Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 473: Full Body Workouts vs. Splits, Identifying Food Intolerances & Embracing Artificial Sweeteners

Episode Date: March 15, 2017

Kimera-Quah! iTunes Reviews! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the advantage of f...ull body workouts over splits, how to identify food intolerances and adopting artificial sweeteners if they were proven to be safe. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey listen if you haven't signed up for mind pumps 30 days of coaching for free yet You might believe you might be crazy. I can't believe it. It's absolutely for free All you got to do is go to mind pump media.com You register and every day you get an email and in this email there are Links to shows links to videos. There's a topic that we cover. So, yeah, so day one may be protein. We're gonna cover protein on that day, and we have episodes that link directly to when we talked about proteins, you can learn more in depth.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Day two may be wellness, meditation, it may be carbohydrates, it may be supplements, it may be resistance training. We cover 30 different topics basically basically, for 30 days. But it's organized at all, specifically there, so it's easy to navigate through. It is, and it's a great thing to share. If you have family or friends that you wanna get into fitness
Starting point is 00:00:54 and they don't know much, and they need more and a way to start, don't know where to start. I mean, it's absolutely for free. We've already had thousands of people sign up for it. People love it. I do it. Go for it. It's at mindpumpmedia.com. It's the 30 days of coaching.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We got 14 reviews, four shirts going out. We got TuneCat, 215. That's out of favorite. TuneCat. Steinmetz, my JCCDS and Arnie Grape. All of you are winners. Send your name, the one I just read, to itunesadminepumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Your shirt size, your shipping address, we'll get mindpumpmedia.com, your shirt size, your shipping address, we'll get that right out to you. Thank you. Congratulations. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, up, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Did I tell you guys what I did yesterday last night?
Starting point is 00:01:45 What? I went to the movies. Oh, you did not go see what I did. We did. You saw fucking 50 shades. Me and Jessica went to go watch 50 shades. Darker. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Is that what? Can I give us the synopsis, please? Worst movie ever. Really? Shit. Cause you saw the first one. It was shit. It was shit.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It was shit. Cause I'm thinking this, this is what I'm thinking. Like, we're gonna go to a movie, we're gonna get horny, we're gonna go home, it's gonna get weird. But if you had your safety right there. Yeah, no. So, but the movie is so bad, it's so horribly done and the main character guy, he's actually a psycho.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Like, in real life of a guy acted like that you'd be like the fuck away You saw the first one right the first one wasn't even as bad and the first one was bad But I does it um is it like a was really team? Does it is it literally as part two or is it like a different story different people? This is how bad it is we left the theater 40 minutes in oh We left I can't on one hand how many times I've done that it's be a pretty bad That has to be the second to his eyes That was fucking tear you walked out on that well that's because I was scary sleep was in Seattle
Starting point is 00:02:49 I was there was mutants like fucking raping people is like what the hell is going on You me out here No that this wasn't bad in that way it was just terribly done. It was a horrible movie. I heard that going into it I was so sure It was so shit. It was so shit. We hung out, what? You and I hung out on what? Saturday?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Friday, right? No, Saturday. Saturday we hung out. And you guys, I was told Katrina, I was like, yeah, ask them if they want to go see Logan. And tell them, oh, we want to go see fucking 50 shades. I'm like, come on, really? So we didn't go to the movies because you guys wanted to go see that. We were.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So he was, I mean, he was too psychotic in this movie like he's super controlling like in the beginning like some paint some artist Did a bunch of portraits over so this pictures of her and this gallery and she goes in there She's like oh my guys like shock like oh you put my pictures up or whatever and then he's like so one person Just bought all the pictures of you and of course who do you think it is? It's the fucking main dude, right? Mm-hmm, and then so she sees him and she's like, did you buy all the pictures? She's like, and this is his answer. Yeah, because I don't like other men gawking at you. Like get the fuck out of you.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Like if a guy said that, if it, you know what I mean? I grew up in like, you're a fucking creator. You could have said something better. Like, I think you're so beautiful. I want to, no, no, no, I don't want other men looking at you. And that theme continues in the movie. I'm just gonna say to you. Then he finds out where she works
Starting point is 00:04:02 and he buys the company she works for, so that she works for him. Like, it's just a weird well now you say now you say that But don't you feel like maybe maybe the person who wrote this probably depicted the character more closely to what they really would have Been like versus how you would have done it since you probably wouldn't have been that type of a creepy guy Wouldn't think like that someone who's a creep probably does think weird like that. I think the person who wrote it This is what I think I think what they're trying to do is depict this dominant, submissive kind of relationship and put it out
Starting point is 00:04:31 until like this is how, you know, he dominates her in a real world too. And people who are really in that world say it's the worst depiction of how that world really works. They say it doesn't represent the reality. I mentioned this before, but the secretary, I think it's an older movie with uh oh yeah good movie jay jill and uh you jill and hauled or his sister what's her name that's not the secretary you getting something
Starting point is 00:04:52 else confused is that what it's called no it's what is secretary yeah I think that's it yeah oh there's another one that there's probably something else you're thinking about yeah yeah something else it is that sort of relationship where like one is like submissive and but it's very playful. It's not like this weird psychotic fucking, you know, slain. I just don't, I just don't, it just, it felt bad like watching it. It's like this guy's a fucking creep. He doesn't act very well.
