Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 906: How to Learn the Squat, Tips for Getting Back on Track with Diet & Fitness, When to Use Bodyweight Instead of Weights & MORE

Episode Date: November 21, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions abou...t getting started recommendations for a total newbie with no conditioning or strength, teaching someone who’s new to weightlifting how to squat, the best way to get back into lifting/eating seriously after falling off for several weeks or months and the best route for someone with a skinny-fat body composition should take when starting their fitness journey. The slow death of the brick and mortar format, the rise of ecommerce and companies like Walmart and Amazon continuing to evolve. (5:27) The guys talk going cable free and the pros and cons. (13:24) The tragedy of the Northern California fires and the poor air quality from its wake. (19:16) Mind Pump Recommends: Bohemian Rhapsody. (22:52) Recap: Mind Pump Thanksgiving and the guys being Vuori’ed out. (24:07) Lifting weights are better for your heart than cardio: study. (27:45) Relaxing and stimulating: The Organifi “Christmas Blend” and the guys talk preparing for the holidays. (37:28) What the heck is #MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)??!! (39:40) #Quah question #1 – What would you recommend for a total newbie getting started with no conditioning or strength? (49:24) #Quah question #2 – How would you go about teaching someone who’s new to weightlifting how to squat? (1:00:58) #Quah question #3 – What is the best way to get back into lifting/eating seriously after falling off for several weeks or months? (1:10:11) #Quah question #4 – What is the best route for someone with a skinny-fat body composition should take when starting their fitness journey? (1:17:43) People Mentioned: Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson)  Instagram Daniel Matranga | CSCS | BSc. (@dynamic.danny)  Instagram Links/Products Mentioned: November Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “mindpump” for 20% off** MAPS Fitness Products Vuori Clothing **Code "mindpump" for 25% off** Organifi **Code “mindpump” for 20% off** Facebook Reviews: Leave a 5 Star Review and Win a Free Mind Pump T-Shirt!! More than 3,800 stores will close in 2018 — here's the full list The Four: : The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google – Book by Scott Galloway Northern California still has dangerous air quality due to wildfire smoke Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) - IMDb Lifting weights is better for your heart than cardio: study - New York Post Different types of physical activity offer varying protection against heart disease Men Going Their Own Way - Wikipedia This Group of Straight Men Is Swearing Off Women - VICE Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Justin, do a turkey sale for the intro. Yeah! In this special episode of Mind Pump for the Pro. Just Adam was the turkey knife. special episode of mind pump for the fruit. Just had it on the turkey diet.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I don't know why you. It's turkey not. Yeah, it's shut my head off. Yeah, I was way for the world rule. Yeah. For the first 45 minutes, we do our introductory conversation. We start out by talking about Amazon, Walmart, and the changing retail landscape, of course,
Starting point is 00:00:43 everybody knows us as experts and fitness, but a lot of people don't realize we're experts in everything else. We know. So we like to speculate a lot of stuff. Yeah. Adam talks about going cable free. How long will that last?
Starting point is 00:00:54 It's an update for you guys. Yeah, we'll see. I'm trying to jump in on that. Then we talk about the California fires and the terrible air pollution, and of course our hearts reach out to all of you affected by the fires, we love you. And then we talked about Viori and how they basically,
Starting point is 00:01:10 well, I mean, here's the deal, we had a Thanksgiving party, everybody showed up wearing Viori clothing, it wasn't planned. That's cause Viori clothing is really cool, it's really nice. And it looks best on this podcast. It looks really, really good, it's true, Justin.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I appreciate you saying that. We look the best. If you wanna check out Viori clothing, go on their website, vuoricloathing.com, forward slash mind pump. If you do the forward slash mind pump, you'll get 25% off your order.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Then we talk about strength training for your heart. That's right. Whoa. New study shows that strength training is better for your heart. That's right. New study shows that strength training is better for your heart than cardio. Boom, we told ya. Take that cardio queen. Then we talk about pulling out the Organifi Christmas blend
Starting point is 00:01:54 for the holidays. I've already started my Christmas blend. This is where you mix the Organifi Green Juice, which is Adaptogenic Herbs like Ashwaganda and Greens and the Red Juice, which is a little bit more stimulating with rodiola and beetroot powder, mix them together, Christmas blend, cuzz of the colors, they're great, I invented the name,
Starting point is 00:02:13 case closed. We're gonna have people looking in this. If you go to organifi.com, forward slash mind pump, into the code mind pump, you'll get 20% off. I'm really interested to see you came up with that, sort of guy. Then we talk about men going their own way.
Starting point is 00:02:28 What are you guys doing? Come on guys. With an acronym and everything. Yeah, so that didn't even know the existed. And then of course, Justin talks about his new favorite pastime, furries. Yeah, I love them. I'm gonna go one of those conventions.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Then we get to the questions. The first question was, what do we recommend that a total new B in exercise with no conditioning or strength? Should they master body weight training first? In other words, if you've never lifted weights, should you become a master of manipulating your body weight before you lift weights, a little bit of a debate
Starting point is 00:03:02 in that part of this episode? Get a black belt. Next question was, how do we start teaching someone how to squat? So somebody who's never squatted before, what are some great ways to get your body to the point where you can perform the king of all exercises, the squat? And the next question was,
Starting point is 00:03:22 this person's fallen off exercising nutrition for several weeks or months. So totally taking a long break, fell off the wagon. What's the best way to get back into the jump right in? Or is there a better way? And the final question, what's the best route for someone? With a skinny fat body, this is somebody who's underweight or at their normal weight, but just has low muscle. High body fat. High body fat. That's right. There's a new term. Apparently there's skinny fat people. And then there's fat fat people. There's those fat fats. Yeah. Where
Starting point is 00:03:55 should they start? What's the best way to progress them in their fitness journey? Also, the sales almost over, we're coming up towards the end of the month now. Maps anywhere is 50% off. Now remember, maps anywhere is our maps program. That can be done without equipment. So you can do it anywhere. You can do it at home. You can do it at work.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You can do it on the road. It's also be redone. We reshot the whole program. The website is brand new with it. It looks awesome. Just go to mapswhite.com and use the coupon code white50whit in the number 50 without a space at checkout for half off.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And if you wanna check out our other maps programs, we have a lot of them, just go to mapsfitinistproducts.com. Yeah. Teacher time. And it's teacher time. Oh, it is, everybody. Favorite time of the week. All right, we've got quite a few reviews
Starting point is 00:04:47 on both iTunes and Facebook. The winners on iTunes are Joanna C, Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo, and a smiley face with a wink. Joe. And the best one of all, Justin loves cheese. I love Justin. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:05:04 How is that? I've seen that guy. Yeah, he does. He's the old time. On Facebook, we have Adam Batista, Jr. Aaron Stefan, Daniel Isaac, Emma Doherty, and Hannah Harder. All of you are winners, and the name I just read to iTunes at mind.media.com. Send your shirt size, your shipping address, and we'll get that right out to you. We got you. I love cheese and that guy
Starting point is 00:05:25 I got it. Oh, I got it. Where'd you got it at Ross? Whoa. Yeah I love it. I love it. I got it. Who did open open open open open Mervance. Oh, yes, Mervance Yeah, I got you. I got you, mother fucker. That's right. I never went at this game. What a dying business, huh?
Starting point is 00:05:51 Like, JC Penny. All the Mervance. I read an article. It was probably like six months ago on the brick and mortar. It was like, it was crazy the amount to them. Like, maybe Doug can look this up. Like, how many brick and mortar stores like it was crazy the amount to them. Like, maybe Doug can look this up. Like how many brick and mortar stores closed in 2018? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It was. Bro, the second that delivery shipping is like within hours, like the second you can buy something online and it's in your house in an hour, they're all dead. You know, these are big names too. That's the only thing that's keeping them alive. How many companies is Amazon responsible for bearing? Think about that.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Well, hold on. How many companies is Amazon responsible for also building? Building. Oh, right. I'm not... Because it's funny people... Listen, listen, when I say that, I don't say it in a balance. Negative way. No, I don't say it in a negative way.
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's more than balanced. It's actually, they've brought more money to economy. They've built more jobs. That's change. It's just they've changed it. Yeah, they've disrupted the shit out of it. Yeah, that's why it's hard. It's hard to, so you can't live,
Starting point is 00:06:58 like if you're a business, you just can't live writing off of that same momentum. You have to always check that and recreate yourself. Here's where I say everybody needs to keep their eyes. Loud toys are rust, pay less, Jim Brie, rule 21, great radio shock. Here's what I think people need to keep their eyes. Ghost town.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Walmart. Walmart is such a big, powerful company that I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, if they weren't investing heavy money into creating their own cloud or Amazon something. You know what I'm saying? That's what I would say. Could you look at Walmart? I would bet against it. They're their own shipping. I think Walmart's got, I mean, they're still the number one sales in organic foods. They're still a fucking powerhouse. And if you were to add up all of the owners of Walmart
Starting point is 00:07:56 as one person, they'd be worth more than almost anybody else. They were, I don't know if they still are with where Bezos is now. Don't you feel like a retail stores are just gonna be like warehouses now? They're showrooms. Yeah, showroom with boxes stacked. They're still certain things.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I mean, I'm blown away by looking at all the construction at the malls. Have you guys watched the Westfield? Like it's still like why? Well, because- With the parking lots especially. Yeah, no, it's crazy, right? I think I still think that there's there's something
Starting point is 00:08:25 about the experience of going to the mall, trying things on, hanging it. There's still like, we, there's still something about that that is still driving enough traffic for it to fucking build on it. Did you remember when I think it was Nordstrom or we were up in Palo Alto and they're showing us like plans like this is like years ago for basically scanning you and then being able to fit close to your model. And like they're trying to do this all virtually and they're trying to get like an innovative somehow in that whole process. But it's just, I just don't see that, you know, I don't see people really seeking going in store to get through that process.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Look at that. There you go, Sal, you're right. Well, Walmart is the best, they've had the best sales that they've had in a decade. Wow. So much for those. And I think Walmart is looking very carefully at the online market and setting themselves up well to compete. They're that big and that powerful. And they have that much, you know, they have shipping routes and stuff set up so well that when there's emergency season shit,
Starting point is 00:09:36 Walmart will get water to places fastened the government camp. And they have in some instances. I don't see, I see this being pretty interesting. That will be interesting because they weren't even mentioned in the four, the book, the four. Because they're considered an old company, I guess, probably, right?
