Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 431: The Most Important Food

Episode Date: January 5, 2017

What is the most important food? Probably the one your body needs that you aren't eating enough of. In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin dive into the importance of eating your veggies and why you are ...probably drastically under-eating them and how deficiencies in certain nutrients can lead to disease, poor sex drive and even hair loss. Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I got a message from someone who was interested in enrolling in our Super Bundle. That's the new bundle we put together where we have all the maps programs. And I'm just explaining to the audience everything. It's everything. Everything's in all of our maps programs are in there. Plus a new one that we're going to be releasing soon or a new program. I should say that we're releasing soon. Anyway, this individual is interested in weight loss, right?
Starting point is 00:00:21 Like most of the people who enroll in some of our programs. And he was like, but I need help with the nutrition piece. And so I talked to him about the fasting and nutrition guide bundle that we have, which is separate. Now here's what I'm thinking. It's the, this is our two year anniversary today. Yep.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Today, right? Two years. Why don't we, since we're promoting this super bundle as a great way to start 2017. Like start your year now. It's got everything you need for your workouts. I love where you're going.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Maps and a ball, maps performance, maps aesthetic, maps anywhere, maps prime to set them all up. So you've got your entire year of working out and phases and all these different things, broken down, explained to you, videos, everything. But we wanna give you the nutritional component too, because it's not included in that, so let's do it. I love this, let's run it all month long,
Starting point is 00:01:11 all of January to kickstart for everybody that's getting started on their new years, they got everything they possibly need, anybody who's bought it this beginning of this month, so if we had somebody that bought the Super Bundle already, we'll kick it to you guys free, you guys just email Doug, if so if you already bought it He'll make sure he sends the nutrition and the fasting guide over to you for free
Starting point is 00:01:29 You'll get a hooked up so then anybody else going for for the rest of this month you get that super bundle That's the promotion the happy to your anniversary January get everything started promo Enroll in the maps super bundle and you will get the fasting and nutrition guide absolutely free. You can find it at Mind Pump Media, Dr. Pathway to Healthy and Sexy. We love you guys. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Mind, pop, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. God damn it, Adam. He's on one. He's on one. He's on one. What is that? Bro.
Starting point is 00:02:12 It's toffee, bro. Bro, toffee. No, no, no, no. Toffee has all kinds of health benefits. No, you didn't see him. He first he goes out there, and he sneaks the fucking peanut brittle. Dammit.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Because you knew he's here, huh? We just talked about that. By the way, I opened that entire. It's because you knew it was here. How are we? We just talked about that. By the way, I opened that entire package up that one day. Oh my god. And little by little, I'm looking at it. I'm like, they're shit missing from here. Little by little, it's going away.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It's the Sugar burglar. You knew. The Sugar burglar. The Sugar burglar. Adam shape. No, I have not had that much. Can you do me a favor? This is the Sugar burglar.
Starting point is 00:02:43 We have the Phantom Dumber. I just emptied. I just emptied these out so I could use it for the nitro coffee. For the camera. They were full of these pieces of toffee. And I'm thinking, okay, I'm gonna drink this toffee, this coffee was some toffee in my mouth. Toffee in toffee.
Starting point is 00:02:56 That's just, it's kind of a no brainer, bro. In fact, it's kind of silly, delicious. Sounds delicious. Can we do some, okay, so for you, you opened the box of peanut brittle that I said, like, let's roll. Like, you don't. Sounds delicious. Can we do some? Okay, so then you open the box of peanut brittle that I said, let's grow. Like, 10 weeks ago. Yeah, but the idea was we got our fucking owners or the builders, the building give us this gift bag of shit
Starting point is 00:03:13 which none of us want. Yeah. And we all agree. None of us want it. That's why most of it gives me candy. None of us want it. That's why most of it's gone. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:03:21 None of us want it because we know I know that if it's open, how many times have I said this in the podcast? It's the same thing I tell my girl, like you cannot bring ice cream, doughnuts, cookies into my house because I don't have the willpower to not eat it if it's my, I have the willpower to not go by this shit, which that's how I've survived my entire life
Starting point is 00:03:41 and health and fitness. Oh, I get that's the same reason why Justin will go to strip club. I mean, you gotta have will power to maintain yourself. It is true. Let me ask you this, Adam, because I consider you to be quite a self-aware person. And you don't have your ego is not so sensitive that you won't admit something. It's like, you're not going to say
Starting point is 00:04:02 something just because you know it's something bad, because you're pretty self-aware. Of course. Give me your shit sandwich's like you're not gonna say something just because you know it's something bad because you're you're pretty self-aware Of course, you're giving you shit sandwich now that you're done I think you're like we're new here. I think it would just fucking say I think it would benefit you and our audience if you were to talk about your sugar addiction Just really expressed how an intervention. No, what we can do, what we can share, is we can share how, and Justin, I've talked about this before, when we go on these little excursions, right,
Starting point is 00:04:32 where we take off for two or three days, I tend to, if there's gonna be a time that I put a piece of toffee in my mouth, or I go enjoy an ice cream somewhere, or I have. It needs a partner. Dude, I'm laughing because you're paging the picture of like, you know, I'm gonna have a little bit if I want like.
Starting point is 00:04:50 No, I'm just saying, I'm saying the tone for all the things I'm elicit off, right? I don't know why you think I'm being a bitch. This motherfucker goes off and I went off last time with you because whatever you've got is contagious. Remember, we were in the freaking grocery store and we were, and all of us were stupid about it. We're all walking around with baskets full of what do we get? We had some cake, we had some ice cream, we had some chips.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It was horrible. It was like ice cream. It was horrible. Something that I've learned to do is this is that I don't want to deprive myself of something that if I really want something, I'm not going to deprive myself because I've maintained like good discipline throughout majority of my year when it comes to my nutritional habits. And I allow myself that freedom. Also, I allow myself to get checked, but I'll look at my all assess what I'm doing. And I'll go, oh wow, that's been two or three days
Starting point is 00:05:40 that I've had a diet coke. Oh, there's been two or three days in a row. I didn't have any leafy greens. Like, Oh, there's been two or three days in a row. I didn't have any leafy greens. Like, oh, it's been two or three days in a row where we ate out instead of actually making our food. Like, I'm very aware when I do and I don't do all that stuff. And for me, it's always about improving on where I was,
Starting point is 00:05:57 you know, the month before and the month before that and the year before that. And there's no doubt in my mind that. So you're basically like, I was so bad before that now, it's better. I don't think I was, I mean. I'm just playing. So yeah, I mean so bad compared to the guy that eats.
Starting point is 00:06:12 No, no, no, no. I think this is good. I actually think this is good. This is good. This is good. Good conversation. Well, it's good conversation for people because I think that there's all types of extremes
Starting point is 00:06:22 and there's all, I feel like there's a healthy side to having balance and understanding, like, listen, if I'm gonna go to a movie theater every once in a while and I haven't had popcorn, I'm gonna enjoy popcorn. And do I know that it's not the most ideal thing that I should be consuming, of course I know that? But I also, it's part of the experience and sitting there with my girl
Starting point is 00:06:43 and sharing a bag of popcorn while we watch a movie. It's like, I've learned not to allow myself to dwell on like, oh my God, that's so bad. It's also smart because I talk so much about the dangers and how bad some of these things are. And I'll indulge here and there as well, but the other day I was at the movies because you just reminded me, I'm at the movies and I haven't had a diet coke in a long fucking time, like a long time. It's just not something I don't normally enjoy, but I'm like I'm gonna get one today.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So I get one in the cup and it says coke on it and I'm walking through the theater and someone's like, my pump. Hey, my pump's up. And now I got this like diet coke in my hand, like behind you. And I'm immediately like, fuck, like they're gonna think like I'm a big ass, you know, hypocrite. No, I think that's what I've always enjoyed about our show and why I've always maintained pure honesty
Starting point is 00:07:37 when it comes to that stuff because I don't, I, we are, it's already happened to me plenty of times where I've been seen out. I mean, I was seen out at the end of the, I got caught at a pizza place. Right. I was like, yeah, oh. Yeah, right, I was, I've been out at the end and I got caught at a pizza place. I was like, yeah. Yeah, right. I've been seen out at in and out.
