Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 786: Adjusting Your Training as You Age, Overcoming Body Image Issues When Bulking, Building Mental Toughness & MORE

Episode Date: June 6, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes Review Winners In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about overcoming the anx...iety of body image issues when in a gaining phase, if raw determination and will to overcome challenges physically and mentally is an intangible skill that some people such as elite athletes just have, or if it can be learned, how much growing older really affects progression and results in regards to diet and fitness and how would they be each others wingman. Also check out Thrive Market! Thrive Market makes purchasing organic, non-GMO affordable. With prices up to 50% off retail, Thrive Market blows away most conventional, non-organic foods. PLUS, they offer a NO RISK way to get started which includes: 1. One FREE month’s membership 2. $20 Off your first three purchases of $49 or more (That’s $60 off total!) 3. Free shipping on orders of $49 or more How can you go wrong with this offer? To take advantage of this offer go to www.thrivemarket.com/mindpump You insure your car but do you insure YOU? If you don’t, and you are the primary breadwinner, you will likely leave your loved ones facing hardship and struggle if you die (harsh reality). Perhaps you think life insurance is expensive, but if you are fit and healthy, you can qualify for approved rates that are truly inexpensive and affordable. To find out if you qualify for the best rates in the industry, go get a quote at www.HealthIQ.com/mindpump Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual coaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get our newest program, MAPS HIIT, an expertly programmed and phased High Intensity Interval Training program designed to maximize fat burn and improve conditioning. Get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Get Organifi, certified organic greens, protein, probiotics, etc at www.organifi.com Use the code “mindpump” for 20% off. Go to foursigmatic.com/mindpump and use the discount code “mindpump” for 15% off of your first order of health & energy boosting mushroom products. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Also includes 20% if you purchase! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpmedia) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's always a pleasure when my boy Tony drops by the studio, man. I like to call him Jeffrey. I think I'll be a pet thing. I like to call it. Isn't this the, this is like the last stretch, right? To get your home stretch before the box and burns in the house, man, excited to have Tony stop and buy it, saying hi and what, what not, but I'm so glad to, you guys have come back to mind, but we had so many people say, what an awesome course it was.
Starting point is 00:00:26 And this is the final week for those, it's limited space available. I think there's a few slots left to get in there. So it's a buzz going around this right now for sure. Tony, this is level one course on June 10th being taught for your course. What are trainers gonna learn in this course? Yeah, so in our course, you'll learn how to teach boxing
Starting point is 00:00:44 or the people to your clients, your friends, whoever you wanna teach to. You learn how to wrap hands, how to do a boxing specific warmup. How to box is important, that you know how to box before you go ahead and try and teach it. We go into shutter boxing and then how to hold the mitts, the focus mitts, the pads. That's one of the most addictive workouts
Starting point is 00:01:00 that people love. That's why we haven't shown which sex. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That's another benefit to the course. that people love that's why we haven't so much sex oh yeah listen that's another benefit to the course you have a lot of sex so I don't know where the fuck that fuck up a success we're leaving that answer
Starting point is 00:01:15 that's why we're having so much success wait that's why I'm having so much sex too let's be honest man you do the boxing workouts you know how. You know how to sell it. I'll give you that. You'll be having more sex as well. Yeah, I've been actively, you can tell. Yeah, we haven't so much success in the Boxing Burn.
Starting point is 00:01:34 James in California, because people who love the focus, Mitchell, have to hit them and get great results from it. And like I see, clients get addicted to these workouts. I know a few years have done the boxing put, when you're doing boxing, one benefit of it is like you get better every single time. Like, like, you're on my box for your one day, and then the next day you're gonna see improvements instantly.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And the next day you'll see improvements instantly, because people get better and better, you'll learn it so fast. Do you think that's because there's... It's competitive, huh? Yeah. It's because there's like so many little details that you can continue to improve upon.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Like kind of reminds me like golfing, right? Golfing is such a detailed sport. Like I feel like boxing is kind of the same. And there's so many movements going on. I've never heard anyone compare golf to boxing before. But in fuck, I do. Cause I see it when you throw your right hand, you turn your hips into golf.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Right. And you're using both, I mean, it's a, there's not a lot of nuances. There is. That's probably a better word for a Justin. There's more nuances with it than almost anything else that I can think of, and the coordination that it takes, so I could see how you would see lots of improvements, just doing it more reps and more reps.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And then there's always more, you can learn more combinations, you know, it was punch harder, punch faster. So it's, yeah, it's really addictive. And I think now, in this DNA, everyone wants that instant gratification. I think with the boxing training, you really get that because you're all getting better each day. And that's why it's come addictive. Well, one of the keys to being a successful personal trainer, especially if you're going to be doing this as a career, is to be able to offer variety to your clients, to be able to have more tools
Starting point is 00:03:06 in your tool belt, to make workouts fun and help people discover a passion for fitness and among all of the modalities of training and exercise, boxing is one of the most fun and you as a trainer, you know, here's the deal, when you're doing cardio with your clients, you're not doing it with them. Typically, you're counting for them or you're watching their forum, and that's all very important, but when you're holding myths for a client, it's like you're in there with that client,
Starting point is 00:03:33 and it does, I mean, people love it. They really, we like it, and your course really teaches how to do it the right way, because I've seen so many people do it, and I look at them, I'm like, they have no business teaching. It's a great point as a trainer. You don't want to just sit there and stare
Starting point is 00:03:47 at your client on the treadmill. You don't want to be that guy. So this is a great way to get involved with the conditioning of your client. When you're in there, with your client, hold on the myth, you're building the relationship, you're close, it's pretty intimate thing. And yeah, I think it's really good
Starting point is 00:04:00 for building relationships. Not something I will get into in the level one course, how to build relationships and how to retain clients. We thought about that a lot because, you know, you can get people to come and train with you once, but are they gonna come back? And we thought about that. And with boxing, that really helps them come back to do it again.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yeah. And as well as this, you also get the CEUs for NASA, ES, ISSA for all these big major, major CEU companies. What you need to get anyway, major, what do you call it? Which you need to get anyway, I mean, if you're certified with these nationally recognized certifications, they require you get these
Starting point is 00:04:31 CEUs, otherwise you lose your certification and this counts towards that. So it's been recognized by the major organizations and I can't think of, I mean, there's so many continuing education type classes you can take. This one, I think, is's so many continuing education type classes you can take. This one, I think, is one of the most valuable, especially very hands-on. Yeah. Well, it's just, you're clients.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Your clients are going to like it. They're going to really like it right away. Well, I think, and you know, something we haven't addressed either is, you know, and Justin talks a lot about rotational strength. And, you know, boxing is a great way to involve that in a fun way that we tend to lose as we're adults. You know, when we were kids and we were running around the soccer field and basketball I'm playing on the parks and you get a lot of that rotational, multi-planar movement where we start to lose that as we get older.
Starting point is 00:05:17 So I love to incorporate boxing with clients just for that simple fact that we start to lose this rotational strength. And so there's something to be said about teaching clients that and the benefits of that. Absolutely. Yeah, it is one of the biggest trends in fitness right now, boxing. There's boxing gyms open up everywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I don't know both San Jose but in San Amonica, there's like 10 boxing gyms now when we were the first ones there. Wow. It's getting really, really popular. They want to be like you guys. Yeah, they do. Which is great because it's it's bringing more people in. They're more content that they have clients or more people who's never tried boxing before. The goon tried out their gyms. And yeah, it's all right. They look for somewhere else and they come up
Starting point is 00:05:56 find us. Yeah. That's it. Dogs. Because you get to win. Go to the masters. So with the if you go to boxing, burn academy, that's box, the letter N burn academy dot com if you enter the code Mind pump you get a hundred dollars off every course now what's coming up right now is the one in San Jose in Mind pump media headquarters you get to come and take the course That's taught by the box and burn academy in the mind pump media facility. That's June 10th It's a level one course. And then if you're in Australia and you're listening right now, there's another one, the following month, July 6th and 7th.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And that's level one and level two. And that one's gonna be pretty awesome as well. Yeah, it's gonna be really good. Check it out. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, up, mind, pop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:06:51 In this episode of Mind, Pomp, Monday Pomp, for the first 51 minutes, Adam Justin and I have our usual introductory conversation. We talk about hustle-caw. Get your hustle. It's the hustle-caw. Hustle-caw is coming up. This is a great event for entrepreneur-minded individuals.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Now tickets are normally like $307. $399. $399, they're getting them for $250. It's $150 bucks off. We gotta hook up for you. Go to hustlecon.com, enter the code, MindPump, get $150 off, access to hustle con. That's how we roll.
Starting point is 00:07:24 We talk about Justin's dog and his eyeball, bouncy ball, fiasco. Yeah, man. You had to go through his poop to find that. Shit out of an eyeball. We talk about Adam's dog's panty fetish. Nope, just like his owner. Just because you guys are eating the panties. Like, doggy like owner.
Starting point is 00:07:40 We talk about the movie Adrift. It was bad ass and our criteria for choosing a movie. We're trying to never told that by the cover. Yeah, trying to figure out who's picking sales movies. Yeah, good. We talk about dog breeding and the anatomy of a dog fight. We talk about the NBA playoffs, a little update, and adding Organifi protein powder to oatmeal, something I like to do.
Starting point is 00:08:02 We are sponsored by Organifi, we have a massive discount, exclusive for MindPump listeners. If you go to OrganifiShop.com, enter the code MindPump, you'll get that discount. Split is live! Oh yeah, MAPS Split. It's a polyshed split. Our new newest program,
Starting point is 00:08:18 it's our most advanced body building based program. You dared us to do it. MAPS Split, they thought we couldn't do it. Now you can get $50 off. This is what you do. Plus a t-shirt. Plus a free t-shirt. If you go to mapsplit.com,
Starting point is 00:08:32 enter the code split50, you'll get $50 off. This promotion ends June 10th. Then we talk about morality. Is it subjective or objective? We'll get into that a little bit. And then we talk about whether or not mind pumps Dogmatic somebody said that we were dogmatic just you. Yeah, we'll see about that
Starting point is 00:08:51 And then we gave yeah focus on we gave some gut health updates And then we get into the questions the first question was how do we suggest Somebody overcome the anxiety of body image issues when it's time to gain some weight. So sometimes it's important to increase your calories, go on a little bulk, if you will. But if somebody's super scared about gaining weight or has really bad body image issues, like what are some good approaches that someone can use to get past that? The next question was, do we think that raw determination and will to overcome when it comes to physical and mental challenges
Starting point is 00:09:26 is something that you're born with or can it be trained? The next question was, Maybe it's Maybelline. How does growing older, nobody's gonna know that such an old one. Come on, somebody will get it. How does growing older really affect your progress and results in the gym?
Starting point is 00:09:42 And what do we think we're gonna look like when we're 60? I think I look like when we're 60? I think I look like I'm 60 now. And the final question. Very much. We had to imagine if we were wingmaning for each other, how would we sell each other to the opposite sex? Based off our answers, you guys can pick who you'd rather have
Starting point is 00:10:01 as a wingman. Who would you rather have? Oh yeah. That's a good one. Who would you rather have? Oh yeah. That's a good one. Who would you rather have wingmaning for you? And I did talk again about MapsSplit. It is our launch. There is a discount.
Starting point is 00:10:13 MapsSplit.com, and to the code split, $50 for $50 off, we are also running a simultaneous promotion for Maps anywhere. We wanted to make sure we offered a more appropriate program for beginners, which would be maps anywhere. And we're doing a 50% off sale price on maps anywhere. First time ever. Half off right anywhere. Yeah, cut the price in half.
