to get that side effect, right? And that obesity itself is not the
Starting point is 00:15:10 cause of the problems. This is why you see, look, there's a pretty substantial chunk of people who have diabetes who are not obese. They're normal body weight. So, I used to tell people, I used to actually tell my clients that were severely overweight that would come in and it was part of me helping them feel empathetic, right? So I was being empathetic with them by saying that we're actually kind of lucky that your body has responded this way, that it's giving you these obvious signs
Starting point is 00:15:42 that you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel like you're really overweight because I've dealt with people that are internally in awful shape, but because they externally don't look like it, changing their habits and patterns are even more challenging. Like you're beating yourself up because you see how you feel, you feel yourself moving around every day. Yeah, that external motivation. Yes, you have this external motivation to get yourself in healthier shape and this is your body telling you and you see it every single day as a reminder where I've met and we used to call it the skinny fat girl.
Starting point is 00:16:11 We have the skinny fat girl who looks great, she looks all skinny, but all she literally eats is one bag of candy and lettuce every single day and she's been doing that for 20 years of her life and because she looks a certain way, you know, she thinks she's healthy and in reality, she's in poor health and actually you are carrying all this extra weight on. So, you know, I actually used to try and spin that. That it was, you know, here's a blessing in disguise because I know people that would continue going on. You got to this point that you're sick and fed up where I know people that continue on 20 more years of their life because they never got to this overweight. Well, so yeah, because so the key when your sister started doing the ketogenic diet, she
Starting point is 00:16:50 started, I remember you telling me that it really made a huge difference with some of her health, some of her health issues. Yeah, no, I mean, my sister also battled endometriosis, my poor sister, man, she's been just, she's had one thing after another and this last year for life has been Extremely good for her Health-wise she she and I apologize this for putting all your shit out there on air here But I think she's got a great story and a lot of things that she's been with she's on the forum So if you're somebody who is on the forum
Starting point is 00:17:21 You may not have put it together because we obviously have different last names, but my sister is on the forum. You can probably, if you have endometriosis or hyperglycemia, she's probably a great person to talk to because she's been through all this stuff. Her name, her last name is Van Routen, so that's why you may not have put that together on the forum. But, you know, a great person to talk to who's been through, been battling and dealing with this, she was diagnosed with hyperglycemia. Is that right? Hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is too much, too high
Starting point is 00:17:50 and hypoglycemia is too low. Yeah, so she's hyperglycemia. Homoglycemia is when they both like something weird. It's too thin. And she was diagnosed with that right. In her early 20s, a majority for life, she did that, she was also diagnosed with endometriosis,
Starting point is 00:18:05 battle that for all of her life. And recently, in the last year, I think it was a year and a half ago, she had her surgery for a hysterectomy, so she didn't have the deal with any of it. But it got that bad for her that she'd gone through all that. She made that big of a difference.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, and then the key to it, and she'll probably tell you that, eating the really high fats and eliminating all the carbohydrates out of her diet has really made a big difference on just her day to day how she feels. You know, it's funny because what we, I mean, we know this, right? We know our lifestyle can have such a profound impact on, you know, our quality of life and our length, you know, our life, our longevity. But I don't think people realize just how much we tend to accept the things that are health issues, especially our chronic ones, as being things that we just have.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You know what I mean? Like, oh, it's genetic or I just have it. This is thing that I've had forever and I have to deal with it. But it's not. If that's actually not true, Much of the problems that we have can be remedied with lifestyle changes. Unfortunately a lot of the information that's out there
Starting point is 00:19:10 is not, it's not always accurate. And we don't have to get into this. I'd like to do a whole separate episode on this, but we did, we watched that video with that, leading researcher on fasting. And he talked about how some of the stuff that they're discovering when it comes to nutrition is that you can increase the lifespan of animals
Starting point is 00:19:31 by as much as, just ridiculous amounts, the equivalent of adding 30 years to someone's life as a human. Now, what does that mean in terms of disease? Well, what it means is, think about it this way. Very rarely does a child develop heart disease or cancer, right? Very rarely do they die of organ failure. Very rarely do they develop some of these chronic diseases, because the human body does a very
Starting point is 00:19:56 good job of healing itself. But then as we age, it kind of loses that ability. And a lot of the reason why it loses that ability is our lifestyle. If we change our lifestyle, if we do things like, you know, he talks a lot about fasting and certain things like fasting, mimicking diet, how that almost sets the clock back and brings back that, that, you know, rejuvenates the body so that it starts to behave like it did when you were younger and where your body just fought stuff off. I mean, think about it this way, like 15 years ago, okay?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Everyone in this room could eat foods that we probably couldn't eat now. Think about that. Oh, yeah. Think about all the shit that you could eat. I could eat a whole pizza before I'm, you know, whatever, go to bed. Yeah, you find it. If I ate a whole pizza now, dude, I would be medically fucked. I would be ruined for a few days. I mean, we all joke about that, but I would literally be in so much pain. You know, I want to elaborate on that a little bit because I think something that I connected that took me a while to figure this out too is that right now when you're kind of going
Starting point is 00:20:52 through, like if you're eating all this shitty food, the body gets adapted to that, right? Or when we know this, and we know a little bit about our gut flora and how it's changed and adapts and gets used to this shitty food that we're consuming every day. So in our minds, we tell ourselves that we don't feel it. There's nothing wrong. I feel fine. I get up.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Every day I have my mention. I scream every day. I have this. And you know, these mind pump guys, sure, I guess what, I'm not one of those people that is getting affected by all this shit. So it's not a big deal. It wasn't until I really cleaned everything up and was very dialed, then felt, wow, how amazing I felt, then I went back and said,
Starting point is 00:21:32 hey, let's see what that's like again, you know? Let's dabble in that shitty stuff. The contrast is so dramatic. Then it didn't, because now, once I went to eating really clean for a long period of time, and when I say really clean, I hate saying that because I know people get all oh clean food bet whatever it's like you know
Starting point is 00:21:48 Yeah chasing whole foods getting rid of all the process shit artificial stuff like really going after that right and changing my My macro profile the where I'm eating you know more more fats and I'm not eating obsessive amounts of protein I'm not taking all these powders. I'm lowering my carbohydrates dramatically. My sugars are below 30, 40 grams a day. So all these things, that all came down, saw how great I felt. And then I said, ah, I was fucking, I'm just gonna go crazy for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And let's see how my boy, my body now tells me. Now my body goes like, oh, I just feel miserable. And I actually find it easier to stay on course because I was disciplined enough, long enough, eating correctly that when I reintroduced the stuff that I know my body doesn't like or isn't ideal for it, it really responds. But if you've been somebody for so many years
Starting point is 00:22:40 have been kind of poisoning the body, shit, you've altered your flora, your body has become adapted to eating this. You don't really see the signs until- It takes work to eat shitty food now. Yeah. You know what I mean? It was kind of like the same thing when I was first drinking alcohol.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It's like, you can drink one and then it's just, like, it doesn't taste good. You know, that's one thing. Like at first you get your first beer, you're just like, ugh, you know, but you keep going through it, you power through it. You're like, no, I'll get this to taste good. And then you just keep going.
