Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 937: How to Lose Weight & Get Fit in 2019

Episode Date: January 3, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin share techniques and tricks to set, achieve and MAINTAIN health and fitness goals in 2019. Over 50 years of combined experience training thousands of clients has ...taught them what works best to lose weight and get fit in a sustainable manner. How the guys of Mind Pump celebrated the New Year: Tahoe foodie adventures, dog d*** pics, the Sal and Jessica show & MORE. (2:11) The crazy surge of people wanting to get back into the gym at the beginning of the year. (21:50) The best strategies to get back in shape in 2019: Why people stop working out, setting challenging yet realistic goals, lifting weights over cardio & MORE. (25:23) Why all food is not created equal. How to lose weight in 2019. (45:44) Challenge to address the things that are not sexy. Do things the fast way or the RIGHT way. (51:15) New Year, new and improved version of MAPS Anabolic. (59:50) People Mentioned Tay (@tayvalenz)  Instagram Products Mentioned: January Promotion: MAPS Anabolic ½ off!!  **Code “RED50” at checkout** Hotel Valencia Santana Row SnowGlobe Music Festival Here's How Much Weight the Average Person Gains During the Holidays FatSecret - Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker for Weight Loss MyFitnessPal | MyFitnessPal.com Palate Fatigue: Yes, Your Taste Buds Can Get Tired Too!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So it's January 2nd, and this is when everybody starts. Hey there, you fitness fanatics. Yeah, I think everybody is starting. Probably today, maybe tomorrow, right? It's gonna happen soon.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Or those that really went hard on the first one. Anyover is sort of fading away now? Yeah, so I mean, the first 20 minutes, we're just, you know, we're doing recaps of what we did on New Year's Eve and, you know, we have a good time. But then we, you know, we wanted to make this episode one that's gonna help people, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:40 with the New Year's resolution of fitness, the most common New Year's resolution that there is. We talked about how to set, achieve, and basically maintain your fitness resolution. So we went over what worked for us, not personally, because we're all fitness fanatics, right? But what worked for all the people that we've trained over the last 20 years, which ones stayed consistent,
Starting point is 00:01:01 which ones fell off, and what worked for the ones that were consistent. So we kind of give you some strategies. Now, another thing that we did, because it's January, it's a new year, we have discounted maps and a ballac by 50% off. Now, maps and a ballac is the program that we tend to recommend people start off with.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It's a great solid foundation of resistance training. It's great if you want to speed up your metabolism. It's great if you want to speed up your metabolism. It's great if you want to build muscle and build strength. It will get you very good at some of the core lifts. It's also a good fat burner because of the fast metabolism. That's one of the side effects of this program. But again, it's 50% off. It's also getting completely revamped.
Starting point is 00:01:41 So you can enroll in it now and then you'll automatically get updated with the new version of Maps and Obolic. So here's what you do if you want the 50% off, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and use the code red50, RED50, no space for the 50% off. And of course, if you already have Maps and Obolic and you want to check out some of our other programs? You can also do that on that site. And that's it, here we go. New year, new you. Oh, great Google-y.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yes, welcome back. Welcome back, America. That was a good New Year's time, huh? That was refreshing. What were you guys up to? What did you guys do? Adam, you were in Tahoe with, was everybody was just you and Taylor hanging out?
Starting point is 00:02:25 No, no, no, I was with Katrina's family. Taylor was kind of a last-minute add-on there actually. We every year with Katrina's family, we take off, you know, last year we did Discovery Bay, I forget where we did the year before, and this year we had booked a big old Tahoe house up there, and there was a free room, the final week or two coming in and Katrina asked Taylor, if he wanted to go. And he's like, yeah, no, I'm down. I'm like, cool. So he, he actually hopped on.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It was a family thing. And then he came along. Uh, that's cool. And it was cool. He, uh, you get a chance you can talk to him about it. But he was like, yeah, and then he goes, this was fucking so much fun. We had just an epic house. I mean, this, it he goes, this was fucking so much fun. We had just an epic house. I mean, it was a tri-level three-story type of place,
Starting point is 00:03:11 similar to the types of places that we stand, but what was really neat about it was the one of the floors was big and long and it had a giant kitchen dining area. I mean, it had a countertop that sat eight people with a massive kitchen and dual ovens. And so, and what Katrina had set up, she had organized everything right for, and there was everyone were in teams of two, because there was like 10 of us, right? Yeah, there was teams of two and there was 10 of us. And those two people were responsible
Starting point is 00:03:42 for one day. So one day you had to prepare breakfast and dinner. So two meals of the day, you prepared, and then you were responsible for keeping the kitchen up. Which made it really nice, because one of the things that sucks about when you go to a big place like that with lots of people is the kitchen gets destroyed and shit's kind of everywhere. Yeah, or one person is responsible for fucking cleaning
Starting point is 00:04:01 all the time and then they hate everybody else because they're always picking up. So somebody or a pair of a team owned a day every day, which made it really nice for the rest of us because then I didn't have to worry about cleaning it. So for one day. One day, yeah, one day that we were there, we. What'd you guys make?
Starting point is 00:04:16 So you wanna hear what I did? So here's the thing, I was so bummed about this, okay? Now Katrina's family, they're foodies and they drink and they, that's their, I mean, they get together and they party. That's like the thing, right? And I, you know, when I first was meeting Katrina's family, I was in the middle of my transformation and then I went into the competing thing and so, you know, they know me to be the guy to say no alcohol, to never really have any dessert and I'm always bringing my own food and Tupperware. So I think you're gonna have like egg white omelets and chicken breast. Yeah, well and and they always
Starting point is 00:04:52 They always give me shit and they're just they just like, I wouldn't you know if Adams cooking or Katrina's cooking We know we're gonna eat some fucking bland ass healthy food and shit And so I told Katrina I'm, I got something I'm gonna make that your family is not gonna be ready for. And this is like a food that I used to eat as a kid, that my mom used to make its total comfort food. And I was so excited to serve this because I knew that they would not think of me to do this.
