Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 551: Body Weight Set Point, Importance of Proper Food Combining, Birth Control's Affect on Muscle Gain & MORE

Episode Date: July 14, 2017

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Big Top Beard Company (bigtopbeardcompany.com, code "mindpump" for 33% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about food combinations for optimizing ...digestion, absorption, assimilation and elimination, juicing, the weight set point and oral contraceptives and lower blood levels of natural anabolic hormones. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your a friend with the person sitting next to him. This kid was super annoying, but he was a good kid too and Justin had a good time with him. We talk about how we use brain FM when we're on planes in turbulence and about the time I puked on the plane. And then we talk about Justin's poop rainbow. Shitty rainbow. If you wanna know if that's all about, you gotta listen in. Lastly, we talk about my altercation
Starting point is 00:00:52 with a homeless person in France. Then we get into the questions. We talk about the science or lack of science behind food combinations for optimizing things like digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination. In other words, combining starches with fats and proteins with carbs and all this other stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Then we talk about juicing, vegetable and fruit juicing, the pros and the cons. Not juicing like steroid juicing. Then we cover weight set point and the theory behind it. Do you have a natural weight set point that your body just wants to hover around? Find out in this episode. Lastly, we talk about birth control and how it may be counterproductive to building muscle for some people and how it may actually help other people build muscle. All in this episode of Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Finally, Maps Prime Pro. It's out now. Get out. It is our newest program. If you want to learn all about it, go to mindpumpmedia.com. Let's get to the root and check it out. Adam, I'm on like Donkey Kong.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Adam, do you sometimes feel like we're babysitting Justin? Most of the time, like we're babysitting. We go on our trips and we're like taking a kid with us. Yeah. Hey, behave son. Yeah. The hell, man. I like to play.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Remember that kid he became friends with on the airplane? Mm-hmm. I do remember that. That weird kid. I wish we could show that video without me looking like a total asshole. We can't because he's young. Hold on, he's probably like 15.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Nah, yeah, maybe like 16, 17, 18. That has kid, this kid, we run a plane, this kid sitting next to Justin, and he's just, and we're all fucking tired, dude. It's the way we're tired. We all have over it. I did not want to sit next to anybody. We literally, like before the plane took off,
Starting point is 00:02:43 we're waiting in the airport, and all of us are downloading Brain FM sleep, like music, like this is the, we're all gonna fall asleep on the plane. Which by the way, I'll tell you right now, is magical for plane rides, dude. Oh, I have to do that, I mean. The, the, especially the last one of Tampa,
Starting point is 00:02:59 where I had to fly, but for five and a half hours, between two people, like if it was not for that app, I swear to God, dude. I've been, I mean, you sleep with your mouth open, which is dangerous around people like Justin. So anyway, he, you know, so we're all like, oh, we're also tired, we sit down.
Starting point is 00:03:18 We're like, oh man. You guys were all together, I was like, we got myself. Yeah, we got A, we all had the A boarding, like we got to board on first, so we're like, fuck, this is great, we get to pick our seats. We all sit down, we're like, I myself. Yeah, we got A, we all had the A boarding, like we got to board on first, so we're like, fuck, this is great, we get to pick our seats. We all sit down, we're like, put on our headphones,
Starting point is 00:03:29 everybody's like, ready to go to sleep, and Justin made the mistake of taking a little too long to put his headphones on. And then put my headphones on just yet. Yeah, so he's like reading his magazine and stuff, and then on comes the fucking classroom of kids. We got, I don't know where they came from. Like, like somewhere in Ecuador or something.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Like somewhere South America. And they were all these really smart, and I know this because the whole plane ride, they were all talking, but they were really smart kids, they were all just weird. They're all, maybe because they were so smart, you know what I mean? They're all so socially awkward. And the fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Like, why high school, what would you say? Yeah, high school. Yeah, high school. Yeah. And what I noticed was like None of the kids all of them were a little weird. They're all cool great kids No, they weren't like bad kids, but they're all a little different. Yeah, great listening to you try to be PC right now No, it's fun. I'm not even look all delicious. They were a bunch of fucking weirdos Do they were a bunch of
Starting point is 00:04:21 But they weren't bad like they weren't kids. I'd be like these kids They were a bunch of fucking news, but they weren't bad like they weren't kids. I'd be like, oh, they're like these kids They were fun. They just bunched nerds. But anyway, but they were off But I know why cuz I identify with them anyway, so they're coming on the plane and there's one kid that none of the other kids on the sit next to Remember so he was Asian kid. He was looking around like he's looking to look in and like there's no seats He's like and the teachers like find a seat dude. Yeah, he where am I going? It sits in the middle seat right next to me. And the only seat available was right next to Justin. So he sits down next to Justin. And you can tell the other kids and want to sit with him for a reason. Yeah. So he sits next to Justin. And
Starting point is 00:04:56 he just starts talking to you. And he doesn't stop. He won't shut up. He does. He's telling you stories about what they did and where he went and what he likes to eat And fucking let's talk about math and science like all over the place So so and then there was like a like a second like me and Adam are in the front. You know, we're just Dying because Justin's being very nice and he's engaging with the kid and he's talking and it's just you know Justin's tired Because you hear so we're all exhausted as fucks. Justin's answers become one like word.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You know what I mean? Yes, no, baby. Because you can tell. He's at top, right? So then Adam turns around. Tell him about your pet shark. I was like, oh my God, here we go. Because the kid I was like, I'm gonna play along.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Because he's the kid finally got time. Yeah, I guess he finally got the clue. Like I feel like 40 minutes. He realized it was right when he started to speak. He got to stop talking a little bit and Adam turns around and goes, Hey Justin, you should tell about your pet shark. Yeah, so I go into the elaborate detail
Starting point is 00:05:55 about this shark that I have this special tank for and all stuff and he's like, whoa, that's so awesome. And then he was like, and then I jumped in and I said something to him. Some of them me being a black belt. Oh yeah. And like, ween Chong. I'm like, hey, John, am I just,
Starting point is 00:06:09 and were you able to bring your katana on the plane? The one that you, you know, you studied with, it's like, no, I had to pack it. And so the kids keeps asking more questions. He was getting more and more. Oh, dude, it was great. That's like when I was, I was like, this crazy like evil villain like mastermind.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Well, the worst thing though was me and Adam and the front were just dying of the stories that he's telling you, but then we're laughing cause then you realize we're laughing. And so then you start telling shit, like you're making things, oh, I was trying to make you guys laugh. Well at that point it's like you just own it, right?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Cause you're like, okay I'm not getting out of this conversation, I may as well have fun with it. I'm just like, I kept getting more ridiculous thinking that he'd be like, oh, you're just bullshit. You didn't believe in me. Like everything I said, I was like, wow, this kid. So go all the way. You ride your shark and you're like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:52 you have to train him that way. I mean, of course. So we're dying of laughter. Well, the other kids and the other seats, one of them looks at us, me and Adam just laughing. And he goes, God, isn't he annoying? And I felt bad immediately. I'm like, no, he's great
Starting point is 00:07:05 I love I love his stories and we went back to laughing. Yeah, so I didn't know I didn't pick up on that Yeah, you I think one of the kids was punking them one of the kids. Oh fuck that kid exactly So that's when that's when we all like then we all start talking on that we good time But I'm leather bearer that kid. Yeah exactly. No, I mean, you know, you're Justin, you're like the, you're a great person around kids. You know what I mean? Well, I've had training, so. Yeah. You know, I told you that we used the brain FM