Starting point is 00:09:55 I don't know. You know what'd be cool? Maybe you can find me a newer book on Walmart. I would love to read like, who's, I don't even know, who's making the decisions right now. I know that the family is like, I think there's four or six of them that are spread out over who owns Walmart, but I would love to read a book on what's going on with them and how they're responding to this new wave of, you know, Amazon Prime and shit like that,
Starting point is 00:10:19 how they're handling that. Yeah, because let's say, how would the online market just completely destroy all brick and mortar? I would think like you're saying, Adam, there's the whole experience of going to a store and trying things on and looking at things and touching them and Getting them right then and there So I would think shipping would have to be even faster and you'd have to have the ability to Try something on well, this is where so is where, and they're already solving that problem with the trunks. So all that's, it's the turnaround time
Starting point is 00:10:51 because we're still in pulse of humans, right? We still want something when we want it right away. And so when that gets sped up and we're getting there, right? Prime is already getting the point where you could same day prime something. So when you're able to think of an outfit or think of a brand or think of something you wanna try and they can get to your house that day,
Starting point is 00:11:09 you can try it on and send it back or decide to purchase it right then there, that's when it's game over. Because right now, if I, and the ice, because I'm still guilty of this, where... Some people like shopping though. Well, I think for those people, virtual reality,
Starting point is 00:11:23 that's where it's gonna have. People that like shopping, most people that really like shopping, still have, I think for those people, virtual reality, that's where it's gonna have. People that like shopping, most people that really like shopping still have, I mean, I was this person who just had an experienced shopping online or you didn't know how to navigate it. It's the old dog, right? It's the old way. I guess you're right, because it's still shopping.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, it's still going shopping. You still can go, and if it gets sent to your house, you can still try it on. You can still do all those things in the company. It's just the speed, the convenience, and the ease of it is what has to. And just this generation, we still have 50% of the people that are, you know, the buyers that are 50 years old
Starting point is 00:11:56 and she like that. And they just, they don't know how to function their iPhone still, you know what I'm saying? Like, I have family members that don't even, I mean, I don't even know. There's so many things that work that your phone and your TV are capable of doing, that your kids probably know that you don't fuck.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I just found out the other day, my remote control's voice activated. I just literally found out. I had my TV for like three years. Yeah. I hit that voice command button. I had no idea. I'm sitting there trying to find a movie on Amazon, and I'm t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t And my son goes, why don't you just talk into the remote? And I looked at him.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I looked at him like he was an idiot, like, shut up. Talking. What do you think this is, you know? He's like a praise fucking two thousand. He's like a genie. Yeah, he's like a 2018 dad and I'm like, oh, is that what this button is? And you hit it and you just say the word and it fucking searches for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And I literally my brain almost looks like now. Have you got good at using that because I have I have the same function And I don't use it still either so easy it is you just tap it and talk It's so stupid I was the whole time Fucking hour to have to fight a goddamn movie and my kids look at every like I'm like I'm an idiot Yeah, like I'm an old lady kind of have to know ahead of time like what you want to see You know, I mean you can't like like scrolling yeah, like I'm an old lady. But you kind of have to know ahead of time, like what you want to see. You know what I mean, you can't like, like scrolling still takes like,
Starting point is 00:13:08 I don't really know a lot of it. No, it wasn't to scroll, it was because I wanted to look up documentary. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I got to type in the word documentary, which with a remote control with just the arrows, take you an hour and a half. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Instead of just documentary, and then it comes up. Yeah, that's so annoying. You know, I've been streaming now for, I'm on my third month, third or fourth month, consistently, of like cable free, right? Yeah, oh, I just started that. Oh, you did.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Yeah, I'm new to this, I'll say, I'm like, a little bit, you'll never go back. Yeah, I don't miss it. Well, but at the same time, I'm a little bit like, I feel like there's something that I'm forgetting. It's the live sports tournament. Yes, okay, so I have some knocks on it, okay? So here's where I'm at with it.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Here's my update on cable-free and full-blown streaming. One, I have a brand new badass Sony TV that, when you watch sports, it feels like you're on the field. But when you stream it, it loses the quality. Now it still looks awesome, still high-def, it's still clear, but it still kind of comes in and out, like it's not consistently perfect, like it would be if I was running cable. So that's, but it's bearable.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It's now at least at the point where it's not choppy. When streaming was first around around what a couple years ago was sports, it was awful. And I've already, and I've enhanced the whole house. So the whole house has got all the, well, I forget what you call them, but the Wi-Fi plug, I have, and all my plugs throughout all the rooms,
Starting point is 00:14:37 I have all these plug that enhances the wives. I get like five bars throughout my house. So my house is set up to stream really well, and it still isn't perfect. The other thing that I'm finding as the months are going on and I just did this the day is I've just paid for the ESPN app is there'll be a show or something that I really want to watch. For example, someone had been, I had quite a few people been DMing me about love of basketball and they're like, you'll love the documentary.
Starting point is 00:15:06 It's awesome. Well, it's on ESPN Plus. And I don't, that's not a basic channel. It doesn't come with your basic streaming or whatever. So it's another app that I have. It's the sports stuff. Because sports own, they own these networks and so they control the information that goes out.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But if you don't watch, it has to be worth it to you. If you're a big fan, what is going to cost you 150 bucks? Let me ask you because in terms of like Roku versus like Apple TV versus like just an internet TV. So I'm on sling. Okay. So I like sling a lot because sling, I use last night you saw me watching football here. So I can be here at the studio, use my sling app, and I can watch all my streaming that I have paid for here, which is cool, so I like that. I really, really like that. I just have a smart TV that has all the apps.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So I can go to Netflix, Amazon Prime. But you also got to pay for all those services, right? So you got, you got, now I already have Amazon Prime because I pay for the, you know, Prime, so I get the free shipping. Netflix, I pay for. YouTube is free, so I can watch YouTube. And that's Hulu and Hulu, and that's it. And you've got everything you want.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's way cheaper than paying for the satellite stuff. It's, I'm still cheaper right now. I'm up to, when you go, when you think of Amazon paying for that paying for Netflix I've got Apple TV, but that's once you have the gear your set up for free on that and then the sling TV cost me $40 a month so I'm still Under my crazy ridiculous $200 something dollars a month cable bill so I'm it's still winning But what I'm finding is they're like a show like that was only on Hulu,
Starting point is 00:16:47 but I really want to watch, so I got it, I got it, I got to do the Hulu app. You know, $9 here, then $4.99 here, then before you know it, you have a collection of all that. That's what I'm worried about, because I definitely am going to have HBO, because I have to. Right, HBO, I so I have HBO go, so I pay for that. Like, I can't remember, I think it's 1499 a month or something So you know, I'm creeping up there. Yeah, I'm getting up to that point, but it is still it's getting and it's so competitive right now I only see the prices going down. I see everything's get it's so competitive right now Well, we can drop them at a hat. What do you want? Yeah, what I see happening?
