Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 447: Safe Steroid Use, Feeding Kids Well in a Junk Food World & Big Picture Financial Advice

Episode Date: February 1, 2017

Kimera-Quah! iTunes Review Winners! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about taking ster...oids safely, best advice for a 22 year old and how to feed kids when all the other kids have unhealthy (but enticing) snacks in their lunch box. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is it. This is it. Oh, up. Please let me know. There you go. There is. If this ain't love you better, let them know. This is it. If this is it. There you go. It's the final day. Final day. Wow. That we're I'm trying to think of what song that was. You don't know what that was. This is it. This is it. This is it, bro. The. Please let me know. Oh, yeah. that one. You asked for it. All right, some of it just just say so. Wow. There you go. Oh, right there. Listen, give it to
Starting point is 00:00:34 him. Sal, it's the last day. Final day to get the nutrition survival guide and the fasting guide for free. When you enroll in the super maps Plus, you get 50% off the form. This is probably the best deal that we've ever done right here. Super bundle. Single best deal. Nutrition Survival Guide, Fasting Guide for free, and in addition to that 50% off of the form axis. Now, the Super Maps bundle we designed specifically
Starting point is 00:00:59 to release in January because it contains all of our maps programs. You get maps and a ball, maps performance, maps aesthetic, maps anywhere, and of course our most popular and talked about program now, maps prime, all included and it's like 37% off the total plus you get all this free stuff. It's the final day. You gotta go now and get it done. If you're a late bloomer, mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:01:24 That's where you'll find it. That's where you can enroll. I suggest you turn this off and do that right now. Go get it. Teaser time. We've been averaging around what, 20 or so. How are we doing? Yeah, the last couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah, the last couple of weeks, we had like 16, 17, but this week we had 22. You know why? Downloads were a big deal. Double dues. No, I think it's because last week, the last one I told people how, every time I do that it works. Seems to make a difference.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah. Usually whatever you did. You have to tell, yeah. Usually. Wait a minute. This sounds magic. Hold on a sec, I just made a connection. I just made a connection.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Pretty much all the good ideas come from South. Sweet. Good. Who's the winners? I from South. Sweet. Good. Who's the winners? I like it. All right, we got 22 people. We got six shirts going out. Yo gains fitness.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah. Hate Luzin. Hate me too. Emily Elizabeth S. The man aunt 34. Yeah. Sarah Thompson. It's a manly aunt.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And finally, you guys is favorite. Caff implant doctor. Oh, hey. Every one of you winners, send your name. Have a big plan. If that's true, he'll come up with some extra shirts. And if you call that brother, contact information from the guy who appreciate that when you send that shirt out.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah, we'll do. Yeah, so send over your name. The one I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, send your shirt size, your shipping address, and we'll get that out to you real fast. Excellent. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Might up, might up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Are we all Are we on? Is this on? This thing on? Oh my god! Like you're a Dean! Back Scratchers? You guys are watch family guy? Love family guy.
Starting point is 00:03:14 So my son's 11. Is that an appropriate for him to watch it? Yes, probably. Yeah, you're a hell of a hell of a seat. 11. So my son... You know what, what do you do those apparent? I mean, I swear to God, like so much that they have access to their phones now.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Well, so let me tell you what, let me tell you a little story. I had a great time yesterday because so my sister's, well, my nephew, right, my, my god son, my sister's boy, it was his birthday yesterday. And so we had it, or she had the party at laser tag place, laser quest. You guys ever done that? I love laser quest.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I love laser tracks. It's pretty fucking fun. So I got several great experiences there yesterday. It was a great time. So we're there and we're having fun and we're ready to go in and you know how you have to give them your name. And so all you know, kids are trying to be funny, right? So, like, oh, my name is, you know, fart-based.
Starting point is 00:04:07 But, there are questions. 59. Yeah, so my son, my son goes up there, little clever fucker. Yeah. And he goes up there and he goes, the guy's like, what name would you like? And he goes, A55.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I think about that. I'm not sure. Yeah, well, it looks like A55. Uh-oh, uh-oh. At first, my son wanted to tell the guy pen 15 So he tells the guy a five five right I like your son Little fuck I tell you how proud I was I know you still he did all I had when I was a kid was that boobless remember on the
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh totally right so I used to have okay God I wish I remember I used to, right? So I used to have, okay, God, I wish I remember. I used to be able to tell a story that you would mathematically add up. Oh, and then it comes up. And then when you flip it upside down, it would say, boobless, I can't remember. See, this is three girls met two surgeons who, you know what I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:04:57 they'll be able to have to tell the story. And they would add up to that. Yeah, then it would add up to that. Kids don't get that, and they don't understand that anymore. It's like, they lost that. So anyway, so he says, A55, the dude puts it up, and then the guy realizes what happens comes and actually writes out the words 55. So it's like, my son was like, oh, he caught me.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Anyway, we get in there, right? And my daughter's scared at first, because she's seven, right? And it's dark, and there's, you know, people are shooting at you and it gets all aggressive. Well, about three minutes into it, man, she loses her shit, and that in a bad way, she loses her shit like, she turns into fucking Arnold and predator all of a sudden. She's like, let's get all these people!
Starting point is 00:05:31 Ah! Yeah, and she's like trying to dive and go crazy and she's jumping up and down. She's like, I love this! Hey. And so we're going through, right? We're just killing people. Left and right, taking kids out, right?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Right. And we go up and just killing people. Let the right, taking kids out, right? And we go up and there's a kid on the floor, laid on his back, and he's just looking up with this blank look on his face. So I see this kid, and I watch him for about three seconds because I'm like, maybe he's just, you know, whatever. So now I'm, so then after about three seconds, I'm like, oh shit, something happened
Starting point is 00:06:03 because there's lots of flashing lights going on in there, you know, you're when you're doing and I'm thinking maybe at a seizure or something What? So I yeah, so I kind of freak out so I get down on my knees and I'm like hey Hey, buddy, are you okay? Like are you all right? I'm like I need shoot you. No, no I'm like are you okay? Are you fine? Are you know what's going on man? And he looks at me and he's like Everybody keeps shooting me Like get up get the fuck at me get up's like, everybody keeps shooting me. Ah! I'm like, get up, get the fuck out of here. Get up and fight. The fuck's wrong with your kid.
Starting point is 00:06:29 It's just laser. God damn it. So you have a bitch. He just threw a temper tantrum. And I'm like, everybody, I'm like, kid, I just thought something bad happened to you. And because of that, five kids walked behind me and shot me in my back.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Well, maybe he's like the bait. I thought he's dad's behind the, and just he's like the bait. That's what I thought. He's dads behind the, and just shooting and picking everybody up. That's what my brother lost that. He's a fucking decoy dude. Decoy! So anyway, we're done with that, right? So we get out.
Starting point is 00:06:55 My son went off on his own. We get out of the laser tag. My son comes up and he's like, I think I did pretty good, man. He goes, but then this freaking douchebag kept shooting me from the corner and I'm like douchebag. Like, where'd you learn that word family guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So then he's like, what's a douchebag, by the way? And I'm like, uh. Can you describe this in great detail? So I explained to him what a douche was and what a douchebag is. And say, he's stopped for a second, he goes, huh, huh, huh. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, I hear for a second, he goes, hoo hoo hoo. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I hear like a beavers moment there. It's just a bonding experience. I totally bonded with my son at that moment because I taught him what the word douchebag was. Wow, that's nice. Anyway, these are things you have to look forward to just when you're, I know when your boys get, when they get closer to being a teenager,
Starting point is 00:07:43 and they start saying those things. I don't know. Oh, it's already happening. Yeah, the, man, I was trying to remember what, he started talking about like hashtags now, for some reason he got into this whole hashtag, I'm hungry dad. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:07:59 What is this? Hashtag pullover, he's like, hashtag brown code for me, like he kept saying I'm like brown code because I would like fart or Brown code dad What the fuck does it even mean? I'll show you brown code It's so great how the kids keep you young man. I'm my best friend is a principal at a high school man, my best friend is a principal at a high school. So he like, it's, he'll always like interject these like slang terms that I haven't heard yet, you know, because it hasn't,
Starting point is 00:08:31 because you know, that's the first place, man, you want to stay up and up on like, what kids are saying and what's popular and what's trending right now, go to high school, you know, or go around some high school. So my best friend is around high school kids all day. So he's always got the latest and greatest, like the first and he's, we'll be having like an Rommel intelligent conversation that he'll interject like some shit like that. I'll be like, what the fuck did you just say?
