Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 995: The 3 Things You Must be Doing for Rapid Fat Loss

Episode Date: March 25, 2019

With summer only 3 months away, many of us begin to focus on how to lose our winter fat in the fastest way possible. The trick is to take it off as quickly as possible but to avoid the downsides assoc...iated with most diets... a slower metabolism, plateaus and a rebound. In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about 3 key things you must do to successfully and efficiently take off that extra fat and to set yourself up for long-term success. The importance of communication, keeping it simple, when explaining concepts to the masses. (1:21) Step 1: Building the metabolism FIRST. (6:30) Step 2: Understanding the law of thermodynamics. (22:51) Step 3: Hitting your macronutrient targets and breaking down protein/fats & carbohydrates. (44:23) People Mentioned: Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness)  Instagram Jim Kwik (@jimkwik)  Instagram Dr Gabrielle Lyon, DO (@drgabriellelyon)  Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek)  Instagram Jessica Rothenberg (@thetraininghour)  Instagram Products Mentioned: March Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic is ½ off!! **Code “BLACK50” at checkout** 'Biggest Loser' winners who regained weight - Business Insider Seasonal cycling in the gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism How To Boost Your Metabolism The Right Way! (FAT LOSS!)| Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Episode 967: Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Training Hour Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this awesome episode of The Mind Pump, look we've been doing these episodes where we focus on a single topic and they're getting great, great responses. And so what we wanted to do is we wanted to do an episode all about fat loss, rapid fat loss, and we narrowed it down to three things. Three things you need to do for fat loss. In fact, they're the only three things you need to do, and that's what we talk about in this episode.
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Starting point is 00:01:18 for rapid fat loss. I wanted to do something, I guess it's not completely different, but it's a podcast naked finally. Yes. Oh Yes, that's right. All right. This is why I'm not wearing pants right now. Oh, yeah, in case you guys were wondering Yeah, I wasn't I wasn't We we've got a we've got a ton of response from people that Where we have done these episodes that are a little more focused part Part of my impumps formula for a very long time was the randomness.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You never knew what you were going to get. You're going to tune in and we're going to be all over the place. But sometimes we give you bees. Right. And I think for the most part, if you've been listening for a long time, that I think most people really appreciate that. But I also think that there's something
Starting point is 00:02:02 to be said about having a very focused topic that we go a little bit wider on or excuse me a deeper on and You know something that I've been getting asked a ton about is Fat loss and it's always I think a hot topic It's probably the number one thing Google inserts when it comes to health and fitness Well, it's funny. I was on a podcast earlier and the guy interviewing me said, what did you learn from training clients that you've been able to carry over into what you're doing now? And one of the biggest lessons that I learned as a personal trainer was to stop trying
Starting point is 00:02:38 to blast people with tons of information and to just communicate some basic stuff, but doing it so well that it makes sense to the person that can implement it. That same lesson is the lesson that we continue to learn. Oh man, and it's hard lesson for us because I mean it's like going through the process of like all these different years and different scenarios like we just it's hard to kind of condense that down into the simple form but we have to keep reminding ourselves that that's what's the most digestible That's the applicable things that people can then take and then go run well I think we think we're talking to the same person this whole time
Starting point is 00:03:14 So we're like, oh now we can talk about the super advanced stuff all the time Yeah, and when ends up happening is we'll do an episode where we talk about a basic concept like you know the top You know the five things you need to build muscle or you know, let's just talk about a basic concept like, you know, the top, you know, the five things you need to build muscle or, you know, let's just talk about a particular type of diet. The response we always get is massive because that's what people really need. They need to hear some of the basics and they need to explain in a way that makes sense to them. And so that's what we're trying to do now.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Well, also too, you know, this was something that I noticed, our good friend Ben, really good buddy of ours. What I noticed about his episodes, and why I don't consistently listen all the time is, he continues to go deeper and deeper into the weeds. And although his loyal, however many thousands of people that tune into him, probably appreciate that, because if you've listened to every single episode, you've heard a lot of the basic stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:07 But one of the missions behind what we've been doing here is I didn't want to compete, or we didn't want to compete with the rest of the fitness industry that was targeting the same people. Everybody is targeting the advanced lifter or the trainer type of mentality or the fitness person that loves it. Like I want us to reach the people that may not have gone to the gym or just look at fitness
Starting point is 00:04:29 as, oh, so daunting. And it's, oh, I don't want to figure, learn and do all this stuff. So we always got to remind ourselves that, you know, sometimes it's the simpler, more concise topics where you give them, you know, two or three takeaways that they can then go apply in their life. And this really, again, was reconfirmed when we recently hung out with Jim Quick, and he's talking about, he's got all these kind of
Starting point is 00:04:53 parlor tricks to get you to memorize things and to think about stuff. And after we hung out with him, I literally implemented two or three things that I talked to him about into my own life, and I really appreciate that. I really like that. The same thing goes for what we do.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And this also explains why some of the, you know, the three best secrets for this, are the five steps to doing this. Why people gravitate to those, why they shared it, is because there's three or there's five, where there's two things that you can then take and apply to your life and see some sort of a benefit. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And in our case here, especially in fitness, is people, they don't realize the importance of the important things because everybody's talking about all these little things and all these other complex things. And reality, it's, there are certain basic things that need to be communicated properly, which is what we're gonna do right now,
Starting point is 00:05:44 that will help you get to your goal way more than anything else. Now the number one goal that people have when they work out is fat loss. And the attitude around fat loss is, I want to do it, I want to do it right, but I also want to do it fast. I mean, if you get to the point where you lose, where you want to lose 20 pounds, you want it to happen right, you want to be healthy, but you also want it to be gone. Like, you're ready now, I'm ready, I want it to run.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Right in that motivation, and that's it, you see a lot of times, and that's why being able to see any kind of progress or success like as quick as possible is like crucial when you're just coming in writing that momentum and everything is momentum. Right, so to keep it simple and clear, we should focus on three things.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Just three main things you need to do for fat loss. And then let's talk about those three things and kind of go into depth so people understand how to do these things. Well, if we do that, then we have to start with what I think is the most important. You guys can agree or disagree here, but I think that building the metabolism takes a priority over the other rules or the other steps towards fat loss.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Absolutely. The main reason why is if you have a faster metabolism, let's say you have a, what we mean by that is your body's calorie burn naturally. So how many calories your body burns just to maintain your current lifestyle and just to be alive, if we can get that number to move up, and you can, you can do that,
Starting point is 00:07:16 there are ways to do that, which we're gonna talk about. But if you can get that number to move up, it makes fat loss much easier because fat loss ultimately comes from what's known as an energy imbalance. So what that means is your body is burning more calories than you're consuming or to state it differently, you're consuming less calories than your body's burning. When that happens, your body is, it needs to find those calories to burn and you've only consumed so many and so what it starts to do is it starts to tap into
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's stored energy which is body fat and the and if you speed up your metabolism makes that process Well a lot of it's not yeah, not only is it easier, but it's a better long-term strategy So to to focus on that first that you're gonna keep continuing to to focus on that first, you're gonna keep continuing to lose fat and to burn body fat at a consistent rate because you're gonna be able to, if you build up to where you could eat more calories, going down and like going through a cutting phase, you could stretch that out a bit longer.
