Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 787: The Future of Fitness, Technology & Social Media

Episode Date: June 7, 2018

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speculate on the future of future of fitness, technology, social media and more. Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual c...oaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Was Sal discouraged by his Everly Well testosterone results? (5:30) When will the guys start their cannabis fast? Do they feel the podcast suffer? Positive/negative effects from it? (12:00) Are we in an age of constant digital distraction? Is iPhone posture a real thing? The future of technology and its impact on society. (13:50) Fasting and its correlation to longevity. The Hadza tribe, Ben Greenfield, the guys speculate on why certain groups or people are able to live longer than the norm. (30:30) What will be the big challenges, in the future, in the health/wellness field? The guys speculate on cutting edge health advancements and how they could possibly affect humanity. (37:50) Is the era of Hollywood big budget films ending? The convenience factor of the “streaming mentality.” #PoolofLemons (57:30) Why people are capable of anything. Experts Warn The Rise Of Sex Robots Could Be Dangerous. (1:03:00) The evolution of social media and where the guys see it going in the future. (1:13:57) The tough business of merchandise sales and keeping up with fashion trends. (1:21:57) People Mentioned: Tom Bilyeu (@tombilyeu)  Instagram Doug Egge (@mindpumpdoug) Instagram Josh Trent (@trent_sd)  Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram Dr. Joseph Mercola (@drmercola)  Instagram Joe Donnelly (@joedonnellyfit)  Instagram Jake Paul (@jakepaul)  Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned: Everly Well **Coupon code “mindpump” 15% off** YOU GET 45% MORE TESTOSTERONE WHEN YOU DON’T MASTURBATE FOR A WEEK Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked - Book by Adam Alter The moment it all went wrong for Kodak Intelliskin Longevity "Secret" of Modern Day Hunter-Gatherers The Therapeutic Potentials of Ayahuasca: Possible Effects against Various Diseases of Civilization 3D printed food could change how we eat MoviePass continues to peel back the layers of its ‘grand plan,’ with MoviePass Films The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You’ll Watch Next Experts Warn The Rise Of Sex Robots Could Be Dangerous - Here's Why Ex Machina Porn-induced erectile dysfunction: How does it happen? 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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this rare, but random, mind loved the random ones. Is it random? I don't know. I feel like we stayed in a central topic. We didn't really have any direction. We, the future. Yeah, it's kind of like the future of fitness.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Philosopher caps on. Technology, social media lots and lots of speculation. So here's kind of what we covered in this 87, 90 minute episode of Mind Pump. We start off by talking about my average testosterone, Everly Well test. I took a testosterone test, got my results back. I got normal testosterone, little depressing.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Uh, actually we are sponsored by everly well. If you go to everly well, that's EVR, LY, WELL.com and enter the code mind pump, you'll get 15% off any test. They have women's health test, food intolerance test, men's health test, testosterone test, lots of different types of tests. Then we talk about cannabis and its potential impact
Starting point is 00:01:09 on testosterone. We talk about technology's detrimental impact on health. We talk about the Hunza people of Pakistan, these are long, long living people. I think I said their name wrong in this episode. I think I heard that. The Hunza people, it's actually the Hunza people. We talk about simulations and problem solving,
Starting point is 00:01:27 psychedelics and health revolutions, or not. The melting of holistic and Western medicine, 3D printed food, that's right, you can print food pretty soon, engineering movies and music, and the challenges of sex robots and finally short lived social media successes. So we talk a lot about a lot of different things in this episode. Also, this month we are launching or we have launched our newest and most advanced
Starting point is 00:01:55 hardcore bodybuilding style maps program. It's called Mapsplit. Now, I do want to say this. It is not for beginners at all. You need to have some experience if you go into this program. There's lots of volume. It will fry your body if you're a beginner,
Starting point is 00:02:13 but it's very, very effective. It is advanced. It is a body part split done the maps way. And there's four days left to get $50 off. So it's on sale during our initial launch. To get Mapsplit, go to mapssplit.com, enter the code, split50 for $50 off. We also have simultaneously a promotion on our no equipment
Starting point is 00:02:39 required program or program this design for people who travel to want to work at a home called Maps anywherewhere, that program is half off, so 50% off, you can find that program and other programs at mindpumpmedia.com. Doug, this doesn't affect you. Can you get, can you find, because I feel like we're just upgrading everything. We got, this is called the headphone amplifier,
Starting point is 00:03:03 which I love, and then we have the new teleprompter, which is amazing. I want it. Amazing. I want new custom mics. Yeah. I want my own mics. I don't want my mic to look like your mic at all. It doesn't.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It does look different than my bedroom. It's still. Bro, his wish came true right away. You've been served. You've been served. Yeah, I do that. You're wish is my command Let's what like with you. I want like a old school rock and roll looking Yeah, or let's see you would make that would be cool and I want something that's all but dazzled out dude Just crazy. I don't know what I would want colorful. I want it to be colorful
Starting point is 00:03:40 I don't yeah, I don't know. I like mine the way it is I mean me and this mic have a long history. You do the same. But what I was gonna say is I want because we have these things now just for people listening who don't know what I'm talking about. It's this little thing that we attached to our phones. They really don't give a shit. It doesn't do it. That I can turn up or down my hip I'll just not change their series. There's other podcasts. But see, here's the problem. That's a good point. Other podcasters might have played. See, here's the problem. I can't turn Adam and Justin down or up. So I want one that also allows me to turn them down. Yeah, so I could just go like, yeah, so I could say something and then turn them down real quick so they can't reply.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I don't want to hear you. Yeah, shoot up. Mutes you. But how about that teleprompter, huh? Dude, that's that is great. Thanks Tom Billu. Thank you. Yeah, when we were there He was you had the teleprompter is really like that's a fucking nice to figure this out. Yeah, when we were there, he had the teleprompters, and I was like, yeah, that's a fucking nice to figure this out. Yeah, so, and this is, the funny thing is, you know where that place is located? That we got it?
Starting point is 00:04:31 We're heat, yeah, where Tom gets his, where Campbell. It's a Campbell, is it? Yeah, no way. Yeah, Doug drove there and bought it. Yeah. He said there was some other cool stuff there too, like the new lights and everything,
Starting point is 00:04:40 and we'll get for the other room. What does the new lights do? Just like they're like bars, you know, so that they can mount them up on the wall. There's so much cool stuff in the buy-mouthing. It's not funny how many companies are right next to us. You didn't even know we're there. There was that Soyve, or whatever company,
Starting point is 00:04:56 it was like, it's in Feltin' though. It's like, I don't know if it's like Teriyaki sauce or like some kind of soy sauce stuff. That's a random one. It's dude, why are you in Feltin' though. That's like where I live. I was like, what? But why were you looking at the first time?
Starting point is 00:05:11 I don't know. Like hell of a girl. I was out and I was like, oh yeah. Is it a popular brand? Oh he's, as I say, is it a popular brand? I've never heard of it. It's because Justin was looking up ways to lower his high testosterone levels.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He's like, more soy. I need Xeno-Ester to say my life. Yeah, speaking of testosterone, you guys sent in your kids today. Mine's going in out today, so. What do you mean going out? Did you put in the mail? No, it's out in the front lobby to go.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I went looking for a blue mailbox for us and I couldn't find one. What are you doing, bro? You have to freeze it before you mail it out. I did. So it's frozen right now. Yeah. And yours went out, Regis.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, I'm waiting on the results. So I registered it. I sent it out or I'm gonna send it out so I should get mine sometime next week. Justin should be getting his this week. Yeah, this week It should be coming in. I think yours is gonna probably be pretty high. Yeah, I think it'll be higher than mine I've never tested it. So this is like completely from you know day one like we'll see where I'm at I I'm gonna do an experiment soon where I'm reducing and then gonna see if I can eliminate my cannabis consumption
Starting point is 00:06:10 for a little while to see how it affects my system. I feel like you were a little discouraged by yours. I think you pride yourself. You think that affects it though, really? I think you pride yourself on being like the super libido guy over here. Oh, you know, there's so many factors that play into libido, you know, neurotransmitters play a factor.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Hot girlfriend. Yeah, hot girlfriend, thanks honey. It feels like I can call the testosterone. No, but I was in the middle, you know what I mean? I'm kind of like, I want to be a higher than the middle. Yeah, you know, I'm just kind of averaged, you know. I'm really not in preference. Come on, so.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, I'm really not impressed. No Come on, so you're not really not in practice. No, but I think you're better than that. But no, for sure, can abinoids or cannabis, it's an animal study that doesn't affect the dog or stuff. But it's temporary though, it's like only 24 hours. Yeah, isn't it mainly for chronic users? Like, what do you do? Well, you're in a room of chronic chronic,
Starting point is 00:07:03 hence the pun. What do you say? He's not not it's only for people that use it all the time. Like, well, that's what I'm trying to say here is that I use it like four days a week or five days a week. I'm going to go down to like once a week and then and then none for a while and see if it what it does. If it changes it. Yeah. In a positive way, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Or if I get more testosterone. You know what I didn't I didn't even think about that. If I smoked last night, did I smoke last night? I don't remember if I slept too. I wasn't, I guess that's the answer. I guess I'm not the test. Well, I'm already making excuses myself. Well, no, because I do know, and I do know that it affects you
Starting point is 00:07:40 within 24 hours, right? So if you smoke, you know, if you were to test your testosterone level and then you were to go smoke a bunch of weed and then turn right around and test it again, you'll show that it's lower. But then I heard that within 24 hours of that, you would rebound back to your... So the studies are mixed.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So they'll test a group of men who are regularly used as a cannabis and they'll find that their testosterone levels are average, like the average person's. But I don't like those studies because they're not comparing their baseline. So it's not like you're testing someone seeing what their normal levels are, then have them use cannabis for a while,
Starting point is 00:08:17 and then test them. In animal studies, predictably you can lower testosterone levels with high doses of THC in particular. The jury is out, the jury is still out. I, for me, I wanna see what happens for me. I wanna see if it affects, and here's the other thing too. Can abinoids are very anti-inflammatory.
Starting point is 00:08:39 They've got some positive health effects, especially if you have autoimmune issues, so it could very well be raising my testosterone because those are issues that I have. You know what I mean? So if it makes me healthier, then it might do the opposite and make my... Like let's imagine I go off cannabis completely and I don't need it like I used to for gut issues. I used to need it, but now I think I can get away with not using it for a while.
