Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 563 1/2: Drew Canole Founder of Organifi [Bonus Episode]

Episode Date: August 1, 2017

In this Bonus episode, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Drew Canole, founder and CEO of Organifi, Organifi is an organic supplement company and Drew shares a very interesting story on how he founded the ...company. As you may know, Mind Pump has been very critical of supplements, especially the industry's push to consume excessive protein, the use of artificial sweeteners and supplements that do not contain what they are advertised to contain. The position of Mind Pump is (and always will be) to get your nutrition from whole, natural, well sourced foods but the reality is, not everyone eats strictly with nutrition in mind every single day. This is where supplementation can come in and this is why Mind Pump forged a relationship with Organifi. Organifi offers certified organic greens, protein, turmeric and probiotics that are tested for purity and of the highest quality. Please check out their site at www.organifi.com and try out their products. Use "mind pump" at checkout for 20% off. There is absolutely no risk as Organifi offers a 60 day money back guarantee. We appreciate your support in helping Mind Pump with this relationship. By purchasing Organifi not only do you get excellent quality products but you are helping Mind Pump. Guys talk about the behind the scenes process of working out partnership with Organifi (0:00) Guys talk with Drew about what got him started in this industry (7:30) His own transformation Where did he get his information from? What to go after and what would help people? (12:28) Let food be thy medicine When did your products first hit the market? (14:00) November 2013 What made him go the organic route? (15:35) What would he take or his family Want to put the best products out there Integrity Mother nature’s medicine Guys talk about their idea to create own line/partnership (18:35) How do they source their products? (21:56) Best supply coordinator Monk Fruit Real Food Extracts Why did he go the plant-based route with their protein powder? (27:45) Drew had a bout with gout in early 30’s Their products are on the higher end of cost. Why are they more expensive than their competitors? (31:05) Way crops are managed Tested Did own clinical trials Whole food vitamins cost Worth every penny when it comes to your health 60-day money back guarantee How deep is their recipe list? (37:20) Wellness Wednesday 3 holistic nutritionists on staff What has been his strategy for growth? (38:30) Accelerate other leaders in his business Create a club Give local discounts Sponsoring different podcasts Influencers  Get our newest program, MAPS Prime Pro, which shows you how to self assess and correct muscle recruitment patterns that cause pain and impede performance and gains. Get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Got a beard? Condition your beard with Big Top Beard Company’s natural oils and organic essential oil blends to make it not only feel great but smell amazing! Get Big Top Beard Company products at www.bigtopbeardcompany.com, code "mindpump" for 33% off. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So we're doing something a little bit different today. And I like it. I always love when we share some of the behind the scenes stuff going on with people because I think people appreciate especially those that are entrepreneurs trying to build a business. And, you know, the last couple months,
Starting point is 00:00:29 I've been secretly courting some companies. Well, we've been courting. We've been courting. We're the ones that are getting courting. We've, for a while now, I've ever seen the inception of Mind Pump. We've been approached by lots of companies to do sponsorships.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And most of them are supplement companies and those of you who are regular listeners know our thoughts on most supplements. Do we tell the audience that we were at one point, we almost were going to do our own line and we looked into all that and we were, no, we never told them, but at one point we were, because there's a huge demand, a lot of our fans want access to a good quality protein shake. It's probably one of the most popular questions that I get is what if you do take supplements, what do you recommend? Or if I do take protein powder with me? Yeah, yeah, we understand where you guys stand,
Starting point is 00:01:18 but if I get one, where am I going to get one? Well, because I know that, and that's why I've always fought us on this topic that we always advocate one whole foods too, that the amount of recommendation that the average magazine's giving is way inflated by supplement companies so they can sell their protein points, but I still have a hard time hitting my protein intake
Starting point is 00:01:39 and I've had to continue to sell, and I've tried not to, and I saw a major difference. Well, okay, let's be honest here, I was the most difficult, I am the most difficult person to convince on this for many different reasons. One of which is I don't react well to even good supplements. So what I mean by that is they could be organic, they could be all these different things, and that doesn't mean that my body, my's very sensitive I'm very sensitive. God tell me issues. That's right. Tell me issues
