Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 577: Benefits of Resistance Band, Relieving Knee Pain, Transitioning to Online Coaching & MORE

Episode Date: August 19, 2017

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about advice they would give to trainers that are trying to tr...ansition into online coaching, thoughts about resistance bands, trainers with only a certification giving both workout and nutrition advice and correcting tight IT bands are causing knee pain. Foursigmatic Rashi drink Guys talk Game of Thrones (5:39) Justin watches “softcore” porn on Netflix! (10:23) Below Her Mouth Guys talk “cheating” (13:39) “Open” relationships Communication is key Serial monogamy Quah question #1 – What advice would you give to trainers who are trying to transition into online coaching? (45:24) Build library of content Have platform set up to scale properly Use social media a lot more Gain and attract people Build your network/community Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on resistance bands? (1:00:16) LOVE! In all their programs Don’t cause as much damage as weights Use to target sticking points in compound lifts Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on trainers, only with a certification, giving out training and nutritional advice? Does having a degree trump self-obtained knowledge in your opinion? (1:08:06) Learn through experience Apprenticeship Hunger and desire to learn is key Quah question #4 – Tight IT bands are causing knee pain, what can you do to relive it? Foam rolling is not working. (1:19:06) Weakness/imbalance in the hips Need to address root cause of pain Foam roll into MAPS PRIME PRO Related Links/Products Mentioned Get that Reishi Elixir that Sal loves  Coupon code – “mindpump” Below Her Mouth | Netflix Is Serial Monogamy Worth Pursuing? (article) SEX AT DAWN : HOW WE MATE WHY WE STRAY & WHAT IT MEANS - Christopher Ryan; Cacilda Jetha (book) RUBBERBANDITZ RESISTANCE BAND SET MAPS PRIME PRO MAPS Prime Pro (MPTv YouTube Series) Organifi  Coupon Code "mindpump" Foursigmatic Coupon Code "mindpump" Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual coaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get our newest program, MAPS Prime Pro, which shows you how to self assess and correct muscle recruitment patterns that cause pain and impede performance and gains. Get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Get Organifi, certified organic greens, protein, probiotics, etc at www.organifi.com Use the code “mindpump” for 20% off. Go to foursigmatic.com/mindpump and use the discount code “mindpump” for 15% off of your first order of health & energy boosting mushroom products. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Also includes 20% if you purchase! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, M a massage. I'm having to drink my relaxing raishi mushroom drink. I'm gonna give some to Adam. Is that what you're sucking on right now? Is she? Yeah, that was. It's called the meat acid around. I got a little bit. Every time I'm raising Adam,
Starting point is 00:00:37 I gotta drink this raishi drink. Smells shroomy in here. By the way, the raishi I'm drinking is from four sigmatic. How are you liking those? You've been on that for a minute now. The best mushroom products that I've used, I've always used mushrooms medicinally and they use the dual extraction process. So you actually get the most bioavailable compounds from the mushrooms for the best benefit. So right, she's what I drink when I want I need to chill out. You've been hard up on
Starting point is 00:01:03 them ever since Paleo. Was that what they was the racie drink that they were handing out was it? I'm out court of steps. I'll use pre-work out sometimes if I'm gonna do one that's real hard But the racie ones the one that I used most frequently. I really really enjoy So is it only really used for that for relaxation or is there other purposes? It's great for balancing the body out is have chamomile What is it that makes it? No, it's got racie. That's the name of the I mean, that's it is just racie. That's it. That's all the only one I use all the time or at least most commonly Um, and again, it's really good for balancing the body out. So if you feel stressed out
Starting point is 00:01:33 Uh, like I do right now And it makes me feel a lot of sex talk and it makes me feel good Uh, we have a discount code for that? You go to foursigmatic.com, four slash mine pump, and what's the, is it mine pump? Mine pump is the code. So yeah, we talk about Game of Thrones, which is, I don't know, it's some TV show apparently. Yeah, it's the most awesome TV show that ever exists.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Some of you may have heard of it. Yeah, that all the people watching it. All of you are watching it. I wouldn't have put it. I wouldn't have put it. I wouldn't have put it. I would have put it. I would have put it. I would would put it. I would be normal people. Way to insult 7 million people. Keep going now. My bad.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Then we talk about relationships and Adam tries to make the case for. Oh, there you go. There you go. Put in words in my mouth already. Don't try and divide our fans, bro. Don't even try to start off with some awkward, I was watching Lesbian porn and it's got weird. I set it up.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's my fault. I actually made it. It wasn't a tense guy. It was actually a good conversation. It wasn't. It was fun. We were talking about monogamy, the success or failure of it, and Adam's reading the book, Sex at Dawn, which is a relatively popular book,
Starting point is 00:02:45 apparently we're trying to get the author on the show. That'll be an interesting conversation. I have not looked into the book, but that is a topic I'm very fascinated on. So we talk a lot about that in the intro, and then we get into the fitness stuff. The first question. The first.
Starting point is 00:03:00 39 minutes later, so hang in there. If you don't like all that shit, you're never 40 minutes of it so yeah, buckle up Then we tell the first question was what advice we can give personal trainers who are trying to transition Into online coaching. It's actually a great field to get into but it's a difficult one So we give our opinion on that then we talk about our thoughts on resistance bands on that. Then we talk about our thoughts on resistance bands. Do we like them? Do we hate them? They're awesome. Are they awesome tools? Find out in this episode. Then we answer the question, whether or not we think a degree trumps self-obtain knowledge and experience. What's
Starting point is 00:03:40 our opinion? Well, considering two of us don't really have a degree? You can guess what we're going to say. I got outnumbered. Then the last question is, someone has a tight IT bands in her legs and wants to know how to relieve it. She does the foam rolling, but it doesn't seem to be helping. We have some good advice in that particular part of the episode. It's Prime Pro. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And more. Finally, this month enroll in any of our programs, any of our maps programs. Including our bundles, including our Super Bundle. The Super Bundle includes all of our most important maps programs. It's one year's worth of exercise programming. So basically, you enroll in it,
Starting point is 00:04:22 and you've got the next year all planned out for you To get you to your goals and rolling any of those programs and you get access to our private forum For free normally it's $87 that price will be going up in September But you'll get access to it for free the good thing about the forum is this once you enroll in our programs They're very detailed lots lots of demos, all, there's all these blueprints broken down, but nothing substitutes, you know, support along the way. That's like the best thing you could do, right? You get in a program, you're working out,
Starting point is 00:04:53 you're following it, but at some point, you're gonna have questions. At some point, you may want someone to watch your form, like, hey, is my squat look good, or am I improving the right way, or do I look leaner here even though my body weight hasn't changed because sometimes you build muscle while burning body fat. That's what the forum is for.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It's for that support the entire time. So if you enrolled in like the Super Bundle for example for a year, it's awesome because you get on the forum and throughout this entire process, there's trainers on there that can help you. There's other fitness professionals that can help you, there's other members who've been through the programs that can help you, and then of course me, Adam and Justin are on there every single day. The place to enroll in these programs and get that free access is mindpumpmedia.com. How come every time we try to it's like joke around,
Starting point is 00:05:41 but you know, we make like horrible jokes. Yeah, every once in a while, I want the audience to know this. Yeah, I can't repeat any of this. Doug, Doug like jumps in with his own joke and it's way more inappropriate than anything else. Remember you know, say, I love it. We'll say some horrible shit. Doug will just say something like, yeah, I can't even, I can't even like make an example get noticed otherwise.
Starting point is 00:06:04 His radar is off a little bit. I was out there to just like get our? Can't get noticed otherwise. Yeah. His radar's off a little bit. That was it out there to just like get her attention. Doug's the worst one. Yeah. Remember we did the psychology tests with my friend of mine who was like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And she goes through all of them
Starting point is 00:06:16 and the one that was most likely to be like, a murderer. Like dangerous or a treasure. Yeah, murder, yeah. It was Doug was the one most likely. Yeah, to be a serial killer. He was at and yeah, like Sexual something real sexual right like sexually like charged perverse. Yeah, not charged. Hey, are you
Starting point is 00:06:36 Are you up and are you up and up on your game of thrones? I am bro. How epic was that last episode? They're getting who I am so impressed with this show. I know salad drives you crazy because you're not a part of this. Sweet me up when you're not. Yeah. We're taking a nap. Let Mr. take it out right now.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Take a nap, old man. There's not a lot of shows. There's not a lot of series, right? TV series that get better after three seasons. Like, right. It just seems like you wrote most play. I mean, that's a's when you think about it, the best books ever out there, right?
Starting point is 00:07:08 You run out of material. Imagine how many books or volumes that is if you'd go three, four, five, five, five, five, five, just to be able to string all the stories together. Right, and then still make it interesting. Because dude, if it's not predictable, then you've won. You know, that's crazy. Man, yeah, let's just guy.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But, yeah, my sucked. That's the sheep sound. Yeah, my sucked, dude. That's the sheep sound. Cause you know when the sheep, the sheep are all following. No, just to make it very good. Just to make a very good point of the day. There's a reason why so many people watch that.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Then there's the sheep dog. No, no, no. I'm trying to corral you guys right now. You're like, disdain for the subject is like just your stubbornness It's your stubbornness. No, it's not you know what it is You have no like if you watched it ignorance is blitz my friend It's really easy to talk shit about it. Yeah, it's because I see I see the mind control You know what it knows you want to know the truth?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Because I see I see the mind control. You know what I know you want to know the truth Yeah, they're like Yeah, they're fucking oh my god controlling your brain. No, you know Kim trails here's what it is I never watched it because I just didn't care But then everybody gave me so much shit about it now Fuck everyone. No, because you sent yourself up that you came out with guns blazing out of the stupids for idiots to watch this. No, no, no, I don't think idiots watch it at all. I think, I think, I think seven million people. I think a lot of people, sheep will, sheep will do the same stuff together.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I'm interested. So while you guys are watching that, epicness, epicness, epicness. I want you to match, I want you to tell me a better show. A better show than that one? Well, he'll lose that argument. Statistically, it's, there isn't. There isn't a better show.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It probably is a good show. I would, my money would be on that. It was a good show, but I'm not gonna watch it. Yeah, I'm just gonna make any sense. You can't force me. Is it? What are you, what are you, what are you, what are you, what are you, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what is, what are you what is what is you guys are trying to pressure me? What is current? We're having a conversation about an awesome shot everyone doing it You're left out that that's your what are you?