Starting point is 00:17:21 And I think this is cool, which I I really appreciate like this like when I bought the ESPN plus I had the option for 499 a month or 799 commercial free so I like that. I like that you have this option where hey if I pay three more dollars a month I don't have to fucking fast forward these three minute commercials before every single 20-minute episode or whatever that I watch so I do love that I like that we have this this option to do that. I do like that. I have access to it wherever I go My main knock is I am a sports fanatic and my sports just aren't super super clear So but it is I mean I asked it a matter of time
Starting point is 00:18:04 It's a matter of time, it's a matter of time before it just dominates. I don't see cable surviving at all. No. Or satellite. Well, it aggravates me that I'm still running Comcast cable, you know? I'm like, I don't wanna like divorce you.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Plus their service is so shit. If something goes wrong or you need something done, it's garbage, it's terrible. Yeah. You know, there will be at your house between the fucking hours of 1 a.m. and you know, we'll be there on Tuesday. In the vicinity of, you know, 10, 12 hours. I'll stick the whole day off work.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And they always show up at the very beginning of the very end. It's never like in the middle of the time. It's terrible. No, screw them. Some companies are getting better with that. So we've ordered, I mean, every fucking week we've got boxes and boxes coming to the house right now because I came into a house that was empty, right? So we had nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:54 So we're still purchasing every fucking week. And some of these companies, they now set it up where they'll they'll call you 30 minutes. They'll text you or call you 30 minutes before that's cool because Katrina and I both are 15 minutes from the house, 12 to 15 minutes from the house at all times, pretty much during the week. So we've been lucky and we've been able to, you know, one of us run over there real quick. Good. Do you guys, are you guys getting all like, sinasy and throaty from this air? Oh, it's been, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I mean, the past couple, maybe a week, like of this air quality's been yeah, I mean the past couple day and maybe a week like of this Air quality's been killed. I there was an article I think I shared it with you guys that Northern California at the moment and I don't know if it's right now or when the article was Post-Postor's a couple days ago has the worst air quality in the world Wow, yeah worst in worse in China the worst that's measured in the world right now is in Northern California because of the fire. Yeah, that's how bad it is. But I can feel it, man. I can start to feel it in my nose and my throat.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah, I feel like I have allergies. This is normally like this, part of why this is my favorite month besides sports and the weather. No allergies. No allergies normally right around now, but I feel like I have allergies because the air quality is so bad.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I read some article that said something like, hanging out outside for an hour, was smoking six cigarettes or something ridiculous like that. It was something absolutely insane. That bad, huh? Yeah, it's really fucked up. Oh, you're gonna see. We saw some really broad, I didn't know,
Starting point is 00:20:19 I mean, I know it's bad, but I didn't realize some of the, some of the, there's some really tragic shit that's terrible. Oh, it's terrible. Very tragic, man. some of the, some of the, there's some really tragic shit that's happened. Oh, it's terrible. Very tragic, man. Katrina was showing me some articles and I was like, fuck, dude, it's, it just recently, one of the fires got a retirement home and like it, it went, so they got
Starting point is 00:20:38 ever almost everybody in there because they didn't get out. Yes. Oh, that's fucked up. Yeah, dude, it's really, really tragic. Just them was saying that it was, how fast was the fire moving? Yeah, somebody was reporting that at one point, it was like eight football fields a minute or something.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It's certain places up north. So like the wind took it and just, it went so fast that like they have a protocol set up for, you know, how to get ahead of it. And they just, they couldn't even compete with that. It was way too fast. So it just swept through. I mean, yeah, the entire town in city,
Starting point is 00:21:13 I grew up visiting my grandma and paradise and it's gone. Like every... How crazy is that a whole town? The entire town is gone. And my uncle's house was there too, and his house was burned to the ground. So I feel for that, man, it's super tragic. That's happening.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And this is a controversy right now as to why they got so bad. And some people are saying that the clearing of the, you know, old wood and brush wasn't done because environmentalists want to protect, you know, certain habitat or whatever. Old growth. Yeah, and then the people, other people were saying, no, we need to clear this out because it creates a fire hazard.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. So now that we've had this huge fire, now they're going back and forth. You know what, you know what, trip me out. It's the blame game, right? I watched, I watched this documentary. I wish I remember the name of it. I hope someone that I'm sure in our forum or DM me what it was, but I watched this a few years ago and it was, they talked about that
Starting point is 00:22:05 the fires are necessary. Like it's necessary for us to have crazy amounts of fires for the regrowth to have that. Yes, the nutrients and the soil and everything. Yeah, so it's kind of a weird situation. It's one of those things that our environment needs it. At the same time, it creates all this tragedy too. Well, I know that's redwoods are supposed to be super resilient to fire, right? They are, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Because they've been exposed to them so much. Yeah, and there's not a lot, well, typically there's not a lot of underbrush because like they can't get any sun because they dominate, you know, and they're so tall. So yeah, and plus their bark is so thick and fire resistant. So, but you know, it's definitely like everything underneath them could burn just as easily. So speaking of movies, I watched a Bohemian rap city, I think. Is that the name of it? No, no, it's rap. It's, I know which one you're talking about. Yeah, Bohemian rap city. Or is it Queen? Yeah, it's Queen. Yeah, I saw that. It's all about
Starting point is 00:23:02 Queen. Is it, was it good? Oh, so good. The actor that played Freddie Mercury was brilliant. So brilliant. He looked like him, he moved like him. Are you guys big queen fans? Oh, yeah. So did he actually sing or did they just dub his? His singing. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I don't know. I couldn't tell the difference. So that's how good of a job. That's cool. But there were a lot of things I didn't know. Like I didn't know Freddie Mercury's family were immigrants. I thought he was just straight English, but his family came from India to the US and I think he came to, excuse me, to the UK and I think he was 18 when he got there.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So he's, yeah, he's got an ethnic family, fascinating story. The way he got into the band was super random. He went to a bar, was watching his band perform, really like them. He goes out to talk to them. They're, they're, their band leader had just recently left literally that day to go to another band. And so he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So really, really great story. But yeah, he played such a good job, such a good job. Great movie. Highly, highly recommended. I'll have to check it out. Yeah. Hey, how'd you'd you guys his kids? I know they were probably poured for our Thanksgiving Yeah, get together. Oh, no, we had a good time where they are right. Yeah, everybody had a good time We had it we enjoyed ourselves a lot you guys did a good job my house never looks so small Yeah, no, there's a lot everybody was a V Oriiori doubt too. Did you guys pick up on that?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Everybody was wearing a... That was even planned. Everybody was literally decked to Viori head to toe. They're winning the stage. They are winning. I see more and more podcasts working with them too. You're starting to see Viori be all kind of all over the place. I mean, their gear is on point.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I'm exploding. Again, Kudos to Taylor. Taylor's always up and up on the latest brands that are up and coming, which is cool. When does something not become cool anymore? Is it when everybody has it? Yeah, it's kind of, I sure hope that doesn't happen. You know, like,
Starting point is 00:24:57 Does everybody's everybody's? Well, I mean, Nike and Adidas, everybody has Nike Adidas. It's still cool. Yeah, and it's still cool. All right. So it's just, I mean, what you don't want to see is it like being like sold at like TJ Maxx
Starting point is 00:25:08 or something like that. That's what happened at Hardy, right? I remember like, at Hardy Maxx. What's it makes in there? Oh, that's it was just dead. Like I had a hole. It became a D. It became the deep, like the douchebag.
Starting point is 00:25:18 People talk hell of shit about that like, at Hardy because by the time it, by that time, it was, it had gotten so popular. But when it was early on, and you didn't know, like if you didn't know even how to get it when it was coming out of L.A. And you first got on it, it was badass. And short t-shirt was like 150 bucks for a t-shirt and shit. And so it was rare to see that many people rock. Which already, you know, that's going to have like, I mean, you can't like keep that up for very long. Like 150 bucks for a t-shirt already you know that's gonna have like I mean you can't like keep that up for very long
Starting point is 00:25:46 150 bucks for a t-shirt You know what I'm gonna end the whole the and the concept was was really needed because you had all these tattoo artists tattoo artists that were drawing it and then they were printing it on shirts and it was like that was new No one would done something like that before it was brilliant Yeah, and so and it made. And it made it so unique. What a great point they did. They went from super cool to fucking not cool. Real fast.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah, it was a sold out. As soon as they went to a point where they went from being this, you know, tap out. Yeah, no tap out, same thing happened. Well, I don't know if tap out was ever really, I think tap out would just, tap out just was the first day, right over the first adopter. Yeah, they were to market.
Starting point is 00:26:27 It's like any other company that attaches to like a fast growing trend and like like if our pot like if we did we had the first CrossFit podcast for example when they blew up. Yeah, better example. We would have blown up with like a fliction. A fliction was cool. A fliction was actually in Nordstroms before it blew up. So it was I had affliction gear too when it was early on Then UFC took it took it on then every guy who wanted to be a fucking UFC fighter was rocking it and then it turned into a douche bag ery thing. I don't really train but I wear shirt
Starting point is 00:27:01 About that life. I've got a closet full of all that shit. Dude, oh dude, it's just, oh. And that one, because I spent so much money on it, I don't know if that's like, I will let it go. It's like, maybe it'll, like, come back. You don't be fucking in 20 years. Did you wear one of those shirts when we did that one bar video? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I pulled it out for that.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I pulled it in, I pulled it in, I pulled it in, I pulled it in, I pulled it out for that shirt. No, but if Yuri's blowing up, they're good, man. They look good. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:25 High quality. Yeah, super stylish. I mean, Justin's got, I still got to get the one that Justin's rocking. Yeah, this is my favorite right here, because it's lightweight. It's like, I can wear it, because I, dude, I can't wear like heavy sweatshirts very often.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Like, it's just too fucking hot, so this is just like easy. Mm-hmm. It is comfy. It's warm fitting on you too. It is, you like that. Very nice. That's a good thing. You guys like that? You guys see that article I sent you guys about resistance training and here I'll read
Starting point is 00:27:49 it to you. I love it by the way. Yeah. It's getting exciting because what we talked about, what we've been talking about for so long about how we think Western medicine is going to soon at some point recommend resistance training as the form of exercise for people. Just because it speeds up the metabolism, which is great for context of modern life.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It makes you stronger, more mobility, balances out hormones, all that and the other. Well, the study came out, this was recent, this article came out on the 16th. That lifting weights is actually ready for this, healthier for your heart than going for a run or a walk. Oh, interesting. Yep, scientists looked at health records of more than 4,000 people
Starting point is 00:28:36 and concluded that while both forms of exercise reduce the risk of developing heart disease, static activities such as weightlifting or press ups have a greater effect than the equivalent amount of dynamic exercise such as running, walking, or cycling. So, and this challenges the commonly held assumption that so-called cardiovascular exercises are the greatest benefit to the heart.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Right, that's the gold standard, especially when you talk about the heart. That's right, strength training, it to the part. That's the gold standard, especially when you talk about the heart. That's right. Strength training, it's the bet. Now, ideally, you want to do a little bit of both, of course. You definitely want to do a little bit of both. But they analyze cardiovascular risk factors, like blood pressure, being overweight, diabetes,
Starting point is 00:29:19 high cholesterol, all that stuff. And you know, resistance strain, now why? Why is resistance training superior to those to to running or walking? It doesn't burn more calories and this is this is what makes this is why people will debate it as they'll say, oh, but running burns more calories. If I go for a run for 30 minutes, I'm going to burn more calories and if I lift weights for 30 minutes, which is true. That is true. You're gonna burn more calories doing cardio for the same period of time.
Starting point is 00:29:47 The difference is resistance training literally is training your metabolism to speed up. Cardio doesn't do that. And so if we look at, if we were to compare running to resistance training over 30 days, then you may see more weight loss with just cardio, although just exercise alone is a terrible way to lose weight, but that's a different conversation.
Starting point is 00:30:13 But if we were looking at six months or a year, resistance training would kick the crap out of it because your metabolism's faster. And when you have a faster metabolism, you burn more calories all the time, just sitting there, you burn more calories. Plus, it makes your body more sensitive to insulin, utilizing sugar better. More muscle gives you better lipid profiles, hormones balance out, which is better for long
Starting point is 00:30:34 term health. So it's just fucking, it's literally a matter of time. There's going to be a revolution in our mainstream, and it's coming. It's gonna happen within the next five to 10 years I predict where resistance training is gonna go hardcore mainstream. So you think when you go to see the doctor and you get a checkup and you get a physical,
Starting point is 00:30:56 like they're gonna start adding in lean mass and some kind of a body fat analysis. They started talking about that already where your muscle mass and strength is actually a pretty damn good predictor of your health. So they're gonna start adding that in to where you go in and they'll test, you know how they do the stress tests on the treadmill?