Starting point is 00:05:17 The movie's made poorly. The poor girl, I don't know, I just didn't, we walked out 40 minutes dude. I haven't done that in forever. Did it like ruin sex for the night too? Or is that oh actually? We don't need to show you what a twisted fuck he is right? It's like he was a terrible movie, but man the sex was great afterwards. Oh God
Starting point is 00:05:37 Hey, I don't need to go and L. Doa was interesting. Yeah, tell us about that. So so check this out I think I was I want to cough all over. You know, we talk about we talk a lot about tension and connectivity and how important it is and we talk about the joints and mobility and the joints and the muscles, but rarely, if ever, do we ever think about the fascia? And, you know, I thought about that. I thought, God, you know, how little attention we focus on or we pay attention to fascia, but fascia is extremely important. By the way, the ligaments and tendons
Starting point is 00:06:08 are considered fascia that made up of the same. Well, you gotta know the reason why we don't is because there's still a lot of unknowns. There's still a lot where not- That's what I thought too. But there's actually quite a bit of knowns. Like, they're okay, wait a second. Now, so before we go into this,
Starting point is 00:06:22 then I gotta challenge you then, because this is, I didn't get a chance to meet the instructor, but in, you know, what we talk about on Mind Pump, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, and with our experience with academia and, you know, people like this is they got, they learned something new, there's, we've, we've, we've evolved in science, we know something, and then they become very dogmatic, and then they sort of speak in certainties about things that we're not certain about. I'm not going there. Things that were not certain about. I'm not even going there. I've studied a lot of fascia. Yeah, no, I'm not even going there. They definitely I don't care what Certification or course you take you're gonna get the impression that it's the be all-end all that's just what happens
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah, okay, so you go to still feel that right? Yeah, if you go to stick it. Okay. Okay. I want to hear your opinion on that if you go to El Dola You go to you know, but you know, Wim Hof, all these different methods, they're gonna come, it's gonna come across as like, this is the Bialindal. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, I made a few connections in my mind myself through listening to these courses, and I did, I mean, I realized like,
Starting point is 00:07:18 fascia is connected, like, from head to toe, your fascia's all connected, in very, in much more direct ways than even muscle is. Like muscle, muscles overlap and stuff, but they have clear insertions in origins whereas fascia is all intertwined. So it's like this big long chain that connects from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet
Starting point is 00:07:39 and act and learning how to activate those lines of fascia and create tension along them with the right central nervous stimulation or the right intention, or with through tension, will create what will cause joints to separate a little bit, will create space in the spine, will change or help promote muscle recruitment patterns. So now that I understood the concept it makes Incredible sense now they have their own patented what they call El Doas which are techniques But I think it's the concept that's really important and I don't think it's brilliant in the sense that it's something like they they invented I think it's brilliant in the sense that
Starting point is 00:08:19 It's one of those things that we all kind of overlook a little bit So this is why I control this pretty much with your own intrinsic way of connecting to that as opposed to like having, because this is where you're trying to get a spinal adjustment or you're trying to get realignment. So you're saying that you've been able to access and control and get this kind of attention response. Well, not only that, but how you position. You position. You have, you at the position.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Very important. You have to position. There are spiral lines of tension that go through with the fascia. And so think of it this way, like. So look at you. We have a stop here right here where you're at, because I'm so glad you did this now,
Starting point is 00:08:55 because I've been waiting for to talk to you about a lot of this stuff, because like I said, I've read a lot about fascia, and I've always been interested in it, and there is. There's to me, there's stuff that we're just not certain about. So do you know that this, this little bit of science and information, this is what, uh, honey has taken to do his FST training. Yeah, but that's stupid. That's exactly this is why I wanted you guys so bad to watch all of his stuff because
Starting point is 00:09:19 he took something and they're not even doing it correctly to get the real benefits of how you need to position the body in order to really elongate. No, because what they're doing, what Eldoa is doing, first of all, fascia is very fibrous and tough. Okay. So when we, if someone says, well, I'm a loose in your fascia with massage, like you're not, you'd have to fucking hurt someone, like severely to do something like that. It's incredibly strong.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But if you use the muscles and movement that are connected to fascia, right, it's all directly connected and you use the muscles to activate so that you create lines of tension throughout the fascia, you can create different decompression areas or areas where there's more compression. And so it's not that different from when we use prime to prime the body and activate certain muscles. It's exactly the same concept. But now what we're doing is rather than just looking at muscle function, we're looking at lines of tension throughout fascia. And so it's just another step. It's another layer. It's another tool. And I'll tell you what, it's fascinating. I
Starting point is 00:10:20 did some of the LDoes myself and I was putting these positions and you can feel with some of these literally from head to toe How you're creating that space. It's really and it's I mean It's and it literally is from head to toe like even your eyeballs Even where you focus your gaze will cause tension within fascia, which then connects all the way down to your feet You know through these different chains and lines of tension So it's really and you can look up by the way there's you can look up, you and lines of tension. So it's really, and you can look up, by the way, there's, you can look up, you know, lines of tension on fascia, they've drawn that up for the last 50 years. You know, Grayson, Adam, you will have that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, so this is, and here's where I, okay, yesterday, after you guys all left, I hung out with some of the Mind Pump guys and fans that were from our forum and listeners that flew over here and drove up from Southern California to come to this. And we talked, I got a chance to share some stuff about Mind Pump and where we're going and business stuff. And then we got into Aldoa. And I got to ask them all, what was your experience like and what did you like? And they were all going around.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Danny was sharing some of the things that he was challenging the teacher with and stuff as far as his theories and what he thinks. So the thing that I was most interested in when I'm excited to hear from them in the future, I asked them to please share with me on our forum your experience as you go to teach this to your clients and you start to apply this because my biggest concern with it this because my biggest concern with it is that there's such specific cues that you have to do to get yourself in these lines of tension and not only that, but each individual will have a more difficult time with each one of those cues. So it's very... Well, so here's what it is.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Okay, so we work with muscle. I would consider us experts on muscle function in the applicable world, right? That's what we do very well. We understand tension and muscles. We understand activation recruitment patterns. So when you do an extra, once you understand, and I'm sure, I don't know if you guys remember this,