Starting point is 00:09:11 What are you really watching right now? It's tickling your tummy. What am I watching? Yeah, well you There's nothing straight. No, I'm not watching anything actually don't I'm interested now and it must be fun to bang you Yeah, let me tell you, it is. I bang myself all the time. No, I'm reading right now. I'm not really watching. I don't watch a lot of TV, believe it or not. Part of the reason is my girlfriend doesn't like TV.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And then the other part of the reason is, oh, okay, that's so easy. Most of the stuff on TV is stuff. So you had to say, I talk about sheep. Yeah, I'd rather have good conversation. I'd rather do business stuff, learn. No, yeah, no, I don't watch that shit. Yeah, that's all good.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's all good. We're just from Massimo Veebani. You can have your... You can't pressure me, dude. You can have your... The harder you pull... You know what I mean? No.
Starting point is 00:10:01 The harder you push, the more I'm not going to... I'll ask permission from Jessica for you. I'll send a message there we go That's where we're gonna go that's I'm bad. You think I'm bad. She's worse dude. What yeah, no way She's very receptive. No, she's gonna mind the more you push her the more she'll push back. She's worse than I am Okay, that's right dude. Okay. I got my fucking Janks are partner. So you're gonna tell us a story, Justin. I was. So, speaking of Netflix, well, I guess we're not speaking of Netflix because it's game of thrones is HBO.
Starting point is 00:10:30 But I was like watching TV last night, Courtney works during the week. And so, you know, like I put the kids down, all the stuff. And I'm just like bored and kind of going through Netflix. And I, so this is pretty embarrassing, but like I was I was watching through and like some some show was just on there and It was called like below her mouth And I'm like below her mouth. It's a pretty provocative title, you know, and it was like Dude, it was like
Starting point is 00:11:04 This was like a romance story between like two girls and everything. And like I was like, oh, weird, you know, what, what am I watching? It turned into like full on like, like porn. Like, you found that on Netflix? Yeah. I've been searching for the last years for stuff like this. I was like, what is this? And I just like, was it like it was soft core porn.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Totally, totally. What was it called again? Yeah, it was called like below her mouth. I like how Justin, I like how Justin's like, what is this? And I just like, was it like, was soft core porn? Totally, totally. What was it called again? Yeah, it was called like below her mouth. I like how Justin, I like how Justin's like, what's this? This is weird. Yeah, this is strange. I don't know if she would have said it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's like, that sucked in. It was the drama. Sure, I mean, I love you. Oh, I work. The acting was incredible. It was great. She was like this, like own her own construction company. She's like, yeah, you know, this other girl was like married to some guy.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And I was like a love of her eye, you know, met up at a bar. Yeah. It was steamy. What a bitch. You steamy. You know, I've heard people say like I've heard guys be like, make comments like, yeah, if I, my girlfriend cheated on me with another girl, that'd be cool. No, what it?
Starting point is 00:12:04 No, it's still suck. Wouldn't it still suck? It's still cheating. Of course. If anything, I think it would be worse, maybe. I don't know, is it worse? Does it make a difference? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Because you can't really repeat. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know if the desert or not, like, is in, I don't know. I've actually, I knew somebody like who, who, one of my friends who she's married now to a girl and I knew the guy who she was married to and stuff. Oh, you sick.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Oh, he was. I couldn't stand. I was so glad she left him, but anyway, it's kind of funny because, because I could just see like his demeanor totally changed He was like like you know questioning himself. You know like oh, no like you know like I'm to be a fly in the wall And his you know his thought process of like you know like oh no Did he know I do are you are you friends with him? No, okay?
Starting point is 00:13:01 So I was wondering what did he say afterwards like that? he's like oh like I should have known the role these signs Or was it just no? I think he's surprised He just completely pushed her in the other direction, you know He's just like yeah, does that really have that? Can you can you push someone so hard that they go in the other direction? Or was it always there? Well, I think there was an element of abuse there And I think that you know that that and I think that, you know, that, that, like, there was interest, you know, otherwise there's somebody comforting and, you know, that
Starting point is 00:13:29 just kind of led to, to what it is now. So, jeez, man. I know. It's interesting. Adam's really quiet. Yeah. Well, it's a fascinating topic. I think we don't all agree on this one.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That's why it's different. You know, it's a, I don't know if I even buy into the whole cheating thing, and because when you say cheating like that, then you're assuming that I own this other person, and I don't feel like, I don't feel like I own Katrina, and I don't feel like I own her right to seek out or deny her of love or of doing something like that. So like my philosophy on- Okay, Aubrey Marcus. No, I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I also, I'm not saying that I think that relationships should be just this big open thing and everybody fucks every time. I don't think that's really truly having a relationship with someone either, but I also don't have this same, you know, we just had this recently, so Katrina had an ex-boyfriend who came into town and they hadn't seen or talked to each other in a really long time and he hit her up at a nowhere and wanted
Starting point is 00:14:30 to go have coffee with her and she told him no and I said, why? And she was like, well, would you want me to go do that? I'm like, well, I wouldn't mind. It doesn't bother me. I love you, I trust you. I figured if you guys dated each other for a certain amount of time, you guys probably have a connection,
Starting point is 00:14:49 and you guys have probably had history together. And I don't feel threatened by things like that. I feel confident in who I am in our relationship. And- Well, that's just jealousy though. I think cheating's an agreement. That's all it is. It's a breaking of an agreement.
Starting point is 00:15:02 So if there's no, if there's an agreement that you guys can do whatever you want, that you're not cheating. If the agreement, the standards ahead of time, it's somebody crosses the, yeah, what you guys kind of go into it with and like you go against like the intent of what you guys kind of agreed upon.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And that's, you know, it's not cool. Yeah, if there's two people and they're both cool with it, then it's not cheating. Yeah, that's an established. Yeah, if there's two people and they're both cool with it, then it's not cheating. Yeah. That's not that's established. Yeah. Cheating literally is we both agree we're not going to, you know, do this that and the other. Yeah. So, yeah. And then if someone does, then it's cheating. So again, I don't think it would the difference like with the let's why I'm quiet in the conversation, because you're speculating on if your girl cheated on you with another girl with that bother you. And I'm like, well, I don't see that first of all even happening
Starting point is 00:15:45 like that. And if it did, it really wouldn't. I wouldn't. So you guys don't have that agreement. You don't have the agreement. It's not that we don't. I don't know. Did you and Jessica sit down and write a contract like that or sit down? We didn't write a contract, but we definitely, I mean, it's pretty explicit that we, that we're, what's the word, monogamous? With each other. Yeah, so I don't think that there was, there's this written agreement where you,
Starting point is 00:16:09 where we've sat down or even had this like discussion that, oh, this is how it has to be, and if you were to do that, like, I am like, if you have these feelings or thoughts or you wanna do, I wanna communicate it to me. Like, that's how I feel. And then we'll cross that bridge when it comes, like, I'm not saying that I would be or wouldn't be comfortable with it, because I haven't, I to me. Like that's how I feel. And then we'll cross that bridge when it comes. Like I'm not saying that I would be
Starting point is 00:16:26 or I wouldn't be comfortable with it because I haven't dealt with that. But I think that if you sat down. Well, there's certain things that you know ahead of time that you would want to do or not want to do that people communicate. You know, cross that bridge when it gets theirs is like saying we can do it.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And then after that, then we'll decide if it was okay or not. No, cross that, communication is key, man. Communication is everything. So if all of a sudden, like let's say, you know, my girlfriend, I've been together for six years. So let's say when you've been in a relationship for a long time, you both will change. And you both will grow.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And hopefully you grow together. That's the idea of a really healthy relationship, right? And so let's say when we first met, she doesn't like women, never did, never did. But all of a sudden, I don't know where at 35 years old, she decides that I have this interest in women. And for me, if she just went out and started fucking women and then I found out,
Starting point is 00:17:21 well, yeah, that would bother me, but what would bother me is not that she's fucking other women, it would be that she didn't communicate that with me because I feel like our bond is so strong and so tight and our relationship is so solid that if you wanted to go express yourself like that, then I would want you to communicate that with you. Yeah, I don't think yeah, and that's what I mean. Any direction, yeah, man, man, or, you know, like it's like, yeah, that's just like, you didn't communicate this, yeah, you didn't like express it, you're not happy with me.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Well, and that's what I mean by transferring out this bridge when it comes here because if that was a desire for us, it wouldn't be go do it. And then let's talk about there. No, it would be if that's a desire that you have, then let's talk about that. Let's not just brush it on it. That's not cheating. Cheating would be the first option that you said where there was no communication, they did it, and then you found out. That's cheating.
