Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 437: Motivation Secrets for Lifelong Fitness & Health Success

Episode Date: January 16, 2017

It's a new year and the one time of the year many people make resolutions to change their life for the better. However, most people fail to see their resolutions through. What prevents success and wha...t can be done to increase the likelihood of success? In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin dive into serious topics like addiction and what it takes to break free from unhealthy habits and cement in lifelong habits that improve fitness, health and overall enjoyment of life. Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. We just finished recording a very good, deep episode. It starts off funny like they normally do, but man, we got into some good, some really, really good topics, a little bit of debate. I think we were hitting the root of what motivates people, what gets people towards that fit. Hopefully it's struck a chord. Healthy lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I know it's struck a chord just talking about it with us because we just finished recording it. But one of the things that we like to provide, that Mind Pump provides, actually the only thing we provide is good quality information and direction. And the thing about fitness, especially when you're following this fitness program, is
Starting point is 00:00:51 they're all based around beating the crap out of you, giving you lots of intensity, sweat, sweat, sweat, but they're not based on your insecurities. Yeah, they're not based on good fundamentals. You know, they're not training you the way a really good responsible trainer would train you. And so we have lots of programs that we have available, but we just bundled all of our most valuable programs and something we call the super maps bundle. And it will basically take you out for an entire year. So in other words, if you're real serious about fitness, whether your goals are cosmetic, you wanna build muscle, you wanna lose fat,
Starting point is 00:01:26 or your goals are more health and longevity oriented, or you're really into fitness, or maybe you're a personal trainer, and you really wanna learn how to train your clients and program workouts effectively. Our super bundle includes programming that will last you in entire year. Literally, you have independent type of programming
Starting point is 00:01:48 broken up into maps and a ball, maps performance, maps aesthetic, maps anywhere. We have maps prime in there, which teaches you how to prime your workouts and finish your workouts. So you can really direct the adaptation you're looking for. But within each program, they're phased. So, you know, maps and a ball, for example, you have three phases that you go through.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Maps aesthetic, three phases, maps performance, four phases. In other words, your workouts throughout the entire year are going to change as well as your body, as well as your performance, your fat loss, your muscle gain. It's the most complete system that you'll ever find anywhere. And it's discounted tremendously. We took all of these programs, added up the total cost of them, cut them way down, 30-something percent. And what we're doing, because we have a lot of new listeners coming on, it's January,
Starting point is 00:02:36 is we've included our nutrition guide and our fasting guide for free. So that way you get good basic nutrition guidance. And you also if you want to utilize fasting right now lots of people are talking about how great fasting is for health. And it is one of the one of the biggest nutrition breakthroughs that we've had in the last five years. We teach you the six ways that we would recommend people fast. Those are included for free. It's the super maps bundle. Plus you get an option to get the forum, the private forum for 50% off where you have an access to Sal, Justin and I, and a ton of other brilliant minds on there from doctors, physical therapists, chiro's, nurses.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Trainers are just regular members. Yes. And it's a great support system because we know what keeps people working out, what keeps people in that lifestyle, a big motivating factor is that support system and the forum provides it. Community. It's incredible. You can find all of this mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:03:34 If you guys know what the difference between a Garbonzo bean and a chickpea is, he told me this yesterday. I'm not going to ruin it for you. No, I don't know. I don't know. I'm talking. You've never had a. No, I don't know. I don't know. Tell me. You've never had a garbanzo being on your face. What?
Starting point is 00:03:48 What did you just say? The difference between a garbanzo beaver and a chickpea. Garbanzo being. You get it. No, I don't. You've never had a garbanzo being on your face. So what's the opposite? Chickpea on your face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I've never had a garbanzo being on your face. Yeah. God damn it, Adam. It was a good joke. Yeah, it wasn't it was the delivery was terrible It was really good because everybody else got that fucking joke right away It's that for I still don't get it. Oh, no, come on Yeah, bro, bro, bro. I've never had a garbanzo being on my face now replace garbanzo being with chickpea and say it to yourself I've never had a I've never had a chickpea on my face I hear chickpea on my face. I get that what's the Garbonzo? I don't understand the Garbonzo Bean part because it's just they're both they're both
Starting point is 00:04:34 Beings Beings that's why that's why it's a stupid joke because I get the chick on the pee that it that makes sense but the Garbonzo Do you know what a chickpea is? Why did you use Garbono bean? Because they're both, I think they're the same bean. It's kind of the same class. Do you know what a chickpeas? You know what that bean is? Yeah, yeah. Oh, I forget it.
Starting point is 00:04:50 This is where it comes. That's a wrong, yeah, that's an awful joke. Wow. Dude, it's like the thing you tell your friend when you're in third grade. It's so not awful. You only say it's awful because you just, you didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Well, I got to chickpea on my face. I got that part of it But I don't understand why you would put it with garbanzo because they're both beans. It just worked It was like a magical. No, it would work if they both had a word play But only one of them has a word it is a word play joke. It's okay. It's okay. It worked. It's it's good Definitely third grade humor. I'm sure I hope not definitely third grade. I hope not what Definitely third. I hope not. What do you mean you hope now? I hope a third grader's not like hey chickpea And learn it from watching you dad
Starting point is 00:05:35 That's exactly the shit you talk about in third and fourth grade when you don't even know I don't know video When you when you hear something that is silly and off the wall like that that's totally inappropriate But you doesn't it doesn't make no sense you just be telling your friends when you're your little kid. It actually makes a lot of sense. I remember I got in school suspension because I was swearing. We were all playing baseball, woofable ball baseball, right by the principal's office and the door or the window was open. And I must have put 15 different cuss words, they made no sense.
Starting point is 00:06:03 But that had heard them all. all fucking shit. Yeah, it was We were playing baseball and Shit fuck that don't you guys don't remember that age when you started to learn those words And then you didn't even you didn't even use you just said them all the time You just said them all the time because you thought you were cool because you learned a new word Yeah, it was bad. It was a bad word. I talked to your friends. I was like hey John pass me the fuck Pass me the face face Pass me the fucking fuck man everything was face. You like out of face that he came storming out
Starting point is 00:06:32 I was I was up to bat and I was cussing because I missed the ball and she came up Grab me on my elbow so hard. I'll never forget that squeeze the shit of my elbow and just yanked me Oh my god, you're coming to the office with me little man. That reminds me of a horrible story. Took me to the office, sat me down, called my parents, my mom came down, sitting in the office, I'm crying, I'm in trouble, I'm in office all day long in school suspension. And the principal is, you know, you're crying? Yeah, that brings my heart for some reason. My goodness. Third grade, man. That fucking bitch made you cry. It's a scary shit grabbing hard on the Elbow. I hope you're listening to bitch scary play.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Stare you making my heart. I don't even remember her name. But my mom was just like, where did you learn this language? And I look back at her in front of the principal. I said, from you mom. Oh, at that moment, like things just got quiet. My mom's like, okay, I'll take this from here. That's what the sun's going home with. from here. This son's coming home with me. That just added another element of beat down to me. Oh, yeah, they just added more days of grounding to my ass, for sure. This is great.
Starting point is 00:07:32 You had a story just and you said they're in my head. Yeah, I don't know if I'm gonna tell it now. I think you should. I think you should. It's a Garbonzo story. No, I thought about it. I was like, I might feel bad about this. Did you do something horrible again?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Well, I was like six grade, dude. And in my teacher was like, I mean, she was a nice lady and everything, but I was all into just trying to make everybody laugh and stuff. And I would like write to hide the tears inside because I was dying inside. I'm just kidding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So she, oh my gosh, it's so bad. She like, okay, she was unable, she wasn't able to have kids and stuff. Oh no! And like, did you hit her where, her? Dude, no, I was, like, one of my friends, like we were like making a poem. You have a baron's womb?
