Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 593: Learn to Box & Build Your Business with Box N Burn [Academy is coming to Mind Pump in October!]

Episode Date: September 11, 2017

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with So Cal Box N Burn pals Tony Jeffries, Glenn Holmes and Kevan Watson. The Box N Burn Academy is coming to the Mind Pump Studio Headquarters October 8th, 20...17. The boys discuss what trainers and attendees will get from the course and how boxing can be used for client retention. Guys talk business/franchises (2:38) What makes certain trainers more popular than others (10:35) Passion and caring Consistancy Who is responsible for what in the business? (11:15) Kevan put together trainer development program Glenn overlooks all trainers Has their new hiring process been more successful? (13:50) Guys talk about upcoming Box N Burn Academy training certification in San Jose, CA (15:10) Oct. 8th at Mind Pump Media HQ What attributes would they want in a trainer? (18:55) Tony – personality and passion Glenn – personality and wiliness to learn Kevan – initiative and passion to help people retain information Do they have systems in place to track their trainer’s success/retaining clients? (21:28) Do you think someone is born with passion or can it be developed? (24:35) How you do anything, is how you do everything Praise people in front of other people, very powerful Guys talk about managing their gyms (34:53) Plan on opening more gyms Train leaders and have systems in place Why do they have so many trainers in one class? (36:50) One on one attention 7 trainers in one class What would be better to do, have great trainer and teach them boxing or great boxer and teach them to be a trainer? (40:01)  What is their greatest debate among them regarding their business and the future? (42:03) Trainer turnover How do you keep trainers motivated to stay? Discourage them from going out on their own and potentially failing? (48:50) Does social media presence, in a potential trainer, play into their hiring process? (53:40) Have they thought of turning this more into a license or affiliate program in the future? (57:10) Guys talk about their tier system. How they entice their trainers be more accountable? (59:45) How often do they hold their certifications? (1:02:13) Beginning online certification soon What type of feedback have they been getting from trainers that have gone through the certification program? (1:05:24) ·What does the certification day look like? (1:06:10) Hand wraps Boxing specific warm up Teach boxing fundamentals Shadow box Holding pads correctly Access to online video library Guys talk certification Oct. 8th at Mind Pump Media HQ (1:17:59) Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual coaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get our newest program, MAPS Prime Pro, which shows you how to self assess and correct muscle recruitment patterns that cause pain and impede performance and gains. Get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Get Organifi, certified organic greens, protein, probiotics, etc at www.organifi.com Use the code “mindpump” for 20% off. Go to foursigmatic.com/mindpump and use the discount code “mindpump” for 15% off of your first order of health & energy boosting mushroom products. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Also includes 20% if you purchase! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpmedia) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, M great gyms now in Southern California, boxing, cardio, fitness, and they're also hosting certification courses for trainers. Yeah, they're going to do it right here at our facility. At our facility, they are. They're going to be hosting one at our facility, but it's cool because you get units for different certifications. Yeah, for like any SM I know is one of them, I SSA. I forgot the other one, AFA is the other one. We had a group any SM I know is one of them, I have to say,
Starting point is 00:00:47 I forgot the other one, aphazard one. We had great conversations with these guys. The following episode we talk a lot about fitness business. It's the business end of things. Yes, so if you're in the fitness industry, if you're a trainer, or if you're thinking about pursuing a business and fitness, this is a very informative episode,
Starting point is 00:01:08 really dive deep into their business and what they're doing. And of course, we talk about their boxing certification and what that entails, and why it's different from other boxing certifications. And of course, like Justin said, we are hosting one of their certifications here, October 8th. Yes. I believe we might have actually said seventh in the episode, but it is the eighth.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's a Sunday. So playing on that. Put it marked that in your count. And you can come here to Mind Pump Media Studios and do your course here. And it's taught by the Olympian, Tony Jeffries, and of of course his partners Glenn Holmes and Kevin Watson who are the guys that are going to be on this episode you're about to listen to right now. Now, if you want to sign up for the certification, it is limited space as of the recording of this intro, there's only eight spaces left. They only have 30 people per class. Hurry the hell up.
Starting point is 00:02:02 This is what we're trying to get at. To sign up, you go to box and burn academy. That's boxBOX, the letter N, burnacademy.com. It's gonna be here. October 8th in San Jose at Mind Pump Media headquarters. And if you use the code Mind Pump, you'll get a hundred dollars off. And that code is only good for 48 hours. Oh shoot, there you go, 48 hours in off. And that code is only good for 48 hours. Oh shoot there you go 48 hours in stunts.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So when this episode drops, that's it 48 hours. And then it's no good. So without any further ado, here we are talking to Tony Jeffries, Glenn Holmes and Kevin Watson. I want to talk about you did a post like maybe a couple of weeks ago about another great fitness mind that you had on your show, and you actually said that their episode was better than ours.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So I have a bone to pick with you. I want to get to the bottom of this right now. Yeah, how come we're not your fans? Who the fuck is this guy? And I wanted to know, how did he actually have a better episode than us? How in CrossGruv? He was talking more about the business,
Starting point is 00:03:01 putting systems in place, where when we come in here last, he's never told me about that., you've never told me about that, or you should have told us about that. I know, I know, I call that some sort of... That's not fair dude, we were so kind of in the science bullshit when you get to talk about the money stuff, like I mean, now you have to say,
Starting point is 00:03:14 let's go that way, you know? It's like, you gotta start with step one. Yeah, I have a step one and then you move. No, what you're doing, right, then make money. So give me some stuff that he shared with you, I mean. It was kind of telling tell us about the philosophy of what McDonald's used with the systems. And he says, you wouldn't go in McDonald's on a Tuesday
Starting point is 00:03:32 because Pete is there and Pete makes great fries. Nor the fries are the same on every day of the week. Because, and that comes down to the systems that they've got in place, to meet them. So, and it's the kind of the same with receptionists at work, that's what we use for the examiner. Like, maybe time someone comes in and they need to be greeted the same, you know. The, the, the counterpoint I add to that was for reception in front desk and all that. This is a great point, but with trainers and classes and fitness in general, it's a very creative
Starting point is 00:04:02 industry and you've got to allow creative freedom with the trainers while still maintaining a system. So it's finding that fine line where you're giving trainers creativity, but you're absolutely gonna do that within the system. Absolutely correct. Having managed big gyms as part of a large chain, you definitely want to have systems that makes people know that they're going to walk in and get what they're going to expect.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Right? It's a certain look, a certain feel, there's classes. have systems that makes people know that they're going to walk in and get what they're going to expect. It's a certain look, a certain feel, there's classes, the greeting is the same. However, that personal connection with trainers, you don't want to stifle that creativity from the trainer. Because I've been, I've experienced this where a company decided everybody has to do everything exactly the same and it killed their business because they lost that ability. So it's a fine line that you got to kind of put around.
Starting point is 00:04:53 If we've created a class like which we have an amazing class and a trainer's got a good idea for that class, he can't just implement that idea in the class and see, or now we do one four minute rounds of course, this is better. If that idea is better, he's got to come to us and see, or know we do one four-minute rounds, of course, this is better. If that idea is better, you've got to come to us and see, listen, I think this idea is better. Then if we all agree, and we're all on the CMP,
Starting point is 00:05:11 then we'll put that across all classes. It's a tough one because on the one hand, you want to do that, but on the other hand, you know, perhaps you have 10 trainers, and they're all good, by the way. So, you're not talking about people who are shitty versus they're all good trainers, way. So you're not we're not talking about people who are shitty versus they're all good trainers
Starting point is 00:05:25 But you've got 10 potential laboratories of a little bit of experiment with a little bit of different creativity To where you give them enough autonomy to where they feel that they can be a little creative and then you're gonna get that's how you're gonna See what is really working be like that that right there is freaking awesome. Yeah, this doesn't work So I'm gonna tell you to stop doing that. But this is amazing. Let's see if we can duplicate that. And you wanna be careful because you might stifle that. Well, what's, you guys are embarking on,
Starting point is 00:05:53 probably one of the probably hardest things that someone can do when they start to branch out and they have multiple facilities and then on franchise in a sense, like McDonald's, right? And most guys that have built empires that are big like this will tell you that they miss the good days when they were building it at the beginning
Starting point is 00:06:11 because what ends up happening is so much of your energy and focus gets put into these systems, because it comes important, like you're right. A great book to read is the Starbucks book, I forget what it's called, also a Fred Factor for your front desk Also, Fred Factor for your front desk. So Fred Factor for your front desk, the Starbucks book is really good
Starting point is 00:06:30 because they did such a great job of doing that. You can get a cup of Starbucks anywhere in the world and you can guarantee that it's going to consistently taste that way. And that is definitely kudos to them and their systems that they put in place. And everything too, like how the front the girl you know Takes your order and how she tops to you all that. I mean those things to consider to but you lose
Starting point is 00:06:50 the you lose that the magical Little piece to it where it's unique and different and you know allows all this freedom and flexibility and Different brilliant minds to kind of blossom and be their own. What ends up happening, and this is what I didn't like about working for a big corporation was to be on, and I forget what book this is, talks about this, is how big corporations really don't want A players. We pretend like that we want A players, but we really want B minus C players, people
Starting point is 00:07:24 that just do as it's told. Yeah, do as they're told, because if you really surrounded yourself with a bunch of A personalities like yourself, those guys and girls don't stay around for very long because they eventually want to do big things like you did, right? So it's this fine line of finding the right people, right, that fit in that category of, you know, I need guys and girls that can execute, can do great things for us, but I actually only want them to be so good or knowing that
Starting point is 00:07:51 I'm going to, I'm going to develop them. I'm going to get the most I can while they're here, knowing that they're going to exit and leave one day from me, right? So I think personal trainers by nature, these good personal trainers are very creative people in a sense they're artists. So like if you take that ability for them to be creative within, you know, whatever it is that you're trying to build with the fitness facility, it is going to be very destructive. But I think our model is great because yeah, we have the structure, we have the nine rounds, we have the warm up, we have the shadow boxing, we have the burnout. But within those rounds, there's a platform that for them to kind of sprinkle their own flavor in and really do What does they do and what they you know what their strengths are? Yeah, and the other thing too with retail
Starting point is 00:08:34 You know when you're going when you want to Starbucks or McDonald's and you travel around the world You're gonna go in you're gonna walk and you're gonna get your product and leave when it comes to fitness when you look at the statistics, a very small percentage of people exercise when they travel. It's actually a small percentage. Most people work out when they're home, so the benefit of being exactly the same everywhere, you lose a little bit of that with fitness.
