Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 432: Generating Explosive Power, Importance of BCAAs, Meditation & Improved Fitness & MORE

Episode Date: January 6, 2017

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about a daily workout plan for high anxi...ety ulcerative colitis, how meditation can help with your fitness goals, favorite moves for generating explosive power and how to incorporate them in a workout program and the importance of branched chained amino acids and whether you should take them or not. Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You're going to hear in this episode. We talk a little bit about meditation and how much we love Brain FM. Check this out. Go to mindpumpmedia.com. You get 20% off your membership for Brain FM, plus you get 10 free visits. In other words, you get to listen to it 10 times for free. Try it out, you like it, 20% off.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Just use the coupon code MindPump. Direct link is right on the actual page. You just click right on the highly suggest this. That's excellent. Also, we talk a lot about exercise programming. As usual, this month, we introduced the Super Bundle. It's got all of our maps programs, including prime. Including prime, which is our newest one, right?
Starting point is 00:00:55 We've got maps and a ball, maps performance, maps aesthetic, maps anywhere, and then maps prime. Your entire year is set up for you. It's January, you're getting 2017 set up, you wanna get fit, you wanna get, lose weight, you wanna get shaped. Let's optimize this year. This is it, man, you've got everything there.
Starting point is 00:01:12 All the workouts, all the demos of the exercises, breaking down the form, the blueprints, it's all there, mindpumpmedia.com, it's the Super Bundle. Do it. Super duper. It happened again. Did we even talk about the second time? No, we're gonna find out's the super bundle. Do it super duper. It happened again. Did we even talk about the second? No, second time we're going to find out who the second fan to shitter is. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:32 So we're going to find out we're going to tell the okay, so if you go to it's she you get into the to the heart of darkness. Did you go close to the was it men's or women's this time? It's women's bro. It was a I didn't like. We didn't go inside either because I did You're a brave man. It was occasionally going to women's bathrooms. It was hot pretend like it's an accident Yeah, nobody wants don't assume his gender pardon me don't assume his gender. He could be something Anything Adam's Fluit he's fluid. He's but non-binary. Well, this is how we're going to fight it because I know we have some
Starting point is 00:02:06 Silicon Valley CrossFit listeners. So if you're a Silicon Valley CrossFit listener and You go to class if you go to if you go to your crossfit. It's right around 1 p.m. Right between no It's between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. So if you go in there. So so someone in your group is taking monster shits and then we're Monsters take a look right now around your little friends I bet it's one of the fit super fit hot girl has to be like a pile look to your left because that's what the waters are for Look to your right smell now look behind you see which one of these girls in there has got a a dirty bungolio Try and smell that never runs to the bathroom But it's it's it's it's it the bathroom, let us know. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:02:48 We have a key into our site. I need to paint the picture. But it's borderline impressive. No, no, it's impressive. It's impressive, but it's horrible. So let me paint the picture. So we have our facility. We have Mind Pump Media, right? And then there's a back door, you go through the back door,
Starting point is 00:03:05 and you have to go down a hall, and you have to take a couple turns. So it's not like the bathroom is right there. So you gotta go down a hall, take a left, you know, now you're in the bathroom area. It's like this evil brown spirit. This is like, so we were like flying its way into our fucking nose. It's like a fucking invisible gremlin in your nostril.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So we were filming our, I don't know what we're doing, or filming some exercise demo or something like that. And we had the back door open a little bit, you know, towards the hallway. So it's not like we were, we're nowhere near the bathroom. We're way the hell in the front area. Open the crack the back, they were just cracked open.
Starting point is 00:03:42 It wasn't like wide open. And then Adam is like, who the fuck forwarded, man? Who the fuck forwarded? I mean, we're a good, I mean, how far would you say we are? We're a good, 30 yards. More, maybe, right? 50 yards. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And down a hallway, like it has to like maneuver. She gets like a myth busters on this, you know what I mean? Like, cause like it's so powerful that like, I don't really believe it, you know, was just shit. Well believe it on us. Well it's all in the air. So it's it's far enough that we had it didn't even put that together. We're far enough from the bathroom that I looked at you guys could have sworn that one of you was lying. Actually got an argument with Adam because he's like no you did and I'm like I turn around.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I turn around and I see the door doorway to go back in the hallway that's kind of, it's opened up, it's cracked open about three feet and I thought, okay, well, let me walk over there and close that. As I'm walking over to close it, it just hits me in the face and I'm like, oh my God, it's not one of them. I'm like, and then I had to like a yell that you guys had to come smell this.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Like it's, I know it's not you now. The best part of the story is, so Adam is back, he's gagging, and then the rest of us are like, well, we have to go see what's going down. What is that about guys? There's something about guys that, if someone goes, oh my God, the nasty is forever. You have to smell it.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah, because we're like one time, one time just you can. Does it really beat in one of my powerful ones? Well, I think that's what it is. I think it's like, there's a party that goes, I got to know, I got to know, like, how bad is this? Like, is it really, is it, is it another level? Sort of lit misses.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Is that I'm exaggerating right now? Or am I going to walk her over here and go, like, holy shit, this was probably one of the worst shits I've ever smelled? It's bad, dude. Yeah, it's up there. It probably cracked the top 10. Maybe top five.
Starting point is 00:05:22 No, it's coming from a moment. Not for me. No, not for me. I'm like the Mount Everest. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, 10, maybe top five. No, it's coming from a moment. Not for me, no, not for me. I'm like the Mount Everest. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I gotta tell you guys the story. We got worse than that? Bro, from a female?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Bro, I know, right? Bro, bro, you got a next girlfriend that shit, you really got a girlfriend? No, no, no dude. Is Jessica Stinky Pooper? Not at all, actually. Okay. Actually, actually, that's the real phantom pooper because there's no smell
Starting point is 00:05:48 Although she's very healthy, which is kind of interesting. So let me tell you guys a lot of team on this I know I'm started it so What about your girl she's not gonna start that? No, I'm just gonna just this Katrina make poopy that smelly poop No, I want to hear the the craziest she's she's she never poops around me. We have one of the memories I told you about we have you guys sure a house. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she.
Starting point is 00:06:08 No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she.
Starting point is 00:06:16 No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she.
Starting point is 00:06:24 No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. No, no, she. At some point within that six year relationship, you probably at some point were going to the bathroom, she just finished pooping in, what did she say to you? Like don't go in there? Yeah. Okay, so she's like, don't go in there. Yeah, there's been a handful of times where she's like, huh, don't use the downstairs bathroom. Yeah, you're not gonna. And then of course I want to go smell them,
Starting point is 00:06:35 that I have to go check. Oh my god, it's not that bad. It's not, but you can tell there's, but yeah, of course I want to go check, just to see, I don't want, I want to know if there's something rancid coming out of my girl. Like so, even though she says don't go down to the first time, you can.