Starting point is 00:07:32 like the sleep mode on there. So I actually did a meditation one time. This was pretty cool. On the plane. Yeah, I was one of our shorter flights. I don't know if this was Seattle or LA. I'll tell you, remind me to tell you how I used meditation on the flight once.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Oh, did you really? Oh, yeah, but you go ahead first So so I I knew it was a short flight. I was like, oh, this is only gonna be like an hour or whatever I'm like I'm not gonna get like a deep sleep on this so I put it on meditation And I thought well I'm gonna and I had people on both sides of me so I was like another one of those situations where I'm not very Comparable right I'm just those Southwest fucking chairs are not made for six-foot-three dudes, you know, so it's not at all. Not made for anybody. So, I literally put, I put brain FM meditation in, sat up, postured up, and like started doing like breathing and core exercises sitting. Dude,
Starting point is 00:08:21 it was the most calming, awesome plane ride literally ever was doing that. And I in the middle seat. Yes. I sat up. I I postured up right activated my core, concentrated on these real deep breaths. Had the meditation playing in my ears. That flight went by so fast. And my body when I got up out of it felt so amazing. I was like, I've never got up out of a plane ride before and felt like that. So I always use meditation first on the plane. And then if we have time, then I'll put on the nap one or whatever. But the one time when the meditation came in handy, where were we when we took that small ass shitty plane? And it was from Spokane to Seattle.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Was that what it was? Yeah. It was like one of those pond jumper planes where you get outside. It was like 15 seats on the ground. That was one of the worst turbulence. That was one of the worst turbulence. I've never been on a lot of flights. That was one of the worst I've ever been on. I have, can I just be honest with you guys? You dropped like a hundred feet just a blow.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Can I just be honest with you guys? I had major anxiety. Like for, like I've never had anxiety like that. I thought, and I knew logically, like we're not gonna die, but it was so dramatic, the turbulence where, if you didn't have your seat belt on, you get thrown out of your chair,
Starting point is 00:09:30 that's how bad it was. Yeah. It was like, whoa. It was like going on a ride at Disneyland. And you hear everybody in the plane go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. There's a fucking lady crying right behind me. She was literally crying because of the lady.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Come on, lady, hold together. I get airstick really easily. So I'm late with my head back. I got literally crying because I totally hold together. I get air sick really easily. So I'm late with my head back. I got meditation in my head, hell allowed. And I have my eyes closed. If I open my eyes and my puke. And it was like that for the whole fucking flight. That was horrible.
Starting point is 00:09:55 You know, when it gets bad like that, I have this little thing that I replay in my head that a client said to me years ago and she was a flight attendant for Southwest. And I think I just came back one time from a trip and I was sharing her like, oh my God, I was going through this turbulence and I was just my heart stopped.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I thought we were crashing and we're with that and she laughed at me. And she goes, you know, the likelihood of what that is like, right? And she goes, well, when you feel turbulence in the plane, that's like the same analogy of a car that's like five mile an hour going over speed bumps. You know, it's like you're, you're driving that slow, that safe, and it's, it's just you're going over speed bumps.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And the likelihood of you crashing your car, you know, in that scenario is similar to the plane getting cramped. And then so, and that starts happening too. I'm like, we're just going over speed bumps. Yeah. I was like, say they might hit like, uh, it's just a speed bump at them. It's just speed bump. But when it goes on for like 15 minutes, for speed bumps. Yeah, I was like, I was sitting in my head like, this is a speed bump, Adam. This is a speed bump. But when it goes on for like 15 minutes, just surprises and no speed bumps. Yeah, you just think about how many like playing crashes
Starting point is 00:10:52 in the news, you know, you can even identify. It's like so few. And it almost makes major headline news. And so it's just like, come on, dude, this is like another. Well, the reality is if that's, that's high rationalized. If you're going down,
Starting point is 00:11:05 I don't fucking. Yeah, you're done. You're not going to feel shit. You're just going to, yeah, you're just going to incinerate. But I, I, what really, what gives me anxiety isn't necessarily that I'm afraid. It's the, like the air sick that I get, like the shaking and shit, like, and I don't want to, I can't look outside because that makes it worse. So I just, I have to close my eyes, otherwise I'm going to puke.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And so that's, that's and so that's my big fear on the plane. Really? Yeah, I just don't like the, because I have, I've actually thrown up on a plane before. Do you know, I could go to the coaster or something? You know, I can and sometimes depends, depends how I'm feeling.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So if I go on one and I start to get a little motion sickness, then I won't go on anymore. But the worst is in cars. Cars and planes and boats will get me sick. Cars especially. If we're going up winding road, that's why I always have to sit in the front. That's why you sleep right away. Yeah, that's right. That's probably one of my defense mechanisms to go sleep. But I have thrown up on a plane. Have you guys ever peaked on a plane before? No. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:12:01 No. God. Does your girl ever get in a way by all the little things that we have to be sensitive about? No, I make up for it with other things. She's, she's, she's, yeah. I think about all this stuff like, dad, damn, dude, you can't go to a restaurant, fly on a plane, doing these things without something affecting something on your system. She doesn't give, give you a hard time. No, no, like I said, I make up for it. Yeah. We, I just go out, I was in Vegas and I was with my cousins and we went hard. Like we went so hard. You ever go so hard that one of the someone disappears, like one of your party is gone.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, you don't realize it. We don't know where he is. We'll reconnect later. And you at the airplane, like you're waiting for your plane and you're like, he's not going to make the fucking plane. And right as you're boarding, you see his ass running up. Like, you know, like's, that was this trip. Like, that's how hard we went. Yeah, we did that one time. I get on the plane and I'm still a little drunk. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:12:53 So I'm still kind of feeling good. So I'm like, yeah, I'm a little drunk. But then it wears off and hang over, starts to sit in, as we're flying. And then on top of it, it was hell of turbulent. And I fought it the entire way from Vegas to San Jose up until we landed, we landed and I'm like, I'm fighting it still, I'm like, I made it, it just got to get out of the plane, it just got out of the plane.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And those fuckers left us into plane for like 30 minutes because they had to wait for a little taxi. Yeah, a little taxi, whatever. Couldn't do it anymore, bro. I opened up the little fucking barf bag, which by the way, who only not enough yeah it was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And I was just like you can just be a spewing this Yeah, and then I'm like what do I do with this like the like the whole I'm doing like they're walking They're not walking around anymore, but it's about to get up and get out. So I fucking just left it like oh You know they went through the plane to clean it like Fend the bag of
Starting point is 00:14:02 Throw up throw up as gross with them poop I mean it's like it's bad like would you rather find a bag of puke or a bag of poop? That's disgusting. Throw up. Throw up is gross with them poop. It's like, it's bad. Like, would you rather find a bag of poop or a bag of poop? It's a close segment. Human poop? Yeah, it's a close segment. Because human poop, dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Wait a minute. Why? Why, what poop is not bad? Like, human poop, I guess you're worth. Human poop is the worst. Yeah. Dick, did I tell you guys what happened when I was like at this coffee shop in downtown Santa Cruz?
Starting point is 00:14:24 Like, there's been this problem with like a vagabond, you know, people like that have come in and they set up camps and stuff. And so there's like all these like angry buns kind of roam around. And so we're like, welcome to Santa Cruz. Hello. Yeah. Let's regulate this. Anyway. So we're sitting at this like nice coffee shop. I'm inside. There's nobody in there.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Like we went out of time. It was like three in the afternoon. And so I'm sitting there with my friends. We're chatting, whatever. And we're going to go, you know, get something to eat after that. And we're talking, and all of a sudden, like some, some homeless character guy comes by, you know, the window. We're staring out this window.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And he looks at us and there's literally only us in this place. And he takes this, this ratty like clothing item and he smashes it onto the window and then he smears it up across and it was his human shit. Oh, yeah. He's like shit. And then he ran and I was, shit. And then he ran. And I was just like, shooty-ring. Oh, I was like, oh my god, this is like a sketch from heaven.