Starting point is 00:09:01 But let's say I tested out and I'm like, oh man, my gut issues are getting bad again. I really need it for that gut inflammation. Pretty sure that will be worse for me, you see what I'm saying? Right, right. I've been avoiding sad movies, you know, to prepare for this. Really? Yeah. Did you masturbate the day before? Yeah, of course. Okay. So, when do I not? Stupid question. Did I brush my teeth? Yeah. It's like, you put all your clothes today. So,
Starting point is 00:09:30 so get it. Two things. One, the funniest thing happened. We were, I don't remember where we were, but Justin and I were doing something on our phones. And then, if you just type W in the, in the,
Starting point is 00:09:42 like if you're on Safari or whatever, and you just go to type in like www.whatever in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the't remember who did it first, but we one of us did it first and then we were making fun of the other person So then yeah, I think it was I did it first, and I'm like let me see you did it and you were like you were typing in Maybe it was like three or four letters, and then I was like watch this and it was w and it's like Yeah, um the other thing is that abstaining from ejaculation for a week will raise testosterone is that abstaining from ejaculation for a week will raise testosterone.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It goes down after that. But if you abstain for like a week, you'll have to fight for the doctor. Well, I know guys that used to do that like in football and stuff like that. They had a big game on Friday night or what do I with that stuff. Could be some wisdom in that.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Well, that used to be a big wise tail. That's what I thought. With like boxing coaches and football coaches, they would always find that. I thought we just didn't we could dispel that. You can have a girlfriend, you know, like, didn't we dispel that in early mind plump days that that was something we talked about.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So how do you test that? Like how do they end up testing if that? Because here's how many think about this? How many factors are involved when you're having sex, a bunch of sex before a big game. A, you could be getting a little bit of sleep because you're just up banging on that, whatever. Could be a bunch of drama, because you're just up banging on night, whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Could be a bunch of drama, because you're, you know, exactly like distraction. Distraction. Now the, you could hurt yourself. If you, you know, if you do it like Justin does, you break your dick full force. You could hurt yourself or someone else.
Starting point is 00:11:16 So aggressive. In which case, true. There's all my hips get sore. But besides all that, it does raise testosterone to abstain for like a short period, like a week. After a few abstain, too long your testosterone actually drops. But if you abstain for like a week, you'll get a spike in testosterone probably because your body's trying to drive you to mate.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You know what I'm saying? Like, hey, dummy, use this thing. Get this out of me. Use this thing. Get this out of me. It's almost back up. And maybe the aggressive factor, I don't know. What are you gonna start your be all that?
Starting point is 00:11:48 I've had a lot of people DM me ever since we brought it up on the show, we haven't organized a day when we're gonna do our fast from cannabis. Have you decided? You know what, we might suck on the podcast. Like, we might, you guys keep talking about it. We might come in, maybe it'll happen. Yeah, I know, every time I'm about to,
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm like, nah, this is something a lot of fun right now. We'll come in and be all blah, it'll be no creativity, you know, like ideas. Hey guys, what happened yesterday? Totally flat, yeah. No, I think I'm gonna, right now I'm just, I'm tapering down, so I'm going from like four days a week down to like maybe just on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Now I've tried this before and here's what happens, so something to be aware of. I've tapered off before and then what I'll notice is I'll taper off, so I'll use it less frequently, but then when I use it, he's more. So I'll go like, oh, I didn't do any this week. Oh, it's the weekend. And then oh, really? Yeah, so. Oh, see, I'm not like that. If I taper off, like it's crazy. When I, when I just take a break for three days. I can significantly feel a difference. Like it'll take, and that's, I use like how much I smoke because the can't have a set. You get your buy how much you need.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah, because all the stuff that I buy is on the higher level of like THC. So it's all pretty fucking strong. It doesn't take very much from as it is. And for me, it's like this, you know, two to six puff range. And when I'm pushing like six puffs for me to feel the same- Especially the stuff you have, that's-
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's what I mean, fire. So six puffs of that, I mean, if I'm having to do that much, that means I feel like I'm consistently using it too much. But easily, if I drop down to three days, I just take a break for three days in a row and then go back and have a two times, I'm like, whoa don't know the planet
Starting point is 00:13:26 I notice for me is if is I get less of the positive effects of more than negative effects if it's too much too consistently You know, I'm saying like yeah, I'm I lose that good feeling that euphoria or whatever if I just go to or my tolerance Just like like Adam it just gets too high so yeah Did you sorry to totally change something but I just something just pops my head. I was I don't know what reminded me this There was that what's that that cartoon you guys told me was it Wally to watch or whatever? Yeah Wally Which one of you posted the oh was you? Yeah, oh my god, dude the meme of the guy with the virtual reality I said there the gut dude that was so good have you seen it? No, I still haven't watched the movie Oh, it's one of the best it's one of the best for our kids move I've never got, dude, that was so good. Spawn on. No, I still haven't watched the movie.
Starting point is 00:14:05 It's one of the best, it's one of the best for kids' movies. Cartoon's out there. Yeah. It's one of the best kids' cartoons out there, but it is a little depressing, that part is a little bit depressing. Well, it is, and you know, it's been on my mind a lot, you know, it's ever since the book that you guys got gave me so much shit, I'm not gonna say it because I've said so many times on the show.
Starting point is 00:14:22 There's a bowl. Why do you need that? I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. That's so great that you on the show and you're just visible. Why do you do that? That's so great. Did you know the name and the author? You never read it. I've read it something enough times. I'll remember it. I've never since then though, man.
Starting point is 00:14:35 It's just I think I'm just hyper aware of all all the stuff like that around me where I think before that I was kind of just blindly walking around and doing my own thing, even consuming it myself, where now my level awareness with that is just different than what it was before. I don't know if I shared with you guys. I don't know if I shared this on the show or not, but, you know, I've been going to all the playoff games and, you know, sitting down by, I mean, literally, like right behind these core side seats are just amazing seats, amazing experience for anybody to do that. I don't care who you are. And definitely if you're in the basketball,
Starting point is 00:15:08 like it's just so awesome to be right there. And it's so awesome that I just, I wanna, and we had friends that were there and they were across the arena a little bit higher up and they wanted to meet at the club and have drinks and stuff like that. And I look at Katrina and I'm like, oh, I don't wanna leave these seats.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I don't wanna take my eyes off of this experience this whole time because it's so cool. And but yet everybody that was around me is, you know, selfie and Instagram and videoing and texting their friends. And, you know, I'm like, it was really distracting for me to see that the whole time. I wanted to like, grab everybody by their head and just be like, you know what? You know what? It's funny. As you're saying this,
Starting point is 00:15:47 I'm realizing just how much the capturing images in video market has changed. I don't mean it from a retail standpoint, although it's changed dramatically there. I mean, when I was a kid, when we were kids, you took pictures, you went to get them developed, you would make photo albums, you'd have photo albums at your home, and people would come and look at them and share them, or whatever. Nobody does that really that much anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's almost like it's, they're so easy that you don't even look at photos anymore. Yeah, it is. It's lost its mystique, right? And so they're almost it's value. They've tried to bring it back in some digital form. And so they've had those picture frames that kind of slide images across.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And so it's like you kind of capture some of the best ones. Yeah, I have those. And they're cool. There's like background visuals and stuff for conversation. But yeah, I think you're right, that that used to be a big part of like hosting people over
Starting point is 00:16:49 and like, you know, you talk about some trip you went on and then you kind of show them like all the pictures and images captured. Most people's photos and images are on social media. I don't, I don't save them anywhere, I mean, really anywhere else, or I don't really look through them. Yeah, I post them people look at them and they're gone.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Well, that's part of the part that I think is cool. Like when I look at it, I go like, my, still my favorite Instagram to go through is Doug's because he posts so infrinkedly. Like I feel like ours is so much because we have to stay kind of active on it. Yeah. But with Doug, like it's not a big deal,
Starting point is 00:17:21 it's not part of his job really, right? It's to do that. So he just whenever he kind of feels like it and he tends to do it, like these old milestones within the business. So I love to go on time capsule. It is. So I love to go back there and just kind of, oh, shit. I remember this. Oh, I remember the first time we did that.
Starting point is 00:17:36 But these platforms own them. Don't they own these photos? Yeah. Yeah. That's kind of crazy. If you think it's different. It's different. It's very, very different than it used to be. So I don't know what I mean? That's kind of crazy. If you think it's different. So it's different. It's very, very different than it used to be.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So I don't know what that means. When you see like Kodak and you see some of these other like major companies like going completely business. Just Kodak even exists anymore? Well, they just finally like completely gave up and I just read something recently that they, I mean they were still selling like certain cameras that you could, you know, like you could process and do it the old school way because there was still hipsters out there.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Do you know the story of them? They actually have a cool, there's a good, like, not good, it's like a shitty story, right? It's like, they passed on something or they didn't transition out of a certain, I wish I remember this story. I know I read it somewhere. The whole, just their whole fall, like, I don't know if you do know how they fell and like how it went, how they ended up going. Yeah, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yeah, the details on that either, but I do remember there was something in there because I don't know if it was something to do with printers or you know, something along those lines. I don't remember. They didn't move to like the digital. Yeah, they didn't go digital. Yeah, they were still doing like the Polaroid.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I don't remember what it was. I'm completely probably fucking this up right now. but I know they had there's a cool story behind You know, it's like one of those things where businesses that don't you know pivot or move like when as the as the market changes And then what ends up happening to them code. I guess a good example of that. Yeah. It's definitely changing It's changing how we're how we're built using all these Filming and looking at everything through our phones like Forward head and forward shoulder that is Loading this so I and I never saw that I mean tell this so I duck just walked in the room glad
Starting point is 00:19:15 He did it this time. I want to do a video and I want to I want to call it like iPhone posture You know something along those lines because You I'm I see and're this really hit home for me because of course I get to sit there and I can look at all these people that are in, and judge all day long, but I'm, I notice myself. And I'm aware of it, like I'm fully aware of like, when I'm sitting like that, like it's not good posture
Starting point is 00:19:37 and I try and counter it, I've even been doing these exercises where I'm like constantly, we're like a chicken head. Yeah, yeah, I'm pulling my head back and I've done that with a resistant like a towel or a wreath. Keep it in your mouth closed. Yeah, that's all. Just a little advice.
Starting point is 00:19:52 That's what I'm doing. But I've seen how it started to shape my posture, being somebody who's aware of it. And I think wow, how many of these kids that are 12, like I mean, if I was, that was, if I had iPhone when I was 12, like I'm not thinking about that. Like that's not,
Starting point is 00:20:07 your body, your concern about that. You're just loving that you have access to all this cool shit. Your body totally shapes towards what you do most of or what you do a lot of. Like I'll give you some simple easy examples. Like if you look at our feet, you know, modern societies,
Starting point is 00:20:22 our feet are shaped to wear shoes. Our feet now, you know, I'm 39 years old right my feet are well suited to walk in shoes They are terribly suited to walk barefoot. This is most people right in Western societies My body is well suited to sit in a chair It is terribly suited to sit in a squat Now some cultures still do this, like you go to certain Asian cultures, for example, with a little bit of a dressing post. Or arguably to even stand.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I mean, I get uncomfortable, if I stand in the same spot for 45 minutes straight. Start feeling weird, things start hurting. How weird is that your back? Oh, I can't stand too long, my back hurts. That's not supposed to happen. You're back's not supposed to hurt when you're doing normal things.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Dude, to the foot point, when I brought up the example of like creak walking and we were doing the barefoot and like going through the terrain and everything in the rocks, man, that was eye opening to see how hard it was to like regain that connection and like really use my toes
Starting point is 00:21:22 and like move my feet the way I need to because I've been wearing shoes all of that. Well think about this way. Let's imagine that you were raised and brought up wearing really, really dark glasses for your whole life. Maybe like a welder's helmet. You ever wear a welder's helmet? Super, super dark, right?
