Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 571: The Truth About Test Boosters, Staying Healthy & Injury Free, Pros & Cons of Dairy & MORE

Episode Date: August 11, 2017

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the efficacy of test boosters,frie...nds that don't listen to advice and what to do, the good, bad and ugly about dairy and body maintenance protocols to stay healthy & injury free. Get our newest program, MAPS Prime Pro, which shows you how to self assess and correct muscle recruitment patterns that cause pain and impede performance and gains. Get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump. Look out, here we come. We start off with about 35 minutes of chit chat. We begin with, we start talking about protein powders. We talk a little bit about our sponsor, Organify. By the way, get 20% off any Organify product if you go
Starting point is 00:00:31 to Organify.com and type in the coupon code, Mind Pump. Then we talk about trucks and how that's kind of an American thing. We talk about Justin's new truck. Yep, he's rolling in a pretty cool truck. Yeah, sexy, if you ask me. Basin, old car audio systems. What were you basin' back in the school? Yeah, we talked about back when we were growing up. I was a big deal to have the big 12 inch subwoofers.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah. Talk about my, I guess, your stereos. Come on, my flea market purchase of subwoofers because I'm a frugal or some may say cheap individual. We talk about car modifications, cruising and racing. That was like a big thing when we were kids. Maybe not so big nowadays. It's dying off, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:11 It is too bad. We talk about millennials and their buying habits, the future of movies. Are they going away? And aging and how you enter an age of enlightenment as you get older, or as we like to call it, the age of zero fucks. The age of zero fucks get older or as we like to call it the age of zero fucks. The age of zero fucks. Then we start answering some questions. The first question is test
Starting point is 00:01:30 boosters. Do they work? Are there any side effects? The second question is how to give advice to a friend. It always seems like friends will take advice from other people. They just won't listen to you. Even if it's the same advice. Is it your fault? It's really annoying. Is how you're delivering it. The next question is about dairy. How much dairy do we eat? And what do we think about dairy? In particular, I love cheese. Finally, we talk about our body maintenance protocols, you know, stuff like massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other bodywork tools that aid in recovery and mobility and just overall feeling better. Also, don't forget this month, probably my favorite promotion ever, we are giving away
Starting point is 00:02:12 access for free to our private forum on Facebook. All you have to do is enroll in any maps program or maps bundle. In other words, enrolling a program, a maps program, or bundle, and we will give you access to our private forum, absolutely for free. On that forum, we have about 2,000 members that include fitness professionals, doctors, and of course, me, Adam and Justin are all in there. Come hang out with us. Almost every single day. Don't forget next month to the price goes up on the forum. So we're jumping up on the price.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So make sure you get in on it this month. I'll tell you what's surprising to me is I haven't had a bet. This is my gauge for supplements is my, like how sensitive my gut is to them. I feel like I always talk about this. I'm sure people on the other end of this podcast are like it a alarm that goes off. Sal's 10.
Starting point is 00:03:07 What a baby. We should have a kid. No, the kid should be a statement. Yeah, it's just talking about Sal's tummy today. No, but the diarrhea. But the, the, the jet I've done the green, the green juice, I've done the protein powder. Of course, the probiotics, which work well for me, but I've done the protein powder on the green juice. And neither one of them have had a negative effect on my, on my guts, which almost every
Starting point is 00:03:29 fucking product out there supplement, if it's in powder form, will mess me up. You know I'm saying? Well, when we talked to Drew, I find companies like this where the, the CEO was trying to solve a problem that they have themselves. It's, I feel like the integrity is totally different with the company. Yeah, you're probably right. Think of all the supplement companies that we met with, we talked to. Where the problem was, how can I make more money?
Starting point is 00:03:51 Right, it's like, we're trying to re-brand. Right, we're trying to market this way. I was trying to make this cooler, trying to attach ourselves to these things, and there's no story behind the company. Like, to me, that was one of the things where that I, what I really liked about Organifi and Drew was, here's a guy who has a very similar story to us where was taking all this shit like
Starting point is 00:04:14 we were and has affected his gut and now has been on this mission. He knew his margins were going to be dog shit because he's actually sourcing it and costs more. Right. But he does it anyway. You know, that's what inspired the Red Juice direction was that he just went through a bout of gout, right? Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he just gone too. Didn't he say that in our talk with him? About of gout. Yeah, yeah. He's, I did that. Wow. I did that.
Starting point is 00:04:40 You're like, oh that worked. You're like, you're like a, I did. He's a poet. He didn't even know it. It even even know it Just happened just since I'm fire. Yeah, I'll tell you what so there's three protein powders now now that I've used Organify that work really well with me so organifies one of them the one that I found a long time ago was the Garden of Life one the raw Organic protein And then there's the warrior protein that I've used. The warrior protein.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And those are the three that I can tell they're all plant-based. But no joke, I'm not just saying this, I hope the listeners aren't like, yeah, man, you're just being sponsored. No, seriously. And this is one of the reasons why I'm excited to visit their fat, their, like, how they make their... Yeah, because the, the, the, the,'re or the organified protein legit is the best It's actually up there with the best tasting like way proteins that I've had which I was already
Starting point is 00:05:32 I've already kind of like accepted that like plant protein powders will never taste as good as the way one Yeah, they never well Yeah, you kind of like know that going in but this one's really good And so my first thoughts were what are they putting in here to make it taste so good. There's no artificial, anything in it. And if you look, they have the, they have independent, you can actually see that independent laboratories will test their product
Starting point is 00:05:56 and tell you, you know, what's in there, what's not in there, so, I don't know, man, they did a good job. It's definitely more expensive of the three, but. I like that though. Well, I mean, honestly, no. I do too, bro. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:08 For quality control. And you know, because then it's like, it's not the true. I mean, it is. You know, what else are you gonna cut corners when you start trying to play the price game? It's kind of true because when they did the, when they, when those testing was coming out
Starting point is 00:06:21 for protein spiking, where the companies were spiking their protein to make it look like add 40 grams per serving when in reality it was 20, and then they'd sprinkle in nitrogen or whatever they used amino acids to make it look like it had more protein. The companies that were the worst at it,
Starting point is 00:06:36 were the ones that had, that were the cheapest, that the ones that are known for having the best value. Of course, where you get the bag of protein, you're like, do you? 20 bucks for 100 servings away. Like this is great. Oh, well, I'm getting hooked up. Well, you said enough for your huge bag.
Starting point is 00:06:50 We're actually getting 30 servings. You know, it looks like 100 servings. Well, you, I mean, you were talking about this on the show just that people spend, our company spend most their money on the flavor and then the marketing advertising side. I mean, that's just, if you want to be successful in anything that has to do with food or supplements, that's where most people spend their money.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And then they don't have much money left over for quality and sourcing. And it sucks because we are, I think we're kind of conditioned to believe that maybe it doesn't necessarily mean if you get like a cheaper price that the product is going to be worse. And I think this is true for certain things. For example, you can find electronics. You can get the same brand from different retailers or different places and it will be much cheaper. So you're getting the same quality
Starting point is 00:07:47 for the same price with certain things. But in many cases, you're right, you get what you pay for. That's right. I mean, I always feel that way. And it sucks because I don't know, you want everybody to experience quality stuff and so you try and make it reasonable and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:05 But honestly, you almost have to just... You have to prepare for that. You have to plan to spend that kind of money to get the quality stuff, the stuff that you're seeking out. You know that they maintain integrity that way. Speaking of equality, what are you, how you enjoying your Denali, bro?
Starting point is 00:08:28 I love it. I mean, talk about spinning a little extra money on. See, here's a perfect case scenario. Like that's something that I've thought about purchasing for, oh my God, maybe a well over a decade. So I'm not privy to what you guys are talking about. I don't know much about the difference between the non-denali version of your truck
Starting point is 00:08:47 versus the denali version of your truck. Yeah, it's just the ride, it's a suspension. It's, I mean, it's like the inside, the interior, all the bells and whistles. It's just, so denali is a separate company. It basically is the upgraded model of this year. So now is it owned by, is it like the cobra for the Mustang? Right. Okay, so it's not oh it's not like what is it roots the top of the line model, you know, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, so it's like yeah, it's like that. What you're where you're going like Eddie Bauer was for I think Ford for a long time I don't think they're connected to them anymore. So Denali only works with particular brands or is it one? Only only GMC. Yeah, oh, yeah, that's their that's the like they're connected to them anymore. So Denali only works with particular brands. Or is it one of the GMC? Only GMC, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's their, that's their souped up. I see. Yeah. I mean, it's normally the ticket prices
Starting point is 00:09:33 on like a truck like Justin's, it's normally like 10,000 plus more just for that. Yeah, just for that. That's your stuff. The suspension alone's like a $10,000 upgrade is this thing. Well, your truck is not, you don't treat your truck like it's just a truck.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's also your kids are in it. That's your daily driver. You're going to go look and it's super spacious. Like, oh, my God, my kids love it. Yeah, they're, and it's just, and it's functional too. So I kind of went more of the truck because I do have all these projects that are looming around my house. And I already did a dump run with it, which is like, you know, it's a nice, super nice
Starting point is 00:10:06 drug, but I'm just like, you know, the back is all sprayed. So it's like got that material where like who cares? Like it's not gonna scratch it or anything. And so it's got that functionality that I wanted. And you know, the backup cameras and all these kinds of things that in the downgrading. So when I'm going down, because I drive 17 every day, and it's the slope,
Starting point is 00:10:28 and my brakes are like the first thing, like I always have to get my brakes fixed, and it down shifts automatically on a slope and all that, so it's actually been saving my brakes quite a bit, and it's just stuff like that. I think, maybe correct me if I'm wrong, but if I'm not mistaken, the truck culture
Starting point is 00:10:47 where people actually have nice trucks that they drive all the time, that's an American thing, right? I don't think you see that totally in other countries. Yeah. And the reason why I say that is I'll have smaller roads, like especially in Europe, like when I was there, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:11:02 It's totally American thing, too, we go big. We go big, we haul shit. Well, the reason why I'm saying that is because I'll have family and friends visit from Italy and stuff. And they're always like, man, there's so many trucks. Like, why is everybody driving these trucks? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Seems to be like a bit...
Starting point is 00:11:18 Isn't that number one selling vehicle in America? Isn't it a truck? The F-150, right? Is that right? Is that right? Is that one of the number one, maybe just the number one selling truck? Yes, probably the number one selling truck. I like trucks, to be honest, my favorite car,
Starting point is 00:11:32 but see, you see the truck that I liked that I had so much, I don't even know if you guys would consider a truck, like the favorite car I've ever owned was my little Toyota 4-Batter. I owned those my first, like like legit car that I bought myself. Just a beater. No, no, no, it was brand new. It was brand new base model.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Oh yeah. So it was a Toyota 4 cylinder, no rims, no AC, no power, anything. Remember, you have to crank the window up, you know, with the fucking nostalgia. When you're gonna lean it, when it's hot, you're gonna lean across while you're driving and fucking roll over the down.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Or when you're turning your steering wheel unless you're driving, because there's no power steering, you had to have some strength to turn that fucker. Oh, we were in, when we were high school, my best friend drove a 54 Chevy with no power steering. And I used to remember, when we go to lunch, right, and was the old school bench seat, we go three Y, three dudes, right?