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah. They'll probably do a muscle test or a strength test. Okay. On top of it. A good grip. Probably the grip or something along those lines. Oh, interesting. And you're gonna see more doctors start to tell people, hey, I think you should do some
Starting point is 00:31:30 resistance training, you know, two or three days a week type of deal. And I think we're going to see, I think we're going to start to see resistance training hit the mainstream like never before. I, you know, I wonder because, and I agree with you, but the only thing that I think has slowed it up or whywides even taking this long was because of the liability, right? For a doctor to say, go work out or you should work out. The risk factor of, oh, this person comes back,
Starting point is 00:31:54 it's, my doctor told me I need to work out and I went and did squats and I hurt my back or I did some of the, and then- They're gonna have to pair it to a program that they recommend. You know, you're right, but if you compare, if you look at injury rates of people who run versus people who lift weights in the gym, running is actually more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:32:12 You get more injuries. I agree. But a person who runs and ends up getting chronic pain because of running normally doesn't make the connection or realize that and therefore doesn't track back to the doctor and say, you totally go run and now I have this chronic knee pain. I think doctors are safe. I think they can say to people, hey, I think you should try resistance training, but I do recommend that you work with a trainer or figure out what you're doing. You think so because sometimes I think that's the reason why it's taking this long as it is because I think that it should
Starting point is 00:32:37 it's the information's there. Well bro, think about it. How much training does a doctor have in exercise at all? Bro, think about it. How much training does a doctor have in exercise at all? There's none. They have no training and they have a very little on nutrition. I was gonna say, I think it's more of like, well, they're just, you know, I'm gonna tell people this initially,
Starting point is 00:32:55 like when they first start, like you should, you know, really pay attention to nutrition and you should really like lift weights and like, you know, be active and then they just, they don't get people to ever actually do that. So they get to a point where they're just fed up with it and they just want to give them some kind of pill to alleviate pain. They may get to the point where they start to partner with personal trainers or they
Starting point is 00:33:19 start to may start to partner with exercise specialists and that may be down the line, especially as health healthcare becomes more and more expensive. And may get to the point where they're going to go to see the doctors and the doctors and recommend them to go see, you know, Kaiser, for example, is kind of forward thinking on some of that stuff where they're starting to recommend the acupuncturists and therapy and whatever. I could see that, but my point is forget all that. I think resistance training is gonna have this mainstream revolution where everybody's gonna start talking about lifting weights. It's no longer gonna be just for people who wanna build a lot of muscle and sculpt and shape and look ripped or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It's gonna be everybody who's gonna be like, oh, you need to go lift weights. The same way, like, look, look, if you get the average person right now, the average, I don't know, 50 year old or whatever, it was like, oh, I need to go lift weights the same way. Like, look, look, look, if you get the average person right now, the average, I don't know, 50 year old or whatever, it was like, oh, I need to start working out. The first thing they think of is I'm gonna go walking or I'm gonna go get on a treadmill, type of deal. Very, very much less often, I should say, do these people say I should go start lifting weights,
Starting point is 00:34:18 especially if they never have lifted weights. I think we're gonna start to see that happen, where there's gonna be a revolution because of all of this news, I mean, this right here was fucking crazy. You know, resistance training better for heart health than running and walking. I've never heard anybody make that claim before.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I could have made that case as somebody who knows, exercise very well, but this is mainstream news that's reporting it. That's massive. I think simplifying the answer, I mean, if we could just make it about, like, I think dumbbells are a pretty simple way to at least like get early adopters into it. Like, look, you know, here's all you need. And then, you know, you get heavier dumbbells as you progress. I think that the time is ripe for a program like that, or people, and I think you're absolutely right,
Starting point is 00:35:05 where people just use very basic resistance. Plus we know that the average person, if you're trying to get the health benefits of resistance training, you don't gotta get all hardcore with it. You don't need to go silly with it. Right, right. Just a basic, you know, just a basic type of straight training.
Starting point is 00:35:20 But we'll see what happens. I think it's fucking exciting. Well, I think it's earlier than what you think. You say five to ten. I think it's less than five. I think it's going to happen. I think we're seeing it sooner. I think the only reason why it's not there is the liability issues. I think it's just doctors afraid to say something. I think more and more of them are putting, especially the generation that's coming up. I mean, we think about doctors right now that are 50, 60 years older than doctors for 20 years or their life or whatever, where the newer generation that's coming up, I think, is much more aware.
Starting point is 00:35:49 It just gives you nothing builds your body in a way that makes it resilient towards the insults and stresses of modern life, which include low activity, poor sleep, kind of this low level constant stress that the availability of hyper-palatable food, nothing gives you a better protection against those types of things,
Starting point is 00:36:13 like being stronger and having more muscle. I was talking about this over the weekend, where our episode went up where we were answering the question about pregnancy and how to prepare yourself for pregnancy. And I know just because I've been in fitness for as long as I have, I've known lots of women who have worked out with lots of cardio, who've done lots of aerobics classes or lots of spin classes or lots of hiking and then got pregnant. And then I've seen how they've You know fair post pregnancy and they did a lot better than the average person
Starting point is 00:36:48 But they did way worse than the women who were lifted weights Going into pregnancy like all the women that I know who went into pregnancy with muscle Came out and and recovered much much faster because it's and it's like again It's like the best insurance policy to have that active muscular tissue on your body if you're going to be inactive. I mean, if you have to sit down for 24 hours, you want to have more muscle on your body to burn more calories just being there than somebody whose body is so dependent on constantly moving to burn those calories. And that's basically my point.
Starting point is 00:37:27 So I'm a little buzzed off the organified Christmas blend. I'm liking it, dude. I don't start mine till it gets closer. So you too early. You don't mix the red and green. No, I do. Yeah, yeah, till Christmas time.
Starting point is 00:37:38 That's what you mix too early. Christmas trees let out, yeah. Yeah, wait till Christmas trees. You gotta keep up the standards. Yeah, man. Yeah, they look good when you see them separately, then you mix them, it doesn't turn into a lot out. Yeah, yeah, wait until the Christmas tree. Yeah, they keep up the standards. Yeah, they look good when you see them separately. Then you mix them. It doesn't turn into a nice dough. Yeah, it's like a purple or a dark brown brown color. But it is the Christmas. It's not very cute Christmas. It's relaxing and stimulating.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Now you guys haven't started decorating the house yet or anything like that. That isn't the beginning yet for you guys. Does it? Or No, no, no. I usually do that, probably maybe like a week after Thanksgiving. So you guys go crazy with it? Well, because we get like a tree right after Thanksgiving, that's like the tradition that Courtney's family kind of has. And so we've just adopted it. And so we go cut one at that tree farm.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah. Yeah, close by from here. So, yeah, that became one of a thing. You get like the Irish whiskey and then Then you saw up some fucking trees. Did our did organize? I do anything like our our company skinny dipped it where they did like a cool Christmasy thing that came out. Is there nothing that organized? I'm surprised that they didn't do anything cool I don't know. Well, I came up with the Christmas blend for them. Yeah That was us and that was me actually. The jury is still credit for my shit.
Starting point is 00:38:46 What do you mean the Christmas blend? Yes. That was your idea? Of course it was my idea. Are you sure about that? I'm 100% sure of that. You know, I'm glad all the episodes were recorded. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:56 No, I can't remember being out of my mind. Yeah, well, you're always gonna agree with that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no You know what, Suck? As if I was right, again. That would suck. I hope you're right on this. What were you just recording there? Are we weren't recording the other day? And you got me on some, it wasn't recorded there. It was a count. That'll, it'll be count.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Dude, I've been, you only save him for, yeah, when we're recording. Dude, so you know, so we post a meme in our, our Mind Pump Instagram page where people can ask questions that we answer on episodes like this one. And I've seen now this question several times and I've never heard of this before.
Starting point is 00:39:51 So have you guys heard of the, it's the MGTOW. That group. That thing, I saw that. Big questions. MG what? MGTOW. Some kind of man's group. Men going their own way so somebody asked us
Starting point is 00:40:06 Wait, hold on man. I'm not even MG T O W T. I'm a man. I'm going my own way. Yeah, so Somebody has asked the several times or people have asked the several times what this is and I never we never answer Sounded what the fuck it is, but finally I looked it up and On Wikipedia wow, there's it's it sounds like some gay dudes tricking a bunch of heterosexual guys. It's actually, yeah. It's locked.
Starting point is 00:40:31 It came in, you know, your own way. But we'll all go together. Yeah, we'll make it happen. So it sounds like to me. So what is it, Sal? I'm looking at my own. So I'm on the Wikipedia page. Yeah, I'm really here So I'm on the Wikipedia page. Yeah, I'm really curious.
Starting point is 00:40:46 It's a mostly, so it's an online community of men supported by websites and social media presences, cautioning men against serious romantic relationships with women, especially marriage. See? Yeah, and so these are men who have flags. They'll have to stay away from women, stop dating, and not have children and a focus on men's self-adorship.
Starting point is 00:41:09 No, some of them become celibate. Some of them, like say, just sleep with women, a bunch of women, some of them have sex dolls, and some of them become celibate. Okay, okay, these are the sex doll people. Yeah, it's kind of weird, they're like all about man, like male power. Run. But it's a little too far.
Starting point is 00:41:30 It's just a little, made, made. So from what I'm reading, this made vice news to this group of straight men is swearing off women. They call themselves men going their own way and they dislike feminism so much they are grabbing their balls and going home. You know what this sounds like to me?