Starting point is 00:09:00 It's not necessarily the same, you know what I'm saying? Whereas if I'm traveling, I'm gonna still get a Starbucks if I'm in a different state or a different country. I may not be like, hey, I'm on my vacation for a week, I want to go find the gym that I always work out at. It doesn't typically translate well. I think you guys, what's so brilliant about your guys' model is that you have the classes, but then you also have these little mini gyms attached to it that allows. So what I would do is I would encourage my
Starting point is 00:09:25 trainers to, you know, you fucking follow the protocol that we built, you know, that's in there for a reason. And we can discuss about potentially modifying in the future and all agree upon if that's a good idea. But where you have your creativity is in your private sessions. Yeah. Exactly. You know, I'm saying like, be creative., do unique things. You think four rounds is great. Well, fuck and do it when you're teaching your little class.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, that's exactly what we're trying to do. You know, we've spent years, five years now on trying to perfect our class. Obviously, it's not perfect. And it's not, it's not, it's not amazing yet, but it's still one of the best work which you're going to get within the boxing class. See, we have five to seven trainers,
Starting point is 00:10:05 teacher and one class. We've tried just about, well, I'm sure there's not, we've just about most things to make a better, we've allowed to trial an error. So if a trainer comes in and they're like, nah, this is better to do, we're going to do this. Like if you do go to McDonald's, someone's not going to put triple cheese on your burger
Starting point is 00:10:22 for the double cheese burger, because he thinks it's better, you know. If you do this thing, it's better. He's going to go and tell the managers are listen I think if you put three cheese on this, it's going to be better and that and then if it is better Let's do it across everything. Have you identified what makes some of your trainers more popular than others? Have you identified some of those things? Glenn is really good looking. Yeah No, I think I think it's what makes it is energy. Passion.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Passion, yeah, energy. It comes down to passion and genuine care about, you know, what it is they do and helping people. And then, you know, a sincere sense of, I guess, what's the word? Just, sincere, sincere sense to always want to get better. And it all continued to improve and consistency. That's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:11:06 What do you guys train? Wait, wait, I want to, before you go there, because what I want to know, it'll help everybody who's listening and watching this too, is what are each of you responsible for the business? What do you each focus on the most? Is someone heading up the trainer's most? One guy's looking more business vision and the financials. What do each of your main roles in the growth of the business or the focus? Yeah, Kev's put together a trainer development program, like a higher end system.
Starting point is 00:11:33 At one time we start higher people, like, oh, have you done boxing before yet? Can you hold the pads? Great, you're higher. That's it. That was kind of it, because we grew that fast and we needed that many trainers. But now he's put this system together, that's really good. Where before we even interview with trainer, we tell them come and take some classes,
Starting point is 00:11:51 try the classes, tell us if it's for you or not. Then we want you to write a letter, not a letter, some notes about the class. How can we benefit having you work on for us? Where do they fit in within like what we do and can you see themselves fitting here and is it something they see themselves? Yeah, then from there, then we interview them.
Starting point is 00:12:10 So they've got a growth, so that tells us whether the one of being this industry or not, because in LA, more than anywhere, people want to be active as addresses, models, whatever, and they're not passionate about this. So just that there, we can tell if the, if the passionate about it or not, then we get the interview, if the interview goes well, then we put them on a training development
Starting point is 00:12:29 program or curves put together. So they've got to go through this long process just before they kind of get the foot in the door, then we do some development stuff for them to see if they're ready for classes, once they're ready for classes, then we put them on the classes starting to shadow them, then we start paying them because they don't earn any money up to these it might take Two weeks it might take a month might take two a month before they're ready for this process And then who's managing the trainers like day to day like who's handling that like that? Yeah, and then and then from there once they get in the classes and all that then then we've got a head trainers like Glenn is like the fitness director and he over looks all the trainers in okay
Starting point is 00:13:04 And the performance we've got another trainer Stephen who's helped them with and he overlooks all the trainers in the performance. We've got another trainer, Steven, who's helping with the performance as well of the trainers. Like I said, we've got 30 trainers, so it's a big thing. The hardest thing is in business is managing people, being the leader and it's tough. It's interesting what you said at the beginning, when people used to walk in at the beginning, it was like we needed them more than they needed us really, because like Tony said, we grew so quick,
Starting point is 00:13:29 the classes were packed, we just needed manpower. But now fast forward five years, we built up a reputation and built the brand well enough, and the memberships solid, and the gyms are busy, the classes are full. Now we can be more selective in the process and start hiring better talent to help it grow even better.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Is the new hiring process, have you found it now to be more successful, where you have less turnover or is it? Yeah, I mean, I think we've definitely had some real tangible success with it. You know, we're really only about three or four months in and we've really only had a handful of those trainers go through that whole process. It's tough, because it's like, okay, well, you could potentially lose out on some great talent if you really extend this hiring process to two months,
Starting point is 00:14:12 because people need to make money as quickly. So, but by extending it, you really kind of weed out those people that don't have the initiative and don't really have the genuine passion about even doing it. So that, just by doing that, we do weed out a lot of people that otherwise may have had an opportunity and then they end up leaving a month later. Yeah, no, the big issue isn't necessarily that
Starting point is 00:14:33 you're gonna lose people because the process takes too long, although that may happen. And like you said, those probably are people you wouldn't want anyway. Exactly. The real issue is, is this time and money that we're investing in this process, worth it. Because I've worked for companies that,
Starting point is 00:14:50 they actually analyzed their whole process where they did this whole long interview process and then they found that they only improved their turnover rate by like 2%, it wasn't worth it. And then other times, there's other techniques. Well, October 7th is when you guys come here, right? Yeah. So October 7th, you guys are hosting a certification
Starting point is 00:15:10 here in our facility. And that doesn't mean you're necessarily going to be trainers that work for you guys. This could be just trainers that are looking for CEOs or trying to add boxing into their weapon. Is that a C-U's for NASM? Yeah, 3 or 4.'s like three or four. Okay, so it even goes, so which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It goes, goes for ACE and ASM. So you can be just, you can, you can, you can, so you could just be a trainer who's looking for the education piece. But then you could also potentially be looking for candidates that could be trainers for you guys at one point. Is that right? Yeah, I would like some of these trainers
Starting point is 00:15:42 that come through, I know. Yeah, mostly for, I mean, I guess Eddie came from Austin, but he was moving to LA anyways. But we, most of the trainers that we have that work for us now that have come from the Academy, it's all been local, like Santa Monica Academy's, but, you know, for the most part, the trainers that we, we see in these satellite academies, you know, they're just looking to kind of add the boxing training to their catalog of knowledge to work with the trainers because everyone that does personal training these days wants to know how to, you know, how to box and how to hold pads correctly.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Exactly. Well, we are seeing a lot of interest for that from personal trainers specifically. What, definitely, yeah. And then that's good. A huge side bonus of the all this, as well as like, we said when we do a courses in Santa Monica, it's almost like, it's almost like an audition because they're coming in, we get in like 30, 40 personal trainings coming in the gym
Starting point is 00:16:30 and then we can pretty much take our pick and see like, oh he's good, he's good and then they're interested in working in the gym. It's two or a matter. She's charismatic. It's ended up being kind of like a good little recruit into it at the same time. Are there many women that join these classes
Starting point is 00:16:43 and are super into it? Cause I know training, when I was training and training some of my clients, like my female clients were super into boxing. Are you seeing a lot of interest in that? Oh, huge. Yeah, the women love it, you know? What's your ratio?
Starting point is 00:16:54 How many girls in the classes? What are your thoughts? It's probably like 70% females. At the boxing, 60%, 70%. But at the certification courses, it's that's different, it's probably 50, 50. But a great thing about this is,
Starting point is 00:17:08 we'll box and teach and box and it's really good for keeping your clients, retaining your clients because every time you do a boxing session, we've done some early on with Justin, I've done some before them, every time you do a boxing, you get better at each session, you can see a big improvement, a big improvement. So mentally that's good for your clients, you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And they get great results obviously, it's a full body workout and all that. So we get in people telling us like, now it sounds like a cheesy sales pitch, but it's not, but they earn more money, cause they retainer more clients, they put in boxing classes on in their gym, who come out of the class and learn how to teach boxing. Every one of my top trainers held pads. Really? Yeah, all the clubs I've ran, I've always had anywhere between 15 to 25
Starting point is 00:17:52 plus trainers that were working for me at a time. And always the top three or five had that. They were teaching, and what I saw from the leadership role was that you could just see that it was fun for clients. Yeah. And as for trainers, you're always looking for that, right? You're always looking for ways to let team it right to let your clients have, it's not
Starting point is 00:18:13 just about education and all the time. Sometimes it's about them kind of letting off some steam and actually enjoying this session and it's such a unique thing to do with them. Yeah. It's, I mean, it's highly, highly rewarding, but we mentioned this, and we're, we're also gonna be launching the online academy, but when we were shooting the videos the other day, we mentioned and talked about,
Starting point is 00:18:30 there's, I don't think there's really any other tool in all of fitness that gives you that much of an intimate and kind of one-on-one experience with a client, because you're literally in there, you're sweating with them, you're working with them, like, you know, you're, you know, you're sitting there burning, you're not just sitting there on a clipboard, writing down reps and whatever it is, you know, you're, you're in there working with them, you're working with them. You're sitting there burning, you're not just sitting there on a clipboard, writing down reps and whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:18:47 You're in there working with them. And that just that is something that you can't really replicate with any other tool. So I want each of you to give me one to two attributes that you would want in that trainer, like to make them a badass coach slash boxing trainer that you look for. And I'm sure each of you have one or two that are unique and different.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I'm sure there's five or 10 that makes up a really good one. What what comes to mind is you? Like I said before, I love energy and personality, like personality in a personal training. I think it's so important and it's something you kind of really teach personality. You know, if I feel like if you're a boring personal trainer, I mean, you've got you guys can turn that. If you're a boring personal trainer, it's going to be so hard to be training clients.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Like people want to have fun. The one that enjoyed so will come back, you know? So if we can get a trainer who's got a great personality, who's fun, high energy, I mean, that's perfect. Yeah, I'm right with Tony on that. I think that's the first thing that's going to help him retain clients and then the knowledge is going to support that. So I'd say along with personality, an egoist, an eagerness to, or a willingness to learn
Starting point is 00:19:55 and get better and advance the knowledge. I'm grown up my life forever. You know, never get comfortable in your knowledge. Always keep trying to learn and grow and build. And if you've got that with personality, you'll smash it. Yeah. I think genuine initiative and commitment to bettering yourself and always getting better, not being complacent as a trainer. And then also just a genuine passion and care for wanting to help people and actually make them better. Because you could be a, I mean, a lot of personal trainers, and we see all the time, are great salesmen. They
Starting point is 00:20:24 can sell packages, but like, what's their retention, though? They might sell a Tim pack, because they made a great session, one session, but then are they retaining that system? Not a long-term plan. You know, maybe you do for two or three packages, but are you training them two or three years down the road? And are they improving? You know, those people that are just strictly salesmen will be exposed eventually.