Starting point is 00:08:53 Throw it off, you say. Oh, it's only two. Is this like a thing? And he'll be like, Google it. Yeah, he'll be like, don't worry, you'll get it soon. You know, it's kind of a bitch. The best thing though is when your kid says something, because they think that you don't know
Starting point is 00:09:05 because you're not cool. When really in reality, it's a word that's been around for a long, fuck. Oh, they recycled it, right? Yeah, so like my kid was playing with pretty funny little shit. We used to say that when we were young. Oh, dude, my son, my son, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:18 he's playing with his buddies and he's like, man, that blows. And I'm looking at him like, you probably shouldn't say that. And he's like, you know what that means? Like, do you have any idea? Like, come on, kid. There's a lot of words that you're going to be saying
Starting point is 00:09:30 that you think are cool. Yeah. That of the first time. Maya Generation invented that. Oh my god. It was so funny because like, so he's throwing all these like hashtag things out there. And like, my youngest, I mean, he's, he's has like,
Starting point is 00:09:44 like, ultimate timing. Like, so he'll come in like a bit later I mean, he's, he has like, like ultimate timing. Like, so who come in like a bit later and all of a sudden, he's like, hashtag, I love cookies. What, and you just like, what? It's like, it's just so random, you know, you're reminds me of the guy that was on Anchorman where he's just like, I love lamp. You know, you'll see it like a really like random time.
Starting point is 00:10:03 He was like, how? And then he'll just die laughing at his own dream. This is your youngest. Yeah. Yeah, because when they're real young, so how old is your youngest? He's four. Yeah, so my daughter, she's seven.
Starting point is 00:10:13 She's starting to get like smart with her humor. Because when they're real young, they try to be funny. And they're funny because they're trying to be fun. That because they actually are funny. Yeah, yeah. So my daughter will be like, oh, I got a joke. and then she'll tell this like,
Starting point is 00:10:26 long ass fucking story. And it's not funny at all. And at the end of it, she's like, I still start laughing. And I laugh because. Yeah, because she thinks she's funny. Cause none of it made any sense.
Starting point is 00:10:37 No, it doesn't. And I want to tell her, I want to sit her down, be like, listen. You're not funny. You gotta have a set up. Yeah. There's a structure to this.
Starting point is 00:10:44 You gotta lead to, yeah. I appreciate you trying, but you have a set up. Yeah. There's a structure to this. You gotta lead to, yeah. I appreciate you trying, but you suck at punchline. Punchline, yeah. So I want you to go home and punchline. I want you to go in your room of practice. Yeah. Okay, I'm not laughing with you. I'm laughing at you.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I don't say it because that you'll be devastated. Can you, now, can you, the, the two of you, can you tell, even though they're, they're separate in ages and like what you're talking about there, they're evolving as far as they're humor. Can you tell already which kid is gonna be the Whittier one of the two of them? Like does one of them have like this sharp humor Whittier? Probably hard to tell, but I mean one of them
Starting point is 00:11:14 Definitely he kept his timing. I think he's got down, but well the other one has all the content So I think that's the split they're gonna be the duo. Yeah, yeah, so for my so my my son But see they're different in age. So it's hard to tell. That's why I was wondering, can you tell? Yeah. Well, so now starting to blossom in both of them. So me and my ex have great senses of humor.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Humor's a big part of, it was always a big part of our family. And it's a big part of my, my extended family too, my dad, my, you know, my uncles, my cousins. Um, in fact, when I was a kid, one of the things that we would do when we would have family functions is the men, including the boys, we'd all hang out, and we would tell jokes, dirty jokes, or whatever. So it was always a part of our family.
Starting point is 00:11:56 So my kids have been a part of it, and so you can see that they have a well-developed sense of humor, but it's different. My son's is very sharp and witty, and he does really well with wordplay. My daughter has got great physical humor, like really good, which I love because being a girl, I think sometimes there's a little bit of that stereotype
Starting point is 00:12:16 where girls, they feel like they can't make funny faces or they can't fart or do that kind of stuff because it's not, you know, girls don't do that. My daughter does not give a shit. Like she will, she will stand up on the table and fart or she'll make like the funniest, like, distorted faces or, you know, whatever, totally not embarrassed, totally not self-conscious and just crack us all the hell up.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Which I love, I love that she's confident enough to do that. And so I encourage it. So I hope she doesn't stop doing that. Yeah, hopefully that remains. Oh, dude. I hope she doesn't stop doing that that remains. Oh, dude Yeah, I hope she doesn't stop doing that when she's dating like I hope she like blasts her boyfriend like she sits and just farts on him If he gets offended or grossed out, I'll be like listen, bro. Hey, man. You want to be with this? I'll buy fire you know I'll be hot with this hot a tie and girl you better deal with that. Yeah, cuz she don't give a book Like her father
Starting point is 00:13:03 Anyway, anyway, do you guess what I did to this morning for the first time in my entire life? Into whoa. Wait, you turned a new page? First time I tell. Tell us. So I'm late to the party. I apologize, everybody.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I'm late to the mobility party. I haven't, I've been, it's been something I've been including, but I haven't made it like been, it's been something I've been including, but I haven't made it like, it hasn't been my like, ultra priority, and it's moved up the ladder, and now it's becoming like super priority, and I can finally sit in a squat, not comfortably. It takes me, it takes me a while to get in there.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It's not comfortable, but I can do it, and I can now full on, bottom out, squat, not a lot of reps, because it still requires lots of tension and still, but I can do it now with, I did it this morning with 185, which is not a lot of weight, but I think you have to train, you know, weight is, it's all relative, right? It's the heaviest I can go with my current level of strength
Starting point is 00:14:05 within that new range of motion and mobility. Any heavier, and I'm for sure gonna, you know, my form will be off for something, right? But I was able to bottom out and do reps with that. First time ever, being like, get my hunches down to my calves and sit in that shit. And so it's a good feeling, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's, you know, it's crazy about it. I haven't squatted more than that than 185 for a while. I've squatted four plates in the past parallel, right? But I've never gone super low. Have you already? My legs are looking better, dude. Isn't that weird? Yeah. It's been doing the same thing. It's weird, but it's not. I know better. Yeah. That's Yeah. It just goes to show you just how... How different mentality. Well, it just goes to show you how insidious your own ego is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I know about all this shit, dude. I know. I talk about it on the fucking show. And yet, my own delicate ego did not let me, or I would not really recognize it and go beyond it. And finally now, finally I'm starting to break through it. And I'm looking in the mirror, I'm looking at my legs, I'm like, my ability muscle, this is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I've had the same exact thing kind of happen. And I attribute it to being in a gym where there's a bunch of little, you know, like the competition in there is pretty scarce, let's just put it that way. Oh, so you don't get it like you have to? I don't feel threatened, or not even threatened just like that I have to Oh, so you don't like to have to do it? I don't feel threatened or not even threatened just like that I have to perform. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Like when you're in one of those kind of golds or one of these more competitive type lifting gyms and environments, you just get into that mode where it's like, oh yeah, well, I can, you know, I've been able to do 400 plus pounds. Like no problem, let me just rack this up and then you just start racking it up.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And you're like, I didn't even want to do that. I just wanted to, you know, work on a bridge emotion. After you're done, like, I'm good. Yeah, like, oh man, you know, I got caught into the trap again. I did that to the day and I had to bail. I had to bail you drop it. Yeah, yeah, I was at gold. This was just like three days ago.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And exactly what Justin was saying, I hadn't been there. I didn't lift there in a while. And it just so happened to be there, like the squat racks were all full and there were full of a bunch of dudes that were squatting good weight. And I was like, in my head,