Starting point is 00:08:16 I was like, yeah, I was like riding a poem about like, her husband like shooting blanks. Oh my God! What? Yeah, how old are you? I was in sixth grade. Oh my God. What? Yeah. How old are you? I was in sixth grade. Oh my God. And I thought it was the funniest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Like everybody is like laughing. You read it in class? No, no. Oh, it's not. I was just passing around. She just passed around. She went to find it and like grabbed it and was like starting to read it.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Oh my God. Didn't get all the way through it. I grabbed it and I put it in my mouth. I start eating it. I was so fucking mortified She read enough to like see like what does the seam in it like I don't even remember how it went Well, you literally ripped it out of the eight it yeah, I ripped it out of her hand put my mouth I started chewing it really fast and she's like wait
Starting point is 00:09:00 Like I was like trying to stop and I ate it We were outside we had to talk and she's like I'm gonna have to call your parents. Did you swallow it? Yeah? Oh last second I could not let that out of the second you chew it and then swallow it Yes, I'm in that's the best thing I've ever heard of my life. I'm extremely impressed Really she tried to pull it out of your mouth like a reaction that it was a brilliant one actually Sixth grade of all the things you were going to do if a teacher try to take a piece of paper that you fucking brilliant Yeah, put it in your mouth and start chewing it up as it has to be top three. We're I didn't even think about that I just like yeah, I was like
Starting point is 00:09:33 I was in a state of panic and you just started eating it. Yeah, I ate it The whole thing. Did you try to pull it out or stop you? Yeah, she did she kind of reads for me and was like no Like running around like no That's I thought was my parents are gonna read this I'm gonna be like grounded for my life. You never ate something so fast. Oh dude. No It reminds me like it's like the time I got crying. I told you guys this once I got caught watching I was with my cousins and we were watching porn on VHS And do you remember the VHS? Oh, your mom came home stupid VCRs. You know you hit eject and the thing takes
Starting point is 00:10:04 Bish a fucking half hour to come out of. You know you hit eject and the thing takes A fucking half hour to come out of the machine if you hit it too fast it comes out goes back in Yeah, so she's walking I hear the door open so I'm like oh no, I hate eject and it's like By the time it comes out she's standing at the door watching us and we're all sitting around in a bunch of fucking 14 year old boys Around the TV is fuck with all right. I know what you guys are in a bunch of fucking 14 year old boys, you know, around the TV. TV is five with a whole lot of them. Yeah, I know what you guys are doing. A bunch of boners, everything. She's like, what are you watching? She goes, what are you watching? What are all you boners doing right now?
Starting point is 00:10:31 I'll do it. I grabbed the video, and I'm holding it in my hand. She's like, give me that video. And she's like, takes it out of my hand. And the title of it was, I think the title of it was Blons Have More Come, or something like that. It was a horrible, you know, instead of Blons something like that. It was a horrible, instead of blondes have more fun. It was a horrible plan.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It was the kind of video. Much better plan words. It was the kind of video that, let's just say that it was just, there was no build up. It was just seems. Wow, you were into the filthy stuff. Even I didn't.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Right away. No, thanks, Plains lot. Yeah, thanks. What do you guys know me? I mean, where do you go from there? You know what I mean? So I fucking a slow random person. So I ripped it out of her hand and I just, I don't, I,
Starting point is 00:11:11 in these, okay, if you, if you're listening and you're, you know, younger than us, you've probably never held a VHS cassette in your hand. I don't make it in the way that it looks like. But that's such a weird point you just made. It's true, like they've never held one, right? But if you hold one in your hand, it's a, it's like a hard like plastic thing.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It's not like flimsy, like a little mini brick. Yeah, like it's, it's not a heavy or anything, but it's pretty protected. They're meant to last. It's the fucking. I'm like 13. The fact that we feel a need to describe it. Bro, I'm like 13 or 14 years old, right? I grabbed it out of my hand.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm only 14 year old kid, and I fucking pulverized it with my fingers like Like the I like the strength of fucking Samson came at you know among me. I was like Jesus I Summ in the strike like just wow pulverized it you're not even a believer so she couldn't so she couldn't see What was it because she was threatening to put it in the V8 the VCR to watch it? Yeah, could you imagine that with your mom hit play? And it's just a bunch of crazy porn. So I just pulverized that shit. I had a nightmare about that. Because it's just like you,
Starting point is 00:12:12 you, what ends up happening is you panic. And you just, you become super powerful. Yeah, whatever happens, you get so scared. Yeah. That you end up just, I summoned all the strength and I just, and just ate a piece of paper and swallowed it like that's just what happened See that is it's fight or flight so funny you guys like I didn't even think that was like something like unique, you know sure to eat paper Yeah, I was just like I had to do it. I had to do it. I had to do it
Starting point is 00:12:38 Not only anybody else in this room is eating a full really binder sheet of paper and I haven't yet Never in my life. But I do commend you for that because I think that was a brilliant move at that time. You do know that binder paper ink is a very very dangerous carcinogen. Also, no. This is also explain. I'm just kidding with you. This is also explain.
Starting point is 00:12:57 This is my memory loss. No, I think it's I would have never thought to do that. I mean, go back think about that situation. How many options? You have the paper shifts is asked? Yeah, you've only got it You're not getting You've only got a handful of options and that was probably Yeah, the other option is the keyster it It's going in one hole
Starting point is 00:13:17 My mind never goes there, so you know I'm sure you're not running around the light or either so you can be a lighted on fire I don't know maybe I'll shove this up my ass. I imagine doing that. I never get that as an adult Like the cops like hey, are you on your cell phone? He's like no I can swallow yourself. Oh, I did I'm What cell phone? I'll take a lot more effort. I think the cop would probably be more impressive. He'd be like, I'm not giving you a ticket. He's like, whoa, does he just got cancer?
Starting point is 00:13:49 I just wanted to give you a warning. Yes. You made a really rash decision there. You just ate an electronic. I was just gonna, you deserved to get away. So you listen, people are gonna track you forever. I'll find my phone, find my phone. I'll just get there.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Oh, there's George. I'm just gonna keep it warning. Yeah It's a good to your blinker was out to the Google maps. You know he keeps showing up Yeah, just walk around see that could backfire with drugs, you know, you don't want to do that shit Oh shit, it's a cop eat all the other I need it. Oh Fuck I just say 10 hits acid I'm actually
Starting point is 00:14:22 Dimension I'm almost sure that's happened for sure for somebody's been traveling with drugs I know someone that that happened. Yeah, I was gonna, I'm actually, I'm almost sure that's happened for sure, or somebody's been traveling with drugs and I know someone that that happened. Yeah, I know someone Yes, a friend of mine, so she was telling me the story. Oh my God, dude. I would love for her to come on the show because she's got the best stories Ever like she's lived a pretty interesting life and she was with a guy who was like this big a pretty interesting life. And she was with a guy who was like this big acid dealer apparently, and I'm not gonna go into more in more detail because for obvious reasons, this is back in the day though.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And so what they did, is they carried acid in liquid form, and it was very, very concentrated. So like this little tiny, do you know those breath, remember those breathments back in the day, they were like in a bottle, they were liquid, and you do a couple drops and you're talking, they're really powerful. So this is how they would hide them.
Starting point is 00:15:06 They had empty and these were small bottles. They're very, very small. I remember those. Yeah, I mean, you can only fit, I don't know how much liquid, I don't know anything about that. It's not even one ounce, it's like a... It's a tiny amount.
Starting point is 00:15:16 It's a tenth of an ounce, though. Yeah, it's a tiny amount, but they emptied them of the breath, you know, boosting whatever, with the minty stuff that was in there and they'd fill it up with liquid acid. In that bottle is equivalent, she said was equivalent to something like 500 hits of acid, right?