Starting point is 00:18:07 If it was, we communicated it, and we decided that this was okay, then that's not cheating. That's, again, that's an agreement between two people. I, although, even in that situation, that's a tough situation for most people. I've talked to, actually know personally several people that have entered into relationships like that
Starting point is 00:18:29 where they were together for a long time and then they decide, hey, I think this is where we want to go. We want to be open about it. And none of them, the ones that I know personally worked out, all of them said it ended in disaster. And I think it's because we think we know what we can do, what we want many times. And then when you're actually there,
Starting point is 00:18:48 it could be incredibly, I can't even imagine how challenging that would be for a couple. But yeah, if you agree to, that's totally different. If there's no communication, the person does, that's cheating. That's what cheating is. Yeah, sure. I mean, yes, you believe that.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I believe you do. That's it. You know, made up by who? Started by what? Just like language. You know what I'm saying? There's a lot of things that we have created as humans and this is one of them.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And so I think that a lot of it is rooted and driven by our own personal insecurities. And I think why most relationships have a hard time with some of that is whether one or the other wants to admit it, they're insecure. And they're, because it just like our friendship that we have right now, I have like a best friend that I don't speak to anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And I remember it, it ate away at me for a while that we were no longer good friends. And I remember Katrina was like it ate away at me for a while, like that, like we were no longer good friends. And I remember Katrina was the one that really helped me kind of dive deeper into that, realized that like, you know what, like that person was extremely important to you at that time in your life. And that person played an incredible role in your life.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And you should be grateful that you had that opportunity that time and you both had an incredible time for each other. But then things changed in life and he went his direction, you went the other direction. There's no reason to be angry, to be bitter, to even dwell on it as it's a big deal. It's just that you grew apart and went different directions. And so my idea of things like that,
Starting point is 00:20:22 like if someone, just like, I've been cheated on so using that term still, if someone has done that to me and it wasn't, it actually, and of course, the initial reaction is this, this sting at first, but when I really dive into like, what was that, it's my own insecurities that made me feel that sting. And then when I got through that, it's like, well, I would want that person, if I really cared about that person, I would want that person to be with the person they want to be with. And if it's not me and it's somebody else, and that's what I want you to go. That's just being, I mean, that's just, if you're going to carry around that hate and anger,
Starting point is 00:20:55 then you end up carrying that around. You end up owning that. That's different. But yeah. If you want something else, it always boils down to communication. Yeah. At the end of this, yeah. And you do, you can't, I know what you're doing, where you're trying to go, but like, because we've constructed things to sort of put order and reason behind them and having sort of like old agreements, like, you know, there's definite, like,
Starting point is 00:21:18 individual by individual, like, this is what, you know, it's working for us. Like, we're just in a relationship, like, like, a lot of people don't even define it's working for us. We're just in a relationship. A lot of people don't even define it a lot of times and it still works for them, which is fine. Some people like they like to define it and they like to show that they're honoring their partner by displaying that they're honoring their partner by displaying a ring or things like that. It's all up to the individual and what you guys, like your intent, relationship.
Starting point is 00:21:52 It's just an agreement. If we started a business together and we agree on doing certain things and the other person goes against those things, I of course, I don't own that person. You can do whatever you want. But we're now, our business was predicated on this agreement that we have and you broke that.
Starting point is 00:22:09 So, that's all it is. But if you look at, you know, this whole philosophy of this stuff, it's at the end of the day do what you want. If it works out for anything, that's great. As long as you don't hurt anybody, I don't think anybody should get in the middle of that. But at the end of the day, when people make the argument that it's that monogamy is not natural, that humans are supposed to do all this. It's bullshit because it's not backed by any real.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I mean, there is in a single major civilization that's been based on that. Every single one has got, as demonstrated, that humans have always been serially monogamous. Doesn't mean we're purely monogamousamous like some animals where they mate for life, but serially monogamous in the sense that, for the most part, it's one man and one woman until, that ends and then they go again, one man and one woman, or whatever, and that's just what history shows. And if you look at, and anytime you look back
Starting point is 00:23:02 through evolution, you start to connect the dots and you can make a case for a lot of different things, but the evidence is overwhelming that monogamy in some way, shape, or form, is what humans naturally go towards. And a lot of it has to do with the fact that- How successful is that then? Well, I mean, how are you judging it are you judging on the growth of the human race on the advancement of On keeping that that contract and that bond that you're saying? It's been that's my point. It's far more successful than any other way. It's far more successful
Starting point is 00:23:40 We know that if we if but you just said no other major there's only we've been one way That's what that's why it's been successful. We know that if we, but you just said, no other major, there's only, we've been one way of some time. That's why it's been successful. If there's, that's what I mean. There's no other way that's out competed. There's no other way that has demonstrated. Well, you just said there's never been,
Starting point is 00:23:53 or there's never been a other way because since the beginning of time that we've done that way. So there's no other, no other, civilization that has grown that was based on a different way of living, which shows you that it's not been forced. And I'm talking about civilizations that have no contact with them. I didn't say if it's been forced and I asked you how successful it's been.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It's been, what do you mean? It's extremely, it's obviously the way that we want to live. People keeping that contract, the divorce rates and the infidelity that you really think that it's been successful. I think that's easy to answer. First off, humans evolved living till about the age of 30 for the most part. And women died at a very high rate after childbirth. So the odds that you would be with one person till you were 80 was very, very low. The odds that you started mating at probably 15, 16 years old, and you had one wife, and then she probably died
Starting point is 00:24:50 after the third child, and then you had another one, and then she probably died, is probably how it worked out. As far as women are concerned, getting pregnant was always has been, except for rather recently, an extremely dangerous situation. That's just the childbirth, which killed women at higher rates than almost anything.
Starting point is 00:25:10 In fact, women died off faster than men except during times of war. So besides that, it's also how is she going to hunt and care for herself during the last trimester, for example, and now care for the sexual person. So they are naturally, historically, have always been much more selective of who they mate with, whereas men don't have to be as selective. So promiscuity from that standpoint is evolutionarily speaking. Men are naturally going to be more promiscuous and women are
Starting point is 00:25:48 going to be much less. And that leads to serial monogamy. Sex was the currency that women had for, again, mostly human civilization. This is one of the reasons why they speculate that when a woman is very promiscuous, even in modern times where we have all this freedom and laws and stuff to protect us, and child birth is in his danger, it's not even close, when a woman is promiscuous, she's going to face the most of the trouble she's going to face, decidedly speaking, is from other women. It's not men that are giving her trouble nowadays in modern societies.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And this is because sex was a very valuable currency and in a tribe or in a society where you have a woman having lots of sex with lots of different men, it lowers the value of that currency and it actually puts other women at risk. This is one of the main theories behind why women tend to be much more selective. And of course, they're smaller than we are, and we're much bigger, and all that other stuff. Yeah, this whole argument that somehow humans are not serilemenogamous,
Starting point is 00:26:55 and we're supposed to just all, you know, bang each other all the time. I've been hearing it more and more recently. Oh, we're, I think it's bullshit. We've been around a lot of people that have that philosophy, where I don't share that philosophy but i definitely disagree with you that uh... marriage is successful
Starting point is 00:27:13 it's not it's not with there is more people that uh... are divorcing and the ones that even and i and then they don't have that and i know you know as many as i do men and women that are top of that, and I know you know, as many as I do, men and women that are in marriages, that stay in marriages, that are cheating. So those are the ones that are, will we really consider successful?
Starting point is 00:27:33 Well, let's separate marriage from coupling for a second, because marriage is an institution. It's a, in fact, it's a law. Well, and this is, and this is, so when you're talking to me, there's where I have most of my issues. So that's where when we're talking about a discussion like this like Marriage is an institution. It is it the government is involved in my relationship and then just like me So that's my that's my attitude. What about coupling? So two people become we don't the problem with that is we don't have something to track that we don't have something to show All the couples and relationships and if they are there's no we don't have something to show all the couples and relationships and if they are,
Starting point is 00:28:05 there's no, we don't have stats to show that. Where marriage is a much easier thing for us to use as a great, I mean, which to me is even more binding because not only are you making a decision to be a couple, but then you're also going as far as to get the government involved and spend a ton of money and put a ring on that person's finger. So you would think that if you're getting married,
Starting point is 00:28:24 you're even more committed than a person who's and put a ring on that person's finger. So you would think that if you're getting married, you're even more committed than a person who's just in a relationship. Yeah, you're not gonna argue with you on the actual marriage aspect of it. But coupling is very natural. Marriage was just, of course coupling is natural. But even that, how successful is that? Because we have, all of us in here
Starting point is 00:28:42 have had multiple mates in our life. None of us have had just one mate. Right. That's that's serial monogamy. I'm talking about when people are like, we have this open relationship. Yeah. I don't, I don't, I don't think is, I think some people can do it, but I don't think when a lot of people will make the argument that that's natural, which I just, which I disagree with, nobody in here is making that argument. I'm wanting, I'm challenging you to defend the statement you made that I disagree with, which is that right now that's successful, just because we've evolved this human and
Starting point is 00:29:10 civilization has moved on, which has nothing to do with sex with one partner, I think that in general and marriage has failed. I think that it's not successful the way we have things structured. And maybe that's the fault because we allow government to get involved in there's all these pressures I'm not saying I know why I'm just saying that I disagree with you when you try and state that's that's something we're successful at No, I would say coupling would be the right answer Marriage is something completely different. I the fact that we have contracts and Laws around that I think is ridiculous. However contracts and laws around that I think is ridiculous. However, coupling existed before marriage did. Marriage did not invent, you know, two people getting together.