Starting point is 00:23:10 But literally, it takes work. Oh, yeah, it was like the cake story. I just told you guys recently, I literally was stuffing my face with cake over this holiday. And I'm eating it like filling miserable. But it's taste good going in my mouth. But I'm like, oh, most of them start, oh, I'm eating it like filly miserable. But it's taste good going in my mouth, but I'm like, oh, most of the time I'm like, oh, I'm in the bathroom at two o'clock in the morning,
Starting point is 00:23:29 just like, why did I do that to myself? Where in the past, now you know that it was from the cake. Yes. But even before that, though, you're just eating cake because it tastes good. And before that, it's just like this is just what happened. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Before that. I always have dessert after dinner. And before that, my body just like this is just what happens. Exactly. Yeah, before that. I always have dessert after dinner. And before that, my body was so adapted to that stuff that it didn't respond the same way. We're now, it's like these flags now. So, I think- Plus, there's that whole mental component. Like, a lot of people have,
Starting point is 00:23:58 they have no idea how shitty they feel because they felt that way for so long. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? They don't know anything else. It's almost like, it's no different than being in an abusive for so long. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Like, do you know anything else? They don't know. It's almost like it's no different than being in an abusive relationship for years.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Oh, absolutely. And then you leave the relationship and then, you know, five years later, you look back and go, holy fuck, I was an abusive relationship. Yeah. And I can't believe I stuck around for so long. I actually think it's a great,
Starting point is 00:24:18 a huge, abusive relationship with cake. It gives me the title of this. Really though, really. I mean, that's such a great analogy because if anybody who's known Somebody who's who's been in a very unhealthy Relationship or marriage or whatever with somebody where they are verbally physically abusive and you know And you can just see How much that is aging that person and wearing on them and their stress
Starting point is 00:24:41 I mean if I have many clients like this that have expressed this. And as you know, and you're listening to them, you're like, fuck, man, they have no idea. Like they need to get the fuck out of that room and get out of that relationship. It is so unhealthy for them for so many reasons, but in their mind, they think they're in love. Well, yeah, it's the same thing too. And then you're using an outsider, you see that.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You're just like, oh my God, I wanna help them. And, you know, like, I wanna, like, have this like, sort of intervention and we could bring this up and be like, hey, you should leave, Stacy, yeah? It's not good for you. Yeah, and then it's just like, but it never works because they have to intrinsically want,
Starting point is 00:25:19 and unfortunately, they go back to getting beat all the time. They continue to seek that out and even if they leave that relationship, they go into to getting beat all the time. They continue to seek that out. And even if they leave that relationship, they go into another one, which is just like food also. You leave one addiction and you just go find another addiction or like what we find like in the bodybuilding community. You are this like total poor eater, all this shit. And then you found bodybuilding which forced you to be like super strict.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And now you become over, over addicted with that and you're measuring weighing everything and you get fucking crazy if you don't tap away everything out for every single day and it's like, so it's like you just gave one addiction to another addiction. Well, you know, when we interviewed, God, what was the gentleman, who was it that we interviewed that was talking about addiction with drug addiction and how his, Andrew Hill and Andrew Hill, yeah. He was talking about how his approach was, wasn't- I loved it.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I loved cold turkey. That's such a good interview. It wasn't cold turkey, like, like, with it, and they found a lot of success with this, like if you had an alcoholic, instead of saying, never drink alcohol again, after a period of absence to rebuild tolerant, you know, to kind of get the tolerance to go away a little bit,
Starting point is 00:26:21 so they then become sensitive to it again, then they teach them how to do it in moderation. Yeah. And the reason why he said this was effective and it made total sense is that if you're all or nothing, the second you break that and many people do because all or nothing is- You need a replacement.
Starting point is 00:26:37 All or nothing is very difficult. If you tell me, if I say to myself, okay, I'm never gonna have candy again, and it's a failure if I do, I have to completely, okay, I'm never gonna have candy again. And it's a complete failure if I do, I have to completely stay away from it. When I have that candy one time, the mental, what happens to me mentally is, oh fuck, I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Well, since I've already screwed up, I'm gonna go mad. I'm not indulge. I'm just gonna go nuts, I'm just gonna go crazy with it because I don't understand moderation. The same thing holds true with nutrition when you go from one extreme to the other to where that's why you have these, bikini and physique competitors and bodybuilder competitors,
Starting point is 00:27:09 or people that just follow these people that don't even compete, and they track like crazy, and they become super obsessive and anal about things, is that you see them do the whole on, off again, on, again, off again. There is no moderation. It goes, they're like, oh, I had a weekend, I had a cheat weekend. And then when you go analyze what they actually did, they didn't just have a cheat weekend. They went ape shit.
