Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 931: How to Age Pain-Free, Favorite Pre-Workout Meals, Why Dad Bods are so Popular & MORE

Episode Date: December 26, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Winners! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about their... favorite pre-workout meal, how proper training, intensity and mobility can prevent the pains of aging, why is the dad bod look is so popular and those who say you can’t reach enlightenment if you are ingesting dead animals. How Sal stole his new hairstyle from Disney’s The Nutcracker. (5:01) The See’s candy analogy to the RIGHT haircut. (7:00) The ‘Kermit’ Blend is back! The benefits of combining stimulants with calming products. (11:45) How much are your organs worth? Should it be legal to sell your own organs on the black market? How society does not want to see themselves in the mirror. (15:19) The Great Debate: Is PG in the 80s worse than PG today? (22:02) Painting the picture of movie night at the Di Stefano house: Blue blockers, healthy snacks, and Smoothie Box! (24:20) The differences of standards of food at different houses. (28:45) Merry Christmas from Mind Pump: What did the guys get their significant others, Traditions during Christmas & MORE. (30:08) Amazon sent 1,700 Alexa voice recordings to the wrong user following data request. The guys speculate on the potential fallout from this information. (46:27) Facebook Admits It Gave Netflix, Spotify Special Access to User Messages. Privacy infringement or not? (51:22) A new study finds that marijuana can reprogram sperm genes. (54:45) #Quah question #1 – Your favorite pre-workout meal and why? (57:28) #Quah question #2 – How do you guys feel about the ‘nagging pain because your old’ phenomenon?  (1:13:59) #Quah question #3 - Why is the ‘dad bod’ look so popular and how do we stop it? (1:22:40) #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on reaching enlightenment and those who say you can’t eat dead animals? (1:28:52) People Mentioned: Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness)  Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek)  Instagram Products Mentioned: December Promotion: Enroll in Any MAPS Program – 1 Year of Forum Access for FREE! Mind Pump Free Resources Organifi **Code “mindpump” for 20% off** Smoothie Box **Get $25 OFF your first box if you sign up today** The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) Mandy Stavik murder cold case cracked thanks to DNA on Coke can used by Timothy Bass, police say - The Washington Post The Goonies (1985) Amazon sent 1,700 Alexa voice recordings to the wrong user following data request Facebook Admits It Gave Netflix, Spotify Special Access to User Messages New study finds that marijuana can reprogram sperm genes Intermittent Fasting Survival Guide - Mind Pump Mind Pump Episode 910: Paul Chek Mind Pump Episode 770: Paul Chek Takes Mind Pump to Infinity & Beyond

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this special edition Christmas episode... Merry Christmas, everyone! Oh, mind pump. So for the first 52 minutes, we do our introductory conversation. Not a lot of fitness talk, but it's a lot of fun talk.
Starting point is 00:00:26 We started by talking about my distinguished haircut. That's right. It's distinguished. Like dapper Dan these days. That's the later it's supercuts told me. That's one adjective. Then we talked about the benefits of drinking the Kermit blend. I invented that.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You immediately changed your voice. This is where I take the Organifi Gold Juice and I blend it with the Organifi Green Juice and I drink that. I immediately changed your voice. This is where I take the Organifi Gold Juice and I blend it with the Organifi Green Juice and I drink it and I feel very calm and very good. A lot of science here. Now we are sponsored by Organifi. If you go to organifi.com-mindpump and use the code MindPump,
Starting point is 00:01:01 you will get a discount at checkout. Then we talk about selling organs. Huh? That's right. Is it market for that? Yeah. And then Adam brought up some uplifting stories like. It's like my spleen.
Starting point is 00:01:12 He talked about kidnapping and other uplifting Christmas banter. Those damn kids. Thanks Adam. We talked about the. Christmasy. The PG ratings of today versus the 80s. It seems like movies in the 80s that were rated PG should have been rated like PG 13.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I disagree with you. This is interesting for me. Yeah. Then we talked about smoothie box. Now smoothie box sends amazing smoothies to your door that you blend at home. With collagen protein, they're very healthy. The macro breakdown is incredible.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Good healthy fats, proteins, and healthy carbohydrates. You can go to smoothybox.com-min pump. Smoothybox is spelled SM-O-O-T-H-I-E-B-O-X. Dot-com-forced-min pump and you'll get $25 off your first box. Then we talked about Christmas gifts and traditions and how the Amazon Alexa is recording everything you say while you're talking right now. It's kind of scary.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And then we talked about Adam's two favorite subjects, cannabis and sperm. Then we get into, he just can't get enough. Then we get into this question. He's still buttered about the haircut comments. Damn it. Oh, the first question asked us what our favorite
Starting point is 00:02:28 pre-workout meals were and why. So we kind of go through our, what we like to eat before we work out to maximize our performance. The next question was, how do we feel about nagging injuries and pain that come with age? Is this something that is due to age, or is it more due to just lack of exercise and poor nutrition? The next question was why is the dad bod look so popular?
Starting point is 00:02:51 We have some fun speculation there in that part of this episode and the final question, you know some vegans say that the only way to reach enlightenment is by not eating animal flesh we give our opinion on that topic, by the way, our opinion is correct in that part of this exercise. Also, like to remind everybody, it's not that much time left, by the way, to do this promotion and roll in any maps program and get one year of access to our private forum for free. That's a $97 value. So normally if you want to get in our private, exclusive private forum, cost you $97, you'll get that for free if you're
Starting point is 00:03:30 enrolling any one of our maps programs. Now our maps fitness programs are designed for different types of goals. We have maps programs that are designed for people who are aesthetically driven. So if you're like a body builder, physique competitor, or you just want to sculpt your body to look a particular way, we have a program for you,
Starting point is 00:03:47 we have a program for people who like athletic training, we have a program for people interested in just maximum strength, maximum muscle building, and metabolism building, we got programs for correctional exercise, and then we have bundles that combine them all together, you can find all those programs and the bundles and get the free year access to our forum, all at maps maps fitnessproducts.com.
Starting point is 00:04:09 T-shirt time! And it's T-shirt time! Oh, that's right, we're hooking you! Ladies and gentlemen! Alright, we have four T-shirts going out this week. We have from iTunes, Alana B19, Mr. BubbaFet, and from Facebook, we've got Tiffany, Philip, Spaker, and Henry Miller. All four of you are winners in the name I just read to iTunes at mimepumpmedia.com, send your shirt size, your shipping address, and also send your Instagram
Starting point is 00:04:43 handle. Because look for it. Soon we're gonna be putting out some shout outs to some of our winners on our IG page. So again, send a name I just read with your shirt size, your shipping address, your IG handle, to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, and we'll get that right out to you. Hey, I need you guys' opinion.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Okay. Honest. I mean, I'll do my best. Only one you get. So let me tell you the story first of how I came to this and then, uh, and then you guys give me actually, I don't need to tell you guys. It's gonna be a long story. Why are you selling this up so much? Just, just, just, you know, be out with it because it's, uh, all right.
Starting point is 00:05:19 So, uh, I was watching. He's coming out of the closet right now. The, all right. Finally. Nutcracker. Been waiting for this movie. Here comes. movie here comes and if you guys seen that yet By the way the Disney nut cracker one. We have no not me. Isn't it good? Yeah, it's good. It's really really good and The you know great cast the father of the main character the girl the young girl the real cute girl the father
Starting point is 00:05:44 She's talking to him and stuff and he's just like, just great kind of alpha. I'm gonna stop you later. What? You stole his hairstyle. Yeah, so that's why. That makes sense. That's why I recognize it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yeah, because he's got the beard. Uh huh. And he combs his hair to the side, but kind of slicks a little bit. He's a son of a bitch. And I got the grays, so so I thought let me give this a shot Wow, and it's popular with my girl. I knew something was looking different with you like she likes it Adam said I was handsome the other day, but he says shit like that all time And I think sometimes you're just trying to be the opposite
Starting point is 00:06:16 Reverse I got touches you a lot. I know I encourage the super cuts Anyway, so what do you guys think of it? Cause I used to call them kind of like, yeah, it's different. A little crazy. And now it's like dad. You used to just kind of wake up and then would walk outside. No, I used to tussle it. Oh, yeah, a little tussle.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I used to use my three fingers and tussle it up a little. It's like in a certain way now. Now it's to the side and back. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. With the beard and everything. So opinions? I like it.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I mean, it's an older, distinguished sort of style. Thank you. That's what I was going for. It's not a youthful decision, but I like it though. I'm embracing that. I'm with you on it. I'm embracing it. But Adam, Mr. Youthful over here that I think he might
Starting point is 00:07:08 have a different opinion. Yeah. Well, I don't care about, well anyway, go ahead. Yeah. I like it, Sal. I've already said my piece, man. You didn't, you, you did not listen to any of it. So what's my opinion matter right now?
Starting point is 00:07:20 I mean, I think what you should do is, is stop going to supercuts and it's spend 40 to 50 bucks, go see a hairstylist and actually sit down and let her go to work on your beard and your hair. What a bad idea was to ask Adam. Yeah, it's just you know. What did they say over here? I avoid the word stylist.
Starting point is 00:07:37 What did I expect? Yeah. Come on, the other day I just tell you, I mean, I'm still gonna compliment you and say you look good and build your confidence up, but I mean, I don't need a compliment. I and build your confidence up But I don't need I don't need a Hold on a second you know me now pretty well. Do I need a confidence boost? Yeah, I don't think that's the case anyway, anyway, no, you know, let me tell you something about supercuts
Starting point is 00:08:02 Tell me so you I don't know. Tell me more. Here's the problem with supercuts, but here's the solution. The problem with supercuts is this. You ever get those big boxes of chocolates and you get one, it looks, oh, this one might be good. And then you bite into it and it's fucking, you know, marshmallow pistachio nugget. And you're like, what? That's not that good. That's not what I was looking for. And then sometimes you grab one and you're like, this is amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:30 This is an amazing piece. That's like what it is with supercuts. Sometimes you get one that does a good job, sometimes you get one that's. And so the one that I go to by my house, I like a Force Gump's version better. That's a good analogy. I'm gonna build on it when you're done.
Starting point is 00:08:44 So there's a lady that is older woman that works there that does a terrible job all the time. Now she's now done my hair a couple times. And it's just not good. But then there's another older lady. Wait a minute. It does a good job. So when you're sitting there,
Starting point is 00:09:01 and you kind of have to go with who's available at the time, do you have that awkward encounter where you're like, I'm just gonna keep reading this magazine, thanks. Yep, that's what I do. That's the, so you look at your eye and you're like, I'm gonna wait. Cause the older woman that doesn't do a good job, I think I know why she doesn't do a good job.