Starting point is 00:08:20 If you go down too low, you're gonna be in a detrimental position. Well, the reason why I wanted to start here is because I think there's a misconception about your metabolism. I think a lot of people believe that you're born with this metabolism. That it's not a free flowing thing, and that we can manipulate that and change that. In fact, most, if not all clients that came to me for fat loss had already slowed their metabolism down before I got them. Because they've already tried the daily diet.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Normally, if you go out and you shell out thousands of dollars to hire somebody, you're desperate now. You've tried this, you've read your books, you've tried all the guru diets out there, you're the one that your girlfriend shared with you, and you've either had no success or you've had short-term success and you've gone back. And so what you would do, a lot of people don't realize is that yo-yoing up and down back
Starting point is 00:09:12 and forth and doing all these extreme types of diets to get to your results or extremes types of programs and exercise programs to get to your goal, what ends up happening is over time you have slowed your metabolism down. Your body starts to adapt. Look, here's a good example. You can actually look this up. If you look up the biggest loser contestants. Now, the biggest loser is a popular TV show where they have these really obese individuals
Starting point is 00:09:36 and the goal is to lose the most weight and whoever loses the most weight gets the prize. And when they follow these people for years after the show is over, these are people, by the way, these are people who lost 150, 200 pounds, right? Substantial. 80% bro. They follow them and a vast majority of them gain the way back. 80% and the reason that they gain it back is in order to maintain their new normal body way, they have to do hours of cardio every day, and they have to eat like 1,200 to 1,500 calories.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Oh, it's a new standard. Which, and the reason why that happened is because they got themselves to that point, because the way they lost the weight was the wrong way. They got their body to adapt in a way, to slow its metabolism down. Which, look, here's the thing, there's nothing wrong with that, but if you plan on living in the modern world,
Starting point is 00:10:24 where there's food everywhere, and if you plan on living in the modern world where there's food everywhere And if you plan on living a normal modern life, which includes a lot of leisure and sedentary activities like let's be honest Most things you do in modern life besides work out are active most things are kind of sedentary So if you plan on living a normal modern life you want to have a fascism It's the best insurance you can have. So it's important that you go into a fat loss regime or program with the idea of, I need to get my body to burn more calories automatically. Automatic.
Starting point is 00:10:58 There's a big difference between automatic calorie burn and manual calorie burn. The manual version of calorie burn requires you doing a lot of activity constantly moving. The automatic calorie burn means your body just wants to burn more calories on its own. Do you guys remember when biggest loser hit the scene? I remember, oh my goodness, what a love hate relationship I had with that show.
Starting point is 00:11:23 When it first came out, season one loved it. I thought it was, at that time, I felt like there was a lot of garbage on TV, a lot of, you know, your Jerry Springer's were exploding at this time. It was inspirational. That positive. It was positive, right? It was one of the one of the first quote-unquote reality shows
Starting point is 00:11:41 that I thought had a good message or, you know, something like you said, Justin positive that was coming on TV. So right away I gravitated towards it and I love the show. And the first season, it still had a little bit of its pure, its purity still. And then what ends up happening and it turned into like a game and winning money. And then there was a lot of manipulation that started to happen. And then I didn't realize how much I would hate it until about three years later, when I started to see the flood of the people
Starting point is 00:12:07 coming into the gym, that happened with what the trainers were doing with them. Whoa, and what people wanted, I'd have somebody sit down for me, that would be very much so a biggest loser type of contestant. And they would say, Adam, I just, I've dedicated the summer to, and this is what they would do,
Starting point is 00:12:23 they would do this because they'd seen it on the show. You know, okay, they saw three months where they had to dedicate to their fitness goal, and they were going to give everything they got to get there. And so I would get these people that would come in to me come right before summertime and say, I've got the whole summer off, and I am going to, you know, I'm going to lose this hundred pounds, whatever it takes out of them bubble, and they would tell me this. And I remember at first thinking to myself, like, there's no way, we can't lose this in three months, and then their response is biggest loser that they had seen.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And I remember that becoming this, this, you know, thing that I had to overcome because they had seen it, wasn't until later did the statistics come out that I rattled off that you were talking about, Sal with the 80% because at the beginning, they were highlighting all the great positive things of the show.
Starting point is 00:13:07 It wasn't until years later, did we find out that majority of these people put all the way back in. Yeah, the irony, I mean, as a trainer watching this program, yes, it was like, like there was more attention to, you know, like these people had like really extreme situations
Starting point is 00:13:24 and they were like addressing trying to help them in any case possible. So they construct this environment that was almost like bullet proof in a sense in order to foster this, you know, perfect environment for them to lose weight at a, at a maximal rate. And just like you said, you start to get that sort of pervading into people's ideas of like, okay, well, I can, too, lose 50 pounds in two months. And that's totally a reasonable thing for me to do and to keep it all.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And so there was no follow-up after that. It's just like maybe a clip later where they're still trying to kind of immerse themselves back into regular life with other people. And it was just like, man, I just knew that it had, it was gonna be destined for failure. No, at the end of the day, having a faster metabolism naturally makes fat loss way easier.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Way easier. And it makes it much more likely to stay permanent, okay? And the best way, the best way that I know of to get your metabolism to speed up is to build muscle or to put it in a different way to train in a way to build muscle, okay? And because, and the reason why I said that is it's not a direct relation, by the way, it doesn't mean you need to gain 30 pounds of muscle to have the super fast metabolism, although that would do that, it's literally training a way that gets your body to prioritize wanting to build muscles. You don't need to build tons of muscle.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I've had clients that have only put four pounds of muscle on their frame, which you can't tell if anything, they just feel more tight and toned. But in their metabolism, are burning four, five, six, seven hundred more calories a day because the training was geared towards getting the body to adapt in a way where it prioritizes strength and muscle. So number one in building your metabolism is train in a way to build muscle. And this is funny now.
