Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 526: Dangers of Squat Butt Wink, Importance of Sleep, Training Kids & MORE

Episode Date: June 10, 2017

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about encouraging healthy behaviors when... in relationship with a non-fitness person, squatting ass to grass and the dangers of the "Butt Wink," when it is appropriate to start training kids and the importance of sleep. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pomp, for about 20 minutes, we talk about starting a cult. Uh, we also talk about the... It's true, it's true. We also talk about the evolution and value of men and women to society. Yes, we touched that third rail.
Starting point is 00:00:30 After that, we started answering some pretty good questions. The first question we answer is, how do you handle being in a relationship with someone who's not in to fitness and health like you are? How do you dance around that? How do you get them motivated? Then we talk about... I was podcasting very hard. We talk about something...
Starting point is 00:00:47 In this section called Butwink. Is it something you do at a bar when you're trying to get someone's attention or does it happen when you squat? Find out in this episode. Then we talk about training kids. When's it appropriate to start children on fitness routines?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hit those weights kids. Lastly, we talk about the big Zs. How important is sleep? Is it help with fat loss muscle building? Is it important to get adequate sleep or should you stay up all night? All right. And party every single day.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We talk a lot in this episode about correctional exercises and we refer to our Maps Prime program which has a self-assessment tool. We also talk about Maps Anywhere which is our Equipment Free program. You can find those at mindputmedia.com. You can also find our Summer Starter Pack. We have a lot of new listeners coming to us
Starting point is 00:01:38 from some of the interviews we've done on other podcasts. And we decided we wanted to put something together for someone who's just just organized it, make it easy and give you like great structure out of the gates. Give you everything you need. So we included our foundational maps program, which is Maps and Obolic. Then we included Maps Prime, which I just talked about, our Nutrition and Fasting Guide, so you've got that food intake part down. And then we included our Facebook forum, where you can go and ask questions, so you've got that food intake part down. And then we included our Facebook forum,
Starting point is 00:02:07 where you can go and ask questions, you can post videos of your exercise forum for other trainers and other fitness professionals to critique. We've put that all together and discounted almost like 60%. I believe it's almost 60%. So it's pretty awesome. It's all at mindpumpmedia.com. And lastly, Adam talks a lot about brain FM.
Starting point is 00:02:27 This is an app that you sign up for, you can listen to and actually helps put your brain into certain alpha and beta waves, depending on what you wanna be and whether it's meditation, whether it's sleep, or whether you wanna have more focus. Now with minepump, you get one changer. It's huge. With minep Pump, you get one changer. It's huge. With Mind Pump, you get 20% off.
Starting point is 00:02:47 All you gotta do is go to brain.fm-flash-mind-pump. So without any further ado, here we are talking about some cool stuff, including the cults. R.A.S.A.P. Raise us up. Raise it up. We're in your hands, Jesus. Raise us up.
Starting point is 00:03:07 You're gonna start burning here, you're gonna start. Can I just, let's all be all, let's be totally honest. We go. It's a good thing I'm not super religious. It's not a bad thing. I would, I'd be so annoyed with you. You guys joke around about me going to hell, but let's be honest, if I was super religious,
Starting point is 00:03:26 I might have a cult. Yeah, I might have a cult. You balanced this out. Pretty sure you would. Adam would for sure, for sure, be like my fucking, that'd be my dude right there, my right hand man. You know what I mean? You're deacon.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, yeah. And then it, oh would I be? Oh, you'd be the hammer. Okay. Yeah, I'd be like, hey, I'd be like, yeah, yeah, and then it would I be oh you'd be the you'd be the hammer. Okay. Yeah I'd be like hey, I'd be like the enforcer Justin. I want you to go and Fucking crack down on the sinners. Yeah, and the cult. Okay, because some of them are you know, man Some of them are not sleeping with me right? Yeah, like the Inquisition. Yeah, I'm the Inquisitioner You you want to purify your soul? Yeah, like the inquisition. Yeah, I'm the inquisitioner. Like, you want to purify your soul? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It only happens through sex with Sal. Okay. That's horrible. Yeah. I sound like I thought about this, you know? Yeah. I thought about being a cult leader. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:19 God, it's a good page out of David Kuresh. You know, how weird is it though that people will actually do that, they'll actually go into a cult and like do everything that that person. Yeah. Like the crazy shit doesn't start like that, right? It always starts with like, they just like take what's already there and like what people are familiar with. And then they like just get you all comfortable with that.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And then they slowly start introducing these crazy ass ideas. But what is it in the human sight? It makes people do stuff. I'll tell you this. There's a great quote. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. And so what these great cult leaders do
Starting point is 00:04:54 is they do an incredible job. You just said great. Yeah. Well, I mean, if you get a bunch of people to jump off a cliff together just by telling them, I mean, you're pretty good at, you're pretty good at it. My favorite thing, by the way, is when you take a phrase of people to jump off a cliff together just by telling them I mean you're pretty good. You're pretty you know, you're pretty good My favorite thing by the way is when you take a phrase and then you reverse it like like people like use that all the time for
Starting point is 00:05:13 Philosophies and for quotes. What do you mean? Oh, I love those those yeah, philosophical stuff that's like it's like the Langsu Like in is really out to an out to really exactly like you just flip it That's like every fucking quote I've ever heard. Like, oh my God, it's so profound. You just fucking reversed it. Some of them are, some of them are, you're so funny. I love that shit. So yeah, but I mean, when you think about it,
Starting point is 00:05:37 that's what they do is they come in. They win everybody over. It's no different than any cult or any leader like that. Like, and they come in and they win everybody over through showing how much they care about them and how genuine they are and their passion. And so once they then, the real message comes later. I'm saying it's like, let me gather you in,
Starting point is 00:05:58 show you how much I love you and care about you. But now let me tell you what we're gonna do. But I'm going deeper than that. I'm going deeper than that. What is it? You have a wife, she's my wife. But what are you okay? So there's something in our brain. It's the need for affirmation.
Starting point is 00:06:13 But it's the desire for us to get constant affirmation whether you're male, female or what, and some of us need it more than others and that desire. Yeah, but what is it that, because there's cults have happened through all the history? People have done shit that when they step out of it, look back and they go,
Starting point is 00:06:30 what the fuck was I doing? Like all these things, what is it in the human psyche? Why did we evolve to have this susceptibility to just blindly follow shit and do stuff that, like here's my favorite quote, here's my favorite quote of all time. I'm just following orders. Let's think about that for a second. Oh, like, here's my favorite quote. Here's my favorite quote of all time. I'm just following orders.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Let's think about that for a second. Oh, I know. That's a quote. Well, yes. Like, soldiers, like, soldiers. I've said it. Yes. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So a lot of people say some dumb shit. That's up there. Well, no, no, no. Like, you see that you see a cop doing some horrible shit, and they're like, listen, I'm just following orders. Or a soldier killing people, listen I'm just following orders or yeah a soldier killing people and I'm just following orders or you know the people involved with the you know the Nazi regime or the communist parties when they were killing they're just lacking yeah I'm just following orders but but it's almost like excusable like well he was following orders but why like it's so weird it's very and they done this in studies there's there's like so many tests where they'll... Well, you're trying to think of it from an evolutionary stage.