Starting point is 00:05:19 So I made chili cheese dogs. And I, like, I go all out on these things. Don't look that up on the Urban Diction Airport. You don't wanna look me like that. And I, like, I go all out on these things. Don't look that up on the Urban Dictionary, but. Yeah. You don't want to look in on that means. It's messy. You could tell that people were so let down. I was so like fucking bum that I did this
Starting point is 00:05:34 because I thought I would throw them a curve ball. Why would they let down? Well, because they had been eating so much shit food. They were anticipating like, steak and asparagus. They were anticipating like this kind of clean healthy food that they were all been eating shit for the last few days. Brussels sprouts and fish. And everyone's kind of stomachs were upset from like the two days before.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And you haven't show it, you know. The work, it's just like the double down, right? It was, it was, it was, and then not only that, but I didn't realize, fast me the pepto. How serious everybody was gonna take this and everybody else, the double down. It was, it was. I was so, and then not only that, but I didn't realize, passed me the peptide. How serious everybody was gonna take this and everybody else, like, took it to a whole new level,
Starting point is 00:06:11 like went all out. I mean, we like homemade, oh, everything made from, and you're like, whore male chile. Yes, yes. I'm done. Yes, I mean, we're up in, we're up in Tahoe, the snow. I'm thinking comfort food. I'm like these guys will never see this coming like sprinkle chips on it
Starting point is 00:06:28 No, I had I even brought like barbecue chips and shit like that's a little it Doritos It was so out of left feel for something that I would ever make I mean I haven't made that food in probably 15 plus years not since I lived in my own it's a kid and I could just tell that everybody was there was a a couple of people that were excited about it. Like I was like, Taylor said he liked it and Katrina loved it. Taylor works for you. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, right. Yeah, it's good. It's good, sir. It's always fight over the bathroom. But I mean, everybody else, I mean, they got down on some, I mean, we had eggs been a dick to one morning and then, you know, we had, we had street tacos where the whole countertop was like all these crazy toppings
Starting point is 00:07:07 that were all made and my brother, my brother-in-law came in and like brought them in. He spent like all day long making all these special sauces. So next year, you're gonna have to like step. Oh, totally. I'm bringing it next year. I thought he was there. Yeah, he came by.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, he's a good cook. Yes, he's really good cook. And so that we ate like that the whole entire trip, it was just, my meal was like, I should say my meal in Taylor's day. Taylor wouldn't got local pizza like his favorite like local place in Tahoe. And so that was what he prepared for that day.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And then other than, so him and I probably brought like the worst shit, which is so funny, the two guys, right? And they were expecting. Yeah, I know it was so bummed because they were, I knew they'd be anticipating something healthy and they always are all, yeah, Brussels sprouts again, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:07:50 So I thought they're never gonna see fucking chili cheese dogs coming. That's hilarious. To answer Jack. Yikes. How about you, Jesse? You were just with the kids? Yeah, those are the kids.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Basically was fully domesticated. Like I, like Courtney was working working and so I was like, all in with the activities with the boys. Like I got my son, a pocket knife, and I got my other slingshot, and we went out and just had targets and we're just like doing boys shit. Like the entire weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And I actually had a funny thing happen with the dog. So the dog had, we got him neutered and so he was like, shit on your shoe again. Yeah. So he cut my balls off. Dude, here's another loaning. This dog is so much work. So I love it when he's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:08:41 10 days of like him with a cone on and like it's finally over. I'd, we go and look and he's got like, we just took the sutures out and he still has like a problem. He's got this like wound that's open. It's like infected, like somehow got infected still. I don't know if it was from him licking it, somehow when we're looking or running, whatever,
Starting point is 00:09:07 it's just gross, it's just using pussy wound and it's horrible. So we have to take him back to the vet. The vet's just like, back in the cone. Like, oh no, yeah, so basically, like I have to do this whole protocol or give him antibiotics and- To wash your dogs dick now.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah. And, wow. No, let me, let me, I forgot something like really important here. Okay, so we were like looking at, oh, this does not look good, right? And so Courtney's like, oh, why don't you, you know, call the vets off. So I call, can you send us pictures? And so I'm taking a picture of your dog. And my dog's spread eagle and I'm like, oh my God, I'm sending dick pics right now.
Starting point is 00:09:47 With my dog. This is so wrong. It just felt so ridiculous. Anyway, so I'm like, they respond to whatever I bring them down. And so anyways, I go through this whole thing where, you know, I have to give me antibiotics, you know, and then I have to have this heat compress thing where I'm like expressing it. So I'm like holding this heat pad on his dick and then squeezing it and trying to get all stuff out for like the last five days. That's my life.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Hold on a second, let's do a recap here. Okay. It was like a month ago when your dog ate a locked up to you, he walked up to you. Why you had your shoes on? They were on your feet. You should have my shoe. He looked at you. Who is the alpha in this relationship?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Now you're basically giving him a warm hand job. Yeah, he's he planned the Sol-Harm. Hey, are you still convinced you're not the beta in this relationship? Yeah, I throw him outside every night. Just you know, showing the boss. He brags all the animals in the Just just you know show him the boss he brags all the animals in the They make sense of it. He's like I got him to squeeze my dick. Yeah, the squirrels There's that dog he's fucking gangster. Hey, oh, we dare you to just can you get him to give you a hand job? I was like don't worry about I got it. He doesn't know how I'm gonna introduce him to the chickens and They'll let them know it's up the chicken. Yeah, the chickens are your chickens are scary Hey, so I want to know how your hotel experience that I totally crapped on before it did
Starting point is 00:11:08 it pan out well. Was it a smart move staying in and what it used to tell me to tell me how it went down? We had a blast. So we went to, first we had dinner at the LB Steakhouse in Santana Royal. Have you been there? Oh, I love it there. Yeah, really, really good. So we had, they had the special like New Year's menu.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So we had a nice dinner there had, I don't know, two or three drinks there as at 6 p.m. So I already getting a little, little sauce. We go back. So the hotel was a hotel, the lens, yeah. And they had a, that's where you guys were at. Yeah, that had a big party. Oh, I thought you were going to stand for this. This. No, no, no, no, okay, not bad at all. So they had, they had a New Year's Eve party or whatever there. So we go back and, you know, Jess and I are like, what do you want to do? I'm like, let's go up to the room,
Starting point is 00:11:49 hang out a little bit and then we'll come down and party. And we both kind of took a nap, like again, which is kind of, you know, you're big meal. It was probably smart though. It was power up. Well, we, you know, we were a little energized from the nap. And so then we go downstairs and were maniacs, and did not go to bed till 6am.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I mean, everything shut down. Yeah. Everything shut down at about 2am. About 2am. That's when everybody started kind of leaving with the party and all that stuff. And we just went back up to the room and just continued to drink and have a great time.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Wow. Till about 6am. So yesterday was a just recovery full. I was supposed to go my parents house for a new year's, like New Year's Day party. Yeah. My whole family's there. Family from Sacramento drove all the way down to be there
Starting point is 00:12:34 and I stayed at home and I was on the couch all day long. Could not get off the couch. I can't do it anymore, man. So it's like I'm like good. That's it. I don't want to do anything. Are we doing shots at all? Are you just throwing? did out of it was a lot. It was a lot. It was anybody there. You knew are you guys were just don't solo some dude walked by me
Starting point is 00:12:53 He's like mine poop so that was it was the only guy that I saw that I didn't know anybody there I need somebody to talk to yeah, hopefully I wasn't you know, I didn't know that you guys went to hotel once Yeah, how cool so I'm assuming the bar area, the bar and the whole outside area they had set up like this big tent over so it was heated. Oh, yeah, I've stood there for that school. Yeah, and it was cool. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:13:14 They covered that up and he did. Cause it was freezing. Yeah. New Year's Eve was freezing here. To the last couple of days. Imagine what it was like for me. Oh, there it is. So before we, when we rented this place,
Starting point is 00:13:26 it says on it that you need to have a truck or SUV to get in and out of the house. And the picture shows like that, you know, it just looks like it has a, you know, crown at the driveway. It's like a steep driveway. But what they didn't tell us was what could potentially happen if this thing,
Starting point is 00:13:40 and the driveway froze completely. We had it, and I told you guys that we had to get Larry's tow truck down. It was out of the driveway. So, his truck. Why? Because he couldn't get traction in the car. Yeah, no traction. Did he have all four wheel drive in there?
Starting point is 00:13:55 No, he didn't have four wheel drive. When he rented that car, I was like, what are you doing? We're going to Tahoe. But he's like his first time going to Tahoe. I'm like, oh, or when it's during the time. Chains, two or no chains. No, no chains on it. But it wouldn't have mattered.