Starting point is 00:10:37 That's going on all month long. That's at mindpumpmedia.com. Yeah. Teacher time. And it's t-shirt time Yeah, yeah, 33 reviews. Oh, wow look at that. It's all so how to do You know what that's my favorite number you guys know that 33 is for real. Yeah, really it is. That's weird Three three good luck. It's good. Yeah, I think it's good luck three is supposed to be a good luck right? Yeah Seven I don't care if it isn't ours. This is my favorite number.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Oh, okay. Well, excellent. Nine people. It's very lucky because you're getting a shirt. Is that Larry Bird? Yeah. Okay. That's why I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:13 All right. Pretty acceptable. The nine winners are a Maya Knight. Normal Oscar 92, Jay Cocaine. Oh, I like that guy. He's down. Dasha Smasher, MC Clapioh Hands, Steph Smith, Indian Girl, Cranky Sue,
Starting point is 00:11:30 Danny Think, Little Bitchie. Haley does things 88. What kind of things, Haley? What kind of things? Wait, is she 88 or born in 88? Makes it be different. All of your winners send the name I just read to iTunes at mimepumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:11:48 That's an email address. Send the name I just read to that email. Send your shirt size, your shipping address, and we'll get that right out to you. What were you talking to Taylor about, or a hustle con? Yeah, yeah, no, so we're sending, well, I guess we could talk about this now.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I hope you guys are cool with the approval on this. So I gave the approval to, I bought tickets for Taylor and for Eli to go to hustle con. I think as long as we don't go over the $10 budget. It's a little over that. These are real thrifty there. $300 tickets. But what's cool is, and this is who we had Sam Parr, who's the creator of The Hustle, is the one who introduced me to this. Oh, right. I remember now.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Right, right. So it's been going for years. Taylor's told me about it before. He really wanted to go. So worse than him on that. Now what's cool is Taylor was already going to go. We invited Eli, and then he actually reached out and got in touch with hustle con and told them like, Hey, here's the deal. I'm coming no matter what, but the boys are pro. All of this what's going on. And is there anything that we could do for mind pump listeners? So they actually hooked it up. So it's 399 for a ticket to even go to this thing. And... Now you gotta be, these are like, entrepreneur, startup founders,
Starting point is 00:13:09 like these are people, if you're interested in starting a business or whatever, those are the people that go, right? Yeah, but they're relatable. These are not like super techy about it. Like they have a good, you know, story behind that you can kind of, you know, get a lot out of it.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Oh, the blue bottle, the blue bottle coffee guy will be speaking. Yeah, they've got great coffee. They've got the Twitch person there. They get the founder of the blue coffee. Like you said, there's I think like 12 speakers that are at-slotted for like 20 minutes. So it's like 20 minutes they get up there and they talk about their story on how they feel.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And it's kind of cool. Growth, marketing, hiring, getting started. So anybody that's like, if you're somebody who is an entrepreneur or you're in business, I think this is like an awesome opportunity to go do this. I think it's cool. I think it's hip. I like what they're doing. Have you guys ever been to, not the, I know none of us have been to hustle con, but have you ever been to, I've been to like this. Yeah, I've been to like an incubator and I've actually watched like shark Tank type events where they go up there and they do pitch, which is really, man, it's totally an educational process if
Starting point is 00:14:11 you own a business to see how they present themselves, what they found in their business that worked for them and what they didn't work. So it's just another way to kind of evaluate and see how you can apply these things to your own business. I find stuff like this more valuable today than, because I've been to stuff like this before, but today I think there's so much more valuable because the marketplace is so different, so fast, too. It's such a dynamic.
Starting point is 00:14:41 This is a cool place. This is a cool place to go to this too, just because the Bay Area is, I mean, the so-working is, the Silicon Valley is moving fast with startups and stuff like that. And this is in Oakland, so it's June 22nd, it's in Oakland. I was getting around to telling you guys how much you saved through MindPump,
Starting point is 00:14:58 which is really neat, is it's 3.99 right now. You can get it for 250, so 150 bucks off by using the MindPump code. Holy shit, that's not bad. Right, right, so I think that's really cool. So they're doing a really cool kickback for you guys that are listeners to MindPump. So, you know, this isn't for everybody, if you're not an entrepreneur, then obviously it's probably
Starting point is 00:15:17 that it isn't an apply. Yeah, it doesn't really apply to you, but I know we do have a lot of entrepreneurs, and Taylor will be there, and so we'll Eli, so some of our team and one of us may go too, so I was talking to Taylor about possibly. Oh, I love it. If you guys really got into the hustle and opted in
Starting point is 00:15:32 and been reading there, oh yeah, I read it every day. They do such a good job. Yeah, they really do a good job. Yep. Justin, I want to hear about your dog. Oh, man, that's quite the drama this weekend. I get the picture you sent, it looks like a real eyeball.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah, it was a bouncy ball that my son had. And I wasn't around when it happened, but I guess he swallowed it. He's just like eating stuff, chewing everything, and like, he's just the wild animal right now. Like we're working on the training, but yeah, so he swallowed this and for a couple days he was kind of having, he was puking and having like issues and so we brought him into the vet and they x-rayed and they found that ball that was stuck in his small intestine.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And so they're like, oh no, you need to go to the ER and go take them in. And so we took them over there. And like, I was talking to the veterinarian and we were going through options and everything. And it made it sound like, well, normally what we would do is we would have them on fluids. And so we put IV in and have them fluids and hope that he could pass it, right?
Starting point is 00:16:45 So it would overnight like if you had enough fluids it would like move through and kind of he could poop it out and But she like the the veterinarian was like no this like highly highly highly unlikely that's gonna happen You know like and so we were just looking at surgery and so I was was like, oh man, surgery really? I was like, ah, that sucks. Five grand. Like out of pocket, no insurance. Isn't it crazy how they can do that with like animals? Like they can get you for like five times what you paid for the dog?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what I was saying. I was like, this way more than I had. I'm sure they got sore. I'm mad at me when they hit me with the bill too. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, you go buy two than I ever did. I'm sure they made for him. They made for him. They hit me with the bill too. And I'm like, I'm like, I can go buy two more new bolts. Bulldozer. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah. She was hell of piss. Of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can have a whole reality. Right. Right. And it's tough because they, and I don't know if like, I mean, I don't want to put this
Starting point is 00:17:39 part like this veterinarian on blast, but it was like, it was definitely like, I could feel a little bit of the hustle behind it, right? So there's a business end of it, and I get it. Like they wanna make money, you know, with everybody that comes in there, and you could visibly see that as a salesperson myself, and you know, my wife didn't really see it as much, because she's like really concerned, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:00 and like really like, oh my God, like, because she know the ramifications of if it didn't move, like this would happen, then this would happen, it'd be really bad, really bad, oh my god, like, cause she knew all the ramifications of if it didn't move, like this would happen, then this would happen, it'd be really bad, really bad news for the dog. And I was just like, I was just like, money, you know, okay, oh my god, like really? Like, and I'm reading the sheet, they didn't want me to read the sheet too much.
Starting point is 00:18:17 It's like, oh here, and they like, turn the page on me, had me sign this thing, had me put a down payment, like really quick, like they were trying to move me along and hustle me through it. By the time I left, my wife went to work and I was just driving with my son and they had Arlo and I was just reflecting on it and I was like, oh, you know when you get that buyers remorse? You know, and I just had that gut feeling.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I was just like, ugh, that just didn't feel right. And I was just like, wait, that just didn't feel right. And I was just like, wait a minute, there was another option. You know? It's like, call back. I'm like, look, I don't know. Like, I don't know if I'm okay with like surgery
Starting point is 00:18:54 and like going with that right now. I was like, let's go ahead and go with like, plant A. You know, like, let's see if things progress and I was like, what am I looking at with that? Like, you know, if you're gonna be able to, if there's problems, whatever you can intervene, then you can do the surgery. Let's go with that. Begrudgingly, they're just like, well, you could do that.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I'm just going to say that it's probably not likely going to happen. Then we're just going to incur another couple hundred dollars. It's like seven to $900 more know, keeping them overnight and doing that process that they're gonna add to the bill. That was like, fuck, I was like going through all these money in my head. I was like, oh, and I was like, you know what, but that's only a couple hundred,
Starting point is 00:19:35 like added to it, at that point. Yeah, you're already at five grand. What's the other, what's the other, what's the fifty seven hundred when you're spending five Gs per night? So I'm just running those numbers. And I'm like, you know, this makes the most sense. And then, uh, so yeah, so they basically put a cancel to the, to the
Starting point is 00:19:50 surgery. And okay, so I, I guess I sound like an asshole, but like I, I seriously was just crossing my fingers, you know, and overnight. And then the morning we get a call, yeah, so we did everything supposed to do the past and went through. And I was like, yeah God up was punched in the seal and dude The five down goal and shit right there man. You know what I'm saying? That was a gold nugget. You just shit out. You imagine if he forgot that he swallowed that and he's like he pooped And he looks like what the fuck? It's a rubber ball looks like an eyeball just starts bouncing
Starting point is 00:20:21 Don't do it. I haven't shared with you guys. So Bentley has this fetish with Katrina's panties. Oh, wow. You know what they say about dogs in their own. And so the first. He is related to you, Adam. The first time that we found this out, like you didn't know what would happen is, you know, Katrina's panties would go missing.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You know, we, she'd be like, have you seen my, you know, my, my, my, my favorite whatever panties. And I'm like, she's like, it's either Adam would go missing. She'd be like, have you seen my, my two, my favorite, whatever panties? And I'm like, she's like, it's either Adam or the dog. So what's doing this? And she's all, I saw Bentley sucking on him and I took him away from him, so I don't, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And I'm like, really? And she's all, yeah, and I'm, so whatever, right? So a couple of days goes by. And I see Bentley in the yard and he takes his shit. And afterwards, he's got like this thing, like halfway hanging out his ass. I go over and I see Bentley in the yard and he takes his shit and afterwards he's got like this thing like halfway hanging out his ass. I go over and I pull on it and there's fucking her panties and I'm like oh my god I can't see. He's done this like three times dude and what's funny about it is you know it's just before we go to bed we strip down in our clothes we just throw our clothes on the floor in the
Starting point is 00:21:20 night and then the morning. He doesn't need your underwear. No, he just never take their attention to my underwear ever Ever he's never ate my shoes never touch my underwear doesn't do this stuff with that But he has a thing with her panties, man That's why I think we're all animals deep down Right I find that really just like I can So they seem to pass pretty well that so so my They seem to pass pretty well though. So my ex recently bought a dog in part of the, she's never owned a dog before in her life. But and so she the kids have begged her for a dog.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I can't have a dog because where we're staying, where we live, doesn't allow for pets. So she's been thinking about it. So I talk to her and I'm like, look, if you travel or something like that, I'll help you. And you know, trying to kind of help her convince to get, you know, get the dog because I know it's such a good thing for kids. So now they have this little rescue, like, poodle mix dog, right? She went on, she went on vacation. So I've been watching this dog for the past like four or five days. It's such a little mangy, cute, sweet little dog.
Starting point is 00:22:30 It's so like the most spoiled animal of all time. Jessica's making fun of me to carry it everywhere. I told her I was gonna get a baby dog. You're the first dog. I'm like, I'm gonna get a baby born and put it in. She looked at me and she's like, no, you're not. I'm like, why not? She's like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Cause I'm gonna revoke your man. Yeah, you're not gonna. But he's so funny. You got to like, I like feed him by hand because he doesn't want to eat right now. He's all depressed and shit. Cause you know, he just got rescued from a, is that normal, right?
Starting point is 00:22:53 When you rescue a dog, it's a rescue. Oh, it's a rescue. Yeah. I'm sure he goes through that. Yeah, dude, so. But it sits fun. We're watching TV yesterday. Just laying on my lap.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And how are the kids doing with it? They love him. He's just super relaxed. He's like super chill. on my lap. How are the kids doing with it? They love them. Yeah, he's he's just super relaxed He's like super chill It's always interesting to watch the kids now and then when he grows out of his puppy face, right? Every every kid loves the puppies when they're little and they want to play with them They want to touch them 24-7. Yeah, then about six to eight weeks goes by and then it's like also that's a chore yet Yeah, it's good responsibility. No, it is really really good responsibility and it's like also to to chore yet. Yeah, it's good responsibility. No, it is. It's really, really good responsibility.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And it's good to have an animal. I talked to you guys, I talked about this earlier, or before in another episode where studies will show that when kids grow up with animals, the risk of things with autoimmune issues go down considerably, I think from exposure to pet dander and bacteria and stuff that the dogs bring in, it's better for the immune system.
Starting point is 00:23:47 So dude, you know what movie I watched this weekend? You guys have to watch. It was really, really fucking good. Adrift. Did you guys watch that in the theater? Yes, yes. Did you guys see the trailer for that? So it's a true story about this young couple.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It was in 1983 that goes sailing across the Pacific and they hit a storm and were adrift for 41 days. Oh shit. Holy shit. And it's true. It's a totally true story. I don't want to get water. You know, they had to. That's the hardest part, right? I don't want to spoil it. I don't want to spoil it. But it was fun. They drank a lot of pee. But it was really, really, there it is. It was a really, really well made movie. Because the story itself is compelling.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Obviously, I mean, somebody who's, you know, you got to survive out in the middle of the ocean for 41 days. I just want to ask real quick why we're looking at this cover, this movie right here, that when you and your girls sit down and you are looking at movies to go watch this weekend. No, this looks total romantic comedy. I'm wondering how I'm wondering how... Sappy. How much say you have in these movies?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Is it kind of like the music at the workout in the morning? Is it kind of similar to that? No, no, no. I feel like you can't even... There's a lot of really good movies out right now. You don't have to say this isn't good because it sounds good. I'm interested. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:25:06 This movie is an excellent, excellent movie. And yes, I did want to watch it. I, here's the thing. Because I just couldn't, I couldn't see. Because Katrina and I were literally two nights ago. Trust me. Scrolling through the movies that were out. And this one didn't even trust me and jump on my right.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Trust this or Deadpool. Super, I saw Deadpool already. You did. And here's the thing. I love that one in. I love the movie so much. It's not hard to convince me to watch a movie that I'm the same way too. I'll watch almost anything in your defense. I'm the same way too. I'll watch almost anything. I'll watch a lot of stuff. But I just I'm looking right now based on the cover. I would probably say no. Look at the ratings on it. See what the critics are saying. It was no score yet. Okay. It was it's an exceptionally
Starting point is 00:25:44 well-made movie because the story itself is compelling, but you know, the way they dramatize it, they can make it a good movie or make it a bad movie. It doesn't even have a score yet, Sal. Like what led you to go like this right here, honey? You just took a chance. There you go. Audience score 81%. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:00 On the app, there's no score on it. Is that a good score 81%? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that, for sure. Ron Tomatoes, really? Really, what's considered a good? 67 and above is my marker. Oh, is it really?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, I'll go see something as low as 67. Well, there you go, dude. Anything less than that tends to be crappy. Unless it has something like, so, because we know that, most of the movie critics in here, even though this is supposed to be, so I like the audience, right? That I go by that number more than Rotten Tomatoes' critics.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yep, yep. So, and yes, yeah, so you have critics that are gonna hate on you. And both of you haven't seen Solo yet, right? I saw it, he did. I did. I wasn't impressed. No, I was, that good, yeah. I wasn't impressed.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I think we talked about it a lot, just. I was trying to like it really like hard, and it's just, I'm worried about the franchise. Yeah. Look at that audience, audience score on that was only 64%. Yeah. See? A drift.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Better moving. See it when it made it. See, you missed by 3% for me. Yeah, I did. Yeah. Damn. So what did you guys end up doing? Justin's obviously you were watching your dog.