Starting point is 00:12:18 but I remember as a trainer, there was a switch at some point where I went from knowing exercises to really understanding muscle function to where I went from knowing exercises to really understanding muscle function to where I can look at any exercise or any movement. And I can see how to get you to use the muscles the way I want to, rather than just knowing the exercise, right? Once you understand the lines of tension with the fascia, that's all you need to know. Like then, once you know the lines of tension, now you know how to turn the body, articulate,
Starting point is 00:12:44 move certain things. So I'll give you an example. If I have a rope, like, you know when you look at a rope, a rope is twisted, right? If we look at just a regular, you know, twine piece of twine or like a legit classic type rope, it's twisted. And if we pull on it in that way, we can pull on it that way. But because of the way it's twisted, we're not unraveling the twine or whatever to give us the... It's twisted in a particular way. If I untwist it or unwind it and then pull, I'm creating different line of tension and it might create more of a direct line of tension.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So that's what you do with the fascia. So for example, if I extend my arm out and my hand is internally rotated, my fascia's twisted one way. If I unwind it and then extend my wrist and bring my fingers back or whatever, now I'm unwinding that fascia and now I'm creating tension in a more direct way. And so once you learn that with the body and how to position your body, now you can create incredible recruitment patterns and central nervous system connections to the muscles that are attached to the fascia that get it to, in case it's as you want.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Now take your trainer brain and shut it off and think like a consumer, and this is what I was trying to talk to these kids about, was I can't wait, I wanna hear from you guys when you apply this on your people, I wanna hear how much of a game changer, this is, right now I know everyone's excited about it, right? But you gotta understand that internal rotation
Starting point is 00:14:11 of the shoulder and anterior pelvic tilt and then internally pronating your foot and internally rotating the femur, okay, listen, okay, listen. You digest that, you see it and it's all of us, light bulb goes off and it's all of us. Lightball goes off and it's like, holy shit, right? But what we know from training so many people is how challenging that is to teach somebody and then for them to connect.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Now some people will. And I asked these guys, right, so we were sitting around and I asked them about, you know, that their experience and a couple of them were like, you know, you did a video on YouTube with Stephanie a while back and Adam, I picked up on the Q's, I could do it. I was like, yeah, that's great. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So you could do that. Now, pay attention to all the clients that you're trying because you guys will train 20 people in the next couple of days. In those 20 people that you teach this to, how many of them actually can articulate what you're trying to get them to do, and really feel a difference. And then also on top of that, now really put the work into apply it
Starting point is 00:15:12 so they see the benefits. Oh, I think this is the first exposure for everybody who was in the class. It's the first time it's gonna be up. It's a process. There's no way. It would be like taking a bunch of... Yeah, I'm interested. I'm very curious.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I'm very curious to hear. If you're taking a bunch of people who don't understand, how to correct the basic patterns that we see forward head and forward shoulder, anterior pelvic cell, posterior pelvic cell. It takes a while before you really understand, I don't find languages completely shift
Starting point is 00:15:41 because you don't wanna make it more relatable and make it more about what you're feeling and you know just like kind of cue them like so yeah I could see I could see them taking that information and then start to sort of formulate their own way of digesting it and then present. And what I like about it is it's all active and what I mean by that is we now know that if you can activate your central nervous system and activate tension the way you want it. It's far more effective, especially in the long term than if you do anything passive. And Eldoa was all active. It was all you creating the intrinsic tension with your body to create these lines of tension or to take advantage of these lines of tension to do what you want.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And that's what I really liked about it. It wasn't like they said, oh, here's your fascia here. So we're going to use it to do what you want. And that's what I really liked about it. It wasn't like they said, oh, here's your fascia here. So we're gonna use your stretch your fascia. You know, I'm gonna manipulate you and put you in this position. It was you doing it yourself and that's where the benefit comes from. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So that being said too, I'm curious to hear your opinion on what I already know he said without even being there. I know he's shit on foam rolling, right? Well, I'll tell you why. And yeah, I wasn't there when I talked about it. I know I know you why. And yeah, I wasn't there when he had to say it. I know I know I wasn't there. I didn't hear what he had to say because.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I guarantee he did though, did he? I think he did. And here's the thing with foam rolling. And we already know this. We've already talked about this with foam rolling. Foam rolling. Somebody who really understand this is why we talked and way back when, I don't know if it was me who brought up
Starting point is 00:17:02 or one of you or whatever, it doesn't matter. We talked about it. It was this, was when you were, when more and more stuff was coming out about fashion, really, really, truly understanding it, we started to realize that, is the foam roll really doing what we think it's doing and it's not? I think the foam roll has benefit. I think the way we explained it was wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:20 So it's not, it's not my old fascia release, we're not breaking up adhesions, We're not loosening up fascia. So if we go from that standpoint, yeah, foam rolling stupid because that's not what it's doing. But we do know for a fact foam rolling will change recruitment patterns. It will alleviate pain in the short term. It does activate no-see receptors in the target area, which will cause pain relief. And I hate to, people think, oh, it's only localized pain relief because of the pressure.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Here's the thing, if I can give you pain relief, you're gonna move differently. Now I can get recruitment patterns that I want. So, sure, the way it was explained before, no. It's not that how it works. However, does foam rolling have a place? Absolutely. That's the tool.
Starting point is 00:18:02 This is the analogy I give it now, is it's like chiropractic work without you actually going and doing the strength training to fix the imbalances. So if you were to just do foam rolling, it's like what people who go for their pain when they get adjustments. When they get adjustments and that's all they do is they get adjustments. And so if because I know there's people that right now they're listening, they're like, oh my god, foam rolling changed my life because I took away so much pain that they're having. The problem was, they don't realize that they're not fixing their issue because they're just, they're getting pain, they're getting relief, they're getting pain, they're getting relief.