Starting point is 00:09:19 One eye isn't 100%. Pff, wow. Straight, it's kinda, it kind of looking askew. It's a little bit, and I couldn't figure it out at first, and I was like, is that Lazy Eye? And I think that's the problem. But so if you consider that, she does a good job. So let me,
Starting point is 00:09:36 it could look really awesome from her perspective. And I'm not even, by the way, it's not a made up story. For sure, there's an eye that's a little bit to the, it's a little bit to the- It's a lazy. Yeah, slightly lazy. So let me build on your-
Starting point is 00:09:48 You're interesting. Your C's candy analogy here. When you're going to supercuts, it absolutely could be like that, because you roll the dice on who's cutting your hair every single time. And like you said, sometimes you get a really shitty piece of chocolate that comes in there and you're just,
Starting point is 00:10:02 fuck, but then sometimes you get that piece of chocolate and you're like, this is amazing. And then you meet somebody like me and I introduce you to the real thing, the real chocolate. And this whole time you find out you were eating some knockoff piece of shit fucking brand that wasn't really C's candy. And that's what's been going on this whole time. You're a deli. Right. So you're,'re, it's the whole time you've been eating out of this box of chocolate and the best piece of chocolate you had, it's just the top of the shit pile because you don't know what really good chocolate tastes like.
Starting point is 00:10:33 That's a good point. But you need more, you need more technique and skill for you, you know what I'm saying? Because they're working with 10 strands of hair and they need to make it just to die. It's, you know, there's, there's a, it's like, it doesn't. He brought it to that level. Yeah, so I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I had to reverse the, reverse the truck. It's just a little, you know why I'm a little brother. I like Robert, you're like glue. Yeah, I like it. My bad. That whole time I just set that up right there, right away. It was a lot of touch shit.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, the whole hair talk was just to serve me up. No, seriously, my girlfriend, she's the one that's encouraged me to do this. And I think she's just into older, distinguished, so that anything that makes me more distinguished, you know what I mean? She likes. So I'm trying to go down that path,
Starting point is 00:11:21 because it's just, oh wow. So yeah, did she actually like kind of move you in that direction or is it right? She oh wow. So yeah, did she actually like kind of move you in that direction? Or is it right? Oh, she loves it. And I always tease her. I'm like, you just like, like, you just want me to look even older and more distinguished. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 No, I doubt. Yeah, I'm like, yeah. Let's available. Oh. Zing. There it is. Two to one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:39 That's a good game. It's like a ping pong match. It's a good game. No, you know, you know, I feel really good because I drink the, this is a, this is for real, I wish we were on video sometimes, so people in the house bullshitting. I just pounded the
Starting point is 00:11:55 Gold Juice Green Juice Blend. Dude, the old school. The, the Kermit Blend. The Kermit Blend. You created that when we were on our trip to LA, right? Yes. That was when we were, because that was when the gold juice I think had just been released. And you had the green juice already. We had the packets. And you're like, fuck it. I'm going to try and put these together. Let's do it now together. That's the thing about
Starting point is 00:12:16 the juicies. They taste good together. But you know, I think a lot of people think that the gold juice is only for nighttime because it helps you with sleep, but it's not that it makes you sleepy. It doesn't make you sleepy. It's a calming of you. Yes. And sometimes calming is performance enhancing also. So if you're trying to focus on something and you have that nervous energy,
Starting point is 00:12:37 where you feel a little scattered, which I have a tendency to, you know, you guys know my ADD is on full blast sometimes. Right. Perfect example. Did you know that within performance arts so like musicians that they're getting ready for like a big symphony or something like that,
Starting point is 00:12:55 a lot of them will take beta block. Yes, I did know that. Beta blockers are performance enhancing drugs for some sports. They test for them in the Olympics. Really? Yes, they do. You know who takes beta blockers in performance enhancing drugs for some sports. They test for them in the Olympics. Really? Yes, they do. You know who takes beta blockers in the Olympics?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Who? The sharpshooters. That makes sense. Sharpshooters take it because they want to be calm and focused and breathe and then. Is it banned? Is it actually banned? Yes. Wow, interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Unless you're prescribed by your doctor and you have to be on it. So that's why 70% of sharpshooters in Olympics are prescribed. Just like why all these athletes are prescribed. Now how is how is the orange juice compared to the gold juice? I always say orange juice. I fucking hate that. I know. I know. You know why? You got me saying that. I know. I know you did it too. It's because it looks orange to me. Doesn't look gold. But you know why they didn't call it gold orange juice? Yeah. I know. Because it's not orange juice is owned by another. Yeah. Orange juice. That's a little more, I get it.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Well, no, but it fluxes me every time I got to do a commercial flight. No, no, no. Were you gonna ask though? No, I was gonna ask you, how would you compare that to like beta block? Oh, no, no. Beta blockers are the drugs. Oh, that's a different thing. Yeah, that's a drug.
Starting point is 00:14:00 That's controlling your heart rate and keeping it down. I was just so surprised by that. I remember I was training a client and his son was in an orchestra and was kind of describing that. He used to do these big power meetings. Like he had to pitch his product to all these investors. And so he would, like me, would get very nervous to publicly speak
Starting point is 00:14:23 and present in front of all these like powerful people. And so he told me that that was something that he figured out from you know his son that had done that and then he said it really made a difference. And I was just like, wow. See that's why I like to combine stimulants with calming agents because I learned a long time ago that just being stimulated didn't improve my performance. You know, sometimes I would get too hyped on stimulants and I'd lift weights and I'd be at a breath or I'd feel shaky.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And so I like to combine things like ashwaganda with caffeine, ashwaganda is one of the things that's in the green juice or turkey tail, which is in the gold juice. And so, I was already stimulated because this morning we had our all staff meeting which always gets me pumped up and psyched and we're coming in here. We're gonna podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I'm a little bit too stimulated, so I just combined the two, the current blender, whatever. And now I feel great. It's a good time. Dude, here's another good direction here. Just and you have kids. So you've probably already spilled it. You still got it. You still got it? I got it. Give it a back yet. Yeah. No, they're alive. Hey, what did kids go for? You sell them? What do they go for?
Starting point is 00:15:31 That's a terrible question. Why is it 50? I'm just curious. And then it got dark. What are they sell for? Could you go? I don't know if I'd want to. Why won't you pursue that? I really don't want that search on my computer. Thank you, Doug. Could you imagine your daughter? Sometimes you have good ideas Adam and this is not one of my ideas. Could you imagine if your kids were surfing on your history pool? How much does a nine year old go for?
Starting point is 00:15:58 What is a nine year old bird? That's terrible. What is your worst? Your kidneys and stuff like that in the black market are worth like tens of thousands of dollars I think like People are like kidnapping and then they put them under and then steal was that like a Minority report. Yeah, there's a movie around that. What was that? What no there is there is a black market for organs a hundred percent It definitely is there a dince L movie where that can get down in don't they happen? No, I'm sure. Denzel.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Somebody, our forum will correct it. There is a movie out where there's like, it's about that about them. Actually, let me ask you guys a question. Still in Kidney. The organ trade in the US is highly regulated, right? It was a nip tuck, that's what it was. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:38 So it's highly regulated. So if you have to buy a kidney or a liver or you need to get one of these organs, you have to go through this crazy regulations. And many times, it's so difficult to find one that people die before they can get one. And do you think it should be legal to sell your own organs on the market? Do you think you should be able to go and just be like, of course, they're yours, right? It's your personal decision.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Sell your eyeball, sell your ears, sell whatever the hell you want to sell. It's yours. Sell your body. That's why I think prostitution should be legal too. I think it's to each their own. You know what I'm saying? If you want to do that, I think it's funny. I think people just don't want to see a bunch of poor people
Starting point is 00:17:13 making money by selling their organs. That's what they don't want to see. They don't want to see that reality. Yeah. I mean, it's a depressing thing to watch, but yeah, it's your decision. It's just like taking drugs or whatever it is., it's your decision. It's just like taking drugs or whatever it is, like it's your decision. Like, you've, like, if you can think it's going to pull yourself
Starting point is 00:17:30 out of a situation, that's your decision. But there's other ways to do it. I think we try and educate people through those decisions, but it's like they ultimately, it's their own. I feel like we were scared of things like that because like you say, like we don't wanna see that. And we're afraid that, oh my God, what if all these people start doing it? And initially I think that would happen. Just like we see the flood of people
Starting point is 00:17:52 that are getting into marijuana, but like we talked about in the podcast the other day, it's, depend on them always swings back the other way. So I feel like if drugs and prostitution, all these things would legal all the way. Initially you might see this surge of being, you see it more because now it's out in the open, it's not black market and like,
Starting point is 00:18:11 oh my God, everyone's selling their organs. Oh my God, everyone's fucking each other for money. And then I think it would just die off. And I think it would just, people would see that what happens when you keep selling all your organs, you eventually die, that's probably not a good route to go. And I think it would level, I think everything would level out, sending them with drugs.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Like if everybody could do them, you would see more and more people killing themselves from doing that because it's so readily available. And then I think it would then balance out and people would be like, hey, it's probably gotta be careful if you get yourself involved in everything. I actually think less people would kill themselves if it was right.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I do, because the market would, most overdoses happen from people not knowing what they're getting. Like, oh, this dose worked for me, but this new dealer has a stronger dose. Oops, I took too much. And that kind of stuff. That's where most of these problems happen.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But the reality is society does not want to see itself in a mirror. That's what it is. We don't want to see ourselves reflected. And so, does prostitution happen anyway? Yeah. But nobody wants to see the reality of it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:19:05 But I mean the scary thing is the people that don't want it to happen, like the kidnapped and it does happen you know because there is a market for it, but that's black market, right? So it's and the same thing with organs. No, what a terrifying idea that like you could be sleeping or under you know some kind of anesthesia and then you're, oh, you wake up and your organs are gone. How popular is kidnapping? Is that still a thing? I don't know if popular is the right word to use it, but you mean, how prevalent is it? You mean how prevalent is it?
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's a prevalent topic. It's not a sh- it's a- you're talking about like it's a fashion trend. It's kidnapping and stuff. Although, if you guys seen, you know what I mean? The emergency alert for like apparently old people are getting kidnapped. Did they see that? What is that?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I don't think it's that they're getting kidnapped. I think that they're getting lost. Or are they getting kidnapped? No, it's like missing like, it's just like an amber alert, but it's for old people. Yeah, I can see the curversion. Like where are they taking it?
