Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 989: Pros & Cons of Training for Muscle vs Strength, How to Bulk without Guilt, Avoiding Reverse Dieting Pitfalls & MORE

Episode Date: March 16, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about training for strength vs. hypertrophy and the b...enefits and drawbacks of each, preventing low back pain while playing sports, overcoming a negative body image while bulking and the biggest pitfalls of a reverse diet and how to best avoid them. The many different, yet beneficial uses of Joovv light therapy. (4:05) Two companies, including Blackstone Labs, charged in an illegal dietary supplements scheme. Why a few bad seeds ruin it for everyone. (13:20) China promises to throw steroid users in prison in 2019. (18:38) Adam’s first take on the hot trending YouTube channel, Brute Strength. (27:40) How macadamia nut milk is the tits, especially combined with Organifi gold juice. (31:28) Mind Pump’s take on “Operation Varsity Blues” scandal. (32:20) Three or more eggs a week increase your risk of heart disease and early death, study says. (36:54) #Quah question #1 – Can you review training for strength vs. hypertrophy and the benefits and drawbacks of each? (40:39) #Quah question #2 – Why do I suffer from low back pain while playing sports like basketball or football? What are some things I can do to prevent it? #Quah question #3 – Do you have any advice on how to overcome a negative body image while bulking? (1:01:42) #Quah question #4 – What are the biggest pitfalls of a reverse diet and how can you best avoid them? (1:06:14) People Mentioned: Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness)  Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness)  Instagram Craig Capurso (@craigcapurso)  Instagram Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey)  Instagram Robert Oberst (@robertoberst)  Instagram Dr. Ben Pollack (@phdeadlift)  Instagram Products Mentioned: March Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic is ½ off!! **Code “BLACK50” at checkout** Joovv **MAPS Prime w/purchase of $500 or more and free shipping** How Red Light Therapy Can Help You Recover Faster and Train Harder New Zealand study – Red light therapy dementia   United States News: Six Individuals and Two Companies Charged in Illegal Dietary Supplements Scheme China Promises to Throw Steroid Users in Prison in 2019 - Roidvisor - Your reliable guide in Steroids Brute Strength - YouTube Organifi   **Code “mindpump” at checkout for 20% off** Operation Varsity Blues: Who is involved Eggs: Three or more a week increase your risk of heart disease and early death, study says - CNN Hip Flexor Deactivators- Do these first to maximize your Ab development Shrink Your Waist with Stomach Vacuums | MIND PUMP How to do a PROPER Plank Mind Pump TV - YouTube Fix Your Back Pain - Mind Pump Mind Pump Episode 987: The Ketogenic Diet is Making You Fat Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this awesome episode of Mind. Steller episode. So for the first 35 minutes, we do our fun time introductory conversation. We start out by talking about the study that was shared to us by Juve showing that light therapy actually improves cognitive performance.
Starting point is 00:00:32 That's crazy. Wow. That's awesome. Now Juve Red Light Company is one of our partners. If you go to Juve.com, that's J-O-O-V-V.com-forge-minem pump, and you buy something that's $500 or more, you'll get free shipping and a free maps prime program. And by the way, they have the new,
Starting point is 00:00:50 rechargeable, small travel, red light box. We love that thing. It's my little red buddy. Then we talk about Blackstone Labs, getting busted for selling like steroids and shit in their supplements. You fuckers, no wonder people thought your supplements worked real well.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah, crazy. Then we talked about the steroid bands in China, Adam brought up brute strength on YouTube. This is a great channel that shows these strength competitions. I talked about using macadamia nut milk and gold juice from Organifi. It's delicious and makes me sleep like a baby. Now, Organifi is a producer of organic supplements,
Starting point is 00:01:27 including protein powders, green powders, and the gold juice that I just talked about. If you go to organify.org.org, and if I.com.sdashmime.com and use the code MindPump, you'll get a fat 20% off. Step up that froth game. Then we talk about the college cheating scandal,
Starting point is 00:01:47 you celebrity fuckers. And then we talked about the egg study that tries to tell us that eating whole eggs is bad for us. Bad study, bad study, not a good one. hilarious. Then we got into the fitness part of this episode. The first question was talking about strength
Starting point is 00:02:04 versus hypertrophy, hypertrophy meaning muscle growth. Like, what are the different types of training that contribute to each of those? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks of each? How do they talk to each other? Great talking that part of the episode. Why is one harder to say? Next question, why does this person suffer from low back pain when they're playing sports like basketball and flag football?
Starting point is 00:02:25 Of course, there's individual variances, but we've trained enough people to where we can give a pretty good general answer as to why this person may be feeling low back pain. The next question, how do you overcome negative body image while bulking? Bulking is when you eat more food, you gain more muscle. Sometimes a little bit of body fat makes it difficult for some people,
Starting point is 00:02:45 especially people who just don't want to gain any weight. We give you some tips on how to get around that. Embrace the thickness, so. And the final question, what are the pitfalls of a reverse diet? So reverse dieting is when you start to slowly increase your calories, to gain muscle or speed up your metabolism
Starting point is 00:03:02 along with strength training. What are the pitfalls and how can you get around them? Also, this month, Maps aesthetic. This is the Body Building, Physic Competitor, Bikini Competitor sculpting program that we've designed. That program's 50% off. Shhh, shhh, shs.com, use the code black50billack50. Now this program has a component where you can literally pick the body parts you want to place special focus on. That's why it's maps aesthetic. You look in the mirror, you decide
Starting point is 00:03:36 I want more shoulder, I want more hamstring, I want more glue, I want more peck, I need more lads. Whatever you design your program yourself when they're in this program and of course it's expertly written by yourself truly, Justin and Adam. It's half off. Go get it. MapsFitnessProducts.com. Black50 is the code. Also, we have other Maps programs on there for different people's goals and different
Starting point is 00:03:59 sets of experiences from beginner to advanced. Make sure you go check them out. I was so exhausted yesterday because I was up early in the morning. I saw one of my clients had seen the long time. So I was up at five train that I had Mike Matthews that he interviewed me. How long was that? It was like two hour. The actual interview was only like an hour and a half, I would say, but we, as soon as
Starting point is 00:04:23 we got on, we were bullshitting for a good half hour, 45 minutes. And I think he's going to actually play a lot of that stuff. So yeah, that's a good stuff. Yeah, no, I think the audience will enjoy that. We were talking a lot of, I was actually asking him a lot of questions about business and SEO and pillar pages. Right. So we talked, uh, I did that for like two hours.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Then Max came in and we, we did back to back podcast, which was probably about three and a half hours, maybe four hours straight, and then we went and talked afterwards and had lunch. Anytime I talk that much consistently, I feel like I had the longest hardest workout. It's a brain. The brain just wants to kind of shut down.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Is it crazy? Yeah, it's weird. And you know what it is? Your brain is sucking up energy like crazy because of all the thinking and being on. You have to be on the whole time. Yeah, so I've been back to using the Juve light consistently again.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And I have it set up in my spare room, and I have the big panel, right? And so it's cool because it lights up like the whole room and the bed is really close to where the panel's at. And so I like, I came in, I took a trip and I'm so exhausted. I'm like, I wanna go sit in front of the jewell for a little bit. I'm trying to be consistent with that. And so I go upstairs, I strip down naked, I lay down.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I lay down in front of it with the crown. Of course, the most priority for me is my hair, right? So the crown of my head, I lay with it close. And she comes in and wakes me up. I'm like in the fetal position, thumb in my mouth, I have a deal in front of the lie. I guess I passed out for like an hour. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, with the... Are you going back to using it consistently for your hair? I am. I am my psoriasis. I mean, those two things, I noticed my skin, and I actually noticed my skin even more in my hair. I'm on a mission this time because I haven't put as much emphasis on the crown of my head, and I'm assuming that's a better way to do it. I'm not sure. Direct. Yeah. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And that's the one red light therapies FDA approved for hair restoration or whatever they want called. So it's actually proved to from the FDA to actually help regrow hair. Yeah, and I don't know why it reminds me like many things that I've done before where... You gotta keep using it, though. Yes, you have to keep using it because I've been completely transparent. I've been inconsistent. There's, you know, I'll do it for a while and I know that my skin looks way better. My psoriasis is suppressed and my hair feels thicker, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I don't go from being like the guy who's going bald to like also having a full head of hair, but it feels, it does notice we think. I'm also a member. Yeah, right. You know what it, so it boosts ATP production through enhanced mitochondrial activity. So ATP is the main source of energy for cells of the body. And so when you use red light, it tells the mitochondria
Starting point is 00:07:04 to produce more ATP. And so it's just making your, your, the, the cells of your scalp produce more hair. And so when you take it off and you stop using it, it goes back to, you know, what it was before. But trip off this, uh, this, this was sent to Rachel by Juve. And I thought this was fascinating. Here's a title of it. First human trials show major cognitive improvements for memory, attention, and reaction time. Wow. So this is light therapy to, what let me read what it says.