Starting point is 00:07:26 What you're trying to figure out. Just fucking weird. Well, here's the thing. We were just talking about something the other day too that like... I feel you did. We refer back to like, you know, oh, you know, why did the body, why did the body evolve this way? You know, back when we could only get food this that
Starting point is 00:07:39 and there's a lot of good theories on, you know, why the body evolved the way it did when we talk about eating and diet and things like that. But then there's also a lot of culture things and stuff that, and the evolution of technology and societies and that have now influenced and changed our evolution. Like even the fact that like, like the whole closed thing and feeling insecure and like making, like there's so much marketing and advertising that's gone that way, that's totally changed how people need this affirmation all the time that you wouldn't need that, you know, thousands of years ago,
Starting point is 00:08:14 not like you do now because it's in your face like 24-7. So there's some things that I feel like we've recently, in by recent I mean in the last like thousand years, like versus or even a hundred, few hundred years where we've evolved because of, by recent, I mean, in the last like thousand years, like versus, or even a hundred, few hundred years where we've evolved because of, you know, television and magazines and things that you weren't comparing yourself or thinking about others like the way you are. Now, like probably like 500 years ago,
Starting point is 00:08:38 you don't, you never once give a shit about anybody else but your own family, your own tribe or what's right. Right. No, no, no think 100% it's just smaller. It was just a smaller circle, but no, it is hard wired in our brain to fit in. It's hard wired. I mean, one of the easiest, I mean, one of the most common torture ways
Starting point is 00:08:58 of torture humans is to put them in isolation or look at the number one fear that all people have is speaking in public. But do you think they'll never kill you? Do you think that, like, something like the isolation thing is torture for everybody? Or don't you think that some people that's not tortured? I'm sure there's outliers that are out there,
Starting point is 00:09:14 but for the most part, Tommy Bundy was the awesome vibes. Well, yeah, right away, I think, I think of the example of my sister and I, when we were kids, that's how we got, and that was torture for me, because I just need that. But I'm talking about true isolation,
Starting point is 00:09:27 like locked in a cell. Well, it felt like it was prison. When my parents put me in the bedroom and said, you can't go outside and play with my window open, and I could hear all the kids playing outside. That's pretty close to being called. You may as well. You may as well.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You could do it more in cycle-pedia time. Yeah, that's how I feel. I feel like you could just flip it on and say, that's what my sister just said. My sister's like, oh, that's great. It's dull time. That's awesome. You know what I'm saying? So it's fucking three days in a row of doll time.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Of doll time. She wasn't bisted on. Adam had doll time too. Yeah, for sure. You know when you take up the barbie's clothes, they don't have people too far. So no, it's, um, it's just weird to me to look at all that. And like, we really don't, we really don't think for ourselves as much
Starting point is 00:10:07 as we think we do. People just want to be told what to do. That's really what a boy is down to, I think. When people have a leader, they just want to say, tell me what to do and I'll do it. And it's true when you get clients too. How many clients truly want to do it for themselves, like learn and do it and be able to do it on their own? Not very many.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Most of our job is to teach you how to find that. It's, and that's like, there's a lot of responsibility that comes with the tribe leader, right? There's a lot of responsibility that becomes, it is for the leader. It's easier to follow, right? It's easier to follow. Oh, easier.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And, because when you make bad decisions as the leader, it's on you, whereas if you make bad decision or a bad decision or something doesn't go right and you are simply following somebody else, you don't have to take ownership of it. It's like, well, he fucking told us to go there. Are they told me to do that or whatever versus, you know, hey, I made this decision and this is what we all did. So there's a lot more pressure for that. Not a lot of people want that pressure.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah. If you go, if you go all the way back to that. I mean, of course, I know that. It's just, I don't know, it's just weird. We're wired to be that way and how easy it is to manipulate it to get rid of the nature cause that. That's what I want. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Where we wired it to be nature. Well, I think it was both. I think it's both, I think, both always play a role. But we're definitely, there's definitely a lot of why are there advantages, right? There's advantages to creating a tight-knit group that everybody contributes and all that. I think that there's just people that manipulate that process. And
Starting point is 00:11:31 that's just the, you know, certain people will look at that as opportunity to, you know, pull everybody into their own agenda. Well, I'll tell you what, if you look at all the cult leaders, here's something interesting. From my knowledge knowledge the vast majority of them are men, vast majority of cult leaders are men I don't think there's any cult leaders that were women that I can think about let me step up your game yeah you know what that you know I when I wonder where that's from part part of it I think is because I've seen of empathy well I've seen all these stuff and I'm not saying why evil well well be my guess well Well, here's the thing. Yes, part of it definitely the male as matter of fact I watch this this
Starting point is 00:12:10 Sir, if he says I watch this documentary. Yes, but this is how it really happened exactly Here comes the truth yeah If you I just actually watched, not a documentary, a good talk on this. Yesterday it was a philosophy. There's this page I belong to, where I follow on Facebook. I wish I knew the name now.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Everybody's gonna wanna know what it is. But it's about philosophy, and there was a scientist who posted a video, and he was talking about how the male brain The it evolved to be an outlier it evolved to be either exceptional in certain areas or just horrible and others And he showed this chart of how most people who are mentally ill most people who are In prison most people who do these horrible things are man, but on the other side you've got a lot of leaders A lot of you know Nobel Prize winners and all that stuff, which are also many.
Starting point is 00:13:06 So he's talking about this, how the male brain and the male body is disposable. So basically nature takes a lot of chances with the male brain. So in other words, if you have a large population and of men and women, and one at every four women goes off and dies in battle, or one at every two, in some cases this has happened throughout history, where half the men have died because of war, the population doesn't suffer because one man can father 10, 15 children, whereas if half the female population goes off and dies in war, whatever. That's an interesting thing.
Starting point is 00:13:45 The species could die, could die out, because it can't replace itself. So, that's part of it. Part of it's also men are physically stronger and throw human history. That was important too. And so my point is when you look at even modern studies, where they ask men and women, who would they rather have
Starting point is 00:14:03 as a boss, men and women, more women, didn't even men say they'd have a man lead them. So I think that's part of it also. So you combine the fact that most, that more people would rather have a man lead, and this is just objective fact, I'm not being sexist or anything. And also combine that with the fact that men are more likely to be a little psychotic and have narcissists. That makes great.
Starting point is 00:14:27 You got a cool, you got a cool litter. Because if you're in a leadership role like that, you're more likely to go out and get killed, right, in battle or whatever. And at one point, so I don't know if it's hard wire, too, or this was like a smart decision, right? I can just imagine us, you know, thousands of years ago sitting, you know, next, you know, you're in your little tribe and there's, you know, three men and there's three women and the men and women are deciding like, okay, who's gonna go out and hunt where all the fucking lines and Tigers and bears oh my R and who's gonna stay here and stay safe and the women go like, well, we only need one of you to procreate we don't need we don't need all three of you. You know what I'm saying? So it's probably... And the guys are looking at each other like, let's go gamble a little bit and see you
Starting point is 00:15:07 come back and just sleep with their men. Right, exactly. So you're probably like, so it might have been, it might have been women really outsmarting us thousands of years. And convincing us. So that's how we stand. We're better off in that position. And we just got outsmarted, which makes a lot of sense to me because women are just brilliant
Starting point is 00:15:24 and being brave. We've been serlectively harvested. that position and we just got out smart it which makes a lot of sense to me because women are just brilliant and even more than selectively harvested well they interesting they believe that they that these when I think these women were just that smart back then we'll do look at it this way I I have been talking about this for a long time and I don't know if technology will change this but let's just say we don't become machines in the future which I think is going to happen anyway but let's just say it didn't become machines in the future, which I think is going to happen anyway. But let's just say it didn't happen, and we end up evolving. I really think we are entering into the era of female dominance pretty soon, because all the shit that men think about what men look like.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Now, this is all a result of demand, right? I think so. And I think men are getting more feminine in women. Yeah, they don't want the alpha, big musculation. Well, isn't there a group of people that there's a group of people that believe that we're gonna evolve into a homogenous. That's what's called homogenous.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, exactly. Well, and besides that, all the things that many evolve to do, we don't need really anymore. I know, the skills are dead. Yeah, like, you don't need to be a hunter and who cares about, you know, and childbirth isn't dangerous like it used to be and all these other things.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So I wonder, it's pretty interesting, but yeah, it's an interesting. We'll be coming more more useless. But dude, it's, well, that's fucking great. Great. Check this out, like, this is, it's very interesting, like,
Starting point is 00:16:43 and I know part of it is societal, but part of it is also evolutionary. You look at the outliers, you look at the bell curve of the people over here who are, and I hate to say it this way, but let's say you're a detriment to society or have mental issues or more likely to do all these bad things, it's men.