Starting point is 00:15:32 This is like ridiculous. Like who fucking does this? Yeah, actually, Samir is poop. He smeared his poop, right? Like right where we were. So we had this. What the rainbow of shit to look at as we're drinking our coffee. I'm like, thank you You know
Starting point is 00:15:46 How long did you did you stay there? I could probably just we we look oh each other We couldn't believe it and then we told the manager there like hey this guy put some shit on your window Like what do you mean and one of the guys laughed and then the other guy got so pissed off He's like, I'm calling the car. He's like y' know, outside getting all pissed off. He's like, that fucker. It was crazy. Now, just somebody like when something like that happens, like does this guy deserve an ass-wool thing? Like, what, how does that, what?
Starting point is 00:16:14 I think he's, I mean, he's meant to, there's mental, like the first off, the whole, well, he took off. So he's crazy. He's crazy. Yeah, I don't even want to get near that guy. I get some kind of weird, you know. I think you have to, right?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah, you're a perfection. Most homeless people, when they do, you know, when they, people do surveys and tests or whatever, most of them have serious mental issues. And then that right there. Is it really that high of a percentage? Very high. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Very, very high percentage of homeless people have mental illness, 100%. So when sometimes you see some of them and you're like, ah, you know Just go work and get a job They have a tough time just being on earth, you know, I mean a lot of them They just they have problems and they probably need to be institutionalized. Yeah, I'm sorry, dude We need to start getting crazy and doing shit like that dude like somebody's got regularly bro I I had to handle one. I actually had to deal with one
Starting point is 00:17:05 I thought I was gonna have to, am I gonna have to physically have a physical altercation? Because the worry that I had, this guy wasn't necessarily, here I'll tell you the story first and then I'll tell you what's going on in my mind. So I went to France years ago with, at the time, my wife and some friends
Starting point is 00:17:23 and we had a layover and we missed our train, and the next train was in the morning. So we kinda had to spend the night at the station, and then they kicked us out of the station at like 4 or 5 a.m. for cleaning. So we take all of our bags and stuff and sleep outside or stay outside the station. Well, we're sitting there with our stuff
Starting point is 00:17:45 and we left our stuff for a second. Homeless dude just comes over and just kind of sits on our bag, just kind of chilling right there. He's sitting on your bag. Yeah, sitting on my bag there. I'm like, yeah, I'm claimed. What? Well, I don't think he was claiming it.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I think he were just in a spot. I think that's the type where he lived, right? So he's chilling there and it, and I felt zero physical threat. The guy wasn't big, he was homeless and whatever. So I'm like, it's not going to be hungry. Yeah, he ain't going to get away with anything. If you try to grab my stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:14 so I walk over and I'm like, hey man, you're on our stuff. And he looks at me and he goes, he goes, this is my stuff. And I'm like, oh, here we go. Like, what am I going to do? I don't want to physically do anything with them because what if he's got like a needle on him or something?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Yeah, no, this is exact, this is exact predicament I was saying when I said, like, well, does a guy deserve an ass whooping like in a situation like this? Like, what do you do? Like, that's gotta be such a tough one. You gotta be careful because. Yeah, no, yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 If they have a needle on them or if you catch a disease or something like so, I'm like, oh oh man what am I gonna do so I'm like listen man you need to leave get off our stuff or I'm gonna have to like pull you off like I'm gonna have to push you off and whatever and weird thing was he spoke broken English by the way this is in France which is kind of cool so he's like you know no I'm not gonna leave I'm not gonna leave so I'm like fuck like so I turned to my wife and I turned to my friends, I'm like, do I just grab them?
Starting point is 00:19:07 And they're like, well, maybe you should look for a police officer, I'm like, fuck, like, what if he takes our stuff, like what am I gonna do? So he had a box of wine next to him that he had set down on the floor. I see you didn't grab that. So I did this wide loop, so he didn't know I would be coming around him, so I walked away, did this wide loop, snuck up behind him, grabbed his wine, and then
Starting point is 00:19:28 he freaked out. Yeah. Give that back. And I said, if you don't leave our stuff, I'm going to pour all this wine on the floor like because I know this is important. I think that was a good play. And so that was a good play right there. So he got up and I took his wine and I set it on the floor like hella far away.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So he took the wine that he left, then he left us alone. And then here's the best part. He comes back with like five other home of people and they're just walking around us. And I'm like, we're gonna get jumped by homeless people. Oh, yeah. We got a gang.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah. And so, but luckily they didn't do anything. And we ended up making it out of there. Okay. But yeah, that was my worry. My worry was like well played, sir. Well played. Like what do you do? Cause you can have the grab them. Oh, no, no, I think I have to cuff. I don't want to hit the poor guy. You know what I mean? Yeah. My thought would be grab them because I could easily grab them some do. First rock was a shake the shit out of it. And hold them. Right. But then what if you grab them and like shake the shit out of someone like that?
Starting point is 00:20:25 You know, what if you got like a needle or something and you poke you, you know, I mean, that sounds so much better. Oh shit, I got half a tie. I just held it in my way, maybe it's gonna be easy. Could you imagine you pull the needle out and I'm running at you? Like, I don't think that's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That happens. Me. Yes it does, dude. That talks to police officers who've been poked by needles and shit like that. That's true, dude. Well, I could see that with a police officer. I could get these kids.
Starting point is 00:20:44 That's true, or poop. Here's another one. Well I could see that with a police officer. I could get these kids. Or poop. Here's another one. Like in prison, like in prison, like prisoners, if they want to fuck with the prison guards and shit, they'll throw their shit at them because poop's got diseases and stuff. Yes, yeah, you don't want poop on you.
Starting point is 00:20:56 No dude. You could probably hold up a bank with poop. Bring on the shitty bird, please. Step right up all you bearded man and all you bearded ladies. This cross brought to you by Bring on the shitty bird, please! the mountains, the desert, the sea and beyond, all while encouraging a lot of beer of nosel and the boo. Buy it for yourself or it's a gift for that special beer to someone at bigtopbeardcompany.com. Enter the discount code MindPom for a 33% off and check it. First up is from Brooke Donut Girl. What are your thoughts on food combinations for optimizing digestion, absorption, assimilation and elimination?
Starting point is 00:21:47 She has read articles that say you should not eat proteins and starches together. So this when I first saw this question about 15 minutes ago it It reeked of Like pseudoscience, right? It just sounds like pseudoscience. I don't combine foods because it's not gonna, I'm like, this is silly, like what are they talking about? So I did a little bit of research and in aeravetic medicine and Chinese medicine,
Starting point is 00:22:15 this is a very big thing. They'll tell you specifically to avoid combining particular foods because they affect digestion, they can cause bloating, they can cause issues with how you assimilate food. And so I looked a little deeper because, and I've said this before, when you have these ancient ways of wellness and health, like Chinese medicine and aerovetic medicine, which have been around longer than Western medicine, not saying they're better, I'm just saying they've been around longer than Western medicine. I'm not saying they're better. I'm just saying they've been around longer.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That a lot of their methods stand the test of time. And what I mean by that is if you have something, you know, Chinese medicine thousands of years old, if something is just playing false or doesn't work at all or does the opposite of what it says, over those thousands of years, the Chinese medicine practitioners will eliminate it, and other things will be put in place that tend to work,
Starting point is 00:23:09 which is why when you look at like aeravetic medicine and Chinese medicine recommendations with like herbs, you know, where they say, you know, if you're stressed, take ashwaganda, right? Ashwaganda is great for stress, it helps your body deal with stress. Well, now, Western science is actually showing that it does in fact have this stress-fighting effects in the body where it helps your body reach homeostasis, depending on if certain hormones
Starting point is 00:23:36 are too high or too low or whatever. So they were actually right in the way that they explained it. You see this with a lot of stuff that's in both Chinese and aerobatic medicine. So when I saw that both of them, both those methodologies are big on this, I said, okay, I wonder if there's something to this. So I looked a little deeper and I found this doctor Pickering who is a big proponent of this. And he talks about how some foods need certain types of digestive, you know, digestive acids and enzymes, which may be counterproductive to other types of foods. For example, if you eat lots of starches that may produce more of an alkaline effect in the stomach, whereas foods that are high in proteins and fats may require more of an acidic effect in
Starting point is 00:24:26 the stomach. Eating one first over the other one may cause problems. Is there some truth to this? I'm not sure. I think it's pretty cool. I want to look into it. Well, I write away things that sound fishy to me as words like optimize. So, optimize digestive absorption.