Starting point is 00:14:07 This thing was literally like iced out. Like it was so bad. Oh, sure. Yeah. I mean, we took the car, Katrina's car in, and parked in the garage and left it in there the entire time. I could even want to take it out of there. And then we had two other vehicles.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And the other vehicles are four-wheel drive, except for Larry's truck. So was that cold? It was freezing. Oh, it was frozen. How was it when you were bored at the top of the mountain? So this is the drive, except for Larry's truck. So was that cold? It was freezing. Oh, it was frozen. How was it when you were bored and at the top of the mountain? So this is the first time that I've ever experienced this, of it being this cold.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So one day it was shut down completely. We're supposed to ride that day. A hundred mile an hour winds. Damn. Wow. So New Year's Day is their busiest day, like one of the busiest days of the year for heavenly and all the resorts with their. They had to close down and refund everybody their money because a hundred mile an hour winds at the top.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You can't miss that. Oh, no, you'll die. It's insane, right? So, but the day I did ride, it was still so cold and you have face shields, right? So I wear this mask that comes up to your nose. And as I'm riding, I'm breathing and the moisture from my mouth is getting absorbed by,
Starting point is 00:15:04 and it keeps you warm and you're cool, but it was so cold that every time that I would ride down and from the moisture from my mouth, it would freeze. So my thing that was covering my face would ice up and then I had to spin it around and rotate it after every ride. Oh, wow. Because the wind was so cold. I mean, it was like a single digits up there, man.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It was so, so cool. Were you riding good? Because this is the first time since you're a QL East tendon. No, it's not the first time. Remember, I did a single day by myself for the day. And no, yeah, it was great, too. That was Taylor good. He's good.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Who's better? Oh, I'm better. Okay. Not by much, though. Yeah, he stays with me. You know, it's hard to tell, too, because we're not. He looks slinky. Like, he'd be good at it. Yeah, no, he stays with me. You know, it's hard to tell too because we're not he looks slinky Like he'd be good at it. Yeah, no, he's good. He's really good. Yeah, he's really a slinky like
Starting point is 00:15:51 I mean, he's been writing he's been writing since he was in high school himself. Yeah, so I mean I have a years on I'm just because I'm older than him, but he's been writing for a long time and which makes it really fun for me because I Nobody else went I thought other people in the family were gonna go, and secretly, I was hoping that wouldn't happen, because when that happens, it's hard to do what you wanna do when you're a million people. Yeah, and your babysitting the whole time. Yeah, I can't bomb down the hill.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah, and I love my girl of death, but I just taught her how to ride like a year or two ago. So she's, I go a little bit, then I wait for her, I go a little bit, and I haven't really, other than that day, I went by myself, I haven't had a time where I could just so you guys are just Masha on the first day. Did you film it like you said you would no we didn't oh you got to do that It was so cold so normally it's sunny. It's nice. So taking my camera out while I can be bare-handed and do you know
Starting point is 00:16:40 Oh, it was so cold it would you feel like you get frost. Like, there was a time where I wanted to adjust my bindings when I was riding and I pulled off my gloves and I'm like unscrewing my screws and then like, within like three seconds my hands are like locked up and I'm like, oh shit, I'm getting like frostbite. Wow. I'm not gonna do this right now. Wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Well, so there was like that snow globe event up there. Did you guys go to that? You know what, it was that. We were literally a block away, like two blocks away from our house was. Yeah. Not two blocks a little bit further than that, but it was right up the road from us. No, we didn't go.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And I was surprised that my nephew, who's 24, just his birthday was the way we were up there. He didn't want to go. He's been there before. He's like, I guess, it's so snow globe for those that don't know. It's like this big outdoor festival concert thing. So tons of bands are out there, and the bands that are out there are supposed to be dope, but I guess it's, I don't know, from what I hear, I haven't been, so this is just hearsay
Starting point is 00:17:35 what I'm saying right now, so somebody of you, I'm sure, will correct me if I'm wrong. But it tends to be kind of overrated, and a lot of people, everybody's just fucked up on drugs. And it's my nephew said when he went last year, he goes, eh, it's not really my scene. You know, everybody's hell of rollin' hard and you're freezing your ass off out there so you can't really, you know, something. It sounds like a, like perfect storm.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Well, there's the pictures of it, right? I mean, it looks super cool, right? Yeah, look who I see sock as I saw Viet's Instagram and Machouse was up there filming for it. Oh, shit, I wish I would've known that. I just saw, cause I saw Viet's Instagram and Machouse was up there filming for it. Oh shit, I wish I had known that. I would have linked up with him. I did not know he was out there.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Look like it was pretty cool, at least from there. I mean, I wanted to go. Like I didn't want to go why we were up there because we were doing like the family chill thing, but I've wanted to go to that before, many times. And they were the ones that kind of cracked me out on it by saying like, eh, it ain't that cool. So funny. So I let my kids stay up till midnight
Starting point is 00:18:28 this year, the previous year, we showed them like a, like a a rebroadcast. Oh, to get them to go to bed. You got your face. You got them to bed at 10. I swear to God. Like it's counting down 10. They like somehow like, like my oldest figured it out and was so we had a lot so mad You so mad at me. Oh, he found out last time. Yes. Oh, yeah Yeah, so I we we stayed up all night and then you know, I had those poppers a lot stuff and did that outside What was your excuse? What did you say to him? Like I was like, oh, I thought it was real time
Starting point is 00:19:03 I was like, oh, I thought it was real time. Oh, yeah. I didn't know. I mean, no. No, I came clean. I was like, sorry, I was trying to get you better early. So you're mom and I were going to have a room. Yeah, we went on a loan time. We were going to celebrate together.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I avoided it. I avoided it. Yeah, but that same day is. That's Jalen's birthday is the first, right? So they all wanted to go out and party. And Taylor and I had planned to snowboard the next morning And I'm like there's no way I'm going out till one two in the morning getting fucked up and they're riding the next day Like I'll be exhausted. I'm not fucking 19 anymore and so I don't want to go I don't want to go and Katrina's brothers dude are like they're the fucking worst man
Starting point is 00:19:42 They're like hardcore pressure you like they want you to do some shit. Like they just hardcore pressure you, make you feel like a punk for not being it. So I knew they were going out. And so right around about, and then I knew they were going out at 10. So like at 9.30, I creep downstairs. Went to bed and just closed the room.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I just went to my room, you know what I'm saying? It closed the door, watch the clock, it's 10 o'clock, and then I come up stairs after I heard him get picked up by the Uber, and then I stayed up with her mom, hung out, and Taylor got suckered in, because Taylor came up there. So he had to go out. Yeah, they pulled him. She came up and he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:20:17 come on, T-dog, let's go, T-dog, let's go, T-dog, come on, you're gonna go. They come on, take a shot, birthday shot. They pressured him to go, and he ended up going. And he told me that he was like so nervous because he knew he really wanted to ride to the next morning. And we'd already prepaid, so we were riding. It wasn't like, oh, we don't feel like it, we won't go.