Starting point is 00:12:24 And then he would park it and we'd all help right and he had a little GT steering wheel so you had to get a turn like 15 just the problem bro I had one you know with the moon eyes like I had this like killer like a steering wheel that I wanted to put on but before that had this huge boat steering wheel because it's reason yeah so you can get the torque he needed to kind of turn it but yeah, I remember doing that was oh my god trying to get into a spot at school Was fucking challenge I remember memory when I had so when I bought my my it was my first like I said my first Actual car that I bought actually This was I became a personal trainer started making money bought this truck and Then the first thing I did was
Starting point is 00:13:05 like, okay cool, I'm gonna make it look cool now. So I went and got rims for it, and I got an exhaust for it, but I didn't, I was kind of a cheap skate, which I'm sure you guys can, what? Yeah, not exactly, especially when it comes to cars. So the guy put this like exhaust on it, that was just loud, you know what I mean? And then I wanted a system in it,
Starting point is 00:13:24 but I didn't want to buy, what was the good speakers that you could buy back then? Punch? What? Jail Audio. No, not Jail Audio. It was a puncher. It was the... Rockford Fosgate. Yeah, there you go. But I went to... Rockford Fosgate punch speakers. Yeah, yeah. Fosgate punch speakers, right? And they had this like box. They had this box that you could put. I was a gun speaker. So there was this box you could put behind the seats of these trucks that kind of fit, but you could have like,
Starting point is 00:13:51 because that was a thing. You're a bass. That was the thing, dude, when we were kids, I don't even know if it's a big deal anymore, but when we were kids, it was about fucking 10, 12 inch woofers. Oh, now you can get your speakers, right? It's bumping away.
Starting point is 00:14:02 100%. That was a thing. I don't even think that's a big thing anymore, is it? I don't know if it is or is not. You don't hear it anymore. You don't not like you. When I was a kid, that was a huge deal. When I school, now,
Starting point is 00:14:12 the shittiest cars would have. It was such a $5,000 system. It was such a big deal at my school that when we were kids, so we had a senior parking lot and we had this fundraiser where you bought parking spots. Everyone had their own parking spot or senior year. And it was the thing to do, you would come to school an hour before school started and everybody backs up their cars.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Opened up all their doors and is basing their fucking music as loud as possible. And you would have to get, so there was the jail audio, or remember that was like the best. Rock for Fosgate, what's more decent, than the amps, right? You had to get like the best amps. It was panasonic, I think it was really good back then, and Sony was really good back then, if I'm not mistaken.
Starting point is 00:14:58 You're mistaken, but yeah, it's super cool. Super Hick School, we didn't have any of that. We just had a bunch of trucks and chickens. Yeah. Yeah, and like a couple muscle cars. It was all about muscle cars. How funny is that, how different, right? It was for you to grow about peeling out and...
Starting point is 00:15:13 It was probably lifted, right? Yeah, a lot. You could lift what your engine was and like we'd show off our engine. Oh no, and my school, it was your car stereo, how fucking loud it was. Yeah. And then it was rice rockets. Rice rockets were the thing. I didn't have any of that
Starting point is 00:15:26 There were there were so weird that because I feel like you and I are closer in age as far as what year because you graduated 98. No, no, it's it's where I'm 99 what year are you graduate 97? It's where I'm location wise it's location bro. He was in the mountains. I was I was in the country I've cowboy capital world Oakdale. I grew up in the high school that was cowboy Yeah, but that would I mean that's spot on right rice rocket. Yeah, I drove the rice rocket So me a big old big ass exhaust five-and-a-half inch dunk. He's on yeah, yeah, no I Drove the fast and furious car my best year 170 horse power
Starting point is 00:16:02 You guys actually had power. Yeah, like muscle. We had cars that man, if we were like pushing it with all the mods and shit. Yeah. Oh fuck, my car's got two. It's got 200 nitrous. 220 horsepower to lose their mind. What? You know, meanwhile you guys are driving on a horse farm.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Every bit of muscle car. Every bit of lightweight cars that I made through high school and probably even into my first year or two in junior college, I fucking spent on my rice rocket car. And it started. And it started with a one. Remember that car, did remind me when it was a type R, right? I know it wasn't a type R. It was, it was a just an LS, but I had completely torqued the
Starting point is 00:16:39 engine. Everything was done to that. Every bolt on the only I didn't have was forced air, so no turbo or nitrous, but everything. So you had headers. Oh, headers. Oh, yeah. Everything was done to that every bolt on the only I didn't have was forced air so no turbo or nitrous But every headers oh headers Oh, yeah fuel rail system on everything was done on that change the police Everything I even had a short shifter dude, so my shifter was super short and little everybody did a whole new clutch flywheel That was oh man everything was done to that so what was it? Five and a half inch tack with a light that shift, tell me when to shift.
Starting point is 00:17:06 This is a car by the way. Yeah, it under probably under 250 horsepower. Yeah, it was. It was probably like, you probably push it like 230. But fast, bro. Fast. Everybody had like 400. It was a fast.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Dude, I used to chew up Corvette. Oh, no, bro, that was, I used to run fucking real, real fast. No, real fast. There were no, the cars of you understand one thing though. Well, because they're lightweight. Well, no. You also got to consider this because I was actually having this conversation with my cousin.
Starting point is 00:17:31 When we were kids, if you had a car that was 250 horsepower, you were like, holy fuck that's fast. Today, fucking economy cars have 250 horsepower. It's so different. Well, yeah, but that's different. Even Mustangs were slow. Mustangs were slow in on the 92 Camaro's weren't even that fast well no and an SS would be yeah Your 50 leaders were fucking big engines bro those cars, but they weren't that fast They were those cars were those cars were running under 14 second quarter miles
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah, no not in the late 90s. Maybe the maybe the original Fires yeah, yeah, but like like the like I remember my cousin had a Camaro I don't know, come on. No, not in the late 90s, maybe the original cars. So, maybe the original cars. Yeah, but like I remember my cousin had a Camaro super sport, which was like one of the fastest production cars you could get aside from the super cars, right? And it was 300 horsepower or 320 something horsepower. Like today you could go get an economy car
Starting point is 00:18:21 that's gonna have almost that much dude. Like fast cars now blow away. Yeah, that whole industry, like they've upgraded everything so much standard so much but you so you get the hellcat you could buy that for what is it? seven horsepower under like $70,000 or something you like afford it and it's got like you can put that on a track and blow your hair well dude you could get a four-banger now you could go get a WRX STI Four-banger that's got pushing more horsepower than the frickin
Starting point is 00:18:50 Super Sport Camaro was in the 90s Yeah, you know, I'm saying and it's got four-scenters, but yeah, it was all about rice rockets It was all about the big stereos, but see me being not really a car guy, but kind of trying to be cool I went to the flea market and I come I said so you're laughing at this I get a bunch of stickers and remember remember, all the bolt on exos, you were the guy that got the bolt on exhaust, but not the full exhaust system or the Cadillac converter and back. So here's what you sounded cool.
Starting point is 00:19:14 No, I had the cane and air filter, that's what I had. Oh wow. So here's what you exactly. So here's what you gotta understand is like, I was like, no, I'm gonna be frugal because that's my nature, right? So I went to the flea market, piece by piece. I'm like, I'm gonna get my fucking speakers
Starting point is 00:19:27 at the flea market because I could get 12 inch subwoofer's there for way cheaper. So I go there and I see these 12 inch. How stereo speakers. I went, there's 12 inch speakers and they were called Crunch. Not Punch.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's a little, little plan word there. It's a Crunch. And I'm like, a little off brand. I'm like, fuck, they're big. Like, this is gonna be fucking great. They're big, man. Must be good. So I had those in the words there. Yeah crunch. Yeah, I'm like a little off brand. I'm like fuck they're big like this can be fucking great They're big me. Yeah, so I had those in the back of my dad What was the cool thing in high school for you? What was I mean when you showed up to school on campus? You just had a cool. I mean no definitely wasn't stereo systems like that. I'm sure what was going what was going on? What you're doing? You're like hardcore was like hardcore hacky sack going
Starting point is 00:20:03 1983 your 1983. Yeah. Yeah. Oh God cars sucked at that time. Didn't they well? Of course you to get your muscle car from the 70s right was that still hot? Oh, yeah, that was that was still the thing to be driving around yeah, did you guys do that? Did you guys congregate at the like the senior parking lot? Was it like a where everyone hung out and did drugs and did things like? Yeah, smoke I was a pretty straight lace guy in high school. But there was an area downtown, the town I grew up in, they everybody drive around a big circle.
Starting point is 00:20:31 They called it the loop. Oh, we had a strip called McHenry Avenue in Modesto. Shout out to everybody who lives in Modesto. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. McHenry Avenue. McHenry Avenue is this long, it's the long straight, it's the main road that goes through Modesto, woo woo, woo woo, woo woo. McKinnie Avenue. McKinnie Avenue. McKinnie Avenue is this long, it's the long straight, it's the main road that goes through Modesto, right? And every Friday night, you would cruise.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And everybody comes out there and you drive 20 miles an hour all the way down this 15 mile. Before the internet. Oh, totally, 100% exact. And this is the only way you'd see this is what we would do this, we would literally do this. This would be my Friday night We would get in our cars and we four or five of us that had all these tricked out
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, we got a lot of shavings and all the all the rice rockets and the integrals like mine and you know We had all the you know hyper lights and different colors and shit, right? And you would literally cruise up and down this 15 miles trip or so I'm just I guess I guess it's 15 miles might be sure in that and you would literally cruise up and down this 15 mile strip, or so I'm just guessing it's 15 miles, might be shorter than that. And you would just go up and back up and back until a cop pulls you over, which would happen to me all the time. You know, cop pulls you over, tells you no more,
Starting point is 00:21:35 you can't, you're not allowed to cruise, you're not supposed to cruise, but everybody does it anyways. And once the cop sees you two or three times, they know they know. There's just one strip in Moss Landing where everybody raced consistently. Because you could just see miles, like three miles or something. You could see way far.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And so you'd have somebody at the end there to tip everybody off if a cop was nearby. But all kinds of people's cars got impounded and it happened all the time. Everybody here raced at Bayley's. Which is like, I've heard about that. Yeah, and there was a death or something, not that long ago, and people kind of,
Starting point is 00:22:09 but it's that long road down when you go towards Morgan Hill where there's no lights and people would just meet down there and race, but the cruising was, we, I mean, we go to Santa Cruz and we cruise around there or we cruise around, you know, lost gas. I mean, it was like, I cruised on my turf, bro. Yeah, you're just, all you're doing is driving.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It's funny because kids have zero idea of what this, you know, nobody really does this anymore, but you would just get in your car and drive. And then the goal was to see if you could make eye contact with the cute girl. Right, right. And the car next to you. And of course, you need a cool car to do this.
