Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 466: Burn More Fat & Build More Muscle by Undulating Your Calories & Macros

Episode Date: March 2, 2017

Your body is an adaptation machine and one way to encourage it to adapt is by undulating your calories and macros. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the benefits to be derived from changing u...p your eating. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Adam and Justin aren't here. Yeah, it's good. It's quiet. Yeah. It's peaceful. Yes. The smell is nice in the studio. And I get to do whatever the hell I want.
Starting point is 00:00:09 Yes. So two things that I'm doing here. Number one, I'm not wearing any clothes because I don't have to worry about those two guys and Doug doesn't mind. No, it's a great thing. Yeah, he's a naked guy usually. But the second thing I want to do is I wanted to do
Starting point is 00:00:24 a huge promotion for the month of March. So before I go into it, check this out. So our two big bundles are the RGB bundle and the maps Super Bundle. Now the RGB bundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Now these programs are programs by themselves, but if you combine all three of them, you get nine months of exercise programming. They are considered our core maps programs. And what we do is we put them all together
Starting point is 00:00:56 and we cut 25% off the price. So you get a huge discount. Plus you get our mods for free. We have a sexy athlete mod, which teaches you how to meld, green, and black together or maps performance and maps aesthetic together. In other words, rather than doing one after another, you actually combine them. It's called sexy athlete mod because you get your athletic performance along with the aesthetics of maps aesthetic. It also
Starting point is 00:01:20 comes with the but builder blueprint which takes maps and a ballac and maps aesthetic combines them and teaches you how to do focus sessions and trigger sessions specifically for your glutes. We also throw in with the RGB bundle, the Kettlebell for aesthetics program, which is a program based on purely Kettlebell type exercises. So if you have a pair of Kettlebells, that's all you want to do. The K before a program is perfect. That's all included of kettlebells, that's all you want to do. The KB4A program is perfect. That's all included with the RGB bundle and it's all 25% off. Now the maps Super Bundle is the next level.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And that has all of that, but it also includes maps anywhere, which is our maps program that's designed to teach you how to exercise or show you workouts to do at home without any equipment. It's perfect if you travel. It's a great bridge between maps program. So let's say you do maps, anabolic, you're ready to go into maps performance. Maps anywhere is a great bridge between them because it teach it's all body weight type training. So it gives you good proprioception, good control.
Starting point is 00:02:23 We get lots of compliments on the programming that goes behind this because body weight workouts can be very basic many times in maps, anywhere is anything but basic. We also include our most popular program, our more recent program, maps prime. Now this is the only program I know of in existence that will take you through a self-assessment, we call it a compass, and based on the compass,
Starting point is 00:02:45 based on how your body moves, it directs you to do exercises or particular movements to set you up for your workout. So in other words, you've got an eight minute priming session that's individualized that you do before your workout, and the reality is with math's prime, it doesn't matter what you do, whether you're competing in a sport, you can prime yourself before you sport,
Starting point is 00:03:04 whether you're doing a math's workout, whether you're competing in a sport, you can prime yourself before you sport, whether you're doing a mass workout, or you're doing your own workout, if you prime your workout properly, central nervous system fires better, you get optimal muscle recruitment patterns, you get better adaptations, we also help you with post prime,
Starting point is 00:03:18 in other words, what you do after your workout to direct the type of adaptation signal that you sent, it's an extremely unique in advance in terms of design program, but both maps and maps prime are included with the maps super bundle. And so we take all those programs, and then we cut 33% off.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So those two things are awesome. I'll buy themselves. We'll check this out for the month of March, enroll in either the RGB bundle or the MAP Super Bundle, and we're gonna give you our forum, access to our private forum for free, for life. That's it, you pay nothing else ever. You enroll in those, you get on the forum,
Starting point is 00:03:58 now you can ask questions, me, Justin and Adam are on there all the time. You can get guidance, there's lots of trainers on there. It's pretty awesome, and keep in mind, at the end of this month, the forum price is going to go up. But once you're in, you're in, that's it for life. So, again, a little rundown. The RGB bundle, the OR the MAP Super Bundle, already discounted, including, and they give
Starting point is 00:04:19 you all the programming you're going to need, but you get the forum for free in the month of March. That's our big promotion. You can find all of this at mindpumpmedia.com. Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews That's Neil Diamond too. That's not Neil Diamond. Is that Neil Diamond? Of course it is Oh, I didn't know that. What were you thinking? I didn't know that was Neil Diamond. What song were you? What's a song that you know from Neil Diamond? I don't know any songs If I did I wouldn't right you songs of the album. Damn, I tried to trick him with a singing. No, I was impressed. And if I did, I wouldn't write. You know what, I have to apologize to you Adam.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I've made you very self-conscious. More self-conscious about your singing than you should be. Oh. Wow, you feel guilty? No, I'm not saying that he doesn't suck because he's terrible. Don't feel guilty. But I don't want him to feel bad about it.
Starting point is 00:05:21 You know, he's your friend. I told you he's brought out there. Adam sounds like he's trying to sing bad when he sings. I mean, he doesn't sound like a person you can't sing. He sounds like a person trying to not be able to sing. But I still don't want to feel self-conscious about it. Yeah, too late. Oh, too late.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Now, anytime you guys start singing at the beginning, I instantly start getting high. It's all over my body, because I'm nervous. You're gonna look to me. You know what, that's not true. I've heard you sing in a hum more than ever. But can I know now you think it's hilarious? That's the way to go.
