Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 926: Surprising Muscle Building Exercises, How to Quickly Transform Your Body When You Only Have a Week, the Truth About the Fat Burning Zone & MORE

Episode Date: December 19, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions abou...t how to get as lean as possible in a week for an unexpected video/photo shoot, the surprising exercises that result in the greatest gains, the truth or myth of the fat burning zone and if athleticism is something you are born with or can be trained. Is there caffeine in Organifi’s new products Pure? (5:19) Off cannabis, libido up! Frequency vs. tolerance debate. (7:48) How Hemp And The Farm Bill May Change Life As You Know It. The benefits of products like Ned. (16:00) Netflix Impact On Movie Theaters Is Negligible: Study Commissioned By Theaters. (19:43) A Man in China Hospitalized After Sniffing His Own Socks Every Day. (29:54) Porn sites collect more user data than Netflix or Hulu. (31:14) Feeding the Bullshit. People Call For Father Christmas To Be Renamed 'Person Christmas'. (36:30) Peta: Why Cheese Is the Most Sexist Thing You Can Eat. (38:25) Mind Pump New Year’s Plans. (39:26) #Quah question #1 - How would you go about getting as lean as possible in a week for an unexpected video/photo shoot? (45:25) #Quah question #2 – What exercise surprised you the most with the greatest gains? (51:46) #Quah question #3 - Any truth to the fat burning zone or is it a myth? (1:01:42) #Quah question #4 – Is athleticism something you are born with or can be trained? (1:10:51) People Mentioned: Robert Oberst (@robertoberst)  Instagram Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00)  Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson)  Instagram Products Mentioned: December Promotion: Enroll in Any MAPS Program – 1 Year of Forum Access for FREE! Mind Pump Free Resources MAPS Starter Promotion Rate Still Available! **Code “STARTER20” for $20 off at checkout** Organifi **Code “mindpump” for 20% off** Ned **15% off first purchase** How Hemp And The Farm Bill May Change Life As You Know It Netflix Impact On Movie Theaters Is Negligible: Study Commissioned By Theaters All Time Box Office Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation Oculus A Man in China Hospitalized After Sniffing His Own Socks Every Day Porn sites collect more user data than Netflix or Hulu People Call For Father Christmas To Be Renamed 'Person Christmas' Why Cheese Is the Most Sexist Thing You Can Eat - Peta Occlusion Training Guide - Mind Pump Everly Well **Code “mindpump” 15% off any test** Brain.fm **20% off**

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of The Mind Pump, for the first 38 minutes, Justin, Adam, and myself, have some fun non-fitness conversations. This is our intro portion of the show. We start out by talking about our sponsor, Organify, and their product pure, which is energizing without caffeine.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I actually thought there might be a little caffeine in it, and I contacted the company, and I was assured there are no stimulants just brain-boosting ingredients like Lyons' main. Of course, they are one of our sponsors. So if you go to organifi.com, forward slash mind pump, and use the code mind pump, you'll get 20% off. Then we talked about Adam's libido. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And his improved sleep, we think his reduction of cannabis use is probably contributing to these improvements in both of the sleep and his libido. He also mentioned. And that picture you gave him. Yeah, he also mentioned brain FM. This is something you listen to in your headphones that can improve sleep. It can also improve things like focus.
Starting point is 00:01:15 If you go to brain.fm, forward slash, spine pump, you'll get 20% off. Then we talked about Ned's full spectrumrum hemp oil extract, packed full of beneficial cannabinoids, like cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD. It's a great Christmas gift. Just go to helloned.com, or slash mine pump, and you'll get 15% off. Then we talked about the hemp farm bill.
Starting point is 00:01:39 We talked about hemp oil quality with all the products that we've seen. Hamps can be everywhere. It's everywhere. Then we talked about Netflix's impact on going to the movies, porn addiction. We talked about person Christmas. I think it's still father Christmas, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Person Christmas. And cheese. Just stop. Sexism. Yes, you can be your sexist if you like cheese apparently. Apparently I'm really sexist. Like hoarding to PETA. And then we talked about our new year's plans,
Starting point is 00:02:06 and then we get into the fitness questions. The first question was, how do we go about getting as lean as possible if we only have a week? So let's say you have something coming up in a week, unexpected, photo-shoot. Thanks for the notice. Yeah, the photo shoot or something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Like, what would be the strategy to look your best in seven days? The next question was, what exercises surprised us the most with the type of results that they elicit it So what exercises just shocked us like we started doing them and we're like whoa dogpiece This one made me look amazing. That's an exercise by the way She can just make that up. Yeah, next question was, is the fat burning zone a myth? Apparently, when you do cardio with any particular heart rate zone, you burn more body fat or do you find out in this part, in that part of this episode, get in the zone?
Starting point is 00:02:55 And the final question, is athleticism, or not even sponsored by them guys, is fat burning zone? Is athleticism something you're born with or can you train it or is it both great discussion in that part in this episode also like to remind everybody maps starter is live it's our new maps program it's designed for beginners or for people
Starting point is 00:03:19 who are deconditioned or people haven't worked out a while let's get started or for people who just want to work at at home all you need are dumbbells and a fizzial ball it's a phenomenal Deconditioner people haven't worked out a while. Let's get started. Or for people who just want to work at a home, all you need are dumbbells and a physio ball. It's a phenomenal program to get your body to build stability, start building conditioning and to start building muscle.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Basically to start to reap all the amazing benefits that resistance training can go in the right way. Provide, it's also an awesome gift for someone for the holidays. If you're interested in checking out Maps Starter, we only have about five days left for a discount coupon code that we're offering to you right now. So here's what you do. Go to Maps Starter, two S's in the middle, dot com. So that's M-A-P-S-T-A-R-T-E-R dot com, and then use the code starter 20, that starter and the number 20 without a space for $20
Starting point is 00:04:10 off. You will also get a free t-shirt and one year of access to our private forum for absolutely free. Now, if you want to check out any of our other maps programs, you can go to our other site maps fitness products dots.com. Teacher time! And it's T-shirt time! Bringing only in, Doug, my favorite time of the week!
Starting point is 00:04:33 Giving out six T-shirts this week, three for iTunes and three for Facebook. Hooking them up. So the winners are for iTunes, John Dick, Soul of the Fire, and and Jen Ham one, all of you are winners there. And on Facebook, we've got Anthony Schultz, Cody Moore, Mackenzie Barbara Schlemitz, all of you are winners. So what you need to do is send your name. The one I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, send your shirt size, your shipping address, and now please include your Instagram handle. That's right.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Because you may actually be getting a shout out on the MindPump Media page. Oh, yeah. So send all that over to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, we'll get that right out to you. Sizzle snap. I've been using the the pure. Now, have you guys been using consistently?
Starting point is 00:05:25 I was, but we I haven't used it this week. I was using it last week consistently when we did the last Organic Fight and Mercer. So I've been using them one or two a day pretty consistently now for the last Since we got our since we got them, which was like what a week ago was it been a week five days six days ago? Yeah, and I messaged Shana who who's our rep, shout out Shana, love her. And I messaged her because I'm like, is there caffeine in this? Because one of the ingredients is coffee berry extract, which has its own, neutral pick properties, but of course coming from the coffee extract, you'd think. Yeah, some of that might have, the caffeine had to have gone through. Is there, is there caffeine?
Starting point is 00:06:07 Because when I drink it, when I take it, I feel mildly stimulated. Lived it a little. Yes, totally. Now, Lines main, lines main can do that. Lines main will make you feel kind of stimulated and sharper. But I was like, God, is there caffeine in this? Because I feel a little bit like up.
Starting point is 00:06:25 So I messaged her and then she checked with, whoever they check with in the research department, no caffeine. Really? No, so because she sent me the response that they sent her and they said that it tests, when they test it for caffeine, it tests at below four milligrams,
Starting point is 00:06:44 which is all you need, that's what you, to say no caffeine, something has to be tested at. Under five. Under four. And she said, yeah, there's no, there's no caffeine in it. Well, this is great. This is going to be part of my protocol then to start scaling down my caffeine intake. Because I, I did notice a little bit of a lift from using it too. And I was listening to the Paul check episode that we did as well. I'm talking about chewing on the coffee beans. You need to do the butter too. And I was listening to the Paul Check episode that we did as well. And talking about chewing on the coffee beans.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You need to do the butter too. Remember we talked about that. You need to start with your morning like that. I'm gonna wrap it all this down. Yeah, you rub butter on your chest. Yeah, you do it. And it's frosted first. Then you just beat it on you.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You bet you if we just sold just it on that. I'm like, whoa, is this how you do it? You can't go work and he's all glistening. It's gonna smell like popcorn. You guys already almost had me on the... Why is it smell like popcorn? Focusing at the clock in the morning. Butterball.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I'm butterballing. Yeah. But no, but so delicious. But I love it, I absolutely like it. And I'm feeling so good off of Caffee. I think you gotta go off shit every once in a while for a while. You know what I'm saying? It's at that point. Here's the other thing too because I again I went off cannabis completely then I reintroduced it a little bit here and there and then I went off of it again.