Starting point is 00:02:07 And I'm also very you know wellness oriented and So we've tried products in the past and they just they don't they just don't work very few companies that I've actually that I'll actually work with Number one because I don't necessarily like the you know What goals they have or what their models are what they their models are. Most of them are cutting corners. And they're cutting corners. They're not good quality. Don't like the people owning the companies. Don't like the products themselves. And so it's very rare that we find one that we even consider.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And then there's another process of a testing product to see if we like them. Well, organify, I actually was first aware of them a while ago. Adam had used their protein to talk about them, then we got approached by them. And one of their products, I tried all the products that they gave us and they all were great. But there's a product that I use regularly anyway, which is a probiotic.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And I use their probiotic, and I loved it, which probiotics for me are hit or miss. And this is one of the few that actually worked really well for me. And I like, I mean, when you talk, you'll hear the episode. Well, before we even decided that we were going to do something with them, aside from all of us trying it, all passing all that tests, we also wanted to call and talk to the CEO, Drew. And, you know, what I thought would be really neat was,
Starting point is 00:03:22 hey, let's record this. Let's fucking put them on record them, and let's ask them the questions that we'd want to ask them. And if it ends up being something that we can use as content later, we will. So I hopefully answers it well. Yeah, right. Well, it's thrown it out there.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And he did. And I thought that this, I think this also gives you guys kind of an idea what it's like for us to type of conversations that we're having with these guys. This was behind the scenes talking to, is it Kenoli? Is that how you say? Kenoli's the last name. Makes me hungry.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah, delicious. No, but we had a nice conversation with them. So you guys can kind of hear a little bit of the behind the scenes in terms of working out this partnership with his company, Organify. It's a trial partnership. It's a trial sponsorship. We're going to work with them and see how it works But from our side, we like their products. We like what they stand for. We like where they source their products
Starting point is 00:04:12 We like what they flavor their products with. They don't use anything that's artificial So it's good stuff They did give us a code because we did say hey if we do this We do want to offer some kind of value to our audience. Right. So there is a discount code. So if you do decide you want to try, organize products, use the coupon code, mind pump, and that gives you 20% off.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And their website, I believe, is at organify.com. So without any further ado, here we are talking to the CEO. Before we drop it out, I want for those that are listening, it took us a very long time to do this. I know some people will be turned off by it because that's just what happens. We can't fucking make everybody happy. If you don't want to listen to an episode where all we're talking to somebody about supplements in this episode isn't for you anyways.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But for those of you that are interested in this and have been supporting mine pumps at the beginning You guys supporting this company is helping us. We don't make any more commission on the you guys buying and selling They're a full-blown sponsorship. They pay us for For being a sponsor on mine pump. So us just being affiliated with them. We make our money We don't make any more money for you guys buying supplements or something. So you can buy zero supplements and we still get paid. But what I want is your guys is help and support with this because we really like this company. And we actually, after talking with Drew several times now,
Starting point is 00:05:36 we know too that we have an opportunity to actually influence part of the direction that this company may go. And this could be a huge relationship for us down the road with somebody inside of the business that none of us really want to deal with, but we know it's important, and there's a huge flirted with it, and realized, you know, what really goes into it, and this is something that for us to stay, you know, focused, and that's what we've figured out with this business,
Starting point is 00:06:01 is like we get so drawn to great ideas. We want to just focus that we're going to provide awesome quality content and guests, and we're just going to keep doing the shit out of this podcast. Next month, we're going to head down there, go check the facility out, do some footage with them, meet with them, talk to not only Drew, but the rest of his team, because we are really excited about this relationship. We hope to do some big things with them down the road. We love the direction they're going on in social media,
Starting point is 00:06:31 what they're doing with supplements, and hope that Mind Pump can help influence them. With your guys' help also, which there's a lot of things that have been shared on our forum, what people are asking for. I believe that if we do well when we first take off with this product, we will be able to influence a lot of the direction that this company is going.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So this is me asking you guys, those of you guys that have been my pump family for a long time, or even if you're just coming on right now for your support with us helping launching this with them, or the spell organifies O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I, so it's I-dot-com, so organify.com, and it's 20% off when you put mine pump in at the checkout. And you know, they're a quick growing company, and we see potential to move the entire supplement industry in this direction.