Starting point is 00:07:37 In 2013, team of researchers conducted the first placebo controlled study demonstrating cognitive performance benefits in human subjects who received light therapy treatments directed at the head. Cognitive benefits. Yes, so yeah, they found significant improvement in the treatment and treated versus please Cable Control Groups for reaction times,
Starting point is 00:07:58 for memory and more positive moods. Crazy. That is really interesting. I, you know, the way that since we have those little minis, the goes, I had it set up on my desk and I take some time out when I get home from work to just kind of have like my own time where I'm like playing on my guitar and kind of, it helps me just wind down and get into a more calm state. And I just figured I would just turn that on.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And it's mainly shining on my face more than anything, but what she needs the most, I don't know what it's doing, but yeah, that's right. I was trying to help the improvement of the aesthetic. It's not a miracle. It's just a relax. It's a fucking man. It's working.
Starting point is 00:08:42 It's doing something. We get a lot of compliments. We send you before and after, it's like, just a face, and it's my face He's doing something. You're gonna get all the compliments. We said, Juve, like a before and after, it's like, just the face. You imagine? My face, the second face. Oh my God. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I know I got these big ol' fat chipmunk cheeks off. Juve goes her offline off the show for sold out. It'd be amazing. That's hilarious. No, but I mean, it's, but if it's giving me cognitive benefits like yes, well in New Zealand I think it was New Zealand. I got this article that showed that they were people People with dementia older people dementia. They were putting these like you know when you go you ever seen movies of
Starting point is 00:09:16 When women go to like the salon and they put that big it's like a big cone over their head Yeah, it dries their hair. What is that? Is that a big hair dryer? Yeah, it's a hair dryer. It looks like that and they're putting it over their head and you're dries their hair. What is that? Is that a big hair dryer? Yeah, it's a big hair dryer. It looks like that. And they're putting it over their head. And you're seeing all the red light coming through. And in this article, they're saying that they're using it to help with dementia, and they're finding that people who are using it are sharper.
Starting point is 00:09:38 This sounds like futuristic. As the words are coming on my mouth, I'm thinking, you sound like an idiot. That sounds like the most woo-woo bullshit in the world mouth, I'm thinking you sound like an idiot. That sounds like the most woo-woo bullshit in the world, but I'm reading these studies to me. To me, it doesn't. When you think about what they're trying to do
Starting point is 00:09:52 with red light, as you're trying to emulate the things that are positive that we get from the sun. And I think if someone were to tell you how all the positive benefits of being out in the sun, sure, I think we've heard that enough times that that makes sense. So it makes sense to me that we're starting to connect some of these benefits from this red light therapy
Starting point is 00:10:11 to all these things that I think you would also assume that the sun has that positively effect. So I guess, man, I just find it so fast. Thanks. I remember when they first came to us, I was like, all right, let's see what you got. We all were. And then like magic. And then the guy is like, here's some studies you can look at.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And I'm like, are these real? And I go, I don't like these. I mean, Ben Greenfield was like pressing it hard. And I'm like, I don't know, man, it's kind of strange. But Ben goes all over the place. Well, I know, but then you find gems in that. And so this is one of those things. I mean, I still think that there is a higher
Starting point is 00:10:42 archy of things that are important that we talk about with nutrition and exercise. But it, for me, it's a big deal because I've said this on the show many times that I know that I do not get the sun nowhere near, not even a 10% of what I used to as a kid and tell by my tan. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And I just, so to me, like that's, if I, and that's where sunglasses when I look at it. How I try and be aware of it now is like, if we get stuck in this dungeon like yesterday where, you know, I've spent, and that's how I use it right now. My goal is to, minimum, to use it three times. Don't we feel like it affects your mood?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Totally. Being indoors. No, I do, I really do, and I feel better when I do it. So I use it in the sauna because I figure I killed two birds of one stone or feed two birds with one stone. I gotta make sure I see what you're in English. No, I do in the sauna. So I, because you guys know I have a sauna at home now, which I, which another thing that I know is a huge improvement or benefit from is doing sauna post workout. But anyway, I sit in the sauna and then I shine the light directly on my genitals
Starting point is 00:11:48 because they're supposed to raise testosterone. So, you can imagine exactly, you can imagine the site that my poor girlfriend runs into every once in a while when she walks in the room. And I'm in the sauna and she's like, what are you doing? She turns around the corner and I'm sitting on the,
Starting point is 00:12:04 I'm in the sauna. Satan Dick like, what are you doing? She turns around the corner and I'm sitting on the I'm in the sauna dick We just started new juice hash today. She was gonna hate us for this They're do say people are buying juice goes hoping they're gonna transform the face and have a Satan dick Yeah, dude, so here's a funny story so she went off she was off at the store I it was a week. We don't have the kids, so it was just her and I. She was out, this is when I first had the Juve Go, and I knew I had read that using red light has shown to improve testosterone levels,
Starting point is 00:12:36 but in particular, if you shine it at the testosterone-producing testicles, right? So I'm like, oh cool, I just got it, I charged it, like let me try this out. So I'm sitting on the couch, have my pants down by my ankles, okay? In front of the TV, I'm like, oh cool, I just got it, I charged it. Like let me try this out. So I'm sitting on the couch, have my pants down by my ankles, okay, in front of the TV. I'm watching TV, have my legs open, and I propped up the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the And it's a bright red like it glows everywhere. So she walks in and she's like, what the fuck is happening?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Yeah, like what's good? I mean, it's not that out of the ordinary to see me do some weird shit, you know Coming home like hey, what are we doing next? But that was a little too far. Yeah, she's fucked out the opposite direction. I want you to you brought something up yesterday That we didn't get a chance to get into that I don't know anything about the blackstone Last but shit yeah, you did you hear about this? No, I wanted to hear it from you. Okay, so shenanigans bro, they're getting indicted That's a big company. Yes, they're getting indicted for their roles in a scheme to distribute illegal dietary Supplements so what they found was that the the pills were
Starting point is 00:13:43 Supplements. So what they found was that the pills were contained things that were illegal like anabolic steroids or unapproved drugs and they were selling a shit ton of them a shit ton of them So these fuckers might get a lot of a lot of jail time. Let me ask you a question then in terms of like people like you know John Jones getting popped for certain things because he's claiming they were in his supplements. And do you really think there might be validity in some of these athletes getting popped for all this? Here's a deal. Yes, but also if you're that level of an athlete,
Starting point is 00:14:16 you know. You're an idiot. Yeah, you know. I know, I'm just putting that out there. Like, if they're getting indicted, you know, obviously that they're mixing allicted, you know, obviously that they're mixing all this, you know, anabolic steroids could potentially be in mark my words. You're going to see a whole flood of athletes were like, oh, yes, give me the new crush.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I was taking blackstone. Yeah. That's why I've got pop. No, because what happened, it shows the charges are that they're selling these illegal supplements. By the way, the punishment for this, the max is five years in prison and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense.
Starting point is 00:14:52 So if they get the max, now here's the problem. The FDA has been playing this game with supplement companies now for a little while. And the supplement companies have been pushing back and saying, no, we don't want to get regulated like pharmaceuticals and it's back and forth, back and forth. And the FDA, all they need is an example.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Like there's, how many supplement companies out there? Thousands? So all they need is one example, and what they'll typically do is they'll punish the fuck out of them to show everybody we mean business. They're the example. And what better example than, have you seen the owners of Blacks?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I have, they're the ones that flaunt the Lamborghini's and the mansion and they're fucking jacked and yeah, I'm trying to think they're connected to somebody who we know really well. And I don't remember. I want to say they're connected to Craig. They're I think Craig knows them really well. Now I want to call Craig up and ask him if he knows anything. Well, we'll check this out. The indictment also charges that they they're too counts of introducing a product.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I don't even know what this is. Known as super DMZRX2.0, which is an unapproved new drug. I have no idea what this is. I don't know if that's a steroid or something else that they were selling. It's crazy robot. Yeah, it's kind of crazy. There's also people who are saying that they received kidney failure, liver damage, and some other health problems.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I guess some people are taking this and I can kind of feel bad. Imagine if you're the 16 year old kid and you buy this supplement. I felt that. I was like, who do you feel bad? Well, this would have been me. If I was a 16 year old kid and I heard about this supplements that really work, I would have bought them. I would have taken them.