Starting point is 00:20:06 Did you see the article that Jackie sent over about the girl who cracked the 20 year old murder case or whatever was swiping the Coke can of somebody at her at her work? What? Yeah, yeah, what? What is work? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 What do you mean, how's it work? Swiping what? Like the Coke can, like Pepsi can. Okay. Yeah, and getting, obviously getting the DNA, right? From this person. So the Coke can, like Pepsi can. Okay. Yeah, and getting, obviously getting the DNA, right, from this person. So the police were, Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So this is like, it's like a 20 year old murder case. It was supposedly like one of the most infamous cases that was out there. She just sent it over this morning. I haven't even finished completely reading the whole thing. I was all enthralled by it. And then you just bringing that up right now and makes me think about it.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Oh, is that it, Doug? Yeah, there are approximately one thousand four hundred and thirty five kidnappings each year. You know, bringing that up right now makes me think about it. Oh, is that it Doug? Yeah, there are approximately. Oh, no, that's how many kids are gonna get. 1,435 kidnappings each year. You know, up or down. Oh, it's been down for a while now. You know, it's the safest time ever. Holy shit, look at that number,
Starting point is 00:20:56 look at how many of them are from family members. Is that real kidnapping then? Of course. I mean, yeah, but I mean, is it? Yeah. Of course it is, what do you mean? I mean, you would follow that category. If my uncle stole my kid. Well, no, if you took off it yeah of course it what do you mean? I mean? Well, you would fall in that category if my uncle stole my kid You took off with your kids it would fall in that category. Yeah, I mean of course well
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's like somebody has a restraining order like a significant other that takes right so that's a little bit of Influence like part of it. I'm flated like how many people are like like kidnapping kids and then trying to do ransom Like is that that happen a lot or just in the movies? Mostly in the movies, I think. I feel like I don't ever hear about that. You know what, it's way less than it used to be. It's way less than it used to be. It's safer like I said now than ever before.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And part of me thinks maybe it's safer because kids just aren't outside anymore, you know what I'm saying? Or people like their kids less maybe. Yeah, we're just not working. Oh, so they just, they can't get your call and for ransom. We want 50 grad grad keep the fucker
Starting point is 00:21:45 He costs me more than that every year. Adam's winning fans today He's just winning over all the fans really the Christmas spirit over there. Yeah, it's Christmas Hey, Merry Christmas Kids are assholes. Yeah, that's why they're you love them. So so Just now I was gonna ask you, so yesterday my kids, for the first time ever, they'd never seen this movie before the goonies. You guys remember goonies?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Oh my God, you came here. What a great movie. But you know what I'm realizing is that PG, shhunk, rated PG is different, meant different things in the 80s than it does in the world. It certainly does. Like, wait, PG back. I'm gonna take a sample, wait, PG back.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I haven't even seen it before after you. Go ahead. PG in the 80s was PG 13 today or worse. Yeah. Like I'm watching the goonies and I forgot about the scene where the dude is, okay, remember when that guy has to steal the girl's bike to go chase after his younger brother?
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. And then the fucking asshole douche rich kid with the girls is in the car, the Mustang, and the poor like grabs her boobs. No, he's like moving the river mirror to look down her skirt. Oh, look at his skirt, yeah, look. And I'm like, this is PG, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:48 And he's making like, glued comments. And then they say a lot of cuss words and stuff like that. And he's like, I gotta make pictures of your mom. I'm like, this is PG. Yeah. I guess it was harder back in the day. Dude, ET was like that too. I don't remember ET.
Starting point is 00:23:01 You don't remember ET? No, what, what, what, the bad parts, what happened? Yeah, no, there was like a lot of random cursing and then also like the fact that like their mom just bailed on them all the time and like let them. For themselves by themselves. They're kids. Well, you know, there's there's just like bounced on them. There's rules to what what will classify it PG PG 13 and then.
Starting point is 00:23:21 But I think it's gone tighter. Oh, you think it's tighter? Yeah, like the higher rating? I think today, like I think Goonies if it came out today would be PG 13. Oh, also team where you are, does it? They started having sex. I forgot about that. Team, and my kid watching it with me and I was like, oh my God, like she locked the door on him
Starting point is 00:23:43 and then basically like offered herself to him in the closet in the closet Yeah, I was like whoa, I'd like I had to like like stop the movie. Yeah movies the older movies are a little bit more risky So now when I see an old movie that's I swear to God dude when I see it like it's the opposite no No, no they're rated differently. They're rated like you watch a PG movie now, and it's like it's like rated G pretty much Yeah, you don't hear almost a single curse word The goonies must have said shit 15 different times. And like I said, there's like sexual innuendo's and stuff in there. And you know, it's different. It's different than they are than the movies that are. The good old days is what we're saying.
Starting point is 00:24:18 You know, I'm trying to envision what a movie night looks like at the de Stefano House. Is it like, I mean, I've envisioned you and your girl sitting around and the whole family wearing blue blockers and you guys are snacking on some organic treat or like, what's it look like? That's it right there. That's exactly it. You actually described. Exactly. When you paint the picture. When you haven't gone full perch like the Greenfield House. No, no. No, we all get together and you write, I do have my kids wear blue blockers,
Starting point is 00:24:49 especially when they're on electronics or they're on, they're watching TV with me at night. Cause I did, I have noticed that it helps them with their sleep and now they're showing studies that using these devices increases melatonin production by something like 90% or whatever. Yeah. So we'll wear those.
Starting point is 00:25:05 That's kind of one of the rules, put this on so we can watch this movie. We'll have a blanket covering us. Sometimes it's a gravity blanket, which is awesome, by the way, love those things. I just got one for Courtney for Christmas. And you won't hear it, so there you go. And then, you know, we'll have a snack and last night,
Starting point is 00:25:20 I told my kids, hey, you guys want a smoothie, because I had the smoothie box. Have you had your kids eat the smoothie box, is it? I have not, and I've been really waiting and anticipating it, because you've told me about it, but there's a specific way that you have to blend them to make them extra creamy, right? Blend the fuck out of them.
Starting point is 00:25:38 That's the way you do it. Okay, blend the fuck out. Yeah, just. Blend the hell out of them, and then what I'll do with my kids is I'll add either a little bit of honey to make it a little bit sweeter or I'll add stevia and honey to make it a little bit sweeter. But the cacao one, the kids love it.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And the cacao one's got 20 grams of collagen protein. So it's got that healthy protein, which is very good for kids, especially kids' kidney organ meats and stuff like that. It's got that healthy protein, which is very good for kids, especially kids' kids don't eat organ meats and stuff like that. It's got healthy fats in there, so either avocado will be in there, or other coconut cream is in there, so it's these kind of healthy fats,
Starting point is 00:26:16 and it's very low in sugar, except for the fruit that's thrown in there. So now just for... Describe, so you get the box at your house. Like, what does the packaging look like? Like, is it all portioned out? And like, what does that look like? So what you get is depending on which one you order
Starting point is 00:26:30 because they have clementine, which, they have the orange one, which is like clementine and sweet potato and some other stuff. They have the green one, which is like pineapple and banana and spinach and some other stuff. And then they have the cow one, which has got cow nibs in there and coconut.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And they're all really, really good. So those all each come in like these plastic bags and they're frozen. And so what you do is you take out the bag, you open the bag up, dump that in the blender and that's all the ingredients. And then you have a separate packet, which is the collagen protein. And then you dump that in there and that's it. And then you add your own liquid. So what I do is I'll use coconut milk or almond milk, and I'll put about a little over a cup
Starting point is 00:27:12 of coconut milk or almond milk, because too much, and it gets too liquidy, so I put... Now it comes frozen, so you don't have to put ice in it, or do you put ice in it? No, nothing. So you don't add any ice in it. Oh, that's cool. So I add the coconut milk in there. Like I said, it's a little over a cup. And then I just blend the hell out of it.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And the kids, they like it. And it's healthy. Like they're sick. Yeah, it's so good. I know you're subscribed to our dogsies too, aren't you, Doug? Yeah, I'm subscribed. I do exactly the same thing you do, so.
Starting point is 00:27:41 You do. One and the quarter cups of liquid, I use macadamia milk, put in the frozen, my favorite thickacao, but this is my daughter's favorite as well. Second favorite is the clementine and a couple drops of stevia or honey, just like you do. And I put it in the Vitamix, blend that up and it's fantastic. Bro, the macrobregan breakdown on the tang was my favorite that we tried. You like that one the best?
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yeah, that's what I like the best. The macro break down on it's really good. And so for me it's like that's why I got it. I was like I'm going to get this because you know you want to give your kids something to look forward to something fun. You don't want to, I mean at my house sometimes can be you know my kids make fun of me. No fun sound. Yeah my kids make fun of me like hey you guys want you know Cheetos and the like we know
Starting point is 00:28:24 it's not Cheetos you know like we know it's not Cheetos You know, they'll know it's like some weird Brand that I'm trying you know Air My daughter's the worst I don't like the aftertaste you know this tastes too organic. She'll say that sometimes Too natural That's too natural. Yeah. Or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:43 At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know.
Starting point is 00:28:51 At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know.