Starting point is 00:07:21 So we appreciate your support, but without any further ado, no interruptions here. Here we are talking to you, Drew. Wait. Just kidding. We waited a really long time. In fact, we have turned down all kinds of supplement companies and talked all kinds of shit. And all of that.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Definitely waited because we're like, if we're going to do this, it's gotta be with somebody that we can do this for the long rep. All right, and we can tire stuff. So we're like, if we're going to do this, it's got to be with somebody that we can do this for the long-repeat. Yeah, and we can tire stuff. So we're all pretty excited. I've been using your shakes and your greens use for quite some time. So it's pretty neat how this is all came out and worked out
Starting point is 00:07:56 because it was really tough for us to partner our line with anybody because of all the information that we give and what we talk about With supplementation on the show But it's just because there's a lot of shit product out there Yeah, tons of crap people are just trying to make as much money and profit as much as possible without really thinking about the ingredients and the farms and Everything that really goes into it and when their products get tested by these independent laboratories is like it's horrible What you'll end up seeing and then you, you've got protein powder spiking their protein to make their numbers look better. And most supplements are artificially flavored. And we've
Starting point is 00:08:32 going to have big stances again, start official flavoring. And so we've had lots of supplements, you know, sent to us to test and whatnot. And actually, all of us have actually used, or GANIFI before you guys have sent us your samples. And for me personally, our audience knows that I have issues, I have gut issues that I tend to have to deal with. And very few protein powders and supplements will work with me. Yours is one of the few that ever did work for me that I could actually take. Adam is a pro physique competitor and he's probably the biggest user of protein powders and he really liked your products as well.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I'd like to know kind of what got you started in this industry and what the... Yeah, what motivates you go in the organic direction in the first place? I mean, you've been cranking to a, chipping away at it for some time now. What led you that direction? It was, you guys talk a lot about this, but really it was my own transformation. And it was six and a half years ago.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I was 40 pounds overweight. I was in the gym two hours a day. I wasn't seeing the results that I wanted to see. I felt lazy, lethargic. I didn't really have like a purpose for my life. I was just kind of going through the motions and a gentleman introduced me to my first green juice and it was literally like three ingredients,
Starting point is 00:09:56 made of super foods, similar to the same organified green juice that we have today. And it literally, after having that one juice, 16 ounces, I felt this even keel, calm energy come over me all day long. And I didn't need a coffee in the afternoon like I had normally had or took a nap, most of the time I was taking a nap. So I had that green juice and then the bubble popped
Starting point is 00:10:19 or that light bulb. And we, as human beings, get light bulbs every once in a while, maybe every five years, but there's only a few of them that we get throughout our whole entire lives. And this was one that I was like, all right, nobody's talked about juicing organic veggies in a long time. Jack Lillain, 1950s, Jay Cordich, he's in his 90s, he's still beaten on the drum of mother nature's medicine, all this other stuff. But nobody is on YouTube really doing it. And I'm like, you know, the way the trends are happening, YouTube's happening, I love it. It's really something that can change somebody's life if they just started having one green
Starting point is 00:10:52 juice a day. Regardless of how much money I could make in the process of making these videos, I did it because I wanted to change people's lives. And sure enough, I continued to do it. And in 90 days, I lost the weight. I was posting it on Facebook, on YouTube. And in the period of about 90 days, I had like 70,000 fans and I'm like, all right,
Starting point is 00:11:11 well, this is pretty cool. I got a bunch of people that are getting healthy. What else can I show them? What else can I do for them? So over the past six and a half years, we've done two videos every single week. We got mindset Monday and Saturday strategy. We've been giving away a juicer for the past six and a half years.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Once a week to somebody who writes in a testimonial or a transformational story that they've had, where they've lost weight, maybe they're using Organifi Green Juicer or a protein. They've healed some of their gut issues, their leaky gut, whatever it is. And we've grown this community of about 4.2 million followers now
Starting point is 00:11:47 across all platforms. And it's cool to see the emails and the testimonials coming in, rolling in every single day of what is real. You know, it's from the earth, it's organic. It's from local farms that have really, really good soil that's loaded with meganese and iron and all these other minerals that sometimes our soil
Starting point is 00:12:08 is inept of today because of the big farm and big ag and everything's just depleting. So I like to take the opposite stand. That's FitLife TV on YouTube, right? We're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. FitLife TV on YouTube and then Facebook, we have juicing vegetables and then the Drew Canoli fan page
Starting point is 00:12:24 as well. And that's just really blowing up. Drew, how did you know, now how did you know to go to these directions as far as like, I mean, you talk about turmeric, you talk about all kinds of great stuff, natural things, where did you get your information? What led you down this?
Starting point is 00:12:37 I know obviously you're on personal transformation, but how did you know what to go after and what was going to help people? Yeah, when I started juicing, literally, I, um, I had to, I started having more this is going to sound really woo, woo, you're all, whoever's listening to this, they're going to be like, wow, this guy's crazy. But I started. We've had Paul check on here, bro.
Starting point is 00:12:56 You're going to be okay. They're prepared. Our checks went on. Then I could go down this path. Cause that guy, oh my God, Paul Chekhov. He says, woo woo, they come, right? The finishes are right. You're right, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I was having these lucid dreams, and I was back in ancient Egypt. I was talking to hypocris and these people of the past and looking and observing what they were creating and what they were doing. And I would wake up and I'd be like, all right, well, now we're taking medicine that's used to treat something that's already in existence in the human body. Why aren't we fixing it before it exists? And then the more I would go down the path of ancient medicine, aerovatic medicine, Chinese medicine, all of these holistic ways of human, or healing this amazing miracle of a machine
Starting point is 00:13:46 everyone has access to, the more I became involved with spreading the message as well. And it's been amazing. Let food be thy medicine. That's what he said. Yeah. Now, when did you guys launch your first product? When did your first product hit the market?