Starting point is 00:06:44 You still want to know the brand. Yeah, I can want to go down there. She's recognized it Yeah, in the car just in case I know that brand. I know what I'm I'm potentially I want to know what I'm marrying Dude like I know this is the woman. I'm a See the rest of life with I know if she's got something dead inside of her that she's letting out You know, so I had to go check. I know what the dogs smells like nothing rancid coming out, but rancids going in right Adam Boom my girl smells of smells beautiful So she's good so I and if she didn't know where you'd say it on this How fucked up with Abby? Hey, my pump listeners. Let me tell you about my girlfriend. We keep it real here
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah, I would put her I would put her on front street if she was back because I don't want I'd want her to fix it Right if I my girl was like a smelly chick. I'd be like, yes, she smells. Hopefully she's listening to this She fixes this bro. I have a story. I've been meaning to tell. Like that's the motivation. I've been meaning to tell you guys the story. I got them excited. And the reason why I didn't tell this before
Starting point is 00:07:31 was because I owned, you know, I owned my wellness facility. And so it was one of our members. And I was like, I can't talk about this now because they're still working out of my place. But I sold that place. So now I could talk all about her. Totally roll her into the bus and do it. And this, so this lady came in to hire one of
Starting point is 00:07:52 us to train her. So she wasn't my client. She was one of my good friends clients. And she had gastric bypass surgery. And so she and she lost 120 pounds. So she was and she still had like more loose. So she was very, very big, lost a lot of weight with gastroibyepass. However, she's one of those people that doesn't really change her lifestyle. Like, like, she would, the same foods were still in rotation.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Bro, right before her workout, I'm not lying. Right before her workout, she'd be in her car eating like jack in the box or horrible stuff, right? It's the kind of like, okay, whatever. Like I tried to be empathetic because I'm not in that person's shoes. So it's like, okay, I understand. Nonetheless, every time she worked out,
Starting point is 00:08:36 every time she worked out, 100% of time, she would follow up her workout or begin her workout. That's where the variation would happen. It would happen before or after after not always the same time she would go in the back and she would take the worst shit you've ever smelled in life but it wasn't like peeled the paint off the wall no no no no it didn't here's the problem it didn't smell like poop it was just a horrible smell that's even worse like toxic it was yes it was toxic to the point where nuclear plant you
Starting point is 00:09:06 just walked into where I we would lock the I closed the door put the fan on it's like to burn your nostrils and then and then we'd open the front doors didn't matter if it was freezing outside and I take the fan and I'd point the fan outside so it would blow air outside bro it was so bad she know that or it was just like kind of walk around like she fucking she knew about it she knew all about it she loved it she was also well I think yes no you guys don't know this woman there's definitely a part of her that relished she enjoyed that everybody was like suffering oh my god I've been waiting to talk shit about it so I hope it listening if you're listening oh let's talk about stinky shit.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Whatever, we're having a good time. So she, so this, I got another story about the same woman, okay, she used to fucking stare at me, right? When I had to work out in my own gym and she just stare at me. Let's take a look. Can we paint the picture of this lady? Is she young?
Starting point is 00:09:56 She old, she good looking. So she used to be a big lady. She had a big lady. Well, she was still big. She's still big. She's still big. So she was really, really big and then she was still big. Really big. And I got her 200 plus. And I got to say that, no, did she got, she's still big. She's still big. So she was really, really big and then she was still big. Really big.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And I got her 200 plus. And I got to say that no, did she got, she was close to 400 pounds. Oh shit, okay. No, she's maybe three something. And I want to say this, all the respect in the world for the work and that she put into losing the weight.
Starting point is 00:10:18 She did come in and work out. She did, you know, at least on a consistent basis, she would come work out and she did get that surgery. And so I want to say that first Respect all that there's a lot of shit. I hate it about her and here's one of them So she would stare at me, right and she would make these like derogatory remarks all the time to me Which is okay, but you know, I'm trying to be like professional in there. What do you mean like what did you do those but cheeks like? bro
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's very hard to make me like lose and come on over here Selena and sit on my face It's very hard to make me a clue. And come on over here, Selena, and sit on my face. It's very hard to make me feel uncomfortable. Very, very hard. This one, she licking her. Yes, like, I'm a bit of skin taste. Like overly grote, like too much. Like, okay, that's enough now, right? So she would stare at me.
Starting point is 00:10:58 This is like the skin of your dick. We'll do one, two. Whoa, that was too far. Oh, no, no, here's a true story. So I'm working out. I've got my wife, Peter on, right? I'm working out, she's staring at me. Oh, no, no, here's a true story. So I'm working out. I've got my wife, Peter on right. I'm working out, she's staring at me. Whatever, no big deal.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I'm done with my workout and I'm walking towards the back of the gym. And I remember my facility has one entrance, it's the front. There's no back exit, there's no way for me to exit. I can't escape. So she's following me, right? She's trapped you. And she's, you know, she's a bigger woman.
Starting point is 00:11:22 So she's like, you know, she's intimidating. She's following me and I'm at I'm in the back in the corner and I'm mixing up a protein shake and She's like really close to me so she walks all the way up and is really like in my bubble in my personal space behind you in front of you Yeah, she's in front of that the European hello. She's in front of me. She's so, she's close enough to where, if I stuck my tongue out, I could almost touch her forehead. Oh, wow, that's close. Yeah, so I'm like, what the fuck's going on here? But she's a client in my gym.
Starting point is 00:11:52 She's a long time client. What does she do? Breathe on you. So I kind of turn my back towards her a little bit because I'm like, this is weird, right? So I kind of turn my back a little bit to her, which from a defensive position is actually horrible. I was a bad decision.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I should have faced her so I could fight her off. Anyway, I turn around and facing the corner, mixing on my shake, and I guess you could see the top of my tattoo over my tank top. So she goes, oh, what's that? And she pulls the top of my shirt down so she could see the whole thing. So I kind of turn around a little bit and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:20 oh, it's, you know, I explain my tattoo and I'm trying to be cool. And she goes, oh, is that the only? And she's got the kind, she's, she's, explain my tattoo and I'm trying to be cool. And she goes, oh, is that the only and she's got the kind she She's she's really filthy like the way she does her voice. She's like is that the only tattoo Undressing you with her with her eyes. She goes is that the only tattoo you have on your body? I'm like, yeah, I'm like yeah, I'm like yeah, I have one of my What's in a mirror divila? What's the one with the Jim Carey where he acts like Like the girl that took a lot of steroids. Oh, that was on you. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:12:49 She's like is that the only tattoo you have and I'm like no act acid. Yeah, actually it's the only one I'm like, are you sure you're not lying? I'm like Yeah, I'm pretty Take your pants I'm pretty bro. I'm like I'm pretty sure and she goes are you sure you don't have one on your balls or dick? I'm like, I'm pretty sure and she goes, are you sure you don't have one on your balls or dick? Shut up. What? You say that?
Starting point is 00:13:07 On everything, everything. Wow, I saw it. I was so aggressive on everything. So I looked at her and I'm like, no, and I walk away. And at this point, I'm like, what do I, like, do I? You can't get mad. You're very rapy. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:13:20 Well, you're very rapable. Well, I'm glad you think that, Adam. Yeah, you can't get in your car. What the fuck, Adam? You're very rapable. Well, I'm glad you think that, Adam. You can't get in your gutter. You're probably not sharing a room with him. Yeah. You've got to just rape someone. You have soft eyes.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You have a nice warm smile, soft skin. You know, this is all spoken from a predator. Yeah, I feel like you're very rapy. Well, I'm gonna say this. If I walked in a room and there's like someone I had to rape somebody I'd be like I'm gonna say this right now You can try that energy is and you might not survive well That's part of it, too. There's a side of you that I want you to put a fight up a little bit And I see you got a little fight in you. Yeah, you know, I'm saying I look at you and I go like this and I'm sure she thought the same
Starting point is 00:14:07 way to stop you would be she saw she saw you lifting and she goes oh, he's cornered. He's not a young little animal. Yeah, he's not gonna just give in. There's gonna be a little fight. This is like when you're catching up. I'm like you don't want you know what? I go you don't want a real a fish in that just comes right in. Yeah, you it takes an hour. He takes an hour to reel it in. You don't want to work. you want a yank on it, pull on it, it fights back. You think you're gonna lose it, you get it.