Starting point is 00:22:41 It's like, you can't, you know, drive it. I think exactly what you would do, and then you would holler at them to pull over the dinnies go have dinnies with them and then hopefully hook up and hang out and Take it apart together. Yeah, it's cool So you think that doesn't happen anymore, huh? I think it happens less and less because it blows me right I have no idea dude. Do you know? So I actually look this up. I can't remember what it was but the average age that a kid gets their license now so much older I've had I have clients who've got kids who are,
Starting point is 00:23:07 I'm not exaggerating, like 20 years old, who won't get their license. They didn't want to Uber everywhere. No, not only Uber and they just don't go in their way. They're lazy. God, so stupid. Well, you're disappointing. You're talking to your friends and shit
Starting point is 00:23:19 through the internet and you're, oh, you know how many industries, this is so funny. I can't get it. It's hard. Freedom. Dude, I literally just saw this, this is so funny, I can't get it. It's hard, it's freedom. Dude, I literally just saw this, I gotta find, I literally just read this article on millennials, they'll say millennials are killing
Starting point is 00:23:33 all these industries because they're not, yeah, they're not doing a lot of things that we did. So like, they're not buying, they're not going to the same fast food restaurants or going out to dinner in general. Like millennials now prefer to meet up and hang out at home and watch Netflix versus go to a movie and eat out. Like there's all these,
Starting point is 00:23:56 like things are changing so much with this kind of stuff. They don't hang out like we used to do. I think, you know, talking about Netflix, I think it's crazy if you start watching, are you guys paying attention to how Netflix suggests movies to you and how there's a ranking now on how is this Katrina and I got into this. The night was so funny.
Starting point is 00:24:14 So we just found this. I didn't know they started doing this. I think it's pretty recent that when you click on a series now on Netflix, in green, it will show what percentage to your liking that this series is. And it's based off. We'll say brought back the star system. Right. So, so we're, we know why they did that because people were fucking with it. Yeah, no. So Katrina and I were talking about like, we're going through and we're surfing
Starting point is 00:24:37 through these series like, oh, let's find a new one that we haven't watched that, that's, you know, high and right, we're, like high as far as like the percentage. And we're going through them like, oh, this is cool. Oh man, this is so kind. And I'm fascinated, of course, my business brand going, I'm like, wow, this is so smart the way they're doing this. And there's, you know, totally face booking us right now,
Starting point is 00:24:55 where they're just cattling us in all these, these categories. And they know how long you've been watching something when you abandon us. Yeah. And she comes across as one. And I'm like, there's no way that's recommended to us. And she goes, look, it says 94 it to us. Yeah. And she comes across as one and I'm like, there's no way that's recommended to us. And she goes, look, it says 94% to us.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I go, wait a second, are we on your nieces at Christmas? Yes. And she's, it's, I was like, oh, that's because of me too. I'm like, you're fucking up our fucking algorithm, man. I say, you guys are logged into the wrong one. I did that. I watch all these like cartoons and all the shit. I'm like, ah, why do I keep getting all these lame
Starting point is 00:25:26 Kids stuff, right? It's funny. I didn't even dawn on me until I he recommended something I was like there's no way I would watch that bullshit. There's no way it's 94% accurate to me I'm like, oh wait a second you and your niece have been liking all these lame ass movies. You're fucking up my algorithm here Dude, so check this out. I pulled up the article, trip off this, right? A Bloomberg report found that more, okay, so marriage is down among millennials. They're getting married at slower rates. They're having less sex than previous generations. They are...
Starting point is 00:25:57 Dispointing. They... Oh, check, this one's a crazy one. The number of ticket buyers aged 18 to 24 dropped off by more than one third between 2013 and 2016. That's a huge ticket buyers in what movies? Movies. They don't have to go out and experience.
Starting point is 00:26:15 No, they'd rather stay home and watch. Did you see my post that I did on about Netflix on our on our forum? Uh-huh. Oh, I posted on our forum about that. So I predict that movies like what we, what we're so used to when we love to go watch are slowly dying, which so you're just confirming what I was predicting earlier. So stats are out there. I didn't know they were out there like this because I'm watching this, this recent Netflix series, which is the last chance
Starting point is 00:26:41 you, which is the football one. Yes. Yes. that's awesome. That's a check that out. The newest one's even better. Okay. The level of production that is happening right now is fucking ridiculous. It's a reality show, but I caught myself multiple times in the season going, whoa, I was sucked in like, this was a real movie. Like I was really bought into the character.
Starting point is 00:27:00 The production guys. Yeah, they're starting to put more and more money into the production of reality shows, because obviously more people are drawn to it. And so it's creating this new market. I predict that if we will even go to the movies in the future, if that's even gonna happen anymore, it will be reality stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:17 That are just, that are just, Wow. Like Steven Spielberg does a reality show. Weird. Right? It sounds weird, but when you watch, start watching some of these shows and you realize how much production is starting to go into the reality show. Weird, right? It sounds weird, but when you watch, start watching some of these shows and you realize how much production is starting to go into the reality show. It's not only that. It makes sense. It's not only that, but consider the pirating that happens with movies, like with music.
Starting point is 00:27:36 At some point, it'll be the death of the mega money blockbuster movie. It's already put a big black eye on that whole. Yeah, like why would they invest $100 million on making a movie when pirating is only getting worse and worse, they're not gonna make the money at the movie theater like they used to. Well, it's interesting too, even with the theaters have evolved because like two of the theaters that I go to all the time, like have completely
Starting point is 00:28:02 rearranged the format. So it's like, you know, they've catered to that home experience where I can recline and have this like super comfortable chair. Yeah, but there's less seats in there. And I just realized like, how many seats they eliminated in creating? But the price goes up. Yeah. So that's what they have to have to have to do. Because people in the future who are going to want to go to a movie
Starting point is 00:28:24 are going to want not necessarily the movie. It used to be about the in the future who are gonna wanna go to a movie are gonna want, not necessarily the movie, used to be about the movie. Like you'd go and you didn't give a shit about your seats and not experience now. It's now, it's all about the experience. So I think it's gonna be more interactive. Totally. You get to change the channel.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel.
Starting point is 00:28:42 You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change the channel. You get to change their life. The whole audience gets the vote. Yes, the whole audience of the votes and then that directs the direction of the movie. How pissed off will you be if you need more? If yeah, I know. I'm like, fuck you guys, this is lame. Yeah, yeah. That's lame, everybody else.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It'd be interesting. You know what? Think about that, how many times I would make that person come back to see the same movie? Because like, god damn it, I wanna see you go this way. Every time I go, I get to the same way. Oh, no. That's fucking hilarious. Dude, I didn't tell you guys this
Starting point is 00:29:04 a little quick hilarious story yesterday. So, we're having dinner at my mom's house and my grandparents are over there. And I have told you guys about my grandfather. He's pretty much the epitome of like he embodies. Zero macho line. No, he just embodies zero fucks. He's 86 years old.
Starting point is 00:29:24 He comes from a different era. He's 86 years old. He comes from a different era He's also that old school succinct kind of guy. So when you add those factors up He literally doesn't care like he doesn't give a shit about you know, what's who's around him? Whatever's in service. He's saying so we're sitting there. It's only like maybe the Fletcher by the way are my favorite I love talking Bro, this is my uncle Casey. Oh, dude, I can't wait to know your Uncle Casey when he's in his 80s. I can't even wait to hear what he's gonna say.
Starting point is 00:29:49 But anyway, so we're sitting there at dinner and my girlfriend's there. She's only met my grandparents like four times, three times maybe. So we're sitting there, we're all eating dinner and my grandfather looks at me and he makes this vile and he leans over and I'm like, oh shit, he's gonna fart.
Starting point is 00:30:05 No. Yeah, dude, no. Oh, no. So he lets it out, but it's kind of quiet. And Jessica's like in this conversation with my mom, so she doesn't even hear it, right? So she doesn't even hear it. That's just smell it.
Starting point is 00:30:17 No, no, no, no. So she doesn't hear it. So my grandfather's kind of laughing. And I'm busting up and my grandmother's looking at my grandfather, like you fucking disgusting human human being like always do this when there's people around that we don't know like what are you doing and my grandfather's cracking up and I thought that was the end of it nope wasn't the end of it no okay later on dude he made sure that she was right next to him so she could hear exactly what's
Starting point is 00:30:39 going on and he just blah I mean like bro like loud like rip one and he just, I mean, like, bro, like loud, like rib-fum, and Jessica just starts cracking up and I'm laughing. But the thing that made me laugh the most is my old school Sicilian grandmother who just looks at him with this look on her face. Like, just disdain. Yeah, it's not disgust, it's not like, it's not anger. It's not anger.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's just like, you could tell, she's looking not anger. It's just like you could tell she's looking She has this look like why did I marry you like why am I yeah? This is horrible I've been with you for this long and you still do I mean I can't teach What's wrong with me that I love it now? Why am I even here like yeah? And she's saying stuff like that in Sicilian. She's looking at she's saying stuff like that like she's like You're just she's like you're just a disgusting person. I don't know why you think this is okay. Like it's very serious come, and my grandfather's cracking up and then he doesn't know one.
Starting point is 00:31:29 You know, oh my God. And we're all laughing. So epic. It's a, it's good times and. It's refreshing. Yeah, and you know what? There's a part of me that's like, you know, the freedom. It is free.
Starting point is 00:31:40 It must feel amazing. It's amazing. He probably just like wakes up like, yeah. You imagine you ever the fuck I want. Just feeling that kind of freedom. I think, say whatever the fuck is on your list. Just let it out. Yeah, I mean.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I think that's what we all are working towards, right? This, that's enlightenment. It is, right? You could totally make an argument. You get to a point where you're just like, you know what? I'm tired of like carrying what everybody else thinks. I'm gonna be me, 100%. What are you okay to live as you guys this?
Starting point is 00:32:10 What are you guys gonna look like when you finally stop truly giving fuck? I'll just disheveled like my hair isn't me just frizzled. Yeah, like what will you look like? What will you dress like when you finally have reset limit? Do you think much will change with our appearance? Of course. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Of course, I like, okay. So I definitely will always work out. I don't reason the reason why I don't know how much, like how much of that will completely change. Not to say that at all, I'm not disagreeing with you. But I think there is a part of us that has connected, you know, when you feel fit and when you take care of yourself, it also, we feel like that carries over
Starting point is 00:32:47 into my relationships, my confidence, my production. Yeah, yeah, I don't know what that means for you. That's why I'm asking. Right, for me, I know I'm always gonna exercise and eat right, just because I really don't care about what other people think when you're not. I'm always gonna be working on getting strong and maintaining that.
Starting point is 00:33:05 But I can't, I can't. I definitely will stop like combing my hair. I mean, I kind of do that now sometime. Yeah, you know, you're already on the right track. Bro, I'm reaching, I'm telling you, I'm reaching enlightenment. I want you guys to, I'm going down the path. I don't know. These hairs like kind of perfectly feathered like in a dad comb.
Starting point is 00:33:23 It quakes itself away. It quakes itself, natural, I don't know what. It's like how to describe it. Which is weird. It's a weird thing because you're like on a sitcom. You know what I mean? Like one of those like, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Hey, Danny Tanner. You know what I'm like, like Kramer? Yeah, Kramer. Something that it's just like, it just storms. It does that. I don't know what it's so weird. My hair never did that when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:33:42 If I didn't comb my hair, it was fucked. I look like Medusa. Now if I don't comb my hair, weird my hair never did that when I was a kid if I didn't call my hair It was fucked. I look like Medusa Now if I don't call my hair it kind of comes itself. It's just kind of relaxes It does it's only I think you think I think you think it comes itself I don't think it really when I take my headphones off all I have to do is shake my hair and it goes into that kind of dad to the side haircut look it up. It just does it dude. It's so weird Yeah, I probably won't comb my hair anymore. I'll definitely wear the same one or two pair of sweats.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I don't think I'll ever wear anything else. You know what I'm saying? It'll just be one or two pair of sweats. Like, why am I ever wearing it? I think it has my get into polyester pants. Yeah. That's what you go real. It's real dad. A real like, like, grandpa.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I'll bring my linen back out. My Tommy Bahamas. I went through a phase, dude, in my time. Wow. I went through a phase, dude, in my time. Wow. Wow. I went through a phase in my mid-twenties. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Rock and Thomas Bahamas. I'm just picturing us, like, retired somewhere. That's what I'm trying to do right now. I'm trying to do that. I'm trying to do that. I guess shades, like, I'll cover my whole face. I still, I'm constantly putting, putting, like, some, some, so here's what I think, I think you're out.