Starting point is 00:16:22 If they do contain a steroid, of course they work. I would have been like, fuck going off after them. And if they do contain a steroid, of course they work And I would have been like fuck going off for 30, you know after 30 days, I'm gonna stay on this Not knowing that you're taking that terrible That happened to me that happened to me that my first experience of gyno came from an over the counter supplement Is that when you first got it? Yes, well wasn't that you I had taken a real cycle years before that and then I had taken I take this it was a it was Trin it was this the Trin bottle I forget the name of the brand but later on got removed It's like a beach ran or some shit
Starting point is 00:16:52 And I didn't take any post cycle anything and I I saw such great gains from it that I ran back like two or three bottles in a row And when by the third bottle all sudden I, I had never felt this before that. Like I said, I had ran steroids a couple of years before that and had no, I didn't have any side effects like this. And all of a sudden, the gyno comes out of nowhere and I had no idea. And I was like, and then I find out later on, this thing gets pulled off and I'm like, no one. Here's what pisses me off about this so bad is that you have a few assholes who ruin it for everybody
Starting point is 00:17:27 because here's what you don't want. You do not want FDA strictly regulated supplements because then your creatine is gonna cost you at three times as much. Vitamin C will be the only thing that's available, maybe protein powder. You're not gonna see all these other introductions of supplements. Maybe that's what we need.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Maybe that's what we need though for people to stop thinking it's such a fucking miracle thing. It'll never make it better. No way. And the FDA is not perfect either, man. Like how many drugs and shit get pulled off the market and it'll kill the whole market. And let's be honest, as much as we rail on the supplement industry, it does
Starting point is 00:18:03 fuel and fund a lot of also smart fitness people and information and you cut that out and you're gonna eliminate a lot of the money. That's fair. I wonder if they're, where are they at? How far along is this? Oh, they're on trial already. I think they're indicted.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It seems like they've been cracking down a lot lately. Like more of these companies are popping up and the FDA is kind of getting more of their hands involved To set examples. It seems like in particular steroids in particular is getting targeted a little bit And was it you Adam that was telling me that China? Yes, that's coming on board with us Yes, so this is crazy too So China and I want to bring this up. So I actually Read it correctly, but
Starting point is 00:18:43 China is going to make it a criminal offense to use steroids. And their idea right now is to be cracking down on Reharkas. I think it's 2022 or 20. Oh, the Olympics. Is that one? Do you know what it is? I think it's the 2022 or 2023. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:19:00 So they're trying to get clean. Right. They're trying to clean everything up. Now, the thing that I think is crazy about that is that I don't know if I know. So they're trying to get clean, right? They're trying to clean everything up. Now, the thing that I think is crazy about that is that I don't know if people know this or not, but over 99%. So basically everything, all steroids today,
Starting point is 00:19:14 which let me back up a little bit, very few people that are taking steroids today in your local gyms or buddy that's handy to you, is not like the back in the days where it was shipped overseas and it was pharmaceutical. Yeah, right. Most it's become you can get online, you can Google how to do your own thing now.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's somebody who's locally making it, they get the raw form, the powder form that ship from China. So almost every steroid that is being used in the United States, the original powder form of that is derived from China. And so China is going to be cracking down really hard and make, yeah, so it's 2022. So China is criminalizing doping as a public relations move in advance of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. So you think this is going to really affect the flow of the source of the black market. Oh, 100%. I mean, if you were buying your typical steroid bottle for 72, and I remember when I was
Starting point is 00:20:13 the first time that I had bought steroids, it was like 250 a bottle. So I project it to be back up to those crazy numbers or higher. Yeah, because at first, it Mexico before that was the main producer. Yeah, because at first, what it that was the main producer. Yeah, because at first what it was is it was pharmaceutical, actual American pharmaceutical, you know, antibiotics. Then it was shipped in from other countries. And then that got cracked down.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And then it was veterinary grade from Mexico. And then it was black market underground Mexican. But then that there was so much counterfeit and shit there. Yeah. And then it was like Adam saying, people are buying the raw materials from China, making it themselves and so you have all these underground labs in the US that are making their antibiotics from these powders that are coming from China.
Starting point is 00:20:58 But if they really clamp, try to clamp down on that. Well, they're saying that China promises to throw steroid users in prison in 2019. Wow. So they are trying to make a point from all this stupid policy. It's kind of I think it's so dumb. You're going to take someone who's doing something to their own body and you're going to throw them in a cage. It makes no I mean, if you can take steroids and then hurt someone or do something, you know, I get that, but I mean, it doesn't make any sense to me. But whatever, it's all political. Well, and I think a lot of the, didn't they, in the last few years, they've had a lot of athletes
Starting point is 00:21:30 that got that have been popped and busted over there. So I think that's the driving force behind this, right? Dude, communist countries are well known for being ahead of the curve in terms of doping in steroids for their athletes. Yeah. It's it's state sponsored. Remember, right? The way that steroids for their athletes. It's state sponsored, remember?
Starting point is 00:21:45 The way that they view their athletes, because their athletes are supported by their government. So their government goes, picks people out, many times as children, and then that's what they do their whole life. They take them from their family. The family gets all this national praise or whatever. They may pay the family a stipend because they took their daughter or their son.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And the kid is, they're owned by the state and so the state feeds them, gives them whatever drugs, they're training, and that's it. And so it's a source of national pride, literally. And so some of the worst cases of abuse come from these countries. I mean, you look back to the Soviet Union and what they did with weightlifting. And the first, I think the first time we ever really saw that was the East German female swim team. Well, they all came out and they all had like broad shoulders and just they look like a bunch of dudes walking out.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And they were crushing everybody and everybody's like, huh, this is weird. That's something that I've had. What the hell is it? I'm still torn on what I feel is right or what we should do. I don't know, I don't know what the answer is. Do you make two separate leagues where,
Starting point is 00:22:55 in every sport, there's a test it, just like if there is a body building, you can do a non, but the thing is, I think that way too, Sal, but I don't know if anybody watches that. No one's going to watch the... Yeah, the steroid ones always get a win, right? That's okay.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah, which is going to be what the market determines, right? That's okay, that's on us. If we wanted to go, here's the bottom line, we want that shit to go away, stop watching it. But you're not, you want to watch it, so it's going to exist. I think when you, if you want to let people compete at the highest level, forget about the fact that it's healthy because it's not, I don't care what you do. Right. There's nothing healthy about it.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Let people compete at the highest level and let them use whatever they want. I mean, they're doing it with swimsuits, they're doing it with shoes, when they run, they're changing the track, they're changing the way the pool, the water and the pool is so that people can swim faster. They're doing it with nutrition, they're doing it with supplements and buy them, let them inject hormones and see whatever. And then if you want, see if the market creates a demand for a league that is all natural.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Purest league. Yeah, and then let that happen. But at the end of the day, we are watching people that don't represent 99.9999% of us anyway. So we need to stop pretending. And I think we need to be honest about it because I think the long, what it used to be, the argument used to be,
Starting point is 00:24:11 we want them to be good role models for our children. So we don't want them. That's absolutely good. Absolutely. Actually, they're not good role models anyway. I know. Yeah, look at, that's what's always funny is like, you know, the stuff like,
Starting point is 00:24:24 you get to that highest level and then you look at their life and like, what they're doing and getting in trouble and incarcerated and all that's like, why are we even lifting them up in that category? Just acknowledge how great they are at that one thing. And then leave it at that. Look at all the performance enhancing drugs
Starting point is 00:24:39 that we use for business. Everything from caffeine, which everybody uses, that's a performance enhancing drug, to stronger drugs like Adderall and Ritalin. And now you have people using, you know, small doses of psychedelics, microdosing to improve their performance. What's that other one that,
Starting point is 00:24:57 that one that Dave Asprey tells everybody to use? Oh, Medaphinal. Yeah, Medaphinal, it's a new trend. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and it's like, I mean, you know, this is, you know, this is what we do. It's funny, I was talking about this to Jessica and we were laughing because it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:13 people, they drink alcohol, they'll drink coffee, they'll, you know, maybe smoke a cigarette or whatever, things that are more acceptable. And it's just, this is a part of human life. This is what we do, we medicate ourselves, you know, so, and then food, food is the greatest, most abused drugs in modern societies anyway. So no, I don't think, I think they should have it
Starting point is 00:25:33 be use whatever you want, it's open, and then see what ends up happening. I think it'll end up, will we see more deaths and stuff like that? I don't know, maybe. They already push the envelope anyway. I don't think it'll change much. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:25:46 No, I agree with you. I just, I wonder if it would support itself. Like, I don't know if it would be able to be televised. Nobody give a shit about watching it. Like, it would be just like you see the body, but like most people listening right now don't know the tested bodybuilding federations. You know, you're familiar with the untested ones.
Starting point is 00:26:03 IFBB and the other one that Most I did like those those the two main ones and they everybody knows they're non-tested So all the best of the best athletes go through there all the cover models and magazines come from there It's just there's very few people that come out of the the natural world. So it's just because I think It's just it's natural for us or it's human nature for us to be drawn to these crazy extremes. And I think that I don't know if you could ever have a football team that is nobody uses is allowed steroids and we would watch it. I just wait till Gene therapy gets to the point where people can start fucking with that shit.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And Chris Burr, yeah, we're just gonna now select certain genes and like foster these superhuman beings like, you know, from the start. It's gonna be crazy. Yeah, because I'll tell you something right now, all the anabolic steroids in the world. I can compete with that. I can't even come close to genetics. No. I think we're all gonna have like, you know, in like 2050, we'll have our own clone, so there'll be like a clone atom, and then I could juice them up, I could do whatever. Oh yeah. You know, say I could put them on the football field
Starting point is 00:27:13 and make them blow up, like I said, and he gets one life, he gets one life, that's it, but you have full control of a culture. Don't think for a second those twins, it was in China, right, that were, come on dude. Oh, as a side effect their their intelligence is accident whoops. Yeah, we were trying to. Oh, yeah, they can run like the fastest sprint time you've ever seen whoops. Yeah, that was weird that that just happened. Yeah, I know
Starting point is 00:27:37 exactly. You know, speed to use remind me of something I was watching last night. So I've been watching this and I'm not sure how I feel about this yet either. So there's a new YouTube channel. These guys are trying to get them. They'll appreciate the shout out. So I think it's called brute strength and they compare a power lifter, a body builder. I saw that. Yeah. A cross fitter and what am I missing? An Olympic lifter. Right. And so I totally think it draws me in because I'm interested to watch like some of the events like it and predict what I think should happen.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And for the most part, it does fall in line. Now what I think is stupid is taking a power lifter and running a 40-yard dash with them. Did they do that? Oh yeah, and vertical jump. So they're doing these explode. And what I told Katrina while we're watching, I'm like, you know, this can be very interesting
Starting point is 00:28:31 to see if this thing grows legs and they can actually do this because this format is asking for a serious injury. Yeah, you take certain high level, because all these people are top-of-the-competing. Like real hard. Oh, they all are. They're very competitive. So you have, I level, because all these people are top or... Because they're going to compete like real hard at it. They all are. They're very competitive.