Starting point is 00:14:28 You know what I'm saying? I bet you that night she had a nice m alone. And she's like, oh. Ooh. So she says that. I'm like, it's that. I'm like, it's that. I leave.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So I leave and I'm like, what the fuck do I do? Here's this woman, she's paying her fees or dues. I'm like, do I kick her out of my gym? It's hard to offend me. I can kind of get over it. That's really a question. But then she also does this. So here's the list of things that she would do. This is how patient I am, because she was consistent and I really wanted to support her fitness and I thought I could help her, right? Lost. She'd come and consistently and work out. Lost lots of weight, but here's the
Starting point is 00:15:00 shit that used to irritate me. She'd take horrible, horrible, deadly poops in my gym every time. She asked me if I had a tattoo on my balls and dick. And then she would obnoxiously grunt and yell during her workout. And what I mean by that, and I'm going to move the mic away from my mouth. She sounds a lot like a dude. Because I swear to God, everybody will tune out. It will totally turn off this podcast if I'm up in this mic
Starting point is 00:15:23 and demonstrating this. This is what she does while she's working out. She will totally turn off this podcast if I'm up in this mic and demonstrating this. This is what she does while she's working out. She goes, just like that. Wow. In the middle of my small wellness facilities, scaring my old ass clients, everybody's a trainer.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Who's the trainer? Who's the trainer? Initially, initially, I think she went through multiple trainers. Initially, it was one of the girls that I worked with that I said mentored me a little bit. And then she went to another trainer who was somebody that I was very close to
Starting point is 00:15:51 who I wanted to make sure that they maintain their business. So if I kick this woman out, then she would lose business. So I was very conflicting. But now that I don't own that gym anymore, you're fucking annoying. She's got a damn it, but I want to tell you that forever. Do you know if she still goes there? I bet she probably does.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Wow, she probably does. That's crazy. Yeah. To think too. Like things this mind-pum would have never happened if Sal got raped. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? I would have changed the course of your life forever. Oh, dude. It would have been different. Oh, dude. And then and then I think she got the I gave her the vibe after that. Like, okay, he doesn't like me. So then she would try even harder. And I used to have a TV up there for cardio, whatever. And I was doing cardio and I was watching, I don't remember what I was watching. There was some show and there was some muscular dude on it.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And she goes, yeah, buffed, because she's looking at me, like she's directing it. I mean, she's like, yeah, buffed guys are usually really bad and bad, right? Right. I'm like, what the fuck? She's like, prove me, bro. I'm like, what, like, I would rather-
Starting point is 00:16:43 You're not a challenge. I would be, what, like I would rather challenge. I would, I would be celibate. I would, I would, I would cut my own dick off before I ever married kids. What do you know anything about her? Yeah, I'm not going to go into that. Here's my vagina. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:58 She's married. Have you, have you, have you, like, listen, do you know any girls with the, through their, uh, clitoris, the, like, uh, piercing that vag personal piercing? I've seen it. Yeah before and boy that was maybe that was a whoa look at that right there. Long time ago. I take the fifth type of answer right there. I think it's cool. Yeah. You do think it's cool. Oh yeah. Really? Fuck yeah. Man. I mean it's not really much for us, right? It's all for her. You know, well, it is what do you mean? There's a lot for us. Oh, you think the barbells
Starting point is 00:17:25 grazing your dick is a great. No, not to touch. First of all, what's your most different? Let me ask you this question. What's your most important sexual organ? What do you mean? It's your brain. See you fuckers don't even know. It's your brain, dude. So when a girl's got her her clip here's like you know this is a central woman. You know, this is a woman that let another person hold her and put a thing through it, and she's into like, it just, it's just a picture of a war. Wow, you really thought about this. Yeah, you really go.
Starting point is 00:17:50 No, I'm just, I'm breaking it down. Oh, no, no, no, no. It's all mental. So when you see it, for me, I see it, and I'm like, dang, you know what? It's crazy. That's the word that goes in my head. It explains why you get so many people
Starting point is 00:17:59 to come side with you, because you're so convincing when you say, retarded stuff like that, that just doesn't make sense to me. No, it's not. No sense. No brain. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:18:08 See, there you go. You just circle back to a fact. That's good for you. That's good for you. That's still doesn't make your, does it make your clitoris analogy fucking tris? Well, no, I'm saying this because the second brain is your sexual orn. Oh, that equals that. There's a lot of guys using your clitoris to be this fucking session.
Starting point is 00:18:23 No, dude, you can't do that. There's a lot of guys that are, there's a lot of guys that will clitoris to be a good fucking session. No dude, you can't do that. There's a lot of guys that are... One that are... There's a lot of guys that will find it, that'll find it, a turn on, but it's not because we feel the clitoris piercing. It's because the fact that she has one, it's the mental aspect of it. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Yeah, no, I get what you're saying. I get what you're trying to draw for everybody else, but I'm calling bullshit that you can't just do that. It's not very functional. Yeah, I can't wear a trance. No, no, no, it's not. Yeah, that'll work. Doesn't work. It got damn bring the eagle here, please. I'm getting really uncomfortable Today's quads being brought to you by Kai Maricopi It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buzz without the crash.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Click the Kai Maricopi link at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpa Checkout for 10% off! It's the motherfucking throng! An English Landish! Quick話! First up, Namaste, Nixie. Daily workout plan for high anxiety ulcerative colitis. Who picked the questions?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Oh my God. Obviously. He's very medical. I hope you googled it first. You guys go first. Yeah, why don't you tell it? Say that again as I can't see the board. I anxiety ulcerative colitis.
Starting point is 00:19:44 So colitis. So colitis is, ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disorder of the gut or the colon, the lower intestines, and it's related to crones or similar to crones. Where there's lots of inflammation. Oh, this is up your alley. The ulcerative part is ulcers. They develop ulcers. Which are really painful, right?