Starting point is 00:29:51 What does coupling mean? I mean, once two people have sex, are we a couple? Is that what you're saying? No, coupling is much longer than that. Coupling is partnership. And that's the part that is natural. That's where marriage came from. Okay, so now you're saying it's normal for us to couple and then to move on, then couple again, then move on, and then couple again. It's called serial monogamy. And this is what, this is what you mean. So based off of that theory, you know, it's more, it would be more natural that you would
Starting point is 00:30:16 not probably be with your girl on another seven years or so. Odds statistically speaking, that's usually what happens. But serial monogamy is where you have opposite sex who are together, and this is I'm just talking in terms of the animal kingdom, and they stay together for so long, they tend to produce offspring, and then they move on to another one.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And a lot of times that was due to death, although now we don't die like we used to. So now you have people with, you're together with someone, you can theoretically be with someone for 50 years, which is relatively new. People didn't live till they were 50 years old, let alone be with someone. So based off that theory, then relatively it's a natural then. What? To be with someone for 50 years? Uh, yeah, I don't think that ever happened historically at all. I think that's,
Starting point is 00:31:09 that's with life spans increasing. That's, that's a relatively new thing. Absolutely. To fight the odds, man. But I love, I love to find the odds. But I will say this, you know, like I said, you know, there said, especially now you're seeing this movement where people in particular men and men like to push this because we like to have our cake and eat it too, it's just true. But this whole ideology that everybody's supposed to have sex with whoever they want, I don't know that person and that's why.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And then they end up pushing that ideology on ideology on other people which we've all been around we've been around people who I almost feel like they try to push it Like that's the better way and it's the evolved way to be yeah, it's fucking it's ridiculous I've been with I've been around some people that are like that But then I've been around some people that have a different philosophy than you do But don't push it too. There's a difference and I've met both those people I think Paul check would be an example of somebody who disagrees with you, but does people that make my marriages work? Right. Right. And there's, there's cases on all all into the spectrum. So it's just recognizing that there's the entire spectrum there.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I actually find, I think there's more for you to look inside yourself, for as passionate as you are about the disagreeing with it. That's why I wanted you to read the book, Sex and Dawn, because I don't think you, I don't think it's a change the way you think, but it'll do to you what it did to me, which has just kind of opened my eyes a little bit more about things,
Starting point is 00:32:35 not change my views on monogamy whatsoever, but I think as passionate as you speak, and you speak in certainties about a topic like this, and you respect a man like Paul Chek, who I find is very intelligent, but because you have somebody else in your head like a Aubrey Marcus, who is the flamboyant example of that, that maybe more in your face about it, and we disagree with his philosophy and maybe how he does it. But I think that's something that you should challenge yourself. Oh no
Starting point is 00:33:05 What I there's no challenge again if if people agree with a certain way of living and everybody's happy with it and nobody's getting hurt. I don't care I don't care if there's 15 people involved or two people involved it doesn't it doesn't matter to me You say that but then you say it's what you just said was silly that people are. That's silly that people consider it evolved or. And if it's working for them, why is it silly? It's silly when they say it's evolved and they're being pretentious about it. You're talking about one person who's like that.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Oh no, there's a lot of, I've met quite a few. I've met a name at least five who do that and come and say when they'll make the argument like, well, if you love your partner Then you don't own them and don't you want them to be happy and don't you want them to enjoy themselves? And it's like what do you like as if they're making the accusation is if That's like what Paul check would say is spiritually righteous, you know They you think you're more evolved because yeah, and that's something you that's what I'm talking
Starting point is 00:34:02 You've found something that works more for you and it makes sense more to you. And it's like, I mean, I'm so used to that shit because I grew up around religion my entire life. So like it does, I just, it falls on deaf ears with me when someone talks like that. I don't get offended by it, I don't get all riled up about it. I don't give two shits about it. When someone talks like that to me,
Starting point is 00:34:20 I've been around it so much, it's just, it's not a big deal. It's like whatever, you know what I'm saying? If that's how you feel, you are,, that makes your life better and more rich than I'm happy for you because you created that for yourself. That to me is good for you. You got an awesome life. You've got your, your five wives and it works for you and it's cool. You know, I'm saying, you're not going to get it out. You're not going to be able to push your beliefs on me. But I also am somebody too that I love to challenge. We talk about all the time about Shadrary Aron Paradime.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Well, I love to, I truly embrace that. And this is something that you want to tell about somebody who's completely was raised the opposite of this. I was definitely raised the opposite of this. I mean, I signed a purity card. I don't know about you. I wasn't planning on even having sex until I got married.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You know what I'm saying? Like, I'm the complete opposite of that. So I- You're actually signed a card. I actually signed a card, bro. I'm pretty sex until I got married. I'm saying like, I'm the complete opposite of that. So I- You're actually signed a card. I actually signed a card, bro. I'm pretty sure it is. Did you really? Yeah, probably at like some camp.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, I'd go to. It kept, I kept it my underwear for. I don't know, I just threw it away. It's like, I'm gonna let it to God. Yeah, throw in this guy. The North Pole. Yeah, no. No, it's it's definitely
Starting point is 00:35:26 It's definitely a subject that people try to control other people with and I can see it I we've all experienced it being controlled on that side like the purity card stuff And now I'm seeing it from the other side and they're trying to change They're trying to influence culture. I couldn't make new, I couldn't agree with you more in that situation. And that's the part that gets on my fucking nerves, dude. Yeah, well no different to me than the other side. I mean, it's just the other, it's a spectrum. And to me, it's the response of that.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And I believe I fall somewhere in the middle. I fall somewhere personally in the middle of that. Like I'm not all the way the left, I'm not all the way the right on that situation. There's, I think both have uh... validity to it and i think uh... it's the whole like in your face this is the way we're so evolved it's gotta be this really though that i can give you i don't know i feel like you're getting pretty riled up about it i think it's striking a chord with no it's part of an
Starting point is 00:36:20 entire it's part of this culture war that's going on right now where it is you know everybody should be respected, but don't assume, you know, don't assume you know my gender, don't assume this, and I'm that, and you're, and they're pushing these things on everybody, like it's fine, do what you want, say what you want,
Starting point is 00:36:38 but you can't force other people to think the way you do, and just because I think a certain way doesn't make me less evolved, and it's all part of that It's all part of that whole thing like you'll see it's gonna keep getting and it's getting more and more ridiculous and you go You know exactly that's okay though. I think I think we can use some of that I think we've been on I think we've been on the other side for too long I think we've been on the other side for so long like if you do this internal damnation and oh god heaven forbid You look the other you
Starting point is 00:37:05 find this other woman a try I mean I think we've been on the I do it's see here's a problem it's bullshit because statistically speaking the vast majority people who get married are not a virgin people have sex right around I think the average is around 17 years old people are more free than they've ever been nobody gets in trouble for doing those things anymore. If there's societal pressures, I get that. There's a religious, religion is always going to be religion. That's a dogma. I understand that as well.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And that can be a problem for some people. And for some people, it's amazing. But there have been a lot of people who have pushed this particular notion, and specifically what we're talking about as being The evolved the way to live we are also biased and that because of what we've been around we had an opportunity to literally Interview and hang out with five or six different people that are influencers that believe this way and think this way all about it. So of course it feels like lots of people to us, but there's somebody over in the fucking East Coast
Starting point is 00:38:08 or the Midwest that has never even fucking heard of that, bro. You're like I said, again, I challenge you to evaluate the way it's striking a chord with you because it's really not that big, like you don't see it on the fucking news. No one else is talking about it. There's not tons of books about it. It's like literally a couple of people who we know
Starting point is 00:38:28 happen to be influencers who maybe we don't like. I do follow, I do follow, I follow these things quite strongly. So I'm probably seeing a lot more of it. Of course. Then you guys are, but the, it's, there's lots of articles I've been reading. People are trying to make this particular case. It's getting to the ridiculous
Starting point is 00:38:46 I won't even cover some of the other stuff that they said because it's quite disturbing but it's it's it's it's it's it's a way of thinking that ends up devolving And making people believe that because they feel a certain way that they're different and that they're the wrong and I understand It's been the other way for so long, but when that pendulum comes and swings over you'll see what happens It's it's not better. Well, it'll be it'll be interesting because I'm I'm working on getting the author of sex at dawn on the show And I think it'll be cool for us to pick their brain and talk about this I love that subject Yeah, I think it's I think it's an incredible topic. I mean, we love to challenge our own, the way we own
Starting point is 00:39:32 our own belief system, where we love to challenge the norm. And I think the book is beautifully written. I'm only about three quarters through it, but I've enjoyed it so far. I stayed away from it for a long time because of the people that I recommended, but that was the reason why I. I stayed away from it for a long time because of the people that I recommended, but that was the reason why I picked it up was because, you know what, I started a sound just like you sound right now where I was so about it because the people
Starting point is 00:39:54 that I was hearing it from are not people that I would take a lot of advice from and I thought wait a second, that shame on me for being that way. I fucking smart enough to read something myself and disseminate the information the way I think it what it means. And so I plan to do that. And so I did. And I thought it was a great read. I don't I think that it would be a great person to have on the show.
Starting point is 00:40:17 What's the case that they're making in there? They don't make it. They're not making a case. They're not that's just that's exactly why you should read it because it's not they're not trying that it definitely made certain people that you're talking about feel strongly about certain things, but you can go in with my mindset and probably your mindset and just get good information out of it. For me, like little bits of history and stuff, I think that. So what was something in that you've read so far?