Starting point is 00:15:17 If you're somebody that's like, I just wanna lose fat, the kind of routine you should do is the same routine someone does when they say, I just wanna build muscle. It's the same routine. It's that, that's the routine that's going to make the fat loss easier and more permanent. And the problem is that's not how they're being marketed and advertised. At all, not at all. Right now, the people that want rapid fat loss, right? That are, that hear things like that or the quick 30 day or 60 day,
Starting point is 00:15:40 the thing that they're giving those people as far as the programming is concerned, is the complete opposite of that. No, it's, it's the kind of programming that they're giving those people as far as the programming is concerned, is the complete opposite of that. No, it's the kind of programming that they're doing is telling their body to prioritize energy efficiency, not strength. So let me explain that real quick. So let's say you do these traditional fat loss programs, which are tend to revolve around lots of cardiovascular type activity. Lots of high intensity circuits where you're burning manually, burning lots of calories and sweating a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:12 When it ends up happening, now in order to do those workouts, your body tries to get better at them. In order to do those workouts well, what your body needs a lot of is endurance and stamina. Endurance and stamina do not require lots of muscle or strength. In fact, too much muscle will actually can be a detriment. And if you don't believe me, look at all the endurance sports that exist and we'll notice what these athletes is they have very little muscle
Starting point is 00:16:38 because lots of muscle burns up lots of calories and you don't need lots of strength for that. And if you want to keep doing the same repetitive motion over and over again, having muscle on you just becomes a detriment. So if you do those kinds of workouts, what your body does is it's like, okay, I got to get better at this endurance and stamina type routine. We don't need much strength. Uh, we're burning calories while we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We need to be more efficient, pair muscle down, slow down the metabolism, become a much more efficient energy machine. It's like taking your car and turning it into a hybrid because you're just, you just wanna be able to become efficient with calories. And so over time, you slow your metabolism down. And let me tell you something, this is a big effect. I've seen people kill their metabolism.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I've seen people cut their metabolism down by 600 to a thousand calories because they hammered themselves so hard with this kind of workout. Their body got really freaking good at what they were asking it to get good at. Now on the flip side, if I'm telling my body to get stronger, my body's priorities to build muscle and the side effect of that is I'm having a faster metabolism. It's not worried about being energy efficient. It's worried about we need to build strength because the stimulus that's being sent to us
Starting point is 00:17:48 is lifting heavy loads and using what's called anaerobic energy, which would be your traditional straight sets. You know, it's the difference between going to the gym and going squats, lunges, jumping jacks, treadmill, crunches for your little circuit versus eight reps of squats rest for a minute, eight reps of squats rest for a minute, and doing those kind of straight sets
Starting point is 00:18:12 that really build strength and muscle. And what you'll end up finding when you do this the right way is over the course of 30, 60, and 90 days is you will be able to eat more and burn more body fat. Because remember at the end of the day, what do you want? You want permanent fat loss. is you will be able to eat more and burn more body fat. Because remember, at the end of the day, what do you want? You want permanent fat loss.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Do you want to be in a position where you've lost 15 to 30 pounds of body fat, but you can only eat 1200 calories, 15 or calories, or would you want to be in a position where, and believe me, this has happened many, many times when people do this right, where they got lean, and they're like, oh my God, I can't believe how much food I got to eat to keep myself at this body weight. If I eat too little, I start to lose crazy amounts of weight. What study was that that you share a lot that actually displayed this with the tribe? Yeah, they did a try. It's a the HODSA tribe. I think it was
Starting point is 00:18:58 HADCA and through some sophisticated testing, they went down and were able to test their metabolic rates. And this is a modern hunter gatherer tribe. So consider they move a lot, well, a lot more than the average person, right? Average person doesn't move much. And so what they thought was, oh, these people are gonna burn tons of calories because they're constantly trekking and running
Starting point is 00:19:22 and catching the prey, they're going out and getting water, like they're just moving a lot. So these guys got to be burning, you know, four, five, six thousand calories a day versus the average person. What they found actually blew them away. What they found was their calorie burn
Starting point is 00:19:39 was close to what a calorie burn was for the average, you know, modern, uh, westerner. They didn't actually burn that many more calories. And they were blown away at first. They were like, how can this be possible? They're moving so much more. Which is, I mean, it's hilarious to think, like, why wouldn't we be more efficient with our energy systems?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Like, when, you know, there's states of, like, food is not as... Exactly. ...available. Otherwise, we'd be burning a ton of calories and we'd die. Our body is a smart machine. It basically operates in how you program. If you were a hunter gatherer and you had this super fast metabolism that burns 6,000 calories,
Starting point is 00:20:25 you would run the risk of starving because food is hard to find. Now what are the activities of hunter gatherers? They do lots of walking, lots of long, slow runs, lots of trekking. It's lots of that cardio activity. So their bodies become very efficient. If you look at hunter gatherers, they're very lean. They don't have a ton of muscle and that's just how they, and they don't eat much. They don't eat much calories, they don't have to.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Or they, and too, it's not available. It's not available. It's not available. Now, for modern life, you live in modern society with food everywhere and with a sedentary life, you want to train in a way that's gonna speed up in metabolism. Building muscle and training to build muscle and strength
Starting point is 00:21:01 is the best way to do it. Hands down, there's nothing else that'll do it for you better than that. So that's gotta be number one. And you had to understand when you go about the, you know, working out every day or the circuit type training group classes or getting on the treadmill or stair master and sweaty, the signal that your,
Starting point is 00:21:19 your body's only doing what you want it to do. It's getting good at what you want. Yeah, it's getting good at that. It want your sitting in this signal that, hey, I'm going to push the body a lot, a lot, a lot. Five times a week, maybe seven times a week, and for long distances or hard, for spouts of hard, hard little stairmaster or treadmill,
Starting point is 00:21:38 and you're telling your body that it's going to keep getting this, and so all it's doing is saying, okay, I need to learn to conserve a little bit I need to learn to be ready for this and and they're also and at the same time the mistake that people make is They're also fueling their body that way They're also fueling it in a reduction because they're trying to lose body fat come their chalers on top of you Yes, you're cutting calories and you're increasing all this this movement So the signal you're sending the body is like hey, we need to conserve some energy
Starting point is 00:22:04 This asshole isn't feeding me anymore and he's starting to push me harder than I've ever been pushed. And so it gets good at that. That's what's, that's what's amazing about our bodies. They're adaptation machines. And believe me, your metabolism can get really, really slow. Like, there's studies done on POWs. These are people who, prisoners of war, who were surviving on, you know, a few hundred calories a day for long periods. They're metabolism and they lost lots of muscle. Their body's really slow down its ability to burn calories. I've trained clients who gain weight on anything over a thousand calories, who also do cardio every single day. I've actually trained more than a dozen people in that situation.