Starting point is 00:07:55 When I stay off of it for a while I'm telling I'm getting another test Oscar test coming because I want to keep testing mine. Did you ask for me also please are you for it? I did I sent it. Oh you did. me also, please are you for me? I did, I sent it to the whole red drawer. Thank you. I did it, it raises my testosterone when I'm not having a lot of cannabis. Well, I totally feel it. No, no, I felt it. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I did. Yeah, I was off for three weeks, right? So what did you notice? I noticed my libido up. I did. See? I did notice that. And the reason why I noticed it because my workout volume is significantly low right now,
Starting point is 00:08:26 probably some of the lowest I've had for a while, and that always kind of brings it down. I notice when I'm not training, like three plus times a week, that tends to bring down my libido, where now I'm low there, but my sex drive is really high and the only thing that else that's really different that's going on right now is being off the cannabis. Bro, I'm telling you, it will be interesting when you do your next test. How happy will you be if you see that your levels are now. Well, what I'm going to do because I've had cannabis since then now, right? So I've had it, but I've definitely scaled the way back from where I was having it every single night. Very similar to like what you do.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So I wamed off for, I wanted to go all the way till January, but I don't know what day I ended up having. I was like, yeah, this is too good to pass up, right? I just want it. I think I think I do. And I figured I'm a grownup. I can make that decision for myself. And the main purpose for me was just kind of take it
Starting point is 00:09:23 a break from it for a while long enough so I could start to assess like is this are their positive benefits. So what I'm going to do when I get when the test comes in from every well, I'm going to be off for at least two or three weeks again, retest and then I'll see what a difference it makes. But how cool it be because now you've been off of synthetic testosterone now for over a year. Yeah, over a year now. You've gotten your levels to be within the range, but it's at the low end. So it's not a great place to be, but at least it's within the range. How awesome would be if going off cannabis was the last missing piece to get your levels up to a really good level? That would excite me.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It would really, it really would excite me. I'm interested to see. I don't know. Now, what will you do? So let's say, let's say, if they stay where they're at, they're low, you've already said like, I've tried and I'll probably end up having to go back on replacement, but if they stay high,
Starting point is 00:10:18 will you still consider going back on replacement? That's a really good, probably not. If I'm in the high normal range. It's doing good, and oh yeah, I won't fuck with testosterone. Yeah, because you don't want to have to deal with that whole thing. No, no, I wouldn't want to go through that all over again. But if I test, and I'm still pretty low, there's a very strong chance that early,
Starting point is 00:10:39 first quarter of next year, I'll probably get back on like an HRT dose, where I'm probably taking 125 milligrams a week or so. Just because I mean, I felt amazing when I was at that level. I didn't feel it. Well, to be honest, even in the low normal, what they consider normal, and I hate that, because that range is so ridiculous. It's literally the difference between being in the high normal and low normal is like
Starting point is 00:11:04 5 times a bit. Literally, the difference between being the high normal and low normal is like five times a bit, it's just a huge gap. And the truth is, being in the low range of normal is probably unhealthy. So you're probably better off. If that's where you're at and there's nothing you can do to get your natural testosterone to come back up, let's say it's just damaged from whatever years of synthetic use. Getting it back up into the higher mid-range through synthetic, probably better for you. I agree. You know what I'm saying? That's how I feel too. The main driver for me was to,
Starting point is 00:11:39 if we were going to try and get pregnant this coming year, it was that increasing my chances by being, obviously, if I'm on synthetic, I'm only decreasing my chances of getting her pregnant. That happens and my test scores are still pretty low. I'll probably jump back on. If they're mid-high on the normal range, I don't think I'll mess with that. I don't see myself doing that, not at all. But, you know, we'll see how I feel.
Starting point is 00:12:11 But I'm excited to take it and then to tease out the cannabis, because I didn't do that on the previous test. And to be honest, I don't remember, you know, how much usage, or how much I was using cannabis at that time. So we'll see, I definitely usage that I was, or how much I was using cannabis at that time. So we'll see, I definitely know that I was smoking it every single day or close to every single day, sometimes once or twice in the evening.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So, you know, me just coming off of it completely for three weeks, I noticed a big difference. So, frequency and the intensity of it, it sounds like we're talking about working out, but it makes a difference, right? So like, smoke weed every day. Yeah, like having it every day and then having a strong amount every day. I mean, both of those have to make a big impact. Yeah. Because I think what happens with the frequent use is you become so tolerant to it without realizing it, you end up using, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:00 more and more. Well, I told you the other thing that I was really surprised by was because I'm tracking my sleep and with the ordering it does the whole, you know, track your score and stuff. And you know, originally why I started using cannabis was to improve my sleep and to settle my brain down and help me fall asleep. And I think because I was smoking like at around five or six pm at night and then that would kind of wear off and then I I would smoke again at nine or 10 when I was going to bed. I think I was too high, and so I actually wasn't falling
Starting point is 00:13:31 into a really good deep sleep, and when I came off, I actually noticed my sleep score back, go back up again. Now since then, I've been more judicious with it, and I've tried to use it only on nights where I feel like I really need to help me go to sleep And now I'm sleeping like a baby. Yeah, so I think it just I was taking you sleep was a big issue for you for your long since I know you my whole life I up until like not that long ago. I really just you know
Starting point is 00:14:00 I had a couple of things happen want the first big thing that happened that happened when I bought my house when I was in my early 20s, the first thing I invested in was a big expensive bed. And that was the first time I ever got it. Other than before that, I was like, hand me down beds my whole life. And when I got a new bed, I got- I got-
Starting point is 00:14:19 I got like an- Yeah, this is a big, big heart shape too. Vibrated. This is a coin, yeah. This coin's in it. They still heart shape too. Vibrated. Is it coin? Yeah. Is coins in it? Do they still have that shape? I perform it. Have you guys ever seen a real one?
Starting point is 00:14:30 No. Not with a hotel. With coins? I have. Really? Wow. I have been to a motel. And a place was this, though.
Starting point is 00:14:38 It's a long story. I'll tell you guys another time. What? You got a hold on. I'll talk about that. Oh, I know. Another time. But the bad made a night and day difference. I got that, that made a big difference.
Starting point is 00:14:50 But I still just considered myself, somebody who tosses and turns kind of all night long. And then as I got older, I started to connect it more with work and stress. And I was like, oh shit, you know, when I got a lot of my mind, financially, business wise, stress at work for whatever reasons, that was affecting my sleep.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And so, you know, things like brain FM have been like a game changer for me, utilizing cannabis, Ned. That's been another one. That was a big thing I noticed, too. And I think I mentioned that the last time we had a Ned commercial was, you know, when I came off the cannabis completely, and then when I would use Ned, I would actually feel the Ned. Like before I would take the Ned and be like, oh, I'd have this great sleep, but I didn't feel it from taking it. Where now I feel like
Starting point is 00:15:35 I take it and in a half hour, I can feel myself calm down. And I'm just assuming that that's because I become sensitive again to that. I really do think that the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids, the therapeutic effects, aside from the really, when you need a potent acute effect, is it lies in the non intoxicating cannabinoids. And I do think that product, because there was a, did you guys see the big farm bill with hemp? We're about to see an explosion.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Oh yeah, yeah, I did see that. We're about to see an explosion of hemp growing and hemp cultivating and hemp products. Is this statewide? Like throughout the US? Country. Countrywide. So we're about to see, you know, cannabinoids,
Starting point is 00:16:17 we're already starting to see them infused into everything, but it's going to really take off now because there were a lot of kind of legal, you know, gray areas and loopholes we had to go through. But I think, you know, unless you have like acute issues, like THC's got some benefit too, like for some forms of chronic depression, it may be good for pain, definitely for, you know, severe forms of appetite type of disruption. It can be good.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Of course, THC also has a good effect on cancer Just like all the cannabinoids do so you don't want to take any of them out You want to use them all especially if you in a situation like that or at least that's what the research shows But for the general therapeutic effects like for the average person like my parents You know somebody who's got some autoimmune type issues or food intolerance issues or gut issues or if somebody You know it's got inflammatory issues or sleep issues or let's say you want a in anziolytic Which is like an anti-anxiety type, you know feeling but you don't want to go the synthetic medical route which is typically like a Xanax or something like that which has been huge potent for my wife
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yeah, she's used Ned quite a bit now before bed, and it's like, she's been able to reduce a lot of those synthetic drugs. As a result of it. I actually bought them for gifts for everybody. And Christmas, I bought five of them to give to. Best gift ever. Yeah, I know, just the box is really cool.