Starting point is 00:28:59 At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. At least they know. to eat this. You, my family, luckily, generally pays attention to eating healthy, but it's not to the same standards that I, you know, am at. So like if my kids in my mom's house, she's going to make more homemade food and stuff
Starting point is 00:29:12 like that. So they're not eating garbage. Same thing with their other mom's house. The biggest difference I would say is the emphasis. So they'll eat more starches at their mom's house. And at my house, they're going to eat more fatses at their mom's house. And at my house, they're gonna eat more fats and proteins. And I may skew more that way on purpose knowing that half the time. Right, it's gonna offset.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, and also the order of food. So this was something that Jessica actually implemented in the house. And I thought it was absolutely brilliant. I actually gave her a lot of pushback at first, but now I thought it was, it's actually quite brilliant. And it's the order that the kids will eat. So the kids will, at my house, they'll eat vegetables first, then they'll eat the proteins and fats,
Starting point is 00:29:48 and then we'll eat the starch if there's a starch. Because I do an important, an order of importance, you know what I mean? And whereas at the, I think that's real smart. Yeah, it was at their mom's house, the, you know, the Italian culture is you eat the starch first. And when it ends up happening,
Starting point is 00:30:03 it's that my kids eat a shit ton of starch. Yeah. And then very little of the other stuff. So today being Christmas, what to, uh, one, I want to know what you guys got your girls. And then do you guys have like tradition around Christmas that things that you guys do with your family or each other? What do you guys do? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:19 So, uh, so I'm, so I don't know if I can say, I know this is going to air on Christmas. No, no, you can say it. Why, unless you're giving her the present afterwards. No, my girl listens to these episodes before the air. You think? Like, right? Oh, really? Yeah, because Jackie sends them to her.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Well, you got to tell Jackie. Well, Jackie, listening right now. Yeah, don't share. With old it, Jackie. Yeah, don't send it to her. Yeah. So Jessica and I do try not to get each other gifts, but. So I don't want her to hear.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Well, no, I don't get her shit. Surprise, baby. Yeah. You got nothing. No, my kids got her a gift. So we went to the mall and I let the kids have kind of free reign. And I was actually kind of surprised at how smart my kids were with what she wanted. So we're going through them all and my daughter goes,
Starting point is 00:31:08 I'm like, okay, so what do you guys think we should get Jessica? And they're like, you know, I don't know. And then my daughter's like, oh, her purse is really old. So I'm like, all right, cool. So we go into macy's and we're looking at all the purses and my daughter grabs one and then my son's like,
Starting point is 00:31:21 no, that doesn't really look like her and they're like, so then we got her this purse that kind of looks a lot like something Jessica would get. And then after that, I'm like, okay, do you guys want to get anything else? And so we're going back and forth. And they're like, she likes arts and crafts. So then we went all the way to Target
Starting point is 00:31:35 and we got her like these calligraphy pens and stuff that are really cool. So it's, it's, I think she'll appreciate it because it's definitely her car. It's cute. So you don't do anything. You guys don't do anything at all. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Oh, wow. That's nice. Smart play there. Yep. Yeah, that is a smart play. Because you know why? Because then you got to scale it every year. It's like, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:54 I feel you on that. Yeah, we have, so Christmas Eve, it's kind of, this is how we've been able to manage and balance the two families. Because there's positives and negatives to both having like both families like really close proximity wise. So it's it's that split time. Like, well, you did it last year, we want your time this year. And so it's like a kind of a back and forth thing. So what's worked out well for Christmas specifically is that her family's always really kind of put more emphasis
Starting point is 00:32:25 on Christmas Eve. And so we will go to church service with them earlier in the day and then we'll come back and open presents and do the whole Christmas thing with their whole side of the family. And then so they get to get a taste for the opening presence part and all that. And then the next morning, we have our own family time that we do the opening presence and Christmas and spend a good amount of time there. And then we're trying to actually establish a new type of breakfast kind of a ritual
Starting point is 00:33:00 within just our family. So Courtney are experimenting with that. And I'm trying to get involved in at least like, you know, be involved on some level of that. So I might actually be in there cooking something with her. Is there like a meal or something in particular? Yeah, well, so my family, we used to have it was called Patita, which was like my grandma would make it, and it was like this kind of traditional dish, and then we would have like eggs, bacon, you know, everything else, and just big feast. What's Petita?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Petita's like a hazelnut kind of bread, but it's like, it'll melt in your mouth. You put butter on it, it's like, fast, fucking, oh, dude, it's so good. Oh, there it is. There you go. Is that it right there? Yeah, it looks kind of like a,
Starting point is 00:33:46 if you were to eliminate all like icing from like a, like almost like cinnamon bread or something, it kind of looks like that. Oh, you put butter on it? Yeah. Oh, that looks good. Looks amazing. Oh, it's, it tastes phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And so Courtney had thought about maybe duplicating that because my grandma's really, she's 96 now. And my mom makes it, but so anyway, so I brought this up in another episode like, she's going in somebody else's, somebody else was like, oh my God, I'm saying it wrong, I know it, but it stolen, she's gonna make that and then I'm gonna make some kind of like
Starting point is 00:34:26 you guys have stolen bread. It's stolen from another country. They stole it from someone. Yeah, yeah, we all stole it together. Let's call this stolen. Who's a better cook? Your mom or your wife? That's a terrible question. I wonder why either one of them listened, it's like not 100% my wife. And I think my mom would be offended by that, but at the same time, it's all in the effort of like, I enjoy it. Like I could tell my mom doesn't enjoy cooking. I knew that.
Starting point is 00:35:01 She tried really, and like, she made like healthy meals and did a fantastic job, but like there's a difference when like somebody's in there and they're like, oh, and I can't wait for them to try this. And you know, yeah, adding all this extra. And for say like that, she's totally like that. Oh, that's yeah, that's cool. She's fantastic. Now, she always liked that or was that evolved as you guys have been married and been together for a long time. She's evolved her cooking significantly. She's always been really good at baking and I think that that was like her passion, which has been stifled because it's always like, no, like, please don't bake anymore shit in the house that I'm going to eat and get fat and, you know, we're all like, I mean, it's great. It's hard. It's something you look forward to, but like,
Starting point is 00:35:41 it's kind of one of those things we're always trying to improve ourselves physically. And so she hasn't been baking ever. And she's transitioned more into learning recipes and really diving into that. She's been making some always creative, really tasty meals. And so yeah, she's just been real passionate about it and has been evolving over the years.
Starting point is 00:36:05 So are you a critical of what she does and like do you give her feedback when she makes a meal or do you just whatever she serves you eat? You know what I'm saying? I'm very delicate with that. But she knows based off my response and I don't like have to really say anything other than she sees if I really eat it,
Starting point is 00:36:23 like I'm really into it or if I'm just eating eat it, like, I'm really into it, or if I'm just eating it to be like, oh yeah, it's okay. And she's very self-critical. Like, she's like, oh my god, I over-cooked this. And like, she's like already like, totally denouncing it before she even presents it to me now. You know, it's just like, ah.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I'm saying, I'm sure it's great. You know, I ask because this is a very funny conversation in our house when, when we would contribute to kids. She's like, turn into this incredible cook. She couldn't boil water when we first met and she's evolved into an amazing cook. And I think she is like, you're saying right now it's falling in love with, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:58 trying different things and different recipes. So it's always an adventure at our house. And the only time that I struggle is when she does what she does. She's notorious for this. She'll bring she'll introduce a new recipe. And I'll be like, this is fucking bomb. This is so good. It's like the first time she made it. And instead of like repeating that or duplicating it the next time she tries something else. And normally the second, the third or the fourth time is nowhere near as good as the first time. And I was like, where is that?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, I get so mad. Right back. I'm like, why would you change it? I told you it was so good the first time. Why do you, why just want to try this? And I want to try that. And she's enjoying that process. I don't want to kill her spirit on enjoying cooking.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Oh, there's moments of that. Yeah, definitely. But I'm like, at the same time, I'm like, could fucking up a good thing. It's so good right now. Is there anything more attractive than when your girl just puts her, you know, her heart into making a meal for you
Starting point is 00:37:52 and give it to you? Oh my God. It's gotta be, you know, no. It's my favorite thing. It's like such a characteristic, I love. It's got, it's because you feel like you're being taken care of, right? It's that, what was that saying?
Starting point is 00:38:02 Like the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Yeah. You don't get that when you're younger. As you get older, you start to realize, oh,? What was that saying? Like the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Yeah. You don't get that when you're younger. As you get older, you start to realize, oh, I know why that saying exists. Right, right. It's a real thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 What are you guys doing for Christmas? So we do, we go to Katrina's families. Well, first we'll do, we do a lot of driving around here. So we do my uncle first. We'll go see my uncle Casey. So we'll go to his house and do like an enromic cook. He'll do a primerib or he'll do a turkey or a ham or he normally does a big meal and that's always and he's a killer cook. So we'll go over there. We'll have kind of an
Starting point is 00:38:39 intimate dinner. It's normally just with his family and then me and Katrina and then maybe dinner, it's normally just with his family and then me and Katrina and then maybe his son's girlfriend's family. So pretty small, small quiet laid back, have a glass of wine or a bottle of wine and just relax there. Then we'll come back where the chaos is at in Katrina's family where their entire family comes from. Most of them live pretty close, so it's pretty easy for them to all get together. And there's I don't know about 20 of us when we all get together. And they actually will open one gift at midnight. There'll be dinner and drinks and elephant
Starting point is 00:39:15 gift and party and and just everyone hanging out on Christmas Eve. And then everyone sleeps at the same house. So it kind rotates, you know, it's everyone. Everyone does. So you're sleeping on the floor, you're sleeping? Yes, and I have a hard time with this. This is not, this is not my, I'm okay, you're the mastermind. Well, I tend to go home, right?
Starting point is 00:39:35 So, and I get a lot of shit for this all the time. I just, Let's get Trina stay there and you go home? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So she's, you know, eight years of being in a relationship now, like we've moved beyond like this. It's okay that Adam does that. And like he likes to go home and go to sleep in his own bed.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And I don't like sleeping on a fucking floor as a grown man. Like it's just not something that, you know, I worked really hard to get a place in my life. I did that on my friend's couch is enough time. Yeah, no, really. Everybody think you're an asshole up there. Yeah, yeah. No, the family doesn't, it doesn't like, and it doesn't matter. They'll still give me shit every year. Every year, I'll still get shit about it. And yeah, no, the family doesn't, it doesn't like, and it doesn't matter, they'll still give me shit every year,
Starting point is 00:40:05 every year I'll still get shit about it, and it's just, it's not my, it's gonna give you like, princess like nightshade things. They just talk shit to me, you know? Cause I'm, and I've shared on the show before, I mean, obviously the family thing has always been a challenge for me as it is, but I think that the family has now grown to appreciate
Starting point is 00:40:24 that I do put myself in these situations that aren't the most comfortable for me. And I still have a great time and joy, everybody. My one condition is just you gotta let me go home. I'll go home at one. You know what I'm saying? You gotta let me go home and go to bed and my bed. It's not far away.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And because it's in the same time, I would never do that if we were far away or whatever. We live right across the street or down the road. It's just a particular thing. Characteristic about you, that's all. That's not a bad thing. We know when we all go on trips, we book a big house, Adam gets the,
Starting point is 00:40:55 has to have the nice bed and everything. And it's okay because nobody else really cares. And it's not that big of a deal. Yeah, it's not that big of a deal. But I could see how, do they make you feel guilty? Oh yeah. Are they like, oh, Adam, you get the master bedroom. No, you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I'm gonna go home. Yeah, her brothers used to have a really hard time with it. And then we've evolved into this tradition. I've now been accepted. It took like a good five. I think it was the fifth year before. It took about four years before her brothers even like me. Five years before I really was accepted into the family. And now I'm into the the shoe tradition, which is
Starting point is 00:41:29 the so we all have the like you you choose a name. Everybody buys a gift for that one person. There's a limit on it. I think our limits like one 50 or something this year. And that's all you're supposed to get. But the the two two, Katrina's two brothers are also into sneakers, not quite at the level that I am, but they're into sneakers. And every year, there's like this big running joke in the family that they go with each other, they buy a badass pair of sneakers that they both want and like, and they give it to each other and they wrap it. They know exactly what the fuck they're getting. Everybody's in on it. Everyone knows it. And then they act all surprised when they open it
Starting point is 00:42:06 and make a big deal about it and everybody jokes about it. So I'm now a part of that tradition. So the brothers and I all go, we'll go, in fact, we go tonight, we'll go to a sneaker shop and each of us will pick out a pair of sneakers, someone else will buy them, we'll wrap them and then we open them and we act surprise. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Yeah, that's kind of the tradition. That's fun. Nice. And, that's cool. Yeah, that's kind of the tradition. That's fun. Yeah. And then the morning time is like probably anybody else's normal Christmas. What's cool about Katrina? She's values, you know, her health and wellness like I do. So we will get to the gym, we'll come over here, we'll get a lift.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I love holiday workouts. Those are always my favorite. Start the day out with a nice hard workout knowing you're going to enjoy yourself later on the day. Something fun about that. Those are always my favorite. Start the day out with a nice, hard workout. Knowing you're gonna enjoy yourself later on in the day. Something fun about that. Yeah, it's better. I know too, there's big emphasis on games and stuff in my family and not so much.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah, there's a big board game people. Oh, a big time. That's been a little bit of an area of struggle for Courtney. And so now she's kind of conceited and is like, okay, all right, I'll sit in some of these or whatever. And so now, like, as we go to the next day, Christmas day, we'll go from our house to my parents, and then we'll have the big needle and all that go. And then what's great is that my 96 year old grandma will be there. And she's like, you know, she's got dementia and has, you know, a form of like Alzheimer's, but is very sharp when it comes to card games. That's great. And so it's like,
Starting point is 00:43:31 it's just great because you can get all the generations in one table. And we talk shit. And, you know, and it's in playing cards. And she finally got into it a little bit last year. And so I'm really looking forward to it this year because then the kids, the kids are playing and they're going crazy wherever, but who cares? Because they're all confined within the walls. You know, we just wait for a noise of somebody crying wherever, but we're all just like at each other,
Starting point is 00:43:58 you know, with the cards. And so yeah, that'll be fun. Do you take the boys shopping for Courtney and they have their separate presence they buy and then you have something or is it like a collective thing? Like how do you do that for her? Yeah, so that's what I'm actually going to be hustling on today. Because that last minute guy, right?