Starting point is 00:07:50 In fact, I can't think of many times where I've been seen doing something really good for myself. It just doesn't work that way. But I think it's important to note that I think that we all find some sort of balance in that. I think that, you know, what are the options when you're out and you actually go out? It's not like it's this big health place, this plethora of health options for you. It's like, so usually, and I don't really go out that much, but when I am going downtown or I'm doing something
Starting point is 00:08:17 with my boys, usually it's like for a treat. I'll take them to go get a cookie or something and we'll sit there, have a cookie and milk. And that's a thing that we do very infrequently but it's like sometimes people will see me there. No, I tend to notice like my body tells me right away if I'm out of balance. Like if I, or if I've been abusing something
Starting point is 00:08:38 and by abusing, you know, like, you know, you, we talk about this sugar or something. Like if I've been over consuming it, like back to back days, oh, my body lets me know. Or if I've been eating processed foods or indulging in something that multiple times in a week, my body lets me know there's no hiding it or denying.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Now, I think that's the most important part is to learn to connect that and listen to that and see that. Does it mean that I'm never gonna go back and still do it just because my all said, my shits are off, my sleep is off, I have a headache or I feel fatigued? No, because sometimes when I'm sitting in a theater
Starting point is 00:09:13 like that, you know that there's a possibility that you could feel that way afterwards and you make that decision that, hey, at this moment right now, I'm gonna enjoy this moment, I'm gonna enjoy what I'm doing at the risk that I may feel this way afterwards. And I think for me... The reality is that's a very healthy approach because all joking aside, I've worked with
Starting point is 00:09:34 countless people to where I'll give them that flexibility when I'm talking about nutrition. And it stresses them out to the point where they'll cry or they'll get tremendous anxiety because now I'm telling them like, go have some popcorn or I'm telling them like, okay, we're not gonna track for the next three days and it freaks them out because they're on the other side of that poor relationship to food where they just need to eat everything has to be so regimented
Starting point is 00:09:59 that going off causes them like emotional distress. And if you're one of those people, I you may be healthy on the in terms of the you're not eating quote-unquote bad food But you're not healthy. There's definitely a mental component That's not well think of what Dr. Andrew Hill just did when we had him on the show I know and he and think about his approach with a addiction with drugs. I feel it's the same way with food You have to learn how to moderate it's also why it's also why I speak out against all these dumbasses on Instagram that glorified cheat days. Because to me, I look at that as somebody who sustains from drugs as hard as they can most the week and then they have a day where they say, let's get fucking loaded like over
Starting point is 00:10:41 the top. That's such an unhealthy relationship with food and or it could be with drugs. Like both of them are giving us this pleasure, right? Both of these things, whether it be through food or through like a drug, we're getting some sort of pleasure from these things and for you to restrict and then over and dulled, restrict over and dulled, to me is unhealthier then being mindful of what these things
Starting point is 00:11:07 do to our body and being minimize again. Yes, and making the right choices 99% of the time, and then when you find the time where you feel like, hey, you know what, it's New Year's Eve, I'm gonna pop bottles, I'm gonna have a great dinner tonight, I'm gonna eat some dessert, and I'm gonna enjoy myself because it's a celebration for me and it's because I don't live my life like that on a regular basis. You know what, that all being said, so that all, all that stuff that we just said,
Starting point is 00:11:34 are we gonna have a celebratory dinner? Fuck yeah, because it is our, is it today? Oh, it's our two, it's our two year. Two year anniversary, today, right? This is the actual day of it So this is the point when you actually we're a toddler everybody this supposed to propose right? Yeah, is that what they say is it? I don't know Wow, that's a I hate rules like that my bad But anyway, we're technically 20 then right? So this is our 20 because it in podcasting it's like dog ears
Starting point is 00:12:00 It's 10s 10 right is it really yeah, we're really we're 20 years and we're 20 years old It has to be yeah, we're seven years. I feel 20 don't you think about it Like we're about 20 years old like you think about our podcasting maturity. We're not quite like All the way there, but it's a big jump. We're definitely not actually not Not two dollars anymore. We're not toddlers, but we're definitely still newbies at it We're 10 we meet people and they're like oh oh yeah, I've been podcasting for 20 years. We've 11 years. We're 20.
Starting point is 00:12:27 We think we know a lot right now, but not really. Oh my God. You know, we don't know it. It's about, we have white pubic hair. It's a year old. We need to have to, we're done with this. We need to listen to some of our old episodes. We haven't done that a while.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Please, God, please, God, please, God, please, God, you have to do that. You know, if it was so painful, sometimes I think it would be. It is. Although some of our stories that we told that that's the Kind of stuff. I lost the rail. I do miss that a little bit. I don't know. I will tell us the story Justin tells a story Tell me about your chickens. Yeah, what's up with your chickens? What's going on with it? We haven't heard about what's What's the latest and greatest with those fuckers? Have you have those things? You haven't eaten them yet? They're terrible creatures
Starting point is 00:13:02 Oh, now you don't like them. You loved them. No, I did. I loved them at first because they produced and we had four of them. Now we have six of them. Because my wife for some reason thought it was a good idea that these eggs that, well, one of them, I guess they go through this period where they like, pack all their feathers off and then they get all crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:23 You have to leave them alone. What are you feeding your chickens, bro? I don't know. I don't know. I sprinkle a little meth in the fray. Yeah. What is it, what do you mean, what do you mean they're stressing them out?
Starting point is 00:13:31 What do you mean they go crazy? I forget what they call that, but basically, do they act crazy? Yeah, well, they just like don't want to eat or drink or do anything and then they like, they just sit in the coop the whole day and they just don't want to be messed with. They don't produce and then they like, they just sit in the coop the whole day and they just don't wanna be messed with, they don't produce and then they affect all the other chickens.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And so everybody's in a bad mood and nobody's producing and it's just like this clusterfuck. This is a real thing that's a real phenomenon that hats that I, there's actually a name for it. Yeah, please find out, cause I knew it and I just totally, like my mind's at a blank for that. You're gonna be,
Starting point is 00:14:02 boy you're taking me back to my farm day. Yeah, but anyway dude, so we're getting through, I'm like, all right, fine. You know, I'm kind of getting through like the, well, I guess this happens or whatever. Like, how do we fix this? And so we ask another farmer and he's like, yeah, why don't you get two eggs that are basically
Starting point is 00:14:19 fertilized and all that and like, you know, they could just sit on them and they can grow and like they can be a mother. Like if two of them become a mother, or maybe that's what it is, they're trying to, they're frustrated because they feel like they wanna like mother something. Multi.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Chicken's melting. When melting. Okay, so. So they're just depressed that they're not moms. Yeah, oh wow. And it's fucked up, and so they're like, so we gave them these two eggs to basically sit on. Sit on.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And so they grow up to be chickens. So now you have more. So now we have six chickens. And they're going crazy. Like at night, like two of them won't even go in. I'm trying to get them in and they won't get in because they're all pecking. Don't you find this funny like in nature?