Starting point is 00:17:38 It's a cool gift. It's a cool way to give somebody. I think they do a good job of their packaging. So, and also it's new enough, because I'm very familiar with the hemp oil market, and there is a lot of hemp oil stuff out there, but a lot of it is not good. I mean, a lot of it is, it's oil, but how many, what are the cannabinoids that are in there, where the concentrations, what's the quality?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Net is what's the best I've seen, and if you're going to introduce, here's the problem. And this reminds me of the supplement industry. You know, years ago, and that still happens today, where a supplement will come out or a product will come out that shows all these benefits. But then all these supplement companies coming out, saying that they have this product or this ingredient, people use it because it's low potency or doesn't have it,
Starting point is 00:18:24 all of a sudden it has a bad rap and everybody's like oh Crate team doesn't work. I've tried it before or whatever. Mm-hmm Hempoil there's a lot of crappy products out there So if you're introducing hempoil to like somebody who's kind of apprehensive about using cannabinoids and like well Tampa's not you know wait for that number to increase too. Yep. You know that it's like You know country wide. I'm sure there's gonna be a ton of companies jumping in. That's what I'm saying. So, you wanna introduce, you know, hemp oil,
Starting point is 00:18:51 a high quality one to someone for the first time. Like my grandfather, you know, I was telling them the benefits and stuff, and you know, what if I gave them a crappy hemp oil product, he tries it, like, didn't work. Well, now he's never gonna want to try to get him. This has happened. I have a friend that I've been trying to push CBD on for quite some time with asleep issues
Starting point is 00:19:08 And he just grabbed some random brand that I know nothing about him like dude And he's oh, yeah, I didn't do anything for me. And it's like well first of all, you know You you tried it one time my second of all I have no idea about this company that you use whatsoever So the and right now it's, you just gotta be careful with supplements, man, where it's still, it falls in that category. So there's gonna be a lot of pixie dusting because it is popular and it's exploding right now.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So anybody can just throw some CBD oil and there you water the fuck down and then you can call it and sell it a ton for a ton of money. So yeah, I agree, you gotta be careful of that. Yeah, yeah. You know, switching gears a little bit, I agree. You got to be careful that. Yeah, you know, switch, switching gears a little bit. I got to bring this up on the show because I believe I don't know if it was, it was this year
Starting point is 00:19:51 sometime when we talked about Netflix and speculated that Netflix is going to put movie theaters at a business. And it's actually not true. Yeah, no, I read this article, Jackie shared this. I love when, shout out to Jackie, I always appreciate when she sends over. She definitely knows us and the stuff that we love to talk about. And she sent over this great article,
Starting point is 00:20:17 Netflix Impact on Movie Theaters is negligible, concluded a study. So it talks about, it was a study done by Ernst Young Commission by the National Association of Theater Owners. And they are basically saying that the short version of it is, you know, somebody who's streamed, the more hours you stream, the more likely you are to go to the movie theaters.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And the people that don't go to movie theaters, over 50, but I think around 50% of those people don't stream. So there's a big connect, if you're a movie buff, you're a movie buff% of those people don't stream. So there's a big connect, if you're a movie buff, you're a movie buff. So if you like to stream and you're into that, you're also more likely to go to the movies. That's definitely true.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Definitely true for me. The difference is, and I'd like to see a study done in about 10 years on this, because I think it's the younger generation that will notice the impact. Like I love the experience of the movies. Like it's not just watching a movie. It's going to a theater.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's the popcorn. It's the getting in line waiting to go watch the new thing. It's the whole experience I enjoy. And brand new. It's something that just came out. Yeah. But kids, I wonder if kids are going to have that. Well, the kids are also, so the way they did it, it was like if you stream seven hours a week,
Starting point is 00:21:26 if you stream nine hours a week, if you stream 15 hours a week, 20 hours a week, the more you stream, the more likely you are to go to the theaters. Now, the younger generation is definitely streaming more hours than you or Justin, for sure. So that kind of, that study already kind of, well, I'm talking about the younger, like not old enough to go to the movies themselves
Starting point is 00:21:46 Like they know I'm saying like might like my daughter for example Well, you know if think about that if if you're streaming YouTube if you're streaming you fool if you're streaming those things the more hours You are you already falling a character so even if you're a nine-year-old who's true if you would fall in the key the study of Lots of streaming hours. So those those kids are going to the theater as much or more than somebody who's true if you would fall in the key the study of lots of streaming hours so those those kids are going to the theater as much or more than somebody who's not not yet but that because mom and dad are taking them i want to see what happens when they're old enough to go to the movies are they going to want to spend i'm not saying yes or no i don't know because maybe they grew up and they
Starting point is 00:22:21 enjoy the because here's what i'm noticing that movie theaters are doing now overall attendance to movies, I think is decline though. Overall. It went up. Remember they, because they did that, they did that whole thing where they gave out
Starting point is 00:22:32 the monthly past thing, right? And they lost a fuck ton of money on that because so many people took advantage of it. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but ever since the seats are in there, it's hard to get tickets. I was just gonna say, I have to buy like the fucking day before or early in the morning.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I mean, you used to be able to wait till the last minute. A lot of times you didn't have to. If you were not seeing a brand new movie, if you were watching a movie, it's been out for two weeks or more, I can walk up to the theater 10 minutes before and get good seats. Now you have to, if you want anything in those ideal seats
Starting point is 00:23:02 in the behind the front. What was the last blockbuster movie? it like the the last Avenger movie or because I just don't remember like a real monumental movie that came out besides like Avengers are that's because you you can you compare everything to Star Wars you door because there's blockbuster movies that hit every fucking month you know how much there's like with like well nothing like it like I said you you compare the star Wars so nothing nothing compares to star wars. Yeah, but I mean, there was avatar. There's all kinds of like, no, there's always, there's always movies like
Starting point is 00:23:32 big. Well, we're also summer movies. So we're just coming out of the slump, right? I think July, August, September, October, I think that's the four month where none of the good movies come out. Everything good. It is, it is kind of the four month where none of the good movies come out. Everything good. It is kind of the slow part, but Christmas usually brings something big. Right now we should start to see a lot of good movies come out. Wow, look at this. So I just looked up the top grossing movies of all time adjusted for ticket price inflation.
Starting point is 00:24:04 So this is domestic gross. Okay. The number one movie of all time adjusted, gone with the wind. What? Gone with the wind, number one. Oh shit. Number two, Star Wars, number three,
Starting point is 00:24:16 the sound of music, number four. I'm on wind. Number four, ET, then it goes Titanic, the Ten Commandments, Jaws, Dr. Zivago, 1965, the Exorcist, Snow White, the Seven Doors, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, actually number 11, that's not bad, 101 down May. So there isn't a lot of new movies in that top 20 avatars there, Jurassic Park is kind
Starting point is 00:24:38 of there. That's pretty cool, huh? Black Panther, number 30. Wow. But this is all adjusted for... Yeah. You know, because inflation obviously. I think the movie theaters are doing a smart play with the seats that recline,
Starting point is 00:24:52 that change in the experience, charging you for premium sound. There's places now that are serving food and alcohol. Yeah, smart. It's interesting and I think people do like the entertainment, I don't think it's necessarily going to go away. It's definitely a novelty. It's something cool to do in terms of entertainment.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'm still a great date. Yeah, I'm wondering how it's going to change is all. You know, like in the future, like what other men in the sun add. Yeah, there might be that. Oh, absolutely. I mean, that's the next, I mean, you got the seats now, right? Now, the next and some of these places have it where the seats like vibrate and move to the movie. I haven't tried that yet
Starting point is 00:25:28 Is it is it worth it? Yeah, it's cool. It depends on the movie, but yeah, like it could be distracting Everyone movie was like jerking me all over the place was getting really annoying Yeah, but I mean if I'm if you were all VR'd up and in a seat that moves the movies I mean that's have you guys seen that commercial? It's been following me around on Facebook where it shows these little avatars watching a basketball game on the floor like floor cedar whatever it brought the Oculus. I've been talking about that. I just saw it. Yeah, where these two dudes they're in different Yeah, also the of the world. Yeah, they're watching courtside together. Yeah, so that's been in play So that wasn't play this last last playoffs. It just so you can actually buy this and do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I mean, this is that whole I think the whole kit and setup was like I want to say it was under a thousand dollars. You're going to buy it. Oh, for sure. Oh, why haven't you got it yet? I want to try it. It's I've been watching it. It's not like anything else. The first version. Oh, it's kind of like there's a lot of kinks and shit. I'm so curious to see what that would be like. Me too. I think it's gonna be amazing. I'm so curious to see what it would feel like to put that on and then watch a game from that perspective. How fucking imagine MMA where you're in the cage. Yeah. I if you put on your in the cage. I hate some of you just got their nice broke MMA life and because the cage sucks to watch through it.
Starting point is 00:26:45 You can't be in my opinion, MMA is one of the sports that is up there with way better on television than his life. There's too many blind spots. Way too many blind spots. And MMA is so technical, there's so many little subtle d's in like Jiu-Jitsu moves and stuff that you don't see that. And even if you're on the cage I've sat on the cage
Starting point is 00:27:06 I've sat all over it for UFC fights and granted the environment is cool and that's not taking away from that But when you watch it on TV you get every bit of that where dude I remember watching it at Here in San Jose and it was like a big event, had all these fights. It was great, super great energy, everything, but I watched the TV the entire time. Right, because I had to get all the angles, because you couldn't, yeah, like you said,
Starting point is 00:27:35 you couldn't see what the fuck was going on. That's why there's always been a debate in MMA for a long time over the cage versus the ring. I know in Japan, a lot of organizations use the ring because of that, because it's not the best sterile, live spectating. That would change a lot of the technique of some of the fighters, right?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yes, naturally, guys against the... I mean, you can really see how some of these things are gonna be purely designed for that. Like, you know, some of these events will be designed specifically for viewing through VR, where there's not going to be any live audience. I'm excited because it'll also drive a regular ticket prices down. So a guy like me who loves to go to a game live, especially a basketball game and sit really
Starting point is 00:28:17 close, I mean, those are really fucking expensive tickets. I can't, I would think it'll make the price go down. Of course. Oh yeah, because if I, the main thing that I love watching a, a basketball game is when you get, when you sit on the court or right next to the court on the basketball, I mean, you're, you're feet away from them. I mean, you, you're watching giants. Yeah, like even football, when you sit, when you sit 50 yard line first row football,
Starting point is 00:28:42 you still have got another 50 yards in front of you before the football, then there's coach. But you don't, you don have got another 50 yards in front of you before the football then there's coach. But you don't want to be too close. No, it's well, it's not that close of an intimate sport, right? Where, you know, with basketball, you're right there. So it'd be interesting to see if people that are paying these, you know, $2,000 to $4,000 for court side seats, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:05 because if I could, if I get the whole VR kit for under a thousand and I get the view of court side, it'd be really tough to convince me to spend $2,000 to go sit on court side to get that same experience, you know, obviously again, being there live. So I would hope that I would drive that down so you could do that. I will see.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That would be cool. Concerts might be interesting like that. The only thing is the sound and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, you'd have to really master that part of it, which would be tough. I mean, I think I can feel it. Give it how cool if you have a bad ass sound system at your house, right?