Starting point is 00:27:01 What did you do anything this weekend? I was over, I went over to the Valley. I went over and seen my best friend and his parents, which are like my second parents, and went and visited his new French bulldog, dude. I took a picture, I put a post it on it. Puppy? Yes, the little white one. Oh, I did see that.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Dude, he's cool. I love French bulldogs. So do I. Yeah, really cute dogs. Now, French bulldogs come from the same strain, not strain, so excuse me, the same like breed roots. Do they both come from, because you have an English bulldog.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Are they related to a French bulldog? To a French bulldog? Sure, I guess. I mean, maybe the English bulldogs are born in England and then other ones are born in France. Somewhere along the lines, I think. Yeah, no, I mean, I don't, I actually don't know much about the French lineage
Starting point is 00:27:42 as much as I do about the English bulldog. It's, I'm sure it's a similar terrier mix much about the French lineage as much as I do about the English bulldog. It's, I'm sure it's a similar terrier mix and pit bull type of mix. They probably all have the same similar bloodline. You have American, you have English, and you have French, and they're all related, but I don't know the exact. I'm sure there's somebody on here who does. Dogs are...
Starting point is 00:28:01 Team America. Dogs fascinate the shit out of me because they have... I can't remember what it was specifically, but there's something in their DNA that allows them to evolve at an incredibly rapid rate, or at least you can selectively breed them to change specific features on them in ways you can't do as nearly as quickly
Starting point is 00:28:21 with other animals. Because you look at most dog breeds, didn't exist 150 years ago, 200 years ago, didn't exist at all. And now we have like, you know, they range from like mini, you know, mini chihuahua's to these, you know, great danes that are like the size of a horse. And we still have wolves. And we still have wolves. Yeah, it's fascinating to me what we can do with dogs.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And the things that we can focus on through the breeding, like, because I've been looking into it because I said, like I said, my ex has a dog, and the dog that we have as a rescue dog is kind of a poodle mix and small, and I'm assuming it comes from breeds that are bred to be in your lap and want to hang out with you all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:01 And that's exactly what he does. He just wants to hang out the entire time. He doesn't want to do anything else that other dogs like to do. He just wants to like be on you. Your dogs are like that. English bulldogs were bred, what at least the kind that you have were bred to be lap dogs as well. I like that. I like, I like, I like, I was teasing my butt, my other buddy who bought this, uh, Labadoodle. So it's a lava door or a retriever or something. And a poodle all mixed together, just a ugly ass dog. Hahaha. Lame ass dog. I know I'm fending somebody who has one.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Of course. They're just ugly. They're ugly and they're boring. The big dogs, like I was telling them, was like, you know, hypogenic. Yeah, no, that's what's great. And I have allergies. Most people, they know for that.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And they don't shit. So I get it. Like, if you have a really nice house and you don't want, you're the dog here or where I't shit. So I get it. Like if you have a really nice house and you don't want your, your dog hair or where I get that. So I, so I totally understand, but I was just teasing because what I love about the, the dogs, both English, French, all those is I love the, how they are like little humans and they have to be attached to you. They want to be everywhere you're at.
Starting point is 00:29:58 They're, they're really, really attached to the owners. Yeah. Which makes them feel like they're almost like a human or a kid that you have. And so, which, for somebody who doesn't want to put the effort into that and doesn't want somebody who doesn't want to be bothered and they want a dog that they can throw in the backyard and just leave there for eight hours. That's not the dog for you, right? My boys, they go outside for 20 minutes at most to pee and kind of sunbathe for a minute
Starting point is 00:30:21 and then there's scratching at the door like, hey, they want to come back and hang out. I live inside, I don't live outside. Oh God forbid I give your dog any attention. He's not leaving me, they're not leaving me alone. Yeah, yeah, no. But I like that too. I'm the kind of person that, you know, I enjoy active dogs, I enjoy that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:35 But I honestly want a dog that I'm just going to chill with and hang out with. And teach the Rona. If I had, if I was my other buddy is an ultra marathon run there, so he has a whimeriner like Justin So he runs and exercises So how cool is it to have a companion that can go get on a trail with you and run for 30 miles There's not a lot of dogs that can run for a really long time like that
Starting point is 00:30:55 So you know everybody is different like I'm definitely a chill person when I get off of work I work like crazy and a madman doing my personal stuff and then when I come home I'm the guy who puts his feet up on the couch and puts the laptop. And so I like having a dog that just wants to chill with. One of my favorite breeds of dogs are the Amstafs, American Stafford Charteriors or Pit Bull Terriers or even the original Stafford Charteriors, the ones that they brought over from England. I freaking love them. I think they're so beautiful, so athletic and so strong. And there's so many misconceptions about those dogs being aggressive towards people and a lot of the stuff, which is just, it's not true.
Starting point is 00:31:31 It's not true in any, at all in any of their breeding. If you understand how dogs are bred, you can see the things that they're bred for and pit bulls and American staffer charteriors and staffer charteriors, they were bred to either catch rats and mice or to fight other dogs, but they were never bred to be aggressive towards humans because dog aggression and human aggression are two different things. And if you kind of deconstruct the anatomy of a dog fight
Starting point is 00:32:02 the way that the, I had this book, I can't remember the name of the book, the thing was called Fighting Dogs, really brilliant book and I read some others on this because I grew up with Pipples, so I used to read up on them and if you look at the anatomy of a dog fight, of course you did. I love it.
Starting point is 00:32:15 If you look at the anatomy of dog fight. They were, just typical, these were all 13 year olds that we all have dogs, we're all grown up, like sounds like I'm gonna go read a book about this dog. I'm like, I'm gonna go play catch with this dog. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna lick my face. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I read it to him too. I was like, hey, let me tell you about it. I did, you know. So, a dog fight, the way the anatomy of dog fight is, you know, the two owners bring their dogs typically in the old style roles, or at least when most of this breeding was happening, we would trade dogs and bathe each other's dog to ensure that there wasn't anything foreign on your dog's fur that would mess with my dog. So we trade dogs and we
Starting point is 00:32:53 bathe them, then we give them back to each other, put them in the ring, we're in the ring with the dog, along with the referee. If a dog turns and snaps or bites towards a human or shows aggressiveness towards a human, disqualified immediately and you lose right away during the whole process. So yes, they were bred to want to fight each other and to be extremely tenacious, but not to be aggressive towards people. Because if they were, then that's not a dog you'd want to breed.
Starting point is 00:33:19 You'd lose money. Well, a good trainer and this is something that I might. So they're extremely loyal and obedient. And if you're a shit head and you're a macho like because you know let's let's be honest there's a lot of those that exist. Yes a lot of a lot of assholes like to project their insecurities and and get a strong tough looking dog or gang bangers or drug dealers and these dogs are so tenacious and loyal that you can you train them to be aggressive towards anybody of course you can And that's the problem. But on their own, they're not like that, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's always a reflection on the owner. It is, I think it totally is, but I think they're really, again, this is my favorite dog, absolute favorite dog. What would you guys do this weekend? That's it, I hung out with the dog and the kids. I didn't watch the final, the NBA finals. What's going on? Tell me what's happened.
Starting point is 00:34:04 That was game two, so this is our second first game in the We won barely and over time game two we just I mean we pretty much dumped them this game. Oh shit. So we want to act and So it's past the seven. That's what it is the way it goes is two games here with us Then we now we go to Cleveland for two games. That's four then it comes back for Cleveland for two games. That's four. Then it comes back for two and then one. No, goes one, one, one, one. The rest of the way, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So it goes two. The first four games go two, two, one, one, one, one. The rest of it. I'm doing my math right there. So is the strategy, like you guys explained to me, the strategy of like the team play versus the pass, the ball to LeBron's. Half of it.
Starting point is 00:34:44 The tapping. Yeah, and it's just moving the ball well. It's what's really, uh, it's honestly, in my opinion, the, the, the real championship was, and I don't know, there's LeBron fans out here. They're going to hate to hear this. But the real championship was the warriors versus the rockets. I don't get to fuck what you think. Just as much as I love LeBron, as much as I agree that LeBron is the greatest player to play the game. He just does not have a supporting cast around him to handle a well oil machine like the warriors are as far as the way they play with passing and moving the ball and you're seeing an incredible display that so being an warriors fan
Starting point is 00:35:18 It's a fun game. It's a fun series for me to watch because I love to watch when you have kind of and I don't say perfected, but when you have really, uh, start watching the old model and the new model, and it's like kind of seeing that contrast, like that old formula worked really well for a lot of years, and now it's like, you know, you can see how this new standard and teen dynamic, well, you know what I like about it? It's funny that what we're all into and what we're passionate about. Part of what the passion behind Mind Pump is exposing a lot of the bullshit
Starting point is 00:35:51 that's out there right now and all the hype and trying to teach people about the foundational things that have been around for a very long time. So we're all kind of purist in ourself with health and fitness. Well, that's kind of like what we're watching right now in these finals is, you know, the warriors are a very purist type. Again, they play fundamental basketball, which is why some people hate them.
Starting point is 00:36:12 They're like, oh, it's boring because they pass and screen. You know, they say, you know, they say, you bake shots like John Wooden's that. Right. So they play, they play really good fundamental basketball and they are, arguably the best ever at that. And, you know, LeBron James is arguably the best ever. I so I so ball playing super flashy does crazy awesome moves like drains it still, but like he's fighting like three, four people at a time.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And he's so good that he could actually carry hit him and his entire team all the way to the finals by because he is that fucking talented. But then when you run into a team that actually plays really good fundamental team basketball. It trumps that. Oh, it does. And it's fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Isn't that the lesson in life too? You know what I mean? It's like people working together really well. Always overpowers. It is. That's why I like it. I know. That's why I love it. I know that's why I love it. Should be yes. I love that. You know, it's funny. I actually did some old things I used to do in my childhood this weekend. I we went creek walking and we went up and down this creek
Starting point is 00:37:17 because it was so fucking hot, dude. But that was one of those things I used to enjoy so much as a kid. And we just decided like let's just barge it. And we went for like two miles or something down this creek and just walked all the way down. And it was like, it was crazy how, like, you know, when you went to Hawaii and you did that hike and you had to really pay, like, like, like, make sure everything was going in the right place because like, all these rocks and like the creek
Starting point is 00:37:44 and everything was like, it was crazy, dude. Like I had to be like on point and make sure like my kids are balanced, we were like falling. And but it was, it made it more adventurous, you know. And like, you make sure you have to be super present, right? Yes, super present. You can't be texting on your phone while you're walking across creek rocks.
Starting point is 00:38:00 You have to say, just not gonna happen. It's also super rewarding when you're done. Like when you're done with it, you're like, oh shit, we did that. How did your kids feel about it? They loved it. I mean, they were complaining at some point because their feet hurt and everything, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:13 And like, and so we were doing it like barefoot and we were like barging through all these like crazy terrain. And, but yeah, you're right, it was the present thing. Like I didn't think about anything at the time. It was so nice to just like, know be there do that and then we All had this sort of shared experience with it. So I it was awesome dude the the protein the organified protein and oatmeal thing that I'll Tell you guys about yeah a major hit in my house. Oh, yeah, yeah the kids everybody loves it. Jessica loves it Was that not something that you used to do a lot? I've never done that before wow Oh, wow. See, when you brought that up, like it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I was like, wow, that was a very staple, even before I was into competing, that was a staple meal for me. I just never done it. What I had, I always had a hard time, for me, being my height, my size, getting enough protein and to continue to build and grow. Like I was just, I struggled with that.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I was a carb fanatic. I was a sugar fanatic. So I always gravitated towards carbohydrates. So I had to find ways like how do I bump my protein in take and one of those ways was adding. Well, I just, because I just finished a like 60 something hour fast and I broke it in the afternoon. And then the following day I'm like, typically what I'll do is I'll go fast
Starting point is 00:39:27 Hard keto then I'll go kind of paleoish and then I'll go with some starches leading into the next fast But this time I'm like you know what? I've been feeling kind of good I think when I'm gonna do some of break the fast and I'm gonna go into eating Corbohydrates and then the next fast I'm gonna lead into that going keto So I'm gonna flip it and see how that affects my body and see if there's a difference. Because I can make the case for either way, right? I can make the case for leading into a fast with carbs, then fasting, which will naturally put me into keto and then staying ketosis for a little while until moving up with the carbs,
Starting point is 00:40:01 or I can make the reverse argument and say, going into a fast with keto may make it easier, may drive more benefit because I'm already ketogenic, and then throw those carbs in to refeed, stimulate those stem cells to build new immune cells, new whatever, right? And see if I get more of that rebound, kind of strength effect that I've been noticing. And so I did that, and I did the, organify protein and the, and here's a deal with oatmeal. I get this gluten-free oatmeal
Starting point is 00:40:30 and it's not even made with oats, it's made with, yeah, I was gonna say, what is it? It's made with like, amaranth, and quinoa and buckwheat and some other things. And you can get it flavored with, you know, like maple or whatever. But I don't want the flavored ones
Starting point is 00:40:46 because of the added sugar and stuff like that. And plain oatmeal or whatever, plain porridge, whatever you call it. It's okay, it doesn't taste bad, and you can put fruit in it. But I'd rather to add some flavoring, I would rather add the organifi protein powder because it's that chocolate flavor.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Taste really good and it's... It mixes well. And it's that chocolate flavor, tastes really good and it's, it mixes well. And it's adding protein. So whatever. Oh, dude, split, split is out. Yeah. Dude, I can't, you know what? This one's been a long time waiting.