Starting point is 00:16:11 I had came there to do something specific that I was supposed to be doing. It is literally impossible to not stack the weights. And there is a part of me too that wants to like, I'd be lying if I didn't say there's like, I wanna show off my extra mobility too. He's like, let me show you. Let me show you.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Watch me do more weight and go lower. Everybody remember and be and be twice the ages half of these fuckers. They're lifting next to me. How many? Oh, I know. Think of all the problems that you got in the bottom.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I got stuck in the bottom. So what'd you do? Just. Oh, yeah. I mean, I was, I'm smart enough to, if anytime I get up to four plates, I mean, I make sure to get the, the, my racks all set up in case I got a bell. But I have been like, uh, working so much on mobility that I, I just recently,
Starting point is 00:16:54 I just did a deadlift video the other day. And I was thinking about like, man, when was the last time I, I did a post on, you know, where my, uh, my mobility and strength is like, I'm at post by the way. Which one? The last, your last Instagram post. Oh, okay. The one with the boards. Oh, yeah. Very good.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I want to tell you that. Well, God, man, I'm burning through Steve Kotler's book right now. I remember, at the beginning of the year, I said, I'm going to try and knock out a book a month. I'm about to complete February's book before February starts because the Steve, the Stephen Kotler rise to Superman is fucking dope. I mean, I haven't connected with a book like this. And so the last book I just read,
Starting point is 00:17:32 I said it didn't even probably crack my top 25. This will be a top 10, arguably a top five book for me that I've got. Yeah, that good. That good. And it just, because of the stuff he's talking about too, I mean, I just, I'm into, you know, sealed team stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I'm into, you know, extreme sports and the elite level athletes and what makes them tick and go and then what we're learning with all that and how the, some of the, I mean, a lot, this is the stuff that I feel like I wish more sports would talk about because there are teams. There are people and organizations that are implementing a lot of the science that we used to think was pseudoscience because there wasn't a lot of tools out there to measure what's going on the brain and we have the EEG, we have the FMRI, but it still is this unknown.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So everybody wants to discredit it like, oh well, we don't know exactly, it could be this, it could be that, oh it's pseudoscience, it's like no motherfucker, there's too much now that we know that it's consistent amongst all these elite extreme athletes and minds that are, there's enough, there's enough to show that something's going on. Do we know exactly what it is?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Well, we're learning that, you know? And so there's already. I think we know there's something. Yeah, that's what we're at., we're learning that, you know? And so there's already... I think we know there's something. Yeah, that's what we're at. And they're trying to define it all. And there's Fortune 500. Most of you're like big CEOs, especially where we're at in the Silicon Valley
Starting point is 00:18:55 with these guys, these guys are the ones that are practicing this. And then not a lot of people are talking about it. The year, your gold state warriors, your SEAL team six, these elite elite people are implementing some of this stuff that we were calling pseudoscience 10 years ago, but it's obviously working and it's working for some of the elite minds and elite athletes and elite bodies out there. I find that really fascinating.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So I've just, I've been going, burning through the book because it's so interesting to me. And then this snowboarding trip was kind of like, not only was it for me to shut off from all my electronics and kind of get away from work a little bit mentally, also had an opportunity. I was with my childhood best friend and his wife and then Katrina, the four of us, we're gonna go ride and I thought,
Starting point is 00:19:43 this will be interesting. It's been two years since I rode. And I'll have to be honest, the last time that I rode was around the same time that I was starting to give up playing basketball because I just started feeling it. The knees, the ankles, the low back, like, I mean, I was just like, damn, you know, I could still do all this stuff and still perform it decently. But my body was feeling it and talking to me. And so I had less of a desire to get back there and do that. And then when I was heading up to go on this trip,
Starting point is 00:20:12 I thought like, man, let's see how I'm gonna feel. You know, so I've got like all, I've stocked up on the painkillers just in case I feel like shit. Like, and I'm already mentally prepping myself for okay, I should probably pace myself, take a little time afterwards warm up really good and You know, and I thought okay, well, I'm writing. I'm gonna practice some of this like mental and breathing and flow state stuff and I had my music that I was playing in my ears while I was writing
Starting point is 00:20:37 I tell you what I haven't had a session like this Writing in years probably since I was you know season passholder in college and writing like every other day that I just felt so good. And I'm not sore, dude. And it's unreal. Now, I don't know, it's tribute, it's tribute all that to like the flow and the mental side, although I believe that was a big piece of it. A lot of it, it was a reflection of all the mobility work that I've been doing, especially when you talk about ankle
Starting point is 00:21:05 and hip because ankle and hips, anybody that's snowboarded before knows that, that is everything. I mean, you're, if your knees get hurt, it's because of those, it's one of those two things. Exactly. I mean, that's typically where, if anyone other bothers him from snowboarding,
Starting point is 00:21:20 it's and or low back, which goes back to the hips. Let me ask you this real quick, when you were doing this no boarding, did you, were you at all feeling like you were competing with people around you or did you feel like you were in your fucking space? Oh, I don't even pay attention to anybody. You know what's funny about that?
Starting point is 00:21:35 So here's what's interesting. When you just, the story you just told about gold where you worked down, you had to bail on the wait. It was about, it was about other people. It was about everybody else. Right, and you know what's funny, you know about other people. Everybody else. It was about everybody else. Right, and you know what's funny, you know who does this really fucking well,
Starting point is 00:21:47 who talks about this? When I take, when I, the yoga classes I've taken, the good ones, the thing that they'll say, and people who do yoga, they know what I'm talking about. They'll say this one phrase, they'll say, this is your own practice. Your practice is all yours, it's all about you. Move the way you feel comfortable.
Starting point is 00:22:03 If you don't feel comfortable with a pose, with an oppose, come out of it and stand there and wait for the next one. It's all at your own pace, it's your own practice. If we treat our workouts that way, that's when we have our best workouts. It has nothing to do with competing with people around. It's all about like being in your own,
Starting point is 00:22:20 doing your own thing and kind of shutting everybody else off. That's what you did when you snowboard. Well, and this goes back to this, the whole idea and concept of flow state, you know, and the only reason, the only knock that I have anything to say about any of this stuff, which I think is not fair really, is that I don't ever like terming something or naming something or, you know, because then it becomes like this, like, working on my flow and I know I said that like in the post, but that's the thing that I, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:51 no one's termed it, no one's named it, there is. I'm more flowed. And so yeah, right? So I don't like, I don't want it to turn into this like, cult like thing, the bottom line is, that's what I'm practicing. I'm practicing being completely present and mindful of me and my body
Starting point is 00:23:08 and not giving a fuck about everything else that's around me. Put a term on it all you want. I don't care what it's called. The point is that I definitely see a huge difference in my performance when I practice this ability to get into this zone where I'm hyper focused on my body awareness and what I'm doing and fucking AI had a ride. And it's a practice.