Starting point is 00:29:35 If you have like a sick ass sound, it's totally opt in for that. And you VR in and you feel like. Let's be honest though, where's 99% of the money going to be made in VR? Let's just be honest. Poor. 100%. Oh yeah? Let's just be honest. Poor. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh yeah. It's gonna dominate. Won't we see that? I mean, we will, it's almost guaranteed. We'll see the innovation there first, right? Of course. I mean, in fact, if you get a porn, actually, this is not, porn really is like freak-related.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Okay, so this is ramp your alley cell. What? You guys creep, this false persona. Oh, come on. Whatever, Selena. There was a man in China that, you got hospitalized after sniffing his own socks every day. Hospitalized?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, because like the spores in the back of the year. I love the articles here. It literally like, he got athletes foot in his chest. Oh, you can do that. Really? Like, he's factored in his chest. Oh my God. He liked the smell of? You're like, you're factored in his chest. Oh my God. He liked the smell of a sauce.
Starting point is 00:30:27 He was not much of a freak. He liked smelling his own sauce. Yeah, just like every day after work, he'd take his shoes off and then huff his socks. Oh God. Yeah, you can do that. It's because athletes' foot is a fungus. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I didn't know that you guys did that make sense. So if you have, it's rare, but if you have a compromised immune system and you breathe in, we always breathe in spores all the time from stuff around us. There's certain types of mold, you definitely don't wanna be around, but there's stuff you breathe in and all the time. And if you have a weak immune system,
Starting point is 00:30:54 it can grow in your lungs. I should probably stop smelling my boxers. Did he die? Yeah, I mean. Did he die? No, he's hospitalized, He's in bad shape. Like that bad? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:07 They had to give him like intravenous antifungals, probably. Yeah. Wow, that's messed up. Well, to stay on the porn topic. To stay on the porn. Yeah, so real porn, that weird porn. So you want to hear something crazy?
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah. Porn sites collect more user data than Netflix or Hulu. They actually collect some of the most data that anybody will collect online. Who does? Of course. Porn sites. They collect so much data on people, it's insane. And they give up viruses like, you know, skittles.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Well, I don't, you know, did you know Porn hub gets, so Porn hub is, is, acknowledge the, the most popular P porn site online. 100 million daily visits to porn hub alone. 125 million surprise me at all. Yeah, 125 million daily visits to the porn hub network of sites, which include you porn, Justin's favorite and red tube. So that's more than a red tube. Hey, so that's more of a red tube. I had no idea. Are you really?
Starting point is 00:32:09 No. Okay. I had no idea that it was that big. Does anybody, do you guys know anybody that actually subscribes to it and actually pays for it? This is what I'm wondering. How the fuck do they make money? Pays for porn. You know how they make money?
Starting point is 00:32:21 They make it through people paying. Selling all your information. No, it's not. They pay back. No, they actually make money? They make it through people paying. Selling all your information. No, it's not. They pay back. No, they actually make money through selling for exclusive content. Yeah, yeah, most everyone, that's what they make all their money.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Everything you watch on PorinHub is like a teaser to like, a full access to that. Well, you watch full videos, man, you gotta be careful. No, no, I mean, it's a super fun. I mean, it's a kid going. Yeah, it's, like, it's normally like a 14 minute video,
Starting point is 00:32:43 right at best. And then it's like, oh, if you really like that style you can go to that website subscribe to exactly that type of You gotta know you have a problem if you get a keep going if you're not past the path I don't know. I don't know any bit of pays for I don't need more than about eight minutes or so I think it's max yeah, yeah I think eight minutes is my time to say it with that. I just high-speed scrub. Yeah, eight minutes is a that's a long session I Romance myself I just high-speed scrap. Yeah, that's a long session at home. Yeah, kids look. You know, romance myself.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Let's get to the point already. Come on, pizza guy. But people spend money on porn today. I think it's hilarious, but they pay for these. And what they do is they take your data and then they'll start hitting you with ads that are super, super specific. And what they talked about in this article was
Starting point is 00:33:22 like, this is how specific they'll get. Like, let's say a woman likes to watch the category of three sums, which include two women in a man, and the ones that she watches the most are the ones where the man gets naked first, and the ones where women wear a particular type of lingerie. That's how specific they'll get with the type of ads to start to hit you with. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:44 How insane insane right? I mean it makes sense. We know what all internet what that internet marketing does I gotta stop watching You know and I can't I won't sell this person out But I get this on a regular this is just last week somebody who's connected to me Dayton a new guy and she's only been with him for like a month or so maybe a couple months now and You know they're having sex now, and he can't get off without watching porn.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Oh, he's got addiction. Yeah, that's a problem. Right, it's like, I hear this more and more now with this generation coming up now that they've just had it their entire life, and then now it's got to the point where when you're with a real person, you still need that to get off. So think of it this way.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So think of like, that'd be so hard to reverse that. You have to, you have to abstain. Right. You have to do it for a long time. Think about it this way. Think of like a, a all natural whole food based, you know, made from scratch, healthy meal and how amazing that tastes and how palatable it is, but it's a different kind
Starting point is 00:34:49 of palatability than like Skittles or, you know, Pillsbury dough made muffins or something that's super processed. They're both good, but the highly processed shit is palatable in a way that is addictive. Is it addictive? Keep having bags of Skittles. but the highly processed shit is palatable in a way that is addictive. Keep having bags of skittles. And it increases your...
Starting point is 00:35:09 Then all sudden grapes don't taste good anymore. That's right, it increases your tolerance, right? Cause, oh wow, I used to eat skittles before. I'll work my way back to them grapes. You gotta work your way back to it. So the only way to get around it, I already have this conversation with my son. I told him that this is what happens to the brain
Starting point is 00:35:25 with this kind of exposure. And I told him, especially since you have a developing brain, having reversing that from, if you're a 14, 15 year old and you're just constantly exposing yourself to these images, and it's just an infinite number of images, the brain can wire itself in adera, say, more permanent ways, then it gets kind of scary, right? Then you're like 25 and you abstain from porn for a year
Starting point is 00:35:49 and you're still not fixed. That's not a good situation, you know? I went on how many girls- Because you'd be where? I went on how many girls are doing this as well. I know a lot of girls are watching porn nowadays as well. Yeah, I've been, you know, I've been really noticeable.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I've been really noticeable to see the stats. It's funny, well maybe because I'm a guy, so I don't get a lot of girls reaching out to me with this problem, like a guy that reach out to me with this problem. I haven't had any, but I don't know any girls that, as for as many guys as I've seen, I haven't had somebody reach out that's a female and say,
Starting point is 00:36:16 this is completely changed. Probably because she's afraid to tell any guy that she's in addiction. You know how your girl goes up to a guy? I gotta, I watch too much porn. Yeah. You don't wanna say that to a guy. If you're a girl, that's a dangerous,
Starting point is 00:36:27 that a good situation. Oh, yeah. Good for you. You're in the thing. Anyway, so you know, I do those, I post those memes on my, on my InstaStory sometimes that like, talk shit about people who just fucking get offended
Starting point is 00:36:41 at everything or whatever. So now people love sending me articles that just highlight the absurdity of some people. Now, do you wanna say this? Somebody brought something up very interesting or an important point in our forum, which I love our forum, because great information in there,
Starting point is 00:36:57 I actually get a lot of good scientific studies in there, people share, and then I like it because I'll get challenged every once in a while. And somebody just said, you know what happens is two or three people on Twitter will say something absurd. It'll trend because it's absurd. Next thing you know, it's click bait. They'll do an article on it. And now everybody's like, oh my god, it's a thing. And it's not really a thing. There's just a few people
Starting point is 00:37:19 who are stupid. Yeah, you can just say whatever. And if it sticks, it sticks. Right. So this is the article. and I think this may be the case I hope it is There's the article says people call for father Christmas to be called person Christmas I can't really be a thing Person Christmas if they change father Christmas to person Chris. I'm changing mother earth to person earth I'm gonna just retaliate. Yeah Yeah, I think that might be the case. I really don't think people are that silly. Do you? No, I've never met anybody that silly
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, that's the thing I feel like there's a lot of people out there right now just looking for whatever to rally with and so it's like you're people out there right now just looking for whatever to rally with. And so it's like you're kind of feeding them all this bullshit. And then people will eat it up because it's like, yeah, something else to yell about. Yes. Now there is one organization that is a legit organization that does do say things sometimes that I think are a little bit ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And so I'm just going to read to you a Instagram post. Oh please do. From PETA, PETA, our favorite, our favorite food. We just covered some of the latest activities. And I think PETA does a lot of good things sometimes as well. But sometimes they do things like this. Here's the post.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You'd be surprised why cheese is the most sexist thing you can eat. Excuse me? So to help end sexism. I think they're saying what? You should stop eating cheese. And I guess the rationale is that the cows that they're milking are being abused and raped.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Because they're talking on them nipples. For their milk. So it's a sexist thing. Wow. It's a female cow. Mm-hmm. Steve, I didn't know. I was contributing to this horrible thing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Pete is going a little, I think they've got a little too far. Well, it's just like, again, that you're bringing their name up. So they've figured it out. Like in today's climate, like just you're talking about it. Yeah, you're talking about them. So now it's giving them like whatever publicity
Starting point is 00:39:24 they don't care. They fooled me. It's stupid. So what do you guys do for New Year's Eve? Is anything special for you guys? I'm going to Tahoe. Ooh. Is it just you and your girl or is it a family?
