Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 449: Best Squat Shoes, Dangers of Plastics, 2017 Fitness Trends & MORE

Episode Date: February 3, 2017

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best kind of shoes (or no shoe...s) to squat in, the dangers of plastics, getting back to maintenance calories after losing a lot of weight and the trends to expect in the fitness industry. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 that would be such a place where there was no direction, no fitness goals. And then there were three men. Damn, I got the chills. I did. With maps, super bond. No, that's pretty good. I got to get a different. Hey, listen, I got a special message for some of you listening right now.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Here's the thing, the most difficult step that you take towards fitness, the most difficult one, the one that is the hardest to take, the one that prevents most people from getting their fitness goals, from getting to the better body, the better health, the better mobility, the stronger muscles, the less body fat, is the first step.
Starting point is 00:00:39 100% of the time, it's the first step. It's making that initial commitment. And a lot of that has to do with just not knowing what to do. You don't have a plan. You don't have it detailed out for you. It's a lot easier. Anybody will tell you this. If you have a big goal, break it down into smaller goals,
Starting point is 00:00:58 set it up so you know exactly what you need to do in order to get where you wanna go for that large goal. But in between now and that big goal, get those smaller goals, break it down. Know what you're doing. Have it all planned out for you. We'll check it out. The super maps bundle does that. It's about a year's worth of programming.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You don't have to think about anything. You enroll in the super maps bundle. And I know you're serious right now about your fitness. Well, this is what you do. You enrolling it. You got a year's worth. It's all set up for you. You start tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:01:27 You start with maps and a ball. That's the first program you start with. You prime your workouts with maps prime. You progress the maps performance, maps aesthetic. You have maps anywhere for, at some point during the year, you're going to be gone, but you're going to want to continue exercising. That's planned and programmed out for you as well.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And we're also including one of our newest programs, you get kettlebells for aesthetics. It's a programmed out workout just based on kettlebells and it focuses aesthetics. That comes free when you get this super bundle, includes all the other mods that we've done. Plus on top of that, you also get 50% off on access to the private forum with all of us.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah, you're getting literally, you're set everything. If you set, make a call, bro, tell us how many people we need. Well, how many lives are we going to change right now? I know out there in podcast land, in podcast land, there's 10 of you right now that are listening that are very motivated,
Starting point is 00:02:24 and there's another 10 of you that are very scared listening that are very motivated and there's another 10 of you that are very scared but also motivated. Here's what I want to do. I want to talk to all 20 of you. Make the decision. Get started now. 20 Super bundle, Super Malfundle. In roll today, listen to my voice.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'm motivating you. Get on there. Get on the forum. Tag us. I'm calling for it. Let's see. I'm raising my hands and killing my fingers. Put your faith. Listen, okay? Put your faith in our program. Stand up.
Starting point is 00:02:52 This one time. I promise. I can feel it. We will never have to ask for your trust again. That's all effective. Give it to me. Sound mind pump media! Give it to me, Sal! MindPumpMedia.com Get it! Press that button, lazy joke! If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:03:21 She's my Cherapa! Don't know the words of the song something in your eyes It is Do you remember the video to that yeah with the was that a Ferrari or what fucking hot ass girl? I don't know. Do you remember that? I know I know I might be the first music video I masturbated to head bang. Oh, I think it was Wow, I can't remember back then I thought white the white The white snake was white snake white snake with what she was called
Starting point is 00:04:01 That was that one girl she dances on the oh Something something let something like roll rolling all over the hood. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the first one you mentioned. I think you shared that with us, uh, like when Mind Pump first started. Yeah, what was her name? Something Latrain or some Shrek? Oh, the girl.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Oh my God, you remember the girl's name? Yeah, she was like a big... Yeah, she was like an actress or something after that. She was a big girl, uh, Tani Kutain. That's what it was. Yeah. She was like a big... Yeah, she was like an actress or something after that. She was a big girl, uh, Tani Ketain. That's what I was. Yeah. She was like a big deal in the rock and roll world. Are you gonna play it, Rana?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Is this what? That's how it started. It's here I go, Gid. All right, I sang this one. That's the one you met, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. I don't know what started like that. No, I'm going to...