Starting point is 00:22:45 So you definitely want to speed up your metabolism. And then the second thing you want to do is got to be understanding how to create a calorie deficit through food. Well, there's the law thermodynamics. I mean, that will always apply as much as we evolve science. We learn more about all these other things that matter. That law, and this number one is number one And we'll always be there right that you have to somehow Create some sort of a caloric deficit in order to lose body fat now
Starting point is 00:23:13 Here's the trick to that is there's we have options here like we can create a deficit through more activity and movement We can create a deficit through reducing calories. Now, when I start somebody off, I actually don't want to do this. I actually, even though you're goal, you come to me and say, Adam, I want to lose body fat as fast as I possibly can. My response is, okay, we're going to do this, but here's where you got to trust me, that we don't want to come out the gates at spreading towards this goal.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I actually don't want to see any weight loss on the scale, and I would like to get you eating more food than you were eating previously. That's because you're focused on number one. Right, which is to build a metabolism. Right, so, and this is how you apply the calorie rule and the nutrition rule to your first and your foremost number one goal,
Starting point is 00:24:01 which is to build that metabolism, because I know that like everybody that I have always trained, and we're talking about tons of people, this isn't like some people and some others, no. Almost every single person who ever sat in front of me that needed to lose body fat, especially if we're talking 10, 20, 30 plus pounds, all of them were also in a place that their metabolism
Starting point is 00:24:22 wasn't roaring, wasn't, you did not, even if you had an okay metabolism, it wasn't roaring. You weren't able to eat more than 3,000 calories or so without putting body fat on because you've already been through the up and down. So my goal is, okay, how can I teach you to make better food choices so exchange out some foods, keep your calories to where you're not losing weight, and we're not putting on a bunch of weight, and then I actually start to program, like we talked about with the building,
Starting point is 00:24:51 the right program, strength training to build muscle, and that's my initial goal when I first started. Yeah, so what I would typically do, and I'm gonna give some numbers here, because we're talking general, of course, on an individual basis, it's different from person to person, but generally speaking, I'll have somebody not create a calorie deficit with their food
Starting point is 00:25:10 for at least four weeks, sometimes as long as eight weeks. And so what we're doing is, okay, for the first four weeks, what we're gonna do is I want you to track your food. And today it's very easy to do, back then it was a pain in the ass, but today you can download a free app like Fat Secret or my fitness pal. Start just entering your food. See how many calories you're eating right now normally. Now we're going to focus on building muscle, getting stronger. While we're
Starting point is 00:25:35 doing that, let's just keep your calories where you've been keeping them. And if you start to lose weight, I might even bump them a little bit just so we can get the metabolism faster. And let's keep them there for a month, and let's try and make it healthier. I like to have people include more vegetables in the diet, typically maybe increase their protein intake and drop their sugar intake a little bit. Let's keep it there for a little bit. But then after about four weeks, that's when we can start to play with the calorie deficit. So now we know what your maintenance is and let's say your maintenance is
Starting point is 00:26:09 2500 calories and that's how much it takes for you to stay at your body weight with the weight training We've done a good job. We've got your metabolism faster or at least a little bit faster Now we'll start to cut a little bit and have you eat anywhere between Depending on the person 200 to 800 calories below What your maintenance is and let's start right there. And that will start to create the fat loss. Now that your body's burning more than you're consuming, we'll start to see some fat loss.
Starting point is 00:26:31 But there's some techniques that go into that. Well, yeah, and that's why the tracking part and the piece is so essential and to really understand your habits and what you're bringing into this situation so you can really dial that in a little more specifically, especially with the calories, but also with the movements. So to be able to pay attention and track like your most active days, whether or not that's
Starting point is 00:26:52 with the pedometer or like a fit bit or just some kind of awareness in terms of like, you know, a general idea because because calorie burn, that's probably going to be the hardest to really nail down. So that's why I don't lean too much on trying to create the deficit through a calorie burn, that's probably gonna be the hardest to really nail down. So that's why I don't lean too much on trying to create the deficit through a calorie burn versus what more I could control with eating. And so that's definitely one of those. And like you said, it's really just kind of gradually
Starting point is 00:27:17 taking it down and trying to stay within that deficit that's not too far of a draw. Well, we also have to talk about, we're talking about this, we also have to talk about the psychological part. We have to talk about why this is a mind-fuck and why most people fail right here. This is probably one of the hardest parts of the three steps we'll talk about
Starting point is 00:27:36 because what happens is this is where people that get attached to the scale, right? And they get so caught up on that or even how you look in the mirror, because that could easily change day-to-day based off of water retention or inflammatory food. So that could easily fuck with your head too. So the scale and the mirror,
Starting point is 00:27:55 when you know you're doing the things that you should be doing for your body, this is where it becomes challenging, because you got, like Salah said, you know, based off of what client I'm dealing with between four to eight weeks that I'm telling them, listen, we're not gonna see the scale really go down. That's not what I wanna see right now.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You're not gonna see your body totally shaping up and changing totally different right now. What we're really focused on is building this metabolism and that's our number one priority, is trying to get to a place where you're eating more calories that when I eventually do restrict place where you're eating more calories that when I eventually do restrict you, you're gonna see your body start to reduce body fat.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But this is where most people break. This is the hardest part. The hardest part. It is the hardest part. And it's the behaviors and it's the psychology around it. Here's a strategy. Here's a strategy that I like to use with people to help them with that process.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Now keep in mind, you want your diet if you're starting to cut calories to kind of mirror what real life is more like. So here's what a lot of people do, and it's a mistake I think a lot of people make, as they'll say, okay, my caloric maintenance is 2,500 calories. I'm gonna eat 2,000 calories every day,
Starting point is 00:29:03 and they just stay on that every single day. Real life isn't really like that, right? That doesn't really help you with behaviors that are going to serve you long-term, because real life usually looks like some days are higher, some days are lower. So what I like to tell people to do is, okay, take your total calories for the week.
Starting point is 00:29:19 So let's say it's 2,000 calories a day as your average that you want to average out, because you're burning, you know, 2,500. Multiply it times seven days, so it's 2,000 calories a day is your average that you wanna average out because you're burning 2,500. Multiply it times seven days. So it's 14,000 calories. Now let's play with 14,000 calories over the course of the week. So Monday may be 1,500 calories,
Starting point is 00:29:36 Tuesday may be 2,000 calories, Wednesday may be 1,200 calories, and you do this kind of undulating effect with your calories. And it allows you to have more flexibility on some day. So like, oh, Saturday, I'm gonna be going out with my friends. That'll be the day that I'll eat 2500 calories. Thursday, I'm gonna be super busy at work.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I'm gonna keep that at about a thousand. The other thing that's kind of crazy about this is funny because I used to recommend this to people because I just noticed that it was easier for them to move from that to real life than it was for people who'd been like 2000 every day and then moved to real life. Right. Besides that, studies actually show that the body burns body fat better when you do it that way.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Well, it makes sense. It does because it tells the body, hey, you're not a deficit every day. Well, and we constantly talk about how the body is this adaptation machine. So why would it be any different? We can't catch on to that. Right. Why would it be any different for, you know, the way we feed it? Why would we be very feeding exactly the same thing?