Starting point is 00:41:14 So we've been waiting. So we released it, we released MAP split to our forum over the, on Friday, I think it was. And we always do that, right? If we have a new program, the forum gets access to it first. So far, I've gotten some messages already from people who've been doing it. I'm glad you said this. So this is something we haven't even brought up in a long time. Part of the perks of being in the forum aside from communicating with the three of us,
Starting point is 00:41:38 because we're in there all time and then also with peers and other really intelligent people in there. You also get 50% off of all the t-shirts that we sell. And then you also get access to any program, releases, guides or any like that. You get early access to it and you get it for a cheaper rate than the sale rate that anybody else gets it for. So, there, I mean, easily if you end up getting a couple shirts or invest in a program, it pays for itself of the And we have some live Q&A stuff coming in like with Jordan shallow. We have some other people
Starting point is 00:42:11 That's right. That's right. We're gonna start introducing. What is the date for the Jordan shallow? What do you know the data? I'll top your head dug by chance. 17th. So the goal is this and I'll just be Transparent with the audience what we're working on right now and getting organized with this is You know, we're gonna start with one a month right now what so it's so we can get it organized and then we'll build upon it But I'd like people like Jordan shallow dr. Molly Dr. Ruscio and Dr. Brink to be featured guests once a month inside the private form will they'll they'll talk and do a live Q&A with you guys in the form.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So we're starting that with Jordan shallow on what date? Oh, we're going to find out. I think it's the 17th, or just the 17th. I have to confirm. Yeah. But I've already gotten messages from people who've already started the program, started split. Now here's the deal. We did release a bonus episode that explains a lot of this, but I'll say this here, in case
Starting point is 00:43:09 you didn't hear that one, split is an advanced program. And it's definitely, we've gotten lots of messages over the years from people who are saying, hey, if mine, it's a what? It's a 13, 13. 13, thank you. If mine pump was to design a split routine, how would you do it? Because there are some potential benefits
Starting point is 00:43:28 of doing a split. It's just that all the traditional splits that we've seen are terrible. They're these like one body bar to day type routines. You're not training the body very frequently, the whole body. Many of the exercises are not effective because if you're doing 20 sets in a workout,
Starting point is 00:43:41 it's like the first three to six sets are effective. The rest of them are these kind of finisher type exercises, which in comparison are not very effective. And there's a lot of other reasons why. So we did. We designed a split program, but it is a six day a week in the gym program. It is a very advanced program. You could have good recovery and good experience. And I'm glad we didn't, you know, put this out as early on because you should go through at least maps, anabolic, or maps aesthetic before you lead into this program.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Just because it doesn't make sense, unless you're somebody who's already at really high volume, like maybe you're already competitor and you've never bought any of our programs, you're like, oh, this is definitely up my alley. That I can see someone doing this as a first time program. But everybody else, like if you're an average person that's just trying to get in shape and you're consistent for a few months, then you're not so consistent,
Starting point is 00:44:32 then you're consistent, which typically is like 80% of the population or more, this should be a your second program, you know, or in a perfect world like for my people that have reached out to me that are interested in competing In a perfect world. I put them on maps aesthetic first Like during their offseason are getting ready and then this is pretty content. Yeah, then split. That's 12 weeks It's a perfect 12 weeks leading up to the show and we included neat recommendations in it So it's like literally leading you up to your competition, right, you know It's you know, obviously like all maps programs broken up into phases, we added a mobility component, which is a never addressed in bodybuilder routines.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Mobility's never addressed in bodybuilding type muscle building routines, which from a, of course, from a functional standpoint, mobility's extremely important. I don't think I need to make that case, but I can also make the case that mobility and function are extremely important for muscle development, just for developing a symmetrical physique, because I'll tell you something right now. In longevity.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah, poor symmetry in bodybuilders is almost always a result of poor function. It's not because somebody goes in and try. That was one of the things that we hit it off with Ben Pagoski. We all agreed on that big time. It's almost always a disconnect there. I mean, he's, I forgot how he worded it. He talked about like a lagging or a muscle that won't develop. It's not because you have bad genetics with that.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Just get in connect to it. Yeah, you have bad connection there. And it's not something that you cannot not fix. Right, right. And so if you work on mobility, you know, at least even if it's just a little bit, but you put some focus on it, then you're going to find your muscles are going to develop. You know, the physical representation that is a more symmetrical and balanced looking physique rather than this physique where some muscles look very developed and others don't. And it's because your body just doesn't move very well. And the ability of course to move within full range of motion can that entire range of
Starting point is 00:46:30 motion have control. You're going to build more muscle as a result. And we do, it's on sale until June 10th, right, Doug? Is it June 10th? So if you use the code split50, you get 50 bucks off and that's on our site, maps split.com. So and you can also just go to our regular site and get it as well. This is seriously the most intense program we've ever put out already. We can't under sell that fact. No, I want to know people don't realize it. Like, I mean, we say that, you know, like, this is an advance, but like literally
Starting point is 00:47:03 this is this if you're a beginner, this is totally not for you. No, you know, like this is an advance, but literally this is, if you're a beginner, this is totally not for you. No, you'll fry yourself. Yeah, it's too much. I've had people message me already and they're like, I did the leg workout portion of there, and my legs are feeling pretty dusty. Yeah. And I like it.
Starting point is 00:47:17 You got another workout in the week for that. Yeah. That's why I mean, work your way up towards it. I think that was one of the things when we first were talking about programs in the three day a week, and I know there were some people that were turned off by it because they want to train six or seven days a week and they just liked doing that. It's not that I don't work up to training seven days a week. I used to talk about that all the time when I was competing.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Right now I'm not. There's no way I would run this even program right now. So where I'm at in volume of my volume of training right now, I wouldn't run map split because I got to work up to that. I would follow anabolic, then I would go aesthetic, and then I would go split. So this would be even for me three to six months out before I'm using it because I wanted to ramp up
Starting point is 00:47:54 before I'm doing something. Otherwise, your body will adapt to that, and then you won't have a lot of room where to go from there. So use the other programs to lead up to this for sure. Did you guys see the InstaStory poll that I did on my page? The one about morality? I saw you put it up there, but refresh my memory.
Starting point is 00:48:14 So the question was, and it's a great, and we don't need to get real deep into it, because I could take a full couple hours by itself. But the question I asked on there was, is morality objective or subjective? Like in other words, is there a right or wrong that's true no matter what, or is it all up to the person to decide like, oh, right, wrong, and you know, it's kind of up to me. And so far the poll is, it's almost 50, 50 split. And I surprisingly had lots of people tell me it's purely subjective that,'s totally up to the person, what's right or wrong. And then I would replay it and then I'd ask them
Starting point is 00:48:49 the question, well, then is murder or rape are those things subjective? They're like, no, of course not. Well, there you go. Yeah, yeah. There has to be certain ideas out there that are like, okay, everybody's sort of subscribes to that. That's something that's a moral law that basically all cultures
Starting point is 00:49:07 can agree upon. The reason why I posted that is I read this article, I can't remember the name of the psychologist, but I've read other psychologists, like Carl Jung, for example, talks about this, but how, having, believing that morality is subjective or relative or relativism leads to a state of mind
Starting point is 00:49:28 that is without purpose or where people feel like life is meaningless. And then the opposite, if people believe that there's this kind of underlying objective truth that is larger than them, and it usually comes from a belief in a higher power that people feel like they have a purpose and meaning. And it kind of makes sense to me when you think about that, right?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Right? Like if you believe that there's a higher power, then you do believe that there's a right or wrong that's outside of you. It has nothing to do with what you, whether you think it's right or wrong, that that's probably the driving force. I think it's that simple. I think the people that are going to believe and that believe there's something greater, they're going to think that it's objective
Starting point is 00:50:07 and somebody who doesn't think that at all is going to be a subjective. Typically, I think it's that clear cut. I think almost any, if you have a 50, 50 split, I bet you, if you ask 50% of the people that said it was atheist or... Yeah, right. If you ask half of them that said it's subjective,
Starting point is 00:50:23 they're going to say one thing and the other half are going gonna say the other first. Well, the interesting thing about human psychology, it seems to be, this is kind of generally accepted in, I guess, psychology, that if people don't believe, and they have to believe in something, so if you eliminate that, they tend to, if you eliminate belief in a higher power,
Starting point is 00:50:43 and you ask someone, okay, you don't believe in a higher power than what do you believe in, then many of them say, oh, I believe in science or I believe in whatever. Or if you watch their actions, they tend to worship other things like money or nationalism or whatever. Celebrities. Or so, yeah. So it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's like almost like we need to have that, but it makes sense, right? Because we're such social animals. We need to have this underlying base understanding in order for us to be able to operate. Otherwise, society wouldn't work, right? If you believe certain things were fine and I believe that they were wrong and Adam believed the same thing, and we just live that way,
Starting point is 00:51:17 then there would be lots of chaos within a society. The thing I always go towards is, because people are so different, I think the fundamental belief should be that, if you don't hurt anybody or steal from anybody, then it's okay. I feel like everybody can kind of agree on that and that kind of.
Starting point is 00:51:35 But anyway, interesting conversation, poll is still going on, so let you guys know. Are you getting a lot of people that are actually responding and talking to you? Lots, I got like 50 DMs yesterday. Oh my god. From people and saws going back and forth with a lot of them and having this discussion and it's funny. The people who are like, no, it's totally subjective. And then when I would reply to them with some questions, they were starting to question what they were, you know, what they were saying. Yeah. How about some of the people in the form that
Starting point is 00:52:03 think that you're coming a little dogmatic over here? That was pretty funny actually. Yeah. We're like big echo chamber. Yeah, really. I don't fucking agree with these guys all the time. I'm like, you're talking about what you're talking about. I don't know what you're listening to. Maybe I have let off on like arguing more and more with you, but I think I think that what's so great about the conversations that we have in regards to what's going on in politics, what are that. It's funny to me that people that get triggered in that at bothers and they want to revert to, oh, they're being dogmatic. It's like, no, we're having a conversation. Like, nobody in here is claiming to be an expert
Starting point is 00:52:39 in that area or saying, this is the way it is. You have three guys that have opinions that are sharing it. And I mean, there are some things that maybe we agree on, but like, Yeah, subject and we'll put out opinions. Like, honestly, I have no camp that I'm subscribed to. Right. It's just about rational thinking. Think your way through the whole thing
Starting point is 00:52:57 and then listen to, you know, the arguments and how it's presented and that's it. Like, case by case, like, I'm not liberal, I'm not conservative, I'm not, you know, like the best thing you could call me is like a moderate, but it's like, that doesn't even, it doesn't even cover it. Cause even then I could sway, you know, on liberal like, like social issues
Starting point is 00:53:17 or you know, you could sway me on conservative, it just depends on what we're trying to accomplish. Well, you know, we bring up mostly what the beginning of the show has evolved into is kind of current events. It's what's happened yet. What one of us, you know, all of us are reading different stuff because we have different interests, you know, we're talking about the finals, right, that happened last night, right?
Starting point is 00:53:37 So for, and then the complaint was, or the question that somebody had, or the suggestion that somebody had on the forum was that we bring somebody on the show with opposing views to that topic. It's like, well, that's not how this works. The way this works is we lose it. Hardball. Well, not only that, but we stay. And now you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 None of us want this to become a political, religious type of fucking show at all. It's that we're talking about things that are currently happening right now in news that was one of us just read the day before and then we're sharing our opinions. Now what it takes to get a guest, especially a guest of high caliber, a guest that would, someone who would, like let's say for example, a strong liberal or social, socialistic point of view. Or getting Bill Marron. Like that person, what it would take to even get them on the show,
Starting point is 00:54:26 is like months of communication with their people and our people just to get make that happen. All to talk about a current event that Trump did fucking yesterday. Like, all right, I'm sorry, that's not gonna happen. Like I'm not gonna waste that much. Yeah, we're still health wellness is our base. And then we have topics that we talk about.