Starting point is 00:34:40 This is what I think. I think Justin. Liver spots. I think, like, I think Justin's gonna look like your stereotypical like grandfather. Like a grouchy looking old guy. Yeah, where he's like, get off my long time ago. I think Adam.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I'm turning into that slowly. I can't picture what you're gonna dress like Adam cause I don't know, I can't really envision that. But I think your level of the shit that you'll say to people, he's like that old man with a pimp cane. Yeah, like he just kinda walks around and he's gotimp cane. You know, like he just kind of walks around and he's just like swag. I just feel like he's gonna tell people
Starting point is 00:35:09 their idiots like all the time. And yeah, you know what I mean? I think that's probably- Because you're almost like that anyway. You know what I mean? You're almost, you're almost enlightened on that level of rhythm. So I feel like you still have some filter left.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yeah, I feel like I'm gonna wanna hang around with him when I'm old just, cause then I'm not gonna care and I'm gonna laugh. Yeah, he's gonna say something I'm just now you try and call me down about it. Hey bro, you can't say that. Yeah, fuck yeah, I can No, you're gonna say and I'm gonna laugh dude. I won't and I'm gonna hug you afterwards I see I see more of that right I see as I don't know Could be right though. I could who knows I could let go of all the Dressing a certain way and take care of my hair and all that so that that could be a possibility
Starting point is 00:35:44 I but I definitely foresee. I don't have to worry about your hair, when I fucking dick. Sorry, I had to sit. I'm fucking god. You pitched that to me. That was a low blow. You underhanded that.
Starting point is 00:35:54 That's okay, because you won't care dude. We're not carrying in your right, right. No, I do see less of a filter though. You know, I definitely- There won't be a filter at all of it. Because right now your filter, like I could see through the holes, that's how big the filter holes are. Yeah, yeah definitely- There won't be a filter at all of it. Because right now your filter, like, I can see through the holes. That's how big the filter holes are.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Yeah, yeah. They won't even be one. Well, that's gonna be nice. What's happened to me, even in my short time now of watching this progress, right, if I'm truthfully like pulling myself out and kind of reflecting on like this evolution of the zero fucks or just being super candid, right? Just being blunt. And you know what I have found that, sometimes it stinks and sometimes you piss people off.
Starting point is 00:36:31 That's inevitable. But I think that's inevitable no matter how nice of a person you are, no matter how little you say, like it's inevitable where you're gonna rub people the wrong way. So I feel like it doesn't really accelerate that as much as you think it would by being so blunt and saying things. And in fact, I find that more people appreciate it. Even if they don't
Starting point is 00:36:48 appreciate it at first, when you first give it to them that way. Well, especially when they expect it going into it. So like, if you've already established that and like, yeah, so then people just feel way more comfortable around you. Right. You're just going to say it like it is. Well, yeah, that's why my favorite clients, it's one of the number, if I had to rank the top three reasons why my favorite people to work with were at Vance Age, that's gotta be up there.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I could see that. It's ice to love, training, older people. So you kept the habit real. Oh, they would just say shit, that was totally unfiltered, that was so amusing and hilarious. Yeah. It was, or enlightening, right?
Starting point is 00:37:22 Oh, of course, the wisdom there, I learned so much from training older people, It was, or enlightening, right? Oh, of course, the wisdom there was just, I learned so much from training older people, but just their candidness and their openness with saying shit and some of the stuff that they would say was just horrible. I had this older Irish client, this older Irish gentleman client that I trained,
Starting point is 00:37:41 he was like 80 something. And when he found out I was a tie-in, would just tell me all the, mine the most racist, serial typical shit about stuff that he thought about at times, client that I trained, he was like 80 something. And when he found out I was a tie-in, would just tell me all the, I mean the most racist, stereotypical shit about stuff that he thought about a tie-ins when he's growing up. But he's nice, cool, like we're cool.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And he would tell me these things, and I would just crack up. You know what I mean, I would just laugh, you know? He'd be like, yeah, that was, you know, I used to like the Italian girls, but they were crazy, and I, you know, the guys were kind of, you know, with these degrees up their hair,
Starting point is 00:38:55 Quique-quique. Alright, our first question is from Hardy Josh 1. It seems like every time I give advice to a friend, he doesn't listen. But when someone else says the same thing, he listens. Is there any way of getting through the first time? This is like me talking to Sal all the time. This is how I feel. Always trying to tell if you guys have something. Yeah, this is listening to anything I say.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So, Justin comes up with the idea and all of a sudden it's brilliant. Yeah, exactly. You know, Doug told me once, I can't, you said a saying once, Doug, to me, and I can't remember what it was, that do you remember what I'm talking about? Yeah, you can't be a prophet in your own land
Starting point is 00:39:34 or something to that effect. Yes, yes. Ooh, that's good, Doug. Yeah, the most, he told me this, you don't, come into some wisdom. So, I dropped a knowledge on you guys today. So Doug said that to me because when we first started the podcast, I was expressing him how it was so
Starting point is 00:39:51 difficult for me to convince friends and family members to just fucking check it out, like just listen to it. And then when they finally did on their own, I would get messages from some of them, Like I had a cousin who... Are you talking about my pump? Yeah. Okay. I had a cousin who, see if you were listening then you'd know.
Starting point is 00:40:10 If I had a cousin who... Oh, now. So I had this one cousin who I didn't really ever talk to that much and he messaged me out of the blue and was like listening to all of our episodes and I told Doug about this and he said, that's a great thing, that's a great sign because the people in your own circle are the hardest ones that you can get to listen to your advice or pay attention. The longest, yeah. And I think it's because you have a history with these people.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So like, you know, if I have a history with a friend of mine and we grew up together and they saw me as this kid and they knew all the issues that I had as a kid and now I'm all of a sudden an expert in a particular field. It's hard for them to listen to me because they view me a particular way based on their old image of me versus if they had just met me. The hardest people to convince are the people that are closest to you, always. Like, oh yeah. It is so hard to talk to my family about health and wellness. I had a hard time. Just to talk to my wife. I mean, it's like, it's one of those things, like, I actually look for other smart people
Starting point is 00:41:16 that have the same message, and then I have them talk to her. And then it resonates, and it's like, wow, you've been saying this, and it's not that look who she's working with now. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. That's and it's like, wow, you've been saying this and it's not that look who she's working with now. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. That's why it's perfect because it's, it's just one of those things, dude. Like, when you're so close to somebody, you know, you kind of understand where they're coming from, but for some reason, a lot of times it just doesn't, it doesn't click.
Starting point is 00:41:39 It doesn't resonate because like you said, you have this history with them and that's just you, you sort of like go onto autopilot or something, like your brain just, doesn't receive it the same way as it does, somebody knew it, this new stimulus coming in. Part of the insanity of being a human, I mean, if I'm gonna listen to advice from anyone, logically, it should be the people I'm closest to, right?
Starting point is 00:42:04 They're the ones that probably have the best insight, and yet I'm less likely to listen to them because I know them, and because I'm close to them, it's really, you're almost more vulnerable, too. You know, if you're opening yourself up to people that are that close to you, and you admit that you don't know something, you're actually seeking their knowledge.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Dude, I had an argument with my mom last night because she watches my kids. Right now she's watching my kids during the week because they don't have summer school and then school hasn't started yet. And I really don't like the way that our family and even our culture approaches food. I just don't like it.
Starting point is 00:42:41 It's not a healthy relationship. The whole forcing you to clean your plate, the whole forcing you to eat certain things, the whole, I'm going to give you, if you finish your vegetables, I'll give you some ice cream. So like giving you a treat for eating something else. That whole thing, like I have a big problem. And my daughter so far looks like she's probably going to need braces at some point. And I know the nutritional impact on just the way, not even cavities. A lot of people don't know this, and most dentists will argue this, but your nutrition plays a role in how your teeth form. And when the dentist tells you, your mouth is too small, that's why your teeth are crowding.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Bullshit, your mouth is too small because there are other factors that have caused that to happen. humans didn't evolve To have fucked up teeth if we did we'd all die out, you know this whole pulling out your wisdom teeth Bullshit you ever wondered yourself like why the fuck everybody should have the wisdom Why did we evolve? Why did we evolve to have wisdom teeth if we don't pull them out? We're gonna kill ourselves. It doesn't make any fucking sense wisdom Yeah, exactly cuz you get them when you're older maybe so I'm having this conversation with my mom and I'm like, listen, it's because her nutrition is off. It's because our diet is, especially when she eats over
Starting point is 00:43:52 here, is grain heavy. It's pasta, it's bread, it's all so stuff like if we start working with nutrition better, we won't see it. She's like, it has nothing to do with teeth. That's all genetic and, you know, and I'm having this argument with her and I'm like literally telling her, telling my mom, you know, and I get irritated because she's my mom. Of course, when you talk to your own parent, you can be and I'm like, listen, this is literally an area you have zero knowledge in and this is an area. Yes, and I'm like, and this is an area that I've worked in for 20 years and I get to talk to all these professionals because of my podcast. So why are you and she's like,
Starting point is 00:44:25 well, I have experience raising four kids. I'm like, you're an anecdote of four kids. It's worth less than my expertise. And I'm trying to explain to her like, so I had to like, I pulled up articles. I, you know, I got in a group text on my aunt who's also a health professional. I'm like, can you please talk to my mom a little bit?
Starting point is 00:44:41 But it's so difficult. And so I had this exact experience, like yesterday. And I guess you just have to deal with it and the part that I have to deal with for myself isn't so much that she's not listening to me. It's that then I get offended that she doesn't listen to me, which I just have to be okay with.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Well, what we have to understand is that everybody's gonna have their own journey. And when we want something to go our way, like the example you're giving right now, it's, you know, the hardest thing is to pull ourselves out of that and then reflect on, why do I want this so bad? Now, in your case, it's tough
Starting point is 00:45:18 because it's affecting your children, right? Like that's, I get where you're coming from. That's to me, there, there's more of a struggle there because it's like you're affecting my, my children's lives. And I, and I want to influence them in the right direction because it's your, your own child. Now as far as like what I think this question's probably geared towards, which is the average person who's like has a friend who's making poor eating choices or not training correctly. And it's like, why won't they listen to me or why won't they get it through their thick skull?