Starting point is 00:20:43 That's a good point. It is that. That's one thing that I noticed, managing other trainers was, you would have your charismatic, outgoing trainers who did well, and then you'd have those other trainers a little more introverted, a little more quiet, but they also have a deep passion for wanting to help people.
Starting point is 00:21:00 So even though they don't have the same personality, they attract a different clientele and they would do just as well. And long term, I think, they're both people. I mean, personnel is a huge part of it. You have to know how to communicate with people. You have to know how to find common ground. But, you know, again, if you're just strictly a salesman
Starting point is 00:21:15 and you have a great, you're a height man, you're a great personality, like that person that may be a little bit more reserved, but is a better trainer and is more genuine in about helping those people long term, they're gonna make you more money. I think they're more trustworthy. Do you guys have the systems in place to actually measure this and check it out?
Starting point is 00:21:31 For example, you said 30-something trainers you have working for you right now. Can I see that Suzie's got a 75% retention in her members that come to her class and Sal has got 90%. Do you guys have the ability to do that? We don't have the analytics per se, like we don't have them, it's hard it out. More so for the classes, like who's coming back and who's taking the classes, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:55 I look at the trainer invoices every week to see who's clients, what clients they're working with. Do I recognize that name? Is it a new client, was it a trial? Am I gonna see that name? So it's more client? Was it a trial? Am I going to see that name? So it's more up here. So we need to put that on paper. I, and let me tell you, getting back to, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:11 how we started this conversation with how it's very difficult to manage a large staff of trainers and getting everybody being creative, but yet focused on one goal. This is something in my career that's helped me out. I was always a numbers guy. so I used to love to, you know, trainers would come in and they would be so nervous and scared to sell
Starting point is 00:22:32 because I got into this for helping people and you mean to tell me I got to sell? Like that's just, so to make that an easier process for them, I would help break it down for them mathematically, so it didn't look the same. For example, we used to talk about the average person can close at about 25%. I would actually go in and figure this out for each of my individual trainers on what their closing rate was. I would
Starting point is 00:22:59 say, okay, if you talk to, and I would be able to figure this out individually, and this would be my one-on-ones that I'd have, I'd say, okay, it you talk to, and I'd be able to figure this out individually, and this would be my one on ones that I'd have, and say, okay, it looks like you're closing at 17%. So let's work that backwards. That means you need to talk to 75 people. We know that if you talk to 75 people, half of those people will show up to your class. We know that if half of those people show up to your class, that 30% of them will potentially enroll with you, and then 17% of those you actually close on a package.
Starting point is 00:23:27 So instead of worrying about the sale and the closing, let's just work on you getting to X amount of people and focus on that number instead of stressing yourself about your sale skills because that will come and develop as you go over time. This helps you guide and lead them in the direction that you want with purpose and when you're breaking it down, we're really simple like that for them. Did you do a lot manually? I did yeah, we didn't have great great I think that's amazing approach. It's really good A big thing for us is I mean without you know breaking it down number wise, but every trainer that comes in the work for us knows Those classes that's their platform to kind of show who they are right what they do as a trainer. Representation how genuine are they in their approach and how much they really want to
Starting point is 00:24:08 help people. The trainers that don't take that seriously and don't believe and buy into that, they're not going to have many clients. The trainers that really believe that and put their best foot forward every single class and know how to switch it on, and aren't just working the 60 minutes. They're working timments before, talking to people, socializing, they're work in 10 minutes after, just giving people tips and showing them drills or whatever to fix things.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Those people alone are definitely the ones that are gonna for sure be the most successful at our gym. We were talking about passion and having the passion and that's one of the key attributes of finding a successful trainer. Do you think that is something that someone's born with? Or do you think that's something that you train?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Well, I think passion and gender, there's a book one of my mentors told me about Kent from the name of it, but can you teach passion? Like, do you think, is it just inherent or can you really develop passion and motivation? Can you motivate people? I think for the most part,
Starting point is 00:25:04 you're either motivated or you're not. You either have the habits and the work ethics to make yourself successful across any platform or you don't. I really believe that. How do you do anything? How do you do everything? Yeah, I used to, sometimes I think to myself,
Starting point is 00:25:19 I think that, because that's the natural inclination to believe that. And I think we've experienced more often than not that that seems that's the natural inclination to believe that, and I think we've experienced more often than not that that seems to be the case. But I've also had experiences, not many, but I've had them where people came to me and they didn't seem to have the passion because of circumstances.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And then once I've eliminated some of those circumstances or gave them an opportunity, then the passion. Can you give me an example. Yeah, so I hired a guy years ago who actually good friend of ours, who had applied somewhere else, didn't get hired, came to see me, applied, and we started talking, and I liked him.
Starting point is 00:25:58 There was something I liked about him, but he, and he'll tell the story better himself that he didn't really feel he had this Potential to do great things and that when he came to work for me I showed him that he could do these great things and he felt like he could trust me And then the guy just fucking blew up and he became one of the top managers that the company had ever seen And I think it was just giving him that opportunity. Yeah, is that is that passion though? Or is that you just you just can't have an opportunity and then he developed that's a good point. Developed confidence, but that passion I think was there.
Starting point is 00:26:28 He just didn't have a platform. Yeah, that's a very good one. Oh god, no, that guy's very passionate. He's passionate about sports and everything else. You just gave him you gave him the confidence in what in something that he was less confident about. So it's just like I believe anybody that's probably in this room right now, you know, I could probably throw a subject or a career or a job out there
Starting point is 00:26:46 That none of you've done before you'd be like fuck. I don't know what I'm doing But if I built the confidence in you that hey, you can do this. I'll teach you how to do this You're all passionate guys. You probably feel configured out and be successful It's finding what you like and what you love to that's what's gonna bring that passion out You know, yeah, you can throw somebody in a job that they don't like and they have no interest in it and be frustrated why they're not showing passion, well, it's because they're not loving it, but then you think, oh, that person's not a passionate person. Are they performing though? Or they may not be passionate about it, but are they performing? Because they can't, they don't perform, they can't just leave that job, they'll get another
Starting point is 00:27:19 job and all of a sudden turn the switch on. They can still perform without passion, I think, I'd say the vast majority of people that are-fist nine to five jobs are doing that. I don't think that passion is necessary. I think it makes our job as leaders a lot easier when you have passionate people. This is again why I'm such a numbers guy because it took me a long time to figure this out because I used to look at my staff
Starting point is 00:27:43 and I would say, I'd have my superstar fitness director or trainer that, you know, I want everyone to be like him. But the fact is, there is nobody else like you. It's not enough. And I'm gonna need to stop doing that. I need to start looking at this more like a football team and that I've got a quarterback, I've got a wide receiver. Even though they're all doing the same job,
Starting point is 00:28:00 they really are different and unique for the company. And so then I need to learn how to get the most that each one of them. And for me, nothing was easier than showing them that way with numbers and analytics to break it down. So I could look and see like all of their different strengths. Like maybe you guys have somebody who fills classes really, really well, but closes like shit
Starting point is 00:28:21 because they just don't have that charisma or passion to sell, right? But then they're really good about going out and getting leads to drive into the club. So, but then I have this other guy or girl who is lazy as fuck, never goes out, gets new leads, never drives more people into my gym. But man, put one or two people in front of them and he will close the shed of them. So then I would piece these two together and I would motivate the one that I was already passionate, love going out and getting leads and bringing people in to continue to do that more because one of my favorite things to tell people is stop focusing on the things you're not good at, focus on what you're good at and be great at
Starting point is 00:28:55 it. So if you're already good at going out and doing that, I'm not going to waste my time trying to make you a better closer because you already suck at it, you know you suck at it, you're discouraged about it, you know you're good at this, I'm gonna keep pushing you to keep doing what you're good at and be great at it, and then I'm gonna work on the guy who's already that loves sales good at it, and I'm gonna make him even better, not only at selling for himself, but maybe even helping others on my team and doing that,
Starting point is 00:29:15 so I managed that, that, I won't call it double standard in a sense, I agree with you, you have to make people be great at what they're already good at, but if that person that's bringing, if that that person that's bringing all the people in, but this is the guy that's closing, and he's not bringing the people in, like how do we've had, we've dealt with that a little bit. It's like, you know, some people are selling,
Starting point is 00:29:36 but they don't really necessarily perform and execute the way they should in a class. But then you got someone else that executes and just amazing and all-star in the classes. But then you kind someone else that executes and just amazing and all starring the classes. But then you kind of got that that that they're ones earning more, but with less effort. Like how do you manage that? By the way, by the way, Doug, you know, you caught that clip about what he's just done. That was fucking great. By the way, you've just said was really more
Starting point is 00:29:56 available. Well, so this is it. I mean, this gets my juices phone. We talk like this because this is what I loved about leadership because it ain't fucking easy. Yeah, it's not easy. Like I was going to make that point right after you said that that it takes talent to be able to do what you're saying to do. Fuck yeah. To be able to recognize talent in other people you need to have talent to spot that yourself and then use that to the to the strings. You know it's not always easy and it's not cutting dry like always sucks at this. Oh yeah, fuck him. Yeah, no, it's like okay. Well he sucks at that. What is he got at and then you require talent to find out what he's got at and then make him realize that he's good at that thing as well
Starting point is 00:30:30 Because he might not realize or she not might not realize that they're good at that what they well I shared this on I shared this on our podcast probably a couple times now and because people have asked us like some of the most like Paradigm shattering moments or best advice that ever was given to you. And I tell this story about a time when I was probably 22, 23 years old. I just got into management leadership and my partner who was a GM at the club came in. And I remember I was working on all this paperwork shit because I was not an organized person. That's not what I was good at. It was good at leading people. And I just smashed goal and in my head, I was all proud of myself. My boss was coming in, the district level guy was coming in to come see me. And I thought he was going to come in and tell me fucking how great I was because I just killed it, right? And he came in and told me
Starting point is 00:31:15 everything that I was doing wrong and picked apart, you know, all you're not doing your paperwork here and your files can be better. This is it. And it just totally fucking discouraged me. But I'm also a passionate, motivated guy. So what did I do? I sat down on my desk and I'm doing the paperwork like I'm getting good at this. And my buddy, or someone who became my buddy later at this time, my GM comes over and he fucking whack,
Starting point is 00:31:35 knocks it all off the desk, he goes, what are you doing? And I'm like, bro, I have to work on this, boss came in, said all these things. He's like, listen, you're 20 something years old, you're in a position of leadership for a reason. Okay. You've got qualities about you that are very, very special. This isn't one of them. Stop focusing on what you're not good at. Focus on what you're good at and be fucking great. And it was like, boom,
Starting point is 00:31:56 it's like light bulb went off. And and when you think about that, those people are going to be these employees are going to be so much more motivated to do the things they're already good at. Which as a leader, you wanna drive and you wanna push that, you start focusing on the things that they're not good at and you put a lot of energy that way, you're only gonna discourage them. We had a conversation today about what creates job satisfaction, is it money or is it the fact that you're providing value within your job management? Like we're saying, most different, right?