Starting point is 00:20:05 It can be very painful. It's a horrible, it's a horrible affliction. The symptoms range from extreme fatigue, diarrhea, blood, and the stool, inability to absorb nutrients. Modern medicine doesn't have, just like with most autoimmune disorders, modern medicine doesn't have any cures for it. All we have are band-aid kind of treatments, and some of the treatments that they do for ulcerative colitis usually revolve around suppressing inflammation, and then the next step
Starting point is 00:20:35 is suppressing the actual immune system, because what's happening here is the immune system for whatever reason that's not quite understood is attacking the person's own body. Well, I feel like- Just throwing their digestion. I feel like from all the experts that we continue to talk to, the number one culprit, everybody tends to lean towards a sugar, right? Would that be the first thing that you would tell
Starting point is 00:20:55 this person is to make sure you avoid that at all costs? Yeah, so there's can be triggers, right? And a lot of common food intolerances can be triggers for people who have autoimmune disorders. Now, I want to be clear here, you know, you can have an intolerance to say or a common intolerance would say could be gluten, but that doesn't mean everybody has an intolerance to gluten. What happens when you're in this kind of hyperimmune state or you have this autoimmune issue is that foods your body tends to recognize certain things as Invaders and they can cause a reaction in the immune system and for red or whatever reason dairy gluten nuts
Starting point is 00:21:37 sugar, you know sugar processed foods tend to fall in that category. So Number one, you want to avoid those things, but I'm assuming this person is already probably doing that. And they added the high anxiety aspect of it because anxiety or any kind of stress or too much stress can exacerbate or cause autoimmune issues to flare up. A workout for people with autoimmune disorders,
Starting point is 00:22:00 you just have to be a little bit more careful with applying intensity. I just say be more mindful of that for sure. What was I just reading something along these lines, although I had nothing to do with the autoimmune, but it just people with a lot of anxiety and stress, and the importance of actually reducing the amount of days that they're working out. Super common that we're all trying to work out more and more and more, it's kind of the mentality, five to seven days a week if we can,
Starting point is 00:22:25 with someone like this, like I would have to prescribe them, like less, I'd say, listen, two, three days of like lifting weights and then the rest of your days, if you're doing anything for yourself, it's more recuperative. So meditation, walking, you know, yeah, yoga, mobility, stretching, things like that. So, regulation and all those things that help to, you know, you to recover and rejuvenate
Starting point is 00:22:45 more. Yeah, so I think a majority of the week, so that's four of the days of the week. I would be thinking more recuperative and more meditative and more relaxing for this person and to bring down the anxiety, bring down the stress. And then if you are lifting, you know, you're lifting like a maps red type program where you're going two, three times a week or with combined with like prime, I mean, prime and red for someone like this would be like the ideal situation. Yeah, absolutely. And you know, yoga is an excellent practice for people who have stress or anxiety. There's a breathing component. If you do a good yoga class, you find a good structure. You know, you say yoga and I think that's a good simple, but yoga costs money too, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:24 so I would rather see somebody do prime than yoga. And I don't want to knock you. Well, here's the difference. This is what I mean by yoga. It's not the physical aspect of the yoga. That's, I don't, not recommending yoga because I think you need to stretch. I'm recommending yoga, a good yoga class.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Okay, I'm glad you're clarifying this because that's why I wanted you to, because to me, if you're gonna recommend somebody yoga, and you're doing it because they need to work on flexibility or mobility, a prime is far better for them because it's gonna be specific to their body. It's specific, but yoga has its own,
Starting point is 00:23:56 and it's got some unique benefits. It's got some unique meditative benefits. That's the one. If you take a real yoga class, like a real good one, a proper one, and I would recommend to someone like you take a real yoga class, like a real good one, a proper one, and I would recommend to someone like this, a YIN yoga class. The breathing aspect is very important.
Starting point is 00:24:10 There's a lot of breath work that's done. This is also also what's really good. This is why we also partner, though, with brain FM. I mean, it's nice of you to recommend yoga and stuff like that, but I would recommend you do prime brain FM, MAP Santa Bulk. I mean, to me, that's why we aligned ourself with these companies is because we, 100% we all believe in meditation. It has a guided meditation section in there. So you can put your brain FM in. You can do your, you can do at home, but save the money. Instead of
Starting point is 00:24:36 paying for a yoga class that you have to pay for every single month, you pick up prime, you're set for the rest of your life with prime, you pick up your subscription to your brain FM, and you could do it as much as you want for as long as you want without having to do this monthly thing that you got to keep paying all the time, like a yoga membership. Yeah, but if cost is guided. If cost is not an issue, it is a good idea to be in a class setting because it can help bring someone down.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Meditation, very, very, very important, class setting because it can help help bring someone down. Meditation, very, very, very important. But your resistance training needs to be tailored around being careful to over-apply intensity. I've had many clients with autoimmune issues, and that's the number one thing that we focus on. I've had people who've had other trainers. I train people with crones and multiple sclerosis who've had other trainers, push them too hard and actually cause these horrible relapses and a lot of their symptoms.
Starting point is 00:25:31 So that's the way I would do it. Adam's giving you great advice. Strength training is great just because if you do it properly, it's very building. You just need the right dose. Yeah. One more thing too, I've been doing a lot of learning and researching on some of the more cutting-edge science on fasting. And I was listening to Dr. Walter Lungo,
Starting point is 00:25:52 who's got some interesting information. You can probably Google him and read a little bit about some of his research. And prolonged lasting, excuse me fasting, has been shown to regenerate the immune system. And in particular, with people with autoimmune diseases, the immune cells that die during the fast are the ones that replenish. And when they do replenish, after the fast is over, they are not autoimmune anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:19 So there's a lot of research going into curing or treating autoimmune diseases with fast things. So I would say look that up. I would definitely look into that. Look into that, definitely. Iron mic 25, how can meditation help with your fitness goals? Yeah, there you go. We just talked about meditation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Adams, you've incorporated meditation quite a bit. Yeah, that's totally new for you. Yeah, we need that reset. It is somewhat. It's not new. It's completely foreign for me. Yeah, we need that reset. It is somewhat, it's not new, like it's completely foreign for me, like I've never done it before. It's something that I've just tried to be more consistent with now than before.
Starting point is 00:26:53 It was, I mean, I've taken plenty of yoga classes and prayer and meditation, I mean, I grew up in a religious home, so I'm very familiar with. Were you ever as consistent about it as you are now? Like, now you do it like daily, right? Yeah, and I have a different intention, I feel like. I mean, obviously when I was growing up as a kid,
Starting point is 00:27:09 meditation or prayer was more spiritually focused and I was doing it for different reasons. We're now, I'm like, I'm trying to listen more to my body and how I feel and the rest and the recoup and the mental clarity and thinking more in those lines. So, yeah, I've definitely been more consistent. I'd like to be even more. You know, it's something that it definitely takes the extra effort for me to be aware and
Starting point is 00:27:36 not get cut up. I'm such a workaholic and it's hard for me. And we have so much going on all the time. It's hard to separate myself with that. So, I actually was just telling Katrina last night that I kind of want to start something new that I haven't done before where, and I can do this now that I don't have to be up at,
Starting point is 00:27:53 four or five o'clock in the morning and the first time we had to be here is here. So I have time now earlier in the morning, like six or seven in the morning. I'm gonna start getting up early and I'm gonna go walk the dogs. It's very therapeutic for me to walk the dogs, especially when it's kinda cool, it's quiet,
Starting point is 00:28:06 and not a lot of people are out there. I'll start it off with that and then come back and kinda finish up with a brain FM meditation session. So this is something I'm gonna start incorporating just literally told her that last night and was asking her if she wanted to get up and do that with me. So it's something I've been doing.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It's definitely, when I'm consistent, when I notice I put a few days in a row where I do it, it makes a huge difference, and then as soon as I'm not, it make a big difference too. It's so, for me, it's like, you know, we had a question, we just answered like regarding anxiety and stress,
Starting point is 00:28:37 and that's where I noticed the relief in that. And part of like, when I'm in meditation, it really helps me settle that down. Like I feel like I don't know if you guys the same way, but I feel like I'm so all over the place all the time. Like it's one minute we're going this way, then we're going this way, then we're getting a message and we're going to do this, we're going to email, we're going to, it's just like to completely shut all that down. And I try and do this like when we go on certain trips or I get away, is putting my electronics away,