Starting point is 00:39:32 No, the whole family's coming up there. So we got a nice place. Not quite as nice as what the company gets when we go up there, but it's a pretty nice spot like that. We're all going up there. I think there's like, do they go hard? You guys all go hard? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Not you guys, her family for sure. So do you not go hard with them? Not really. I have this last year more than I ever have. I mean, we've talked about this on show. Because of the activated charcoal pills. It's charcoal pills, but yeah. The activated charcoal and then,
Starting point is 00:40:01 not, not competing. You know, Katrina and I have been together for eight years and for the first six of it or so. I mean, I like, I could count on one hand. How many, how many total times I think I drink? And so, and her family loves to get together and eat food and drink alcohol. And that's like a, that's how they celebrate.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And they like to celebrate a lot more frequently than my family ever did. So I was always the guy who's, no thank you, you know, no thank you, no desserts, no whatever, and that sucks being that person all the time. And so now I will partake with them more often, but I can't get down. Katrina can get down with them all night long
Starting point is 00:40:44 until two in the morning, get up and then she's a champion. Work out at eight o'clock. She has a several livers, I think. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah, it's it runs in the family for they can all handle that stuff. Like for me, and I might one day why I'm up there, maybe it really depends on what the snowboard schedule looks like for me because I'm going to ride why I'm up there.
Starting point is 00:41:02 So my goal is to get up in the morning and go. Can you take some videos while you ride? Or is it too hard to do that? No, I can gonna ride while I'm up there. So my goal is to get up in the morning and go. Can you take some videos while you ride? Or is it too hard to do that? No, I can do that. I wanna see. You wanna see. Yeah, from your point of view. I'm gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Okay, then hit a tree or something. And I'm definitely not gonna snowboard. Yeah, so I wanna watch your video and pretend. Yeah, yeah, not. I sled. I'm gonna GoPro and you're in a helmet. I do a lot of sledding. I do sledding.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah, that's hard work. I know we got them GoPro's laying around here somewhere. I know, I'm trying to find them. I was actually going to buy them off the company. And we lost them? Well, we'll find them. I'm sure they're here somewhere. I want to get my son really wants to start his own YouTube and all that.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And I'm trying to help him with that and figure out that for next year. What do you do for your new years? I'm the most boring dad new years ever. Like I just stayed home and, and this Courtney working again? Play Django or whatever. Yeah, I don't know. I think she might be off this year.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So if she's off, we might actually do something or figure it out. Yeah, we, I literally don't do new years typically. Yeah, since I was single. It's a shitty hot all day holiday to go out for. It really is. Well, so for me, I, let's see, singles, kind of overrated. Well, I've always spent it with my family. So every New Year's since I was a child, it's always been a family party family party
Starting point is 00:42:18 family. This year, Jessica and I don't have the kids. And so we're gonna go and we're gonna cuz you there's parties all over the Bay Area of course and you can pay Buy tickets to attend some of these nice parties. What you're doing? We're gonna go fucking real expensive awful idea Why awful idea? Why well drinks tons of people fights always happen. That's all I did in my 20s Well, I'm not going to wish I'm not gonna go to a place with fight Where's he gonna go hang out? Fuck, you never took bro, those terrible. You're, you're, you're, you're I'm gonna go to a nice hotel
Starting point is 00:42:51 with old people. Yeah, done that. Your idea is, your idea with the family is the way to go, bro. You know, and you wait till getting there, catching a cab afterwards back to your hotel room if you're gonna do that or get, finding your parking spot, like,
Starting point is 00:43:04 it's just a horrible night to go. We're gonna Uber. Yeah. Well Uber there, Uber back. Yeah, really? Let me know how catching an Uber even is. Really? Yeah, you think it's gonna be crazy?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah, because you and a hundred or a thousand people are trying to call them at the same time. Oh, shit. Yeah, I'm thinking that. Oh, bro, it's, maybe I'll just book a hotel room. All of my 20s, I did the crazy night club stuff. I've done hotel parties like that. We've done all.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Because we're gonna dress up nice. We've done that, but my favorite, we used to go to this concert all the time. Prime is used to play. One time we saw Primes in Tool. They did like a New Year's event. I've been waiting for something like that to come back and I just haven't seen anything cool like that.
Starting point is 00:43:42 No, we're gonna go to one of these things. We're gonna dress up nice. We're gonna have nice dinner. And we're gonna, I mean, the plan was, before Adam destroyed my dream. Yeah. Yeah. The plan was to go hard like we're gonna go hard.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I hate to bring it to you, but you had the formula, man. I worked reverse. I did all the crazy shit. And then later on in like my late 20s, started to go, you know what? I'm just gonna pick four or five my favorite people to hang out with. We're gonna have it in the house
Starting point is 00:44:09 and fucking play board games, get drunk, have a good time. It was a been the best freaking New Year's I've ever had and I've done a lot of cool stuff. It's just that it's one of the most popular nights to go out on. So catching a cab, doing dinner, getting drinks at the bar, which like I said, it turns into well drinks and smashed up against each other.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's just, it's chaos. And the fight thing, it's not being some or shade, it's just when you increase the amount of people that are all going out and trying to do the same thing, it just tends some asshole who's drunk tends to. Well, I haven't been in a fight in a while, maybe it's time. Yeah. Maybe it's time to be a good idea. I'm I'm sorry Jess if I just fucking totally shit on it I almost booked him that I do it
Starting point is 00:44:50 we're still gonna go you just gotta report back to us I mean maybe I'm wrong I don't know you know I'll see how it goes this quaz brought to you by organify for those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition Organify. Find dot com and use a coupon code mine pump for 20% off at checkout Our first question is from architect technology How would you go about getting as lean as possible in a week for an unexpected video photo shoot? Where you're going to be shirtless All right, so what I'm about to give you right now is the secret way
Starting point is 00:45:45 to burn maximum body fat. There's no fucking way you can do this. You know what I think we should talk about is ways you could, you know, things you could do to maximize how good you'll look seven days out. Cause the reality is you're not gonna, I mean, how much the most you burnt body fat you're gonna really burn in a week a while.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Well, here's the thing too. When you talk about things like the final week or two weeks even at that, this is where if you were to go balls of the wall for seven days, you're probably not gonna do a lot of damage, right? And it's not, I would never ever recommend that for somebody who is, you know, the ideal situation
Starting point is 00:46:23 is to give yourself six, eight, 10, 12 weeks plus and do this right and and progress week over week and and be safe and smart about it. But I mean, if this person did cardio twice a day, restricted calories and did all stuff like that, they're going to see a big change. And we talk about this all time about this is the mistake that a lot of people make when they're wanting to see long term results is they throw everything at the kitchen sink the first week and then weeks two three four you see your body's adapted and you see minimum results. But if you only have seven days you're eating as little as possible, moving as much as much as you possibly can is going to be the most advantageous thing. Because when I keep thinking about this is you have a week let's say you're now first off you got
Starting point is 00:47:03 it kind of already be lean. So if you're overweight and they're like, hey, you got a photo shoot in seven days. Yeah, that's not gonna matter a whole lot. No, it's not gonna make a difference. But if you're already lean, the goal should be to look as good as possible in a week, not just as lean as possible. Because like what Adam's saying,
Starting point is 00:47:19 if you just went nuts and just restrict yourself and fasted and did tons of cardio, you'll lose weight, but I don't know how good you'll look. You might look depleted and shitty and unhealthy. Your skin might look crappy. You might not look good. You might not look good. I mean, an easy way to drop some weight and give yourself the illusion of looking a little
Starting point is 00:47:38 leaner, especially if you're already lean, is to cut your carbs. That's just because water is gone. You'll lose water in a week. So I would go very, very low carbohydrate, fat would be moderate, protein would be high. Get good sleep, because again, you don't wanna go into this thinking, oh, I need to lose 10, you know, eight pounds in a week,
Starting point is 00:47:56 and then you go into it and you look like you're a heroin addict, because you're so tired. So you wanna go into there, you know, go into it with really, really good sleep. I would avoid foods that are high in sodium just to reduce bloat. I would definitely avoid food intolerances because if you eat something that you're intolerant to, you may get bloat in your stomach. You may get bloat under the skin
Starting point is 00:48:21 and may cause your skin just to look different. You may break out, for example. So really, the approach that I would have is be as healthy as possible, cut your carbs because that'll make you lose some water, wait, get really, really good sleep, and then maintain your normal workout. But I think the key to this question is, a week is not that much time.