Starting point is 00:27:32 It's like a schmorgas baller. They went nuts with the- 6,000 calorie balls. Absolutely. We're approaching right now in the fitness industry. This is like Christmas for retail. Like if you work in retail, Christmas time is, it's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:27:49 If you sell, if you work in Macy's or you sell shoes, you can expect tons of people to come in and buy stuff. And in January, right around January February, you get a huge increase in interest in fitness. In fact, the... Well, it's always, every year, and they've done studies on this, because I know your Mr. Study guy,
Starting point is 00:28:08 you love all that stuff, is smoking cigarettes and losing weight are number one and number two, they go back and forth every year as the number one and number two New Year's resolution. That's quit smoking forever. Quitting smoking, and I actually believe losing weight has surpassed that in the last few years because I think the smoking is continue to reduce every year or so but we tend to continue to put weight on like no problem.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah and the problem is the problem is that you get this huge this very large percentage of people who make a resolution to and maybe they don't even maybe they don't even say it maybe they don't naturally you know say Hey, my resolution is to get in shape, but I know a lot of people who are like, okay, I'm gonna start walking, I'm gonna start being more active, I'm gonna start eating better. But there's a huge failure rate.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Like there's a massive failure rate. Most people, the vast majority of these people, if not all of them, who start it that way, don't continue that way. And we need to kind of address that. I think we should address that. This episode, I don't know when this one's gonna air, but I'm sure it's gonna air sometime
Starting point is 00:29:09 in the beginning of January. Oh, it's the day. The ducks said this is going up Sunday night. So this is going up the day before, New Year's. It's a perfect topic. I don't know you were going this direction because we were kind of all over the board when we first started, but it is a great time
Starting point is 00:29:20 to talk about starting the New Year off, the things that over our 15, 20 years have been in the industry, the do, starting the new year off, the things that over, you know, are 15, 20 years of being in the industry, the do's, the don'ts, the things that we've seen people, the mistakes that most people make, the things with the ones that are most successful that continue on, because there is. I mean, we're going to see a flood of more listeners just in January. That's obvious, you know, because even the people that were listening to us six months ago, there's, I guarantee you. Now they're just interested in overall health and wellness topics.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And so it's like they're more likely to stumble upon like people's information out there. Yeah, I think we're probably gonna get, you know, a spike in people downloading our show, who've never listened to our show before. This might be their first episode. And so I'd like to communicate to these people, you know, if you're listening,
Starting point is 00:30:02 what some of the best strategies are for long-term success. Now, I would like to start with the root. The root of the reason why you maybe have made this resolution or maybe why you've decided that you want to, you know, start working out or losing weight or whatever, I think the root of that is what is motivating you. And I think there's two main camps. One is much more popular than the other. The main camp of people who are motivated, you know, January
Starting point is 00:30:31 1st have, you know, visible weight loss type based goals. Like, okay, I want to lose 15 pounds, right? I want to lose 30 pounds or I want to, you know, drop a couple, you know, sizes of clothes. That's an okay motivation, but the reason, but I don't think it's the best one because it has a high failure rate. And here's what I mean by that. I don't mean that people who make that goal
Starting point is 00:30:54 who are serious about it don't reach that goal. A lot of people do. A lot of people reach that goal. A lot of people say January 1st, I'm gonna lose 15 pounds. A nice chunk of those people actually lose the 15 pounds, but a very small percentage of them keep it off. And to me, I had somebody, I don't remember who I talked to, some professional and I thought it was a great point
Starting point is 00:31:13 that they said is like, America does not have a weight loss problem. We do not have that problem. Every year, millions of people lose millions of pounds. What we don't have, what we have a problem with, is keeping it off. We continue to lose it, put it back on. Lose it, put it back on.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Lose it, put it back on. It's this vicious cycle that is unhealthy for us to do this. And so as a nation, we have this problem that. We do, and I think that it's not the, sure, the methods people use aren't necessarily the best. The methods, the way they apply, exercise, the diets or whatever, definitely the wrong tools. But I think beyond that, it's not necessarily that
Starting point is 00:31:52 as much as it's the motivation behind, what they're trying to do. And a lot of it's based on people want to change how they look. And here's what happens. When that's your main goal, when losing just a number is your goal, what happens when you reach that goal?
Starting point is 00:32:08 You've lost that motivation. I think if you go into it with a different motivation, you're much more likely to continue on that path and to not, you know, quote unquote, fall off the wagon. So rather than going into your new year saying, I wanna lose this much weight or I wanna drop this many dress sizes Why not make
Starting point is 00:32:28 Health goals why not make goals like I want to I want to take care of myself You know what I'm gonna do this you know I'm gonna do this year starting in January I'm going to take time aside for myself to make myself feel better because that's a goal that I that's a motivation that grows Well, you only continue to grow. You said something a couple of times on this podcast that really resonates with me. And I always like to reiterate something that I feel like hit home for me. And if it hit home for me after all the shit I've heard over all the years, it's got to strike a core with many people out there.