Starting point is 00:14:57 I guess because they can't become a mother also, they get kind of crazy and stuff like that. How they react this way. It's in their genes, yeah, fight a fascinating. Yeah, it's really good. You don't have a rooster, do you? No, we don't have a rooster. You just have a bunch of girls.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah. Now, are you, Justin's just the one you need. He's just got the ladies. Yeah, Justin's the main cos. He's the rooster. Yeah, he's the rooster. I'm the cock in the family. What do you get?
Starting point is 00:15:18 How many eggs you get every day? Like, what's going on here? Well, so, well, we used to get them like, is it supposed to be one to one? A couple of them? Yeah, it was supposed to be one to to one so we would get like four eggs consistently there for a while then that happened So we were getting and now basically we have six of them none of them are producing they shit everywhere You know what dude? I'm like dude. Let's get and what changed my opinion about about chickens was so when we first got like A couple of these eggs, like they hatch,
Starting point is 00:15:46 everything worked out, but then they ate those chicks. They like pecked its head off and shredded it the parts. They're evil. Dude, you're chicken. I was like, what? What the fuck's wrong with your chicken? Right? You know what, I know what happens. We need a horrible. We need to make them into chicken nuggets. We need to have some chicken nuggets. The girls, chicken sandwich. You know what the problem is, dude? I know what the problem is. Adam, you know what's going on, right? Let's go, Adam. He's so there, they need to be fucking like, like, bossed around a little bit.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Like they're punking Justin. He's not, you know what I'm saying? He's not being alpha. You need to be more alpha. I got an alpha that I'm going to put you in. Go in that fucking coop. I didn't even pay them any tensions. Go in that.
Starting point is 00:16:24 You need to angry, fuck one of them in front of the rest of them all right That's what you need to do right in right in front of all the rest of them open the wing open the wings all the way up Just in the chicken fucker. Yeah, I don't want that as my nitches This is what you chicken fucker new hashtag chicken fucker No all Justin's pictures. I'm hashtag and chicken fucker. I don't know about this idea I take one out of there and fucking fry that fucker up man right in front And then and then eat that shit right in front of him. You know what I say? Yeah, but it's just make a hard statement. Yeah, man. You're barbecued sauce, right?
Starting point is 00:16:55 You see it right from We just like a porn hot sauce on it Just there I'm down and just in here bitches. You're gonna get your shit together You're gonna start a new thing. I'm just you just in here bitches. You're gonna get your shit together. You're gonna start. I don't say anything. I'm just, hmm, I'm just, you know, letting you know, I'll drip down my face. Yeah. You see, Cliku, I'm eating that bitch right now. Yeah, delicious.
Starting point is 00:17:14 What are your kids actually brilliant? What are your kids doing with the chickens? Are they going there? Well, first they like them, but they don't even care. It's like, I mean, we got a dog. And I mean, dogs are awesome. Chickens are evil little bastards. Yeah, I don't realize chickens are so bad
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, no, they're like so there's gonna be people are like oh no chickens are awesome. I love chickens cuz like You know you can hold them and you're chicken me like petting There's people that really like chicken. You know chicken. I'm gonna chicken people are right up there with the cat lady Who's weirder you know They're with the cat lady here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. People like to sure who's weirder, you know? Yeah, these things are like cold parties. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:48 They're like, no soul. They just walk around. I'm not like packing their hand in the ground. You know what I mean? I just don't trust them. I saw them eat like one of their young. Well, since we're on this home front thing here, I mean, you just moved into a new place now, bro.
Starting point is 00:18:03 You upgraded your pad and what's what's life like over there? Are you are you acclimated? What's going on? What's what's going on in the home front? Adam helped you move in. No, he actually helped me move out. Oh, you know, you know, you guys haven't seen it yet. Almost. I just got my TV setup today and I got dish network with free HBO for for about six months. So I get to watch HBO stuff Nice. Have you guys have you guys? I feel like I can hang out with you guys now a little bit No, you don't have to start that like kickstarter. Nobody wants to come over my house Hey, so let's watch TV. I don't got TV. We can read. Oh shit. I got something to do. I found a new game of thrones get on it
Starting point is 00:18:40 I found a new a new series last night Katrina and I I just started it. We watched the first two episodes. I like it so far. It's on its first season. It's called Crown. Oh, you like it? Yeah, because Courtney got into it and I thought it was another one of those fucking. What's that one show called? That's a English that's like really. Oh, I know. No, no, not a lot of PBS. No, it has it has it. It looked just like I was like, oh, no, thank you. It's having Tim bear It's well done. It's a good one. It's good good actors. It's well done. I mean, I'm into it right now I'm only two episodes so I'm not gonna put like my full on stamp on it say it's great show ever But or up there I finished Westworld. So I got through that series. So I'm gonna start that Westworld so I got through that series. So I'm gonna start that. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:19:24 So good. Yeah, I think I'll watch the first episode. Yeah, that one was pretty cool. You know, and I really, God, where they ended it, I'm like, where the fuck are we? What are we gonna happen now? I know, it's definitely for A&E. Yeah, but don't ruin it for me.
Starting point is 00:19:34 No, no, no, no, we won't ruin it for you. I, you know, there's so much shit going on with that show. You're, it's funny that you haven't watched it because all, I think about it, that's weird. Right? All I think about it is you. I think it was you. I think it was for you. I think it's that. I mean, Adam, don't feel weird about it. Right? He'll think about it as you. I think it was you. I think it was you.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I think it's that. I mean, Adam, don't feel weird about it. People don't get to eat. People don't get this part of us because we don't always talk about this on the show because we don't want to weird people out. But, you know, Sal has his, you know, belief on how we're in the Matrix and like, when he explains it though,
Starting point is 00:19:59 he actually explains it pretty well. And it sounds almost convincing. And then when you watch Westworld, you're like, oh my god, I think Sal helped write this. Yeah. No, it's because it reminds me of X Machina. And you loved X Machina. Hell yeah, love, that's a great movie.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It's a lot like that. What fascinates me so, and this is just a mental game, obviously, but what fascinates me the most about that is if we were self-aware, intelligent, fucking technology, we would have no fucking idea. It literally would not know it. We would not know that that's what we were. Well, and that's what's cool about it.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Westworld is literally that fact. That fact that you like to say right there is like, that's the whole premise of this show pretty much. That's awesome. You know, I want to dive into this topic because it hasn't stopped going around and around in circles in my head since we hung out with Connor.