Starting point is 00:28:47 So you have, I mean, come on, you take the top cross-fitter, the top power-lifter, the top Olympic lifter, you take these top athletes that are hyper-focused in a specific modality and at the 1% tile of their class, and then you ask them to perform in a different modality and do things that are potentially explosive and you don't move explosively. I can't believe I haven't seen a torn hamster. It's crazy, like a bodybuilder doing Olympic lifts. They've never even done before.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. But of course they don't wanna, you know, they're strong. So they're gonna wanna put weight on there and try and move it really fast. Dude, I'm just like cringing. I'm watching it. I can't, I mean, I'm a little smart. It's, yeah, I'm entertained, exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:26 It's from an entertainment perspective. I think it's a smart angle from, as far as the reality of how long it will stick around because of the potential of someone getting injured. I mean, can you think of a higher potential injury? Because people think, assume when you see, you know, four bodies like that, that they're all in, like phenomenal shape, so they should be able to run
Starting point is 00:29:48 and jump and do these things, but it's like, do when you take a girl that's a power lifter who's been doing slow grinding training forever, hasn't done any sprinting before, doesn't do any sort of. And she has the muscle to generate a lot of force, but she doesn't have the control and stability to do the speed aspect of it. Oh, they even have them do side lateral drills, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:30:08 So, so I'm like, man, I'm looking, I'm like, dude, any minute now, someone's gonna tear an ACL or something. And this is just like getting them off of their, off the street in a sense where they're not like prepping them with training at a time. There's no prepping for this, there's no training for this. They, I'm watching the female ones right now, and I've watched so far I've seen the vertical jump. I'm watching the female ones right now and I've watched
Starting point is 00:30:25 so far, I've seen the vertical jump, I've seen the 40-yard dash. Then you also have this too. So you have a power lifter and an Olympic lifter going through a CrossFit workout. So what they've done is they take an event that would be that would favor one of them. So each one and it would heavily favor one. So obviously a CrossFit or, it worked out as her domain. She should destroy that. And then you have, I don't know, the sport ones where who they were trying, obviously the Olympic lifter is the one who was doing, you know, standing broad jump. She won the 40-yard dash. She won. So the Olympic lifter won most of all the, like, like, field athletic performance things. She also won her Olympic lift. The Crossfitter is doing pretty well as far as what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:31:09 But, no, nothing bad has happened yet, but I can't help but think that it's coming. Yeah. Like, if you're taking these people and you're having them compete at that high of a level in modalities that they're just not used to doing, you know? Gosh, that's gotta be interesting. It is car crash. It is interesting to watch. Did you guys, have you been drinking the McAdamion nut?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Dug got milk. You're using it? Yeah, Dug got me on. Tell me that's not the tits from the tits. The McAdamion, like the 90s, right? The tits. Tell me it's not amazing. I'm bringing it back, by the way.
Starting point is 00:31:39 No, no. Things that are good with the tits. All right, are you using McAdamion? Are you using it in other things besides the smoothie box? Cause that's a- I'm doing the, oh dude, Things that are good are the tips. Are you using it? Are you using it in other things besides the smoothie box? Cause that's a- I'm doing the, oh dude, Organified Gold Juice with Macadamie Nut Milk is heaven.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Oh, I saw you posted it on your story. You posted it on your story the other day. Have you fraught it up? Yes, okay, you do. So we got one of those. Yeah, a little frafter. Yeah, that's the business. So what I do is I put the Macadamie Nut Milk
Starting point is 00:32:02 in like a little pot or whatever. And then so it starts to warm up. I put the, you know, a scoop of the Gold Juice and then I do is I put the macadamia in a milk and like a little pot or whatever and then so it starts to warm up I put the you know a scoop of the gold juice and then I do the little froth and And it makes a nice little frothy amazing creamy drink No, no, and then I sleep like a baby. Yeah, one of my favorite. I sleep like a baby. Did you guys see the what's going on with the The school scandal the college admissions scandal. Okay, you guys were trying to tell me about this,
Starting point is 00:32:29 like inform me, because I've heard this all over the news is a big scandal, like what's the deal? Okay, so I'll read the first paragraph. It's like cheating to get kids in, right? Bro, this is like, and this is abri- And bribing, and this is bad. This is a great example of the elite, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:46 cheating, using their money to cheat, and it's really gonna, it's gonna be bad. The blowback is gonna be terrible. So federal officials have charged dozens of well-heeled parents, including actresses, Felicity Huffman, and Lori Loughlin, you know who they are, and a multi million dollar scheme
Starting point is 00:33:04 to cheat college admission standards. So basically what they did is they paid a consultant who then fabricated academic and athletic credentials and arranged bribes to get their kids into prestigious universities. How insane, how crazy. His clients trip out, this is gonna trip you out. His clients paid him because I guess apparently He did a really good job like he's like the best in the world to do this. Yeah, he got paid anywhere between $200,000 and
Starting point is 00:33:32 6.5 million dollars for his service This guy would make a kid that's what I've that's that's why I'm reading quote from the art What are these shit all Ivy League schools like what what are these schools? Oh these are like the hardest to get into schools Princeton and Harvard and MIT and so what it'll do is you'll feel fake like SAT scores Yeah, and he would literally stage Photos of athletics so we'd have them dress up and like yeah shut up And he would stage photos and videos to send to these colleges and be like oh, he's a star I wonder they got caught.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I mean, how long can he pull that off? Apparently, he's long enough. So it's through like a basketball at the kid that's supposed to be like it also hits him in the face. All in meals, like picture, just like this. I was here, this is a big set. Dude. So this is crazy because it highlights two different things.
Starting point is 00:34:19 It highlights just how difficult these some of these colleges are to get into. Yeah. And then it also highlights the stuff that gets people pissed off at wealthy people. This is what makes it, this is why people get angry at wealthy people is because they take shit like this and then they put everybody who's wealthy in this category. And look, I get it man, this pisses me off too. It's like, if your kid can't get into a fucking school on their own merit.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, that's a joke. What are you really doing, by the way, if you're a celebrity parent, and first off, you already have a challenge. Well, you're feeding right into what you know, which is, you know, it's more important to who you know than what you know, right? So you're connecting your kid to all these other... How are you setting your kid up for any kind of success in life? You know what I'm saying? First of all, if you're a celebrity to begin with, if you're a successful person to begin with,
Starting point is 00:35:04 and you have kids, you run the challenge of raising a child who doesn't know how to overcome adversity, who doesn't know how to work for themselves because they're the son or daughter of CEO, whatever, or actress, or whatever. So that's already a challenge enough because otherwise your kid's gonna be a little shitty celebrity kid who fucking has no value in life and is just a piece of shit
Starting point is 00:35:27 and could grow up depressed and whatever. You're gonna name it, named after a fruit. Yeah, so you're gonna exactly apple or whatever. So you're gonna raise this kid already with that challenge and all you're gonna do is feed into it by being like, we'll get you into Princeton. I'm gonna fucking pay for this fake shit and you're gonna be involved in it
Starting point is 00:35:42 because a lot of these kids were in the pictures and stuff that they had to fake. Terrible parents. Wow. This is why paracelting exists. And it's really, this is big, right? From what I hear, it's supposed to be like, there's a lot of people that are getting indicted
Starting point is 00:35:53 and stuff. Oh dude, more than- More than real people that earned it are getting snuffed. For 50 people have been charged. More than three dozen people in multiple states were already taken into custody. And they're calling this operation, Operation Varsity Blues. No way.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's perfect. That is fucked up. So they're getting like federal sentences, right? They're like prison times. Oh, this is a big deal. Not to mention, because there's multiple charges here. I read somewhere there's like fraud
Starting point is 00:36:22 and there's lots of, you're breaking all kinds of law. Pribory, yeah. There's like, there's so many laws being broken here. Oh, dude. And there's a lot of it's like fraud and there's there's a there's a there's lots of you're breaking all kind of library. Yeah, there's like there's so many laws being broken here. Oh, dude. And there's already a backlash against celebrities. That's kind of growing anyway. So this is just going to this is all part of the Hollywood thing that crazy. Now that's been happening ever since Trump. It's been like we talked about this like destruction. We talked about this almost two years ago. Dude. This is Netflix. It's not you. thing. Netflix is trying to take Hollywood down. I'm telling you, Netflix and Hulu are partnering up on this shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Oh my God. Pumping money. Something. All right, so I got one more article I want to cover just because I've gotten this has been sent to me now at least 50 times. So title of the article. Three or more eggs a day increased your risk of heart disease and early death.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It says a new study. Yeah, that's right. What is going on? Is this another one of those? What the health kind of like misinformation and things? This is below. So researchers examined data from six US study groups of more than 29,000 people
Starting point is 00:37:22 and they followed them for 17 and a half years on average. And over the follow up period, of more than 29,000 people and they followed them for 17 and a half years on average. And over the follow up period, they found that consuming whole eggs or lots of cholesterol, 300 milligrams of cholesterol, for example, per day was associated with a 3%, it's not a 3%. Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second, 29,000 people over the course of 17 years, you were able to tease out all the things necessary to tease out to even come up to this conclusion.