Starting point is 00:21:39 I mean, you wouldn't get made fun of it all. Yeah, no. But imagine if you saw everything through that for your entire life. When you took that off, everything would seem too bright and overwhelming. Your eyes would, you wouldn't be able to adjust the neurons in the brain that process light and process vision would be overwhelmed. It would be painful. It would be hard to do that. Now, this is almost normalize it, right? Because that's all you would know. That's all you would know. Your brain is developed around it. Now, this is what happens with
Starting point is 00:22:07 our feet. Like, if you take your shoes and socks off and walk around barefoot outdoors, and every time you take a step, you're like, Ouch, ooh, pebble, ah, this, that's what's happening. Yeah. It's too much information, too much sensation. You're, you don't know how to perceive it. So it seems and feels overwhelming. You don't know how to do it. Really, the only way, can you reverse it? No, not at this point. You can make inroads, but at this point now, many of the hard, wired things in the brain have been developed through childhood and adolescence.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Oh, you don't think that we can, you don't think we can reverse that. You can reverse a lot of it, but it's not, so I'll give you an example. When they find there have been children in the past that people have found who were feral, feral children, have you heard of these before? These are kids that were, for whatever reason, like terrible circumstances, left in the wilderness,
Starting point is 00:22:56 or whatever, and so they've never learned how to speak or be a human, and so then people will find them. Some of them, there's actual true stories of them, you know, of these kids being raised literally by other animals and stuff. So they'll find these kids, and they'll be like 10 or 11. Jump of book. They'll be like 10 or 11, and they'll always have
Starting point is 00:23:16 developmental issues, always. Now you can definitely teach them to talk better, teach them, but they always have developmental issues because all those formative years are lost. Right. It's a very impressionable time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So all of us, we can do all the foot and ankle exercises in the world. We can walk barefoot from now until we die and we'll make great improvements, but we'll never reach the potential that we had before. We are doing that now with kids and technology and their posture and how they sit and what they focus on to the point where these guys are going to be, you know, they're going to be 25, 30 years old, have back problems, and they'll fix a lot of it, but boy, that's going to be, some of that will be permanent, you know. Yeah, I mean, there's certain companies that are noticing this, and they're trying to kind of,
Starting point is 00:24:01 you know, create products to address this, and with postural sort of queuing things that like shirts or the strap that kind of goes and pulls your shoulders back. But again, this is another one of those things. This is like training wheels. This is something that you have to learn how to intrinsically do that on your own and own that versus like having something
Starting point is 00:24:21 pulling you back physically because it's just not gonna. Did you ever try that shirt on that Josh Trent hand? I know he used to. He talked to me, yeah, quite a bit about that. I didn't get a chance to try it. Was it called again? I don't know, but I have it in my closet and I have yet to try it on.
Starting point is 00:24:34 It gives you feedback, right? Was your posture? I apologize. He didn't give me one, so, yeah. That's what we did. No, he likes me more. Yeah, he does, he's a big fan. Your handsomer.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Probably. It's probably what it is. It's probably what it is. It makes sense. It's a, it's a big fan. Your handsomer. Probably. It's probably what it is. It's probably what it is. It makes sense. It's a, it's a face. We don't know, we don't know, it's like we almost don't know, we can predict, but we don't know what, like future health problems
Starting point is 00:24:55 we're creating with, because what happens is something will get introduced into society that greatly benefits us for a lot of different things. But, and so we adopt it very quickly. Do you think technology got adopted? Do you think we don't know? I think we know, I think we're onto it. I think we don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I think we don't care. And I think the companies that are producing a lot of this stuff don't care. I'll give you an example of what I mean. I don't think we're a bunch of, you know, Neanderthrals running around going like, oh, I wonder what this is gonna do to us. It's like, I think that.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It's more like, what can we do? No, I think, I think, yeah, yeah, but I think there's a lot that we don't know. Like, I'll give you a good example. Like, when we discovered germ theory and invented antibiotics, we're like, oh, cool, this cures everything, throw antibiotics on everything,
Starting point is 00:25:37 not realizing that we were gonna create, we were gonna create problems in the future because we didn't really know, we didn't understand the full scope of. We thought germs were the problem, so let's attack them. Yeah, like we know if you're less active, what's gonna happen, we know about obesity, we know about all that other stuff, but we don't quite know, I'll give you a good example
Starting point is 00:25:55 that we're just like I can speculate on. This like quick cut society or quick cut technology where I'm looking at short video clips where I'm looking at things from, you know, I'm constantly being preoccupied with, I'm never bored, I'm never alone, I always have something to do with some of the new pauses. Yeah, like we don't know what that's going to do on the brain, we have no idea what that's going to do. Oh, so you had to disagree.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I think, I mean, again, referring back to the book, like they get into this, like this is what they knew when they created it. They knew that they were creating this highly addictive tool that was going to cause people to keep coming back. What do you think is going to happen to them, like anything else? Like, if you get that, and that's what's happening right now is this behavioral addiction, but I think nobody was, nobody who created it or had anything to do with creating it didn't know that. I think they it didn't know that. I think they're fully aware of that.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And I think we still have some people out there that are unaware of themselves, but as a consumer using it, so they're just naive to it and they don't care to try and figure it out. I mean, I could argue that, or I would, I could say that I was in that place just three, four years ago, you know, looking at purely as a tool and a cool thing. For me, it was more of a distraction from other things in my life that I want to do because I wasn't born with it.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I didn't use Facebook and Instagram. That's what I mean. We all have the ability. We're on that generation that, what do they call us? We were born analog, but then we grew up in digital. Digital, like that. Inlogged, digital.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, so we know the contrast. But my kids digital. Yeah, so like we know that we had, we know the contrast, you know what I mean? But like my kids, you know, kids now, they don't know, they don't know boredom. They don't know boredom, they don't know, I'm gonna go ride my bikes with my friends the same way, they don't know like, oh, I have nothing to do, I better figure something out, it's like constant.
Starting point is 00:27:40 You know, they can, they always have something that they can do with their electronics, they always have, they don't know what it's like to not be able to find information immediately. And I'm not saying that that's a bad thing. I'm just saying it's a different thing. And we don't know what that means necessarily. Like when we were, you know, when you were a kid,
Starting point is 00:27:54 you wanna know something, you asked an adult. You know what I mean now? Well, I think it's a bad thing. I think we can say it's a bad thing. I think it's for sure. It may both. It's almost unearned. It's for sure making you less present.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So if you believe that it's important to be present, either sometimes or ever, then I think we could say that it's a bad thing. Because, and people say that, oh, these kids are socially awkward now, and that's not true, not all of them are that way. Some of them are still outgoing people. I think it's more people are less present
Starting point is 00:28:29 than they were before. Now, that can then in turn cause people to be socially awkward and not know how to interact with a human being sitting in front of them. They know how to interact with someone via text or Instagram or Facebook or in DMs or on video games that they're talking to them across the world but put that same person in front of them
Starting point is 00:28:47 and then the way they interact is different. So I think it's more of a lack of being present than anything else. I don't know. It's gonna be an interesting problem to figure out. Like for sure parents, a lot of parents are putting kind of restrictions with their kids,
Starting point is 00:29:03 but it's not really a big thing yet. Because like I said, we haven't seen a generation or two come out of it yet, where we can see all these problems clearly. You know, where it's going to be more regular for parents to be like, okay, you're limited, you're limited, you shouldn't be using this at this age. Like, we don't know, like, here's another one, right? Like, we talk to people like Ben Greenfield and Dr Mccola and they talk about the dangers of Wi-Fi We don't know we haven't really fully seen What Wi-Fi could potentially do to us now not saying it's super bad you know the scary part is like we're exposed to it all the time
Starting point is 00:29:36 We're like the best test group for that. That's what fucking scares a shit out of me Like Silicon Valley has to be the worst when it comes to that like we were so spoiled now that anywhere we drive like you Your phone is now almost always connected to Wi-Fi. It wasn't but maybe two three years ago that didn't exist I remember when they passed that in San Jose that they were going to do that that you know everywhere you go You pretty much can log into some Wi-Fi where you know just five ten years ago. It wasn't like that at all You get a bombarded with it. Dr. Mccola says one of the best things you could do to counteract the dangers of Wi-Fi exposure
Starting point is 00:30:10 is fasting because of its ability to regenerate new cells and prevent mutations and stuff. This is why I really think that, and I guarantee somebody will fucking package it and market and sell it. Shame on us for not doing that, but it's just not our style. But I think that your idea of the two to three day fast
Starting point is 00:30:29 every month is really brilliant. It really is. I think there's so many benefits. Oh, dude, on that topic, so I read about the Hudson's people, HUDCA people of Pakistan. Now, there was some controversy surrounding them because there were people that, there were explorers that went there,
Starting point is 00:30:48 saw these people, fantastic health. And according to these people, their records show that they would live to 130, 140 years old. And at the age of 100, they felt really good. Now the controversy is whether or not they were counting years the same way and is it accurate or whatever. Yeah, I don't know. Well, but there's a lot of people that think that for sure these people live longer, much, much longer than the average person. And they were trying to figure out why, like why are they such good health? And of course
Starting point is 00:31:20 they eat natural foods, they're very active, blah, blah, blah. But here's the big one. During the winter months, the huts of people, because they live at very high altitudes, there's no, there's no, there's no food, there's barely any food. And so during the winter months, they consume nothing for like two or three months, except for maybe some apricot juice that they store. And so every year, they go through these really long fasts,
Starting point is 00:31:41 and they think that that might be contributing to their long life. Yeah, pretty interesting, right? But it's really interesting. I mean, really interesting if they're 120 and 130. Not so interesting if they're 60 and they count half years as years. Yeah. A lot less interesting.
Starting point is 00:31:56 That's true. They're living as long as Jesus. Yeah, to me that was nothing. A minor detail, you just get a great ride over. It does say that in the Bible, right? That's people in the back then. A long-ass time. Yeah, that was the thing.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Like, it was like 150, 200 something years, like you're just like, what, rot? Yeah, that didn't... What if that shit was real? To add up. Yeah. I mean, I feel like in our time, we're gonna see people start to break through
Starting point is 00:32:22 like these, I wanna believe, I wanna believe, like our boy, Ben Greenfield's gonna live to 150, I wanna believe that. It would just be tragic if he does. I feel like he might, he'd be just so many things that like half the stuff he's experimenting with was benefiting him and the other half is like, fucking, fucking about, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Cause he doesn't know which of those other balance. If he dies of something at like 80 or 90 would be like Fuck man. All that all that work. You know what? I penis and anal stuff and all the whole the whole the crazy hours of meditation. It's so true That would right that how we close you out of Just go straight to those two zones. Well, I have no interest in living put lot. I have no interest in living. Input output. I have no interest in living that long, unless.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I want to live 150. Well, I do too if I'm freaking functional to move. Well, if you're, if you, if you, if you, I don't want to just live. If you live to 150, you're going to be functional at 100. You're not going to live 50 years. I don't know, dude. Yeah, put me out, put me out of my misery if I'm just totally,
Starting point is 00:33:24 I don't know, dude, because if you look at what's your Medicine, yeah people we're keeping people along alive for a long time, but not healthy for a long time So it's like they're alive, but they're on all these medications. They're all kinds of crazy shit They don't have any mobility really do you I feel like most of the people that you see the you know At least when the news puts up the you know Oh Susan over in sacrament. I live to 105 and they show a video. Or she looks pretty good at 105. Are these the smuckers? Not what they get.