Starting point is 00:20:44 So shout out to our boy Connor over at Onnet. We were all hanging out and we were smoking getting creative. And we started talking. I was out of the room. We started talking and you know it just great. I love when you get four or five minds like that that are just free thinkers and just start going. Because sometimes when I've been around lots of, there's a difference to me between a intelligent free thinker and then just a really brilliant person, right?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Like I meet brilliant people all the time. And but sometimes they're clouded by their own brilliance. So they, how do I explain this? Like a free thinker to me, the intelligent free thinker, is open to all the things that are gray or just all the faux pos and things that, God, what's the word I'm looking for right here? Where, you know, just because I'm gonna say something like for example
Starting point is 00:21:45 We're gonna talk about what we what he brought up with the the graves like I love I would never think this way But he he brought the up that how silly it is the way we bury people. Oh, yeah Like why do we be afraid of the taboo's and the yes taboo's that was the word I was looking for. Thank you So he he brings this up like you know how ridiculous is Thank you. So he brings this up, like, you know, how ridiculous is the graves and that we bury people lying down, lying down. It's such a waste of space. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:11 We should just, we should old ritual. Yeah. But you should just put them in, like he was saying, like put them in, like standing up and then you can put them closer together. Yeah. And we could, you could fit literally five times the people in a grave. Then on top of that, I go, I went further to say, man, that makes me really think,
Starting point is 00:22:26 that's so old way of thinking, to even do that. I think the future of a funeral home, I think, like right now it's like a morbid, scary, the place to sad, depressing, right? I see the future of like a funeral home. Like a big party. No, like almost like a, almost like a, like our heads in a box. No, I'm like, of a funeral home. Like a big party. No, almost like a head in a box.
Starting point is 00:22:46 No, I'm like, turn on this button. You guys have been to cool ones before where you go and you're in the marble walls where if somebody was cremated, it's kind of fancy and nice. So I envision this kind of museum type, but obviously more futuristic looking in cool type place that you would go. And you would have like these just
Starting point is 00:23:07 names on the wall or whatever and you where you go find your family. So I go find let's say my great grandfather, which this wouldn't work now because this didn't exist. But in the future, this will be here for sure. Great grandkids. Yeah. Like so my great grandkids, you would be able to plug your your headphones, which we will have better technology than that by then. Right. Of course, you'll go tap in and I'll be able to see, like, stream their life, like all their virtual, all their platforms, like, you know, oh my God, they're going to see
Starting point is 00:23:32 all your Instagram. Yeah, think about that. I mean, that's all data that's out there in the cloud. That's going to be there forever, right? So that information is going to be able to be stored like that. You don't think Facebook's ever doing that? I know. Of course they are. Of course they are.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Think about how many people have died now that have been on Facebook and all that. They have their whole timeline. Remember they established the timeline? You're like, whoa. And then they start showing you all these moments and you're like, whoa. But just, you're proving me out Facebook.
Starting point is 00:23:56 For a minute, think about how fucking cool that would be. Like, and this is like I said, this is close to my heart because I feel like I didn't have that relationship with my father. I lost that at seven years old and I wish I could go back and see his 33 years of his life and what he was like. And I feel like if it was me, and the roles were reversed, he would be able to see all the
Starting point is 00:24:18 things that I've written and put out in the air, all the things that I've posted and pictures and you would be able to timeline and see my life in a sense through video and listening to our voice on a podcast. That's definitely going to have a cool with that. That's going to be cool. And think of them how more celebratory are their life that will be when you go visit. Instead of you going sitting on a dirt piece of grass and crying to some stone, you'll be sharing memories with your kids and family.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Let's go see your great grandfather today and you go fucking, it's a 30 minute like video on his life or a 30 minute like. Yeah, that's cool. How cool that be. Yeah, I'd sum something like that. It's already in the works I guarantee you. Right, it's gotta be.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's gotta be. It's gotta be. And the company, and I think that would be like a come, or here's your free market thinking which, you would drive this competitiveness on companies that put these together better for you. So you would hire a company that like organizes all that. So it's beautiful and well-played.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You know what, I just thought of a little problem with that. Everything is data-driven now. I thought of a little bit of a problem now. Who owns the stuff that you put on social media? Do you or do it does the social media platform know we owe nothing? We don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:25:27 We allow them to do whatever they want. So my point is would then this company be able to go to Facebook, Instagram, and get all your stuff? Or could those companies say no? More than likely, this is why, this is why you said Facebook is probably already working on it. Facebook would be the one who'd be able to police this, right?
Starting point is 00:25:44 Or the ones that would organize it. Or I'm the one who'd be able to police this, right? Or the ones that would organize it. Or I'm gonna roll the world around that. I have said this in a day when we started this podcast. I should've known the most about everybody. I own some shares in Facebook. I put my mind on Facebook. I'll tell you right now that Facebook is gonna be,
Starting point is 00:25:58 and I feel like if it was a country would be by far the most informed of its citizens ever. Like, they know so much about their members. We're not allowed in a couple of countries. They weren't allowed in, like, their government. I stepped in. South Korea, maybe. Well, no, I think there was like just a couple of countries,
Starting point is 00:26:18 not just North Korea. I don't know, man. Did they were banned from? Is that what you said? Yeah, like, they weren't allowed to access into. Oh, initially. I don't know if that's still the case, but I know initially that was that's a really good question I wonder if that's true. So I googling that right now. I'm ever hearing that. Maybe it's not true So it might be true in some of these comments. I don't Google for sure. It wasn't allowed in China
Starting point is 00:26:36 Bangladesh China. I ran North Korea and Syria. There you go All places that I could give a fuck about. Yeah, except for China China sounds pretty cool. Yeah. That's a lot of people. They banned Facebook. Like, come on, China. Oh yeah, because they don't want, you know, some American company knowing everything about
Starting point is 00:26:53 everybody. Maybe. That's probably exactly what it is. They have their own Facebook. Oh, I bet you they do. I don't know. Why wouldn't they? I mean, that would make sense.
Starting point is 00:27:02 It's called book. If you're smart, think about it. If you're, if you about it. If you're if you're if you're if you're not a shnav, not book. What did you do? Some painting. That was a that was a Chinese.