Starting point is 00:45:48 I just learned to accept that everyone has their own journey their own path If that person really wants to learn this they will eventually come to me I even have to I could train and I we've been together for over six years It wasn't but maybe three years ago, did I really start helping her with nutrition and working out? And that was because very early on in the relationship,
Starting point is 00:46:13 I got this sign that she felt very confident in training herself. She was a collegiate level athlete. She's always worked out. She's always taking care of body. When she go in and got her body fat tested, she was like 14% body fat, which anybody who knows that for females, very lean.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And so, you know, just because I was a trainer and I have all this experience, doesn't mean that I can tell her. She knows her body and she's obviously had success with it. So I left it alone. And, you know, the old Adam would have tried to impose my knowledge on her to get her to do the things that I know would help her out. And I know she'd be happy when she listened to me.
Starting point is 00:46:49 But then I realized that's not her journey. That's not her journey, that's not her path. And she has to come to that on her own. And what I can do is I can just be there. I can be there and be supportive. And when there's opportunities for me to answer a question and dive a little deeper into it and educate her indirectly, I will, and if she doesn't ask questions,
Starting point is 00:47:09 then I'll leave it alone. And it took literally three years before she came to me and she finally said, okay, if you were to take over my nutrition and my training for two weeks, what would it look like? And I was like, okay, this is what we're gonna do. You can only meet people where they're at. You can't help someone that doesn't wanna be helped. nutrition and my training for two weeks, what would it look like? And I was like, okay, this is what we're gonna do. You can only meet people where they're at.
Starting point is 00:47:27 You can't help someone that doesn't wanna be helped. It's impossible. It's the old, the old, you can lead a horse to water, we can't encounter it. It's very, very true. And sometimes, it's hard to watch someone, especially if they're hurting themselves, right? It's hard to watch someone do something
Starting point is 00:47:43 and not say something when you feel like you have the solution It's a it's a it's a fucking test man. It's very very difficult But you know the the way I'm looking at it is if you're constantly giving telling someone what they need to do and no longer becomes Their idea or their choice if they decide to do it, which makes them resisted even more I had this less likely to stick to it then. I had this experience, when I was married, my ex just wouldn't do it for the longest time precisely because that was the field I worked in and because I talked about it and preached it so much.
Starting point is 00:48:21 A hundred percent recognized that it was because I was pushing it, she would not do it. And it happened much, much, much later when I basically, and my mind gave up, and then it started happening. And then of course you develop resentment around that and all that stuff. So I've learned quite a few lessons in this particular category. And then for the rest of my family,
Starting point is 00:48:43 I've got family members that work out and we'll talk about how their body's not responding. And I'm like, you know, and just quiet, knowing that, oh, listen, I got maps, I got a program, you can follow, that will blow away the shitty one that you're doing right now, but I don't say anything anymore because it doesn't, not only is it not effective, but in my experience,
Starting point is 00:49:05 it pushes them back. No, to me, that is incredible awareness because when you unpack it and you ask yourself, what is my desired outcome? My desired outcome is that my family member in this situation where my friend learns the right way to exercise and eat, and I want them to figure that out. Now the way I'm going about it is probably not working because all they're doing is they're shutting off. And am I driving them further away from that day when they actually the light bulb does go on and they
Starting point is 00:49:36 do actually ask me for help. And so that's what I had to ask myself was, even though my desire, if my true desired outcome is to help them and get them on the right path, then me trying to force them onto that path was really just detouring them longer from getting on that path. When I realize that if I stepped away and just allowed them to go on their own journey, continue to focus on doing what I do well, and eventually there'll be an opportunity where they will finally, if they're doing the wrong things that are unhealthy and bad, eventually it'll catch up.
Starting point is 00:50:07 It'll eventually catch up to them, and you obviously hope that ends up being a sign that's not fatal. And normally it's not when we're talking about health and fitness working out. Sometimes, yeah, and I run into the same exact issue, with my family, especially with my parents, and they're any Trishin, and they watch my kids, and with my parents and their nutrition, and they watch my kids and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:28 It gets frustrating, but one tactic that I have, because I don't want to just be passive about it, right? So I know internally, I know that they have to find what is healthier and what will benefit their body more. So when I'm there, I'm there, I'm present, I'm listening to them and their ideas. So what I try to do is stoke the conversation at least. So I ask, if it's dinner, I'm asking about, you know, what's in the salad, you know, and I'm asking about, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:10 what type of meat and where they're getting it from. And I'm just asking them questions, and just to see what their mind is with what was on sale, and you know, I got it Walmart, and I'm like, oh, okay, so it's the price thing, you know, and it's like, super condescending. Yeah, but I try, and it's like, I'm super condescending. Yeah, but I try, no, I don't deliver it like condescending like that, but yeah, I mean, that's what's going on in my head,
Starting point is 00:51:32 but it's hard, dude. You know, you just try, I just wanna like bring, bring that like all that stuff to surface. So it's not like, I want them to know I'm paying attention. Do you know what I mean? Like, I am here and I have eyes and you know, you can ask me, you know that I know a lot about this subject, but it's up to you to pursue it.
Starting point is 00:51:53 So, I have to kind of figure that out. Because you guys have kids, I think that's a whole different conversation. Because for me, when I run into this and it's a friend or a family or so with that, and I really, truly have perspective on this, to me, I look and reflect on my own insecurities and what makes me want to do that. And I know that I have my own insecurities of wanting to be smarter and tell people how
Starting point is 00:52:19 smart I am, right? So that's an insecurity of my own and so a lot of a lot of me wanting to teach and show them is primarily driven by my own insecurities and it's not really I I code it and I'm trying to help them but really I want to show them how smart I am and so when I when I look at that and I go Okay, it's really more about that. I need to fucking tone it down and pull back and realize that this is really about myself and my own insecure and it's really not truly about them
Starting point is 00:52:50 because if it's really truly about them, this is not the quickest path to get them there. In fact, I'm probably pushing them away more by trying to force it down on them. And I have a similar situation with this with my best friend who doesn't even really listen to the show. And he has a sleep disorder that is connected to Parkinson's. And we've had all kinds of people on the show that were, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:53:16 Dom who talked to me about like the ketogenic diet related to that. And, you know, I remember one end then also the research that's coming out with cannabis and my buddy's super anti-cannabis. So I remember for a long time I was like trying to force all this information down on him and I knew it was because I really want him to realize like, dude, I'm fucking know what I'm talking about here. You need to listen to me, listen to this information and it was falling on deaf ears. And it wasn't until later and did I really just stop doing that?
Starting point is 00:53:45 And sure, shit, he's done the ketogenic diet. He does that now and he's making those choices on his own, but I was not helping him get there any faster by me trying to force the issue. To me, that's more common than we think it is. It is a whole new dynamic when you talk about your children. I can't even begin to explain. It is. It is a whole new dynamic when you talk about your children. I can't even begin to explain the difficulty. And by the way, my kids have great grandparents. My parents are awesome.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But the challenge between parents and grandparents because the way that they love, they think they're loving your kid or whatever they show their love, it can be completely opposite of what may be good for them. Like the way my parents show love is to feed the fuck out of them. I'm the grandma, I can give them treats,
Starting point is 00:54:31 and that's my job. We'll literally say that in front of my kids. You know what I'm saying? It's a very, very difficult thing to deal with. But here's on the flip side of it, when it happens to me, I try to challenge myself. When someone else tries to give me advice, I try to make sure that I'm not that person.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I try to say, okay, well, am I not taking this advice because it's someone I know? Maybe I should be open to it. Yeah, for sure. Quick commercial break, you guys. We keep getting asked all the time, how can I support the Mind Pump family? Here's one of the best ways you guys can.
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Starting point is 00:55:20 Also, you guys, if you guys have not tried Ben Greenfield's new bars out there, fantastic. If you want some, go to Ben Greenfield Fitness. Also, you guys, if you guys have not tried Ben Greenfield's new bars out there, fantastic. If you want some go to Ben Greenfield fitness.com forward slash nature bite, put in the code, mind pumping it 10% off. Go check it out. Next up is BK Rico test boosters. Do they work any side effects? Should people be taking them? Um, Uncle Rico is asking a good question here. Yeah. So this, you experimented this a little bit back in the day, I said.
Starting point is 00:55:50 What? Over the counter, Stan? I tried all of the time. I took it over the counter pro hormones. Oh, pro hormones. It does not boost testosterone, it's the opposite. It suppresses testosterone. The scientific literature on test boosters,
Starting point is 00:56:05 the herbal test boosters, tribulous terrestris is one of them. Ashwagandha may even have some benefits for testosterone boosters. Hornie goat weed test. Hornie goat weed, tongue cap, deer piss, at least stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:56:20 deer antler velvet. Yeah, the antler stuff. You rub on yours. So very few of them, Stuff that guy was dear antler velvet. Yeah, the antler stuff you rub on your so Very few of them weird very few of them show test boosting effects some of them actually do Toncat Ali I forgot what the other name for Toncat Ali is known by two different names, but will boost test Panther will boost testosterone So much tribulus terrestris however in studies boost testosterone, so much tribulous terrestris. However, in studies, they only boost testosterone in men who have low testosterone. When they give them to people with normal testosterone
Starting point is 00:56:51 levels, they don't have an effect on their testosterone. Zinc, vitamin D will do this as well in men who may be slightly deficient in those two things. If you have low testosterone, you have a slight deficiency in zinc, and you take zinc, you're going to get a big test boost. One supplement in studies has shown to raise testosterone in everyone, but for a very short period of time, and that's de-espartic acid. That was shown in some studies to boost testosterone in man over a 10-day period. However, new studies have just been published showing
Starting point is 00:57:25 that it's not replicable. They've actually done a few other studies and shown there's no boosting going on with test boosters. So I don't know what you guys' experiences are with taking. I've taken it myself and I felt pretty much nothing. But I have had clients who had success with someone and they typically are.
Starting point is 00:57:44 You remember which ones they were? Yeah, older, older, 40 plus year old men that have claim that they have low test levels and then they've taken things like this and they've noticed a boost. And so I think that somebody who suffers from low test asterone already, when they take these herbal supplements or over the counter type test boosters, I think those guys do notice a little bit of a difference and I think there is
Starting point is 00:58:08 some validity to them taking it. But the average person who's like probably asking this question is normally like some 25 year old you know kid or guy who's trying to build build some muscle, it's not worth the money. It's not worth wasting your time fucking around with it. Put that money into better quality food or better gym membership or better programming like that. To me, those guys don't need to be. But if you are 45 plus years old and you suffer from low test, then you know, taking something like this to help you out. I think it helps guys get to this more normal level, asking a guy who's like in their young
Starting point is 00:58:53 teens or early 20s who's already high test austro thinking that it's going to elevate you like a synthetic test austro does, you're going to be disappointed. I think what you need to understand with when any time you take something that will affect a hormone. I need to understand or everybody else needs to understand. No, everybody. Is that your body will eventually try to regulate this and balance itself out and whatever effect you may be getting, it'll start to become negative. So if I take something that has activity at the, I don't know, the hypothalamus, for example,
Starting point is 00:59:31 because that's responsible for, you know, along with the testes and the pituitary responsible for testosterone, to some extent, like deaspartic acid. It's believed that deaspartic acid has hypothalamic activity and that's how stimulating testosterone. Well, your body then will regulate the other through using the pituitary and through the testicles. We'll start to change things that you stop producing more testosterone through those avenues and you will start to flatten out. This may be why some of the early studies showed that deistopartic acid raised testosterone
Starting point is 01:00:05 but they only lasted for 10 days. There's also antestrogen methods or aromatase inhibiting methods to boosting testosterone. So one thing you could do, like a Novodex. Right, so Novodex, Tomoxifen is the generic name, is a, it is a prescription drug
Starting point is 01:00:25 that blocks the estrogen receptor, and your body will sense that you have less estrogen and will boost its testosterone to produce more estrogen. Because in men, the way... This is typically what, if you go see a hormone therapist, this is typically the route they take first before they prescribe synthetic. So if you go see a therapist for your hormones,
Starting point is 01:00:45 like someone like me who went because he knew, or I knew I had low, and the first thing they wanna give me is just like here, take some Novodex, let's see if that kind of boosts you up naturally, and then from there we'll decide if we wanna add synthetic. So the rationale behind that is kind of this jumpstart theory, because if you do get a boost from taking, rationale behind that is kind of this jump start theory.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Because if you do get a boost from taking from blocking estrogen receptors, you already have low testosterone. It's not gonna do anything with someone who's got healthy testosterone. So you will get a boost, and the theory is that giving you a jump start, then we can take you off these estrogen blockers. And then you're testosterone.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Is it really a boost or is it because they're suppressing the estrogen so it makes it feel like the testosterone is higher? It's a boost. It really really a boost or is it because they're suppressing the estrogen so it makes it feel like the testosterone is higher? It's a boost. It really is a boost. So I was unsure that. I was under the impression that the feeling that I would get from that would be because you're lowering the estrogen so it just feels.