Starting point is 00:18:35 The only way of fixes the issue is if it changes, it helps you change the signal that you've either sent or that you're going to send with correctional type exercise. That's it. So we use foam rolling. We prescribe it in maps prime, but the way we do it is we prescribe it in conjunction with the proper movement to actually fix the issue. It's targeted and the way we use it is to. This is part of why. The prime is revolutionary. This is why we were so excited about this was, you know, when you talk about the fashion, what we're learning about that, and like the foam roll and understanding how you would
Starting point is 00:19:08 utilize it as a tool, the importance of priming the body, the importance of fortifying these good patterns. Yeah, yeah. So all these things. So, man, I mean, I just did a post on the forum, you know, I did your guys' favorite maps program. And think we're almost anybody who own prime said prime And then a lot of people of course loved red because red was the the baby, right the original so Prime it this is what prime is all about man This is also just the pinpoint the you know the super loud signal that your body's you know sending and where you're receiving that Super loud signals and I were trying to reroute that signal or dampen it in some way to where you get temporary relief.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And like you said, now you can sort of apply the proper movement process to kind of support that new routed signal. That being said, I think he actually shit on it completely where it doesn't, he thinks he- I guarantee they did. I think he actually shit on it completely where it doesn't it thinks he I guarantee they did I I don't I wasn't there to hear it This is the dogmatic part that I don't like about like I said where you but here's a thing I learned some shit when you're when you're really bought into something and you really know it at at depth It's it's hard to not you know
Starting point is 00:20:20 I mean you almost have to dive in and like be like this is everything To learn it all and then towards the end you said you see people say, oh, that was a great tool And you know what I learned very rarely do you see an instructor who's like super into what they're doing and passion about it Who doesn't you know that's his tool right and so that becomes a tool for everything so if you go if we talked to Which is so bad, dude. That's so bad. You're a teacher, dude. You're a teacher. Shame on you. Shame on you. I know you're defending right now, but I'm like, no.
Starting point is 00:20:48 No, no, I'm not defending. I'm playing. I'm shame on you. I mean, that's to me, like, when you're an educator, if you're in that position, you're already in an authoritative position, right? And on top of that, you're intelligent, right? You're teaching others a subject. Like, I feel like you have this, I mean, I feel like that you should have to be
Starting point is 00:21:06 versed enough to know more than just your own, your own fucking dog. Well, no, I think otherwise you say shit like that. I'm like, come on. I'm pretty sure, you know, most instructors in these realms are probably have a lot of experience in other areas as well. I'm just saying, it's hard like,
Starting point is 00:21:22 if there was a, if there was a, you know, someone teaching, you know, a kin stretch or someone teaching kettlebells, like, if I go up to a kettlebell instructor and say, man, how do I work on my delts? They're going to show me kettlebell shit. People just tend to look at their toolbox, they have their limited tools. But this is what's wrong with the industry. This is back to what's wrong with the industry and why I love what we're doing right now is because It's I always want to caution people whenever we teach something new or we express something like this because there's always going to be a
Starting point is 00:21:52 Wave of people that go try it and then out of that out of that wave of people that go try There's going to be a portion of them that then identify with it and attach themselves to it and then it becomes their Bible Well, and that's the problem. As long as they're open to being integrative with other processes, but there is something to be said about being a specialist in something. And so, him knowing this deep knowledge in this particular subject is important. And so, it may still come across that it's the end all be all,
Starting point is 00:22:22 but as long as there's know, there's different scenarios where, okay, there's an integrative process where Nike can translate and bring this tool into this situation, or, you know, it pairs well with this or X, Y, Z. You just have to be able to bring up, you know, other methods as well, and open to it. I think people like us, we're mavens, right? We get these people, these specialists, and we take, you know, the important stuff, We get these people, these specialists, and we take the important stuff, and we know how to apply it, and we understand how they're doing.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I just find it's one of our responsibilities, always decotion. That's to me, to me, I feel like our responsibility, as we bring specialists on that we are all excited about, that we always remind people and caution people that you will probably hear certain things in there that maybe we don't 100% or agree with or on board with, but a majority of this information is extremely good and beneficial and is going to add a ton of tools to you.
Starting point is 00:23:13 If you're a personal trainer and you want to be a really good trainer, you should definitely take courses that specialize in particular things, El Noah being with the fascia, and how to activate the CNS to get what you want with the fascia, I think it's brilliant. I think it'll put you, especially right now, it'll put you head and shoulders up. A lot of people here. And I know, look, I know trainers who are very good
Starting point is 00:23:39 that I respect very, very well, who've had clients that they've had issues with, where they were able to fix most of their problems, but there's that one issue, that one neck pain, that one piece of've had clients that they've had issues with, where they were able to fix most of their problems, but there's that one issue, that one neck pain, that one piece of back pain, that one whatever, that they just can't seem to iron out, you know, iron out, and the Eldoa fixed it, and it's not because the Eldoa is the answer to everything, it's because it answered the one thing that they weren't looking at, which was fascia. You know, it says that one area that they just didn't know, and now, oh, here we go, we
Starting point is 00:24:03 can address this. Great, great announcement. Boom, absolutely. Absolutely. For sure, right? Is it Bird time? Bring on the bird! We call single-handedly. Come here, I call! Today's call has been brought to you by Kai Maricopi.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buzz without the crash. Click the chimerilink at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpACheckOut for 10% off! It's the motherfucking thru- The Eagle has landed! Our first question is from Brandon Fowler 13. Why is full body done three times a week better
Starting point is 00:24:49 than a split done five times a week? Definitely somebody who's gestuting into us. Yeah, let's be very, very, very clear. For the 100% for the vast majority of you, vast majority. Probably, I would say around 80 to 90% of you, will build muscle and get stronger, faster, more efficiently and effectively, training your entire body doing an entire body type split versus a traditional, bros split or bodybuilder split. For example, very basic full body split would be to work the whole body Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
Starting point is 00:25:26 Versus Monday hit back, you know, Tuesday hit chest, Wednesday hit shoulders, you know, arms on Wednesday, you know, that kind of thing. It studies have improved several studies. Many studies conclusively have proven this. Strength coaches will agree with us across the board. We've seen it as trainers. It just way more. I wanted to kind of, you know, pose a question out there as to why you think like, and this may be, you know, related to this, I'm pretty sure it is like teaching the body how to adapt. Like it's way more efficient to teach the body how to adapt in a full body routine because then you don't easily like go into overintensified exercises for one portion of your body. So versus damage where when you get it into the split routine, it's like chest day, destroy
Starting point is 00:26:15 the fuck out of your chest, right? And you're going to, like, more cases than not, you're going to overdo the volume, you're going to overdo the intensity because that's the focal point for that one. But it's not just what you don't do. It's a lot of it is what you do. Like we completely for some reason. There's a lot, we could say here, bro, I'm glad you picked this question because there's actually a lot of reasons why this is true. We could, we could, for some reasons a long time ago, we forgot that frequency, how often you train up up an area. It's the first word in the fit principle. Yeah, fucking frequency is first.