Starting point is 00:17:02 But on the other end, when you have these extreme performances in the sciences and technologies and all those bad things, it's man. But on the other end, when you have these extreme, you know, performances in the sciences and technologies and all those different things, also tends to be dominated by man. Part of that societal part of it is, it's just more experimentated. I think that nature, and this was one of the theories, is that nature just throws more male brains out there and plays those cards because we're disposable,
Starting point is 00:17:23 whereas women are valuable. And again, if you look at how societies kind of treat women, you know, and this is terrible, but they're old cultures and societies when they're treated like property, probably because they are very valuable, whereas guys are like, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:40 half you guys can die and we're all good. It's kind of weird, right? Yeah, I jumped off a cliff. good. It's kind of weird, right? Yeah, I jumped off a cliff. Yeah. It's kind of weird, but you don't see women committing horrible crimes nearly at the rate that men do. It's actually so rare that when a woman kills her kids or does something horrible to her kids, everybody's like, oh my gosh, what just happened?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Doug, are the 10 names up there right now? Oh, we've got 10 female cult leaders. We've never heard of. Interrogate. Yes. Thank you, Doug. And Hamil, 10. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 No idea who that is. No, keep going. Who else? Clementine, Barnabet. Don't know who that is. Keep going. Amy McPherson. I want to read about these.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah, that is very fast. We'll put it, we'll put a link in the show notes for this. This is pretty interesting. Yeah, this is interesting stuff. But did they kill a bunch of people or were they just they just manipulate? Yeah, like just take their money It just made every well fear Coli you probably had you probably did something pretty Yeah, you'd have to do something. Yeah, I don't think you get a cold
Starting point is 00:18:35 Three. Yeah, I don't think you get that unless you do less you kill a bunch of people skill a bunch of shit Get a much I don't necessarily know you you wrap it cold unless there's some, some bad intent there. Yeah, pretty interesting stuff. All right, you'll put this in the show notes for everybody. This will be a good one for people to link and read. We don't have time to read all that, but that looks interesting. I don't know, I love these kind of discussions,
Starting point is 00:18:58 because I like to figure out the wise, you know, certain things happen, whether it's societal and cultural, or whether it's biological or both. I think the more we dive into it and the more we let ourselves talk about the stuff without getting silly about it, the more we understand each other, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:16 Well, you can kind of tap into what we're hardwired to sort of, you know, what makes us like operate and then like how we make decisions accordingly, how we've done it over the years. And I think it's important, people, it's okay to say something maybe evolutionarily hard wired because it doesn't mean that's the way things are going to be. Right, because of all that. You don't have to express it.
Starting point is 00:19:40 We totally do. Genetics. Because we're hard wired to men or hardwired to, you know, men are hardwired to just sleep with, you know, women, all, you know, as many women as they want. But it's not advantageous for families. It's not advantageous for societies. And of course, if it doesn't work with your partner,
Starting point is 00:19:55 so you don't. So we're also hardwired to eat anything that's in front of us. But many of us have evolved past that so we can take care of our health and all these other things. So just understanding that doesn't mean that that's, you know, necessarily what's gonna happen. So, bird time, boom!
Starting point is 00:20:10 Bring on the Coltie Bird. BOOM! Bring on the Coltie Bird! BOOM! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird!
Starting point is 00:20:18 Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! Bring on the Coltie Bird! being brought to you by Kai Maricopi. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buzz without the crash.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Put the Kai Maricopi at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPump and Checkout for 10% off! It's the motherfucking car! The eagle has landed! Quikwa... Our first question is from Jess Hotter. How do you handle being in a relationship with someone who is not as fitness or health-oriented as you are?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Do you try to encourage healthy behaviors or avoid it because you don't want to push anything on them? How do you keep your lifestyle in check with them with regards to social outings without coming off as pretentious or selfish? A lot of, we got to break this up. This is a, this is a, we've talked about it a couple times, but not to this level. Yeah, and it's been a while since we probably addressed it too. I think it's, and I think it's a great topic because being a trainer, I think it was one of the hardest things
Starting point is 00:21:25 that I had to figure out to help clients that had a spouse or partner, significant other that did not work out, did not exercise, did not eat up. We called them crabs. And it's, I'm not sure where that came from. I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:21:42 They're crabs, they're holding you back. Oh, okay. You have to tell the story of where the crab is. Is there a story behind that? Yeah, so. I think you should tell me. Yeah, so it was like, so, um, let's see. If you guys ever watched that show, a little mermaid.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No, no, no, no. That's the best. I mean, that's a great show. The first thing that comes to mind is Sebastian, the crab right now. So I'm wondering what he he did what he did to hold It's the crabbing a fishing boat show, you know, like deadliest catch. Okay. Okay, deadliest match with crabs. Okay, so crabs are there's always like Somebody's like making it to the surface. You know what? I don't even remember the story
Starting point is 00:22:22 Here's a here's a story as I know it. Oh I'll write the show. Here's a story as I know it. Oh, Doug knows. Yeah, so if you put lucky Doug St. John's right here. Because I know like once, always pulling them down when they're trying to get out like the thing, yeah, exactly. It's something about like, like so they could all get out and be free of the net, but they're all like kind of pulling each other back now.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yes, you put a bunch of crabs in a pot. If one is about ready to get out, the others will pull it back into the pot. Okay, thank you. That's what you do. Holy shit, that is a fucking metaphor. That's a great metaphor, Josh. Wow. I know I fucked it up, but sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yeah, that was important. Bro, you just blew my mind right now. Now, but I'm glad you shared that, because you know what it, is that kind of similar to the, what's the butter, the butter in the mouse, the butter in the mouse one and the bowl that has? No, I don't know that one.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I don't know that one. You explain that one. I don't know. That's why it didn't share it. That's what happens. She doesn't have it. She opened it up and you're like, oh shit, I haven't thought this one. Oh, out yet.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I'll give it a bit. I feel like Justin was podcasting really hard right there. I did a good part. Oh my god, I was trying. I was trying so hard. You know what? Oh, she won us for stopping you because it was fucking gold But I'm glad that because I didn't it didn't register for me
Starting point is 00:23:31 I'm like wait is it how is that person to grab it? I don't get cuz they're crappy. I don't know. It's all good It's all good. No, that was money. That's a money analogy. This is it's a what a loaded question You know, it's funny. I had this conversation a conversation. I had just conversation But you've been hanging out at my library a lot lately, dude. I wonder why my mouth did that. But I had this conversation earlier, and it was a joke, like, you know, women, this is a joke, right? Women date men hoping that they're gonna change,
Starting point is 00:23:56 so they look at a guy, and the reason why I said this is I heard a girl say this, or she's like, oh, you know, he's at the gym, and I overheard a conversation, I was laughing so hard, she's like, you know, he lives with his mom right now, you know, he's at the gym and I overheard a conversation, I was laughing so hard. She's like, he lives with his mom right now. But man, he's like really smart. And I know in like five or 10 years, he'll be super successful. And I'm hearing her, it's almost like she's apologizing
Starting point is 00:24:15 but saying he's got lots of potential. Like an investment. Yeah. And I was joking with Jessica about that. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, women tend to like, when they'll date a guy, it's like they're looking at his potential for him to change. So they want him to change whereas a man,
Starting point is 00:24:29 will date a woman and be like, I hope you never change. I hope you always look like this and you're always the same and that's it. So, I mean, all joking aside, I think when you get into a relationship, you need to understand that people, including yourself, change, and you will change. There's no way you're going to be the same person 10 years from now that you're going to
Starting point is 00:24:48 be that you are right now. And that may mean that the person you start dating, you two may have bonded over the fact that you like reading books and going on vacations, you can have great conversation, but maybe 10 years from now you embark on a health and fitness journey. And it becomes a big part of your life because you realize how important it is and you become very passionate about it. Well, maybe your spouse or your boyfriend or your girlfriend doesn't share that with you. Maybe they're not going, they don't have that same realization for themselves, they're doing their own growth. And you have to be okay with that. You have to be okay with that because trying to force what you're finding in your growth on someone else will only cause you problems. It will cause resentment. Now, you
Starting point is 00:25:32 may want to share with them what you're finding. You might want to share with them how good you feel, but share it from a place of love and a true sense of sharing. Not like I'm going to share with my spouse that I've lost 10 pounds, hoping it's gonna motivate them to do the same. And the reason why I say that is the likelihood of you convincing your significant other to start working out through pressure is very low.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And if they do in fact start working out and stuff because of pressure, all you, what you're gonna do is you're gonna start, potentially can cause damage to their self-esteem and they may resent you for that as well and it can cause problems. So my advice is, and I trust me, I have experience in this, is do your thing,
Starting point is 00:26:18 love what you do, respect the person you're with because you know, you love them and you're growing and hopefully they see what you're with because you know you love them and you're growing and hopefully they see what you're doing and they want to join in with you. And that's one of the best ways I've ever found is like, hey, I'm going to be going on a hike, not like do you want to go hike on Saturday, but I've already decided I'm going to go on a hike Saturday morning. You want to come with me so we can spend some time together.
Starting point is 00:26:41 You know, stuff like that. And if they say no, don't get, you know, resentful or angry about it because this, the statistics on married couples where one person loses weight and gets in shape and the other person decides not to, the statistics on that are actually kind of scary. The divorce rate jumps dramatically. I've seen it firsthand.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I've seen where somebody loses 50 pounds and their husband won't lose weight or vice versa. And it's, I mean, in my experience, almost always. There's a lot of factors that I plan to that for sure too, because of that. Because I mean, talk about the insecurities that the one who's not going to have the one that now has this newfound confidence.