Starting point is 00:32:25 But the psychology of management and how to manage people is going to tell you, no, the biggest motivating factor is having some sort of sense of value that what they're doing, that their work is important and it brings value to the business. Not necessarily money. Like any article, any book you read about managing people is going to, I mean, sure, money is important as long as they're comfortable, but like,
Starting point is 00:32:46 But, guarantee, we're saying value when I agree with you, but the people that we're thinking about and talking about would probably turn around and say money. Well, even though they don't realize that everyone is different. Everybody's different. I'm saying the majority of people will instinctively say money when if you could talk to them for 20 minutes and you probably You be surprised Sal brings of a really good point He's brought this up on the show many a times that you'll see some of the most motivated passionate people about something work for nonprofits Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:33:18 Non-profits don't make money though. They they you can certainly make good money. I'm talking about volunteers Yeah, okay, yeah If you ever if you've ever worked with a volunteer, who's feeding the homeless or saving the manatee, whatever, because of lying into a vision and everybody's purpose. Yeah, it's really like the culture you start with. Eventually, if you're doing something
Starting point is 00:33:37 that you just really care about and want to make an impact, if you do it, then you do it great. Eventually, the money will come out of magic, not always, but again, most people, you do it, then you do it great. Eventually, the money will come out of magic, not always, but again, most people, you said something, most people's instinct is to say money. That's their instinct. Yeah. Let them chase that money,
Starting point is 00:33:53 but are they ever gonna find that happiness in reality? Like, they can buy as many, I mean, I love tangible things. I love buying nice things, but like, we all know that that's not what happiness comes down. I think if you haven't got money, money is the motor vehicle, but when you're in the position now that we're comfortable, money is not motor vehicle, no, sir anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I tell you what, you take an employee that did a good job and you take them in front of everybody, in front of the whole staff, and you talk about how great of a job they did and how awesome they are. That's worth more power for them. That's worth more than money many times. Yeah. A lot of you get sometimes you can give someone money kind of you know shut it's on their
Starting point is 00:34:29 paycheck nobody else knows and they're almost like but nobody knows like it actually you know praising people in front of other people very powerful very very powerful don't don't underestimate. Yeah, like I think kev hit the nail on the head when he said if you are concerned with like being the best and being passionate and giving everything to what you're doing, you craft, the money will eventually come. Well, because you guys have two locations up now, and you're all in one or the other,
Starting point is 00:34:56 you've got this great culture. They're all kick and ass because you, as the leaders, really believe in what you're doing and you love what you're doing, the challenge is gonna be when you open 3, 4, 5, 6, and now you guys aren't in there. So challenge with two gyms already. Because like Tony said in the beginning,
Starting point is 00:35:14 we have four to seven trainers in a class. So we already have a lot more trainers than sole cycle or orange theory or any of those studios. So we have more people to manage just by default because of how we run our classes. So we ran, we've run into that problem with two gyms. So, you know, what we have to do is really develop leaders that when they go, when we're ready to open a third gym,
Starting point is 00:35:34 we take those leaders and plant them there and that gym. And then they understand the whole dynamic of what it means. That kind of comes back to what we started at the beginning, what Alan Crosgrove was telling us about the systems. For that, the hub and we need the systems in place. I mean, it will be working a lot. I was off trying to do this. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Well, the biggest challenge you're going to have with that is the buy-in from those people, from your trainers. Right. Because there's going to be push back the more systems that you put in place going corporate. Right. Exactly. You're the sell outs.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And so as a forward thinking leader, I have to kind of think already like, okay, I know that these are necessary. All the smart people tell me, all the millionaires that have done this before me are like, listen, if you're going to do this, you need to be more organized. You need to have it like this. You need to have these systems in place. So you know that what we'll make and separate you guys from everybody else is being able to be, to take that bit of information
Starting point is 00:36:26 and then now implement it into your guys' clubs, but then also doing that without disrupting this cult, this amazing culture that you've already proven and built to be successful because you're wanting to duplicate it. So that is definitely challenging as fuck. Nobody knows that better than you guys if you guys are in it. It sounds like that's one of the hallmarks of your guys' clubs is how many trainers are in each class. Why did you guys design it that way? What is it that they provide that? Is it because you said seven in a class? Yeah, that's what I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Class of 36 will have seven trainers. It comes back to the intimacy of the midwork. That's exactly it. That's the midwork. The main attraction of the classes, and the people are getting that one on one attention in a group class. And that's what you can't really get that anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:37:09 We are different. I mean, not only anywhere else, but any other boxing studio. I'm gonna take it like that. Yeah, I've never heard of that. Yeah, you're not gonna have one trainer with 30 heavy bags, the trainer's gonna be telling you, hit the bag faster, harder, do some burpees,
Starting point is 00:37:22 come back up, hit the bag more. That's more gyms, no. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like most other gyms are going to have that, any boxing studio, but because we have that intimacy in the rings, we have such a good ratio of trainers to, yeah, no, you're walking. We've got a trainer who will approach you, wrap your hands like a real boxing, you know, when you first come in and then you're getting that one on one time, you're learning real boxing technique, like rather than the one training screen and I had to punch
Starting point is 00:37:48 your back harder and faster. You know there's these boxing gyms of popping up every, I don't really know where we are, popping up all over. Now I kind of think that's seen this humbly, like cost the scene the success of we do on. Wow, that boxing gyms smashing it, it's everywhere. We need to open a boxing gym and then they do it all completely wrong. And then they get trainers who don't really know how to teach boxing, which is good for us because now all these these companies are sending the trainers to us to get certified. It's not a genuine boxing experience. But everybody wants to be the soul cycle of boxing. That's what we keep hearing. They, you know, I don't know if we should name studios, but everybody wants now to be the soul
Starting point is 00:38:28 cycle, which is a great model, but you're not going to get that authentic boxing experience going into place like soul cycle. Well, I was just going to say the big difference to me looks like it is a gym operated by real boxers. We actually have real skills. Well, I was going to say you guys actually value the skill and the sport behind it versus You know somebody who's opening it up and saying it's just a workout. Yeah, let's just get you to sweat Let's just get you to hit the back like you guys are technically jumping jacks in the sauna
Starting point is 00:38:59 Save the money. I think I mean Yeah, I mean we've had a lot of success with taking old boxers and making them trainers, showing them the personal training side, the mechanics, the body, nutrition, and then we've also had a lot of success, especially with the academy taking personal trainers and teaching them the boxing, but those those boxing methods are founded in real boxing techniques, and that's another thing that's really exciting about the academy is we're developing this curriculum, so when we're down the road, when we do decide to expand and open, you know, multiple other gyms, it's a hard, it's a hard, hard job to find trainers that do what we do. You know, you either have to take a boxer and teach him how to be a trainer, take a trainer and teach him how to do the boxing. But now that we're going to have
Starting point is 00:39:37 this curriculum, it's going to make, it's going to give us the system, the skeleton for building and making the trainers, you know, to go. So you don't have to necessarily look just for trainers. You can actually open this up as like a formula that somebody that's really passionate about boxing or whatever, you can really take them through the course and yeah, the education of it. To get level one, level two, we're gonna have, we're gonna have a whole curriculum of courses.