Starting point is 00:48:43 There really isn't much you can do to really move the needle aside from the stuff that I'm talking about, which is that illusion that you're going to create with just kind of dropping the water and maybe feeling much better. Spray tan. There you go. That's my addition. That's actually not bad. That's actually true to that.
Starting point is 00:49:00 They say for every shade you're darker, you look X amount percent leaner. There's actually this is a support thing. No, it does. So yeah, no, a tanning, tanning up. I mean, I would give the same advice minus the healthy part, right? At this point, like, fuck health is out the window. I got seven days, you know what I'm saying? I got to look good. So I'm going to break all the rules that we talk about on the show not to do for everybody for seven days, which is I'm getting up in the morning, one hour of, you know, light cardio. I'm not, I'm not being fed, so I don't need to be pushing hard, but I'm going to get up. I'm going to get an hours with a cardio. I'm going to train in the middle of the day after I get fed, then I'm going to turn around
Starting point is 00:49:34 and come back later in the evening and do another hour of cardio. And I'm going to do that seven days while also starting to reduce my carbohydrates, like Sousa saying, because that honestly is probably- What if you just flattened the health though? Well, you're going to. So the idea is to do that the six days, and on day seven, reintroduce some of the carbohydrates back. So, and again, this is gonna be,
Starting point is 00:49:56 to give you numbers, like, oh, cut back on X amount of grams of carbs, that's too hard without knowing where you're currently at, but I would reduce my carbohydrate and take probably by 50%. And then the day of the photo shoot, I would go back to what a normal carb day would look like with a little bit of water. And that should fill up the muscle bellies a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:50:16 But yeah, you know, at this point, you're not gonna lose pounds of body fat. The best thing you can do is the illusion, like Sawa's saying, which is the, you know, pull out some of the waters, you're not holding onto a bunch of waterway, like just and alluded to tan yourself up. And then honestly, it's reduced your core can take and move as much as you possibly can for seven days. Something I would never recommend, if this was something you're going to be consistently doing for the next two, three. Yeah, because the rebound is going to be nasty. Yeah, but you know, adapt to that. Something you can do to give yourself
Starting point is 00:50:46 an increase in muscle volume in a very short purity time, and I don't think this is necessarily muscle, but I've noticed pretty rapidly a change in the shape of my muscle in terms of visible size in a very short purity time is occlusion training. So you might be able to get away with doing a few sessions of occlusion training on your arms, for example, let's say you're trying to look
Starting point is 00:51:09 more muscular for a photo shoot. You might get away with that week, the week before the photo shoot and show up and your arms look a little bit bigger, probably just because they're more pumped, if you will. And then that's the other thing too, a good pump session before your picture if you're trying to look at it.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Have you guys seen his Instagram? This guy shreds. Is he really? Oh yeah. Oh he already looks awesome. It must be, well, I mean, shreds on guitar. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:33 You don't have a body shredding this guy. Maybe he shreds. Yeah. I'm just imagining him on some kind of, how? Yeah, how are you imagining him? Just you know, I'm like a car just me, me, me, me, me, me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yeah, no. I'm not like that guys. Next question is from Michael Ryan 3246. What exercise surprised you the most with the gains it helped you make? Good question. Has there been an exercise in recent memory where you did it and you were just like, wow. I feel like you picked this question on purpose.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I feel like you, because I feel like you want me to keep drilling this home to Danny. Oh, no, I didn't, I didn't think you had that at all, but. Hands down. Adam immediately thought of that. Well, you know, it's funny is the two that I think we all would say duh and everybody listening would say duh, but the reason why I'm going to share it is because I've
Starting point is 00:52:22 always known that. And I think because I've always known this, these exercises intermittently made their way into my routine, never until the last probably, well, fuck, it's been almost six years now. Six years, seven years or so, did these things become staples in my routine and that's what blew my mind
Starting point is 00:52:41 and that is deadlifting and squatting. Barbell, deadlift, barbell, squat has blew my mind after 10 plus years of training and intermittently throwing those in there. So I did some deadlift, Romanian deadlifts, and I would do dumbbell deadlifts every now and then, and I would make sure to get some squats every once in a while in there.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And so because I knew as a trainer that those are the big those the king of all exercises and I my head I thought well they're in there you know they're in my routine. So I'm I'm getting them and my back then my my philosophy was you know the more I changed it up the better it was for my body for building muscle, the whole muscle confusion approach. And when I actually started to deadlift consistently, conventional deadlift consistently, nothing blew my back up like that. I mean, strength wise, aesthetically,
Starting point is 00:53:36 I mean, nothing changed my back more than conventional deadlifting. And when I was doing this, I was minimum deadlifting two times per week, every week, for months on out. And I had never done that in my life before. It was always like I said, intermittently, it would make it into my routine. Same thing goes for squatting.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Nothing blew my legs up more. And when I say legs, I mean my quads and hamstrings because I know everybody sees my calves and like, what's this guy talking about? He doesn't have a fucking big legs. My quads and my hamstrings are actually pretty damn good size. It's my calves that just don't seem to grow up. So those two movements, and still, like my back, I cannot touch my, I cannot lift on my back now
Starting point is 00:54:16 because of dead lifting and squatting. I don't even have to touch them for a month, two months. And I still look like I lift. Like my back is so much thicker and denser, my legs are so much thicker, and if I go touch weights, those two areas now, all of a sudden look way more developed than anything else in my body, so those were game changes.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah, because I've done those exercises for so long, I was never surprised, but then, I've been squatting in dead lifting since I was a kid. So I knew those exercises were really effective, just on a personal level. But more recently, there are a couple exercises that I started doing in my workout that really blew me away. One of them I started doing about four years ago after we all met, and that was heavy kettlebell overhead carries. This is not a traditional muscle building exercise. This is more of a functional type exercise, but Justin was a big proponent of doing overhead
Starting point is 00:55:14 carries. He has a very strong overhead press. So I started incorporating them in my routine. This is just where I would take kettlebells, I'd press them up, lock out my position, get real strong with it, and then I'd hold them or carry them, I'd press them up, lock out my position, get real strong with it, and then I'd hold them or carry them. I'd walk for distance, and the strength gains I got in my overhead press were tremendous,
Starting point is 00:55:33 and then in the muscle density, I got my shoulders and my upper back was pretty awesome. So that one surprised me. And then recently with maps strong, we went up to, we went and wrote Maps Strong with Robert Obersd and the idea with Maps Strong was we wanted to create a program that the average fitness enthusiast, so somebody who works out in a gym normally, the average fitness enthusiast could do in a normal gym. So we wanted to do strong man training with normal gym equipment, but give you some of the same feel and the benefits of what you would need if you were competing in a strong man event. So it's different. It's functional. It's fun. Very, very different.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And so we wrote the program and I looked at it and I said, gosh, you know what? This is very different from what I'm used to. I think I'm going to give this a shot. And so I followed the program. Well, first off, map strong became my very, very close, almost first favorite maps program. I say it's right under a map center ball. That's how awesome it is. And the reason why I love it so much is the zircher squats, the snatch grip, high pulls,
Starting point is 00:56:36 and the heavy, you know, carries, the farmer carries, but the ones with the trap bars, they built my body in very surprising way. That's the best way to use it. It was very surprising. I could not believe that those exercises would have that big of an impact. Then to watch Doug go through the program and watch him exhibit the same benefit he had. His upper back, his traps, his shoulders all responded.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Those exercises, oh, in the Z-Press, the Z-Press because it was in strong, I started doing Z-Press, that really built my body. I love that move. And I love it because they're just exercises. And for a long time, I thought, you know, exercises, yeah, some are better than the others, but they don't make that big of a difference. I placed too much value on nutrition and supplements
Starting point is 00:57:23 and that kind of stuff for a long time. And more recently, I'd say, with the last five years, I've realized that your programming is paramount and the exercises are paramount. Like the exercises, there's a fucking huge chasm between exercises that are really effective and those that are whatever. In the combination, you know, put together.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Like I could totally echo that, especially in the combination, you know, put together, yeah. Like I, I could totally echo that, especially from maps strong, the, the snatch grip deadlifts for me, like, and a lot like Adam too, I didn't really do a whole lot of deadlifts, so definitely there was a massive carryover of just me doing deadlifts, like that was huge for my back
Starting point is 00:58:00 and just my overall strength increase. And just having that wide grip position really helped to focus on engaging the back more exclusively. And I was really surprised at what that produced in terms of strength and also like a muscular development. But even before that, an exercise that really surprised me that had massive carry over to bench pressing,