Starting point is 00:33:48 The smuckers like 100. Yeah, birthdays. Yeah, it's on the news or something. Dave Letterman show. I don't know where I see it, but you know, they do that. And you see them and you're like, man, they, I mean, normally the ones that live beyond 100, we don't, were active or healthy or worked out
Starting point is 00:34:06 or did things to keep them. There's always exceptions to those. I know someone's like, well, my grandfather smokes the cars every day. My great-grandfather smokes cigarettes every day since he was like 12, and made it to like 92, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 He could've lived till he was 150, son of a bitch. Yeah. I remember when I was a kid, it was such a mind-blowing thing for me to learn that your ears never stop growing Because it blew me away because it all made sense. I remember looking at old people and I was a kid I was like, yeah, everybody's ears are so big. Yeah, and then I learned that. I was like, oh, that's why Their ears never stop growing. I'm nose hair and ear hair Do you ever feel like you guys look at your own features like that and go like fuck it's different?
Starting point is 00:34:42 I look different. My ears are different than what they were ten years ago. Especially the exact, so I already have a big nose. I'm not excited about this little idea of like, get it all, it's just like my nose, my ears, I'm just gonna keep going. Yeah, but what if your nose just accelerated, but then everything else is gonna catch up and your nose is gonna stay about the same? Cause that could be a possibility.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Just get real fat. Then your face will just move. Let's give big, I'll check. Kinda like a puppy, you know what I'm saying? You have that big, old paws and shit, flopping, ruff. Yeah. Then your face. Yeah. That's the mood. Right. Let's give big old chit. Kind of like a puppy. You know, he's having that big old posin shit. Flob it and ruffin around like your dog. And then you grow into it. You know, your positive. They don't keep growing at the same rate as the rest of their body. They grow into the pause, right? So maybe you're going to grow into your nose. Into your nose. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe your. Your nose that big when you were a kid. It was. Yeah. I don't know. It's always a pronounced feature. I don't feel like you have a big
Starting point is 00:35:24 note. You think of the big nose? That's, of it No, it's maybe because I got it broken like twice. Yeah, I mean, it's a little ugly But it's not big up here. I feel like it's normal size. I feel like you have a good I actually adjusted it by myself, which was like a totally not the move. I don't suggest it What I think I think when your makeup's all done and you've done your hair and earth like that We do these like little photos of that. I think you're the best looking one for sure. I agree. Yeah, that's what Adam always tells me when you're not around it. Are you, how do you think,
Starting point is 00:35:50 how do you think we're all gonna look as we age? You know what I mean? You're gonna look the best because you've looked the same age since 19. I don't think I will do. You know what's problem with me? I'll tell you the problem with me is that my face doesn't hold a lot of body fat.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So I feel like I'm just gonna fucking I'm gonna get a tattooed out. The chubby is cheek, so he's in. He does, he's gonna be the most youthful. Maybe he is skinned. Yeah, but I got no, because I got skin stuff going on. I got psoriasis going on. I'm losing my hair.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I'm gonna be a mess, dude. You'll be bald. You'll be bald. You'll wear those cool old man hats. You know, I just know you. You'll wear, I'm like, when is golf or a fictitious door? The two are, yeah. Justin's gonna have like purely white hair, like a few years. Yeah, I'm gonna be like, I just know you. You're like one of those golfers, the Dora's, the Dora's, the Dora's. Justin's gonna have like purely white hair,
Starting point is 00:36:26 be like a few years. Yeah, I'm gonna be like, I'm gonna be like Doc from Back to Future. Great Scott! Pretty much. I hope I age as well as Doug, that's what I hope. Yeah, I think we're all hoping for that. That's the prayer.
Starting point is 00:36:38 We're hoping he is some of his gut biome robs up on us, so we're gonna eat his poops though he never did it. Remember, we were supposed to do that. I thought you said that some part, if we hang on enough thatO. We're gonna eat his poop, so he never did it. Remember, we were supposed to do that. I thought you said that, if we hang out enough that part of it transfers to each other anyways, isn't it like a sorority girl? Souls in their period, is it not worth the same way?
Starting point is 00:36:52 So far though, I feel like. I know that's not true from bacteria. That's not true, that's not that work. So far though, I think you guys are just using getting my cup, Michael Brown. I think so too. I'm not getting better, you guys are getting worse. I actually believe that.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I've had more gut issues since I've worse. I actually believe that I'm I've had more good issues since we I've been hanging out with you than I ever have you or you just pointing it out and I was like blissfully ignorant. I'm doing fine man. That's what it was. Like always just constantly burning. You're still you're still I started making comments about you paying the toilet. We mean nobody in the new. I'm the only one Nobody else does this Just why there is making for me just and still things dairy doesn't bother him. That's the thing Extra cheese, please I think it does though. I think it does I know we don't put that to the test
Starting point is 00:37:40 But there you go never how long we exactly I was gonna say Yeah. So what do you guys think in terms of like, because we talked about technology and how that's affecting people's postures and stuff, what do you guys think about like in the future, what do you think are the gonna be the big challenges or breakthroughs for, I guess for health? Like what do you guys think? Well, I see anything.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I think we're on this race to, I think I brought this up to the day when we were talking about something similar. It is, I think there's a lot of faith and science that it's going to evolve enough to counter all the shit that you're doing to it. I think we're in hopes that, like, sure all this tech that we're constantly absorbing might be doing some sort of brain damage, but I'm pretty sure by the time I'm like 35 or 40, this is like being a teenager saying this, right?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Like that, you know, technology will be able to like erase that and start me over. You know what I'm saying? So I think there's a lot of faith in science that we're going to evolve past it. Like anything that we've had that we've put out there that has done some sort of harm to our health or our body. We've found something to do. If anything harder and convenient, for some reason we've wanted to innovate, and make things like,
Starting point is 00:38:48 invent things to make that whole process easier. And every time we do that, we lose our body's natural ability to do something it's supposed to do. Because you got to ask yourself, how many people were freaked out when the television came out? Could you imagine?
Starting point is 00:39:06 What do you mean? It was called the boob tube. Don't you guys remember? I used to get hammered, coming out. No. Who came up with that? Anyway, the boob tube. What is that?
Starting point is 00:39:14 I used to get hammered for watching, I used to love watching TV, right? I was sitting in front of the TV for hours, and I'd get hammered. Oh, it'll melt, it'll rot your brain, or don't watch too much TV, it's bad for your eyes or all these other things. So it was definitely viewed with the same,
Starting point is 00:39:30 I guess the apprehension as technology. But there's a big difference, you know, TV wasn't, it wasn't as rapid of, it didn't hit those dopamine levels like technology. Like I can look through. Well, in comparison it did. It ruined sleep for a lot of people. Right, and in comparison to the people that never had it,
Starting point is 00:39:49 it was such an extreme difference. So we're just at a whole never extreme level. That's the thing. That was like an introduction to this whole process of disrupting a lot of these natural rhythms everybody goes through, right? And is that the argument, right? This is the natural progression and evolution of all of it.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Like is it really that big of a deal? Are we just bunch of fucking old people that are going like, oh, it's going to do all these bad things? Maybe, maybe. I feel like we're going to, I feel like we'll see it in a generation or so and then. But if you're already consuming it at this like 15 second, you know, InstaStory rate, you know, where does it go from there?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Like, I mean, are you going to, are we going to be like, malt and I, and this is why I think Gary V believes in the holograms. No, this is why he believes the audio thing is that the next level is like, you're consuming information in your ears while you're also visually watching something else. So you're like, your ability to process information will probably improve.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I bet you kids today, of course it will. Process more information when there are age than we will than we can now. I believe that. I'll give you an example of it. My son plays these video games on his computer, these like first-person shooter games.
Starting point is 00:40:51 If I watch him play for more than 10 minutes, I get nauseous. I actually get dizzy, because he's moving so much and switching screens so often that I can't process it and it makes me, like, I actually get nauseous. He gets dizzy from it. But he can process it very quickly because he's trained himself and he's young, right?
Starting point is 00:41:09 So I mean, maybe something like that, like maybe when they're older, you're right. It'll be audio-visual touch. You'll be able to multitask at very, very high levels. Right. Because the brain's adapted, whereas we'll be like, slow down one thing at a time and they'll make fun of us. I wish I knew the author of the book, title for like one of my friends brought up and I actually watched a Ted talk about this about somebody that was kind of defending video games
Starting point is 00:41:30 and that it actually have an a positive benefit to society in the fact that it actually collectively brings people together to solve problems and whether or not we were going to start using that ability, you know, to solve bigger problems or like actual real-world problems by putting like immersing people into these This type of a program to where we could all kind of figure things out. They actually did that they actually did that there was a complex Problem and I can't remember what it was if it was a physics problem or it was something with biology problem and I can't remember what it was if it was a physics problem or it was something with biology But they they made it in kind of a video game format and just let people go and try and figure it out and work together and they did They figured out in a very very short period of time. I can't remember what it was. Yeah, I can't remember what it was That's interesting. They have websites where and then they also have these websites where you can post your symptoms and
Starting point is 00:42:22 Issues that you have with yourself and you have a bunch of citizen scientists and like pre-med students get on there and for free, they'll help answer questions for and try and figure it out. And people are getting diagnoses from this website that they were able to get within a day that they've been going to doctors for 10 years and nobody could figure out because you have all these eyes looking at the problem for different things.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Well, because I look at it too, because we watched ReadyPaclair 1, and we were all kind of impressed at the idea of that, but one thing kind of struck me was, so what they portrayed was everybody sort of going into this experience for themselves, and they were immersed in the game to win points and collect things and become popular, like, all for themselves, is like their own experience and kind of an escapism versus like, you know, what if they were to program in it in a way where you interact with these people, but you're all solving things
Starting point is 00:43:15 and you get dopamine hits from actually solving. So here's something that I've thought about. That's a very interesting theory. Here's something that I've thought about for a long time because you know the whole like, we're living in a simulation theory, right? People talk about that. So I always think about that,
Starting point is 00:43:29 because I think it's a fun thought experiment, but I thought to myself like, wow, let's say we had the technology and the capability to create a real simulation with semi-self-aware or self-aware programs within it that didn't know that they were programs, right? So we could create a society and we could observe it. What we could do then is we could plug in different problems and things to see how that society solves it. For example, let's say we want to pass some public policy
Starting point is 00:43:58 to improve upon the, to improve the environment. Rather than passing it publicly to see how much it works or doesn't work, we run a simulation. We run simulations, then that simulation tells you this one worked best, this one didn't work, and then we apply it. That's something I've been thinking about for a long time.