Starting point is 01:01:37 The ratio. Yeah, the ratio. No. So what happens is your brain, because one of the major ways, because man also have estrogen, we have estrogen in our body, just men also have estrogen, we have estrogen in our body, just like women have testosterone, just less. And one of the things that you're, one of the main ways that men's testosterone, estrogen levels are developed is through the conversion of testosterone, testosterone to estrogen. So if we block the estrogen receptor, the body senses less the estrogen,
Starting point is 01:02:03 and it will boost the testosterone production so that you now have more testosterone to convert to estrogen. So it's kind of tricking the body, if you will. And the theory is that you're jump-starting this production and then once you go off of them, now you've got normal testosterone levels. The problem with this theory is it doesn't work for everybody. In fact, it's got kind of a poor track record because once the body acclimates, it doesn't work for everybody. In fact, it's got kind of a poor track record, because once the body acclimates, it stops producing extra testosterone, or once they
Starting point is 01:02:30 stop taking the tomoxifen, it stops producing extra testosterone. So, and the way that herbs boost testosterone, if they do have a direct effect on boosting testosterone, then your body will regulate it. So it's a very short-lived effect. If it boosts testosterone indirectly, like the way Oshwaganda may do it, it probably because it's helping your body deal with stress overall, because Oshwaganda, for example, is this adaptogenic herb that helps your body deal with stress. And we know that too much stress or chronic stress
Starting point is 01:03:06 is a testosterone killer. Have you ever influenced somebody's levels by actually just like increasing the fat in their diet? Oh my God. To me, that has been one of the easiest ways to help somebody. Absolutely, especially because it's very common because of we demonize fat for so long
Starting point is 01:03:23 that when I assess somebody's macro breakdown, many times they're low fat, high carbohydrate, you know, typically high carbohydrate, low fat is what I see. And normally when I take a male who's suffering from lower testosterone levels, especially if he's advanced age, and I say, listen, we're going to, we're going to double or triple your fat. And we're just going to bring your carbs down a little bit. A lot of times they, the first thing they actually notices are libido. Yeah. Or just dieting for too long. I mean, you can be, you can just be in a deficit and get too lean. And you'll see. Just all straight.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Anytime, every time for a show, my last, see how crazy is that even being on synthetic stuff. My last like two or three weeks, heading into a show my last see how crazy is that even being on synthetic stuff My last like two or three weeks getting into a show my sex drives just takes a shit And that's the other thing too is herbal test boosters will get They'll get judged based off of how much they affect your libido and so people will say oh this test booster was super effective Because I got so horny on it. I had this great boost in my libido. That doesn't mean a booster testosterone.
Starting point is 01:04:29 There are other ways of boosting libido that have nothing to do with testosterone. For example, horny goat weed, horny goat weed will increase libido or will increase quality, what they'll call quality of erections or frequency of erections, but it does so by kind of a similar way of I agree does. It kind of reduces the enzyme that degrades nitric oxide, so it increases blood flow, so you get more boners, and you think, oh, shit, I have hyped testosterone. No, it's because it's kind of boosting nitric oxide through this indirect way that's causing you to have,
Starting point is 01:05:09 or it's giving you better more quality boners. I hate saying that, but quality. How's your reaction of that, and you get some quality boners over here? How's your high quality boner? How's your reaction quality? So, yeah, test boosters, I mean, in terms of actually raising testosterone, if you're in normal range
Starting point is 01:05:27 If they're pretty much a waste of money if you're low They might help you also consider this okay if you have a testosterone level That's normal within range. I don't know 700. Let's say your testosterone levels measure 700 and you boost testosterone by 20% right? You're now at 800 something or whatever. You're not gonna notice. You're not gonna build more muscle. It's not that much of a difference. Your testosterone level's very more than that
Starting point is 01:05:51 on a daily basis anyway. So test boosters can be kind of a waste of money unless again, just listen to heavy metal. You know, I'm surprised that you missed and you didn't talk about because especially lately, your message around this, I I think is a huge impact on testosterone is sleep. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, lack of sleep has a dramatic
Starting point is 01:06:13 negative effect on a lot of hormones, but testosterone like if I'm if I'm if I'm an if I'm an advanced-stage guy and I'm at I don't know this person So I've no idea. I didn't get chance to do the profile So I don't know if it's like a young man who's trying to get the extra edge for building muscle. If it's that guy, don't waste your money. If you're somebody who is 40 plus years old and you're concerned because you think
Starting point is 01:06:34 you have lower levels, first thing I would check is my sleep, second thing I would check is my fat and my diet, so increase my fats, get some good rest, those two things alone, I think would make as much of an impact if not more than any of these herbs. And it's not just the amount of time you sleep. It's the quality.
Starting point is 01:06:52 So as you get older, it's not the, like they go to bed too late or they wake up too early. Typically, it ends up happening, especially as you get into retirement age, it's quality of sleep. So they have all the time in the world to sleep or they go to bed on time, they're tired, but they have poor quality of sleep. And so with those people, I would say, have a good sleep routine. Make sure that your room is blacked out and cool.
Starting point is 01:07:19 You can even try taking a cool shower before bed. That looks like it seems to help. You know, eliminating electronic use before bed. That 10, that looks like it seems to help, eliminating electronic use before bed, no stimulants throughout the day, you know, the whole like sleep routine thing. That would be more impactful than just going to bed earlier. Yeah, quality sleep, quality boners.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Brian Dominick, how much dairy do you guys eat? What are your favorite dairy products? And what are your overall thoughts on dairy? I'll probably eat the most dairy. I was gonna say you should probably start this one off. Yeah, you're a dairy queen. My jeans. Yeah, you're a dairy queen.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Dairy queen, dairy queen. Can we talk about blizzards? When was the last time you had a blizzard? Oh my God. I think when my wife was pregnant, I was like, I'm just craving. I'm checking that off this year. I'm getting one of those. Been a long time since that. The lizards were the last time I went with them.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Fuck yeah. There's something about them. And when they turn them upside down to show you how thick it is. Well, you know, okay, here along this line in questioning, I am so curious to see this continual glucose meter. Just to see what happens, chemically with my body, how I'm reacting to all these certain food groups.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Because I really do feel like, it's a fucking mess if you ask me. Dude, y'all what? Oh, I'm fucking mad. Oh, yeah. Oh, you're coming at me. There's two foods you can eat. You're left with two foods.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I just, yeah, I see. Well, you probably have, you probably eat a lot of, you've mentioned you like cheese, right? So what else milk? What are you, what are you? Yeah. Are you consistent with that? Do you have milk almost every day?
Starting point is 01:08:53 Pretty much. Oh, okay. Yeah, and then I do fine with it. So, yeah, some people react to it, you know, have gut issues with it and I don't know. I've eliminated it before. And I thought that I'm trying to trace back, because I do still have like a chronic heartburn issue that I'm trying to identify like certain food groups that maybe contributing to it the most,
Starting point is 01:09:16 which for me, it tends to be more of a stress related response than I'm starting to kind of nail down. But yeah, definitely certain foods, like certain acidic foods, and later in the day will affect me a certain way. And certain vegetables, certain peppers and things like that, like bell peppers, I can eat certain kinds of colors, and then some of them, it gives me a really bad heartburn. Yeah, racist heartburn.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Yeah, totally. Yeah, all those red ones get out of here. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'll build a wall. Here's, here's what's, uh, what's cool about there. First of all, all the claims that dairy is not good for anybody, dairy's bad and no other animal drinks to fucking make a blanket statement.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Yeah. No, it's, dairy's been a part of, of mankind in some regions for a very, very long time. Dude, it was like, it was an essential part of survival. Like people pulled them into their home. In, in, in many cultures, it definitely was. And by the way, the type of Derry and the quality of Derry matter tremendously.
Starting point is 01:10:24 So here's something that people don't realize. The pasteurization of milk, first off, we need to examine the roots of it. Why do we pasteurize milk? A lot of people think, oh, it's to keep us safe from bacteria. The truth is pasteurization was invented because the quality of milk that we were producing
Starting point is 01:10:41 at that time was so terrible, it was so bad, it actually had a blue tint to it. Okay. And people would get sick. And the reason why they would get sick is because these were sick cows. They were confined in these tight quarters. They were fed brewers mash, which was these leftovers from these from these breweries. They were full of bacteria and illness. Their udders were sick and full of pus, and they were milking these cows, and poor people were drinking the milk,
Starting point is 01:11:09 and people would get ill. They would get sick from bacteria. So Louis Pasteur was a scientist that realized that, hey, if we boil this milk, then everybody can drink it, nobody will get sick. Did you guys know that if you feed animals, pasteurized milk, that they will develop deficiencies. In fact, you feed calfs, pasteurized milk,
Starting point is 01:11:30 and they will not grow and function properly. They can only drink to be healthy. Milk and it's raw form. It's not good for your balance. Milk in its raw form is different than milk that is pasteurized. If you leave out, if you take most of the benefits are found in their it's raw form.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Dude, if you take raw milk, talking to the mammary technicians, the bovine mammary extraction technician, I'm just waiting for Salif, let's look up for her. Expert over here. I'm over here listening to him, I'm waiting to jump over,
Starting point is 01:11:57 but he's so far he good. Yeah, I'm doing all right. If you take milk, that's, you take raw milk from a healthy cow and you place it out and you let it sit there in room temperature. It doesn't go bad. It doesn't go bad at all.
Starting point is 01:12:09 It actually turns into, what does it turn into, Doug? Caffee. Caffee. If you take a pasteurized milk and you leave it out, it goes sour. It actually turns bad. Raw milk also contains a certain amount of the enzymes that break down lactose. So it actually contains some lactase in it. So some people who think they're lactose intolerant can actually drink raw milk.