Starting point is 00:27:13 That was a Chinese shnav, a navena shnav, a yeah, that was the worst Chinese action. Come on. Spot off. For your Chinese horrible work on your
Starting point is 00:27:24 face. Your shnavish neighbors that. That's like a this're shatty, you're horrible. Work on your face. You're shat-shat-shat. That's like, uh, this is the worst, right? What do you, like, Swedish? No, no, no, no. I don't know how many times I've done that, I'm trying to do an impression of you. It's just like, I don't know why. That's what he just like, give me, I just, I just, I just, I was trying to, you just,
Starting point is 00:27:39 you just completely go like, uh, fuck it. Irish and Australian are the ones that throw it out. Fuck up all the time. You think you do an Irish guy, I'll say you do an an Australian vice versa. It's like what the fuck how that happened? Yeah, do Lana Tili tie and tidy to yeah, there you go. That's better. Yeah, that's Irish Yeah, so lately I've been doing a lot of podcasts listening have you guys have you guys yet an opportunity to listen to the Ronda Patrick one? Yeah, she blasts you with information. She's like, I see.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Information over. I watched her YouTube's a few times, but I have not listened to her. If you're in the mood, it's called Found My Fitness. I'll give her a little plug. If you're like, like, heavy science, like, just bombarding your face. Like, book-talkie your head full of science. Like, we're just overwhelming. Down, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Found my fitness. And I love that shit. I love that. Down to the molecule. I love the Bukkaki of knowledge. Yeah, that's great. That she, you know, just blasts it on your face. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:28:36 But anyway, I was listening to an episode on a recent one on a compound called Sulforo, Sulforo, a fame. Yeah, Sulforo, that's the name of it. It's a compound founded Sulforo, Sulforo-Fain? Yeah, Sulforo-Fain, that's what that's the name of it. It's a compound founded cruciferous vegetables and it made me think, you know, we don't talk enough about vegetables
Starting point is 00:28:56 and why we should eat a shit ton of them, you know what I'm saying? Like you guys remember, we interviewed Dr. Terry Walls? Yes. That was a little bit eye-opening for me. That was a lot, Major Iopening. What did she say in terms of? Six to nine. Six to nine. Plates. She said Walls. Yes. That was a little bit eye opening for me. It was a lot. Major eye opening. What did she say in terms? Six to nine. Six to nine plates. She said handfuls. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Six. How many dinner plates? She actually pointed out. I was like three years. Did she say dinner plates?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. I don't know. She said actual. Oh, she has she did say what the size of that was. I think you're right. I think it was about three or four. I just heard the six to nine cups. Right. Yeah. Basically hold about a cup in your hand. So six to nine cups worth of a day. Yeah. I'm thinking the sixth and nine cups, right? You can basically hold about a cup in your hand. So, six to nine cups worth of a day. Yeah, a day. I'm definitely not doing that. I guarantee you, I wish I was. Most people don't get that in a week.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Most people probably don't get that in a month. I personally, but when we first interviewed her, I really, you know, found I had a lot of pride in myself that I would eat a lot of, you know, a large serving of vegetables every day. So I'd have one large serving of vegetables, which probably came out to, I don't know, it was probably three, four cups worth.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Which is a big, that's a big plate full of vegetables, right? Yeah, you'd eat a big one for sure. A big one, but after talking to her, and then after listening to Dr. Ronda Patrick, and then doing more research, like, I am not, I'm not, I'm like halfway where I should be to get the optimal benefits. And it's interesting because when you look at these studies
Starting point is 00:30:08 of people who eat vegetarian diets, like the 7th day Adventist, which is just like religious group in Lomolinda, California, and they are among the world's longest living people and their vegetarians, a lot of their health benefits, I would bet is just coming from that. Of course. So they cut like meat out. Of course, I'm so glad you went just coming from that. Of course. So that they cut meat out.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Of course, I'm so glad you went that direction because I was about to say something about, this is the problem though, that I have with all this great information is now, this is where you get these. It's not that they're not eating meat. This is where you get veganism coming from. You know, where these guys become so holy roller
Starting point is 00:30:39 about being a vegan because of all these great things that are because, but in reality, that's just because you're probably, because you're not eating any of these meats, you've got to fill all those calories up with something else. So you're eating tons of fruits and vegetables and seeds and nuts, which I would venture to say are probably some of the most lacking nutrients that most people are not getting. The average American just doesn't eat a lot of those. Think about how often people have seeds, nuts, berries,
Starting point is 00:31:05 and fucking fruits and vegetables. And I mean a lot of them. Well, think about it this way. Like I used to have, that's the bulk of your diet when you're a vegan. Well, look at it this way. I used to have, typically sometimes one meal a day, sometimes two or three,
Starting point is 00:31:17 but I would always have one large serving of vegetables. Well, now, if I eat more than one meal, if I have two or three meals, I have vegetables at every sitting now. That's something I didn't do before. Think about it. If a person's gonna eat vegetables, when do they include vegetables in their diet?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Dinner. There is no vegetables for lunch. There's no staple. It's not a part of the- This is just salad, but then people go on salad cakes, go off salad cakes, but they're not having a consistent vegetable group. And it's not very, it's not very varied, usually a salad.
Starting point is 00:31:50 If you look at it, I'll be the first to make. I'll be the first to make that. Not very many people would definitely someone like this. Like, and I kind of knew it. Like you just, it's one of those things. Even when like I used to prep food for shows and stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:02 it's like one of the last things that I worry about because it's like, I don't, you know, to eat cold vegetables, reheated the next day is just like, ugh, you know what I'm saying? It's not, it's the worst part of those eating super, super clean like that when I'm just- And it doesn't have, you know, it's not, it's not essential for right now because I have my
Starting point is 00:32:17 proteins in my car exactly. Exactly, exactly. So if I, you know, I 100% and wouldn't neglect it. Now when I say neglect, I mean like, I'm not, I'm doing like a serving a day like Sal was saying, if that, and you know, I knew when after we listened her, I was like, God damn, six to nine, that's so much. And I just did a post and someone was asking me recently,
Starting point is 00:32:36 you know, if I, I'd been targeting that after listening to her talk, it's been something that's been on my mind a lot. And I'll be honest, like I am not consistently he's still getting that much, but just because it's now become something that I'm so aware how much I was grossly under eating them, I'm way better than what I was a month ago.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So for me, and that's what this is all about while during this journey is, it's okay. Not everybody is gonna be fucking badass, she is at doing that, or not everybody's gonna be vegan, and that's all they fucking eat all day long, so they're fine. And not everybody's gonna be like, Sal, who's that conscious and then does it right?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Like, there's gonna be steps in this process. Well, I just think making a conscious effort to eat more of them, because they're so beneficial for your health. When you dive into the studies done, especially on vegetables, especially on the greens, like the cruciferous ones of the leafy greens, you find some remarkable effects. The anti-cancer effects from some of these compounds that are found in these vegetables are remarkable.
Starting point is 00:33:38 In animal studies, they'll reduce certain cancer rates by 30%. They'll increase the longevity of an animal animal by 10 to 15%. And then when they do human studies, they find the same stuff. In fact, it was a study done where they were doing, it was a smoker, excuse me, they were surveying smokers. And smokers with the most or with high vegetable intake had something like a 30% less instance
Starting point is 00:34:02 of getting lung cancer than their peers. I mean, there are some incredible benefits to eating vegetables. And I think here's something, look, is it the hermetic effect or like, you know, some of those like plants, they have like a natural pesticide that they produce or whatever, and then it gives you this sort
Starting point is 00:34:20 of a hermetic effect and small doses. Okay, so here, that's the thing. There are things found in plants that we have recently just discovered, have now studied and seen to have amazing benefits, and then there's other compounds in there that we still don't know what they do. Well, the micronutrients for sure.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah, none of them are vitamins and minerals. We know the vitamins and minerals that are in them. We know the proteins, fats, and carbs that may be in them, but we don't, there's so many other things in them that to try to mimic that in processed food, first of all, we don't know them to begin with, so it's not like we can, you know, make one that's identical or make a processed food that has all those things or a replacement powder that has all those things, because we still have an identified all of them, we don't understand how they work together. So, and this is another huge knock to the IIF land crowd,
Starting point is 00:35:07 where that becomes the main, the most important thing is protein spats carbohydrates. And for some people, that becomes the only thing. All of these phytonutrients and flavonoids and other types of chemicals found in vegetables have some incredible benefits. Like one of them, indolthory carbonyl. Indolthory carbonyl is found in cruciferous vegetables.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And if you have a nice intake of it from cruciferous vegetables, it will take, because your body makes a certain amount of estrogen, you know, all the time, male or female, it reduces the estrogenic form, the more estrogenic form of estrogen, and it turns it into something that's less reactive, which is a good thing because too much of the estrogenic form of estrogen, or the one that's more estrogenic, I should say, can promote certain types of cancers, can promote certain types of side effects. So it's very potent at that. In fact, they're studying endolthory carbonyl for breast cancer in particular.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And that's found in all of your, you know, it's in gropply, excuse me, broccoli. I think there's a decent amount of it in brussel sprouts. It also contains, like I said, sulfur, sulfur aphane, which is a sulfur compound, also incredible anti-cancer benefits. By the way, some of these things, some of these nutrients are not found in frozen versions of vegetables, which I just recently learned.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah, because I thought frozen vegetables were not a big deal, it's the same thing. That's what I was always told. There's really not that big of difference if you're gonna freeze the vegetables versus having it fresh. But so apparently that's not accurate anymore. And the difference you'll find is with these types of nutrients.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You're not going to find too much of a difference with vitamins and minerals and that kind of stuff. What is, I wonder what it is, is there some sort of an oxidation process that happens? It's, that's a good question. I don't know. Maybe it's getting degraded or destroyed. I do know that cooking vegetables at very, very high temperatures destroys some of it, but we've talked about this
Starting point is 00:37:05 in the past. This is why I think having some raw vegetables and having a lot of cooked vegetables is probably your best bet, because you're gonna get a nice variety. I mean, just so many different things. Well, did you happen to read the post I did on Instagram today or now?