Starting point is 00:44:14 That works a lot. How do we clean up the oceans? Oh cool, let's try all these different applications within the simulation, because we do that now anyway. We do simulations all the time anyway. We just don't have the processing power or the technology yet to create a simulation where you'd have billions of independently,
Starting point is 00:44:32 of independent, you know, self-aware programs operating. Like that would really mimic the world. But if you did do that, that, that, I could imagine that that would be the first thing that we would do, right? Where we plug things in and say, okay, let's see what happens. I'm so disappointed in you that you still have yet to watch West Room. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Hey. So disappointed in you. Yeah, I know. I feel like you, the minute you're gonna look on your face, the look of the angry, right? I am, I just feel like my dad just, just like, I just want to be my friend. Because I know you so well. It's the sun, I just, you know, I have so much more.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Well, Justin, tell me right now, it's, can you think of a single show that's on TV right now or that's been on TV in the last five years that fits Sal more than that show no No because it's it really stretches You know your thought process and especially like with technology and what we're talking about right now Yeah, I'll try I'll try what I watch to get like a couple episodes and then we haven't watch anymore We gotta let the characters build dude. All right, all right, all right, and that was just the first season She's right the guy who reads the back of a book and it's like this isn't for me
Starting point is 00:45:40 You know but but looking ahead I can say I Feel like I can predict, just based off of what I know and who knows, I'm guessing, right? But I feel like I can predict a few things that I think will make just revolutionary changes to how we approach health. I think there's three main things that I can see right now
Starting point is 00:46:01 that I can identify that I think are gonna completely change how we approach different aspects of our health. One of them is the use of, because you're starting to see lots and lots of studies on the use of psychedelic substances for mental health and psychology, I think that is going to revolutionize psychiatric health completely. I don't think it's like like, let the public use it and change whatever. I do think that therapists and psychologists
Starting point is 00:46:29 and psychiatrists are gonna be able to use these substances to get people to kind of break out of their... I don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal. Oh, I think it's gonna be huge, dude. 100%. I think that I think it's gonna help. I think it's gonna be positive. I think it's similar to what we're finding with marijuana and cannabis and how many people that's gonna help. I think it's gonna be positive. I think it's similar to what we're finding
Starting point is 00:46:46 with marijuana and cannabis and how many people that it can help. I don't think it's gonna be like holy shit. Now for some people, I think it can be holy shit game changer, which is why it'll pass, why it will be utilized and I'm all pro and all. But I think that substances like that, that in that in Ayahuasca,
Starting point is 00:47:07 and a lot of these other, these tools that people are using right now to become even more self-aware, I think that they are huge for people that hadn't tapped into that. And so if you're somebody struggling relationship-wise, or you have PTSD, or you have something that has got you stuck somewhere in your life
Starting point is 00:47:26 and you get to chance to use this through therapy, I can see that being just and that's where I think the reaction, but that's what but why I don't think it's a revolution and why I don't think it's big enough. I don't think it's gonna be a large enough percentage through the preliminary studies are I know are we talking about it. It's crazy, dude. And I think, and I'm, And I think in the right hands with the right therapist, I think when you're talking about people who are dealing with trauma or dealing with, like think about it this way, right?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Here's a simple example, we're in fitness. From my standpoint, from where I'm sitting here in this chair knowing what I know about fitness, when I see somebody whose 80 pounds overweight, it seems so fucking simple. I can look at them and be like, dude, you're killing yourself. And they can even say, I know, I feel terrible,
Starting point is 00:48:13 I'm unhealthy, I just don't know why I can't change these things about myself, I can't figure it out, I don't know what's going on. I feel like, you know, those types of things used with therapy will get people to shift just enough to be like, fuck, those are the changes. I need to make those changes, and I will make those changes.
Starting point is 00:48:32 I feel like it's gonna happen with addiction. I think it'll happen with depression, PTSD. I think it's gonna revolutionize talk therapy because talk therapy can be effective, but it takes a long fucking time. And it also requires that you are fearless enough to face your fears. Like if I had a terrible childhood abuse and trauma,
Starting point is 00:48:53 one of the biggest stumbling blocks to dealing with that is being able to face it and just talk about it. You know, hard that is for some people. Yeah. They don't even wanna talk about it. Those substances so far, the studies are showing is it allows people to, that's why they're so far with the studies are showing is it allows people to, that's why they're so effective with P.D.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I mean, no doubt, no doubt that I agree that it should be legal. I mean, we've talked in a show how I feel and we all feel about just drugs in general. But I think it's gonna be, I think it's gonna be a revolution. I think it's gonna feel that way at first, the same way probably it feels for a lot of people now
Starting point is 00:49:23 that are around cannabis in the last year or two because their their states just now getting on board, you know, but for those of people like you and I that have been reading it and involved in it for a really long time. It's not like so revolutionary to us anymore. It's like these are obvious. And then what's going to happen is just like what we see with cannabis, you see people starting to bastardize it and glorify it. And I think there's going to be a lot of conversation, which is why I am already trying to change my tune around cannabis as pro cannabis as I am,
Starting point is 00:49:52 is again, just like anything else. Not going too far. Right, it's going too far. So I'm gonna go now that it's gonna become legal, now it's the next cool thing. And I know this because the types of DMs that I'm getting, it's, I get a lot of DMs about people like wanting me to help them like,
Starting point is 00:50:06 how do I use cannabis into my life? And I'm like, why? Like that, I mean, why, you don't need to have it in there. I'm just, because I say I'm pro and I like it or whatever that doesn't mean like you see. So here's what I think. And we'll use cannabis as an example. I think cannabinoid science will also revolutionize
Starting point is 00:50:22 medicine in many ways. Now, I don't think it's cannabis itself. Now cannabis itself, remember, it comes into plant, you can use it, you can smoke it, you can eat it, whatever. But we're still figuring out how the cannabinoid system really works and how to mess with it or play with it or modulate it to give you positive effects on your health. So I think cannabis was the door.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Now we're walking through the door and we're going holy shit, look at this entire system without the within the body. I mean, the reset whole new areas of research. That's what I mean. Just starting to get into and the gut biome too. That's the other one.
Starting point is 00:50:58 On top of all this topic with like chemicals that now we're able to legally sort of apply and see, you know, how this all plays out. I think that's definitely going to be game-chained. There's no doubt, I think we all agree on that one. Yeah, that's another one. There's no doubt. We have microbiome, we have cannabinoid science, we have psychedelic reason, because what
Starting point is 00:51:17 I think is going to happen with the psychedelics isn't so much, oh my god, magic mushrooms are so magical, it's going to be learning about the human psyche. That's what it's gonna revolutionize. It's gonna let them, they're gonna be able to just to explore human consciousness. When you have people who've been doing this for a living from a Western medicine standpoint, and now they've got this new tool,
Starting point is 00:51:38 I feel like they're gonna understand the human psyche from a completely different angle. And that's what I think is gonna be revolution. It's like Western science is finally angle, and that's what I think is gonna be revolution. It's like Western science is finally catching up to the holistic mentality. It's combining on. Yeah, now we're exactly, it's the merger of all this
Starting point is 00:51:52 because now we actually have definitions and we have studies that can kind of show how each one affects the different systems of the body. And I think that's gonna be really powerful. I think the microbiome ones, another one like, I think what's gonna happen at some point is they're gonna be able to look at your symptoms, your health problems, and they're gonna test your gut,
Starting point is 00:52:10 and then they're gonna be able to create a custom microbiome capsule or whatever that you take, and it's gonna give you the ideal microbiome flora that you need for your particular body, for your particular issues. I don't you question though, if that's the right way to do it or not? The right way to do it?
Starting point is 00:52:27 Right. You know, I know what you mean by that. Almost like a pill that gets you in shape. Right. Yeah, I know what you mean by that. Okay, I mean, because isn't that just gonna give me more free? It's just gonna tell me like, oh, fuck yeah, I can go fuck that through the world.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Well, that's for all the old people, right? Like, new, they're gonna genetically modify. You know, like people are gonna, you know, like get into like, I wanna have a kid that has all these traits and I wanna have all this and like literally it's gonna be, you know, you know, a set option of all these different traits that you can just choose.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And it's gonna be like, it's gonna get really weird on that end of it because now, you know, what are we doing? Like, we're creating, we're creating life in a sense, like in making it, you know, exactly how I wanted to play out versus just letting it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's another one, 3D printers.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I just read this in Science Daily today. They are talking about 3D printing food. What? Yeah, so they're able to take hydrates, proteins, fats, and print them in layers in ways that change their texture, their mouth feel, and change their absorption. Wow. Right?
Starting point is 00:53:35 With some real organic material. Yeah, yeah, so they'll be able to modify or change. So you'll have a certain macronutrient profile, but when you eat it, it's gonna feel like something else. Or the way your body absorbs, it's going to change, because now we can print things on a, at some point, molecular level, at some point, we'll be able to print molecule by molecule, you know, level, so where we'll be able to, like, I'll be able to make a food look like whatever I want and change its texture and how your body absorbs it, and have the macros that you want, that's the process of making your chicken breast taste like Snickers bars.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Make it crunchy, make it softer, make it whatever. I mean, how crazy is it? Like that's what microwaves look like in the future. Instead of microwaving food, you put your chicken breast in there and you like, do, do, do, do, do, do, and then out comes the popcorn flavor chicken breast now. Hey, we, they'll also be able to customize food materials
Starting point is 00:54:25 that exhibit longer storage times, enhanced functionality in terms of body absorption. How about that, right? Be able to maximize food through 3D printing, process foods that you absorb it, in a much more, I don't know, useful way or whatever. That's gonna be pretty fucking weird, man. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And what we're talking about is basically we're all preparing for interstellar travel. You know, at that point, like we can manage all of that, we can have food where we just print it on demand and like so, yeah, it's interesting. It's interesting to think about that. Like, where are we all progressing towards? Yeah, I think 3D printers are going to, they're going to disrupt the world in such a massive, massive way and they're going to try and regulate and control it as much as possible I wonder how long it'll take for them to get off the ground because of that
Starting point is 00:55:10 Because of what the that's trying to stop it because it's going to disrupt so much You got to know that they you anybody who's around it or knows that it's coming knows that it's going to disrupt a ton of different industries And because of that I feel like they're gonna make it really really tough. They're scrambling right now Yeah, they're already super accessible really, really tough. I think they're scrambling right now. Yeah, they're already super accessible. Yeah, well, I think they're scrambling right now to figure out, I wanna see one. A real one on YouTube and show you that right now. They're so expensive and they don't really do,
Starting point is 00:55:34 the stuff that we're talking about yet. I think we're like 10, 15, 20 years away from, like really, in your house 3D printer that's cheap, we're not there, but we're gonna get there to, well, at some point you'll be able to 3d print things on a molecular level like I said, and you'll be able to make your own drugs, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:54 I'll be able to print opium, or, that's gonna be weird. You know, print medication, well before all that, I feel like that's probably in the very, very future, right? Like, that's far from here, like, not, I don't know, dude. Dude, it's gotta be at least, like, think about what we've seen happen with the iPhone 1 to now.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Just think about how much that is evolved. I mean, with Moore's Law, that's all compounding, right? So it's gonna keep, it's gonna speed up. So as fast as we saw that, the next 10 years are gonna be what, 10 times faster than that? Yeah. So think from that, so if there's a 3D printer already out, and it's capable, what makes you think it's not
Starting point is 00:56:26 going to be evolved and then that's crazy. It's just going to change. It'll decentralize everything to such a crazy extent. Patents will be obsolete. Huge manufacturers and huge companies, these mega companies, they're going to become obsolete because you'll be able to 3D print a fucking 3D printer. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's gonna decentralize everything at the point.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Like, are there gonna be? Maybe right when the dollar is gone, is it perfect time when this is all gonna happen? Yeah, maybe. How weird is that all this stuff is happening right now with all your big coins and things like that and then maybe money's gonna go away and it won't matter that money's going away
Starting point is 00:57:00 because most all of us have a 3D printer in our house and can print majority of the things that we want or think we need. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know. That's gonna be kind of weird. And I don't think it's gonna be a challenge to humanity. I think it'll be a challenge to markets and manufacturers and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And there may be like a kind of a power struggle. But I don't know, good luck. When something comes out that people want, it's like you can't stop it. Well, it's gonna be how we watch the music industry get disrupted. Oh. I mean, look how quick that flipped on its head and changed from being lawsuits with Napster
Starting point is 00:57:29 and like, oh my God, trying to just trying as hard as I can. Yeah, trying so hard to stop it and then put a bottle. I mean, here we are now today that anybody who's been born in the last 10 years don't know any other way than to just get your music stream to you. Like, do you guys, do you guys think like the era of, you know, $150 million movie budgets is gonna be over pretty soon? Oh, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yeah, I mean, it's, you just see that already with, you know, Netflix and then creating all these series like really well-produced series. And it's like, and just having that access on demand is I mean that's that's the direction we're going with everything we want to be able to have it when I want to have it it's not like this movie's coming out here you know at this time and you have to be it's like that's not convenient for me you know like everybody wants it like the way that they want it and so it just makes sense to me that there's just going to be more of this streaming mentality. Well, look how much money and do it.