Starting point is 00:40:00 The question for you boys, what do you think the answer would be? What would be better to do? Get an old boxer in teaching the trainer and I'll get a trainer in teaching boxing. Trainer teaching boxing all day. No, not, not, it's, it's like, yeah, it is 50, 50. That would be my guess. I don't know. You get some coming from training. I'm sure you use a word with trainers, you know, you get some really uncoordinated trainers. Oh, true. You get these trainers like that, you know? You can, for instance, you can get a,
Starting point is 00:40:28 now some certification by sitting on a computer and being able to take in tests. Yeah. Well, I'll say, okay, so let me, let me, let me correct, let me correct. I'll tell you why I'm a quick response. No, I'll tell you why we also, I'll tell you why we all said trainers.
Starting point is 00:40:39 When you said a trainer turning into a boxer, what I envisioned, and I'm sure these guys, you guys can probably echo it, is I envisioned someone who's already a successful trainer who wants a teach boxing, because that's why I said trainer. But if you're just taking a certified trainer who's just a certified trainer versus just a pro boxer, well yeah, because athlete versus like a coach, you know, like this is because-
Starting point is 00:40:59 Because, for sure, 80% of those trainers into being failures already is trainers. So they're probably not gonna, if you're not gonna be a good trainer, you're not gonna make it, I think you have to be a good trainer first before you could even be a good boxing coach So I think because I think you have to have those attributes. Yeah, the empathy the motivation Like we've found like people who the box that were level world champions of tried to teach boxing to somebody who's never boxed before and they've got they've never got a clue how to even begin working on a dark chicken.
Starting point is 00:41:29 They don't have a community with a top because they've done it for years and years since they were kids and got to a high level great, but that doesn't mean that you know how to convey what you did to somebody who doesn't know anything about it. Yeah, it was like if you asked an astrophysicist to tell you how the universe or whatever it is. Yeah. They're going to sit there like, like, Tari and Neil DeGrasse. He's one guy that can break it down pretty simple. It's like, but it's like, they're going to be speaking a different language. Yeah. So that's what I think that's similar to what you're talking about. You've got right. World WBC World Champions. First two punches, they try to teach someone's a body shot
Starting point is 00:42:00 and upper. Yeah. Yeah. I want to know what you guys, hopefully you guys will be open enough to share this on this podcast, because I think that I like to get into the business talk with you guys. I think you guys are in an awesome business right now and with an incredible idea and you guys are incredible dudes and watching you guys grow it. And I know being somebody building a business too, all the things that go behind the scene
Starting point is 00:42:20 and the conversations that happen. I would love to know what is your guys' greatest debate right now amongst each other, or that you argue about as far as direction or focus. Like what comes to mind? What comes to mind to me right away? And you can tell me if you see... I'm impatient.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I just want to hire the most talented people ever. And I'm like, where at the point now where we've got a reputation or a brand I'm like, let's just get fucking still trainers. And it's're like, oh we've got to go for the system. Oh that's good, I'm just so impressed. We're all on board right now. Of course we want that. But like, you two are way more patient about it than I am. Like you two are like, oh we'll get this guy in and we'll spend some time with him and do
Starting point is 00:43:03 the workshops and I'm just think about those the last I mean you guys don't necessarily know but just between us think about over the last year Two years the most talented trainers that we've brought in from day one Where are they now? Right exactly and that's what goes back to what you said right there off They're off doing their own get a picture in just a Renee and they're like yeah exactly. They're a nay They're like, you know what? I'm gonna do box and burning, Jim. I'm gonna add an I&G on this motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I'm gonna get a bugger. I would have, I would have. I would have. I'm gonna get a bugger. It's not a terrible thing, Tony, I've talked, Tony and I have talked about this to say, maybe not people that are at A's from the beginning, but people you develop into A's and they go out and branch out and do their own thing. Yeah. I know Tony really is, like, dislikes it, but to me it's like it's a rewarding thing.
Starting point is 00:43:49 And like, look, if you're that, if you're that, what do you call it in Silicon Valley, where you house their nest or whatever. What's it called? Incubator. Incubator. If you're the Incubator of all this great talent, people are going to want to come and work for you. No, you may go out and you may be creating your own competition, but like, they're going
Starting point is 00:44:06 to know, hey, that I want to get better. That's the place to go. That's true. Good relationships and good training. For the reason why I dislike that is because we put time, energy, effort, building relationships up with these guys and giving our opportunities. Yeah. And giving them like, creating help and create our own brand when they don't absolutely nothing before, they're in fitness, but then we bring them in, we teach them everything, come friends with them, and then,
Starting point is 00:44:32 I'm leaving, I'm gonna do me one thing. But I bet you they are failed though. Well, it depends, I think it's case by case, it depends how people leave and what they do after. I think a lot of people have a hard time being 100% transparent and honest and upfront and saying, look, I want to go and do my own thing, I value everything that you've given me and an approach in that respect. Being honest and upfront,
Starting point is 00:44:56 you'd get way further, you'd still have that relationship behind you going into whatever you're doing. But people have a real fear about being open and honest like that and they'll tell you something else. And I'm like, oh shit. And then it appears a week, some months down the line that they're not doing what they told you. And you're like, what the fuck? You know what I mean? It's like,
Starting point is 00:45:15 another reality we have to kind of just come to grips with is we are in the fitness industry. How many people are trainers for 30 years? Right. Most people use trainer, you all were all trainers, right? How much training do you do now? Yeah. Like nobody, nobody's a personal trainer for life. Not a very few. Very, very few. Probably less than a percent of all personal trainers trained for more than 20, 20 plus years. That's the nature of it. Yeah. It's just, it's just, there's the turnover. It's just like, waiters and waitresses. Like, there's just turnover. It's just gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:45:43 But wait, what you were saying though, I mean, we experienced all the time, you bring people on, train and develop them. They think it's easy because they don't realize all the work that goes into doing it. They're getting fed all day. And they're like, oh, I'm gonna go up on my own personal training studio.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And I would tell these people, like, you're not gonna succeed. Like, if you aren't the absolute best trainer in this entire company, you're not gonna, there's no way you can make it on your own because it's 10 million times harder. They're the best trainer They may not have the other assets and even them. Yeah, I've been with these two since day one right before the gym even open And they might have times have been asked like, what do you want it? No, I just started on Jamie wrong Boxing burn Jamie, you know, I'm like nope
Starting point is 00:46:23 I see all the work stress I've seen what they've gone through for the last you know five you know, I'm like, nope. I've seen all the work and stress. I've seen what they've gone through for the last, you know, five, six years and I'm like, you know, more power to you. Another thing that I was frustrating, we had a guy, a couple of months ago, we trained and we had no box next experience, we trained him up and he was telling us, this is the last job I want, fucking lovely, it's creating all that. And each, we put him on classes and he was doing really well. We put so much time, energy, money into them.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And then one day, now I'm not making enough money, I'll quit. I was like, fuck, fuck, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. The guy from England. You know what, it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. That was where you made your mistake. No, I'm sorry. It's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. That was where you made your mistake. It's gonna get into this with him. It's gonna happen to you guys and the better you guys become the more often It's gonna happen. Let's be honest the better leaders you become. It is a good problem And here's and here's the way you have to look at it in the attitude you have to have because you're right
Starting point is 00:47:19 There's gonna be quite a few of them that do that and inside you're like you know what fuck that motherfucker But you can't have that attitude because you know what? It's going to take you to a little job. Well, it's also all it takes, all it takes, you could with me, but this way, you're if you're dealing with all these A players, okay? These are higher, higher echelon guys and girls that you're meeting that, you know, get some development underneath you, take that and then continue to rise up doing their own thing or whatever, you know, you keep a good relationship. And this while I say your true net worth
Starting point is 00:47:49 as your net circle, is they're part of your still part of your circle, you do a good job of, and I still to this day mentor many trainers that have worked for me years and years ago. And the way I look at it is this, like if I'm really good to them, and I don't do it with the intentions of getting something in return,
Starting point is 00:48:04 I'm just telling you, this is what's happened in my experience, is that guy or girl that goes on five, 10 years later and makes it huge, you know, one of those will end up giving credit back to you or potentially be able to give you a hand. I mean, you guys know we're in this business now of the virtual world and social media and email lists
Starting point is 00:48:21 and all that shit, like how great would it be that yeah, this guy was with, you know, say I come work for you guys, I fuckin' blow it out the water, make it all kinds of money, then I'm like, hey guys, I'm gonna go do my own thing. Maybe I do the boxing thing for a while, maybe go find TV, who fuckin' knows what I do?
Starting point is 00:48:36 But I get huge and I'm still in good relations with you guys. That's what it's all about. Right, to do a favor for you, yeah, no big deal. You want me to email or tell my people or give you a shout out, I mean, so. Like I've, to do a favor for you. Yeah, no big deal. You want me to email or tell my people or give you a shout out? I mean, so like I've said before, a question for your boys is like, no one wants to be a trainer for 30. If this is not their career goal, how do you keep them motivated?
Starting point is 00:48:57 Well, we can like to that conversation. Are they going to, are we going to motivate them? Are we going to keep them motivated? Are they just inherently motivated people? I yeah It's gonna be individual for each but what I love let me tell you what I loved about your guys's facility more than anything else And the knock I have on the orange theories the soul cycles all these other things because Think about all those class settings and you're including you guys it attracts the similar type of person right a trainer a
Starting point is 00:49:23 Motivator somebody like that so we can agree on that so you guys all it attracts the similar type of person, right? A trainer, a motivator, somebody like that. So we can agree on that. So you guys all kind of get it, but what you guys offer that I think is unique and the nice piece is it does allow them to have their own little private business where they can train clients one on one. And they can build the hell out of that. Yeah, and they can build the hell out of that. And I feel like that is your secret sauce to me.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And when I walked in and I saw your place, that was what was most impressive to me. And my, the way my brain works, I went like, oh, cause that is the biggest challenge. I've been somebody who's ran big boxes. I've had small facilities like Orange Theory. So I know it's like to have those trainers in there. The ones that get great, teach your classes,
Starting point is 00:49:59 they do end up always. But if I had a place for them to privately train, cause that's what most of them go do is they know they can make most of them leave cause they make you a lot of money and then they realize oh my god I could be making all this money for myself now if you're helping them do that through their own private business that they have The problem with that is and what we see and now as well So that the do not create for for you and then it's like these are taken this percentage of me for this I can be doing this shy by myself in the
Starting point is 00:50:26 Devotion. And then I don't have the platform. They don't have it. No, I'm not, but we see it happening. So it's like now these, they're taking 40, 50% off also, I will private train them money. There shouldn't be don't like they don't get it. And then the paying tax on top of that. So we know we haven't have them listen to mine pump.