Starting point is 00:41:44 And I don't know a whole lot about this group, but it sounds to me like a bunch of guys who are super angry that they can't get girls. Yeah. And so now they're like, ugh, you're a cool show. Yeah, I'm not gonna play anymore. Take our decks over here.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yeah, and then we're just gonna be. Well, the website has pictures of like all these handsome men, but then when I look at all the guys that are protesting and doing stuff, not so handsome. Yeah. So you might be right. I don't know, man, it's kind of weird. Or they've been burned in the past.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You know, and they're all salty about it. Yeah, and they're like, screw that. Yeah. I don't want to be with girls that either smelling good and all that for me about it. Because then you can ask them and you can be like, hey, how come you're 45 and you've never had a girlfriend? Because I choose to.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Wait, Jordan Peterson quoted on it? What did he say? MGTOW will never die. We will only multiply and continue to divide the real men from the... He didn't say that. It shows Jordan Peterson. He didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:42:42 It says, shows Jordan Peterson tweeting it. I'm clicking on it right now. He's team MGTO59er. Google, you're the Google master. I'm gonna look this up so we could talk. Look at their slogans are save a man on a stop a wedding. This is the, by the way, I'm reading this off the Wikipedia page. Okay, please Google, Google, Jordan B Peterson and the MGTOW,
Starting point is 00:43:05 and you'll see a bunch of stuff. Now, here's why I don't think if they do advocate that men don't get married and don't ever be with women, don't have families, the reason why I don't think Jordan Peterson would ever support that, is because he is a big advocate of family and how that society's a bit of. And we'll happen to that.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Well, this is actually other people putting, this is funny, like they're using his name, but he's, oh, they're misrepresenting him, 100%. Yeah. He called them, Peterson called them pathetic weasels. Yeah, he did. Yeah. That sounds a lot more accurate.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a lot of angry, a lot of angry dudes. That's sad though, you know. I'd say yeah, I know, it just, it just, it just sounds pathetic. You know what it is? It reminds me of it's like, it's like, okay, you live in this society and let's say you're a dude
Starting point is 00:43:55 and you're, you don't have a good job. You know, I think care is mad at it. Whatever, whatever your case is, maybe you're awkward. And you can't get like women aren't paying attention to you. And so you're just pissed off, and then what you start to do is you start to blame society because you're like, why does society make it that I have to have a good job and I have to do all these things to track? Well, why can't women just like me for who I am? That's not fair, type of deal. And okay, I don't know. I guess it isn't fair, but that's just
Starting point is 00:44:24 the way it is. It reminds me of like when some women will get angry. Why don't guys like me just because I'm 300 pounds? Well, you know, I mean, maybe I write, it's not fair, but that's just also reality. You might not, you know, you might not attract the opposite sex, but then they're going to get mad and start throwing club. Yeah, that's like the awkward conversation. We laugh.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I'm gonna point something out. Now that we live in this time where you can connect to people. That's what I'm saying, they can find each other. Yeah, they can just, all the idiots can find each other so much easier and faster. Like, before 100 years ago, like, everyone has an idiot in their town. But now, like every idiot in every town can find each other. And they actually have a group now.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I just imagine they actually have a voice and a pal in some power like is They don't have like a theme song, you know, we're man. We're against the world Yeah, you know, and they're just marching around right and it back back in the days It would be one asshole marching downtown everybody like that's the crazy guy I do but now he could reach out to the thousands of towns They know to vagina. Find all the other idiots. Well, calm down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:27 A group of idiots. Well, I mean, that's a good point, Adam, because now you have these furry conventions that are thousands and thousands of people. Yeah, and they're seeing a cruise, dude. What? I keep, like, every time I swear I got every time I go downtown, you try to give me to move out there,
Starting point is 00:45:42 man, I don't know, man. No, it's just this one, like, restaurant. They love this restaurant. I think they, like, put like a bowl out give me to move out there, man. I don't know, man. No, it's just this one restaurant. They love this restaurant. I think they put a bowl out for them to eat out of or something. I don't know what they're doing there. That's what they do. They do weird shit like that.
Starting point is 00:45:54 So what do you see? You just see them walking around their outfits? Yeah, they're in these furry animal costumes. And then I'm walking to my kids and they're like, Rie! Mie! Oh, and like, like, get the fuck out of here. Like, like, like, leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:46:07 What? Yeah, it's weird. Don't they have sex with each other? I saw this documentary where they have sex with each other. They do? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do they actually have sex, sex, or so? Like, no, no, no, they have, so,
Starting point is 00:46:19 some of these suits were the, you know, where their privates are, have like little flaps. Yeah, little flaps and stuff. And so they can still, but they stay in costume. Yeah, dude, do doggie style. That's, wow. Yeah. Yeah, it's just a very, very small part of me wants to try.
Starting point is 00:46:35 It's a very, very small part. What a lot of me just a little bit. What a lot of me. Why? Why do you want to try that? Just set a curiosity. Right. What are you gonna dress up as? I don't know why. Why? Why do you want to try that? Just set a curiosity. Right. What are you going to dress up as?
Starting point is 00:46:48 I don't know. I haven't thought that far. I'm supposed to call him that green screen suit. You know, you put it over your face and everything. Well, show up as the green screen guy. You're like, hey, honey, you know, just like pantomime. So hold on a second. What would your furry outfit be?
Starting point is 00:47:02 I think I would be a bear and Katrina would be like a little bunny. What? What? You remember I? I don I would be a bear and Katrina be like a little bunny. What? You've ever, I- It reminds me of swingers. Yes, you know the swingers that- You gotta kill the body. It's a big fucking cross.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I've been around back and forth. You're tapping around. No man. You gotta realize you got these fangs man. You got these big assholes. So you'd wear a- Do you remember that show? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That's a great move. That's a classic. I'm gonna watch it now. Perfect. So you'd wear my favorite movies. Bear's a great move. It's a classic. I'm gonna watch it now. Perfect. So you'd wear my favorite movies. Bare a furry, bare outfit and you'd wanna have sex with, but you're not talking about going to a convention, you're talking about at home with your girlfriend. Yeah, yeah, no, I don't think I'd get it.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I feel like I'd be my real kangaroos. I don't really care to hang out with my friends. That means you know what? You know, you can have to pick something, right? You could be a kangaroo, it'll put Doug in your pouch. Yeah. You just walk around with Doug in your pouch. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:47:44 He pops out and says hi to people. Yeah. So, I'm a little Joey. Here's the, yeah. Yay. Yay. Here's the thing though, that would be weird, is when people wear these furry outfits, they don't act like people.
Starting point is 00:47:57 They start to try to act like the animal. Yeah, that's what I mean. Which makes it weird. Yeah, well, like when we walked past them, like some of them were like pawing at us like, yeah. I was like, oh. It's like since, like chills down your spine.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Have you been with your kids when you see him? Yeah, and I immediately shield them. Yeah. Like I'm like walking around them. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, what if your girl puts on a cat outfit? Like what are they doing? I'm like, they're doing things.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And it's kind of hot, but then she's like, you're all me. I'd be like, all right, stop. You've gone too far. Yeah. I was down until you had to like, cat. Maybe that's it. You remember your right.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It was like, what would you do, bro? Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Someone tricks you.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You know, that's what happens. You go to a furry convention. You lose your girl. There's another exact same costume. It's's a fucking 45-year-old dude You don't know what's going on And that's why they have the little opening Internet yeah This quas brought to you by organified
Starting point is 00:48:58 For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition Organified fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try Organified, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organified.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Chelsea Michio. I know you preach weightlifting, but would you recommend a total newbie with no conditioning or strength to be able to master body weight training before adding
Starting point is 00:49:36 any sort of weights? I think yes. It depends on the exercise. Well for the most part. Yeah, you know, I mean you you absolutely should master Squatting your own body weight before you load for sure. I mean that's that's a pretty I think obvious progression it's not as obvious as you think it is. I think what people go right into You know because they hear that you you should be lifting weights and squatting is great for building your butt and it's this and it's that. And so a lot of people get under the bar and, you know, they just don't have the prerequisites to do a barbell squat. Well, that's what I mean, say, what does she mean by master body weight training?
Starting point is 00:50:19 Like, become a master and expert of all body weight exercises? Or because it's all about just starting where you're at. Well, for a squat, obviously, you can't squat while waiting unless you squat your body. Right, you shouldn't or a hinge, right? So if you were to deadlift, like if you can't hinge without any weight, you shouldn't load, if you can't squat properly,
Starting point is 00:50:41 you shouldn't load. I mean, we shouldn't load anything that we can't perform, you know, and it doesn't need to be, I don't know if I would say, I don't think perfect is the right word as much as like in a controlled, safe manner. Right, if you can't squat down to parallel or below parallel, controlled safely
Starting point is 00:50:59 with just your body weight, loading is crazy. If you can't hinge at your hips in a deadlift fashion without any weights, then loading with weights is definitely not ideal. So I think it's really, and this is again, this is a lot of why Prime was so important to us when we created it. And I continually say it's the most important thing
Starting point is 00:51:20 that we've ever created is because there's an assessment inside there that really you should have to be able to perform these three basic movements safely before you start to load it really heavy. And so that's the idea is to help this average person go, am I ready to deadlift? Am I ready to squat? Should I be doing movements like this? You go through this test.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And if you fail miserably, then there is a bunch of movements and exercises you should be doing to correct that first before you get into serious weight. It's just understanding your body and understanding the recruitment process and having control over your joints and being able to really thoroughly understand the difference between a squat or a hip hinge or any of these sorts of movements that like a lot of times people just drop into these movements and don't realize that they've never actually, they've never been taught the mechanics of a lot of these movements, and that's where I find a lot of coaches have to go back and sort of regress and re-teach a lot of these techniques.
Starting point is 00:52:32 But I mean, I'm all for trying to teach the mechanics with load when it's appropriate after they show good control, and they can tense up their muscles in order to withstand that type of force. In some cases, though, in some cases, weights may be a better place to start. So I'll give you an example. Like if I get a de-conditioned 55-year-old woman who hasn't really ever lifted weights, it worked out with resistance. And she comes and she hires me. I do my assessment.