Starting point is 00:20:35 We had already paid for our tickets. And so he's like, man, by halfway through the night, he's like, I was getting so nervous that I was gonna be, it was gonna be a rough day. So he said, I started buying the rounds and I told the bartender to give me soda water. And so he was pretending to take shots with the mother of the kids,
Starting point is 00:20:52 taking shots just so he'd be okay. No, it was a great move because they all got sick and hung over and throwing up and shit. Oh dude, I'm telling you dude. Yesterday I was a nightmare. I felt horrible. I mean, I was on the couch all day and I was doing all my remedies.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I was doing, and here's the thing. I didn't get a hangover. I didn't have the headache where, you know, where your head count. Oh, you're just fatigued. I was just, I'm all night. Yeah, I was just tired. I was just tired and I knew if I had pushed my body
Starting point is 00:21:17 the next day to do anything that I would open myself up for illness, so I just, but I didn't get hungover, which is kind of interesting. I really think that the charcoal is, it's like, I think it's magic for me. I swear to God, man. I don't have a hangover. I just felt super, super exhausted. I put the whole family on it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Did you? Yeah, so everybody. Did they like it? Oh, yeah, everybody was all about it. I was like, you guys got to do this. It's been a game chain. You got to warn them about the black poop, though. Because I'll get messages from people most supposed to have, you know, I'm just waiting
Starting point is 00:21:44 for someone to send me a picture. Is that blood bleeding? No, yeah. So it's tarring. With all this, this all new years talk, I feel it's, we should discuss, you know, some of the best strategies for people that are probably just getting back into this way things.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I mean, should I'll be one of these people. I feel like the last month, I've been just having sweets and treats and letting myself go and inconsistency. So I already know in my head what the next four weeks, the six weeks is going to look like. And I think it's a great discussion because I think a lot of people would be surprised on,
Starting point is 00:22:20 you know, exactly how one of us would go about it if we had been inconsistent and drinking and eating bad and not really lifting weights. I was having this conversation with Jessica yesterday, we were talking about, because she's never worked as a trainer in a big box gym. She's always been a trainer in these smaller,
Starting point is 00:22:39 you know, type studios. And of course, now she does mainly online coaching. And so I was explaining to her what January's like for these gyms, and I'm like, you know, these big gyms will experience on average like a 50% increase in traffic. Sometimes as much as 100% increase, which is insane, like how many businesses see
Starting point is 00:23:00 that kind of a surge, maybe retail companies, you know, during the Christmas season, right? So it just gets absolutely insane. And we were talking about it back and forth and discussing, is it a good thing and is it a bad thing? And it makes sense as to why it happens in January, because like you said, Adam,
Starting point is 00:23:16 it follows all these holidays where you're just overconsuming. And even the average person who may not be a fitness fanatic, I think we know inherently like, okay, I need to do something because I have thanksgiving and I've had Christmas and the whole week up to Christmas and I've had New Year's and I've drank all this alcohol, it'll food, I don't feel good. So you have that and then you have that coupled with this, you know, new year
Starting point is 00:23:40 starting. Right, new year, new me time. Yeah, it's like a threshold, right? And it's like you're moving to a new town, so you could start over, fresher, whatever. So it kind of creates that perfect storm. But the problem is as much as we know, because I look, running gyms for as long as we did, we would see that, we would see that huge. And the huge surge doesn't really happen January 1st.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It actually takes about a week. I remember the first time I had... Because you know why? Because everybody feels like you feel like right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's incredible. Everybody else is like, I'm gonna get there. It's just not today.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Next week. Well, I remember to the first January, I was working in a club and a big club. I remember everybody was talking about January, January, January, you get all these people. I remember the first week, it was like December. And I was like, what's going on? They're like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Wait till next week, watch what happens happens and like clockwork by January by the second week It just starts to get crazy and it just gets crazier as the month goes goes on and it really stays that way Through February I would say even March maybe even March. Yeah, then it starts to die down and April May It starts to really yeah, and you see a lot of people, a lot of the same people who were so motivated and so inspired to get started. A lot of these people first time, Jim, members, just didn't come back and didn't fulfill, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:57 some of their goals. And so you read statistics like the average American gains, you know, five to 10 pounds every holiday season and keeps like five of it. Which doesn't sound like much, but after, you know, five to 10 pounds every holiday season and keeps like five of it. Yeah. Which doesn't sound like much, but after, you know, if you're, if you're a 40 year old, 30 year old person, that's 30 pounds or 15 pounds that you've gained over the last three or four seasons. And so I think it is important to talk about, like you said, Adam's strategies. Like, first of all, why do people, why do people stop? You know what I mean? What is it that's
Starting point is 00:25:24 screwing them up that? Well, I think there's multiple reasons, and I remember we used to dive into some of this stuff, and some of the most common things are actually injuries. A lot of people start off and actually get hurt within the first few weeks. I also think that a lot of people come out that gates hard in January, see great results.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Super intense. In the first four weeks, because they went from basically eating terrible and drinking and not really doing much exercise wise to everything they can possibly do, exercise and nutrition wise. And so they see this great surge or this great, you know, huge results in the first four weeks. And then they hit this hard plateau over the next four weeks. And I think most people get frustrated with that and go like, fuck it. Yeah, and I think the mentality going into it is almost like a punishing mentality of like paying penance for whatever sins they had for the last year.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And like we're going to make up for it, you know, day one, we're going to get to this in the packet and that sort of energy is, you know, it can carry them a few weeks to maybe a few months, but it really is gonna die off quick. It's not something that's sustainable. One of the things I used to do when I would, you know, when I manage these gems and I'd sell memberships to these people is that, you know, you always ask people what their goals are, right? Because you want to know wanna know how you need to communicate to them and how you need to communicate fitness to them. And for anybody who works in a gym right now,
Starting point is 00:26:52 this is very important because how you communicate what you're trying to say to them is very, very important to get them to get going. But also to set the stage for hopefully consistency or at least the right mentality. And so I would ask people like, you know, lots of questions. But one of the main questions was, you know, what are your fitness goals? And somebody would say something like, uh, I want to lose 15 pounds.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And then I would say, and then what? And I'd look at them and the most of them were, they didn't know like, they'd look at me like, what do you mean? And then what? Well, okay, after you lose 15 pounds, then what do you, what do you plan on doing? And would it would reveal to, and reason why I would say that to them, is it would reveal to them that their mentality going into this
Starting point is 00:27:30 and a lot of people go into the gym in January with this mentality. A lot of people go to the gym period, start out going to the gym with this mentality that they are going to go there to accomplish a goal and then maybe they don't outwardly think it, but subconsciously they think then they're done, and they don't have to do it anymore, just like the mentality with a diet.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Like, I'm gonna go on this diet, I'm gonna lose this weight, and then once I lose the weight, I'll go back to my regular life and what I was doing before. And so I would use that as an opportunity to communicate to them and say, look, whatever you do to get yourself into a particular type of fitness or health or shape is what you'll always have to do to stay that way. Your body looks and feels the way it does now because of your current lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:28:17 The only way it's going to change permanently is if you permanently change your current lifestyle. permanently is if you permanently change your current lifestyle and I would communicate that so that people wouldn't take it lightly because When you're talking about making a permanent change to your to how you live because it's a it's a it's a weekly and daily thing Nutrition is a daily thing and exercises a weekly thing forever for the right until you die, right? Because it's a fundamental change of something you're doing on a on a forever basis, you really have to consider how challenging that really can be. Anything that you do forever consistently on a just a weekly basis even forget the everyday basis is is is going to be difficult. Doesn't matter what it is. And so, understanding that, I think one of the most important things that I ever communicated to people
Starting point is 00:29:08 and that I'll communicate now on this podcast is, understand that, set your goals very slow, and make sure it's challenging enough so that it's an actual goal, but make sure it's something that you can realistically do forever. So that may mean that you're gonna start off with something very, very small. And I would oftentimes get people to commit, because I'd sit there and we'd have this conversation, and a lot of them would have this breakthrough like oh my god, I never thought of it that way.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And they'd say okay, well, how many days a week right now, knowing yourself, right now, your current life, do you think you can make it to the gym consistently, never miss, ever, forever? Sometimes people would say once a week and it's a awesome. You're being honest and congratulations because I think that may be the right place to start and then just take it from.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Well, I think there's, I think you hit it right on the head with the setting the goals lower, which is so funny because we've been taught the opposite. We've been taught to shoot for the moon, land on the stars, have a deal, right? Or shoot for the stars, land on the moon, have a deal, right? So that's been something that we've been told forever. So I think people go in saying, I want to look like the cover of this magazine. And if I don't get quite there, I'm going to be happy because I'll still look way better