Starting point is 00:32:58 And I love when you said, you know, work out because you love yourself, not because you hate yourself, which a lot of people look at themselves and I'm willing to venture like 90% that walk in the gym. Totally. That walk in the gym, and their pure motivation at that moment is because
Starting point is 00:33:20 they're unhappy, they're unhappy with who they are, where they are, how they feel, and that is what's motivating, but in reality, if they're gonna be really long-term successful, they actually gotta change their motivation. That is short-term success for them. That sure, like you said, many people said a goal.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'm gonna lose 20 pounds, and they bust their ass, and they get there, and then they hit that goal, and then what happens? 80% of them put it back on. If you guys don't know this, I love using the example of biggest loser You can google this shit if you don't believe me over 80% of all biggest loser contestants put all the fucking weight back on Plus more. I mean, that's crazy with well, they're punishing themselves You know like they go into it because they think that they have to lose this way. Like I have to do this, this extreme measure and make these goals that I have to stick to otherwise.
Starting point is 00:34:14 All this detrimental stuff is going to happen to me or whatever, instead of choosing to go into it where you're there and you want to be there. Like you want to be there. Like you want to be there. I want to experience this every day and improve every day and do little things to really progress my body and improve the state of my health and well-being and use it for different things where it helps clear my mind. It helps me to focus on something different. And it helps me really, like focusing on myself for that matter is a lot of times really what the heart of the issue is,
Starting point is 00:34:50 is that we've just lost that ability to focus on ourselves because I know, for instance, for myself or my wife, like we will catch ourselves all the time pouring ourselves into everybody else. And you just have to like, you have to harness that and really like refocus and make sure that you're benefiting your body, you're benefiting your health,
Starting point is 00:35:14 you're benefiting your mental state. Because it also, it trickles out to everybody around you. Well, think about it this way. Try this exercise right now if you're listening, okay? Just kind of, and I like to do exercises like this because I like to place myself in the shoes of people who may have you know, may may think differently than I do. Imagine right now that you're looking in the mirror and you're saying to yourself you know, goddamn it like I really fucking don't like the way I look. I look hideous. I'm fat, I'm at a shape, I'm gonna go to the gym because I just don't like the way I look. I fucking hate it and I'm gonna go to the gym. Now,
Starting point is 00:35:51 imagine what that feels like, okay? Now compare that feeling to the opposite. Now you're looking in the mirror and you're looking at yourself, you know what? I should take care of myself more because I love myself. I love that person I'm looking at and and I wanna take care of that person. That person deserves time dedicated to that person right there. That body deserves to be nourished. That body deserves to be taken care of. It's a very different feeling. Yes, they can both motivate you.
Starting point is 00:36:15 They can both motivate you to go to the gym. But what you do at the gym and how you eat can be pretty, can change dramatically based on how you feel. If I go to the gym because I hate myself I beat myself up. I I hammer myself in the gym. I'm doing things. I don't enjoy I'm doing things that I think are gonna get me there faster I'm trying to get sore. I'm trying to sweat. I'm literally job free to burn you out
Starting point is 00:36:38 I am literally punishing myself who the fuck is gonna punish themselves for the rest of their lives? Nobody right the other side of it, if I'm motivating, you have to stop right there, though, because I feel like this is why we speak out so much about beast mode and all these like Instagram celebrities that post their motivation is purely based off of your insecurities. 100%.
Starting point is 00:37:03 They have found, it's an easy sell. It isn't easy sell. And it's also an easy reason to tell you why you never make it. Right? Or why if you do fail it. Oh, it's a great point. Right. It's like, it's like, you can go hard enough.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Yeah, it was one of the biggest issues that we had with our buddy, Joe D, when he came on the show way back when and his mentality of training. And it's just like, dude, you're a perfect example. Why I loved having him on the show way back when and his mentality of training. And it's just like, dude, you're a perfect example. Why I loved having him on the show and highlighting that type of a person is because he has no idea what it's like to train thousands of people. Because if he did, he wouldn't, he would have understand that the message that he's sending
Starting point is 00:37:39 to so many people is so counterproductive to the ultimate goal of helping everybody get healthier. Because me watching, I know that I would fail trying to get to his level of training. He's a genetic freak on top of other stuff. There's no way that I'm going to catch up to him. And I'm going to die trying. And what happens to somebody who doesn't know better is they go, oh my God, I just don't have it in me. I don't have it in me.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And you look at that person as if there's some sort of a God or they're just so amazing because which they like, by the way. Oh yeah, there you go. It feeds their ego, they feed into it more. That's what causes them to keep doing it. And then it either does what, one to you, you forever look up to this person,
Starting point is 00:38:21 thinking that man, there's just so amazing. And I'll never get to that level and you give up. That's an interesting thing to think about though, how people seek people to inspire them. You know, and it's the style of realization. It's this projection of, wow, this person has it all together, wow, that person looks amazing and cut and,
Starting point is 00:38:46 and then they go, they seek these people because they feel like they have the answers for them and they have a way that, you know, will provide them this pathway to get to a place like that for themselves. Instead of like really assessing where you are and what kind of like individual steps that are reasonable, rational, something that you can apply immediately in order to just put one step in front of the other.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Well, your ability to finish a set to squat 400 pounds to sweat more than the next person, or finish a mile, are horrible indicators of you getting healthier. Yeah. They're horrible indicators. So is the mere, so is the scale. Those are like all those are on the bottom of this fucking long ass list of things that are going to, looking at the mere like south side,
Starting point is 00:39:41 looking at myself and I go like, and fuck look, I love my body. I don't even want wanna think that far. I love myself. And there's so much that encompasses yourself, your mind, your heart, your sleep, your attitude every day. Like, these all these other things