Starting point is 00:58:31 which I personally, that was my thing. Bench pressing was always my favorite exercise. I was the best at it in terms of all the rest of the major lifts. And when I started to incorporate ring dips and like really low ring dips. So this is something that I started to kind of gradually work towards getting good depth. And what that provided was just more real supported mobility and that shoulder attraction and just getting that depth and that lock out and the stability of me having to hold the rings in close
Starting point is 00:59:06 to my body and not let them go away. Like just how stable my shoulders were going back into the bench press was pretty substantial. And my lifts all went up by at least like 20, you know, 50 pounds or so. So I feel like we've talked about this before. I know that if you've listened to every show, you've heard me talk about this because there was a time
Starting point is 00:59:31 when mind pump had first started where when I was dead lifting and squatting and I remember when I was dead lifting, I actually eliminated all other back exercises. And I was only doing dead lift variations. So like you said, snatch grip, conventional, and I didn't touch any of my traditional back exercises that I would do in my routine for, I think it was like six months,
Starting point is 00:59:52 and I'll never forget getting on the seated row after not rowing for like six months, and not just PRing, but, I mean, 50 plus pounds I was rowing more than I had ever rowed before in my life. It just blew my fucking mind. I mean, that's something that I had inched up over 10 years of consistently doing in my routine. And by actually eliminating the movement, putting more time and effort into deadlifting more, had so much more care.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And that was the thing that I was going back and forth poor Danny, not to beat the dead horse, but that was what I was trying to get across to him was, that's how... That's how... That's how I feed the fed horse. So that's a feed the... Feed the birds of one's going.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Thank you, thank you. Let's be sensitive. But that was so mind blowing to me that I had spent 10 years in my life kind of rotating through all these different exercises that were all good. Nothing to say. The dumbbell row, a pull up, a seated row. These are all great back exercises, but I had never in my life put that much emphasis on
Starting point is 01:00:59 just barbell deadlifting and then to see the carryover into these movements that I done and all of them went up. Significantly, not a little bit no exaggeration, it blew my fucking mind. So if you're listening to this right now and you're like somebody who occasionally dead lives or occasionally squads and it is not a staple, those two are not staple moves that you're doing two times a week every week, do that
Starting point is 01:01:24 and do that consistently for months and then revisit those exercises. Don't be afraid to let go of your lap pull down for a while or don't be afraid to let go of your seated row for a little while and purely deadlift and do variations of the deadlift and watch what happens when you go back to those movements. You'll be blown away. Next question is from David R. Martinez. Is a fat burning zone in the fit zone a myth? The fat burning zone always seems so low.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Would you recommend following it for fat loss? It's the most effective and efficient way that you can burn calories. I believe in the fat burns. So back in the day when I first became a trainer, back in, I don't know, what was it when I became a trainer? 1998, I wanna say, it was the first time
Starting point is 01:02:09 I became a trainer and we were taught, there was a graduate in high school. It was? Yeah, it's the year after I graduated high school. And there was a chart in the cardio area of the first gym I ever became a trainer at, 24-of-fitness on Hillsdale Club 504, shout out to anybody who's listening from over there.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And in that club there was a chart and it said fat burning zone and then underneath it would be like, you know, too low and above it would say too high. And it was this chart. And the chart was designed specifically for trainers to take people over and to point to where they need to be in their heart rate zone to burn fat And it was a sales tool and what we were taught was if you train and you maintain your heart rate within a particular zone or beats per minute that you would be burning Body fat and if you go outside of that zone you wouldn't be burning as much body fat now
Starting point is 01:03:03 What they did was is they took some science and they spin it in a way to sell why you need a personal trainer for cardio. Because back in those days, remember back in those days, cardio is a big component in people's workouts, everybody wanted a burn body fat, that was the way to burn body fat. You really don't need a trainer for cardio, let's all be honest, you want to get on a piece of cardio and go, do you need a trainer to help you? Not that much, right? Maybe just show you these machines and now you're on your own. So I think what they're trying to do is show value and personal training because the trainer could come over and be like, Hey, I know you like doing cardio and you do it all the time on your own. But if you hire me, I'll show you how to get in your
Starting point is 01:03:39 fat burning zone. And I used to actually bought into this, right? Because what they taught me, and I thought, Oh, yeah, if you're outside of that you're just burning energy but you're not burning fat and not realizing it's kind of the same thing. So what they did is they took studies that showed that when you train within a particular heart rate a greater percentage of the calories that you're burning is coming from fat and a smaller percentage of the calories that you're burning is coming from other forms of energy like glycogen, okay, which happens more so on the higher intensities. And yes, that is true, but the effect is so small
Starting point is 01:04:13 and the overall calories that you're burning is so much greater when you train harder than it really, really doesn't matter. To give you a better example, let's say you train in your fat burning zone and you burn 100 calories and 80% of them come from fat. Okay, so now you burn 80 calories from fat. Let's say you train over that heart rate zone, the fat burning zone, you're outside of it, but you burn 200 calories. Now instead of 80% of your calories, it's all
Starting point is 01:04:42 the way down to 50% of your calories from fat. You're still burning 100 calories of fat, which is more than 80 calories. And it's not even close to that big of a difference. I gave the example of 50% 80%. It's not even that big of a difference. This is literally the biggest waste of your time. The only time you should monitor your heart rate when you're doing cardio is if you're training for a particular type of endurance or
Starting point is 01:05:06 Sport when you're monitoring VO2 max your monitoring heart rate trying to improve someone's athleticism for the average person I can I can I can matter yeah for the average person But I I could add a person to that so if I were to use this I would use it with a competitor also. So somebody who is in a cal caloric deficit for weeks on in, we're coming close to stage. They're already at 4% body fat. They have very, very little fat on their body. So their body doesn't have a lot of resources to pull from. We are we're playing with that fine line and that's when splitting hairs makes it different. Right. And that was, that's my
Starting point is 01:05:50 point. So me playing a little bit of a devil's advocate. I could see if I was talking about a competitor who is looking for every little tiny edge. And that could apply to someone who is tracking, calculating, paying attention to that is already at a very extremely, if there's anybody who is more likely to adapt down and lose muscle on their body from doing cardio, it's most likely the leaner athlete who's at a calorie deficit and doesn't have a lot of fat on their body stored. So, I could see it there. Everybody else, you know, the more that you were to push on a treadmill like South, saying the more calories from fat, you're going to burn.
Starting point is 01:06:37 But again, I also don't see a lot of value in doing really high intensity cardio for a long period of time either. I mean, it just, you then forget what we're burning calories of fat wise. You're also now telling the body that it's less advantageous to have muscle mass, a bunch of muscle mass on your body too. So I, when I recommend cardio to somebody, it's typically this. It's low intensity steady state cardio where you're just kind of cruising, which would fall in that, you know, quote unquote fat burning zone or the target heart rate zone, which that's what even then we're paying more attention to the steps, not the heart rate. Yeah, and you're and you're and I don't even do measure your heart rates.
Starting point is 01:07:16 I just do a talk test. I tell a client, Hey, if you're going to be doing cardio for an hour, I want you to be able to talk to your friend next to you. You should be able to have a conversation and be able to do that. I don't want you doing cardio for an hour and you actually have to focus on how, because how hard you're running. When I say the average person, what I mean is the vast majority of people, like vast majority, because like Adam's giving a good example of an extreme example.
Starting point is 01:07:42 When you're at that level, splitting hairs makes a difference. I'll give you an example with a sport that's not related, or the different sport. When you look at all time, mile records, people running the mile, right? The difference between the first place and second place of all time is seconds. It's literally seconds.
Starting point is 01:08:03 That's hairs, that's nothing. When you're 4% body fat and you're watching your water intake and your sodium intake, and I gotta make sure I get the right tan color and I gotta make sure I get the right kind of pump. And I don't over pump this muscle like splitting hairs then can maybe make a difference. But when you're talking about 99.9% of people listening right now, you are totally wasting your time paying attention to what zone you're in when you're on cardio. The better thing to do is just perception. That's how I coach my clients. Like, like you were saying, Adam, you should be able to have a conversation with someone or whatever,
Starting point is 01:08:36 just based off of your perceived intensity is how I started. Now athletes may be a little different. Does it benefit an athlete to train doing cardio in what's typically known as the fat burning zone, which is relatively low intensity? Does it benefit athletes? If your sport is long distance running, it does for other athletes, most athletes, not a whole lot.