Starting point is 00:50:41 We talk about this all time. Literally that that trainers leave these big box gyms or these other facilities that literally feed them opportunities and clients. And then they do the math. It's called trainer math. It's horrible math. I train 40 sessions a week.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I make 50 bucks an hour. I could be making the full session right? 90 bucks an hour. Look how much money I could be making. Even if I train 10 less clients, I'm still gonna make this much money. And then they go off on their own and they fail. This fail miserable.
Starting point is 00:51:10 This is our advantage. You have to. It's not. Yeah, initially, but then they fall off and it's like, wait, how am I gonna replace those people? Yeah, yeah, yeah. As soon as they get out, they're like a machine. So, apart from listening to MindPump,
Starting point is 00:51:20 how can we tell them about that? Like, listen, you're gonna feel like. Well, either that or let's talk about how do you guys have that structure? I'm structured. I'm interested to hear the scale because what I would do is if I had a trainer who's performing really well in my classes
Starting point is 00:51:37 and he's driving a lot of revenue or her driving a lot of revenue to my business, and then in addition to that, they're also private training. I would create some sort of a pay scale that's structured that encourages them to be good at those things because I'm going to pay you more money over here for being- Well, it's something we've talked about. But before we go, I want to go back to it for a minute, you mentioned that trainer that we invest all this time and something that we've gotten a lot better at and I'm sure you guys can relate to this but
Starting point is 00:52:01 if we really pay attention there's some telltale signs along the ways where we kind of could, if we really paid attention and we picked those up, we could kind of see the direction this guy was going. Same with the other, just a German guy, you know, we knew, there's another train of ours that we had that left, like we knew from almost day one, if we had just listened, if we had just trust trust all in like, Hey me and him, but you are citizens now, by the way. So we can say, it's a hard thing to like listen to those, those signs that you see and say, okay, let's just cut it off now.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Let's just cut them, build before and get rid of them. And so that's a really, really hard thing to do because again, we're a gym that needs a lot of trainers. So it's like, how do we just cut these people off? You can play some first. That's the, that's what you do. Well, if I had a staff and I saw some problems with some potential problems, even though they
Starting point is 00:52:48 were still doing good, in my mind, I'm already replacing them with someone else, just in case worst case scenario, I got another good point. And then to answer your point, Tony, what you asked about, how do you discourage them from seeing, thinking the grass is green around the other side? My question to somebody who's thinking about doing that would be, well, do you have a good following? Are you really good at marketing? Are you good at promoting yourself? Are you on top of your social media and your email outreach and all this kind of shit? If you're
Starting point is 00:53:16 not, then it's not an option. And a lot of trainers like what we mentioned back at the beginning aren't great at that kind of stuff. They're not market-type brands. They're just good at it. Do you want us to put the time and effort into doing it? I tell you, and it's going to take a lot of time and energy on the market inside to be able to get that build and grow and grow to where you were when you were inside the gym. We just had an episode recently talking about tech and social media and when it's too early to start blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:53:45 But you just said something that makes me want to ask you guys, is this something you guys take into consideration when you hire someone's social media presence? Do you guys look at that? No, you don't, no, you think we should. I mean, we look at it, I look at it as see, if the, what goes, whatever, like drinking all the time. Well, do you know an example of your guys' business?
Starting point is 00:54:06 So I like to always look at like other businesses that are similar to your model that may be using this strategy. Are you guys familiar with Barry's boot camps? Yeah. So they use that. They're a full cycle would too, I'd imagine, right? I don't know enough about soul cycle to know.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I do know Barry's boot camp. They are heavily into their trainers. Right. Social media. Right. Yes. And part of that's part of your job description, right? Is post and doing, and they actually actually spend time from the leadership side, developing
Starting point is 00:54:36 that. We've spent a lot of time, or Tony spent a lot of time trying to build their skills and knowledge and awareness of how important that side of the jobs in the career is You know, we've had speakers come in and say you know You can be on top of your shit with this stuff do this do that giving like you know practical tips and I they can grow the following and build the presence and A lot of a lot of people a lot of trainers that we deal with they don't really jump on it and see the importance of it They just kind of see it as oh oh, well, that's not really for the amateur. No, but if they come on, if they come and apply,
Starting point is 00:55:07 and they already have, right, it's part of their job is curting. So they do this really well. Some way that you guys can start to kind of implement that now. So it's not like totally rocking the boat. I know you guys got video guys that are kind of falling around more.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I would schedule him. I'd pay him for a day where he's gonna, on my busiest day of trainers and coaching and he would be walking around, taking great shots of my trainers, teaching the classes and then I would upload it into a drop box that all my trainers have access to. So now you're handing them good looking, high definition pictures of themselves
Starting point is 00:55:44 teaching in your facility. And you can already, if you want to get the next step, you can have a guy, if you have the funds to do this, a little bit of an investment, and then you brand it, you can put your boxing burn logo, whatever on it. But if it's a high resolution image of themselves, so where this comes from, this is part of our strategy. So we have guys like yourself who come in
Starting point is 00:56:04 and you know, part of our teams. So we have guys like yourself who come in and you know, part of our teams and we're actually putting together a actual packet for this. So real soon here, you know, fast forward a couple of months, you guys would come here, Taylor would hand you guys a packet and in the packet actually gives you a social media strategy on how to use the photos and the videos. I'm about to provide all edited and done for you.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Right. And how nice is that, right? That's cool. I don't get to push you and say, Hey Tony, could you please post about me this week? We're doing some of that in the academy. I don't know. In the level two academy, we do a big thing
Starting point is 00:56:35 on social media, Martin and help and trainers help to promote yourself. Of course, it is a massive thing. But it's so fucking frustrating to make some huge on social media when trainers don't want to do that Like I've tried to set them up with a camera guy to get Spot life videos on them and about the career and about the life for it. Yeah, we have to appear for it I even set the time and the date and then they'll cancel. Oh, wow, and it's like what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:57:00 We've got like this money like tons of of trainers and they'll not do it. It's like, yeah. But have you guys thought of other strategies as far? So I look at your business and like, some things come to mind as far as scale is concerned. Like, you know, what we're talking about all here, it seems like great strategies for like a physical location and improving on the current status of where your business is.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Have you guys thought of like, you know, turning this more into like a licensing kind of a thing where you're going to go into other gyms, you're going to teach their trainers how to implement your very specific class that you've systematized completely. Now they can implement that and, you know, this is a brand that they pay to be a part of. It's point you should stop speaking about very recently about affiliate because we implement that and you know this is a brand that they pay to be a part of. It's funny you should say. Because that's something we've been speaking about very recently about affiliate because we do all these academies and everyone's asked us about boxing classes.
Starting point is 00:57:53 How do you do your class? How do you structure it? How many stations do you have? What do you do? So it's like we can do an affiliate and this is something you boys maybe will help us with where we go into gym so you might have a Jim whatever it's called and There might want to put a box in class in there. We can put a box and burn class in there
Starting point is 00:58:12 So it's all a box and burn Jim right? Branded it. It's a way you guys do it. Yeah, and they have put some monthly fee and then they'll come and get the train Just a lot of opportunities. I think it'd be a lot easier to scale like just oh my god And then you want to talk about potential, like, you know, body pump and typo and all that. Let's Mills kill that, you guys should just kill us. Oh, that's huge. Yeah, so this is something I'd love to talk to you
Starting point is 00:58:33 about after I've always used it all, smart bastards, and used it to be the hub or something. One thing to speak in the potential. I had two. Speaking of potential, that I watched the 60 minutes with the CrossFit guy, the guy that found it. That's my good. It's a fast-forwarding. And in that, I watch the 60 minutes with the CrossFit guy, the guy that got it. That's my good.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And in that, it mentions how he's made the majority of his money from lawsuits from people who've tried to start CrossFit Jim. So he's made a shitload of money from the CrossFit franchise, but then he's made even more money from suing people who've tried to do CrossFit and it's not part of his friendship. Well, it's actually not. It's like what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go around the whole world, right? And if there's a boxing class in that gym, like is this boxing burn tree? It is. It's part of the franchise, no it's not all right. It's not all right. It's cool. That's a really good a term. How do you say that you have specific
Starting point is 00:59:23 How do you say that you have specific ownership over how to do a squat with a clean? How do you, I don't know how, you must have some really good. Well, it would be the systems that you guys would do, right? That's what you would do. You know, signature system. Yeah, you'd have a, yeah, but even then I feel like it would be really hard to enforce those. I mean, clearly it works if he's done it, but. Go on back to what you said before about the question
Starting point is 00:59:46 about if the three notes are performing, can you reward them higher? So another thing, Kev, don't worry. It's absolutely amazing. I think it's even better than Kev thinks. Is it a tier system? Do you want to tell him about the tier system? How do we do that, Kev?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, I mean, essentially, it just, it's, you know, it determines your rate, what you make per class. And it ranges from, I guess essentially it's just it's you know it determines your rate what you make per class And it ranges from Guess we could say the amounts to everywhere from 18 to $30 a class depending on your tier and then you can make anywhere from 40 to 60 percent Depending on your tier and so there's different there's other there's other things involved like once you get to tier two There's a $500 bonus when you to tier three. There's a thousand dollar bonus just given little but that's great It's also volatile you can go up do three, there's a $1,000 bonus, just given the little but it's also volatile, it can go up and down. So it's based on performance in leadership skills, but it's also based on your education.