Starting point is 00:39:59 that make you a better person that isn't tied to your reflection and the fucking scale. And if I can get you to understand that and to realize there's so many other facets of you that we can always be improving on, it doesn't always have to be related to the sets reps and the sweat bullshit. Like that's, to me, that's a byproduct of us fixing all these other things because if I can get you to connect the dots with all these other things that are going to improve your overall health and fitness journey, that's just going to come.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Well, you end up finding that the motivation becomes, it's very intrinsic. You end up finding that you no longer have a problem with motivation. See, we don't have, they make it sound like that we have a problem with, okay, the obesity epidemic or the reason why people, you know, are Americans or overweight or out of shape or unhealthy is because people lack discipline. This is what they make it. This is what they sell you. Need accountability. They need this person. They sell you on the fact that people just simply lack discipline. The reality is,
Starting point is 00:41:03 nobody is going to do things they fucking hate for too long. That's just the bottom line. Let me tell you a little secret about people who are super fit all the time and who are in the industry and who actually do this long term. They found a way to love it. Yeah, they love it. Some aspect of it. They found a way to really love it long term. I'm not talking about people who are super ripped and short periods of time. I'm not talking about people who end up doing this for their entire lives. Yeah. When they're old, they're still like ripped. Yeah, I work out. Look, let me tell you something. Do I like the results? Of course I do,
Starting point is 00:41:32 but they're side effects. I love doing it. I really enjoy exercising. I really enjoy eating raw. I really enjoy doing all these things because I like doing them and that's my motivation. Now if I did those because I hated my body, I may have the tenacity and the obsessive, you know, the obsession to stick to it for long term, but I definitely won't be taking care of myself and at some point, at some point I'm gonna break because why would you wanna punish yourself and kill yourself and do things you hate for long periods of time. Life is not meant to be horrible all the
Starting point is 00:42:09 time. I didn't say life isn't meant to be hard by the way. I didn't say it's meant to be easy. There's a big difference between, you know, hard and fucking horrible. Hard can be great. In fact, some of the greatest things, some of the greatest things that you look back on your life. You think some of the greatest moments are some of the greatest things. Oh, teaches you everything. Some of the greatest things that if you look back on your life, you think some of the greatest moments are some of the most, the times when you created the best things, or you, you know, you did a great business, you did a good job, or you got a good grade, or you did this great project, or whatever, it was probably some of the times you worked the hardest. You had great senses of accomplishment.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It might not have felt like a grind and like pain because you would loved it so much, but it was the most satisfying, you know, just sitting down doing nothing all the time. Look, if having an easy life was the answer, then you wouldn't have celebrities and rich kids who were addicted to drugs and addicts and fucking losers. You just wouldn't. They wouldn't exist, and yet they exist.
Starting point is 00:43:01 They still exist out there because not about that. So you find that internal motivation that has to do with loving yourself and the rest is easy. The rest of it's easy. You want a good program? We offer lots of good programs. You want nutrition guidance. We offer great nutrition guidance.
Starting point is 00:43:18 All the stuff that really works. However, if you don't have the right motivation, nothing we can offer is going to help you long term. And that I think is the key in the secret to getting started on your fitness journey. However, if you don't have the right motivation, nothing we can offer is gonna help you long-term. And that I think is the key in the secret to getting started on your fitness journey. And so if you're listening right now and you're like, oh, it's January, I think I wanna do this.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I'm ready to get started. Really, and it's a mental shift, and you can do it, I promise you, even if right now your motivation is not because you love yourself. Even if your motivation is because you hate yourself, do that internal work, switch that motivation, take that switch and switch it so that you start doing the things for yourself because you love them. And at the end of five years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, you're going
Starting point is 00:43:59 to still be doing it. You're going to feel amazing. And as far as the looks are concerned, man, that's going to follow. That really is gonna follow. I think the hardest part, what I think should be the hardest part, I guess, is the consistency of the pursuit of overall health, not the actual workload that you do.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So what I mean by that is like, that's where I want to challenge my people, or where I push my clients is. I'm not gonna, like pushing a hard workout, like sure it has its place, increasing our intensity every once in a while or challenging ourselves, like, but that should,
Starting point is 00:44:33 it should not be centered around that. In fact, that should be one of the last things we're worried about. I'm challenging you more about consistency in your pursuit of overall health. And whether that be, hey, let's, right now, we're gonna continue doing what we're doing in our workouts.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I love the progress I've seen there, but let's shift our focus on this sleep issue that you've been battling with. And let's talk about these things, your habits throughout the day that you're doing right now. And I'm gonna use this one as an example because this is something currently that I'm working on. So I have these really bad habits of being on my computer,
Starting point is 00:45:04 being on my phone, literally all the way up until the last minute I close my eyes. So, God, is it hard for me to like ignore my phone, ignore my computer the last two hours alone before I go to bed? Like, this has become like this huge struggle for me. It's an addiction. Yeah, it's a total addiction and habit. I mean, and my phone has become another limb of my body that like feels like, oh my god, I'm missing my arm because it's not literally in my hand. I'm looking at a 24-7. So, and don't get me wrong, like I say that this is my goal right now. I'm failing a lot at it.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I mean, I'm just sharing this with you guys because it's not easy. And so the hard part from you right now in the pursuit is towards the consistency of this first goal that I've given myself. And I am going to have little setbacks where I have a day or two in a row. We're, fuck, I'm on the phone until midnight because we had some issue going on on our on our website. And when I were behind on this and I've got all these complaints and I'm trying to service and help these people. And so that's where my mind's at. And so I'm sacrificing my my sleep, my overhaul health, the benefits because I'm trying mind's at. And so I'm sacrificing my sleep, my overhaul, health, the benefits because I'm trying to do this.