Starting point is 00:24:44 What exactly does that mean? Like we know that if you pair any carbohydrate, whether it be a starchy or any other car for that matter with a protein or a fat, you're gonna lower the glycemic index, which is basically how fast that food gets converted over into blood sugar, right? Or it converted over to glucose, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:25:01 So if that's the case, like, of course, like the faster it's being digested and processed in your body, it just makes sense that that would be healthy. But then there's also detriment to that also because it does. Then it's the new spike insulin, which, and then now your body's in a state where it's ready to store fat.
Starting point is 00:25:18 So I could see there's pluses and minuses to bolt to either or. Yeah, I mean, so when you say, that's a great point. So when you say optimized, I, sure, I mean, I could get where having it, you know, a food that's faster or higher on the glycemic index is gonna get digested quicker
Starting point is 00:25:35 and converted over to glucose faster. Therefore, the body doesn't have to work as hard, so that makes sense to me how you could try it, you could, you know could put this together. But then I also think there's a detriment to that. And I think there's benefits to pairing it with a protein or a fat to slower, or lower the glycemic index.
Starting point is 00:25:54 So there's pluses and minuses to both. Now that's a very good point, very interesting point. But then we read some of these new studies that are coming out with these continual glucose monitors and they're finding that the individual variance is like, it completely trumps it. That's where I'm, you know, most of my thought process is going in that direction with most of these ideas and this may be something that has validity with certain individuals,
Starting point is 00:26:26 but completely not in other individuals. And I was thinking about this, there's another philosophy. I remember somebody talking about the order of food that you eat and all that as far as digestion purposes. Do you know much about that, Salis? As far as loading it up with like cruciferous vegetables first and then kind of like stacking?
Starting point is 00:26:48 I don't know much about this. I find it for a purpose of like digestive enzymes and things like that. Yeah, I mean, you see all that stuff, it's like, it makes sense to me. It does. Well, let me ask you guys this, like logical. Have you guys noticed that if you eat a particular food
Starting point is 00:27:00 or particular type of food that you prefer to have this other type of food with it to help. Absolutely. What have you guys noticed? See, that's why right away this is funny to me because I find like when I have something like chicken or steak having it with a rice or sweet potato, I actually find it compliments the digestive process for me than the other way around. So if you just the chicken by itself without all by rice, you know, digest it as well.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, yeah. I wonder if, and I also always feel like when I have a big bowl of vegetables too, like with my meal, it makes a difference too, like, there's, I mean, I even know, I have the biggest though out of all those, has nothing to do with the food combination. I know it's a difference from sitting down
Starting point is 00:27:41 and eating versus eating, then making sure I get up right away and move, like just gravity and what it had, the role it plays is moving. The role, yeah, the role it plays in the, in the digestive process, I find trumps all of food combinations. Like, you know, being a guy who's tracked and weighed and measured and been so crazy about all this stuff, I played with so many different combinations of, you know, pairing certain fats with proteins and carbs and mixing them all up
Starting point is 00:28:06 and both large bowls of veggies before or after. I've done all this stuff and personally for me, like the biggest out of all of them, like moving, moving after consuming food. When you talk about the digestive process and how my body feels it was, to me that's the greatest out of all of them. It makes such a big difference
Starting point is 00:28:23 that this is actually a big area that of issues of problems that astronauts have. When astronauts go into space, they have a lot of unique problems because of the zero gravity. Yeah, because of zero gravity, like the loose muscle, bone mass, like they have to exercise every day just to stop. Do they have to physically sort of like massage,
Starting point is 00:28:43 you know, some of the digestive process? It's, there's a lot, I'm not quite sure So they have to physically sort of like massage, you know, some of the digestive process. I'm not quite sure what they have to do. What I do know though is that digestive issues are prevalent because they don't have gravity. There's a reason why your butthole is at the bottom of your body. It's because if it were the other way around, it would be very difficult to digest because gravity plays a huge role Right in the well It's so much the point I mean and this is what really mind pump has always been about is is teaching people the bigger rocks right in these things And I'm not saying that this this article might not be true. There's not some validity to it
Starting point is 00:29:19 I do know that we've seen enough with people like you're on in the glucose monitors and the difference and variance of individuals that, you know, a cookie affects one person this way and then affects another person totally different, like as bad as a yeah, or a yeah, looks as bad as a cookie for another person. Well, I'll tell you what's crazy for me. So I've always been very sensitive to carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:29:39 So if I eat a lot of them, I'll get real kind of sleeping with argic afterwards, which tells me that, you know, I'm sensitive to them. So I kind of, I would get real kind of sleeping with argic afterwards, which tells me that, you know, I'm sensitive to them. So I kind of, I would save them for later on the evening if I had them where I wouldn't eat them at all. Ever since I did that whole, that whole, you know, herbal cleanse, if you call, I hate fucking calling it that
Starting point is 00:29:57 because now I sound like one of those, those, you know, charlatans, but works. Yeah, where I did, I took like wormwood and black walnut and all those things to, you know, cleanse, I kinda hate using that cleanse my body. My gut health has been a lot better and my tolerance for things has changed. So like if I eat starches and stuff now,
Starting point is 00:30:16 I don't get that same effect where I feel like I'm lethargic afterwards at all. I can eat now a little bit of carbohydrates at lunch and I don't feel like I need to take an app afterwards like I did before and my tolerance for caffeine is a lot better. Very interesting. So and Rob Wolfe was speculating on why some people, because in these studies what they found, which is really mind blowing, is you have people who will have a higher insulin spike and blood sugar spike with like a fat than they would with like a cookie.
Starting point is 00:30:51 And he couldn't figure it out like what it was. It wasn't fats in general, it would be like a particular food. Like I had an avocado and I get this crazy spike in insulin and then I, this banana and I didn't get one at all, which makes no sense whatsoever until you start to examine the potential immune response that that person may be having. So if you have an immune response, then that causes the liver to shoot out glycogen,
Starting point is 00:31:15 and that'll cause your blood sugar to spike. So I'm wondering if for me, that's what happened, is I was having these immune responses from having inflamed gut. I did that whole process. I did that whole process. I did that whole process. From it being permeable, from the leaky gut where it goes in, it identifies some of these nutrients as like a potential threat and it creates this sort of...