Starting point is 00:30:22 than what I am today. And that's how we think. And when you think about health and fitness in this journey, it's not like that. In fact, it's quite the opposite. And I think the setting the goal is too high and focusing on the things like how I look or I want to lose 20 pounds are the wrong goals to set when you first start. In fact, what the process that I will take is I will all look at my last like 60 days and look at the bad habits that I've created for myself recently. Okay, well,
Starting point is 00:30:51 let me name some of them so people can relate to. Very inconsistent with my workouts. This has been the most inconsistent I've been in quite some time. And, you know, I can't tell you the last time that I strung together two weeks of a solid three to four day a week workout week. Just in the last couple of months that hasn't happened consistently. For two weeks straight, have I hit three to four days of training? And so there's the first little goal of mine. I'm not going to, I'm not going to dial in my train, my nutrition, hella hardcore, or get super anal about all that stuff and start weighing and measuring my food That's not I'm not even there yet right now. It's like get back into my routine And I need to get back into a realistic time frame that I could commit
Starting point is 00:31:33 I eventually want to get to six and seven days a week, which I love to train like that But I don't need to I'm nowhere near that right now So that first the first goal is hey the next two weeks I just want to get six to eight workouts in and get me, get me starting. Okay, now I've got there. Now I've gotten six to eight weeks to go. Okay, now what are some of the other things that I've been doing like nutritionally?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Well, common things for me, I grossly under-consumed protein. I skip meals for a long and then when I do eat something, I eat a bad choice. It's not something that is balanced well for me. It's not getting me enough adequate protein. It's not something that is balanced well for me. It's not getting me enough adequate protein. It's higher on the carbohydrates. And so what I want to get back to is just get balanced meals and hit my protein intake. That's a big, that's an easy thing for me to start doing. And so these are what my goals look like. It's not, oh, I want to get back to what I look like when I competed on stage. Oh, I want to lose 15 pounds of fat. It's little measurable things that I know I need to do
Starting point is 00:32:27 in my lifestyle that will get me towards that long term goal, but are very easy to achieve and you build off of that. That I think is... If you talk to anybody who's ever accomplished a what seems to be an insurmountable goal, like you talk to somebody who has climbed Mount Everest or somebody who's built a billion dollar business or just done something that just seems insane.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And the reason why I'm using this as an example is because for a lot of people losing 20, 30 pounds and keeping it off forever. Well, for a lot of people that look at magazine covers think that it's impossible for them to achieve that. Right, right, right. Or even just losing 30 pounds and keeping it off. Right. Right. Right. I've had this weight on me for 10, 15 years.
Starting point is 00:33:08 How am I going to do this? If you talk to anybody's ever accomplished that what seems to be like these insane, insurmountable goals, they'll all tell you the same thing. They took it day by day. Even people who are, even if you listen to people who are stuck in these POW camps, like how did you survive?
Starting point is 00:33:24 I just tried to survive every hour. I just thought of thing. I broke things down to small chunks and I did it like that and it makes it much more Comfortable so for people listening right now Set your goal so that it's you know it's gonna give you some challenge because it's gotta have meaning if it's too easy It's not gonna mean anything to you, but also do it in a way that's that is realistic for you now That's gonna be very different from person to person. Somebody listening right now, that may mean that you go for a 10 minute walk twice a week because that for you is a challenging yet realistic goal.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Someone else, like Adam right now, saying, I want to work out three or four days a week consistently for a couple of weeks in a row. That for you is a realistic yet kind of challenging goal based on where you were. So those are important things to factor, but also look at your plan. Okay, what am I trying to accomplish? I know this is something I'm going to have to do forever and look at how exercise affects the body and then choose the right form of exercise.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So here's what I mean by that. If your goal is to speed up your metabolism or lose weight or sculpt your body, which is probably everybody, then what you want to do is you want to build the foundation for that. You want to make it so that you don't have to work out as much. You want to make it so that your body burns more calories on its own. You want to make it so that you don't have to go to the gym every single day and manually burn calories. You want to set it up so your body wants to burn calories on its own so that realistically speaking, I can burn more calories and not have to go to the gym six, eight, six, seven days a week. Well, the way to do that is to build muscle. The best way to build muscle is to lift weights. And so if you're getting started on a fitness routine,
Starting point is 00:35:06 I know the first place you wanna go is do cardio because you wanna go sweat and you wanna go burn lots of calories. But if you take that approach, it's a daily approach. It's an everyday approach because a second you get off cardio, that's it, your body's not burning anymore calories. Not only that, but over time,
Starting point is 00:35:21 your body actually gets more efficient at the cardio and you actually start to burn less calories and you'll start to plateau. That's another great point on when we talked about what are some of the things that cause people to quit and fail. I think this is one of the number one ones also that we didn't mention, which is a lot of people come out the gates because they want to lose fat and they think that cardio is the best way to do it. Overrue I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And they start doing it as much as they can. And that just eventually, it's not sustainable. Yeah, it's just, eventually it's not sustainable for 95% of the population. There's a 5% of the people out there that love to fucking run on a treadmill every single day or love to go for a fucking three mile run every single day and that's something that is therapeutic for them and they enjoy, well, kudos to those people
Starting point is 00:36:02 and if that's who you are, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with it. But the other 95% of the fucking population, that's a terrible way to start your New Year's resolution is getting on some cardio or go take off for a run because it's inevitable. If you weren't somebody who loved doing that before or loved doing that now, you're probably never going to love doing that every single day of your life. So why would you create that as a habit or as part of your routine, right out the gate? Start simpler.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Right, right. Also, ritualize whatever workout you can commit to, make it a ritual. So what I mean by that is let's say you have this discussion with yourself and you say, okay, and by the way, this is the most, this is realistic average that it just in my experience. Like I said, I've been training people for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I'm pretty sure you guys will agree. The average person usually can, if we wanna have them be successful longterm, it's usually two days a week is what I have them come into. Two days a week, that's what we're gonna start you out with. And what you wanna do is you wanna pick two days and you wanna pick those two days and put them at times that don't move.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Like, that's it. Tuesday and Thursday at this time after I do this or before I do this, this is what's going to happen and it's a rock in my schedule and it does not move. Now, what does that mean for a lot of people? For a lot of people, that means they work out in the morning. Some people, it means that they on on the way home from work, go to the gym. You know what it doesn't mean for a lot of people? That they go home and then decide to go to the gym. That is a failing strategy that I've seen fail over and over again.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Most people try and do it that way. Like, oh, I'm gonna go to the gym after work. Workout clothes are at home, they go to work, they drive home, making it to the gym, and going to happen. Bring your gym bag with you and ritualize it and put it in the schedule for however many days you can commit to and make sure that it's there and it's stuck. So, you know, this is my personal experience and for many of you listening right now, this meant I'd be feasible, but my personal experience and maybe you guys can add to this, people who decide to work out before they start their
Starting point is 00:38:08 day off tend to be more consistent. Just this. Well, that's a fact. Forever, it's been that way. I'm not even a morning person and I agree with that. It's just the most consistent people, my entire career, have been clients that train before they go to work because they've created that. Start your day that way.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah. You just start your day. I also think there is a major mistake made on the intensity that's applied towards the lightweight training when you first start. If you've been out of it, and so I just touched on how I just want to be consistent for three to four days in a week for a few weeks in a row, not only that, but I also know that I don't need a ton of volume.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I don't need, and I don't need a ton of intensity. It's like, I just need to get in there and move some weights a little bit. And I don't need to push myself to failure, failure. I don't need to be drenched and sweat when I leave the gym right away. I got plenty of days ahead of me to get to that. There's no reason to come out the gates like that. If you are going to the gym and you are coming home and the next day or two, you are fucking crippled sore,
Starting point is 00:39:09 you're already going about it right, wrong. That's not the right direction at all. You're pushing yourself way beyond where you need to be pushed up. You wanna feel your workout and you would like to get in there and do some good movements. But man, you go in there just like an Annabelle type of routine.