Starting point is 00:44:14 So, wow. Are you really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, well, like today is this is releasing on Christmas, but yeah, so we're, we're going to be going to like one of her favorite stores that she finds clothes and dresses and all that. And so we're gonna be either finding something there or gift card at least, you know, from them. And then I don't do a gift card. No, I'm not gonna do it. I know. That's my default because I'm like, I don't know what I'm doing. I'd never know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:44:42 But somehow I pull it off usually. Like, she's usually like, oh wow, like, I don't know what I'm doing. I'd never know I'm doing. But somehow I pull it off usually. She's usually like, oh wow, because I do pay attention when she is looking at stuff and I'm like, oh, I remember her picking that up and trying to do it. She's probably so obvious. Wow, I really like this is, but I should buy it today.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Perfect on me, but I'll put it back. Whatever. Wow, wow. Mental note. Whatever you do, don't get the wrong size and don't get a larger, the wrong size. That's the worst. I wow, yeah. Mental note. Whatever you do, don't get the wrong size and don't get a larger, the wrong size. That's the worst. I know that much.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Always, yeah, always defer to this. If you're confused about the size, go smaller. Yeah. You don't want to be like, I'm not a size 14 with the part. Sorry, babe, I don't know. I thought this was in the, the juniors department. Yeah. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, my family's so big and loud that, and it's wonderful attributes, and I love it, but to someone like Jessica, she could be so shy sometimes, it could be a little overwhelming, and there's also family, I guess cultural traditions that I never really unrealized were traditions until I started dating Jessica,
Starting point is 00:45:45 because remember my ex-wife came from a similar culture. So like, when you come to my family's house, Christmas in its 50 people, which is average size of our Christmas party, you have to go up and personally kiss and greet every single person. And when you leave the party, you have to personally kiss and greet every single person. And when you leave the party, you have to personally kiss and greet every single
Starting point is 00:46:05 person. And so it's a, it's a 15 minute process each time. And Jessica's always like, why can't I just say bite it? My heart goes out to Jess in this one. I feel you, girl. You're like a politician. Yeah. And I'm like, because this is just what we do. And, you know, especially if you're the kids and you got to do it. And it's a good thing. And this and that's like, but it's forced. It's not this. I'm like, I guess it is, but whatever. So anyway, that's all, that's all good. Did you and that. But it's forced, it's not something that I guess it is, but whatever. So anyway, that's all good. Did you guys see, did I share with you guys the article of
Starting point is 00:46:31 what happened with the Amazon user in Germany? No, no. So this Amazon user in Germany requested data about its personal activities. Because I guess you can do that. There's a, the European Union has something called the General Data Protection Regulation. It allows you to request data from these tech companies, right?
Starting point is 00:46:54 So he's like, hey, I want to get all the data on my personal activity. So they accidentally, Amazon accidentally sent him 1700 audio recordings of someone else, someone that wasn't him through Alexa So Alexa is recording and storing constantly all this shit And so this guy gets all this data from someone else that's not him and he listens to and he's like that's not even of my voice and it's just A shit ton of audio recordings. So he saves it, then he goes and tells Amazon, goes back to the link and it was dead, but luckily he saved it.
Starting point is 00:47:30 So now it's making big news in Europe right now that Amazon, that if you have an Alexa in your house, it's listening and recording to you. It's totally, it's storing it. Now how do you guys feel about this? I think I, I don't worry about it as much as I think you worry about it. I think that for me, it's what the main reason why they're doing it is I don't think is because they give two shits
Starting point is 00:47:57 about what you have to say other than they're figuring out the things that you're talking, you're asking because it wants to market and sell to you. I don't think they're, and I know people, oh my God, that's infringing on my privacy and I get it. But it's to be, to build, to provide things that you want better for you. And so I kind of feel like I don't really care that much. I is long as the users know that it's happening.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I don't see a problem with it either. Here's my fear though. My fear is governments. That's it. My only fear is, and this could totally happen, and it probably already is, that the US government walks into Amazon headquarters and sets up a meeting with the leaders of Amazon,
Starting point is 00:48:39 however, and they say to them, probably at first, very, at first, they're probably trying to convince them in a good way, and they're saying, look, probably at first, very, at first they're probably trying to convince them in a good way and they're saying, look, here's social, excuse me, here's national security stuff that's going on, here's what we need to pay attention to. We would like access to this data to keep people safe, to protect people from terrorists, this, that, and the other.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And then it kind of allude to Amazon, you know, leaders, like either you give it to us now or we're gonna get it anyway, that's the only thing that I'm worried about because of what government has, which is forced. I'm not worried about Amazon. Even then, what do I see them who use that? Do they go to Amazon and say,
Starting point is 00:49:16 hey, anybody who has asked Alexa how to build an airplane bomb, please let us know. I don't know if I care if that, if they use that information, I'm actually would probably be happy that they find that. Brody, NSA has a massive, massive amount of storage and information's sifting capability. You know, much money's been invested in this in particular. Like, you have no idea, it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And I think that, year-right, That's probably the first thing they're looking for But if you look throughout all of history of governments Look, here's a deal if you're not a Donald Trump fan for example, I'm not saying he's a devil or whatever But let's say you hate him and a lot of people think he is the devil He's imagine a guy like that with the power capability to use this kind of information to fuck with his political enemies or companies or people. Right. Stream together something you said under the private confines of your house
Starting point is 00:50:13 and now expose you like saying something that, you know, maybe in the heat of a moment, are you talking to your, you know, your family member or whatever and it's like, I don't know. It, to me, like, there's a point where we do need, like, solace from everybody else peering in all the time. Yep, yep, look, and for people who are like, that would never happen.
Starting point is 00:50:32 They did it, they did it to civil rights leaders, Martin Luther King. They did it to Martin Luther King. The CIA literally provided Martin Luther King with videos and image of him meeting with his mistress and tried to blackmail him into stopping what he was doing. Of course, he didn't stop. And then he was assassinated later on.
Starting point is 00:50:53 But, you know, they have a, it's not like they don't have a history of doing this crazy shit. So, no, I don't, that's the part that scares me is that it exists and that if the government wants because they have the guns and the tanks and the force and the ability to legislate that they could, so that's the part that frightens me a little bit, you know? But as far as Amazon, I don't give a shit, especially because we know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:51:13 There was another one, but they want to make money. That's what they want. Yeah, I say, like they're not trying to get in anyone's with you. I don't, improving customer experience and all that. Yeah, exactly, it's really good. Well, you haven't want that. Along those lines, here's another one that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:25 So Facebook admitted that they allowed Netflix to Spotify. I saw this. Okay, so Netflix and Spotify through Facebook, because Facebook said we let them do this, they gave them access to your private messages on messenger. So they've given other companies now access
Starting point is 00:51:42 to your private messages. That's not cool. I don't know. I don't know how you guys feel about that. Well, again, the same thing. I don't think Spotify cares if I'm sharing dick pics with my girl. I think they want to know if we're talking about certain music or sharing things that are related to their business so that again, they can target market me.
Starting point is 00:52:02 So I don't look at these companies, these companies that are really trying to, whether you consider this infringing on your privacy or not, I don't think that their intentions are mouse. I think they're trying to improve upon their ability to market and sell to you. And with that, I kind of like whatever. I think it just points out people need to realize like what they're putting out there in the world.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And if you want to, if you want to stay private, like if you're doing a text message on your text message app, like I want that to be a private conversation. If I'm putting a messenger through Facebook, like, no, to me, I'm like, yeah, of course, like this is through, I mean, your photos, everything is like, you put it on there, it's, in a sense, it's theirs. Like, you're using there, like, here, I'm, I'm using their platform. I'm on your platform. I agree with that, that to me, like, see, you're right.
Starting point is 00:52:54 If I'm talking to Justin privately in a text message, like, I care more about the privacy of that. Like, that's private conversation. I'm not using another platform. I'm just communicating directly to them. If I'm using an app or I'm on somebody else's platform, I mean, you gotta think that at least they know. I'm saying like, and who knows who else they're letting know.
Starting point is 00:53:15 So, yeah. But yeah, it's the lack of transparency. I think everybody gets like repulsed by that. Like if they're doing deals, they're not like telling anybody like or being like open about it, I think it, it always looks bad. Doesn't it, isn't that part of the thing that you agree to as soon as you log into Facebook? I don't know if you agree to actually read this, but you're right. You do, I think you, you do. You do. You do. You do. You do. You sign all your content
Starting point is 00:53:39 away. I mean, it's basically says anything you use on this platform. Yeah, they own it. They can use it. Someone else can share it and you can't do it. It also brings up this point. Like right now, private information has a lot of power. So if you have private, you know, revealing information about someone, let's say you found someone's porn searches or whatever, and you could reveal that shit. Like that has a lot of power now.
Starting point is 00:54:00 But will it have that much power when everybody has that kind of access on everybody? You know what I'm saying? Like in the future, when all this shit's so transparent, is it gonna matter? You know what I mean? Yeah, honestly, I really feel like we're just trying to plug holes in a sinking ship. We're just constantly trying to patch these things, but it's fucking going down. You know, everybody's getting information on everybody, and at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:54:23 just be a good person. And if big companies are fucking with good people, that's where we really have to make a story. Yeah, I mean, imagine, you're like, oh, we're gonna show this, this text message that you sent, and then the guy replies, like, cool, I got some on you too.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Once we get to that point, when everybody knows everything, it's probably not gonna have any power anymore. That's how I feel too. So another article that I wanna bring up, this is a new, this just came out a few days ago. So I'll read the title of the article. New study finds that marijuana can reprogram sperm genes.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah, so we've already known that cannabis usage, especially like consistent daily type usage, lowers sperm count. That's a very well-known thing. In animal studies, I've talked about how too much cannabis use can negatively affect not just fertility, but animal hormone production and that kind of stuff. But new research is suggesting that the drug actually causes changes to the sperm itself. So they just published this in the Journal of Epigenetics. And what they found, scientists at Duke University, compared the sperm of two groups of rats who
Starting point is 00:55:35 had those who had been given THC and those who had not. And then they also compared the sperm of human men who smoked marijuana weekly versus a control group who use marijuana no more than 10 times in their whole life or not at all. And so this is weekly, this isn't even people that use that daily, right? In both cases, rats and humans, they found that how genes work in the sperm cells
Starting point is 00:55:57 was actually changed with the marijuana users. Now they don't know if this is... They get it ever positive. They don't know what it means, but they do, but it for sure shows that there's an effect on your actual, the genes of your sperm. So later on, we may be able to figure out what this actually means.