Starting point is 00:14:03 So, Organifi Green Juice launched November of 2013, I believe. The very beginning of 2014, we were at a place in our business where I had like 12 employees, I was doing a bunch of videos, I was helping the world, but we weren't making any money. And I'm like, the business was about to go out. FitLife TV was about to be no more. And I remember all of us sitting around the table at Vitality Tap, this local juice bar in San Diego, and we just took a moment to acknowledge each other and tell each other how grateful we are for one another.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And this is at a point where we were two weeks before the green juice launch. And literally that energy, I believe, changed everything about the dynamics of the company. Because in two weeks, we literally sold out of organized by green juice five times in a row. We couldn't get enough green juice in for the world in the community that we had actually built. And then the testimonials and case studies just continue to pour in daily from people that are healing themselves. Now, what's interesting, when you launched your products, it wasn't super popular. In fact, it was probably, if you had talked to people in the industry, they probably would have advised you against doing organic non-artificial sweetened products.
Starting point is 00:15:23 There were almost none. I remember trying to find a protein powder that wasn't artificially sweetened products. It was, there were almost none. I remember trying to find a protein powder that wasn't artificially sweetened. That was organic. Six years ago, that was almost impossible. Or three years ago, even. It was very difficult. There weren't very many.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And you're starting to see the market shift a little bit. Like what made you go down that route? Was it just being true to what you were looking for? Or was it just four sides to how the industry was going? Well, all the research that I had done about pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, things that are put into our food, it made me sick to my stomach, because cancer rates on the rise, obesity, all these diverse diseases are happening all around us,
Starting point is 00:15:58 the people that we love. And I'm like, all right, well, what would I take if I was to consume something every single day, multiple times a day? And what would I want my mom, who has had cancer, you know, 30 years ago, she had cancer and luckily she healed it, but who am I going to give that to? What am I going to give to my family? And I won't give them something that wasn't completely 100% organic just because of the risk, even though it costs a little bit more to produce, and our spread may not be as high from a business standpoint,
Starting point is 00:16:29 I mean, there's some products I probably pay five times as much as these other protein companies and superfood companies that aren't using organic. And that's okay with me because I sleep at night knowing that the thousands of customers that we have, that our subscribers know that we do have the best products in the country and the world and it's awesome. So that's why we went down that route. It's more of a personal integrity thing that I have, everything that I want to do in my life,
Starting point is 00:16:56 I want to lead behind at the highest level possible. And it just it shows our, we've literally 5x star business every year since launching our GANIFI. We've been on the Inc 500 twice, it's no joke, you know, it's real and it's Mother Nature's medicine and it's been awesome. Were you all alone when you started this? Were you by yourself?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Or did you have a team? How did that all play out? Yeah, I was. You know, I was this crazy dude with an HD flip cam everywhere I'd go. I was like filming these vlog videos 6 and a half years ago. I would go to local farmers markets. Everybody was probably like who is this guy? Like he smells like patchouli and he's in Whole Foods like buying 70 pounds of veggies every other day like this guy is crazy
Starting point is 00:17:40 But you know it turned into something with wheels and Sure enough people that saw the message and they saw all the testimonials coming in. My COO quit his job as an aeroscience engineer. He was like building drones and building these like artificial intelligent robots to like destroy other countries and stuff like that. And he's like, I'm giving all that up because I wanna change the planet and heal the world.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I'm tired of building these death machines. And he's literally a rocket scientist. He was building like missiles and stuff. So now he's like working on funnels and really helping us with our messaging. And sure enough, everybody that's been here has had a life transformation of some point. And similar to you guys, probably.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I mean, the people that you attract, the vibe attracts your tribe. And that's exactly what organify is. It's heart-centered people that have had transformation in their life, and they just want to give it back to as many people as possible. Well, it's kind of neat how we got to you because if you go back and you listen to the hits,
Starting point is 00:18:39 I mean, I think it was maybe episode, it was one of the first 10 or 15 episodes. We came out and really came hard after supplements. And that's because we definitely advocate whole foods, right? We tell people get whole natural foods and that should be where most of your diets from and be careful. Most of these supplement companies are just praying on your insecurities to get you to buy more shit. And so a lot of that was our message. But yet, if you go to all of our houses, every one of us has a cover, and we have supplements inside there,
Starting point is 00:19:07 but we supplement based on our actual needs. I have a vitamin D deficiency, so I take vitamin D. I have a hard time getting enough protein, so I take a protein shake. I don't always get my greens in on a regular basis, so I use a green juice occasionally. But at the same time, we didn't want that to convolut the message that we had been giving
Starting point is 00:19:25 for so long. And not long ago, I was kind of pushing back on the boys because one of the things we do talk about, and especially in the bodybuilding fitness industry, is people push the amount of protein. Oh, two to three grams per pound of body weight, because of course they want you to buy more bars, more shakes to hit those protein intake.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And so, you know, the boys come out and they talk a lot about how you don't need nowhere near as much as that. But then I would let, I would tell them that, listen, even though we don't need that, I actually have a hard time being a 230 pound guy, getting the right amount of protein that I need to maintain my lean mass. And so I had still been taking protein, and I said, man, I tell you what guys, no matter how much I try to make sure I always get it