Starting point is 00:31:36 And I got this blood sugar rush and this crash and now I don't necessarily get that as much. As far as food combinations are concerned, if I eat a heavy fat protein meal, I almost always have some kind of a high fiber leafy green vegetable source because it really makes a big difference with my digestion. As far as order of food that I eat, what I've done in the past is I've always eaten what I thought was the most important food first. You know what I'm saying? So because muscle building and exercise and all that stuff
Starting point is 00:32:14 was always my priority, the first thing I would eat would be my protein and my fat. So it would always be like my meat first, and then I would move on to my other stuff. Now, I growing up in an Italian household, we never ate meat first. It was always- Bread and pasta.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Starts came first, the meat came after. Now, listening to my body and really being in tune with it, to be quite honest, I probably better off eating the vegetable first. That's what I do. Do you really? Yeah, you eat vegetables first. Yeah, it fits there.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And I've done, when I do it that way, I noticed that my digestion seems a little bit better. But this is pretty interesting stuff. I'm gonna look a little deeper into it so I can give a little bit better advice. But I will say this, on the long list of things that you should pay attention to. It's towards the bottom.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah, it's towards the bottom. It's like a meal timing. I mean, you talked on your gut, which I think is important too. And that's'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:08 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:16 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:24 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, going to be that long. Just as soon as you're done eating, don't just go lay down and watch TV or just sit at the desk and go back to work, make a conscious effort to walk for five to ten minutes and watch how amazing you feel. Yeah, the movement helps digestion. Remember when you're walking, your pelvis is shifting. So all of the digestive organs. And chew your food. Yeah, definitely. All your digestive organs are there in the movie. And a lot of people don't realize is some of these deep hip flexor muscles are right on top of an around the, some of your digestive organs. So when you're, when you're walking and you're activating muscles like your so as, for example, it's actually massaging these
Starting point is 00:34:01 digestive organs and helping, helping the digestive process. This is why when you have like appendicitis, for example, one of the tests that they'll do to see if you have appendicitis is they'll do a so-as test. They'll actually have you contract your so-as, and if it causes lots of pain because it's sitting right there right on top of your appendix, if there's- So you can rule it out. Yeah, if there's lots of like severe pain which is trying to flex your so-as, then it might just be the so-
Starting point is 00:34:27 No, no, no, the likelihood is it's appendicitis. Oh, because it's protecting it. It's sitting right on top of it. So that's like one way to push on the appendix is to contract that muscle. So walking posts, and all the old cultures do it too, by the way. All the old cultures, like Mediterranean cultures, Asian cultures,
Starting point is 00:34:45 they all have a ritual of after having dinner or whatever, having a big meal, is it go for a nice one. It's 100% been one of the biggest game changers for myself personally, and I really didn't make a conscious effort to do it until I got into my 30s until later on when I was trying to stay leaner and these were little. And it's a great way to burn extra few calories. It's a, I think it's a win all the way around. You know, and it's just, you have to create the habit though first because it's, as Americans were the opposite.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I mean, it's, if you really start paying attention and I always challenge my clients to do this stuff is like, you know, hey, pay attention when you're, these foods, like when we enjoy some of the things like wine or cheeses or desserts or stuff that, you know, we consider bad foods, you know, what really kills us is we just tend to do it at the worst times, you know, it's like we, not only are we, we're lazy all day, but then we decide to have this big meal and then we follow it up with a dessert and then we decide to sit and watch TV. It's like,
Starting point is 00:35:41 well, fuck, if you actually just made the conscious effort to get up and walk around. Right before bed. Yeah, right, like exactly. So if you actually just made this conscious effort to burn and use and stand up afterwards and walk and move and help that digest the process, like that all will make a big, big difference if you make happen.
Starting point is 00:35:57 You sound like a bunch of old men. Oh, my God. Yeah, we're talking about walking after eating a little of my little conversations or turning your food. You know, you should probably eat it like 430. Yeah, for dinner. Because I wish I had I like to take a nap. Yeah, I get the
Starting point is 00:36:11 early bird special. I wish I wish I had some of the gyms that we drop on the show back when I was in the 20s. Because I just find it hilarious because it's like I know that's all those things that you're like, oh, you old man, whatever. Well, you're never being a trainer in action. I used to I actually used to laugh those things that you're like, yeah, you old man, whatever. Dude, I remember you. Well, you remember being a trainer and actually, I used to, I actually used to laugh at people that used to say that when I'd asked them do you exercise, you do this, they're like, oh, I make sure I go on all these walks
Starting point is 00:36:32 and I'd be like, they're not, they're not in walks. Yeah, I used to scoff at it like, come on, you know, like, sounds. Where now on the opposite, like when I start up, like, you tell people, listen, just start with a walk, you know, like, if you don't walk at all let's start with that you know and we'll build on that I just remember as a kid hearing the old like the older people in my family They were probably in their fifties and they'd be talking about how like oh I can't eat that
Starting point is 00:36:58 I get constipated my digestion I took a nice topic. Oh I took the poop the other day. I felt so good. I remember thinking like The fuck you guys talking about like a poop? Yeah cares? And all the as you get older like that's everything Oh, I got it. It's good sleep. My entire it's like I always get my entire day is based on if my morning poop was good So I had a good poop. I'm having a good day. I didn't have heartburn all day. I've been fucking not a champion Yeah, I'm killing it. Quick commercial break. Hey, people ask us all the time how they can support Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Here's what you can do. You can go to www.brain.fm-forward-mind-pump and get 20% off brain-of-fam for meditation or focus. You can also go to audible-trial.com-forward-mind-pump and get a 30-day trial plus one free audio book. Lastly, you can go to getnatureblend.com forward slash mine pump and you will get a discount on Ben Greenfield's CBD product.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Next up is Elizabeth Marie Fitt. Can you talk about juicing? Yes. Juice, juice up, bro. Yeah, initially with Doug Steg, said this question, we're like steroids. We just talked about steroids. Talk about vegetable and the cheese.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Yeah, you know, someone asked me this a reason why I picked this question because I got asked this just recently and I thought, you know what, we talked about this on the show, but it's been a long time. We came out like, fuck, this was early, early episodes. I think in the early hundreds where we talked about antioxidant drinks and super, super juices and detox. Gauzy berry juices. Yeah. All those juices out there.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And then also you're, you know, like your Jack Lillane juicer or whatever. And the, yeah, and juicing. And Justin Dare talked shit about Lillane. Juicing all the fruits and vegetables and not rush more. You know, so here's, and what we discussed and what we talked about with juicing is that nothing is going to replace whole foods. There's just bottom line.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And, you know, if you have a friend or you have somebody who's done like some juicing protocol and they talked about all the great health benefit. Oh my God, I felt so amazing. Oh, this, like, oh, it's just more than anything else. It's that person was probably... Completely deficient. Yes, deficient in all these vitamins and minerals
Starting point is 00:39:17 that are provided through fruits and vegetables, and now all of a sudden they're squeezing thousand times the value of what they even need. And so their body is reaping the benefits of that. It's like a sponge. It's like, oh yeah, finally some nutrients. Oh my God, I haven't seen Biden into the bloodstream.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Three months, you know, and like I just got a whole fucking shit ton of it. Like I feel great. Like flood the system. So when it comes to juicing initially, it didn't really get mainstream or semi-mainstream appeal until I think the 1930s.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, what didn't make it popular? There was a guy who invented the juicer and eating his heart. And then Jacqueline was a big proponent of it. And Jacqueline, as we all know, is like the godfather of fitness and very, very healthy man. There are some benefits to juicing. And here's where they are. Here's where they start and kind of end. If you need a concentrated source of a particular nutrient,