Starting point is 00:15:32 And you could make, because it was diluted and diluted, but then there was 500 hits of acid inside this little bottle and they'd make there whatever. So they have it in their backpack, they're walking, they get cop stops them, searches, they're searching their bags, and in their bag they had a bunch of pot. So now the cop's like, well I'm gonna take this
Starting point is 00:15:50 and confiscate it, right? So in, and so he's like empty your pockets. So she goes to empty your pockets, and she's got this little bottle, and he goes, and he goes, what is that? And she goes, oh it's breathments, she opens the cap, and she fucking just, just squirts the whole fucking thing in her mouth. Yeah, what?
Starting point is 00:16:05 Takes the whole thing because she just doesn't want to get caught and then the cop season He's like, oh, it's obviously just breathmen Yeah, wait five minutes. Yeah, she said she said she was she was like no totally in another world for like 10 days or something crazy like was like totally in another world for like 10 days or something crazy like 10 days. No, literally she's like, I think she's like, I think five days later, I started realizing that I was a human being. And yeah, and like people fed her and took care because you know, certain drugs don't have a high toxicity level. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:37 That's one of them. But yeah, interesting story. Oh my god. So that's like, that's a crash. She came back from that. That's the equivalent of of of Justin's eat paper eating the paper. Well, I feel like this is a perfect, I totally want to up me on that one.
Starting point is 00:16:47 A perfect transition into the TED Talk that we just watched about addiction and drugs. You know, it's funny, super, super fascinating, book way. So before we do that, we, I watched that this morning, one of our forum members posted it.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I love our forum, by the way. Oh, that came from the forum? Yeah, the forum. Yeah, the forum. Yeah, the forum. Yeah, the forum. Yeah, the forum members posted it. I love our forum, by the way. Oh, that came from the forum? Yeah, they're contributing awesome stuff lately. Of course, I am. We're gonna have to shut that down. They're getting smarter than me. Yeah, no, no, no, no, the shut this thing down. These days, I probably learn as much if not more
Starting point is 00:17:17 from our forum than I do for my own, like, you know, fanatical reading or whatever, because we've got some smart people in that post all kinds of interesting things and One of our four members posted that video and it was like perfect timing because I had just that earlier that day You know we were in here working and we had that break or whatever and I decided to do a workout in our facility So I'm working out in here doing you know my lifting and stuff and then you know I got real hot so I took my shirt off. it's our gym, so I could do that.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Wait, is this the start of a porn? It is. No, so then I go on the bathroom over here, that's in the hallway, the one that's next to the Phantom Shitter. And I rarely, I realize something, I rarely, I used to back in the, not even back in the day, maybe a couple of years ago, a year and a half ago,
Starting point is 00:18:03 two years ago, just as soon as that, as recent as that, I would check myself out in the mirror every single day to monitor my aesthetics, how I looked, how my muscles looked, how lean I was, like it was, it's just something that I've done daily and paid attention to daily since I started lifting weights. And I haven't really done that in a quite a while. It's been probably a year at least
Starting point is 00:18:30 where I really don't even pay attention anymore. I don't look, I don't flex, I don't really care. Can't think of the last time I actually flexed in front of the mirror. So yeah, I mean, I look in front of the mirror and I have my shirt off. And I'm like, oh shit, I'm gonna flex. He's like, wow, I look good.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I'm gonna flex. Wait, who is Jesus Christ your handsome. I'm so like, it's about to go down. The paints are coming off. I would fuck that. Yeah, so I flexed a little bit and it really dawned on me. Flexed a little bit. Yeah, no, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You flexed a lot. No, no, no, no, no. It was a little bit. It's like a kind of flex. It was a little bit. It's like a kind of flex. It was a little bit. It was like, wow. How many mirrors are we seeing? So I took a couple pictures and I really,
Starting point is 00:19:11 I started to realize like, oh my God, I haven't paid attention to aesthetics. Like I paid attention to how I look because I look at things like my skin, my hair, you know, if I have dark circles, the color of my, you know, my skin tone. But I haven't paid attention to like my aesthetics in quite a while. And it's because my, my, my motivation and my focus is so much on health now.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So what I was, when I was, when I'm getting at was paying attention this, yesterday, I realized holy shit like I'm, I'm, I'm at the leanness and I look the way I looked when it was a priority to look that way It's not a priority right now at all. It's not even in my top five But it always was number one and when I was in that state of mind of always paying attention to my aesthetics always trying to be Be lean always trying to look a certain way It was a in comparison. It was a fucking nightmare. and I was okay with it because I'm such a disciplined individual, but what it did was it created this scenario where I had to constantly think about being lean,
Starting point is 00:20:12 I had to constantly monitor my food, it involved lots of restriction and involved doing cardio, and then when I would go off, I'd go off, I'd just go off, right? Because you can't go off unless you're so on, does that make sense? It's a state of mind, whereas now there is no going off because I'm not on anything.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'm just in this kind of natural state of focusing on my health and feeling good. And it was really dawned on me how being lean and looking a certain way now is completely by accident. It's this wonderful side effect and it's something that doesn't even really register in my mind at all, especially in comparison to how it used to be before.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Then I go on the forum later that day, and I see this video on drug addiction, and a couple of the takeaways, and drug addiction, and I promise you there's a connection here. Drug addiction is a great thing to look at when you're trying to understand addiction Just addictive behaviors now the most addictive substance or the or the substance that people are most addicted to in the modern world It's not an illegal drug. It's not a leak. It's not even a legal drug that we classify a drug its food So you can apply the same principles and what this researcher
Starting point is 00:21:24 Disg discussed on this was how our understanding of addiction is completely backwards. For the last 100 years, we've treated addiction as a particular way. And we've punished people for it. And we've thrown them in jail. And we've tried to shun them and make them feel horrible about what they're doing. And we lock them up in a rehab. we've made it a hundred percent about your own, what's the word your own. Well, we've made it into isolating them from the drug and isolating them from the real world.
Starting point is 00:21:53 We've blamed it on the drug and we've also made it about their own commitment level, like they have lack of self-discipline, like you can't just discipline yourself. And this is based on early studies done with drugs in which, and this is a beautiful, this is just a wonderful example of how backwards our understanding is of addiction and how we treat people who are addicted with food and how we view it and how the fitness industry treats food addiction. In that, in the early studies, they would take a rat, they'd give them two water bottles. One water bottle had just water. The other water bottle was cocaine or heroin or whatever, you know, drug and they left the rat in the cage.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And inevitably, yeah. Inevitably, the rat would use the drug water over and over and over again until overdose and died and became addicted and died. And so they said, oh, there it is, that's addiction. The addiction is because the drug or substance creates these feel good chemicals. The body, you know, becomes chemically dependent
Starting point is 00:22:48 and you've got this out of control, you know, addictive addiction that happens. Well, another scientist came forward and said, well, fuck, you're putting this rat in a cage like isolated. You know, why don't we try to put it in a situation where it's got everything it wants, you know, put it in, you know, rat heaven, where it's got everything it wants, put it in rat heaven, where it's got lots of other rats, it's got lots of available food,
Starting point is 00:23:11 it's got lots of things to do, it's a big open space with, where it feels more natural with its habitat, and then give it the option to have either the drug water or the regular water. And when they do these tests now, in that scenario, with that particular, with those guidelines or whatever,
Starting point is 00:23:27 the rats almost never become addicted to the drug. They almost never become addicted to the water with the drugs or overdose on it. It's a completely different result. And it made me realize how in the past, I was so hardcore disciplined and focused so much on aesthetics and would shame myself for eating poorly or would always look in the mirror and say to myself, okay, I'm lean, I have to stay lean, and if I went off, I went way the fuck off.