Starting point is 00:23:33 There's a lot of techniques, so you can start blocking things out and focusing on, especially if you have, if you're working or if you're gonna play in a sport or whatever the activity is, you can literally work on blocking all these other distractions out and get better and better at being just 100% in this moment.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So whatever that is, there's a lot of different ways to get there. But yeah, I know Stephen Kotler highlights a lot of ways to do that. Yeah, yeah, it's helpful. And if you're somebody who's religious, they have terms for it. Everybody has terms for it.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'm interested in the science behind it. I'm interested in what we're learning about it and what it does for us as far as performance and just overall health and what it benefits us. So very, very fascinating. It's the current book that I'm reading, probably by the time this airs, I'll probably be done with it
Starting point is 00:24:24 because I'm burning through it so quick and I'll be on to his, I'm hoping to get done with this one and move on to his, uh, his, the one that he sent us that has even released. It comes out. It opens that book drops in what February something. Yeah. Yeah. Like the, like, the, yeah, stealing fire.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah. Stealing fire drops. I think the end of February, which I, I based off of what I'm reading in Rise of Superman, it is probably, so like Rise of Superman, it really defines what flow is and how it evolved and how they came about the term and how they track it and the science behind it. And then I, and the examples of it throughout extreme sports and all these things, I think that stealing fire is gonna really dive into the SEAL Team 6 and how they apply it
Starting point is 00:25:08 and how they use it, which I'm excited to. Oh, right. Yeah, but Ryza Superman, I think, is definitely a good prerequisite to that, especially if you're interested in the topic. Ego! Bring on that beast! Summon it!
Starting point is 00:25:18 Ooh, he's focused. She's got a flow going. We call it a plan. Kamehra Kwa! Today's Kwa has been brought to you by Kain Maricopi. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutrophics for a cleaner, calmer and more focused buzz without the crash. Put the Kain Maricopi at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpaCheckout for 10% off!
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's the motherfucking frog! The eagle has landed! Quee-qua-wake? And Rami 92 is asking how to take steroids safely. Oh, how to take steroids? Hey kids! Hey, exactly! Well, let's have a little discussion.
Starting point is 00:26:04 First off, let's talk about anabolic steroids and the myths surrounding anabolic steroids. They are derivatives of testosterone or they are the actual hormone testosterone. Believe it or not, they are, if used properly, relatively safe. And I say relatively because if you compare it to other things that people may do to their bodies to achieve improved
Starting point is 00:26:33 athletic performance. And of course, we're not talking about hormone replacement therapy here because hormone replacement therapy is healthy. If your testosterone levels are very, very low, you're better off medically speaking, you're better off, you know, medically speaking, you're better off bringing them up to normal. So in that particular case, you know, done, you know, recommended by a doctor, or isn't that the first place to start is to really check your levels and get a blood test and all that. Yeah. Maybe, maybe
Starting point is 00:26:57 we should share how I fucked up as a kid and why I pay for that now first. Okay. Go for it. Because in my, let's see here, I think it was 20 to, somewhere around there between 21 and 23, I don't remember exactly the year, but I chose to do anabolic. And I've already been a personal trainer. I'd already felt like I was pretty versed in program design, understood nutrition,
Starting point is 00:27:22 and working out, and I just swore I was a hard gainer. I couldn't put some size on. And I had put some size on, but man, the amount of work and effort that I had put in, I felt like I just wasn't getting big. And I saw other guys around me that I felt like they touched weight and they blew up. And I was just like, man, I'm just, I'm fucked. I'm never going to be, get this big buff guy that I want to be. And I swore that steroids was gonna be the answer.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I thought, okay, if I hop on the anabolic, this is going to finally push me through that. And the- How old were you in like 21? Early 20s, yeah. I can't be honest with you. I don't remember if I was, I know I wasn't younger than 21, 22,
Starting point is 00:28:05 but I wasn't older than about 24. So it's somewhere in that range. And so I took a stack and I let a body builder, it was actually a trainer who worked for me and he was a body builder. Mistake number one, man. I know, I know. That's horrible.
Starting point is 00:28:19 So yeah, we'll talk about how stupid I was when I was a little bit later. So, you know, I wanted to, and at that time too, I had already bought like the Antiball Bible and things like that. So I had a reference and I'd done a little bit of research myself, definitely not enough. And I let this guy put me on this stack.
Starting point is 00:28:37 And it was like, I mean, I was doing like 800 to a thousand milligrams of shit a week. And boy, I mean, like, first cycle, too. Yeah, yeah, right. And there's, so there's a lot of arguments behind this too. So on first cycle doses, like people say, some people say you do just the little, little amount because your body's gonna respond so much
Starting point is 00:28:59 because it's the first time it's ever felt it. Then there's other guys that will say that because your body is so responsive to the first time, if you do a massive dose, you're going to get these crazy amounts of gains the first time that you'll never get after that and so to take advantage of that. So there's two camps in the bodybuilding world as far as the amount of dose that you do. Personally, the biggest mistake I made was not thinking that the importance of coming off was as important and what I took and how I got on because I never had an issue with
Starting point is 00:29:32 my sex drive. I've always been, you know, a horny kid. And so, and then of course, when you start taking out a ball, because it goes through the roof, it makes you feel like you're 17 years old again, where, you know, you're driving around and you just get these mid-day boners, I don't know where, which for a guy, that's pretty awesome, especially if you have somewhere to deal with it. So I was going through this stack and what I was surprised to see was not a lot of weight gain.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I wanted it for weight gain. I was six foot three, about 180 pounds at this time. And I wanted to see 200 pounds so bad. And I think I got up to about 190. And most of it was really water. I was strong as fuck. I mean, for, that was, I mean, I watched, I'll never forget watching every week.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I mean, I was grabbing heavier, at that time I remember dumbbell chest pressing. And I remember the, and around that time I was like 60 pound dumbbells or so is what I was pressing. And then the next week it was like 70s, then 80s, then 90s, then 110s, then 120s. I was just like, holy sh, every week I was increasing
Starting point is 00:30:35 my chest strength and it literally like doubled from when I started. I was just holy crap. It was just hulking out. Oh yeah, so I was strong as fuck. But as soon as I came off, you know, I felt this. Did you do any post cycle therapy?
Starting point is 00:30:49 I did it. I really didn't do anything. And when I came off that first time, I didn't really notice any defect as far as like my hormone levels or anything like that. It hadn't really registered yet. And I knew that my first one, I was, I think I ran it for like eight weeks,
Starting point is 00:31:09 something like eight to 10 weeks, and then I came off and I lost all the gains. And I was just like so depressed that I did all this shit. I worked so hard, I felt strong as fuck. All to get a few pounds of muscle and then feel like most of it had fallen off. And I didn't take post cycle. And the big mistake was, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:29 waiting a few months, jumping back on again. And then that was the time, the second time, when I came off, when I had really went through this, like my sex drive was forever changed. And then I forever was never the same as far as like this sexual drive that I had leading up to that. And you know, then I stayed away from it for a very, very long time because of that. And later on, I ended up doing my blood work and seeing that, you know, now I was a, you know, 30 year old male who was 200 and something free tests. My test levels were extremely low and forever affected me.
Starting point is 00:32:08 What I was most surprised on was that it wasn't the answer to getting big. That's what really pissed me off. I really thought that of course you got strong, of course you see all the sexual stuff from it, but it wasn't the answer to getting me bigger. I thought it was. I thought this was the last piece. I got everything else really figured out, but adding this last thing. So now when people come to me, and I get a lot of people that ask me about this, especially
Starting point is 00:32:34 when I was coaching a lot of competitors, that's always the first thing a competitor. If you're somebody who competes, typically, if you care that much about competing and if you have aspirations to be like a pro, most people are smart enough to know that 99% of all pro men's physique or bodybuilders are on some sort of anabolic, it's just a matter of how much most of them are taking. And they know that at one point, if they really care about doing that, they're going to have to do that if they're going to be in the IFB, BLEE. So most of them, and that's the first thing they wanna ask,
Starting point is 00:33:08 and I'm like, listen, we're at the amateur level right now. Like, you're men's physique, like you don't even need it right now. I've taken many guys, natural guys, from, you know, amateur level, you know, to the national level without ever even having to do any sort of steroids. So, I think that's the big misconception is that you see these guys that are at the professional level, you see their physiques and then in your head,
Starting point is 00:33:29 you think, oh, it must be the anabolic stack that they're taking that got them there. Yeah, I'll tell you this, when it comes to anabolic, here's your dangers. These are the real dangers now, not the ones you'll see in the media that are blown at a proportion. The big number one, you're gonna have to obtain them through the black market. Now, not the ones you'll see in the media that are blown at a proportion.