Starting point is 00:05:51 It's because I'm practicing. I'm trying to get better. I have, you know, like anything else. I, you know, if I'm not good at it, I want to get better at it. Do you know what was funny? And I'm sure this episode's gonna add air. This one will probably air before Ben's episode,
Starting point is 00:06:02 maybe the Ben Greenfield one. I don't know. Why do we keep doing that? Well, I don't care. In the beginning, you know, how something like Justin will sing or all sing a little bit and when Ben jumps in with this Oh, yeah, he take all the way he's got good pipe He's got good pipes, but he knows every single word I just I went I kind of like trail off. I guess I was jealous because he knew every single word Yeah, yeah, keep going of course. He's got a good voice. Yeah, yeah, he's got a good
Starting point is 00:06:24 We're trying to like stump him with like but but but but and the jazz and he hit it like fucking nails but he went for too long you know what I mean by too long like yeah okay you can stop yeah yeah like you proved your point like oh my god uh uh I think I'm gonna jump on piano for you yeah but but but but so I got my I wanted to go back and forth with him. He wasn't catching me that no He's solo no solo. He's surrounded me out. Yeah, he like Mariah carried my ass There's no his podcast stars just him so he's not I He's not used to feeding off of anybody else Imagine how epic that would have been if he's like
Starting point is 00:07:04 And we ended like let's. Well, let's be honest, Justin. Let's be honest, I can understand because you are a spotlight stealer. No, you are. The way. You're a fucking spotlight stealer. Let's look at the facts. Every time there's a fucking pole on Instagram
Starting point is 00:07:20 or on the forum, hey, here's what the pole's like. I'm a shity, my way to top. Who your favorite host, or who would you rather have sex with? Or who would you like to narrate the mind from story? Justin, every time. Justin wins every single time. Yeah. It's a daily new world.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Such an asshole, too. It's not fair. It's purely a facade. Well, you listeners don't know. He's a dickhead. Yeah. It sounds so nice. Cool, do you? And Jovial on the on the on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Jovial. See? That's a great word for. That's like a bad joke for Santa Claus. Doesn't that come across like a bad joke? That's what he's for Santa Claus. That's how you that's how you call someone fat in it. Yeah, you're like in a nice way. Here. Yeah, here. Here's an upper. Like, but it was a downer. Like, you know, you're always in a good mood. You always seem to be quite jolly thanks for that compliment It's making me feel something
Starting point is 00:08:08 You can't always be a big fat Santa Claus Jolly he just called me like fuck you bro. Wait a second. Well insulated. Yeah Geo-verbal jovialish Jesus but anyway I some warm. I think I think those arcade games in the gym are a bad idea. Oh I know so far in some intense so far. We've been here since 9am We have recorded one episode and this one which isn't even complete yet and we've played four games For long games like all four quarters. It's not totally like unproductive like I think it stimulated us I do too. I think it's very it was very productive
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, it is but Adam keeps winning Just like when my business partner comes in like right when we're like in mid-session. I'm like fuck you Trying to like score. That was so great. Oh, Justin. Hey, what's up? That's your partner with the stick right? Yeah, okay, so she's that what and what what's her role out of I've met a couple right? She's the patent attorney So she's the patent attorney so the patent attorney comes walking in our studio And she's just in video games and all four of us just come on fire. I'm a fucking dog on you We are like into NBA jam like super intense and she's like just standing there and I look over my shoulder My no idea who this lady is and then Justin. Oh shit. Uh, yeah. Yeah. No, we we were working real hard shit. Yeah, yeah, no, we were working real hard over here. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:27 Working hard. I just like I picked the wrong partner. Yeah, this is great Right as she been here. You are gonna kill it. No, I don't think she has actually no no, we just Got damage just like what sort of God what I did damn it. What you why don't you show her around man? I show her the inside of the studio, get her all excited about everything. Just as a mean partner. He got her out real quick. No, you know what? I did.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I heard my other partner, I took through here like briefly, but I didn't show her like the inside of the studio, which I probably should have been. Get them all pumped up. I'm out. Introducing to Adam. Did you show the shit of?
Starting point is 00:10:02 You showed the seeker room. Dude, it caught me like off guard. You know what I mean? Like I forgot that I set the up. You got caught jacking off. That's exactly what it felt like. That's exactly what you did. I was like, oh no.
Starting point is 00:10:11 That's how you reacted to it. That is, Justin is not the guy who like, I love to ask Courtney this too. Like you would not be a good liar. You're probably the worst. That's why I can't do it. Right away, you just dead give away. Dead give away.
Starting point is 00:10:22 He has guilty, Lyrin, all of a sudden. He caught me one time in the shower and I look over there she's like I saw ghost oh you know like you like you like hunched over you know and kind of like looking up like you know like you picture it we were talking about this the other day you know what a dog's taking a poop? Yeah, and he looks over that's just that of the shower. He's got the posterior pelvic tail Because he's jerked off and he looks over like oh really quiet my wife won't catch me
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's like scared my soul out of my body for a second. Did she ask you what you were doing or what? Did you know she knew she just shook her head she just shook her head. She actually has a face for me No, she knew she just you knew she just sugar head. She actually has a face for me I'm like if you ever fucking show me that face again. We are not married What a double standard she got me what that double stand could you imagine if you walked in on her? He'd be like greatest in your life. No, but it just I wish walk in hide it real easy, you know me like you can't hide it like really if it's like I wish well they can hide it real easy, you know what I mean like you can't hide it like really if it's like You're moving around and oh she didn't turn out all you can do is all you can do is like face your butt towards them So they can't see what's going on. It turns. Oh, there's my back. There it is. Why don't you turn around Justin? Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:38 Nothing. I got nothing. Hey, didn't you didn't you have some fitness you wanted to talk about fitness? Yeah Oh, yeah, yeah, something you wanted to help people with no, you know what I want to talk about What a great segue Just just thank God master made. Thank you guys That's a abrupt. No, I wanted to talk about I've had people ask me Quite a few times over the past few months. We've touched upon this subject a few times on on older podcasts. And it's on, you know, why it's more effective to underlate your calories versus being so consistent every single day. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Like I think when people are trying to
Starting point is 00:12:17 lose weight or whatever and they figure out that they're they need to eat, I don't know, 1500 calories a day to be at a deficit, that they make every single day, you know, right around 1,500 calories. And it's so much more effective to move that up and down and average out over 1,500 calories. If that's the number you want to hit, it's better, you're better off averaging out over the course of a week at 1,500 calories a day versus hitting 1, 1500 every single day. Does that kind of make sense? Yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. Do you recommend something similar to your...
Starting point is 00:12:48 No, 100%. I... Here's though, I feel like there's a process to get there. Like, I think you first have to become aware of how you're consuming. And this is why I'm such a... I'm so heavy on tracking. And I tell all my clients, like, when we first start off, like tracking is a must must, it's a must because I just want to make you aware. And most people are just they're unaware that they're unaware. So the awareness of what you're consuming and
Starting point is 00:13:13 where your calories are at. So for that, for that purpose, I'll put them in a, you know, first, the first, like I always talk about the first week I track and see where they're at. And then from there, based off of their already current habits, I'm going to take their average core can take. And I'm going to keep it about the same, from there, based off of their already current habits, I'm going to take their average chloric intake and I'm going to keep it about the same. You know, based off their goals, they're trying to reduce body fat and their calories are up high enough. I may put them in a slight deficit, but really I'm just going to change their macros around because now I want to start teaching them about food and I want them to track.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And at first, it's consistent. Yes, it gets something to get used to it. Yeah, it's that it's starting a found It's starting a in my opinion a solid nutritional foundation Then's then once they get an understanding of that and they've been following that for a while then I can start to Manipulate macros and I can start to show them like listen It's actually really good for you to go have a 2200 calorie day and then turn around and you're gonna have like a 1300 calorie day We can do that as long as the average, it's averaging out where we should be.