Starting point is 00:27:18 They're getting all kinds of attention that you see. There's so many things that I'm playing at. Resentment, like I'm doing it, why can't you? Yeah, so I think there's several, there's multiple people here that I would speak to different, right? So one, I want to write away, because I know this is a, a female that's asking this question. If you're married already, and this is your challenge person,
Starting point is 00:27:37 I don't know if you're just asking this in general or for yourself, my heart goes out to somebody who is married to the man who is not, does not have the same growth, isn't as growth-minded as you are or isn't into health and fitness like you are and you're already married. So talking to that person, I think the advice that Sal just gave is the best advice that you could give to somebody in your shoes. Now, if I'm giving advice to a man who's in the exact same situation, Now, if I'm giving advice to a man who's in the exact same situation, I think it's a little bit easier to get your wife on board. For example, women, I think most men that have been married for a long time or been in
Starting point is 00:28:15 relationship for a long time know that women like that one-on-one or quality time and that and you can use health and exercise as a great tool to create that for each other. So maybe she's not, maybe she's not huge into health and fitness but and you are but she does desire more quality time with you and so going for walks together or taking like a yoga class even though you might not be like a yoga guy or finding things that allow you and her to do together, which is also beneficial health wise, which could be just fucking movement and stretching and hopefully that evolves to exercise and training. But same principles that you don't push that, like Sal said. And then lastly, and I think the most important people to talk to are the ones that aren't married yet that are trying to figure out is this man or woman perfect for me. I
Starting point is 00:29:08 Remember when I first would like put together like you know what I thought was the ideal woman for me and The the list of like oh, you know She got to be like this and she got to have this and it's got to be like this like everybody's done that list Whether they've written it down or they put it mentally right or thought about it. It's like weird science Or you can make a doll and hope that it's gonna turn into fucking. And when I was like, oh, when I was younger, the things that I thought were really important.
Starting point is 00:29:34 You were so hot. We're less important to the things like this. You know, I find that having a partner that is equally health conscious and growth-minded bleeds into this whole topic. So if I may not have a partner who is as fanatical about fitness as I am, but because if she's growth-minded and she's into bettering herself, then it's really easy to get her on board to do the stuff that I want to do that's related to health and fitness. And if that is something that's really, really important to me, then making sure that I'm
Starting point is 00:30:06 dating somebody that has those similar values. So they don't necessarily need to be like, you know, you're talking about three guys that are like, all we fuck and talk about is fitness. So that could probably get really annoying for somebody who's not as excited about it as we are. So how does that relationship work? Well, she doesn't need to be like, my girl has no desire to ever compete. She doesn't like, she's not like hardcore, got to look a certain way or be at a certain body
Starting point is 00:30:31 fat percentage, but what she is is she's extremely growth minded. And she is always about bettering herself. And part of bettering yourself is also taking care of your body and taking care of your health. And so it's really easy to get her on board to do things to the point where she holds me accountable on things that are related to growth in our relationship. So they're just just this last week. And there was a night where I just wanted to veg out. I didn't want to do anything, but you know, sit down and watch like some mindless TV.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And she's like, Hey, we haven't read our book this week. Let's go read our book. I'll never hold us back from growth nor will she. So if one of us suggests us, should suggest it, the other one will never hold the other one back. It's just kind of how our relationship works. And that's important to me. The very next day after that, you know, she got, she had a long day and she wanted to put her feet up and I didn't get a lot of activity that day and I wanted to go out and go for a walk before the night went down. And that's also a great time for her and I to talk
Starting point is 00:31:26 and spend time together. So it was really easy to get her to do that and just like I am, she's not the type that's to hold us back from doing something. So finding a partner, if you're not married, I think it's extremely important. If you think that health and fitness is a major priority for you and growth is a priority for you,
Starting point is 00:31:43 you have to find a partner that is growth-minded in that way and it won't be that hard. It'll be very easy and you'll grow together working on these things and getting better and better over the years. But if you are dating somebody who is not growth-minded, that's where you're gonna have the hardest time. So evaluate that.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Or if you're a wife and your husband is being lazy or whatever, all this stuff, all you gotta do is come up and pat him on the belly. Oh my God. It's gonna do wonders. Yeah, I mean, this is really only a challenge is if you started dating someone and you both were into fitness
Starting point is 00:32:24 and then all of a sudden you got into fitness. That's right, that's where I see the big challenge. If you're looking to start dating someone and you both were into fitness and then all of a sudden you got into fitness. That's where I see the big challenge. If you're looking to start dating someone, I guess that's pretty easy. You know what your passions are. You probably wanna find someone you can connect with on those passions. I mean, but moving forward,
Starting point is 00:32:40 another challenge that I've seen is where two people are passionate about fitness and health and then one of them stops. That's something else I've seen where the couple is together for 10 years and you're talking to one of them, they're like, yeah, he was really into exercise and it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Okay, now. And then all of a sudden, well, to me, go ahead, Josh. Well, you guys have great advice. I mean, it's for sure. But I think it just boils down to communication. I think a lot of times, like, we're afraid and we tiptoe around, like, things that are very, like,
Starting point is 00:33:13 obvious, like, you know, I noticed, like, you're sitting down a lot, like, like, what's going on? Like, you know, I noticed that, like, you don't want to do these activities with me. You're drinking, like, just like call them out, but not in a loving way. You're not like, you're failing. You're doing this, like what's going on?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Like kind of like get further into the conversation of why they don't want to do these types of things. I think to Sal's point that he just said right now, there's a difference between being passionate or motivated to get in shape versus being growth-minded and wanting to better yourself. So, and I think just,
Starting point is 00:33:56 there's some fit people right now on Instagram that are ripped and gotten in shape because they disciplined themselves for eight or 10 weeks and it was, at this time in their life, it was some a goal maybe for them, but it wasn't necessarily like, hey, I'm trying to improve myself or grow, be healthier, be better. It was, I want to get ripped for Vegas in three months. That is different than two people that are genuinely growth-minded and want to be better and and wanna be healthier every day
Starting point is 00:34:26 and get that way. Those people aren't gonna have a hard time. If somebody though, if two couples met, and I see this a lot, especially in the competing world, where we're, you know, a lot of times they gravitate to each other because they know the discipline they're going through to get on stage and the sacrifice and, you know, she'll get me because she knows it's like to weigh out food and carry your food around and make
Starting point is 00:34:48 all the sacrifice. And so we find this connection that we bond, but it's really artificial. It's not real. It's like at that moment, we're just connecting on one very small piece and we might both view what we're currently doing totally different. I may be doing it for the reasons like I did it for, which was business and did get attention for what we're doing right now versus like, oh, this is my end all be all,
Starting point is 00:35:12 or I'm so, I care so much about competing. So, understanding like a goal and fitness is one thing, but understanding being growth is totally, totally different. Actually, what you'll find when people are super, super motivated strictly for just looking a certain way and you know that kind of stuff is what I've often found is when they get into a relationship and they get comfortable, they totally throw fitness out the window, no
Starting point is 00:35:36 longer becomes a part of life and they fluctuate quite a bit and it can cause a lot of problems. But I mean, if you're with someone and you're both very fitness-minded and you start dating that way and then they stop, like, some's, and they did it for the right reasons or whatever, some's wrong, and they might be depressed, they might be anxious, you know, and that may be the problem. I mean, I look at it like, you know, someone who stopped taking showers or stopped getting dressed in the morning, like, something else is going on. Let's talk about this. And really making it about the cosmetic is not a very effective strategy. Like one of the worst things you could do
Starting point is 00:36:10 is tell your spouse, you know, you're not working out and I'm just not as attracted to you. As honest as you may be, even if you have it with good intentions, I promise you, more often than not, they're gonna take that the wrong way. And it's gonna be very hurtful and it's gonna turn into jealousy.
Starting point is 00:36:28 It can turn into possessiveness. It can turn into a whole relationship where you hold these insecurities away from each other. So like one thing I know, like, and that's been tough is like, so even after having kids and stuff, you know, there's a disconnect and there's a disconnect with, you know, it becomes, it becomes a time thing. So there's, like,
Starting point is 00:36:51 there's work there and then there's kids and the focus is more on the kids. And you know, this is where the focus doesn't become, you know, on, on yourself anymore. And so one thing like, and I know, and we can literally see each other's bodies all the time and we kind of discuss it. And it's like, the biggest thing to do is to ask how you can help get them more time. And get them more time to spend on themselves or...