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's like, okay, I'm starting to figure this out. He's only going to feed me 2000 every single day. I would think it would be much harder for it to adapt if you were underlating, which I think just made is kind of a lot. There was actually a study that showed where they had people do, I forgot how long the diet was, but they did a diet and then they did a two week period of maintenance or surplus. So for two weeks, they would interrupt the diet and eat at their calorie burn or more,
Starting point is 00:30:52 and they go back on the diet, and they compared that to people who just stayed on the deficit, and they compared it for the same period of time. The people who interrupted their diet with a little bit more food, burned more actual body fat and lost less muscle. Now this is a big deal because when you cut calories, especially if you don't lift weights,
Starting point is 00:31:13 when you cut calories, you lose both muscle and fat. You lose fat because your body needs the energy. You lose muscle because your body's trying to slow down with some metabolism to match your new caloric intake. But lifting weights of course helps offset that because you're trying to send the its metabolism to match your new caloric intake. But lifting weights, of course, helps offset that, because you're trying to send the signal to build muscle, underlating your calories does that as well. And so, what you're doing, if you do this right, if you focus on building your metabolism, and then when you go into a deficit, you do underlating your calories, you are mitigating
Starting point is 00:31:42 or perhaps even reversing the metabolism slowdown that happens from getting lean. Now a great pairing to that after you've gone through the process of really like paying attention to your activity, your movement specifically. We talk a lot about neat on the show. And for a reason, because neat, it matches more of a lifestyle pairing in terms of like, okay, the workout is this one little
Starting point is 00:32:07 portion of your day. And that's something that you can kind of manage control, but really to be able to, you know, exaggerate that or like add more time or, you know, that's really tough. What you can do more effectively in with that is something that you can implement throughout your day is to just be up, be more active, and you can control that a lot easier. And so to be able to track that is definitely to a benefit to that. So now if we start to pay attention to those higher activity days, and we can see like, okay, if I take that undulating effect into account where I have more calories a lot of times when I'm actually like moving the most, if I can pair it to more active days, that would be ideal.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Now, neat represents the activity that you do that's not like planned or structured exercise. So neat is an acronym, but not really important what it stands for. It just represents what you do during the day and so overall movement. Yeah, and so- Overall movement. Yeah, and so if you, rather than focusing on
Starting point is 00:33:07 doing all these extra workouts, just focus on being more active throughout your normal day. Well, this was one of the big difference. This was one of the most paradigm-shattering moments that I had as a trainer. And I remember this when we first got the Body Bug, which the Body Bug was before the Fitbit, before the Cool Apple Watch.
Starting point is 00:33:25 And ironically, the most accurate. Right, it was. It was one of the most accurate ones that that had came out. At that time, no tool had been, I think the highest, the heart rate monitors that averaged your, or trying to guesstimate your metabolism, I think they were like 64% accurate. Which is nothing.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, which is like a 50, 50 shot, it's right, right? Where the body bug I think was, it was touted at like 92 or 94% accurate, which is pretty. Yeah, which is like a 50-50 shot. It's right, right? Where the body bug, I think, was touted at like 92 or 94% accurate, which is pretty damn accurate. I mean, that's giving you a pretty good estimation of what your body's burning. And the thing that blew my mind was, and I had right away, I remember getting all my clients to wear it. And, you know, that was part of when you came in to meet me, we sit down, we'd review your body bug, I'd look at all your activity.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And the thing that just blew me away was, I started to notice that the clients were burning more calories on the days they weren't seeing me. And I was like, well, this is weird. What are you doing here? And I had to ask, what's going on here? Did you do a workout? I was just like, no, I didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I just went into the mall. Right, it would be things like that. They're like, oh, I just had to run some errands. You know, I had to go to the mall. Some boxes away. Groceries. Yeah, clean the house. You started, I started to learn that.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Wow. When we talk about caloric deficit and the important that and the overall fat loss goal and what we're trying to chase, I was realizing, really what it did, it made me realize how insignificant I was. I was like, wow wow I thought I was so important to this person's goal of fat loss But in reality they're getting they're making more headway towards that on some of these days They don't even see me well more the importance of you was really in just speeding up their metabolism more than anything Right the building muscle part building muscle part and so and I know we keep hammering that
Starting point is 00:35:02 But I'm telling you if your goal is fat loss and you don't want it to come back because there's nothing listen I'm gonna tell you something right now the only thing worse than having body fat that you want to lose is losing it and gaining it back that sucks that really fucking sucks because it's harder to lose at the second time both psychologically and there may even be some physiological things that are happening that'll make it more difficult to lose at the second and third and fourth time. And if you are listening right now and you've experienced this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. So what you want to do is you don't want to lose fat and have it come back with a vengeance. You want to lose fat and you want to keep it off forever.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And that's the metabolism boosting aspect of it. But then you got to create the deficit with your calories. Undelate your calories. it makes a big difference. Again, just do this. Once you figure out how many calories you need to consume a day to be at a deficit, just multiply it at time seven. Now you have your big number,
Starting point is 00:35:53 and then just take from that number, and every day just let it go up and down. So some days will be low, some days will be higher, but at the end of the week, the total calories consumed will be what you want them to be. And I like to, what I like to do with this is I like to have at least one really low calorie the total calories consumed will be what you want them to be. And I like to, what I like to do with this is I like to have at least one really low calorie day during the week
Starting point is 00:36:10 and one higher calorie day during the week. Because it gives me the flexibility to eat more on a day where I'm gonna enjoy myself. And I put that low calorie down on a really, really busy day. Now, how do you guys determine whether or not you are gonna start to restrict calories from this person. Like, you know, we talked four to eight weeks, we would focus on those. Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:28 At the beginning, we all agree that nobody we restrict the out the gates. So out the gates, even though we're talking about caloric deficit right now, nobody out the gates, we restrict right away. We go focused on, you know, making sure that they're getting enough calories that we can build some muscles so we don't wanna see the scale go down. So, okay, let's say this person's been doing this for eight weeks now. What is the determining factor
Starting point is 00:36:51 that you're going to start to restrict calories and whatever after that determining factor that you've decided, how much do you go? Well, that depends on the person. I think ideally speaking, if what I try to do is imagine the end point. So what I mean by that is, let's say your metabolism is burning 2500 calories a day, and I think,
Starting point is 00:37:12 okay, will this person be happy always consuming 2000 or just under 2000 calories? Cause that's what's gonna take us to get to their goal body fat, then that's what we need to be comfortable with to stay at. So I like to get people to a point where they're higher than what we're gonna try to end up. Now, that's an ideal situation. And oftentimes you can't do that
Starting point is 00:37:34 because a person is like, I don't want to wait a year, sometimes it takes a long time. So then what I'll do is I'll go through a process of cutting them, slowly rebuilding, cutting, slowly rebuilding. And so we go this process of what we're trying to burn body fat and then we go through a process where we only focus on Speeding up the metabolism as far as how many calories I cut you know
Starting point is 00:37:54 Typically you want to aim for around 500 calories below what you're burning But I don't I don't it depends on the person I may if they're if they're burning a shit ton of calories If it's a guy is burning 3500 calories a day I'll bring him down to 2500 no problem and they'll have a lot of fat loss I almost never go more than a thousand under I gave a number the other day The other day and we had the forum going crazy trying to all figure out I gave a generic number which I should no better To do because then everyone's like, I did mine and I was only here and Adam said that he wouldn't get so much I'm like, oh god. I'm even dying by those numbers.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Like, I'm just trying to give an example, but instead of giving an example like that, or giving a number like that, let me share like what's going on right now with my nephew and helping him out. Now, he's been consistent for six months now. I've been super proud of him. Remember I showed you guys pictures of him, probably a couple of months back and kind of where he's at. But I like sharing his journey because he's very typical.