Starting point is 00:53:08 For squats, obviously, I'm gonna assess her and we may start off by just having her sit down and stand up on the bench. That may be her first squatting type movement. But let's say we go do a some type of a chest press or a rose. Or a rose, I'm not gonna do a body weight exercise. She can't do a pushup.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I make sense. She can't even do a pushup off her knees. In fact, she can't even do an elevated standing pushup just because it requires a certain level of body stability to maintain good posture. It's a very good point. So I may have her lay on a high incline, hand her a couple of really light dumbbells and keep my hands near her elbows or her wrists and help move her through the movement. Or I may even put her on a machine in some cases, not always but in some cases. Well, I guess they'd say more upper body, yeah. Or, like, it depends on the exercise.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Compound. If it's a compound, if it's a, if you're moving multiple joints in a movement, the risk is increased. Therefore, those type of movements, I'm gonna teach and perform with no weight first to make sure that they can move freely and controlled and safely through that movement. If it's a single joint isolation type movement, the risk is very, very low. And so weights are completely fine.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Right. But even compound, like a press is compound, right? Because elbows and shoulders, but I wouldn't take a beginner and have them necessarily. It depends on the person, but I would, it would be easier to progress them from, like a lot of my older clients, I would do presses with dumbbells and eventually move them to pushups. So it was actually a progression to the body weight
Starting point is 00:54:38 versus the other way around. They get the stresses on their wrists and really. Rists and their shoulders and get them stronger in their core So they could support their body as they're doing an elevated type push-up off of Because you could have both and I agree with that approach But you could also have them elevated on a bench and doing push-ups and so there's ways of like you know Having to regress approach with that too. I think the key is that you you have to start
Starting point is 00:55:01 With an exercise or a movement that you have good control, you have good control and stability over it. That's where you start. So that's the first exercise, and that may be extremely basic. Like I said, many times I'll take a client and I'll have them sit down on a bench and I'll just have them stand up
Starting point is 00:55:19 and then I'll have them sit down and I'll have them stand up. Sometimes that's even too much. Sometimes I'll have a client do that and I'll see their knees move all over the place and they don't have good stability. And then what I used to do is I'm standing up. Sometimes that's even too much. Sometimes I'll have a client do that and I'll see their knees move all over the place and they don't have good stability. And then what I used to do is I used to take pads and I'd put them on the bench and I'd make the seat higher and higher
Starting point is 00:55:32 until I got good stability. And then the progression would look something like, you know, squatting off these pads and then the following week I'd take a pad off and then the following week I'd take a pad off. I guess that's what matters is it really depends on this newbie, just how far I have to regress because there's also some newbies that if they've played sports before or they
Starting point is 00:55:55 have good body awareness that you can teach a movement and they pick up the mechanics very fast. And then there's others that have been around for a very long time, but then have just never strained trained, aren't athletic. The proprioception just is not there. They completely break down mechanically, and then I have to regress it like you're saying, Sal, because I'm visualizing a lot of the clients that I trained for many years. Many clients, I was squatting off of a bench. That also too allows me to focus on one or two things.
Starting point is 00:56:29 What's going on with their feet when they're doing that, because they have the safety of a bench, they're not loaded with a barbell, and we're just perfecting the getting up and getting down. Believe it or not, a lot of people don't even get up at a chair using the right amount. How many times do you see somebody roll to their side and use their hand to push them? It's a funny word talking about this because it's like you'd think this was a pretty general question to answer, right?
Starting point is 00:56:54 But like, you know, when you get somebody coming in for the first time, it literally could be anything. Like, I've had people like that, just the compensations were so dramatic that yeah, it is about like teaching them how to just get up and down from the floor. I'm trying to think of a good way to communicate this to our audience because you know, sometimes I hate when we say it depends because then maybe someone's going to leave listening to everybody says that about that. They're going to be like, well, what do I do then?
Starting point is 00:57:22 The fuck, dude, that's the truth. You guys are here the real deal. Well, here's what I would say, I think is a good starting point for anybody. So if you're listening to this right now, and you're like, well, how do I, where do I go? This is what you do. When you go to the gym, I want you to do exercises
Starting point is 00:57:36 that are barely challenging. What I mean by that is an exercise that, you have to focus and concentrate on just to be able to get perfect, but not too much. Start there as you get stronger, challenge yourself just a little more each time. That's it, just a little more each time. And you're progressing each time.
Starting point is 00:57:51 If you go to the gym and beat yourself up, it's not gonna make you progress any faster. Just think of it as a scale. So today I'm doing this and it barely challenged me. Next time I work out, I'm gonna barely challenge myself even more than that. And before you know it, you'll be progressing well, very, very well.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I'll tell you something that, for me, I feel like the squat and the deadlift and overhead press are the three big ones that the greatest risk is at. And so yesterday or Saturday this weekend, I had my old clients that have been with me for years and years, I still hold these free classes for them. And all we literally with me for years and years, I still hold these free classes for them.
Starting point is 00:58:25 And all we literally do is for the entire hour, we go through all these prime pro movements that we have. And it's really just to get these people that are, all of them are north of 55 years old, reconnected. They're not training consistently. The only time they're probably working out are doing any sort of movement exercise with me. So there's no weights involved.
Starting point is 00:58:45 There's not even a lot of body weight exercise. There's only one body weight exercise that I do at the very end and that squatting. But I first spend the first 45 minutes to almost a full hour of doing all these priming movements. We've got the zone one test I do with them, we've got the 90, 90 moves, the lizard with rotation, the combat stretch.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I'm really addressing all the major culprits to the breakdown in like a squat and getting them kind of re-waking up all those muscles that are dormant, right? And then I take them to squat just their body weight, but I do a tempo squat with them and I talk to them through it. So we all do 10 body weight squats really slow.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And I start off doing with them so they can we all do 10 body weight squats really slow. And I start off doing with them so they can see the tempo and they're moving really slow and I'm challenging their depth. But while I'm challenging their depth, I'm also pointing out and making them aware of what I see going on as I'm walking around the room. And I see lots of pronating in the feet
Starting point is 00:59:39 and the knees collapsing in, or the chest falling over and the back starting to round. I'm just coming by and touching each of them individually and saying, keep the chest up or, oh, force your knees out as they want to cave in or pay attention to how your feet feel and I'm addressing all these things. That is somewhere that I would spend a lot of time with somebody who was really broken down mechanically before I would even consider. Now, if I had these people on a very regular basis,
Starting point is 01:00:06 I could probably make some really good progression with them and then eventually barbell load them. But since I only see them once every other week or so at best, you know, when I see them, I know they haven't been doing and I know this is the best thing that I could do for them and I know that I would be doing them a disservice if I did what I did in my 20s, which would be take the same group of people and do warrior robes and do, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:30 skipping and ladder work and, you know, all these exercises that I know would get them sore, but I know isn't going to help them with what they care about most, which at that age, it's chronic pain. It's just like, I just want to fucking feel, but I don't want to feel 60 at them. I know I'm 60, but I want to feel younger. And that, to me, is me helping them with just learning how to move their body. So I think spending time doing stuff like that versus a newbie is really important.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Next question is from Sarah Haney. How would you go about teaching someone who's new to weightlifting, how to squat? Would you have them perform other exercises to build leg strength first, or would you use body weight squats to work on form before adding any weight? You know it's one of my favorite ways to progress someone to be able to do a squat that I learned much later on in my career and actually learned it from the physical therapist that rented space out in my facility, which I learned a lot from working with her. She was an excellent therapist, very, very good at correctional exercise, and I would pay attention and watch how she would progress people through exercises.
Starting point is 01:01:38 The way I used to progress people to doing a barbell squat would I'd start, you know, I'd start with something that looks something like a body weight squat. But what she did is she actually would start with lunges. And she would start with a supported lunge. And what she would do is she would have a client hold on to a bar or something a pole or something stable that they could hold on to. Then they would get into a split stance like they're going to do their lunge. She would put a thick pad on the floor where the person could bring their knee down towards, like they were going to kneel on it as if they were doing the lunge. And she would have them do these split stance lunges while holding on to support.
Starting point is 01:02:16 And then the way she would progress them is little by little, she'd have them slowly stop using the support so that they could do just a standing stationary lunge. And once they could do the stationary lunge really well, the transition from that to a squat was usually pretty good. It was pretty easy. I never did that in the early parts of my career as a trainer because I always thought the lunge for whatever reason was like I always thought squats started first.
Starting point is 01:02:43 And then you went to a lunge. No, it's really smart because taking somebody in a lateral position and really working on, because just being able to balance and stabilize the joints through that range of motion is everything. So now if you have a more stability when you're in a split stance on both sides equally, and then you apply that now in a bilaterals type of a movement.
Starting point is 01:03:09 You know, just the extra support will then allow for a nice transition to then load the back, I would imagine. Well, it's also brilliant because if you take somebody who's never really squatted and you get this newbie into the gym, and let's just say they're somewhere between the ages of 20 and 50. They have created significant imbalances in their lower body, especially in the legs. Like if you were a, just like you're right handed or you're left handed, you have a right or a left side that you're dominant in.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And you have all these little subtle things that you do your whole life that you don't pay attention to when you get out of the car, you swing, and then you get up with one leg more than the other leg. Like very few people swivel out of a car, plant both feet, neutrally drive up, and they get up. You don't even notice these little things. And when you do that for years and years and years, you start to have this really dominant side. Well, now you take that same person, and you put them in a squat with both feet on the ground, and then you drop them in a squat, the body will go to its default. It'll go to that strong dominant side,
Starting point is 01:04:16 which is why it's really common to see an asymmetrical shift when you see squatters the first time, because that, that, it's natural for this stronger, more dominant part of the body to help them up out of it. Now splitting them into a lunge, which by the way, this exact video that we're talking about right now, Danny just shot and we'll go live this week. So this is really cool that Doug put this question up here was because Danny just did this. This will go live. You guys can watch a really good tutorial on the split stance lunge, how to start it up
Starting point is 01:04:49 and get going. But I think that independently or separating them into a single lunge is just a single leg squat. And so when you do that, it really points out the weaker side. And I always recommend to clients that are, if you're listening to this, and this is you that we're talking to, when you do that exercise, start with the weaker side.