Starting point is 00:54:41 It's total health. That's it. Total health is the, I think, what we're all interested in generally, but health is a large, that's a big sphere. Like what? Like health includes, you know, how you live your life, it includes your money, it includes your business, it includes how you feel about yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Well being of others. Your spirituality, of course, your fitness, and your nutrition, all those other things. You know, our politics, part of your health to an extent, you know, it is if people are having an impact on how you live your life and stuff like that. Well, you know what I'd say to people that have that that feel this way about these topics is this is why we have an
Starting point is 00:55:16 incredible form and we encourage you guys to speak whatever. So that's where the debate is out there. So, you know, and if you think and if you don't think you can do it, then go out and listen to those people that you think have a complete opposing view to mind pump, and then let's talk about it. And then bring it on the forum and we'll talk about it. Like that's a great place to do that,
Starting point is 00:55:34 but what I'm not gonna do is, I'm not gonna shape our show around just, like you said, this is not a hard ball. You know, say this if we're not trying to turn into a political. No, I think a whole- That shit's obnoxious to listen to anyway. I think these so much debating. That would be a cool like whole episode, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:48 If we had someone with some interesting views that we could discuss in a way. I definitely think we should do it. Yeah, I think we- I don't know what I mean. A few times here and there. When we bring a guest on here, it's never, I mean, I like to think that we bring guests on
Starting point is 00:56:00 that I think that are interesting. I mean, I just had somebody who I disagreed with that we had on the show, and you got, I think Sal agreed with her more. I disagree with her. Like, she wrote a whole book on fear, and I think I was very clear that I disagreed on many of her points, and I think it came out
Starting point is 00:56:13 her multiple times. So we don't just put people on the show that agree with Mike, what's so ever. In fact, a lot of times that's not even like in the question, like, oh, what are their views, or do they, are they gonna say what we're gonna say like many times? I mean, look at our, we just had Lane Norton on the show, like Lane and us, when we first started, we had a lot of things that we disagreed with.
Starting point is 00:56:32 And he just posted it, posted it yesterday with his little monster, talking about artificial sweeteners. I must've got tagged like six times on there. People trying to get this. That's hilarious. That guy, I tell you what, you know what I feel bad for him, is that he is doubling down on it so hard. So hard.
Starting point is 00:56:49 He could probably get away, I drink monster. I had a monster a couple days ago, right? So every once in a while, I get a hair, was it hair in my ass? Is that what it is? It's saying goes hair in my ass. Hair in my ass, what about that, right? And I know Katrina likes those things,
Starting point is 00:57:02 and so I picked it, It was two for five dollars, so I picked one up for her, one for me, for a drive head and somewhere. I mean, but this guy's like, got cases, getting sent to his house and he's drinking two, three days. I'm in the same, oh man. Dude, did you see that you got to feel pretty confident that you're speaking of artificial.
Starting point is 00:57:20 That does for you. Speaking of artificial sweeteners, because one of my biggest issues is how it affects the microbiome did you see the studies that Dr. Andy Galpum posed on his yes, I tagged you yeah, so the microbiome a study just showed can is directly connected to your VO2 max wow it actually Actually accounts for like 22% of whether or not when someone has such a, so much of a better VO2 max than someone else.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Up to 22% of that can go right now. Is that what their starting point is because VO2 max can be changed on a daily basis. So I didn't read the whole study, but the way it was written is it can account for up to 22% of that difference. I wish Andy lived closer. He's one of the guys that he does post some really cool stuff
Starting point is 00:58:06 that I would love to get on the radio and talk and debate with because. Well, dude, there was another study I saw before that that showed that the ketogenic diet helps with epilepsy and people with seizures. Actually, that's the first medical application of it. They've narrowed it down to the gut microbiome changes that happened during the ketogenic
Starting point is 00:58:25 diet that's probably having the anti-seizure effect. It's the gut, the microbiome. I am telling you guys right now the more we learn because we're still like not even close to understanding your scratch in the surface. Man, that is going to revolutionize medicine in a way that you hear the bodybuilder's starting to talk about it now, don't you? Oh, yeah. I saw, I see what's his name? Fuck in the rhino. What can I think? Oh, Stan Affording. Yeah, Stan Affording is talking, has been, he has been for like the last year or so.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Big time talking, going that direction. It's finally trickling to the... Yeah, you're starting to see it more and more. And that's why, oh, there's a study by, it says, relationship between cardio-respiratory fitness and relative gut microbiota, composition, and healthy adults. If you guys do not follow our boy, Andy, I think in my opinion, like,
Starting point is 00:59:10 we've had a lot of doctors on the show, and a lot of scientists on the show. Andy Galpin is one of my favorite. When you talk about him, Ruscio, and I got love for Lane 2, but the way Andy and the way that Ruscio like explain studies, for me, I think they do it in a very digestible way, and they're very practical about the information. One of the things that I find with some
Starting point is 00:59:34 scientists, and I know we've razz Lane about being like this is they they marry the science so much that it's like, this is all that saying so, this can't be true yet. Until someone proves me in a lab that this is the way it is, I'm gonna rebuke it completely until... Well, he admits all the time that his thoughts going into the experiment, a lot of times are completely the opposite of what he finds.
Starting point is 00:59:57 So it's just like such a humbling process to where you can, you hear that in the way he describes things, which is refreshing. No, dude, it's this whole area of science and study is, I swear to God, this is a whole, it's like discovering a new fucking planet or it's like discovering the new world. Like, we had all these maps and all these, you know, these maps of the earth or what we thought it looked like. And then all of a sudden you discover, oh shit, there's a whole other sphere or side of the sphere with the whole other ocean and land and peoples and all this.
Starting point is 01:00:31 It's just like that. We know it exists, not flat. We're starting to realize that it has major impacts on your entire body, everything, your brain, your well-being, how you think. So once we figure that out, now think about how they could potentially manipulate it to benefit people. Now the one shitty thing that I have to say about it though is there's so much that we
Starting point is 01:00:53 don't know about it and it has really opened up the floodgates for all the gimmicky shit. Of course. I mean, now everything's got probiot they're good to do. Everything's got probiotics in it. Oh my God. I know I was just having this conversation about, you know, gut, you know, health and, and first thing before I could even start talking about it was, oh, I'm taking my probiotics.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah, it's like, wait a minute, whoa. There's a lot of me and I just, it's not like, you can't narrow it down to just that. That's what's happening. I will make some predictions right now. So we predicted a while ago that they'll start throwing probiotics and everything. It's already starting to happen. Now you're starting to see like, serial fortified with probiotics or probiotic water, whatever.
Starting point is 01:01:33 That's already happening. Here's the next thing. It's going to be probiotics targeted, designed, quote unquote, because that's what they're going to say. They're not really doing it, but designed for specific goals. It's going to like fat loss probiotics with bacteria that promote fat loss or muscle building, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:48 or you know, fitness bacteria. Anti-depression, you know, probiotics or whatever. That's a great company. 100% and you know what, we don't know enough of that. But here's the thing, we do know a few damage, it's not a good idea. So I would go out there and say that there's probably the biggest scamming that we'll see in the next two
Starting point is 01:02:04 to two to three years is CBD and microbiome fucking combined the two yes the CBD pro lemon that burning actuary the first key to eat it all the the first key to genic CBD probiotic protein oh god the lunch it down that it to do everything. So optimized. But you know what though? Because it's now sprinkling into the bodybuilding market. That's the other one I should have said. That's driving me crazy right now too.
Starting point is 01:02:31 In fact, I got everything's optimized. No, and everything's known that the Neutropics has become like everything too, which I think we're gonna see a backlash on all that stuff too. We will, but by the way, we're gonna get someone sending us some Neutropics. Some company contacted me. It's like, hey, is this a saint?
Starting point is 01:02:45 I'm like sending us some samples. I'll try it out the front. Yeah, I got somebody doing the same. Hey, if I like it, I like it. But you know, here's the thing. So we're starting to see gut health being talked about in the muscle building world quite a bit, like you just said, Stan Effarding.
Starting point is 01:02:59 So I think what we're gonna start seeing more of or it's gonna accelerate is this move away from artificial sweeteners because we know that they have a negative impact. Because once big bodybuilders start saying, hey guys, you need to have good gut health to build muscle, supplement companies are good. They're gonna follow suit
Starting point is 01:03:17 and you just start to see more and more supplement companies have to move away from the artificial sweetener, so. Sorry, Lane. Yeah. Hold on to the monsters. This quads brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code minepump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from my Fit Food Diary. How do you suggest one overcome the anxiety of body image issues when in a gaining phase. Do any of you have a history of clients reluctant to bulk because of it? All of them. I mean, I can't remember too many of them that I,
Starting point is 01:04:12 I don't know very many people that I think had, you know, body image issues or anxiety around, you know, gaining weight that I told them that we're gonna start gaining weight and they didn't fucking freak out. It's one of the most challenging things. Lane said something really good and so I know you've said stuff like this before is,
Starting point is 01:04:31 you have to shift your focus. So even though your ultimate goal may be to lose 30 to 50 pounds of fat off your body and that's why you're hiring your coach or that's why you're starting on your program. But initially, if you know what's best for you is to rebuild your metabolism or reverse diet out and start to actually add calories and potentially add weight, I think you have to learn to change your focus.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Your focus, even though your long-term goal is to lose 30 to 50 pounds, right now, I'm going to currently focus on my strength goal. I'm going to look at strength. I'm going to look at, you know, when did I start off when I first started bench pressing? And where, you know, where am I at now two, three weeks later? And look at building as your goal, even though you know,
Starting point is 01:05:16 deep down, the ultimate goal is that you lean out. So you've, you've got to learn to shift your, your mental focus or else it's just going to eat away. I, I, so I've never had anxiety issues over bulking because I always wanted a bulk but I had major issues with trying to get lean. In fact, I never tried to get lean because I always thought I was skinny. So it was always in this kind of constant. Yeah, I was on a 30 year permanent or 15 years permanent bulk from 20 to 30 or
Starting point is 01:05:45 30. Now one thing got me through that or got me out of that kind of state of mind and that's when I started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So when I started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, my focus was taken off my body in terms of trying to get bigger and I started to move it towards performing on the mats. And performing on the mats, you know, being too big for your body, and what I mean by that is, you know, when I'm forcing my body
Starting point is 01:06:12 to be real big and heavy, you know, I don't have a huge structure. So if I'm walking around at 220 with my bone structure, my body structure, that's a lot of extra weight that I'm kind of forcing on my body, and it doesn't, I can't move as well, is when I'm strong, let's say 190, which is much more of a natural body weight
Starting point is 01:06:29 forming. And so in Jiu Jitsu, I had to focus on performance, which meant I had to naturally start to lose some weight. And because I changed my focus, like what Adam said, from, you know, the way my body looked, to how I was performing on the mats, I allowed my body weight to come down. It wasn't that big of a deal because it was all about performance. And this is one of the best and easiest changes in focus, I think you can do with the client because there's lots of ways
Starting point is 01:06:54 you could change your client's focus. Like I can take a client and say, okay, we're gonna change your focus from weight loss because I wanna put you in a bulk to gaining muscle size or gaining muscle, but that's still kind of a body-centric focus, and it's kind of a difficult switch, but if I change their focus from body-centric,
Starting point is 01:07:14 how I look to performance, which is totally different, like, what strength specific is. Like what Adam will say. Yeah, like if I'm in the gym and I'm lifting weights and I'm just focusing on my strength, I don't even, I'm not even looking at myself. It's not even in the-
Starting point is 01:07:27 It's about how good you feel and how strong and powerful you are. That's it, and so I would just, and I've done this with clients, I'll have female, typically the female clients have a real tough time with this. And I'll tell them, look, we're gonna put you in a calorie surplus. I wanna speed up your metabolism
Starting point is 01:07:40 and I wanna build some muscle. But the best gauge as to whether or not we're going in the right direction and whether or not we're going in the right direction and whether or not we're going to affect your metabolism positively is strength. If we can get you stronger in the gym on a consistent basis, I know that more likely than not, your metabolism is speeding up and more likely than not, we're putting on some muscle. We're definitely not losing muscle, that's for sure. And so then they would understand that,
Starting point is 01:08:05 like, okay, strength, faster metabolism. Let's just focus on strength. Within a couple weeks, these female clients, or even within a week, they'd be excited about the weight they were lifting. Like, oh, shit. I was able to squat. Yeah, because it's 20 more pounds.