Starting point is 00:23:56 It was much more like an addictive cycle versus now where I focus on health. I have a different connection to my body and food, and I'm more present in my life with the people around me with the work that I do to where it doesn't become an issue. You do have a different environment now too. I do. I've gone through some major life changes, and I realize that my God, you know, we have been treating how to eat right so fucking wrong. We tell people they don't have self-discipline. We tell people you just, you know, you need to eat a, you know, just hype in all the negatives.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Yeah, don't be fat, don't look fat, don't, you know, it doesn't look good and you have no self-discipline and all you gotta just eat this and even though it tastes horrible and you just got to do it and grind this and grind that. No wonder we're failing. Oh, it's brilliant marketing. Yeah. We're marketing right to people's insecurities.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah. We know that those are hot buttons. It's just like when two people get in an argument or a fight. You, especially someone that you've known for a long time, you know what gets them riled up, you know what gets them riled up, you know what pisses them off, and sometimes you don't even have to yell or say something really hurtful.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It's just that little thing that sets them off, and the industry has learned to market to people that way. We know that people don't like the way they look in the mirror. People know that people don't like the way they feel. We know that others mock and make fun of them because of the way they look. We know that they're weak because they don't ever work way they feel. We know that others mock and make fun of them because the way they look, we know that they're weak because they don't ever work out or exercise.
Starting point is 00:25:29 We know all these things. And so instead of us trying to support and help and guide, we actually, we flip that on its head and we poke at it, you know, by marketing to that. And we disguise it in this like inspirational way. Well, that's the shit that makes me want to vomit, and we disguise it in this inspirational way. That's the shit that makes me want to vomit. That's what I think bothers me the most is, you've got all of these people that,
Starting point is 00:25:53 all I want to do is inspire people. I just want to inspire people. It's like narcissistic bullshit. Yeah, get the fuck out of here. You don't even realize what you're really doing. And that's, I don't remember, what was it though? It was about a year ago when we were talking about people that do that where you show up,
Starting point is 00:26:10 when you show your Instagram page and it's flooded full of all your cheat days and stuff. And it's like, dude, if you knew anything about the real addiction that people are dealing with with food, you would never do that. That is the, and then to turn around and do a post after that about how you're trying to inspire people and you just want to inspire people.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Like get the fuck out of here. You're doing it and it's getting fat. Like that's totally not. It's like these, like we're talking about with the drug addiction. It's like being around a house full of, you know, alcoholics and pound and beer and then showing them the next day, like look how good a normal I am,
Starting point is 00:26:41 but you guys are all fucked up. You know, what are you doing, dude? Like there's nothing inspiring about that. You know what's funny is that I, we've run gyms, we've all been in gyms for a good chunk of our lives. If not most of our lives. I know for me I've been in gyms more than I've not been in gyms.
Starting point is 00:27:00 So you can basically say that I've lived in them for most of my life. And when you've been in an environment that long, you start to make observations and you start to really understand the environment. This is true for any environment that you're in. One thing that I really stuck out to me is when I owned my wellness facility, I had a gym in there too, right? And I was able to create kind of this micro-casm
Starting point is 00:27:27 of an example of what I'm talking about, and let me explain what I mean. When people came into my facility, the focus was, especially after the first year or so, was not about, we're gonna hammer you to get in shape, or it's all about losing weight, or, you weight or, you know, grind, grind, grind. It's all about hardcore discipline. I tried to create an environment where people felt very, very welcome. Where people looked forward, looked forward to coming in and making bonds with other people.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Where all of the members would come in and they would see each other and they become friends and have conversations. I mean, you know, you got to keep in mind, I had a facility where all the trainers that come in were their own business owners. I had a facility and they'd pay me a fee to train their clients much like a hair salon does or I know other small studios do the same. And in these types of facilities, if you've ever worked in them before, you know how it can become a very like my thing,
Starting point is 00:28:26 your thing type of thing. Like you walk into the gym that you rent and you train your clients and you're in your own little bubble and you got trainers over there and their little bubble and everybody does their thing. I tried to make it very inclusive. I didn't force anybody, it's just when people walked in,
Starting point is 00:28:41 if a trainer walked in with their client and they remember the trainers paying me rent but they're basically renting the space and they have their own business, I made sure to talk to their client. I made sure to include the trainer in a conversation I was having with my client. I made sure to ask these people
Starting point is 00:28:56 how everything was going to, just to be that other, create that of the bond. And this created an environment where people would come in, and they all felt like they were a part of something bigger. It was this very nogentgmental kind of environment. The result was a retention rate that was, that's mind blowing.
Starting point is 00:29:14 If you were actually to analyze, if you were to actually analyze the retention rate that we had in my facility, it wasn't a big facility. The average person did not leave. In other words, people would come and I would say the people who first started coming, I very, very few of them stopped. So you had a gym full of people who'd been coming there consistently, weekend, week out for 10 years. And you know, it wasn't because of the hardcore results and the hardcore workouts. It was
Starting point is 00:29:43 the bonds and it was the environment that it created where people came in and that was their motivation. Their motivation wasn't, I'm gonna get in and get in shape because that motivation doesn't last very long than you who is gonna be there. Yeah, I was like, oh my God, I'm gonna go in there and make all these connections and have a great time. And it created in these people this incredible relationship
Starting point is 00:30:00 to exercise, which then bled into other things, including food. And we had tremendous long-term success. If you looked at our short-term success, it was nothing, nothing to write home about. Like, I didn't have crazy 30-day, you know, transformations or anything like that. But we had amazing before and afters that were, you know, five years long or ten years long. And what I mean, and I mean in all areas,
Starting point is 00:30:25 I mean I had kids that would come in who were special needs who would come in because like extreme ADHD or even asperger's autism or whatever, and you'd see them over the course of the years do better in school. It started to bleed into everything else that they were doing. Now, that all being said, and even though you had a successful business, why do you think that didn't grow into this huge monster of a business?
Starting point is 00:30:56 I think people weren't ready for that. No, I think from a business standpoint, that was more of a business. It wasn't because I didn't create because the facility itself wasn't this amazing place. Now if I look back there's lots of things I can look at and say, you know, I could have done this, that, you know, this, that and the other. Well, what are those? Let's talk about that. I'm really interested in the the business side of that. I mean, oh, that's right. There's we have a lot of listeners that are trainers, entrepreneurs, I think the wellness facility that you built was amazing as far as the culture that you built inside of it.