Starting point is 00:20:11 from whole foods, there's at least half of the week I'm missing those targets. So I was still, even though we were talking about telling people they don't need that much protein, I was still taking it and had been waiting for the right company to come along that we felt like their message kind of aligned with us. So it's really kind of neat.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Right, now it's at the top of the quality chain, right? Like for us, it's not necessarily like, the mentality still exists that I need to go and bulk because I'm gonna need this endless supply of protein where if we can change that thought process where you need, maybe you need to supplement your protein, but why not deal with the most high quality type of protein that you can get on the market and have it organic and not have, you know, the artificial sugars and all these things attached to it. And so, you know, this is where, you know, we start revisiting these things and looking. And we are actually
Starting point is 00:21:04 at one point we're thinking ourselves, like maybe we should develop this ourselves. We almost made our own mind. What, yeah. That's a monster by the way. Yeah. We back to that quickly. We have no desire anymore Drew to step into your world,
Starting point is 00:21:17 whatsoever, because no thanks. We, and we, we're, Justin's right. I mean, we had, we were going to these farms, test and all the style. We had consulted with a few people. We even had, we were going to these farms, testing all the sell, we had consulted with a few people, we even had somebody that was gonna head it up, that department for us, and we all just kinda finally looked at each other, so we have too much on our fucking plate
Starting point is 00:21:34 with everything else. Let's just podcast, good. Yeah, let's do what we do well. Sooner or later, the time will come, we will find the right person, we'll find the right company that has a similar message as we do, that it's got all these things in line already. It will happen if they don't exist now will eventually find them.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And so it was pretty awesome the way this all kind of unfolded. Yeah, let's talk about how you source your products. You had mentioned about how that's very important to you and how that drives the cost up and maybe not, you know, initially sound like a great business idea, but obviously it's worked out well for you. Let's talk about sourcing. Where do you source your products and where let's maybe we'll start with protein. Like, where do you get the sources for your protein powder? Yeah. Well, first and foremost, I have one of the best supply chain managers in the country.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Like, this guy, I'm actually met him at Cafe Gratitude. He was the general manager there. I met him about a year ago, year and a couple months, kneels, and he was managing the whole entire restaurant and the supply chain, Cafe Gratitude's this vegan place. So he had a lot of connections and contacts in there. And his heart was for it, right? Cause he had been watching FitLife TV
Starting point is 00:22:43 in our YouTube videos for about three and a half years. And I'm kind of like a cafe gratitude and whole foods and markets and stuff. I'm kind of like that guy that was popular in high school at a different school, like you didn't go to the school, but he was popular and you kind of just, you know, it's weird. So he came up to me and he's like,
Starting point is 00:23:02 hey man, like I've been watching your show. I'd love to be a part of the team. And then he just, he came up to me and he's like, hey man, like I've been watching your show. I'd love to be a part of the team. And then he just, he came with this whole onslaught of different local farms he was using, different resource, different contract manufacturers, even different formulators. Because there's the whole process of formulation as well. Because you want it to taste good.
Starting point is 00:23:23 You know, we spend a lot of time going back and forth with dozens of different iterations to make sure that if we're making a green juice, that it's something that 98% of the country could drink, especially in middle America. I'm from Michigan, so we want them to be able to drink it. So choosing a crop that's organic that has a good mint taste to it and testing the mint on an individual level. Maybe we try Arizona, which is a little bit drier than, say, Northern California, where there's another mint farm.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And really mixing that with the meringa leaf that you can get in Guatemala or the turmeric that we get in an organic, the only organic turmeric farm in all of India. So it's making sure that the supply is coordinated and it's matching the flavor that we're trying to create as well, because there's been some batches guys where we'll get an organic fly test batch and we'll be like, why does this taste? It's not as sweet as the last batch.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It doesn't taste as good. It doesn't have the roundness of the flavor. The coconut crystals are off because in Thailand, maybe they went through a little drought or something that wasn't enough nutrients in the soil. So it's this constantly evolving thing, especially when you're dealing with food. And that's the difference between taking a pill and making a super food extract that tastes good.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So- I'm not gonna lie, your green juice is almost always taste horrible. I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I've drinkin' green powder juice before for some of their benefits, but they almost never taste good. Yours doesn't taste like the typical green juice. It's kind of magical. It's actually, no, that was the sale.
Starting point is 00:25:01 That was like one of the closers. We were like, okay, green juice, You know, this is going to taste like grass because they all taste like grass. It actually tastes good. Like, what's going on? What are you guys doing in there to make it taste like that? Yeah, so it's the lohan go, which is monk fruit, which doesn't actually increase your insulin at all either.