Starting point is 00:14:09 That's a great point because underlating your calories is a step towards intuitive eating. Yes. Besides, okay, so let's talk a little bit about the benefits first before I talk about why that's a step towards intuitive eating. Number one, the body is very good at adapting to whatever you throw at it.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And if you're very consistent with your being in a calorie deficit, your body's metabolism will adapt in that direction and become quite efficient and will stop burning as many calories. They call it adaptive thermogenesis. What we know is when you have a one high calorie day, we do know that the body boosts its calorie burn to compensate. So if you're consistently eating 1500 calories and that's a deficit and then you throw in a 2000 calorie day, your metabolic rate will boost along with other hormones that boost metabolic rate like like like leptin.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Leptin will depress with low calories all the time. You have a high calorie day, leptin starts to boost up and you'll get a little bit of a calorie boost. Now that calorie burn boost is only about 10 to 20% of your normal calorie, you know, caloric burn. However, if you implement this on a regular basis and you don't make it like a cheat day, because I'm not talking about a cheat day, I'm talking about strategically eating, let's say your average is 1500 calories. Well, if today I have 1100 calories
Starting point is 00:15:31 then tomorrow I'll have 1900 calories. You average at those two days, it's 1500 calories, right? One's 1100, one's 1900, but what that does is it prevents my body, or at least it reduces my body's adaptation process to slowing its metabolism down. And so it helps you avoid some of the pitfalls of normal quote unquote dieting. Well, let's talk about why that used to be really challenging too, because even as a trainer,
Starting point is 00:15:57 I used to not do that because I was scared of death to let my calories drop that low, like especially being a guy who wants to build. And your goal is to put on mass and size. And I had done my tests for my BMR and my BMR says, okay, I should be consuming about 3,000 calories for maintenance. And if I want to grow, I need to be like 35. Okay. So then I would have these days where, oh my God, I'm so behind on calories. And I was so focused on getting enough calories
Starting point is 00:16:25 and not being lower than that because my body was gonna start to metabolize muscle and I'd freak out. When really, and I would make bad choices, whatever, just to make sure I had a, my mentality and my attitude was, it's better for me to eat something bad and in a surplus than to not eat anything at all
Starting point is 00:16:44 because I'm gonna lose muscle. So, and the flip is true for somebody who is trying to lose body fat, right? They have that same fear. They're afraid of the high calorie data. Yes, they're so afraid of the high calorie day because it's also gonna make them fat. And so then they're like always really low
Starting point is 00:17:00 or pushing levels low. So they're both inversely related and they both is a relationship with food that you need to work on and evolve. Like, and it takes time. I know it takes lots of time because I've gone through this journey and I'm still working on getting better about intuitive eating and intuitive trading. And that is the ultimate goal of health fitness in your journey is to be able to be in a place that you want to be and be able to do it without stress or without total focus. It's just very natural for you. It takes practice. Before we even get to that point, there are some actual benefits to simply varying your calorie intake, whether you want to gain or you want to lose. When you eat a larger calorie, you know, day or whatever,
Starting point is 00:17:46 if I boost my calories for the day, my metabolism speeds up, I get an anabolic effect. So you see protein synthesis increase, muscles want to build, hormones start to react to this. When I have a low calorie day, fat burning goes up. Insulin sensitivity goes up. Now if I stay high calorie for a long time My body that anabolic effect starts to dampen and it starts to store body fat if I stay low calorie for too long That fat burning effect starts to dampen as my metabolism starts to slow down
Starting point is 00:18:16 And so what you're trying to do is you're trying to circumvent those issues Whether you're rupting that whole process right whether you're bulking or whether you're cutting to have these calorie fluctuations throughout the week where some days are higher and some days are lower. Which is really tough, because I mean, even I noticed too, in myself, if I'm really trying to kind of cut down
Starting point is 00:18:36 like how hard it is for me to then go back and eat more calories and introduce that to do that very same thing you're talking about. I gotta interrupt that process. I'm too much focused on, you know, being in this calorie deficit where now my body is, like this is the new standard, like this is what my body's trying to make so efficient.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So that way, you know, I can move and I can produce what I normally do per day, but now, you know, I've hit a wall. And there is definitely a psychological component to underlating calories. There's a major one. There's a major, I think, and this is where I blame the fitness industry
Starting point is 00:19:10 because we put so much pressure on people with the gaining and the losing of muscle or body fat that we put out studies, we put out information out there to promote fat burners to promote supplements, to promote things, to make people think that if you don't do this, this could happen. If you do this, this is going to help you.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And so people really get scared into this way, this pattern of eating, regardless of its to lose body, fat, or to build muscle, that is really the gray science. Like it's not, yeah, if I lived in a ridiculous deficit for a long stinted period of time and I continued to push the body, my body could start to metabolize muscle. Like there is that absolute possibility there. But the possibility of that happening because you had one day where you were a hundred percent fasted or you had two or three days in a row where you had a third. No, it didn't happen. And the same thing goes, like I said, with the other scare of putting on fat,
Starting point is 00:20:07 like if you've been living in this like 1300 calorie, and this is how I actually do this with clients. So once we find maintenance, we've figured that out, and then I'll do something, and I'm just about to do this right now with Sam, so a little shout out to her, and we were discussing this yesterday, I said, okay, now we get to the fun part of coaching.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And I've had her, we haven't done this yet, and I've had her for three months. So to me, you have to establish a very good relationship and understanding of food and how it affects you before I start playing with this and manipulating with this. So now that she has a very good understanding of how sugar affects her body, where she needs to be at fat,
Starting point is 00:20:41 where she needs to be at protein, what's a high day for her, what's a low day, where does she feel satisfied? Like, we've connected all these dots. Now I'm like, okay, now let's start playing with a little bit of science here. Let's have some fun. Let's let's push your body a little bit and let's see how it responds. So I'll tell her, okay, I want you to go three days in a row and I'm gonna keep you around 1300 to 1500 calories. I want you to stay in that range somewhere. And I want you to give me feedback as we're going through. I want to know, do you feel fine? Do you feel hungry? Are you getting light-headed? Do you feel good? Do you feel strong? So we're
Starting point is 00:21:15 doing that. And then after she does it, then I'll give her what the bodybuilding industry refers to, is a refeed. But really all I'm doing is I'm averaging her calories back out of where her body needs and where it should be. And I'll say, okay, now I want you to have 20, 2600 calories. You know, let's have 2600 calories this day. We just came off of having three, four days of a deficit like that. And now respond. And then I explained to her what she's going to see. Now we increased your calories to 2600 for that one day. So of course, you're going to see, you have an increase of carbs, which is going to pair with more water.
Starting point is 00:21:48 You're probably going to drink more water because your sodium is going to be up more sodium more water again. So you're going to see the scale probably go up one and a half pounds. I don't care. Don't worry about it. The benefits that we're going to get from the spiked leptin and the metabolism response you're going to get is going to counter that over the next three to four days. And you'll see that if you just be patient.