Starting point is 00:37:18 No, I didn't. Okay, so I did it on the endoc acid system. And my whole message that I was trying to get across was there's so many things and vegetables are leafy greens in our diet, right? Has effects, this affects the signal that we're sending to all these important hormones in our body. And a lot of these hormones have a lot to do with us building muscle, us burning fat and our metabolism. And so if you're somebody who isn't doing this already, which I fucking know, 90% of you, I know I'm not and I'm fucking really good at this already, which I fucking know, 90% people,
Starting point is 00:37:45 because I know I'm not, and I'm fucking really good at this shit. Just like you and you thought you were really great at it, and you're still under, this is an area that we can all improve on that is going to affect that system, which in turn affects our hormones, which in turn affect how our metabolism works
Starting point is 00:38:01 and how we build muscle and how we burn fat. So if that's the, and let me tell you, getting that in line and fixing these types of things are going to benefit us fucking 10 times more than any pill or powder out there that we could possibly purchase. And that is like the idea is that, listen, I'm not saying you can't do this. I'm not saying this study for branching. I mean, I'm not saying that all the bullshit that you've been fed for so all I'm saying is fucking work on something that doesn't cost you any money really get better at that get your systems running correctly and watch what a difference that makes in your overall journey whether it be build a bunch of muscle burn about your fat
Starting point is 00:38:36 or just be fucking healthier well you know talking about talking about this kind of stuff makes me realize like if if people just, if they just prioritize vegetables and ate more of them, a lot more of them, you would get a cascading effect with the rest of the diet. So even if they went into it thinking, I'm not gonna change my diet. I'm starting to get even craving, those types of foods more.
Starting point is 00:38:58 You do that, you save money because vegetables are relatively cheap. They fill you up, so then you probably gonna eat less of the garbage that you would normally have. And then you've got all these other health benefits, just like that lung cancer study, many of the compounds found in vegetables may offset some of the negative shit that will happen to you from the bad stuff that you do, whether it's smoking alcohol or shitty
Starting point is 00:39:19 food. There's compounds found in vegetables that stop the conversion from pro-carsinogenic compounds to full-blown carcinogenic compounds. I can't remember the name of them, but I just recently learned about them. So it actually interrupts that step, meaning it reduces risk of cancer from things that are pro-carsinogenic, that you may be getting from processed foods or from pollutants. They've done studies on people who are exposed to pollution, those that consume the most vegetables, dramatic reduction.
Starting point is 00:39:49 What was that vegetable you were talking about growing because like broccoli sprouts, broccoli sprouts are very, very high in some of these nutrients and it's very easy to grow. Like all you need is a jar of water, the super cheap. Well, and you can just get on that. Broccoli and kale are probably one and two right as far as the top ones.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It depends. See, this thing is that. Well, of course, they all, everything and that's a good point to you. You got to be careful about the benefits. Yeah. Yes, there's different types of flavonoids in each, you know, type of vegetable. There's different types of, you know, betta lanes and phenols and terpenes and try terpenes and all kinds of different classes.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Core phil, all kinds of stuff. Yeah, all kinds of different classes of chemicals, and you'll find more and some, and less than others, and completely different ones, like the colors of vegetables. There are chemicals that give vegetables their color, and those chemicals have unique benefits. So if you eat a blue fruit,
Starting point is 00:40:38 or a green vegetable, or a yellow vegetable, or a red one, or whatever, just because it has a different color, that alone will show you that there's a variety and or a variance in their chemical breakdown. And you're going to get unique benefits to those things. So color is very important when it comes to eating these things. The greens definitely very important. I think the bulk of them should be greens, but go for like, I make sure to have the bell
Starting point is 00:41:03 peppers and the purple kale, the red kale, I'll go for all the different ones to get those. Well, and let's be just a exposure. Let's be honest, and this is why we had this in the nutrition guide. Each one of those, and we could, I mean, it would not mean, because I can't tell you,
Starting point is 00:41:19 I can't remember, I don't have the memory here. But I know, South could probably go through each one of those colors and each one of them provide different benefits. And that's the whole idea. And like when we put that in the nutrition guide of teaching people about color and teaching them how to choose their foods, it sucks that if we ever get like a complaint that comes from the nutrition guide, it's like this people wanting us to tell us the meal plan to follow.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And it's like that's the problem problem is there's so much nutrients out there for your body to get. And all these things provide it that the goal is to rotate through all of it and to not just stick to a meal plan and to not be doing the same thing over and over, but to be rotating through all of these things. And then we provide the goal calculator in there so they can kind of figure out, figure out an idea of where their macronutrients should be. But really it's trying to teach you to eat from these lists. We give you this huge list of foods and then to rotate through all of them because each of them have these great benefits. Well, so here's something that I started doing recently. And I love it when I'm able
Starting point is 00:42:19 to change something kind of fundamental, especially now because at each point I think I'm, you know, every time I learn more, I think to myself like, okay, cool now, because at each point, I think I'm, you know, every time I learn more, I think to myself like, okay, cool, I'm at a point now where I think I'm set, and then I learn something else and become more aware of other things I'm doing and change something in a more positive way. And recently what happened is I did not realize that I consider to meal something that had to contain
Starting point is 00:42:44 proteins, fats, and carbohydrates or calories. In other words, if I ate a bunch of broccoli, to me that wasn't a meal, unless I had some meat with it, or something else with it, okay? Does that make sense? Or, yeah, now what I'm doing is, I'm having a meal sometimes, it's just vegetables. Whereas before, that would feel super incomplete to me,
Starting point is 00:43:03 I would feel like, no, no, no, that's not a meal. I need to have, or I need the vegetables at the end of my meal. I'm now beginning my meals with vegetables, and I have entire meals that are just vegetables. Now, in the past, I've done the whole, where I'll do a pure vegan day, which I've told you guys in the past. I think, I mean, I feel fantastic when I do it, and the more I learn about the amazing benefits of vegetables, and more realizing a lot of it's coming from the fact that it's vegetables, not from the fact that I may be cutting other things out,
Starting point is 00:43:30 because I tend to eat a lot of them on those days. No, I mean, you're the one that kind of inspired me to start doing this, and I don't know if you noticed, so I would last time wear a whole food, this is how I got my food, was I had the big, they give you the two sizes, right? You have the big one, and then you have the little square one, and I get the big one you know, they give you the two sizes, right? You have the big one and then you have the little square one and I get the big one and I loaded it up with
Starting point is 00:43:46 tons of green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and I think cabbage or something else and I just like filled that whole thing up And then I had like a little side one of some like beef or something they had in there But I'm just all I was eating was the vegetables and then I was like that with the meat the way I looked the meat Was I'm gonna fill myself up on the meat after I fill myself up first and I've just never ate that way before. Like it's never been like where I have having like three to four cups of just all types of different vegetables and I'm eating all of that and then it's like okay then I'll spill over into my like higher fat meat and then enjoy that like that's a new way of teaching myself to eat and and then part of that is something that I feel I have to do in order to hit these types of numbers.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Because if you just go about it and say, hey, I'm going to start trying to eat six to nine cups of vegetables every single day. And then you're just going to pack it on your already habits that you do or your normal way of eating. You'll find you're going to fail because you've trained yourself to eat this way for so long where you indulge in your proteins, fats, and carbs first, and then you come over here and you hit your vegetable. If they establish all new patterns. Yeah, it's just a lot like training. It's really, you have to address it as like a new focal point, and then how frequently can you make it turn this into a pattern that turns into a ritual, that's something that, you know, it becomes a lifestyle. And so, yeah, it's, and however you can get there, so obviously there's steps to get there.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And so you gotta just start by including it more often. And that's a great step. Now, when you guys are being conscious about eating, you know, like more vegetables, and when I say more like you're eating pretty consistently, what are some of the things that stand out that you notice with yourself? I mean, there's certain things that I notice
Starting point is 00:45:28 for myself that are very objective and I can clearly see when I start doing it, but I'm interested in- I'm interested in- Satiety, satiety, inflammation and energy levels. Those are the three I notice the most. So you say reduction in inflammation. Adjust and do you notice anything like that?