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's such a like, yeah. This and that song by, by a bun jovy, where he gets on his iron horse. Living on a prayer? Yeah. Like these two songs are like, it's like a guy's song. And I mean, like, here I go on my own again. On my own again. Bitches.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I'm by myself on my own. Buh. Yeah. Not true. That's right. It's like when When Ben was on our thing singing too long. That was enough. Oh, yeah There are moments in life though where you do something that's normal But if you do it for a fraction of a second too long it goes from comfortable to real uncomfortable Yeah, that's like called staring like it goes from looking to staring. Yeah, it's okay to look but it's a fraction of a second You can make it funny or a hand just like keep going or a hand shake a hand shake
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah, it's ever happened to you like you shake someone's hand and they just hold on for like a second too long You're like I told you I told you my no thumb technique, right? You're no thumb hand jack freaks people to fuck out. What do you do like this? Yeah, you might be just like this bro Okay, hey nice to meet you That's like you're It's like this watch. Yeah, oh That is weird. It's just wrong. It is weird. It's like you grabbed my paw like a flipper Yeah, I just flipper you bitch. It's called the flipper handshake.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Inflipper handshake. Yeah, or about a hug. Like if you hug someone like, oh, hey, nice to see you, but then you hold it for literally a split second too long. Can you, like, you can feel them like, we're not like, film us doing this to people. Like, like, we should do a whole day of hug. And then we have to like, time it out and see how long you can last.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. What about close talkers? Oh God. There was a guy that I knew, he was a guy who actually like pushed so many away from me at one time. No way. Did you really? Well, just like really slowly.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I just put my hand up and he's like, I'm just getting all his breath in my face. And I just started like extending my arm. Like I was just at my elbow. It was just slowly just like this. I would love to be here. And then he saw me, he saw me and just kind of like, like his hips were pushing back, but his face was like
Starting point is 00:06:52 still there. I was like, when is this guy going to get it? And I finally finally say, oh, like he got it. No, I have a friend who he's a chiropractor, great guy and he's a close talker. Like he's in your grill. What do you think causes that? I don't know, but he's he's also vegan So he would always have like lettuce or something to see and he'd be all up on my face and I was like I always thought it was something like maybe that they have a problem hearing so they they tend to when they have a
Starting point is 00:07:22 Conversation with somebody they want to get closer and closer to you, so they can see it. It might be it. And that would be okay, but then it's like the eye contact and everything, you're like so close. Yeah. You know what I've done to people? I want to make out with you, get it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 So what I've done to people who are close to our, obviously people I know well, so I don't do the strangers, but if they're like in my face, you're going for a kiss. Yeah, I'll close my eyes. I, I, I, was I read the signals wrong. Yeah, I'm, like, like, read the signals wrong. I'm like like like turn
Starting point is 00:07:46 your head and ask you to turn my head and I open my mouth and they always go, whoa, I'm like I missed it. I missed it. You were so close. I thought we were going to start making it out. That's how we're going to do it. I felt your aura. Yeah, I told me to come in. Yeah, I don't know how we got on that subject of close talkers. But yeah, I think we should do things that we should do things that we normally do, but do them in a way that's slightly uncomfortable and observe people's reactions.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Well, I want Justin to do that. Like, just, here's one that you gotta do. This is the perfect one. Guaranteed to make people freak out around you. Next time you go to the men's bathroom, don't just pull your dick out of your zipper, pull your whole pants down so you're asked to each other and then take a piss in the urinal.
Starting point is 00:08:25 That's a good one. And then watch everyone's reaction. I posted that on Instagram and I got pulled down. It freaks everybody out. I remember, it lasted. Dude, this was one of my pages, it was really small. It must have had like, got it, saw like 10,000 views like in the first like eight hours and then it got pulled down.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But it was hilarious because this guy was peeing like that. And I was in the mirror and I just got to go in the restroom and stuff and I'm like zipping up my gym bag and I'm looking in the reflection and homeboy comes in and just like drops his underwear pants, everything down to his knees and he's standing there peeing at the end of the year. So next level, if you just film yourself, that happens again. Just go right up and smack him in the ass. Like, yes, you're on my Instagram, whatever show.
Starting point is 00:09:06 What's level three? I just taking a shit in the urinal? No. No. Sit at the, what time? Oh. One time actually went to the bathroom and there was shit in the urinal. There was. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I've seen that before. Have you? Yeah. I think it's the funniest thing ever when I see it. It's disgusting. I laugh every time. So like somebody from another country and they're like, oh, it's a whole. No, it's cool. It's cool. I think that's not where it's the funniest thing ever when I see it. I laugh every time. So like somebody from another country and they're like, oh, it's a hole.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It's a hole. It's a hole. It's like that's not where it's four. But wow, I heard America had sit down toilet. These are great. Yeah. It really cups my balls. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So nice. And then you leave and you're on minty fresh. Oh gosh. Why's your butt cheeks blue? Yeah. Oh, it really sucks those and the gum gets stuck to your hair your asshole hair Oh, yeah, that is not that's not comfortable though. That's the worst you can have your friend sizzard out Oh, scissors. Yeah, that's what that's been selling I got really close
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah, that was we I walked in on that yeah, we were like whoa Motherfucker spent his gum out in a little kid's out could you help me get this out please? Yeah, God, yeah, God in there good though. I appreciate it and the gum was still fresh other f**ker spent his gum out and we're not getting out. Could you help me get this out, please? Yeah. God, and they're good though. I appreciate that. And the gum was still fresh. It was so useful.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Oh, God. It's so good. Hey, can we make a promise right now that? Oh my God, is this like a promise for you? Only if you give me a promise ring. It's just like a group, like Pinkie's where thing? Maybe, we won't tell anybody. Well, we line and you know.