Starting point is 00:37:48 We're gonna get into the fuck outta here with that. I'm a little skeptical. I don't even need to hear any more to know that the judges should. Well, a little skeptical. Well, they do try to control for things and that, but let's talk about this. So they found that 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day
Starting point is 00:38:01 was associated with a 3% higher risk of heart disease and a 4% higher risk of heart disease and a 4% higher risk of early death. Now, that alone is a very small percentage. That's almost nothing. Each additional half an egg consumed per day was associated with an additional 1% higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Now, here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:38:18 The problem is that these studies did not take into account that there are other unhealthy behaviors like low physical activity and an unhealthy diet. Now here's my case and here's why I know this is complete bullshit. Okay. For the last 20 years, because this was done over the last 20, 30 years, whole egg consumption has been demonized. We've been told and taught for a long time that you do not eat the yolk of an egg because cholesterol is bad for you. long time that you do not eat the yoke of an egg because cholesterol is bad for you. So in that 30 year period, who are the people most likely to ignore that advice? People who don't really care about health. So these same people are far less likely to exercise and far more likely to eat shitty
Starting point is 00:38:55 food. It's the same association we see when we look at vegans versus the average eater and we find out. That's what they, what are they, are they, what are they, is this the same people, were they not allowed to go have taco bell for three times a day, were they not allowed allowed to eat a tub of ice cream every single night,
Starting point is 00:39:11 were they not allowed to eat a fucking pound of bacon. Are they exercising? No, for the last 30 years, for the last 30 years, the people most likely to eat lots of whole eggs were also people who disregarded health because if you regarded health for the last 30 years, if health was a priority of yours, you're on the egg white kit.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yes, because that was part of the information that you got. So that's what's happening. If they eliminate all that and you look at healthy people who eat whole eggs, you will find that whole egg consumption is associated with better health. Collestral is associated with more strength, better brain health, better lipid, pro everything. It's associated with a very small, there's a very small percentage of people,
Starting point is 00:39:50 very, very small who do need to watch cholesterol consumption. But if you're one of those people, you know, it's a gaining traction, this article. It's getting shared, especially to me, because I'm the one that makes the case here, for all of this. But no, it's a bullshit study. I wouldn't take it with a grain of salt.
Starting point is 00:40:07 That's my peep with it. Yeah, and I'd scramble it. This quas brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition. Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com.
Starting point is 00:40:29 That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. Alright, a first question is from M-Mank. Can you review training for strength versus hypertrophy? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? and then we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of fun. And we're going to have a lot of crossover. Yeah. It's not super clear division like training for flexibility and training for strength or or something like that. Now that being said, I think for explaining this, so the average person gets this, I think it's important that we do draw a line though.
Starting point is 00:41:21 So I would like to create like a visual for somebody. I mean, if you most if you, most body builders tend to gravitate towards hypertrophy training. That's muscle growth. Builder, bigger muscles. Right. What does that mean though, in a more simpler form? That means the way they're training
Starting point is 00:41:37 is they're doing a lot of high repetition exercise. They're doing a lot of 10 to 15 reps. They're super setting a lot of things. So they're, they're getting a lot of the pump. Yeah, blood pumping. Right, which will actually train the body, it's in a different adaptation, right? So you get a different adaptation.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Now, what Salah is saying is there's carryover from hypertrophy training to strength and vice versa. But there is a clear distinction of what somebody kind of starts to look like if they stay in one versus the other. Sure, and in our space, strength in hypertrophy means, like hypertrophy means building bigger muscles and strength means lifting heavy weights for low repetitions. But the reality is, if you train 10 to 15 reps, you're going to get stronger. You're going to be stronger overall. And if you train in the two to five rep range, which is just for that kind of low rep strength,
Starting point is 00:42:25 you're gonna get bigger too. Plus sustaining that strength for a little bit longer, you see some benefit there for the high purchase. Right, now back in the day bodybuilders used to incorporate strength phases quite often. I know Arnold and Franco, in particular, used to do a cycles of powerlifting and the things that they said that brought them was a very dense, hard look and feel
Starting point is 00:42:48 to their muscles. Now, if you look at old pictures of Franco Colombo, you can see this in particular in his chest and his back. I mean, here was a guy that was, I believe when he competed under 200 pounds, he was a little bodybuilder, but he could deadlift 700 pounds and bench press over 500 pounds, which was astronomical weight for anybody.
Starting point is 00:43:07 You used to lift enough cars. Yeah, I mean, just incredible. Crazy shit. And he had this very dense look to his body. Hyperachery training, staying in that phase, you know, tends to create more of the bigger bubble looks to the body, but you lose some of that density. But here's the other thing too. Stay in one or the other always, and you actually don't get as great a result as if you move
Starting point is 00:43:29 back and forth a little bit. If your goal is to just be strong in that low rep range type of strength, every once and while throwing in a hypertrophy phase will make you stronger in the low rep phases. And vice versa. If you always stay in the hypertrophy phase, I remember when Adam did this, when we first started the podcast, he went through this, this was why you were competing as a professional physique competitor.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You went through a whole strength phase, and I want you to, you need to find the picture of your back. That before and after of your back, and this was after already, you know, 15 years of training, you look like you gained all the pounds of muscle you gained through that strength phase went to your back. And this was after already, you know, 15 years of training, you looked like you gained all the pounds of muscle you gained through that strength phase went to your back. No, I think it's why I feel so passionate about it. And I noticed that this is very common in that space. It's rare that I would meet somebody that was a bodybuilder that also would run strength cycles. It just you would never see it, not like real strength cycles.
Starting point is 00:44:23 You would see some bodybuilders like, oh, yeah, I know it's important to do some low reps so everyone's well. So within a workout they do like a set of heavy and then they count that as their like strength training. And it's not that that doesn't mean it's not strength training. It just means they're not running like a full strength cycle or they're changing the focus and adaptation that they're going after for a three to a four week period
Starting point is 00:44:44 and you know, it wasn't until I got competing, that I become more methodical about my training approach. I, for years, I was always the guy who just kind of threw everything in the kitchen sink at workouts and changed it every single time. And I never had to show over day, over day, and week, over week, and month, over month improvements until I got into competing. And so one of the things I loved about competing is it really drew that out of me of really
Starting point is 00:45:10 having to apply all the science and information that I had gathered and learned over all these years. And I knew I've always known that it's important that I strain train. I just didn't because I gravitated towards the things that I enjoyed and like more when I started to do that and I started lifting for the first time in my life, singles, doubles, triples, training like that, oh, especially in my back, my back exploded, and I've shared this, so I'm sure some people
Starting point is 00:45:36 are tired of hearing it on the podcast, I've probably said it three times, I think. But the biggest thing that was a game changer that I knew was like seated row was like the staple Beginning of almost every workout many many times for me I've I've went through cycles where I was pull-ups was for a while But the seated row just you know getting myself to retract my shoulders I I loved wrapping it up and then doing the whole stack or as much weight as I could do on there and I remember
Starting point is 00:46:03 Doing that for you and got really good at it And so I watched my weight go, it got really good at it. And so I watched my weight go up for a really long time. And then I completely went off of the hypertrophy training switched over to a strength training cycle where I was doing a lot of these heavy compound lifting, dead lifting, bent over rows, really heavy, and dropping down to the three to five rep range.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And I wanted to focus so much on that that I kind of eliminated all the other exercises and things that I was doing. I was just going to do heavy deadlifting, heavy bit over row or T-bar row and like weighted pull ups and I just got rid of all the machine shit and all the little bullshit that I have been doing for years. And I remember when I went back
Starting point is 00:46:43 so not only did you see the visual change, like you're talking about, Sal, but the strength difference in my back was, and I hadn't touched a seated row in like a year, I'd grab a whole that thing and rode more weight than I ever had in my life after 15 years of trying to do that. I was gonna say inversely to, you know, what you're bringing up in terms of like,
Starting point is 00:47:02 gaining strength, and that, including that, and what that did as far as benefiting you personally. I remember, you know, Robert Overs talking about just including bicep curls and, you know, the not necessarily the, that like hypertrophy versus strength, but also like what hypertrophy allows you to do is really focus a little bit more on single joint movements and really compartmentalize where there may be deficiencies and where there may be little interruptions in the chain. So now I can build that up so it builds strength into the overall. And you know, hypertrophy lends itself greater towards a single joint type of work in terms of like if I'm going to just do like one to
Starting point is 00:47:46 to three wraps of like a bicep curl. Yeah, it's just not as conducive to, you know, for training for that. No, and I think one of the biggest things that because okay, we could talk about like heavy strength training being low wraps and hypertrophy being a little higher wraps and you know, heavy strength training being more of the straight sets with the longer rest periods and hypertrophy being a little higher reps and heavy strength training being more of the straight sets with the longer rest periods and hypertrophy being shorter rest periods, sometimes supersads aiming for a pump. But really the biggest thing that characterizes strength versus hypertrophy type training is this right here. Heavy strength training places an emphasis and focus on movement.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Hyper-perchrophy training places a heavy emphasis on muscle. So when you're training for hypertrophy and you're doing a bench press, I'm trying to feel my packs. I'm trying to get a pump of my packs. I'm trying to feel them work. When I'm training for strength, I'm trying to get good at the bench press. You're trying to move weight. I'm trying to move more weight.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And strength, a very, very large part of strength is technique and skill. Is the skill of the lift. So what you'll find with strength training is doing a lot of a few exercises. What you'll find with hypertrophy training is doing a little bit, but a lot of different exercises. So I may do three sets, but I may do five different exercises for hypertrophy versus strength, where I'm doing seven sets of three exercises,
Starting point is 00:49:03 because the goal of strength is to get stronger with a specific skill. I'm practicing the squat. I'm practicing the squat. I'm getting good at the squat. And they both give you different benefits, but they're both complimentary. That's the important thing about this conversation right here is that it's extremely complimentary. Now if you're a strength athlete, you should definitely live most of the time in Now, if you're a strength athlete, you should definitely live most of the time in strength, and you should live most of the time in the movement. And if you're a bodybuilder, you should definitely live most of the time in hypertrophy.