Starting point is 00:46:07 But then I'm gonna snap out of that and be like, okay, that's handled, get better at this. And then, you know, I'm gonna string three days together of being really good, then four days together of being really good, then five days of being really good, then 10, the next thing you know, I've turned it into this habit that, wow, I no longer open up my computer or my phone, the final two hours before I go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And I'm using tools right now because there's tools out there. This is why we are huge fans of Brain FM and why there's somebody that we've affiliated ourselves with because this is a tool that I'm currently using. I use this tool to help me meditate and get my mindset and help me go down and settle my brain down to sleep better because I know this is an area I need to work in. So this is the same way that I try and tell my clients
Starting point is 00:46:49 when they start off a year like this. Like, let's take one or two things that is going to help your overall health journey that is not related to the way you look in the mirror and your fucking scale that is going to benefit that. It's going to work. Dude, you're 100% look, we have a lot of trainers that listen to our show. If you're a personal trainer and your average client stays with you for a year, you are
Starting point is 00:47:14 kicking ass compared to your peers. It's a fact. You're kicking ass. If you have clients that stay with you for 12 months, you are probably double the industry average. You're crushing it. Okay. Now, I, for myself, personally, my average client was with me for 10 years. Adam Justin can say the same thing. Yeah. It wasn't because we produced quick results when we first started training people.
Starting point is 00:47:35 That's not what it was. It wasn't because when people hired me within the first, you know, three months, boom, they lost way, boom, they got in grade shape. That's not why. It's because we started with this approach, we started with the root of what's going on. And yes, did it take longer for a lot of them? It did, but guess what? 10 years later, these people are still working out. And in fact, I haven't trained many of these people now
Starting point is 00:47:57 for months, or actually maybe almost a year, how long I don't know how long I've been now just doing mine, pump pretty much full time. Guess what these people are still doing? They're still working out. They're still consistent. They've now made this, it's such a part of their life and the motivation is intrinsic
Starting point is 00:48:12 and the root of that motivation is because they love themselves and this is now easy for them. It's no longer a struggle, it's no longer difficult. So I think one of the things you can do like what Adam's talking about is just take one easy thing. How many of you listening right now just forget working out for two hours a week, forget that for a second. How many of you take two hours a week to yourself? You know what I'm saying? How many of you just take to say to yourself Tuesday at this time and Thursday at this time, I'm going gonna take one hour for me. And all I'm
Starting point is 00:48:45 gonna do is I'm gonna do something for me that I that's gonna nourish it's gonna nourish my body and my soul and my whatever. Here's one that will just to me, I think, is so simple and like mind blowing for everybody when I first like connect this dot for them is okay, and this is why it's a requirement that you own a Fitbit or a job bone or a fucking Apple something that tracks your steps pretty accurately for me. And I love to take somebody for a week and just don't try and impress me. Don't go out of your way to exercise. Show me what a week of busy work would look like for you just so I can show you.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Just so the average American steps less than 4 to 6,000 steps a day. If you were to take your ass outside right now and go fucking walk for one hour, walking, not a power walk, a walk for one hour, it would, it would come out to be about four thousand steps. That means the average American is not even getting one hour's worth of fucking walk in their entire 24 hour day. Yeah. So if you, if you're someone is someone, now mind you, you might be listening and you have a job where you walk a lot more
Starting point is 00:49:48 and so you get eight to 10,000 steps, it doesn't matter, it's all relative to where you're currently at, right? Because if that's what you do on average, that's your baseline. So I find people's baseline. And from there, I increase it on a daily, on either a daily or a weekly average by about 20%.
Starting point is 00:50:04 So if I have someone who does 4,000 steps every single day, I asked them for three days out of the week, since the week before that they weren't doing shit. Hey, three days, or three days, I want you to walk for one hour. And in that one hour, we're going to do something that's going to help personal growth in yourself. Whether it be you listen to your favorite podcast,
Starting point is 00:50:22 my pump, or your wink, wink, you're listening to an audio book that you want, that you want, or you're just purely meditating. Something that is going to help, help you somehow grow to be better at you. And ideally, I'm trying to push this person in health and fitness. So, of course, I'm going to gear them in that direction. But to each the room, maybe they have a business or they're going through school and they can listen to somebody who's going to educate them in a topic that they're a week rent, whatever. But the point is, you're making that hour three times a week for yourself to do something
Starting point is 00:50:52 like that. And hey, why not fucking walk and move? You'll be blown away by just by adding that and retreat already, you're going to start to, the body is going to start to change just for making that simple choice. And also, there's no end point to that. If I say 15 pound weight loss is my goal and I lose 15 pounds, I've reached my goal, right? If your goal is just to love yourself, take care of yourself, nourish your body, nourish
Starting point is 00:51:14 your soul, there's no end to that. Now it's a moving goal. It's a continue to love yourself more and more and more as you get closer and closer. That's it. You just take care of yourself more and more and so that motivation, it stays with you forever. And that's something, you know, it stays with you forever. And that's something that I implore you to do. Rather than setting these specific goals,
Starting point is 00:51:29 just say to yourself, I'm gonna start taking care of myself a little bit more. And this is what I'm gonna do to get there. Look, this is the reason why you will never find MindPomp selling a 14 day or 30 day get, you know, in shape, fast, you know, program. We don't do that because we know it's bullshit. In fact, the one program that we probably talk about the most
Starting point is 00:51:49 is our RGB, you know, bundle, which is nine months. Like, we're telling people, hey, here's a workout program, it's gonna get you in shape. It's nine months long. It's just gotta go through the process. You don't realize that that's like, that's like, you know, blasphemy and fitness in marketing. Fitness marketing, you don't,
Starting point is 00:52:06 like they'll tell you, they'll straight up to you. They'll tell you, people buy when you give them like two weeks, maybe a month. Yeah, nobody wants to buy a nine month, nobody wants to do a nine month anything. Who wants to do that? I mean, that's ridiculous, right? Way too much work.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, get the pills. That's a long commitment, like nobody's gonna do that. We don't care, we know that that's how the body works. We know it's a long process. I heard about these detox where you like, diurean and you know, it works. No, you know, make small incremental changes with the right motivation.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Some of my most, you know, my favorite ways to do this with people is to say, okay, we're not gonna change your diet at all, but what I do want you to do is I want you to eat two large servings of leafy green or fibers vegetables a day. So don't even change the fact that you eat McDonald's for breakfast and that you have two cans of coke
Starting point is 00:52:54 every night for dinner. Just add broccoli and spinach or whatever, every single day, just throw those in. And then they do that for a while. And then the next thing I say is, okay, now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take your Coke. Yeah, we're going to take away your soda. Well, let's talk about why this is such an important process and why we all coach this way is because not only do you do that, but I also know that the follow-up to that
Starting point is 00:53:15 is you're also asking them questions to help them connect to how they feel because they're doing that. Oh, that's what's happening. You know, I was mentioning some, you know, and I drew some blanks on like all these markers and things that I'm asking them to connect besides the weight and the reflection, is they're stool. And when you start adding something like that, you add all these fibrous foods that they weren't all sitting there stool
Starting point is 00:53:35 as starting to change and like, oh my God, my stomach feels better and I'm pooping more normal. These are all things that it's crazy that we, as humans, we somehow- Do we smell like the girl's bathroom. Oh my God. Right?