Starting point is 00:45:43 You do very similar. So what do you guys, when you say reduction in inflammation, you guys do you notice anything like that? You do very similar. So what is it feel? When you say reduction in inflammation, you guys talk about just general stiffness, like takes it like that. No, not just general stiffness, even like below, like in inflammation like that. So swelling. Yeah, swelling all together. So I can feel it, I can see it on my body. It's very visual for me. I'm sure that's joint pain for me, typically. So vegetables, they have, there are compounds found in vegetables that have some pretty potent
Starting point is 00:46:09 anti-inflammatory properties. We know now that inflammation is one of the main drivers of some of the detrimental effects of aging. Now, of course, you want to solve the root of inflammation to reduce it, not necessarily treat the inflammation itself like a bandaid. Invegetables seem to do that. They seem to work with the body's system in a way that your body has a healthy inflammatory response.
Starting point is 00:46:37 They believe this to be one of the main reasons why people eat a lot of vegetables. Like, I'll read a statistic to you right here. This is a pretty proven statistic. The top 20 people who eat the most vegetables have a 16% reduction in all cause mortality. That means heart disease, diabetes, cancer, all the diseases you can get across the board, it's a 16% reduced risk, which is pretty significant.
Starting point is 00:47:08 There's not many other things you could do that will reduce your risk that much. Now you add exercise to that, and you add maybe a couple of the things like getting good sleep and that kind of stuff, and that's significant. I mean, think about it this way. If you increase your lifespan by 10%, and let's say the average human,
Starting point is 00:47:28 by the time we're gonna be old, maybe the average person lives till they're 80, I mean, that's eight years. That's eight years that you could add to your lifespan, and the quality of life, the dramatic improvement in quality of life. And I know it's a long time from now, right? If we're lucky, we'll live, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:42 that long, we'll have no accidents and we can do all that, but let me tell you something. I can't imagine the hell it must be to be in a body that has completely failed you and you still have a couple years left to live because you're being supported by medicine and hospitals and doctors. Nobody thinks about that. That's a hard thing to get people to really, you know, think that far ahead. Well, you know, it's crazy, even crazier, bro, is that that's not that fucking far ahead. I know. It's like, it's that far ahead when Well, you know, it's crazy, even crazier, bro, is that that's not that fucking far ahead. I know.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's like, it's that far ahead when it's that extreme, because I think that's what when people hear that, that's what they think right away. But it starts with a lot of people, 30 years old, 40 years old, and they start with all these blood pressure medications, then they're taking something for joint pain, then they're taking something further sleep,
Starting point is 00:48:21 then they're, next thing you know, they got a whole fucking pharmacy in their bathroom, and they're living off further sleep. Then the next thing you know, they got a whole fucking pharmacy in their bathroom and they're living off of all these prescriptions and they're doing all these things to try and band-aid all these, all their systems failing. Your body's got 11 different systems and all of them are extremely responsible for all these really important things
Starting point is 00:48:40 and our diet, nutrition, sleep, those are like the three most common that affect like all of them. And it's not focusing on that right now in our youth. Man, you're just setting yourself up for that's your story, bro. That's your story. You're going to end up taking it. It'll start with one. It's not a big deal, but it's just one. You know, saying that it's poor health doesn't motivate you to move anymore.
Starting point is 00:49:02 It's just around and then it's going move anymore. That's just it around and then it's gonna accelerate. That's a great point. At two things, number one, most of the cost of health care in this country, the big bulk of the expensiveness of health care that is threatening to bankrupt us in the future, goes to end of life care. So however old you are when you die, it's those last, you know, it's those three, four years
Starting point is 00:49:24 before or five years before, five years before that are so fucking expensive because you're just having a shitty quality of life. So that's something to think about. Like I don't know if I'm gonna die of some random disease, I would like up until that point to be pretty healthy. You know, I'm saying versus like living, you know, for years feeling, you know, absolutely horrible.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Oh yeah, the quality of life is everything. That's number one. Here's number two, and I want you to think about this right now if you're listening. Think about how effective you are as a human being when you feel really good, okay? When you feel your best, like imagine that right now. Maybe you feel...
Starting point is 00:49:58 How productive you are. Maybe you feel shitty right now. Maybe you're whatever. But I'm sure at some point you can think at a time in your life or a day or whatever, where you just woke up in the morning the morning and you were just like god damn it. I feel like a machine like I feel so fucking good I'm so happy nothing can piss me off. I feel invincible. I can do anything I want. I feel like I can conquer the world I'm not anxious about anything challenges seem trivial like I'm sure there was a moment when you can where you can think that that that you had that feeling that physical feeling that then Change the way you behave change the way you reacted to people
Starting point is 00:50:31 Changed all the things you did your productivity and now you can duplicate that you can duplicate that feeling and a lot of it a Lot of it has to do with the types of food that you eat and the types of food that you don't eat God such a powerful point when people really start to think about that, dude, that you have that control. You have that control to create for yourself. But, fuck, man, I don't know where or when it started for us as humans, but we like to play the victim role, man. We loved it.