Starting point is 00:22:05 In fact, anecdotally speaking, I see that it becomes very clear when people underlater of their calories like that, you see their weight go up a little bit like Adam was saying with water and then you see it all of a sudden fat loss start to happen. Like they maybe went up one, one and a half, two pounds and then five days later they're down three or four and you get this boost. In fact, you'll notice it with yourself. You'll notice your appetite will go up after having one of those higher calorie days.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, when I got a lot, I got really into this when I started to research the, where was the science of these refeeds? Like the bodybuilding industry has been doing, we talk about how they took some science the only way, and that's what they did. They did the whole cheat day. And that's how my mind works is,
Starting point is 00:22:44 okay, so when I was going through the whole competing process, and this is kind of the norm is these, these carb cycles and low calorie diets, and then you have what are called refeeds, that these coaches were telling them, I'm like, okay, well, let's get, let's break down the science of what do these refeeds do, because obviously there is some science behind it, there is a purpose behind it, there is a way to do it. Most these competitors and most these people that are doing don't really quite understand exactly what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:23:10 They just know that they've been cutting really hard and their coach told them to stay low and they've done a good job. So he rewards them with a cheat day. That's the wrong fucking message. The right message is, let's talk about leptin. Let's talk about what you're doing with your metabolism by doing that. And that's why I's talk about leptin. Let's talk about what you're doing with your metabolism by doing that.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And that's why I do talk about leptin because this is where I started to learn a lot about, okay, this is what's really happening in the body is, we are creating this thermogenic effect by doing that because leptin is the hormone that's responsible for telling your body that it has more energy to burn. You give it fuel, which you give it food. So when your body gives it, you give it any food,
Starting point is 00:23:46 left in is going to naturally spike. The more you give it, the harder it spikes. And that hormone is a signal telling the body, hey, we have tons of energy to burn and then it shoots the metabolism up. Now, the things that most people, what happened to most people is the metabolism gets fired up and then it also could promote hunger
Starting point is 00:24:03 the following day. So this is where I coach to this. I tell people, okay, we just did that too. is the metabolism gets fired up, and then it also could promote hunger the following day. So this is where I coach to this. I tell people, okay, we just did that. And this is the psychological benefit. Oh, it's doing it. Yeah, this is exactly. So here we go, we go into,
Starting point is 00:24:13 I just fed you 2600 calories. Now we're going into the next day. Now this is where, and this is where, this is to me is where, this is where we make our money. This is where I really can help somebody is to connect these dots. Like, okay, we just had that great feed day.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Right now, I'm already ahead of it, but so I let them know before it happens, right? You're gonna go up a little bit on the scale, you're gonna feel this, you're gonna notice that, right? These are the signs, you're gonna pick up. These are all fine. You're also going to have a hard time controlling your appetite the next day,
Starting point is 00:24:43 because guess what happened, you shot the leptin up your metabolism is on fire You're telling you it has more fuel more energy Well, you've utilized that those calories I gave you and now it's like it's pumping again That's the that's the idea of the refeed is that you shoot that metabolism back up You get because you've been in a deficit for so long you've started to suppress that leptin now I'm gonna ramp it back up it shoots it back up But then I also need to be disciplined and in control because the appetite goes up so as my hunger.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And as long as I can go back and stay in control and go back to where homeostasis or where my balance of calories have been kinda keeping myself taker back down to that. That's why I do a step process. You really have to determine whether or not, psychologically they're ready to make good decisions,
Starting point is 00:25:24 as far as getting whole natural foods going through that process showing you that it can be a frequent habit that they've established and that way then they're going into the next step. The next step is to play with these ideas and these calorie ranges and undulate this. Then it becomes a lot harder psychologically. That's a third level right there. It's no different than when you're learning how to do a squat or any other exercise. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You start with a very tightening the screw down. You regress everything back. So if you've never barbelled squat before, I may have you start off with, you know, sitting down on a bench and standing back up with no weight. And then I may have you do a lake step ups on some kind of elevation. Then I might have you do a squat with a broomstick. Then I may move you to a barbell. And then weight levels.
Starting point is 00:26:13 They're all levels, right? What you want to understand is constantly tracking your food is not where you want to end up, it's a step towards the right to right. Excellent, excellent. But you don't want to, that's not where you want to stay. You don't want to end up there. So, you know, like Adam was saying, you know, step one, start tracking, pay attention, step two.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Okay, eat these calories, here's your macro targets. Step three, let's undulate those because you're progressing them towards real life. Because in real life, you don't eat the same calories, same grams of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates every single day. You can do that forever and. You don't want to. And you don't want to, fats, and carbohydrate every single day. You can do that forever and... You don't want to.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And you don't want to, you want to... Who wants to live their life like that? And besides that, we didn't evolve that way. Yeah. Our bodies did not evolve. It was like that we were out hunting, you're like, oh shit, there's 30 grams of protein. Kill it!
Starting point is 00:26:56 No, it was, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, I'm gonna eat this now. We ate so, it, our, This is in a refrigerator that hasn't been invented yet. Right, we, we evolved with a diet that was so different from day to day, week to week, and definitely from season to season, that our bodies eventually evolved
Starting point is 00:27:13 to thrive on this kind of a diet. This is why fasting is so good for people because we evolved through long periods of time without food. And I was just listening to a scientist speak about this the day I was listening to Dr. Rhonda Patrick's podcast, I wanna give her a shout out by the way, great podcast, if you like lots of information, that's a great one, very, very science-type.
Starting point is 00:27:36 We will have her on here eventually, we've been in communication with her. I wanna get her on the show. She's a knowledge bomb. She's awesome, she's awesome person. But anyhow, what he was saying is that rather than considering fasting a stress on the body and your body adapting to that, which is something we've said millions of times, he said just consider it like a different operating program.
Starting point is 00:27:55 When you're operating with food, your body works off of one program. When you operate without food, your body works off of a different program. Your body needs to have both of those. Your body, our bodies did not evolve. I mean, taking fasting out of the equation, our bodies did not evolve, eating consistently the same shit every single day, even if your food is, if you have lots of variety in your food, eating the same calories and macronutrients is even too consistent. You're better off having variety and even your macros and your calories and doing this in a structured way
Starting point is 00:28:26 is a step towards getting to real life into it. I also wanna, I, static is Adam's face by the way. Oh, you can hear that? Yeah, sorry. You're rubbing your face, I was just, I was listening to Sal. I really was getting it, I was listening to it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Well, I just wanna, I just wanna, I just wanna, he's flirting with you. He's been a whilst in my face. He was giving it. Well, I just wanna. Just twirl in his hair. I just wanna, I'm just flirting with you. It's been a while since my beard. You're so smart. You're smart. Would you throw something at me? I think, you know what? Normally Doug gives me a look.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Like, I was like trying to be like, hey man. Normally what I'm making an annoying sound. Doug gives me like this look. Like, motherfucker stop it. Stop chewing on ice. I was in his cell talking. You're making some sense.