Starting point is 00:26:46 It's so important, and it's so important for all forms of adaptation. Like if I wanna learn how to fucking dirt bike ride, really, really well, am I gonna learn better doing one day a week of five hours of dirt bike riding? Or am I gonna learn better if I do one hour a day for five days in a row? Like it's just work your brain.
Starting point is 00:27:04 There's only so much your brain can learn. There's only so much information your body can produce. There's only so much stuff. Stop right there, stop right there. Stop right there, because this is a part where people get disconnected. They don't realize that how important the adaptation process of us building muscle is.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So many people identify and have connected to the fucking breaking down rebuilding bullshit. Like that, that's been, I mean, I preached that forever as a trainer. I mean, that's what you used to tell people, right? I mean, I know you guys did too. It was damaged, right? You tear and break down. That's how you used to explain it.
Starting point is 00:27:32 You tear and break down, you eat food, you replenish, you grow, you build muscle. So you say that enough time to people, they read it enough magazines, they hear it all over fucking social media. They think it's the end all be all of building muscle is to break it down and then rebuild it. And in fact, it's the lesser of the two adaptation and actually frequency that that whole concept of actually sending the signal to get the muscle to build and develop that is superior to the breakdown idea. Because both are important, they both are a part of us building muscle, but where I think why it's such an epidemic is that we've been preaching to people for so long, that it's about how much you
Starting point is 00:28:10 break down and what you eat and when you eat it to recover to build, that everyone's just totally forgot all about what we're really doing, which is creating a new adaptation and how does that process work. You're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're teaching your body to learn something number one, but you're, I'll give you some very easy like these are the things that right now guys and girls that do body parts blitz It'll make sense to very very easy number one if you do 15 sets for a body part once a week 15 sets for back on Monday
Starting point is 00:28:39 I can hit my back on Monday Wednesday Friday and do five sets each day I'm doing the same total volume, but I've worked out my back three times this frequent. So boom, right there alone, I've added a new variable that I wasn't doing before. That's number one. Well, explain that, okay, because you do this really well. Explain the importance of that because of how it sends a signal and how that's going to do. We know now for, for fact, that the muscle building signal that you get from lifting weights last for about or peaks around 48 to 72 hours And then it starts to drop and it starts to drop very very quickly
Starting point is 00:29:12 So if I hit my back really hard on Monday I've got this loud muscle building signal, but by date, you know two or three It's sharply drops even though I'm still recovering even though my muscle and I'm recovering, the build muscle signal has dampened radically. And it continues to dampen. But if I hit it now, I find it peaks at 40, it's same at two hours, it starts to drop, boom, I hit it again, and then it starts to drop, boom, I hit it again.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Now I'm at the muscle building signals loud. So that's number one. Same volume, same action, everything's the same, I'm just hitting it three times as often. But now there's some other factors that come into play. If I work out my back on Monday, 15 sets, the first three to five sets are going to be my big, heavy, compound, effective exercises.
Starting point is 00:29:53 After that, I'm kind of fuck, I'm doing cable exercises and squeezing and pumping movements and all these finishing movements because I'm tired, I'm exhausted, my muscles aren't really, they're not going to perform like they did in the beginning of the workout. Well, if I split that up over three workouts, I tend to hit more effective exercises because you'll see people who hit chest, three days a week tend to do the big pressing movements more often than someone who hits chest once a week
Starting point is 00:30:18 who's got all these cable, sideways, hammer strength, press, and all this other weird shit. So that's another big one. Well, here's another one adding to that. Also, imagine, okay, and I use like the, when I, when you split it up, I actually don't split it up in different exercises. I just say, imagine 15 sets of deadlifts for, and, uh, or, you know, on one day or five sets of deadlifts Monday, Wednesday, Friday, right?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Are you going to do 15? Well, exactly. Imagine on set 10 of deadlifting, how fucking gas you are and how much you're pulling. You're not pulling your heaviest weight at red 10, but if you did 5, 5, and 5, all three of those workouts, you could be pulling, you'll feel so much stronger, so much, you'll be able to hit, you're gonna be able to hit the weights harder, get more volume out of the workout. And it opens you up to other variables that you can mess with. For example, if I'm hitting, if I'm doing five, you know, three days a week of, again, we'll focus on back, you're of back. One day may be slow,
Starting point is 00:31:11 controlled, grinding, heavyweight. One day may be a pumping day. Another day may be power. Like, I can do all that effectively on three days. I can't do that all effectively all in one day because I've lost the ability to maximize that. Like, if I did five sets of heavy grinding, by the time I go to my power movement team, I've lost it. I've lost the ability to maximize that. Like if I did five sets of heavy grinding, by the time I go to my power movement, I've lost it. I've lost all that. So all the way around, there really isn't anything
Starting point is 00:31:32 that's, you know what you'll get the benefit from a split. The only benefit you'll get from a split is you'll be able, you'll get better specific muscle endurance. Not general muscle endurance, by the way, because a full body I'll argue will give you better general muscle endurance because you're squatting You're deadlift in your benchbell on the same day But specific like I can get my biceps to handle 15 sets on the one workout a little bit better
Starting point is 00:31:53 I mean if you're on testosterone You know there's there's ways that like this is appealing because you know, you can really just Get into that damage and and it's still challenge it Yes, I was a dad. I still would challenge it and this is why that's and it's still challenging. Because I was a dad. I still would challenge it. And this is why I feel popular though. I think they get away with it. Exactly, that's why.