Starting point is 00:50:57 We loved it. Blame others. And it's like, oh my God, life is just so hard on me. It's so silly to think that something that we do on a daily basis that include that we're putting food in our mouth every single day that is providing our body with essential nutrients, calories, macronutrients, but also all these chemicals. Tremendous amount of chemical reactions that happen from putting food in our mouth and through the process of digesting it and utilizing those things.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So many that we haven't even probably identified most of them or their relationship to each other, you do that every single day. It is absolutely fucking silly to think that that's not going to have the biggest impact on how you feel. Well this is another reason why we have such a huge problem with IIFIM. Huge problem. Because that's the problem. Because this is the part that they just
Starting point is 00:51:46 gonna go ahead and ignore and talk about your proteins, fats, and carbs, and that's all that fucking matters in life. And it's like, no, it's not, dude, there's so much stuff coming out. And that's why they can get away with it is because we're still learning that area. We're still finding out.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And I mean, people like us have already read enough to know that like, oh, we already read enough to know that like oh We know enough now to know that's not how it is But there's still the the common man and woman don't know that and so then a company like them Where I don't even know fucking if it's a company or a person who's who started that do you figure that out? I don't we ever did yeah Definitely bodybuilder definitely exactly Yeah, can we can we find that out so so I could talk shit about that one person instead of like,
Starting point is 00:52:25 I feel like whenever I bring that up, it is like a group of old bodybuilders. I don't want to like offend everybody that's done it because we've talked about some of the benefits behind it already before that, hey, there's some good things that it does help you do but this is the piece I just want to reiterate that drives me crazy about it is they just neglect
Starting point is 00:52:44 to talk about all these little things. Forget about it and in fact this just don't know me I can't believe I just thought of this when you when you read that the the branding the term if it fits your macros it implies. It implies that you can eat it. If it fits your macros that's what that's why it exists that way right so another word you're fine you're fine. Yeah, in other words, if I'm your coach and you're asking me, hey, South, can I eat, you know, someone's so can I eat a box of this or can I eat that? And I'll be like, well, does it fit your mattress macros? Then yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:53:12 So, so it implies that because that is inherently part of their system. And now we, I understand that they, you know, monitoring fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and calories is very important, especially when it comes to weight loss or weight gain. But if you ignore all the potential harmful shit that you find in processed foods that has nothing
Starting point is 00:53:32 to do with calories, or you ignore all the incredibly remarkable benefits from all of the chemicals and phytonutrients and flavonoids and chlorophylls, all the different types of things that we've identified and have yet to identify in natural foods that have been on earth in some way, shape, or form. Since we've been here a longer that we've evolved with, you're ignoring that.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I can't stand behind that. I mean, I can't support what they talk about because they ignore these amazing things. And like I said, if you eat shitty and you don't change your diet, will you get healthier simply by dramatically increasing your intake of these colorful vegetables? Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And that's the thing. That's the thing. It does have an effect on your body and an incredible effect on your body. And like I said, knowing this, and look, we live in this. Yeah, but how about people like this? How about people that tell you that,
Starting point is 00:54:26 I don't like them. I don't like them. I'm just, they just decided they're not gonna eat them because they're good, right? I don't like them. I don't like the way they taste, bro. Yeah, okay. I'm gonna start.
Starting point is 00:54:36 No, I mean, here's the thing, like number one, figure out ways to prepare foods like vegetables that maybe you'll enjoy. Well, this is what I was trying to serve you up was, that's the thing to me that I think before, and I'll be the first to admit this, like when I used to think of my vegetables, I was like, okay, if they're vegetables,
Starting point is 00:54:55 they're supposed to be good for me, so I want them steamed with nothing on them. Like I don't wanna put salt or oil or butter or bacon with or anything with it, it's like it's because I don't want to take away from what this great food of, which is not true. And there's, and you can actually. Olive oil, man.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Yeah, that should too, basically. It makes it better. Cooking them, it changes everything. It does, yeah. When you, I mean, I do this, I do this, I do this olive oil and balsamic vinegar with red sprowled pepper, and then I make the mario,
Starting point is 00:55:23 grotes a spare, dude, they're like, it's bomb. So there's a lot of ways that you can make these vegetables taste a lot better if you're somebody who does a lot. You can, and as you eat them, regularly you will find that you'll enjoy them more and more. You do develop a taste for them. You start to crave it. Yeah, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Well, let's think about this. And this is, I think this is getting into the microbiome and stuff. I feel like there's something that happens to you, right? Like, you've gone this long in your life, your body doesn't really feel like it's missing it because you don't know what it's like having it consistently in there.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Then all of a sudden you decide, it feels good, because when you're healthy, you feel good. And it's like, oh, how do I do this again? How do I feel this again? How do I feel this again? And so this didn't start happening to me till later on until I started really eating more and more vegetables. So like I said, I still am under eating grossly
Starting point is 00:56:14 compared to where I should be, but I'm way better than what I was a year before than a year before that. And now, if I know that I'm low, like even if I haven't been paying attention, I'm not tracking, which I'm not right now, not sure my body will tell me like it will go all Crave a salad and never craved a salad in my entire life in 12 was in my 30s Yeah, you know, and that's because until my 30s
Starting point is 00:56:35 I never made it an effort to continue to feel my body with all these You know micro and met or micro nutrients that my body needs and now that it's gotten it, it lets me know when I haven't had it. It says, hey dude. They rewards you. Yeah, and exactly. So, some people right now may not think
Starting point is 00:56:53 that they're lacking in those areas or they don't, they think they're getting enough, but have you ever pushed to those limits where you're getting that much and do it consistently enough to where your body, your chemistry, the inside of you changes and shows you, let it show you. Well, here's a piece of advice.
Starting point is 00:57:09 If you are looking for an easy way to kind of put together something in that track and just kind of, okay, I'm just going to loosely put together a roughly, kind of a healthy diet, try this. Eat vegetables for breakfast, vegetables for lunch, and then dinner you can have your proteins, fats, and your carbs, and have some vegetables then too. That approach right there, if you're trying to lose weight or reduce your calories, is quite effective. You're going to get lots of nutrients.
Starting point is 00:57:35 You're going to feel really good for meeting that way. It's kind of an easy, loose way to eat in a way that's going to help you with your fat law schools and with your overall health goals is just by doing those types of things. I mean, I have Brussels sprouts sometimes when I do eat breakfast for breakfast, you know what I'm saying? And people laugh, but break in the mold. Yeah, you are.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I mean, you're why not, right? Yeah, no. I mean, I love your ability to take you down with cereal. You know, with Brussels sprouts. Part of why I think it's always been great to end why the show would never work with just one of us. We've talked about this before.
Starting point is 00:58:12 It's because I think it's important for people to kind of see the phases that, maybe there'll be a day where I'm in this phase where I enjoy opening a can of sardines and having Brussels sprouts. Maybe. Here's the thing that's cool. I'm an open-minded enough guy that like,
Starting point is 00:58:26 just started a battle. I would work towards that. But right now, I just can't see. I don't see that happening. But I do 100%. And I'll tell you my strategy, like going forward right now, the new year, this is kind of one of the things that I'm focusing on, right?
Starting point is 00:58:41 I didn't pick one New Year's resolution. This is one area that I want to improve on this year. And that is this is getting, so I'm going to take some stuff that we've learned from Dr. Rondra Patrick, and I'm going to make, you know, try and do at least, you know, and right now for me, since I'm not doing this, I'm actually I'm going to start with an easy goal that I can obtain first and then I'll build on top of that.
Starting point is 00:59:02 So I'm going to add one of her like super smoothies that she makes with just an array of different types of vegetables and some fruit. And that's gonna become like in every other day thing that I do on top of what I was already doing. And then I'm going to watch and evaluate how my body responds and fills to that. And then I'll build on top of that.
Starting point is 00:59:20 One more thing I forgot to add before we sign off here on the benefits of vegetables. Broccoli and other and cruciferous vegetables contain a compound that reduces the amount of DHT circulating dehydrotestosterone, which is a version of testosterone that is responsible for male pattern baldness. So they actually is some loose evidence that increasing this intake quite a bit will reduce hair loss and in animal studies has shown to help where that's some bullshit. I eat
Starting point is 00:59:53 hella broccoli. It's true. Hey listen if you like mine pump, leave us a five star rating a review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it you will win a free mine pump t-shirt. Also, find me on Instagram at Mind Pump Style. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adams at Mind Pump Adam, and Doug is at Mind Pump Dog. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
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