Starting point is 00:10:22 It wasn't the trip for life. When we went down to Austin remember we hung out at on it with Conor them and we were watching that TV show and we said Justin needs to do this and then now this happens at the LA Fit Expo where Rich Piana and Mack truck guy are fighting each other and so it makes me want to do that even more like to go In the street kind of yeah, yeah, yeah, remember where he is. He's going in and he's asking, like, random, like, uh, trivia questions. And then like, he's just like, if they don't, like, answer the way he likes, he's just, like,
Starting point is 00:10:53 you don't even know anything. You like shoves of the mic at their head. I would love to the next hilarious. Maybe when, okay, it's that last one person. I think San Jose X-Pos coming up. So maybe we can look at this dog. Maybe we can look at San Jose X-Pose and we'll go to that because it's close and we know we can commit to that
Starting point is 00:11:09 because I know none of us want to fly to go to one of these silly X-Pose, right? But let's go to one that's local like that. And we do like a blitz and we give out hella free shit. We just give all kinds of free t-shirts. We don't get a booth there. We don't hang out there all day long. We go there and we just give out hella free shit.
Starting point is 00:11:24 We have Doug video you going around and it interms- pocket full of glitter. I'm just gonna pelt people in the face Why is he always go violent see here's a thing. It's not even violence glitter You want to you're gonna be like oh you like supplements? Wow, it's magic bro. You your supplements, magic, magic is real! You're a fucking idiot! I'm outta here! See, that's violent. You literally said, pelt someone in the face.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Well, so like, maybe I used to do a, I'm like a fistful of glitter. Maybe I'm just like, and you pull it, and it's like, and it's like spurt it in the air like with my fingertips. Yeah, that's better. You do like a LeBron James thing with a chalk. You just get up with it.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It depends of if it was like a Mac truck, you know, a Piongum. Pow, we're at the face. I'm running, I'm running really fast. I accidentally grabbed rocks. I thought it was glitter. It's stupid. You know what?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Glitter's fucked up though, because it doesn't come off. I know, it's great. So then you go home and you're like, you either A, where your life gets mad. Yeah, where you at a strip club? Or you're trying out some new loves? Or you're at an end adjusting with mind pump. Or a mind pump? Or you're like you either A. Where your life gets mad. Yeah, were you at a strip club? Or are you ready? Or are you trying out some new lotion? Or you're going to end adjusting with mind pump. Or mind pump?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Or you were eating out a unicorn. It's one of those three things. It's got pixie bitch. Yeah, but there's glitter all over your chops. What if we just wore a disguise? What if we wore a crazy disguise and we went there and the goal was to find us? Mm, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:40 Adam can wear the green unit too. Is that stupid? That's stupid. I do like just his idea though, going around. I got up speed back. Just honest. Stupid. I think the idea of Justin going there with a back full glitter and Doug interviewing,
Starting point is 00:12:54 or Doug videoing Justin going around interviewing people at their booths and just giving away free shirt to all the mind pump fans that are there. And just make up random shit. How does it taste? Like what do you think of the new study showing that That Criotine Enemies boost muscle performance. Oh my god. That would be so see let's go to these And have and have people like have like lie about it. Oh, I think it's interesting. I haven't tried it yet What do you think about the study that shows that 10 grams of protein per pound of body weight is ideal for muscle building? And they'll be like, of course, definitely.
Starting point is 00:13:27 That's why I'm chugging this cheek right now. I eat 2000 grams of problem. That's why I do five scoops a day. Yeah, I don't know why I turned into a 19th century judge there for a second. Oh, problem, problem, problem. Oh, sorry. Pain. Here she comes.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Oh, she got glitter all over her. She's so fancy. Wee-caw-single and glamour. Co-mero-caw! Today's quaw is being brought to you by Kai Maricopi, it's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buzz without the crash. Put the chimerilink at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpACheckOut for 10% off! It's the motherfucking squad! The eagle is landed!
Starting point is 00:14:15 Quikwaa... Yo gains fitness. What are your thoughts on squatting barefoot versus flat soles versus squat shoes? Oh, yeah, so for a little while ago I picked up some squat shoes and I put them on and instantly was able to squat more weight with better posture and so and please listen to the whole part of this don't just turn us off and go by Squat shoes. All right. Thanks a matter I know I was like, oh, they're fucking awesome. Can't wait to tell everybody about it told Adam about it
Starting point is 00:14:50 He bought a pair. He loved him too and But it really what I was doing was I was putting a massive band-aid over some dysfunction in my body Which allowed me to lift more weight which then meant I was only strengthening the imbalance, which meant I set myself back a little bit. Reality is what I should have done is I should have identified why squat shoes make me squat better, and figured that,
Starting point is 00:15:16 why I don't squat as good without having my heels slightly elevated, because that's what squat shoes do. Squat shoes have a slight elevation in them. They're super rock solid stable at the bottom. And so those two things help you squat if you have poor ankle and foot function. So what I've done since then is I've gone to flat shoes
Starting point is 00:15:40 and then I'm gonna go to barefoot. But I want, because ideally, you should be able be able to, or you want to be able to squat really good, comfortably with good control and good strength, completely barefoot. However, if you don't squat barefoot, if you squat with shoes on or squat shoes on, it takes a long time to get there. Because if you push yourself and just go straight barefoot,
Starting point is 00:16:02 you'll hurt yourself, I promise you. You gotta go much lighter. And you have to, instead of focusing on the fact that I'm squatting this heavy way, it's like I'm sitting there and I'm looking at my feet and oh, there goes my left ankle and it's protracting so, or it's, you know, pronating, excuse me. So I'm going to supinate it just slightly and I'm going to spread my toes a little bit because I notice they get bunched up and, you know, I'm going to really focus on my ankle mobility and and you know, my knee line meant and my hip alignment and go real slow with the slight weight and work on my depth and just slowly over time work my way to being able to squat barefoot.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But if you were to compare three lifters who could squat comfortably, one barefoot, one with flat shoes or one with squat shoes, the better in this order, the best of them would be barefoot. The second best will be flat shoes and one with squat shoes, the better, in this order, the best of them would be barefoot. The second best will be flat shoes and the third best. Yeah, it's a progression and it's a different mindset. If your goal is just to move more weight in any way possible, that's what squat shoes are there for. And that way you can sort of, you can just breeze right over a lot of those glaring issues