Starting point is 00:32:11 They get away with it. I mean, I've done both on testosterone and it's far more superior doing a full body. And it's for all those other reasons that's going on. I am telling you right now, if you're listening, this is all you gotta do. And look, worst case scenario, what's the worst thing that can happen?
Starting point is 00:32:29 Worst thing that can happen is you switch to this, you figure out it doesn't work for you to go back. Big fucking deal. I can tell you, just try this, take your total volume for the week, okay? All the sets you do for chest, all the sets you do for back, shoulders, arms, legs, core, whatever, divide it up into three full body workouts. Just do that, I promise you, most of you for back, shoulders, arms, legs, core, whatever. Divide it up into three full body workouts.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Just do that by, I promise you, most of you listening around, blow your fucking mind. After one or two weeks, you'll never go back. Everybody does, hey, everybody. You'll notice strength gains immediately. Most people come back and be like, holy shit, by the end of the week, I was lifting 10 more pounds and I was at the beginning of the week. It's a trip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I always just think of it because, you know, just hammering my legs, like how inefficient I was the whole rest of the week and I would hit my legs early and you're just like, fuck, you're just walking around, like, you're so demotivated to then go, like, lift and just do, like, a regular workouts. Well, this goes part of back to why it drives me crazy, dude, all the beast mode and all the intensity driven shit. Like, I hate that stuff so bad because this is why people struggle with this concept because they don't feel the same way.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Like they've failed from hammering the fuck out of themselves for so many years. So the only people I ever hear that we tell the go full body is they don't get that same fucking I crushed myself after a workout feeling it's different. You know, it's a different feel than that you're you're actually lifting smart now so they they connect with that fucking beast mode so much that that's what they stop doing it because they're like oh I don't feel crushed like I felt when I
Starting point is 00:33:56 hammer a one muscle for fucking one out and I will say this stupid you probably we don't recommend going to failure a lot anyway but if you're doing a full body you definitely shouldn't go to failure because you're going to failure a lot anyway, but if you're doing a full body, you definitely shouldn't go to failure because you're going to failure on your lips, heavy hard lips, three days a week for the same body part. You can start to get issues with connective tissue and your joints and stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Stop two or three reps short of it. That's the only one piece of advice I'll give you. If you do this, just stop about two reps short of failure. But go ahead, take your fucking exercises, split them up over three days. I promise you, most of you listening right now will blow you away. Mark Wolves, best way to ID and intolerance. Oh, he's probably talking about a food intolerance, Doug. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So a food intolerance, so here's the thing, it's still hotly debuted. Debuted? I don't want to debate it. Debated it. I made it myated, I made it my word. It's shaped for word. I know, I did it. It's hotly debated in the medical community as to whether or not intolerances actually exist.
Starting point is 00:34:52 We know what food allergies are, and they're easy to identify. You eat a food, you get an immediate reaction, hives, or you can't breathe, or you throw up, or worse, you know, anaphylactic shock. I mean, that's a very easy thing to identify. And there's particular antibodies that we identify that are connected to that. Now, there's other antibodies that we can identify
Starting point is 00:35:14 that will point to an intolerance. An intolerance is not an immediate strong reaction. In fact, intolerance is tend to take a little while to build up. So the symptoms are harder to identify. For example, I'm working with the client right now who's dealing with acne, skin issues. And that can be a sign of a food intolerance. However, acne's not going to show up on your face immediately after eating the particular food that you're in intolerance to. It can take time.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And if I stop eating that food, my acne's not going to clear up right away. So it could take some time to identify that. It would be more of an allergy if it was immediate, right? Versus intolerance is yeah, like a chronic. So you got to think more in terms of like what you've been eating consistently over and over and over and over. And the only way to really do this, or how I do this with clients is you first you have
Starting point is 00:36:07 to be consistent about what you're eating period. You need to have some sort of structure. So if you really care about digging into this and trying to get to the bottom of what could cause what could be causing inflammation or water retention in you or whatever, you could be there could be lots of signs, you could be headaches, could be sleep related, could be skin related, could be whatever, right? So whatever your thing is that you have, that you think that could be caused by an intolerance,
Starting point is 00:36:31 you first gotta take a snapshot of like, okay, here's all the foods that we're eating. Then I'm gonna tell a client like, okay, we're going to eliminate one thing. We're gonna get rid of that out of your diet, whether it be dairy or whether it be process foods or whether it be artificial sweeteners or something that has been linked to or can cause. Okay, even though we know that.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Does it be common? Yes, it's common, common. Because we're at with all this. And then what I'll do is we'll just eliminate it and then we'll assess. And you wait, yeah, we wait. We wait after a couple of weeks of doing that. And I hear their feedback and they're like,
Starting point is 00:37:01 okay, Adam, I feel just a shitty. I don't know, okay, well that's not it. Go ahead and put that back in. Now we'll take something else out, you know, and you just, Mark's when you reintroduce it that you really see. Yeah, or you're right, yeah. The hard core way to do it,
Starting point is 00:37:11 the real hard core way to do it is to eliminate all the common intolerances all at the same time. And then go off of them for like a month or two and then introduce one for three to four days, five days, seven days, or whatever, and then see what happens and then introduce it. Is that part of the elimination diet?