Starting point is 01:08:17 It's like you could totally tell when, you know, you're on a surplus, like how that feels, like how much more strength you feel, just when you have the energy, like the energy, if you're constantly in a deficit, and I know a lot of times, like some of my clients are just constantly in a deficit, always like super paranoid about ever gaining weight,
Starting point is 01:08:36 and this is a big struggle for a lot of clients coming in that, you know, they do need to build muscle, and so yeah, to be able to shift that focus and have them really feel their way through it and go through, you know, just like any of these like specific exercise where you could show tangible results just based off of them living in a surplus. It's gonna really help them mentally to get get over that hump. Yeah, now I would tell these clients to not use a scale, so I would tell them like, I don't want you to weigh yourself at all. We're going to use your lifts as that you're engaged. So your strength. And then I would, if I did weigh them, I would have them stand
Starting point is 01:09:15 on the scale and they wouldn't look at the weight. I haven't stand on it backwards. And I would tell them, I'm going to have you stand on the scale. You're not going to look at it. I don't want you to see what the weight is. But just for me to monitor so I know if we're going too high with calories or if I need to add more calories within this period of time. And I wouldn't even let them do that. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:09:31 When people don't weigh themselves and when you change the focus from things that are, you know, focused on body-centric, how I look to performance, their anxiety, their general anxiety, tends to lower. Like you know, at times I had female clients tell me when we would do this, they'd be like, God, I just feel so much better.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I don't feel so anxious about it. And the irony of it is they would actually make easier, it was easier from them, e-healthy as a result because it wasn't this huge like mental focus of whatever. It was just, they didn't have the stress. And because you know how much stress and anxiety contributes to people eating the wrong type of foods and the wrong choices.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Makes a tremendous impact. I mean, when you're stressed and anxious, a lot of people reach to food for comfort. And so sometimes changing that focus completely from how you look to how you perform, man, it makes a huge difference. Now, it can go in the opposite direction as well. I've had athletes that all they care about
Starting point is 01:10:24 is how they perform. Yes. And I'm trying to get them to improve mobility, correct imbalances. Right. And they're so hung up on their strength. And they've they now they see strength. Oh, it was bench and 315. Normal with the G275 and freaking out like they're just losing muscle because they see
Starting point is 01:10:39 the strength go down. So hard. Adam, how did you how did you finally cut? What was it that finally guy said, okay, I'm going to let myself lose weight on the scale? So, well, it was competing. So, I had a different focus. Up into that point, up into that point, my entire law, and that's, it's funny, right? I had such a different focus that it's so crazy that I understood and I knew all this science, but yet I was still motivated and driven by my own insecurities that I didn't even, never really spent the time
Starting point is 01:11:08 reflecting on myself and my own programming, my own nutrition. I just, in my head, wanted to be so much bigger. And always just wanted to be bigger. Always wanted to be bigger. And I'd never been to that. I still wasn't at that point, so why would I ever consider cutting?
Starting point is 01:11:23 And if anything, and I never like, I did have times where I cleaned the diet up, I would say. Like there was times where I was always in a permanent bulk, or always trying to eat a surplus of calories, but there was times when I was eating nutrient dense foods versus eating kind of garbage within my diet. And that was the difference of my leanness, because I never stayed,
Starting point is 01:11:42 I was obviously the exact same body fat my entire training career. I would sometimes allow myself to creep up to 13, 14% body fat and then I would kind of lean out down to like 10 but it wasn't because I was trying to lean out. It was just that I was tightening up the diet as far as what I was consuming. I was still trying to bulk. I was still trying to get four or 5,000 calories. It was a difference between a dirty bulk and a clean bulk. Exactly. That was exactly the only difference. Now then when I had to get on stage and I had made the commitment like, okay, I'm going to compete, you know, or I'm going to get myself into shape to compete.
Starting point is 01:12:12 And the goal was to get leaner than I've ever been in my life. It was actually a hard transition. And part of that was committing on Instagram, which was funny. That's when I started my Instagram and said, okay, I'm going to go from the fatisever Ben. So at that time, I was 20% body fat, which was the highest I've ever been in my life, I'm 30 years old. And now I'm going to go down to the leanest I've been. I'd never seen anything sub nine percent. So the goal was below nine percent. And I remember making that mental transition, saying like, what I can't be hung up on, because
Starting point is 01:12:42 what used to bother me in the past is if I were to lose any weight, I would see my arms not fill out my shirt, or things would get loose on me, and that would really fuck with my head, and that would force me to start to bulk really hard and aggressive again. And so I said, you know what, it's not about that. It's about me getting leaner than I've ever been in my life,
Starting point is 01:12:59 so don't attach yourself to the shirts and not feeling right. And I knew that was coming, and I was going to be okay with it. And then I began. Now the crazy part that blew my mind was, as I started to reach numbers that I'd never seen as far as how low of a body fat percentage I was, I started getting these compliments.
Starting point is 01:13:16 More than I, I know I'm in the gym all the time, I'm in my gym in the gym every day for almost 15 years now. Same people always kinda see me. Now all of a sudden, people were walking up to me and I'm like, dude, what are you doing? You're jacked right now. I'm going to jack.
Starting point is 01:13:30 I've been trying to be jacked for 15 pounds lighter. Yeah, I'm 15 pounds lighter than I was like two months ago and people were telling me I looked jacked and I looked big. And that was a really aha moment for myself going like, wow, I've always been chasing this look to look big and buff. And if I could just drop my body fat percentage to where I was pretty lean and separated,
Starting point is 01:13:52 I gave that look off. It just goes to show you how powerful your own perception isn't how distorted it can be, right? Like I experienced the exact same thing. The first time I really got myself shredded shredded, I was, you know, I had got, I had got lost some weight because of jujitsu and then I stopped doing jujitsu and I was just lifting weights and I got more comfortable with being at a lighter body weight. And then I'm like, you know, I just, I want to see how shredded I can get. Let's see what happens. And I remember three or four weeks into it, I don't
Starting point is 01:14:24 like it because I felt smaller. I don't like that or four weeks into it, I don't like it because I felt smaller. I don't like that feeling. I was like, I don't like feeling small, but people same thing, people were telling me, oh dude, you look fucking buff. I'm like, I look buff. I'm lighter than I've been in a long time. This is really weird.
Starting point is 01:14:38 So I just ignored how I felt because I knew my perception was distorted. I knew this by this point, because I'm already probably in my, maybe my late 20s or 30s or early 30s. So I just kept pushing past it and got to a point where I did get really lean really shredded and when I would look at pictures of myself, I could almost see what they were talking about and little by little I was able to get rid of that distortion, but it is pretty crazy. How well, and I know we're talked it is. I know we're talking about leaning out, and this person's more is the reverse of this. But the same thing. It is the same thing, and in fact, I'm helping a good girlfriend of ours, Jessica, right now, and she came to me and she's heaviest that she's ever been.
Starting point is 01:15:16 She's actually competed in bid on stage before and really lean. I told her that the mistake that most people make right here is you're about to get on it again, and you're going to start calorie restricting and then picking up your intensity and picking up your movement. It's like, no, this is how we're going to do this. We're going to increase calories and I'm going to start strength training you first. And you may even go up on the scale. The goal is to kind of stay the same, maybe you're up one or two.
Starting point is 01:15:40 And she's been now at it for a month and she literally sent me a message two days ago, just like, oh my God, I've never seen my tricep with a, she's building muscle. You know, when she in the past, anytime that she would get overweight or feel fat, you know, she would go right to a colorech restriction. Well, in a colorech restriction, the likelihood of you building a lot of muscle, especially for somebody's not a first-time lifter. She's not a first-time lifter. She's lifted a ton of before, the likelihood of her building more muscle than she's ever seen on her body in a calorie restriction is almost not possible. So the fact that I'm keeping her fed and that's one of the things
Starting point is 01:16:13 I tell her, like, do not, I do not want to hear about you being hungry. I want to know that you're feeding your body. Just we're making good choices and we have, you know, she knows what to eat as far as the what types of foods she can choose from. But it's been very important to me that she's staying fed and that we're feeding your body when it needs to be fed and giving it to calories that it needs. And she's giving me this feedback and she's like, my scale is the same.
Starting point is 01:16:32 She's like, I haven't moved on the scale. Well, we dunked the first time, so you had your stack away for those, I don't know what dunk is. So we got our body fat tested through the water. So, I'm under water always. Right, so she, and I had her do it four weeks later, since we started, so she just did this
Starting point is 01:16:48 just a couple of days ago. And weight is exactly the same. 165, she hasn't moved on the scale, but she's dropped 3% body fat. See. And that was more calories. Right, eating more. Eating more, and so when you look at the...
Starting point is 01:17:04 It works, folks. Right, when you look at the... It works. Folks. Right. When you look at what has happened, you know, is she's lost significant body fat and she's also built a little bit of muscle and it's zeroed out. So the scale is showing no move, you know. So you know, if you're attached to the scale and attached to your weight and that's how you look at things, I could see how I could discourage somebody.
Starting point is 01:17:24 But it was great and I was so glad that she did this as far as doing the dunk process, because I know it's helped her make that mental switch. So that is something that I recommend to somebody like this, if they're struggling really hard, give it one month, just believe in the process, eat in a calorie maintenance or a calorie surplus of good balanced nutrient dense foods
Starting point is 01:17:46 while you're strength training, get yourself measured body fat wise. The first day that you start, follow that, have trust the process for four weeks, do it again. I bet you money you'll see a positive effect. And the biggest mistake I see people make in that is they struggle with this so much that they want a restrict. You got you got to you got to you got to not want to risk you got to be careful not to
Starting point is 01:18:10 do that and give you keep yourself fed for that first month and then pay attention to your your body fat percentage. Next up is hunk in that funk. Oh yeah. Justin but. Oh my. Oh. Do you think the raw determination and will to overcome challenges physically and mentally
Starting point is 01:18:27 is an intangible skill that some people such as elite athletes just have, or do you think it can be learned? How could this be trained if at all? So I'm going to say something probably controversial about this. Yes. So in my experience, much of the super athletes, also the super brilliant minds that I meet, are driven through some sort of an insecurity. And so what we, and this is something that I've always been fascinated with and why I've never been a person who is an awe of, I shouldn't say that, because there's athletes that I see do things that I'm an awe of,
Starting point is 01:19:07 but I don't idolize super athletes, or I don't idolize super famous people because they're just brilliant at their craft. Super unbalanced. I totally, I appreciate it, I enjoy it, I'm an awe of what they're capable of doing, but I'm also aware of what normally drives a person to have almost super-like powers in something.
Starting point is 01:19:31 So example, the athlete, like you're saying, and we'll take somebody like LeBron James. Now, I don't know LeBron James personally, but I'm pretty familiar with the regimen that this guy puts in to be the athlete that he is. And I would be willing to bet that anybody who's really close to him, whether it be best friends, mothers, daughters, relationships that he's been in,
Starting point is 01:19:53 things like that, I would be willing to bet that they've suffered greatly for him to become the greatest basketball player of all time. And we do such a good job of celebrating all these athletes and these super people because we market with them and we sell to you and we sell to everybody. And we would never want to talk about how bad these people are with their relationships and how bad they are
Starting point is 01:20:15 everywhere else in life because it's not about that. We're celebrating this thing that we're into. So, you know, that's why I always say your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. And somebody that has expressed it at this high of a level is probably out of imbalance somewhere. Well, you see that with like Tom Brady, you see that with the very extreme example
Starting point is 01:20:36 of Lance Armstrong. And it's like we glorify that and we glorify the fact that, you know, they have, all these, they've overcome like every obstacle in front of them, but they've done it in a way where the sheer focus and will and determination is an obsession that it consumes their entire everyday thought. And so to be able to hang out with somebody like that is going to be exhaustive. So I agree with you guys, but I think there's more to it than just that.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I definitely think that at the highest level, there's a sense of lacking that these people have, that drives them to do the insane amounts of work that is required to achieve those levels of performance. But I also think there's another piece. I think the other piece of it is this, is that early on, the same people did things that reinforced in their belief that they themselves could affect change, or at least they themselves are empowered enough to affect change.
Starting point is 01:21:38 So what I mean by that is, if you are an insecure person, but you also simultaneously believe that you have no control over, you know, your insecurities, you have no control over how you can help yourself or the things that you can do, then that insecurity will express itself in other ways, in other types of dysfunction. Like, if I'm insecure about my body, like, extremely insecure, but I don't think I have any control over it. Well, I might just say it's genetics and I'm just not going to care and I'm insecure about my body, like extremely insecure, but I don't think I have any control over it. I might just say it's genetics, and I'm just not going to care, and I'm going to eat whatever and be depressed or whatever.
Starting point is 01:22:09 On the flip side, if someone's like, look, I'm insecure about my body, but I know that if I work my ass off, or if I learn as much as I possibly can, I can change things for the better. Then you combine those two things, and then you may see some incredible amounts of performance. So, is this something that people are born with? I'm sure there's somewhat of a genetic effect, but I think it's mostly taught.
Starting point is 01:22:30 I think you mostly learn it and here's how I think you learn it. You learn as a child by overcoming challenges and they start off as small challenges. Your presented was something that seems to you like a difficult challenge to overcome. You work hard, you overcome that challenge and what becomes strengthened now within you is every time I come up against the challenge, if I work hard enough or if I try hard enough or whatever, I'm going to have I have the ability to overcome that. And if you continue to move through that process, through more and more difficult challenges, you're gonna become stronger,
Starting point is 01:23:06 or at least the strength in your self-belief. So much so that, yeah, you combine that with insecurity. Well, now you get obsession. Now you get people who are like, I'm gonna make the first private rocket to land on the moon. We're talking about the extreme example of that, and so like to take it on that effect, but there's a healthy version of this, right?
Starting point is 01:23:24 That everybody can learn. That I think sports is one of the best outlets to be able to provide that in order to then take what you learn mentally from real time, cause effect actions of overcome obstacles and now, being in a classroom setting, being in a work setting, being in a relationship setting, being in a work setting, being in a relationship setting, realizing, you know, there's ways to overcome these things
Starting point is 01:23:50 and you can work your way out of it. You know, that's a powerful thing to learn and that's all part of life. Like this, like, you can go from any angle with this and it, of course, as a skill, you have to learn as a human being. There's levels of this shit. And there's, to me, it's always, it has everything to do with sacrifice, right?