Starting point is 00:53:47 So, so these little tiny, this was also why I was, God, I was so excited for us to finally release prime because prime is such a major piece to how I coach somebody like starting from January. We're using January, but this would just, we're never starting from the beginning with anybody, right? And where I know we're talking to January because it's the new year.
Starting point is 00:54:05 And this is probably going to hopefully resonate with a lot of people. But, you know, talking about the steps first. So that's kind of like the first thing. Boom, I check out how much you're moving. And we're going to add something so subtle and easy like that. Two killing two birds, one stone. I'm growing you mentally. I'm moving you a little bit more already that's going to help us with multiple
Starting point is 00:54:22 things that will eventually lead to the reflection and the scale down the road, which everybody wants to care about. But then the next thing after that is, okay, let's talk about how you move. Because nobody wants to talk about that, right? We want to talk about my muscles and my belly. Don't give me stars. And getting there, but let's talk about how you move. Let's talk about, can I get you to actually sit down in like a baby position? And why can't we get you to sit down in that position anymore?
Starting point is 00:54:44 And getting you, showing, connecting those dots to you and saying, okay, now what I'm going to do is you got your three days, you got your three days a week, I got you walking now. Now I'm going to put together this little, and this is what Prime was about, was helping people assess themselves. And we, we tried to simplify something that was extremely complicated that we have done for years with clients is, how do we kind of assess their body, look at these areas. So we broke it up in three zones. We said, okay, here's their shoulder complex and then here's where, here's there's transverse and then there's the hips.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Okay, these are major areas we're looking for. Basic tests, it's pass or fail. They pass or fail this test. Most people are going to fail because there's so unaware of how they move, if they move poorly or not, and this helps to point that out. Now that we help point it out for them, we say, okay, here are some basic moves
Starting point is 00:55:31 that is gonna help promote better mobility and movement in these areas that you're lagging in. So then I want you to do this. Now I'm gonna give you a small workout. It's only eight to 15 minutes maybe. Eight to 15 minutes, two to three times a week, I'm having a do this. And guess what, I know when I see you every week, if you're starting to do this,
Starting point is 00:55:48 because I'll be able to tell by your movement, because you start incorporating these things just on a little bit like that weekly, from going from someone who wasn't doing anything whatsoever, already you're gonna start to see progress. And we're fucking winning. Even if you haven't seen the scale, go down five or 10 pounds,
Starting point is 00:56:04 all that stuff is going to come. And I always tell people that that's the fucking easy part for a trainer to get you to lose or gain 15 to 20 pounds. That's the easy part. That's fucking math. That's just simple math for us. Like that's like eat more, eat less, move more, move less. You know, like that's going to that's going to dictate the scale, which in turn, we're going to lean you out is going to show more muscles in the mirror, that's fucking easy. But teaching you how to find this ultimate place where you are intuitively eating, intuitively training, and happy with how you feel, happy with how you look, you've grown so much internally.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And enjoying the whole process. Yes, and enjoying the process, and you're going to stay that way for the rest of your life. And in fact, you're not only going to stay this way for the rest of your life, but now you start to look at snapshots of the year. Like I looked now like, of course, if I were to compare myself to the guy who got on stage a year ago, and all I cared about with how I looked,
Starting point is 00:56:56 I would look at myself and say, I'm a failure this year. I'm failing. I don't look as good as I looked when I hopped on stage, but I'm actually way happier with who I am right now than who I was a year ago. And if you asked me a year ago,
Starting point is 00:57:09 how I was I in comparison to my fitness in the year, I would say I was, so every year I'm progressing in other areas, it's not always the aesthetic piece. In fact, right now, what's such a huge win for me is I've been able to focus so much more on my family time, my businesses that we're doing, and I end with little bit, even, even way less gym time that I've ever had to spend
Starting point is 00:57:31 to have a physique that I'm actually really happy with. Like I feel very comfortable in my skin. I like to, sure, I don't look anywhere near when I look like on stage, but I also know that I'm not that far out from that if I really wanted to get myself there. And I've been able to maintain this. My mobility's better than it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:57:46 My sleep is getting better constantly. All these fucking things are so important to your overall health journey and improving every year. And that's how you start looking at it. It is like, hey, am I healthier now than what I was a month ago and two months ago and three months ago. Sure, maybe the scale isn't at that ultimate goal, that ridiculous goal that I gave myself, because I didn't know how to
Starting point is 00:58:06 look further than just the scale and my reflection, because I didn't hurt mine pump yet. I haven't heard someone talk to me about how important all these other things are. But now I get it. Now I'm starting to connect that, hey, I am fucking winning this thing. I am winning right now and celebrate those victories, celebrate those small victories. And then they start compiling, then you got momentum, then you're a motherfucker, G.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Then you're just like, on a roll. It becomes a part of who you are, it becomes a part of your life, and it becomes something that just doesn't, it just doesn't. You don't have to go into the next year, and then you're like, I'm gonna lose them late.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, I'm gonna start this all over again. Stop. Cause you never stop it. I wanna give people some specific things that they can do for themselves. One thing, I'll tell you what nutrition, here's an easy place to start. Don't worry about weight gain, weight loss,
Starting point is 00:58:56 don't worry about cutting things out for, you know, in particular right now. Just do this. Have one really healthy meal a day. Just start with that. One meal, one of your meals a day, the other two can continue to be with it, whatever they are, but one of your meals, make it something that's healthy, make it have a large serving of vegetables, make it have all natural foods in there, things that are not processed.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I'm glad you said that because you're just saying in term like healthy, everyone's going to go okay with it. Doni, yeah, doni, doni, nothing in a process. No calories. Salas that make calories. No calories in your drink or whatever. Just make it a healthy, you know, something that's healthy, whole food, nourishing meal, start with that. Just do that on a consistent basis. See how you feel and the motivation will start to come for changing some of the other things.