Starting point is 00:17:03 that you have that are not providing good depth in your squat and supported ankle support. It's just, it's a totally different mentality. Somebody that's going to try and recognize that there's some dysfunction that could be addressed and that they could iron out or if there know, if there's just another way or some kind of aid. And it's the same thing I feel with, you know, wrist wraps and belt to some degree where different recruitment patterns, it's just establishing a different way for you to move heavier weight. So you just have to consider that, you know, beltless, you're
Starting point is 00:17:42 not going to be able to move that kind of weight, you know? So it's just like, it's a matter of like, what do you really see the most benefit from? Or is this just ego, or is this just, you know, maybe like you're doing a specific sport where that is the, all they care about is just like the end result, the end number. So, but that's the place that you're in. Yeah, so figure that out.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I also think it's important that someone just asked us on the live forum, we get on there now and get to do some live Q&A on the private forum. And somebody was asking about getting into the baby position of squatting and how I've kind of progressed there in the last year, because just a year ago, my squat looked very similar to Sal's squat, where it
Starting point is 00:18:25 was pretty tough for me to break 90 degrees. I, too, got the squat shoes and was like, oh my God, it was the most comfortable I'd ever felt squatting, but just like him, that was because I was ignoring why that was, and I was enjoying that. Oh, wow, this is great. I got these squat shoes, and now I've got a better depth in squat form than I ever have. But in reality, I was really just crutching an issue. Now that being said, I then dropped the squat shoe, started squatting deep in the chucks and then I kind of hurt myself. And that was because I wasn't ready yet to make that progression that leap. And it's kind
Starting point is 00:19:01 of like you need to first work on like your hips. So whenever you have like a dysfunction and I think now the more and more to I spend time with brink and assessing ourselves and all of our issues, almost all of us, it starts from our toes. It starts from our toes and it goes to our feet, from our feet, it goes to our ankle, then it goes to our knees, then it goes to our hips. And when you're actually trying to fix these imbalances, although the root cause, we say always address the root cause, which is going all the way down to the toes, I actually if I'm talking about someone trying to improve someone's squat, I'm going to go to reverse.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So I'm actually going to address the hips first, then I'm going to go to the knees, then I'm going to go to the ankles, then I'm going to go to the feet, then I'm going to go to the toes. And because when you're coming to squat down, the very first thing that breaks is the hip and the knees. So you go to squat and the hips break and the knees break and if there's dysfunction there, then it's going to affect everything else when you move into the squat.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So I first want to get that into good working form and then I'm going to start to get work further further. So I'm still, even though I can sit in a baby position, I can squat deep, I can now squat barefoot again. I still got lots of work to do, but now I'm in the ankle foot and toe area is where a lot of my work is going now. Meanwhile, I'm still maintaining the squatting barefoot
Starting point is 00:20:16 and the hip stuff that I've been doing for quite some time. So it's just kind of a process of elimination and the ultimate goal is to be squatting barefoot, but don't be somebody naive to think that if you've been squatting in squat shoes for a long time, then also you can go barefoot and go super deep because more than likely what will happen is you'll do what I did, which is kind of hurt myself and then I had to regress all the way back. I would say give yourself no joke, minimum, and it depends how bad your imbalances are but give yourself like six
Starting point is 00:20:45 months to a year of dedicated slow regression to be able to do certain things lifts barefoot. It's not going to happen in a month or two. It's going to take a long time and these are decades you've established you know this very specific pattern and now all of a sudden you're going to just switch gears like that so yeah I mean it takes that long of a sudden you're gonna just switch gears like that. So yeah, I mean it takes that long of a process to correct sometimes a lot of these habits that you've formed in your body just recognizes as the go-to system that it's gonna operate on. In fact, some of these patterns have happened for so long that you've developed joint structure around them.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Like if you look at your toes, and if you have your toes angle in or cross over, or one foot goes on top, excuse me, one toe might be on top of the other one, or a hammer toe, or you look at like extreme cases of people with, like I see him. Bad posture, and they have a humpback.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Your bones and joints will even start to form in this way over time. And when you get to that point correcting them, give yourself years and take your time. Go real slow. Don't get frustrated with it because if you push too fast, you will hurt yourself 100% of time. Well, this is also why I'm not a big fan of the average person running because unless you're doing it competitively, if you're competitive runner, I'm not talking to you because that's your sport, you've already made a decision that you're running
Starting point is 00:22:08 for a sport and that's the reason why. But if you're just a normal person who's trying to get in shape and your answer is to always just go to running because that's what sign up for all these Spartan races and all these things that are going on right now. And all you're doing, if you're somebody who has all these issues, is you're just making them worse. And even if you're putting the work into correct it, then you're turning right back around