Starting point is 00:37:25 That's how elimination diet, yeah, yeah, it's a protocol works. There's a test you can buy and take, it's called a pinnacle test, and it's a blood test, and it looks at, I believe, IgG antibodies. I think those are the ones associated with it. Can you get that through Amazon? I'm not sure. And they're kind of expensive.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Now, the problem with the pinnacle test is they're not totally accurate, however, it's way better than a guess You know, I'm saying and I did I did a pinter test and it actually helped me quite a bit when I was identifying mine Food intolerances can change too Just a 24 me go over that at all. No, no, no that you can get on that That's different. Yeah, you and they can change like if I eat lots and lots and lots of food with you know, that, and I develop an intolerance
Starting point is 00:38:07 to it because I'm eating the same food over and over again, and I eliminate it, and it's been a year since I've really had it in my diet and then I reintroduce it, I might not have a tolerance to it and intolerance to it anymore. So here's some of the signs and symptoms you want to look for when it comes to intolerance. Anything autoimmune. So anything that's an autoimmune issue can be linked to some kind of a food intolerance or the food intolerance can make it really, really bad or worse. So skin issues like psoriasis or eczema, asthma,
Starting point is 00:38:47 bowel issues, indigestion, gastro-reflux, constipation, diarrhea. These are all common things that can come from food intolerances. And, once you eliminate these foods, see how those particular things react, but you have to give it some time. That's just one of the other things. I do want to remind people, by the way, I do want to remind people that we have the 30 days of coaching. This is something, in case, especially, we want to remind people, by the way, I do want to remind people that we have the 30 days of coaching. This is something, K, so especially when we're talking about stuff like this, because we do cover some of this
Starting point is 00:39:13 when we get into nutrition. And when you go through the 30 days of coaching, this is absolutely free. So as soon as you go to MindPumpMedia.com, there'll be a pop-up, and it says, free coaching with MindPump, you register for that, and then every day you're gonna get dripped in email and we just we honed in on one topic at a time.
Starting point is 00:39:29 So like protein and then cars and then gut floor and like each day there's a topic with bullet points. And then on top of the bullet points, you're also going to get videos where Irmina, some of the podcast episodes were right where we talking depth about this subject. So I mean definitely go on there, sign up. If you're not signed up already, take advantage of that. It's 30 days free of coaching with us and exactly how we talked about clients.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That's what it helps. Last question. Adam Castro. What happened to Doug? What happened to Doug's voice over? Perfect study. If a perfect study came out that shows artificial sweeteners are perfectly safe
Starting point is 00:40:05 and have no detriment. Would you change the way you eat? Okay, thanks Justin. Would we change the way we eat if artificial sweeteners came out and it showed like irrefutable evidence, perfectly safe, no detriment whatsoever? I wouldn't, and I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yeah, I already know why, and I think we all have the same way. All the foods that are artificially sweetened, what benefit, there's really nothing else they can give me that, I mean, maybe if I want a sweet or something and I don't want sugar and I know it's perfectly safe, I'll have it, but just, there's really no other benefit to those foods, typically.
Starting point is 00:40:37 They're not, they're usually heavily processed or there's no like real nutrient benefit. It's usually a quote unquote, you know, shitty type of food. So I'll pretty much eat the same way I do now. Do I think this is gonna ever happen? No, I think it's super, I don't, I think it's going the other way. Yeah, I think it's super irresponsible to assume that you can consume anything and it has zero effect on you.
Starting point is 00:41:02 You know, I mean, it doesn't do anything to your body. I think that's irresponsible. I think we're finding now with studies. We used to think that sucralose completely, for example, went through your body. Well, now we know. That's not true. Well, actually, some of it gets stored.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I would say, I mean, he even describes like it's, it's safe or has no detriment on the way that you eat, but is it benefiting you? Is it giving you nutrients? that you eat, but is it benefiting you? Is it giving you nutrients? You know, like, is it giving you things that, you know, like, your cells are craving for? Is this part of like, you know, a chemistry that you need to thrive with?
Starting point is 00:41:38 And I just don't see any of that, even with sugar. It's like, it's not one of those things that I'm looking at, like, you know, oh, sweet. That's, that's nutrient dense, you know, that's, you know, that's something I'm seeking out, you know, not so I'm sparingly, you know, even thinking about it. So I, even if it's like he said, right, the study comes out totally not. And the reason why I wouldn't is, so since I've been like in two to eating, I haven't been tracking for quite some time now. The process that, how I do this is, I've made like a list of all these foods
Starting point is 00:42:08 that are beneficial to my body, especially the ones I know I don't get on a like a regular basis, like let's say like bell peppers, you know, I'm trying to target my digestive enzymes, right? So that's something that, so instead of like eliminating or not allowing certain foods, I'm actually targeting foods. So I'm every day I'm trying to go after things in my diet. Now that being said, I still
Starting point is 00:42:29 have things that have artificial sweeteners in there that do. I just don't fool myself to think that it's okay or in whether it is or not. It's not giving me anything good. It's not an ideal thing. I should be consuming. It's not on your list of foods that you're going after. Yeah, I'm most certainly not going after it. I'm most certainly not making a habit that it's always in my diet because it isn't beneficial. So I don't sweat about it if I decide
Starting point is 00:42:53 to have a diet coke one time or hey, I've been out at somewhere for a long time and someone has a quest bar and I open it up and eat it. Like I'm not fucking freaking out or I'm not like that little bitch who's like, oh no, I can't have that. I won't eat that.