Starting point is 00:25:20 So with this ketogenic craze, and you guys, I mean, obviously, you're all man beasts. You don't want your insulin two out of whack because you're going to put on a bunch of tummy fat. That's the harriest. Harry beast. Yeah. Yeah. So monk fruits, absolutely amazing. It's, it's sometimes three to four hundred
Starting point is 00:25:39 times sweeter than cane sugar. And it actually has medicinal benefits as well. And the reason they call it monk fruit is because a bunch of monks in the Himalayas actually eat the berries every day, and it gives you this calm feeling too. So some people experience this mental calmness when they drink organifi, and the monk fruit is actually part of it, the mint, the coconut crystals, and then also using real food extracts like lemon to round out the flavor of organifi was key in getting the flavor notes to be what it is today. And Red Juice, have you guys tried the Red Juice yet? I haven't tried that. I haven't tried either.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Okay, so we're sending you some Red Juice. We just put it out last week. Literally we're about to sell out of our first order, but it is, literally tastes like fruit punch or a cool laid. When you were a kid, you remember the Hawaiian punch containers? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Oh, yeah. Instead of that, it's like, ooh, yeah. You can ask because it is revisited. No sugar, like less than one gram from the beets, the cranberry, the rodeola. It's got the King of Mushrooms, Rishi in it. It's got cordiceps, which you guys have probably read the study in the 1980s.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Three Chinese women, one like three gold medals, and they looked at their blood work, and they found that cordiceps was one of the things that they were taking to increase the ATP and the mitochondrial function. They thought they were actually on steroids because of cordoceps. Wow, this is huge. So, I actually love cordoceps. I've supplemented them with them in the past,
Starting point is 00:27:13 especially for endurance. Some interesting studies on cordoceps, it's a pretty cool herb or actually it's not even an herb, it's a fungus that grows on caterpillars or something like that. Yeah, it starts, it takes the body of a caterpillar and then spreads itself up mountains and everywhere else. And it's crazy for ATP. It's insane at how much energy it can produce in your body.
Starting point is 00:27:33 People with renal kidneys going on, like liver type stuff, like they've done a lot of research in regards to cordiseps now, and it's really fascinating stuff. So question Drew, with your protein powder, it's probably, I know Adam Raves about it, he's been talking about it for a while now, we haven't really brought it up on the show yet, because we wanted to make sure we all really like the product, which we all do.
Starting point is 00:27:56 But your protein powder, why did you go the plant-based route, which by the way I appreciate, because I can't dare, I can't have dairy at all. So way protein casing, but I can't have it because it just destroys my stomach. But why did you go the plant-based route? Was there a particular reason? Was it because the guy you were working with? And how hard was that to get the enough protein in it to be a good, because that's the other thing,
Starting point is 00:28:20 because sometimes you get these plant-based ones and it's like eight grams of protein in it. It's like, fuck, well, why am I gonna drink that protein, Shake4? They're like, I eight grams of protein, any more than that. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, old and I'm thinking, what the hell, I'm way too young to be experiencing this. And I was eating about 250 grams of protein a day. And mainly it was coming from red meat and it was coming from way protein shakes.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I was also juicing, right? I was juicing greens. I was eating a lot of salads, but I looked at my liver blood test and it was inflamed a little bit. So I started to back off the meat. I got another blood test in three months, didn't really change much. And then I'm like, you know what, I'm going to eliminate these way protein shakes.
Starting point is 00:29:12 So and I was taking a pretty good protein. It wasn't grass fed from New Zealand, but it was like the best stuff you could get in San Diego at the time. And I cut that out, my liver enzymes, I returned to normal, and I'm like, well, how else am I going to supplement protein? So I started experimenting with different plant-based proteins. And I'm like, they all taste gritty. They taste like ass.
Starting point is 00:29:31 This is the worst protein I've ever had in my life. And I'm like, you know what? We get to make plant-based protein that tastes like ice cream or cookies or something that people love that has high amounts of protein that has whole food natural vitamins versus synthetic shit that you guys just pee out anyway. So we put whole food vitamins in there
Starting point is 00:29:53 from different fruit and vegetables and we put coconut for the MCTs, you get the fat in there. I believe we created a superior product in the marketplace and it's, I take it every day. Sometimes twice a day, I make different types of food with it. You can make some killer pancakes, waffles, because it's really low in sugar,
Starting point is 00:30:14 but you can make really, really good stuff as well as have a mid-day protein shake to give you energy as well. Well, and this is, it's definitely the best tasting non-dairy protein I've ever had. That's one hundred percent. Yeah, that's one hundred percent. That's 100%. That's 100%. It's important to pick you back off what you're saying right now.