Starting point is 00:40:40 I just shared with you the other day when we talked about agriculture being a main influencer on us starting to create marriage around that because of owning property and the fear of someone else coming in and taking your property and this bit of ownership because before that, we were in communities where everything was really shared. And I just, I was not a prevy to that until I read the whole history on that.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And they get it into a whole chapter and talk about how that happened. And I find it fascinating. And so I think you will enjoy stuff like that of the book, I don't think that- So they're saying before agriculture, monogamy was not the rule. It was more of the exception.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yeah. So you know what the problem with going backwards and trying to make cases like that is? Well, again, you're stating that they're trying i just shared with you with the what was being said so they're not saying that monogamy was the exception pre agriculture it was the same monogamy was the same pre agriculture post agriculture they don't say either either one of what you're saying right now they didn't say that it was or it was not that wasn't what it was talking about it just talks about how when we evolved,
Starting point is 00:42:05 when we got into agriculture, how that became where we started to see all of us separate into these communities where it would just be a husband and wife and children and kids versus a more community type of sharing. It wasn't just the sexual side of it, it was everything where we helped each other, we shared our food. We shared everything
Starting point is 00:42:27 Including sex. Yes, okay, but different there's different cultures used it differently which they discussed that too Not everybody was the same. There's not one tribe that and the whole world was doing it a certain way They go into tons of different tribes and so that's's the issues. When you go back that far, very, very difficult to make those conclusions, the best way you could do it is look at modern hunter-gatherer societies that continue to exist. There are modern hunter-gatherers. They get into that too.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Yeah, they get into that. And they say that that's, it's like the same. Yeah, it still happens today. And they even talk about certain countries that try to come in and oppress that and then revolting and then actually killing them off and forcing some of these hunter gather type tribes to change their ways because it goes against how we believe now. So they get in some cool shit. It's a good read, bro.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Read the book. I'll show you. Instead of speculating on it and trying to try and shoot it down before you read it, try picking it up. No, it's the way people have used it to argue about certain things. Well, see, that's because you're listening to idiots that are telling you listen to someone like me who I believe you should trust my opinion on a book and I'll tell you that you'll enjoy the read. It's a good read. You won't you'll go into it the same way I did,, which was with the attitude that you have right now. It will reveal some good information to you. You'll take it with what you want. It's not gonna change the way you are. It's just a subject that I've read so much. That's why I didn't have any desire to read the book. Same reason why
Starting point is 00:43:55 you don't want to read Eckhart Tolley. It was the same, you know, the same repulsion. Oh, so you might be right. So I've read so much about it. You might be right. Then if you, a lot of that stuff, like I just share with you, like I was unfamiliar with that. So for me, there was a lot of things that, for me, I grew up very religious. And so, I feel like you know what you're gonna read. My reference to that was the Bible, you know what I'm saying? So if I went anywhere for what a relationship or a marriage or like should look like, it
Starting point is 00:44:23 was, I referenced the Bible my entire life. So for me to read something completely opposite of that, there was a lot of things in there that were paradigm shattering. For me versus someone maybe like you, because you say you're very well read in that field. I wasn't, I know that I wasn't. So maybe it won't make it the same impression on you. But that's, I mean, I shared that with you
Starting point is 00:44:43 because for that reason, not because I think it's going to change. Look what my accidental lesbian porn watch is created. I knew it was going to go somewhere. That's a good discussion. Doug, bring on the lesbian bird. This quaz brought to you by Organify.
Starting point is 00:45:00 For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organified fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-added edge. Try Organified, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com. And use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. Our first question is from Kate Horner. What advice would you give to trainers that are trying to transition into online coaching?
Starting point is 00:45:33 Hmm. Use maps programs as a resource and a tool. Part of us creating this was with that in mind. I still believe that we will eventually head in this direction. We just got so much on our plate and things that we need to get in place before we go here. But we had this in mind when we were creating all the programs and the YouTube channel with thinking that, okay, if I was a personal trainer online and I'm not coaching somebody one-on-one, that, okay, if I was a personal trainer online and I'm not coaching somebody one on one, how could I give them the best service possible?
Starting point is 00:46:09 And so that's what we're building. We're building this library of series and videos and programs and assessment tools. So a trainer literally could get hit with almost any ache, any pain, any goal, any struggle, any muscle and balance, and they could have a really detailed video from a source like Mind Pump that they could trust to you. So if you do not have all the programming, that would be the first suggestion was to get that in your hands, because this is how we created all of it. If you're not already subscribed to Mind Pump TV, I would tell you to make sure that you
Starting point is 00:46:44 do that, because again, that's what we did that to compliment all the programming and to be used as a tool. And then when you get online training was kind of fun for me while I was doing it. I did it for about two years now. And it took me a while to really figure out how I could help someone the same way I was coaching someone, if I was coaching someone 101, and you really can never quite give that good of service. And my goal was to get there as close as I could. And I felt like I did towards the end of doing it,
Starting point is 00:47:19 but I also felt like it's really tough to scale it. It's tough to give this one on one attention. I felt once I went beyond 10 clients, my online coaching started to suffer. What do I know both you guys have played around with that? Yeah, well, I was gonna say too, like our programs aside, like that's the biggest thing is to be able to set yourself up
Starting point is 00:47:43 so you can scale. So you have all the answers before going into that situation where you're trying to coach. So you need to really think about what systems you have to put into place with the very first conversation leading into the follow-ups, leading into how you deliver the workouts, how you deliver the nutrition advice. So, you know, your platform, for me, I did it previous to you, like, back when it was sort of a little more unpollished, but I did find a great platform at the time that they actually had a lot of videos in their library catalog that I pulled from, but then I could also have the ability to shoot some of my own, and then I could build up my own library. And so they had a really cool delivery system where I could kind of drag and drop and put it into place.
Starting point is 00:48:44 So that way, like time wise, it wasn't too taxing. Like I could, I could put them all in a row. I could send them off a workout every day or just the weekly workout or wherever we had set up for that. But that was all well thought out. And then I had, you know, the plan for the week, the month, all that nutritionally. And then all we did from there was just communicate. It's just like the text interaction
Starting point is 00:49:07 and then the motivation aspect, which is very time consuming. Well, okay, so I'm glad you said that because what I was gonna say, the biggest challenge that I found with online coaching and what I had to start to do, and I did, would do this when someone first would inquire about it is I would lay it out to them
Starting point is 00:49:23 that I'm not your personal trainer and I'm not here for motivation. I'm here to coach you, which means you have to want to do this. You have to want to learn, you have to put the work in. Because, and that's the real difference than a one-on-one person who's paying for your hour and they come to see you, like they get that. They paid for that hour, they're coming to see you
Starting point is 00:49:42 for that hour, they're gonna get the raw, raw trainer in you, then you're going to motivate them to work out, where that is now eliminated. So I found that I could not have a client that was online that required this constant, you know, motivation of you got to get to the gym or you got to do these things. So I actually made a daily check-in that they have to do to me. So every morning, so anybody who's online coach with me knows this that every morning I get this check-in and it's got their weight from the night before, they're weight in the morning, how much water they had, a screenshot of their fat secret app so I can tell what food they consumed and like a thumbs up I did my workout. So I put a lot of responsibility on the client that is training with me because I know that
Starting point is 00:50:29 if they're not doing those little things, I really can't help them virtually because that's the only way I'm gonna be able to help them if I can see exactly what they're doing every single day. They're putting that work in, then I can make these subtle tweaks and changes to really coach them and help them. But if you treat it the same way that you treat
Starting point is 00:50:46 regular training like clients 101, which we all know, at least 50% of your clients, if not more, let's be honest, are paying for your time to either one, just talk to you, or two, they just, they want this motivation, and you're constantly getting the motivation. You're gonna be reassured, do you? You're doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Right. So those type of people are time suckers online. And you can't, if you're doing online and you're gonna scale this up and make a legitimate business out of it, you've gotta learn to be efficient with your time. And part of that process for me was learning to put a lot of the responsibility
Starting point is 00:51:20 on the client that's paying for the service because I'm just there to really coach and make tweaks and I need them to provide all the detailed information that I need in order to make the right tweaks. And if they don't do that, I would tell them, like so here's the deal, when you sign up with me, it's a three month minimum contract. In that three months, I have the right
Starting point is 00:51:40 to break the contract as your coach. And I will break that contract if you miss your check-ins. So if they're not checking in with me every morning, I let them get away with it maybe once or twice. And by the third time, I just break the contract and say, I don't have time to chase you and ask for this information to then turn around and give you your guidance that I'm totally pulling out
Starting point is 00:52:03 a thin air because I don't have any information to go off of. So if they're not doing those things, I can't waste my time doing that. So I set these standards at the very beginning of the meeting or the Skype that I would have with this person and say, listen, this is what I need from you. And if you can't deliver these things, then I've got to break the contract off
Starting point is 00:52:24 and give somebody that time that is willing to put that work in. Yeah, the thing with online coaching that I've noticed is it has, it actually has some benefits, there's some detriment to it, but there's also some benefits over personal training. What I mean by that is when you train someone typically, one-on-one in person,
Starting point is 00:52:43 you may see that person for twice a week or once a week usually was twice a week. And after that, you wouldn't text them throughout the day, really. It was just the personal training. The thing I'm noticing with coaching is although I don't get to work with a person in person so I can't watch their form and I can't individualize
Starting point is 00:53:00 your training quite to the same degree, I seem to be in contact with them more often. We seem to be talking about more day-to-day stuff because our life stuff, less of the actual fitness coaching. Yeah, and it depends. It depends on your coaching style. If you're a trainer, if you're an online coach, and all you want to do is you want to get their food,