Starting point is 01:05:12 You'll see right away, you'll notice one side will be weaker than the other, and really work on the mechanics of that weaker side and the strength of that side, and always mirror the stronger dominant side to that. So if you start, if you can get six reps, let's say, of the lunge on the weak side, and then after that sixth rep, reps number seven, eight, and nine, your mechanics start to break down. The leg starts to shake or your knee caves and stop at that six.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And then when you go to the dominant side and you could easily get nine or ten of them, don't do nine or ten, do six of them, mirror the perfect form of the weaker side so they catch up. Now the other thing though, when we're transitioning to barbell squats, we really need to consider the shoulder mobility. Huge. That's the whole next piece to the puzzle that so in one thing in prime that we added with the stick and why that's so helpful is just the contact points are essential for maintaining
Starting point is 01:06:11 that type of tension throughout the entire range of motion throughout. You're wrapping so to be able to also like pull my shoulder back and keep it set in good position where, you know, I can do that on both arms and I could figure that out too, just like which side is, it has more mobility in which side does it. That's a very, very, very common issue when you start with a new squatter is that they can't, they can't stabilize the upper back and have good positioning with the bar where it sits on the mid-tropesious area
Starting point is 01:06:47 where they are able to grip the bar fully. They squeeze the shoulders back and there's no problems. So a lot of times you have to focus a lot on, not just the lower body strength and mobility, but you're also focusing on their ability to pull their shoulder blades back and down, their ability to rotate their arms, they can hold onto the bar, their ability to rest the bar on their back without hurting.
Starting point is 01:07:07 There's a lot of time that's spent on that. But, yeah, I mean, you have to like keep your core connected that entire time too, because if the bar, if your shoulders aren't mobile enough too, like we're going to try and compensate anyway necessary. And so a lot of times you'll bring those shoulders forward. You'll lean forward into it. It's going to throw the ground. Start round.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Yeah. And you know, it's funny because I have a lot of experience training people in advanced age. And the cool thing about working with people who are older is that you really learn how to train beginners. Because with someone who's older, not only are they beginner, but they're also older. So they have more potential issues and more muscle imbalances. And so you have to be very, very careful.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And so I learned really, really well during this period of time of training this, this, you know, population that you probably want to get really good at lunging. First, it just makes a lot of, I can actually take somebody who is deconditioned and I can have them hold on to something. I can put them in a split stance, put a foam pad on the floor where they're knees can hit the ground and then just tell them to try to slowly kneel and then slowly stand back up.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And it's actually easier to do that with somebody than it is to get them to try and squat. Believe it or not, it's actually an easier progression. And so I get people really good at this lunge and then when I get them really good at the lunge with both sides where they're able to stay straight with their hips and everything's bending right and they're able to come up and down real good and controlled without having to hold on. Then I'd move them to a squat and then there was a learning curve there as well. But then the squat was a lot faster. And I noticed that my progression was faster when I would do it that way versus just focusing all on the squat alone and avoiding that split stance exercise. So much carryover.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I like to take a, so from there, I like to go and have a client straddle like the squat rack or a pole really close and just body weight squat and have the pole where they kind of walk themselves down and then get down in the deepest position that they can hold themselves in. And then from there, I kind of critique where their posture is down there. So in other words, are they holding on to the bar?
Starting point is 01:09:20 So no, a pole. So the pole's like between my legs. And what that does too is it forces their chest upright So the squatting down while holding themself right so they walked themselves down the pole and then when they're down the pole I can because what most common like what Justin is saying is you know We tend to round the shoulders and then collapse forward where if I'm kind of Straddling a pole the pole so close to me I can't fall forward or else I'm gonna run into the pole
Starting point is 01:09:43 I can walk myself all the way down in that squad of position and then down there, where I'm holding the puck and tell them the pole is shoulder blades back, chest up nice and high, I can address their feet and they have support there so they can hold themselves there and then I can critique the knees, the feet, the chest, the shoulder blades and really get them to understand
Starting point is 01:10:01 like this is the position you wanna own at the bottom of this squad. I like to do that for a while and get them to really understand that before to understand, like, this is the position you wanna own at the bottom of this squat. I like to do that for a while and get them to really understand that before I progress obviously as something on their back. Next question is from BA Fit. What's the best way to get back into lifting
Starting point is 01:10:16 and eating seriously after falling off for several weeks or months? You know, this is a mistake that probably for 10 plus years, I've made in my lifting career. And that is, it's really hard to take the athletic mindset out of the workout for me. And it was really difficult for me to take that out.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Meaning that, I had this athletes approach where even like when I'd get back into basketball like anybody who's played sports, the first week back to playing sports is the most intense. It's like hell week and you push yourself through and it's just miserable and you've got to get through it because once you get through it, you'll be better. My dumbass knows better that that's conditioning for a sport and that's not how to train the body properly. But yet, I still fall into that trap of, okay, it's my first week back, I know it's gonna suck.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I know I'm gonna be hell of sore. I just gotta push through, I just gotta get through this. And I did that for a really long time until I started to really piece it together that, wow, I could do half the work, and my body would actually progress just as easily. I wouldn't be crippled sore for that first or two weeks. And it made it very easy for me to progress my program.
Starting point is 01:11:38 And so I always have to remind myself when I fall off for a couple weeks or whatever, just literally, this is me right now, I had a couple, I had like 10 or 14 days off in a row for me, which is pretty long for the days. And right away, like I know that just two weeks off, coming back at it, it does not take that much. Like I'm doing body weight type movements,
Starting point is 01:12:01 I'm doing 50% less of the load that I know I'm strong enough to do. And I'm even today, I'm sore as fuck. And I'm like, damn, I still over did it. So less is more in this situation. And it doesn't matter how long I've been doing this. And I've known this for I always tend to overreach a little. So you'd be surprised how little you need to do when you get back into starting again. There's a sweet spot. You know, when you're exercising, remember, you're sending a signal to your body for your body to adapt and change. So that's number one.
Starting point is 01:12:33 And the harder you work out, the potential for that signal to be louder goes up. But that's not the whole story. That's definitely part of the story. But that's not the whole story. That's definitely part of the story, but that's not the whole story. The whole story includes your body's ability to withstand the stress, recover and recover from the stress and how your body perceives the stress. So if you go into the gym and you just beat yourself up and hammer yourself well beyond what you need to do, like far beyond it, your body's gonna perceive it as too much of a stress, it's too much to recover from it.
Starting point is 01:13:07 All you're doing is healing and you're not recovering. And so what you end up doing is you end up getting really sore and you go to the gym and you don't progress. You're just making yourself really sore and damaged. So you have to balance them out. And so the irony of it is you actually don't get there any faster if you just go back full bore. You actually slow down your body's potential to progress.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Yeah, and I could totally like identify and like with what Adam was saying as far as like, you know, turning the athlete switch off. That's been such a process for me to figure out. And, you know, coming back in, because like, you get this sort of like panic. Like, oh man, it's been so long since I've worked out to where now I really have to make up for lost time and just teaching myself over the last few years how to like, you really
Starting point is 01:13:54 can't, as long as you're in the gym and you're starting to work out, like you can't do too little. Like it's almost like I challenge myself to do less each time. Like I don't know anybody that's gone and gotten back into it and it's been like, oh wow, I don't know. There really wasn't enough because it's so easy to overdo it. I've been trying to challenge myself mentally to be in that space and then watch what happens as a result the next day.
Starting point is 01:14:23 How do I feel the next day is really what I am out, my efforts towards. Yeah, again, it's a balancing act, and it doesn't get you there any faster. And I want to sell that hard because I know my own mentality. And if I took time off, if I took two weeks off, or three weeks off, or months, and I went back to the gym, even if I knew it would only get me there 3% faster,
Starting point is 01:14:48 I would do it, because I'd say, it's like, fuck it, I wanna get there as fast as possible. But it's not like that, just because you worked out harder, it doesn't mean you're gonna progress faster. In fact, it's the opposite, you'll progress slower. Again, because your body now is dealing with too much of a signal, too much stress, too much damage, you're just healing, you're not adapting.
Starting point is 01:15:08 You want your body to, look, here's a good example, let's forget working out for now. Let's think of another analogy. And this is one of my favorite analogies that I'm gonna use it again, is your body's, your skin's ability to tan because of the stress from the sun. If you've been in the basement for months
Starting point is 01:15:28 and you've got no sun at all, you're gonna be pretty pale and pretty white, and you're gonna go outside and think, I need to get a tan. Now, what's gonna get you tan faster? If you go out and get the right amount of sun exposure so that your body starts to tan a little bit, and then you went back inside,
Starting point is 01:15:43 or if you go in sunburn yourself, which's gonna get you there faster now the sunburn? Obviously is not going to get you there faster because you've gone far past your body's ability to Adapt and now your body just wants the fucking heel now you've got a terrible sunburn the skin's gonna peel off And what's gonna happen after that? Are you gonna be more tan nope? You're just over again. You're gonna kind of start over again You can't even go back out in the sun the next day because you got too much. Versus going out and getting the appropriate amount
Starting point is 01:16:10 of sun exposure, which might be five minutes because you're again, you haven't had any sun exposure. Same thing is true for exercise. If you want to get there faster, you got to do it smarter, not harder. Well, you know, I'm gonna give everybody, like this is obviously there's going to be an individual variance with everybody and if you've been off for two weeks or you've been off for a year, but I've kind of found my sweet spot when I've fallen off for a while
Starting point is 01:16:35 and then I come back on and I know it's more than enough work and I would have never thought it was before. And what I do is, I for sure am doing like a full body approach, following like an anabolic type program. And I do one set that is like the warmup movement set, slow control, super lightweight, and then one challenging set. That is it. That is literally all I need. I need one set to perform and warm up the movement. I add a little bit more load. It's nowhere near my max. It's nowhere near even 80% of what I could a little bit more load, it's nowhere near my max, it's
Starting point is 01:17:05 nowhere near even 80% of what I could handle. It's just enough I know it's going to challenge my body that it'll be difficult and I do one set of that and that is enough, it's crazy. It's funny, I simplified the fuck out of it. So I just will take, I'll just focus on going through the mechanics of the squats or going through the mechanics overhead press. Whatever it is like to where like my workouts before would be, you know, our hour and 20 minutes long to where it'd be like 30 minutes of just like one to two movements where I'm just like literally just focusing on getting my body all to Organize the way it was before. Yep Next question is from Trentons.