Starting point is 00:38:48 He's actually more common than I think he thinks he realizes. And a lot of our conversations early on was actually getting him to understand that and say and trust me that, listen dude, you're more normal than you realize. Most people I get are in your exact situation right here and so his his weight was about 260 pounds and He he's seen himself at 180 so we're talking we're talking a long ways to go here, right? So and at 260 and he's not like a petite guy that got fat He's like a big. He's kind of a muscular dude already
Starting point is 00:39:22 So and and also active played sports did things like that. And when I assessed his diet when he first started, he was barely getting 1500 to 1800 calories. Oh, yeah. Okay. And so the things that I look at is, I see how low of calorie they are for how big they are. And the bigger they are to the lower their calorie,
Starting point is 00:39:42 the further I want to focus, the longer I want to focus on building the metabolism. It's a big guy like that. He's, I mean, to live a normal life in B-Lean, he's got to be able to consume a decent amount of calories. Well, this is what I tried, the way I gave him an analogy, because it was good, because he's too sexy. I said, listen, when I was 235, the peak of my metabolism and the peak of the most amount
Starting point is 00:40:02 of food I was eating, I was still only 235 pounds. So I said, at 235 pounds, I had built my metabolism up to where I could consume 5,000 calories and not gain any more weight. So that just shows you that somebody at 230 has the ability to speed their metabolism up that much. And of course, a lot of that is because I was mostly muscle. I was 220 pounds of that was pure muscle.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So of course, that's a roaring metabolism. So when I'm talking to him, I'm saying, listen, you're at 260, you're even bigger right now. And we're only at 1,600, 800 calories. So I know you don't want to hear this from me, but we kind of have a long road ahead of us of where I'd like to have your metabolism at before I really start to restrict.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Now he's done an incredible job listening to me. We've been almost six months deep into this and we haven't cut calories. We've been slowly increasing. What's he got now? So we're at 3,000 right now. Wow. So hold on a second. You need to, this needs to be something that people hear twice.
Starting point is 00:41:01 He was 260. Today he's the same body weight, but he's built more muscles. He's actually 262 pounds. So he's even gone up to the house. But he's gotten way stronger. Oh, he has his body composition. His body composition is completely loose. He's lost some body fat, but gained some muscle. Right. However, he's eating twice as many calories. Yes. Two times as many calories. And he's leaner. Right. I mean, so, and this is a conversation now. So this is what we, we we just this just happened two days ago. I
Starting point is 00:41:26 Switched him and I did it only for the psychological reasons. He's just showing me sat with me says uncle He goes he goes how long am I gonna have to do this for you know I've done fall in everything you're saying like you know I trust me goes I believe everything you say because I feel amazing I would never think that I could feel this good at the same way, you know I'm six months later. I've been grinding my ass. I've been weighing my food. I've been doing every one of these. Oh, he hit PRs and everything. He's PR to squat, PR to his deadlift, all. And so, and I've told him to focus on that.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I said, put all your energy in focus. Don't be looking at the mirror. Don't be looking at the scale. Don't get caught up on that bullshit. Trust the process. Trust that I know what I'm talking about. I promise I won't, I won't steer you wrong. Focus on your strength. Think about the gym, think about your exercises, the way you're moving, the process, trust that I know what I'm talking about. I promise I won't steer you wrong. Focus on your strength. Think about the gym, think about your exercises, the way you're moving, the way that what you're able to do. And so we've been all focused on mobility and strength.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And so he's hitting all kinds of peers. Being more mobile than he's ever been, stronger than he's ever been, and we're celebrating that. But still reality, he still has a goal of being, he wants to look a certain way. And he's far from that in his eyes still And so he's looking at me this last weekend and he's like, you know
Starting point is 00:42:28 When can I cut can I just can I when are we gonna start reducing? I say okay listen again, I'm bringing a perspective you're at 260. We're only eating 3,000 calories I could easily right now reduce you 500 calories a day add in a 20 minutes of cardio or something right after And we will just start to drop and you'll I'll lose you 15 pounds like that. You'll drop but eventually that will start to slow up a little bit and now we're at 25 hundred and you're fine though because we get we we this is still more than what you were used to.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Then I say okay another 20 now another 500 away and then pull him you drop another 10 15 pounds probably 10 this time, you know, I said, but now you're down to 2000 calories. So we have to ask ourselves, and this is to your point, Sal, I'm trying to kind of seeing the whole big picture based that's how what dictates how you would do this. That's why I wanted to give this an example is because that's what's going through my head right now. So you're going to do like a shortcut and then have him build it back up. Exactly. So what I'm going to allow him to do, I said, okay, I'm actually letting him do this for the next three to four weeks.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And I say three to four because I'm actually monitoring it and based off of what I see, I might do it a little early, I might stretch it a little longer. And I've just now, I've brought him down to 2500. And I actually said between 24 and 24, I 100 is where I want you to be. Don't go over 2500, don't go below 23 right and I said That's right where I want to keep you right now and then let's let's pay attention So and then at the same time I'm also switching his programming. He was he was currently in phase one of maps and a Block we're now moving over to phase two perfect hypertrophy right so we're switching his programming
Starting point is 00:43:59 We're reducing the calories by 500. I know that is is going to drop him and he's gonna I know in the next two weeks, he's going to love what he sees. But then I'm going to go back and remind him again. Listen, if we go down this path and we keep going for the getting shredded from this point, eventually we're going to be down to a caloric intake that you may not be satisfied with following
Starting point is 00:44:19 for the rest of your life. So we got to go back up again. Now, here's another important part of this that we haven't even really talked about, because we're talking about creating a calorie deficit, but within those calories are your macronutrients, and macronutrients represent proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and those are almost as important
Starting point is 00:44:38 as the calories that you eat, because if it's only about calories and your protein is insufficient, your carbohydrates are wrong or off, or your fats are off or insufficient, you will not only hit a plateau, you'll probably be extremely hungry, or you'll feel like shit, or you'll lose muscle and you won't lose in much body fat.