Starting point is 00:31:31 What were some of the challenges? Obviously, you're not doing it anymore, so obviously, it wasn't bigger than mine pump, it wasn't ginormous, you got rid of it. What are the things looking back now that you think that you would have done differently or you think you just didn't match with the market needs. Well, here's the thing. I don't know, two things. Number one, the way I look at business now is I don't look at one specific business and
Starting point is 00:31:54 say, oh, now I'm doing something different. Therefore, that one thing, that business that I did before didn't succeed in this one is. Of course. Because my impump, for me, is 100% extension of that facility. My entire philosophy, my entire approach, now towards health and fitness and the way I talk in the podcast and the things I try to convey, are directly, not just a little bit,
Starting point is 00:32:19 but 100% a result of that experience. Of course, I think we should, that was a bad on my part to even compare to mine pump, because mine pump is what it is because of all of our previous journeys. So I, but why do you, why do you, what do you think about that and what do you, what do you, what do you, look at it? I didn't want to, I did not want to grow that in that,
Starting point is 00:32:39 in that way. It was not a priority of mine to take what I had created there and grow it into a large organization that way. It was not a priority of mine to take what I had created there and grow it into a large organization that way. Why, though, what did you not like about it? What made you decide you didn't want to do? Not in that way. What I wanted to do, what was really my dream, it's just still a dream of mine, is to take what I had created there and turn it into a large nonprofit because, and I'll tell you why, the people that I want to, that I think need that the most, two things, number one, the people I can communicate that to, I can communicate it far more effectively
Starting point is 00:33:14 through the internet and through podcasting and through YouTube and those kinds of things. So that's number one. I knew I wouldn't be able to reach all the people that I could reach, that I wanted to reach through that, through there. I knew it was school for me. But what point did you figure that out though? Because you obviously didn't start.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm not having a ceiling. Nobody starts that business going, like, hey, I'm gonna do this for a few years and then realize that it's not gonna go to work. I knew it, I knew it. Probably, let's say, probably three years before I sold it and left. About three years before I knew that,
Starting point is 00:33:47 and it's funny, because while I was in there, I loved it, I loved what I did, but I could never see growing it in that way. The only way I could see growing it would be, again, as a nonprofit, because if I'm gonna touch people personally, I wanted to do it, I wanted to reach out to the people that needed it, that really needed it the most,
Starting point is 00:34:03 and some of my ideas were, you know, if this non-judgmental kind of open facility where people come in who've been, and you know, again, I have a very close, you know, personal relationship to people who have been afflicted with cancer and had to go, you know, I had a very close family member who, you know, was stricken with it and who, you know, had to fight it and then, you know, ended up not making it. But I learned quite a bit through that process. And I thought, God, if I could have a facility with people who've fighting cancer,
Starting point is 00:34:30 people who can't afford doing anything who are sick, who whatever, that would be great, and that was my nonprofit. But to continue in that realm, where I'm reaching just the average person, I knew three years before I sold it, it was gonna happen through the internet. And I had no interest in growing brick and mortar.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And it was right around that point that me and Doug were talking about, you know, all these different things and maps and all these different, you know, uh, well share with the audience some of the limiting factors of having a brick and mortar. I think why would I keep trying to get you to say and talk about more is that I feel like we get a lot of people that try and emulate kind of what we're doing or trying to get you to say and talk about more is that I feel like we get a lot of people that try and emulate kind of what we're doing or trying to get that message out. And a lot of them, especially now that they see we have a facility. So a lot of them go like, oh, I can't wait to open my own gym and they want to open their own gym and they have these huge aspirations to change the industry too and they want to do it and they go out and buy a gym and they want to make money
Starting point is 00:35:24 doing that. Exactly. because let's be honest, like, you know, as beautiful as your nonprofit sounds, I mean, I think you'd be lying to yourself to say that you weren't in it to make fucking money too, right? No, I, the, the, if I, the nonprofit would have, I mean, I want to be able to do it because I'm in a situation where I don't have to make any money, I could just really pour myself in.
Starting point is 00:35:41 That's why I don't even like us talking about nonprofit right now, because we're not there yet. So, no, no, no. What part of, what part of it? That's something that I want to do later on, but here's the thing. You have to look at yourself and find what, what, what, what your passion, where you feel you can use what you love and, you know, what moves you and what utilizes your talents the best. For me, it's not in a growing
Starting point is 00:36:07 a brick and mortar business. It is in... Which is crazy because anybody that knows you knows that you're an amazing, I've never heard anybody who's trained with you that didn't say that you changed their lives that still don't stay in contact with you. So, if I was an outsider looking in, I would think, you know, so I would murder a brick and mortar place and it would be an awesome place to do business and to grow. But, no, I just don't, I don't want to do it that way. I don't have the inspiration to explode
Starting point is 00:36:34 and grow it that way for lots of different reasons. There's a lot of things that I hate doing that I really, you have to really get good at in order to do those types of things. A lot of shares of those were those. Oh, organization and, you know to really get good at in order to do those types of things. A lot of shares of those were those. Oh, organization and the business side of things and maneuvering the tax code and doing all these different, like the shit that I would put off the last minute, because I couldn't stand.
Starting point is 00:36:54 What I loved was talking to people, sharing my ideas. I like training people too, but really I like talking to them even more. I like to have in these deep discussions with people and talking about these different things and connecting with people the most. And so getting on a podcast or video or, you know, just through internet, for me, you know, maybe it's selfish, but I love doing that the most. And I think you're better, you're better, you're, you're going to do better things greater things if you follow what you enjoy doing because you're going to do them better. Well, you're just responsive, right, to other ideas as they came across.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Like, oh, okay, so if you connect with Doug, and he has this idea, you know, for a program and likes, you know, your charisma and whatnot, and then you start thinking about that, you know, how can I affect people, you know, in that fashion? And you, I could see how this could all formulate, like, as far as like, taking you away from the brick and mortar, because it's like, for us, and for me, it's the very same thing. It's like, you know, I
Starting point is 00:37:48 just look at it as limiting and you see like a great culture you can create, you know, from a physical place and see how that kind of blossoms. And now it's like, okay, now how can I, how can I scale this? How can I make it bigger? And then, or how can I affect more people? And the easiest way to do that is to be able to reach more people. And the only way you can reach more people is to get on the internet and to then spread that part of it. And so I feel like this is just a natural progression of what you see, you know, physically within people and like how you can affect, you know, certain groups of people and how to get them to bond together.
Starting point is 00:38:29 One of the things that I really understand now on a whole different level is that we like to talk crap about the fitness industry and what it does and all these different things. All the way to markets to people and the bullshit that they sell and how they pray on your insecurities and stuff like that. But the real real driving force behind the fitness industry is the consumer. Okay. And what I mean by that is the consumer you, the listener, you give your dollar bills. You have the power. You actually have the power. It might not feel like it. You might feel like you're in this the power. You actually have the power. It might not feel like it. You might feel like you're in this whirlwind of, oh shit, I'm a victim of all this marketing and whatever. But the reality is at the end of the day, you are the one that can decide if their message is heard or you like it, or if it doesn't work at all. And I promise you, if you decide, if we all collectively decide, that ain't the message
Starting point is 00:39:26 we want to hear, and you know, you guys are full of shit, they're all going to have to change or go out of business. It reminds me of this interesting meme where it's, I love this one of my favorite memes, and it's a cliff. And there's a plank, half of it's hanging off the cliff and half of it's on the cliff. And on one side of the cliff, on the actual ground part, where it's not hanging off, there's like a group of people. On the other side of the cliff,
Starting point is 00:39:50 hanging off the cliff on the plank is a podium and a politician. And above it, it says, if we only knew our power. In other words, if we step off that plank, that politician's falling off the cliff and that. That's a cool meme, man. And that's really, the message I'm trying to convey here. That's a great meme. Where did you that's that's that's really the message I'm trying to convey here. That's a great meme. Where did you see that? Oh, I'm at a while ago and I've saved it.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I'll post it on my Instagram. That is a great one. Better than your chicken one. Yeah, please, please post that. That's a good one. It's, you know, that's the power that we hold. And so could I, you know, could we impact the industry by creating a brick and mortar facility that promotes these ideals. We could, it would take a long time. I mean, even if we fucking exploded, it would take us five to ten, and I'm talking about if we crushed, right? It would take us five to ten years before our gyms or whatever were nationwide, you know. Well, this is what happens.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You know, but to communicate on a podcast or a video, shit, a YouTube video could go viral in two days. And it could change the consumer, so that the consumer starts going into facilities, the consumer starts creating the kind of demand with what they want, the consumer starts changing their attitudes about food and exercise.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And next thing you know, gyms are following, supplement companies have to change their marketing strategies, they have to change the products, fitness celebrities on Instagram, all of a sudden, aren't saying, look at my six pack or look at my nice ass and look at all my, you know, perfectly portioned meals and here's my supplements, they're going to start saying things like, oh, you know, I meditated yesterday and I realized that I have insecurities with food and I think you should love
Starting point is 00:41:19 yourself and, you know, worry about your health. Like, before you know it, that's going gonna start to follow and it'll happen almost overnight. And we see examples of this all the time. This is what I was reaching for when I kept asking all those questions is I wanted you to spit that out right there because I feel like what you built and I think it was brilliant and I think that there is a,
Starting point is 00:41:36 there is, it could turn into a huge franchise. And the problem was it was the cart before the horse type of deal was, with this, we needed to move the industry in that direction. And first before there was a huge need to where brick and mortars could pop up all over where there's these.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And that's not to say that someone couldn't make this, couldn't have a successful living, doing it or anything like that, but right now you're against all the odds. I mean, because we're in an era right now where, and I was just watching that, the Rich Piana and Mac truck fight, right?