Starting point is 00:22:31 and then you're going and running five miles, you're just repattering the bad pattern. Like Justin said, you've had decades of these poor habits and these poor patterns. And then you go and spend what, 10, 15 minutes starting to prime your body before you're working out or a few times during the week, but then you're still running 15 miles in the week. Like you're, it's, you're going to have a long process of getting there. Now, you can't, I'm not saying you can't do that. Absolutely. You can, but I know that it took me a good six months to a year just to get where I'm at and there's still a lot of work for me to do. Like I said, I'm down on the toes, feet and ankle right now, but just to get from where
Starting point is 00:23:07 I was, you know, where I felt like I was kind of squatting where I was at to where I'm at now, which I feel like it's a huge difference now looking back, but it took a fucking year to get there with still lots of more improvement. And I'm really good about practicing this a lot. When I put my mind to something and decide, okay, I'm gonna dive into this, I'm gonna live it, breathe it, and I'm gonna really apply it. I really do, I don't like half-hast.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Like, oh, I'm gonna try and do some of this mobility stuff, and hopefully I feel better next week, like, no. It's like, I understand what I have to accomplish here, and I have to create some serious consistency with these good patterns, and over time time and a long period of time, I will start to notice it. And then over six months to a year, I can look back and see a major difference, but that takes time to get there and you got to be consistent with it. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Brande, Ph.D.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Dr. Justin Marchegiani Brande, Ph.D. Brenda Farias 51, what do you think about using plastic bottles, containers, etc? Dr. Justin Marchegiani Brande, Ph.D. So she's referring to some of the dangers that they found in particular, the chemicals that plastic has been shown to leach into our systems that can affect our long-term health. This is why I have somebody looking into the Xenoestrogen.
Starting point is 00:24:23 No, the hydroflask for us, and that's why it's creating a... I mean, it's super, they're super popular right now, and everybody's drinking out of one or a brand like them. You know, this is why I want to be careful with this type of question, because I'll get into some of the dangers of plastic that are established. There's no doubt about some of these dangers. But before I say that, you got to be careful what you do with this information. Because a knee jerk reaction is to say, we should ban plastic.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Nobody can use plastic anymore. If you do that, you'll cause more harm than good, because people literally have no, they don't realize just how dependent our modern lives are on petroleum-based products, which include plastics. If you eliminated plastics from the market right now, if we made a law and said, no, it's a throwaway, all electronic devices and everything. Well, your food would dramatically go up in price because plastic is a great way to keep them clean and sealed.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Many medicines are made out of these type of polymers. Your life would be changed in a very negative way and a very large way if we just eliminated plastics. I think what we need to do is educate ourselves, change our habits little by little, allow the market to respond little by little, allow the market to respond, little by little by creating alternative products. Now that being said, because we're so just, just like I said, we're so dependent on them now.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's ridiculous. I mean, literally everything that you see, every product, every modern, everything from food to medicine to, your household appliances to everything, plastic has completely changed our lives in many ways for the better. Now, there is, now here's the dangers, okay. Plastics we now know contain chemicals that are known to disrupt the endocrine system. Some of them have been shown to impact a developing fetus.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I didn't know. I felt mad that I didn't put that in my list of things that you can do to help improve that. I just wrote about that and I didn't even put anything to do. These are facts. In animal studies, plastics have been shown to do some pretty crazy things from changing the way different sexes will react. So if you have like male and female salamanders or monkeys or whatever, exposing males to plastics or lots of the chemical and plastics will have them behave more like a female. It'll change the way the gonads
Starting point is 00:26:59 or the ovaries develop. It'll change hormone profiles. They present estrogenic, they can promote, estrogenic type cancers or feed them. It's been shown to affect brain development and adults. There's even some loose ties that we haven't 100% established, but to how we think in children, hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness and paired learning,
Starting point is 00:27:26 increased fat formation has been connected to the use of plastics. What? Yes, because it promotes fat storage because there's ENO estrogen. Again, they can act like estrogens in the body. What's the exposure level for each one of these? Here's the thing, if you look at one day worth of exposure
Starting point is 00:27:48 and you just looked at that, I mean, it's way below what would be considered anywhere near dangerous. But that's not the problem. The problem is we're exposed to plastics from birth to death, daily, it's just been this accumulation that's happened. It's a super, super consistent low level amount. I feel like it's the same thing
Starting point is 00:28:09 that we're learning with artificial sweeteners. It's all the stuff. It's like, all the testing that's been done around them is like all these short periods of time, you know, six months or even a year, like a year of, we've, of course, we've a step, we wouldn't have as much plastic as we have around us if we had established that, you know, six months of it being around you and you could die or get cancer from it,
Starting point is 00:28:31 it took, of course not, but, you know, 30, 40 years of drinking out of it, re-microwaving out of it, you know, using it all the time is very similar to the same mentality with, like, the artificial sweeteners, but, of course, having a artificial sweetener every once in a while in your coffee here and there, of course, that's we've done enough studies to show that it's like I can kill you or it's not gonna give you cancer from just doing that. But we don't know if you're, because we've given everybody the green light that it's okay. Now every, now every food company is fine.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Oh, wow, we can put it's got zero calories and we could pump this artificial sweetener and then we could pump artificial, then before you know it, like, especially I feel like at the competing level, I saw a lot of this is your whole day could be centered around. Every meal is almost got an artificial sweetener and then at that point, like, then you got to ask yourself, you do that for, well, how else are they going to get it to taste okay for the standards of American consumer?