Starting point is 00:44:57 So hitting your mac or targets is extremely important. Now, the number one nutrient to really focus on, initially, is protein. Now, why protein has got a few benefits for fat loss. It's satiating. It's satiating. It makes you not want to eat as much. It also has a mild thermogenic effect, meaning that a gram of protein tends to burn more
Starting point is 00:45:18 body fat or calories than a gram of carbohydrates, for example, and definitely more than a gram of fat, which is much higher in calories. They find higher protein diets, lend themselves well to getting leaner and staying leaner. Now how high? Not as high as a supplement companies will have you believe. Ideally, you're going to be at around 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight in normal weight individuals. Now, if you're really, really heavy and you're really obese, you don't want to use that number.
Starting point is 00:45:46 So if you're 300 pounds, you're not aiming for 300 grams of protein that's way too much. Then I would base it off of your lean body mass, so it would require you to get a body fat test. But if you're a normal weight person, you know, maybe 10, 15 pounds overweight, and you're, let's say say 160 pounds or 180 pounds. 180 pound person, I'd say 150 grams of protein to 180 grams of protein would be right about where you'd want to be.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And this is really important to talk about because aside from the fitness people, right? So speaking to the average person, for sure protein is the most under consumed macronutrient that people get. It's so easy to get carbs. Everybody gets carbs, no problem. Fats pretty damn easy to find too, or it's, it's sneaks its way into a lot of.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Those are the tasty macros. Right. Everybody, very few people are like, hey Adam, I just have a hard-time eating carbs, right? Just hate the way fat tastes. Butter and sugar is. Yeah, exactly. Everybody, everybody has,
Starting point is 00:46:41 it doesn't have a problem normally getting that those macros in. That's not deriasing that. Protein is something that is under-consuming, especially by my female clients, so female clients are normally the number one offenders, but even men struggle with this, and especially the skinny guy who's always had a hard time
Starting point is 00:46:58 building is one of those typical culprits. And this is super important aside from what it does to tie-deign that your body needs it. We don't build muscle out of thin air. So when you go and you tear, you break down, you stimulate, your body is going to pull from these nutrients to then recover, rebuild, and grow and strengthen. If you're constantly hammering the weights and you're constantly under consuming protein, then eventually the body just gets adapted in an efficient at the exercise and it doesn't stimulate more muscle growth.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah, higher protein diet in the context that we're talking about, you know, 0.5 to 1 gram per pound of body weight, just builds more muscle and more strength and it does contribute to a faster metabolism. Hands down, the evidence is very, very clear and then I've also experienced this with clients time and time again.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So hitting your protein intake requirements is very important. The next macronutrient, I'd say you want to focus on, is the next essential macronutrient, which is fat. So proteins and fats are both essential, meaning you have to consume them or you won't survive. Carbohydrates are non-essential, doesn't mean that you don't need to consume them.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It just means they're not essential. So I always tell people, okay, let's look at your proteins and then look at your fats and let's make sure we're getting essential amounts of fat. Before you get into the fat, so let's not leave protein because something that I'd like to give to people too is sourcing that protein. Oh, sure. Like, where are we getting this from? Because I also think there's a lot more value
Starting point is 00:48:26 and you're getting this from real whole foods than supplementing 90% of this. Even though we are sponsored by a protein company, and I do encourage people that are under-consuming protein to utilize tools like this, I 100% recommend you try your best to get all of it from whole foods. And that's not, it's because it's not just the protein that matters.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yes, we're talking about just protein right now, but there's so many other benefits to eating whole foods on a micronutrient level that doesn't get talked about enough that you just don't get in your, in your protein's bar digestive system. I mean, just going to that whole process of chewing food and like stimulating the digestive tract, like all that stuff is for a reason. And you know, to hyper, to kind of go bypass all of that, you know, could create potential problems and you know, you might feel that
Starting point is 00:49:15 in terms of gas and all kinds of issues. Yeah, the protein shakes, I typically recommend to people who are trying to consume a lot of calories. If you're trying to cut, why would you want to drink some of your protein? Drinking calories in general, that would be one,
Starting point is 00:49:30 I would eliminate. Yeah, it makes no sense because you're already dealing with the fact that you're going to be eating less calories in your burning, so you're going to feel some hunger, by the way. So get over it, it's going to happen. Especially if your metabolism gets ramped up, you'll start to feel hungry. But why would you want to drink those 30 gram protein shakes
Starting point is 00:49:45 when you can eat some chicken or some fish or some lean steak and get it instead? It's actual real food. So there's also that psychological piece. And as far as what Adam's saying, yeah, it's whole foods, you can't, a protein powder is about as processed as it gets. Well, think about some of the things that we lose by not going to whole foods that we, again,
Starting point is 00:50:02 don't talk about enough. I think I forget what Dr. Gabriel Lien was saying about, you know, what percentage of the population is under consuming omega-3s. Like you're getting your omega-3s when you're eating lots of fish. It's like so fish is an important place for you to get protein in a great source for that.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Not just because it's a great source of lean protein, but it also has benefits like omega. You're gonna say the same thing in like your red meat. So you're getting the benefits of iron, you're getting the benefits of creatine, you're getting benefits from these other things that are inside those meats that we were missing out on that stuff when you're actually just getting the protein powders. And that speaks to the other systems of the body that I think a lot of people neglect to realize we like to especially in Western medicine, separate all the systems and become super brilliant
Starting point is 00:50:49 about one part of the body. But, and this is why I think we all love Paul Chek so much, is because he's kind of the opposite of that and explains that there's always a cause and effect going on in the body. It's a whole organism. If you raw Peter to pay Paul, so if you decide to bypass all the other benefits that you
Starting point is 00:51:06 get from eating a steak just so you can get this quick fast protein, you don't realize that you could potentially be affecting other parts and other systems of the body, which then in turn could potentially affect your overall metabolism. Exactly. Now, fats are the second most satiating macronutrient. In other words, satiating basically means it keeps you kind of feeling full. So I always tell people, you know, eat your fats,
Starting point is 00:51:29 of course, stay within your calories, but eat your fats. And fats are essential, and fats, the good fats in calories. And they're very healthy, they can be very, very healthy. Great sources of fat, fish, olive oil. Olive oil is like a miracle fat. It's a, I haven't seen a single study that hasn't shown that Olive oil has,
Starting point is 00:51:46 doesn't have incredible health benefits. That's a great source of healthy fat. Avocado, another great source of healthy fat. Nuts, another great source. And then if you get your fats from animal sources, most of us can be fine with animal sources approaching if they're well sourced. Some of us have to be careful.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Grass fed beef is good. High quality dairy, if you can tolerate dairy, is not a have to be careful. Grass fed beef is good. High quality dairy, if you can tolerate dairy is not a bad source of fat, like butter and creams and even whole milk, for example. So fats would be the second macro nutrient. And then here's what I like to do with carbs. I don't tell everybody to go low carb. I think that's silly. For some people that works, but I think it's silly to go to restrict one macro nutrient out because we're just sending ourselves up for a rebound later on. We want to remember, we want to make this as much like real life as possible.