Starting point is 00:29:05 doing things like that, so I can really let my mind completely reset when I do that. And then I go into like a training session. I feel like I can give so much more to that, where if I go into a training session after I have all my brain going all over the place and I got all this stress going on, it totally hinders my workout.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Again, seem to get into a mental focus to where the workout is like, I mean, I love, one of the things I loved about when I was competing is I was so focused on that and I was really tuning everything else out there. Man, my workouts were amazing. I was just so into the training that I tune everybody else out.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Well, that's a lot what you see with athletes too and how to improve a lot of their performance, even game days, to be able to shut off all this exterior stimulus. I mean, it's a practice. It's definitely something that you have to be disciplined about and implementing that frequently in order to combat a lot of the sort of noise that's going on that you tend to gravitate towards. And so it takes you out of the moment and almost achieving that more of a flow state
Starting point is 00:30:12 where you really are just, you're simply going through the mechanics and it doesn't feel like you have to put a lot of thought into it, you're just sort of more reactive and you're working with your body more efficiently. Well, I was really fascinated by brain FM when they talked about how, you know, when we were like focusing on something, right, like different parts of our brain are getting firing and getting activated, right, or there's more activity going on in certain parts of
Starting point is 00:30:39 our brain when we're focused in on something and that they have figured out that these tones and music that we can play to get you in that state. I know the warriors are doing use the, I forgot. That's the halo. Halo, that's right, that's the name of the technology. They call it neuro priming too, which is cool. Yeah, I love, which is the same concept, right? Very same, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Is there wearing these headphones that are getting a part of their brain, that focus part where you are starting to fire that and get that activated primate before you go into a, you know, a b-ball practice for us, it would be lifting. Or reading or anything like that too, because I notice a difference. I think I share, I don't know if I share this on the podcast or not. I've always been a reader who, I have always had a hard time
Starting point is 00:31:21 like staying focused on the book that I'm reading. I trail off a lot, it's why I like a lot of audio books. But I'll be reading and I'll get like a half hour and then also my mind trails. I find when I put the focus, I can put the focus session on which by the way, as a kid growing up, I was never the person who could play music and study.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Like I had friends that could do that. I could never like listen to music and do my homework. I never always had. And I had to have that. I couldn always had that. I had to have that. I couldn't get it right. I had friends that could do that, love to do that. And for me, it distracted me. But with Brain FM, I can actually put that in my ears
Starting point is 00:31:54 and have the focus session playing while I'm reading a book. And it just, I dive in the book. It's awesome. I'll go for like an hour or two hours and didn't even realize that I've been reading that long. Meditation is very, very interesting to me. It's for a long time now, we have separated the mental and the quote unquote spiritual and the physical.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Like, okay, you do one and it doesn't really affect the other ones, which we know now is completely false. In fact, there is hard science now that supports how meditation will affect your fitness goals. Here's one. Studies have demonstrated consistently that when people meditate or when they start to incorporate meditation, consistent meditation into the routine, that they eat with less emotion or they do less emotional eating. If you think about food relationships all the time,
Starting point is 00:32:45 a lot of the problem that people have with food has nothing to do with the actual food itself, it's everything to do with the emotion behind it, whether they're anxious or stressed or depressed, or it's just mindless, you know, they're at a movie theater or they're watching TV or whatever, and they're just grabbing something and eating it, meditation has been proven to reduce that in people. And that of course leads to healthier eating and now you get leaner. There was also a study done, and I think it was a, I was trying to look it up earlier at the university. I believe it was University of San Francisco, let me see here.
Starting point is 00:33:17 It was, it was published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, and they found that meditation can also increase your body's ability to fight off illness. It helps balance out the immune system. So incorporating that has physical benefits for the body. One thing that I found for myself since incorporating more consistent meditation is that I remember things more now, which is very strange. Now Jessica tells me you're just making space in your brain. And when she used to tell me that before, I was like, well, what do you mean by making?
Starting point is 00:33:47 So that's how the brain works. No, it kind of is how the brain works. And when you dedicate 30 minutes to just mindful meditation, you find that you don't need to write shit down as much. You find that you remember appointments, you remember things you need to do, because you're not so... You're not just in a way to look at it.
Starting point is 00:34:04 It's very, very true. And think about it. One of the number one symptoms of being feeling stressed out or whatever is your scatterbrain. You forget shit. Yeah, feeling overwhelmed. You just forget stuff. Taking the time aside to meditate,
Starting point is 00:34:16 you remember things much more easily. And lastly, will meditation improve performance? Abs of fucking loot. Yep. If you're in a constant mild sympathetic state, if your body's in this constant kind of low to moderate stress state, where you're not like anxious at your mind,
Starting point is 00:34:35 but you have enough anxiety to where your body's kind of in that elevated state a little bit, and you just kind of are used to it, so you don't realize that you're in it. So your breathing is a little more shallow, your chemical, you know, the chemicals, your brain releasing a little bit and you just kind of used to it so you don't realize that you're in it. So your breathing is a little more shallow, your chemical, you know, the chemicals your brain releasing a little different, the hormone, your hormone profiles a little different, you're moving a little different, you are going to exhaust your body more when it comes time then to apply yourself to an exert, you know, when you exert yourself to exercise,
Starting point is 00:35:00 to work out, to compete. Well, I'll be honest, like the only times I've really been injured or had injured myself is when I've been distracted. And I noticed that right away that I started to sort of listen in and to somebody else's conversation that was happening right next to me, meanwhile, lifting and deadlifting, a significant amount of weight. And then, in low and behold, the weight and my hand positions, and when I started shifting and the weight shifts and boom,
Starting point is 00:35:29 just added little slight variation to the lift and the different trajectory of the bar totally threw me off and I hurt myself. Oh, absolutely. People who, right now, there's athletes listening. I'm sure some of you can relate to this to where you have an important game or an important competition,
Starting point is 00:35:46 and you're so worked out about it. You're so, you know, you're thinking about it for weeks, you're preparing for weeks, and then finally it's game day, and you go to compete, and you're just, you just don't, you can't perform like you did in practice, and you wonder why, why the hell,
Starting point is 00:36:01 why am I not, why don't I have as much stamina today on game day or competition day as I do when I'm in practice? It's because you were so worked up for days. For days you had this kind of moderate level of stress and it exhausts the fuck out of your body. Well, that's how a lot of us walk around. So meditation really helps bring your body down because you need that parasympathetic state.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You need that relaxed state in order to build muscle, burn body fat, recharge the body, so that then you can do those harder type of workout. So meditation has broad ranging benefits for fitness, and it's something that I'm really starting to realize myself. So I highly recommend. I think we all could improve.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Absolutely. And something is easy. Look, brain FM is just, I don't know if it's better than traditional meditation, but it's a whole lot fucking easier. It's nice because it's guided. It's easy. I put up my ears in there 15 minutes and I'm done.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Like sitting in a room, trying to do it on my own, it just took much more effort, it was much more difficult. Well, I think this is easy. I think that's the way to look at it. Even the creators, he told us, remember when we had him on the show that he, you know, he used to, like, he could not, I forgot what he suffered from, but he had something crazy that he suffered from, like, it wasn't insomnia with something else, but, you know, he used the brain FM for a long time, but now he doesn't, he said he doesn't even
Starting point is 00:37:16 use it on a regular basis anymore, because the goal is to intrinsically be able to do that, right? The goal is to be able to teach ourselves to get into that state of mind without that pattern without using an outsource tool. How are training? You are training your brain. Yeah, just like regular meditation, you're training your brain, you find yourself able to get to that state much easier and eventually to the point where you don't necessarily
Starting point is 00:37:38 need that external stimulus, which is what brain is. Yeah, that's the goal ultimately, but that's also why I a, because it's difficult for me, I'll be the first to admit that, you know, I need training wheels. You know, I need the training wheels right now because I have not created it. It's not a discipline in my life. If you're, so if you're someone who's listening and you're like, this is already a practice you've done for a long time and you don't need that discipline, then something like brain FM, maybe it's not for you, but if you're someone like me who, man, you struggle to do that,
Starting point is 00:38:06 you haven't made it consistent. This is a great tool to help you get there because I tell you what, man, as soon as I turn that shit on and I play it when we go to sleep every night too. So Katrina and I throw it on the bows and we play it in the room. It's where it gets, it makes the bullies.