Starting point is 00:40:13 this is one of the better ways to get it. So if you have a nutrient deficiency, like vitamin A or you need vitamin C, and this is how juicing was used for a little while, it was medicinal, like, oh, you need more vitamin A, or you're low in vitamin A. Well, they didn't really use supplements back then. So what they would do is they'd say, okay,
Starting point is 00:40:30 take these particular vegetables, juice them, and drink them so that you're consuming thousands of milligrams of a vitamin that in order for you to get before you'd have to eat bushels and bushels and bushels of this vegetable that you wouldn't be able to do any other way. Now that being said, unless you're doing this for particular reason, like I said, you have a specific deficiency or something you're working on, I don't see any of the benefit because what you're doing is you're taking a fruit or vegetable that has all these amazing
Starting point is 00:41:02 health benefits and ingredients and chemicals and stuff that are in the plants naturally. And you're throwing away a nice chunk of them when you throw away the fiber of the fruit or the vegetable or the plant material. You're squeezing out the fluid, but then you're throwing away. So it's like you're taking a big piece of it and you're throwing it away. Not only that, but you increase its sugar content dramatically, because again, now you're consuming,
Starting point is 00:41:32 like one carrot doesn't have very much sugar in it at all, but if you drink a big glass of carrot juice, you've consumed the sugar of several carrots, more than most people would eat at one sitting. And so now you're getting into the kind of, you know, if it's good for you, great, but more isn't always better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Fruit juice is the worst. Fruit juice, I never recommend anybody drink. Fruit sugar, yeah. There's no reason to drink fruit juice. You're taking fruit, which is healthy, and then you're turning it into a sugar drink. You know, glass of apple juice is some like 27 grams of sugar and is like, you know, six or seven or 10 apples
Starting point is 00:42:10 in one glass, when nobody would ever eat them in the apples that wasn't sitting. And so you get some detriment from it from doing that. Well, and there's just a digestive process that we're sort of skipping by like shredding all this like fibrous fruit and vegetables and then just having everything be a liquid and easy to process and you need the timing in of all that. That's important for your stomach to really process. Well, there's a lot of natural checks and balances that we have in nature. And I think it's all due to evolution, right? We evolve, we co-evolved with our environment. And so if I'm a human and I go and I chew on you know the bark or whatever of a white willow tree, there's a certain amount of a chemical that is very, very closely related
Starting point is 00:43:07 to aspirin. In fact, I believe it's the base of aspirin, maybe a little bit different. And so I'm going to get some pain relief. The my ability to consume enough of that bark to give me an overdose effect is difficult because it's limited by the amount of bark that I can chew. But you could do it through opening up those pill bottles and frigging swallow them. Or if I took the bark and processed the shit out of it and extracted whatever, now, and so nature kind of, now of course there's lots of things in nature that can poison you, but you know, you look at fruits and vegetables, number one,
Starting point is 00:43:38 in nature, fruits and vegetables, you find some, sometimes, and then just a long, long periods of time where you don't find some, and you don then just a long period of time where you don't find some, and you don't find them in concentrations like you would after we learned how to farm. Like, never in nature would you walk and then come upon an orchard of apple trees, or rows and rows of spinach and broccoli and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:59 It just didn't happen in nature. You find them, you forage, you find, there was that limiting factor. There was a little make factor that fruit was probably never consumed frequently in mass amount. It was consumed in mass amount when we found it. We ate the fuck out of the bush of whatever, but that was it. And we're going to find more. And vegetables and fruits don't look the way they do now because we bred them to be these calorie starch bonds. Sugar is. You can look at paintings from the Renaissance era where at the time it was real popular paint like fruits, you know, pictures of fruit and
Starting point is 00:44:35 they'll be painting like apples and whatever. They don't look like what we know are tiny. No, an apple is much smaller and when you cut it in half it's like full of seeds and Yeah. And fiber. You have to work your way through all this stuff. We bred it to reduce its fiber content. We breed them to be sweet and you know, when a fruit tastes sweet, that's because it's its highest fruit. That's when it has a lot of sugar content.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah, like keep reproducing those and planting those. And having all this flesh, you know what I mean? Look at corn. Corn is a great one. Natural corn was like one singular spindle or string with sporadic kernels all along it. That was a corn plant. Now you've got this starch bomb. This huge cob of just tons of corn kernels
Starting point is 00:45:24 all around it packed full of starches, and that's because we learned how to breed them that way. So there's all these natural checks and balances, and one of the checks and balances is your ability to chew the food, eat it, and then you ball at the room in your stomach. Now, I can't fit 15 apples in my stomach, but I can drink 15 apples worth of juice.
Starting point is 00:45:41 And it isn't interesting that like all these different condensed supplements and pills, like their whole thing in the marketing of it is, you know, having this sort of lining over it. So that way it has this time to release to it. So it's like they're trying to emulate a lot of these things that you're bypassing by not like chewing through, you know, the, the Fibrous Fruit or Vegetable.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah, food has a very, food does that naturally release. Naturally does that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. or I'm gonna try and have a juice every day, that's a good goal to have or something. I try and teach my clients to learn to assess their eating habits, right? So right now, those that follow my story show that every week I post my food rotation.
Starting point is 00:46:37 So I'll look at like, oh wow, it's been a long time since I've had spinach, kale, or a good green veggie with lots of iron in it. I haven't done something like that in three or four days. I just happen to be at Whole Foods. I'm picking up my eggs this morning for breakfast. I'm going to have maybe I'll order a green smoothie, a green juice from the Whole Foods, whatever, and get a juice like that.
Starting point is 00:47:01 That has obviously a ton of kale and spinach or whatever it is that I'm looking for. So because you notice that you're not getting a certain or a specific nutrient in your diet on a regular basis and then you're at a place where I can get it done or I have that's at home and I haven't had an opportunity maybe to make it and go, Hey, you know what? This morning I'm going to start my day
Starting point is 00:47:20 off with a great big green smoothie because the last two days I've been really low on my greens and I haven't had any in my diet for whatever the reason may be. And so I'm aware of that. Therefore, I do something like this to implement that into my routine, but it's intermittently put in there based off of what you're eating or not eating on a regular basis. So I kind of teach that for my clients, like, hey, because some of them like it, enjoy it. basis. So I kind of teach that for my clients, like, hey, because some of them like it, enjoy it, and some of them notice that they don't get enough of certain foods. And if you're using it
Starting point is 00:47:50 intermittently throughout the diet, like that, I have less of a problem with it, where I don't, I think when people make it a goal or use it as a weight loss strategy, I think is where they go wrong. There's actually been cases of people, and you have to really push it to do this, but like anything, you know, people are like, oh, it's healthy. So I'm going to do it to do this, but like anything, you know, people are like, oh, it's healthy. So I'm going to do it all the time and do a lot of it. There's been cases of people getting vitamin overdose or toxicity from some of the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, from drinking too many kale juices, where they'll just drink
Starting point is 00:48:19 four smoothies a day or whatever and just pound kale over and over again and then end up getting these symptoms of Toxicity because they're consuming way more nutrients Would be a lot of dying Okay, vitamin K. I think I think there might be I've heard of people like having too much iodine from This overconsumption of kale drink a ton of carajouze over a period of time and you'll notice your skin We'll start to turn orange that's from the beta carajouse. So yeah, I personally will drink a vegetable juice
Starting point is 00:48:51 every once in a while, but I'll do it purposely for its concentration of nutrients. Right, like I was saying, right? Exactly. You knew you were missing these types of nutrients and so I'm gonna get a concentrated form because I know I've been lacking it, makes sense that way to me.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Happy, healthy and free is the weight set point legitimate? So the weight set point theory, is it still theory? This is something that's debated. It is, so there's a lot of confusion around it because, maybe that's for the debate, because marketers in the whole diet and weight loss industry for a little while here, like the 90s, this was like a big thing where they were like, change your weight, your weight set point. Like the reason why you lose weight and gain it