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, just fucking hell. You know, like, people are so hell-bent on the taste. You cannot get shit to taste good without adding some kind of sweetener in there. Well, let's circling back to plastics. Yeah, I know, I took it left right there, I'm sorry. Well, no, but I feel like it's a very similar. It is, it's very similar.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And here's one of the worst things you could do if you want to avoid your exposure to the chemicals and plastics. The worst thing you could do is heat anything up in plastic. You microwave your food in plastic and you are pretty much guaranteeing to be exposed to many of these chemicals at much, much higher levels
Starting point is 00:29:58 because of the heat and how the heat reacts with the plastic and the fact that your food is in there. Even if you have your food in the glass container and you have a plastic lid on the top, the heat from the steam that comes off the food and the water droplets that develop on that lid, then the drop back down in your food has been shown to increase levels of this chemicals. What you should do is heat your food up in glass and cover it with a paper towel. Don't use plastic.
Starting point is 00:30:26 What about the plastic bottles that we buy our water in? Oh yeah. Now, now, truth, now that the, one of the biggest hustles in history. Yeah, buy it all the time. I buy it all the time. Oh, great, yeah. Any more when you're at some places,
Starting point is 00:30:38 you pay like $5. It's so silly. I think I paid up $7. I put $7 for it for a small bottle of water, and I remember doing it going like, holy shit, there was a day where I just drunk it, a drunk drunk. Drank it of a hose. You know, now we pay $7 for water.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I mean, an effort to drink tap water for the last couple of years. Well, you're in a good place for it, right? You will. Because it's well water. Yeah, you're a well watered city water. San Jose water tastes like I'm fucking sucking on pennies. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I tried it one time. I'm like, oh, I could die from this. Yeah, for sure. Like, I'm gonna think. Yeah, your best bet is reverse osmosis. There's like pennies. Reverse osmosis, this is probably one of the best. So they do have classifications of plastic.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So if you look at your plastic container or bottle, there should be a number on it. And so far for what we know, the numbers that are most toxic is I had to look them up because I forgot what they were. Oh, I didn't know this. Yeah, so the worst numbers are number seven, number three, and number six, and those that are considered safer, based on the information we currently know, are one, two, four, and five. Water bottles are made with one, which is considered a safer plastic bottle. However, they can leach the toxic metal antimony which is used during its manufacture.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I mean, that's the thing, like, I really, your best bet is just to try to avoid storing things in lots of plastic and cooking and plastic. I think that's when you're probably gonna do, you know, you'll probably do the most impact. Like if you have like plastic Tupperware containers that you store food in, maybe buy the glass. Is that the glass kind?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, maybe buy the glass ones instead of storing, like if you're gonna freeze something, maybe put it in. So rubber is completely different as far as the chemicals are concerned. That's a good question. Pure rubber is not the same as the kind of rubber that they used to.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I don't think you stored things in rubber. It must be like partially plastic and rubber together. Yeah, because rubber will freeze, it'll crack, and really cold. I think they have to do something else. If I'm not mistaken, they have to do something else, if I'm not mistaken, they have to do something else to it. So, yeah, don't warm anything up a plastic and don't try to freeze anything with plastic and then, you know, if you're going to drink at a reusable bottle,
Starting point is 00:32:55 I mean, if you buy a plastic, a water bottle and you drink out of it once, recycle it, because I've seen people do this, they'll use that plastic bottle over and over again, recycle it, because I've seen people do this, they'll use that plastic bottle over and over again, you know, as they refill it with water, or what they'll do is they'll leave water in a plastic bottle in their car. And then the sun comes through. Yeah, and for three, four days later, I'm like, oh, this water's been here for three days, but it's still good. Yeah, you taste it, too. It's probably storing some, you know, some of those chemicals. So maybe use a glass container or a metal container.
Starting point is 00:33:27 But I tell you, those hydro, right now, this is a big crave right now. Cray's? Yeah, craze, sorry. Cray, if people are craving it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is a big craze right now is the hydroflas,
Starting point is 00:33:37 like everyone's doing that. I'm not as I mentioned, they keep your whatever you have in here, super cold or super hot all day long. I think what they're gonna start, what they're gonna keep finding now with plastics, I think it's gonna blow us the fuck away because they're finding now that it may be what's leading
Starting point is 00:33:52 that and of course excess body fat may be leading to, the fact that girls are going through puberty a little sooner and dropping testosterone levels in men and underdeveloped gonads and boys. These are all things that have kind of ramped up since the 60s, maybe 70s, which is when plastic really started fucking entering our lives in big, big ways. So we'll see.