Starting point is 00:52:30 There are some behaviors you can have to change, but it also has to be realistic, and it's unrealistic to have no carbs all the time. But what I like to do with people is when I have them undulate their calories, some days are low calories, some days are high calorie, that's the carbs. That's what I play with the most. So you're really low calorie days, I might have to cut a little bit of fats, but I cut mostly the carbs.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So the low calorie days are the low carb days, the high calorie days are the higher calorie carb days. I love that, it works great for me, especially when it comes to workouts and scheduling that, just because I, man, like nice amount of carbs doesn't have to be a ton of carbs, just enough, like it just gives you that first amount of energy that you can pull from, and you really fuel that in the performance while you're lifting weights or you're really active.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And, you know, to then be more satiated throughout the day and a little low calorie, and where you're just kind of operating like a normal day, a little lower intensity type activity day. I think it pairs nicely. Well, we also got to talk about where you're sourcing your carbohydrates, because this really matters, too. Absolutely. You know, this is something that we talked a lot about as trainers when we first started
Starting point is 00:53:38 more so than I hear now. It's funny how things fall out of favor and it's like, oh, it doesn't matter that much. This is more important than we just neglect this. But I used to talk a lot about the glycemic index when I first started training because I've learned about it, and when I understood like, oh, wow, I didn't realize that certain carbohydrates bananas are like off the roof. Well, you start to realize a different carbohydrates and different signals in your body. Like, you'll, and the glycemic index really represents the spike that we get from our blood sugar after we intake a carbohydrate. And what happens the body when you get this big spike is that your blood sugar goes up and your appetite increases also.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And if I'm somebody who is trying to restrict from calories, why would I want to intake a carbohydrate that's going to promote more hunger? That's only going to make my goal of eating less calories even more challenging. Yeah, so eat a bunch of candy to get your carbs. You're going to feel like shit, and you're probably going to be more hungerier than if your carbs came from... Right.
Starting point is 00:54:41 ...sourced rice or sweet potato or other vegetables that tend to be slower burning and more satiating. And of course, full of nutrients that are actually good. And to consider for your IFOM crowd. No, absolutely. And then things like fruit, you get these benefits of fiber. I think when I've talked on the show before about when I assess someone's diet after a week or two of tracking for me,
Starting point is 00:55:05 one of the most common offenders is not consuming enough fiber, dietary fiber. We just don't get enough leafy greens, we don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, and therefore we get this backed up system. And it's amazing how many people I've got just to eat a right amount of fiber every day through foods, through leafy greens, through the fruits, what ends up happening the way they look right away all of a sudden, they lose all this waterway, they don't look bloated, their stool is normal. So understanding too that when you get a lot of processed carbohydrates and you don't
Starting point is 00:55:40 get it from fruits and vegetables, you're also, again, affecting other systems of the body, other things that are necessary. And at the end of the day, if you lose weight, but you're not optimizing your health, it's not gonna last. It's not gonna last. If you chase your health and you maintain good, good health, your body, the way it looks will follow. If you just focus on how you look
Starting point is 00:56:03 and disregard your health by just staying within your calories and macros, but it's all garbage food, at some point your body will rebel and you'll gain the way back. At the end of the day, it's gotta be in a way that's healthy, but it also has to be in a way that's sustainable. This is the most important thing now, this is where I kind of want to,
Starting point is 00:56:18 I think I want to end at is whatever you're doing, make sure it's something you can maintain and do forever. So what does that mean? It means it you might want to take your time You might want to go slow at this because behavioral changes are difficult real life long permanent changes are hard So why not take it one small step at a time? So rather than taking all these steps that we just told you right now and applying them all at once Why don't you just start with one? I'm gonna build my Metabas, I'm gonna build Muscle, do that for a while, and then okay,
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'm gonna try doing a small calorie deficit. I'm not gonna look at my macros that much yet. Start with that, and then okay, now I'm gonna look at protein a little bit, start with that. And do it in a way to where you know it's something that's challenging yet realistic and that you could stick to forever. Once you gain confidence in what you're doing and it becomes a regular part of your life, you move to the next step. That's where the permanent changes come from because permanent fat loss comes from permanent behavioral changes. And permanent behavioral changes take time.
Starting point is 00:57:17 They absolutely take their... And this is why going back to the original first point, which is the building the metabolism part, the hardest part you're going to have to go through during that beginning process of introducing calories, why it's so important, because when you have to restrict, which we talk about, the importance of that, it's inevitable, you'll have to create a caloric deficit in order to lose body fat. When you do that, you want to be in a place that when you do reach that goal, it's sustainable. It's something that the amount of calories you're consuming you're happy with.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And this is exactly what I said to my nephew, I said, you know, where I want to get you is to the point that I get you shredded and you love the way you look. And you're pretty damn close. I mean, more than likely we're like crazy shredded, like ready for stage like he wants. You're gonna be, you're gonna be at a point
Starting point is 00:58:02 where you're really hungry right there. But to add 500 calories to that and keep a very nice comfortable body fat, which is probably more likely between 6 and 10 percent, but still looking amazing, feeling amazing, and more importantly, eating a calorie maintenance level that is sustainable. That's like, hey, this allows me to have some flexibility. I can still go out on Friday or Saturday night every once in a while and enjoy myself and not feel like I'm going to get super fat from one bad day of eating. This is why we have some people that we know that seem to get away with this.
Starting point is 00:58:37 We just say, oh, they're metabolism faster. Okay, well, they probably do. The question you have to really ask yourself is, did they work for it? Did they earn that metabolism? A lot of people you may realize, or that you don't realize, may have done this good work of building muscle and building their metabolism. And so now it's allowed them to get away with these days where they are in a little bit of a surplus or eating more than you can.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I've seen this firsthand so many times. It always blows me away, but now, even though I expect it, I've seen it so many times. I saw this with Jessica years ago, when we first started dating, she would const, anything over 1200, and she was doing cardio every day. Anything over 1200 calories would get her to gain weight.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Today, she does almost no cardio, she just lifts weights, and the girl now can eat 2500 calories a day and not gain a single pound. Her body wants to maintain lean. In fact, now she's at the point where you can actually follow her journey on her site at the training hour. She takes people through reverse dieting and you can see she'll post everyone's while a picture of her before and afters and how this is affected her. I mean, consider this. Imagine if you're in that situation. Imagine if you get to your goal body weight. Let's say you're at, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:44 you get down to 130 pounds or 180 pounds or whatever your goal is, you're lean. But you also can eat a lot. Does that, something that will maintain you forever or is the likelihood of that maintaining you forever higher than you having to be in that position, consuming 1200 calories or a 1000 calories? Absolutely. That's the way we're trying to direct you is to get to
Starting point is 01:00:06 the point where you are doing something in a way where it becomes permanent and never has to come back. And that's it. Look with that. Go to MindPumpFree.com and download our guides. They're absolutely free. Make sure you go check them out. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and
Starting point is 01:00:50 over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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