Starting point is 00:33:45 The big number one, you're going to have to obtain them through the black market. So you're breaking the law and you're dealing with a drug dealer. And the stuff that you're getting is not pharmaceutical grade. So you hear terms like, you know, oh, I got steroid fever or, you know, oh, I got an abscess or an infection or you don't know where this stuff has been mixed and you're literally injecting it inside your body so there's no buffers like if you were to eat something, if you were to take a pill or whatever. So there's that, that's a big danger.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Number two, the amount, people just take a lot, they take way too much. You don't need to take a shit ton to get results. If you feel like you need to take a lot to get any results, it's probably your work on your diet, that of the problem. And number three, people spend a lot of time and money on what to take and how to take it. They don't spend any time of money on what to do when they go off.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You know, post-cycle therapy is very important because it will shut your testosterone production down. It will 100%. If you want anabolic steroids for even more than a couple weeks, your testosterone levels will, natural ones will plummet and you need to focus on what to do to get them to come back to normal and get a blood test because you can come off and do your post cycle therapy like I feel like I'm okay. I feel like I'm back to normal.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Go get a blood test and see where your normal, your levels are because I know quite a few people who destroyed their hormone levels who can't get them back up to normal anymore, who now have to rely on taking antibiotics for the rest of their life. And that's kind of a shitty place to be. Think about it like. Well, you're looking at somebody that's like that life. And that's kind of a shitty place to be. Think about it like.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Well, you're looking at somebody that's like that. Yeah, that's the reason why I speak about it is because I feel like more people need to understand that. It sucks, like you want to, if you want to travel, if you want to go somewhere, like, what do you, do I got to take them with me? Now I got to take syringes with me. Now I got about, you know, worry about doing this,
Starting point is 00:35:40 that the other I got to worry about scar tissue. It's just, it's something you really have to, you should really pay attention to. But if you wanna, you actually have to take them, do the least amount to start with, or do the least amount to get good results, make sure you cycle them, make sure that you have post-cycle therapy, make sure you get blood work done, and just really be careful with what you're doing to your body, because the problems that I've seen people have with antibiotics has to do with just taking too much,
Starting point is 00:36:11 with not having the right precautions, post cycle, not having the right precautions for side effects, so they'll get estrogen, we'll go through the roof, and they'll get, I know a few people who had to go have gynecumastory surgery, actually had to have breast tissue removed because they developed too much breast tissue from some of the side effects. Oh, I know a lot of bodybuilder guys that I remember the first time I asked to advice on that
Starting point is 00:36:33 when I first started. Signs of that would be like, oh yeah, just don't even worry about it. Just go get the surgery later on and then you'll never worry about it again. Just push, keep pushing. You can take it out later. I was like, Jesus Christ, dude, this is the advice these guys have given to people. You know what's neat though is that here, if going back, if I, you know, let's say I didn't change anything as far as taking them, I wish that
Starting point is 00:36:54 and I, I feel like when I was in my early 20s that it was very taboo still where I think there's, I mean, now there's hormone therapist and doctors and I feel like you can openly discuss this now. Like it's not as taboo as it used to be. It's still like the same level of marijuana. It is, right. That's how I feel like it's kind of neat that we can, we can discuss topics like this with a specific doctor. So now like, it's totally awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I can go get my blood work done and I can talk to my doctor and I'll just say, listen, this is what I plan to do. What do you think? You know, like I want to, I'm going to do this. You'll just say, listen, this is what I plan to do, what do you think? I'm gonna do this. You'll think about that with your physicians, how much they had to battle forever when people are doing things illegally and introducing all these exogenous hormones
Starting point is 00:37:38 in their body and all these different things. And meanwhile, they're trying to treat this person for a different ailment. They're not marking off that they're trying to treat this person for a different ailment. You know, and they're not marking off that, you know, they're using it the same times they don't want to get in trouble or whatever. And meanwhile, it's like, costing people their health because, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:54 there's chemical reactions like, you don't want to introduce another type of medicine if you don't know the back history of everything. Yeah. And I remember the first time, the first time I tried to mention it to my very first doctor and, you know, I had this like whoever my insurance, you know, sets you up with whatever. And that's not who you want to talk to. I mean, you could possibly have a really cool one, but I remember talking to that physician
Starting point is 00:38:16 and she was just like, oh, no, very bad for you. It's going to kill you. This and that. I'm just like, oh, great. This is not who I want to talk to about this. So I started doing my own research and looking for somebody who was like a hormone specialist and that's who I took my blood , I went and got my blood work done somewhere which cost like 200 something bucks for even if you don't have insurance because at that time I didn't when I went and did this. And
Starting point is 00:38:37 then I searched out somebody who is an actual hormone therapist, that's what they specialize in, took my blood work to him and said, hey, listen, this is what I plan to do. I wanted your advice, you know, first. And, you know, and you just gotta preface it with that because of course a lot of, a lot of doctors still are gonna be like, oh, don't do that this and that. And you say, listen, I'm competing. I plan to do this, like I plan to go all the way
Starting point is 00:39:01 to the professional level. There's no way with my shi-genetics, I'm gonna compete with the best in the world unless I'm a hormonally enhanced here. And so this is what I'm thinking, what would you recommend? And then you can get advised. To me, that's better than asking a bunch of guys like us on a radio show.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I mean, we could see here in talk all day about the pros, the cons, the side effects, our own stories. But I mean, everybody is so uniquely individual. And I've heard Sal talk about this, like some people respond to steroids completely different than other people, just like they respond to exercises, just like they respond to nutrition definitely. So nothing's better than going and getting your blood work done and having a physician or a hormone therapist.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I respond ridiculous to anything hormonal. I mean, when I would take these over the count as back when you could buy a designer steroids over the counter, I remember taking them and I just, it was like, gush, like instant, 10, 15 pounds. I go off and it would go away. But once you go down that rabbit hole, especially if you're dealing with any kind
Starting point is 00:40:01 of a body image issue, which you probably are, if you're seeking out animal steroids, you are going to feed that issue in a big way. It's a very difficult hold to climb out of. It's very difficult to lose the gains that you got and you end up, I don't know anybody that's ever done one cycle. It's always doing them on and off, on and off, on and off. And then at some point, or just always on.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Yeah, or just always on. Well, and that's the thing is at one point you have to make a decision. It's like anything else. You can get it. You can get addicted to that. And it's not like the actual testosterone is addictive. It's the feeling that you get when you're on the testosterone that becomes. It's also the fear though.
Starting point is 00:40:43 That was the big one for me. It wasn't the addictive like it feels great, you know, taking them. It was though, when I go off, what's going to happen? If I go off for too long, it's like the fear of like, without these who am I, what am I? I'm not the Superman anymore. So it's a, it's a rabbit hole that I would say, look, if there's a lot you can do with your extra workout and your nutrition, that will make tremendous differences in your body.