Starting point is 00:29:02 So, okay, so Samantha, who I'm talking about right now, I hope she doesn't mind I'm putting her business out there a little bit. She is somebody who is very smart, been around fitness for her family members, all into it. She is like, so you're done, and then on top of that, she's hired me to coach her, and I took her for three months before we started messing with this stuff. So I just want to reiterate that because I know when we say things like this, then I
Starting point is 00:29:30 also know because I've had tons and tons of clients that you give this information to them, then it's like giving them the all-sub in this latitude to eat whatever they want and who gives a shit because I heard on my pump that we should be underlating and we should have high days and we should have low days. And then they have this inconsistency of eating right or eating well for their body because we also give them all this latitude. Well, you first need to put in the work before you get, this is definitely to me,
Starting point is 00:29:59 this is when you're getting really close to intuitive eating. You've been able to naturally underlates your calories that you don't have to track whatsoever. But before you get to that point, you have to have tracked, in my opinion, for a while, you have to have made those connections with different macronutrients and how they affect your body. You should be able to know a rough idea of where you need to be at chlorically to maintain your weight or to gain or to lose.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Like, you need to have an idea of what a consistent month looks like of activity, you know, where, you know, your patterns that where do you have days where, like, you know, I like to use the analogy of Sunday football for me because it is such an extreme difference. On a Tuesday, I'll step 20,000 steps, I'll burn over 5,000 calories on Sunday. I had a Sunday just recently where I literally stepped
Starting point is 00:30:51 under 2,000 steps and burned under 3,000. I mean, that's a 2,000 calorie swing. Now, I don't need to change my food necessarily right on that day, but I need to be aware that my intake, or my maintenance, it's burned in. Yeah, that needs to be aware that my intake or my maintenance brought in. Yeah, that needs to be factored in there. I need to have that understanding that, and for me, I've learned to just, it's easier
Starting point is 00:31:13 to schedule a different way of eating on the days that I have less activity. So those are the days I tend to fast, or meal skip, or go long periods of time without consuming, because shit, I ain't moving. But I think that has also been something that has taken a lot of discipline because when I'm sitting watching football, is when I want pizza or I want beer, I want, you know, and then there's a psychological part.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I'm not really truly hungry. My body doesn't really need fuel. I'm not pushing it in to work. Well, it's interesting I was thinking like about two different types of people, like one that's really good about forward thinking and planning and doing all these types of things versus somebody that's sort of is a little bit more
Starting point is 00:31:51 like after the fact, like, oh, okay. And then I'm gonna kind of be a little more flexible and relaxed about this or that. So I think that too, you could get into a trap if you're the type of person that really plans everything out and wants to know everything way ahead of time, and then it just gets fixated on this fact that like, well, on this day, I'm doing this.
Starting point is 00:32:11 So then I'm so strict and stringent about what I'm doing leading up to that day versus allowing whatever part of life or to kind of come through, and then you can just adjust and make these like slight adjustments. Not like over-compensations, but slight adjustments. Yeah, this is the, this is where the whole concept of mini-bulking and mini-cuts came about. This is where we did all, you know, old episodes where we talked about.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So this is actually how this came up with Samantha. She's obviously a big listener. So she brought that up. She goes, hey, I wanted to ask you about how you utilize the mini cuts and the mini bulks that you guys always talk about. And I said, you know what, this is perfect. We're at a point now. I said, because I hadn't seen her in a while, I just brought her back in to kind of see where she's at. And she's done phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:32:58 She looks phenomenal. At least as long as I've known her, she's the best shape I've ever seen her and is very, very in tune with what's going on with her body nutritionally and mechanically when she works out. So now we're into the fun shit. Like now it's time to teach the stuff. It takes a while to get there, but it's awesome when you get there.
Starting point is 00:33:16 But yeah, people need to realize that when you eat low calories, your body slows down and when you eat high calories, your metabolism speeds up. But that effect is not super long lasting. And so that's why we did the mini bulk and mini cuts. If you are bulking constantly, and any, look, any guy listening knows, you bump up your calories. Initially, you build more muscle, you get stronger. You stay on that for long enough. And before you know it, you're not really gaining muscle and where you're just getting fatter.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And the same thing happens with weight loss. And by fluctuating your calories, you can avoid a lot of those pitfalls. It makes a tremendous difference. But like we're saying, it is a step towards intuitive eating. One of the things I like to do with people, and it takes, obviously like Adam's taking takes a while to get here, but when they have that high calorie day, I like to follow a very high calorie day immediately with the fast where they don't eat their first. I like to follow a very high calorie day, immediately with the fast, where they don't eat their first meal to like to.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Which I wanna tell you, this is very hard to do. It's very hard to do. Because you just shot that leptin up. And this is why I warn people going in the next day. This is, and a lot of times, this is really, this is common, right? So. But you know why I'm doing it, right?
Starting point is 00:34:21 No, of course. It's 100%. I'm looking for the psychological benefit. And the psychological benefit of... Well, you get two huge benefits from that. You get the psychological one. And you get the fabric. You get the fabric.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Big time. Cause you're left in a spot. Yeah, you just spiked your left in. Your body is, that metabolism is fired and roll. And then you deprive it of calories. Shit, you are shredding fat. That is a great strategy for leaning out fat. But it is also a very advanced technique
Starting point is 00:34:45 of doing that and learning to listen to those signals. So yeah, I think that's an awesome level to get at. I like the psychological benefit because it helps portioning control. It just helps them be okay with feeling hungry. And of course, the people, you're gonna have to watch it all pass. Right, and by the way,
Starting point is 00:35:05 I'm talking about most, you know, if I'm working with someone who's got normal, you know, food relationship issues, I'm not talking about extreme food relationship issues. Like if I'm dealing with someone who's, you know, who's had anorexia or bulimia, I'm gonna treat them a little bit different. I'm not talking about that at all.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I'm glad you brought that out. I want to say that because someone who's anorexic has no problem avoiding hunger. In fact, they've ignored it so much that they probably don't really feel anymore. They might even feel repulsed by food, even though their body is sending them all these signals to eat more food. I'm talking about the average person who's got their normal relationships with food. When they had a high calorie day, and I followed up with the fast, it teaches them to be okay
Starting point is 00:35:41 with a little bit of hunger and also to embrace the kind of energy they get from the day after when they fast, because what you'll find is, when you have those higher calorie days, the day after, if you fast, you'll have this really good energy throughout the day. Drink lots of water, you'll find that you've got this kind of this wired type of energy, almost like you drink a little extra coffee,
Starting point is 00:36:01 except it's not very, you're not nervous, it's more of this calm type of energy. And then the following day, I'll bump the calories back up. But these techniques contribute quite a bit to the fat-burning process, but also to the muscle-building process. One of the ways your body goes to burn more calories is it sends a signal to build more muscle. So, if I'm dieting and I'm at calories alone on a consistent basis and I'm not underlating
Starting point is 00:36:24 them, I'm always at 15 or 100 calories a day a consistent basis and I'm not underlating them. I'm always at 1500 calories a day. My body's not going to want to really build any muscle or even it might even try to adapt in the direction of reducing muscle mass to slow my metabolism down. That's one of the ways it'll do that. But if I throw in some higher calorie days, my body's probably going to be more likely to hold on the muscle as part of its, you know, you know It's part of trying to keep the metabolism fast
Starting point is 00:36:49 So it's a very effective technique when I see people eating so consistently with the same calories and same macros every single day You know They just don't understand they don't realize that what they're doing is they're trying to get their metabolism to slow down They're sending a consistent signal to their body to reduce its its calorie burn to lower its hormones in response to it to reduce The signal to build muscle and to you know hold on the fat easier because now it's burning less Well, you you made a comparison to squatting and I feel like this is like program designing right and there's totally like like We don't our maps programs are not the same thing all the time. Yeah. Like nothing should be that way.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And we encourage people to modify it. And we've built mods for some of them. And we talk about there's places to interject and intermittently introduce going to failure and training in higher intensities. But the idea is that we, we, we, we, laying the solve on us. That's what we knew too.