Starting point is 01:09:01 No, it's probably the opposite for those athletes to press the threshold. That's right. You want to un-delete that intensity, just like you're mimicking the game. Yeah, most athletes are going to want the ability to exert a maximal output of energy and then be able to recover fast enough while exerting a moderate amount of energy or in some cases like football, it's like max amount of energy and then load a moderate because you're setting up the next player or whatever. And you want to be able to recover quickly to exert that maximum energy.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And even then it's about balancing out all the stress throughout the week. And so that's really like what matters in terms of like how you most appropriately do that leading into the game. So you have the maximum amount of energy that you can summon and expend at that one given moment, but also have the endurance and the stamina to, you know, be at that high level and maintain that. So it's, it's, I mean, that's a skill and that's an art of coaching when you're working with athletes like that. I just think that this hasn't died
Starting point is 01:10:11 because I think it should die. I don't think I don't know why anybody's talking about this anymore for the most part. But the reason why it hasn't died is it's still being used as a tool. So marketing tool. Yeah, to market and sell the potential value you get from a trainer, which I think is wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:24 There's so much value that a personal trainer brings somebody. I called personal trainers the lifeblood of the fitness industry, and I firmly believe it. I think that personal trainers are the soldiers in the field, the ones that are really fucking making the biggest change, the ones that are really, if anyone's going to shift the fitness industry, it's the trainers. They have the most power and impact. And there's so many better ways to sell your value than using something like this, which
Starting point is 01:10:49 really isn't bringing a lot of value to somebody. Next question is from pain in the grass 12 is athleticism something you're born with or can you train it both? It is both. Definitely both. You know what, too, I think, what do you call it, how the democratization of sports is probably, where I think we have evolved the most in sports, like just 50 years ago or more, like, we wouldn't look at a body type and say,
Starting point is 01:11:23 oh, you're meant to play this, you know, by a body type. Without you even seeing you touch the ball and like that, where now we have this ability, and I think a lot of times where athleticism is, where people struggle with athleticism is, a lot of times we're playing the wrong sport for their body type. I mean, I feel like I was an example of this,
Starting point is 01:11:41 and I talk about this on the show a lot, that I was trying to play the sport that all my friends were playing and that we were all into. I never looked example of this and I talk about this on the show a lot, that I was trying to play the sport that all my friends were playing and that we were all into. I never looked at my body and said, oh, I probably belong in a pool. This makes sense the way my hips are, the way my wingspan is,
Starting point is 01:11:55 and get in there and then train towards that. But genetics definitely play a role. I mean, genetics play a role and some people are born with that athleticism and then some people Work towards it. So it's a combination of both, but where I see the greatest difference in sports Is that is that we're starting to learn and which is even look at basketball just recently like now when you look at all the players We've seen the new evolution of the basketball player which is starting to look like the Kevin Durant We're seeing it with a lot of these newer guys that are coming in.
Starting point is 01:12:27 The guy you got Zion right now and playing for Duke as a freshman, the most freakish thing I've ever seen in my life, 285 pounds. And he dunks like ridiculous. His head's above the rim, and he's agile. He can handle the ball. He can shoot a three. So now you're seeing these just Lanky, tall, you know, Durant type of player, seven footers that can can also handle the ball. So you see that in all sports. So I really think that is one of the biggest. You know, it's a good example of the democratization of sports, the best example. Well, first off, if you look at swimmers, I love looking at swimmers because what makes you really, really, really good in the pool is what also makes you really, really bad on land. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Okay. It's true. So like, swimmers are like at the top, top level, right? You, anybody, anybody can learn how to swim, anybody can learn how to swim faster. But once you, the higher you get into the levels of sports, the more nature plays a role, like the more you're born into it
Starting point is 01:13:26 on top of all the training and stuff, right? So Michael Phelps, great example, easily the most decorated swimmer of all the time. I think the most decorated Olympian of all time, incredible athlete, but the guy, here's some statistics for you, okay? The guy's wing span is six seven. So his arms are, would fit on somebody who's like six foot okay. The guy's wingspan is six seven. So his arms would fit on somebody who's like six foot eight,
Starting point is 01:13:49 but he's only six foot four. His torso fit would fit on someone that's almost seven feet tall. His legs are about the normal size for someone's six foot. So he's got the six foot eight, seven foot torso and arms. It's all torso and arms. And the legs of somebody who's six foot. Now that would make him a terrible sprinter. Like if he ran on land, he would be awful.
Starting point is 01:14:10 A sprinter, a top heavy, a sprinter is the opposite. Sprinter or runner, long legs, short upper body, very, very different body for their sport. So there is a big, big component of nature. There's also the natural, you know, our natural intelligences that we tend to be born with, you know, some kids are, they speak earlier, they're better with their words, some kids are, some people are just seem to have an aptitude for math or science or abstract thought. And some kids just have this incredible
Starting point is 01:14:43 proprioceptive motor control ability. They just do. You see this as little kids. You see a three-year-old jumping off jungle gyms and swinging from monkey bars. And you'll see other kids at three years old who trip over their own feet and whatever. So there's also that. There's also the natural aptitude for intelligence. Now, can you develop upon that with exercise and training and practice? Absolutely. You can do that. But there's an upper limit. Yeah. And there's some kids that there's going to take a lot of time to even catch up to like where where somebody else was already thriving right out of the gates. And so that's where it is kind of both. So you do have
Starting point is 01:15:21 like the genetic advantages that you understand right away. Wow, this fits best in this direction athletic wise. And my body functions at a high level in this direction. I think it really is about finding that, you know, as soon as you can and then trying to keep refining the skill and developing it further to be to really excel at the pro level. And now there's no doubt in my mind, by the way, that there are people in the world who are built naturally and have the natural aptitudes to be top level professional athletes in a particular sport. But the reason why they aren't is there's another component that people don't, many times, don't give credit to, which is the ability to hyper focus and have a passion for what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I bet you there's somebody in the world. It's like the Rudy effect. Yeah, I bet you there's somebody in the world that has proportions that are similar to like a Michael Phelps, but they just don't, they don't have this like insane passion for swimming and they don't want to dedicate their entire lives to it. So there's a lot of factors that go into all of this.
Starting point is 01:16:26 But I think the important thing to say with all of this, because I remember being a kid, 14 year old kid wanting to build muscle, when I was young, I thought the difference between me and a top level body builder was just time and dedication and training and diet. And I thought, okay, if I do all those things, I'm gonna look like Arnold Schwarzenegger did. And then I learned about Annabelle steroids and I learned about genetics and how big of a role. And for a second, I got a little bit kinda like,
Starting point is 01:16:59 oh man, you know, that's the kind of crafts me out a little bit like, I don't think I'll ever be able to look like Arnold. But then I said to myself, you know, that's the kind of crafts me out a little bit. Like I don't think I'll ever be able to look like Arnold. But then I said to myself, you know, whatever my potential is, I'm gonna reach with the top of my potential. And that's kind of like a lesson for life, right? Like whatever cards you're dealt, or whatever, you know, whatever genetics you have
Starting point is 01:17:18 or situations you have, there is an upper limit of your ability and there is a lower limit of your ability. And it's wide. Like there is a lower limit of your ability. And it's wide. Like, there's a huge width of difference. Like, let's, like, my lower, like, here's a thing I like to ask people this, and I actually learned this from Jordan Peterson, because many times we ask people to imagine their upper limit, and that's a very difficult thing for people to imagine. Like, somebody comes to me and says, Hey, Sal, you know, what's the most muscular and strong I can get, or what's the most success that you think I can achieve in sales or in business?
Starting point is 01:17:50 And that's a hard thing to say. And so what I tell them is I say, well, we all have potential. I say, but I'll reverse it. What's the worst that you think you could ever do? Like, how bad do you think you can make yourself? And I'm like, oh gosh, I could be in jail. I could be just, you know, probably 80 pounds overweight terrible health.
Starting point is 01:18:07 And so it helps people understand that, okay, there's a potential in both directions. It's just harder sometimes for us to imagine the top one. So sometimes imagine the bottom one and realize, okay, cool, I don't wanna be there, that's for sure. Now the sky's the limit with the top and we'll see where that is and keep working towards it.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Because I think it can be discouraging to some people to realize that. There's a lot that you can be born with that they may not be. Yeah. I don't want to detour people from pursuing their ultimate dream of, because there are people that have broke through those genetic barriers in sports and you've seen examples of that happen whether it's basketball, whether it's football, and there are cases where people don't have the height, they don't have the size, they don't have, but they're passionate in their work ethic and it led them to that high level.
Starting point is 01:18:59 However, you just recognize the fact that there's all these immense barriers in that direction. And they just were relentless. It's where the rest of their life, I'm sure, was insanely unbalanced. Well, you, it's how you mentioned, too, like intelligence. And, you know, maybe not so much in sports like swimming or, you know, golf or it's like a, you know, you're by yourself but team sports, man. That's another type of intelligence. It is.
Starting point is 01:19:30 It is. And the ability to get into flow state and to understand the game like at a much higher level, like that's a major attribute. Like I played with a lot of guys. And I like to think I'm like this too. I'm not the most athletic person, but I understand the game so well that I see the floor and the court different than some people. So you may be somebody who's extremely, maybe you don't have the athleticism, but you have a
Starting point is 01:19:54 passion and the love for the game that you play so much that things tend to slow down on the court or slow down on the field. And you can see things develop differently because of your intelligence. So there's advantages to that also. So maybe where somebody may lack in athleticism, they may make up or may potentially be able to make up and their understanding of the game and their intellect and their smart plays and decision making that they're more studious about it. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:21 They have this ability to sit down and study and do things like that. We see this in football great Examples of a lot of the quarterbacks, you know many of the quarterbacks in the NFL aren't the most athletic guys You get them out there and you compare them to a wide receiver They can read yeah, but they can they can read the game they can they they they're they make smarter decisions They slow the game down like they lead everybody like so yeah,, I think obviously Gen X plays a huge role. But so does the ability for you to apply yourself and then also to understand where your strengths lie and then again, finding out what those strengths are and then developing
Starting point is 01:20:55 those for whatever sport that you're passionate about. Absolutely. Go to mindpumpfree.com and check out some of our free guides. One of the newer ones up there right now is teaching new trainers how to become successful personal trainers, both in business and with their clients. You can find that guide and many others again at MindPumpFree.com. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:21:25 check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having SAU, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 01:22:03 other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is MindPump. This is Mindbomb.

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