Starting point is 00:53:21 tell them what to eat, that kind of stuff, and give them those types of direction, you could do it that way or you could do the support type coaching while we're talking about how certain things make you feel, talk about your sleep, talk about, you know, it depends on, again, what kind of a coach you're going to be, but with online coaching, you can have some pretty good contact with an individual on a day-to-day basis, but I think before you do that, you have to decide what you're gonna work on and how you're gonna coach these people because the day-to-day contact,
Starting point is 00:53:53 that type of level of service, like Adam was saying, you can't really scale it that much. Once you get, if that's your only job, I could see maybe handling 20 people at the most, but if that's all you know, once you get, if you fit your, if that's your only job, I could see maybe handling, you know, 20 people at the most, but if that's all you did, and after that, your service is probably gonna start to really take a big dip. And so your fees are gonna be a lot more if you're gonna coach in that way, and then there's other online coaches that'll handle, you know, 50 clients or more, but what they're doing primarily is, here's your workout, here's your
Starting point is 00:54:27 macro count, do this and then check in with me afterwards, type of deal. But online coaching is, I think there's a huge future in it for fitness. I see it tends to cost less than personal training, unless you hire like a celebrity online coach. It allows people to, they don't have to necessarily go to a particular person, they can do it all just from their phone. The part that I like about it is I like the contact. I like the day-to-day contact.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I like the fact that an online client can let me know what just happened when they ate this particular food or they're stressed out from work and what are some techniques that can help me out or I only slept this in the hours and we can talk about those types of things. Believe it or not, those were things that I didn't talk to my one-on-one clients with until I trained them for a really long time and we would just talk about those things during our session. But I didn't really text them a lot throughout the day. But as far as transitioning is concerned, you're gonna have to use social media a lot more
Starting point is 00:55:33 than if you were just a personal trainer working one-on-one with clients. I think you gotta use social media both times, regardless, because that's just the way business works. But if you're looking for clients to work with online, that's like 100% of your business to social media, developing a good Instagram page or Facebook or blog or some way to establish
Starting point is 00:55:59 some type of authority to show that you know what you're doing to attract those clients. That's probably the number one priority as far as you're. You're not going to just convert like what clients you have right now into online and that's going to sustain your business. That's not going to work like that. You really have to dig into the social media and figure out how to gain and attract people with your message and make
Starting point is 00:56:26 it unique to you. And you're going to attract the right type of people that connect to you in your message. Yeah. I would set that as my first goal is to build my social media before I'm even trying to actually online coach. I would be trying to build my network of people. And build it in build it the right way. And what I mean by that is build it so that you're,
Starting point is 00:56:47 again, you're building your authority. So you can build a page with 5,000 followers because you're good looking or whatever. You're posting half naked shots. And you might get some clients that way. But unless you're like really, really good looking and you've got that, like you're on the cover magazines or you compete at a high level in some kind of, you know, physique or or or or bikini or whatever, it's it's not going to turn into
Starting point is 00:57:15 clients. I, you know, and you don't need a lot of people. You don't need tons and tons of people following you on social media to build a halfway decent online coaching business, I would say a few thousand people at least following you, but build it so that you're developing good information so that the people who do follow you value you for your knowledge,
Starting point is 00:57:36 and then when you ask for business, when you make a post saying, hey, I'm looking for online clients or I have openings, people will value for, you know, you're coaching and what you can do and then and then take it from there. I think it's a lot harder than than people think. It's way harder than people think. And that's what you just said is for sure probably some of the best advice in this area because we have a friend right now who is a reality TV star who has, you know, over a quarter
Starting point is 00:58:06 million followers and he cannot convert his page to make money at all. And it's unfortunate because they all follow him because he's a reality TV star not because he's got this great information or knowledge to share with people. And so that's really tough. And think of that, you would, people see that, they see that large of a page and they assume, oh, this person must make a bunch of money. But then I've met somebody who's got 5,000 people
Starting point is 00:58:34 and they got a, I mean, shit, someone like Badros. Badros has got 12,000 people. That motherfucker is. He's done it all through Facebook. Right, he did it before. Before that. Yeah. You know, the point is though, though, the following on there is less important. If they're not, if it's they're not following you for whatever it is, and we're using fitness
Starting point is 00:58:52 example, but this is advice for anybody who's trying to do an online business. If you have a online business, your personal page should somewhat reflect the knowledge or information that you provide or give out there, or you're gonna have a real fucking hard time, and you should be interacting with those people. You're probably better off being a little specialized, too. I would assume online, you have such a wide reach that if you just say I'm a trainer, I'm a coach,
Starting point is 00:59:18 you're probably better off specializing in an area like gut health or specializing glute training, gut health or, you know, specializing glute training or I specialize in the baby building strength or boom, yeah, whatever people need to start focusing on that community. Like I'm gonna be honest That's where the money is right now. If you want if you want your trainer and you can't figure out what to do as far as like getting a niche Look into training You know that this silver which look into training, you know, this silver population, if you will. Silver sneakers.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Quick commercial break, you guys. We keep getting asked all the time, how can I support the Mind Pump family? Here's one of the best ways you guys can. You guys love that Chi-American coffee that we have. Chi-American coffee with a K, you go to Chi-American coffee.com, put in the discount code Mind Pump for 10% at the checkout. Also, you guys, if you guys have not tried
Starting point is 01:00:04 Ben Greenfield's new bars out there, fantastic. If you want some, go to Ben Greenfield fitness.com forward slash nature bite, put in the code, mine pump and get 10% off. Go check it out. The next question is from Dio Christina. What are your thoughts about resistance bands? Yeah, love them. Yeah. Love resistance bands. Obviously, yeah. Love them. Yeah. Love resistance bands. Obviously, Christina does not have any of our maps, programs, or she would know that resistance bands are in our programs.
Starting point is 01:00:33 So big fans. Resistance bands have a unique resistance curve that's different than when you're lifting weights or machines in the sense that the more you stretch the band, the harder the resistance gets. They require a different level of control, and I would go as far as to say, and I would put money on this, that resistance bands don't cause as much damage to muscles as lifting weights to. And so this is something that you can take advantage of. So I can do, for example, if I did a heavy workout yesterday
Starting point is 01:01:07 and I want to do another workout today, but I'm still kind of sore, doing a full resistance band based routine might be a good idea because I'm not going to damage the muscles, like I would if I used weights, but I am going to send a good muscle building signal. Resistance bands are also phenomenal tools to use in conjunction with weights to build strength.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Power lifters and strength athletes use them quite a bit because of that variable resistance. So they can use that to kind of target at sticking points, you know, if you will, in certain specific lifts. So it's a valuable tool on so many different levels. Or just different angles like I used to do deadlifts Yeah, where I would attach the bands around the bar with with weight so I had to wait on them too
Starting point is 01:01:51 But then the band was kind of anchored away for me So that not only am I getting resistance on the way up but on the way back which is forcing me to lean back I count for that force as well. Yeah, and create that really tight lockout at the very top. Huge fans of bands. What Adam was alluding to in our maps programs, maps and a ballad in particular recommends bands specifically for trigger sessions, both for their convenience, but also because I've done lots of experimenting with this
Starting point is 01:02:23 with myself and with clients. And trigger sessions just seem to just work better but also because I've done lots of experimenting with this, with myself and with clients, and trigger sessions just seem to just work better with resistance bands. It's much, it's more likely to overdo it with weights where I've had people do trigger sessions every day. Every day I use bands. And if I'm not using them for a trigger session
Starting point is 01:02:42 that I'm using them from some way of priming or mobility stuff, every everyday I use bands. There's just so many uses, four bands, they're so convenient, you can throw them in your gym bag. It's just a great tool and resource to have. We have them on the website, do we still have them on the website? We have them on the website, right?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Are the ones that we are affiliated with? Yeah, yeah, so we have bands on there, it comes with the whole set. And it comes with a, what I really like, why we, part of the reason others, then they have badass bands and they're really durable. But they also have these cool door wedge things. So you can put it on the side of a door, on the top of the door, on the bottom of a door, and just hook your bands up anywhere.
Starting point is 01:03:19 So it comes in a little tiny, little bag, and I take them to hotel rooms all the time when I travel. And so I do them with with trigger sessions and then like I say with mobility and prime stuff. So yeah, no huge. You know, when you said they're common about that you speculate that they don't do as much damage. Do you think that is because it follows like the natural strength curve? You think that's why it is because it's already our natural strength curve for it to be really easy at the bottom of the rep and then it definitely accentuates each
Starting point is 01:03:51 contraction phase. So you have to go through eccentric, you really have to be able to control that force on the way back as well with bands. You can sort of bypass that with like dumbbells or like you can, you can, well, I guess you could drop it to with the bands as well, but yeah, it's, I feel like it's a more linear like, like a projected resistance. So I'm following this pathway and you know, it is, it's taking me through those very specific phases of contraction smoothly. It's interesting because this is one of those cases where it's hard to pinpoint why exactly. Yeah we're totally speculating right? Yeah because it's like it's like when people like well why are free weights, why do free weights build more muscle than machines and we can sit here and
Starting point is 01:04:40 speculate all day long but we just know we, we just feel it. We know through experience, and this is one of those things with bands, like I could do a very hard workout with bands. Like I could go to failure, I could beat the shit out of myself, and there's, there's, it will not make me nearly a sore or as hammered as a free weight workout. And I've also experienced where,
Starting point is 01:05:01 maybe it's just the constant tension it provides too. You know, it's just different. I don't think it just creates as much damage and I'm not quite sure why. I mean your body's responding because of this. I mean it literally is forces of resistance that's going against you. So you have to account for that. So you're already your central nervous system is active. It's an active movement the entire range of motion. Whereas, you know, you could sort of like relax and depend on the joint to, you know, sustain some of the force. I feel like it's because it's following your natural strength here. So imagine this, like, let's, we're going to use a rubber band bicep curl.