Starting point is 00:58:25 People go into the movies. How much it's declined in the last five years. That's why they had to come out with that whole 999 and you get access to as many movies as you want because movies are just. Yeah. And you see all these theaters scrambling right now. Look at how many of these theaters now are popping up with the loungers and then serve food and beer.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Like they're doing everything they can to try and figure out how do we drive people in here because it's just getting to the point where we would much rather stay at home, watch it on my 80 inch big screen and stream it where I got to pay $4.99 at the comfort of my own home. It's like, and what's happening now too is we're finding out that, like I think the new model for movies are these five, six part series that are streamed together versus one long movie for two hours and that's it and it's over. It's taking that same concept and breaking it up in half hour, one hour slots.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah, that must be easier production-wise. Of course. Of course, string it out that way. Yeah. And the hustle for it's less than that. You already see, I'm sure it's already affected a lot of people's jobs in that industry to where they used to have a solid, they knew for a year I'm going to be shooting this
Starting point is 00:59:30 in a versus now it's just like, and in the past there was so much more art to making a movie and creating a movie that Netflix is taking all the artistic part out and using analytics. you know, their Netflix is taking all the artistic part out and using analytics. You know, so there it's we can we can look and say, you know, X amount of people love movies that are, you know, that watch adventure movies. They want this, they want X, Y and Z, you know, 90% of them want a character that is buff 90% want a black girl and a white guy and an Asian guy inside it. Like I mean, they are literally starting to create movies for the analytics that we're giving them by the the the flicks that we already
Starting point is 01:00:14 I like Kevin Spacey with Kevin Bacon right to Kevin smaker right. Yeah, it's just like this algorithm that they just go. Yeah, well, how soon until they out, how soon until the technology exists to make CGI so realistic that you won't even have actors anymore, it'll be pure. That's a, that's already happened. They sell their likeness at that point. They did that in Star Wars, right?
Starting point is 01:00:35 They did, how cool is that gonna be for like a future, see, and I believe this, okay? So on that point, I believe the future are these Instagram and YouTube stars that they already have 10 million people following them on YouTube. They have no acting skills whatsoever, but it doesn't matter because we just want your look
Starting point is 01:00:53 and your name, and you pay the rights to me. You pay me a million dollars. I'm now the feature person on this film. Of course. Because you already have an audience. Yeah, they can use the CGI to make my voice, make my look, it's totally me. And then I can put it out, push it out to my four million people
Starting point is 01:01:10 or 10 million people that are following me on YouTube. So as far as getting people to watch it, of course all my fans are gonna watch a movie that I'm produced around me, right? Yeah, that's the future of how movie stars will be. It's all like super engineered. Everything's super engineered versus and you see this in the music industry too,
Starting point is 01:01:26 like how they've honed in on certain chord structures, certain sounds that people respond to the best, and then they just orchestrate these pop songs, these hit songs. You guys both have kids right now, and you both have kids that use YouTube. If they, I don't know what movie you took both your kids to last, but if they had a choice
Starting point is 01:01:46 between that movie that you just took them to or a stupid ass high school special type weird movie with their three favorites. Of course, if it's a YouTube star. Right. They don't know movie stars, they know YouTube stars. And it can be the worst written movie. It could be terrible, but because it has two or three
Starting point is 01:02:04 of their YouTube stars, they already follow. They would love to watch that, right? That's where it's going. Yeah, it's gonna be jumped into a pool of filled with lemons. Yeah, let's make a movie out of this. That's what YouTube is to me. You know, they just do dumb fucking shit. It's a pool of lemons.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yeah, YouTube. It's just a big pool of lemons shit. It's a pool of lemons. Yeah, YouTube. It's just a big pool, man. It's a big pool of lemons. Yeah. It's weird. I mean, there's definitely, my Crochon fire. There's definitely some gonna be some interesting challenges for us. It's hard to predict, right?
Starting point is 01:02:37 Because things are changing so quickly. It's gonna be hard to predict what's gonna pose. Like, I just read an article about, I guess there was this, I don't remember where it was, but there was a group of psychologists, psychiatrists that got together and they all met and talked about the potential challenges of sex robots and what that's going to cause. Yeah, it's going to be crazy. And, you know, I'll tell you what, like, the separation of sex from reproduction happened largely in the 1960s, right, with birth control pill.
Starting point is 01:03:11 All of a sudden, women had control over their reproductive systems. And so they could have sex and not get pregnant. And it was much better controlled than say condoms was. And that caused some challenges there because for all of human history, you can't separate sex from reproduction from human connection. But we did, we separated one of those things. And so, people argue as to whether or not that contributed to the higher divorce rate, if that contributed to all these different things. But it definitely was a challenge,
Starting point is 01:03:38 it's definitely a challenge for us because of something we need to learn about. Well, now moving forward, if we develop these sex robots, like we've now eliminated the human element out of sex, but it's still kind of like a human, or the repercussions of sex, or the responsibility of sex completely to where, now you have a robot that can fill your every fantasy and desire, is that a good or bad thing?
Starting point is 01:04:00 I think that's gonna pose some pretty fucking crazy challenges for mankind moving forward. I think that's going to post some pretty fucking crazy challenges for mankind moving forward. I think that'll be a big one. Are people going to want to be with other people if they can just be with the robot? It scares the shit out of me to think about sticking my dick in a robot. I know that for sure. What if you can't even tell?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Like, even if I couldn't tell, right? Let's say it's amazing. I can't tell. But the fucking thing malfunctions. You know what? Why I'm in full throw, dude. It just swings around or something really quick. It's a rare. Yeah, a rare. functions, you know, why? Why I'm in full throw, dude, and you just, you know, swings around or something really quick.
Starting point is 01:04:26 It's a rare. Yeah, a rare. Right, starts throwing you. The Wi-Fi fucking goes down right in the middle of some shit. You know what I'm saying? Like, while she's sucking my dick, you know what I'm saying? Like, all of a sudden, this isn't exit only. Disco else, and you see like, yeah, Wi-Fi disconnected.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Why you having sex with it? Let it go. Why you're having sex with it just in hacksit and makes it turn? Yeah. Yeah. His man voice comes on. You're a grimp. Not him.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Get to work. He turned his equipment around. He's all, hey, Sal, watch this. I'm going to turn up the aggressive level to 15. Oh! He's thrown his safe word out. Think about it this way. I'll post some questions. But what's to get all it this way. I'll post some questions.
Starting point is 01:05:05 But what's it get all that all out? I'll post some questions to you right now. Let's say there's a couple and they like each other and have sex and they're pretty adventurous. And every once in a while they tease the husband or the guys like, hey, what if we had a three-semin and they laugh but they never actually do it. But would they do it with another robot?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Now would they do a three-semin? Yes. Maybe they would think about all the things that people would allow themselves to do, knowing that it's not a person. The only way that I see this and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I think people can get real crazy. I just watched Westworld. Yeah, right? I know. I agree. I've seen it. I just rewatched X Machina. Oh, what a great one. I know. Such a good movie. Now, we're first going to see the first sex robots come out,
Starting point is 01:05:51 and they're going to be pretty lame. Let's be honest. But if it evolves to Westworld, if it evolves to where the AI is ridiculous, where it responds like a human would respond and interact with you, like a human would respond and they interact with you and they have like emotions and they can read your face signals and give you, I mean now that's crazy, but I right now I, because I can't quite fathom that yet, you know, I see like this robot that, you know, is really real looking feeling all that stuff
Starting point is 01:06:21 like that, but then it's just not going to have the same, you know, in, sure have the same, in two of responses that I can tell it's a robot. Right, you can tell it's a robot. And in the X-Mockinga movie, that's the whole test, right? That's the whole movie's all about that. Is it gonna happen? It's gonna call the Turing test, I think it's okay. Yeah, something like that, right?
Starting point is 01:06:37 Where even a human can't figure it out, right? So, I mean, fuck, we get to that level, then we're in Westworld, dude. Well, then you've replaced people, and it's, I mean, strange, we get to that level, then, yeah, then we're in Westworld, dude. Well, then you've replaced people, and it's, I mean, strange things are already happening with sex robots already. There's already brothels being opened up in certain countries where people can pay
Starting point is 01:06:55 to have sex with a sex doll. There's already companies that are creating sex dolls to fill dysfunctional fetishes and weird things, like some that look like kids or some that look like you can be strangled by weird shit. Here's where it gets really edgy, right? Is, and we brought the sub-wants before, is, you know, what happens when they do that
Starting point is 01:07:18 and, you know, rapist and murderers and pedophiles. It all goes down. You know what's funny? Like what happened? This article that what happens when, you know, they show that, you know, because of course not every country, every society is gonna jump on board right away.
Starting point is 01:07:37 But there's always gonna be that country that's edgy enough to do something in past. It's okay, we're fine. You can have sex where everyone can have them. And now all of a sudden you see pedophiles and rapists and all those things and rape charges, things like that, declining. Well, so this is what the article talks about.