Starting point is 00:41:06 That, to me, that's the advice I give all of my athletes and competitors is like, listen, let's max you out first, natural. You're going to be so surprised when I teach you how to eat really dialed and train correctly, consistently, how your body responds before we introduce anything exogenous. Because here's the thing, like, the most at least 90% of the peers of mine and people that I know that take antibiotics, they're missing so many other major pieces in the rest of their programming, their nutrition. It's like, even those steroids are awesome and they do all these great things for building muscle and shit. It's literally, it's really not that big of a difference if you're not
Starting point is 00:41:50 doing the other shit really well. I bet a lot of them could cut their dosage way down if they just fix their training. Oh, that was the big thing I saw. I'm asking they could go natural, especially if you're competing, but I bet you have they could get away with the men's the men's physique over use of steroids. Blue my mind. Blue my mind what I was told. I was too big and I remember that was the first time that I had pushed up to 500 milligrams of test asterone and it was between two shows and it was the first time that I placed that at the top five When I was coming up the ranks and I remember time the judges afterwards and you're like dude You're like legal bodybuilder your way judges afterwards and you're like, dude, you're like, you're like a bodybuilder, you're way too big.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And I'm like, oh my God, like I barely ramped up my milligram dosage thinking that was gonna help me between the two shows. So I'd appeal all the way back. And I think like, I've got peers that are doing three times that, but they're not seeing the response from the testosterone because one, they've either been taking way too much for too long
Starting point is 00:42:44 and they haven't been cycling properly and or they're so fucked up nutritionally or on their programming. Yeah, they're training sucks. They're seeing minimal results and I think you've said it before so early as well, is that just to be an awesome one just helps us get away with more. You're sitting in an analogue, signal 24-7 and it leaves a lot more room for air as far as you know recovery and then you can go on the gym and do all this pumping you know isolation movements and
Starting point is 00:43:09 go sideways on the chest press it goes weird shit like if you were natural you would know real quickly that that shit was a waste of time you just you're building some muscle but that's because you're on some gear. I almost did a video with that leg pushed down on the assisted pull up just to just to be like yeah Glute pump. Yeah, still people do Yeah, see it all time bring on Douglas. Whatkins are 23 Ryan Watkins. Ah, is that Ryan? Maybe probably yeah One of our best. Yeah, the best piece of financial advice for someone who is 22 years old. You know what's interesting about this question?
Starting point is 00:43:47 I was looking at this question while we were talking about the last one. And you know, it's a different world for someone who's 22 now than we were 22. And I'll tell you why. The cost of education today is exponentially higher than it was when we were kids. The growth of the cost of education has far,
Starting point is 00:44:09 far, far, far exceeded inflation. And there's a lot of reasons why. One of the reasons is we've injected a lot of money into education because our intentions were good. We're saying, okay, we're gonna make money for school easy. We're gonna give people loans much easier. We're gonna make this, we're gonna make money for school easy. We're gonna give people loans much easier. We're gonna make this, we're gonna make sure more people can go to college
Starting point is 00:44:29 by giving them more money. But what we, what we, big problem that we do is that we don't, we confuse intention with the results. And what happens is we skewed a very powerful market signal, which is demand. And so we dramatically increased the demand for education and gave people more and more money for it.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And so what you're gonna get is you're gonna get higher and higher costs. Colleges, they raise the money in there for it, but they're still willing to give you the loans. Of course, they're fighting for more and more money. So someone in the past, what I would tell someone is 22 is I'd say, oh, best thing you could do financially is invest in your education.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Now, you've got to be a little smarter about it because you've got to look and say, okay, if I get a PhD in whatever field, I'm going to have a debt of, let's say, $120,000, which by the way is not out of the ordinary for a PhD. It just isn't, especially if you go to a, quote unquote, really good college. So let's say you graduate now, you have a hundred plus
Starting point is 00:45:29 thousand dollars in debt and the job that you now qualify for, which isn't guaranteed by the way, but let's just say you're great, you get a job, and now you're making 70 grand a year, which is a lot of money for your first job at the age of 20, whatever whatever with a master's or PhD. Now you're making $70,000 but you've got a hundred, something thousand dollar debt, you're paying that off
Starting point is 00:45:52 while you're trying to work, while you're paying rent, while you're doing these different things, you got to kind of weigh all the stuff out. So the best, one piece of financial advice I can give you is to look at all of these things objectively. Look at what you're investing your money in with your education and what kind of payback you're going to get for it. So if I'm going to school and I'm getting a PhD in liberal arts, probably not, and I know I'm offending a lot of people right now with a liberal arts
Starting point is 00:46:19 degree, probably not the best $100,000 debt you can put into. Because there's not much work out there that's gonna pay you the kind of money to pay that kind of debt off. My sister went to school for anthropology and she wanted to go and get a master's in the PhD anthropology and she's already got a bachelor's and she stopped halfway through and she's like, you know what, I'm not gonna make shit
Starting point is 00:46:44 with all this and have all this debt. I need to be little wiser with where I'm gonna invest my money. Now of course, if you wanna learn that stuff cause you love it or whatever, that's fine. I'm just saying be objective financially and look at all those things. So the best thing you could do is really invest
Starting point is 00:47:00 in what's gonna give you a return. You're gonna get for it financially. What kind of return you're going to get for financially, what kind of return you're going to get for a mentally, personally, and weigh it out and see if it makes sense. Nowadays, so much things you can learn, so many free sources of education, sure, you might have a degree, but you might learn these things, and if it's just for the sake of learning and where you can learn them all. Well, nice thing too. I mean, it definitely goes along.
Starting point is 00:47:25 You're a train of thought with that of finding your specialty in researching other ways of investing into that education, but it doesn't look the same as it used to. So for me, I would have just to kind of bring it into our industry. I would have loved to spend all that money on all these workshops, on all these certifications, and all these very specialized, like, foot specialists and like different people, like how it all interacts with building up a more versed understanding of the human body, because I know
Starting point is 00:48:00 that that's gonna be my field, and I wanna be an expert in my field. College doesn't really make you an expert in your field. I hate to say it, but I went through it and it doesn't. And you really have to do your own due diligence to figure out, have a real heart to heart kind of conversation with yourself of where you want to go in order to not waste money. And even then, I don't feel like I wasted money. It's the disjurnee to get to that understanding. So the sooner you can get to that sort of understanding, then you can really start to identify where you want to put your money
Starting point is 00:48:39 as a good investment. That's what I'm saying. Just look at your debt objectively because I know a lot of kids in their 20s, and the biggest thing, the biggest trouble that they have financially, is that they're in massive debt. So be careful with debt, and every dollar that goes into debt, consider it investment, and here's some other advice, by the way.
Starting point is 00:49:00 There's a few things you can do in your early 20s that you probably won't necessarily have the ability to do in your 30s and 40s. And one of them is to travel. And it's not that much debt to travel. You could travel for pretty cheap. And so I would say, there's a look at learning things from other areas in the world, maybe go backpacking, go on trips throughout the US. The US is massive. My God, you don't have to go outside of the US. You could learn so much just from going around here,
Starting point is 00:49:30 maybe volunteer for certain things. Like you could learn and make connections, doing things for pretty cheap. So just kind of look where you invest your time of money and what kind of return you're gonna get for it. And a big one, like I said, is that? That's a cool transition into where the direction I'm gonna go goes, I'm gonna go a total
Starting point is 00:49:49 different direction than you guys. As far as like a financial advice, I remember going through early, so I had bought my house at 21 and I was doing really well at a young age and I spent a lot of money being cool and paying for my friends and doing things that I look back now. We're kind of silly and ridiculous and feeding my ego.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And one of the best transitions that I made, and I don't remember, it was about my mid-twenties when I kind of put this together because I had all, I had different types of friends that were successful and did a lot of different things with their money. So I've got this array of friends that are like super successful and then like are super tight with their money. They get a ton of money in the bank. They live in a very minimalist type home. They do hardly anything. They wear all their clothes from like, you know, target or whatever that they spend hardly any money, right?
Starting point is 00:50:46 And to them, that is what's best to do financially, right? Like, you know, you just are very Super frugal. Yes, very frugal with your money and you look at spending money on a lot of things as wasteful and you're always worried about What's happening? It was gonna be happening in the next 10 years and making sure you're set up for that. Then I have other friends that make, I mean, shit, tons of money. Like, and they go through tens of thousands of dollars a month and just crazy stuff, like over the top and those are some of my funnest friends to hang out with, right? And, you know, so I've got all these great examples that I've had around me for a very long time and I remember, God, I really appreciate both sides
Starting point is 00:51:29 of this, like, my friends that have all this money in the bank and they live a very minimalist type life style, I feel like they're super safe, man. They never got a worry about a bill, they don't live paycheck to paycheck and I respect the discipline that they have applied to do that. And I want to take something from that. But then I have my other friends that whenever we got money
Starting point is 00:51:52 and we don't hold back on anything. We're going somewhere, we're going big. We're flying in the best plane, we're staying at the best place, we've got the best table at the best concert. And that's a fucking cool experience. And I like that. And so I go, okay, well, you know, how do I learn to have teach myself balance financially with this because I love both ends of this. So, and I don't remember if I read this in a book somewhere sometime or what, but I remember when I first started applying, it was one of the best things I ever did financially, which was, okay, every month,
Starting point is 00:52:27 I'm going to look at my finances, and at the end of the month, after I've paid my bills, I've got X amount of dollars left over, and that's always changed, depending on what job or where I was at financially at the time, well, sometimes after all the bills were paid, I had $500 left over. Now it was it. Sometimes I had tens of thousands of dollars left over.