Starting point is 01:24:07 It reminds me a lot of like when a client would come and they would like tell you, like, this is what I want to look like, you know, like this cover of a magazine of some model or what I thought. And you know, one of the things that I spend a lot of time with people that would present something like that to me in image of what they wanted to look like, even if they had the genetics to kind of look like that,
Starting point is 01:24:27 let's say they have a similar body. There's some people that will, you'll never look like that body type. You guys are your bone structure is different, your ethnicity is different, you carry weight and muscle differently, you'll probably never look anything like that. But then there's body types that are similar body types
Starting point is 01:24:40 and with enough hard work and sacrifice, you too can absolutely look like that. But what I think people fail to realize is that the amount of sacrifice that it takes to get to these certain levels, right? So it's just understanding that if you want to be at the highest level, the amount of sacrifice that it takes to do that. And it's different for everybody because some people have a higher genetic potential that they naturally are more gifted. So if we use the athlete analogy,
Starting point is 01:25:11 LeBron, James and I could practice and work as hard at being a great basketball player the same amount and put as much effort into it. And I can become a great ball player by doing that. But he may be able to become a greater basketball player because he also has the genetic potential or gifts going into it with all of that hard work, which again, why I love sports because I think sports are the greatest expression of all of those things culminating together, right? It's the, you're a genetic freak for that. You were built for that sport and you're putting in the work more than anybody else. And because of that, you're the greatest in the world
Starting point is 01:25:49 at this sport. And then there's this spectrum that we can fall anywhere in between there, is that maybe you don't become the LeBron James Abaskable, but you put enough effort and you sacrifice enough to be pretty great at it. I think just a lot of people have a hard time measuring that or understanding it
Starting point is 01:26:06 or being okay with sacrifice like that. Cause then you have like these clients that they wanna look like this cover magazine, but then they also wanna have Sunday, Sunday with their girlfriends and go out drinking and have margaritas on Sunday. And it's like, is it possible? Well, yeah, it could be possible,
Starting point is 01:26:22 but you're making it really difficult for yourself if you're not willing to let go of some of these things to put that extra You know it'd be better on Sunday instead of doing my reason you were in the gym working out You're most certainly going to get towards that goal that you claim to be so important to you And I see this even with athletes athletes say they want to be graded a sport But then they also want to sit and play video games with their buddies on Saturday Or they want to go to Cabo and go on a Mexico trip for seven days where they drink beers and they party at the pool.
Starting point is 01:26:47 And it's like, well, LeBron James isn't going and doing it. Maybe he is now in his career, but he wasn't when he was coming up to become that guy. Well, as far as being born with it, not being born, I think it's an interesting idea because depending on how you grew up and who was your parents or whoever, like coach or whoever modeled that mentality
Starting point is 01:27:07 towards you, you aspired to be like that, right? That's something that was like an intangible skill but you learned it based off of like somebody else around you in proximity versus that just coming from your own thought. I wanna be the best and then going through that process. You know, it's interesting to think about it coming from your own thought. I want to be the best and then going through that process. It's interesting to think about it
Starting point is 01:27:26 if a LeBron James was in a setting where everybody had a different mentality towards work and had a different mentality towards being great at something. You have to, it's a different sort of fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Fixed mindset is things are the way they are. There's nothing we can do to change them. A growth mindset is I have a lot of power
Starting point is 01:27:49 over how things are and how hard I work or what I do. Well, that point is so good, Sal, because it explains a lot of the success that I had in my life, because I found out early on I didn't have a lot of that at the beginning because I was so young and little, didn't realize. And then as I got older, I started to put together like, oh, just because I'm in this
Starting point is 01:28:07 shitty environment doesn't mean that I can't control control things. You have a growth mindset, right? And I put I was forced into it at an early age, which allowed me to experience that early on and then later on learn to harness it and then to get the best of your environment. Right. And this is why I talked the way I do to my kids. Like, my son is a good example. My son is exceptionally good at math, for example.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Very, very good at math. He's actually gifted in some ways at doing math. Now, do I tell him, when I have conversations with him, do I say that to him? Do I say, wow, you're so smart or you're so gifted? If I do, it's followed up with, but what I really enjoy the most is how you challenge yourself or how you push yourself, or I can see you work really hard at that, because I want my kids to be growth-minded and
Starting point is 01:28:56 I want them to be able to challenge themselves, and I don't want that fixed mindset of whether or not they're smart or not, because at some point he's going to encounter something that's challenging. So let's just imagine if I create this fixed mindset in my son where he thinks he's smart and that's just, I was born this way, it's genetic and that's why everything comes easy to me when it comes to math.
Starting point is 01:29:14 And then he gets to a point because it'll happen where he takes a class like calculus or something. And now it's hard for him. Well, he might not want to try anymore because it shatters his belief that he may be, so now he's gonna look and be like, well, fuck it, I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:29:29 I guess I'm not good at it. Rather than the whole, you know, well, I am growth-minded and I can work hard at it. And this is what I was brought up to believe in and now I'm gonna challenge myself and push myself. Look, people, not everybody has the same potential, but everybody has potential. And that potential, that range is much bigger than you think.
Starting point is 01:29:46 You have a potential for terrible, and you have a potential for good, and it's up to you where you fall within that spectrum. Now that potential, sure there's genetic factors and things that you can't control, but there's a wide range. What's the quote within that? That growth in fix is so powerful though. I remember an example of just like a high school athlete that I played with who was Had just superstar potential superstar potential got recruited by UCLA and
Starting point is 01:30:13 You know a few other like major division one colleges and Decided to go to Cal Poly which is a great school Not necessarily that caliber, but guess what, it gets into that school, everybody's as good as him. Everybody's as fast as it. Everybody's as tall as him. And then his work ethic just wasn't on par, and so he got washed out.
Starting point is 01:30:35 And it was so frustrating because to me, I was like, oh, this guy's getting on the NFL. For sure, he's an NFL. Not even the case. Because you know your work ethic And you know if you were given those talents that you would be that that's why you know It's you have to ask yourself sometimes is it is you know It'd be something that you would really want like I always that's why I don't blame or feel sorry for my
Starting point is 01:30:56 Childhood and upbringing because there was so many lessons and because of it I was forced to be a certain way that I think is don't strengthen it the long the way. At some point in your life, Adam, you had these cards dealt to you, right? That were difficult or whatever you want to call them. Maybe we don't judge them, but you had these cards dealt to you. But at some point, you overcame some of them, and then you probably noticed it like, oh shit, I accomplished this
Starting point is 01:31:20 in spite of that. And that only strengthened within you that you had more control and more power. And that's what I mean when they say you're self-belief. When it says can it be trained? Yeah, you better fucking believe it. Like if you give yourself challenges that you know are hard, but you also know that you might be able to overcome. Overcome those and watch what happens.
Starting point is 01:31:39 You'll be more you'll be emboldened to continue. I think it's important to note that you cannot, you can't find yourself comparing to others. Though, like so, I think the mistake, I think so unfair. I think most people get this, right? I think most people, for the most part, believe that if they put hard work into stuff like that, they could become better at the other end. But I think the problem where people get hung up,
Starting point is 01:31:59 is they see somebody else who may not work that hard, and they're working harder, and they're not as good or they're, you know what I'm saying? So then they go like, be while you're a better version of yourself. That's good. But they can't like hold onto that because they compare.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Exactly. So I think that's the key takeaway is it's not about anybody else. You know, being an elite athlete, you can become your own elite athlete. It's not comparing against all your peers. If you compare it against your peers and their work ethic, then you might end up quitting and giving up because you see yourself,
Starting point is 01:32:29 oh, I'm putting in twice the work he is and this asshole still is a starter and he's doing better than me. It's extremely unfair and counterproductive to compare yourself to others because you're not the same as them and you don't know everything about them. All you can compete with is yourself. And if you're better than you were yesterday, you're not the same as them and you don't know everything about them. All you can compete with is yourself. And if you're better than you were yesterday, you're winning. And that's it. And it can be a, it can be a tiny amount. It doesn't have to be a lot.
Starting point is 01:32:51 It can be a small, small amount better today than you were yesterday. You add that up over a course of a year or two. And boy, that's a huge difference in, in trajectory. Next question is from West Center Ave. How much does growing older really affect progression and results in regards to diet and fitness? How do you think you all will change what you do as you age? What does 60-year-old Sal, Adam, and Justin look like?
Starting point is 01:33:15 A hamster hotel. You know what? I, does age affect how your body responds to exercise? Oh, of course it does. I noticed, I didn't notice this until 36, 35, 36 that I noticed my body doesn't respond like it used to, it doesn't bounce back as fast or I can't handle, I can't get away with this much.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Like up until then. I notice all the new noises I make. Yeah, I'm saying. I'm gonna try to tie my shoes and like, yeah. Get that course like always. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I noticed right around 35, 36, my body isn't responding the same.
Starting point is 01:33:55 But I will say this, like, here's the bottom line. I mean, that's an inevitable, nothing you can do about that. But here's the cool thing that I enjoy about growing older. I look way cooler as a fit and lean 39 year old than I did as a fit and lean 20 year old. That's just my personal opinion like when I take my shirt off or I go to be a little bit more. Well, I'm more like I am. I'm in a different pool now, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:34:17 Exactly. Oh my God. There's a lot less fit people. Dude, you start getting up an age. Yeah, when I was 20 and fit and strong, like I was still strong for a 20 year old, but when I'm 50, I'm gonna be like in the top.1% of the world, you know, because my peers are gonna be so much out. So that's kind of against the positive.
Starting point is 01:34:33 I think I think are, at least I know for me, like I think your definition of fitness changes as you get older too. Sure. Like, and I've already, I'm experiencing this being 36 going on 37 right now of this, like I am arguably in some of the best health shape I am right now, but aesthetically I'm nowhere near that. Like I look, I've looked way better physically, but I mean, as my mobility, I have no aches
Starting point is 01:35:03 or pains. Like I've struggled with knee, with low back. I mean, I'm dealing with my Achilles still, but that's a acute injury that I'm still rehabbing, right? But overall, feel really, really healthy and balanced and seeing other aspects of my life that encompasses health and wellness that I probably didn't look at when I was 25.
Starting point is 01:35:23 So, and imagine if I am that way now at 36, I bet that I'll be that way, a different way at 45 and at 55 and 65. I bet when I'm 60, you know, sure I wanna look good and look like the buff 60 year old guy to a point, but I think it'll continue to drop down on the total pole as far as my priorities and what I would I gauge. Like I think that that age, it'll continue to drop down on the total poll as far as my priorities and what I gauge.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Like I think that that age, it'll be like, can I go run and play with my kids? Can I go and do things that are fun and physical still at six years? Will I still be able to get up on a wakeboard and snowboard? That to me would be like a big deal because it's a lot less of a cock measuring contest for me.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Yeah, like I'm not like looking at other dudes, like yeah, like even from a lot less of a cock measuring contest for me. I'm not looking at other dudes, even from a performance aspect of it where I used to just pride myself in being one of the stronger ones in the gym and I could keep up and do all this crazy shit. It's so much more on how I feel and maintaining that strength personally and just paying attention to my own progression. Like I seriously have even less windows. You know, like I am so much more just focused on like myself, my own progress, like how I feel like responding to, you know, what I need to be doing personally. I could give a fuck about what everybody else is doing. It's like less and less and less how much
Starting point is 01:36:43 I care about everybody else and what they're doing. Yeah, the difference between young people and the difference between old people in terms of fit and healthy and not fit and healthy, what, I mean, it's stark. Like, if you take a fit 20-year-old and you compare them to their peers in terms of the way they look, how they move their performance and their health, there's definitely a difference,
Starting point is 01:37:07 but it's not like a massive difference. Now you take a 60 year old that's been exercising the most of their life in eating right, most of their life, and compare them to the average 60 year old that, and I'm not talking about the super unhealthy 60 year old, I'm just talking about the average American 60 year old, who probably doesn't really work out, maybe walks every once in a while
Starting point is 01:37:26 and their diet's kind of been all over the place. The difference between those two people is, it's like light years. I mean, you get up to 70 and 80, because I trained a lot of people in this age group. I used to enjoy training people in advanced age, and I had a client, Jim, who good friend of mine, still talked to him.
Starting point is 01:37:44 He's now 71, I believe. He's actually, he helped Doug and I film the first maps program. He's actually there with us helping us with the the, you know, the soundboard and all that stuff. But anyway, this guy's 70 years old, right? He's been swimming every single day for 30 years for about an hour and a half straight in the pool. So it just goes back
Starting point is 01:38:05 and forth in the pool. So you got tremendous endurance. Then he lifted weights four days a week and he'd been doing that for decades as well. He's also very regimented with his diet and nutrition. He's just, it's just something he enjoys. This is a 70 year old man that I would do core workouts with him and he'd kick my ass. No joke. But if you compared him to another 70 year old, I had other seven-year-olds that would come hire me who'd never worked out before and I have to teach them how to be able to get up on the chair, get out the ground, or reach up above their head because they can't reach into a lose all their ability. They can't reach above
Starting point is 01:38:37 their head because they're arm-worn straight now or they've got tremendous back pain or whatever. They've got these real health issues that are you know threatening their livelihood. Meanwhile, I had Jim who didn't own a car, at least he did own a car, but never drove it. He wrote his bike everywhere. He could stay up late with me because we've hung out a bunch of times. He can work out whenever he wants. Got his testosterone levels checked. He was at 650 at a 70 year old, at 70 years old for testosterone, which is a good level for a 30 year old. Like the difference is incredible.