Starting point is 00:49:33 is because you don't move this set point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was all market. You know, again, leave it to the fitness industry to take a little good information, a little bit of truth, market the fuck out of it, and then now everybody's confused. No.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Okay, so what they would say is, we'll change this, our program is different because it changes your set point and then you never gain weight again because that's your new natural weight and blah, blah, blah. So here's why I think your weight set point, or at least the way they talk about is bullshit. First off, there is of, a natural weight set point, but there's a healthy set point. And the reason why it doesn't make that big of a difference is all you gotta do is look around.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Look around everyday Americans. If the weight set point was really powerful, we would not have crazy obesity walking around. Cause I can guarantee you, I can guarantee you, theywrite it. I can guarantee you they didn't they weren't born with genes that said, Hey, your natural weight set point is 275 at five foot six. Like that doesn't that's not the case. Your natural weight set point you will find when you lead a very healthy lifestyle. I'm myself starting to really figure out that my body has a range that likes to sit at and it's about 187 to about 190, 192. Now I can make it go above and below that by
Starting point is 00:50:57 manipulating factors like exercise and nutrition. Like if I push muscle building I can go on the 190s, 200s and above. But if I just listen to my body and do what I think is right for it, that to feel good, which includes resistance training and cardio sometimes and eating a particular way, it just likes to settle right around there. And that's what they find. What they find is if you lead a really healthy lifestyle, that you'll find this kind of weight set point. Now that being said, there's a weight,
Starting point is 00:51:27 your weight set point is based on your lifestyle. So your natural weight set point may be at obese if you're leading a lifestyle that leads to that. You know what I'm saying? So when people are like, hey, no matter what I do, my body weight's at 250. I'm just overweight and there's nothing I can do about it. Well, your body's naturally at that,
Starting point is 00:51:44 it's body weight because of what you're doing. Your weight set point adapted to that. Your weight set point's like love. You'll know it when you find it. You know what I'm saying? It's like, okay. You'll know it when you find it. And just like, Sousin, I know there's a place
Starting point is 00:51:56 where my body likes to be and I constantly push it in and out of that range. And I know what I'm doing. That like, I'm right in the middle of that right now. To for me to gain and be 225, 230 pounds and get bigger like that, it's a constant effort. And I can feel it. My body doesn't move as well.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I'm not digesting food the same way. And it's not bad. It's just I can feel that it's extra work for my body. And then I know when I'm in this sweet spot where, and everything from my energy levels to the digest food digestion, to my poops, to my sleep, to my mobility. Like, when you're at that set point,
Starting point is 00:52:39 when you really find that, like Salah said, when you're truly, truly healthy and balanced, your body talks to you. It lets you know you're there. Like you could think, I think that's why it's too subjective. Yeah, it's like, it's like, love. It's an idea, bro. It's an idea, you know, it's like internally, yeah,
Starting point is 00:52:56 you're like, oh, I feel best around this way. And I was like, had all these healthy practices in place. And you kind of have an ideal idea of where you feel the best. And so it's like then you identify that. But it's like that's anything. Like anybody could come up with whatever, you know, I feel great at this weight and they're like obese. You know, so it's like whatever. It's like whatever you feel like, like the set point is for you. I mean, it's too subjective for me to get behind it. Well, you really want to think about is,
Starting point is 00:53:29 when you think of weight, set point is, you have a potential. So everybody's born with, you know, their genes, and their genes kind of determine their potential. So let's say my potential is 160 pounds to 220 pounds, like naturally, right? If I try to push outside of those, I'm gonna really hurt myself, get sick,
Starting point is 00:53:51 and I'm gonna have to do extreme, extreme measures to go beyond those. So that tends to be my range. I made up that number by those numbers, but that's my range. And to go outside of it would require me to do real extreme things, or to be really unhealthy, or to take like
Starting point is 00:54:05 anabolic steroids or something like that. So, and there may be someone else who's got a higher set point or a different set point or a different range. There may be a dude that just, you know, he's gonna hold on to more muscle than I am. And so his potential is much higher than mine. This is true for a lot of our genetic traits. Like, you know, even intelligence they're showing,
Starting point is 00:54:24 you have kind of this range. And you can push yourself to the higher limit of genetic traits, like even intelligence they're showing, you have kind of this range, and you can push yourself to the higher limit of that range, but you may not have the same potential as Stephen Hawking's, for example. So, you know, that being said, a huge percentage, or you have so much power over where you go within that range, And that's determined on your lifestyle, your how you eat and how you move. So the whole weight set point, theory type of thing, it was made real important by people who were trying to sell
Starting point is 00:54:55 diets and programs and they need to focus on some. Incivically. In reality, it's not, I wouldn't even worry about it at all. Just go where you're gonna go, whatever your goals are. That's your set point. Quick commercial break, you't even worry about it at all. Yeah, you know, just go where you're going to go, whatever your goals are. That's your set point. Quick commercial break, you guys. We keep getting asked all the time. How can I support the mind pump family? Here's one of the best ways you guys can.
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Starting point is 00:55:41 and get 10% off. Go check it out. Darby Marie fit, read that taking birth control is counterproductive for building muscle. She believes it said females taking oral contraceptives have lower blood levels of natural anabolic hormones. Is it true? If so, to what extent would it limit muscle building ability? This is hard. Yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:56:04 This is tough because the individual variance is gonna be every kind of birth control around. Well, yeah, and again, here's a situation to where taking birth control kind of bunch of building muscles, she believes in the female second oral contraception. Getting pregnant counterproductive. Yeah, lower blood levels of natural anabolic hormones. Like, yeah, you know, absolutely that could be true.
Starting point is 00:56:24 That and that is not ideal for a woman trying to build muscle. But is it still possible? Is she still gonna have enough hormones to still build muscle? I mean, well, so they've done, they've actually done a few studies on this where they've tested and they're not perfect. I don't necessarily like how they conducted the studies,
Starting point is 00:56:44 but the results are mixed as to whether or not it reduces athletic performance. Now, does it impact athletic performance? Of course. I mean, you're changing, you're changing the hormonal signaling in your body. It's going to have an impact on your body. Obviously, you can't get pregnant and, you know, while you're on it.
Starting point is 00:57:04 So it's doing something. It's doing more than just that as well because these hormones don't just do that. They also do other things. For example, there's been some studies that have shown that during ovulation, the risk of ACL tear is actually higher. And they're not quite sure why. They think it might have to do with the, you know, estrogen receptors in the ACL tissue or they think it might have to do with the you know estrogen receptors in the ACL tissue Or it can have it have to do with the fact that women move a little differently when they're ovulating This has been observed as well and that might have to do with the ACL But it's for sure gonna have an impact on you whether or not that's good or bad is based on the individual and I'll give you an example
Starting point is 00:57:43 If you're a woman that has terrible cramps, terrible PMS, terrible symptoms from your period, no, I already know you're going with this. Sometimes taking the pill, balance this shit out, and now you feel better, and now you're working out better, and you're eating better. And for you, it was productive. It actually contributed to better results.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Excellent point. For other women, it may have the opposite. This is what I meant by the individual variance because I feel like it sure it could change. It's probably not an ideal environment, right? It's probably not the perfect, but you may get so many other benefits because of that, right? That may end up having giving you a better workout,
Starting point is 00:58:23 being more consistent nutritionally, like higher energy levels, so then your intensity levels better in the gym. I mean, there's so many other things that you could be benefiting from that actually helps you build muscle, even though you're at a slight disadvantage because you're on birth control.