Starting point is 01:12:32 There's also the homogenization process that goes on with milk. So what they do, raw milk has contains fat. And if you leave it out, the fat will separate from the rest of the milk and you, that's where you get the whole cream on top. You know, cream ice. Whatever the top, yeah. Homogenization. Homogenization pressurizes milk through this process that squishes and crushes the fat into these small particles that then suspend themselves in milk so that it's always even
Starting point is 01:13:03 so that you don't have to shake it anymore. Well, that actually damages the fat to a certain extent and changes it a little bit, actually makes it less healthy. So quality of milk, and of course organic, makes a big difference. So quality of milk makes a tremendous difference. But then there's also the intolerance side of it. Some people, many people, in fact, dairy is probably among, it's probably on the top of the list of things that people will have intolerance to
Starting point is 01:13:29 if they haven't intolerance to anything. If you have an intolerance to dairy, it doesn't matter to the quality or quantity, the quantity, whatever, you probably shouldn't have milk at all. I'm one of those people. Dairy, I could have the most quality dairy, it could be the healthiest sources,
Starting point is 01:13:42 it could be fermented, it could be all these amazing things, I just can't have it because I'm also, not only my lactose intolerant, but I'm intolerant to actual dairy proteins. That being said, if you don't have an intolerance, if you come from a region that, like northern European or some areas of Africa, or people all over the world,
Starting point is 01:14:02 I mean, even Mediterranean people who tend to have a higher in tolerance to dairy, some of us have a great tolerance to dairy. If you can do that and you can have quality dairy, dairy is extremely healthy, the fat that's in dairy is very good for you. When you have it with other foods,
Starting point is 01:14:18 it's got fat soluble, it's got the fat, it helps you absorb fat soluble nutrients. It's a great source of healthy protein. It fermented forms, it's great for gut flora. So dairy can be extremely healthy so long as it's quality and so long that you can tolerate it. I'm pretty, I use dairy, I don't really go after it that much though. I probably use it judiciously in my diet. I probably get
Starting point is 01:14:48 once every couple days I have either some cheese in there. I don't really do milk anymore. I've been on almond milk for a really long time. For me, it's more like this though. Even though I know you just said that it's a good source of protein and fats, it's actually a guy who's been tracking his macros for quite some time. It's not the most macro friendly thing when I'm trying to hit specific targets. So it actually, it makes it tougher for me to get what I'm looking for in my food. So if I'm looking for a certain macro profile or like, okay, I need X amount of protein,
Starting point is 01:15:27 I need X amount of fatty, next amount of carbs for the day, dairy products, I feel like they don't quite have enough protein for it to be like a really good, good, great, heavy, high source of protein. And then it doesn't have quite enough fat for it to be like a great super source of fat unless you're doing something like whole whole raw milk type of deal.
Starting point is 01:15:48 So for me, it's kind of like, and I feel like if I can really easily over consume it because I like cheese is good. Lots of cheese is really good. So it's really easy to go from having one ounce. That's it on everything. Yeah, right. It's really easy to have one ounce on something
Starting point is 01:16:05 to having four ounces of it melting on it. And real quick, those calories catch up to you. So I've never been, I know Justin talks about how much he really enjoys it. I like cheese. Don't get me wrong. I love dairy. I like all dairy products.
Starting point is 01:16:17 But I don't like them that much. And it's not, and I feel like it doesn't always fit my profile. So it's something that I sporadically put in there because there are some benefits, like, you know, I don't, did you say anything about probiotics? Did you get into that at all? And somewhat. So, you know, there's, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:34 you get some of the benefits from that. That's great from dairy also. So, and it's, there's not a lot of easy sources to get natural probiotic foods and it tends to be rich in dairy products. So there is a benefit from that. This is also Y2, like I'll have kombucha if I haven't been having dairy in my diet lately. I'll make sure I get something like that. But I don't really, I mean, maybe a little bit of cheese here and there. And it's trying to, and maybe every once in a while have I just had
Starting point is 01:17:05 some cottage cheese maybe like a week ago occasionally maybe do like a Greek yogurt thing but it's one it's one of the most adulterated food foods that we have though it really is I mean you can't even buy maybe that's what it is to I feel like it's hard to find like a really quality source right a really good source of any of those things it's it is it's it's hard to find like a really good source of any of those things. It's hard to do like that was well put. I'm trying to think of like what has caused me not really to get it. I'm not really anti it, but it rarely fits my macro profile. It's hard to find one that isn't fucking been bastardized. It's tough to find a good source of of dairy.
Starting point is 01:17:41 They actually do. I'm not even exaggerating, you can find these videos on the internet where they will do raids on raw dairies. Rade like drug raids because these dairies will sell raw milk to people and they're so anti raw milk. The funny thing is like, if you go back the last 15 years, nobody's died from drinking raw milk. When you have healthy cows producing raw milk,
Starting point is 01:18:08 it is perfectly safe. There's a natural microbiome flora that prevents the milk from going bad and having these pathogens. I drink it straight out of the teeth for years. Put your mouth right on that. Right on it for years. Literally, I get to work at four o'clock in the morning,
Starting point is 01:18:24 walk over the first cow Have my black cup of coffee and I'd fill that shit up halfway with fucking real milk straight from the tea Yeah, right to the tea sir straight warm from the other two so it doesn't even cool my coffee down It's even better right because there's nothing worse than having a good hot cup of coffee. They're gonna pour your cold cream We're in there you got a straight from the other it's nice and'm so mad because- I'm so mad because whole foods used to sell raw milk. And then they passed laws making it illegal. Can you fucking believe that shit? And by the way, nobody got sick and nobody died.
Starting point is 01:18:53 It wasn't like something happened. They made it illegal to sell raw milk, but I used to buy it and when my kid, my son was growing up and he would drink milk, that was the milk that I gave him. Was the raw, non-homogenized, it came into glass bottle. Fucking awesome. I used to, I just so you know, you know, circling back,
Starting point is 01:19:10 I used to do a lot of dairy. I used to, man, cheese on everything, I used to drink milk instead of almond milk, but really what made me make the original switch was the macro profile. That was the main thing, and then I realized I didn't really miss it that much, and when I do occasionally crave it,
Starting point is 01:19:28 or I wanted in the diet, I'll enjoy it, because I don't have any allergies or intolerances to it, so it's something that I don't miss, but I also find that I don't need either that much. I'll say this too about Justin's comment on food intolerances, right, and trying to identify what's going on. One thing you want to consider when it comes to issues, health issues, eat me, have nagging
Starting point is 01:19:48 issues. Sometimes it's not one thing. That's this major culprit. Many times it's a combination. It's a combination of things. And if it was just one of them, you wouldn't really notice because it's a small effect, but then you compound them, right? So it could be a combination of dairy, maybe gluten, maybe stress,
Starting point is 01:20:06 and when you kind of have that perfect storm, then you start to get some of these effects. But I'll tell you what, if you're trying to figure out food intolerances, the one of the first things you cut out is dairy, because that is a very, very common food intolerance for people. Quick commercial break,
Starting point is 01:20:22 hey, people ask us all the time, how they can support Mind Pump. Here's what you can do. You can go to www.brain.fm-minepump and get 20% off Brain If M for meditation or focus. You can also go to audible-trial.com-minepump and get a 30-day trial plus one free audio book. Lastly, you can go to goodgetnatureblend.com
Starting point is 01:20:46 forward slash mine pump and you will get a discount on Ben Greenfield's CBD product. Philip Lee Silva, what are your body maintenance protocols to make sure you stay healthy and injury free? How often do you guys incorporate massage, acupuncture, chiropractic and other bodywork tools to aid recovery? Cool question. Way more now than before out of necessity. Oh, yeah. I used to do...
Starting point is 01:21:13 I used to do none of that. I used to do zero. I got my first massage like 10 years ago, maybe, before I never had a massage. I went to a chiropractor when I got hurt. Acupuncture, I went to to deal with heart palpitations once and that kind of changed my relationship with it. Now I make stretching, mobility, foam rolling, a weekly, if not priority, at least thrown in there somehow, every single week, and it's out of necessity because now I guess I'm older
Starting point is 01:21:45 and my body really talks to me if I don't do those things. So the most common things I'll do now is I will do some kind of structured stretching at least twice a week. If I'm doing really good, it's four days a week. I will foam roll at least two to four days a week. I don't get massage very often just because I don't go
Starting point is 01:22:08 to pay one, pay for one, I wish I had one as convenient as Adam does, I could get more massage, they really did a really made a big difference. And I guess that's pretty much it for me. Meditation and stuff like that, but that's not really considered a part of work. Justin, do you use any of these? You're probably using the lease I would assume.
Starting point is 01:22:25 Yeah. I mean, I do, you do mobility stuff. Well, yeah, no, that, of course. But I mean, I, he's listening it off like practices. Like, and that's already part of my, you know, my everyday workout routine. I'm always incorporating mobility and, you know, movement specific, you know, joint.
Starting point is 01:22:43 I'm always considering the health of my joints in all my movement practices. So I do use a massage as much as I could schedule that in, I'm always seeking that out. Where do you get it? This place, it's in Santa Cruz, well within. And because it's an experience too, it's like it's a way to kind of take ourselves outside of our environment, go into another environment. We actually do the sauna, and we
Starting point is 01:23:14 also do the steam. And then we go and do the massage as well. So it's like, it's this real decompressing, like stress-relieving experience. And me and my wife really benefit from it. So we try and schedule at like once a month at least, just so we kind of get that sort of reset. But as far as like chiropractic, I mean, I've, I used to go to, you know, chiropractic, but that was more when I was playing a lot of like impact sports. And, you know, my body was taking quite a toll just from all the collisions. And it was nice to kind of, you know, work on that.
Starting point is 01:23:57 But now, you know, working with people like Dr. Brink and focusing a little bit more on the movement patterns and better establishing that throughout the routine. Like I've kind of been self-sufficient as far as that's concerned. So I live with the holistic gangster female version. For sure. So a lot of this is all a part of my life.
Starting point is 01:24:24 And at the beginning, a lot of it was forced in my life. Like Katrina was a big influencer when it came to massage, acupuncture. If it was up to her, I would even went to a chiropractor, but I fought her on that for a very long time. The only thing that I don't use is bodywork tools and to aid recovery. And that's just because Katrina thinks that you're a woose if you need those things. And that's just because she believes that if you have the right hands and touch that you can do all that work with your bare hands.
Starting point is 01:24:55 And so she feels that she can get into all that work with her hands on me. And I religiously, since we've been a guest for six years now, for a year, this is no exaggeration. I was just teasing her about this the other day. For a year, every single night for one year, she massage me probably one of the better years of my life. Wow, dude. Yeah, like a full blown.
Starting point is 01:25:17 He spoiled bitch. Like a full blown hour. I have to say that. Hour to two hours. I'm happy to do it. Yeah, sometimes that's amazing. Most of the time, it was on her table on perfect Courtney. hours have to say that hour to two hours. I'm happy to do. Right. Sometimes. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Most of the time it was on her table. And she teach Courtney. Well, that's how she locked me in, right? I always tease her about that. I'm like, see, you fucking suckered me right into that. You made me think that for sure that you were going to continue that on. And she always throws it back in my face like, yeah, okay. Well, I'm also managing two companies and doing this.
Starting point is 01:25:41 You try fucking doing that and massaging your ass every night. So, she does still massage me on a very regular basis. I never a week goes by that I don't get at least three massages a week. So I get three three massages on a bunch of on minimum a week. And it's it's done. It if I have a week, for example, if it is just crazy, right? And I and I didn't that week, which is very rare, I ride away. No, it's night and day difference for me. It's a game changer for her to get in and open me up. Like it helps so much having her do speeds up recovery too.