Starting point is 01:39:07 So although, yes, your body does, your age does affect your performance, that the trajectory is blunted tremendously as you exercise and eat, right? And it's like, it's so crazy as you get old. So I can't look, I can't wait. I can't, I look forward to aging a lot because I look forward to that. I look forward to being healthy and mobile as I become wiser and as I have more experience. Because there's a lot of benefits you get with age as well.
Starting point is 01:39:36 That's another thing too is I know in this country in particular, but mainly Western societies, especially the newer ones, we tend to look at age as a bad thing, and part of it is because we glorify sex, appeal, and youth, and all stuff. And the other part of it is people don't age very well. People in these modern developed societies tend to not age very well, they tend to have health problems.
Starting point is 01:40:00 They're all on medications and all these different things. But as you get older, look, you gain tremendous wisdom. I mean, I'm almost 40, right, I'm 39. I am light years more wise today than I was 15 years ago, light years. I can't imagine where I'm gonna be 15 years from now. You combine that with a mobile fit healthy body. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:40:22 I can't wait for that culmination of wisdom with, so I don't need to be like my max strength, max fitness. I just need to be able to fit and healthy, combine that with that wisdom and potentially more, you know, better finances because if you get older, you can invest and be smart. That's going to be fucking awesome life. I think from a physical standpoint, I think like a Paul check is such a cool example of what I think. Great example. Right. A lot of us would love to look and feel and the choices that he makes.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Because he's very balanced. Like I mean, like you could get him to probably take a shot of alcohol with you. If it's the right occasion, he's not somebody who has to be in the gym every single day. Some of his workouts are outside, but then he can also get in there and throw 275 pounds on his back and hang with some of these dudes that are jacked on testosterone that are working and so that so to me that's fucking cool, you know what I'm saying? Or he could go lift 400 pounds out the ground
Starting point is 01:41:12 while he's painting like that's cool. At that age to be able to, and then to comfortably take a shirt off and look great. It looks amazing. And there's plenty of guys that look better than him. There's dudes that are in their 60s that are jacked and onroids and look amazing for their age.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Dude, if I can just maintain my athleticism and abilities and strength, you know, like my body's gonna be a reflection of that. And then also pursuing health because of the more knowledge you acquire and like you said, so the wisdom that we're gaining from the whole process is just efficiency is just gonna be the word for me is like how much more efficient I can be from the whole process. It's just efficiency is just going to be the word for me is like how much more efficient I can be at the whole process.
Starting point is 01:41:48 And that's just going to, I'm just going to enjoy it even more as I age. Next up is Spartan Wim. Imagine being the other guy's wingman. How would you sell them to a girl? Oh man. Who put this question? I mean, it's Sal asked me if you could do it.
Starting point is 01:42:06 I'm like, yes, let's do this one. Oh, I was like, I can't go first. That was already for this. I got a thing for a second. How would you wingman for the other guy? How would you sell them? God, that's a funny one. Well, let's see, if I was wingmaning for Adam,
Starting point is 01:42:21 I would get a picture of him from us, that picture that he has, where he's hanging over the chair with his butchie hanging out of his pants. That's the one, yeah, man. I'd be like, hey. Sock her mom's all over the world right there. I got this single friend, I think you should mean,
Starting point is 01:42:35 it's like, really tell me about him, like first look at this. Yeah, romance covered it. It sells itself, really, at that point. Yeah, how, you know, you know what's funny about this, is I had this conversation with my cousins a while ago. So I have a lot of cousins that are my age and then we have this younger generation of cousins
Starting point is 01:42:52 that are all about maybe eight years younger than us. And a few years ago actually, a few years ago, we all went out. And so these guys were still in their early 20s and we were in our mid 20 excuse me mid 30s and We went out somewhere and they were trying to pick up on girls and me and my cousins who are all our age group We were all married at the time so we weren't there to pick up girls But we're watching these younger generation do try to do that. So it's fun to watch right and we're watching them and they're just failing miserably and so
Starting point is 01:43:23 The problem was, is they weren't pumping each other up. They were gruffing each other. I was just gonna say that's the problem with guys that think they're wingman to other guys. Yeah, they're like cutting each other down and competing with each other over a girl's attention. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:43:36 And it's like you guys are never gonna, like you're not gonna know the girls and what's talking to you. You look bad too. Yeah, the whole time. I've learned that since day one. Like that was, yeah, the Wingman thing, you know, that was one of those.
Starting point is 01:43:47 I can always present my friends in a certain light and like, because that makes you look better than they end up even just wanting to talk to you more because you're like putting your friend in such a good light and like complimenting them. Listen, dude, being a great Wingman is just like an incredible assist in basketball. And in an assist in basketball and an in an assistant basketball.
Starting point is 01:44:06 There's sometimes you can pass it to a guy because he's open and then sometimes he's not open at all and you can't pass it to him. So trying to force the ball into a situation that is defended already is not going to happen. So you just first have to become aware of that. So a wingman is somebody who has the disability to talk and communicate with a girl, and then when that opportunity arises where I can assist over to Sal or Justin, I'm going to take that opportunity, which that opportunity is an opportunity for me to pump my boys' tires, right?
Starting point is 01:44:34 I'm gonna talk about, but I'm also not gonna force it. Like, it's not a walk over and Justin go like, oh, that girl over there is really hot. So then I go walk over there and as a wingman, I go like, hey, my buddy likes you. No, it's your hot. No, that is not the move whatsoever. Yeah, the move is to be fucking normal talk to people talk to everybody Be friendly with everybody and as you're communicating and talking to this and sometimes you can see who would be a great blend
Starting point is 01:44:57 Right like somebody somebody has a little bit more of like oh, I like festivals and I you know of like, oh, I like festivals and I, you know, I like, I like, I don't use the owner in, you know, never, like, I'm like, oh my God, you're so good, like, this is perfect, I got a guy for you. I'm gonna be honest, he's right. Oh, right, he's right in your little, right? And then it's like, you're like, oh wow, you just got, you just bought those today? Wow, they look great, they look awesome, I got a guy for you. You're talking about boobs? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:25 I'm talking about boobs. Yeah. So, you know, there's people. You just got to read your crowd. What's wrong with the wingman today is that is exactly that. The wingman think that it's like, okay, two guys go out to the bar and a good wingman, you know, takes the grenade for his buddy when he hooks up and meets the one girl. Right. And that's, that's a good fucking wingman, right? Or whatever, you know, or goes over and says, hey, my friend likes you, but no, a really good wingman can go and talk to and you guys converse with multiple groups
Starting point is 01:45:53 of girls. I think it was both ways to on this. Like the best wingman in the world is just a funny charismatic friend of yours. Those are the best openers because it's a nice break. He has to be he has to be confident enough though to be in front of a pretty girl and be okay with talking about you and not himself. Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Right, so if I'm in a situation and we're tough for a lot of guys. It is tough. That's the tough part. That's where most guys fail as wingmen as they think it's like, oh, just me, my guy, or me, my buddy, you're like, no. Do you have the ability to make a connection with the girl that you're talking with
Starting point is 01:46:27 that you know that you're, like Justin gave a great example. And I know we are teasing and being funny, like, you know, girl with us and we're teeter-inner. Someone that's in there, that's where I'm from. But, you know, somebody that has similar values, we all know each other really well. And so, I know what Justin's values are. I know what Sal's values are. I'm familiar with
Starting point is 01:46:45 my own right. So I know our values. And if we're talking to a group of girls and one of them, there are values aligned with Justin really well, then I'm going to find a way to segue into talking about my good friend Justin. And that to me is the ultimate assist to that girl because she's already communicated that she has these things now That being said, and I'm sure any girl listening right now would agree with this Most women already made their fucking mind. I know right as soon as it girls fucking have all the control girl walks in the bar So much power her and her four friends walking the bar. They instantly go You know, they have eyes in the back of their head, everyone knows this, right? So they can scan the floor.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Perfect example. And I don't want to roll Taylor into the bus, but when we were in Austin, Texas, right? And I see that I'm talking to this girl, and we're just, you know, I'm having a good conversation where at this bar, and I just see her eyes just like out of the corner,
Starting point is 01:47:37 like just looking at him, like constantly. And I could just tell that there was this, like I'm talking to you, but I kind of want to talk to this guy and whatever. And so I just start walking over, and then that just became a natural conversation that, you know, took off on its own. Oh, right there. So okay, if I'm wingman right there, and I catch that moment, like the icebreaker, the transition right there, I go like he's gorgeous, right? Yeah. Exactly. You know, look at that. I would totally, I would totally
Starting point is 01:48:02 say something like that about one of my friends and then she would probably giggle because she got caught Luffy and I'm so like that and then I would go even further and go, you know, it's crazy is he's actually an even better guy When you get to know him. He's probably one of the best humans that I know and then I would go into telling a story about why He is such a good guy and it's game over there. If she's already puppy from drop. She right? If you have some good can stories, I mean, that's not that idea. If you want to be really just. No, it's a puppy from drop.
Starting point is 01:48:30 I think that's the mistake that most guys make when they're out trying to be these, you know, quote unquote, wing men for each other is they're still competitive and each guy is trying to get his own. And it's like, you can't go out like that. You have to go out looking to pass the ball first. And then if it plays out,
Starting point is 01:48:48 which you always drive me crazy too, if we were with guys and a girl is obviously into another one of my buddies and the other guy is trying to go in there and cock block. It's like, dude, she's already said enough things that you and I both know she's into Justin, dude. Like I know you're attracted to her, but it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:49:03 She's already showed interest in him. Like what you can do now is be a good wingman and assist Justin, dude. Like I know you're attracted to her, but it doesn't matter. She's already showed interest in him. Like what you can do now is be a good wingman and assist Justin even further. Isn't it funny though? It like even leading, like even when I was single or like you know, when you're single and you have that mentality already that it's like, well, you know, just whoever it's gonna fit best with,
Starting point is 01:49:20 like you do so much better leading with that than you do like looking for it. Right. Not a lot of guys are good. Winged. I used to prefer to be by myself then with two or three other knuckleheads that were all stepping on each other's dick. Would you really go to the bar by yourself? Oh yeah. All by yourself? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Wow. That's probably, well, it's probably easier because a group of guys has got to be like super like in cockpots. Yeah, no girls going to want to, I can't see women walk up to a group of guys has got to be like, you're like in cockpots. Yeah, no girls gonna wanna, man. I can't see women walk up to a group of guys. Of course not, and think about that. I mean, and normally when you got a group of three
Starting point is 01:49:51 or four guys, maybe you're lucky and one of your boys got like, actually has a mouthpiece on them or has some games and the other two are like Darrelix. Yeah. You know, they're all, they're standing around staring at girls, gooing and gone or like pointing like,
Starting point is 01:50:02 it's like, so we look, we look at we're in a zoo. You know, making it into fight. You guys too, we're like, we're not getting, no one's going home with anybody. So, I would just go like, we're in a zoo. You know, making it into fight. We're not going to know what's going on with anybody. So, I would just go like, I'm going to go over here. And I would just, I would leave my group of buddies that I'm with. And I go by the bar by myself or I would go butt into a conversation that has four or five girls and I'm by myself. You're like a rendezvous point. Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you what. I'll catch you with you guys later.
Starting point is 01:50:13 I'll see you guys. Just if you see me down to some girls, don't come in it in it rough. Leave me alone. That's the way I get on your health. That's right. But some guys are, I have had some friends who are like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to get on your health. I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm
Starting point is 01:50:23 going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to guys later. I'll see you guys. If you see me down to some girls, don't come in and interrupt, leave me alone. You're still there. I don't need your help. That's right. But some guys are, I have had some friends of mine that, but the ones that are are the ones that are extremely confident, and humble, and just, they want to see you
Starting point is 01:50:37 have a good time as much as they want to have a good time. And they see a girl, to me, I don't know, it's very obvious when somebody is vibing you or not vibing you. And then from there, really, it's up to you to fuck that up or to assist it. And I think a lot of guys fuck it up because they're trying too hard or they're stepping on each other
Starting point is 01:50:57 and getting in each other's way when it's like, listen, you can tell that she's into Justin. Every time he says a stupid joke, she laughs, he'll allow, like, there's giveaways, dude. Like, when a guy says something and you know him that she's into Justin every time he says a stupid joke. She laughs, she laughs. There's giveaways, dude. Like, when a guy says something and you know him really well and it's not that funny, and I've seen this with Justin for this, it's very common.
Starting point is 01:51:12 You know what I'm saying? He says so, I'm like, that's not even his funny material. It's not funny. And she's like, you know, she's like, oh wow. She likes Justin. Like, so it's like a litmus test. It is, it is totally is, right? The laugh.
Starting point is 01:51:24 Yeah. Laughing at bad jokes. She's laughing at bad jokes. She probably likes you. like Justin, like, so it's like a litmus test. It is, it is totally is, right? To laugh. Yeah, laughing at bad jokes. If she's laughing at bad jokes, she probably likes you. If she's looking down at her, watch her, her phone, or over your shoulder when you're talking to you, she's probably not into you, she's into somebody else. So here's your sign. That's it.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Hey, a lot of people don't know that we're also on Instagram, you can find all of our own personal information, fitness, health, and lifestyle stuff on our pages. My page is Mind Pump Sal, Adam is Mind Pump Adam and Justin is Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:52:11 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and an adjusting as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:52:52 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.

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