Starting point is 00:49:32 But both even those extreme aspects, so those extreme athletes should live a little bit in the other world because they compliment. Now, if you're just the average lifter who wants to get jacked and wants to feel good and you know have longevity, do both. Definitely do both. Cycle through them. In fact, I would say you would probably benefit by doing the average person will probably benefit by doing a one to three ratio of strength hypertrophy. I would say two thirds of the time hypertrophy, one third of the time strength. If you're a beginner, I would focus mostly on movement, maybe not heavy weight, but just movement
Starting point is 00:50:09 to practice the movement. So kind of in that space. And then later on, I'm focused on feeling the muscles. But all of our programs are written from this philosophy. That's right. That's right. Every one of our programs, if you unpack the structure of it or how we built it, they're broken up in these as shortest, I think the shortest phase we have is two weeks in one of our programs, the longest phase, I believe is four weeks that we have in one of our programs. And what are phases are these like mezzo cycles of specific adaptations that we're going after.
Starting point is 00:50:38 So for example, you'll do strength training in maps and a ball at first, and then you move into hypertrophy. So the idea is that you use both these tools. For almost everybody, it's very rare that I would ever tell somebody that you shouldn't use both. I mean, even if you're in a sports specific,
Starting point is 00:50:57 like bodybuilding or sports specific strength training, you still should use the other one. That's the only time where I would think it would be just be skewed like you're saying, everybody else should have a nice a very nice even amount of balance of Strength training and hypertrophy training was sprinkled in some endurance and flexibility like all these all these adaptations are extremely important and they all compliment and feed the overall goal of compliment and feed the overall goal of performance, the overall goal of changing your physique, the overall goal of fat loss, the overall goal of building muscle, all of them contribute
Starting point is 00:51:33 to that. And so, I think this is one of the, and then why I like this question, is it's one of the most neglected thing I see in gyms, is the people getting stuck in a modality or stuck in a single minded focus not realizing that just because they have a very specific goal doesn't mean that they're programming and their training should stay that specific all the time because as time goes on the results start to diminish and it starts to really drop off hard after about four or five weeks like you know so and every there's going to be like individual variance like what start to diminish and it starts to really drop off hard after about four or five weeks. And there's going to be like individual variance, like what people can get good results
Starting point is 00:52:10 still after four or five weeks. But what ends up happening is after about four to six weeks, our bodies get really adapted to no matter what it is you're throwing at it. And then the change that most people are chasing in their body starts to really slow down and diminish. And so if you've been doing anything longer than a month or two of the same type of training, whether it be hypertrophy or strength, one of the best things you could possibly do is to switch to the other. One of my favorite things to do would be to take somebody who only trains bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:52:40 style hypertrophy. And this was more common with women where they would do the higher rep stuff. And I'd put them through a strength cycle. Totally. And blow their minds. Yeah. And they would build more muscle than they ever had before. And they'd be like, whoa, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I could build a radical change. Oh, it used to, it used to absolutely trip them out. So yeah, you got to mix things up. Here's the thing too, it's fun. It's fun to train. I have a blast training and strength because it's a different focus. And I'm moving heavy weight
Starting point is 00:53:05 and I'm getting used to the skill of the lift. And then I have a blast doing that hypertrophy stuff and getting a big pump and looking in the mirror and seeing how it can sculpt and shape my body. They're both really fun and they make, if you're gonna look, if you're gonna work out long term and you wanna do this for a very long time, it's a good idea to try and have fun with it.
Starting point is 00:53:25 And it can be very fun to change the focus of your training. I want to share one more thing that I'm completely speculating on this. And you kind of touched on it a little bit, which is this lifting heavy weights give you this kind of harder granite look. And we don't quite have the science to explain exactly what this is. But personally for myself, this was one of the most beneficial things for a guy
Starting point is 00:53:50 who's been driven by his aesthetics and building muscle and the way I look for so long in my career. When I finally ran like these pure strength cycles, I had built muscle that looked different on my body. And what I noticed as a guy who had been in the hypertrophy type of super setting, lots of reps chasing the pump mentality was, I looked awesome when I was in the gym and I was aired up.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I looked great. I mean, I love, I remember he said to myself all the time, and my buddy was saying, wait, we look each other and be like, man, if I could just look like this all the time. I just want to be, I don't need to be bigger than this. I just, I want to look the way I look when I'm all aired up and I'm pumped up. But then as soon as I would walk out,
Starting point is 00:54:31 and I'm sure part of this is skewed because I'm a six foot three tall big guy with long muscle bellies, I would like, I become half the man. I def, I would deflate all the way down to almost look like a guy who kind of, or didn't really work out very much, but then in the gym, almost look like a guy who kind of or didn't really work out very much, but then in the gym, I looked like a monster. And it wasn't until I got in a strength training,
Starting point is 00:54:50 did I have this more muscular look, it completely flattened, deflated. That was what tripped me out was. I think it's actual muscle fiber. That's what I think it is. It's less of the cycloplasmic hypertrophy. And more of the actual fiber, which is why it comes across so hard.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And that's, I think that's what we attribute to. I can't prove any of this. It's like Ben Polick, look at his physique. He's need doing body, or physique, or something right now. Right, right. Look at his body. It looks like he's made out of stone. Yeah. You know, and he's a power lifter. Yeah, even look like I had more muscle.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Like what I'm saying, that's it, just, I would deflate out. And then when I started strain training, it gave me this new look that I had never seen on my physique. And that was, and again, this is anecdotal, this is with myself. But there's been many people that I've seen this happen to too. And I just can't quite put my finger on and explain it.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Next question is from Kudajar. Why do I suffer from low back pain while playing sports like basketball and flag football? What are some things I can do to prevent it? Oh, do this is me. Yeah, it's now, of course, there's going to be a lot of individual variants here. We don't see you. I can't see you moving.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I don't know what your specific issue is. Yeah, you're biomechanics. So I'm going to speak to the general. And in my experience, generally speaking, this person just has poor core recruitment patterns and stability. Okay, so when you look at you, the core of your body, that represents kind of the mid section of your body, but I would also include the hips in that as well. And what's going on is you have this symphony of muscles that communicate and work together
Starting point is 00:56:23 to perform these athletic pursuits that you're trying to pursue. And this involves the hip flexors, the glutes, the abdominals, the obliques, the intertural obliques, the TVA muscles, even the lats stabilize the core to some extent, stabilizing, but also allowing rotation with strength and then not allowing rotation simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:56:44 It's a pretty complex system and operations that the core is controlled. Now my experience people like this were like, man my low back is so tired and starts to hurt when I'm trying to run a lot. Because that's what's happening here with basketball and football is they're running a lot. It's typically an over reliance on hip flexor stabilizing the core and less of reliance on the other muscles of the core that can stabilize. Now, when you look at some of these hip flexor muscles,
Starting point is 00:57:10 actually attach at the lower spine. So if you look at an enemy chart, you can see, like for example, the so-as, attaches along the lower part of the spine, goes kind of through the body, and then attaches to the front of your femur. Now, when that muscle is doing too much work, it's going to get inflamed and tightened fatigue, just like any muscle would. And oftentimes when muscles get tightened and inflamed, the where
Starting point is 00:57:34 you're going to feel the pain is at one of the points of insertion. And it's usually, in this case, the where it inserts at the low back. And so you're going to feel this kind of low, but it's not your low back that's weak. It's not your spine. It's that your hip flexors are just fucking doing too much work. Well, in your, in your low back is taking a lot of the load and stress the entire time. I would, I would venture to say that you have the identical thing. And then again, like the boys said, when we first started this answer or answering this is, there's going to be individual variants. We could be completely wrong on who this person is. But in my experience, this person is the person that has that anterior pelvic tilt.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And you, yeah, your butt sticks out. I have this. This was a major issue for me, my whole life. And in Sal, when in a depth right there talking about all the hip flexion muscles, I could be tired and pulling on in a weak core. And all those things are a result of this or vice versa, right? But if you lay down, and this is how I would show somebody or test that with somebody,
Starting point is 00:58:32 as I would lay down on my back, bend your knees at 45 degrees, just like if you're going to do a sit-up or a crunch, and pay attention to how big of a gap you have in your low back. So, can you fit your fingers or your hand, or can you actually stick your arm underneath your low back. So can you fit your fingers or your hand or can you actually stick your arm underneath your low back and I can actually get like half way through my forearm because I have such an excessive arch in my low back and that's something like back presses is and we've done stuff like this on the YouTube. So there's quite a few videos, the hip flexor deactivation sales done, which is a great video. I did some back press videos on there.