Starting point is 00:42:07 And somebody did this whole breakdown and this guy's like a professional YouTuber if that's such a thing, right? That's, he's been YouTubeing for 10 plus years or whatever and he did this whole breakdown. And one of the things he was talking about was, you know, this is kind of where YouTubeing and it's unfortunate to hear this, but it's the truth of where it's going. And what was popular about two years ago was, you build a good power of YouTube followers, you got a couple other people you know that have it,
Starting point is 00:42:34 and then you create drama, very similar to the two-pock, and Biggie, battle of East Coast and West Coast rap, and all that really does is drive both of our revenue streams because it's going to segregate people and there's going to be people that go out and buy my CDs because fuck the West Coast and fuck the East Coast. I'm going to go buy two pox. And so Rich Pion and these guys start to do this to build up their YouTube power and then now they've escalated to the next level where words weren't enough to let's now get beef
Starting point is 00:43:03 going where we actually get physical, talk some shit, pull guns on each other, get in fights at X-Pose to create and the shitty sad part is we, it's human nature, we just get sucked right into it and we're driving it. We're helping these people make more money and it's like we're over here trying to say we're trying to move the industry in this direction and there's moments where you know I just told you guys recently I was reading our reviews I had not a chance to get on our I-tune reviews in a while and I like literally was just going through them and I got all emotional because I was like this is what why we do this right but then you turn around and you see that and it's like fuck man and we're and they're getting like three times the views and listen listeners
Starting point is 00:43:43 then so fuck stupid. Well, it's an uphill battle. Which is fine. Which is fine. Look, it's an uphill battle, but I've never shied away from one. Of course not. And, you know, here's the thing. I think we've been, I think sometimes we preach to the wrong people.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Like, we preach to the industry, we're preaching the choir. Yeah, like our listeners. Yeah, our listeners are the, the consumer can really change that.'re preaching the choir. Yeah, like our listeners. Yeah, well our listeners are the one, the consumer can really change that. And it's really, look, here's the thing. If you look at modern society, and we look at, you know, the advertising we don't like, you just talked about, you know, the fighting
Starting point is 00:44:18 and you know, creating this drama and now you get all these YouTube views, it's all about distraction. It's all about not being present. It's the opposite of being present, even your cell phone and the internet and Facebook, and all these different things, statistically speaking, by the way, they will show you that if you're in a stressful situation
Starting point is 00:44:36 with your job or your relationship, the amount of time you spend on Facebook jumps up dramatically. When people are really happy and content with shit, they usually use Facebook less. In fact, I saw a post or someone just did that recently. They said, the coolest shit I've done in my life is not on Instagram, you know? Like, which is really the opposite mentality of how people post right now. They make an effort to go around to try and make their life. They're the most cool shit. Yeah, a couple of seconds. Right. It's like, oh, I'm doing something cool. I've got to
Starting point is 00:45:04 make sure I get this on Instagram. So people are whatever Facebook. So people see how cool I am. The cool things I do. And it's like, no, really, the cool shit I do doesn't even make Instagram. Well, that is. I'm busy fucking doing it.
Starting point is 00:45:16 You're in it. That's an addiction. And they literally engineered that because it's just like your emails in addiction. Your text message is an addiction, your phone's in a, like, all these things give you specific feedback, like they give you something that will show you a reward. So it shows up, it pops up, it's a little red number,
Starting point is 00:45:37 you know, and it's something that, oh my God, that triggers a response. And they took this from video games, and the video games took it from drug dealers. And this is all something that is literally engineered to get you to like always think about it. It's all about distraction. It's all about not being in the, you know, here.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It's about not being aware. You know, I have an online client that I'm working with right now. I'm not gonna say her name, but shout out to her because she's doing some pretty amazing things with her with her relationship to food. And she had some real bad issues before she started working with me. And as we started working together, we're starting to work through some of them. And she's been doing very, very well. And the other day, she, you know, she's like, Hey, you know, I kind of went off. And, you know, other day, she, you know, she's like, hey, you know, I, I, I kind of went off and, you know, I started eating this, you know, I don't remember what
Starting point is 00:46:29 it was. I think it was a rice cake or an apple. And then next thing, you know, I ate another one. And next thing, you know, I had all this dried fruit and then I ate this, you know, you know, whatever. She just, she, she went off and ate a bunch of food that she quote, unquote, wasn't supposed to. And what I mean by what wasn't supposed to is these are foods that don't necessarily make her feel good, okay? And so she was really angry with herself and she's like, okay, how do I make up for this and this and that? And I told her, I said, listen, first of all,
Starting point is 00:46:54 let's not think about, because then she was trying to say to herself, like, why did I crave it in the first place? Like, why did I end up eating it in the first place? I said, what you need to do is not ask yourself why you started eating it. What you place. I said, what you need to do is not ask yourself why you started eating it. What you need to ask yourself is why you continued eating it because it wasn't like she ate one thing,
Starting point is 00:47:12 it was a process that probably took 30 minutes to 40 minutes, you know, maybe an hour, right? What state of mind are you in when you eat one thing that you know it doesn't really make you feel that good, but then you continue to go off of it. And really what it is, is it's just not being aware. It becomes removing yourself from that. You're a mindless, and in fact, when I tell people to pay attention to what they're eating
Starting point is 00:47:38 in the sense that once you do that, once you start eating in that way, stop, literally vocalize what's happening. Okay, I'm eating all these foods that don't make me feel good. I'm about to take another bite of this whatever, or I'm feeling stressed out, and this food is making me feel better. People get pissed off when I tell them to do that, because, A, they think it's silly, but B, when I tell them to do it, and they finally try it, nobody likes to fucking do it, because you don't want to be a science-a-big-all light on the entire thing that is wrong. You don't want to be. Because you don't want to be a science and big ol' light on the entire thing that is wrong.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You don't want to be aware. You don't want to know. You honestly don't want to be aware. Like I don't want to be thinking about what I'm doing right now. Fact, if you could think about all the bad shit or whatever, I'd hate to use the word bad, but all the times you've done stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:48:18 whether it was making a bad decision in school or doing drugs or having unprotected sex, like all these different things where you're like, fuck, what was I doing? Okay, next one bit. I'm having unprotected sex. Yeah. Girls, what?
Starting point is 00:48:32 Exactly. Could you imagine why you're doing that? You're like, what the fuck am I doing? Why am I sleeping with this person? Like what? You don't, I can fact, you don't want to think about it. Because then you'll know you'll see. Well, this takes a page out of Dr. Andrew Hill and like when we talk to him about how they
Starting point is 00:48:47 help people that are battling with addiction is that they don't cut them from it or isolate them from it. They just say, Hey, listen, the next time you go to do any of these things, you got to call us and let's talk about your mental state at that moment. I'm not saying you don't get to go have a beer. I'm not saying that you don't get to go enjoy yourself, but let's talk about it. Let's give me a call. Let me hear, you know, before you walk in the bar or after you walk in whatever, around that time and let's discuss where your mental state is, what drove you to go do that, how you felt after you did it, what led to? You're becoming aware. Yeah, just be aware of your own state of mind when you go into that scenario, that in itself is amazing.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Are you kidding me? How do you power you? And you can decide, right then, like, what do I do when I get back in this kind of situation? Because I've stopped and I've realized this is, you know, the state I'm in. It's incredible. Look, as trainers, have you guys ever done this
Starting point is 00:49:39 with a client that's like kind of like, you know, spiraling out of control and you tell them, okay, look, the next time you're gonna go binge, why don't you text me first? Why don't you call me or text me and tell me what you're about to do? One of two things always happens, I've done this many, many times, either A, they don't, they don't text or call me because they want to remain in that unaware state
Starting point is 00:50:00 because they know subconsciously, or even consciously, they know that if I become aware of this then I'm gonna have to feel it So I just don't got a feel shit. I'm just gonna take my way myself away from it or They actually do it. They actually text you or they call you and when they text you and they call you It's the let me tell you something right now as a trainer the easiest conversation I ever have with anybody with any of my clients is when they call me and say Sal I'm out of you know I feel like I'm about to go out of control and eat all this, whatever, or I'm gonna eat this whole pizza, I'm gonna eat this cake,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I feel like I'm out of control. I haven't eaten yet, but I'm looking at it, easiest conversation in the world because they've already, the fact that they've called me, has already done about 90% of the work. The other 10% is me just talking to them for a second, and then they're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:50:40 I don't really want that cake anymore. You know what I'm saying? Or I'll have a little piece and then they don't have anymore. Yeah. So, you know, really the big step is just making yourself aware of why you are trying to take yourself out of that moment. Why am I trying to escape? That's really what it goes down to. If you do that with food, because food can also connect people.