Starting point is 00:59:35 The second thing you could do when it comes to exercise is if you're just starting off brand new and you're not working out at all right now, one day a week. Just dedicate one day a week to your diet. You're not working out. You're not working out. You're not working out. some of the other things. The second thing you could do when it comes to exercise is if you're just starting off brand new and you're not working out at all right now, one day a week.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Just dedicate one day a week to the gym. That's it. One day a week. On top of that, just move a little bit more throughout your regular day. Start with those two things. Do those consistently. You will see changes in your body visibly,
Starting point is 01:00:01 but more than that, you'll start to feel better and you'll start to enjoy it. And then motivation will naturally come for a lot of you to progress beyond that. But start with those two things, and then take advantage of that. Pick an activity that you like. Now, if you're the kind of person,
Starting point is 01:00:14 if you're the kind of, and a lot of people, are the kind of person that wants more of a plan, that wants things kind of broken down for them. Again, you still have to have the right roots of your motivation to do this, but if you want something spelled out to you, we have programs available. The nine-month one is the RGB, and that'll take you from January till September. I mean, it's all planned out. Workout's changing on a consistent basis. I want to make a point, though, that I think is so important because
Starting point is 01:00:41 how many times have you guys had to tell somebody even after we're explaining all these things, you have to tell them to pull back still. And I think that- And that's why I think like the way we designed, you know, the RGB and it starts on pre-phase and it kind of progresses them through with the foundational program, then moving to more mobility, then more volume and, you know, where you're really focusing on things like symmetry and balance. Well, you've become aware through prime.
Starting point is 01:01:06 And then probably, yeah, you don't do anything until you figure out how shitty you move. And you have to understand that fact. That's a great point. Just like with food, you have to understand and be aware of what you're putting in your mouth. And that's step one. And that's why I say this like pulling back to you because those the people that are gonna listen to this and are like gung, because there is going to be
Starting point is 01:01:30 a still a large percentage of people that hear this message and still go in the jam. Your friends are gonna do CrossFit. Full fucking throttle. The reason why we're speaking the other way, I feel like we didn't really address this very much is that you have no idea how much you are setting yourself up for failure.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Aside from the goal thing that Sal said, oh, you reach your goal and you have nowhere to go after that, but also that our bodies are these adaptation machines, man. They are, it's fucking just amazing. How it is whatever we throw at it, it becomes, it's goal is to become efficient. And if you throw everything in the kitchen sink
Starting point is 01:02:06 at your body, nutritionally work out wise right out the gates because you're gung ho and you're motivated and you're gonna change everything right away, all you're doing is you are telling your body to figure this shit out faster. We wanna do as little as possible to elicit the most amount of change. So that's why starting off with these steps,
Starting point is 01:02:25 that's why the beautiful part of maps is it isn't its simplicity. And to me, it's the most frustrating thing. If we ever get somebody that wants a refund because we offer a 30 day money back here and Teeke's we know anybody that goes through the process is gonna see fucking incredible change. There's nothing more that frustrates you more
Starting point is 01:02:42 than somebody who opens it and says, this isn't for me or, oh, this is way, way to basic. I thought I was going to get all this crazy other stuff. And it's just like, God damn it. Like, you obviously haven't listened to enough mind plumb because we haven't fucking got through to that person. And I gladly refund them. And not only do we refund them, it's like, dude, this person, I like, I hope they don't just go on after this. And they leave because they didn't get what they wanted from it I hope they continue to listen and here understand the message is that but the magic isn't its simplicity is that we give you just what you need To a list of change and then progress you and that's how it why the RG bundle is set RGB bundle is set up that way And that was what was so exciting about prime because really prime is the prequel to everything.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Prime is the first Star Wars, bro. Prime is the prequel made. It says well made. Yeah, if you want to know, if you know Jar Jar in prime, just, you know, right? I can't stress that enough. How much that is, you know, so important. Meza, no like that. You know, find those motivations.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Start with those small steps. Work out and eat right because you love yourself, not because you hate yourself. And if you need some guidance, I can vouch for what we have. Check out our programs. It's great guidance and start from there and watch what happens.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I hope, and I think, if most of you apply this, that next year I'll be talking to a completely different audience on getting them motivated because you'll already be motivated. It will now, at that point, have been cemented, and this is just the way you live your life. So, let's do this! If you like Mind Pump, leave us a five-star rating review
Starting point is 01:04:20 on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you'll get a free Mind Pump T-shirt. Also, don't forget to check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Adams at Mind Pump Adam, and Justin is at Mind Pump Justin.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:05:03 With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound, and an adjustment as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpunkmededia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
Starting point is 01:05:29 on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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