Starting point is 00:37:20 You just want a million points. I'm from every woman listening right now. Yeah, that's very that was very smart So I mean, that's the biggest thing that I found was like the key That's why is though. That's very that's a very wise thing to say. Yeah, that was a hard podcast I was hard Some hard pod And then I think I come in later
Starting point is 00:37:39 With the real knowledge The real no my god that is very, very great advice because I could totally see that being very effective, like someone came up to me and said, hey, look, how can I get you more time so you could do the things you like to do for yourself, rather than you need to go work out. Right. Like, wow, that's way more effective. Just spend more time with yourself.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Well, the strategy to that too in hopes that you do that, that they choose to do that instead of going having popcorn in movies, right? So if they still do that, that they choose to do that instead of going having popcorn in movies, right? So if they still do that, then that's the whole other issue. Right. Well, you can't control people. That's a no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:11 You can't control them like exactly. And you know, you got to let them have that freedom to choose what they want. Obviously, of course, always. But, you know, at the end of the day, if it's anxiety and stress that's causing the person to stop working out and you give them some reprieve, the very first thing they may, if it's anxiety and stress, that's causing the person to stop working out and you give them some reprieve,
Starting point is 00:38:27 the very first thing they may choose is just to alleviate that stress and that might be taken ab. But over time, they may start to choose. Yeah, I like giving subtle things too, that, and I know this isn't, I believe that it takes a little bit of skill and art to do this, and you practice at this,
Starting point is 00:38:43 is you take unflattering photos of them. No, you post them on social media. So I've always come from like the leadership. It's a tactic. Leadership mentality, right? So if I'm trying to lead my partner into health and fitness, I don't want to be pushy just like if I was a boss trying to get all my people to work in the same direction, I'm not going to tell you what to do like a manager would. I'm going to lead, right? So I'm going to show you what a healthy like a manager would I'm going to lead right so I'm gonna show you what a healthy lifestyle Looks like and I'm gonna let my my attitude and my productivity and those things reflect that so you're gonna Find me I'm gonna be happier and I'm gonna feel good and I'm gonna be talking with energy and doing things that
Starting point is 00:39:19 Are gonna make you go like man? Why are you in such a good mood today? And then I'm gonna help connect the dots for them. I was like, huh, man I just and this literally just happened to the night. I was sharing with Katrina, being back on tracking and on it. I already feel the difference in my, my energy already. I feel so much better this week than I did the previous week. I've got the same stress. I got the same bullshit going on in my life, but because my health and fitness kick is, is, is kicked up a notch right now. I feel good and I share that. I share and I don't do it in a way that is like in your face, like I feel so good because I'm
Starting point is 00:39:50 exercising and you're not. It's not like that. It's like, you know, she sees me extra happy or excited. Like, man, I can't believe how much energy you have because you've been going all day long. I was like, man, I just when I'm eating clean and I'm feeling my body with what I need, it's amazing how my body responds to me and talks to me. Yeah. And like, when I'm eating clean and I'm feeling my body with what I need, it's amazing how my body responds to me and talks to me. Yeah, and like, if you share those little, those moments when the opportunity is right, enough of those moments, start to get people curious, like, okay, well, what exactly are you doing? And, you know, what could I do to, to feel that way?
Starting point is 00:40:20 Because it's contagious, because I want to feel happy and I want to look like I have energy and I don't want to be stressed all the time. and if you're showing that through your health and fitness journey, then a lot of times that will bleed over into them and so that those are subtle ways you can do that. Quick interruption by our sponsors you guys lots of people been asking us how they can support the mine pump mafia family. Our first one is our chimera coffee that we love you guys go to chim coffee.com, that's chimeric with a K for 10% off. Don't forget, mind pump at the checkout. We also have our big top beard company.com for 33% off.
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Starting point is 00:41:10 If you go to audibletrial.com forward slash mind pump, and then last, we get lots of people asking about Ben Greenfield CBD supplements. So we hit him up to hook you guys up. You go to getnaturedblend.com forward slash mind pump for that discount. Alien Oxnur says, a friend of mine was critiquing my squat and said, I shouldn't be squatting astagrass because of something called butt wink. He said, it's bad for your back. Can you elaborate on this if this is a thing? Yes, a butt wink is a thing and it could be a bad thing. Now there is a lot of...
Starting point is 00:41:45 There's some debate there, yeah. No, yeah. Well, first we should tell him what butt wink is. Yeah, okay, so I could finish my sentence, I would get to that point. So, no, yes, yes it can be. Yes, it is a real thing, but this is something that is heavily debated
Starting point is 00:42:02 in the fitness community because if there's a lot of different reasons it the fitness community because there's a lot of different reasons it could be happening and there's a lot of people that could look like they have a slight butt wink and it's totally fine and normal. So that's the hard area. Now, this is what I think this is probably one of the biggest advantages that our forum uses, right? That are people that are in our form use is you'll post a video of doing a squat on our forum
Starting point is 00:42:29 and within five minutes, you're gonna have all these professionals critiquing you and giving you advice on what they see happening. And so, you know, getting someone who's a real professional look at your mechanics and advising you versus just some joe, and I don't know who told you if this is a buddy who's a trainer at some local gym,
Starting point is 00:42:48 which I don't know how credible he is or not. But you may have a butt wink. And if it's excessive, it could be, it could be bad for your low back. So there is, there is stuff that you should do leading into a deep squat. So going, and this is where why all these national certifications that we took through our 20s, coming up as trainers,
Starting point is 00:43:10 said squat to 90 degrees. It said squat to 90 degrees, not because that's what's ideal for your joints and you know, going through full-rage emotion, which you hear us preach about all the time, which is good for you and is better for you. They know that majority of people can't squat below 90 without deviations
Starting point is 00:43:27 like a butt wink coming out. So a butt wink is, as you're squatting, your pelvis goes into what's called a posterior pelvic tail. So it literally looks like, if you look at someone squatting from the side. It's a cheating dog. Yeah, it looks like their tailbone starts to tuck a little bit at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Their pelvis is literally rotating, they call posteriorly. Now, here's a little rule of thumb. That's very easy to remember, and you can apply this to any exercise and any movement. Range of motion is not a problem. Ever, unless you are unsupporting. Unless you're relying on your joints and of range of motion for support. In other words, if I extend my arm out completely straight and I lift the weight at arm's length,
Starting point is 00:44:14 like my palm is up and I'm lifting away to palm, if I'm supporting my elbow with my bicep and my forearms and all that stuff, it's okay that I'm at that full range of motion. Now, if I relax my arm and lift and let my elbow joint support that, in other words, the end of range of motion is my joint and my joint is supporting the weight, now we have a problem. This is the same thing with the butt wink. We're taught when you squat that the lumbar spine, the thoracic spine, the cervical spine needs
Starting point is 00:44:45 to be rigid and stuck. This is just always in that neutral position. Yeah, this is, first of all, a squat is a very natural movement. If you go to countries where people sit in squats, everyone has a butt wink. Almost everybody's going to sit in this butt wink position when they're sitting on their haunches, sitting on their feet. It's a totally natural movement. There's nothing wrong with some movement in the lumbar spine. The problem is when people butt wink and it's the result of an imbalance, it's the result
Starting point is 00:45:16 of poor recruitment patterns, and they go into their end of range of motion butt wink. So now what's supporting them is their spine, not the muscles around the spine, but their actual spine. Now, there are anatomical differences between people that may make it impossible to squat without a but wink. Literally, your hip joints may be designed or set up in a certain way to where once you go below a certain position to get more range of motion, there's going to be a little bit of butt wink. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Again, if it's under control and you're not at end of range of motion, you're going to be totally fine. In fact, more people have hurt themselves and I'll make this claim all day long. It's more dangerous as what this will say. It's more dangerous to have a butt wink and a leg press than it is to have a butt wink and a squat. Sure. You are more likely in a leg press
Starting point is 00:46:10 if you do go into butt wink where your hips kind of rotate out to be totally relaxed in that position in the lumbar spine because you're not really using it to begin with, it's all legs, right? You're not supporting any weight in the shoulders. And people tend to let the spine go into end-to-range emotion at the bottom of a leg press. Whereas when you're squatting, it's more, you have more of a tendency, even if you're forced to control it, and your core is having to work
Starting point is 00:46:33 no matter what. That's right. And I've seen a lot of back injuries, a lot of them from light leg presses where people go all the way down, they get the butt wink, the spine is, you know, again, yeah, would you tell somebody to assess that if they have a butt wink? Well, I'll tell you, besides like, knowing that they're losing like muscle tingles. Well, I had a butt wink. So, like, not only can I speak from this mechanically, but I can tell you how you know, and here's the thing, like, I don't like the analogy you gave with the
Starting point is 00:47:00 bicep, because that's a single hinge joint in comparing that to a compound movement like a squat. There's a lot more that's going on than just the keeping support through one. Well, I'm just to just exact. I know, I know, I know, but there's a lot more that could be going on here than just that. And so with, you'll know, because your lower back will be on fire