Starting point is 01:05:37 If, uh, if one of us will, we'll just say that like a heavy dumbbell curl for one of us would be 50 pound dumbbell. that like a heavy dumbbell curl for one of us would be 50 pound dumbbell. And if you did a band, you could not do a resistance band that is 50 pounds of pressure at your full extension. So you have to do a band that is at 25 pounds of pressure, but then maybe at the top where you're at the strongest, you hit the peak of that 50 pounds at the top and then it goes to 40 pounds. So it lightens up, yeah, in your extension. It lightens up in your, when you use bands, it's at its lightest resistance at what, at your weakest point. And when you're at your strongest point, the bands are at its greatest resistance. So
Starting point is 01:06:19 it, to me, it's almost like if I had a 50 pound dumbbell because that's peak in your strongest, where I'm strongest. And then as I'm opening it up, now I have a 40 pound, 30 pound, 20 pound, 10 pound dumbbell. And maybe that's why we feel like it doesn't do as much damage. So here's why I disagree with that. It does do that. The resistance to what you're explaining is, I mean, yeah, that's one of the hallmarks of bands.
Starting point is 01:06:39 But here's why I disagree and why I think it's a mystery. Because there are machines that will do that. There are ways you can overload your bicep or muscle art strongest for age. And if anything, that damages the muscle more, because you're testing your muscle in different ranges, you're giving it more resistance, where it's strongest and less resistance, where it's weakest. And here's an example. You guys have all done squats with bands before, where you have thebells got weights on it and then it has bands, right?
Starting point is 01:07:06 Or deadlift, right? And then you've done the same thing with chains with stew the same thing A chain gets heavier at the top and is lighter at the bottom, but chains fuck you up way more You get sore from chains very differently than you do from bands So I'm not quite sure what it is about bands I mean because, you know, I would say, okay, it has to do with the resistance curve, but you can do that similarly with with chains. Chains will do the same thing, but chains, you can't handle, you know, doing a bunch of chain exercises all the time, but I could do band exercises every single
Starting point is 01:07:38 day without creating as much damage, which again, I think is a strength of it. Again, we're speculating. Yeah, I think it's a strength of bands because... It's a total speculating episode. Yeah, I got no answer. No, I answered for it. That's why I took a stomach. That's a decent argument, that's a decent argument, whatever. It's interesting though, right?
Starting point is 01:07:57 But I think we all agree that bands are super valuable tool to be utilized with your training. Absolutely. Fower fit. What are your thoughts about trainers with only a certification giving both workout and nutrition advice? Does having a degree trump self-obtained knowledge and experience in your opinion?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Ha ha ha. So they must not know. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what, speaking from just for us, the only person in this room, or on the mic, I should say, with a degree in fitness is Justin. Both Adam and I do not have a degree in this.
Starting point is 01:08:36 We've held certifications, but it's all experience-based. I'll tell you what, you pick any, I don't give a fuck what job it is. You pick any job. No degree will trump experience. At least you actually apply it in experience. That's what I'm saying, like. If you took, and then just, yeah, you can't discount
Starting point is 01:08:56 like education. No, no, I'm not. Even a brain surgeon. If a brain surgeon going through 12 years of school, versus a guy who started and was taught by some brain surgeon. And he did 12 years of brain surgery. I would take the guy who did 12 years of brain surgery and over the guy that went through 12 years of school.
Starting point is 01:09:12 That's the apprenticeship model. Which no longer exists, unfortunately, but which is, I believe that's the evolution of our education. I think so too. I think it's more specialized. Much more specialized. I think you go through basic education and then you want to do something, you go work
Starting point is 01:09:29 for someone as an apprentice making a little bit of money and you learn through experience because I'll tell you look, I know through experience with trainers. I've had lots of trainers work for me and I've had trainers who've got basic certification and those with advanced degrees and depends on how well they apply themselves to the job. And a year later, they both can be just as good or the one without the degree can be much better. The one with the degree can be much better. It depends how they apply. I'll tell you something that's crazy and that I've noticed in all the tons of trainers, right? I don't know how many, but there's been a lot of trainers that have worked for me over the years. And both I've noticed in all the tons of trainers, right? I don't know how many, but there's been a lot of trainers that have worked for me over the years.
Starting point is 01:10:05 And both I've had everything from no degree whatsoever, tons of experience, let's have a little experience, yada yada, like in masters, even some PhDs have worked for me as a trainer. And what I have found that is very interesting to me is a lot of times even somebody who has a degree like so and I used to get excited oh yeah this person's got their your masters and kinesis this is great they're they're going to be so smart a lot of times I would get these you know fresh at a
Starting point is 01:10:35 college or maybe a year or two out of college students with their degree in the field and because they work so hard in school and they were done, they accomplished it, they got it. They were like, over-learning. Entitled. Yeah, not only do they feel, they have filled, they either feel entitled or they're done learning. They're like, fuck, I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Everybody told me I need to go get my degree. I fucking worked my ass off. I studied, I fucking crammed, I got it. I'm here, I made it. And then they stopped wanting to read. Many times I would get this, I would get this really, really smart trainer that has got a degree in the field
Starting point is 01:11:14 and they just have no desire to read anymore because they've spent the last eight years reading about this subject and they don't wanna do it anymore. And then I'll get somebody who has no degree whatsoever but is just hungry for knowledge and is constantly growing and learning and and challenging uh... what the the norm and and science and how it's evolving and changing and that guy or girl
Starting point is 01:11:38 uh... more often than not ends up being the better trainer you know fresh out of school if i compared somebody who has a kines versus the kid who just walks straight out of high school and I had to hire both of them. Well, no fucking shit. The kinesiology degree is going to be a way better trainer if you compare those two. But man, you take the kid who went to school for eight years and then the kid who for eight years was training clients. I'll take the kid that was training clients for eight years all day. And the part that sucks about this too though is that experience Neither one of them mean you're guaranteed to put the right right because I have a story for the guys and girls I've been doing it for eight years that are terrible too. And there's the hustlers that you know are good too
Starting point is 01:12:18 But they don't want to fuck their talking about either. So I mean it's It really just amounts to that hunger and that desire to always learn and to be open to, just getting in there and doing work and learning. So, there's plenty of valuable things to apply from experience. I mean, you learn every single day, like all these different variables that are coming to present and you have to go back in reference, you know, or, you know, just getting down your systems in the way that you deliver your message,
Starting point is 01:12:56 like how you communicate to your clients. Like, there's just so many, there's so many nuance things that if, if you're gonna come in with this attitude that, you know, I've learned all this stuff from school and so I just, I have, man, I should just, people should just flock to me. I've met so many trainers like this and it's frustrating because I know you're a smart guy or I know you're a smart girl, but, you know, you need to, like, you're gonna be humbled real quick. You're gonna be humbled real quick,
Starting point is 01:13:27 because it just doesn't come to you like that. You have to work and you have to put the effort in there. Well, I have a theory on this too, is I mean, when you look at Kinesh physical education, you know, whatever some of the other degrees in our field, sports medicine. Yeah, sports medicine, even some biology majors, you get some cross over there.
Starting point is 01:13:48 So let's say all these that are related in the field, none of them cover human psychology. And in my opinion, psychology and understanding human behavior is so important to learning to helping people. Like, you could be so smart when it comes to biomechanics or nutrition and like, know all the X's and O's, but if you have poor communication, you don't understand human behavior, you don't understand psychology, you don't understand that piece. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah, good luck. Yeah, that's more to me than step one really. Well, to me, I've seen good trainers now with degrees in psychology that actually excel really well, but they don't have the kines background because they understand people really well. And there's also like how much time do you spend in the gym doing and perfecting forum and exercises with different people with all of those degrees. Honestly, not very much at all, if any.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I've had trainers come in who have their degrees in whatever field and they've never done a barbell row ever. They didn't even go in about it though. They read about it, but they never did it. They never experienced it. They never do. And so when I watch some training clients, after they're done, I'd walk up to them and be like,
Starting point is 01:15:09 you know, they're her, she's not getting good scapular retraction, whatever. Well, no, the road looks good. She's moving back and like, you don't see that these things are like, this all comes from experience. But again, just because someone's been doing it for a long time, doesn't necessarily mean that they have the right experience.
Starting point is 01:15:26 But I would take experience over, you know, education, most time. Here's the thing what education does. Here's one of the great things that it does. When you see that someone has a degree, what that tells you is that they have a certain degree of seriousness. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Yeah, like, they're relatively serious about what they're trying to do because they dedicated four years or six years or eight years into a particular field. So you know that that person or at least it's a better, it gives you a little bit of a better, you know, feel that that person may be more serious about pursuing this particular field of knowledge. Versus someone who, I just have a degree from whatever certification which took 30 days of study and then I passed the test, they could be very serious about what they're doing or it could be like a lot of people who get certification. You know how many trainers or excuse me, you know how many people are certified personal trainers
Starting point is 01:16:25 that just start personal trainers anymore? That have gotten the certification? Oh man, I have friends that like really looked into the field and I helped them get through these certifications and then just never, never took off. Never used it. Never used it. Yeah, so when you see someone who has a,
Starting point is 01:16:42 you know, a bachelor's or a master's in can you seeology or sport medicine? At least you kind of know that that person takes that, that field seriously. So you're dealing with someone who's got a certain level of seriousness and commitment. Yeah. Commitment to that. Same thing if you see a personal trainer who's been a personal trainer for
Starting point is 01:17:02 four, six or eight years. You know that that person and it's their full time job years. You know that that person, and it's their full-time job. Like, you know that that person kind of takes it seriously. So, not a lot of them make it beyond four or five years if you're not pretty good. I mean, there is excitement. Really, you said there are people that are around that, have been doing it for a long time that are shitty,
Starting point is 01:17:19 but it's more rare, I think, to find. It's more common to find somebody who has a degree in the field and is caca than somebody who has been in the field and training clients for over six years and it doesn't act grask very well or can't give very good advice. Like typically, if they survive, because being a personal trainer is not easy financially.