Starting point is 01:17:45 What's the best route for someone with a skinny fat body composition should take when starting their fitness journey? Build muscle. Get into the gym. Your goal is to build strength, build muscle. It's going to make getting the body fat off your body much easier. If you enter into, so skinny fat, let me just define that real quick. Skinny fat is somebody whose body weight is probably where it should be or maybe lower,
Starting point is 01:18:11 but they don't have a lot of muscle and they still have a lot of body fat. So even though their weight isn't heavy, they've got too much body fat and too little muscle. They're soft. They're soft. Now, if you go to the gym and just go with the intention of trying to get lean and you diet with the intention of trying to get lean, you will burn body fat, but you also will, because your body adapts, slow your metabolism down and may actually reduce the little muscle that you currently have, which is going to set you up for a very difficult battle down the road. Now, on the flip, if you go in and you focus on building strength
Starting point is 01:18:47 and building muscle, which may require you to eat at maintenance or a little bit above maintenance calories, the scale may go up a little bit. You may gain a few pounds on the scale, but what you'll find is you'll have a faster metabolism, which will make the fat loss much, much, much easier as you continue down the road with your progress. I also think I'm going to make an over generalization right here and I know some people are going
Starting point is 01:19:10 to try and crucify me for this, but I'll just tell you in my experience, this is what tends to be more common and more beneficial for this person. So when I think of like skinny fat, I think of myself. When I think of fat fat, I think of Justin. Yeah. And what I mean by that is our body types and that's not a nock at Justin. Fat fat. Yeah, your fat fat, I'm skinny fat. And what I mean by that is I have the body type where,
Starting point is 01:19:35 so if Justin and I both decide, oh, we're overlifting weights and we're just gonna live off of Jack in the box for the next month or so, we would look totally different. Justin would blow up and look fat fat. I would get skinny fat, which I would lose my arms,
Starting point is 01:19:50 I would lose my legs, and I would just get this pooch belly that I hopefully I could still hide underneath my t-shirt. And here's what happens with someone like this is, I get skinny skinny. You get skinny skinny.
Starting point is 01:20:03 You lose everything. You're more like my body type probably skinny body fat probably so I've seen these body types I've trained hundreds of both these body types and in my personal opinion getting these people started back the people that are the fat fat tend to benefit Benefit more I tend to start them sometimes in a phase three. Now this like a higher repetitions, just kind of moving the body more, they need to burn some additional calories. Their body just touches a little bit of weights.
Starting point is 01:20:33 They tend to build a little bit easier. So I'm not really training them as hard and heavy first. The clients that are the skinny fat ones, I mean tend to respond really well to the lower rep range. They need that to build some muscle. And so I tend to to the lower rep range. They need that to build some muscle. And so I tend to go the lower rep range with them. That's just my personal experience with those types of body types. The skinny fat people tend to really benefit from the strength.
Starting point is 01:20:57 That's not to say that a fat, fat person would not benefit from the heavy strength training. I just think they're different body types in that somebody who is a skinny fat person really challenged that person to train in a lower rep range. I like, those are the new, it's no longer ectomorphism, or endomorphism, what are those called somatotypes?
Starting point is 01:21:15 You just made up new somatotypes. Skinny skinny fat, fat fat. That's fat fast, you know, band together. I thought like a blob, just one big blob. I think the grass is always green on the other side. I'd rather be fat fat. That's just, I was, of course, my, it's pure. I can build, but you know, what kind?
Starting point is 01:21:34 You know, what kind of material am I building? You know, for me, I don't care who I get as a client in this particular regard. If I get somebody's really, really heavy or someone who's skinny fat or whatever, I'm always going to recommend that they start to eat healthier. And then I'm almost always, and this depends on the person, but I'm most always trying to get them stronger to build a little bit of muscle. It just benefits everybody. Now, I think what you're saying, Adam, what the person who gains easily, they tend to gain muscle
Starting point is 01:22:01 a little bit easier as well. That's a bit of a stereotype, but like you said, an over-generalization, but it does tend to be true. The skinny fat people tend to have a difficult time building muscle, but what I find with them is, here's the big difference with what I find between the two of them. And maybe this is the difference between you and Justin. The difference might be that with you guys stop working out
Starting point is 01:22:19 and said, fuck it, Justin would just eat way more. You would just eat shitier, not necessarily way more. You see what I'm saying? You ever noticed that with skinny fat people, you look at their diets and they're not eating a lot of calories necessarily. They just have slow metabolism. They're drinking a lot of soda. And it's crappy food.
Starting point is 01:22:36 The real heavy people tend to do that, but also eat a lot, a lot of calories. So I think that's where the big difference, you know, tends to be, and then of course there's genetics on building muscle. But no, I would take this person, and I'd be all about building up your metabolism. I would reverse diet them with, you know, healthy food slowly. I'd build up their metabolism. I'd like to see the scale stay the same or go up. So you could come to me as a male at, you know, like if you're six foot guy and you're 175, 180 pounds, but you're skinny fat, I'd like to see the scale go up to 185, 190. And then, and get you strong,
Starting point is 01:23:15 and then slowly start to see what happens with the cutting. The other thing that I've noticed too with this group of people, you know, that we're over-generalizing, is when I focus on building muscle with them, they tend to just get leaner. I've had quite a few situations where I haven't had to cut them with their diet. I just had to have clean up their diet, focus on building muscle, building strength, and then what we'll do is we'll look at the scale and be like, oh, it's, you know, it went up a
Starting point is 01:23:38 few pounds. Let me do a body fat test. Like, holy shit, you've lost like six pounds of fat and gained eight pounds of muscle, and so, you know, and I'm making numbers up, shit, you've lost like six pounds of fat and gained eight pounds of muscle. And so, you know, and I'm making numbers up, but you know, scale one up a couple pounds, but you've actually lost fat. No, I think you hit it right on the head. This is exactly what I have. That's what happens to you, right? Yeah, that's what I have. When I get back into the routine of things, both nutritionally and training, I have to increase my intake. It's a, that's part of it. I'll be skinny fat, so I'll have lost a bunch of muscle, put on some body fat, but I actually have to add to the diet.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I have to get more meals and eat more food because exactly what you're saying is true. When I am off the wagon or I fall, what I tend to do is not get adequate protein. I've said this on the show for a really long time, why I'm such a big fan of still utilizing protein shakes when needed is because that's what I do is I end up not eating a lot and then the little bit of food I do eat or bad
Starting point is 01:24:30 choices and then that's where I end up getting that. I end up getting a little bit fat, I end up putting body fat on because I'm making poor, unhealthy choices. I'm still over consuming the calories I need, but I'm not feeding my body adequate protein and nutrients to hang on to the lean body mess I have. And so there here I get there. And you're not lifting weights. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:47 On top of it. I eat one crispy cream and you can see it. Can you really? It's some bullshit. Didn't you say when you were growing up, you were skinny? Yeah, I was. Yeah, for a minute. You just changed it.
Starting point is 01:24:57 For a minute. So like junior high. Yeah, you say between second and second. So I didn't like, you know, like puberty. And then it was just like, boom, I started gaining all this muscle. And then when I wasn't it was just like, boom, I started gain all this muscle and then, when I wasn't like quite as like ridiculously active, it was like, okay, now I have to manage this.
Starting point is 01:25:13 I wonder what would all look like if we all were just couch potato, typical American diet. I know exactly what I would look like. Yeah, I flirted with that enough time. This is exactly what that looks like. I get this skinny fat. I look like Santa Claus.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Right away, I lose. You know what it sucks is, I get my lose all the size of my arms and legs and then my face gets fat. So I get like this like, bobble head, fucking look with fucking no arms. Oh no! Yeah, it's just awful look.
Starting point is 01:25:36 I'm gonna be fat fat all day. Dude, give me some. Guys, you imagine how old I would look if I did the exercise? You're right. I'm like, this guy, grandpa to Stefano. You know what people I always see in the gym who fall in this category of skinny fat
Starting point is 01:25:51 are the cardio, kings, and queens. These are the skinny fat people. These are the people that if you've ever worked in a gym for longer than six months, you know exactly who I'm talking about. It's a group of people that comes in, every gym has them. And the calorie burning race. And they come in and they do, you know, between three to five days a week of cardio and that's it.
Starting point is 01:26:13 And they come in and they get on the cardio machine and they go really fucking hard with the cardio. Getting a sweat is life. And for whatever reason, they still have high body fat percentage, but their body weight isn't that high. You're still jiggle. And the guys will have just like this pop belly. There was this one dude that used to jog in my neighborhood. And I remember this was years ago, my son was like four or five.
Starting point is 01:26:36 And this guy every morning, when I take my son to school, we'd see this guy jog by our house. And he had these really skinny legs, really skinny arms, and he had this big belly. Yeah, and my son was like, you know, what's he doing? I'm like, always exercising.
Starting point is 01:26:52 What's exercise for? And I explained it to him this that and the other and he goes, he's not working for this. Yeah, and he goes, why does he have a big belly? And I'm like, oh, that's kind of interesting. And so I tried to explain them the different, it was too young for me to break it down. But you do see that, you do see that quite a bit with the cardio fanatics, is the whole skinny fat, body composition type deal. So lift weights, that's always the answer is lift man.
Starting point is 01:27:12 That's always the answer. So check this out, we have a bunch of free guides that we wrote for different goals. Some of them help you build your arms or work on flattening your midsection, building your legs, some of them are talking about, you know, getting your squat to go up. Anyway, they're all free.
Starting point is 01:27:29 They cost nothing. Just go to mindpumpfree.com and download them. You can also find our personal Instagram pages, different information than what you'll hear on the podcast or see on our YouTube channel. So you can find my page is Mind Pump Sal on Instagram, Adam is Mind Pump, Adam on Instagram, and Justin is Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com.
Starting point is 01:28:02 The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal and an adjusting as your own personal trainers,
Starting point is 01:28:27 but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five- star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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