Starting point is 00:30:29 This is why it's not the cheapest protein shake on the market or the cheapest green drink because of what you guys are putting into it. You made a point about what a lot of these companies do is use all the synthetic vitamins just so they can say that it's in there. And you're like you said, you're just peeing it right out. Your body's not even getting really lots of the benefits, but it's more expensive to go the route you are. So I think it's important to note that because I think always, sometimes consumers, they think right away like, oh, does it taste good? Is it the cheapest? And it's like, that doesn't always work that way.
Starting point is 00:31:03 That's a great, that's a great point, Adam. Drew, if you wouldn't mind, because again, we keep it very transparent with our audience. And your products are on the higher end of a cost. Would you mind talking about that a little bit why you guys are more expensive than maybe some of your competitors?
Starting point is 00:31:21 Well, if you go to the grocery store and obviously you look at organic versus non-organic, there's a big difference because number one, and it's kind of BS, but number one is it cost us one of our manufacturing facilities $180,000 just to get it approved to say we could use the USD organic seal. Wow. So that's kind of a big racket in and of itself. Right. That's somebody's nice ass salary. Just don't get me started on that. It's all BS.
Starting point is 00:31:52 But essentially the way that the crops are managed, the way that they're taken care of, they're constantly getting tested, ours are even our product. Each batch gets tested multiple times for different things. Heavy metals, heavy metals, you know, everything that's in there. Some products get tested like once a year. And you never know because products are continuously changing, the environments, the crops.
Starting point is 00:32:15 That's a great point. For example, the whole food vitamins, like my formulae came back to me and he's like, you guys probably don't want to do this because per every unit, it's an extra $1.71 per unit for your whole food vitamins and minerals. He's like, not only that, it's really bitter and it's going to be insanely hard to make it taste good because of the magnesium, the minerals, everything else that is certified, organic, and still would fall into 100 or USDA certified organic. I'm like, I don't care what it takes.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Let's make it happen because nobody else has done this. You gotta be the first in the marketplace, I think. And if it costs a lot more to do it, then that's just, it is what it is. You've created a superior product. A superior product. And I think it's worth every single penny when it comes to your health.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Oh, tough. And people, you know who appreciate this? The taste same type of people that shop at Whole Foods. You know, you appreciate that. Yeah. When you know what you're, when you start to care about what you're putting in your body, it's not a big deal that that avocado cost you a dollar, something more, or that fruit, or vegetable cost you three dollars more, because you know where it's getting sourced
Starting point is 00:33:24 and what's coming from and how much better it is for your body. Well, the places that people try to save money on are probably the places they should try. They should not be so worried about cutting every corner and food happens to be one of them. You brought some interesting, Drew, you said that you guys test your batches, is that with independent laboratories? Yeah, we test even outside of what the formula in the manufacturing facilities that we use do. Our probiotics, protein, green juice,
Starting point is 00:33:55 we're always testing our end as well, just to make sure that, you know, you never know. Like if somebody comes in, big brother comes in to analyze all your stuff, you want to make sure you have all your ducks in a row. Is that accessible to a consumer? Would they be able to see results of these? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Okay. We have that accessible, I believe, and we also did our own clinical trials on Organifi Granger, which most supplement companies will never do because it is insanely expensive to do your own clinical trials. Let me tell you, and it takes forever to get it, even like university published, different things like that. We did the clinical trials on green juice to a very few number of people. I think it was like 50 or 60 people in our group, and it doesn't matter how big it is.
Starting point is 00:34:44 It's expensive to go through this arduous process. And what we found was, is it actually helped with body composition, it improved, helped with weight loss, mental clarity, it actually lowered depression on the back's depression scale. Oh wow. So, and that's the green juice. We have yet to do clinicals on the organifi protein,
Starting point is 00:35:04 but I'd like to see some weight loss in there for that. And then also the red juice, mitochondrial health, anti-aging, and energy would be a really cool thing to look at as far as the red juice is concerned. I love that you guys have the faith to put a 60-day money back guarantee on it. Yeah, that's crazy. I don't know anybody else that gives that kind of a, that length of a money back guarantee. Yeah, that's crazy. I don't know anybody else that gives that kind of, that length of a money back guarantee on a supplement or a product.
Starting point is 00:35:30 What went into your thought process of putting that together and how has that worked out for you? Well, I think we might actually make it a year, to be honest. Wow. You were talking about that at our last meeting. That's confidence. Yeah. You know, the thing about it is, guys is guys like at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:35:47 if you drink organified green juice and I helped improve your life, you had more energy, maybe you had more mental clarity, you started a ritual that impacted you, you're still doing after a month and a half that you weren't doing before, you're taking time for yourself. And you paid me, you know me 59 bucks or whatever it was for one of our products, 89 for the protein or whatever. And at the end of it, it's empty. And you're like, you know what, I'm gonna get my money back on this.