Starting point is 00:37:45 And that's what I knew when I first, when Sal first sent over the very first maps before we ever even started in Mind Pump, I just knew this was the message that people needed. Like every program I'd ever seen before is like it was preaching the opposite message. And it's not that, you know, maps is the end all be all. It's that the way it's designed is what's going to benefit literally a majority of people that are out there because the message that's being sent out there is the opposite of what they should be doing right now because there's so much work they need to do to lay a solid foundation before they even get to that stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And I always used to tell people when they start doing all these weird creative exercises and beast mode training also it's like you're, you're like a guy who's learning to play basketball and you just got on the basketball court and you're out there like practicing 360 moves and between the legs. Oh, crazy. It's like, you can barely dribble. You can barely dribble the ball, dude. You can barely dribble the ball. And you're wanting to learn like this crossover, you know, crazy move that you saw, Stefan Curry do on TV, and you're trying to make these behind the back past, is it's like, bro, stick, get the fundamentals down. I'm not saying that, that's not awesome. There's not a way to- Benchats. Yeah, learn the fundamentals of nutrition,
Starting point is 00:38:53 learn the fundamentals of training, and then you start to implement it. But there's definitely levels and steps to this, and I feel like the underlating the calories and food is a crucial step It is a point that you want to you ultimately want to get to it is one more step closer to and to the eating But do not neglect the foundation do not the cloud just actually my favorite sports analogy yet what When you just get yeah, and you know spoken from somebody who plays and as you get better at this under your underlations can be more extreme I mean when I first start people off like this. I'll have them
Starting point is 00:39:28 Undulate you know 300 calories or 400 calories each day as you get better Man, you could go pretty wild. I mean I personally this is how I eat okay. I eat this way. It's very intuitive Let them titties out. Yeah, I Was brand good wild left turn. Yeah, I, what? What? That was brand good. Left turn. Oh, I see. This is kind of how I eat. And it's very intuitive, obviously. I don't track, but I can guarantee you,
Starting point is 00:39:52 there's days where I have, probably, and I'm, you know, I'm almost 190 pounds. And my betalins are pretty, pretty fast. There's days where I have no problem, 1200 calories. That's it. There's definite days where I just have 1200 calories. And then there's days where I have 4000 calories, 1200 calories, that's it. There's definite days where I just have 1200 calories. And then there's days where I have 4,000 calories or 3,500 calories.
Starting point is 00:40:09 So I definitely give myself big swings because I notice dramatic benefits with those big swings. I know when I have the big calorie day, that I'm gonna see boosts in strength and I'm gonna see boosts or I'm gonna feel boosts in anabolic hormones. When I have those real low calorie days, I'm gonna see boosts or I'm gonna feel boosts in anabolic hormones. When I have those real low calorie days, I'm gonna see boosts in cognitive function.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I'm gonna see boosts in certain types of energy. I'm going to be okay with not eating certain foods. And that's another thing too. These low calorie days that you have are really good at breaking those chains that you may have towards your weaknesses like sugar or chocolate or whatever food that happens to be for you. Throwing in a real low calorie day is almost like a reset point.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It kind of resets you to get you back on track with your nutrition. And lastly, hormones. Let's talk about hormones for a second. People don't realize that when you diet, or when you are in a bulk, your hormones start to adjust, and you notice testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin start to change according to that,
Starting point is 00:41:15 that too consistent of a diet, and underlating or changing it, will switch those around and keep them more towards youthful levels. For example, if your calories are low all the time, you'll see depressions, a testosterone, you'll see women's estrogen levels start to come to be at a whack. Thuringia in those high calorie days will help mitigate that and reduce that effect in the same thing when I go high calorie.
Starting point is 00:41:38 When I start to bump up, if I'm going to have a high calorie day and I'm going to have more carbohydrates, for example, I'm going to be very sensitive. My insulin is going to be very sensitive to carbohydrates. I'm going to take those carbohydrates. I'm going to have more carbohydrates. For example, I'm going to be very sensitive. My insulin is going to be very sensitive to carbohydrates. I'm going to take those carbohydrates. I'm going to shuttle them into muscle. I'm going to get lots of benefit from them. My insulin doesn't need to explode through the stratosphere, and to compensate for those extra carbohydrates. But if I'm always eating high calories, you start to see insulin sensitivity start to creep up, which can become a problem later on with eating those excess carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:42:07 So, underlating calories is a step you should take towards intuitive eating, and if you're somebody that's been tracking for a long time, I recommend you give it a shot right now. Take your total calories for the week, get that number, go ahead and hit that number, and give yourself some high calorie days. You should that number and give yourself some high calorie days. You should have at least one or two high calorie days during the week, one or two real low
Starting point is 00:42:29 calorie days during the week and then the rest of the week should be somewhere in the middle. And your macros, your macro percentages should change a little bit as well. So it's not just about eating the same macro percentage and bumping everything up, even throw in some days where maybe your protein intake is half of what I want. I want to challenge the people that you're challenging to do this, to don't not track it though, don't not. No, no, unless you're at the point where you can eat intuitively, still track it, you still got to count everything.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, because you are bringing up some great points about, because you're gonna, obviously if you're gonna increase your calories, you're gonna naturally change your macro profile to a point, right? I mean, I guess you could keep the percentages the same, but you're going to have more carbs or more fat or more protein in order to get to that higher calories at the bottom line.