Starting point is 00:56:16 If this means that it's more likely to produce children who are one way or another or who knows. But it just goes to show you nothing is completely, without its own potential risks or consequences. Interesting. Yeah, and what's gonna happen now that cannabis is becoming legalized and hemp now is totally legalized which hemp has its own cannabinoids.
Starting point is 00:56:41 We're gonna learn more and more and more about the wide ranging effects of cannabinoids. We're gonna learn more and more and more about the wide-ranging effects of cannabinoids in the body because it does, it affects the entire body. And I think we're finding out all the good benefits and then we're gonna start to discover any potential negatives as well. And I think that's good. I think it's a very good thing
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Starting point is 00:57:28 Our first question is from hunter given your favorite pre workout meal and why? I picked this because I'm actually quite curious on How if we all differ. I remember Adam a long time ago you said I got mine Yeah, you've said a few times that you prefer to have, especially when you were competing like two meals before. Yeah, when I was competing, and even if I wasn't competing, I even noticed it now. Typically now I'm either fasted or I've only had one meal
Starting point is 00:57:55 and I can feel the difference in my performance. And if I was like really trying to make moves and gains, I would take the time to make sure that I go back to doing this because I did. I felt a significant, and you know, I shouldn't say I felt a significant difference from doing it. It's when I stop doing it, did I notice the big difference?
Starting point is 00:58:14 And it tends to be that way with a lot of things, right? It's like, it's not like if I tell you this meal, you're gonna go do it and be like, holy shit, my workouts are amazing. Now, it's normally like do it for a while, consistently, pay attention that you'll probably start to improve upon your workouts and then take it away and then see what happens and you'll notice
Starting point is 00:58:30 that you'll see somewhat of a difference. For me, that was part of the formula was having two meals. One of them being like a real full meal and then I normally would get like a shake or something prior to lifting, maybe like an hour, an hour and a half before. But my breakfast was the steak, eggs, hash browns, and fruit was in a small bowl of fruit. That's how I started my morning.
Starting point is 00:58:56 So the steak and eggs, and sometimes I would go light on the hash browns or I would do just fruit with that, depending on what's going on with what I'm trying to do, whether I'm trying to gain or cut, you know, like if I was gaining, I would allow myself to have the hash browns. And then right before I work out, meaning like an hour or so before, I would have a fruit smoothie with like our organifi protein pattern, and that would be kind of my recipe for a really, really good workout. If I did those two things,
Starting point is 00:59:29 allowed my food to get digested really well, and then had two of them, and about an hour or more before I go into my lift, I would have just an amazing lift. So you would stop, the second meal would be about an hour or an hour and a half before. Right, right. And so you worked stop the second meal would be about an hour or an hour and a half before right right and so you worked Down the afternoon how spaced out were those first two me it was the first meal so the first meal would fall somewhere between Seven and nine a.m. And then the second meal would fall somewhere or the shake or what I would fall around 11 a.m
Starting point is 00:59:58 And then I was lifting by noon or one good. Yeah, I knew you'd be a good person to ask because you were so Calculated with your approach because you were so calculated with your approach as you were competing. And I tried different stuff too. Like, that was what I found. How about this? What was a bad pre-workout meal for? Was there things that you're like,
Starting point is 01:00:13 I can't eat this before? Bread. Yeah, bread would like fuck me up. Because sometimes what I would do is, you know, I could get, they would get, I could get toast with that meal. And sometimes I would allow myself and I would enjoy that. I also would know too, if I the hash browns didn't always sit great with
Starting point is 01:00:30 me, if I over consumed on them, then I then it would make me feel a little withhargic. So I start I like to allow myself to have a little bit. So I get that the starch in there, but not to I had to be careful not to over consume because you know, plates American plates now are just fucking, I mean, to give you like, looks like there's probably four potatoes in there worth of hash brown. So, but I had done other things too. I used to do these like these bagels with turkey, tomato, avocado, and I really like them.
Starting point is 01:01:02 It tastes amazing, but I just didn't get the same surge of energy and strength when I did that. If I just did like a shake I didn't feel that. And eggs and eggs and avocado and bacon that's kind of a staple breakfast for me that I do. That didn't give me the same kind of power and surge. I'm assuming from all the talk that we've had on this show, I'm thinking that you think of the creatine in the steak, you think of the cholesterol that I'm getting from the steak and the eggs, the starch,
Starting point is 01:01:31 I'm probably getting that, and then the fruit, some fast-acting carbohydrates for me. I think that combination, and then also, I believe that I have a faster metabolism, my body really goes through stuff quick, so I needed to have enough stored up to really have to pull from. If I did just one meal,
Starting point is 01:01:48 I think my metabolism moved so fast that I wouldn't have enough stored energy to have this incredible workout, but that was the formula for an incredible lift. Now would you have caffeine or some kind of a stimulant before your workouts when you were competing? Not always, actually.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I still, and still to this day, I cycle on and off pre workouts and caffeine. I'm pretty good about, I'm right now, I'm probably in the middle of having a lot of coffee. I'm not having had a pre workout though in quite some time. So I would use pre workouts or caffeine judiciously. So sometimes I would, if I felt I needed the extra push,
Starting point is 01:02:29 or I knew I was gonna go into a workout that I, because we talk about learning to know when to scale back your intensity and when to throttle down. And that's nothing by no means do I think I have that perfected, but I was always working towards that. And when I would go into a lift, if I knew that I was well rested, I wasn't recovering from a previous workout,
Starting point is 01:02:52 and this needed to be a good lift for me. Yeah, I might ramp up a little bit and use a pre workout in addition to everything else I was doing and get after it. And then other times when I knew that I was already still recovering, I probably felt like I'd hammered my CNS the day before or something. I felt like that would be the time not to ramp it up even more with a stimulant like that.
Starting point is 01:03:14 And so I would back off, I try to do that. So I noticed, for myself, I noticed there's a clear distinction between what is a good pre-workout, ritual, amel for more volume and higher rep type workouts versus strength-based type workouts. There's two clear distinct things that I figured out for myself a while ago. If I'm going to have a bodybuilding type workout where I'm going to go in there and I'm going to do multiple exercises per body part, I'm going to do a lot of sets. My rep range is 8 to 12 or 15 reps. I'm squeezing, I'm trying to get the pump, I need more stamina. Then I would want to eat something about two hours, two to three hours before. An hour before
Starting point is 01:04:03 is too soon for me. I need at least two hours between meal and my workout. And so if I ate something two to three hours before, what worked well for me was white rice, always, so easy to digest for me. And some kind of animal protein, and it was usually ground beef, bison, or lamb. And then a little bit of vegetable. And I would do that about two to three hours before my workout, and I'd get a great workout.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Now, when it came to my strength workouts, where I'm training in the low rep range, one rep to three reps or four reps, and I'm longer rest periods, fasted, believe it or not. If I go into the workout, totally fasted, and I have some caffeine beforehand, the caffeine hits me really hard. Now if I do this for my other workout, the one I talked about earlier, I'll be too stimulated and I'll breathe too hard for the higher reps.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It'll be hard to do higher than six or seven reps. I start to lose my breath, but if I know I'm doing singles, doubles, and triples, and I fast and then had some caffeine, I was just amped and strong, and it was okay that I'd be a little out of breath because I'm only doing one to three reps. And so those are the two ways I would work with my nutrition.
Starting point is 01:05:14 It's like, okay, what am I doing tomorrow? Tomorrow I'm doing the higher rep stuff. I'm doing the higher volume, I'm doing multiple exercises. I wanna make sure I eat then a meal with rice and ground beef. Okay, tomorrow I'm gonna do heavy singles. I'm gonna work on I eat then a meal with rice and ground beef. Oh, okay, tomorrow I'm going to do heavy singles. I'm going to work on my dead lifts a lot on my squats or my bench. I'm going to fast.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I'm not going to have any food and I'm going to have some caffeine and I would also throw beta alinein in there. That would be another one that I throw in there. The tingle gives me a little bit of that strength or whatever. And then that was pretty much it. Post workout, I would eat, if I had a large meal, I would make sure I didn't have any clients for maybe an hour or two, because after post workout
Starting point is 01:05:58 and meal, my energy tends to dip and I'm kind of calm and relaxed, and that's when I would do my paperwork and stuff. But yeah, other than that, that's basically a two distinction. Yeah, I'm somewhere again, kind of like a blend of you guys in terms of my approach, just cheese. Just mainly cheese, a whole wheel of cheese. I just kind of work my way through it one by the time. And then I leave the other half for them done
Starting point is 01:06:26 So that way I know I can have something eat while I shit No actually I do like I find myself fasting and I've never thought that that would be something that would agree with me so well because of how I was forever where I had to have breakfast. I had, I was so reliant on carbohydrates and these types of nutrients to fuel my workouts. Like I'd, until, like later, in my career and then really sort of experimenting with fasting and going a whole day without eating, but then also trying to work out and finding that the best combo for me,
Starting point is 01:07:12 even doing the whole bulletproof approach where I would take coffee and then have butter with it to kind of sustain that energy going into the workout, my best combo was like I would take, I mean, to me, like, I, it's almost an addictive thing for me now, but I'll have the first thing when I wake up, I'll have one cup of coffee, but I try to time out at least like a half an hour to 20 minutes before my workout, that cup of coffee, that's like, that's my, like, stimulant for an aggressive, you know,-rep type, CNS type workout, and it does work very well for me to where it's like a focus.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Like I just, I feel like I can really pour my attention all in one direction that way. And it's a very clear kind of like focused workout, but my endurance is dog shit. And so I have, So same, I've noticed that. And it's, so if I am trying to add volume, or I'm trying to do like a hit style workout,
Starting point is 01:08:13 which I do implement, occasionally, I have to build up my breakfast, and I have to make sure I have at least like three to four eggs cramble, and my favorite combo is the eggs that I'll gather from outside from the chickens, and then throw some bacon in there. And then I'll add in either, I'll do like a green juice with that from a granite fire
Starting point is 01:08:38 or we get from our CSA, we get this fresh fruit, and so I'll get whatever is in season fruit wise with that and then just eat it Without blending it and then I'll have that and that actually helps me to really build up my endurance through you know more of a cardiovascular style workout I remember when I first realized that I could work out fasted. I was It was up until that point one of those mind-blowing things that I it was an epitome to that point, one of the most mind-blowing things that I had learned about myself. Because up until that point, you guys remember, we were taught you had to eat every two or three hours.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Constantly eat, constantly you're gonna lose muscle if you don't and if you don't eat, God forbid. You're gonna store body fat, these should tell us that, right? Oh, you'll store, not only lose muscle, but your store body fat. Like all the bad stuff will happen to you
Starting point is 01:09:22 if you're doing every two or three hours. And then I was, you know, at this time, I was really, I was frequenting these fitness and health message boards and forums online. And I was reading these, these athletes and they were talking about how they were fasting and working out how great it was. And at first I laughed at them, but I saw more and more people talk about it. And then people were posting the science and people were challenging and saying, okay, if eating every two hours is ideal, show me the science. And nobody could really provide any compelling evidence.