Starting point is 01:17:43 It's not like this. You know, every few people make it a lot of money. Yeah, and so if you're pretty financially successful as a personal trainer and you've been doing it for over five years, you've probably got a decent amount of knowledge. I mean, you could be incredibly good at marketing yourself, which we see that too.
Starting point is 01:17:59 But I think more often than not, you see somebody who's, knows a little bit more than the average person. And you do see a lot of people with advanced degrees who maybe start in personal training, but then do something else. You know what I mean? They end up in the medical side or they end up working.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Yeah, I've seen that a bit too. And like rehab clinics and stuff like that. Mainly because I think if you graduate with like a six year degree, and then you go and you're making, you know, 15 bucks an hour as a personal trainer, you're probably like, fuck this, I want to make more money and go do something
Starting point is 01:18:28 out of the room. Very common. Or they have a hard time communicating to people. I want to get in a lab. Ah, people. Yeah, that's very true. It's people. Quick commercial break,
Starting point is 01:18:37 hey, people ask us all the time, how they can support Mind Pump. Here's what you can do. You can go to www.brain.fm-forward-mind pump and get 20% off brain FM for meditation or focus. You can also go to audible-trial.com-forward-mind pump and get a 30-day trial plus one free audio book. Lastly, you can go to goodgetnatureblend.com-forward-mind pump and you will get a discount on Ben Greenfield CBD products. Nicole and Marie fit.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Tight IT bands are causing knee pain. Order good ways to relieve it. Foam rolling but it's not helping. So in the past, the way I would handle IT band issues was primarily through some kind of soft tissue work and manipulation with foam rolling, with massage, with stretching, which are all parts of the solution. Those are all parts of the solution, but they are not the solution. Nope. A lot of the pain relief you'll get from doing those things is temporary, but
Starting point is 01:19:45 it's not really solving what the root cause of the problem is. In most people, not all, but in most people, having issues with the Iliotibial band has to do with the weakness in the hips, in lateral that abduction of the hips. The IT band attaches, well, it wraps down around the knee and around the shin, but it comes up and attaches to the tensa, what's it called, tensa fasciolate? Yeah, tensa fasciolate, TFL muscle,
Starting point is 01:20:15 and to the gluteus maximus. And if you have an imbalance in the hips or weakness in the muscles that abduct the leg, that is like, imagine like you're doing like a sideways leg raise or whatever. Or a leg swing. Or a leg swing. If there's an imbalance there,
Starting point is 01:20:30 and you're doing all of this, you know, sagittal plane type of work, like running and squatting and everything's in front of you, those muscles kind of get, they can be, there's a big imbalance there because they're not strong enough to support that forward motion and it causes issues with those muscles which then are felt down, the IT band. So then you foam roll them, it's temporary, then you go to your run or whatever, but you
Starting point is 01:20:56 find yourself having to foam roll every single time. It keeps happening over and over and over again. This was me. I had the IT band. I had to foam roll all the time. Well remember, the foam rolling is only temporary relief. You are not fixing the problem. You're not addressing the root cause when we foam roll.
Starting point is 01:21:12 So nothing wrong with foam rolling. If you like to foam roll and it gives you some sort of relief, there's nothing wrong with that. But you're not addressing the issue. And so you're going to continue to see it keep coming. If you don't get to the hips and actually start to work on them. This is part of Maps Prime Pro. So if you have Maps Prime Pro, this is where you would go to the hip section and you would
Starting point is 01:21:37 do all the movements for the hips. And I'll tell you right now, you put this into play for a week, two weeks, you'll already see a significant difference. Big time relief. Right away. Right away. Did we make a YouTube video on the 90 90 and then doing the external internal tension movements?
Starting point is 01:21:56 We did. So I would highly recommend watching that YouTube video because getting into 90 90 position on the ground and then trying to correctly on its own is a task. Yes. The video is pretty good. We did a good job.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I think was to bring in this video. He was. So, so people know it's a good time to bring this up because I think we have a lot of people on this show that don't know this. So, Mind Pump TV is our YouTube channel. The idea of Mind Pump TV is to complement any and all of our programs and give lots of free information also like the podcast.
Starting point is 01:22:29 So like Sal is saying, even if you don't have the program, there's stuff on there that you can find that will help you. But for sure, if you own, there are more like modifications to what we have as sort of like foundational exercises a lot of times, but even at the same time, it's very complimentary with each. Right, and you'll notice on every video, there's gonna be like a maps logo,
Starting point is 01:22:49 and it'll be the color of the program that it's referring to. So in this case, because maps prime pro is blue, and so all the blue videos are referring to maps prime pro. Any of the yellow ones are all referring to maps prime, all the red for maps and a ballad. So if you're following Any of the yellow ones are all referring to Maps Prime, all the red for Maps and a Bolly. So, if you're following one of the programs, or even if you don't have the programs, but
Starting point is 01:23:10 you want some of the type of information that we're providing inside them, look for those color colors. So, when we are addressing imbalances, this goes for people that don't even have IT issues. So yes, IT, of course, gets addressed in here. We try to address all the major issues. So if you're somebody that has IT, for sure, refer that way. But if you're dealing with any sort of joint pain at all on your body, refer to any videos that have the blue and possibly the yellow maps logo on them. Now, this particular individual, I know she's a competitor, bikini competitor.
Starting point is 01:23:45 So she's not doing a lot of running because a lot of times I T band issues come from people who run a lot. So that's real common among runners and cyclists. But if you're a person that lifts a lot of weights, your I T band pain is probably higher up on the leg, probably mid thighthigh up towards the hip. And I would recommend movements that work on abduction. This may be one of the few times I'd recommend the Good Girl Bad Girl exercise. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Or you're pushing the legs out, the one that's abducting, that will help. Clam shells on the ground, or you can use a resistance band on the ground. That'll definitely help. Lague swings, like Adam said earlier, are a great exercise. I wouldn't say don't stop foam rolling because what foam rolling does is it leaves you to move better at least in that moment. Yeah, so it's like what massage does. If it allows you to move in a way that now allows you to strengthen a new recruitment pattern
Starting point is 01:24:45 or a favorable one, then it's beneficial. So I would say foam roll before. I foam roll before and then do maps prime pro. That's when I have these issues, just so you know, IT is a motherfucker. You felt it all the way up at the hip, right? And to the knee. I've had both. So I've had burstitis.
Starting point is 01:25:04 It's very, very common. It is. It's very common. And've had both. So I've had, I have a very very common. Yeah, it is. It's very common and this one's very dear to my heart because I have it so bad that when I get massages, if I have, if I have not been taking care of this and she probably can relate to this, this makes you want to cry. Oh, it'll shoot me off the table.
Starting point is 01:25:16 When the therapist comes down. It's not early. And when she hits it, it feels like someone takes a blade and sticks it right into my bone all at once. And it will, it'll make me flop like a fish right off the, off the table. It's excruciating pain. And it's crazy to have something so painful that I can totally get rid of if I just do these little movements.
Starting point is 01:25:35 So absolutely, you can fix this. Absolutely will blow your mind as soon as you start to apply it, but you just got to do it. The foam roll into the MAPS Prime Pro exercises, fucking hands down, we'll fix this completely. Yeah, and if you don't have the program, just here's an easy basic routine, do your foam roll, then do 90, 90, we have the video on you too.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I believe she's a trainer too, right? I'm not sure. I know she's a competitor. I think Nicole's a trainer too. I know she's a competitor. If you're a trainer, you better own the damn program because this is something that you should be using this for clients for sure.
Starting point is 01:26:09 The information that you'll get from MAPS Prime. And get it. If it doesn't blow your mind, I'll give you your money back right away. We have a 30 day money back guarantee. But I'll give you a damn T-shirt too if it doesn't blow your mind so much on. So you go, how confident I feel on you.
Starting point is 01:26:22 You go foam roll, 90, 90, do some leg swings and some kind of abduction. Then go into your mind. So you go, how confident I feel on you? You go foam roll, 90, 90, do some leg swings and some kind of abduction, then go into your workout and see how you feel. You can even go so far as putting a band around your knees so that when you squat, you have to push them out a little bit and that might actually alleviate some of the pain. That was a big fix for me. But yeah, Prime Pro is, I mean,
Starting point is 01:26:43 that's gonna solve this problem very, very quickly. Actually, I actually just got a message from someone who, within the first week, they got rid of this exact thing, so pretty cool stuff. Check this out. We just talked about videos. We post a new video every single day on our YouTube channel. So mind pump TV, that's the channel. Just type it in the search function. It comes up tons and tons of awesome information. Also, we are offering 30 days of coaching and it's for free. So when you register, you go to mindpumpmedia.com, when you register for that, you're going to get all kinds of information, all the most important information that we think you
Starting point is 01:27:21 should know filtered through mind pumps so you know it's good information. Lastly, if you'd like to ask us a question that we answered in an episode like this one, the place to ask it on is Instagram and the page to ask it on is Mind Pump Media. We also have personal pages. My page is Mind Pump Sal, Adam is Mind Pump Adam, and Justin is Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:27:44 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ball, maps to performance and maps to static. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming, designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:28:12 With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating in review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support,
Starting point is 01:28:49 and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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