Starting point is 00:34:14 All right. B Montego lost 55 pounds, wants to get back to maintenance calories. What is the best way? Little by little. But before you get into changing your calories, what is the best way? A little by little, but before you get into changing your calories, make sure your workout is promoting a muscle building and strength building form of adaptation. So if you're training for max endurance and you're trying to boost up your metabolism, you're going to have a tough time because when you're training for endurance, the signal
Starting point is 00:34:42 your body is the opposite. You should teach you to be efficient. Yeah, it's the, it's, you're telling your body, the signal your body is... The opposite. You need to be efficient. Yeah, it's the... You're telling your body to become very efficient with its calories. Don't burn too many of them because you need to conduct this long, steady state duration type workouts. Which when people lose weight, that's what they want to do. They want to keep doing all the cardio because I want to keep the weight off. What you should do is go on a...
Starting point is 00:35:02 Like, maps endabolic, by the way. It would be perfect for this. Maps endabolic is pure strength and muscle building focused. And it's one of the best ways to get your metabolism to amplify because now your body wants to build muscle and muscle is a very calorie expensive tissue. So I would say step one, get under before you change your calories or anything, keep doing what you're doing with your calories, keep them low, get under a routine that promotes strength and muscle. Once you start to see your strength, start to creep up, then follow along with your calories
Starting point is 00:35:33 and do it in a very slow, you know, methodical way to where over the course of a few months now, your calories are now up on a daily basis by maybe 500 over the course of like two or three months That's the best way I've seen people do it to where they get their metabolism to ramp up and they don't get you know Weight gain a rebound so I have a pretty similar protocol to what I do with clients in this situation. So Once again, you know on the big tracker. So I would make you track So I know exactly where you are right now to maintain this, this, where you're at. So if you lost 55 pounds and I'd like to know where you're at, calorie wise on a regular basis, and then I'm going to increase it by probably about 500 calories, depending on how high or low on your weight is.
Starting point is 00:36:17 So that's obviously that's an arbitrary number. It could be anywhere from 250 to 700 somewhere in that range. I'm going to switch your programming for sure to being strength based. I do want to send that signal that we want to build muscle that way. Any weight gain that you may see in the next couple of weeks is going to be good weight. It's going to be building muscle,
Starting point is 00:36:36 which is only going to speed your metabolism up and help you get to that point where you're able to eat more calories anyways. So I'm doing that with you. And I also, because most of my people that have just came off of a major weight loss, they don't want to see any weight gain at all. So I try and nullify some of those extra calories
Starting point is 00:36:56 by additional steps. So I would have you monitoring your activity level, and let's just say for hypothetical reasons that you're averaging six to 8,000 steps every single day. So I'm gonna tell you, okay, I'm gonna increase your clerk intake by about 500 calories a day, which that could be undelated.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So one day might be a thousand calories another day, maybe maintenance. And so I'm not saying every single day, and he's be perfect at 500, but on average, I'm going to increase your calories by a by 500 calories. I'm going to, and those calories I would like to come from a good source like fat, making sure
Starting point is 00:37:34 if you're getting adequate amount of protein, that's good, then I'm going to increase your calories through fat instead of carbohydrates, and then I'm going to kick up your steps, probably an extra 2000 to 2500 extra steps a day that you weren't before, and then make sure you have that strength-based programming. So between those, I feel like we could probably continue to increase your calories every, I don't know, 60 to 90 days.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I'd be ramping you up like that until I get you to a point where you're eating more calories and you could probably get to. This could take some time by the way. Oh yeah, that's why I said 60 to 90 before we probably moved again. Yeah, I mean, I've seen people where it took us a year. It took us a year to take them from their damaged,
Starting point is 00:38:20 you know, quote unquote damaged, or you know, maybe just adapted metabolic state to a new, you know, metabolic state to or, you know, maybe just adapted metabolic state to a new, you know, metabolic state to where they're eating more. I had one client who would gain weight at anything over 1200 calories and she was very active on top of it. And it took us about a year to get her to about 1800 to 2000 calories, which I mean, that's great. That's another 800 calories a day, roughly, that you could eat and not gain weight, oh, and with less activity too,
Starting point is 00:38:49 so it's probably more than that. But it took us a year, and if you do that over the course of a year, it can feel like a snail, you know, pace. It can feel really, really slow. So just be real patient with yourself because what you don't wanna do is rebound really, really bad because then you'll have to lose the weight again.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Right. And now you're dealing with a slower metabolism and it just compounds. You really have to manage that whole process and slow way down with it and just introduce it like subtly. Like you guys are saying and that's really the best approach that's going to get you to that point. Sarah Luckman, what do you think will be the top trends in fitness, health, nutrition, in 2017?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Which trends should we pay attention to and ignore? Well, I think the post that we saw today is an example. You know what the trends are going to be in 2017? What we were talking about 2015. You're going to see Keto everything. They're gonna be in 2017. What were we talking about last year? What were we talking about in 2015? You know, I'm interested. Yeah, you're gonna see Keto everything. All of a sudden, they're gonna come out with Keto supplements, ketones, exogenous ketones,
Starting point is 00:39:53 and Keto cookies. Keto cookies, and all that shit. Kind of stuff, I think. So, because Keto geniuses. Fitness industry, yeah. Yeah, fuck. Because it's, thank you. Because the secret, the fitness industry does a good job of taking something and then fucking it up