Starting point is 00:36:15 That's cool with me. Because I know that the universe is abundant and it will always reward those who are willing to go out and help other people change their lives. So that's kind of the philosophy behind it. We have an empty container policy. If you drink it, you don't like it. If you don't like the mailman, send it back. If you don't like the way it tastes, the way it smells, whatever reason you want to send it back for, we really stand behind our money back guarantee. And you have to nowadays with consumer goods, with products online.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I mean, it's just the game that we're playing because you could get slayed in a second with reviews and everything else from a business standpoint and you don't wanna go down that path. A lot of people are scared to do that. A lot of people thought we were crazy when we offered these programs online and also gave the same thing.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And the way we looked at it, because you know, there's always gonna be somebody who tries to scam you for a dollar. Like that's just inevitable. But I believe if you truly are trying to help others and you have a product that you know is gonna change a lot of people's lives, then you're not afraid of those couple of people
Starting point is 00:37:16 that are gonna be like that because you're gonna be rewarded by all the other people that it ends up changing. Something else I thought that was really cool. You guys provide a lot of recipes. And these recipes are pretty legit. They're all, of course, food-based, and you can use some of your products to add flavor or to add a better nutrient profile.
Starting point is 00:37:33 How deep is that? Recipe list. This looks like something you guys, you will work on longer than even with selling your organifi products. Yeah. We've been collecting recipes and creating them for the past six and a half years, things that we like every Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:37:51 we have a wellness Wednesday episode that's a live video on Facebook, we're doing a recipe. We got like three or, I think, three holistic nutritionists on staff now that love to cook, that love to make food, we have a couple chefs. So we're just, we're always like having food get together and gatherings.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And when we do that, we write down the recipes and we just post them for our audience to enjoy as well. We're a bunch of foodies over here. So when you guys come to San Diego, let me know and we will whip up some food that you will, you'll be like, what? It's made with the friggin' super food. Are you kidding me right now?
Starting point is 00:38:26 We'll do that for sure. Looking ahead here, we're all in the same industry, just doing different things. What has been your strategy for growth for your business? I obviously, you guys are looking at some podcasts and how are you guys growing so much? There's a lot of word of mouth, or what's your strategy at this moment?
Starting point is 00:38:45 So my personal strategy, because I'm the CEO and the visionary behind it, it's to accelerate other leaders in my business. So the thing that I'm thinking about every day is how can I help another leader in the organization evolve and be the cause of cause? So I'm consistently taking my employees out on what I call like day dates,
Starting point is 00:39:05 where I hang out with them, I get inside their head, I help them remove any blockages that they have about the funnel or about their business, you know, our chief marketing director, our human resource director. So all the sea level people I'm focused on, I think from a business standpoint, you know, if you talk to my operations guy, he would be more focused on well, how many subscribers do we have? And that's the rocket scientist, right? So how do we create our subscriber ship like more fun and engaging for our community? Let's create a club. Let's give them discounts on local businesses that may be in their area.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And we're always doing these things. We're always reinventing ourselves. We're constantly shifting on different platforms to create the largest impact. Facebook's been our biggest up to this point, but now we run a significant amount of ads on YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram. We're getting into a little bit more here and there, building relationships with other affiliates,
Starting point is 00:40:04 like you guys and sponsoring different podcasts that we believe have the best information on the planet when it comes to fitness and health and changing people's bodies and mindsets like you guys. Very cool. And that's really been the biggest thing. It's like targeting those influencers, people that make a difference and giving them a product that they can't get anywhere else. Well, very cool.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Yeah, we appreciate the conversation. So far, for me, I use protein powders maybe twice a week, and yours is definitely one of my favorites that I've ever used. So that will be the one I'll be using from now on. I can't wait to try the Red Juice. Well, the big thing for me was I take a probiotic every day because I've expressed on the show many, many times that I've dealt with gut issues and they seem to be more prevalent today
Starting point is 00:40:56 than ever before, especially in the fitness community. And I've replaced my old probiotic with yours, which I was very skeptical when I got it. Probiotics either do, they either work really well for me, which is rare, or they do the opposite and I have a bad reaction. And yours was really good, so that's the one that I use now, and Adam, he's been using your protein now, pretty what, once a day, at least I think. Yeah, I'm about once a day.
Starting point is 00:41:20 So, I mean, if I hit it, whole foods on a day, so I'm always targeting whole foods first and going that route, but if I have to, I end up doing foods on a day, so I'm always targeting whole foods first and going that route, but if I have to, I end up doing a shake-in, so it's about every day or every other day I end up using a shake for sure. All right, appreciate the conversation, and we look forward to working with you, my friend. I love it. I'm looking forward to it, guys.
Starting point is 00:41:38 All right, thanks, sure. Yeah, good one. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform
Starting point is 00:42:07 the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is Mindbomb.

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