Starting point is 01:09:51 So I went and looked for the science myself and I was like, holy shit, have I been led the wrong way? Have I been totally wrong about this? And I remember the very first day, I said to myself, okay, today I'm not gonna eat, I'm gonna fast, and I'm gonna work out, and my workout was at one p.m.,
Starting point is 01:10:09 and I said to myself, I was fully prepared to throw the workout in the garbage. I go, okay, fine, I'm gonna waste one workout, not a big deal, I'm gonna test this out, let's see how I feel, if it sucks, it sucks, no problem. And I went to the workout, and I had a phenomenal workout, I had a great workout, and I remember thinking like, holy shit, this is crazy, I think I've been wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:29 I tested it again and I tested it again. And that led me to question a lot of different things, but I remember that first workout, man, it was really, I remember too, I was, I forgot how I was calling my cousin afterwards and I'm like, dude, I just worked out and I've had nothing to eat all day long. And he's like, yeah, so, and I'm like, that's my blowing, he's like, what?
Starting point is 01:10:47 So, pretty cool. I find it really interesting that you guys have that experience and I really don't like, what it's done for me is made it okay for me to be able to train fast. Like you said before, I wouldn't even consider lifting weights unless I had X amount of calories in me. And I was eating, otherwise this is the way my brain worked was, oh my God, I don't want to be expending more calories or lifting. I'm just going to burn up muscle. That's a waste of time if I'm not fed. And so being
Starting point is 01:11:18 the guy who was trying to bulk his entire life, that's just how I thought. So it was a, you know, paradigm shattering moment for me and a pivotal moment for how I approached my nutrition and training that I didn't need to be that way and it's not going to hurt me to go lift fasted. But I still, I don't have my great lifts. My great lifts are not fasted. Even with, even with like heavy, because I like to eat before the bodybuilding type workouts. I notice a difference. The heavy workouts, I feel better, fast. Have you discerned the two?
Starting point is 01:11:49 Or is it the same? Yeah, no, I've done a lot of, I mean, especially when we, like, it was about two years ago when we really started talking a lot about fasting and we were playing with, I think that's maybe even three years ago. When we write the guide, we wrote it quite about it. Three or four years ago. That's been a long time. Okay, so yeah, it's been quite some time that we were dabbling in it and utilizing fasting as a tool. And there's a lot of benefits that I do like about it and I have been able to implement and use, but I've teased out enough things now to see that.
Starting point is 01:12:20 I just don't have my best workouts that way. My best workouts are when I'm well rested, when I'm well fed, and I go into it. And I don't know, and I know I get a lot of people that DM me that some are total in agreements with you guys and some that are in total agreements with me. So it makes me want to theorize around why that is, why my body type do, or why am I that way,
Starting point is 01:12:44 and not you guys so much. And the only thing that I can think of is that, you know, do I have that quick of a metabolism that my body kind of, you know, burns through the stores that quick that it's, I don't run as well and efficiently on, on a low tank or not having the, I don't know. I feel like that might play a role. I have a pretty fast metabolism too. And you know, it's hard to say, right? I think at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:13:10 you got it. I hate to say this, but you got to see what works, what works best for you. Individual variances. And one thing that I will say that did happen, because I'm also someone too not to go try it one time and be like, oh yeah, that doesn't work for me. Like I consistently did it.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And my body did adapt to it, because it started off, it was a terrible workout. Like I didn't feel good, I had hunger pains the whole time and I'm like, this is affecting my workout negatively. But it did get to a point where I got comfortable enough times with that, now that I don't feel bad, it doesn't, I wanna make that clear to the listener that I did feel a transition from trying it
Starting point is 01:13:44 to being consistent with it and then the body adapting and being completely okay with it. But my best workout still come from a a a wealth a well fed you know day for me before I left. Next question is from Dylan Austin. How do you guys feel about the whole injury and nagging pains come with age idea? Can proper training, intensity and mobility prevent what some make out as inevitable? This used to be a big selling point for me. I used to do this little thing. It was like the same spiel that I kind of gave everybody that was, you know, in an advanced age.
Starting point is 01:14:25 And you know, I would tell them, I do like the whole squad assessment with them and kind of break down all their imbalances. And I would explain to them that, you know, your joints don't hurt and you're not achy because you're old. It's not because you're old. It's because that you've got these imbalances that we have, you haven't addressed for years and years and years. And now that's wearing on your joints. It's compounded.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Yeah, it's compounded. And now you have this systemic inflammation going on, whether it be diet or just poor recruitment patterns. And that's compounded so much that you have this constant nagging pain. And it has a lot less to do with your age and more to do with the lack of addressing it. Now that doesn't mean that as we get older you're not going to have this natural wear and tear on the body and that it's not. I mean you're at a disadvantage as you get older no matter what, but I 100% believe that many of the aches and the pains
Starting point is 01:15:21 and the nagging shit that people feel could have been prevented had they put the time and effort in earlier in their life and done that. Agreed. A hundred percent agreed. I've been doing this long enough and have worked with enough people to know now that your how you move all the time, how you take care of yourself, plays a much bigger role than you think. A lot of people will chalk up their pain, their lack of strength, their mobility, their fat gain, their muscle loss to age.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Oh, I'm just getting older. I'm just getting older. And to a degree, that's true, but to a larger degree, it's actually not. I worked with people who are in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, who were very consistent with their nutrition, with their exercise, with their mobility, who really paid attention and took care of their body. And let me tell you, they were light years ahead of their peers.
Starting point is 01:16:22 In fact, the older you get, the greater the discrepancy between you and other people of their peers. In fact, the older you get, the greater the discrepancy between you and other people at your age. If I take a 50-year-old that is really takes care of themselves and compare them to the average 50-year-old, there's a massive difference. If I take a 70-year-old who really takes care of themselves and compare them to another 70-year-old,
Starting point is 01:16:43 the difference is even larger, far larger. It's so large in fact that it's the difference between being able to get up out of bed and take care of yourself and being able to lift weights in the gym, go swim a mile and work out. Literally, that big of a difference. I mean, I had a client, Jim, a good friend of mine, who actually helped Doug and I film the first map program.
Starting point is 01:17:05 This is one of my clients that trained Jim for, I think, over 10 years. That guy is in his early 70s now, and he's still, he's been doing this for decades, decades. Every single day, he swims one to two miles straight, nonstop. Every single day, he lifts weights four days a week. He eats a very balanced Healthy diet. The man now today if he walked in here and he took a shirt off He's got visible abs visible muscles and in terms of stamina and endurance would probably Kill all of us in this room and he's in his early 70s Then I would get clients in the early 70s
Starting point is 01:17:46 whose kids would hire me. You know, these are people that I, other clients that are trained in their 40s and 50s, and they'd be like, oh, I need to bring you my mom or dad. They need to work with you. And these are people who, you know, average person, they didn't really work out that much and whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:00 And it was like, okay, Mrs. Johnson, I'm gonna have you just stand up and sit down on the bench and let's just do five reps and then we're gonna rest. And I'm gonna have you just reach up above your head see if you could touch the balloon above your head. Like that was their workout, you know what I'm saying? So the blame, and this year's the other thing I hate about this, this idea about aging is I really despise
Starting point is 01:18:23 placing the blame on uncontrollable things. I really hate that because there's no benefit to it. There's a benefit to accepting it. Like, I mean, I can accept the fact that I'm getting older and that certain things come with age. There's nothing wrong with that. But the whole blaming on it and then just succumbing to it and be like, ah, you know, it's the sun. Yeah, it's stupid. I think, yeah, there's a lot of things.
Starting point is 01:18:45 I think I totally agree with you guys and as far as like from a mobility perspective and like what you've accumulated over the years will really be visible as to where you put all your emphasis and so that will kind of play out as it plays out. But I also think that a lot of pain and we're finding more and more that pain is so much more like it weighs so much more heavy in terms of like your outlook and like the psychological factors to that.
Starting point is 01:19:19 And so I think that the way that people view themselves as aging, and then they have this perception that is in a negative light that contributes to a lot more visible, a lot more like the arthritis is the pains, the things that they're experiencing because of their outlook. And I think that exercise combats a lot of that chatter and the negative outlook of the way that things are sort of shaping up. What a great point. What an absolutely phenomenal point.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Definitely exercise is, especially resistance training, is it empowering? Yeah. One of the reasons why, you know, towards the end of, I'd say the back half of my career, I really excelled at training people in advanced age. There's a few reasons, selfish ones. I love training them because that the best stories just hands down. You train a 70 year old, and you, you know, you train them three days a week. They're going to tell you some stories, and it's a lot of fun. But besides that, you know, the, the empowerment that they get, you know, when you take a 60 or 70 or 80 year old who is having trouble getting up and down the stairs on their own, and after
Starting point is 01:20:34 six months of training now, you know, goes up and down the stairs much, much easier, the feedback you get from them, the look you see on their face, the comments you get, the impact you've made on their life, it's really, it's on a whole nother level. It's way different than having a 35-year-old client lose 10 pounds. Like, yeah, that's cool. It can be life-changing too in different ways. But I love telling this story, man,
Starting point is 01:21:00 because it really brought tears to my eyes. I trained this one woman, year old lady who you know She'd never really exercise. She did a little bit in her youth, but didn't really exercise that much and her daughter hired me and her and I worked out together You know pretty regularly three days a week well about I don't know eight months into our training It wasn't even her day. So it wasn't even, I didn't even have a session with her, I was training under the client. And she walks in my front door.