Starting point is 01:26:18 So a lot of times what I do is, you know, she's going to rub me that night. You shall ask what I trained and then she'll work that area. So she'll work whatever area I'm training currently and it definitely helps with recovery. And I've used Acupuncture before, less of a fan of Acupuncture, although I've used it. Chiropractic work, I am super anti-chiropractors unless you're somebody like a doctor,
Starting point is 01:26:42 a brink who is more focused on movement. So as many times I've seen him, he's never put me on the table, he's never cracked my back. Everything that he's done with me workwise has been teaching me how to move better and intrinsically work on it myself. And so that type of chiropractor for me, I think has been a game changer also.
Starting point is 01:27:04 But all these practices, I think, become necessary as you get older than 30. Unless you're somebody like Justin, and I think that's why I was pointing out that he probably uses these tools the least because I also think that he has been the most consistent with doing exercises that are going to benefit joint health, where Sal and I were probably more focused on aesthetics or strength, and we probably neglected joint health and mobility more than he did, and I think that his use of these things are a reflection of that. I think that for me, it's like a fucking necessity. It's like, I have to do these things, or I'll say, I think that for me, it's like a fucking necessity. It's like I have to do these things
Starting point is 01:27:45 or also I look broken. Where I am, I feel like it's less of a necessity as it is probably for myself or Sal. But I definitely think they're well worth their money. Even before I met Katrina, I used to pay for a regular massage, at least once a week to get done if not multiple times a week. So the bummer is they can be expensive, right?
Starting point is 01:28:08 So what does she think about? Because there's all these these foot massage places that are popping up. And what they are is for people who don't know, so it's this foot massage, but in reality you go and then they massage your whole body. You're in these rooms with a bunch of other people and they might take your shirt off, they might not usually you're clothed, but they'll fucking work on you pretty hard
Starting point is 01:28:31 on your back and your shoulders and your arms or whatever. And they'll charge like 20 bucks. It's like churn and burn, that's total high volume. But I've worked with massage therapists where like yeah, a lot of people are going to those now because they're so cheap. They're just like, how so cheap are you? They they, but they, but they, but they hammer on you. You're, you know, they give you deep, but I don't know how good they are. Like,
Starting point is 01:28:49 what is her opinion on those? Well, so, so that, that, this is a whole topic in itself. She, if you didn't know this, I don't know if I shared those with you guys before, just for your health, it was the original, not only clinic over here in the Bay Area, but it was also the original school. So anybody who's in massage therapy in the last 20 to 30 years, more than likely has gone through Katrina's school. So her in this area, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:14 So if you're in this area, you probably went through her school. It was the first and only school for 20 plus years. And so they kind of dominated the market over here, did very well for many, many years. And they sold it, like maybe like four years ago now, not long after Katrina and I met. And part of the reason why they sold it was because these businesses came in. And what they did was they had a lot of people on visas
Starting point is 01:29:39 and paying them, you know, dirt money, like under minimum wage, to do these jobs that they could undercut the prize really hard, and they took them through basic training. And some people have these great experiences. They go there and they feel great after it. People like Katrina, they scoff at it because they take a lot of pride in understanding the body. Katrina is the type of massage therapist where she'll rub your feet and she'll be able to
Starting point is 01:30:04 tell you what's going on at different parts of the rest of massage therapist where she'll rub your feet and she'll be able to tell you What's going on at different parts of your the rest of your body by how you respond to how she touches your feet? And that's you know one that's a lot of schooling too. That's a lot of practice and a lot of hours put in She can she can rub her hands across my body and know Right where I'm holding something and be able to release it like so What you get when you go to a place like that doesn't mean that somebody else there might have some of those same skill sets. It's kind of a crap shoot when you're going there. She laughs at those places. She thinks they're a joke in comparison to, you know, what they do.
Starting point is 01:30:37 It's like us what she gives the analogy for what we do. And what our profession is is like, you know, some Mickey Mouse trainer who just got certified. There's a bunch of interesting things too. Yeah, and is working for some. I don't know how we're good at Mickey Impression. Is working for like a, you know, and not to offend anybody who's worked for a company like, what was the curves, you know, like a trainer
Starting point is 01:30:58 that worked for curves compared to what we did. Run you through a circuit on machines. Yeah, right, exactly. People leave and they're like, we're talking about, I got sore, I'm sweat. Yeah, right. Exactly. People leaving, they're like, what are you talking about? I got sore. Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Exactly the same. And I think that's a really good analogy for what it's like for them. It doesn't mean that somebody who didn't go to curves, that you have a great experience, just like someone who went to that massage, could have had a great experience. But when you're at the level that she's at as far as truly helping people, because they get into breath work and moving
Starting point is 01:31:24 in the psychological side, because they get into breath work and moving and the psychological side, like they touch, like their whole clinic was a school for better health. There's an incredible amount of science behind body work. And what I mean by that is not necessarily specifically massage, but the effect that touch has on the human body. And how, you know, we've heard people talk about how you store certain emotions
Starting point is 01:31:48 in different parts of your body. There's some evidence to suggest that that may be the case. And if you talk to her, she 100% believes it. I know, see, I worked with, I had a exceptional massage therapist that worked in my facility when I had it, that really, I mean, I learned a tremendous amount from her. She's one of the most gifted individuals
Starting point is 01:32:09 I've ever worked with in this particular field. And she's the one that kind of taught me this stuff. And then, of course, I'm a logical-minded person. So then I went and did my own research and found a lot of the stuff that she was talking about in her own way. She's very considerate. Do they have an actual title?
Starting point is 01:32:24 Like, do they call themselves Body Work worker? You know, if that's like sort of more of their focus. Certified massage therapist, right? Yeah. Yeah. Certified massage therapist. Yeah. So there's there's masseuse, which is what they don't like it is like an insult. Yeah, you don't call them a masseuse. Yeah, it's a massage therapist is what they are. Messer giving you happy ending. And there's and there's different certification. Full release. Just like in our field, there's different certifications that are more credible and reputable. And if you hold some that are more credible and reputable. And if you hold some of the more credible, reputable ones.
Starting point is 01:32:47 I just know I've heard that more often, like all these body workers and like this, like body mechanic, like a, or what's that? Well, now you're up that's down there, you know, there's this new sort of, myotoxin. Myotoxin. Now there's, there's a lot of like, and so again, this is something too that she would scoff at is In this industry just like ours They'll take pieces right so like let's say they'll take a little bit of science in regards to like self-mile fashion release They'll they'll package a a tool a technique a way of
Starting point is 01:33:21 Massaging my real facial massage or. Or like the, or like the grass tin tool or like all these tools, right? Something that is a tool can be used for its place. And this is why like listening to Brink talk about this because I think he has a very level headed
Starting point is 01:33:34 about it being a guy who's certified in all of it. It is a tool it can be used. But what a lot of people do is they get certified and they build a brand around it. They make it feel like it's the end all be all.
Starting point is 01:33:45 And she kind of laughs at it, it's just like, you know, way before any of those tools came around, we were doing all this work and helping people's lives and changing people's lives. And, you know, through teaching them how to breathe by their, how to move better. Hot rocks and the suction. Right, there's a lot of, there's the exactly.
Starting point is 01:34:00 These are all just, they're all spin offs therapy that that are have been marketed a certain way and there's also just a benefit of being touched a lot of people Don't realize that totally part of the benefit of going to massage therapists is having another human being Touch your body and it's funny. Is that sounds that's very very very supported? Oh pay attention Have you ever paid attention to when they move around you around the table? They don't take their hands off They never leave touchy. No. Yeah. No, that's that's part of the technique Yeah, they need to kind of follow, you know, their hand goes it's um, it's an interesting skill and you know Some of the best massage therapists I've met here's you know, it's a funny. There's a stereotype of a massage therapist I love them are weird
Starting point is 01:34:39 We're out there, but I kind of think that kind of plays into their talent. Like if you're a really in tune kind of empathetic feeling type of person, you tend to be better at massage. You know what I'm saying? It seems to be kind of my observation. Reading like the feedback and the body, how it's like communicating, you know, like somebody's kind of twitching and you're working on people's bodies.
Starting point is 01:35:03 And it's a very exhaustive like it is a very tiring job like you can't you know as personal trainers I could train 8 to 10 people in a day if I'm working hard massage therapist if you're massaging 8 people today you're going to hurt yourself unless you have like perfect impeccable technique and even then it's exhausting. Well they believe that energy is transferred from the person you're rubbing to them. So you'll see, like, so when Katrina is rubbing me, and if I got a lot of shit in me or I'll put your hands on, yeah, you'll see her in between like when she's working in area, I show working area for a while, then also, and I can hear her snapping her wrist
Starting point is 01:35:37 and shaking it out. And then she go back to working and then shake it out. And there's salad irritating you again. And there's times. There's actually legitimate times. And I swear, and it's funny because this is something that her being a more of a, I'm a science guy, right? And so I can totally feel you when you talk about this because they sound woo-woo because they've been taught a certain way, the terminology, when they've been talking something that's been passed down for hundreds of years, right? Everything's energy and the terms that the terms that you use are not like science-based terms,
Starting point is 01:36:07 but the more and more we evolve and find out that a lot of these things are supported by science. So we just were using the different terms. And it's pretty fascinating to connect some of the things like that, like I've seen her do before, where she'll be rubbing me and I can tell by her response to the energy that my body's putting off. She doesn't know what happened in my day
Starting point is 01:36:30 but I know what happened in my day and it's fucking always lines up with like a crazy stressful day and all of a sudden, I see her like she'll tell me like I can't rub you right now. She's like here, you need to call me. Too much man. Yeah, I had this debate a while ago with the massage therapist at work with me,
Starting point is 01:36:45 and she was saying how people store their emotions in their body, and I had this big old argument with them, like, no, they don't, that's bullshit. Like emotions are stored in your brain, like, and she's like, no, they're in your body, and then she totally clowned me, like, she's like, listen, she goes, can you tell by looking at someone's posture if they're insecure, if they're confident,
Starting point is 01:37:02 if they're stressed out, and I'm like, well, yeah, and she goes, well, what is that reflecting? Oh, fuck they're insecure, if they're confident, if they're stressed out. And I'm like, well, yeah, and she goes, well, what is that reflecting? Oh, fuck, he just got me. I mean, exactly. So there's a lot of interesting science that goes behind it. Again, there's the whole science of just simply being touched. So I think these are all important things
Starting point is 01:37:20 in total wellness and health. I think the amount that you need them and use them is dependent upon the rest of your life. And I wish I had more access to massage because it was something that I think is so beneficial. I love it. Yes, absolutely. Check this out. Go to YouTube.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Subscribe to MindPumpTV. It's our YouTube channel. We have stuff on there that we don't talk about on the show. You might think of them as secrets until you subscribe and then you'll find out a new video every single day also If you want to ask us a question that we answer on an episode like this one the place to ask it is Instagram and the page to answer Ask it on is mind pump media answer ask. I know. That's a new word I just made up. We all have our own personal pages on Instagram. Mine is Mind Pump Sal, Adam is Mind Pump Adam, and Justin is on Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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