Starting point is 00:58:40 So it's, you gotta have to personally assess that yourself, but again, they'll, a study like this that we're splitting hairs on the difference that it could potentially make. And a lot of times, you know, you've got to look deeper into some of these studies too. Like, what are they trying to, are they trying to sell something or promote something behind it? And so they're trying to use a scare tactic that, oh my god, you know, this isn't women that take birth control pill,
Starting point is 00:59:05 your birth control may not be able to build much muscle. So here take our supplement. This is helps increase your natural hormone. You know, normally a study like this is then attached to something like that that's promoting you to take something else to help that environment because you're at a disadvantage. So they take a little bit of science. That is probably true, just so they can market or put a spin on it.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Well, so they scare you for a headline. So when they also do studies on how many female athletes take birth control, it's actually pretty high, it's over 80%, which is higher than the population. So more female athletes take birth control than just regular non-athletes that are women. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're taking it for any of the reason other than if
Starting point is 00:59:52 they're athletes and they train a lot, they probably don't want to get pregnant. Right, as I said, that could be their... They don't want to deal with what's going on. That being said, you're seeing a trend now, which we haven't seen since the introduction of, you know, hormonal contraception, which is more and more women, young women, are opting to not take birth control. Katrina never has. Yeah, I know you were saying that. She's 36 years old and she's never taken anything like that before. You used to not, you know, for a while
Starting point is 01:00:23 there, like more, it was growing, more women were taken, more women were taken, it was like this whole revolution, right? When it first got introduced, it was great because it gave women the power to like not get pregnant. So it was a real big part of even a feminist movement, but, and it grew, it grew, it grew, it grew over the decades,
Starting point is 01:00:41 and now we're starting to see less women take them and the reasons that they're saying they're not taking them is because of some of the side effects like the weight gain, the moodiness, and some of the perceptions that taking birth control. There's been a couple of studies that have shown taking birth control increases certain health risks like blood clots and even some types of cancers. Estrogen dominant cancer was like breast cancer, for example. So you've seen more and more women opt out of taking them. My personal opinion on birth control is definitely take advantage of your reproductive ability.
Starting point is 01:01:24 So whether it's condoms or birth control, like that's a very smart thing to do. One of the worst things, one of the worst dilemmas you could get into is being pregnant and being unwanted pregnancy. But besides that, I know a lot of women, I've had a lot of female clients, young female clients in their like 20s,
Starting point is 01:01:42 who took birth control to for a symptom. Like they've been on birth control since they started their period. I know a lot of girls have done that. And it wasn't because they weren't they weren't even having sex. They weren't having sex. Because it helps with their cramps, right? Cramps or they had lots of bleeding or whatever. And my you know, my thought on that is like with anything.
Starting point is 01:02:04 If the body's in optimal state of health and of course there's exception to this, but if it's in an optimal state of health, then you probably wouldn't need to supplement with a hormone to handle a symptom. You know what I'm saying? Like, I've had female clients that had terrible, you're gonna get roasted for some more.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Maybe. Well, maybe, I'll tell you what, again,. I've never been a tack of the vagina this week Staying silent Here's the thing like good. It's your turn. I took the onslaught. No, no, no, no If there's anything that you if there's anything you have to take for your body Many cases it's not you don't have to take it. There's something going on with your diet and your lifestyle that is contributing
Starting point is 01:02:51 to a lot of these symptoms. So like I've had female clients who would work on the nutrition and incorporate certain supplements like evening primrose oil, for example, and make a huge impact on symptoms of PMS, like cramps and pain and stuff. I've had clients with really bad issues like, what's it called, fibroids, for example,
Starting point is 01:03:15 who will change their diet, eliminate sugar, going to ketogenic diet, and have dramatically lowered amounts of pain and stuff. So, my advice always is, it doesn't matter man or woman, if you have to take something, like you have arthritis or you have this pain or you have this autoimmune issue and you have to take these, you know, these drugs, look at the way you're living and see if that can have a positive effect on those symptoms. And in many cases, a body, a human body that's in an optimal, healthy environment, your
Starting point is 01:03:52 health is optimized, you'll find a lot of your symptoms. Let's take a basic one. There's people that have to take medications for constipation weekly, every week. They have to take medications for constipation weekly. Every week, they have to take medications for constipation. And their doctors don't even, I mean, they don't even consider that maybe there's things in their diet that you have major impacts. That's crazy. Not maybe, for sure, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:16 When have you ever met anybody that's constipation that wasn't there? There's like, eating a block of cheese. Yes, do there's diets. I can't, I don't know what's going on. It just doesn't make sense. It's trying, it will come out. Have it had fiber in a month, but fuck, I don't know what's going on. It just doesn't make sense. It's trying. It will come out.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Have it had fiber in a month, but fuck, I have no idea what's going on. Well, so that's an easy one. That's an easy one to connect, right? But how about when you go to the doctor and you're like, I have a skin issue, you know? You have psoriasis. Has any of your doctor said to you, you know, Adam,
Starting point is 01:04:41 let's look at your diet. Maybe your diet's making you work. Not only have they not done that, but I have brought to them several times. You know Adam, let's look at your diet. Maybe your diet's making your order. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. Not all of it. This is crazy now that you say this because when I think about it, I was someone who had tons of sun exposure growing up, never had psoriasis, anything like that.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Then all of a sudden I'm 23, 24 years old, and psoriasis comes out of nowhere and then progressively gets worse as I get older. And then I think like, I remember the dramatic shift in looking at my skin when I was in my 20s because when I started working for 24 of fitness, I was in the gym indoors with when I started working for 24-Afinis, I was in the gym in doors with no sun exposure all day long.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I worked 10 hour days, 12 hour days for like years on years. And I became like this super white guy, like Justin White. Like I was used to being so- So with our litmus test for white. Right, and then you come and you bring that, you bring that to me about vitamin D. And I thought, I don't know why that never even dawned on me. Like I never even thought of that.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And I've already, but it sucks because I've been pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro What? What? Yeah, probably my dermatologist for years now on, like, you know, do you think it could be this in my diet? I try to also notice changes with just other things. Like when you said, when you eliminate certain foods, like sugars and processed foods, you said your psoriasis gets a lot better.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Yeah, it was probably the best it's ever been in the last couple of years, when I run a closer to a keto genital. To me, it's fucking crazy to that people don't even consider that perhaps their diet and their movement don't have an impact on some of these symptoms that they may be taking birth control to control.
Starting point is 01:06:37 That's all I'm saying is that, you know, take a look at that. Look, there's studies now that already show, by the way, the evening primrose oil, that there's a fatty acid and evening primrose oil, that for some women, it makes a big difference when it comes to cramping. It just makes a massive difference. So, you know, when it comes to, again, to birth control, very, very individual, unless the whether or not it's going to give you better, you know, improve your results when it comes to exercise or decrease your results, but nothing's going
Starting point is 01:07:07 to impact you better than just being healthy overall. I guess is what I want to end that out. Check this out. On YouTube, Mind Pump TV drops a new video every single day. We drop videos on subjects like comparing high intensity interval training to low steady state type cardio. We talk about fasting. We did one where we talked about underlating your calories.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And then we do lots of exercise demos, where we'll pick workouts and exercises and teach them on video, because there's only so much you can learn from listening to us. Sometimes you have to actually see us and the place to do that on YouTube. So you go on YouTube, look up Mind Pump TV, subscribe to our channel. Also, if you want to ask us a question that we answer on these episodes, the place to do it is on Instagram and the page to do it on is Mind Pump Media.
Starting point is 01:08:00 And we also have personal pages. Mind is Mind Pump Sal, Justin is Mind Pump Justin, Adam is Mind Pump Adam, and Doug is Mind Pump Doug. The Eagle. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ballad, masterformance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal and Iman Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle has a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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