Starting point is 00:51:01 We've talked about this before. You can also connect with food, but that's not the problem. I guarantee you, nobody is massively overwhelmed. Well, they're probably replacing that bond. They're putting way too much emphasis on that versus something else they could pour it into. Another human being, another thing in their life that's gonna give them a lot of benefit and health
Starting point is 00:51:21 and charge them. And instead, they're taking this inanimate object or this process, there's something that just feels like, it gives them something and they're gonna put all their effort there. So binge eating or poor addiction to food type eating doesn't have to be bingeing, but just that category, which is a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Most of the time when they're eating like that, it's a very lonely, solitary thing. Very rarely is it, we're all doing this, I'm doing this with those great people. A lot of the times, it's like I'm doing this on my own. You did, behind the scenes. Even if they're among other people, even if they're at a party, I'll talk to people,
Starting point is 00:52:00 like, oh, I was at a party and I just say to fucking whole bowl of chips. And it's like, oh yeah, what were you doing while you were doing that? And usually it's like, I'm I was at a party and I just say to fucking whole bowl of chips. And it's like, oh, yeah, what were you doing while you were doing that? And usually it's like, I'm over here in these fucking chips. You know what I'm saying? It's not like you're sitting there being conscious of what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:52:13 The other sometimes problem is that they find somebody who also likes to escape with food. Oh, misery loves company. And then it becomes this code of adventure. I do that to Justin all the time. He takes me down. I always do that. I always throw his name in there over our traveling. So I'm like, Justin all the time You take me down. I always do that. I always do. I always throw his name in there
Starting point is 00:52:27 over out traveling. So I'm like Justin, you still want that ice cream ice cream? Justin wants doughnuts. It's the same. You see him too, because he goes like did I say that? I'm like what?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Did he hear that? I know I was thinking that. I didn't say that out loud, dude. That's in my head. You're fucking Adam. Fucking ninja. I'm gonna do it. I think if you just became more of where
Starting point is 00:52:47 of how you felt your state of mind, I think it would, I know, actually I don't think I know for a fact, it would dramatically change your food, it would dramatically change your exercise, and then it would dramatically change the rest of your life and the relationships you have with people. Your workouts would look completely different different they'd be based on Things that are really serving you
Starting point is 00:53:09 You know you got to not things that are not serving you make me you make me want to create another guy to help people with this because I feel like A together we could all sit down. It's in the process and I don't mean it's on in writing It's just as we talk about it. We're developing. Yeah, cuz I don't even know how I put it on paper yet I but I'm sure if all three of us sat down and started sharing some of the techniques that we've done with clients to help them become more aware of this, we could probably come together with some pretty good tips and things to start
Starting point is 00:53:37 because it's not as simple as like, you just like you would deal with it in the other addiction, right? Oh, it's hard. It's not like you can walk up to an alcoholic or a cocaine addict and say, hey, put that down and tomorrow you'll be deal with it in any other addiction, right? If it's not like you can walk up to an alcoholic or a cocaine addict and say, hey, put that down and tomorrow you'll be done with it. Or hey, by the way, be aware that this is a problem
Starting point is 00:53:51 and an issue and then tomorrow you're fine. Like there's definitely a process to this and I think the worst the addiction is, the longer this process can be. And you know, maybe the beginning for people is just learning how to like just catch yourself, you know, when you're at this moment where you're about to indulge or even if you already did indulge is like, oh, good. I'm glad you're going here. Yeah. It is to go like stop and reflect
Starting point is 00:54:14 for a moment and go and back up and don't judge yourself. Yeah, exactly. Don't be like, oh, my God, I'm going to be fat because of that. Oh, I'm so, you know, let go. Okay, what got me here? You know, how did I get here and start taking steps backwards, just starting in that day, you know? Like, what was I doing two hours ago? Where was my mindset? How did I wake up this morning? What was my mentality when I started my day?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Who did I come into contact? How much movement have I been doing? Yeah, what have I done as far as exercise? What have I done for myself today? What have I done today that was recuperative or beneficial to myself? And did I tell myself or did I show myself that I love myself today,
Starting point is 00:54:51 like starting to like think about all that and go back? And then you can, you'll start to connect to dodge yourself. So it's not a, you know, you eat this ginormous cake by yourself and then you feel depressed because you're gonna be fat. That's the wrong connection. Like don't make that connection. Go back and reassess the day and what led to that situation
Starting point is 00:55:10 and see if you can start putting it. And cause everyone's gonna be different. At least in my experience with training clients, some people tend to do that when stress levels are high. Work is high, husband or wife, they're fighting or the kid, they're screaming at the kids, you get ready for whatever. Increased levels of stress causes them to go over
Starting point is 00:55:30 and want to bury their face into a bag of chips or candy or whatever it is their vice is. And that's what causes other people. It's other things. It could be something that they're dealing with emotionally that they got going on at that time or they're nervous because they have something coming up that's due this week, and so they find themselves binging and doing that. So just figuring out what it is that makes you, that
Starting point is 00:55:53 makes you do these things, and I think this is a process that, shit, I've been doing this for a very long time, and I still am doing this with myself,, I haven't figured the exact formula out to what causes Adam to do this and what causes Adam to do that. But the first step is just being aware of it and then trying to connect it and figure it out and not beating yourself. You know what's funny is that,
Starting point is 00:56:19 so it's taken us a long time to get here. However, I will say this, we were not exposed to this message ever until rather recently. I mean, Could you imagine Adam had one of your mentors when you started in fitness bin Someone like you or me or Justin now, right and talked to you and taught you these types of things and You would have gotten there a lot sooner that That message was never being shared in fitness. And what we did is we dived into the fitness industry. Well, even in the message was all about cosmetic.