Starting point is 00:38:20 The dogs, the dogs, bro. So last night, I didn't have it on last night, and they're like snoring like crazy, and I'm kinda tossing and turning a little bit, and I didn't have the brain FM on. And then you, I get up and I put it on, and Katrina was like, you have a hard time sleeping, and like, yeah, the dogs are just so loud,
Starting point is 00:38:36 and she's like, I swear when you put that on, they quiet down and sure it's shit. Like 10 minutes later, the dogs just, they settle down, they're not snoring, it's heavy, I was like, it's great for all of us. Yeah, you have to get bulldogs. You want to sell you to settle your bullies snoring down and crank up your brain FM.
Starting point is 00:38:53 There it is. 20% off at mind pump media. I know. I know. Thank you for the commercial there Douglas. Yeah. Just a link. Click on that thing.
Starting point is 00:39:03 All right. Next question. ABC3TC. Your favorite moves for generating explosive power and how to incorporate them in a workout program. Excellent. Some of my favorite, one of my favorite things to do because I like working the posterior chain. I like working in that extension.
Starting point is 00:39:21 For power, I find that I can generate a lot that way. And one thing I used to do, and you need an open field to be able to do this, is I would take a heavy medicine ball, or even a relatively light kettlebell, maybe like a 20, 30 pound kettlebell, and I would do like a swing with the kettlebell, but I throw it and match that and I'd rest and take a break and then I'd do it again. Man, when I did that, there was a point where I was doing that about once a week. My deadlift, I felt so much more pop in my deadlift when I was able to do that. Yeah, I used to do it well. So I would also take a medicine ball
Starting point is 00:39:59 that I would also do like a chest pass like as hard as I could into the wall if that was my explosive first move, especially for like football, and I'm getting that pop and that snap. Even the kettlebell swing itself, just something that you think is as basic as the kettlebell swing,
Starting point is 00:40:17 which I just had somebody at a very high level kind of look over my kettlebell swing and kind of pick it apart, and just realizing the mechanics of how many things you can improve To get more response and the right type of response and the timing and of everything to happen at once Once you can really just you know focus on Every little intricate detail The overall improves dramatically and so I think like just trying to take like a move like that or like a dumbbell snatch or something that you can control
Starting point is 00:40:52 but you can accelerate it at a very high level and you can get connected to that process. You know, that's going to be what I would suggest. Yeah, and you know, incorporating this into routine, first and foremost, I think I need to say this, if you're doing explosive movements for power, you should be relatively experienced and have good control. So that's paramount to even attempting an explosive. Yeah, because you're asking for trouble. If you're just the average person and you've never done a power speed move or anything like that, you can take a kettlebell and you throw it like I said or you do explosive pass or whatever and you don't have good body control and awareness and stability
Starting point is 00:41:31 and balance strength. Your risk of injury goes through the roof. They are explosive movements are the top when it comes to injury risk, especially complex explosive movements like Olympic lifts, which is why I cringe when I see people incorporate explosive movements in fatigue-based programming. I mean, I will just always come out and say something against that, just because, if you haven't mastered a vertical jump yet, if you haven't done like the basics, you're just setting yourself up for,
Starting point is 00:42:10 like it exposes everything that you haven't worked on, and it's such a demand that you have to be able to have built in the support system to control. Yes, so. And there's really two parts to this, right? There's the central nervous system part where you're trying to get the CNS to fire on demand. And then there's the muscle recruitment patterning
Starting point is 00:42:36 or learning part. So I can do just do vertical jumps. I can practice vertical jumps. And by the way, when you do explosive workouts or explosive type training, you're not doing it to fatigue. I can practice vertical jumps. And by the way, when you do explosive workouts or explosive type training, you're not doing it to fatigue. I want to be clear again. I'm just trying to, you know, explode as fast as I can
Starting point is 00:42:51 and then I rest, wait till I'm recovered and then I do it again. If I just do vertical jumps, I will train my CNS. I will get benefit just to my overall my CNS to be able to fire better, which is going to apply to anything I do. But if I want to train a specific movement But if I wanna train a specific movement, if I'm in a sport like Justin was saying,
Starting point is 00:43:07 he's a tackle and he needs to explosively push out against another tackle, then you wanna also incorporate that specific patterning explosively. So there's really two things you're looking at. There's a skill aspect of it and then there's just getting the CNS to fire more strongly. I'm glad you said that because I didn't even know how to answer this because I don't have like a favorite power move.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I feel like the way we do this is how we design prime to me and this is how I use power moves. I'm not an athlete right now and even when I was an athlete I probably didn't understand the importance of training this way when I was an athlete, I probably didn't understand the importance of training this way when I was playing sports. So maybe how I'd use my knowledge now, if I could go back 15, 20 years or more, there's some things I would do. There's certain things that I like that we've incorporated in prime that I see lots of
Starting point is 00:44:00 benefits. I love a hip thrust. It sounds like a weird thing to do, supposedly, which would be similar to a kettlebell swing, like Justin was talking about, just because it's a movement that is so important to like the dead lift in the squat and that hip hinging is once you first, obviously like Justin said before too, is like mechanically you have to get that down first. So once you get that down mechanically, then doing it explosively really helps you with going over to do like ripping up a deadlift or I love to do like a Dumbbell snatch from the ground, you know real heavy and I do two or three of those on each side and then get over and go do my deadlift
Starting point is 00:44:38 Which this is all of what prime is all about? I'd go ahead Justin. Oh, well, was just going to say this is why too. I'm excited and why I put so much time and effort into this invention idea because I want something to be able to capture how much you're exerting. Like what kind of force that you can command? Like you can do on command. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And so how you can improve on it. How you can improve on command. Right. And so, and how you can improve on it, right? How you can improve on it, like even just pushing something into the wall or up and down or, you know, just just something like that shows the type of amplitude you can create intrinsically. So that's like step one, like learning how to tense muscles and which muscles on command, like at a more of an accelerated rate. So, these are all like, this is like all steps. These are all steps you need to take
Starting point is 00:45:31 to be able to have the right mobility first, then, you know, tensify those positions. So that way, I know I'm supported in that position. And then now we start accelerating that process. So now if I'm getting into locomotion, if I'm moving and getting more kinetic with everything, now I'm fully supported and then I can get
Starting point is 00:45:51 like a louder signal to happen at once. Well, I'm not even a fan of talking about explosive power because I feel like there's such a very small percentage of people that should even be here. It's, and it, and it, Well, it is, there is. I mean, you're right. Very, very small percentage people. Doing anything ballistically is dangerous. And there's no way I'm risking that with the average gym goer who wants to look better,
Starting point is 00:46:17 feel better, you know, unless I feel like they are extremely advanced and I can see a place where this is relevant. Like, otherwise, it makes no sense to me to really program too much of that into somebody's program. Maybe, you know, some very basic type movements, but this is why I don't like CrossFit, because I feel like they have a ton of these power type things