Starting point is 00:47:21 because the excessive movement of the extension inflection, you'll be working those extender muscles at the very bottom. And what I remember I used to do a set of squats and like by the second set, I was laying on the ground because my low back was on fire just on fire because it's getting this constant extension, extension, extension, extension, and that's that excessive winking back and forth. Now like Sal said, it is true. If everybody sat complete ass to grass, everybody's going to have a natural tuck underneath. That's actually where
Starting point is 00:47:53 the pelvis wants to go. Now, some people will be excessive. Now, you're normally excessive when you already have an anterior pelvic tilt going into that. So, if you already have that lower lardosis going on, and then you go into a deep squat and you haven't prepared, you haven't done the work that you should do to get good control and mobility into that range of motion, you could see an excessive but wink, I'll tell you what, your body will let you know right away. Like you'll, like I said, you'll be like me, you'll feel it on fire. So would you attribute, like when you're going through your mobilizing your hips and reconnecting like more as far as like gaining strength in your hips to contribute to more support going
Starting point is 00:48:34 into your squat? Absolutely. So this being a guy who had it and has completely eliminated it. So I have no low back at those that have been watching my Instagram story or Instagram for the last year or two plus. You've watched a guy who could only get to about 90 degrees when he squats to I can complete astagrass with 300 plus pounds in my back,
Starting point is 00:48:53 no belt completely comfortable and nothing bothered my low back. But that took a ton of work to get there. I didn't just all of a sudden go astagrass. I had to slowly work on all these different factors and that's why I said I didn't just all of a sudden go ask to grass. I had to slowly work on all these different factors because, and that's why I said I didn't like the elbow thing because I had to work on ankle mobility that would contribute to it also. I had to work on my hip mobility. There's my thoracic, so you also want to round the top of your spine when
Starting point is 00:49:19 you get that deep. So there's a lot of other factors that come into play that could be contributing to something like that. And the last thing you want is your thoracic to roll forward, so your upper body to roll forward while you're also weakening underneath. And then you could be in trouble. So it's interesting for me to think about because even like bench pressing or something like that where you know where there's like a disconnect where your body has this sort of tendency to either let the weight drop a little faster and you lose the control in
Starting point is 00:49:52 certain areas because you know you kind of have to hustle through that portion of the rep. I don't know, obviously I don't know if that's the case with everybody with this butt wink because of the way that you know you're predisposed to having the structure of your bones and everything, you're predisposed to certain things. But as far as a muscle tension is concerned, I wonder if people really did put in the work with connecting to their hips better if that would be. Well, a lot of people, too, will try and do the opposite.
Starting point is 00:50:23 So they'll know that they have a butt wink. So they'll stick out together. And so what they do is when they go down they really really tense up their erector spinae to try and and their hip flexors to try and keep their butt out and then they get back problems from that. So what I tell those people is rather than trying to stick your butt out so hard, brace the hell out of your core and stay tight in your hips and you'll probably have, you know, you'll do a little bit better. But it's really important for people to understand that there is no perfect, absolute perfect
Starting point is 00:50:50 looking squat that looks the same for everybody. No. People's, your bones are different lengths, there's different, your joints maybe look, you know, look different, there's different muscle attachments. So really it's the perfect squat for you is where you can squat with good control, good stability, full range of motion, nothing's in the way. You're not getting overstress in any of your joints and that's the bottom line and that's true for any movement. I can't tell you how many times I've been told, don't do this exercise, don't do that movement, it's bad for this, it's bad
Starting point is 00:51:22 for that. And then I learn how to do it properly with good control and I actually get more mobility, you know, better health in my joints than, than, you know, what I used to do when I followed the advice of it has to look a certain way and yeah, absolutely perfect. So a lot of times by the way, people would say butt wink was due to hamstring tightness, which is-
Starting point is 00:51:40 Well, that's bullshit. That's a bunch of bullshit. No, because- Okay, so this is Y and Prime, okay? We have this, we have a compass test, right? And one of the tests, you have to take a stick and you have to hold it there yourself and you have to keep it in three points. The crown of your head, your back of your upper shoulder blades and then your tailbone.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And you got to squat as deep as you can, maintaining that connection. If you can squat, ask to grass and maintain those, that's why we created prime was, so this would be a perfect test for someone like this who's trying to figure out, you know, are you doing a safe squat? If you can maintain those three points and drop your ass all the way down, ask to grass, you're doing good. Now, if you lose those three points because if you have an excessive butt wink, you'll lose one of those points.
Starting point is 00:52:24 So if you lose one of those points going all the way down there, it's not that you should never go asterisks. It means that you haven't done the work you need to do to get to your body to the point to where you can do that. And I think that's the reason why I really wanted this to talk about this question was because we do promote full range of motion. We're all advocates of that. We all talk about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:52:46 But I also do not recommend people going from stay been squatting for, they're 30, 40 years old. They've been squatting down to 90 degrees and whole life and then also because we say, ask to grass the next time they go work out. Actually, we should just define full range of motion. Full range of motion means your fullest range of motion that you can do with good
Starting point is 00:53:06 control and stability and strength. So that may mean your full range of motion is 90 degrees and it also may mean your full range of motion may be asked to grasp. Full range of motion is not the same for everybody. That's the bottom line. So when we say always train in your fullest range of motion, it means literally what you can do with good control, good stability and good strength. If you move outside of that, you are no longer in your full range of motion. It's very isometrics.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I mean, so Dr. Andrew Ospina talks about our body's capacity for 10 to 15% even more range of motion than we currently have. have like our capacity is there if we learn how to train ourselves to connect to that process. Well, and I think that's the message too. I also don't want to send, because I know Sal is saying that like, you know, to your full range, but just because you can only get down to 90, don't just fucking settle for that and stay there either.
Starting point is 00:54:03 No, no, you're just, that's just what you're gonna do. That's the old trainer that I, the way I used to taught teach back in the days was, oh, you know, oh, my client only has good control to nine degrees. So we squat just down to nine degrees. And that's all I do with her for the next two years. And it's like, I wasn't doing that client any real good. What I should have been doing was addressing her mobility to
Starting point is 00:54:20 get her to the point where or him to the point where they can go deeper than 90 and work on their work on their mobility because at that point at that current time she could only get down to 90 degrees which is if you're going to train squats you should train in that safe range of motion but that should also be a flag to you that hey I mean do you want to be in a position to where you can only squat down to 90 degrees and be comfortable I said no you should be able to sit down just like we did when we were toddlers, you should want to do that. And if you can't do that safely, now you put in the work.
Starting point is 00:54:51 This is what Prime is all about. This is why we created this fucking program. And it has a test to actually figure this piece out right here. So if you don't, make sure you do that. And or the forum. The forum is amazing for this, for where you can put up any videos of your exercises, and then the three of us forum is amazing for this, for you can put up your, put up any videos of your exercises and then the three of us are on there every day, critiquing form and
Starting point is 00:55:09 if not us, there's all kinds of other professionals doing the same thing, giving great advice on how to address stuff. Cisco 4158. When is it appropriate to start training kids? Great question. Training kids? Well, first off, kids play. Yeah. Well, that's how they exercise. They play. And they do that as soon as they can move.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Exactly. And I think that's why I wanted to talk about this question too, because you know, it's one thing to call it sort of structured play. So versus just letting kids play and, you know, sit down and play video games. And I think that, you know, physical education has changed quite a bit. And we got away from a lot of like the core sort of movement patterns that like kids should be expressing like hanging and doing monkey bars and crawling patterns and squatting patterns and climbing.
Starting point is 00:56:11 These are all really important things for kids to develop. I feel like that, if anything, that's why there was this emphasis with a lot of the structures that you see with monkey, you know, with monkey bars and, like, you know, playgrounds, like, the ones where it was sort of challenges them a little bit more to figure out, you know, how to move their body, how to, like, get strength when they need it. And just climbing is so good for kids to kind of express. And, you know, gymnastics, obviously, teaches a little bit further about how to develop a lot of these strengths, but I feel like it's crucial even now.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I'm like even more looking into that process with kids. Yeah, I mean, they're asking training, so I'm assuming they may be asking about like weights. Like when is it okay to have kids with a weight? Yeah. If a kid can control a weight, then there's nothing wrong with that. There's a myth that lifting weights will stunts your growth.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah, it'll damage the growth plates and stunts your growth. The amount of weight that a child needs to lift to damage their growth plates is more than they'll ever be able to lift at that age. So don't worry about that at all. And you would be a moron if you're doing less than five repetitions with a kid that's like eight years old. There's no reason for you to be doing that.