Starting point is 01:07:51 I'm doing it and then you just monitor them. Well, this is what the article talked about and it said that, you know, people have said that but there's zero evidence that that would happen is what they said in the article. They said the opposite may be true. It may in fact, it may in fact, for more, it may in fact,
Starting point is 01:08:06 it's more okay. Yeah, it may fuel it and create a, you know, like take away the taboo, or here's the thing with people. I guess you'd have to ask a rapist, that, or a pedophile, that like, does the thrill of it's not right and it's wrong that you're doing it,
Starting point is 01:08:23 that you get off on that, or is it just something you feel? Because I would, I mean, I'm told I have no idea. I don't have any rapist friends or pedophiles friends. Rapist friends. Yeah. Not usually friends, yeah. Right, John. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:35 So, but I, I would think that they think that they have some, you know, they're fucked up in the head and they know it and they still do it. Like it's, it's like an addiction. Like you can't get away from it. And I would think there's some sort of a guilt that goes with that, but I don't know. Here's the scary thing about people. The scary thing about people is that we're capable
Starting point is 01:08:53 of almost anything. And it's, evidence is all around you. Look at the 20th century, look at what people were capable of and Nazi Germany and communist countries. And what, there's still places in the world where they do terrible things and it's accepted. Like, it's a strange, the human psyche is a very strange phenomena.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And so some people think if we do this and allow this, it will only normalize and create a situation where things get much worse. Yeah, it's a worst case scenario. Yeah, who knows, you know what I mean? That's the thing, really the answer is, the who knows, nobody knows. But it's something that's so never have we had sex with human-like- It's the hominemite proggers that we thought were rehuman.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Right, though. It does present a whole new, like, variables out there that could potentially be massive problems. I guarantee you, people will marry robots, 100%. I guarantee you the next big, because we just had gay marriage. So now we're cool, right? Now we've kind of solved all of them and like you want to marry you, you want to marry, go for it.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I think the future, big, the big like discrimination or whatever you want to call it, case is going to be, can't should we allow people to marry robots? Or should we give citizenship or rights and liberties to AI machines? Like, let's say people want to bang their robots and the robots are intelligent, artificial until but they're still robots and they love them now. They're in love with them.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And so they, they go to court and they're like, you know, they fight and they like, look, I love this robot. I'm not hurting anybody. Why can't I, why can't this be a treat in my consenting? Yeah, well, no, why can't we do this? And people will, people may give in and be like, you know what, he's not hurting anybody.
Starting point is 01:10:32 He loves the robot, fine, go for it, love it, right? Then the next thing will be, well, now we need to give my robot rights. I wanna give my robot rights because I think he's, that she's real or he's real, he thinks you, you know, whatever, that's, I don't know if that'll ever happen because it's human rights, right? You're not human.
Starting point is 01:10:47 No matter what, no matter how bad ass we make it. That may actually be a very, what's the word offensive thing to saying the future. It may actually be like, he, Adam Schaefer said on my phone episode, whatever, that they're not human. You know what I'm saying? Like, think about the...
Starting point is 01:11:02 You're so ignorant. Yeah. Yeah. In the future. Yeah. Somebody's just like scrolling through our catalog. Like, God, these guys. Yeah. You know what I'm saying, no?
Starting point is 01:11:14 It's gonna be a crazy problem. I think it'll be a major challenge. We're gonna have to figure out what the fuck to do with that. Or, you know, what, oh, I'm already fascinated with the one that we're dealing with right now with the whole, and we've mentioned this multiple times on the show, is going back to the sex dolls and porn, and I think it's nuts what we're seeing with men
Starting point is 01:11:34 and the erectile dysfunction. Oh, just with pornography? Yeah, just with pornography. I mean, I trip out, I still trip out. Every day I get on my Instagram, and you know, naked asses and things flying up in my feet and stuff and I'm going like, damn this is crazy dude like I'm 37 years old so it's like whatever you know I'm saying like it's I've seen enough naked bodies in my
Starting point is 01:11:53 life that's not a big deal but I think like dude if I was a 17 year old boy like wasn't that interesting the fuck the likes on the pictures dude I'm on here all day just checking out all these Instagram models. Do you know what I'm saying that's all I'm doing is a 17 year old. How that's affected like real life too, you know, with the way like I've seen a lot more younger girls like dressing super provocatively, you know, whereas like when we were growing up like no way, you know, but like it's almost like it's a competitive,
Starting point is 01:12:19 I don't know like if I've seen that all the time on my phone and they're trying to get attention from a boy, I wonder what that looks like. Dude, my favorite is that I see all the time now is the cute little 18 to 20 year old girl who's got her boyfriend, you know, falling around with the camera and taking pictures. Oh, good. She's taking all the sexy poses and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah. You think she would have just go on all those Instagram pages and that's the best. My son, the pool dude. It was so weird. Did you see it's everywhere? Yeah, it's everywhere now. This girl was pretending to grab a beach ball and she was wearing a G-string.
Starting point is 01:12:53 This guy's taking a picture. I'm like, what the hell is going on here? Is this a photo shoot? Yeah, I'm just so glad now that my pump's grown to the point where we actually have a videographer and photographer and a false photographer. I I'm gonna do that shit anymore dude. Like I just, it was my least favorite part about when we first started all this was having to post pictures and take pictures and do all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I felt, you know what the worst was? What was that one, the one that we abandoned that was like a new like social media. Oh yeah. That was like real time like you do like, what was that called at him? It was Vero. No, no, no, it wasn't Vero. Periscope. Periscope. Oh, that one. Oh, yeah, I think I'm Vero. We abandon to happen with that one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Periscope. I hated that. Yeah. You know, you don't see anybody. You just see yourself and then you see all these like, like, like, hearts love. Like it's so like fucking narcissistic. You know what we saying?
Starting point is 01:13:48 It's funny you're talking about that right now because I've been, I hate InstaStories too. Like I hate doing them myself. Just still just feels weird. Just feels narcissistic. It feels, it's, it's feels stupid to me. It feels filthy. Yeah, it's not in a good way.
Starting point is 01:14:01 It does, it does it. And, and I know that, but I'm like trying to find my way. Like how do I put like a cool positive spin on it to wear? Cause I get it, like, I mean, if I'm somebody who listens to the show, I love the show, I would love to be able to interact with you guys. So something that I'm entertaining or,
Starting point is 01:14:15 I was talking to Taylor and, you know, I guess we'll just talk about this on, we'll talk about it live. We'll see if we get any response for it to, if people really like the idea. But I thought doing like a, you know, once a week. So, you know, so in a month's time, you would sell Justin, Adam, and Doug, even,
Starting point is 01:14:30 where there's a, you know, 30 minute window on the main page where you can interact with, and it's scheduled. So it's like Friday at 4 p.m. I don't be cool. The first week, the first Friday the month is, you know, you can interact with Justin on the Mind Put Media page And it's like a hot seat. It's just you can ask him anything personal stuff fitness stuff
Starting point is 01:14:49 So that's fun. It's just the everyday thing I think Yeah, that's the part that gets that I just can't do. I can't I can't fake this you know And I see it in my feed all time all these these motivational videos People that are trying to teach others how to and I know I know that's good They're coming from a good place So this is not me talking shit This is just my personal opinion on why I'm not a big fan of it myself and and I know some of these people And I see some of these people in their lives and it's like dude
Starting point is 01:15:14 They're they're still trying to figure things out themselves, you know, and then they're out here giving trying to give expert advice on On motivation and what they need to be doing and sometimes a lot of the information is really bad information. You know, but it sounds cool because it's hyphae. You know, and they got a cool car and they look good and they look awesome and, you know, I, real dramatic music. Yeah, all that stuff. So I'm wondering where all that's gonna kind of transition
Starting point is 01:15:38 and what's gonna happen to the evolution of that in the next, you know, three to five years because that's new as fuck. Yeah. I mean, what were we doing that was like anything of that in the next three to five years because that's new as fuck. I mean, what were we doing that was like anything? How old was Instagram? Only a couple of years. Five maybe?
Starting point is 01:15:53 Really? That's it? Five years? Five years? That's crazy. It just took off and took over. Yeah, I don't know. We'll see what it looks like.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I have no idea what to predict. I wish I did because then I'd be a billionaire. I could create like a new social media platform. Well, it seems that we're getting, there's a demand for even being connected more and more and more. That's the scary thing, you know. Yeah. I don't know. It's it's it's it's it's gonna have drones just flying. You know, you know, what could very well happen is we'll reach a breaking point where, is we'll reach a breaking point where, you know, we're getting more and more and more of the stuff where people are just gonna revert back and it's gonna become really, really cool to not be super connected,
Starting point is 01:16:32 to not be on social media too, connect with nature, to be active, to take care of yourself on those other ways. We may just see a pendulum swinging the other direction, which is funny, because we're not predicting that right now in this episode, but I wouldn't be surprised. You know what I see a lot.
Starting point is 01:16:50 I don't know, dude. Remember we went through and we saw some like Joey Swolves, for example, like he abandoned his Instagram handle. You know, there's certain people like that that have gotten so much attention that like now They just like have abandoned it and are doing other things, but it's like I feel like did he abandon his Joey Swole thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, I didn't know I'm blocked so I don't know I tried to He's trying to find me
Starting point is 01:17:16 Yeah, are you blocked to check in on him? Yeah, have you guys seen who's it all blocked to you? How many how many blocks are you up to now? I don't how do I see who's blocked me? Well, you have to go to look at their pace. You have to go look at Joey Swole right now to see that. Joe Donnelly blocked me. Joey Swole blocked me. I don't know who else. That's kind of big. I wonder what he's up to, huh?
Starting point is 01:17:33 You know who I noticed who's a couple of them shreds, guys. Remember that kid, Alex Turner, Alex Michael Turner with that. He's tied it up. I think you and him. Yeah, that's right. And him guy got it in the middle. I did. So I think he Turner with that, he's tied it up. I think you and him. Yeah, that's right. And he got it in the water. Oh, I did, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:46 So I think he's blocked us, too. He plot up on my feed with, oh, he with the guys from Live Fit, he's doing work with them. And I was like, what? Wait a second, isn't this like, these guys are all using each other. Like it's so hilarious. All these brands are all like,
Starting point is 01:17:59 and all these aspiring athletes, or whatever the fuck you call them, on Instagram, wannabe models, they just hop from brand to brand to brand and then push the stuff. It's like, and I feel like it's creating this false perception of success as far as a business is concerned. And that's the biggest problem that I have
Starting point is 01:18:20 when I see people trying to mimic what they see. And it's like, if you only knew that there's the slash in the pan, it is. It's not a real substantial business. I don't give a fuck of the kids driving around a badass R8 or a badass fucking new, you know, Mercedes or Ferrari. It doesn't matter that he, because he's got these cool things that you see on Instagram. If he even has that, because a lot of these things, I think it's going to be cool. I think it's going to be cool to not show all that shit.
Starting point is 01:18:43 That's what I think. I think right now it's cool to show how flashing great you are, but at some point there's gonna be a little bit of a backlash. I think there's gonna be a backlash where people are like, I disagree with that. Dude, I am watching the- Here's the thing. You, I'm watching the whole like social justice
Starting point is 01:18:59 warrior thing explode, and at some point it's gonna be like, hey, you rich person, you spent all that money on whatever you could have been- And then people are gonna show off how much they help people no you're already seeing it with the market dude oh no see you're again this is you sounding like you're 40 you know I'm saying like this is that you're talking to maybe our generation like starts to give a backlash of it maybe like people that are listening to the show no I think the younger people the ones that are seeking it really well let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Not as long as Netflix and movie stars and all that stuff still exist and cool, cool flashy shit. Well, no, let me ask you this. How many food companies and companies in general, do you remember as a kid that advertised how much they donated to other people, that advertised how environmentally friendly they were?