Starting point is 00:56:52 It was all about discipline. It was all about grind. I was exposed. And I look, I'm further along in this process than both of you, not because I'm somehow better or superior or I move faster, not at all. I was exposed to this message years before you guys were. I was exposed to this message when I had my facility because, luckily, and this is 100%
Starting point is 00:57:14 why I think I had that facility to begin with was to become exposed to this through people who got it. I had a physical therapist in there and a massage therapist in there that I worked with very closely who understood this at this level that I learned from just because and hard headedly, by the way, I wasn't going in there trying to learn from them because I was still buffed or in stronger than they would. So it was like, I was like, oh, I'm going to listen to those guys. You know, it was just because I was around them and because I'm an observational person. And I could see the bent, I could see what was happening. I was like, well, I think when you say
Starting point is 00:57:46 something like that, you have to be careful too though because and you do this every once in a while. So I'm going to call you out on it right now is you compare your journey to my journey, Justin's journey and others journey and everybody's journey is different like not everybody wants not everybody wants to be where you're at. Like I don't think I ever see myself eating avocado and sardines. Not because I don't think it's healthy, not because I won't try it either. I just don't know if that's something that I plan to do on a regular basis or even want to do. And that doesn't take anything away from anybody who doesn't want to either. Because the beautiful
Starting point is 00:58:21 part is that this is everybody's journey, this is everybody's body, and you can do what you want with it. You can completely poison it to death and die early if you fucking want to. That's the beautiful part is that this is everybody's journey, this is everybody's body, and you can do what you want with it. You can completely poison it to death and die early if you fucking want to. That's to each their own. And that's the awareness is the ultimate key is, and that's where I, where I, why I'm calling you out is because I think you're wrong, because I think I've been very aware for a very long time. I think that people, I think a lot of people misinterpret my message because I, because I've chosen to do that.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I don't, I don't think so message because I've chosen to do that. I don't think so. And I'm not saying that at all. That's completely, I think you took from what I said and created that. That's not what I'm saying at all. Everybody's message is very, excuse me, everybody's path is going to be very different.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And it has nothing to do with Sardines and Avocado. I was relating to you saying that you're further along. That's where I was talking. I am, and I'll tell you why, because the way I understand it with myself, it doesn't mean you're going to be Avocados and Sardines. And look, it's not a comparison thing. If this is a message I was exposed to before anybody else,
Starting point is 00:59:20 and not anybody else, but before you guys were, I was exposed to this side of the fitness industry beforehand, because through luck, through the fact that I had this facility, at that time, you know, still working in a gym like 24 fitness, still working in that environment, where would you get that message? It is not, it wasn't a common message, it still isn't a common message. Today, it's a difficult one to find. Tell me where else somebody will hear this kind of talk. I mean, four or five years ago, the only place you would hear this would be like, well, they're shak. There's people, yeah, there's people giving it. And this is the reason why I'm saying that because my biggest fear is that what I never want to be is to
Starting point is 00:59:59 become religious about it, or I don't ever want to become what I, the people that are giving that message, that's the issue I have with them is they become very cult-like and they become very much so, where they become a camp. And that's, to me, that's not the message, that's opposite. That is, that is again, that is taking something. No, but I'm just, and it's ego.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I'm just saying, I'm just saying, you made a statement and you've made the statement before, and I wanted to make sure that I checked you on it because you can do this sometimes where you feel like you've progressed further in your journey because you're at a certain place in your journey. Your journey is taking you where it's taking you because that's the way you want to go and the way you've decided to go and I may never go that way and just to may never go that way. Some of our listeners may never go. Now, some may go, this is what I've been looking for and this is the journey I want to take. Now, what I tell people to take caution of is when you start taking a journey like this
Starting point is 01:00:57 and it does these great things for you and it opens your eyes and it changes your body and your inflammation and your connection with yourself and food. And it does these wonderful things. Then what happens is that empowers people and they feel like, oh my God, now I have the answer. And I'm going to share with people the answer. And it's like, well, that was the answer for you.
Starting point is 01:01:17 And I, and I, you know, to compare you with anybody else is the thing that I always say we have to be careful of is that, you know, some people will, and that's the reason why we still have people who are diehard mind pump fans and they still are going to go take their fucking pre workout, you know, you're not going to, it's in that, and it's not because they're not aware, it's not because they're not educated on it, they listen to fucking mind pump every day, they know they're choosing to go that path and that that's okay. Our job isn't, our job is not to tell people that they're not there yet or they're not far enough along on their journey. Our job is to share and give good information and how you disseminate that and what you do
Starting point is 01:01:56 with that on your journey. That's up to you, dude. Of course it is. Nobody's saying anything different. I think the only examples I can give are my own personal examples. I think that's why I say those different things. But whatever you take this journey when it comes to fitness and health is 100% going to be at your speed. It can take forever. It could take a very short period of time. It can be
Starting point is 01:02:19 very bumpy along the way. That's not the important thing is that you are trying to get there. You're trying to understand these things because through fitness, through, you know, these kind of relationships with exercise, with nutrition, it makes the process no longer a process. It becomes how you are, it becomes how you live, whatever that means, that may mean you lift weights three days a week, that may mean you like to go for walks, you live, whatever that means. That may mean you lift weights three days a week, that may mean you like to go for walks, you know, on your own on the beach.
Starting point is 01:02:49 It may mean you meditate a lot in du yoga, but at the end of the day, it's the motivation behind it is, will take you the best place that you're gonna go. That's all I'm trying to say. Is wherever you're gonna end up going, if the motivation behind it is from that kind of a good place, then it's going to be a lot better than if it came from a different
Starting point is 01:03:10 place. I definitely think it's very important that we provide examples. And I think that, you know, there's many, many different pathways. People can choose to take, you know, internally. And the point is for them to figure that out and but they still need direction. And so that the point of the show really to me and I know like I can understand where Adam's coming from with that too. And it's it's about figuring this out together and providing multiple pathways for people
Starting point is 01:03:41 to understand at a deeper level. And so the awareness piece obviously number number one, everything is awareness. You know, but yeah, like no, it's really important, Sal, that you provide an example like that, because people can see how it literally has affected you. Yeah, I think the problem is when you start to just strongly identify it with it. Right. And I get that. I get, yeah, get your fear. And that's, well, it's not, you know, it. And I get that. I get your fear. And that's... Well, it's not a fear either.
Starting point is 01:04:08 It's not your fear for you. Yeah, it's a bit of others. I get it. Here we go again. I'm trying to create peace. Fucks. No, no, no, no. So this is, I understand.
Starting point is 01:04:20 It's the whole, identifying with it. It's the ego side of it. And anything, any positive message can become a negative one through ego and identifying with it. You see this with, I mean, you see this with religion. You're with that. That's why. That's a very positive message,
Starting point is 01:04:36 but it could be identified with. And it could be turned into something wrong. You use religion as an example. There's gonna be some people that are gonna take that and make it something negative. That's not at all the message that we're trying to convey. And that's why I think that's what creates the beautiful dynamic is that, and I think I'm always extra careful that because I grew up with that. I grew up with seeing the
Starting point is 01:04:56 darker side of religion when it comes to things like that. And my biggest fear is I never want to portray that message to people. I want to share good information. I love that we share our journey. I love that we give information. I never want people to think that I think I'm superior to them because I'm further along in my personal journey. Because what does that even mean?
Starting point is 01:05:19 What does it mean that I'm further along? How can I even gauge that or measure that? Because all of our journeys are so individual and so unique. So anytime I hear words like that, I'm always going to say something because that's the path that leads to, you know, this self-righteous mindset that I never want us to ever, ever portray or come across is that we're not here to make it look like we are superior to anybody. We are just like everybody else. We've been through a shit time when it comes to the industry.
Starting point is 01:05:51 We have found all kinds of good. We've found all kinds of bad. We have all kinds of stuff to share with people. But I don't ever want to think that just because someone never gets to the point where they evolve to eating a certain way that they're less of a person or that they didn't make it. You know, like they didn't make it to, they just didn't choose to do that.
Starting point is 01:06:12 I think, if anything, especially if you've been listening for a long time, what you're hearing is our story. As you're hearing our process, this is not, it's happening literally now as we're talking about it. This is not something that has happened a long time ago, and you can follow our shows and they follow that pattern of our own, hey, this is what I'm seeing with myself. Hey, this is what I'm seeing with my clients. Hey, this is happening right now as we speak. And there's pluses of minuses to that. But I think one of the big pluses is when you're going
Starting point is 01:06:45 through it and you're talking about it, you're the most passionate about it. Because you're literally experiencing it at that moment. So, hey listen, if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you're gonna get a free t-shirt. You can also find us on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio.
Starting point is 01:07:02 You can find me at Mind Pump Style, Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Style, Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com.
Starting point is 01:07:20 The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 01:07:54 other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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