Starting point is 00:59:05 There's quite a few things on vacuum poses. Yeah, vacuum poses. There's a lot of things on the mind pump TV, from YouTube channel that are great for this. But I would be almost certain that you're somebody who does, and getting pelvic control too. So there are specific exercises that really helped me. So once I addressed my core, released the hip flexors,
Starting point is 00:59:27 got myself back into more of neutral spinal limits so I don't have that excessive arch or that lower what they call lower cross syndrome. And then I started doing things like Bulgarian split squats to where you are getting your strengthening in that bottom position was did wonders for me. And now I'm completely pain free in my low back. I had it all through high schools of kid playing sports
Starting point is 00:59:49 all the way into almost my 30s as an adult and it wasn't until later on that I addressed this. Yeah, your back pain went away as you got older. Yeah, I couldn't even, I didn't find anything about that. I couldn't even squat. This is also, and this probably this kid, or a young man, I don't know who it is,
Starting point is 01:00:04 is also probably their low back this kid or a young man, I don't know who it is, is also probably their low back bothers them when they squat, especially if they try and deep squat. And that was what was wrong with me. And my arch was so excessive that when I was squatting, I was getting so much flexion and extension in my lower back that after like 10 reps of squatting, my low back would just be on fire. So, and I can say at 37 years old,
Starting point is 01:00:26 I have zero back pain now. I feel incredible. I now can sit at the bottom of a squat with two, 300 pounds in my back, no problem, and feel incredible, but it took me a lot of time to dress up. It's also, we also got to mention this because here's what happens sometimes.
Starting point is 01:00:40 People were like, okay, cool. I heard that my core is weak, so I need to strengthen my core. And so, they'll go to the gym and they'll do a bunch of leg raises. I'm going to reinforce their hip flexor issue. Yeah, sit up, send all these exercises. No, no, no, no, no. It's not that your core is necessarily weak. It's that you have a recruitment pattern that is emphasizing the use of your hip flexors. And that's what's getting that's a problem. You wrote a great guide on this. We have a free guide, mind pump free.com. You can get a free low back pain guide.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Oh right, right. You address all this in there. Yeah, grab that because I talk a lot about it, but it's free. And here's the thing, you wanna be able to get your core to work in an optimal way. And so a lot of the exercise you're gonna do are gonna be correctional.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Once you get the movement patterns that you want, then you can work on the strengthening and strength aspect I've ever done is that you can do a lot of things. And I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. I've been doing a lot of things. So that's one of our top videos you can find on there. Next question is from Haley Little John 210. Do you have any advice on how to overcome a negative body image while bulking? I'm having a hard time watching myself gain body fat even though I know I need to eat in a surplus to gain muscle.
Starting point is 01:01:56 This is funny because it's hilarious. Guys will have a problem cutting because they get the negative body image and that was me Like I didn't like to cut because I don't like to see myself get smaller and then you have a lot of female I would have a lot of female clients who didn't want to eat in a surplus because they just don't want to see themselves Get bigger the best way okay what you focus on is what you see okay? So if you focus on your size
Starting point is 01:02:22 While you're bulking you might have a tough time bulking take your focus off your size and instead focus on your size while you're bulking, you might have a tough time bulking. Take your focus off your size and instead focus on your strength. So instead of looking at how big your body's getting or muscle, how much muscle you're gaining, because that's always gonna remind you that you're maybe gaining weight, focus on how strong you are on the gym
Starting point is 01:02:40 and how much stronger you can get in the gym. And that'll work wonders. And what would happen, what I used to do when I was trying to cut is rather than focusing on my strength, which was I really hated, which seemed my strength to climb in a deficit, is I'd make sure to work out in tank tops and notice definition.
Starting point is 01:02:55 So I could see, oh, I see some definition there in my shoulder, whatever, and I'd focus on the things that are gonna show up in one of these states that'll help you with that. This is an old bodybuilder strategy. If you've ever wondered why you always see the big buff bodybuilder guys with the big hoodies and sweaters on and working out in the middle of the summer, I used to do this too. Just like Sal saying, when I'm on the bulk and I know I'm putting body fat on and I know it by body looks like when it's 3% looks awesome and you can't walk 10 yards without somebody complimenting your physique.
Starting point is 01:03:25 And then I'll send you go to this puffy looking guy that is looks like I'm getting fat. And so I totally can relate to this and understand and what's one of the things we used to do is like, you know the process you have to go through. I know that I'm putting weight on. I know that I'm gonna put some body fat on. I've got a, I can't identify with the 3% guy.
Starting point is 01:03:46 So I'm just gonna cover him up. I'm gonna cover him up in a hoodie and a sweater and all I'm thinking about is the weights. So all I'm looking at is that deadlift getting, I'm getting stronger, I'm getting stronger. And the way I feel my workout and I'm in a sweater and a hoodie covered up because I'm not focused on my body. It's not about my body right now.
Starting point is 01:04:02 It's about building a metabolism up, right? Because that's when I'm on a bulk between shows, it's all about how much muscle can I build to not only speed my metabolism up, but then also to make my physique look better before I come back down. I know that while I'm on that mission, that it's inevitable that body fat's gonna come on
Starting point is 01:04:19 and I'm not gonna look like I look like on stage. So I'm not gonna pay attention to it. I don't care. I'm gonna do the things that I need to do, which is eat the way I need to eat, train the way I need to, and those are the things that I'm focusing on during that process,
Starting point is 01:04:31 and you're just going through that process. Yeah, it's interesting. It's funny. It's like you get a car and you want to make your car look just cherry, right? You want it to look beautiful. And so what do you do first? You put some primer on it.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Well, that's stage one. Like don't worry about how your car looks right now It's got primer on you know what the next stages are gonna make your car look like like this is just part of the process That's all it is you're not gonna finish here So if you're somebody that likes to maintain the leaner body weight But you want to speed up your metabolism put on a little muscle like don't worry about the bulking period because that's just a Stage to get you to where you want to go to make it easier to maintain what you like to maintain. You're in control. You're in control That's right. That's all it is and here's the other thing you do start to embrace it a little bit You know, I've had I had female clients who when they would start to get over this like oh my god
Starting point is 01:05:18 I'm gaining a little bit of weight, you know I'm building a little bit then they come to me be like you know what I kind of like my curves a little bit I think I like the way I look in the dress and I think I like, and they would start to embrace it. And that's great. It's so awesome to be able to love your body in different states of good health because you can have great health and be heavier
Starting point is 01:05:36 and you can have great health and be lighter. You know, when you look at studies of people in their health, there's a pretty wide range of body fat percentages where people can be healthy. You know, like for a man wide range of body fat percentages where people can be healthy. You know, like for a man like between 10% and 18%, you're not going to really, as long as they're healthy, you're not going to have that big of a difference if any at all. You're naturally going to fluctuate.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And it's just like the sooner you are comfortable with that fact, the better. And so this is one of those things that's like, you can just know that you can just roll with it and find the benefits like you're saying to it. That would be ideal, but I know that this are just going to permable click me. Yeah. Next question is from Miss Fit Nerdy. What are the biggest pitfalls of a reverse diet
Starting point is 01:06:19 and how can you best avoid them? Oh man. Biggest, biggest challenge of a reverse diet, in my opinion, is going up too fast. Yeah. You know, like, oh, it's time to reverse diet. I'm going to add 500 calories to my maintenance. I don't think you can go too slow.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Yes. I don't, and I don't think anybody goes slow enough. I think we're all flirting with the other side, including myself, because you're in a race and a hurry to get better. Then plus you enjoy the fact you're eating more calories. But the reality of it is, if you're about to go on a reverse diet, that means you're coming out of a diet that you've probably been in for a while to cut
Starting point is 01:06:54 and a low calorie diet. So, I mean, if you came from that, you know, introducing a little bit more calories every single day or every week, you just have one day where you end up, I mean, no matter what, that's heading in the right direction of reverse dieting. If you're dieting, locale, locale, locale, every single day for weeks on and weeks out, you have your first week where you have a calorie surplus in one day, that's already heading
Starting point is 01:07:17 in a better direction on the reverse diet, especially when it's structured right. Very few people do it like that. Most people every day, they're already starting to add more calories. And so therefore I typically say less is more in the situation when we're reversing out because your body is going to respond really quick to the additional calories. And it's really easy to get caught up in like how amazing the workout feels, how amazing the pump is. And then you start justifying in your head like, oh, more calories, oh, more calories.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Especially as your metabolism starts to ramp up, it's because you're combining, hopefully you're combining this with resistance training, reverse dieting without lifting weights is just getting fatter. But if you're lifting weights with it and you're reverse dieting, as your metabolism kicks up, your appetite starts to go up,
Starting point is 01:08:02 and this kind of fucks people up a little bit because they'll be like oh now I'm really hungry. I think I need to eat more. I typically will bump people. I would say a hundred calories once every three weeks or so right around there and so that's slow per day right like yeah like so like They'll go a hundred calories more on average per day for three weeks and then the next three weeks that we Reassess and they'll add another hundred calories. So that's not much at all. It's a very, very slow process.