Starting point is 00:43:04 No, it's not like that. But what I am not doing either is I'm not like that little bitch who's like, oh no, I can't have that. I won't eat that. No, it's not like that. But what I am not doing either is I'm not fooling myself to think that it's fucking beneficial at all. Well, here's the way I look at it. I don't eat lots of sweets anyway, but if I want one, I'll get one, right? Yeah. Does sweet sweetened with sugar taste better
Starting point is 00:43:21 than sweetened with artificial sweeteners? Right. Yes. Like, there's no fucking competition. with artificial sweeteners. Right. Yes. Like, there's no fucking competition. Like, artificial sweeteners definitely are better than nothing, but they don't compare to real sugar. Sugar just tastes better. So if I'm going to have a sweeten,
Starting point is 00:43:35 since I don't have it all the time, then I'm just going to have it with fucking sugar. Dude, on that note, the argument then is the low calorie. I was just going to say, that's such a, you know what? It's such a good point. Well, that's because they wanted every day. Yeah, exactly. I know. That is say, that's such a, you know what? It's such a good point, so. Well, that's cause they wanted every day. Yeah, exactly. I know.
Starting point is 00:43:47 That is such a good point because, you know what? You should have it with real sugar, and the reason why you should is because you should eat it as much as you can keep it. Keep it in your diet without it of fucking adding a bunch of weight to your body. If you have real sugar, you can have real sugar just fine throughout your day,
Starting point is 00:44:03 or throughout your week, or whatever, and it not make you fat. If it's making you fat, you're probably abusing it. Yeah, if it makes you sick, and if you're eating a shit ton of it, that's a problem, but like, I don't have sweets every day. I just don't. I have them every once in a while. So when I do, I'm not going to be like, ooh, I want something sweet.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I'm going to go for that Splenda flavored fucking cupcake. I'm going to get the real cupcake. Dude, I swear this all comes back from that whole dessert thing, like that concept of dessert, like having to have dessert after a meal. It's like, why am I rewarding myself for eating fucking food? I don't get it. Congratulations, you're a food. Yeah, he did. I get that cupcake. Yeah. Here's some more food. Do you know the truth? I think the reason why we're so passionate about it
Starting point is 00:44:49 because when you've trained so many clients and you've had this discussion sitting with someone privately and you're trying to help them through all this, the reason why we speak so passionately. And I think people think that we demonize artificial sweeteners. Or it's like, no, what I know is that 90 plus percent of the people I've ever sat down and talked to about helping them out with their eating the reason why they do all these things because they want
Starting point is 00:45:12 Them in their diet all this if you have to fight to keep it in there. That's a problem. Yes Get out of here. It just just just admit that you don't want it in your diet and you know It'll show up, but like it's not ideal Yeah, and let it be and let it be a natural thing that checks you don't want it in your diet, and it'll show up, but it's not ideal. And let it be a natural thing that checks you. Don't demonize it. Don't fucking be all weird about it if it happens to come in.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Because what happens is you look at something that's a sweet and you think, instead of it being a treat, like it should be, you think, oh, it's got no sugar because it's hard to fish the sweet. I can have this every day. And then that's what they do. They have it every single day.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah. And the supplement, of course, the supplementary need this. Take advantage of this. They need this. Right, take advantage of this. And listen, I hate to say this, okay, but this is true. There's a massive conflict of interest
Starting point is 00:45:54 when you are a fitness professional or a fitness celebrity or whatever and you're touting how perfectly safe artificial sweeteners aren't how great they are and you sell products sweetened with those things. It's just a huge conflict of interest, and of course they're gonna say that. Why wouldn't they?
Starting point is 00:46:11 Why wouldn't they say? They'd be stupid, because if they have to, because if they didn't, then everybody's going to question, why do you have something? Well, look, all you gotta do is look, mark my words, we got about five years, and you'll start to see this, you already seen it.
Starting point is 00:46:21 We already had lots of people report to us from the Arnold Classic Convention saying, I couldn't believe how many booths for more natural products or products, sweetened naturally versus artificially were coming out. I think that you're gonna see more and more companies do this because consumers are asking for it. They're saying, no, I don't want that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:41 And we got some studies coming out like, the stuff on sucralose and the gut flora and aspartame, you know, and how it affects the brain and certain things, like, as more and more stuff comes out, more of it becomes available because of the internet, you can see less and less people want those in their products, they're gonna want more things that are sweetened naturally.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Well, I think people just don't realize that there is such a thing as healthier foods. And I hate that there's people out there that are realize that there is such a thing as healthier foods. And I hate that there's people out there that are saying that there's no such thing as good food, bad food. Yes, there is such thing as healthier food than other foods. It's a fucking fact. And that's what we know.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And there's still a lot that we don't know. There's still so much we're learning because we have not been able to completely take all the benefits that's inside of a bell pepper or avocado or whatever, and then put it into a wrapper. We haven't. Sure, we can take the macro nutrients and say, oh, the protein. No, we know.
Starting point is 00:47:34 The protein's matching. We've talked about man's called swollen. Yeah, right. It's not anything you need in the powder. It is not the same. There's a reason why that is, and it will forever be that way. Oh, I shouldn't say that because you know what, maybe. Yeah, who knows?
Starting point is 00:47:46 Yeah, who knows? Maybe one day we figure out how to do that, but we're not there yet. Listen, if you like Mind Pump, I believe it's a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like your review and we pick it, you'll get a free Mind Pump T-shirt. Also, go to YouTube, Mind Pump TV,
Starting point is 00:47:59 a new video every single day. Also on Instagram, you can find us at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, add them at Mind Pump Adam and Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased, expert exercise program and designed by Sal, Adam and Justin
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