Starting point is 00:39:22 You go in there, everybody part, two sets. You know, two sets of every, every body part, get the fuck out of there, get home and rest, make some good decisions eating wise, and do that a few times a week before you start to build onto the stage. Yeah, you wanna get to a point where your body is craving that exercise.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So it's all about enjoying the process and sort of reframing like a workout is being work. And this is what I have a problem with a lot of people like, which is, I mean, it's natural to want to lose 20 pounds. It's natural to want to lose a very specific target goal or to set out like very specific goals. However, once we get to those goals, like, is does that mean it stops there? Is that, you know, where do we, how do we transition? How do we maintain and keep it a lifestyle?
Starting point is 00:40:09 You pay attention to how your body feels every day and you enjoy the process and you make that part of who you are. And that needs to be something that you figure out. Like, how can I make this who I am? That's one of the best goals in fact, is rather than saying, I have this weight loss goal is to say, my goal is to make it to the gym twice a week. That's my goal.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And those types of goals, by the way, lead to the ultimate goal of weight loss. But it's something that you can start out with and it doesn't seem so complex. Here's the other thing too, and you alluded to this Justin about workouts being work. Tree or workouts like practicing a skill. When you go to the gym,
Starting point is 00:40:51 and this is a big, and I blame the fitness industry a little bit for this, the way we sell exercise is, get sore, sweat, burn calories, burn body fat, build muscle, all that stuff. And yes, that's true, that's what exercise does. But exercise involves, especially resistance training in particular, which I believe to be the ultimate form
Starting point is 00:41:15 of exercise for most people, especially in the context of modern life. It's all skills, squatting is a skill. Bench pressing is a skill, barbell rowing is a skill, pressingting is a skill. Bench pressing is a skill. Barbell rowing is a skill, pressing overhead is a skill. All these movements are a skill. Yes, muscles are used to move these weights, and yes, you do get results as a result of that. But really, you get good at them.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Like somebody who's never squatted before is a bad squatter. Somebody squats all the time, has been practicing it for years. Is it very good squatter? The good squatter gets way more out of the squat than the bad squatter does. So rather than going to the gym and thinking yourself, I'm okay, today I'm gonna work out my legs. I need to get my legs really tired and sore.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Think to yourself, what exercises work legs? Which ones are the most effective ones? Okay, I have barbell squats, I have walking lunges, and then for my hamstrings, let's say I'll do leg curls. Okay, those all seem to be good exercises. I read the mind pump blogs, they said those are good. So rather, now I know the exercises that are working my legs, I'm gonna go to the gym,
Starting point is 00:42:21 I'm gonna get good at those exercises. That's it, Way better approach. Yeah. Way better approach. You're far more likely to utilize intensity appropriately when you treat exercise like a practice, rather than treating exercise as a way to force your body to change or to get sore or to sweat.
Starting point is 00:42:42 It's a very different mentality. It took me a long time to learn how to apply this to myself. I applied it to my clients way before that because I knew inherently as a trainer, clients would come in, I knew what I was gonna train them on and because I'm a trainer. Well, because you understand the science, but we're just as guilty of the same bullshit insecurities
Starting point is 00:43:05 and letting the outside stuff fucking affect us and still, so we're not immune to it either. You don't say it, so are immune to it either? I know I get the same shit also. I think nutrition, talking about that is really important too because, and I'm gonna use myself as an example, although I know that there's gonna be a lot of different people
Starting point is 00:43:24 that have different challenges with nutrition. But I think one of the most common mistakes that I see is the under consumption of healthy, nutritious foods that your body needs and the over consumption of things like alcohol sugars and foods that are not. And not get so when you first start off in the gym and you first get back in your New Year's resolution, I think a lot of people just start cutting, start pulling away all this stuff that we, you know, quote unquote is bad for us that we say, right? And what ends up happening is you really set yourself up for long term, long term struggles
Starting point is 00:44:01 ahead in the next couple of months because you already weren't feeding the body enough of what it really means, and then you go and restrict it even more, and then in addition to that, you tack on a bunch of exercise and pushing an intensity. And so what I like to do on the nutrition side is I'm gonna just start and I'm gonna track. And you know, I always talk about this on the show using your fat secret or my fitness pile
Starting point is 00:44:23 or one of those apps that you can just track your food. And they're free. Yeah, they're free. So track your food and just see where you're at. And don't already start making crazy changes and go to eating all salads and protein shakes right away. Eat like the fuck you've been eating for the last two or three weeks, literally.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And see what you've been doing to your body. So you have an understanding, like sure, you know that cookies and alcohol and those things aren't the best things for yourself, but how bad were you doing it? Were you eating like a thousand calories worth of cookies? Were you drinking 2,000 calories of alcohol? Or was it like 300 or 500?
Starting point is 00:44:54 How much sugar was that? How much fat was that? How much carbohydrates? How much protein were you getting in it? Find that out. How much fiber were you? All these things that your body wants and needs figure out what
Starting point is 00:45:05 you've been doing? And then I would look at it and go, oh, wow, looks like I was eating a ton more sugar than I need. Okay, well, instead of you also cutting all these crazy foods out, let's just replace all the sugar calories that you're eating with something that's good for your body. Because more than likely if you're consuming all that sugar, you're probably not getting enough of fiber somewhere, you're not getting enough protein somewhere or healthy fats.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And don't try and cut your calories right away. Try and take, get rid of some of the things that you know are not ideal for your body and replace it with things that are more nutritious for your body. And that will pay off. Now, I know we, you know, the rule of one of the rules of thermodynamics or laws of thermodynamics is, you know, calories and versus calories out, right? So in order to lose weight, you have to take in less calories than your burning if you want to gain weight, the opposite is true.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And this is just a law of physics. That being said, all food is not created equal in many, many different aspects. But in one very important one, that's very important to the person who's trying to eat in a way to become leaner or to lose weight, which is the vast majority of people who are going to start going to the gym and working out in January. And that's this. Some foods will promote more eating and other foods will not. Some foods will make you want to just eat more.