Starting point is 01:08:29 We're just trying to build muscle. We're just trying to get the metabolism speed up. We'll monitor body weight and expect some weight gain. But if the weight gain comes on too fast and we'll start to back out of it a little bit, but it is a bit of a slow process. It's not something that's fast, and I would say that that's probably the biggest challenge.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I also think that to that point though, that when we talk about the biggest pitfall of people like really overdoing it, I think that there's also the side too that where people get a lot of DMs around this, and I think we overcomplicated too, where we're trying to be precise. Like, I'm not going to be able to give you a precise number.
Starting point is 01:09:07 There's such an individual variance between every single person that that range could be as low as like 25 more calories a day to as high as three to 500 maybe a day, depending on, because there's so many factors that besides the person, the metabolism, the programming, the amount of muscle you already currently have, where your metabolism, the ratio is 500 calories to somebody who's eating 5,000 calories is not a big deal. 500 calories is somebody who's eating 1500 calories is one third of their fucking day. So there's so many factors.
Starting point is 01:09:36 It's like, I think the biggest pitfall I see is people just going off the rails and just saying, fuck it. Like if you're already paying attention and trying to be, you know, make a conscious effort to slowly increase yourself, you're probably doing a good job. That's not a, and I don't see like,
Starting point is 01:09:51 somebody going, oh shit, you were, you, you, you misjudged that by 50 calories a day. You should have been 50 calories less. Like that's not what I'm seeing. I see people going off the fucking rails is what I see. And so if you're not even a diet, it's just, yeah, exactly. It's not even a diet. They're calling it averse diet, but it's a bunch of bullshit.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I'm no longer cutting to lose weight. Now I'm quote unquote, it's, it's a matter of fact, it's turning into a new buzz word. It is, I just came off a, I just came off of a cutting diet. Now I'm in a reverse diet, which people have no fucking clue what that means. And I'm eating backwards.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Right. I poop out my mouth. If you go too fast, too hard, or if you just binge after a diet, which is what happens to a lot of competitors, you run the risk of not just gaining a lot of body fat, but actually adding fat cells to your body. There's studies that now show that the body tries to adapt by being able to have a higher capacity to capture energy because it was fed such low calories for so long and now you're stuffing your face because you're just going
Starting point is 01:10:51 off the rails, your body doesn't have enough fat cells to capture all this energy so it actually adds fat cells. And guess what, it's hard to get rid of those fat cells once you add them on. This is why we see competitors who do the crazy diet binge diet binge, diet binge over and over again. Each time they do it, it's harder and harder for them to get into shape. And you'll hear terms like, oh, you know, I can't get as sharp as I used to. Or, oh, my lines don't look as good as they used to. Maybe it's the age, maybe it's the steroids. No, it's because you gain 30 pounds in three weeks post show every, every single time you do a show and you're doing two or three shows a year,
Starting point is 01:11:27 you're just adding fat cells to your body, you're just making it much, much more difficult. I also do things like to simplify this process because again, I think some people get they overcomplicate this is if I have a client who's who's following a diet and then we're now transitioning over and reverse, I actually don't change the diet that much. It looks almost exactly exactly the same, but then I'll do something like this. I'll say, okay, you know how we are just having all chicken breasts right here?
Starting point is 01:11:50 I want you to switch everything to either chicken thighs or red meat right here. Or, you know, this meal right here, where I always have you have this, I want you to add a half avocado to this. And so it's really the reverse diet, it doesn't look that much different than the diet that got them to the point where they're at,
Starting point is 01:12:06 hopefully to achieve their goal or whatever. So it's not a radical change. Yeah, exactly. It's not, I'm keeping them, because they've already been on a great structure, right? They've proven they've got down to this, whether it be for show reasons or just to get to their goal. And they've been in this cut for a while,
Starting point is 01:12:20 now it's time to reverse out. And so I'm gonna have them follow exactly what I had them to get them down to whatever point it was. And I'm just gonna make little subtle ads to that. That has been the best strategy for me when it comes to keeping somebody to adhere to the diet versus getting into this like debate of like, well, I think you should only give people
Starting point is 01:12:41 about a hundred calories. Oh, I think you should have give 50. The difference between 50 and even 500 calories a day isn't that huge when you think about someone actually adding in fact where it's crazy is the people that go off the rails. So instead of getting so hyper focused on, you know, arguing over 50 to 75 calories, find things in their life that they've already created a behavior,
Starting point is 01:13:03 right? They've already been eating a certain way. So instead of radically changing that, just as a trainer or a coach, like I know she is, is, you know, add avocado or add some healthy foods with more calories into their already their regimen and just do it slowly. Well, the slowly that refer that actually talks to pretty much anything. Like if you're coming out of a keto diet, slowly add carbs back in your diet. Right, that's a great example, right? I wouldn't change the keto diet that much. No, I want to come out of keto. Okay, I'm going to eat 300 grams of carbs today.
Starting point is 01:13:36 No, that's the wrong thing to do. You're going to make yourself sick. It's not going to work. Instead, add 50 grams of carbs a week or every other week and see how that feels. Oh, I'm coming out of a fast. I just fasted for 48 hours. I can't wait to eat a major meal.
Starting point is 01:13:50 No, you haven't eaten for 48 hours. Eat something small and take your time. I know Justin, when you did the carnivore diet, how did you come out of that? How did you help that process? Yeah, I had, so I think a while back before that when we had that 48 hour fast, or it was 72 hour fast.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah. So I made the mistake of like eating just a bit too much. And I remember talking about that and like what kind of damage that did in terms of like just being on, you know, the toilet and like suffering. But yeah, so this time I, exactly what you're saying, like very, very subtly started to introduce carbs, especially into the diet. And that was in the form of fruit for pretty much the first part of it, a rice,
Starting point is 01:14:35 like real small amounts of rice, like 50 grams or so, like where I would just like start to incorporate that throughout the week. And then maybe around like week two, week three, I started to get back to normal. So I'm glad you brought up the coming out of the keto thing because I've been getting a ton of DMs. I know that isn't this question,
Starting point is 01:14:53 but it does follow the same kind of principles. And this way I can just refer to this episode. And I know to write this out long form to everybody is this is what I've been telling people that heard that keto episode. And now like, oh, I think I should transition out of keto. How do I do that?
Starting point is 01:15:08 So just like this point, don't switch your keto diet way up. Follow exactly like it. Now the only thing I have you, I have this person do now is, okay, if you're working out what you should be, you're training and whenever you go to your training, I want you to start with like 50 grams of carbohydrates,
Starting point is 01:15:24 preferably from things like sweet potato, white rice, fruit, and target 25 to 50 grams and split it in half before and post workout. So somewhere between an hour to two hours before you go to your lift, add 25 grams of carbohydrates into the diet, post workout, add 25 grams, and then stick to the keto diet the rest of the day. And then do that for a week or two, see how you feel, and then slowly increase that number from 25 to now 50 pre-imposed. Now you're starting to eat 100 grams.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Then the next place I go is I go to breakfast. So then now start to introduce 25 to 50 grams of carbohydrates into your breakfast. So that's kind of the process, give or take, right? We're throwing round numbers out there right now that are generic, but that I would tell somebody to come out of a keto diet. Don't just stop being keto. Be almost all keto. Follow exactly the plan you were following last week. And this is the same thing applies to the reverse diet. Just add a little bit of carbohydrates, pre and post workout.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I think that is one of the best ways you can do it. Excellent. And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com and download our guides for free. We've got a lot of fitness and nutrition guides on there and they cost nothing. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. I'm on the gram. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam and you can find me at Mind Pump South. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:16:44 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy can find me at Mind Pump Sound. performance and map the static. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:17:43 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. And by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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