Starting point is 00:57:30 No, and I've trained a lot of children and the biggest thing that you train with kids is control. Yeah, they're proprioception is fucking all over the place. Yeah, you give a 10 year old to dumbbell, you tell them to lift it, you know, him or her above their head and it could be very light for them, but you can see that it's wobbling, they wanna drop it. So that ends up what we end up training,
Starting point is 00:57:48 but if a child is into it and enjoys it, and they want to be trained, like structured trained, go for it, then that means they're old enough. They're asking for it. Then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. You gotta train them appropriately. You're not looking to, it's, it's not intensity based at all, so I'm not there to hammer the shit out of some kid with his or her training. I'm there to,
Starting point is 00:58:10 again, give them more control over their body. Teach them the skill of each one of these movements and the meaning and the purpose behind it and, you know, why you need to develop. It's practice. Yeah, it's practice. Maps anywhere dude. Tension movements and body weight man. I mean, I would put, if I, if I was training, like, stuff one for sure. 100% like that's, I would train getting them to go through a program like that that is all body weight, tension, band work. You're not going to do any sort of damage. It's super safe because you're not using any weights.
Starting point is 00:58:39 The only resistance you're really using is bands and your body weight teaches them control proprioception. We have all types of great a great plyometric work in there if they progress up to that. Like that to me is ideal. I'll tell you what though, this is like, I'm glad you picked this question because this was just on my mind.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Last weekend, I'm at Katrina's mom's house and we have the nieces and nephews over. And one of them is my nephew who is 10 years old plays baseball. And he's kind of put on weight, you know, in the last like three years or so. And it's just, you know, it's, they're both his parents don't really pay attention to stuff. They let him eat whatever and he eats a lot of garbage and plays a lot of video games. But he also plays sports. But and he's he started to put on probably I would say 15 pounds or so. Wow. For a 10 year right.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Yeah, right. Overweight, right. But because he's still can play sports, they kind of like they don't they don't really address it, right? Oh, he's just and with you know, a lot of people think when they see their kid like that they they just are like they're going through a growth spurt, right? But I can see it right away that it's not a growth spurt. It's he's over consuming and he's not moving
Starting point is 00:59:45 enough. And what I and I was playing with him and then our little six-year-old and we were sitting down in a squat position and I was showing them to how to be all the way astagrass and then do like a little pistol squat back and forth. And the girl who was six years old was playing around and doing it with me and the and the 10 the 10 year old boy who was a little bit over what could not do it. Not only could he not do it, but when he sat down, asked the grass, his heels were off the ground about two inches and he had to rock all his weight. Just to be sitting all the way down in that full depth squat, he was rolling. So he obviously he didn't understand why he couldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:00:20 He would have kept falling over. I could see it mechanically right away. But it blew my mind to see a kid who actually plays a little bit of sports that's 10 years old could already be losing that actually range of motion because of sitting so much and how little kids are doing those. So what Justin said to me was just hit home
Starting point is 01:00:40 as crawling patterns and monkey bars and the good old shit that we used to do, people don't realize how fucking important that was for us maintaining good posture, good control, good proprioception. Body awareness. Yes, you just learn about your body. It's the odds that your kid today born today is going to have a major chronic disease to.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And the future is high. Very high. It the future is high. Very high. It's actually very high. The odds are that they will. And I'm a huge advocate because you didn't necessarily need to do this about 50 years ago. You know, 50 years ago, you didn't have to have structured activity.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Right. Because that's what kids did. That's all we wanted to get. That's all I wanted to do is go outside and play. Today, I think it's necessary. The fact that public schools are taking P, P out and not having structured exercise and not paying attention to it like they are
Starting point is 01:01:32 with math and science is horrible considering the modern times that we live in because modern times now kids would rather not go outside. They'd rather be inside. It's way more fun being inside today than it is to go outside. So you have to, it has to be in the structure now. It just is, bottom line.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I have kids. You almost have to earn your time, right? To be able to sit down and, because you're not gonna take away, you know, like these video games and being on the computer, being on the phone. Like that's just, I mean, that's not gonna, that's not gonna solve the issue.
Starting point is 01:02:05 It's about how do we now adapt to this new environment and how do we set them up for success with it? How do you guys do that as parents right now? I'm curious about it, because I think being a guy who's not a parent, I think, oh, if I had kids that were like, I watched my little brother who took him to the school. Oh, they earned time with it.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Is that how you do it? I would probably make them do things that were active in order to be able to sit down and sit in front of the computer. It's a very small window They get but I mean they get it most effective thing I've done period hands down is to do something with them because I find it Super not effective to God. That's got to be so fucking hard though for a lot of parents right? We already have parents that are our age and we have a wrestle time, play time. That are, they're struggling to get themselves in shape to stay active. Then you have kids that are dealing with this technology and video gaming world and VR now.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Kids are a reflection of their parents, but online and that's a hard thing for people to swallow because they see their kids with the trouble and they're like, well, I tell them to do this, or I tell them it's like, they are a reflection. Well, and the scary part is if you're a parent right now, and you know, you're guilty already of the bad eating habits and lack of exercise,
Starting point is 01:03:12 you don't realize, I guess, you know, think about it this way, if you struggle with it right now, and you don't aren't motivated to do a lot of the exercises or eat better, and it's already challenging for you to stay healthy or to keep the weight off or whatever, maybe, imagine what you're setting your child up for because he or she has way more obstacles than you had as a child.
Starting point is 01:03:38 You did so many things that you probably don't even realize as a child that were so beneficial to your overall, structure, your skeletal structure, your muscular structure, and then your nutritional habits that this kid that's growing up now in this generation, those are all against him. And it's all during these formidable years where the brain is developing and the body is,
Starting point is 01:03:57 you know, it's developing in ways that some of them are reversible, but some of them aren't so much, especially with the brain, but I of them aren't so much, especially with the brain. But I would like to see schools treat activity the same way they treat mathematician, math and science. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Like, structured where they place money and time into it, where children are, they have, like, like, there, you wouldn't have a science teacher who doesn't know science that well in schools. It just would never happen. But you've got PE teachers that don't know shit about mobility, flexibility, because we just don't consider it important. But I'm telling you right now, it's as important,
Starting point is 01:04:34 if not more important, because the odds that your kid is going to have chronic disease in the future is quite high. Diabetes and obesity related diseases are the majority. Children are getting it now, but as obese children or as unhealthy children grow up, the odds become the majority. I think they need to spend time and money on it.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Like, have these kids, like, what's one of the periods? Where it's exercise, it's flexibility, it's mobility. Where, and the problem is that we've got this generation of parents that are just pussy's because they're afraid that their kid is not gonna be good at sports or not gonna be good at activity. Well, it's the same thing with academics, some fucking kids don't do math very well.
Starting point is 01:05:15 And what do we do? We spend time on helping them work on the things that they need to work on. And the same thing needs to be done with fitness today, especially today, because it just doesn't happen. I feel like we just need to evolve the damn subjects they have now. Instead of science being all about fucking rocks and the fucking elements and shit like
Starting point is 01:05:35 that and the periodic table, maybe actually teaching them a little bit about macro nutrients and how they affect the body and spending more of the time about that. And maybe in English class, instead of reading about these old Shakespeare things, maybe we're spending a little bit more time teaching them how to actually communicate English. Communicate English back and forth to each other. I mean, so- So- Has defended me. Well, I just feel like the subjects are there.
Starting point is 01:05:56 We just tend to, what we've been teaching for so many fucking years is so ridiculous. It's like there's so many more practical things that these kids need to know now. Oh my God, how about learning at a balanced checkbook or how a car loan works or, you know, how to bank. Like shit like this is like when you get out of school, you're like, what the food? Right. And that's, and so that's my credit card's good. That's math, right? But maybe you spend more time in math talking about those real practical things, which, you know, I remember little bits of that in there, but not enough. Not as much emphasis should have been, or not enough was placed on that with all the amount
Starting point is 01:06:28 of time that you spend as an adult, having to understand all those things. All right, kids, chapter four of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia Bodybuilding. Please bring out your packets. We're gonna discuss biceps. Debiceps. Oh, Doug.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Our next question is from Kingri 18. How important is sleep sleep this guy is asking the question because the average is four hours on work nights and six hours on weekends well I would argue that the quality is more important than the actual time well first off how important a sleep it's one of the essential yeah things that you need for survival it's up up there with food, water, and shelter. We're all the magic happens. I mean, so lack of sleep is so detrimental to your health that you can literally die if you can't sleep enough.