Starting point is 00:46:28 My advice to you is to reduce the consumption of those foods. Now, yes, it's true. You can overeat with healthy, organic, whole-type foods, right? Yeah, good luck. But it's a lot harder. It just is. It's a lot harder because you have something that will naturally want to stop you from overeating, which is called palette fatigue. This is what happens when you eat the same food over and over again,
Starting point is 00:46:51 and you find yourself going, oh, I don't want anymore. But then somebody brings something out. It's a totally different category of flavor, like dessert, and all of a sudden, even though your stomach feels full, you're like, yeah, I could eat some, I could definitely go for some pie or whatever. Now, here's the food, the category of foods
Starting point is 00:47:06 that tend to make you want to overeat, heavily processed foods. These are foods that are found in packages, wrappers, sometimes they're frozen. These foods have a long shelf life. And the reason why these foods are so easy to overeat and why they make you want to eat more is because a lot of money and energy goes into increasing the palatability of these foods.
Starting point is 00:47:30 In fact, the majority of the money that goes into making crackers, cookies, pizzas, you know, whatever, and boxes, or whatever, the vast majority that goes into these foods goes into making these foods as palatable as possible because that's what sells these foods. In fact, if we were to look at, let's talk about the supplement industry, the fitness and health supplement industry. Look at the protein powders and the protein bar market, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:57 These are supposed to be foods that help people who wanna become more fit or maybe help people who wanna lose weight or whatever, right? Look at the top selling ones. I guarantee you it's the best tasting ones. It's not the ones that are the best quality. It's not the ones with the most nutrition or nutrients. It's not the protein bar that's the healthiest.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's the protein bar that tastes the best, and that's the one that sells them off. And that's a normal thing. People we tend to want the things that are hyperpallible. Take those foods out of your diet and you'll find that you'll naturally end up eating less. Keep those foods in your diet
Starting point is 00:48:31 and you are gonna have a really tough time trying to consume less food. It's very, very difficult. I mean, I know if I eat those foods all the time, it's actually quite easy for me. I'm very hyper aware of how much I eat and obviously I'm a health fanatic. If I throw those foods in all the time,
Starting point is 00:48:48 I over consume. It's just very, very easy. It's hard to do it with, you know, I do this with my kids all the time. It's, I would go further than just say hard. It's almost fucking impossible. Well, they spent a lot of money to do that. Every client that I ever had,
Starting point is 00:49:02 and I would tell them when I first would transition them to a quote unquote diet, is I'm going to give you these foods that you can choose from and I don't want you to be hungry. I would tell them that I don't want you to be hungry. You need as much as you want. Eat as much as you want. If it's on this list of foods that I gave you and you're hungry throughout the day, do not try and sustain from it. Go eat that food. I want you to stay full, satiated. I want you to be eating those things, your body needs that.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And if I'm doing my job with training you correctly, we're gonna see change. Change is going to happen to your body. The biggest mistake that you can start to do is just to start restricting like crazy, and then go from being eating a bunch of sugary, palatable foods and alcohol and stuff, to cutting it to super clean food,
Starting point is 00:49:44 and then restricting and holding back. On top of it. Yeah, on top of that. No, feed, feed yourself, but feed yourself with foods that are whole foods and natural and good luck. Good luck getting fat on chicken breasts and potatoes. Yeah, good luck. I do it with my kids all the time.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Like my kids will be sitting there and we'll be hanging out. You know, I'm hungry. I'm hungry, but like, okay, we have some steak in the fridge from last night. Broccoli. Some chicken, we have some vegetables. I have some rice from last night. I don't know if that hungry.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah, I don't really want that. Do you have any crackers? Do you have any, it's similar thing. So taking those foods out will make it easy. Now, you don't have to take them all out once. Like I said at the beginning of the episode, you want to start with small, achievable, yet challenging goals. And this is a very personal thing.
Starting point is 00:50:32 So like Adam was saying, I think, take one thing out. Yeah. Replace it with something else. You got to start real small. If you look at this whole thing, like, okay, I want to become healthy, and I know it's going to take lifelong changes. So it's going to look very different at the end that it looks right now. I need to take a step by step. Let's start slow. Set your expectations there. And then you're not
Starting point is 00:50:58 going to be so disappointed when six months later, you haven't lost a single pound, but you've made it to the gym two days a week. Now you're drinking water instead of soda, you have a little bit more energy, but you know, while I'm gonna be doing this forever, so let me just take my time and see what happens. It's interesting, I know I would love to start a kind of a challenge for people
Starting point is 00:51:20 to go through the process of if you have any aches, pains, anything that you've been fighting. And you've been successful in terms of going to the gym or you're trying to improve your physique, of course. Everybody is wanting to look aesthetically pleasing, but I challenge you to really address those aches, address those pains, and address those things that are unsexy. Because if you really spend the time and lay down a foundation
Starting point is 00:51:53 that you can then build upon, you're going to have a whole new body that's going to perform even better and you're going to enjoy the process all the more. You know what's good about that too, Justin, is, and by the way, this is what we do as trainers. This is the first thing we target when we're trainers. I never take somebody. So what's the thing we, yeah. Yeah, somebody comes in, they wanna lose 30 pounds. The first thing I do in my training is I try to get them
Starting point is 00:52:15 to move better and take away their pains. And you know what's good about that is, it's a goal, it's a short-term goal that- They get to feel. They get to feel it. Like they get to feel success right away. Yeah, like, oh. Very smart. As a, if you're a trainer, listen to it,
Starting point is 00:52:28 it's a very smart strategy for some people. Well, you have to do it that way anyway, right? But you pointed out to your clients, like, look, your shoulder isn't hurting more. Yeah. Oh my God, I feel so much better. Oh, look, my back doesn't hurt anymore. Wow, I feel so much better.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And you know, I'm, you know, let me tell you something. I, like I said, I trained people for 20 years. The first five years, at least, I was all wrong. I would just, people would come in and my goal was to get them to lose that weight as fast as possible. It was a burn calories. It was to do, and you know what?
Starting point is 00:52:54 And I was a charismatic, smart trainer. People loved me, but I wasn't successful. Yes, people lost weight, but guess what? They gained it back, they stopped training with me. They'd be with me for six months, seven months, and they'd stop hiring me as a personal trainer and never see him come to the gym after a couple months again. And that was it. You know what happened later on? It stuck like big time. It got to the point where I mean, I had a lot of clients who would train me for a year wouldn't lose a single pound, but they felt better. They were consistent.
Starting point is 00:53:24 They, you know, they had a different relationship to exercise. single pound, but they felt better, they were consistent, they had a different relationship to exercise, and then because of the slow process, weight started coming off by the second or third year, now they've lost all of its weight, and they were lifelong. These are people, I haven't trained for a client, a single client for three years, right, since we all went, did started doing mine pump full time. I still keep in contact with, like these people are, you know, I trained some of these people for 12, 13 years. So I'm still friends with them on Facebook. I see what they're doing. Every single one of them
Starting point is 00:53:52 still works out consistently. Not a single one gained the way back because they stopped training with me. It, this was their, this is their life now. And that's the only, the only way you can get to that point is if you take this kind of a slow approach and understand it's a lifelong goal, go to the gym and practice exercise. Stop working out. Go in there and practice because you got to learn how to do it because you may do it in the ship forever. If you're going to do this forever, you got to get good at it first, just like anything else. So practice first when it comes to nutrition, make small changes that stick.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And wait for those changes to stick before you move to another one. And if it takes you a long time just to make one small change, so be it because it's better than making no changes or making changes and then the changes go away and now you're back to where you were before. Because what you don't want and the whole reason why you're moving this direction in the first place is you don't like where you're at. You don't want to be where you're at anymore. You want in the first place is you don't like where you're at. You don't wanna be where you're at anymore. You wanna be somewhere else and you don't wanna go back to where you're at.