Starting point is 00:46:41 that are in their routine. Yeah, but they put it in fatigue-based programs. Yeah, and they put it in fatigue-based. And they put it in fatigue based programs. And it's, and I mean, even if it wasn't fatigue, just going, like, most people shouldn't be doing that. There's so much you should do before you do something explosive like that. I mean, it's, I don't like doing a lot of explosive
Starting point is 00:46:57 because I know I have so many imbalances myself. So that's why even the ones I said were like very basic to me explosive movements that I might prime my body before I go do a movement. Otherwise, I'm not playing a sport. If you're not playing a sport, there's not a lot of reason for you to be incorporating a lot of this into your routine on a regular basis. Like Justin's tool, the central nervous, to be able to measure your central nervous system, I think is super fascinating. And there's a lot of different ways that it can be utilized and I especially pertains to athletes and you know physical therapists for rehab and seeing what they're doing without a tool like that
Starting point is 00:47:31 I just feel like man it's a well I mean that all being said There are there is a percentage of people that want they like performance right there advance they work out They do the proper steps first before you get there now let course. Now, let's say you're here, right? Let's say you're there, you've been working out for a while. Which means you're the one percent, by the way. Yeah, so you're balanced, you're strong, you want to improve explosive power. You love working out, maybe you love working out and you want to try something different. This is how I would program it into your routine.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I would do it on a separate day. I would do it on a day where you're not, doing your traditional routine, where you're squatting, you're dead lifting or whatever. I would do it like, okay, today is my explosive power day. The intention of the day is not to fatigue the body. In fact, you should not leave an explosive power workout feeling like you really worked out.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Like you should walk out and feel amped. You should not walk out feeling like you really worked out. You should walk out and feel amped. You should not walk out feeling like, fuck, I just hammered my legs or I just worked out my back. You should leave almost feeling like you can go lift really heavy if you wanted to. And so you go into the routine with that intention, your goal is to be able to call upon your muscles to fire explosively as quickly as possible.
Starting point is 00:48:44 So you're practicing, you're practicing how fast you could jump, how hard you could jump, you're practicing how hard and fast you could do a you know, a jumping push-up or how hard and fast you could do, you know, kettlebell snatch or, you know, a dumbbell snatch, which is even easier. Those are the things you should do. So think of going into the gym as, okay, I'm going to go in there and practice on getting more explosive and faster with my movements, build your way up to that during the workout to where the first couple sets are 50% speed, 60% speed, 70% speed, okay, now I'm ready
Starting point is 00:49:17 to go 100% speed and then do it. And before you do- The last thing you do is increase load, by the way. Yeah, yeah, move the same weight faster, rather than saying, oh, I did that real easily. Now, I'm going to, if I can do a hang clean with 135, and I can do it relatively easily, I'm just going to try and move it faster,
Starting point is 00:49:37 not in terms of faster, like one rep after another, but faster within that rep, try and throw it up and perfect my form and technique. And before you get into the explosive lifts, do tension poses and do some light full range of motion, exercise, really just to mitigate the risk of injury. Like Adam's saying, when he says they're dangerous, that doesn't mean that there's no place in them.
Starting point is 00:50:01 There's definitely a place, but the risk versus the reward, there's always this graph you gotta look at at and that's got to wait out with that. Yeah, and the benefit you're going to get from it, if you're a normal person, it doesn't really equal the risk that you're doing. You can, I mean, just getting stronger with a squat in a deadlift is going to make you more powerful. A lot of carry over there don't make you more powerful. But if you're that person,
Starting point is 00:50:25 and you've got, you know, you're relatively imbalanced for you, you're strong, you've got good fitness, and you're like, man, I wanna do this, this is fun. It is very fucking fun. Just treat it like something completely different. It's a new skill. Go in there, make it just one day, take about 30 to 45 minutes,
Starting point is 00:50:40 you're running there for hours, and then leave, and then, you know, the next day, go back to your regular routine Our strength Shelton how important are branch chain amino acids and Why should you take them or not? Branch chain amino acids. This is gonna be fun to go over Yeah, branching a lot. There's a lot of stuff right now with with protein and over consumption of that as it is and Everybody does this fasted and they take care of BCAAs because they're so worried.
Starting point is 00:51:07 They're inabolic. Oh, God, really call it. Yeah. So BCAAs are losing, isolucine and valine. And they are extremely important. If you don't eat enough branching amino acids, you'll die, they're essential. Meaning your body can't formulate them, your body can't make them. So they're very important.
Starting point is 00:51:29 That being said, if you're eating a typical relatively high protein diet, not like the ridiculous ones that some of the supplement companies recommend, but like a 0.6.7 grams per pound of bodyweight protein intake diet, you're getting enough branching amino acids. You're getting plenty. Supplementing with extra branching amino acids, are they going to benefit you? You are really splitting hairs and the science to support supplementing branching amino acids really applies towards people who are training so close to the edge of over training that that
Starting point is 00:52:06 little bit might help. Like if you're in prep mode and you're a physique competitor and you're like, you're training so much and dieting so much that you're like teetering on the edge of just getting a cold and it turning into a flu. Really just getting sick and your immune system is starting to depress. It might help you if you're a super advanced athlete and you're in season and you're just beating yourself up, it might help you to supplement branching
Starting point is 00:52:32 in the last six, before and after your workouts. This is really the only time, it's on my refrigerator, so I have a bottle, it's lasted me like almost two years now, is when I come down and I'm on the last like three to four weeks showtime and I know I'm putting my body through something that's unhealthy, I'm in an extremely low deficit, I'm training every single day for at least an hour
Starting point is 00:52:54 to two hours and I know I'm pushing myself and so I'm taking that in there to get a little bit of extra help and like you said, hopefully, it saves a you know, a fraction of a half of a quarter of a pound of muscle or, you know, keeps me from getting sick. Or it's not, the way it's been marketed is what drives me crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Like it's not gonna speed your recovery up like crazy. You're not gonna build a bunch of more muscle because of it. Branch channel amino acids or, you know, it's, I mean, Jesus, wouldn't it even, wouldn't they come in when we really start pushing them and market them like 15 years ago if that? No, more, you know, so here's the thing. So the people who first started using branch human amino acids were actually endurance athletes. So they had like ultra endurance.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Let's be honest, that's probably who would, would be the best part case for. Absolutely, that's the most oxidative stress. And what I'm saying, I feel like those are the closest to somebody like me who would be unhealthy state, you're pushing the body really hard. Or burn victims, like you're in the hospital, you're a burn victim, and you're like, then you know, they could supplement with them. But you know, I'll tell you how, when you shouldn't take them, when people are trying to do a fast, and they're trying to yield the benefits of a fast, and they think somehow
Starting point is 00:54:02 branching, I mean, the last days you're going to prevent muscle loss, you're kind of defeating the benefits of a fast and they think somehow branching amino acids that are gonna prevent muscle loss. You're kind of defeating the purpose of the fast. The reason why the fast has benefits in the first place or the main benefits of a fast are because your body is devoid of proteins and of carbohydrates. You are causing, and that's what prompts all those things that happen to your cells that are beneficial.