Starting point is 00:43:22 So I want you to track so you can pay attention to how you feel because you might learn some new things about, wow, when I eat this much protein, this is how I feel. That's a little beyond where I want to be. Or when I eat more fat, wow, I didn't realize I sleep like this. Or, oh, when I had this much carbs, I noticed that I wanted even more carbs than that. Or I noticed that I had a huge crash later on. Like, you know, still, even though you're using this surplus, and even though you're underlating, and you're doing all these for the benefits of the hormones, like we're
Starting point is 00:43:52 talking about, and the whole refeed concept with leptin, also still tracks, so you can pay attention to the signals that your body gives you when you consume at a higher level of those numbers, and, you know, and then start to manipulate and play those. So maybe... Yeah, I'm glad you guys brought this up as a step too because I was just thinking about a question somebody had a while back. I think it might have been Cassidy
Starting point is 00:44:13 where she's like super into tracking and super dialed but doesn't know where to go from there. Yeah, you know, like this would be one of those. Absolutely, those steps. This is a step to take. This is 100% a step and it's a long process. You go from tracking to undulating tracking to one or two days a week and not tracking to four days a week and not tracking to not tracking at all.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And then many times you have to go back to tracking because you find yourself going way off. You have to go back and forth because it's a tough process, but it's funny too, because Adam, you've competed several times. One of the most anabolic environments you can ever be in and correct me if I'm wrong is post contest.
Starting point is 00:44:55 There's nothing that compares to it. No amount of testosterone I've ever taken in my life compares to the anabolic feeling I've had from being deprived nutritionally for so long and then the feeling of refeeding the body. And then watching your muscles grow and your metabolism go through the roof. Turn into the Hulk. Now you can do it, see, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Like anybody who's competed probably knows what that feels. Yeah, they know exactly what you're talking about. And you can take advantage of that, not on that dramatic level, but you can take advantage of that. Yeah, absolutely. With undulating your calories. There's also some science that shows that protein, but you can take advantage of that. Absolutely. With undoses. With undulating your calories. There's also some science that shows that protein, your body can actually become desensitized to protein.
Starting point is 00:45:32 If I'm constantly eating, if I'm a 200 pound man and I'm eating a 200 grams of protein, which is high protein every single day, my body becomes less efficient at utilizing that protein for the purposes that protein are most needed for, which is repair and rebuild of muscle tissue, another tissue in the body. If I have a day where I eat 100 grams of protein and I make up for it with fats and carbs, and then I throw in that 200 gram of protein day again, there's evidence to show that my sensitivity to protein or my the protein synthesis boost I get from high protein goes up. And the same thing goes for carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You know, when we, when you talk to endurance athletes who carb load, before they carb load many times, they cut their carbs. They cut their carbs so they become more sensitive to carbohydrates. Then when they carb load, they get more glycogen storage. It becomes more effective. Well, it's like a sponge theory, right? It's very, it's like, it's like, it's kind of obvious when you really think about it.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Like the way the body is going to absorb these nutrients and if we were constantly flooding it with more than we need and you're so fixated on, I gotta get my protein and taking, I'm getting 200 plus grams of protein every single day and you've been doing that for weeks on and straight. Like you're just, you got to sponge and you're just fucking saturating it.
Starting point is 00:46:43 So it might be maximally filled the whole time, but it's overfilled and just all that other spillage is wasted energy that you could be utilizing for other things. Or you could be doing it for other macronutrients and enjoying yourself and having different, a better balance. It's also such an effective tool to observe your own body. Like how do I feel now that I've always eaten 200 grams of protein a day? How am I gonna feel when I eat 100 grams of protein?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Or nothing, or like I started, when you were talking about, this was something, and we talk about how we're constantly pushing ourselves here and what I love about being on the show with you guys is that, I remember listening to you how you would interject your vegan days. And part of why I always didn't like doing vegan because it was very challenging for me I remember listening to you how you would interject your vegan days. And part of why I always didn't like doing vegan because it was very challenging for me
Starting point is 00:47:28 to get my protein intake. Oh, that's my low protein intake. So I started doing the same thing where I was like, I would intermittently put these, and I don't go to a, I guess I don't really go to the extent where I'm like trying so focused to be vegan as much as I'm like, I'm not going to care about protein. I'm going to eat a ton of vegetables this day and I'm just gonna overload all that. Because my body hasn't got enough of it.
Starting point is 00:47:50 What do you notice on that day and what do you notice the day after? No, I feel great, I feel great. What I feel like is exactly what's happening, is I'm giving my body the nutrients that I've been getting deprived of it because I wasn't getting enough greens, and especially if you believe in like a,
Starting point is 00:48:07 you know, the Terry Walls type of method and eating, I mean, you're talking like six to eight, you know, servings. Big plates, yeah, vegetables. Vegetables a day, like I don't get anywhere near that on a regular basis. In fact, a really good day for me is probably half of that. So I try and have this day, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:23 and intermittently introduce these days where, that's, I'm just salads, salads and veggies, and I'm just, on my salads, I'm loading with all these. I mean, you don't feel as much like a murderer. Yeah, right? I mean, like, you're killing all these. You're not killing animals, but you're the innocence of the world.
Starting point is 00:48:38 But you're taking their food. Yeah. Which is not good either. That's it. You know, and when the next day, when I'm killing really slow moving life forms, reintroduce the protein, my body feels great. Like, they do notice like almost like a muscle building booster.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah, you get this little, it's that feeling you're, it's on a much smaller level. Like the feeling you're talking about that you get when, you know, after a show, when you've been deprived, and you're feeding, it's that same feeling just on a very smaller scale.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Yes, and to take it a step further, how do you know how well you respond to carbohydrates, proteins, and fats if you've never really had days where you've avoided them? Like you don't know, it's funny because, you know, I'll work with clients, I'm working with, well, so obvious, but so true. I'm working with someone right now, young lady, you know, she's, you know, she's petite and she, her, she's tracking and I'm reading what she's what she's eating and she's eats high protein almost
Starting point is 00:49:29 I mean every single day and I told us a lot really a lot of protein Have you ever tried eating less and she's like well, you know protein? Sey she eats me and that's why a lot of it I feel good when I let a protein and my question to her was well before you were so afraid of eating fat That that was maybe the macro nutrient that you ate How do, how do you know if you dropped that and bumped your fat and take you, it wouldn't feel even better. And she's like, well, that's a good point. You don't know until you start messing with these things to see and identify how your
Starting point is 00:49:56 body responds. Okay, so I want to... And then you can see, okay, this is what works really well for me. These are the cycles that I can go through that make me feel great. I'm telling you, at the end of this, you really start to learn your body, but if you're so afraid of, in proteins, the magic macronutrient, right? Everybody's so afraid of cutting that down. Like, it's okay to have a day-to-day low protein.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I promise you're going to be okay. You're not going to lose tons of muscle, but if any, you learn a little bit about your body and see how you respond when you have that high protein day the following day. This is something that I teach, right? So we're going to pull carbohydrates back or we're going to totally eliminate sugar in the diet. So this is common. I just want to give people a heads up, but this is not a signal that it's not working,