Starting point is 00:52:50 And so the way I justified spending or doing these like extravagant things was I only allowed myself to blow or spend on these things that other people would think are crazy extravagant or a waste of money. As long as I saved that same amount of money in a month. So if I only had $500 that I had left over at the end of the month, $250 that I could blow on one of the fuck I wanted to and I would enjoy that process as long as I had taken the other $250 and I would invest it or I would save it. And I continue to do that my entire life going forward and I feel like it's created great balance for me. I've never since then I've never
Starting point is 00:53:26 ever worried about paycheck to paycheck. I've always got a nice amount of money saved. I'm always invested in multiple areas. And I feel like I'm being present and I'm enjoying the fuck out of my life going through the process because I feel like both sides there was there was major things that I felt like the other one was missing, right? You know, the guy who spends all the month every month, he was missing security and planning in the future, which I think is important, right? If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. So I saw what he was missing. And then I saw the other guys that were so stocked up and saved and planned
Starting point is 00:54:00 for the next 20 to 30 years of their life and they were safe and never have to worry about a bill. But then I thought, God, how many times did they turn down? When I said, yo, I got court side seats to go here. Hey, let's go to this concert here. Hey, let's get on a plane and go fly over to Vegas and just go while out for a weekend. They never could come. They can never come.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And in fact, you got to a point where I stopped inviting them to places because every time I'd asked them would be like, oh, that's too expensive. Or I don't want to do that. And I remember going like, God like, oh, that's too expensive or I don't wanna do that. And I remember going like, God damn, I know you got the money to do this, but it doesn't wanna do that. And I think that both of those extremes
Starting point is 00:54:33 have drawbacks to them. So, and I think learning to have a balance of both of them was a very, very key part of my happiness in my life. I think that I like to do things that are nice, but then I also like security. And so I think if I were to advise the 22 year old self, I would give myself that advice earlier.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I think it took me a while before I put that together and it was very, very rewarding for me to find that balance. I think that's excellent advice. And I'll add one more thing that you want to consider. When people talk about saving up for when they're older, the vast majority of your savings when you're older, when you're retired or whatever, the biggest expense by far is going to be for your health,
Starting point is 00:55:25 for your healthcare. In fact, when you look at the amount of money people spend, it's towards the end the last years of their life and it goes towards keeping them alive or keeping your health as one of the most important, if you wanna save and set yourself up for the future, one of the best things you could do is just stay healthy because you could have two people, one with not that much money,
Starting point is 00:55:42 one with a ton of money, but the ton of money persons got all these health problems once they hit their 60s and 70s. The other person is still working out, still feeling great 60s, 70s and 80s, but even the guy that saved all the money, he's going to blow through it and end up in pretty bad situation. So I would say like, you know, always be aware of your health, take care of yourself, because that's what's going to fuck you in the future. Yeah, which is opposite to what most people are doing right now. Like they're trying to just build up this hoard
Starting point is 00:56:09 of money, by any means necessary. And they think that that's the right way. They throw the high enough, yeah. They're gonna ride on that into the sunset. Monica SC98, how do you feed your kids? Whole foods are processed. It's so hard to compete with other kids' lunches these days. So what can you do?
Starting point is 00:56:25 So I had an experience of this this week and so I told you guys about the laser tag birthday. Yeah. So we were out there and my kids now know, like when we're at a party, they can have cake, they can have ice cream, but they always ask me, can I have another piece? Like they don't just go out and reach for it,
Starting point is 00:56:42 they ask me, hey, can I have another piece or can I have this juice or can I have this juice or Can I have more whatever and inevitably parents look at me like I'm because obviously the way I look right I'm a fit most people most of them No, I'm in the fitness industry and they look at me like I'm some kind of horrible like overbearing parent or whatever and It's funny because so my sister who's pretty health oriented also. I just talked to her this morning about the same situation, the same party. And she says that one of the moms there kind of had a conversation with her and gave her a dirty look because she told her kids, because her kids are like,
Starting point is 00:57:15 hey, can we save the rest of the cupcakes? And she's like, no, honey, cupcakes are just for the birthday. Once the party's over, we're gonna give them away or throw them away. And the mom looked at her like, why can't your kids eat cupcakes tomorrow? And my sister's like, well tomorrow's not as birthday. Today's as birthday.
Starting point is 00:57:29 And tomorrow we go back to eating normal. And I guess this mom kind of had a problem with her. And so my sister felt real bad and she called me and she's like, you know, I was like, who you were talking to when you came in this morning? Yeah, she's like, I was wondering who you were talking to. Yeah, my sister's like, what do I do? She's like, am I being like a food Nazi?
Starting point is 00:57:43 Whatever. I said, look, I said, first of all, no, I know you. You're not a food Nazi. I said, but had nothing to do with you. When you say that, first of all, the mom, A, is probably thinking, she's offended personally. She's offended like, oh, she, how did you feel insecure with her own habits? That's why.
Starting point is 00:58:01 We're our own habits or how she feeds her kids. Yeah, right. Oh, what are you trying to say that I'm not good with my kids? I don't take care of my kids or so or maybe she's overweight and she's like, Oh, what do you think I eat like shit or whatever? And we know we experience this as trainers and my advice is this I'm gonna carry like a little like compact mirror around in my back pockets. So when people do stupid, she like that could just hand them a compact and say here, take a look at this. Look at the answer to the answer. Yeah, the answer is right here. Open it and the answer
Starting point is 00:58:24 is inside and they walk away. They're like engra question. Yeah, the answer is right here. Open it and the answer's inside. And then walk away if you were engraved in it. Just like fucking confused. What? I understand. What does that mean? So you know, they bullshit. Here's the thing, like, you want to be careful
Starting point is 00:58:35 because if you restrict your kids or make it an issue, at some point your kids will rebel. That's what kids do. And the way they'll rebel is they'll rebel in the opposite direction of whatever your Being too strict on. So if I'm like super religious conservative, you know sex is bad Your odds are if your kids are gonna rebel. They're gonna go get freaky. I'm gonna have crazy sex if I'm a super food Nazi and food is bad. Don't eat that food. You'll get fat. Whatever they go off to college or whatever
Starting point is 00:59:04 They're gonna go eat shitty food all the time because they're gonna be all so they live in the real world They need to have a good relationship with food which which means that you can enjoy these things for special occasions And it's okay, and it's not a big deal and connect to you know connect to your body see how you feel about them The thing you gotta be careful with see how you feel about them. The other thing you gotta be careful with is how you talk about yourself. This is the one place I see parents fuck up. And I've worked with a lot of kids. I've trained a lot of kids.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I love working with children. And I've worked with a lot of kids who have eating disorders, in particular girls. And I'm not a therapist, I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but when I train these kids, you know, for two or three hours a week for years, we have conversations and they usually bring them up. And half the time, these kids have a needing disorder
Starting point is 00:59:55 or a bad relationship to food because it's something that their mom or dad said to them. So it's like a girl who says, oh my mom says I was fat or my dad says I was fat. That's the obvious one. The other half, 50% at mom says I was fat or my dad says I was fat. That's the obvious one. The other half, 50% at least that I've seen in my experience, it's nothing that the parents said to the kid. It's what the parents said about themselves.