Starting point is 01:19:41 That's different. You're nutrition and the desire to want, especially with kids that are underprivileged, man, and you, as a kid, that grew up poor and didn't have things, and you see movies and you see cool cars, and you know people that have that stuff like that, you want it, dude. And when you're that young, you don't realize why you want it,
Starting point is 01:20:04 and you don't realize why you're driven to have it so bad We'll see the statistics are showing that the millennials want to own less and want to share more or they want to Be able to share more with like this gig economy now I agree with that now I think that I think so I think what's happening and you can already see like I said You used to never see companies that were like hey hey, for every membership you buy with us, we'll donate one to a family. Or here's the charities we work for, or look at our packaging, it's environmentally friendly.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Nobody gave a shit before. Today, it's like a selling point. Like, oh, that's a nice company, but what do they do for poor people, or what do they do for the environment? That's a thing now. So I agree with all of that. But I think you were talking about you.
Starting point is 01:20:45 You don't think there's gonna be a backlash when they're showing like, dude, look at that celebrity like who's just flaunting all the freaking yachts and shit that they have. I think that already happens now. I think there's already people that don't like that and it bothers them. And a lot of them are jealous and haters.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I think that I feel like the most eyes. For sure. And so yeah, I definitely think that's changing as far as like that being in favor, but it's still gonna be popular. Sure. But I do think that there might be some, I mean, I definitely think that's changing as far as that being in favor, but it's still gonna be popular. Sure, but I do think that there might be some, I mean, I still watch them. I still like them.
Starting point is 01:21:10 You know what I'm saying? I still watch it. I mean, a cool car. I like cool cars, dude. You got me. You know what I'm saying? Even if I think you're an idiot, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:21:18 And I think that's a terrible way to sell a protein drink. Like, I no matter what, like, it doesn't matter. I'm still watching. Right. I'm still watching. I just think what's happening is that the kids that are trying to emulate those people
Starting point is 01:21:29 that have X amount of followers and are using strategies like this to gain attention, they don't realize that attention and building a business aren't the same thing. And just because you have a bunch of eyes on you and attention for having a flashy car and doing those things, doesn't mean you have a great business plan. And even if you are making a little, I mean, you know, here's one time about back lashes that we're going to see that I think is fascinating. And I'm not going to call somebody out.
Starting point is 01:21:56 I feel like I want to though. I'm proud of you. So I openly admit that our apparel line or our merch line, what the fuck you want to call it, what are the trendy word for it is now? Basically, a way for us to advertise because people buy our shirts and wear it and rep it because they like the brand. You know, we get shirts from overseas,
Starting point is 01:22:18 we get the best quality we can for the cheapest price. It usually ranges somewhere between eight to $12 a shirt that it costs us, and then we flip it for double the price, and that's how much money we make off of it. This model is the same model that almost every single person you see on Instagram that has millions of followers is using right now. And the bottom line is, I mean, it's a T-shirt, it's cool, but it's not that fucking cool, You know what I'm saying? And I think that more and more people are gonna become savvy that and many of these people that we know
Starting point is 01:22:48 that have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers, most of them are making six figures plus off of this quote unquote, merch line or a parallel line. I mean, I thought I saw some stats on Jake Paul or whatever in the mountain. Yeah, Logan Paul in those guys. Yeah, that's like half a million dollars a year on over half of their incomes just from that. Yeah, like that stuff will blow up, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:12 You're not a fashion designer. You know what I'm saying? Like your shit's cool for a bunch of 17-year-old kids that again that are tuning in because of your Ferrari. Just their logo. That's on it. It's like nothing fucking at all to it. Yeah, dude, that stuff is gonna, that stuff will die, dude. Eventually die really quick here.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And I'm not saying, again, we do that, but that we don't look at it as even, I remember when we sat in this, you know, the last studio, we all talked about it like when we got a big enough following that was asking for shirts. We all sat in a room and we're like, nah, I really didn't want anything to do with it.
Starting point is 01:23:42 I was anti it for a long time. No, I know, it's a tough business. And plus, that's why I too, we're seeking companies like Viori and like really good quality, like clothing that we can rep. But at the same time, it's like, I mean, you have to put a lot of effort
Starting point is 01:23:57 into it to get to that point. You know why? Because we know Joe, the owner, what he's probably doing today, why we're over here, he's forcing materials, and he's like going through and like right staying current with like all these fashion trends And yes like these guys these and you see it a lot in the fitness space
Starting point is 01:24:12 It's big in the fitness space is to do this and then flip and sell clothes But none of them have any good ideas. I think when you have it when you make a big impact on people They just want to give you I mean seriously. They just want to give you money you, I mean, seriously, they just wanna give you money. As long as you give them a reason to give you money, they will, like what's called Patreon? You know, like people like Jordan Peterson on Patreon makes well over six figures a month. A month.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Crazy. By the way, all of his talks, and he's one person, there's other people on the next level though. Sure, but my point is, my point is all of his talks that he does that people are paying for are free. People are literally just giving him money, listen to shit that you can find for free on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:24:53 How fucking crazy is that? Yeah, but I love that though, because to me, he's adding so much value to people. Well, that's what I'm saying. That was the saying that we almost did a Patreon. Remember when we first started too? We talked about that before we started to monetize and so many people said, can we contribute
Starting point is 01:25:07 to the mind pump movement because you've impacted my life so much and we just didn't wanna do that. And I think if we all didn't have other businesses that we had income coming in, I think maybe that would have been something we considered because we would have been stuck in a situation where the business isn't making any money for at least a year or two. And we would need that.
Starting point is 01:25:25 So I can see that. I just think it's just, but to me, that model is a, I love that model. It's, you know, I'm, it's interesting. It's interesting. I'm gonna provide so much goddamn value
Starting point is 01:25:36 that people are gonna want to give me money. And that to me, that's what, that's building a business, dude. Like that is really building a business. Cause then you can't. It's back to the root of it, right? Like I made such a fucking awesome product and I did it all out of my own resources
Starting point is 01:25:51 and sweat and labor and all this that like you appreciated it so much, you gave me this money for it, right? I wasn't determining that price point. Right. That's, but and because things are so easily accessible and so free, I think that's probably the future of a lot of,
Starting point is 01:26:09 a lot of the stuff, I really do. I mean, being able to sell things online and sell, I mean, look at music, like we talked about music earlier, like it used to be like, now musicians make a lot of their money in concerts live because they're not making as much as they were selling their, this is sell CDs and tapes. Now's you know now it's you're buying it they turn likes into dollars yeah like you get likes and that's that's that's good right like they would try that shit and then else and it's yeah then you see what we see what I see right now which is nuts is so many of these
Starting point is 01:26:42 people chasing the YouTube chasing the the Instagram, Facebook algorithms. It's like this, you know, back and forth game that the companies making and the consumers are of, you know, and their entire business relies on that. They need 10,000 eyes a day to make sure they sell 20 shirts a day. And if they don't have that, then they're not going to sell that. So how about this? Because obviously, Instagram, Facebook and if they don't have that, then they're not gonna sell that. So how about this? Because obviously Instagram, Facebook, and all these media platforms have an algorithm,
Starting point is 01:27:10 and they could very easily control that and change and make sure that someone pops up in the front page or whatever. How long until Instagram and those companies figure that, figure out, hey, why don't we create this person, why don't we put this person on the front page, use them to indirectly sell and make money or influence the audience?
Starting point is 01:27:28 Or nothing has to stop them from saying like, okay, well, here's your top 10 people on YouTube or on Instagram that have businesses that are seven figure or eight figures, and then dip in their hands in the pot saying, hey, we're gonna feature you as the top 10 Instagram stars or top 10 businesses on Instagram. And we're gonna go ahead and take 25% of your business.
Starting point is 01:27:50 And who wouldn't, you can't say no to it? Sure, you'll be, right now the only thing stopping them is integrity, but we know how long that will last. I mean, it's true, it's absolutely true. I mean, right now you can make YouTube videos and you can post and advertise your own shit. Some point they'll tell you not to anymore. They're gonna tell you can't do that anymore. You know what I mean? You're not gonna be able to advertise your own shit. Some point they'll tell you not to anymore. They're gonna tell you you can't do that anymore.
Starting point is 01:28:06 I know. You know what I mean? You're not gonna be able to advertise your own stuff on YouTube in the future. I guarantee it. Yeah, it's really interesting to see where that's gonna go for us. I mean, that's something that we constantly
Starting point is 01:28:14 are looking at, like, okay, where is this platform gonna go? And like, how important is it if we try and monetize it? Like, I have no idea what that's gonna look like in the future. Which is why, too, we go really slow with it. I mean, this has been a constant battle with us and our marketing team, because of course our marketing team looks at everything like leads and conversions and dollars, but I don't look at every part of our business like that.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Sometimes, it's like, okay, we'll, we got to be thinking of what happens when that happens, right? What happens when the company starts to say or the YouTube or whatever says, you can no longer sell or market or do any of those things and you have now built a structure and infrastructure around that. Like that's a big fucking deal.
Starting point is 01:28:56 They'll do it. Yeah, that's a big deal. You know I'm hired to, because if YouTube was generating us 20 to $30,000 revenue, we'd have multiple employees, more employees than we already have around that to keep it going and producing,
Starting point is 01:29:10 and then to think that they could all sudden change that. They'd change that. Now I'm fucked, I'm still paying those employees, but then now I'm not getting paid for that. Like, fuck. Well, I mean, it's what happened many times with Facebook, where you got people making seven figures through advertising on Facebook, Facebook
Starting point is 01:29:25 Chase changes the algorithm. Over night they go from seven figures to six figures. Over night. You know, I mean, they'll do it. They've done it before. They'll do it again. Same thing with Google and their ad words and it's like, they'll change it right away and you're fucked.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Amazon does it. Amazon does it. Yeah. So it's like, I don't know. Interesting. We're kind of at the mercy of a lot of these big companies, man. That being said, I still think it's phenomenal what they've done for us.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I mean, how cool is that? Oh my God. I mean, think of just the history that Google has now. Like if you search something and it pops up on the first page, you can damn well feel that it's a solid, solid article, or it's got solid information. Because it's got so many people have looked over it already and criticized the shit out of it or liked it to death or shared it to
Starting point is 01:30:10 death and that's all part of the algorithm for it to even get up there. So I mean that's kind of cool, you know, it's pretty cool that you can we can access information and also feel good about the information that you're accessing because of things like that. I think that's pretty neat. Excellent. So check it out. We all have Instagram pages. You can find us all on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:30:29 My page is Mind Pump Sal. Adam is found at Mind Pump Adam and Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com. to Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:31:05 With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundles like having Sal and an adjustment as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is MindPump. This is MindDom.

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