Starting point is 00:50:32 or it's bad for you, and you need all these carbs. When you go, if you go, and you're, let's say, you're normal eating whatever it is, doesn't matter. This is your normal eating. Then all of a sudden, you have trainer sales says, let's get rid of sugar out of your diet. Let's get rid of carbohydrates and see your diet, let's get rid of carbohydrates and see how your body works.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And if that's the only the message you got from that and then you go to your normal eating and all you do is take that out. And then what ends up happening is you get these headaches, you get tired, you get dizzy, and you're just like, this ain't for me, I need my carbs. Well, you need to adjust your fat in order to change
Starting point is 00:51:02 the body's system and how it's going to be utilizing for searching for energy. And this is very common when I take somebody fat in order to change the body's system and how it's going to be utilizing. It's a good point. Searching for energy. And this is very common when I take somebody and I either teach them carb cycling or I teach them, you know, eliminating carbs and doing a ketogenic, it doesn't matter. But if I take carbs away from someone who's been eating carbs for a very long time, they are very much so adapted as utilizing glucose as their primary source of fuel. And we want them to become more fat adaptive
Starting point is 00:51:26 if I'm going to take that carbohydrate away. So I need to make sure that I prepare them mentally that okay, if you decide you're going to take a macronutrient like a carbohydrate, which is used for fuel for us, out of there, you need to make sure you replenish it with one like fat and bump that up so you can now, and you need to probably give it at least a couple of days for you. And I know they say it could take up to seven before we come fat adapted
Starting point is 00:51:50 when you adapt to that. But that first initial, all of a sudden you pull all these carbs out, you may feel like you're low energy. And it's just because your body is switching systems. It doesn't know what's going on yet. And it's just how I look at fat like that, like how much better I simulate food by pairing it with fat,
Starting point is 00:52:10 and making sure that that's part of it. So when I'm adjusting macronutrients or doing anything like that, I'm definitely making sure the fat is there to help my body process everything better. No, you learn a lot about your body, which is crazy. When you do that kind of stuff, I mean,
Starting point is 00:52:25 when I, for years, I barely, I mean, I eat vegetables, but I eat tons of them because they didn't build muscle, right? Vegetables don't build any muscle. But more recently, over the past few years, where I've incorporated these, where I've started to undulate things and listen to my body, I'll have days, right? Mostly vegetables.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Man, I feel fantastic. I wouldn't know that. I always do. I wouldn't have made that connection. Had I not been open I wouldn't know that. I always do. I wouldn't have made it that connection. Had I not been open enough to move things around? It's why vegan people get so crazy too though. It's why they're so passionate about. It's like the time that guy drank like a bunch of water
Starting point is 00:52:54 and hadn't drunk water. Yeah. You know what I feel so great and energetic. It's funny, if you give a regular person that eats a shitty American diet and you give them one of those juices, you know, not fruit them one of those juices, not fruit juice, but vegetable juices.
Starting point is 00:53:07 They're like, wow, I have so much energy. Why did I get so much energy from drinking that? Yeah. So your body was just, they needed those nutrients. Just that same thing. It started to water too. Well, that's such a true story.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Water and, because I was somebody like that, I totally did not get enough water for my, and then when I first, then I had to start tracking, I was like, whoa. And that's mind blowing. Yeah, my energy levels were better better my muscle bellies were filled up more I was like oh my God water is magical and Sally makes it used to make fun of me on the show all the time is if you like that's Adam like fucking water for every water water water water is the answer you did you consider water yeah did you I do it it's it's just another it's just another thing that I I have
Starting point is 00:53:41 learned during my journey and I know there's gonna be somebody else that's like that dude if you've never tracked your water and you don't realize that you're dehydrated most of the time, you'll be blown away and you just stay hydrated. You just bring up a good point. I think I might have brought up this up in the past, but I wonder, and this is speculation, I'm gonna preface this because I don't want you to go try this,
Starting point is 00:53:59 but I wonder if undulating water and take a little bit might have some benefit. Oh, absolutely. I do that must. That's how I get rid of it. So, so what, we're, we're a little bit might have some benefit. Oh, absolutely. I do that must. That's how I get ready. So, so what we're, we're, I mean besides the aesthetic benefit. Well, no, you well, yeah, but there's,
Starting point is 00:54:11 so when this is another resource, you want to get, right? You want to talk about something. Well, when I, every time I got told to do something, like so the guys who I would ask in a lot of, I asked a lot of coaches around here. I have buddies that are coaches for other IFBB pros and stuff and there's some of the most well-known guys.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And, you know, they teach a lot of these, you know, pro science philosophies, right? And you know, the water cutting is one of those. Now there's, there's death once again. There's some science to this, but it's not just as black as black and white as both sides make it look. There's either the anti side, which like Lane Norton, who's like, oh, you know, that's stupid. Why would you ever want to get rid of water? How 60% of your muscle bellies are filled with water and that's important when you're getting
Starting point is 00:54:56 on stage and presenting them. Then you have the other side that says you want to be dry as a bone and you want to pull all that out and you don't want any carbs, water in your system. So there's these different cans. Well, really, there's a little bit of truth above. So you know, you don't want all the subcutaneous water sitting in your system when you're getting up, getting up on to present yourself on stage. So you do want your body to kind of pull that out or dry that out.
Starting point is 00:55:15 But then you also still want water in your muscle belly. So where how do you do this? Well so what I teach people is to push their water up really high to a point, not to where you're going to drown yourself because it takes a ton of water to do that. But for a guy my size, I would get as high as like three gallons of water in a day. That's a lot of water. It's a ton more than anybody needs. And all I'm training my body to do is to get adapted to that much water in its system.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And I'm pushing that through my system. And after a while you're peeing every five seconds and then after that you're peeing every 10 minutes, then your body does start to get to use to it. And it's filtering it at a much faster rate than what it was before you ever did that. Then when it's time for show time, I slowly start to pull that, take the pride of the body
Starting point is 00:56:01 of water, but not to the point where I don't ever give it. Like still going on stage, I'm gonna have a half a gallon to a gallon of water, which is believe it or not, more water than the average person drinks in a day. So the pulling and taking away, I mean, you get a doretic effect from that. Yes, absolutely. Now, I'm wondering if there's a health benefit to it because I would argue that there's got to be, I mean, most I don't think there should be a wide fluctuation because I'm pretty sure humans always try to stay near water at some point, but you's got to be, I mean, most of them. I don't think there should be a wide fluctuation. Some pressure humans always tried to stay near water
Starting point is 00:56:27 at some point, but you've got to imagine that throughout evolution, humans probably went through periods where there was a lot less water and where there was a lot more water. And I'm wondering if the body, if there's some beneficial effects of that, I would like to see some science, if there's any, if you listen, if you're listening, if you're listening, and you hear,
Starting point is 00:56:46 and you know of anything, messages on Instagram, because I'd be interested to see something like that, something I've been thinking about lately, but I don't recommend it, don't underlate. Don't underlate your water, we're talking about calories and macros. Most people aren't drinking enough water to begin with, so. If you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star
Starting point is 00:57:01 ready review on iTunes. If we like a review and we pick it, you'll get a free t-shirt. Also, check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Adam is at Mind Pump Adam, and Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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