Starting point is 01:00:30 So your certifications, workshops, other things you do. Obviously the education side of it is not going to be volatile, it's not going to move up and down too much unless you let your certification expire. But it holds you more accountable in the classes and, you know, as far as, you know, showing leadership skills and performing and doing what you're supposed to be doing and what's to be expected. Every quarter we have performance evaluations and we bring them in, all the leaders will train, we'll score the trainers they work with the most.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And again, depending on their score, they can either go up, they can go down. And so it's just kind of something that they can keep in the back of their mind, like every quarter, I have the opportunity to go up and here. And with the two things, the performance and the education, because you could have a very educated trainer who's not performing in classes, so he doesn't get a water foot,
Starting point is 01:01:16 but you'll get a guy who's really performing in classes, but he's education's little, so he can always build up. Has something to say to you. He's been equally weighted. We value education a lot, it's super important, but we also value that performance very much. So we equally weight them. And so it's kind of, you know, it keeps people in the car.
Starting point is 01:01:32 It's a very similar structure to, yeah, 24 used to do the exact same thing for every certification used to bump up three more dollars per hour that you made. And then for the amount of hours of clients that you've trained every time you hit a new mark, you got a new override bonus. So very, very similar. No, I think it's a very smart strategy. It's great because you could have a guy who's got a degree in, you know, physiology or whatever, but it doesn't make him valuable to our gym. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:01:58 whereas a guy who knows the gym inside out, knows exactly how to execute a perfect class, knows all the members on first name terms, but his knowledge is still pretty, you know, he's still building his knowledge, you know, that's way more valuable to the, to the, how, how often are you guys holding the certifications like you are in our place? How often are those happening? I think we've done 12 this year. Oh, wow. Fantastic. Yeah. And every single one sold out. You're kidding me. Yeah, we've got three left yours and then two more. Yeah, the bottom of the saw out, we've been a Denver Vegas, that even saw out.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Let's have four more. Boston, four more. Yeah, Phoenix next weekend. Wow, Phoenix next weekend. And then, Orlando. Yeah, Orlando, we've been all over. And yeah, I mean, it's great the response we're getting is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:02:42 And the words like spreading, we're in with Onnits Hub promoters a lot as well with being there. Please, we certified all of Onnits Academy trainers all of the guys who work down there. But yeah, I mean, it's picking up. And like I said, because boxing's getting more and more popular, but no one really knows how to teach it correctly. So when the search for someone to teach it,
Starting point is 01:03:03 we that come up with number one. And speaking of systems, the academy, the certification course, it's not just like a one day course, like, yeah, I use how you teach box and it's like we're giving you an actual blueprint and a system so that if you get someone who comes to you and says, look, I want to learn how to box, I want to hit pads. So, okay, well, he is exactly how you're going to teach that person who's never boxed before every single time you've got an exact science and system.
Starting point is 01:03:23 You guys are really, you guys are really tackling two mega monsters at one time when you think about it. Like the building these brick and mortar gyms and operating them with 30 plus trainers and potentially adding more to that. Also while building this incredible education system and certification system that you guys are building right now. Each of those are huge businesses.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Yeah, huge project that we're doing now. It's been ongoing for like six months. There's put on the certification course online. So people are going to learn about the own time. We're getting people from Australia, from India, from all around the world wanting to do the certification course. And now we can do it online. So the watch video is then the submit videos to us like how to wrap behind or watch the wrap
Starting point is 01:04:05 That and then answer questions on it. That's so many videos. We'll see. Yes or no They'll go on the next part of the The answer questions as well. Yes answer questions and first section they they submit videos We give feedback, but then every after every video will have questions. Yeah, so is the online certification the same as the in-person one? Yeah, they waited the same curriculum Yeah, it's exactly the same as the in person one? Yeah, they waited the same curriculum is it yeah, it's exactly the same But obviously in person is better Do you guys make do you make it to all of them? Yeah, I've been to every single we've all been to every single one We've always teach every every live course. Oh, you guys are
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah, we look at something that actually speaking the that actually speaking of the tier system, we have implemented, like you reach that elite tier, the top tier, now you can travel with us for the academies and help us teach them because they've gone through the whole curriculum and they kind of know the system. But eventually we'd like to have enough trainers at the elite level where we can start to send them out. And it's just, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Once you do it a few times, it becomes very easy. But you also get to travel to different cities, go out to eat, everything's paid for us. So it's a nice little incentive for them to go to. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, that's another thing for them that might motivate them, like, is yeah, you can travel with the economy. I think the next level of being a personal trainer is teaching all the personal trainers what your expert are.
Starting point is 01:05:22 So yeah, we get a lot of success. What kind of feedback have you guys been getting from trainers? We've done your certifications in the past. We're now just utilizing it. Like I said, a big one is retaining clients. Because clients, if they've never boxed before, the one who learned how to box and then they get in good at it and then they want to get better.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So the one who come back next day and do it again, then they want to come back next day and do it again, as well as people earning more money through putting box and programs into their facilities if they're a business owner. So, go ahead. Not only retention, but also you're increasing your exposure
Starting point is 01:05:52 to potential clients, because now you've opened several more doors to clients. Like before you said, okay, this client wants to do personal training, fitness training, but they also want a box. I can't train that person. So now they've increased their exposure to who they can actually work with. Well, walk us through
Starting point is 01:06:09 October 7th here at Mind Pump Studios. What is it? What does that day look like for somebody who enrolls and comes to this class? How do you start the class to walk me all the way through every step? Yeah. So the first thing we do is talk about the importance of CFD and hand wrap. You need to wrap your client's hands because if you don't wrap your client's hands correctly and you're trying to teach them boxing, they're going to get injured. So I'm assuming do you guys provide wraps for everybody too? Yeah, everyone gets a free pair of hand wraps and then we say we teach them how to wrap hands correctly so your clients don't get injured.
Starting point is 01:06:41 If your client get injured they're not going to come back and treat them and you're not going to earn the money. So when we do that then we go with a boxing specific warm-up. So you're going to make fun of me. Go ahead, it's fine because I know I wasn't a fucking boxer. So because that what you just said right there, I don't know how to wrap. So I used to make my clients get those gel inserts. How bad is it? They're okay. They're okay. They're okay. They're a gel. I approve. I approve. Yeah, not the another school is hand-rapped. So you call me an asshole.
Starting point is 01:07:06 That's all right. I'm not a trainer anymore. I'll do the shit, but as well, when you're wrapping someone's hands, that gives you the opportunity to connect with them. You get hold on their hand, you're wrapping them up, you can talk to them. Right, right. It's kind of cool, too. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yeah. If I've never fought before and I've sitting backwards on a chair and you're wrapping me up, give me an up. Exactly. Yeah. It's hype just thinking about it. So you've got a lot of emotional relationship and then the feel like bodhases, now they've got the wraps wrapping me up. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. that. Right, yeah. You see these trainers, they think they're not all the myths, but I'm going to, if you ask them when you step left, why do you step where you're left for first? They've got no idea of the answer, you know? So we teach a how to box, and then we teach a how to shout a box and tell you the benefits of shout a box and then we go in how to teach other people who's never boxed before. That's the kind of thing that I teach in someone who's never boxed before. That's the kind of the main thing, like teaching someone who's never boxed before, how to box, we've got the system down.
Starting point is 01:08:09 You know, I was thinking the other day, we've taught people how to box over 25,000 people in the last five or six years. Like, so we, again, we've figured out the best way to do this and that's what we give them. It's like, I would create a secret really, how to teach someone, how to box, was never boxed before.
Starting point is 01:08:27 We kind of did it with Justin when we were here before, but we break it down even more. And today. Was he a good student? Mm. No, he was, he was, he was, he was a fucking guy. You know what, Kevin had a nice, packed, funny shoulder. He never told you about that. With a lot of people don't realize either
Starting point is 01:08:48 is there's also, we were talking about this earlier outside the studio, there's a technique to holding pads too. A lot of trainers don't know that. They think it's just teaching the boxing, but if you've ever held pads for someone and you don't know how to move with it and you get hurt,
Starting point is 01:09:01 you're not hurting your wrist and your shoulders. So I'll have time in and technique involved. I've been around boxing since I was 10 years old forever, over 20 to 23 years. I've hit pads with the best boxing trainers in the world you can think of, and I'm not just seeing this, I'm not blowing smoke resource book cave, it's better at holding a mitt.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Then anyone, no, I'm sorry, I don't, it's just, I'm sorry. I'll end here. Then anyone I've ever dreamed with before, and like I say, I've worked with the best of the best Olympic trainers and all that. And then Kev goes over, held hall parts correctly. Cause it's about resistance, height,
Starting point is 01:09:40 your balance, your stance. Time in. Time in is the big thing. And it breaks it down in such a way without me exiting easy fight to be able to teach other people, you know, I hold the mits and like I said, it's great. When you hear that pop and sound,
Starting point is 01:09:54 like you, I mean, you hit me to the day, you see how good it is. Oh, yeah, yeah. You made your feet snap, made me feel it. Yeah, it's some power there. What, what, what, what, what, what's the matter with the headphones, man? What the, what, what, what, what, why don't you the matter with that the headphones? You get them.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Once you get comfortable with that as well, it's like, and we talk about this in the level two course, which is a little bit more advanced, but once you get to a certain point, there's a whole world of creativity with it all that just kind of opens up. Like, just thinking about different combinations, and once you start to really understand understand boxing it just becomes limitless and way you can take it. And that's a big thing that we see is you don't have to have been a boxer to be able to teach boxing, you've got to understand it. Some of the my boxing trainers who got me to be as successful as I was through boxing, Bobby Biel, me first boxing trainer, he'd never boxer day in's life and he coached me to be a European champion. Then from there I went on to the Olympic World Class Programmer training for years. It was an easier training program for the 2008 Olympics. The performance director
Starting point is 01:10:53 was called Terry Edwards, the most successful amateur boxing coach of all time. Again, he'd never boxed the DNA's life, but he understood how it works. Well, I did not know that. Yeah, amazing. And with that being said, we don't, we tell people, that doesn't mean that you're gonna leave here after October 7th, you know, to start teaching the limping and stuff. No, but we give you the tools that you need
Starting point is 01:11:15 to go out there and practice and work with, to get better and better and better and start returning your clients. And one more thing that we give everyone on the day is access to an online video library because we learn a lot in one day. It's, I mean, it's impossible to learn to be a great boxing instructor just after one day.