Starting point is 00:40:09 so yeah And gut health stuff. Yeah, you're gonna see lots of gut health stuff. Oh, I like to Which is promising man, I would like to record. I like to raise you more too. I see a full body workouts coming out like crazy I see priming a lot of talk about a lot of talk about priming. Old New Word. It's just going to pop out. It's going to be like priming. Priming mobility, patterning.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah, patterning. These are the ones I think you should pay attention to. These are all good things, right? So we're laughing because mind pumps have been talking about this for quite some time. And you know, even some of the professionals out there in the industry that were mocking it or talking shit about it are now adopting it because they know they're going to have to if they're going to continue to evolve in this industry
Starting point is 00:40:52 because these are all very important. So I think the, I also think that you're gonna see this decline in soon the artificial sweeteners and stuff. That the artificial sweeteners and dies are going to die. And I think small meals, you're starting to see, I'm starting to see, dude, I've seen, and soon the artificial sweeteners and stuff that the artificial sweeteners and dyes are going to dyes. And I think small meals, you're starting to see,
Starting point is 00:41:07 I'm starting to see, dude, I've seen, I've seen so many posts now by like pretty built motherfuckers, like big dudes who are like eating small meals a myth, you don't have to worry about blah, blah, and I'm like shocked that they're saying it. Wow, I think that that may come around a little bit too. Maybe it's a little early for that, but I'm starting to see more posts. Yeah, well, the gut for sure because that's been the big one. Oh, just wait, dude. You're gonna see major supplement companies like, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:32 Muscle tech or all that whatever. They're gonna start carrying probiotics. Yeah Mastufor's gut health So those are the one 20 trillion Bacteria. They're gonna fucking overdo it. Watch. It's an infinity amount of fucking protein So I hear you this one is gonna be okay So those are the ones that you should pay attention to that if you're not already because you listen to my bump But those are the good ones that are coming out here now here's the here's the twist though is I also think that the same ones That you should be paying attention to or the same ones you have to look out for
Starting point is 00:42:04 Because that's the problem that I've always seen is that we take a little bit of science, we take some good information, and then leave it to the industry to fuck it up. They will find a way to make money off of it, and that's what you gotta look out for. So all that science is good, all that information that we're talking about is awesome,
Starting point is 00:42:24 but beware on how they position it because that's the one thing, like we talk about mobility, right? The importance of it. A lot of that is what we've been going through right now. The latest program, Maps Prime, is us introducing a lot of this to you guys, and then the next one we're going to go even deeper with stuff. So we are huge on that. Now that being said, there was a reason why Maps Antibolic was the first thing that was introduced to you guys and that we went that direction first because that still is very very important overall strength is very important to us and
Starting point is 00:42:54 Unfortunately in this industry everybody wants to separate into their camps and so even with the good thing like mobility Look at most the guys guys that we all respect as mobility specialists or the baddest guys. And tell me how many of them you really want to look like. Like most of them turn into these super guru hippies. Very lizardy. Yes, right? And it's like, that's really cool that you can take your...
Starting point is 00:43:19 Just imagine their tongue. You can take your ankle and wrap it behind your head, but you couldn't lift fucking 200 pounds off the floor if your life depended on it. So, there's a give and take, right? And the problem that I feel like comes from the industry is that that's what we do is we separate people, we divide them, we build camps, and then we argue who's better. So, all of those things we say are the trend in coming, are all awesome things, are all things that should be incorporated into your guys' routine, your lifestyle,
Starting point is 00:43:47 you should be researching, you should be looking into, you should be improving all those areas in your own life. But just be careful of the camps, and be careful of the gurus and the people that are like, this is the way. So I would venture to say that the same things that they should look out for as positive or also the same one that you should look out for as positive or also the same one
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah, stay away from the keto supplements. That's hilarious to me. I think Exogenous ketones or antibiotic fasting right keto supplements Annaball official here's here's an example of what the industry has done to two things We were talking about these things over two years ago the importance of fasting the importance of keto and what you get from now What do we make it more anabolic. Right, now you take fasting and mean a lesson. Now they find a way to sell you supplements on it to because, and-
Starting point is 00:44:31 Because fasting is literally means nothing. Yeah. So to them, like, how are we gonna, oh fuck, I'm gonna weasel in some pills. We gotta sell some- Give some pills. Oh, I know, we're gonna prevent muscle loss. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It's too simple. That wasn't happening. Yeah, you weren't losing muscle anyway. That's a point, but no, nothing gonna be simple. That wasn't happening. Yeah, you weren't losing muscle anyway. That's a point. But no, they're gonna be, they're gonna quell the fears of it, right? Or at least maybe even create the fear. Yeah, you can have some powder that you snore.
Starting point is 00:44:51 This is a really good question when you think about that. And it's important to our listeners to understand that is that all the things that we're talking about that are so important, you just gotta be careful of all those camps too, going overboard with all their shit. There's something to take from all of them, but I mean, I think those two examples right there alone, the keto supplements, keto cookies,
Starting point is 00:45:10 and fucking anabolic fasting are all examples of taking something that is pure in itself, that is really good for people to learn, that to help connect dots with fat and sugars and carbs, and then how to connect people's dots to appetite, control, and the benefits of not eating, to packaging it and selling it to you. Gotta watch out for it. You do.
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