Starting point is 01:07:18 This is a fact. If you stayed up enough and they kept you up and they did some pretty horrible experiments in the communist Soviet Union on this particular subject and people died and went crazy and actually died as a result of lack of sleep. It's extremely important to get adequate sleep. Now this doesn't mean, and I want to be clear as well, individual sleep requirements can vary. They can vary quite a bit. So someone might, and the average studies show that the average person needs around eight hours of sleep. But if you're more stressed out or more fatigued or maybe you're fighting an illness, you probably need more. If everything's on point, you feel great or whatever, you may be okay with a little less. Some people naturally need a little less sleep than other people, so these are just rough numbers.
Starting point is 01:08:08 But they just actually completed a study. In fact, let me see if I can find it. Pretty wild. The study showed that sleep deprivation actually causes the brain to start what they put in quotations eating itself. So there are things called in the brain called astrocytes that clean out worn out cells in the breeze and they found that they were far more active when animals were deprived of sleep. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It sounds to me, and this is all hypothetical or theoretical, but it sounds
Starting point is 01:08:45 to me like it's a pruning process of the brain, the same way the body does it to your liver or your organs when you fast. However, if you stay too long in the hat, it becomes detrimental. It's like damaging your body when you exercise. I think a little sleep deprivation here and there might be a good thing, but overall, sleep is so important. It would be like skipping drinking water or not eating for a long period of time. It's very, very bad.
Starting point is 01:09:13 One more thing I want to add to this is if you want to optimize your sleep, the science is now becoming pretty conclusive that you're better off following the sun. So it's better to get eight hours of sleep going to bed early and waking up early than it is going to bed early. You have that circadian rhythm sort of built in. Yeah, so you kind of go to bed after the sun sets and then wake up when the sun rises versus, you know, even if you still get eight hours but you sleep during the day and you work a night shift type of deal.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Oh, the night shift, it's so interesting because my wife worked the night shift the first two years. We were married and just, I mean, her skin, like, just the way she, like, she looks so unhealthy and felt so unhealthy. And meanwhile, keeping the same nutritional habits and exercise, everything consistent, but just looked like a zombie. We, I mean, again, it all goes back to evolution. Humans evolved for the most part without electricity. We are not, we're super vulnerable at night,
Starting point is 01:10:13 so humans are terrible with our site in the evening. And site is our most dominant sense, so we've got two eyes that observed very well. At nighttime, we can't see shit, but animals can see very, very well. So we can't see shit but animals can see very very well So we didn't go outside at night that much because we would probably get killed by nocturnal animals like Like lions and all that kind of shit. So It was very very likely that when the sun rose
Starting point is 01:10:37 We went out and when the sun set everybody went in for shelter and Fell asleep and that was just how our bodies worked. It's why we get jet lag and why jet lag is so, I mean, every time we travel, even if it's like three hours, I don't feel like myself for at least a couple days. Yeah, I agree. Awesome. This is a great example of how I use or I recommend like some of the biohacking tools that we see or come across or we've tried. So this is a person who, here's a blue blocker situation. Yeah, that's true. There's three biohacks that I would recommend to this person.
Starting point is 01:11:12 One, the blue blockers, two, the float tank, three brain FM, no brainers. So do it, and this is where, like, I feel like, where my pump is really different about stuff and, oh, I were very careful about careful about how we talk about things and push things like, I don't think that blue blocker glasses are going to change it for a majority of people. If you're getting plenty of sleep and you have no problem with that, then I don't think it's just game changer for someone.
Starting point is 01:11:36 But if you're somebody who lacks sleep has a hard time for your brain settling down at night, brain FM and like blue blocker glasses, game changer, you wanna talk about float tank? Did you know that, talk about studies? Study came out to show that one hour of float tank is equivalent to four hours of REM. So REM sleep is when we get the,
Starting point is 01:11:55 is the most recuperative time for our- Now do you know what parameters are using to compare the two? Well, you know that it's gonna be, you know, even there's one, there must be a parameter like, in terms of this particular thing, because it can't be equivalent across the board. Of course, because everybody is different.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Like, yeah, but even if it's off by 50%, or 80%, the fact that you could lay in a float tank... And get some of the benefits. And get some of the benefits that you get from REM, because REM typically takes us about two hours for the average person to get into that, that you could jump right into that right away, which is also the benefits that Brain FM gives. So Brain FM does the same thing.
Starting point is 01:12:30 You dive into a deeper, more recuperative sleep at a faster rate by using tools like this. This is some, and I'm somebody who can lack in sleep, and I'm somebody who sometimes gets it. And like Sal was saying, like, I think it is advantageous for us to have that stress every once in a while, but if I feel like I'm been neglecting sleep or if this person, if I've had weeks on week where I'm only getting four hours, sure your body may be adapted to that and you're okay with it.
Starting point is 01:12:59 But if I recognize that I'm only getting that, I might be using some of these tools to take advantage. Like that person I think is going to benefit from brain FM more than the average person. I think that person is going to benefit from the float tank more than any person. If there was anybody that I would throw the blue blockers on at nighttime as soon as the lights go or as soon as the sun goes down, I throw those shades on, you're that person. Yeah, and here's something that's really easy. Just make a routine.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Like, part of the reason why blue blockers and all that stuff help, my opinion is it's a routine. Like, I'm getting myself prepared for bed. So I have clients that I'll tell them, hey, an hour before bed, turn off all electronics, and light candles in your house. You don't have to go to bed, but just do that. And just doing the routine of it and getting ready for bed, rather than, you know, you're, you're go, go, go, go, and
Starting point is 01:13:48 then boom, I'm going to try and go to sleep now. Like that's a hard transition, man. You know, there's no step towards, you know, the sleep part. It's all go, go, go, jump in bed. One of the reasons why it's hard for people to go to bed, go to sleep after an intense session of exercise. You ever do that? You guys ever do that? Where you work out really, really hard, and then try to go right to bed. It's so ramped up. You just can't.
Starting point is 01:14:10 So make a little sleep routine. That can help quite a bit. But yeah, you need to prioritize your sleep and figure out a way. If you're sleeping four hours a night on work nights, try and figure something out, either try and take a nap in the midday or figure out how you can get more sleep because-
Starting point is 01:14:30 You are- Right, FM, bro. Yeah, you are increasing your risk of all chronic diseases. Everything from heart disease to cancer. Yeah, I feel free to do that. That's terrible. That's bad.
Starting point is 01:14:40 And I'll tell you something right now, 99% of the stress that new parents get when they have a baby is lack of sleep. That will make you want to kill each other. We did, we did, you know, for this person to, I don't know how long they've been a listener for, go back to our Sean Stevenson interview where he author of Sleep Smarter because into more of the hormones. Yeah, we he dropped some really good knowledge in that episode. It was way back when, but so if you just search the mind pump log for Sean Stephenson's interview, you'll see that one. That was really good.
Starting point is 01:15:10 But I tell you what, so Brain FM Man has been a game changer for me. I'm somebody who also could struggle with the sleep thing. Everything from what Sal is saying to meditating in the middle of the day to getting quicker into your REM sleep at night time and a deeper sleep. That episode that we interviewed those guys, they get into that into more details. Those are two really good episodes in regards to the importance of sleep and the strategies around that, but those have been game changes for me. Excellent. I believe we cover sleep as one of our topics in our 30 days of coaching.
Starting point is 01:15:41 We talk about wellness, we talk about food intake, protein, carbohydrates, fats, we talk about resistance training, definitely recovery. It's free. It's free information. It's packed full of information. The way you get it is you go to MindPumpMedia.com and you enroll. Also, if you want more help with your exercise technique, more help with your wellness journey and you're a visual person, you wanna watch us demonstrate in teach exercises and you wanna watch some of the brightest professionals and fitness and I'm not talking about us. I'm talking about some of the people
Starting point is 01:16:11 that we've actually had on our YouTube channel demonstrating things, go to MindPumpTV on YouTube. It's again, full of incredible information that we don't cover in our podcast. Lastly, if you wanna ask us a question that we answer on these episodes, the place to do it is Instagram. Our page is Mind Pump Media.
Starting point is 01:16:32 We also have personal pages. Mind is Mind Pump Sal, Adam is Mind Pump Adam, and Justin is Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPuntMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ball, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks feels and performs With detailed workout nutrients and over 200 videos the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own Personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price the RGB Superbundle has a 4 30-day money back guarantee And you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:17:41 support and until next time this is Mindbomb.

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