Starting point is 01:11:32 You can be good, but we give you access to a exclusive video library with everything on just a memory, too, because I'm sure, yeah, you learn it there, but like, yeah, you even remember the sort of. You might be teaching a client and think, what did Kevin see about the resistance or all of the height of the box and stance or whatever?
Starting point is 01:11:49 You go to the video library and it's exactly, it's there, you know? And it's good having that after because I know what it's like doing certification courses and it's like, you get all inspired the day after and you're like, oh, I'm gonna do this all the way. And then it kind of, it drifts off a little bit, but if you've got that online library,
Starting point is 01:12:02 it's like, oh, you can keep up on that excitement of it. But not only is it just teaching people to understand boxing fundamentals and understanding how it works, but we go into the detail about how to coach it as well, you know, like positive reinforcement and just coaching basics and getting people to speed on that side. Some of you were books before. Very, very, very little. I have a little bit of hip pads, but it's been years and it was for maybe six months at the most.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Right. He's our most athletic one, when you're right. He's got it by six parts. Yeah, he does. I'm all show no go. He does. But it's great to see in the fitness fear, people like you guys succeeding for many reasons.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Number one, you guys are great guys, but also because there's an integrity behind what you're doing. Many times in fitness, you see people teaching courses or classes or trainers who don't have integrity in their craft. What I like about what you guys are doing is your certification is based on boxing. It's not based on workout. Not that that's a bad thing. That's a great thing because the workout is a side effect, but you get the good technique,
Starting point is 01:13:10 you get the fundamentals because it's taught by real actual boxers, which is, I don't, that's the big difference. If I'm correct me, if I'm wrong, I think that's the big difference right between you guys. Yeah, well, we teach. And everywhere else. You teach, you see, we do, we teach real boxing. It's not just a workout. So we teach real boxing and of course, along, along we are cause all these are the fitness
Starting point is 01:13:28 boxing classes and not, not doing that, you know, that I went to one fitness class before and they were teaching us a one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, fucking nine, 12. And I'm like, what the hell? I went in, didn't know who I was. I mean, you were never box before. And the, the, the, the, Ad Trina was terrible. And I was like, well, I just wanted to see how well the people do.
Starting point is 01:13:47 And this is a local place in San Juan. And I was like, wow. Well, I remember we used to teach it at, so when we worked for 24-Auf in this guy, this was fucked 10 years ago. They added a boxing club. And it was, it was packed, packed. And I remember that first time I went and checked it out
Starting point is 01:14:04 to see it being taught. And I was like, I know very little about boxing. I've had. But you know enough to see it. Right. So I held pads for a couple of buddies of mine that boxed and they've taught me some things here and there. And for about a year of my life, like three, four times a week,
Starting point is 01:14:20 I was boxing and training with my buddy. But by no means do I know what the fuck I'm doing. But I know enough to know when somebody else doesn't, who knows less than me. And so I would walk in this class and I was like, oh my god, this is the trainer now teaching all these people like it's not about mechanics. And that's just about cardio.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Just about thing is, even without the shit technique and all that, you'll still get a good workload. But if I walk in with Jim and I wanna personal training, I say, Bob in the corner, they are teaching someone who's just looking shit and I say over there, I say, Glenn in the corner, who's client looks really good. Now I wanna do a boxing, I'm gonna go and ask Glenn, how much you charge this.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Because he looks like he knows how to box. Exactly, he's clients looking good and looking sharp. Now correct me if I'm wrong, because you said, even if you have crappy boxing, you're gonna get a good workout. However, just like with running, people will go run and they'll just be like, well, I don't care if I run good or not, I just wanna sweat and whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:13 There's also running by the way. I know that's the main reason why. I hate running. You do not have to run it, right? But with boxing, besides the fact that you're sweating or whatever, isn't learning the technique properly, doesn't it give you more longevity as well? Is it part of the technique rooted in being able to move your body in a way that's optimal?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Yeah, definitely. And then it's less chance you're going to get injured as well. Right. But there's also a certain level of understanding. You got to know that when you're working with somebody within five sessions, they're not going to be great boxers. It doesn't, I mean, you have to progress them and you have to move them forward and make sure that they're always learning new things. So, you know, just understanding that, you
Starting point is 01:15:48 know, no one's ever going to have perfect form. Everyone can always have a better jab or a better cross, whatever. You know, that's kind of a theme for us in our classes. We want to teach real boxing and real boxing technique, but at the same time, like, people are there to have fun and to get a great workout. But ultimately, are they going to be great boxers in the first week or two? No, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon kind of thing. So, if we have their commitment and we have, they have the understanding they're going to come here, they're going to get a great workout, they're going to have fun, they're going to feel better after, they'll become good boxes at the time. That's what we see, then three things, like why people come
Starting point is 01:16:24 back, the number one why people come back, the number one reason they come back to box and burn is because they have fun and they enjoy it. The number two reason is, it's a great, amazing workout, that's not the number one, that's number two. The number three reason is the learnt of box. Now if you try and teach them too much how to box, and that might take the fun out of it,
Starting point is 01:16:42 it's because like he said, they're not gonna be perfect. So if you stand there for a long time, a full hour trying to teach them out to perfect the job, it's going to take the full note of it, and they're not going to really want to much. If they're doing something like where they're punching with their hands open, obviously you got to correct that, because they're going to end up getting injured. Like you got to put a stop, the things like that immediately.
Starting point is 01:17:01 But as long as they're not doing anything that's going to really increase their exposure to injury, you know, and we are, we're giving them the right techniques, we're reinforcing them over and over, we're holding them accountable, not many people are gonna get that right away, but eventually knowing we have some time. Just almost punching out a deer.
Starting point is 01:17:18 What in your mind? You were punching hard, man. Who's all right? You were punching hard, man. You was making me, yeah, sound like I was punching hard. I was just gonna make that point. I say there's a skill. There's a skill to making on very good. Look pretty good. And then I can give you a hands-on leg, but we should probably do like a little YouTube clip or something about this.
Starting point is 01:17:38 You hear that Taylor? I want to do that. I want to shoot a video how to make a shitty box or look good. And then you'll use Sal as an example because it'd be perfect. Yeah, and then I'll go, all right, you feel good now, all right, you look good, and then I'll show you like how it's like, no, it's just the trade in making you look good. That's kind of a skill of it. Yeah, totally. So let's talk about October 7th here.
Starting point is 01:17:59 We got you guys coming to you three or coming to teach the class. Yeah, we would be here. Wow, that's fantastic. What is the, how does it work? What is the cost? I know they're going to, you guys are going to teach the class. Yeah, we'll be here. Wow, that's fantastic. What is the, how does it work? What is the class? I know you guys are gonna have a, maybe a code. Oh, yeah. We're gonna create a code for your listeners for 48 hours
Starting point is 01:18:13 after this podcast release. So you believe, we'll give you the code and the intro and we'll call that for a start. I also believe that we can probably do a direct link probably right to a landing page or something that we can probably go straight into. We'll see. So the price of the cost, the one deal cost, it's only $3.97 but with your code,
Starting point is 01:18:30 they're going to get $2.97 which is a folding bottle. Nice. And then with that, they get the CAUs for NASAM, ES, ISSE, EF, EF, AFFA, yeah. So they get the CAUs for that and then they get access to our online video library. They get a certified box and T-shirt, they get the hand wraps, they get the CEOs fat and then they get access to a online video library to get a certified box and train T-shirt They get the hand wraps to get a no-pad pen high-res photo or something the thing is right we might sound crazy
Starting point is 01:18:52 But we're not doing this to make money to get rich. We don't it Well, one we love it, but we do not for the brand as well But we absolutely love doing it and we the results that we're seeing we're getting from people I mean, it's great. Like, that's why you say some courses is like a grant. I know on its courses are like $1100. You know, and like we like, we charge in like $300. So, and I will call it a fucking great as well.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Well, I think anything that's, if anything that's gonna give you, give your clients value is worth investing in. This is definitely, definitely definitely one of those things It's it's fun. It's different and if you look like you know what you're doing and you're holding mitts for someone in your inner gem Yeah, you're second-ice little commercial for you Yeah, you're probably a bit more clients. I did see we're not doing for money but next year we're gonna put the price up We're gonna put up $100 so it's gonna go to then it is for money
Starting point is 01:19:42 Then it is for money This year will be the 12 times we have me every a keep it in real I mean the full company We have 1500 next year Next year we'll get you Next year for everybody. Well excellent. Well, I know you guys did some videos So hopefully that'll be up by the time we air this episode and that'll be up at our on our channel my pump TV on
Starting point is 01:20:03 On YouTube and it's always a pleasure talking to you guys man Yeah, it's not a new problem. So yeah, I really appreciate it better on our channel, my pump TV on YouTube. And it's always a pleasure talking to you guys, man. Yeah, it's a new song. Yeah, I really appreciate it. Looking forward to October, we'll all be around here too. So I'm looking forward to that. I want to take that class. Yeah, that'll be cool.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Yeah, it's going to be up to look forward to me. I mean, everyone, you guys can go to boxingboneacademy.com and find out more about it. Excellent, thank you. Thanks, boys. Thanks. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body,
Starting point is 01:20:26 dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ballac, maps to performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundo is like
Starting point is 01:20:57 having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpNedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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