Starting point is 00:54:25 If you give it branching amino acids, or amino acids in carbohydrates, you negate those benefits. So, don't take them during that, and definitely don't supplement all fucking day. God, that's a stupid trend. I see right now with these supplements that they pour a minute jug and then they, they pour them in their gallon and then they drink on it all day.
Starting point is 00:54:46 I'm eating every two hours and I'm drinking a branching amino acid, fricking, fruity drink all day long with artificial sweeteners and stuff and I'd be flavored like fucking pink bubble gum or blueberry razz or whatever. You know what the over consumption of branching amino acids can do? It can actually cause an imbalance in some of the chemicals your brain will produce, and can, in those who are susceptible, trigger depression. This is documented. So if you're one of those people that's been taking
Starting point is 00:55:13 a shit ton of BCAAs, and you just can't figure out why you feel down and unmotivated, it might be the BCAAs. I've stopped taking so many of them. And like I said, if you're protein, if your diet includes, it's already kind of high protein, you don't need them. It's almost like, don't really of them. And like I said, if you're protein, if your diet includes already kind of high protein, you don't need them. It's almost like, don't really supplement them.
Starting point is 00:55:28 I don't know. Go have a steak. Yeah, it's kind of a waste of money. So, and lastly, amino acids and sugars and carbohydrates, fuel and feed cancers. So, not saying that they cause cancers, but if you are someone who's, you know, in treatment for cancer and actually had a friend of mine whose mother was going through treatment
Starting point is 00:55:54 in cancer and he was in the fitness industry, you know, he worked in fitness. And because obviously when you have cancer and go through chemo, you lose lots of weight. And so he thought he was doing his mom a benefit by giving her glutamine and branching amino acids to prevent muscle loss. Those both feed cancers quite a bit. And he didn't know, unfortunately, you know, afterwards he told me, and I was like, I don't want to say anything to him because he already had her doing it. So I know that there's a ton of people that are listening to you right now too, that have
Starting point is 00:56:21 read somewhere in their muscle and fitness magazine or their favorite Instagram star who's posted some study or something that just keep in mind, man. If you guys are getting information like that on a branch, you know, I mean, I ask it, on a creatine, on a fabric, on all those great studies. It's the type of shit that we talk about all the time. Find me somebody who does that's not attached
Starting point is 00:56:43 to a supplement company somehow that's promoting this information. Like the information that most people do not understand how to read a study, don't understand literally how many here, like you can easily say that it has benefits. We can easily take a group of 10 people, give some of those people a branch channel,
Starting point is 00:56:59 me know, ask it, don't give it, show that there is some sort of improvement by them taking the branch channel assets, then talking numbers like percentages to make it sound like they're, wow, when we gave this group, branching amino acids. 13% decrease in, you know, some marker of, yeah, exactly. Yeah, 50% more increase of this and that, and like when you break down what the 50% increase is and what that actually comes from. So it's a number that doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Yeah, it's, the amount of muscle that you're talking about is unbelievably, actually, what they don't do that, they don't even do that. The studies don't even study. Talks about recovery. And result, they study markers that could lead to better results, but they don't know yet. They could literally say,
Starting point is 00:57:40 people who took Benchium and asked, that's good enough. Had a 13% reduction in markers of muscle damage. Think about that, right? A 13% reduction in markers of muscle damage. It doesn't mean they got stronger, it doesn't mean they built more muscle. It just means that there was a 13% reduction in all these different markers that represent muscle damage. And when you look at the number of 13%, it's almost inconsequential. It almost means it's like nothing. Like over here is one,
Starting point is 00:58:07 with 13% less than one, point nine, something. I mean, it's not even worth mentioning. Pick up the big rocks first. Pick up the big rocks first that are gonna make the biggest difference. I mean, if you're taking a branch, you know, I'm gonna ask it, and you're partying on the weekends,
Starting point is 00:58:22 you're having sleepless nights, you got tons of stress. You have shitty work out for. Your program sucks, you're having sleepless nights, you got tons of stress. You have shitty work out for your program, sucks, you don't get enough water, you know what I'm saying? Like you're eating too much sugar. All these other things will hinder your gains, your overall gains or your overall journey
Starting point is 00:58:38 more than ever in comparison to a, taking or not taking these supplements. And that was a lot of what the mission of Mind Pump was, was just to bring that to light to people. We're not saying that you can't do this, you can't do that. We're not saying highlight the meat and potatoes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Stay focused on improving that area. There's so much for, I've yet to meet a client where I'm like going down the list and I'm like, oh, check your perfect air, check your perfect air, check your, you know what? Let's introduce some creatine and branching in a minute because you're fucking knocking everything out the bar. Great job, Susie.
Starting point is 00:59:07 No, never fucking works that way. I'm going through and I'm going great job there. Okay, let's try and work on this. Focus here. Let's give a little bit more of this. Let's try and reduce this. And also, when you got to look at it this way, like if you're working out, you have goals. You want to get the benefit from your exercise.
Starting point is 00:59:24 You want to get the benefit from meeting right. You want to get the benefit from meeting right, right? You got to look at everything and look at the cost benefit and the time benefit. If you're spending 30 bucks a month on branching amino acids, what could you take that, and it's probably doing zero for you? What could you spend that $30 on
Starting point is 00:59:40 that will benefit your life or your fitness far greater? Think about that. Like, 30 bucks a month, hell, you could save, you know, you could save up three months worth of branch immunosensitivity money and get yourself a one hour massage every three months with a good massage therapist. Right, do you want to weigh more for you? Way more for you. You get to relax, you get to spend time for yourself.
Starting point is 01:00:02 I mean, that's just one example. Maybe I take that 30 bucks and I go and I buy food that's maybe higher quality. So instead of getting this kind of chicken, now I'm getting this kind of chicken. You see what I'm saying? Like, that money that you're spending on that is almost like you're throwing it away.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Anyhow, if you enjoy it or whatever, it's fine. It's your money, you know, spend it however you want, but God, there's a cost benefit. People, the average supplement taker spends a hundred plus dollars a month and then people bulk at spending 30 over 30 dollars a month on a membership For a gym. Oh, no. Oh my god. You go to that gym. That's a hundred bucks a month. That's fucking expensive Meanwhile, they're taking $200 a month of fucking food coloring and bullshit Like you got like really put things in perspective and you know, Adam says pick up the big rocks and we think about it this way.
Starting point is 01:00:48 If I'm in a room full of just garbage and debris, the first thing I'm going to do is take out the big pieces. I'm not going to go in there with a frickin' dust pan and start worrying about the dust that's on the floor. You can't run into the room. Or tweezers, right? Or tweezers and you're picking up little specks and nobody can see. That's literally what it is.
Starting point is 01:01:05 So BCAAs, should you take them if you are at that level where you are on the fucking brink of over-training. Your body's about to break down because you're about to compete and you're just fucking fried and sick or whatever, then yes, or you have a horrible, you don't eat much protein at all because if you're diet and maybe you need them so you can, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:29 replace them because they are essential, then fine. Otherwise, no, don't waste your money. If you like Mind Pump, leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you'll win a free Mind Pump T-shirt. Also, don't forget to check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You can find me at Mind Pump Sound. Adam is at Mind Pump Atom, Justin's at Mind Pump Justin, and Doug, the fearless producerundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having a sound, animent, and justine as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 01:02:40 other valuable free resources at mindpunkmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating in movie on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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