Starting point is 00:54:50 So, you know, like I used to say, this is the clients. We have two options. I can do this the fast way or I can do this the right way. Yeah, I was just saying the same thing. Did you really? Yeah, I just said a lot. Same life.
Starting point is 00:55:02 It's been, it's got passed around for sure. Well, I think when you train people as a career for a long time, 10 years or more, and you care about people, this is just to learn this. Well, it's funny. I talked to any trainer who's been training people for 10 plus years, and they're all the same. Well, I used to give this analogy, and I just would use this extreme analogy to get people to understand what they're asking
Starting point is 00:55:28 or what they want when they come in and they'd say, I just wanna lose 30 pounds as fast as possible. I go, okay, cool. Cut your leg off. Well, you use that one a lot. What I used to say is, okay, what I want you to do is for the next two weeks, you're not gonna eat any food, and I want you to run on the treadmill every single day
Starting point is 00:55:43 for an hour. And I'd say that, and then I go, I'm just kidding, right? Because we both know that you probably die if I did that to you, right? But that's really what you're asking me to do when you're saying you want to get to 30 pounds as fast as possible. Then all it is is being extreme on all directions, extremely overexercising, overeintensity, cutting your calories like crazy. You'll lose 30 pounds.
Starting point is 00:56:03 You'll get down to that point. Problem is, you're gonna fuck your metabolism up on the way there. You're never gonna be able to keep that weight off, and then you're gonna inevitably gain all of it plus some more back. You might get injured a long way. And I use that extreme analogy
Starting point is 00:56:17 to give them an idea, like that's, I know that's so extreme, but what you're asking is in that direction. That's what you're asking me to do. And what I wanna do is I wanna build, I wanna build on your base right here and I wanna slowly add a little bit more, a little bit more until you're looking at me three,
Starting point is 00:56:33 four, five months later, and it doesn't feel like it's been a ton of fucking work. We've just added all these little good habits into your lifestyle and it's something that's sustainable for you forever. One of the things I love most about fitness and health and the practices that get you in better spaces or better places in both of those is this. There's hardly anything that I can think of in life where you get as much in return as
Starting point is 00:57:01 you get with as little investment when it comes to fitness and health. As hard as it feels and as hard as it seems you get a lot in return for the time you spend. I mean if you're working out and I'm not forget being a fitness fanatic maniac. Let's say you go to the gym and you do a good job. You follow a good routine. Let's say you do like a map and a ball at which you know we put that together. It's a good solid routine. You know what you're doing. You're practicing the weight. You're going to the gym. You're practicing your lifts properly. You're getting good form and let's say your nutrition is Much better than it is now, but it's not perfect. You're not a bodybuilder. You're not a physique competitor
Starting point is 00:57:34 You're not some crazy, you know fitness fanatic, but you're eating a relatively healthy diet, okay? The time and energy that it takes to do that what you'll get back and return You can't compare. It's insane the difference that will make in your life, and the best part about it is that difference can get gross. It gets better and better. You continue to get more, and I'm not just talking about your physical health.
Starting point is 00:57:57 That's an obvious one. Yeah, you're definitely gonna, your physical health improves. You definitely get better blood lipid levels. You're gonna be leaner, you're gonna look better, you know, you'll be stronger, you can move better. That's obvious, but the mental effects, it brings upon you. You know, I was reading a study that was,
Starting point is 00:58:14 another one came out about how exercise is, one of the most effective things they've ever studied to combat anxiety and depression. Period. You know the best part about it is, the side effect of exercises you get fit, the side effect of drugs is all kinds of other shit. It's one of the best things you can do
Starting point is 00:58:31 for your mental space. Now what about your relationships? Incredible, incredible, you're getting tons of results in your relationships because anytime you meet somebody or you talk to anybody, I don't care if it's somebody you you see every day like your spouse and your kids or people you meet every once in a while You're meeting them through a filter that filters your physical body If your physical body feels amazing as healthy and as balanced
Starting point is 00:58:57 You're gonna receive information better and you're gonna transmit it better It's gonna change your relationships and then fact that's the number one feedback I would get from clients all the time. I would train me for a year and they tell me, I have a better relationship with my wife. I'm a better parent to my kids. I have more energy. I'm just more, more calm. I used to have business, man. This one I used to love. You know, at one point, I had a private studio and I catered to executives and doctors and all that. Some of them would come to me and say, I'm better in my board meetings. I'm a better manager I'm doing better in my business because I'm more fit and I feel better. I mean the payback you get Takes it's so amazing and you really if you really compare it's not a whole lot you have to dedicate you just got to do it right and I consider that again. This is a lifelong change take your time. It's difficult to change everything at once
Starting point is 00:59:44 I would say it's impossible. Take your time, go slow with it and watch what happens. You know what else is really cool and it seems so serendipitous like many other things that in this company, you know, we didn't plan for this to happen this way, but it's unfolded that way. Many people that have been listening to the show since inception know that we've been, you know, continuing building upon what we started with as far as programs. And now we're in the process of refacing them and making them better. We've
Starting point is 01:00:15 listened to all the feedback that we've gotten from people. And we've always promised this that, you know, if you own one of our programs that we're going to continue to improve upon it. And this year we started going back through all the major programs and refacing them, shooting new videos with them, changing the blueprints, and just making the whole UI that much better.
Starting point is 01:00:37 And what's cool is we are re-releasing Maps and Obolic. And it's coming out this month, the new version of that. And it should be done within the next week or so. And in addition to that, we're also discounting Maps and Obolic for 50% and in addition to that, if you were to ask me or anybody in here,
Starting point is 01:00:58 what is the most ideal place as far as all of our programs that we have to start, this would be the place. You know, this would be the place. Yeah. You know, this would be the place to start. And even if you're somebody who owns most or all of our programs and you've just kind of fallen off the wagon, this is a mistake that a lot of people make too, as they go right into, you know, like an aesthetic or a split or a strong type of program where I would highly recommend you to go and revisit your maps and a bulk.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And because that's what my, my next couple of weeks will look most like maps on a bulk than any other of our programs because it is. It truly is a, even for somebody who's advanced and been lifting for many, many years, if I've been inconsistent for a month or a couple months, that's enough to set me back to where maps and a bulk is plenty of volume to start to see major change It's two to three days a week in the gym with other stuff that you can do on your own At home in between but really it's two or three days a week in the gym can you know consistent committed So it works for a lot of people and of course it's the first mass program
Starting point is 01:02:02 It's the one that we get the most positive feedback from so So it is 50% off, it is gonna revamped. So if you've already have it, it'll be revamped for you automatically. You don't have to pay anything extra. If you don't have it, 50% off, you just go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and use the code red50RED5050 without a space. So go check it out.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal
Starting point is 01:02:47 Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes
Starting point is 01:03:21 and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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