Starting point is 01:21:29 And at first I was like, oh shit, did I, did I double book myself, did I make a mistake? Maybe she had, maybe she thought this was her day. So I said, hey, you know, I said, what's going on? I said, I don't think I'm supposed to see you today. She goes, no, you're not. She goes, I just wanted to stop in to tell you that today I was able to close the trunk of my car
Starting point is 01:21:48 all by myself. And you know, it brought tears to my eyes because we take for granted the shit that we can do all the time. But to somebody like that, you know, she goes grocery shopping. Her independence is very important. She went to the grocery store next door
Starting point is 01:22:03 and she had an SUV and she always has to ask the kid to close the thing for her because she just didn't have the strength to do it and she couldn't even reach it. She didn't have the mobility. And today, she was able to pull down and reach it down and do that. So, you know, there's definitely an element of aging. I think you should embrace and accept. But then there's the elements that we attribute to aging that are not a result of aging. It's a result of you don't exercise, you don't move, you don't take care of yourself, you eat bad. And those are the reasons why a lot of the times we have these nagging aches and pains that we like to blame on the uncontrollable thing we call age. Next question is from Kyle Miller 96.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Next question is from Kyle Miller 96. Why is the dad bod look so popular? And how do we stop it? Is that still popular? Is it still thing? I think it's like the male version of the self love body acceptance thing. I think I really do. You see a lot of that with a lot of females putting that out
Starting point is 01:23:00 like the self love and you don't see a lot of men doing that. I think the dad bod acceptance is the version of your dough. What, no, don't you think so? Like you don't ever, like when do you ever see a guy be like, oh, self-promoting self-love and body? Well, so I read, so when this whole thing got popular, I find that I find these things fascinating.
Starting point is 01:23:18 So I did all this kind of reading online. I was looking up all these polls. And they actually started, when this got popular, they started polling women What look do you prefer? Oh, I've seen this and so there was there was one there was a couple polls that were really fascinating to me So that one of them was Which which kind of man visually speaking? Are you more likely to have a one-night stand with and then the next one was? What kind of man would you would you more likely want to have start to
Starting point is 01:23:46 date or consider a mate, and they were different? Yeah. The one night stand guy was the ripped abs looking like the fitness dude, right? The person that they want to date was, they weren't obese, they had some muscle on them. They were very dead. They were very dead bodies. Yeah, they just had a kind of smooth midsection, probably 16% body fat, you know, looking like a guy
Starting point is 01:24:10 that likes to play football on the weekends or maybe lift weights, but has the occasional beer and pizza. And then they interviewed these women and they asked them, you know, why? And it was actually quite revealing. It's not that, because it is quite popular. The dead body is quite popular among women. Women actually find it attractive.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Yeah, guys never do anything too long that doesn't fuck a truck. That's a great point. That's why it won't die. It won't die because women like women's fault. And what the women were saying is, when they see a guy that's shredded, they have a stereotype or a perception
Starting point is 01:24:43 of what comes along with that, which is... You're miscus. No, well, no, it wasn't even that. It's that he's super self-suffish. I like self-absorbed. Self-absorbed, cares about his looks too much, doesn't like to have fun, can't relax, let his hair down, which let's be honest. That makes sense, like, that might be cool to look at, but you look, okay, Adam, you are a competitor.
Starting point is 01:25:06 You know what it takes to do that. Are you a cool person to date and hang out with when you're all focused on looking shredded? Fuck, no, dude. That's the most selfish I've ever been in my entire life to maintain that type of physique, what it is, what you are as a person. And there's exceptions to this rule.
Starting point is 01:25:24 So I wanna make sure that I preface it with that. Like there's definitely some body types. There are some people, those mesomorph body types that actually can maintain like a six to nine percent, pretty comfortably and get away with a lot of stuff, but for, yeah, it's rare. But for a majority of people out there, the effort that it takes to walk around
Starting point is 01:25:44 at six percent body fat as a male is crazy. I mean, you have to be living in the gym. You have to be making a lot of sacrifices nutritionally. You're not going out and doing a lot of things socially where there's food and alcohol and stuff around it. And yeah, you're not the most fun person to be around. I knew that going through it. You know, it's fun. Yeah, and the other thing too, to when you consider this is like, you know, a lot of times we'll look at, like bodybuilding, you know, publications or online
Starting point is 01:26:14 and they're shredded and jacked and whatever. And the average woman doesn't consider that really attractive. The average woman considers like a healthy lean more attractive. And on the flip side, this is kind of true for men too. There's definitely a porn star look, but in real life, when you see those kind of proportions in real life, it's not as attractive as the fit and healthy girl next door type of look. Do you know what I'm saying? Well, it's like the exotic car thing, right?
Starting point is 01:26:39 It's like, everybody wants a driving one, but you and what that is your daily driving. It's hiring, everybody snapping their neck and that drooling over your girl. You don't want to scuff the rims up. It has terrible trunk space. Like, you know what I'm saying? It's not practical. It's not practical for every day. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:26:54 It's a whole trunk space. I feel like that's how women view the male body. It's like, you know, an exotic car is very cool to take a ride in. You know what I'm saying around the block, but you don't want to drive it and go grocery shopping and it's just not practical. I think the dad bod movement so long as it's not this like what kind of happens with the whole like fat acceptance thing or right. I'm super obese and I love myself, really that's a reflection of you not caring for yourself.
Starting point is 01:27:19 But if the dad bod stays in the whole like 15% body fat, kind of has some muscles, seems kind of, you know, like they do some exercise. I'm happy with that, man. That's a great idea. No, I mean, when you think about it, the healthy range for a male is around that, you know, 12 to 14% body fat. So it's, you know, when you think about sustainable and overall health, you can be in this dad-bodd look and still be a very healthy person. Plus, I think it's also important to communicate that healthy, like optimal health, longevity, being healthy. There's a pretty good range of body fat percentages that are within that. For women, you know, you could be pretty lean at 17%, and then you could be in the high 20s. You could be 28% and that your health is not gonna be that different.
Starting point is 01:28:09 You know what I mean? And that's a big range. If you see a woman who's 17% versus a 27% or 28% body fat, they look very different. The same thing for men. We can get away with being leaner and still having good health, but still, you know, you could take probably a 9%, 8%, 9% body fat, all the way up as high as 17, 18% body fat, and healthy wise, they're both, you know, pretty healthy.
Starting point is 01:28:33 So I encourage, you know, this kind of look, and you know, in like Adam, I think you touched on it, men are driven by what women like more than anything. If women are like... That's gonna determine everything. Yeah. As soon as women say, beards are hot and everybody grows a beard.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Like, you know, it's like, we just do what they think is true. Yeah. Next question is from Sea Louise 4. What are your thoughts on reaching enlightenment? And those who say you can't get there if you are ingesting dead animals. What?
Starting point is 01:29:04 You know, there's, as I say, there's people on the, the whole, like, you got to eat vegan side who say that you're not, you can't be enlightened. It's evolved to not eat animals. You know, we just ask how do you know that plants don't have consciousness? Exactly. You know, Paul check had a good, actually, had a good point on this. We asked Paul this very same question and he says, you know, at the end of the day, the animal that you need to take care of the most is yourself.
Starting point is 01:29:35 And if you are, if you can eat in a vegan way and optimize your own health and do so, then that's fine. But he said, and I believe he's accurate, that most people require some of the nutrients and things that come from animals. And it's pretty well established in science. You're not gonna be a vegan hunter-gatherer. You're probably gonna starve, and even if you aren't,
Starting point is 01:29:58 you're not gonna be very well nourished. There's just some nutrients. Like if you eat an animal, including the organ meats, you've got everything you need in that one animal. You've got every nutrient, everything that you absolutely need, you'll be fine without eating plants. Not true with eating plants. Today in modern times, you can be vegan and be healthy because you can go to the grocery store
Starting point is 01:30:21 and you have a wide variety. This is purely a modern thing. It is. And I think people forget that fact, like, you know, even being a vegetarian's modern. Like, it's because of the convenience of what's available seasonally, you know, you didn't have those options. Could you imagine a vegan 200 years ago?
Starting point is 01:30:39 So you get the dinner table, so you're already saying you're better than our ancestors. No, I think think in my opinion, I think the evolution is treating, is respecting the food that you eat. Absolutely. That's what I think. And I think animals, everything's on a hierarchy, by the way.
Starting point is 01:30:57 So if this is going to piss people off, well, this is life. I think there's a hierarchy of animals. I had this conversation with my daughter. She just played Wilbur in Charlotte's web. And so because she played Wilbur, she started getting into pigs, and now she's a big fan of pigs. And so she was like, I don't wanna eat anything
Starting point is 01:31:17 that's pigs anymore because this, that, and the other. And so I said, well, I understand that, and that's fine if you wanna do that. I said, but honey, I said, there's a hierarchy of animals. I said, there's animals that we value as pets and there's animals that we value to keep us alive and to provide us with sustenance and that we look at as food. I said, we need to respect them all, but they're very different. Like horses and dogs played a different role in human evolution in societies than chickens
Starting point is 01:31:49 did for example, or pigs did for example. So we had this conversation and I think when people talk like this, like this question, I think that they're actually shooting themselves in the foot. You know, they're trying to get people to not eat animals and I understand that they value animals differently. Going about the wrong way. They're gonna shut so many people, like they're gonna make so many people go the opposite direction.
Starting point is 01:32:10 I mean, predators have a different fixed I set than prey for reason. This is just nature. Like, there's a reason why there's prey and they're not intelligent animals. They're just running around like fucking scared. It's, I mean, all there's so much science to support that. I mean, why we throw with accuracy?
Starting point is 01:32:33 Is it because we evolved to play baseball? No, it's because we became the apex predators. We threw spears, you know, our ability to cook food, like when we harness fire, cooking that allowed us to unlock all the nutrients and lots of things. And everything has a purpose. It's not that we're devaluing any animal's purpose. So you just have to respect what everything provides.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Yeah, I like the Native American approach to when they hunt and they'll kill an animal, they'll think the animal's spirit, and they treat it very much with respect. It's not a frivolous act of, you know. I think, yeah, I would love it if we got closer, you know, back to that sort of tie-in with nature. It's hard when we live in a world of abundance, you know, we've been removed from it for a reason, because
Starting point is 01:33:15 we've tried not to get eaten. That's why I laugh about stuff like this, it's just like it's such a luxury that you have that you didn't have just a few hundred years ago, you know, the fact that you can do it. And to each throne, if you want to do that, I got nothing wrong with someone want to do that, but to try and put a spin on it with shit, like an enlightenment and then try and put make a case for this is the way we evolve, why, how we should of and then try and use it. Well, people say that you need meat.
Starting point is 01:33:37 No, you don't. You could totally get everything from plants, but to Sal's point, it's like, you can't get everything from A plant. You know, say that you, I want to see you maintain that philosophy when we drop you off like in the desert and you have to survive. You guys ever watched those survival shows on like Discovery Channel where they, they'll drop them off somewhere and they'll have it. Have you seen the vegans on those shows? Oh, it's all, oh man. Oh, they have, they don't have a good time at all. They, it's brutal.
Starting point is 01:34:02 They cry because they're like, I have to eat this lizard. Like I can't just get away with eating. But then they feel so good because it provides so many nutrients that they were lacking. Yeah, it's pretty silly. Anyway, look, if you go to mindpumpfree.com, you can check out any one of our free guides for free. Some of them will teach you how to build your legs, your arms, how to tighten your midsection burn body fat.
Starting point is 01:34:25 We even have one for personal trainers to help them become more successful in their personal trainer business. Again, this is all at mindpumpfree.com. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having South Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank
Starting point is 01:35:38 you for your support. And until next time, this is MindPump. next time this is Mindbomb.

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