Starting point is 01:00:14 So the kids will say like, oh, well, my mom, he's always talking about how fat she was. Or, you know, she can't eat something because she's fat or she's on another diet. And so it made me, I just kind of thought of that for myself. And that's the one, that's not so obvious and that's the one you got to pay attention to. How do you talk about food for yourself? How do you treat food when it comes to you? So example, you're at a birthday party, your kid is, you know, they're handing out cake,
Starting point is 01:00:44 they give cake to your kid, then they go to hand cake to you. Your kid's, you know, they're handing out cake. They give cake to your kid. Then they go to hand cake to you. Your kid's right next to you. You're not even, you're not even aware of what's going on. And you say, no, no, no, no, no, I'm getting a little too fat or I don't want to get fat now. You keep that cake for yourself. Your kid who's about, who's eating that cake right next to you is going to internalize that. They're going to think, because remember, your child probably right next to you, is gonna internalize that. They're gonna think, because remember, your child probably looks up to you. You know, your mom or dad, like you're their hero.
Starting point is 01:01:09 You know, if they hear you say, I can't eat that, because it's gonna make me fat, or oh my God, I gotta be where bathing suit next week, I better not eat these foods. Your child is going to apply that to themselves. So really it's about your habits and your own, how you just naturally eat. It's not even so much making a big deal about it. It's what you guys eat together, how you talk about the foods, how you feed yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:36 My kids eat healthy for the most part because we just give them healthy food. It's not even, it doesn't have to be a conversation. If we're going to have ice cream, however, I let them eat the fucking ice cream. If I see them eating a lot of ice cream, then I'll tell them, hey, slow down because if you eat too much, you might have a tummy ache or it might make you feel sick or you might feel nauseous or you might feel really bad afterwards.
Starting point is 01:01:59 And then I leave it at that. And then what do you think happens when they feel bad afterwards? Oh, my tummy hurts, it's like, you probably ate too much cake. And I let them make the connection. I don't make a big fucking deal about it because you can go in the opposite direction. You can push it so hard that then your kid has a bad eating relationship with food or a bad relationship with food because of that.
Starting point is 01:02:16 So on that note, I feel like it would also be a good idea that when you're eating meals that are well balanced and good foods like vegetables and fruits and things like that, that you would express how much you enjoy them and how good they are and how good you feel as a parent so they see that, right? So you talk about don't demonize foods in front of your kids or don't beat yourself up by calling yourself fat in front of your kids. But then I would challenge you to do the opposite then too, right? Which would be to express how good you feel because you want to educate them as you have this like food out there and displayed.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Like a lot of times, like for me and my kids, it's really just, it's an educational process of, you know, why are we eating these types of foods together? And what it's doing for your body, what kind of nutrients you're getting, you know, what kind of fibers are in this. And just, you know, a little bit beyond, I have to like describe things beyond the flavor because I feel like that's, that's a trap that you're gonna, you're gonna fight all these processed foods that have engineered in them, all these different flavors and triggers that your brain just responds to it and
Starting point is 01:03:35 it craves it. And so for me, I'm just trying to be consistent as possible. I think that's the biggest thing is to just consistently keep providing them with healthy foods, even when they reject it. And I know they're gonna reject it. And really, the less of a big deal you make at the better life, when I'm at home and I'm feeding my kids, I don't say anything,
Starting point is 01:03:58 but I'll serve them their vegetables first. Or it depends, depends how they've eaten for the day, right? I know what they've eaten during the day. And so I won't even say, I'm not gonna, I don't put all the food out and be like, hey, listen, before, don't eat that, yeah, eat that. I just, here's your vegetables, go ahead, eat that real quick.
Starting point is 01:04:13 And, oh, do we have anything else? Yeah, we have other stuff coming too, but go ahead, eat that first. We're gonna eat this first. And just don't make a big deal about it, you know what I'm saying? Or, if I think my kid is just, if I know that for breakfast, they had pancakes and for lunch, they had fucking piece of bread, then for dinner, if I think my kid is just, if I know that for breakfast they had pancakes and for lunch they had fucking piece of bread,
Starting point is 01:04:26 then for dinner, if I have rice, I'm gonna serve him a smaller bowl. They don't know what's, they don't know exactly, I'm not telling him about it, I'm just giving him a smaller bowl, or if we go get ice cream. You know, I see parents do this. They'll give the kids a big ass thing of ice cream,
Starting point is 01:04:40 then the kid is halfway through, and then they'll tell their kid, okay, you're eating too much ice cream now. Like, look, fucker, you gave them. All that, just get the small amount of ice cream and give them something, halfway through and then they'll tell their kid, okay, you're eating too much ice cream now. Like, look, fuck her, you gave them all that. Just get the small amount of ice cream and give it to them and then they'll make a big deal. Even then, as much as you want to manage all this stuff, they're going to change and their entire flavor palettes can change.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And like, all of a sudden, one day, they're going to request all these healthy things because they've seen you eat this way for so long. It literally is just being as consistent as you possibly can be. That's where I was gonna go is I don't you guys feel like the number one thing as a parent is just being that example. Not even talking.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Like not even talking. Because 100% are fucking smart, man. You get inside your own head about these things and I get pissed off a lot. You know, it's a fucking battle. And I know pissed off a lot. It's a fucking battle. And I know other parents can express the same angst as far as like getting your kids to eat healthy. It's a battle, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Are you gonna lose the battle? Or are you just gonna keep at it? And just every day, just be as consistent as possible with yourself. Kids go through phases. They go through rebellious phases. They go through You know phases where they're like little angels and they're like oh my god I love this phase and then they go into another growth period where you know moms not cool anymore dad's not cool anymore
Starting point is 01:05:55 What I you know it's just like this whole process for them to grow up and develop to become a human being And so it's like we put all this pressure on them to like decide these things right away. It's like you just have to be an example. No, it's something you said Adam about, you know, instead of saying no because I'm gonna get fat, say yes, I wanna eat this because of this, you know, you can be positive. Here's the other thing too that I do.
Starting point is 01:06:19 When someone offers me, because if I'm out of party, you know, people will always offer their being polite. Right, and they'll see you turn it down. They'll see me, and you know what I say? They'll say, hey always offer their being polite. And they'll see you turn it down. And you know what I say? They'll say, hey, Sal, you hear you want some cake? And I'll be like, no, thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:29 And then if they say, well, why not? And I'll be like, you know, I just, it just doesn't make me feel good sometimes when I eat it. Or my stomach hurts right now. Or I'm full. Like I'll just say something else. And I'm very cognizant now of saying something like, oh, make me fat or I don't like, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:46 very careful and good. Dude, it happened to me. It actually happened to me. My son was three or four. I don't remember how old he was, but my mom went to give him like a treat and my son at that young age said, no, that will make me fat.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And she told me about that. And I was fucking devastated, because I knew that was my own fault. Like, I knew he must have heard me say, I gotta get leaner or something. I knew I said something about my, I said never say that to a four-year-old, it's because of something I said to myself.
Starting point is 01:07:14 So just be careful. And just like I said, the way you word it makes all the difference in the world. And the other thing too is like what Adam was saying is sometimes if someone offers me something, I'll say no thank you, but do you have more of those nuts or do you have any more of that, you know, whatever, just so they can see me choosing those healthy things
Starting point is 01:07:32 which is what I would do anyway, but I'm just very aware of how I'm saying those things while they're present and hearing me. So, yeah. Listen, if you like Mind Pump, leave a five star rating review on iTunes, if we like you review and we pick it, you're gonna get a free Mind Pump T-shirt also by the way if you want to ask us
Starting point is 01:07:47 questions that we can answer on these episodes you go to Instagram find us at mind pump radio now you can find my personal page at mind pump sal Adam has a personal page at mind pump Adam Justin's at mind pump Justin and Doug's at mind pump Doug thank you for listening to mind pump if your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically The RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and the Justin as your own personal trainers, but
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